Wow it's Friday already.
Okay, so the crystal dragonoid encounter is progressing; the encounter is at about 12k words now. I should get it mostly-done in a week? Depending on how distracted I get working on the tofix list.
So the plan: once I finish the crystal dragonoid encounter, I'll update the live version of the game with that encounter plus all the misc. bugfixes I've done since then. Then I'll open a new poll and start working on a big gameplay update, since I've been itching to get this game into a state that actually functions as a game for a while now.
Basically 90% of the work I've put into the game since launch has been writing new encounters, and that's getting to the level of diminishing returns without having some game connective tissue there. So I'll be working on that, with polls in the meantime being about adding sex scene branches or new TF nodes or NPC transformations.
(I've also been thinking about changing the map-rendering code. Today I just threw together a little canvas experiment to see how feasible it is, and it looks like the answer is "pretty feasible", so that might be a thing coming soon.)