1. Ritzy 6:41pm, March 31, 2017

    Hey xax if you want more people to now of your game you can go to ( tb.lewdmedia.com or www.tfgamessite.com ) if you want to.

  2. xax 8:28pm, March 31, 2017

    Hm, I'm definitely aware of tfgamessite, it's just my understanding that... the audience there is mostly interested in stuff that HELL GAME doesn't and probably won't ever have.

    I mean that being said I did just go ahead and submit it there, so thanks for the push. :p

  3. Krasudreal 6:20pm, April 3, 2017

    Well, xax, I just came from tfgamessite and I can say this:

    While I am not personally -that- interested in male-on-male, I couldn't help but notice that your game is INCREDIBLY well-put together and also that the transformation/part system is absolutely amazing!

    No, really, it blew me away!

    Even if I am not into male-on-male stuff, I will probably be following the development of Hell Game with bated breath, and I am inclined to assume that there will be AT LEAST a few individuals who will be even more interested in your game than me, that wouldn't otherwise have heard of it if you didn't submit it in tfgamesite.

    Now, with all that said, good job! And good luck!

  4. Nathaniel Sachell 7:55pm, April 3, 2017

    Hey, found an error
    ERROR: "can't inflect "grows" as Plural.". Able to reproduce error between games by: Go to farm->Talk to him->So whats w/ farm->Well bye->Go to dryad->Hey wanna fuck->Straddle + frot->Return to farm.

    Loving the game so far

  5. xax 9:41pm, April 5, 2017

    @ Krasudreal; hey thanks! and good to hear; the tf/body system is definitely one of the main aspects of the game, and i'm hoping to flesh out a lot more.

    @ Nathaniel Sachell; whoops i fixed that in dev, so it should work in the next update. looking at where that happens in the event, the workaround in the mean time would be to either not have a knot or to have only one dick when you go into that scene.

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