Heyyy let's see what I've been doing this week. From that TODO list I made last time, I've done:
- Write the rest of the snake-body sex scenes for the slime guy encounter
- Snake-body sex scenes for the flame demon cock-cage encounter expansion
- Write the new talk options for the sobeks
- Prune the body editor options so there are less weird open nodes slots for node types you can't get yet, and also add the new slots for where the element nodes should be able to fit
- Add all the new nodes to the demo shop
As well as some other stuff. I'm currently working on adding the new tf descriptions into the game, with the help of this handy chart I put together:
| body | head | cock | balls| horns| halo | knot
FIRE |xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx| ## | -- |
METAL | ## |xxxxxx|xxxxxx| ## | ## | -- |
ICHOR |xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx| ## | -- |
WEAPON»chain | | |xxxxxx| | | | ##
STELLAR | -- | | | | | |
GEM | -- | -- | -- | | | |
POISON | | -- | -- | -- | | |
STORM | -- | | | | | -- |
xx = done
## = set in build; no prose
-- = notes made
You can expect to see the things marked ## in the next update; all the rest will have to wait. Here's a sample description (with some issues but it's a good example of where the generator's at right now):
You're a flame-headed bull, about fifteen hands high. Your head would come up to about chest height on a human. Your coat is stiff grey. Your legs end in heavy hooves.
Your head is as a whipping candle flame: underside clear enough, but burning upwards into a tapering column, all features indistinct. Your horns jut out and forward from your head, with wickedly-sharp tips.
Between your hind legs, you got a flushed cloaca, with your four dicks tucked away inside, with a pair of low-hanging external balls hanging beneath. Your four cocks all try to push out at once, prolapsing your cloaca lips into a fat rubbery swell. When your cocks spill out of your cloaca, they're blotchy purple, ridged and spiky, all covered in nubbly bumps like gooseflesh where they're conjoined at the base, and they branch up to form short, thick shafts that're ringed in a messy lacework of barbs, with ridges of stiff flesh between them. Your cocks are pierced with thick curves of metal, ones that look like threaded rods wrought from black iron. They're studded across your shafts; in a fat three-quarters circle through each cockhead, more in a dense line down the underside of your shafts, all the way down to where they vanish into your cloaca. They bloat out, half their length hidden by the mounded prolapse, reaching up across your underbelly.
The remaining todo list is something like...
- Finish adding in descriptions for tf nodes
- Break those gigantic cock paragraphs apart into something smaller
- Write the sobek talk-about-other-encounters options
And then in the 'maybe' pile:
- machine shop random openings
- machine shop sex scene(s)
- write a "son of hamar-tabal blows the pc" scene for bipeds (to simplify the scene flowchart, since everybody else has one)
- expanding things so that you can fuck the flame demon even if he's not cock caged
So basically, lots of stuff happening. Okay see you next week!