This week: worked on the locust tf game, actually writing scenes finally. The plan at this point is to write prose for the pre-city segments while I outline and code up the city/post-city segment. But this week was basically all writing. Only around 5k words, which isn't a super impressive word count, but that covers uhhh the first Khru camp BJ scene, the Astau impreg scene, and the Jinn survey sex scene, as well as a few interstitial bits here and there.
That being said, I've been only really working on the hell game quest thing at the end of the week as an afterthought, and I would like to get back to work on it at some point sooner rather than later, so next week I'll work on finishing the quest planning, and maybe even try to get some of the scenes properly outlined. Hopefully this break has been long enough to properly clear my head.
Another couple of months. Only then go to the main game.
im just tryna get fucking filled up by the nightmares and maybe get some locust cum in me :/