Uhhhh I worked on the side project a bunch.
I'm trying to get the entire game's structure and logic coded up before I start seriously digging into content, and there are currently a few parts in the game outline that are just like "put some kind of interface toy here", so, I put one in there. The city section now has a turns limit until you leave, with proper stub scenes during the beginning middle and end of your stay there. I added actual scavenging locations, and added the PC's workshop to the list of town locations. I fixed a bug where sandstorms could continue on forever. I rearranged some of the city locations, and wrote up some new ones (museum, docks). I wrote in an event to run when you're pregnant in the city so that you have a place to give birth. I also started writing and outlining a few sex scenes. Probably some other stuff too?
Mood about hell game is somewhat improved. Still, I'm gonna keep working on this side project next week.