1. User79477 9:10pm, December 10, 2017

    ERROR: "no handle in "sexQuadProtoplasmAnal" for body w/ Welder".
    Error w/ son of hammer tabal when being a centaur

  2. Panre10:42am, December 11, 2017

    Cheers!!! Body hair!!! And the chains don't work on balls.

  3. tomato 6:34pm, December 13, 2017

    so all the nodes listed there are being added? or it's what we can vote for? funny story : today I was thinking about the game and asked myself "what would a dragon PC look like?" and it's listed. Coincidence? I think not! hahaha... anyway for the nodes I think maybe you could already finish the description of some that might look incomplete (example : chains) also I tried some fight in the cave and found it actually pretty fun! Having to guess what your foe will throw at you on 3 consecutive turns is a pretty good idea, makes the battles more strategic about what move you should use to minimize the damage you'll get and maximize the one you'll inflict. Also a way to battle I've never seen, you should keep it and get what you can from it. This way of fighting add to the uniqueness of your game and it would be a waste to throw it away and put it like a boring normal rpg fight. If you polish this mud covered rock till it shine I'm sure you'll get a beautiful diamond, something you will like and be proud of. But for now the fight part can wait so just get the principal done like you wanted. You really have the potential to make something as good as CoC, maybe even better! also thank for reading my last comment. The world need more nice people like you instead of dried branch with a heart of rock... (aka dickheads and assholes) ...and I made a brick again... oops? XD

  4. xax 6:45pm, December 15, 2017

    whoops, when i was fixing the event i guess i missed some things, again. i did a hotfix (as of a week ago actually) and it should all be fixed now.

    all those nodes are likely getting added in _eventually_, but the poll determines which ones now, and in what order. thank you for your thoughts on the battle system; i wanted something that was unique but still reasonably intuitive, and flexible enough to work in a lot of different contexts.

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