Okay, minor patch update, 0.5.1
. Copying from the changelog:
- fixed the Son of Hamar-Tabal encounter (one of the new variations was broken)
- fixed the broken dryad/farm interaction
- added snake-body variant for the Nightmare encounter
- expanded the other branches of the Nightmare encounter somewhat
- the changelog load screen will now explicitly tell you when the update will make changes to your existing save data, and what it's doing (e.g., resetting the map, regenerating encounters, etc)
- there's now a distinction between 'limb' parts (arms, legs, head, tail, etc) and miscellaneous parts (currently, only horns). this will be more important after the next major update.
To elaborate a little on that, I added a blowjob variant to the Nightmare scene for snake-body PCs, and then was like "well why not make that accessible to the other body types", so now the scene has been tweaked in various ways to accomodate that.
The thing with limb/part bodyparts is that the next big update is gonna revise the way the body editor works, because basically everybody has mentioned that it's really unintuitive to use. Part of that is likely going to involve adding some other 'miscellaneous part' transformation nodes, so the distinction between limbs and other parts is going to be more important.
Speaking of the next big update, this one is gonna be focused on adding in new transformation options! Plus some event restructuring (planning on tweaking/expanding the farm location to make both Son of Hamar-Tabal and dryad sex scenes available there), and maybe seeing if I can get to writing a short sex scene for the working demon, but no real promises about that given how long it took me to write the Nightmare scene.
(As an aside, on the Patreon a while back somebody on the suggestion box tier asked for some sweat/musk options, and I was thinking about how to actually implement that. There's been a general issue I've been considering, which is how to include fetish stuff that's more of a turnoff for some people, since I don't want to drop that on people in the middle of a sex scene and it's not exactly a thing that can be deliniated by player choice ("hey could you like run in place for a minute to get all sweaty", nah, even I have my limits here), and I also don't really want to include a settings page full of fetish toggles.
The solution I've come up with here that the farmer Son of Hamar-Tabal scene will have some of that and the factory Son of Hamar-Tabal scene won't, since I think a description that opens with "this guy has been doing manual labor and is super sweaty and is also covered in streaks of mud" is enough of a clue to guide people towards/away from the sex scene, and that for other more niche fetish things (like, say, parasites) it should be fairly clear what you're getting into from the initial description.)
ANYWAY, so, here are the poll options! Some of these are going to be really simple to do, and others would be way more complex, so depending on what gets voted for I might spend some time adding in nodes based on their ranking order. Actual poll is over on the patreon.
- [SNAKE]»headed
- for things like: medusa-style snake hair, son of hamar-tabal-style snake tail, prehensile snake dick. pythons for arms??
- [WEAPON]»chain
- actually write complete description lines for it in all locations it can fit on (it's notably missing body lines) + add in some flags for things like "two dicks chained together" that will influence sex scenes
- i know it's already listed in that one shop but it doesn't do anything. (it's an elemental node)
- these are new elemental nodes, in the style of [FIRE], [METAL], or [ICHOR], and could be placed anywhere those are allowed.
- [HALO]
- new misc. part
- this would add in a new fundamental bodytype ('wyvern'; it's been in the code for ages but inaccessable, aka giant bat) and allow for winged versions of other bodytypes
- this would add... one or two new fundamental bodytypes, squid/tentacle monster, and allow for attaching tentacles (a new minor part) to your body otherwise
- would generally only attach to a head, but would provide some attachment points if you want giant fangs or a huge drooly ichorous tongue or a cock-tongue or whatever. [MOUTH]»belly would be added later on, for having a belly-mouth.
- new animal types. this might involve a new 'arachnid' type, or maybe not, otherwise they'd keep using quadruped/centaur sex scenes with assorted limb splices.
- [ICHOR]»infested
- got writhing worms all over
- [FIRE]»ash
- minor option nodes (stripes, spots, skin/eye/hair coloration, build, hairstyle, facial/body hair, etc etc etc)
- this might also include piercings and tattoos; piercings might continue to be certain [METAL] nodes, or maybe a [METAL]»piercing node added later.
- [LARGE] nodes on [ANIMUM], to become a giant wolf/snake/etc
- this is technically supported already, to a very minimal degree, but this would add in more size adjectives and lines (+ factor into stuff like cock size) for being particularly giant animals / humans
- actually try to write in sex scene support for the new options added
- some of these options, especially the [WING] and [TENTACLE] ones, would necessitate writing totally new and different sex scenes for basically every existing encounter, to accomodate the new body configurations. i don't know what exactly the interest split is in terms of 'wanting new PC descriptions' vs. 'wanting new sex scene variants', so vote for this if expanded sex scenes are a priority for you.
ERROR: "no handle in "sexQuadProtoplasmAnal" for body w/ Welder".
Error w/ son of hammer tabal when being a centaur
Cheers!!! Body hair!!! And the chains don't work on balls.
so all the nodes listed there are being added? or it's what we can vote for? funny story : today I was thinking about the game and asked myself "what would a dragon PC look like?" and it's listed. Coincidence? I think not! hahaha... anyway for the nodes I think maybe you could already finish the description of some that might look incomplete (example : chains) also I tried some fight in the cave and found it actually pretty fun! Having to guess what your foe will throw at you on 3 consecutive turns is a pretty good idea, makes the battles more strategic about what move you should use to minimize the damage you'll get and maximize the one you'll inflict. Also a way to battle I've never seen, you should keep it and get what you can from it. This way of fighting add to the uniqueness of your game and it would be a waste to throw it away and put it like a boring normal rpg fight. If you polish this mud covered rock till it shine I'm sure you'll get a beautiful diamond, something you will like and be proud of. But for now the fight part can wait so just get the principal done like you wanted. You really have the potential to make something as good as CoC, maybe even better! also thank for reading my last comment. The world need more nice people like you instead of dried branch with a heart of rock... (aka dickheads and assholes) ...and I made a brick again... oops? XD
whoops, when i was fixing the event i guess i missed some things, again. i did a hotfix (as of a week ago actually) and it should all be fixed now.
all those nodes are likely getting added in _eventually_, but the poll determines which ones now, and in what order. thank you for your thoughts on the battle system; i wanted something that was unique but still reasonably intuitive, and flexible enough to work in a lot of different contexts.