1. anon 1:20am, October 28, 2017

    Neat! I've been looking forward to this update. The new maps definitely feel more spacious and varied, although they are also harder to navigate. I hadn't noticed not being able to occupy the same space as an NPC in previous versions, but in this version it was very salient. It was also nice to get a look at some of the next encounters, even if they aren't fully implemented yet, and the new NPC sprites.

  2. octobr 2:42am, October 28, 2017

    this is looking super neat! exploring it was pretty cool, though, yeah, there were some places i couldn't access because it was just so stuffed full with encounters that there was basically no walking room. there was also this one cool room that i can only assume was intentional that was filled to the brim with filthy demons and for some reason i found that very interesting! also the sprites for preexisting things helped me visualize some of them that i found difficult, like the son of hamar-tabal and the ganzer worker

    the amduscias gave me 'error bad scene' though -- you possibly know this already but hey better safe than sorry

    anyway all these new npcs are extremely cool and i'm very excited to see how thisll turn out going forward. and still hoping to be able to bang cerberus some day

  3. xax 2:52am, October 28, 2017

    yeah, that was actually a big concern in the run-up to releasing the update, like, "make sure it's actually possible to move around the map". which i got mostly working, though, as you can tell there are some rough bits. in the future, the encounters blocking passages between sections will all be encounters that can be fought and dispersed (combat, traveling demons, etc), and the narrower sections like the mines will be less linear and have way fewer encounters spawn, but right now, it can be kind of a problem.

    expect that stuff to get fixed or at least mitigated in the next (several) updates

    edit: whoops i didn't realize the amduscias thing was bugged; it should be working now

  4. 7B7-Ben 7:51pm, October 28, 2017

    Slightly off topic, but have you heard of the patreon crackdown on adult content happening right now?Do you have a back up source/ link for your supporters????

  5. Nox 3:32pm, October 29, 2017

    Hello! I have just tried out a new map, the thing is impressive. However, on Android it's become fussy to move around, since the only way to scroll the map is to move to the edge of the visible space. Maybe you could add, I don't know, four arrows somewhere to scroll the map? If it's not too much trouble?
    Also the game doesn't save anymore.

  6. xax 5:40pm, October 29, 2017

    yeah, i have. i don't really have a fallback plan if my patreon gets cancelled -- worst-case scenario, get a stripe account and start handling subscriptions myself -- but i'm hoping that i won't be suspended, obviously. i don't know exactly how their rule about 'no bestiality' is gonna apply to, you know, hellhounds / being a wolf, but at this point i'm waiting to see what patreon's further response is. definitely expect to see a news post here if my patreon gets removed, with some more concrete plans then.

    whoops, i had turned off autosave while i was testing and forgot to turn it back on. that should be fixed now. about the android issue... is it that the visible map region is too small? or just difficult to navigate generally due to the size of the map versus the screen size? i could add in some manual scrolling regardless, probably.

  7. Nox10:43am, October 30, 2017

    I mean, visible map is limited by my screen size, so it kinda both.
    A bit more feedback on the maps: some encounters kinda blend in with environment. Driad and cedar trees, pentagrams, dragon skulls, it's hard to tell whether they are a part of background or an encounter. I was fully convinced driad trees are background until I remembered there are supposed to be driads. Clay men and crocodiles are just camouflaged.

  8. ren 2:38am, November 3, 2017

    stupid question i know but how do i go about getting a body? i have materials and everything but i cant figure out how to use them. sorry to ask but i just found this game and i really would like to enjoy it to its fullest potential

  9. Nox 1:56pm, November 3, 2017

    You start the game near the black DEMO SHOP obelisk. You can buy nodes there and click the "edit body" button in the corner.

  10. xax 6:37pm, November 3, 2017

    yeah, what Nox said, with the addition that in the edit body interface you click on the colored squares to select an open location on your body, and then click on something in the 'free nodes' section to put it onto your body.

    (that's not the most clear interface, i know; improvements are definitely planned)

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