1. Sue Donym10:49pm, September 6, 2017

    I wish you a speedy recovery... and not just because I'd like to see the next update earlier :-P.

  2. Morloc 9:48am, September 7, 2017

    Best recovery for you. Check in with a doctor once you can.

  3. Cereth 7:33pm, September 7, 2017

    Don't worry about the update, take care of yourself and get well soon!

  4. C 9:26pm, September 8, 2017

    Get well soon xax! your health takes priority over all else, don't worry about us!

  5. Storm Cultist11:17am, September 9, 2017

    Hope you recover soon and well, xax. Thank you for taking the time to give us all a heads up.

  6. Echa12:12pm, September 14, 2017

    Hope You Get Better Soon, We Can Wait!

  7. Steve 9:16am, September 15, 2017

    Still alive? I hope so. There seems to be some sort of curse on the internet.

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