This week: I worked mostly on the encounter internals; did stuff like fix some thorny event parsing bugs and change the save data format around. Also I wrote a little.
The only thing left that really needs to get done before I push the update is to write the savegame migration code -- basically when you load an old save it'll give you a screen telling you what's changed since you made that save, and tell you if it'll need to do things like regenerate a new map or regenerate the encounter table or whatever. Basically something to put an end to needing to make a new save every update, which is definitely gonna be necessary once I finish the second half of this update and all the maps change 100%.
That being said, I'd like to focus 100% on writing for a while, to give this update a little more, you know, actual content, as opposed to internal code restructuring, so, the plan is to write the save code and then write until I get tired with that, and then make the update. The update is around one to three weeks away, probably.
Glad To See This Is Still Being Developed, Most Games Of This Type Stop Being Developed Halfway Through.