1. Storm Cultist 7:55am, August 19, 2017

    Good to hear you're mostly done with a part of the work which is/has become tiresome. Look forward to seeing how it works out when you've got an update ready.

  2. Ichor11:29pm, August 22, 2017

    So was curious, is there anything you can currently do with Cerberus? I tried to look this up in previous posts but I can't find anything and no matter what I do he just keeps saying 'I don't fuck prey'

  3. xax 8:38am, August 23, 2017


    nope, currently there's no sex scene with cerberus. there's more interaction planned there, but not a sex scene specifically, though there will probably be sex scenes with the feral hellhounds, who are basically like miniature cerberuses.

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