1. Frey 2:14am, August 5, 2017

    You're really working your ass off xax, It's great how the game is progressing.

  2. Storm Cultist 4:51am, August 6, 2017

    Wow, you sure are giving it your all, here. If you have trouble populating the entirety of the map, perhaps as a temporary measure you can do the Pokémon thing: close off sections until the player does [insert action here]. That should let you pace the amount of new content to add.

  3. xax12:56am, August 7, 2017

    well, it's more that as a temporary measure a lot of these new encounters are just going to be monsters with descriptions and very little to no real interactivity. this next update is gonna make the game a lot _sparser_ for a while, since instead of there being a dozen finished encounters there'll be like forty encounters, only a dozen of which are finished.

    the reason that all of that will be going in-game now, instead of waiting until i have more finished encounters... i guess there are a few reasons. one is to give people a better image of planned content, to direct votes or offer suggestions or whatever, and another is so that i can have the map generator running with plenty of Content placed into it, instead of the really sparse generation it's doing now. plus, a lot of the existing content is going to end up in pretty far-flung sections of the map, so rather than having like one or two encounters per (huge) section i feel like it'd look a lot better with more variety, even if the variety would mostly be an illusion right now.

  4. Sue Donym 5:58pm, August 16, 2017

    It seems that as a FloatingDick, you can fuck absolutely nothing.

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