There's a new update! Version 0.2.0
, officially.
Things added in this patch:
- new crystal dragonoid encounter
- new minor encounter variation for flame demons
- talk options for dryads
- a bunch of bugfixes, including fixing the issue where the map would break on older browsers & where fights didn't work
- a bunch of minor content tweaks or fixes
Kind of annoyingly, what this update doesn't have is map regeneration, so despite saves being added you'll still have to make a new game to get a new map generated with a crystal dragonoid (or potentially the new flame demon version) on it. Map reset stuff will be added with the next update, but it's not coded up yet. Also kind of an important note: there are two kinds of crystal dragonoid, and only one of them will fuck you. You're guaranteed one will spawn that's okay to fuck, but if there are multiple spawned then you might get the other kind. I'm not quite so cruel as to make an encounter that might spawn only unwilling to fuck :V
There's a new poll up on the patreon, and the options this time are pretty self-explanatory, but for completeness here they are:
- flame demon bottom scenes (for the non-cock-caged version too)
- flame demon sheathfucking scenes (for the non-cock-caged version only i guess)
- flame demon sucking off the pc in floating dick form
- flame demon caging / uncaging scenes
- caged flame demon edging/teasing scenes
- caged flame demon / gargoyle voyeur/sloppy seconds scene
- dryad fucking himself w/ the pc in floating dick form
- access to (a variation of) the dryad sex scene once the dryad is at the farm
- son of hamar-tabal fucking himself w/ the pc in floating dick form
- son of hamar-tabal he-tops branches
- lesser hellhound sheathplay/hj branch
- lesser hellhound fisting/prostate milking branch
- clay-man scene where he forms up extra bodies to spitroast/gangbang you
- clay-man snake-body scene where you just kinda tunnel around through him
- gargoyle scene where you blow him
- sobek sheut scene where he fucks yr face
- hellhound knight scene variants for floating heads and floating dicks
- hellhound knight also having a special puncture-fuck scene if yr a floating orb (a la the lesser hellhound one)
- minotaur miner rimming scene
- minotaur miner snake-body scene where you squirm up inside his ass
- cum inflation scene for flame demons if you have many/giant balls
- cum inflation scene for sons of hamar-tabal if you have many/giant balls
- cum inflation scene for lesser hounds if you have many/giant balls
- make existing sex scenes for flame demons handle pc cock size & count
- make existing sex scenes for sons of hamar-tabal handle pc cock size & count
- make existing sex scenes for lesser hellhounds handle pc cock size & count
- animal or snake pc body size variants for sons of hamar-tabal sex scenes (e.g., pc being wolf-sized vs. being a wolf the size of a car)
- if you have a short cock and a big knot, write some knotting-failure scenes where you end up knotting the inside of yr own sheath when you come
It's, uh, quite the list this time.
And now a more general update about HELL GAME DEVELOPMENT:
So, the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of hell game is coming up in July (well, of the launch of the patreon at least) and that's got me reflecting on the past year of work and the pace at which I've been adding content. like, there's been a lottttt of work done and a lot of progress made, but I definitely would've preferred... more. Part of what I've been doing this past month or two is thinking what's been easy to do and what's been tripping me up, and how to change my workflow to get more done.
First of all, the next big update is gonna be patching up a bunch of warts: fixing all those encounters that error out when you have a weird body; expanding the first five minutes of the game to have more in the way of story and characters, giving an introduction to some of the combat/challenge mechanics and changing your body; making the player stats all actually do things; maybe even getting that new map code running ingame. Working on that "expanded rpg stuff" from the last vote; I haven't forgotten about that! All of this is basically polish to make the game look and feel a little less amateur.
Because of that, this next poll has a different focus. Another thing I've been wanting to do is flesh out encounters a bunch: more encounter variations, more in-depth talk options, sex scenes with more branches, have sex scenes better accomodate pc bodies, etc. So this vote is basically a selection of new sex scenes I've been wanting to add, which I'll work through writing while working on the rest of the update.
About development, one of the things that I think was tripping me up a lot was... writing one encounter at a time, writing every single sex scene variation with every single pc body type, before moving on to the next. It gets really repetitive and tedious, and I don't think encourages me to write my best work. So going forward, firstly, I'll be adding in a bunch of encounters and locations that might not have a whole lot of content in them. Nothing as bad as "[AREA NOT FINISHED COME BACK LATER]", just, some encounters that might only have some basic talk options, with no sex scene, and some locations that might only have some loot drops. Basically I'd like to put in all the prospective encounters in at once, so I can start building up more setting/plot stuff without having to wait until I've written sex scenes for every single one. Expect to see all those sahagin and unicorns and zombies and shadows etc that have been mentioned in the polls all appear in the next major update, plus a slew of generic demon-types, but without having that much content behind them.
And then second, I'll start writing sex scenes for all these encounters (and expanding existing encounters) in a much more scattershot manner, so that for a while some might only support humanoid or animal or naga encounters but not the rest. This is something I really wanted to avoid when I started out -- pc bodytype variation is an important part of what the game is, and there's no point to varying bodies unless the sex scenes support all of them -- but doing everything at once has been a huge slog that's been sapping my energy to write, so in the interest of avoiding burnout and doing more writing all-around I'm going to start writing sex scenes basically as they catch my interest and then go back later to flesh things out. I'll try to keep game content fairly balanced across bodytypes, even if individual encounters get unbalanced. So HOPEFULLY this should let me do more writing with less hanging over my head.
(As a footnote: all the stuff I could think of that's been updated in the past year
- several new events (farm, hound knight, minotaurs, slimes, crystal dragonoid)
- a few expanded events (sobeks, flame demon)
- formatting code (in the very first release the text setup was so simplistic i couldn't add tags, so emphasis in narration was formatted like _this_ instead of italicised)
- description code (the initial descriptions on release were straight-up just "you're a wolf" or what-have-you; that's it)
- a bunch of new body/tf nodes: lots of animals, [FIRE] [ICHOR] [METAL], all the [MORE] and [LARGE] variations
- the challenge/combat system
- the bodypart-based stats-and-skills system
- savegames
- plus the new map renderer, which isn't gonna be done by the anniversary, but it's mostly-finished at this point
So lots of improvements in a lot of different places. Also I think I ended up substantially rewriting the internal code handling descriptions and encounters like two times each, each time making it slightlyyyy easier to work with. More of that is probably going to happen in the future too, but probably not any major recodes. One of the huge advantages of the node-based body system is that I don't have to commit to a locked-in "pc body data" datatype; I can expand it as needed to support new nodes. That's obviously still work, but it's nowhere near as much work as it'd be if it was, say, hardcoded into the savegames or whatever.
So, yeah, a lot of stuff, but not as much as I'd like.)
not to be dense but i have no idea where the crystal dragonoid encounter is, do i have to start again for it to show up on my map?
yeah, I don't have encounter/map regeneration in yet so right now you have to start again to get a new map.
Is this a good place to leave a minor continuity/text-bug report? As a human getting it on with a gargoyle, the start of the scene has you on your hands and knees with the gargoyle on your back. But then at the end of the scene your chest is up, and there's no room to turn over in between.
Yeah, here is fine; I don't have any specific issue tracker stuff setup. I'll add that to do the todo and get that fixed this next update, and if you see any more continuity/blocking issues like that please keep pointing them out.