1. Morloc 2:53am, June 3, 2017

    Quick question if you don't mind. how do you interact with the sahagins in the game?

  2. xax 3:04pm, June 3, 2017

    Currently the sahagin are basically there for decoration -- the only way you can reach the event is if you get really lucky with map generation, and if you do, it's just a description with no options.

  3. Jahith 7:45am, June 4, 2017

    I've been running into a problem with the fighting system. whenever I click the "Fight" button it goes gray and nothing happens. the problem seams to be independent of browser but that is all I managed to find.

  4. Morloc10:34am, June 4, 2017

    Thanks for the reply. Also, as what @Jahith said, the fight button, when clicked, turn gray with no option to proceed further with the fight.

  5. xax12:49pm, June 4, 2017

    Whoops, yep, that's a bug. Fixed in development, so when I finish this next update that should be fixed. (When a save game is loaded from scratch, I didn't initialize the challenge frame, so for the time being if want a workaround, start a new game and then load your saved game and combat should work.)

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