Poll results are in! For everybody's reference, the results were:
- 9 descriptions
- 8 expand sex scenes
- 8 expand encounters
- 8 sahagin+zombies+sobeks
- 8 factory processing+crystal dragons+spirits of flame
- 8 void worms + minotaur/slime threesomes+voyeur
- 7 savegames
- 6 rpg elements
- 5 unicorns+dryads
- 5 alchemy+shadows
- 4 feral hellhounds+cerberus
- 3 ganzer fortress+expanded ganzer worker
A five-way tie for second-place. But I guess that's what I get for encouraging people to vote for a lot of options!
After I saw the way the poll was leaning I started looking over the description code. I'll spare everybody the technical details, but there are some structural flaws with the current setup I'm hoping to fix up, which should make adding in description lines easier. (This is maybe the third time I've said that, and it remains true every time: the original description code was downright nightmarish to try to use; I've gotten it to the point of 'kind of a hassle'.) While I'm working on that I'll flesh out some of the description lines and add in lines for some new nodes.
After that I'll pick and choose some of the items from the various 8-vote options, and I guess just... keep at it for a month.