1. PeevedPenguin 5:18pm, December 17, 2016

    I like playing as a snake

  2. Puru11:48am, December 18, 2016

    I don't think an elaborate and sprawling todo list will show negatively on your game as long as you keep posting these updates for the users. It shows you are actively working on the game and on top of the demo shows really favorably on your project.

  3. Nox10:36pm, December 19, 2016

    I have just discovered it and: holy shit, monster body generator! Ability to be a disembodied snake head! I have no idea about the rest of the game yet and dialogue options are really simplistic, but I extremely enjoy body construction. Thumbs up for that.

  4. Nox11:56pm, December 19, 2016

    Btw, there's a bug with drya: you can browse for modifications only for the first time. All others return blank menu.

  5. xax 5:31pm, December 22, 2016

    @Nox: yeah, dialog options (or at the very least some exchanges that aren't about fucking) are in the works. and re: dryads, are you sure? the deal with dryad shops is that they're randomly determined at map creation time; each dryad will either have a shop or not have a shop. revisiting the same dryad should definitely get you the same shop/not shop options.

  6. Nox 8:00pm, December 22, 2016

    @xax: checked. Turns out I was just really unlucky with shop generation. False alarm. Sorry.
    Found instead: raw code in text. "To make you {wail}", (Ganzer worker).
    A way to gain "unknown locomotion": go for naga, then switch tail for any different one.
    Fact of two hands is sometimes not displayed. Not sure why.
    Also, if you don't mind, you need to find an editor somewhere in the future. To take that scene with Ganzer worker, I've counted seven "back and forth"s all in all. Four of them over the span of two paragraphs. You have an affinity for repetitions, watch out for it.

  7. xax 4:48pm, December 23, 2016

    whoops i should go fix that.

    for descriptions, the _concept_ is for parts to only be remarked-on when they're unusual, to prevent lines like "you have normal human legs attached to your normal human waist, covered in normal human skin". that being said, what's considered "unusual" and what isn't is currently kinda weird; the whole system needs further work. (as it is, there's a hand description added for the animals that don't naturally have hands/paws, so, hooved animals. i should add one for snake arms too, now that i think about it. but it's definitely not the most intuitive setup.)

    and yeah "repetitive" is definitely a thing people have called my writing before :V i'll try to keep an eye out, but given the layered thicket that is these event files & the amount of necessary repetition there ends up being, i don't have a lot of hope of categorically solving the problem. like, in the ganzer scene there are actually a solid _sixteen_ uses of "back and forth", it's just... some only show up if you have a horse dick, some only show up if you're a snake or naga, some in mutually-exclusive branches, etc etc etc. so they're kind of a mess to edit.

  8. Nox 7:02pm, December 23, 2016

    Oh the subtle difference between human-headed serpentoid and naga with serpent tail.
    Current system makes sense, at least, even if it has a few hiccups here and there - good luck with that.
    While we are at it, lifehack: four-legged snakes can be just called "reptiles". Technically correct and just sounds nicer. Unless you plan on having separate snake and reptile/lizard nodes, but I'm not sure what critical difference there would be...

    That's why I suggested an editor/proofreader. Reading text in-game as opposed to in-code has benefit of smooth telling, with everything tied together. I suppose you don't have any means of generating every possible scene debased on code?...

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