And we're back up
You may have noticed the site was down like all week; the server admin was changing hosts and it got dragged out into a whole mess. But everything should be back in place now. Uh, aside from last week's news post, which didn't get backed up. Whoops that's probably my fault.
Anyway been kind of busy this week; went right out of nanowrimo into that whole tumblr mess, and I ended up spending most of the week bolting on some parts to an old webhost setup in preparation of moving all my content off of tumblr and actually getting a centralized website for all my misc stuff. So not a lot of actual writing on anything done this week. But that's getting along pretty rapidly, so hopefully by next week I'll have it more-or-less ready to demo and also be back to work on the post-nanowrimo editing.
Where post with updated twine game? I know where, it's just deleted....