<div id="notes">[[CONTENT NOTES|notes]]</div>\\n<div id="walkthrough_l">[[WALKTHROUGH|walkthrough spoiler]]</div>\\n<h1>THE NEW HIVE</h1><span class="version">v. 1.1-prerelease 3 [[changelog]]</span>\n\nThis game is sexually explicit. Don't play it if you're under 18, or this content is illegal in your jurisdiction. Further information in 'content notes'.\n<<display "static init">>\\n\n* [[NEW GAME|character creation]]\n* [[import save|text load]]\n* \n* [[credits/info|game info]]\n\n\ndebug stuff:\n* [[sex scene list|sex_scene_list]]\n* [[jump to siege|siegejump]]\n\n* !![[EVERY PASSAGE IN THE GAME|DEBUG OUTPUT]]!!
<<display "init">>\n{{{for the record, this uses fully-blank game data and will accumulate whatever event flags get set as the passages get evaluated, including transformations. for the most part, the game is coded in such a way that just dumping all passages in one big go won't produce many big red errors, but there are some, and the ones that show up don't actually show up in the game when they have proper game context.\n\nthis also means the sex scenes will only print a specific variant of each one, & i have no particular clue which one of each will appear, aside from that none of the knotted dick scenes will show up, unless they're their own passage, since there's no in-game scene that sets that mutation. - xax}}}\n<<print (function () {\n let bad = ["Start", "StoryMenu", "StoryTitle", "StoryAuthor", "changelog"\n , "save", "save_convert", "load", "export", "text load", "erase", "erase confirm", "siegejump", "oldload", "DEBUG OUTPUT"\n , "sex_scene_list"\n , "save ui", "sex stylesheet", "character art", "sidebar", "mutation styles", "styles", "worldmap style"\n , "sexlist", "reveal", "biggest_spec", "scenealert", "sex", "sexscene", "addmutation", "rmmutation", "reshow"\n , "passage"\n ];\n let foo = Object.keys(tale.passages)\n .filter (passage => !bad.includes(passage))\n .map (passage => "!!" + passage\n + String.fromCharCode(10) + "<<display " + String.fromCharCode(34) + passage + String.fromCharCode(34)\n + String.fromCharCode(0x3e) + String.fromCharCode(0x3e))\n .join (String.fromCharCode(10)+"----"+String.fromCharCode(10))\n return foo;\n})()>>
<<display "init">>\n<<set $humanSiegeArrive to 50>>\n<<set $turns to 51>>\n<<set $humansManaged to false>>\n\n[[village int]]
<<if !tagsContains("meta")>>\\n <<if ["Start", "save", "save_convert", "load", "export", "text load", "erase", "sex_scene_list"].indexOf (passage()) === -1>><<set $_back = passage()>><<endif>>\\n <<if passage() eq "village int" || passage() eq "camp">>\\n <<if $sexscenes.length gt 0>>[[sex scene list|sex_scene_list]]\n <<endif>>\n [[save game|save]]\n [[export save|export]]\n <<endif>>\n\n <<if $__save neq 0 || $__saves neq 0>>\\n [[load game|load]]\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>
!export save\n<label for="dump">save data</label>\n<textarea name="dump"><<print serializeActiveSave() >></textarea>\ncopy this and save it somewhere on your computer.\n\n<<print "[[→|" + $_back + "]]">>
paste stored save data into here, then click out of the textbox:\n<<import>>\n(make sure to explicitly save the file once you load it)
!Are you sure?\nThis will permanently delete //all// of your saves.\n\n* [[yes, delete everything|erase confirm]]
<h1><<print (function () {\n try {\n delete state.history[0].variables["__save"];\n delete state.history[0].variables["__saves"];\n window.localStorage.removeItem("Twine." + tale.title + ".__save");\n window.localStorage.removeItem("Twine." + tale.title + ".__saves");\n\n delete state.history[0]["variables"];\n state.history[0].variables = {};\n } catch (e) {\n throw new Error ("failed to delete data: " + e);\n }\n return "deleted.";\n })()>></h1>\n\n[[=>|Start]]
!save game\n<<savegames "save">>\n\n<<print "[[→|" + $_back + "]]">>
<<if $__save>>old save format detected; jumping to conversion shim...\n<<display "oldload">>\n<<else>>!load game\n<<savegames "load">>\n* [[import save|text load]]\n* [[wipe all savedata|erase]]\n\n[[<=|Start]]\n\n<<endif>>
!!BACKUP YOUR SAVE DATA -- this version changes the way saves are stored, and automatically converts old save data. this should work fine, but in the event that it doesn't, it will totally obliterate your previous save.\nthis is your existing save data; c&p this and save it somewhere: <textarea><<print $__save>></textarea>\n\ngot pre-1.1 savegame data; converting...\ninitializing new savegame state & loading saved state into history...<<set {\n try {\n var newSaves = null;\n var save = $__save;\n /* reconstruct save game */\n var s = JSON.parse ($__save);\n var history = state.history[0];\n\n /* delete all trace of the now-outdated __save variable */\n delete history.variables["__save"];\n window.localStorage.removeItem("Twine." + tale.title + ".__save");\n\n /* init (or load) new saves format... */\n if (window.localStorage["Twine." + tale.title + ".__saves"]) {\n newSaves = JSON.parse (window.localStorage["Twine." + tale.title + ".__saves"]);\n } else {\n newSaves = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null];\n }\n\n /* ...add the new metadata fields to the old save... */\n savedata_convert (s);\n /* ...and place the old save into slot 0 */\n newSaves[0] = JSON.stringify (s);\n\n /* actually load the save by dumping the saved state into history*/\n history.variables = s.vars;\n /* and set the new save data*/\n history.variables["__saves"] = newSaves;\n\n /* establish the new savedata format in localStorage */\n window.localStorage["Twine." + tale.title + ".__saves"] = JSON.stringify (history.variables["__saves"]);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log (history.variables["__save"]);\n console.log (history.variables["__saves"]);\n throw new Error ("something went wrong with the save conversion (" + e + "); the save data may have been deleted or otherwise obliterated.");\n }\n}>>\nrunning any version conversion...\n<<display "save_convert">>
<<if $mapOpen eq true>>\\n/% lol %/\\n<<set gameMap["0,-4"] = {where: "nnnn", items: []}>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if state.history[0].variables.radioSignal === undefined\n || state.history[0].variables.sexscenes === undefined\n || state.history[0].variables.game_version === undefined\n || state.history[0].variables.trades === undefined>>running 1.0 -> 1.1 save version converter.../% 1.1 init shim for new variables %/\n<<set {\n let trades = [];\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades = trades;\n}>>(set initial radio tower trades)\n<<set $radioSignal to 9999>>(set radio activity delay)\n<<set $agriQuest to 0>>(initialized agriculture quest progess)\n<<set $techQuest to 0>>(initialized tech quest progress)\n<<set $carrying to {}>>(wiped current scavenging items for the new format)\n<<set $sexscenes to []>>(initialized sex scene tracker)\n<<set $version to "1.1">>(set version number)\n<<set $game_version to 1>>(set savegame version number)\n<<set $_lastLoaded to>>(set 'last loading' timing val for savegame duration counter)\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $game_version to 1>>\\n<<set $version to "1.1">>\\n!loaded.\n\n<<print "[[→|" + $_back + "]]">>
.shead { width: 39em; margin-top: 2em; }\n.shead h1 { margin: 0; text-align: center; }\nol.saves {}\n ol.saves button { cursor: pointer; transition: 0.3s; }\n ol.saves button[disabled] { cursor: auto; }\n ol.saves li { position: relative; margin: 0.33em 0; display: flex; }\n\nol.saves { counter-reset: save; list-style: none; }\n ol.saves li:before { position: absolute; height: 1.2em; width: 1.2em; top: calc(50% - 0.6em); left: -1.6em;\n counter-increment: save; content: counter(save) "."; text-align: center; line-height: 1.2em; }\n\n ol#load button, ol#save .cont { display: inline-block; font-size: 100%;\n line-height: 1.6em; height: 4.8em; width: 35em; position: relative;\n padding: 0; margin: 0;\n background: #000; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #aaa; border-radius: 6px; }\n ol#load button > *, ol#save .cont > * { padding: 0 0.2em; }\nol#load {}\n ol#load button:hover { background: #431; border-color: #ffc; }\n ol#load button:hover .hbar { border-color: #dda; }\n ol#load button[disabled]:hover { background: transparent; }\n ol#load button[disabled], ol#save li.blank .cont { border-color: #333; }\nol#save {}\n ol#save button { color: #000; background: #fe8; border: none; border-radius: 4px; }\n ol#save button:hover { background: #ffc;}\n ol#save button { align-self: center; }\n\n ol#save .cont { margin-right: 1em; }\n\nol.saves span.blank { display: block; text-align: center; line-height: 4.8em; color: #ccc; }\n\nol.saves .hbar { display: block; height: 1.6em; border-bottom: 1px solid #777; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0625); border-top-left-radius: 6px; border-top-right-radius: 6px; position: relative; transition: 0.3s; }\nol.saves .hbar .last_played { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0.2em; }\nol.saves .hbar .size { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0.2em; }\nol.saves .name { display: block; text-align: left; }\nol.saves .location { display: block; text-align: left; }\nol.saves .time_played { display: block; text-align: right; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;}\n\nol.saves .version_error { display: block; text-align: center; background: #c41; color: #eee; width: 1.6em; position: absolute; left: calc(50% - 0.8em); }
1.1 (all npc scenes not yet written)\n* totally revised the savegame system! now there are save slots! your old save should autoconvert over to the new save system\n* added sex-scene tracking and in-game scene notices for paths that lead to a new sex scene\n/% X you can now actually fix the tanker (and have it do something? like, 1. you can only take it out while alone, 2. it costs 2 lightrot fuel to take out, and 3. it gives you like 12 moves a day + 60 item capacity) %/\\n* changed the way recently-collected items are stored while out on the world map\n* added a new wandering world npc, only visible during sandstorms (the storm king)\n* added a new wandering world npc, near the flame pits (mangema)\n* expanded the world map and added a new location on the eastern edge, with a new npc (radio tower; chul-chak)\n* added two new village npcs, who provide some 'early-game' quests and interactions (ara and omero)\n* fixed a whole bunch of minor errors and reachability issues\n* new sex scenes in existing encounters:\n** sheathfuck option for gawann during his survey\n** fisting top option for pthuul during his survey\n** another topping option for after khru gets fucked by astau/brulvundojn during his survey\n*** as a special variant of this scene, if you have a dog dick and take him to visit astau you can fertilize his eggs & impregnate him\n/%\n1.1-prerelease 3\n* totally revised the savegame system! now there are save slots! your old save should autoconvert over to the new save system.\n* fixed logic errors in pthuul's camp sequence\n* fixed a logic issue that made leraje's exile sidequest totally uncompletable. whoops!\n* fixed various spelling and grammar issues\n* fixed various small errors\n* added the maxwell/khru sex scene to the sex scene list even though you don't actually have sex in it\n\n1.1-prerelease 2\n* changed the display of scavenged items while out on the world map\n* the scavenge spot will no longer prevent digging on that world map square\n* fixed bugs:\n** fixed some missing transformation splices and a continuity issue in the post-birthing pregnancy camping scene\n** fixed a typo that made the dog dick version of the leraje exile bj scene error out\n** fixed a potential continuity issue in the initial gheist chain-hauling camp scene\n* added sex scene tracking. you can see it any time you can save (i.e., at camp or in town). during the game, choices leading to sex scenes you haven't seen yet will be highlighted. there are both different sex scenes reached behind the same link, based on different conditions, //and// different ways to reach the same sex scene, so this should clarify some things. some scenes might not be fully tracked yet.\n* getting fucked by zhalk after getting impregnated by astau as part of jinn's survey sequence will now set those eggs to be fertilized.\n* added a big table of all sex scenes in the game that's filled out as you get them\n* storm king encounter is in\n* new sex scenes:\n** sheathfuck option for gawann during his survey\n** fisting top option for pthuul during his survey\n** another topping option for after khru gets fucked by astau/brulvundojn during his survey\n*** as a special variant of this scene, if you have a dog dick and take him to visit astau you can fertilize his eggs & impregnate him\n** cloaca-fucking option for the storm king encounter\n** about half of the getting-tentacle-fucked option for the storm king encounter (the sex scene itself isn't fully complete, but it should set the pregnancy vars correctly)\n\n1.1-prerelease 1\n* added two new human npcs in the village who have scavenge-related quests (one of which has their intro sex scene written)\n* expanded the worldmap to the east and added a new location with a new trader npc (who does actually do trades)\n* added a bunch more crafting recipes\n* added recipes to actually fix the tanker\n%/\n1.0e\n* added rudimentary save importing and exporting, for moving multiple saves around\n* did some light editing on Jinn's knotting impregnation sex scene\n* fixed scripting errors with Maxwell's exile sequence (hopefully)\n* restructured the Leraje exile sequence so it shouldn't have a similar error\n* fixed some busted ifchecks in Leraje's exile sequence\n* fixed a bug with running out of time during the siege not actually forcing the out-of-time sequence\n* fixed a few formatting issues with stray {{{\}}} showing up\n* fixed the largest-dick-taken code so it should work properly in the 'you' bio and in descriptive fragments in a few scenes\n* fixed a bunch of busted ifchecks in the siege section and aftermath\n* fixed a really embarrassing endgame bug that just spewed some raw code out there\n* added some crafting recipes but they're still not used for anything yet so don't worry about it\n\n1.0d\n* fixed another script error in the endgame sequence\n\n1.0c\n* fixed script error in Jinn's survey camping scene when you fuck him in the ass\n* fixed script error in the endgame sequence when you return after completing the final survey\n* fixed softlock in Agares exile camp sequence\n* fixed some busted markup & formatting\n\n1.0b\n* fixed bug with Jinn's survey sometimes not correctly registering that you're already pregnant (hopefully)\n* fixed typo in crafting recipe for tires (worn wire -> worn wires)\n* fixed item in crafting recipe for masonry block (broken masonry -> sandblasted masonry)\n\n1.0a\n* fixed {{{$ĝheistIntroduced}}} progress-blocking bug\n\n[[←|Start]]
game by xax\n\nwritten january 2018 - january 2020\n1.1 patch written august 2020 - ...\n\ncheck out <a href="">my patreon</a> for other gay monster porn projects! or <a href="">my blog</a> for more general programming stuff or fanfic or w/e else.\n\n[[←|Start]]
some basic content guidelines: this is a ''m/m'' game with a focus on sex with various big alien/monster types, with the pc over the course of the game transforming more fully into a big alien monster. you accumulate transformations through the game, generally in sex scenes. the transformations are caused by a specific naturally-occurring substance that is a part of the alien biology, and there are instances where it's refined and used as a (topical or ingested) drug.\n\nthe aliens are to various degrees hermaphroditic or intersex, and in-setting nobody finds that particularly unusual. there's some language used in reference to bodies that mixes up gendered words: e.g., there's a character with an internal dick and whether it's called a cock or a clit depends on how much it's unsheathed; some characters who are lactating get their chests called pecs or breasts interchangeably; several generally male-presenting characters with internal dicks get their cloaca-alikes called cunts or labia, etc. basically everybody in the game uses male pronouns. at no point is the player character referred to with specific pronouns.\n\nno sex scenes are obligatory, and which dialog options lead to sex scenes are (i think) fairly obvious from context, but there's not explicit tagging of sex scenes or sex scene content. also due to me being kind of lazy about logic there's at least one case where getting into a sex scene ropes you into a later sex scene unavoidably. and also, even if you don't have sex, there's plenty of unavoidable dialog //about// sex. it's a porn game.\n\nthere's a lot of sex scenes. content in various sex scenes:\n\n* gay sex\n* gay sex with aliens and monsters\n* transformation into a monster\n* transformative sex\n* threesomes, gangbangs, etc\n* rough sex\n* gross monster dicks (a lot of characters have dicks that are naturally covered in warts, but that's definitely not the only thing going on)\n* gross monster cum + slime\n* size difference / giant dicks\n* a few of the bigger monsters are maybe big enough to be considered 'macro' instead of just 'size difference'\n* rough throatfucking / choking & gagging on cocks\n* cum eating / snowballing\n* vomiting up cum\n* oviposition / impregnation + pregnancy\n* there's one scene where you swallow fertilized eggs out of somebody's ass\n* transformation to grow breasts and a womb (but not in a way that's treated as particularly feminizing)\n* cervical penetration\n* fisting + prolapse play\n* sounding\n\n/%\nthings that are mostly in the unfinished latter half of the game and not particularly fleshed-out currently\n* piercings/tattoos\n* chastity play\n* transformation drugs / drug use\n%/\n[[←|Start]]
{{{as you might expect, this contains some huge spoilers. you sure?}}}\n\n[[yes spoil away|walkthrough]]\n[[actually let's not|Start]]
!!worldmap\n<pre>\n N\n\n &&&..\n .C..V.M\n .......\nW B..X... E\n .....F.\n .R.....\n ....A\n\n S</pre>\nX = town\nB = brulvundojn's den\nA = astau's den\n\nR = cave ridges\nM = glass mountain caves\nF = old fortress\nV = caves\nC = canyon\n& = ophion's tent (in one of the three locations, randomly)\n\n(there are other locations not noted on this map)\n\n!!main plot guide\n\nstart the game and allocate points as desired. the 'knotted dick' option is only available through character creation; all the other tfs can be gotten in-game at some point.\n\nyou start out on the world map, at the X at the center. to progress in the main plot, you have to find one of the 'glimmering' treasure spots. you can identify them by the "try digging" action turning into "there's a glimmer in the sand". four of them are randomly placed on the map, and each time there's a sandstorm their positions are rerolled.\n\nonce you find one and trigger its event, remember where that position is because you'll have to revisit it shortly.\n\nafter that, head to the village (if you started with a knotted dick, or have talked to brulvundojn already, you'll have another option here, where you can visit him first and then head to the village)\n\nafter going through the scene at the village, return to the treasure site, and then you'll be automatically returned to the village.\n\nthis opens up the survey team section of the village. there are six different characters with locations they want to visit, which you can do in mostly any order (jinn's needs 3 others to be completed first)\n\n* pthuul - take him to the glass mountain caves, marked on the above map\n* khru - take him to either astau's den or brulvundojn's den (there's a different threesome sex scene based on where you go, though depending on the state with brulvundojn there might not be a threesome at all)\n* yraal - take him to 2 of these locations:\n** old marble ruins (northeast of brulvundojn's den)\n** old highway (east of brulvundojn's den)\n** old fortress\n* gawann - take him to 3 of these locations:\n** glass mountain caves\n** cleft (north of cave ridges)\n** cave ridges\n** caves\n** red-rock ridge (north of canyon)\n* djen - take him to these 3 locations, which are all on the southernmost edge of the map, to the west (so, directly south of cave ridges and then the two areas to the east from there)\n** acid flats\n** acid bay\n** acid stalks\n* jinn - take him to cave ridges\n\nat some point during this process, you'll return back to the town to see a human military squad has arrived. mechanically, certain interactions get you points for each characters, and when you get enough points overall (or when you run out of time) they leave. i haven't written up an exhaustive list of which talk options on who trigger actions, but generally:\n\n* ask their leader (agares) 'why are you in town' several times, then ask their 2ic (leraje) 'why are you in town', then ask agares again\n* ask agares about 'human army command' once you get the option (from talking to leraje)\n* ask their recon guy (raven) 'you wanna fuck around' three times to open up his sex tree, and some of his sex scenes get his points\n* after waiting a few days, try 'make smalltalk' on their munitions guy (maxwell). if you blow him, you can ask 'you wanna fuck around' after that to ride his dick\n* talk with rook (it doesn't hugely matter about what) a few times, and then 'make smalltalk' to go through a sequence where you can get him water, which opens up his sex tree\n* after having sex with both maxwell and rook you can schedule a threesome by talking with rook about 'ĝheist dicks' twice and then talking to maxwell\n\n(those might not be 100% accurate, but that's a rough guideline)\n\nafter the human squad leaves, you can resume going through the survey team escort missions. when you complete all of them, return to town and check in with the survey team to trigger the ending scene.\n\n<hr>\n!!other interactions & misc sidequests\n\nvisiting astau lets him pump you full of eggs, which you can then have fertilized by brulvundojn. after your pregnancy progresses past a certain point, fertilized or not, check in with the survey team to lay your eggs.\n\nstarting with a knotted dicks basically makes your character fuckbuddies with brulvundojn, and aside from the knotted variants in a lot of sex scenes, this changes a fair chunk of dialog in all the scenes with brulvundojn, and also a bunch of the human military squad dick reveal scenes\n\nthere are four ways the jinn survey mission can go:\n* don't fuck him / fuck him and fail to impregnate him (it's 75% for time you fuck him, or 100% if you have a knot). this has no particular return scene\n* impregnate him and have him pump the eggs into you, which opens up the option to have zhalk facefuck you when you return\n* impregnate him while you're already pregnant. jinn keeps the eggs, which opens up the option to watch jinn and zhalk fuck\n* bring jinn to astau before going to cave ridges, while either already pregnant with astau's eggs and have astau pump him full of eggs too, or while not pregnant and select the special threesome scene where astau pumps you and jinn full of eggs, which opens up zhalk fucking you and jinn when you return\n\nthere's a pair of travelers wandering randomly across the northern half of the map. talking to them twice opens up a sex scene. talking to them if you have the womb tf lets you offer to be a surrogate for them, which is another way to get impregnated\n\nthe titan ophion is randomly placed in one of three positions daily, and you can visit him once per trip out into the wasteland (or more if you bring your own crystallized lightrot, which can be dug up in a few places) to get a dick or ass tf\n\nthe storm king appears randomly on the map, but only during sandstorms. there's some sex + impregnation options with him, but its sufficiently hard enough to stumble into his encounter that it's more of a secret bonus scene than something it's practical to find\n\nafter the human military squad leaves, depending on their individual point values they do different things -- some of them might stay in town, whereas others might either leave to set up camp somewhere on the map, or leave the map entirely. if they stay, you can visit them once per trip out into the wasteland to advance their stage.\n\n* agares will never stay, and he may set up camp or leave permanently, depending on how much you talked to him. if he sets up camp, it'll be in the old fortress.\n* leraje will never stay, and he may set up camp or leave permanently, depending on how much you talked to him. if he sets up camp, it'll be in the glass mountain caves.\n* if raven doesn't stay, he'll set up camp in the caves, after finding your way down.\n* if maxwell doesn't stay, he'll set up camp in the canyon, down the trail.\n* rook will never set up camp, he'll either stay or leave permanently\n\n<hr>\n!!how to get different transformations\n\ncertain sex scenes will give you transformations, either immediately or with a tf sequence while resting at camp.\n\ndespite the mutation bar going up to 10, there are actually a total of 17 transformations. you can get all of them (with the exception of only being able to get one of knotted dick vs. ĝheist dick), but the mutation level will stop visibly increasing after 10.\n\n* there are several pregnancy-related transformations, in a sequence:\n** ''continually-leaky nipples'', which you get by being pregnant\n** ''a womb'', which you get by being pregnant, after getting the above\n** ''six nipples'', which you get by carrying a great beast's eggs after getting both of the above (so, astau's, malsatante's, or the storm king's, jinn's don't trigger it)\n\nif you're not already pregnant, astau (in his den) will have a scene where he pumps you full of his eggs. impregnating jinn during his survey will lead to him pumping his eggs into you. talking to the wanderers and going down their surrogate path will get malsatante to impregnate you, though that requires you to already have the womb transformation.\n\n* ''a knotted dog dick'' is only obtainable by starting with it in character creation. it's mutually-exclusive with 'ĝheist dick' and can't be replaced, and counts as 'a dick tf' below\n\n* there's a sequence of 'upper body' transformations, which you get as noted below:\n** ''buff arms''\n** ''leathery arms''\n** ''claws''\n* there's a sequence of 'lower body' transformations, which you get as noted below\n** ''wide hips''\n** ''leathery hips''\n** ''scaled legs''\n\n* during djen's survey, nearly all of his sex scenes will tf you in some way:\n** getting djen to fuck you will give you 'ĝheist asshole', or 'mutated prostate' if you already have that\n** fisting djen will give you the next upper-body tf in the sequence\n** fucking djen or fucking djen's cock will give you 'ĝheist dick', or 'ĝheist balls' if you already have a dick tf\n** fisting djen until he prolapses and then fucking his prolapse will give you 'ĝheist dick/balls' as above //and// the next upper-body tf in the sequence\n\n* when visiting ophion, most of his interactions will tf you in some way:\n** having him sound lightrot into your cock will give you 'ĝheist dick', or 'mutated prostate' if you already have a dick tf\n** having him inject lightrot into your ass will give you 'ĝheist asshole', or 'mutated prostate' if you already have that\n** having ophion fuck you gives you the next upper and lower body mutations, 'ĝheist balls', and 'ĝheist asshole' or 'mutated prostate' as above\n** blowing ophion gives you the next upper and lower body mutations, as well as a big facial marking (this is a unique cosmetic tf not otherwise included in the total tf count)\n\n* during jinn's survey, depending on how you've interacted with him (namely if you've fucked him already) he'll invite you to fuck him in the lightrot pool. doing so will get you a ĝheist dick and balls, as well as the next upper and lower body mutations\n\n* brulvundojn fucking you, either from repeated sex after his first frotting sex scene, or from him fertilizing astau's eggs, will give you one lower body mutation if you don't already have any (i.e., it gives you 'wide hips' if you don't have it)\n\n* if you have sex with brulvundojn more than 4 times, you start to grow ''coarse fur across your forearms and calves''.\n\n* once you have 4 or more ĝheist mutation points, you start the sequence to get ''muscular body'' during rest at camp\n* once you have 6 or more ĝheist mutation points and you have at least one upper or lower body mutation, you start the sequence to get ''ĝheisthide all over your body'' during rest at camp\n\n[[←|Start]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $scene = parameter(0)>>\n<<set $blurb = parameter(1)>>\n<<if $_sexall || $sexscenes.indexOf ($scene) !== -1>>\n<<print $blurb>>\n<<else>>???\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
table#sex { border-collapse: separate; empty-cells: hide; margin: 0; }\ntable#sex .ch { text-align: right; vertical-align: top; }\ntable#sex .cat { text-align: center; font-weight: normal; border-top: 4px solid #900048; white-space: nowrap; width: 1.6em; max-width: 1.6em; }\n table#sex .cat span { display: inline-block; transform: rotate(-0.25turn); vertical-align: bottom; width: 8em; margin-left: -3.4em; }\n\ntable#sex tbody tr:not(.d) th { background: #200010; }\ntable#sex tbody tr:not(.d) td { border: 2px solid #100008; }\ntable#sex tbody tr:not(.d) td.view { border: 0 none transparent; background: #100008; }\ntable#sex th, table#sex td { margin: 2px; position: relative; }\ntable#sex td { vertical-align: top; }\n\ntable#sex, table#sex td { }\ntable#sex th { }\n\n\ntable#sex .top::before, table#sex .bottom::before, table#sex .mutual::before, table#sex .voyeur::before { display: inline-block; font-size: 75%;\n background: #fff; color: #000;\n position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;\n width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; line-height: 1.2em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1.2em; }\n\n ul.legend { display: none; }\n ul.legend li { display: inline-block; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align: middle; }\n ul.legend li::before { display: inline-block; width: 1em; height: 1em; text-align: center; line-height: 1em; margin-right: 0.1em; }\n input#act:checked ~ ul.legend.act { display: inline-block; }\n input#role:checked ~ ul.legend.role { display: inline-block; }\n input#version:checked ~ ul.legend.version { display: inline-block; }\n\n span.n11 { background: #182000; display: inline-block; padding: 3px; }\n\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .fist::before, li.fist::before { content: "F"; background: #f40; color: #000; }\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .anal::before, li.anal::before { content: "A"; background: #24f; color: #000; }\n\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .anal.fist::before { content: "AF"; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #24f, #24f 50%, #f40 50.01%, #f40);}\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .anal.fist::before::first-letter { color: #000;}\n\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .oral::before, li.oral::before { content: "O"; background: #6bf; color: #000; }\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .hj::before, li.hj::before { content: "H"; background: #3f2; color: #000; }\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .sound::before, li.sound::before { content: "S"; background: #f01; color: #fff; }\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .inject::before, li.inject::before { content: "I"; background: #928; color: #fff; }\n input#act:checked ~ table#sex .other::before, li.other::before { content: "X"; background: #f90; color: #000; }\n\n input#role:checked ~ table#sex .top::before, { content: "T"; background: #fb3; color: #000; }\n input#role:checked ~ table#sex .bottom::before, li.bottom::before { content: "B"; background: #24f; color: #fff; }\n input#role:checked ~ table#sex .mutual::before, { content: "M"; background: #a3c; color: #000; }\n input#role:checked ~ table#sex .voyeur::before, li.voyeur::before { content: "V"; background: #fff; color: #000; }\n\n input#version:checked ~ table#sex .n11::before, li.n11::before { content: "1.1"; background: #182000; color: #fff; }
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_who to parameter(0)>>\n<<print (function (who) {\n return who;\n\n var vars = state.history[0].variables;\n var sexscenes = vars['sexscenes'];\n switch (who) {\n case "humans":\n case "beasts":\n case "survey ĝheist":\n case "city humans":\n case "other":\n break;\n default:\n break;\n }\n if (characterScenes[who]) {\n return (vars['_sexall'] || Object.keys (characterScenes[who].scenes).reduce ((acc, b) => acc || (sexscenes.indexOf(b) !== -1), false)\n ? who\n : "█".repeat(who.length));\n }\n return who;\n })($_who)>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<set window.characterScenes to\n { "humans":\n { "ara":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "agriculture first", tags: ["oral", "top", "n11"]}\n ]\n }\n , "omero":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "tech first proposition", tags: ["hj", "mutual", "n11"]}\n ]\n }\n }\n , "beasts":\n { "astau":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "astau talk pump", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "astau frot actual", tags: ["mutual", "hj"]}\n , {name: "astau fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n ]\n , "khru":\n [ {name: "khru astau meet", tags: ["anal", "voyeur"], blurb: "Take Khru to meet Astau on his survey"}\n , {name: "khru astau bottom", tags: ["bottom", "anal"], blurb: "Get fucked by Astau, after he fucks Khru"}\n , {name: "khru astau top", tags: ["top", "anal"], blurb: "Fuck Khru, after Astau fucks him"}\n ]\n , "jinn":\n [ {name: "astau breed jinn", tags: ["voyeur", "anal"], blurb: "During Jinn's survey, bring Jinn to Astau, while pregnant"}\n , {name: "astau breed threesome", tags: ["bottom", "anal"], blurb: "During Jinn's survey, bring Jinn to Astau"}\n ]\n }\n , "brulvundojn":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "brulvundojn first time", tags: ["bottom", "other"], blurb: "brulvundojn first time (has four major branches based on what your starting tfs are)"}\n , {name: "village brul", tags: ["bottom", "anal"], blurb: "Brulvundojn fucks + prolapses you in the village, after dragging the tanker back to town"}\n , {name: "brulvundojn bigdick", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "brulvundojn knotting", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "brulvundojn impreg", tags: ["bottom", "anal"], blurb: "Brulvundojn fertilizes the eggs you're carrying, in his den"}\n ]\n , "khru":\n [ {name: "khru brulvundojn spitroast", tags: ["top", "oral"], blurb: "Take Khru to meet Brulvundojn on his survey, while not on bad terms with Brulvundojn"}\n ]\n }\n , "dante & malsatante":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "www dante fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name:"www impreg", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name:"www birth deliver", tags: ["top", "other"]}\n ]\n }\n , "the storm king":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "storm king bottom", tags: ["top", "other", "n11"], blurb: "storm king encounter (he bottoms)"}\n , {name: "storm king top", tags: ["bottom", "anal", "n11"], blurb: "storm king encounter (he tops)"}\n ]\n }\n }\n , "survey ĝheist":\n { "pthuul":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "pthuul first bottom", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n , {name: "pthuul top 1", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "pthuul fist bottom", tags: ["top", "fist", "n11"]}\n ]\n , "jinn/djen":\n [ {name: "pre-preg anal", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "pre-preg milk", tags: ["mutual", "other"]}\n , {name: "pre-preg cock", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "preg post-camp fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n ]\n , "khru":\n [ {name: "birth fist", tags: ["bottom", "fist"]}\n , {name: "chain camp leaky fuck", tags: ["bottom", "other"]}\n ]\n , "khru/yraal":\n [ {name: "chain camp asshole fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "chain camp some yeah", tags: ["bottom", "other"]}\n ]\n }\n , "khru":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "khru blow 1", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "khru fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "khru fist", tags: ["bottom", "fist"]}\n , {name: "khru fist bottom 1", tags: ["top", "fist"]}\n , {name: "khru fuck bottom brulvundojn", tags: ["top", "anal", "n11"]}\n , {name: "khru fuck bottom astau", tags: ["top", "anal", "n11"]}\n , {name: "khru fuck bottom fistfuck", tags: ["top", "anal", "fist", "n11"]}\n ]\n }\n , "yraal":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "yraal initial fuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "yraal fuck top", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "yraal fisting bottom", tags: ["top", "fist"]}\n , {name: "yraal cocksound", tags: ["top", "sound"]}\n ]\n }\n , "gawann":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "gawann fuck 1", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "gawann throatfuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "gawann sheathfuck", tags: ["top", "other", "n11"]}\n ]\n }\n , "djen":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "djen prolapse", tags: ["top", "fist"]}\n , {name: "djen cockfuck", tags: ["top", "sound"]}\n , {name: "djen top", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "djen fist", tags: ["top", "fist"]}\n , {name: "djen fuck no tf", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n , {name: "djen fuck tf", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n ]\n }\n , "jinn":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "jinn camp egging oral", tags: ["bottom", "oral"], blurb: "Impregnate Jinn during his survey, while not already-pregnant, without a womb"}\n , {name: "jinn camp egging anal", tags: ["bottom", "anal"], blurb: "Impregnate Jinn during his survey, while not already-pregnant, with a womb"}\n , {name: "jinn fuck mouth", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "jinn fuck ass", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n , {name: "jinn fuck cunt", tags: ["top", "other"]}\n , {name: "jinn survey fuck", tags: ["top", "other"]}\n ]\n , "zhalk":\n [ {name: "zhalk angry facefuck", tags: ["oral", "bottom"], blurb: "return to town after impregnating Jinn on his survey and having Jinn pump his eggs into you"}\n , {name: "zhalk angry jinn fuck", tags: ["voyeur", "other"], blurb: "return to town after impregnating Jinn on his survey, while already pregnant"}\n , {name: "zhalk angry double impreg", tags: ["anal", "bottom"], blurb: "return to town after having Astau impregnate both you and Jinn on his survey"}\n ]\n }\n , "zhalk":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "zhalk facefuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"], blurb: "zhalk facefuck (drag the tanker back to town with the gheist, then flirt with zhalk)"}\n , {name: "zhalk bottom", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "zhalk top ass", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n , {name: "zhalk top cunt", tags: ["top", "other"]}\n , {name: "zhalk cocksuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n ]\n }\n }\n , "city humans":\n { "agares":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "leader exile sex scene", tags: ["mutual", "hj"]}\n ]\n }\n , "leraje":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "2ic caves blow", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "2ic caves blow return", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "2ic caves facefuck", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "2ic caves ride followup", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "2ic workshop fuck", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n ]\n }\n , "maxwell":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "munitions blow firsttime general", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "munitions ride", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n , {name: "munitions canyon blow", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "munitions canyon fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n ]\n , "khru":\n [ {name: "munitions village intro", tags: ["voyeur", "anal"]}\n ]\n }\n , "six raven":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "recon initial cocksuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "recon cocksuck", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "recon cocksuck reject repeat blow", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "recon cocksuck bottom actual", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "recon assplay", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n , {name: "recon gross dick", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n , {name: "recon anal fuck", tags: ["top", "anal"]}\n ]\n }\n , "rook":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "rook first sex altered dick", tags: ["oral", "top"]}\n , {name: "rook first sex human dick", tags: ["mutual", "hj"]}\n , {name: "rook blow", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n ]\n , "maxwell":\n [ {name: "rook munitions both", tags: ["top", "oral"]}\n ]\n , "pthuul":\n [ {name: "rook blow voyeur", tags: ["voyeur", "oral"]}\n ]\n }\n }\n , "other":\n { "ophion":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "ophion inject dick", tags: ["inject", "bottom"]}\n , {name: "ophion inject ass", tags: ["inject", "bottom"]}\n , {name: "ophion oral", tags: ["bottom", "oral"]}\n , {name: "ophion fuck", tags: ["bottom", "anal"]}\n ]\n }\n , "chul-chak":\n { ".":\n [ /* {name: "radio talk facefuck", tags: ["oral", "top", "n11"]}\n , */ {name: "radio talk facefuck bottom", tags: ["oral", "bottom", "n11"]}\n /* , {name: "radio talk countertop", tags: ["anal", "top", "n11"]}\n */]\n }\n /*\n , "manĝema":\n { ".":\n [ {name: "mangema sex 69", tags: ["oral", "mutual", "n11"]}\n , {name: "mangema sex ride", tags: ["anal", "bottom", "n11"]}\n ]\n }\n */\n }\n }>>
this is a table of all the sex scenes in the game. the revealed items are based on the current save, not total accessed across all saves. (that might change to across all runs if i change the save system and add 'system' data.) it's not possible to get all of these in one run; many sex scenes are one-time-only choices between several branches.\n\nalso, some (but not all) distinct sex scenes are grouped together under one entry if the branching is based on bodily transformation. for example, more than half of the topping scenes have their own custom variation for having a dog dick, but mostly they're listed under the same entry here if the scene is still topping anal/topping oral/whatever regardless.\n\n(these will only be filled out by a game played in 1.1-prerelease2 or later; the sex scene tracking code didn't exist before then and can't be retroactively filled by loading an older save)\n\n<input id="role" name="color" type="radio"><label for="role">color-code labels by you topping/bottoming</label>\n<input id="act" name="color" type="radio" checked><label for="act">color-code labels by sex act</label>\n<input id="version" name="color" type="radio"><label for="version">color-code labels by version added</label>\n<input id="none" name="color" type="radio"><label for="none">no labels</label>\n<ul class="legend role"><li class="top">top</li><li class="bottom">bottom</li><li class="mutual">mutual</li><li class="voyeur">voyeur / watching</li></ul><ul class="legend act"><li class="anal">anal</li><li class="oral">oral</li><li class="hj">handjob/frot</li><li class="sound">sounding</li><li class="fist">fisting</li><li class="inject">piercing/injection</li><li class="other">other (milking, cloacal, vaginal, sheathfucking, etc)</li></ul><ul class="legend version"><li>initial release (no label)</li><li class="n11">version 1.1</li></ul>\\n<<if $_sexall>><b>(these are mostly the internal passage names for each sex scene; they'll get more descriptive labels as i work on this.)</b><<endif>>\n<<if $sexscenes === 0>><<set $sexscenes to []>><<endif>>\\n\n<<print programmaticScript (characterScenes, $sexscenes, $_sexall)>>\n\n<<if $_sexall>>[[hide unseen scenes|sex_scene_list][$_sexall = !$_sexall]]<<else>>[[show all scenes|sex_scene_list][$_sexall = !$_sexall]]<<endif>>\n\n<<print "[[←|" + $_back + "]]">>
<<nobr>>\n<table id="sex">\n<thead><tr><th></th><th colspan="2">character</th><th colspan="8">scenes</th></tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr class="d"><th class="cat" rowspan="2"><span>humans</span></th></tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">ara</th>\n <td class="oral top n11"><<sexlist "agriculture first" "agriculture first">></td>\n/%\n <td>███</td>\n <td>███</td>\n%/\n</tr>\n/%\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">omero</th>\n <td>███</td>\n <td>███</td>\n <td>███</td>\n</tr>\n%/\n<tr class="d"><th class="cat" rowspan="8"><span>beasts</span></th></tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="3"><<reveal "astau">></th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="bottom anal" title="bottom, anal, oviposition"><<sexlist "astau talk pump" "astau talk pump">></td>\n <td class="mutual hj" title="frot / mutual masturbation"><<sexlist "astau frot actual" "astau frot actual">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal" title="bottom, anal, oviposition"><<sexlist "astau fuck" "astau fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+<<reveal "khru">></th>\n <td class="anal voyeur"><<sexlist "khru astau meet" "Take Khru to meet Astau on his survey">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "khru astau bottom" "Get fucked by Astau, after he fucks Khru">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "khru astau top" "Fuck Khru, after Astau fucks him">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+<<reveal "jinn">></th>\n <td class="voyeur anal"><<sexlist "astau breed jinn" "astau breed jinn (bring jinn to astau during his survey while pregnant)">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "astau breed threesome" "astau breed threesome (bring jinn to astau during his survey while not currently carrying eggs)">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="2"><<reveal "brulvundojn">></th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="bottom other"><<sexlist "brulvundojn first time" "brulvundojn first time (has four major branches based on what your starting tfs are)">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "village brul" "Brulvundojn fucks + prolapses you in the village, after dragging the tanker back to town">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "brulvundojn bigdick" "brulvundojn bigdick">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "brulvundojn knotting" "brulvundojn knotting">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "brulvundojn impreg" "Brulvundojn fertilizes the eggs you're carrying, in his den">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+<<reveal "khru">></th>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "khru brulvundojn spitroast" "Take Khru to meet Brulvundojn on his survey, while not on bad terms with Brulvundojn">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">storm king</th>\n <td class="top other n11"><<sexlist "storm king bottom" "storm king encounter (he bottoms)">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal n11"><<sexlist "storm king top" "storm king encounter (he tops)">></td>\n</tr>\n/%\n<tr><th>+<<reveal "khru">></th>\n <td class="anal voyeur">███</td>\n <td class="bottom anal">███</td>\n</tr>\n%/\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2"><<reveal "dante & malsatante">></th>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "www dante fuck" "www dante fuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "www impreg" "www impreg">></td>\n <td class="top other"><<sexlist "www birth deliver" "www birth deliver">></td>\n</tr>\n/%\n<tr><th class="ch" >+<<reveal "brulvundojn">></th>\n <td>███</td>\n</tr>\n%/\n\n<tr class="d"><th class="cat" rowspan="12"><span>survey ĝheist</span></th></tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="4">pthuul</th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "pthuul first bottom" "pthuul first bottom">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "pthuul top 1" "pthuul top 1">></td>\n <td class="top fist n11"><<sexlist "pthuul fist bottom" "pthuul fist bottom">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+jinn+djen</th>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "pre-preg anal" "pre-preg anal">></td>\n <td class="mutual other"><<sexlist "pre-preg milk" "pre-preg milk">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "pre-preg cock" "pre-preg cock">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "preg post-camp fuck" "preg post-camp fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+khru</th>\n <td class="bottom fist"><<sexlist "birth fist" "birth fist">></td>\n <td class="bottom other"><<sexlist "chain camp leaky fuck" "chain camp leaky fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+khru+yraal</th>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "chain camp asshole fuck" "chain camp asshole fuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom other"><<sexlist "chain camp some yeah" "chain camp some yeah">></td>\n/% <td>███</td> %/\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">khru</th>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "khru blow 1" "khru blow 1">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "khru fuck" "khru fuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom fist"><<sexlist "khru fist" "khru fist">></td>\n <td class="top fist"><<sexlist "khru fist bottom 1" "khru fist bottom 1">></td>\n <td class="top anal n11"><<sexlist "khru fuck bottom brulvundojn" "khru fuck bottom brulvundojn">></td>\n <td class="top anal n11"><<sexlist "khru fuck bottom astau" "khru fuck bottom astau">></td>\n <td class="top anal fist n11"><<sexlist "khru fuck bottom fistfuck" "khru fuck bottom fistfuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">yraal</th>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "yraal initial fuck" "yraal initial fuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "yraal fuck top" "yraal fuck top">></td>\n <td class="top fist"><<sexlist "yraal fisting bottom" "yraal fisting bottom">></td>\n <td class="top sound"><<sexlist "yraal cocksound" "yraal cocksound">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">gawann</th>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "gawann fuck 1" "gawann fuck 1">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "gawann throatfuck" "gawann throatfuck">></td>\n <td class="top other n11"><<sexlist "gawann sheathfuck" "gawann sheathfuck">></td>\n/% <td>███</td> %/\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">djen</th>\n <td class="top fist"><<sexlist "djen prolapse" "djen prolapse">></td>\n <td class="top sound"><<sexlist "djen cockfuck" "djen cockfuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "djen top" "djen top">></td>\n <td class="top fist"><<sexlist "djen fist" "djen fist">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "djen fuck no tf" "djen fuck no tf">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "djen fuck tf" "djen fuck tf">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="2">jinn</th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "jinn camp egging oral" "Impregnate Jinn during his survey, while not already-pregnant, without a womb">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "jinn camp egging anal" "Impregnate Jinn during his survey, while not already-pregnant, with a womb">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "jinn fuck mouth" "jinn fuck mouth">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "jinn fuck ass" "jinn fuck ass">></td>\n <td class="top other"><<sexlist "jinn fuck cunt" "jinn fuck cunt">></td>\n <td class="top other"><<sexlist "jinn survey fuck" "jinn survey fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+zhalk</th>\n <td class="oral bottom"><<sexlist "zhalk angry facefuck" "return to town after impregnating Jinn on his survey and having Jinn pump his eggs into you">></td>\n <td class="voyeur other"><<sexlist "zhalk angry jinn fuck" "return to town after impregnating Jinn on his survey, while already pregnant">></td>\n <td class="anal bottom"><<sexlist "zhalk angry double impreg" "return to town after having Astau impregnate both you and Jinn on his survey">></td>\n</tr>\n/%\n<tr><th>+<<reveal "storm king">></th>\n <td class="anal voyeur">███</td>\n <td class="bottom anal">███</td>\n</tr>\n%/\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">zhalk</th>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "zhalk facefuck" "zhalk facefuck (drag the tanker back to town with the gheist, then flirt with zhalk)">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "zhalk bottom" "zhalk bottom">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "zhalk top ass" "zhalk top ass">></td>\n <td class="top other"><<sexlist "zhalk top cunt" "zhalk top cunt">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "zhalk cocksuck" "zhalk cocksuck">></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr class="d"><th class="cat" rowspan="9"><span>city humans</span></th></tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">agares</th>\n <td class="mutual hj"><<sexlist "leader exile sex scene" "leader exile sex scene">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">leraje</th>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "2ic caves blow" "2ic caves blow">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "2ic caves blow return" "2ic caves blow return">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "2ic caves facefuck" "2ic caves facefuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "2ic caves ride followup" "2ic caves ride followup">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "2ic workshop fuck" "2ic workshop fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="2">maxwell</th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "munitions blow firsttime general" "munitions blow firsttime general">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "munitions ride" "munitions ride">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "munitions canyon blow" "munitions canyon blow">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "munitions canyon fuck" "munitions canyon fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+khru</th>\n <td class="voyeur anal"><<sexlist "munitions village intro" "munitions village intro">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">six raven</th>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "recon initial cocksuck" "recon initial cocksuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "recon cocksuck" "recon cocksuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "recon cocksuck reject repeat blow" "recon cocksuck reject repeat blow">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "recon cocksuck bottom actual" "recon cocksuck bottom actual">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "recon assplay" "recon assplay">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "recon gross dick" "recon gross dick">></td>\n <td class="top anal"><<sexlist "recon anal fuck" "recon anal fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" rowspan="3">rook</th>\n <td></td>\n <td class="oral top"><<sexlist "rook first sex altered dick" "rook first sex altered dick">></td>\n <td class="mutual hj"><<sexlist "rook first sex human dick" "rook first sex human dick">></td>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "rook blow" "rook blow">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+maxwell</th>\n <td class="top oral"><<sexlist "rook munitions both" "rook munitions both">></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><th>+pthuul</th>\n <td class="voyeur oral"><<sexlist "rook blow voyeur" "rook blow voyeur">></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr class="d"><th class="cat" rowspan="2"><span>other</span></th></tr>\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">ophion</th>\n <td class="inject bottom"><<sexlist "ophion inject dick" "ophion inject dick">></td>\n <td class="inject bottom"><<sexlist "ophion inject ass" "ophion inject ass">></td>\n <td class="bottom oral"><<sexlist "ophion oral" "ophion oral">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal"><<sexlist "ophion fuck" "ophion fuck">></td>\n</tr>\n/%\n<tr><th class="ch" colspan="2">chul-chak</th>\n <td class="top oral n11"><<sexlist "radio talk facefuck" "radio talk facefuck">></td>\n <td class="bottom anal n11"><<sexlist "radio talk countertop" "radio talk countertop">></td>\n</tr>\n%/\n\n/% i was listing the cut content from the 2nd-half here for fun but wow that would be a lot of markup for absolutely no benefit, given that none of these characters were pinned down enough to have their sex scenes fully outlined, or even have separate characters completely distinguished. also lol copyright infringement\npalace gardens\n guards\n\nbaths\n [ {blurb: "[there's a group of ĝheist being rowdy in one big pool.]", passage: "baths ĝheist group"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a pool filled with what looks to be raw lightrot, with a few hugely-mutated lambent lying back in it]", passage: "baths lambent"}\n , {blurb: "[there's what looks like a Titan reclining in a pool of lightrot]", passage: "baths titan"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a pool of black goo with a big gaunt alien-thing lounging back in it]", passage: "baths enderman"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a seemingly-empty pool of bubbling black goo]", passage: "baths destiny 2 alien"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a giant metal head sitting neck-deep in a pool of viscous black ooze]", passage: "baths big metal head"}\n ]\n\npitstop\n\n [ {blurb: "[there's a squadron of drudges headed by a giant {theron} at rest in the plaza outside the outpost]", passage: "pitstop platoon"}\n , {blurb: "[an enormous monster, a great beast of the underground, rests curled up at the edge of the outpost]", passage: "pitstop beast"}\n , {blurb: "[a merchant cart rattles over the flagstones, pulled by a six-legged {metal head}]", passage: "pitstop merchant"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a shadowy Ksi-on monk leaning against the wall, watching the traffic go by]", passage: "pitstop monk"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a bulky drudge kneeling on the edge of the path, rearranging the items in his pack]", passage: "pitstop drudge"}\n , {blurb: "[there's two strange travelers, half-covered in spurs of red-orange chitin, the other half pallid grublike flesh]", passage: "pitstop swarm"}\n ]\n\nworm monastary\n\n [ {blurb: "[you see that acolyte that guided you around bustling back and forth through the main hall, looking harried.]", passage: "worm acolyte revisit"}\n , {blurb: "[there's noises coming from a side courtyard, calls and answers, the stomp of feet]", passage: "worm martial training"}\n , {blurb: "[the prelate is sprawled across the altar at the end of the entry hall, skewering a priest on the enormous, tentacled worm that is his cock]", passage: "worm prelate altar"}\n , {blurb: "[the guards along the inner passages cycle around, and you see a pair just off-duty, half-stripped of their ceremonial garb, step into a side room]", passage: "worm guard changing room"}\n , {blurb: "[one of the entry-way guards keeps darting over to look at you, head turning from his post at the front]", passage: "worm entry guard"}\n , {blurb: "[the exarch is taking supplicants in his reception chamber]", passage: "worm exarch supplicant"}\n ]\ndocks\n blow docks sailors\n docks pub\n docks loading\n flying gheist introduction\nmuseum\n front desk magna\n\n\nterraforming crew\n flamesprayer\n worm-naga\n%/\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<<endnobr>>
<<display "init">>\\nYou're a human, currently living in the desolate desert outpost of Yapu. When the sands spread and the ĝheist rose, your grandparents were among those left to fend for themselves outside the walls.\n\nYapu, like most desert outposts of its size, is mostly water-farming with some hardscrabble grains besides. It's out in the southern great desert, further than most human encampments -- easily within the domain of the great beasts, and only a few days travel from the acid flats. Groups of ĝheist travel through, about twice a year, to restock on long desert travels, and they trade exotic materials for your water. Human travelers from the remaining cities are much rarer and less eagerly greeted.\n\nYou're a wanderer. You left your birth town early, and traveled with humans and ĝheist alike -- merchants, traders, soldiers, whoever would have you -- to see the ruins of the old world. You're a scavenger. You go out into the wild lands to hunt for artifacts: machines, technology, materials.\n\n<span class="meta">choose your initial mutations\nyou have <<block pts>><<print $ccpts>><<endblock>> mutation point<<block pts>><<print $ccpts == 1 ? "" : "s">><<endblock>></span>\\n<<block pts>><<display "mutationbar">><<endblock>>\\n\n* <<block pure>><<if $mutation == 0>>You're an unaltered human, comparatively-untouched by the lightrot in the water and dust<<endif>><<endblock>>\n* <<cycle leaky>>\\n<<rmmutation "leaky">><span class="meta">nipples \\n<<block outofpoints>><<if $ccpts == 0>>+<<else>><<revise leaky "+">><<endif>><<endblock>></span>\\n<<becomes>>\\n<<addmutation "leaky">>You've helped ĝheist incubate their eggs before, and your nipples are giant and fat, leaking milky ichor at the slightest touch\\n<span class="meta"><<revert leaky "-">></span>\\n<<endcycle>>\\n\n* <<cycle dick>>\\n<<rmmutation "dick">><span class="meta">dick \\n<<block outofpoints>><<if $ccpts == 0>>+<<else>><<revise dick "+">><<endif>><<endblock>></span>\\n<<becomes>>\\n<<rmmutation "knot">><<addmutation "dick">>You've got a ĝheist dick, green-grey and covered in knobbled warts, eagerly oozing slimy yellowish pre\\n<span class="meta"><<revert dick "-">> knot <<block outofpoints>><<if $ccpts == 0>>+<<else>><<revise dick "+">><<endif>><<endblock>></span>\\n<<becomes>>\\n<<rmmutation "dick">><<addmutation "knot">>You're friends with a giant beast of the deep wasteland, and over time its seed has transformed your cock into a miniature of its own: raw purple-black flesh stored in a leathery sheath, coming to a sharp tip, with a tentacle-fringed knot at the base\\n<span class="meta"><<revert dick "-">></span>\\n<<endcycle>>\\n\n* <<cycle balls>>\\n<<rmmutation "balls">><span class="meta">balls \\n<<block outofpoints>><<if $ccpts == 0>>+<<else>><<revise balls "+">><<endif>><<endblock>></span>\\n<<becomes>>\\n<<addmutation "balls">>Your balls are enormous, lumpy and misshapen in an oversized sac drawn up tight between your thighs. You cum ĝheist cum, thick and grey-green, with gritty chunks\\n<span class="meta"><<revert balls "-">></span>\\n<<endcycle>>\\n\n* <<cycle asshole>>\\n<<rmmutation "asshole">><span class="meta">ass \\n<<block outofpoints>><<if $ccpts == 0>>+<<else>><<revise asshole "+">><<endif>><<endblock>></span>\\n<<becomes>>\\n<<addmutation "asshole">>You've got an altered asshole, constantly swollen and puffy, with the flesh of your hole and fat asscheeks dappling into supple, rubbery grey-black hide\\n<span class="meta"><<revert asshole "-">></span>\\n<<endcycle>>\n\n[[continue →|intro]]\n\n/% [[directly to siege|human setup outro][$humanIntro = true; $humanSiegeArrive = 0; $turns = 1]] %/
You're \\n<<if hasMutation("leathery arms") || hasMutation("leathery hips")>>a mutated\\n<<else if hasMutation("buff") || hasMutation ("pre-buff")>>a buff, burly\\n<<else if !hasMutation("scales")>>an average-looking\\n<<else>>a<<endif>> \\n<<if hasMutation("scales")>>ĝheist-looking human\\n<<else>>human\\n<<endif>>. <<if hasMutation("scales")>>Leathery, warted grey-brown skin, with pale splotches across your chest\\n<<else if hasMutation("leathery arms")>>Brown skin tanned dark, and mutated arms, coverd in rough ĝheisthide: leathery and grey-brown, with gnarled patches of budding horns across your shoulders\\n<<else>>Brown skin tanned as dark as it can go from the desert sun<<endif>>; <<if hasMutation("scales")>>black hair kept shorn close to the skull<<else>>black hair in innumerable short braids, shaved at the sides<<endif>>.\\n<<if hasMutation("facial")>> You've got a messy starburst splotch of ĝheisthide right across your face, radiating out from your forehead and spreading over your cheeks, running down your neck some, from where Ophion, wandering Titan of the wasteland, gave you a facial with his lightrot-tainted seed.<<endif>>\\n <<print (function (skin) {\n switch (skin) {\n case "pre-buff":\n return "Your muscles are swollen and heavy; heavy biceps and forearms, thick thighs and calves, big blocky muscles that stretch your skin."\n case "buff":\n return "The skin across your thickly-muscled shoulders has been flaking recently, like a city-born's sunburn, save that your skin beneath is leathery, warted like the ĝheist's, in drab grey and greenish patches spreading down your back and up your neck.";\n case "pre-scales":\n return "The skin across your shoulders and back is grey-green ĝheisthide, and the skin around it has been ashen and flaky recently, with skin all over your body starting to shed off in flakes and crusts, revealing patches of slick ĝheisthide all over."\n case "scales":\n return "You have rocky scute across your forearms and legs, where you once had body hair, and patches of raised, pebbly hide across your inner thigh and underarms, where your hide slides smoothly against itself."\n default:\n }\n }) (firstMutationOf (["pre-buff", "buff", "pre-scales", "scales"]))>>\\n <<if hasMutation("buff arms")>>Your <<if hasMutation("leathery arms") || hasMutation("scales")>>hide-covered <<endif>> arms are hugely muscular, with red stretch marks zigzagging across your rounded shoulders and biceps. <<if hasMutation("claws")>>Your fingers are tipped with dark claws, ridged down the center to come to a dull point.<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n <<if hasMutation("scales")>>Like a human<<else>>Like all the humans<<endif>>, you wear drab clothes in desert tones, a combination of coarse homespun and finer traded fabric.\\n<<if hasMutation("full legs")>> Under your clothes, your legs are altered, mutated into inhumanly-thick, concrete-pillar legs, covered in pebbly ĝheisthide. Gnarled spots are starting to form on the outside of your hips, the sign of stubby horns to come.\n<<else if hasMutation("leathery hips")>> Under your clothes, the skin across your hips -- crawling up your stomach and down your thighs -- is smooth, pebbly ĝheisthide. Thick scute, curving over your muscled ass, radiates out from your asshole<<endif>>\\n\n<<if hasMutation("pure")>>\\n/% %/Unlike many humans in the settlement, the lightrot soaking the planet hasn't had any visible effect on you, whether from luck or low dosage. As of yet, you haven't had any signs of ĝheist show.\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("hands fur")>>\nBy sharing the seed of Brulvundojn, the wild beast of the wasteland, your hands and feet became bestial: thick of fur, sharp of claw. Your body hair grows into thick tufts of coarse black hair, in crests on the backs of your hands, along your forearms up to your elbows, and in tufts on your feet, up across your calves.\n<<else if hasMutation ("pre-hands fur")>>\nA dark shadow of coarse hair covers the backs of your hands, with new hair coming in fast and thick, in stiff, almost quill-like hairs. More prickles across your feet, your leg hair coming in straight.\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("pre-leaky")>>\n\n/% %/Your nipples have been swollen and aching recently, and there are stiff, hard disks growing just beneath them, felt through your skin.\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>\n\n/% %/<<display titshistory>>\\n/% %/ Since then, your nipples have been enormous: fat and wide across your <<if hasMutation("buff")>>muscled <<endif>>chest, and they stiffen from stimuli as faint as the desert wind, forming \\n/% %/<<if hasMutation("udders")>>\\n/% %/palm-sized peaks, topped w/ enormous fleshy udders thicker than your thumb and just about as long\\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/thick triangular peaks topped with a fat, corklike nipple\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/.\\n/% %/<<if hasMutation ("six nipples")>>\\n/% %/ <<display sixhistory>>\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/ <<if hasMutation("nipple piercing")>>You're leaking milky yellow-white ichor in streams down your chest, constantly.<<else>>When you get aroused, you start to leak milky yellow-white ichor in streams down your chest; more when you're being milked.<<endif>>\n/% %/<<if hasMutation("pre-six")>>\\n/% %/ You have extra nipples forming down your chest: hard disks under your skin, reddened flesh spreading out in pads that have begun to prickle and stiffen when you get aroused.\n\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<if hasMutation("udders")>>\\n/% %/ If you haven't been milked in a while, your pecs start to swell up, overactive milk glands dumping fluid in a reservoir just under each nipple, giving you <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>three sets of<<else>>a pair of<<endif>> fat, leaking tits.\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("nipple piercing")>> Your nipples are also pierced, with fat barbels stuck through them<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>, and the constant stimulation from the piercing makes them leak constantly<<endif>>.<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\nIn your travels across the metal wastes, you came across the den of a fearsome desert beast; one that calls itself Brulvundojn. After the initial encounter, you became friends of a sort, and you visit his den when you're in the region. His seed is fuming, bubbling green goo threaded with squirming black lines, and he enjoys rutting against -- and into -- you, drenching you in his issue. Over time, a portion of his lusts transferred into you: your cock is a beast's cock, smooth black flesh with a burning, aching knot at the base, constantly massaged by fat, squirming tentacles beneath it. Brulvundojn's is much, much larger. <<display "dickpiercings">><<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("balls") || hasMutation("dick")>>\n<<display dickballshistory>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("asshole")>>\n\n<<display assholehistory>> Your ass shows the marks of it: ass cheeks fat and muscular, skin dappling into supple ĝheisthide, asshole perpetually swollen, yawning open easy. \\n<<if hasMutation("prostate")>>After <<display prostatehistory>> your prostate grew enormously, and now it constantly aches inside you, throbbing sometimes, and it's so huge it bloats the wall of your ass, forming a fat mound that gets squashed flat each time you get fucked.<<endif>><<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("womb")>>\n\n/% %/Not that far up inside your ass, you have some kind of mutant womb, for incubating eggs. \\n/% %/<<if $pregnant eq "">>\\n/% %/Sometimes you can feel your cervix spasm, hungrily gulping in preparation for your next batch of eggs.\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/Your cervix is plugged tight, bulging from the clutch of eggs inside you now.\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("eggs")>>\n\n<<display "eggs">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("dick") || hasMutation("asshole")>>\n<<endif>><<if hasMutation("dick")>>Your cock leaks thick, slimy pre in gummy, yellowed streamers at the slightest provocation,\\n<<if !hasMutation("balls")>> and the same slime makes up most of your cum.\\n<<else>> and when <<endif>><<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("balls")>><<if !hasMutation ("dick")>>When <<endif>>you cum, you erupt like a fountain, spurting chunky, grey-green slop from your \\n<<if hasMutation("dick")>>bloated <<endif>> cockhead in runny clots, drooling all down your shaft and balls. It's a mess.<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("prostate")>> Your overproductive prostate means that you leak pre constantly when aroused, so much that even a few moment's drool is enough to match your old orgasms.<<endif>>\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\nYour cum is a sloppy mess: cloudy grey slime threaded through with green squiggles, sometimes bunched together in gummy, jelly-like clots. If you get properly knotted, you get full half-hour orgasms<<if hasMutation("prostate") || hasMutation ("balls")>>, and you cum enough to bloat people up<<endif>>. Your knot is too big for most humans to manage, though.<<endif>>\\n<<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("asshole") && !hasMutation("knot")>>\nYou guess you're pretty decently hung, for a human at least.<<endif>>\n\n<span class="meta">\n<<set $_big = $biggest.oral>>\\nbiggest dick oral: <<biggestname>>\n<<set $_big = $biggest.anal>>\\nbiggest dick anal: <<biggestname>>\n</span>\n\n<<display mutationbar>>\n\n<<if $back != "">>[[←|$back]]<<endif>>
<<print (function (f){\n switch (f) {\n case "ophion injection":\n return "Ophion, a wild wandering Titan of the wasteland pumped your asshole full of raw lightrot slurry";\n case "ophion fuck":\n return "you were fucked by Ophion, a wandering Titan of the wasteland";\n case "djen top":\n return "the gloamling Djen fucked you with his immense, pustulent cock";\n default:\n return ("!! unhandled prostate from \"" + f + "\"");\n }\n })($from['prostate']) >>
<<if $from['balls'] eq $from['dick'] && $from['balls'] neq 0>>\\n<<display "mergeddickballs">>\\n<<else>>\\n/% %/<<if $from['dick'] neq 0>>\\n/% %/<<dickballs "dick">>\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<if $from['balls'] neq 0>>\\n/% %/<<dickballs "balls">>\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>
<<set $_show = parameter(0)>>\\n<<print (function (f){\n switch (f) {\n case "cc":\n return "As you grew into adulthood,";\n case "ophion injection":\n return "You encountered Ophion, a wild wandering Titan, in the wasteland, and he pumped you full of raw lightrot slurry until";\n case "ophion fuck":\n return "You encountered Ophion, a wild wandering Titan in the wasteland, and he fucked you with his mutated, pustulent cock, breeding you full of his lightrot-slurry seed. Exposed to the burn of the raw lightrot,";\n case "jinn-pools":\n return "You fucked Jinn, the human breeder prince, in the lightrot pools beneath the desert, and from his sloppy, lightrot-squirting cunt"\n case "djen cockfuck":\n return "You fucked the gloamling Djen's squirming earthworm-cock, and from its thick, lightrot-tainted issue";\n case "djen fuck":\n return "You fucked the gloamling Djen, and the lightrot-pustulent walls of his ass soaked your flesh, and";\n case "djen prolapse":\n return "You fucked the unspooled, prolapsed guts of the gloamling Djen, and his lightrot-pustulent guts drooling their tainted slime across your flesh, so that";\n default:\n return ("!! unhandled from \"" + f + "\"");\n }\n })($from [$_show])>>
<<set $_show = parameter(0)>>\\n<<genhistory parameter(0)>> your <<if $_show eq "dick">>cock<<else>>balls<<endif>> grew fat and heavy, becoming inhumanly huge on your frame. \\n<<if $_show eq "dick">>Your cock juts out from your body even soft, its leathery skin stiff but rubbery, with warts piled on top of each other into a lumpy mass running from the base of your shaft all the way to the tip of your foreskin. <<display "dickpiercings">><<endif>>\\n<<if $_show eq "balls">>Your balls hang <<if hasMutation("dick")>>below your altered cock, equally giant and grotesque. T<<else>>beneath your cock in a giant and grotesque sac: t<<endif>>hey're swollen, lumpy and misshapen, each one nearly fist-sized, and they constantly scrape between your thighs, chafing your skin. They're almost painfully sensitive, and even light tugging and squeezing on them is enough to make you blow your load.<<endif>>
<<genhistory "dick">> your \\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\ncock <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>and balls<<endif>>\\n<<else>>balls<<endif>> grew fat and heavy, inhumanly huge on your frame. <<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("dick")>>Your cock juts out from your body even soft, leathery skin stiff but rubbery, with warts piled on top of each other into a lumpy mass running from the tip of your foreskin all the way down to fan out across your crotch. <<display "dickpiercings">><<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("balls")>>Your balls hang <<if hasMutation("dick")>>below your altered cock, equally giant and grotesque. T<<else>>beneath your cock in a giant and grotesque sac: t<<endif>>hey're swollen: lumpy and misshapen, each one nearly fist-sized, and they constantly scrape between your thighs, chafing your skin. They're almost painfully sensitive, and even light tugging and squeezing on them is enough to make you blow your load.<<endif>>
<<if hasMutation("glans piercing") || hasMutation("frenum piercing")>>\\n<<set $_dp to\n [ hasMutation("glans piercing") ? "glans" : null\n , hasMutation ("frenum piercing") ? "frenum" : null]\n .filter(function (v) { return v !== null; })\n >>\\n<<print (function (d) {\n switch (d) {\n case 1: return "You have a cock piercing; ";\n default: "You have some cock piercings -- ";\n }\n })($_dp.length)>>\\n<<print $ (function (p) {\n switch (p) {\n case "glans": return "a wide hoop through your cockhead, down your cockslit and out the underside of your cockhead";\n case "frenum": return "a set of thick barbels studded up the underside of your shaft, (x) barbels from base to tip";\n default: return ("!!UNKNOWN PIERCING (" + p + ")!!");\n }\n }).reduce (function (acc, p) {\n return acc + ", and " + p;\n })>>.\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation("cock cage")>>\\n Right now it's locked up tight in a cock cage. You've been locked up for <<print (function (t){\n switch (t) {\n case 0: return "less than a day";\n case 1: return "one day";\n default: return (numString (t) + " days");\n }\n })(Math.floor($chastityStarted - $turns) / 6)>>.\\n<<endif>>
<<print (function(a){\n switch (a) {\n case "cc":\n return "You've fucked around some with ĝheist from over the mountains, in Skull Wing territory, and on one occasion they broke out their stash of lightrot and really worked you over, working it into your ass until they could fit two arms elbow deep."\n case "ophion fuck":\n return "You encountered Ophion, a wild wandering Titan, in the wasteland, and he fucked you with his mutated, pustulent cock, breeding you full of his lightrot-slurry seed.";\n case "ophion injection":\n return "You encountered Ophion, a wild wandering Titan in the wasteland, and he used his instruments to baste your ass in raw lightrot slurry, grinding it into the flesh of your asshole until your entire body burned with its heat.";\n case "djen top":\n return "The gloamling Djen fucked you with his immense, pustulent cock, and flooded your ass with his lightrot-slurry seed."\n case "survey gangbang":\n default:\n return ("!! unhandled from \"" + f + "\"");\n }\n }) ($from['asshole'])>>
<<print (function(t){\n switch (t) {\n case "cc":\n return "A few seasons back, when you were in Skull Wing territoy, you came across an unexpectedly gravid breeding prince -- he had gone into heat early -- and you offered to incubate the eggs. They took fast within you, and for most of the next half-year you were swollen and enormous, before the next passing group helped you birth them.";\n case "astau":\n case "astau-zhalk":\n case "astau-fertilized":\n return "You were bred by Astau of the wasteland, and pumped full of a clutch of his eggs.";\n case "stormking":\n case "stormking-fertilized":\n return "You were bred by the great nameless king of the sandstorm, and pumped full of a clutch of his eggs.";\n case "jinn":\n return "You fucked the breeder-prince Jinn, and he pumped you full of a clutch of your own eggs.";\n case "www":\n return "You were bred full of eggs by Malsatante, a wandering beast of the wasteland, and then fucked again by Dante, his human mate, to fertilize them.";\n default:\n return ("!! unhandled from \"" + f + "\"");\n }\n }) ($from['leaky'])>>
<<if $from['six'] eq "astau" || $from['six'] eq "astau-fertilized" || $from['six'] eq "astau-zhalk">>\\n<<if $from['leaky'] eq "astau" || $from['leaky'] eq "astau-fertilized" || $from['leaky'] eq "astau-zhalk">>\\nThen, Astau bred you again, and the second time your already-altered body responded to his beastly hormones, \\n<<else>>Then, the giant beast named Astau bred you deeply, pumping you full of his eggs, and as they settled within you, your body responded to his beastly hormones, \\n<<endif>>\n<<else if $from['six'] eq "stormking" || $from['six'] eq "stormking-fertilized">>\\n<<if $from['leaky'] eq "stormking" || $from['leaky'] eq "stormking-fertilized">>\\nThen, the king of the storm bred you again, and the second time your already-altered body responded to his divine hormones, \\n<<else>>\\nThen, the nameless king of the storm bred you with his divine essence, and as it settled within you your body responded, \\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\ncausing you to grow a full set of six nipples, in rows down your chest and stomach.
You're currently heavy with eggs, <<print (function (p){\n switch (p) {\n case "astau":\n return "pumped into you from Astau, the acid-beast of the southeastern wastes. They're not fertilized, and you might need help working them out of your swollen body.";\n case "astau-zhalk":\n return "pumped into you from Astau, the acid-beast of the southeastern wastes. They rested inert within your body until the Ksi-on monk leader Zhalk bred you in a frenzy, and now you can feel them squirm and grow within you. You're enormously pregnant with their young, and the skin across your swollen gut is vividly-striped with raw red stretch marks.";\n case "astau-fertilized":\n return "pumped into you from Astau, the acid-beast of the southeastern wastes. They rested inert within your body until Brulvundojn bred you, and now you can feel them squirm and grow within you. You're enormously pregnant with their young, and the skin across your swollen gut is vividly-striped with raw red stretch marks.";\n case "stormking":\n return "pumped into you from the nameless king of the sandstorm, the divine beast of the skies. They're not fertilized, and you might need help working them out of your swollen body.";\n case "stormking-fertilized":\n return "pumped into you from the nameless king of the sandstorm, the divine beast of the skies. They rested inert within your body until Brulvunojn bred you, and now you can feel them squirm and grow within you. They let out electric shocks sometimes, making your internal muscles spasm. You're enormously pregnant with their young, and the skin across your swollen guy is vividly-striped with raw red stretch marks.";\n case "jinn":\n return "fertilized from you fucking the breeder-prince Jinn and then having him pump them into your body to incubate."\n case "www":\n return "pumped into you from Malsatante, a wandering beast of the northern wastes, and fertilized by his human mate, Dante. You can feel them shudder and squirm as they grow within you."\n default:\n return ("unknown egg type \"" + p + "\"");\n }\n }) ($pregnant)>> You've been carrying this clutch for <<print (function (t){\n switch (t) {\n case 0: return "only a few hours";\n case 1: return "a day";\n default: return (numString (t) + " days");\n }\n })(Math.floor(($turns - $pregnancyStarted) / 6))>>.
mutation level:\n<div id="mutation">\\n<<if mutationPoints("ĝheist") gt 10>>\\n<<print (function () {\n return [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].map (function (p) {\n return '<span class="ĝheist" style="width: 10%"></span>';\n }).reduce (function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n }, '');\n})()>>\\n<<print (function (muts, mutvals) {\n return (function (mut) {\n var w = mutvals[mut][0] * 10;\n var c = mutvals[mut][1] == "" ? "" : ' class="' + mutvals[mut][1] + '"';\n return '<span' + c + ' style="width:' + w + '%"></span>';\n }).reduce (function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n }, '');\n})($mutations.filter(function (m) {\n return mutvals[m][1] !== "ĝheist";\n }), mutvals)>>\\n<<else>>\\n<<print (function (muts, mutvals) {\n return (function (mut) {\n var w = mutvals[mut][0] * 10;\n var c = mutvals[mut][1] == "" ? "" : ' class="' + mutvals[mut][1] + '"';\n return '<span' + c + ' style="width:' + w + '%"></span>';\n }).reduce (function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n }, '');\n})($mutations, mutvals)>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<print (function (v) {\n return (s) {\n return '<span class="mark" style="left: ' + (s*10) + '%"></span>'\n }).reduce (function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n })\n})([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])>>\\n</div>
.passage[data-tags="character"] .body { display: flex; }\n .character_textwrapper { }\n .character_portrait { padding-left: 0.5em; }
:root {\n --sidebar: 12em;\n}\n#sidebar {\n width: var(--sidebar);\n margin: 1em 0 0 0;\n padding: 0;\n}\n#sidebar li { padding-right: 1em; margin: 0; color: #312; }\n\n#storyTitle, #storyAuthor, #restart, #credits, #bookmark { display: none; }\n#sidebar #storyMenu { display: block; }\n#sidebar li a { color: #624; }\n\n#passages {\n width: calc(100% - var(--sidebar));\n}
div#mutation { width: 50%; height: 1.6em; position: relative; margin-top: 0.6em;\n box-shadow: 0 0 6px 0px #880; }\ndiv#mutation span { display: block; float: left; height: 1.6em; background: #ff0; }\ndiv#mutation span.animal { background: #739; }\n\ndiv#mutation span.mark { position: absolute; bottom: -0.35em; width: 1px; height: 2.2em; background: #330; }
<<nobr>>\n<<if $mutations.length == 0>><<addmutation "pure">><<endif>>\n<<set $brulvundojnFriends to hasMutation("knot")>>\n<<set $brulvundojnFucked to 0>>\n<<set $knowAstau to false>>\n<<set $from to {}>>\n<<set $from['leaky'] to hasMutation("leaky") ? "cc" : null>>\n<<set $from['asshole'] to hasMutation("asshole") ? "cc" : null>>\n<<set $from['balls'] to hasMutation("balls") ? "cc" : null>>\n<<set $from['dick'] to hasMutation("dick") ? "cc" : null>>\n<<set $from['knot'] to hasMutation("knot") ? "cc" : null>>\n<<set $pregnancies to hasMutation ("leaky") ? 1 : 0>>\n<<set $wombCounter to 0>>\n<<set $biggest to {oral: "cc", anal: "cc"}>>\n<<if hasMutation('leaky')>><<set $biggest.anal to "cc_leaky">><<endif>>\n<<if hasMutation('asshole')>><<set $biggest.anal to "cc_asshole">><<endif>>\n<<if hasMutation('knot')>>\n<<set $biggest.anal to "brulvundojn">>\n<<set $biggest.oral to "brulvundojn">>\n<<set $brulvundojnFucked to 1>>\n<<set {\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n}>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<display "initWanderers">>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<display "you">>\n\n[[continue →|leavetownstart]]\n/%\njump to: (might not set later vars correctly)\n* [[human siege|village int][$humanSiegeArrive = 0]]\n* [[city|hive tunnels]]\n%/
<<print (function (f) {\n switch (f) {\n case "cc": return "potentially nobody";\n case "cc_asshole": return "somebody in a skull wing refueling station gangbang (whoever fucked you pregame to give you the asshole tf)";\n case "cc_leaky": return "skull wing scouter prince (whoever fucked you pregame to give you the leaky tf)";\n\n case "agriculture": return "Ara";\n case "tech": return "Omero";\n\n case "recon": return "Six Raven";\n case "leader": return "Agares";\n case "rook": return "Rook";\n case "tic": return "Mal";\n case "munitions": return "Max";\n\n case "yraal": return "Yraal";\n case "jinn": return "Jinn";\n case "pthuul": return "Pthuul";\n case "khru": return "Khru";\n case "zhalk": return "Zhalk";\n case "djen": return "Djen";\n case "gawann": return "Gawann";\n\n case "inject": return "a syringe/sounding-rod of Ophion's";\n case "ophion": return "Ophion, the wandering Titan of the wasteland";\n case "chulchak": return "Chul-Chak, a migratory Skull Wing";\n case "mangema": return "Manĝema, the half-human flame-beast";\n case "www_human": return "Dante";\n case "www_beast": return "Malsatante";\n case "www_both": return "Dante and Malsatante at the same time";\n\n case "astau": return "Astau, great beast of the wasteland";\n case "brulvundojn": return "Brulvundojn, great beast of the wasteland";\n\n default: return ("!! unhandled cocksize \"" + f + "\"");\n }\n })($_big)>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set window.gameVersion to 1>>\n\n<<set window.cocks to\n { cc: 0\n , cc_asshole: 10.5\n , cc_leaky: 11.5\n , birth_fist: 0\n\n , agriculture: 7\n , tech: 8\n \n , recon: 4.5\n , leader: 6.5\n , rook: 9\n , tic: 10\n , munitions: 11\n\n , yraal: 4\n , jinn: 10\n , pthuul: 11\n , khru: 11\n , zhalk: 12\n , djen: 14\n , gawann: 20\n\n , inject: 2\n , ophion: 0 /* was 23 but was described way too fat to penetrate */\n , chulchak: 12\n , mangema: 24\n , www_human: 30\n , www_beast: 66\n , www_both: 66\n\n , astau: 26\n , brulvundojn_no_knot: 42\n , brulvundojn: 54\n , stormking: 60 /* when it comes to the characters with tentacle dicks length is basically not a factor but i mean sure 60 inches get five feet of dick stuffed into yr guts */\n }>>\n\n<<set window.mutvals =\n { "pure": [0, ""]\n\n , "pre-buff": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "buff": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "pre-scales": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "scales": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "dick": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "knot": [2, "animal"]\n\n , "balls": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "asshole": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "prostate": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "eggs": [0, ""]\n , "pre-leaky": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "leaky": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "pre-six": [1, "animal"]\n , "six nipples": [1, "animal"]\n , "womb": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "pre-hands fur": [1, "animal"]\n , "hands fur": [1, "animal"]\n\n , "facial": [0, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "buff arms": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "leathery arms": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "claws": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "wide hips": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "leathery hips": [1, "ĝheist"]\n , "full legs": [1, "ĝheist"]\n\n , "nipple piercing": [0, "piercing"]\n , "frenum piercing": [0, "piercing"]\n , "glans piercing": [0, "piercing"]\n , "cock cage": [0, ""]\n\n , "udders": [1, "ĝheist"]\n }>>\n\n<<set window.gameMap =\n { "0,0": {where: "village", items: ["sand"]}\n\n , "-1,-1": {where: "desert cacti", items: ["old rock"]}\n , "0,-1": {where: "desert dunes north", items: ["worn wires", "metal panel"]}\n , "1,-1": {where: "desert dunes", items: ["worn wires", "metal panel", "concrete chunk"]}\n , "-1,0": {where: "desert cacti west", items: ["glass shards"]}\n , "1,0": {where: "cacti fields", items: ["rejection"]}\n , "-1,1": {where: "desert cracked", items: ["ancient wood", "worn wires"]}\n , "0,1": {where: "desert cracked south", items: ["ancient wood", "worn wires"]}\n , "1,1": {where: "desert cracked", items: ["ancient wood", "worn wires"]}\n\n , "-2,-2": {where: "canyon"\n , items: ["old driftwood", "ancient resin"]}\n , "-1,-2": {where: "desert cacti", items: ["metal hinge", "metal panel", "iron rod"]}\n , "0,-2": {where: "mesa arches", items: ["metal hinge", "metal panel", "iron rod"]}\n , "1,-2": {where: "top of ravine cavern", items: ["ancient wood", "clay figurine", "sandstone tablet", "glass beads", "raw clay"]}\n , "2,-2": {where: "glass mountains approach"\n , items: ["green glass"]}\n , "2,-1": {where: "blasted lands", items: ["glass shards", "lodestone"]}\n , "2,0": {where: "desert dunes", items: ["worn wires", "metal panel", "concrete chunk"]}\n , "2,1": {where: "old fortress", items: ["ancient wood", "clay figurine", "raw clay"]}\n , "2,2": {where: "whitesands expanse", items: ["raw clay", "acid vial", "white powder"]}\n , "1,2": {where: "trackless", items: ["glass shards"]}\n , "0,2": {where: "trackless", items: ["glass shards"]}\n , "-1,2": {where: "trackless", items: ["glass shards"]}\n , "-2,2": {where: "cave ridges", items: ["clay figurine", "glass beads", "ancient wood"]}\n , "-2,1": {where: "cleft", items: ["fulgurite", "charcoal", "ash", "lodestone"]}\n , "-2,0": {where: "concrete highway"\n , items: ["concrete chunk", "shredded tire", "snapped gearshaft", "scratched glass panel", "glass shards", "broken motor", "wheel hub", "twisted piston", "cracked engine block"]}\n , "-2,-1": {where: "old ruins"\n , items: ["marble slab", "marble column", "sandblasted masonry", "glass shards", "wheel hub", "twisted piston"]}\n\n , "-2,-3": {where: "red-rock ridge", items: ["old driftwood", "iron rod", "metal panel"]}\n , "-1,-3": {where: "rock spikes"\n , items: ["crystallized lightrot"]}\n , "0,-3": {where: "mesa country", items: ["concrete chunk", "iron rod", "metal panel"]}\n , "1,-3": {where: "desert dunes", items: ["worn wires", "metal panel", "concrete chunk", "wheel hub", "twisted piston"]}\n , "2,-3": {where: "sandbrush canyon"\n , items: ["old driftwood", "ancient resin"]}\n\n , "3,-2": {where: "glass mountains caves"\n , items: ["green glass"]}\n , "3,-1": {where: "glass mountains approach"\n , items: ["green glass"]}\n , "3,0": {where: "singing trees"\n , items: ["green glass", "glass shards"]}\n , "3,1": {where: "wasteland"\n , items: [null, null, null, null, null, "broken motor", "worn wires"]}\n , "3,2": {where: "flame pits"\n , items: ["fulgurite", "charcoal", "ash", "crystallized lightrot", "crystallized lightrot", "white powder", "white powder"]}\n\n , "2,3": {where: "white hollows", items: ["ash", "charcoal", "acid vial", "white powder"]}\n , "1,3": {where: "whitesands expanse", items: ["ash", "charcoal", "acid vial", "white powder"]}\n , "0,3": {where: "acid flats", items: ["acid vial", "acid vial", "crystallized lightrot", "circuit board"]}\n , "-1,3": {where: "acid bay", items: ["acid vial", "acid vial", "crystallized lightrot", "glass bulb"]}\n , "-2,3": {where: "acid stalks", items: ["acid vial", "acid vial", "crystallized lightrot", "glass bulb", "circuit board"]}\n\n , "-3,2": {where: "rust-ribbon glade"\n , items: ["crystallized lightrot", "crumbling gear", "frayed cable", "snapped filament", "wheel hub", "twisted piston", "cracked engine block"]}\n , "-3,1": {where: "rust desert"\n , items: ["rusted hinge", "metal panel", "iron rod", "bent spring", "wheel hub", "twisted piston", "cracked engine block"]}\n , "-3,0": {where: "metal wastes"\n , items: ["concrete chunk", "scratched glass panel", "rusted hinge", "metal panel", "wheel hub", "twisted piston"]}\n , "-3,-1": {where: "rust desert"\n , items: ["rusted hinge", "metal panel", "iron rod", "bent spring", "frayed cable", "wheel hub", "twisted piston"]}\n , "-3,-2": {where: "tree"\n , items: ["ancient resin", "dry hulls", "coarse sand", null]}\n\n , "4,2": {where: "wasteland south"\n , items: ["iron rod", "fulgurite", "ash", null, null]}\n , "4,1": {where: "radio tower"\n , items: ["circuit board", "glass bulb", "snapped filament", null, null]}\n , "4,0": {where: "wasteland north"\n , items: ["worn wires", "glass shards", "green glass", null, null]}\n\n , "0,-5": {where: "nnnnn", items: []}\n , "0,-6": {where: "crossroads", items: []}\n , "-1,-6": {where: "nnnnnnw", items: []}\n , "-2,-6": {where: "nnnnnnww", items: []}\n , "-3,-6": {where: "nnnnnnwww", items: []}\n , "-3,-7": {where: "blackrock mesa", items: []}\n }>>\n\n<<set to\n [ {name: "buff out scratches"\n , act: "you buff the scratches out of the glass panel so it's no longer a streaky mess"\n , req: [{i: "scratched glass panel", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "glass panel", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "melt down glass shards"\n , act: "you toss the shards across a melting sheet and cook them until they're molten, forming a glossy sheet of glass"\n , req: [{i: "glass shards", n: 3}]\n , res: [{i: "glass panel", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "melt fulgurite into glass"\n , act: "you smash the fulgurite to powder and mix it with ash, then cook it across a melting sheet until it forms cloudy glass"\n , req: [{i: "fulgurite", n: 1}, {i: "ash", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "glass panel", n: 2}]}\n , {name: "patch masonry"\n , act: "you mix the clay with water, and use it to patch the scores in the rock masonry"\n , req: [{i: "sandblasted masonry", n: 1}, {i: "raw clay", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "masonry block", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct balustrade"\n , act: "the rock is still scored with the marks of its joining, and it's easy enough to reconstruct it, with enough parts."\n , req: [{i: "masonry block", n: 2}, {i: "marble slab", n: 2}, {i: "marble column", n: 6}, {i: "iron rod", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "marble balustrade", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct garden slab"\n , act: "the marble slabs are scored and cut to fit together in a specific pattern, and with enough loose stones it's easy enough to reconstruct it. they form a framing basin, you think for a garden."\n , req: [{i: "masonry block", n: 2}, {i: "marble slab", n: 4}]\n , res: [{i: "marble garden tiles", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "build glass frame (with iron rim)"\n , act: "you fit the glass into panels across the iron crosswork frame"\n , req: [{i: "iron rod", n: 2}, {i: "glass panel", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "greenhouse frame", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "build glass frame (with ancient wood frame)"\n , act: "you fit the glass into panels across the old wood frame"\n , req: [{i: "ancient wood", n: 2}, {i: "glass panel", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "greenhouse frame", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "build glass frame (with driftwood frame)"\n , act: "you fit the glass into panels across the driftwood frame"\n , req: [{i: "old driftwood", n: 2}, {i: "glass panel", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "greenhouse frame", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "mix compost"\n , act: "you stir the materials together until they're coarsely blended into something that appears slightly more like dirt than like sand"\n , req: [{i: "coarse sand", n: 1}, {i: "dry hulls", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "dry compost", n: 1}]\n }\n , {name: "mix fertilizer"\n , act: "you stir the materials together until they're a soupy mess, and then let them dry for a while"\n , req: [{i: "ash", n: 1}, {i: "acid vial", n: 2}, {i: "white powder", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "acidic fertilizer", n: 1}]\n }\n\n , {name: "stitch rubber tread"\n , act: "you stitch together layers of shredded tire with plastic-coated wire as thread"\n , req: [{i: "shredded tire", n: 2}, {i: "worn wires", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "rubbery tread", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct wheel"\n , act: "you stitch the tread together into an only slightly-lopsided donut, and ease it over the hollow curve of the empty wheel hub"\n , req: [{i: "rubbery tread", n: 3}, {i: "wheel hub", n: 1}, {i: "bolt", n: 6}]\n , res: [{i: "wheel", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "weld gearshaft"\n , act: "you weld the gearshaft back together"\n , req: [{i: "snapped gearshaft", n: 1}, {i: "iron rod", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "gearshaft rod", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "repair gear"\n , act: "you melt down the scrap to match the missing parts of the half-gear"\n , req: [{i: "crumbling gear", n: 1}, {i: "scrap metal", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "gear", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "tear apart a snapped gearshaft for scrap"\n , act: "the old metal is already half-rotten with rust, and it only takes a few snips before you can tear it apart into rough-edged shards"\n , req: [{i: "snapped gearshaft", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 2}]}\n , {name: "tear apart a wheel hub for scrap"\n , act: "you snip apart its internal spokes and twist the hub apart into a collection of jagged metal scraps"\n , req: [{i: "wheel hub", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 2}]}\n , {name: "cut up a twisted piston for scrap"\n , act: "the metal is already weak where it's twisted, and it's not hard to take it in both hands and physically twist it apart. makes you feel a little strong."\n , req: [{i: "twisted piston", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 2}]}\n , {name: "cut up an iron rod for scrap"\n , act: "you saw the metal thin before snapping it apart into uneven segments"\n , req: [{i: "iron rod", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 3}]}\n , {name: "disassemble a cracked engine block for scrap"\n , act: "you pry it apart and let its innards fall out, rusted and ruined, and finish it by snapping it in half along the crack."\n , req: [{i: "cracked engine block", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 5}]}\n , {name: "assemble a complete engine block from parts"\n , act: "you jigsaw together the solid components of each engine block, and compare the rust-rotten pieces enough to draft out replacements from scrap"\n , req: [{i: "cracked engine block", n: 2}, {i: "scrap metal", n: 3}]\n , res: [{i: "engine block", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct a working lightrot engine"\n , act: "you spend an entire day assembling all the pieces together, machining ill-fitting pieces together until you have a proper combustion engine."\n , req: [{i: "piston", n: 4}, {i: "crankshaft", n: 1}, {i: "engine block", n: 1}, {i: "valve", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "lightrot engine", n: 1}]\n }\n , {name: "make cable"\n , act: "you patch the torn cable with spare wires, and then seal the shredded insulation with resin."\n , req: [{i: "worn wires", n: 1}, {i: "frayed cable", n: 1}, {i: "ancient resin", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "cable", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "forge screws"\n , act: "you slot screw molds into place beneath the forge, and cook the scrap until it melts apart and runs down the ore channel. it's hot work."\n , req: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 3}]\n , res: [{i: "screw", n: 7}]}\n , {name: "forge bolts"\n , act: "you slot bolt molds into place beneath the forge, and cook the scrap until it melts apart and runs down the ore channel. it's hot work."\n , req: [{i: "scrap metal", n: 3}]\n , res: [{i: "bolt", n: 5}]}\n , {name: "construct gearshaft"\n , act: "you thread the gears on the rod to make a working gearshaft"\n , req: [{i: "gearshaft rod", n: 1}, {i: "gear", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "gearshaft", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct valve"\n , act: "you melt the resin to the rubber, making a sealed valve cover"\n , req: [{i: "ancient resin", n: 1}, {i: "shredded tire", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "valve", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "assemble piston"\n , act: "you untwist the piston, reinforce it with iron, and fix the sealing valve to its head"\n , req: [{i: "twisted piston", n: 1}, {i: "iron rod", n: 1}, {i: "valve", n: 1}, {i: "metal hinge", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "piston", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "make crankshaft"\n , act: "you mark down gears and piston mounts along the length of an iron rod and then spend most of the rest of a day attaching everything in the right places."\n , req: [{i: "iron rod", n: 1}, {i: "gear", n: 4}, {i: "scrap metal", n: 8}]\n , res: [{i: "crankshaft", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct magneto"\n , act: "you wrap the wires interleaved around the surfaces of the lodestone and observe the magnetic flux when you run a current through them."\n , req: [{i: "worn wires", n: 6}, {i: "lodestone", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "magneto", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "construct spark plug"\n , act: "you hook the wire around the bolts and seal it with resin. the current sparks between the bolts when you run a current through them."\n , req: [{i: "worn wires", n: 1}, {i: "ancient resin", n: 1}, {i: "bolt", n: 2}]\n , res: [{i: "spark plug", n: 1}]}\n\n , {name: "liquify lightrot"\n , act: "you soak the lightrot crystals in acid and pour the solution once it dissolves, then you add the ash to stabilize the mixture"\n , req: [{i: "crystallized lightrot", n: 1}, {i: "ash", n: 1}, {i: "acid vial", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "lightrot fuel", n: 1}]}\n , {name: "make lightbulb"\n , act: "you twine the filaments together and twist them into a spiral within the hollow of the bulb, before capping it. it doesn't blow when you test it."\n , req: [{i: "glass bulb", n: 1}, {i: "snapped filament", n: 1}]\n , res: [{i: "lightbulb", n: 1}]}\n ]>>\n\n<<set window.tankerfix to\n { "transmission":\n { name: "fix tanker's transmission"\n , fixPassage: "tanker transmission fix"\n , req: [{i: "gearshaft", n: 1}, {i: "gear", n: 6}]\n }\n , "wheels":\n { name: "fix tanker's wheels"\n , fixPassage: "tanker wheels fix"\n , req: [{i: "wheel", n: 6}]\n }\n , "ignition":\n { name: "fix tanker's ignition"\n , fixPassage: "tanker ignition fix"\n , req: [{i: "spark plug", n: 1}, {i: "magneto", n: 1}]\n }\n , "engine":\n { name: "fix tanker's engine"\n , fixPassage: "tanker engine fix"\n , req: [{i: "lightrot engine", n: 1}, {i: "carburetor", n: 1}]\n }\n }>>\n\n<<display "sex scene static init">>\n\n<<set window.agricultureQuests to\n [ {req: [{i: "iron rod", n: 3}]}\n , {req: [{i: "glass panel", n: 2}]}\n , {req: [{i: "greenhouse frame", n: 2}]}\n , {req: [{i: "dry compost", n: 2}]}\n , {req: [{i: "acidic fertilizer", n: 2}]}\n , {req: [{i: "marble garden tiles", n: 1}, {i: "marble balustrade", n: 1}]}\n ]>>\n<<set window.techQuests to\n [ {req: [{i: "cable", n: 1}]}\n , {req: [{i: "lightrot fuel", n: 1}]}\n , {req: [{i: "lightbulb", n: 2}]}\n , {req: [{i: "circuit board", n: 1}]}\n ]>>\n\n<<set window.baths to\n [ {blurb: "[there's a group of ĝheist being rowdy in one big pool.]", passage: "baths ĝheist group"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a pool filled with what looks to be raw lightrot, with a few hugely-mutated lambent lying back in it]", passage: "baths lambent"}\n , {blurb: "[there's what looks like a Titan reclining in a pool of lightrot]", passage: "baths titan"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a pool of black goo with a big gaunt alien-thing lounging back in it]", passage: "baths enderman"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a seemingly-empty pool of bubbling black goo]", passage: "baths destiny 2 alien"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a giant metal head sitting neck-deep in a pool of viscous black ooze]", passage: "baths big metal head"}\n ]>>\n\n<<set window.worm to\n [ {blurb: "[you see that acolyte that guided you around bustling back and forth through the main hall, looking harried.]", passage: "worm acolyte revisit"}\n , {blurb: "[there's noises coming from a side courtyard, calls and answers, the stomp of feet]", passage: "worm martial training"}\n , {blurb: "[the prelate is sprawled across the altar at the end of the entry hall, skewering a priest on the enormous, tentacled worm that is his cock]", passage: "worm prelate altar"}\n , {blurb: "[the guards along the inner passages cycle around, and you see a pair just off-duty, half-stripped of their ceremonial garb, step into a side room]", passage: "worm guard changing room"}\n , {blurb: "[one of the entry-way guards keeps darting over to look at you, head turning from his post at the front]", passage: "worm entry guard"}\n , {blurb: "[the exarch is taking supplicants in his reception chamber]", passage: "worm exarch supplicant"}\n ]>>\n\n<<set window.pitstop to\n [ {blurb: "[there's a squadron of drudges headed by a giant {theron} at rest in the plaza outside the outpost]", passage: "pitstop platoon"}\n , {blurb: "[an enormous monster, a great beast of the underground, rests curled up at the edge of the outpost]", passage: "pitstop beast"}\n , {blurb: "[a merchant cart rattles over the flagstones, pulled by a six-legged {metal head}]", passage: "pitstop merchant"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a shadowy Ksi-on monk leaning against the wall, watching the traffic go by]", passage: "pitstop monk"}\n , {blurb: "[there's a bulky drudge kneeling on the edge of the path, rearranging the items in his pack]", passage: "pitstop drudge"}\n , {blurb: "[there's two strange travelers, half-covered in spurs of red-orange chitin, the other half pallid grublike flesh]", passage: "pitstop swarm"}\n ]>>\n\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $version to "1.1">>\n<<set $game_version to 1>>\n<<set $_lastLoaded to>>\n\n<<set $sex to {}>>\n<<set $sexscenes = []>>\n<<set $mutations = []>>\n<<set $mutation = 0>>\n<<set $pregnant = "">>\n\n<<set $ccpts = 2>>\n<<set $back = "">>\n<<set $camps =\n { "jinn": 0\n , "gawann": 0\n }>>\n\n<<set $queuedUpper to 0>>\n<<set $queuedLower to 0>>\n\n<<set $inventory to {}>>\n<<set $carrying to {}>>\n\n\n<<set $x = 0>>\n<<set $y = 0>>\n<<set $scavenge to "">>\n<<set $drudgeActive to "">>\n<<set $gheistIntroduced to false>>\n\n<<set $humanSiegeArrive to 9999>>\n<<set $radioSignal to 9999>>\n<<set $agriQuest to 0>>\n<<set $techQuest to 0>>\n<<set $stressPoints to []>>\n\n<<set $trades to []>>\n\n<<endnobr>>
The baking heat of the still season is ebbing, and the desert is coming alive with travelers. The windy season is starting -- when the wind pours down off the glass mountain to the northeast, and from the eastern wasteland expanse, and kicks up billowing sandstorms. The storms reveal buried wrecks in the shifting sands, making it the best season for scavenging.\n\n<<set $plot to 1>><<resetmoves>><<scatter>>[[→|village int]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_n to ($x + "," + ($y-1))>>\n<<set $_s to ($x + "," + ($y+1))>>\n<<set $_w to (($x-1) + "," + $y)>>\n<<set $_e to (($x+1) + "," + $y)>>\n<<set $_i to ($x + "," + $y)>>\n<<set $_resetrun to false>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<set $timeOfDay to (6 - Math.ceil ($moves)) % 6>><<display "time">>\n\n<<if radioSignalActive ($radioSignal, $turns) && $sandstorm lte 0>>\\nA slowly-blinking red light shines in the sky <<print worldDirPrep (4 - $x, 1 - $y, "above", "to the ", "")>>.\n<<endif>>\\n<span class="meta">you're <<print worldDir ($x, $y)>> the town.\n\n<<if $drudgeActive>>\\n<<print (function (d) {\n switch (d) {\n case "Djen":\n return "You're out in the desert with the gloamling Djen.";\n case "Pthuul":\n return "You're out in the desert with the drudge Pthuul.";\n case "Khru":\n return "You're out in the desert with the drudge Khru.";\n case "Jinn":\n return "You're out in the desert with the ĝheist prince Jinn.";\n case "Yraal":\n return "You're out in the desert with Yraal.";\n case "Gawann":\n return "You're out in the desert with Gawann.";\n\n case "birthing squad":\n return "You're out in the desert with the drudge Pthuul and the gloamling Djen and Khru, and the prince Djen.";\n case "chain":\n return "You're out in the desert with the two drudges, Khru and Pthuul, and the magnataar Yraal."\n\n case "squad":\n return "You're moving with the survey team.";\n }\n })($drudgeActive)>>\n<<print (function (d) {\n switch (d) {\n case "Djen":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Djen to see the acid sea in the south.";\n case "Pthuul":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Pthuul to the glass mountain in the northeast.";\n case "Khru":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Khru to Brulvundojn, in the west; or Astau, in the southeast.";\n case "Jinn":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Jinn to the southwestern caves.";\n case "Yraal":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Yraal to the old ruins: the city to the west and the fortress to the east.";\n case "Gawann":\n return "You're out on a survey, to take Gawann to exposed rock: the northeast glass mountain and caves; or the cleft and cave ridges to the southwest, or the red-rock ridges to the northwest.";\n\n case "birthing squad":\n return "You're headed to the southwest lightrot caves, to birth your eggs.";\n case "chain":\n return "You're headed to the scavenge site, " + worldDir ($_sx, $_sy) + " the town."\n\n case "squad":\n return "You're headed to the hive.";\n }\n })($drudgeActive)>>\\n<<print (function (p, br, dr){\n if (p == 2 && br && dr !== "chain") {\n return "You're headed to Brulvundojn's den, to secure his help in dragging the tanker, or to Yapu, to get materials to excavate the tanker";\n } else if (p == 2 && dr !== "chain") {\n return "You're headed to Yapu, to get materials to excavate the tanker";\n }\n return "";\n })($plot, $brulvundojnFriends, $drudgeActive)>>\n<<endif>></span>\\n\n<<display gameMap [$_i].where>>\\n<<if $wwwLocation eq $_i && $sandstorm lte 0 && !$wwwEggsDelivered >>* [[a pair of travellers walk across the sands|www pair]]\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $mangemaLocation eq $_i && $sandstorm lte 0>>* <<if $mangemaIntroduced>>[[Manĝema treads the dunes|mangema]]<<else>>[[a strange figure stands at the peak of a dune|mangema]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $lord eq $_i && $sandstorm gt 0>>* [[the howls of the storm grow ever-louder above you|storm king]]\n<<else if $sandstorm gt 0 && $hasPrismBeacon>>\n* [[hold the storm prism aloft|storm prism]]\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $scavenge eq $_i>>* this is the [[scavenge]] spot\n<<endif>>\n<<if $treasure.indexOf ($_i) !== -1>>\\n <<if $drudgeActive === "">>* there's a [[glimmer]] in the sand\n <<else>>* there's a ==glimmer== in the sand\n <<endif>>\n<<else if $moves gte 0 && countInventory ($carrying) lt 8 && $_i !== "0,0">>\\n <<if $drudgeActive === "">>* try [[digging]]\n <<else>>* try ==digging==\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $moves gt 0>>\\n<<nobr>>\n<ul id="nav"><li><<if gameMap [$_n]>>[[go north|worldmap][$y -= 1; $moves -= 0.75; $turns += 1;]]<<else>>==go north==<<endif>></li>\n<li><<if gameMap [$_w]>>[[go west|worldmap][$x -= 1; $moves -= 0.75; $turns += 1;]]<<else>>==go west==<<endif>></li>\n<li><<if gameMap [$_e]>>[[go east|worldmap][$x += 1; $moves -= 0.75; $turns += 1;]]<<else>>==go east==<<endif>></li>\n<li><<if gameMap [$_s]>>[[go south|worldmap][$y += 1; $moves -= 0.75; $turns += 1;]]<<else>>==go south==<<endif>></li></ul>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<if $plot eq 6>>[this part is just uhh doing some final resolution junk. figuring out where the human squad ppl have been hiding, resolving any early-game subplot stuff that was left hanging to this point.]<<endif>>\\n<<else>>\\n* set up [[camp]]\n<<nobr>>\n<ul id="nav"><li>==go north==</li>\n<li>==go west==</li>\n<li>==go east==</li>\n<li>==go south==</li></ul>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<endif>>\n\n/%<span class="meta">(yr at <<print $_i>>)\n<<if $treasure.length gt 0>>(treasure spots are <<print (function (ts) {\n return ts.reduce (function (a, b) {\n return a + " / " + b;\n });\n})($treasure)>>)\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $sandstorm gt 0>>\\n(king of the storm @ <<print $lord>>)\n<<print $sandstorm>> more turns of sandstorm\n<<endif>></span>%/
<<nobr>>\n<<if !$_resetrun>>\n<<set $nextDaySandstorm to $sandstorm gt 0 ? false : Math.random() < 0.125>>\n<<set $wanderingSire to ["red-rock ridge", "rock spikes", "mesa country"][Math.floor (Math.random() * 3)]>>\n<<display "moveWanderers">>\n<<set $moves to 3>>\n<<set $turns += 3>>\n<<set $_resetrun to true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<set $wwwPairCoords to {x: 1, y: -2}>>\n<<set $wwwTalk to 0>>\n<<set $sireInv to 2>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $wwwPairCoords to stepPairInRange ($wwwPairCoords, {lo: -3, hi: 3}, {lo: -1, hi: 4})>>\n<<set $wwwLocation to ($wwwPairCoords.x + "," + $wwwPairCoords.y)>>\n/% flame pits (x2), wasteland, whitesands expanse%/\n<<set $mangemaLocation to ["3,2", "3,2", "3,1", "2,2"][Math.floor (Math.random() * 4)]>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $treasure to (function () {\n function randomInRange (lo, hi) {\n var diff = hi - lo;\n var v = Math.floor (Math.random() * diff);\n return lo + v;\n }\n var o = [];\n var invalid = function (x, y) {\n return (Math.abs(x) === 3 && Math.abs(y) === 3) ||\n (Math.abs(x) <= 1 && Math.abs(y) <= 1);\n };\n var n;\n var x;\n var y;\n while (o.length < 4) {\n x = randomInRange (-3, 3);\n y = randomInRange (-3, 3);\n n = x + ',' + y;\n if (!invalid (x, y)) {\n o.push (n);\n }\n }\n return o;\n })()>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<if $sandstorm gt 0>>\\n<<set $sandstorm -= 1>>\\n<<print (function (t, s) {\n var sMsg = "";\n switch (s) {\n case 0:\n sMsg = " ''The storm blows itself out with a few final gusts, leaving you among newly-shaped dunes.''"\n break;\n case 1:\n case 2:\n sMsg = " The howl of the storm starts to ebb, and patches of light filter through the thinning walls of sand.";\n break;\n default:\n break;\n }\n switch (t) {\n case 0:\n return "It's around dawn." + (sMsg.length > 0 ? sMsg : " ''It's still storming, but the daylight turns the air from lightless black to dusty brown.''");\n case 1:\n case 2:\n return "It's day." + (sMsg.length > 0 ? sMsg : " ''The air is hazy, and it's impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you from the billowing sand.''");\n case 3:\n return "It's around dusk." + (sMsg.length > 0 ? sMsg : " ''It's still storming. The air is hazy, and it's impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you from the billowing sand.''");\n case 4:\n case 5:\n return "It's night." + (sMsg.length > 0 ? sMsg : " ''It's still storming. It's pitch black; the only light is abrupt flashes of lighting from within the body of the storm.''");\n default:\n return "!!error!!";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $sandstorm)>>\n<<if $sandstorm lte 0>><<display "scatter">><<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<<print (function (t, n) {\n var s = n ? " ''The sky is a sickly green, and the air is sharp with the smell of a storm. A sandstorm is coming.''" : "";\n switch (t) {\n case 0:\n return "It's dawn, with the sun just cresting over the eastern mountains." + s;\n case 1:\n return "It's early, but the morning heat has already arrived. The sun beats down on you. The horizon ripples with heat." + s;\n case 2:\n return "It's afternoon, and the sun beats down on you. The horizon ripples with heat.";\n case 3:\n return "It's dusk. The sun has just sunk in the west, and the sand is still radiating heat, rippling at the horizon."\n case 4:\n return "It's night. Stars glimmer in the sky above. Eduenna, the largest of the moons, is full and heavy in the sky."\n case 5:\n return "It's night. All is still and quiet. The heat of the day is long gone, and the air is bitterly chill."\n default:\n return "!!error!!";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $nextDaySandstorm)>>\n<<endif>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $sandstorm to Math.floor (Math.random() * 15) + 8>>\n<<set $treasure to []>>\n<<set $lord to (function () {\n function randomInRange (lo, hi) {\n var diff = hi - lo;\n var v = Math.floor (Math.random() * diff);\n return lo + v;\n }\n var invalid = ["0,0", "1,0", "-1,0", "0,1", "0,-1", "-3,-3", "-3,3", "3,3", "3,-3"];\n var n;\n var x;\n var y;\n while (true) {\n x = randomInRange (-3, 3);\n y = randomInRange (-3, 3);\n n = x + ',' + y;\n if (invalid.indexOf (n) === -1) {\n return n;\n }\n }\n })()>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<if $_i eq "-3,0" && !$brulvundojnFriends>><<display "brulvundojn camp confront">>\\n<<else if $pregnant eq "www" && atTerm ($pregnant, $pregnancyStarted, $turns)>><<display "www birth">>\\n<<else>><<display "actual camp">>\n<<endif>>
<<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen">><<display "djen camp">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Pthuul">><<display "pthuul camp">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Khru">><<display "khru camp">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann">><<display "gawann camp">>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal">><<display "yraal camp">>\n\n[[→|camprun]]<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn">><<display "jinn camp">><<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "birthing squad">>\\n<<if $pregnant neq "">><<display "pregnant pre-birth camp">>\n<<else>><<display "pregnant post-camp">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "squad">>\\n[[''you''|you][$back = "camp"]] and the survey team set up camp. probably there's a sequence of gangbang scenes here that progresses with each night\n\n[[→|camprun]]<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "chain">><<display "chain camp">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "" || !$drudgeActive>>\\n/% %/[[''you''|you][$back = "camp"]] set up camp for the day. \\n/% %/<<if $nextDaySandstorm>>\\n/% %/<<display "sandstorm init">>\\n/% %/The wind picks up, howling through the desert, and the scree of sand impacting the side of the tent lulls you to sleep.\\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/<<if $sandstorm gt 0>>The wind howls, and the sand buzzes beneath you from the force of the storm.\\n/% %/<<else>>The sky turns blue above you, and the final stars wink out.\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<endif>>\n\n[[→|camprun]]<<endif>>
<<set $chainCamps += 1>>
<<if $plot eq 3>>\\n[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and the ĝheist collapse in the lee of the tanker, letting your chain harnesses go slack. You all just lie there panting for a while before anybody has enough energy to actually go set up the tent.\n<<else>>\\n[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and your ĝheist helpers set up camp. It's a little awkward.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $_camprun to "chaincamprun">>\\n<<if $chainCamps lt 1>>\\n<<display "chain camp first">>\n<<else>>\\n/% <<display "chain camp repeated">> %/\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
You're making polite small talk about prior work. Pthuul says he's done a few upland travels before. He also says he's got some human blood in him, so his eyes aren't so light-sensitive, but he doesn't seem to actually enjoy sunlight much. Khru says he's mostly done resource runs: working way out west at sandstone quarries, a little bit of dredging the acid flats. Yraal says he mostly did acid flat work; explosives and chemical mixing, but that his field of study is mostly history and artifacts. All of them have spent a few years upland, and it shows in the way they act. Like, why they offered to tag along with you.\n\nWhich gets you to your topic. You go, so, that Ksi-on guy, his first time out of the underground? Pthuul turns aside, grinning; Khru laughs a little.\n\n"That obvious?" Khru says.\n\nYou tell them he's gonna piss everybody off. That even if you're doing some top-secret ĝheist shit he should at least have a good excuse.\n\n"We know," Pthuul says, but in a commiserating kind of way.\n\nThen they ask, "So you seem to know your way around; you done much work with us before?"\n\n<<if (hasMutation ('leaky') && $from['leaky'] == "cc") || (hasMutation ('asshole') && $from['asshole'] == "cc")>>\\n* [[you say yeah|chain camp yeah]]\n<<else>>\\n* [[you say some|chain camp some]]\n<<endif>>
You say yeah, I got some dealings with you folk. Aside from the usual, you know, traded some, hitched a ride with some caravans. But also...\n\n<<if hasMutation('asshole') && $from['asshole'] == "cc">>* [[tell them in lurid detail about how you got gangbanged and fisted with lightrot|chain camp asshole story]]<<scenealert "chain camp asshole story">><<endif>>\n<<if hasMutation('leaky') && $from['leaky'] == "cc">>* [[tell them in lurid detail about how you got pumped full of eggs once|chain camp leaky story]]<<scenealert "chain camp leaky story">><<endif>>\n* [[be a little less thirsty for it and be circumspect|chain camp circumspect]]<<scenealert "chain camp circumspect">>
You say, I been in Yapu for a few years now, but before that I hung around over to the east, on the other side of the glass mountains. Ended up passing through one of the old Skull Wing refueling stations a few times, got to know some ĝheist stationed there. Mechanics, fixers, the usual. Helped them out some.\n\nYou put the right emphasis on 'help' there so it's clear you're talking about fucking. There wasn't much ambiguity to begin with but you feel like being precise.\n\nYou continue, ended up helping fix up some of their vehicles, learn some mechanics. Sometimes getting instruction about how to fix a gearshaft while somebody had a fist up my ass and was gnawing on my cock. Got fucked more than once in the equipment room, pinned between two big mechanics.\n\nPthuul and Khru are staring at you as you talk, groping their dicks, grinning. Khru says, "Oh yeah?" Yraal is considerably more taciturn about it, but he still spreads his legs, adjusts the bulge of his cock.\n\nYou say yeah. One of them was like, half-brute? Big knobbled cock that hung down past his knees. You kinda leer at Yraal when you say it. You continue: He used to really like pulling me aside and trying to cram more of it in. Fucked me until I came all over, and then he'd just play with my big slack hole, all puffy and swollen from trying to take it deeper, slide in there half-hard to cram the whole thing in while he was half-hard. Took a while before he could actually fuck me with the whole thing, but he managed.\n\nKhru is openly jerking off, fly open, cock in hand. Pthuul is still just groping his dick, cock angled up so the tip just juts out over the waist of his pants, drooling pre over his stomach.\n\nYou keep talking, leaning back and spreading your legs. And y'know after a while I decided to move on, you continue. But before I left they decided I should get a reward for all that help. They all took turns fucking me, playing with my ass between, until I was a sloppy mess gushing their cum. Then they broke out the lightrot. Poured it out onto their hands, into my ass, and really worked me over until I was stretched out enough to take three fists at once. That shit burns, you know? I could feel it soaking in. Definitely could feel my asshole stretching you, getting thicker. Felt like rubber. Took a few days to recover from that afterward.\n\nYou stop for a beat. Then you go, so, you wanna see?\n\n[[→|chain camp asshole fuck]]
You say, I been in Yapu for a few years now, but before that I hung around on the other side of the glass mountains. That's where the Skull Wing hive is (you don't even try to pronounce it in ĝheist) right? So there were more of them coming through; you got to identify all those different profession markings.\n\nGheist hives are cities, but there's some level of cultural tradition, or cultural expanse there, much more pronounced than anything you're familiar with. Being in the territory of a hive means more than just being close to the city. Over here the ĝheist are generally unadorned, except for maybe some piercings. You don't actually know the proper name for the hive network you're above right now. It's something like Machine Beast, you think? Or Metal Worm or Iron Monster or some mixture of those concepts. Hence all the metal clothes. And worm priests.\n\nPart of being a part of the Skull Wing hive network meant adornment: personal tattoos in vivid red yellow and black ink, scarification, profession tattoos in blue white and purple. Lots more bone and chitin jewelery and armor.\n\nSo one day, you tell them, we got a scouter prince coming through who'd gotten gravid. His eggs had unexpectedly taken, and this was in the middle of the dust sea -- place takes a month to cross overland. You kinda heard, like -- kinda hypocritical of you to dig on your Ksi-on and then say this, but it woulda been insulting if he laid the eggs in another ĝheist, right? You've never been entirely clear about that part of their reproduction. Something about being choosy or playing favorites; it wouldn't have looked good for the guy, if he specifically chose who he was gonna lay his eggs in. But, you continue saying, you weren't any ĝheist, so when you asked if he wanted some help with his eggs he was real happy to oblige.\n\nAll three of them are pretty rapt at this point. They noticed your nipples already, swollen and leaky, but you don't really know if they're familiar enough with humans to identify that as in any way unusual.\n\nSo you let him fuck you and pump half his clutch into your guts for safekeeping, you continue. It was an experience for sure, let me tell you.\n\nPthuul and Khru are openly groping their cocks as you talk. Yraal has a hand draped across his thighs, but his fingers are knotted in the material of his pants, tugging it taut, back and forth.\n\nYou feed off that, getting more lurid. Telling them about how the scout prince's cock was all fat and heavy, and he was so full of eggs that even just unsheathing, his cock was all lumpy with eggs that'd dropped from his womb and gotten stuck in his pipes. You got to suck on the tip, tease him a little, looking up as he growled and snarled. The warped flesh of his cock shuddered under your hands, those huge eggs shuttling back and forth, spreading the tip of his dick when one half-crowned out, enormous and jellylike. He finally shoved it up your ass, eggs instantly slurping out of his dick and into your guts with his first thrust. Even only a few eggs, especially half-grown ones, is a fucking lot for a human to take, but you took 'em, even if your stomach was a lumpy, swollen mess afterwards.\n\nAnyway you let them incubate in you for another month or so, before some other group of scouts took you down into the shallow underground so you could birth them properly. So you've gotten a closer look at some ĝheist than most humans, probably.\n\nMeanwhile, as you've been telling them this story, you've been making sure to tug on your shirt: grinding it against your nipples so they keep leaking, until your shirt is stuck to your chest and there are big dark streaks down the fabric. Pthuul is all but jerking off, fist wrapped around his bulge and rhythmically squeezing, mouth open as he pants. Khru is a little more discreet, by which you mean he's just resting his hand on his cock, grinding down.\n\n[[→|chain camp leaky fuck]]
You decide to not be //entirely// horny for it.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("asshole")>>\\nYou give them a short version: you used to live out in the eastern wastes, and you spent some time working at a ĝheist repair station. You mostly skip over the part where you got gangbanged pretty often.\n<<else>>\\nYou give them a short version: you used to live out in the eastern wastes, and you even carried some ĝheist eggs for a while. So you've gotten a closer look at them than most.\n<<endif>>\n\nThey nod and seem to accept that for what it is.\n\n<<set $noSex to true>>\\n* [[anyway we should get some rest|camprun]]\n* [[but hey i wouldn't mind getting a closer look at you if you know what i mean|chain camp some yeah]]<<scenealert "chain camp some yeah">>
Khru barks out a laugh, and it's Pthuul who lurches forward forward, tackling you backward. They pick you up and flip you over, tearing your pants off, and then you're on your hands and knees, fingers pulling your fat ass cheeks apart, sliding along the rim of your asshole. It's perpetually-puffy, bulging out in a rumpled rim, and it yawns open easy when they pull: dark flesh stained with blotchy marks, like ĝheisthide.\n\nThe ground shudders when Yraal drops to his knees beside you, giant body looming over the two drudges. His cock is buried under his belly, between his chunky thighs, but there's a constant streamer of slime drooling out from the seam of his underbelly, with more glistening across his thighs.\n\nPthuul and Khru's fingers dig into your ass, three fingers at all different angles sliding over the band of your rubbery, bulging asshole, and hook in behind it. They spread you open into a broad gape, more fingers pushing in easily -- you feel four fingers of the same hand push inside your ass, the thick calluses of their palm scraping over your rim as they probe their fingers deeper. Taking a fist, even a ĝheist fist, isn't hard.\n\nWith Pthuul and Khru jolting you -- hands smacking your ass, shoving into your hole, bodies bearing down on your thighs -- you lean towards Yraal, arms braced against his solid bulk; the drones' shoves mash you up against his giant thighs. While you're here you decide to check him out; one hand sliding up the heavy flesh of his thigh, up into the oozing seam of his belly, cupping the giant mound that is his cock. It bulges out from the fat pad of his crotch, heavy and pyramidal: an enormous wrinkled mound of a shoved-forward foreskin, his cockhead an enormously-fat knob sheathed under piles of loose, wrinkled flesh; the rest of his shaft buried within his bulk. You curl one hand over Yraal's cockhead, squeezing the foreskin-sheathed knob as Pthuul and Khru pin you against him, and Yraal groans, slime spurting from his mounded foreskin, greasy and thick smearing across your hand and drizzling down all over your upper body. Pthuul leans forward and runs his finger up Yraal's thigh, catching a globby streamer of pre oozing down, and he pulls it back -- finger-thick cord of pre snapping midway and splattering across your chest -- and feeds it into your ass, slick and gritty smearing inside you.\n\nPthuul chews on your ass, biting your cheeks as he fingerfucks you, tongue lapping out to curl over the rim of your hole. He pulls you open, Khru's fingers and tongue shoving in next to him, and they make out against your asshole, fingers feeding pre -- their own and Yraal's, scraping the tarry flow off his thighs as you moan and groan against his thighs -- into your ass as they tug on your rubbery asshole, spreading it wide. Their tongues drag against each other as they both shove into your ass, pre squelching between them and smearing across their faces. They drool and spit into your ass, getting you slick and sloppy, lips catching on the puffy rim of your ass as they drag their tongues over the worked-open crater of your spread hole.\n\nKhru pulls back, impatient, cock jutting out from his body, and he smears its gnarled head through the sloppy mess across your asscheek, dragging it down to slot it against Pthuul's face, bloated cockhead digging into your puffy rim. Pthuul slurps on the side, tongue squirming along the underside as Khru sinks inside, breaching your ass. He's got a row of barbel piercings across the underside, something you only notice as the hot metal knobs catch on the rim of your stretched asshole. You moan, open mouth pressed up against Yraal's inner thigh, his rank pre drizzling in over your tongue, coating it in reeking slime.\n\nKhru plays with your ass, slurping his cockhead back and forth over your sloppy rim while Pthuul spits and drools across it, lathering it up. The fat head sinks inside, making your hole warp around its fat, warted sides, and Khru ruts shallowly, not trying to drive any deeper, just working your hole open until you gape around his cockhead: slack and open, lax and yielding as he sinks inside. Pthuul groans against his shaft -- against your ass -- and drags his tongue up, licking a stripe across your asscheeks, ending with a nip against your thigh as he rises up, hot metal from another piercing sliding over your skin as his own cock catches against your cheek and shoves into place: their twin shafts giant, heavy, meaty, covered in waxy gnarls and whorls of blistered, warty flesh. Pthuul's got a chunky metal ring pierced through his cockslit, tightly-curled across his cockhead, and it clashes against Khru's shaft piercings as they both rut against you. Hands stroke both shafts, getting them thickly smeared with pre and spit, and then Pthuul grinds in, fingers dragging your spread hole out into a lopsided oval before his lumpy cockhead pops in alongside Khru's.\n\nYou groan, the stretch heated inside you, your hole spread wide. You clench, milking their cocks, grinding them together, and they both groan. Hands press against your chest, on your sides, lifting your leg up to let them squeeze in closer, sinking their cocks deeper inside you. Yraal's hand <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>reaches down to tug on your swollen tits, spurts of milky ichor squirting out in droplets all down your chest<<else>>drags down your side, anchoring you in place as the other two ĝheist sink deeper inside you<<endif>>. You groan, hand clasped around his knobbled cockhead tugging and squeezing, twisting. His pre is so slick and slimy it's hard to keep hold of his stubby cock, and when you squeeze the entire bulk of his cock lurches out to the side with a spray of slime: hot cords drenching your front in a sudden splattering squirt. Pthuul or Khru uses it, a leathery hand scraping down your front, catching the syrupy splatter, and smears it back around their pumping cocks, adding a fresh layer of grit as they both erratically shove deeper.\n\nTheir cocks spread you wider and wider as they push deeper. They're pressed together in front of you, hips as tight as can be, and there's only so deep they can get like that. Hands wrap around your sides, rolling you onto your side, and they settle down, sandwiching you between them: Khru in front of you, Pthuul behind, with your knees pressed up against your chest to give them both access.\n\nKhru leers at you, sliding his cock in deeper, and you moan, eyes closed, head tipping back. His fat cockhead mashes against your prostate before sliding deeper, and slams against the opening to your guts. He ruts into you, mashing his gnarled cockhead over your shuddering internal flesh until it flowers open, letting him sink in to the root. Pthuul follows close behind, hips flexing against your back as he drives in alongside Khru's cock, spearing through the spasming entrance to your guts and pinning it wide around their cocks. You gasp, body adjusting to the both of them: asshole spasming, guts rippling, as they both stir their cocks around, grinding them against each other, against the soft walls of your guts. They're spewing pre in thick wet gurgles: not as much as Yraal's slimy splatter pouring all across your chest, but enough to feel the heavy wet warmth gush inside you and pour down their shafts, burbling from your ass in a churned-up froth. Each thrust of theirs slurps, wet smacks as they hilt and sloppy gurgles as they draw back; your asshole is gaping around their shafts, a constant drool of pre oozing out, painting their balls in their mingled pre.\n\nKhru all but bites your face, kissing up across your jaw -- mouth slathered with Yraal's pre -- before he nips on your lower lip, tongue lapping out before he curls it into your mouth. He drools pre, spitting it into your mouth as you groan around his tongue, his lips rough against your own. Their thrusts jostle you, making the kiss messy, jolting, as you bounce forward. Pthuul bites your neck, the junction of your shoulder, the side of your neck, and tips your head to the side so he can kiss you too, snarling and snuffling against your face as he pulls you down onto his cock.\n\nYou shudder, moaning, as their cocks hammer inside you: cockheads mashing against your prostate, driving deep into your rippling guts, and you find yourself gasping, groaning, as you fuck yourself back onto them. Yraal's cock drools syrupy slime in splatters all across your upturned face, spilling into your mouth in sour, rancid layers, and you moan, gurgle, entire body racing with pleasure under the force of their thrusts. Your ass spasms, milking their cocks, and your half-hard cock twitches, drooling pre all across your stomach as they both rut into you.\n\nYou float there, their bodies wrapped around you, pumping into you, spurting all over you, tongues and teeth and hands gripping and groping your <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>tits<<else>>chest<<endif>>, your sides, your hips. Pthuul roars, lips pressed against your bruised neck, and drives in with a few brutal thrusts before he cums, heat blossoming inside you as he pumps out wave after wave of grimy ĝheist cum into your guts. It churns up around their pumping shafts, becoming a dense greyish froth slurping out from your ass, crunchy and gritty as he keeps fucking all through his orgasm. Khru follows soon behind, the wash of cum around his cock making it shudder and twitch, and he shoves his face against your throat, hot breath washing out as he steadily fucks you all the way through, cock suddenly spraying inside you, doubling the flow of hot cum splattering across your walls and gurgling out of your wrecked, gaping asshole.\n\nYraal groans, tilting forward, and Pthuul and Khru steady him, clawed hands grasping his enormous thighs, sliding up to grind down against his titanic balls. He lets out a deep, rumbling roar, and his cock lurches hard under your hand, feeling like a throbbing heartbeat more than a twitching cock. Slime sprays from his foreskin-sheathed cockhead, erupting out across all three of you beneath him, drenching your heads and chests in a splattering explosion of thick, tarry slime. It's crunchier, with glossy chunks of grit suspended in his greyish cum, and all three of you work on his cock, tugging on his balls, milking him as he coats you in burst after burst of cum, until finger-thick cords of rancid cum hook between all your bodies, drooping down in heavy arcs. Khru kisses you, your mouths already filled with Yraal's cum, excess gurgling out the sides of your mouths as he hungrily licks it off your teeth. Pthuul's sandpapery tongue rasps up across the nape of your neck, lapping up the splattered sludge, and you tip back to kiss him too, sharing the mess of cum and drool flooding your mouth.\n\nEventually they slow: just a slow drool of cum making its way out of your splayed asshole, Yraal's splattering bursts returning to a constant sluggish drool all across your face. Yraal sinks to the ground with an earthquake-like impact, massive body splayed out beside you so you can rest your head on his soft, spongy fat pad, and eventually it dawns on your tired brain that they plan to sleep like this: Pthuul and Khru still half-hard in your ass, everyone drenched in crusty, flaking layers of cum.\n\nIt's pretty nice, actually.\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "yraal" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "chain camp asshole fuck">>\\n<<set $noSex to false>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You say, yeah but you guess those eggs really took, because you haven't ever stopped producing milk since then. You tug on your shirt, loosening it, and then pull it up over your head entirely, showing off your fat, corklike nipples, milk beading down your bare chest and soaking your chest hair. They just kinda stare.\n\nYou swipe a hand across your chest, backed-up milk squirting out, and lick your fingers. So, want a taste, you ask, and they growl and then they're on you, bowling you back onto the ground so they can each get a nipple, gnawing and sucking.\n\nYou squirt milk into their mouths, their lips fastening on your fat aerola, teeth dragging against your swollen nipples. Your glands dump milk with a perceptible flow, their hands gripping your fat pecs and tugging, squeezing, as you dump milk into their mouths, excess smearing out over their lips.\n\nThey're sandwiching you, chests pressed against your sides, and you drop your hands down, curling over the fat bulges of their cocks. They groan against your chest, rutting up into your hands, and you grope and squeeze, feeling the trapped heat of their swollen cocks. Pthuul drops his hand, undoing his belt easily after feeling your fumbling touches, and hefts his cock out straight into your hand. Khru just ruts against your hand for longer, more absorbed in squeezing your pec, chewing on your nipple.\n\nPthuul's cock is heavy and huge, covered in a mess of gnarled warts from base to tip, all waxy and slick with pre. He's got a chunky ring pierced through his cockhead, sliding minutely as he ruts against your side, heavy foreskin rolling back and forth. He wetly spurts pre over your skin, glazing you with sloppy ĝheist pre as he nurses on your chest. You groan, chest throbbing, nipples aching from the rough play, and Pthuul pulls back, pinching your nipple and dragging it out, milking your pec so you squirt milk all across his face and chest, droplets splattering all over.\n\nKhru hoists out his cock, rubbing it against your side, the both of them glazing you with their pre. He's got piercings too: a row of barbel piercings running down the underside of his shaft, each one capped with a fat ball on both ends. They're big and tightly-spaced enough that they clack against each other as he ruts against your hip. You loosely stroke them both off, pinning their cocks against your body as they rut against you, and they sloppily lap at your chest, tongues dragging up the curve of your pecs, chewing on your nipples, leaning across your chest to kiss each other and share the milky mess of spit, excess just splattering down against your chest. Pthuul licks up across your neck, teeth grazing your jaw, and sloppily kisses you as Khru sucks on one nipple and plays with the other, pinching and dragging your pec out into a fat cone, with milky ichor streaming down across his hand, drooling down your stomach.\n\nPthuul groans into your mouth, panting as he ruts against your side, cock spurting pre all the way up to mingle with the milk dribbling down, and then he sinks back down, chewing on your flushed nipple, as Khru licks up the other side of your face, panting and moaning. They both drench you, smearing sloppy layers of drool-thinned milk and pre up and down your sides, cupping your fat pecs.\n\nYour nipples ache: swollen enormously into fat corks, skin flushed a deep red, the raw scrape of their teeth and tongues rasping over your sensitive skin. You're leaking more and more: milk glands prickling hot under your skin, producing more milk as the two drudges lap it up. You grind their cocks against your slime-lathered sides, hands half-circling their fat shafts as they rut against you. You stroke them off, grinding your hands down when they rut up, and they shudder and spurt lines of grimy yellowed pre up over your sides and chest in erratic bursts. They snarl and groan as they chew on your swollen nipples, tugging your fat pecs out into cones as they hump your sides. Their cocks throb, pulsing in your hands, and then one and then the other erupts in a huge spume of cum, gritty and clotted as it splatters all over your chest and sides, drooling down in chunky globs. They both groan, deep growls, as they rut their spurting cocks against your sides, hosing you down in finger-thick cords of grimy ĝheist cum that they smear all across your skin, coating you in a glistening layer of foul slop.\n\nYou all list to the side, landing on the ground in a pile as they keep rutting across your stomach and chest, drenching your skin, shoving their cocks between your swollen pecs and gripping them tight around their fat, gnarled shafts, fucking your tits as they spray your face with their loads. They stoop down to suck the slimy mess of your chest, tongues curling around your still-drooling nipples, slathered in their loads, and they swipe up the mess, drooling it up across your neck to spit it into your open mouth, sloppily kissing you as they feed you the mingled slurry of their cum and your milk, sour and rancid.\n\nYou all eventually collapse across your bedrolls, their cocks half-hard against your sides and still sluggishly drooling cum, still burning hot. Their hands idly stroke your skin, catching clotted chunks of cum and smearing it out into a tarry paste, letting it dry into a flaky layer of sludge. You fall asleep like that, sandwiched between them as they softly play with your body, their lips pressed against your neck.\n<<sex "pthuul" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sex "khru" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "chain camp leaky fuck">>\\n<<set $noSex to false>>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You're say, yeah, you know, traded some, hitched a ride with some caravans once or twice. Nothing huge.\n\nThey say, sure, and nod along.\n\nYou ask: well what about you? This definitely isn't your first trip to the uplands. You used to it? Lots of sun. Pthuul says he's still getting used to it. He's squinting a lot even in the dawn light, but Khru and Yraal haven't taken off their black glass lenses once, so that's probably what being used to sunlight looks like.\n\nKhru: "You said you were born in the wastes, right? Not a city deserter?"\n\nYou say you didn't say that but yeah. Last people in your family that saw the inner walls of the city were your great-grandparents. On your father's side; your mother's side were wastelanders for longer.\n\nKhru nods. "Okay, sure." You kinda give him an expectant look, like c'mon keep talking. "Deserters tend to get real squeamish."\n\nHe's trying to be polite about it, but he means fucking. Gheist fuck //all the time//. You don't know if it's a cultural thing or an alien thing or what, but they probably want to fuck each other right now. They probably want to fuck you. Even on a short trip like this, you're gonna be hearing them have threesomes while you try to get to sleep. Assuming you don't join in. That's what they mean by squeamish.\n\n* [[nah i'm cool|chain camp some nah]]\n* [[hey if you wanna fuck we could do that right now; i'm down|chain camp some yeah]]<<scenealert "chain camp some yeah">>
They're like, oh, sure, cool. The number of looks they give each other goes way up, and you realize they were actually trying to keep a lid on the amount of flirting they were doing with each other for your sake. Sure.\n\n<<set $noSex to true>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You say you're down for some fucking.\n\nThey kinda perk up, looking at you with interest. Pthuul overtly looks you up and down.\n\n"Come over here and let's see," he says, patting the space between him and Khru.\n\nYou move between them, and their hands are already on your clothes: unlacing your pants, pulling your tunic up, until in seconds you're naked and sprawled across their laps.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Pthuul lets out a low whistle as he sees your sheath, fingers curling around it to heft its bulk. "You been holding out on us," he says, stroking your sheath like an oversized foreskin, playing with the thick, squashy rolls of flesh.\n\nYou tell him, honestly, well it didn't come up. He laughs.\n\nKhru's hand comes in too, fingers sliding inside to play with the tip of your dick, and they use their other hands to pin you down as they stroke you off: Khru's hand sinking entirely into your sheath, bloating it out obscenely, while Pthuul slides his fingers along the lip. You moan, cock unsheathing with a wet gurgle, and they both work together to stroke it. You writhe under their touches, squirming, and you feel their cocks firming against your back.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>"Not all human yourself," Pthuul says, hand wrapped around your fat, warted cock, and soon Khru's joins him, stroking you to full hardness while they keep you pinned with their other hands. You moan, writhing against them, feeling the heavy lumps of their cocks firm against your back.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>"Not all human yourself," Pthuul says, hand sliding down your muscled ass and finding the bloated swell of your altered asshole. His fingers push inside, easy, and you arch up, moaning, as Khru slides in too: four fingers in your ass, clawed thumbtips playing with the lip of your hole, while they keep you pinned with their other hands. You moan, writhing as they fingerfuck you, feeling the heavy lumps of their cocks firm against your back.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>"Not all human yourself," Pthuul says, cupping your bloated balls and squeezing lightly, tugging down. You let out a groan, a spurt of yellowed pre drooling from your cock in a gummy cord, and Khru wraps his hand around your cock, stroking it to hardness -- hand rapidly getting slathered in your copious pre -- while Pthuul tugs and squeezes your balls. You moan, writhing across their laps, feeling the heavy lumps of their cocks firm against your back.\\n<<else>>Their hands pin you down, sliding over your bare skin: callused fingertips scraping across your nipples, their hands tugging your cock, squeezing your balls, pressing between your thighs to play with your asshole. You moan, writhing across their laps, feeling the heavy lumps of their cocks firm against your back.\\n<<endif>>\n\nYraal comes in too, kneeling down on your other side, so that you're totally pinned between the three ĝheist. His giant hands splay across your front, callused palms scraping across your nipples, his dull clawtips digging along your inner thighs as he helps Pthuul with tugging on your balls.\n\nThe dawn light is eclipsed by the ĝheist leaning in: Yraal messily kissing Pthuul and then Khru, his giant belly pinning you in on one side while the other two's muscles press against your other side, so you're entirely surrounded by walls of alien flesh. Yraal's cock is buried under his gut, a huge mound that's hot and slick as it jabs against your side, and you groan, squirming as <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>the two jerk you off<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>the two play with your ass<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>they tug on your balls<<else>>their hands play across your body<<endif>>. Your arms are pinned to your sides, and you manage to wrap your hands around their dicks: Khru's long and fat, with a row of hard metal piercings down the underside; Yraal's even fatter but stumpy, swallowed up in a leathery mound of foreskin bulging out from his fat pad. Pthuul's dick grinds against your ribs, and he reaches up long enough to free it from his pants: broad and heavy, with a thick metal hoop pierced through the tip. He grinds up, drizzling pre along your upper arm, and shoves it through the space between your bicep and chest as <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("asshole")>>he leans down to focus on your <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>dick<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>balls<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>asshole<<endif>><<else>>he focuses on playing with your body: tugging on your nipples, scraping his palms down your chest to rub the pad of his thumb over your leaking cockhead<<endif>>.\n\n"Just a little, to get the edge off," Khru says, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>stroking your dog dick with a wet //schluck//, pre splattering all over everybody<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>stroking your dick as you stroke his, pre spurting out to spill all across your hips<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>three fingers deep in your ass alongside Pthuul<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>hand wrapped around your bloated balls and squeezing, milking out sloppy squirts of yellowed pre that spray all over your stomach<<else>>tugging on your balls<<endif>>. "Don't wanna get the boss mad at us for fucking around too much //already//."\n\nYou maybe say something, lost in a groan as their hands drag all over your body. You rut up, fucking your cock along their bodies, Khru and Yraal's cocks throbbing in your hands, pouring out pre in clumpy squirts. Your hands are already drenched, with thick cords of slime sluicing down your wrists, smearing back across your bodies as you all move against each other. <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>Pthuul wraps his hand around one of your tits and squeezes, steadily pumping out your trapped milky ichor all over your chest<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>Khru and Pthuul squirm their hands in, palms pressed together as they both manage to stuff four fingers up your obscenely gaping asshole<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot crests from your sheath, reverse pressure bringing out an enormous eruption of slime after it, and your tentacles spill out all over their hands, coated and sloppy with thick fluid<<else>>Their hands grind down, milking your cock and balls, and you moan, cockhead arcing up to grind against Yraal's soft belly, leaving behind a glossy trench of pre-slimed skin<<endif>>.\n\nThey all hump against you, slick cocks drenched with reeking pre: Pthuul's cock braced against your armpit, the other two throbbing in your hands, and you're tossed and turned, pinned there for them to rut against. The ring on Pthuul's cockhead lurches against your side, making an audible //pop// each time it pushes out into the open. All you can smell is the hot, rank smell of ĝheist pre; it's splattered all over your face from Pthuul's gushing cock, with squelching rivers pouring across your stomach and thighs. Pthuul leans down, gnawing on your jaw, down to your neck<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>> and then your aching tits, nipples swollen enormously into fat corks; Pthuul slurps one into his mouth and all but chews on it as you keen and writhe <<else>>, and bites down, holding you in place as he humps against your side<<endif>>. He's the first to cum, erupting with a fountaining spray that shoots in every direction: splattering sour and gummy across your tongue, all over your face and chest, hanging in tarry droplets from his and Yraal's leathery skin. He bellows, groaning as he ruts through the sloppy, slime-saturated passage of your pinned arm, and like in sympathy the rest of the ĝheist follow him: Khru groaning into Yraal's mouth as they kiss, his cock throbbing hard in your hand as it erupts, spraying up all across their bodies and pouring down all over you in a runny waterfall. Yraal, by comparison, just oozes his cum: pulsing hard, but spraying into his thick, hanging foreskin, and drooling out in chunky globs all over your side.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Their hands on your knot brings you off, too, and you howl -- wetly, gurgling on Pthuul's cum -- as you erupt, adding your own load of greyish cum into the mix, just plastering their already-slathered bodies with shot after shot of cum as they keep milking your knot.\\n<<else if hasMutation("balls")>>Their hands bring you off too: squeezing your balls, playing with your cock, and you groan and gurgle as you erupt, pumping out a mess of gritty, grey cum totally indistinguishable from their own loads, just adding to the clotted, slimy mess smeared all over your bodies.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>Their hands clench and twist inside you, intense, and you see stars when you cum, half-hard cock drizzling out your load as your guts shudder and convulse, pulsing around their hands lodged nearly all the way up inside your cavernous ass.\\n<<else>>You cum with a groan, gurgling on Pthuul's load, and your milky human load is smeared and dissipated in the slimy mess of their cum, just tinging the gritty, grey sludge of their loads a slightly paler shade in patches.\\n<<endif>> You all ride it out, wet squelches and crackles coming from your cum-glazed flesh, pouring down all over you in foaming, frothy globs, and then spilling down your sides onto the ground -- and all over Pthuul and Khru's legs -- in churned-up, creamy dollops.\n\nThey wring their last spurts out all over you, and you all over yourself, and there's a mostly-nonverbal shuffling around as you all lurch your way to the tent, bodies still smeared with cum, tacky and sand-covered now that it's drying. You collapse into a grimy heap, sandwiched in between the ĝheist: their arms slung over your hips, your legs entangled.\n\n<<sexscene "chain camp some yeah">>\n<<set $noSex to false>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Djen set up camp.\n\n<<if Object.keys ($sex).length eq 0>>\\nHe looks at you appraisingly. "Human, huh," he says.\n\nYou say yeah. Why does he ask?\n\n"I want you to fuck me," he says, very bluntly.\n\nYou tell him that's pretty blunt.\n\nHe shrugs. "Not much point beating around the bush. So you up to it?"\n\n<<set $djenFirst to true>>\\n* [[sure i'll fuck you|djen first fuck branch]]<<scenealert "djen first fuck branch">>\n* [[man we got shit to do|camprun]]\n<<else if $sex['djen'] eq 0>>\\nYou turn around to pull a blanket from your pack, and when you turn back around Djen is sprawled on his bedroll, unlacing the straps that keep his pants on his waist. He shoves his fingers down to grope at the giant bulge of his cock, shoving his pants down his waist with the other, revealing his gigantic, muscled ass. He spreads his cheeks with his other hand, shoving two fingers through his fat asshole, spreading his glowing flesh to make himself gape.\n\nHe says, "Hey, I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. Think you're up to that?"\n\nIt's a little abrupt.\n\n* [[hell yeah|djen first fuck branch]]<<scenealert "djen first fuck branch">>\n* [[man we got shit to do|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\n<<display "djen repeated branch">>\\n<<endif>>
<<if $djenFirst>>\\nYou say sure, let's go.\n\nHe grins, toothily. "Good," he says, voice rumbling and tugs on his pants, pulling them down over his ass. He sits back, sprawling on his lower back, and shoves his pants lower, pressing two fingers into his asshole and pushing them down to the knuckle. He fingerfucks himself for a second, coaxing you closer, and then he pulls out, spreading his asshole into a gaping oval with the heels of his hands.\n\n"C'mon," he says.\n<<else>>\\nYou say hell yeah you'll fuck him.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe twists to the side, raising up his legs so you have a clear shot at his ass. He hasn't even bothered to pull his pants off; they're bunched around his knees, over his greaves. His balls loll back between his thighs, giant mounds of asymmetrical, lopsided flesh, glowing a burning yellow-orange, and covered in a spray of fat, glowing boils that taper off across his thighs and ass, turning into flat, waxy blisters.\n\nHe twists around, fingers digging furrows in his giant, meaty ass cheeks as he sinks them back inside his hole. His claws scrape along the furrow of his ass crack, catching on the rim of his fat, glowing asshole. He clenches, glow narrowing to a thin band of spread internal flesh, and then he pushes out and spreads, hole splaying out into a giant gaping donut, rim forming smooth catenary curves around his fingers. His ass is cavernous, and he pushes again, the far wall collapsing forward, mashing against his asshole with a soft wet //thump//, guts nearly prolapsing out just from that. Then he pulls back, flesh peeling apart, all connected with syrupy lines of lightrot slime.\n\nHe does it a few more times, rumpled guts pulsing and sucking against his swollen asshole. It's kind of hypnotizing.\n\n<<set $djenFirst to false>>\\n* [[fuck him|djen fuck]]<<scenealert "djen fuck">>\n* [[fist him|djen fist]]<<scenealert "djen fist">>
Djen strips himself naked easily, squatting down to stuff three fingers in his ass with a groan. He rocks back on his hand, letting his hole gape open to stuff his fourth finger in there no problem. He twists his hand, claws raking across the flesh of his guts, digging in to pop some of the fat blisters of lightrot, letting the slime drool down to coat his hand in gleaming yellow ooze.\n\n"Got some real good toys back home," he says with a groan, slumping forward to show off his slimy, gaping ass, thumb grinding against his taint as he fingerfucks himself. "Too big and not important enough to bring along here though."\n\nHe lifts one leg, weight shifting back, and slides his thumb up, slopping it over his asshole and inside of him. The angle doesn't look great, but he eases his fist back and forth, getting his hole glazed with lightrot. "Kind of regretting it now, fuck."\n\nHe spreads himself open, asshole gaping: "C'mon, fuck me again, please!"\n\n<<display "djen menu">>
* [[fuck his ass|djen fuck]]<<scenealert "djen fuck">>\n* [[fist him|djen fist]]<<scenealert "djen fist">>\n* <<if $sex['djen'] gte 2>>[[fist his guts out of his ass and fuck them|djen prolapse]]<<scenealert "djen prolapse">><<endif>>\n* [[man can't i play with yr cock|djen cock]]<<scenealert "djen cock">>
<<set $got to false>>\\nYou say, alright, you'll fuck him.\n\nHis hole is already slack and loose, puffy and heavy. He groans as you peel his lips apart, thick cords of lightrot slime webbing across his inner walls. You shove your fists into him no problem: one first and then the other pushing into his ass, just resting easily inside his cavernous ass.\n\nHe's on all fours, ass pressed back against you, with his knees spread to let his titanic cock and balls hang down, resting on the sand. You pump back and forth a few times, just opening him up a little, popping a few lightrot blisters inside him to add some lube. He pouts open, fat asshole drooping out as you punch his prostate, a sloppy stream of frothy lightrot winding its way down through the bloated slabs of his asshole rim to spill down over the backs of his balls. You catch it and feed it back into his hole.\n\nThen you start to get to work. You hook your fingers into his rim, curling over inside him so his rubbery asshole settles against your palms. Then you pull. He spreads, wider and wider, peeling open to show off his glowing guts. His rim pulses in your hands: sudden shocks of muscle relaxing, spreading further, making him spread in jolts, gaping wider and wider until you're having to pull his asshole out between his cheeks, warping them into a lopsided kidney-bean shape. He's ludicrously spread: so wide you can feel bone beneath flesh, see the shape of his muscle-sheathed pelvis in soft relief in the cavern of his ass. Every time he inhales he nearly prolapses, guts shifting slightly, piling up just behind his pulsing rim, wrinkling in meaty slabs over your fingers.\n\nYou say, now push.\n\nDjen groans, asshole spasming, and then he pushes. The cavern of his ass flattens, smooth flesh wrinkling up into bloated folds. The lip of his asshole inverts no problem, gurgling out of his ass in a thick, rubbery tail of glowing flesh. You peel your hands out from inside it, rubbing out the slimy folds of his guts until they're smooth, just wrinkled at the tip. You dig into the opening, spreading it minutely -- more guts slurping out, unfurling from inside him -- and sink your fist back inside him. There are glossy lightrot blisters only a fingertip's depth inside him, prolapsed out all the way to his guts proper, and as you work your fist back inside the mazy passages of his guts more of them spill out: huge bubbly clusters of lightrot lining the walls of his prolapse, wrinkling against each other and bursting, making his glowing flesh shimmer.\n\nYou have to stick your arm into him up to the elbow to even reach all the way back up inside his body cavity. His prolapse shudders around your forearm, slurping out further, creeping down to your elbow. It's bottom-heavy, lumpy and lopsided with the mess of blisters coating his deeper guts, and it bloats out into a bulging teardrop shape as his guts start to pile up. You experimentally pump back and forth, letting his guts jiggle and slurp around your arm, blisters popping in sudden eruptions of slime. You drag your other hand across the outside of his prolapse, catching slime drooling down and smearing it back across his glowing flesh.\n\nWhen you pull your hand out, his prolapse sags down, smacking against his thighs with a wet //slap// before settling down, drooping down so low that the tip smacks to the ground and peels away covered in sand. His prolapse is a massive shuddering bloat of lumpy glowing flesh, as thick as your thigh, covered in a slimy froth of lightrot ooze.\n\nYour cock bumps against his thigh when you lean in, and the touch is shocking: oh right, you're hard. You reach down, stroke yourself with one lightrot-glazed hand, and heft his prolapse in the other, feeding the pulsing tip down onto your cock. You slurp into him, cockhead mashing against the folded mess of his guts, straightening them out so you can thrust through the loops of his guts, using his prolapse like an enormous sex toy. You dig into the pulpy, wet flesh of his guts, folds bubbling up between your spread fingers until you can feel the hard core of your own cock through the swollen slabs of his bloated guts. You thrust up into him, stroking yourself through his unspooled guts. He's intensely hot inside, flesh dense and rubbery, slick all over with slime.\n<<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<addmutation "dick">>\\n<<set $from['dick'] to "djen prolapse">>\\n<<set $got to "dick">>\\n\nLightrot burns as it pours across your dick, sizzling across your flesh as you stir your cock around inside his prolapse. Slime burbles around your cock, squelching as you stroke yourself off with his prolapse, thrusting inside him, and there's a sudden squirt when your rough use bursts another lightrot-filled pustule inside him, sending the thick fluid drooling down your shaft, squirting out against your crotch, entirely slathering your cock in hot, burning slime.\n\nYou hiss and whine, thrusting up into him as the heat intensifies, lightrot burbling across your cock and starting to soak in. The heat blossoms inside you, bubbling around within the core of your cock, and you slump forward against Djen's back, gasping for breath as your cock spasms, throbbing hard inside him. The heat is intense, intensified by the rippling squeezing of his guts, sucking off your cock, constantly sheening it in a spill of fresh lightrot.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou lean in, groaning against his ass, and lick across his skin, tongue catching a slurry of lightrot with flakes of charred skin: metallic and rancid, burning when you swallow. You drool across his prolapse, sucking on the folds of his guts, on the inverted, blown-open muscle of his asshole, now a rubbery swell at the base of his prolapse. You fuck into him, jerking yourself off with his guts, while you chew on his asshole, letting his fat prolapse smear all across your chest, sluggishly bouncing as you rut into it.\n\nDjen groans, rolling back against you. His prolapse shudders, slurping: you can feel his internal muscles working, sucking feet of the drooping coil of guts back into his body, bunched in a lump just behind his ruined asshole, only to spit them back out again, letting his asshole rhythmically chew on his own guts. You rut up into him with more urgency, panting against his ass, cock shuddering sheathed in his loose guts, and you cum with a sudden rush<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot bloating uselessly in his stretchy guts<<endif>>, shooting <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>a grimy mess of clotted, chunky cum<<else>>the slimy mess of your load<<endif>> inside him. Your load is nothing compared to the lightrot drool spilling out of his guts: ooze just splattering out against your hips, spilling down your legs as you keep fucking into his guts, fists squeezing your cock through his flesh.\n<<if !hasMutation ("balls") && !$got>>\\n<<addmutation "balls">>\\n<<set $from['balls'] to "djen prolapse">>\\n<<set $got to "balls">>\\n\nThe messy slurry of lightrot and cum drools down around your shaft, spilling across your balls and sliming down your inner thighs, and as you rut up inside him, cockhead bumping up against his frothy, blistered guts, you feel the lightrot burn across your balls start to increase: heat billowing up around you as the lightrot lather soaks in to your flesh. You groan, hand clamping down around your cock just squirting a new spray of lightrot back down your shaft, coating your drenched balls even thicker.\n\nThe heat feels like pinpricks across the flesh of your sac, sudden sharp touches that grow and intensify until your entire sac is aching, burning, stinging, until the pinpricks blossom into a billowing heat in your balls. You let out a shaky groan, panting for breath as you feel the lightrot suffuse your balls: like heat washing through, leaving behind a heavy, aching throb. The heat builds and builds, balls aching, and with a dizzying rush of mingled pleasure and pain you can //feel// them warp: internal passages pulsing as the dense flesh spreads, cavities filled with a mess of lightrot, audibly gurgling as it soaks in through your sac, through your flesh, flooding your balls. You gasp, whining high in your throat as the heat billows up, following the curled tubes in your sac, lancing up inside your body like a pair of needles jabbed up through your crotch. And all the while more lightrot squelches down from Djen's pulpy guts, keeping your bloating, throbbing balls coated in a fresh layer of slime, keeping them growing and bloating more.\n\nYour legs nearly buckle, making you slump forward against him, letting his guts suckle on your still-spurting cock, although right now you think you might be cumming pure lightrot back inside him. Your cock throbs, spraying slime, and the lurch of your balls makes you howl, like someone has just grabbed your balls and squeezed hard: a too-intense rush of pleasure and pain as your balls start to pump thicker, heavier fluid, creaking and gurgling from the abrupt shift, your passages swelling thicker, wider, heavier, to carry your new load.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou keep fucking him until you go soft, just enjoying rolling your cock back and forth through his frothy guts. He slurps his guts back inside himself, slowly, and you work to cram them back inside: first digging into the blossoming furl of his asshole, feeling the distended muscle hanging loose, and feeling his internal contractions drag his loose guts back up through it, slowly shrinking the hanging droop of his guts. Your cock, soft, lies there inside his drooping prolapse, and you finally tug backwards, pulling out with a wet squelch, cock emerging slathered in a froth of cum and lightrot.\n\nThe opening of his guts crinkles in on itself, no muscles to spread to keep it gaping, and so you replace your cock with your fingers, shoving into his slack guts and peeling them out into a big rubbery catenoid, marred by the lumpy, warted flesh of his upper guts. You get to watch as his guts ripple and tug, forming a tangled lump of flesh that bobs back and forth deeper inside his splayed prolapse. You slide one fist into his ass -- fingers keeping his guts gaping around your forearm -- and dig into the tangle, threading through until you're sinking your fist into his body properly. Djen groans, diaphragm pulling inside him, a rubbery flex that makes his guts squelch, and the unfurled tube of his intestines slithers, snakelike, deeper up into his body, slurping to fill the hollow space. Then he relaxes, a few inches of guts slurping back out, pants a few times, and does it again. You can feel the shift inside him, muscles up around his lungs pumping and pulling, pulling his guts back inside his body.\n\nHe does it again and again, letting the heavy droop of his prolapse curl back in on itself, squirming up along your arm until only your fist is shoved inside a taut, mounded crater, just barely peeking out between his cheeks. You pull out, his asshole properly gaping as he swallows the last of his prolapse back inside his body, asshole finally inverting with a meaty //slurp// to seal up around his guts again. He's bruised, asshole swollen even more huge than before: a ring of lumpy, bloated slabs of shiny flesh, only barely able to seal around its own gape. You stroke your fingers across his hole, thumb digging his flesh: pulpy, heavy, burning hot to the touch. You push into him easily, finger nothing to his size but still enough to make him groan as you feel across the wrecked rim of his inner asshole. You're both a mess, lightrot splattered all across his cheeks, painted down the backs of his thighs, smeared all across your arms and cock.\n\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n<<sex "djen" "prolapsefuck" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "djen prolapse">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You say, man can't you play with his cock?\n\nDjen laughs. "What do you wanna do with it?" He hefts it in his hand, a giant shuddering earthworm-tentacle, pulsing and drooling. He smears his thumb over the gnarled tip, spreading his fat, glossy cocklips, and then shoves his thumb in, twisting his hand to shove his index finger in there too; pulling them apart to make his slit gape. The inner flesh of his cock is slick and shining, covered in fat, glossy warts, and his cock sucks on his fingers, flesh pulsing and lurching. "I bet you could fuck it," he says, leering.<<if !$djenToppedLast>> His cock shudders, filling out, bloating wider around his fingers, and he pulls them out with a spray of slime, letting his cock drop, smacking his thigh with a heavy, meaty //crack//. "Or I could fuck you," he says.<<endif>>\n\n* [[fuck his cock|djen cockfuck]]<<scenealert "djen cockfuck">>\n* [[yeah like, fuck me with it|djen top]]<<scenealert "djen top">>
You step closer and heft his cock, mirroring his motion. It's heavier than it looks. Heavy, and damp, and squirming, shifting around with shuddering contractions. Gritty slime squelches under your palms as you try to grasp the head, fingers sliding over the slick, bulging knobs of his fat cocklips. His breathing hitches slightly, and his cock pulses, spewing a mess of thick, gloaming pre all over your hands.\n\nWhile you're sliding your hands across his cockhead, he gropes your cock: one hand curling around your bulge while the other tugs loose the laces of your pants. He pulls them down, palm intensely hot as he wraps his hand around <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your cock<<endif>>, slowly gripping and stroking it. You groan in approval, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>cock unsheathing with a sloppy, liquid //slurp//<<else>>cock stiffening in his <<if !hasMutation("dick")>>giant <<endif>>hand<<endif>><<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot")>>, still fitting easily inside his grip<<endif>>. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>His grip slides down to your unsheathed cock, hefting its pulpy weight, and he strokes it<<else>>He strokes it in his hand, tugging on your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>warted <<endif>>flesh, and presses your cock<<endif>> along his own monstrous cock in comparison. His cock gurgles pre in a heavy, hot gush, across the length of your cock, sheening it in glowing slime. Your hands work together, pumping your cocks. Your cock is utterly drenched in slime, cords spilling down the underside and <<if hasMutation("knot")>>gurgling into your sheath with a wet squelch, overflowing that and <<endif>>coating your balls, spilling down your inner thighs.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\n<<display "djen cockfuck knot">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "djen cockfuck regular">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<sex "djen" "cockfuck" "bottom">>\n<<sexscene "djen cockfuck">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
<<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<set $get to "dick">>\\n<<else if !hasMutation("balls")>>\\n<<set $get to "balls">>\\n<<else>>\\n<<set $get to "">>\n<<endif>>\\n\\nDjen slides your cockhead up against his own. His cocklips are enormous: swollen and rubbery, forming bulging crescents that are easily big enough to cup in your hands. They glow, brighter than the dull light his bare cockhead emits, and when he peels them apart -- huge clawed hands squashing his cockhead, getting his lips to part, strung together by cords of slime -- you can see the pustule-lined flesh of his urethra, all glowing a sickly lightrot-yellow. He shoves a claw inside, down to the knuckle, and then another. His cockslit bulges, glowing slime drooling out across his fingers, across his hand. His twists his claws, digging his clawtip into the wall of his shaft until he bursts a pustule or two, letting a squirt of lightrot spray out, subsiding into a thick drool spilling down his bloated cockhead.\n\n<<if $get eq "dick">>\\nHe pulls his fingers free from his cock with a squelch and cups your cock in his palm, stroking you off with the slimy lightrot mixture. It burns, heat sizzling across your shaft as he lathers it up, shoving two fingers back into his cock to work out another mess of lightrot and smearing it all over your cock. You let out a shaky groan, slumping forward against his chest as he jerks you off, letting the frothy mess lather up into a dense, tarry foam all across your cock, smeared out across your stomach and thighs. Your cock throbs, aching, heat soaking in until it feels like your entire cock is on fire, with rushing flames licking all across the painfully sensitive skin.\n\nEventually you have to gasp for him to stop, pushing his hand off, and let your cock just throb and twitch, pulsing in the open air as the lightrot soaks in. It's heavy, swollen and enormous, and when you touch it it's with a dizzying mix of pleasure and pain. Djen leers down at you, letting a cord of glowing drool spill down his tongue, aiming it for your cock, and he uses that to ineffectually wash off your cock, just adding his lightrot drool to the sloppy paste coating your cock.\n\n<<endif>>\\nDjen curls his hand around your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled <<endif>>shaft, and guides it into place: pressed right up against his spread cocklips, dipping just-barely inside. His cocklips purse, flexing and clenching, pursing around your cockhead, and you raggedly thrust inside, easily sinking your cock to the root. Djen groans, squeezing his enormous cockhead down around your own, massaging his flesh around your own, and you wrap your hands around his enormous, wormlike cockhead and thrust inside, your hips smacking against his flattened cockhead with a spray of lightrot slime. You can feel more pustules burst inside him, lightrot pouring across your cock in fiery lines, and you dig your fingers in, breathing hard as you slam into his spread cockslit.\n\nLightrot spurts out around your pumping shaft, splattering in sloppy lines across your thighs and sluggishly drooling down your thighs. Your ooze-coated balls smack against his broad cockhead with each thrust, splattering lightrot back down across his shaft. Each smack sense a pulse of pleasure and pain up through your body, making your balls throb and burn, and you groan, fucking Djen's cock, driving into him so that your balls smacking his flesh becomes a steady beat.\n\n<<if $get eq "balls">>\\nThe lightrot splattered across your balls lathers up, forming a dense froth. You groan, balls aching from the impact, skin hot and heavy, sticking to his flesh with each thrust and peeling away with glistening strings of lightrot webbed all over. A dizzying heat billows up inside you, sinking into your balls and stabbing upwards into your body, and you hiss and groan, balls swollen and aching as the lightrot froth sinks into them.\n\nThe flesh of your sac burns, a sensation of pinpricks rippling over your skin, and your balls lurch, audibly gurgling as their dense flesh floods with lightrot: mazy passageways inside your balls flooding, swelling wider with an aching pressure, like someone's squeezing your balls from the inside. You whine, slumping forward against Djen's cock, and your balls dangle in the air, skin furrowing and relaxing, balls perceptibly bloating: swelling bigger, pressure and heat growing until it's almost intolerable. You balls warp, spreading into lumpy, lopsided bean shapes, dense with lightrot. Djen shifts, pressing your cock back in to the hilt, squeezing your balls against his cockhead, and the wash of sensation, too intense to even tell if it hurts or feels good, is enough for your legs to buckle.\n\nDjen grins down at you, a giant hand cupping your aching balls, immersing them in the constant drool of lightrot pouring from his cock. He massages them, roughly, and you yowl and pant, gasping for breath as he prods his giant fingers against your swollen balls, smearing more foaming lightrot across the taut surface of your sac. You sob, hips erratically jerking forward, and he holds you by the balls, tugging and squeezing. It burns when your cock twitches, spurting out tainted pre into his cock, and you can trace the movement: thick sludge pumping through squirming passages inside you, now thick and slimy, mutated ĝheist sludge pumping up from your overstimulated balls in grimy, cloudy spurts.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou thrust into him again, bottoming out, squirting a mess of pre into his shaft -- nothing compared to the slurry drooling out around your cock -- and saw back and forth, panting and gasping from the lightrot fumes billowing up across his body, hazing across your skin. His cock ripples around your own, heavy bulbous pustules bumping across your shaft, sliding smooth and slick and sometimes bursting with a messy gush of lightrot pouring down along your cock and erupting out in a fuming splatter. His own pre squirts out with the force of a hose, painting a wash of lightrot-clouded pre all up across your chest and coating your thighs, until your entire front is a mess of slimy, reeking sludge. A wet burble gushes out around his bulbous cocklips with each thrust inside, and your cock smears through the mess, pumping up into the slobbery tube that is his cock.\n\nYour cock throbs, heat gathering in your gut, and you groan as you get close, letting your orgasm build and build with each thrust until you're clenching, holding yourself tight to try to get through one more thrust before you cum. Your cock twitches, a shot of heat racing up your shaft, and you ram into him again, fucking him through your orgasm as you erupt into the sloppy, flooded mess of his own cock. He's leaking so much pre and lightrot that your load is thinned into nonexistence, smearing out along your cock as a dim clouding of his glowing pre, even as you groan and moan, cock spurting and spurting into him.\n\nThen his cock ripples. It's a lurch that nearly knocks you over, cockhead lashing to the side and pulling half your cock free with a wet squelch.\n\n"Gonna cum," he says, eyes closed, mouth open. "Probably brace yourself." His eyes open a sliver, glowing, and he grins, looking at you: drenched in slime, sloppy handfuls of slime painted all across your hips and drooling down your legs in thick cords.\n\nHis cock ripples again, and you dig your hands into the crest of his cockhead, letting it throb and throb in your grip. His entire shaft lurches, warping and bulging, and Djen throws his head back and lets out a long, buzzing groan. You can hear his cock gurgle, feel the pulsing of internal muscles around your cock, and then he erupts in a shot of pre that bursts out around your cock and fountains in all directions. It's like a bucket of warm water being splashed across your front. Hot cords of sludge paint all across your chest and face, webbing across your hips in stringy cords, so sudden and abrupt you jerk backwards, cock emerging from his with a wet slurp. And leaving it clear so that the next shot hits you right in the stomach, a sharp //crack// of impact before his load sprays all over in a mess of stringy ribbons. His cum is silty, grey-green and thick with chalky crystals of raw lightrot that shatter and smear across your skin just from the force of his cumshots. You have to hold on to his lurching cockhead to stop from the impact knocking you to the side, and his cock shudders with recoil after every burst.\n\nDjen keeps coming. It's excessive. A single shot was enough to paint you head to toe in a slimy morass of cum; after two, three, four, five, you're just a human-shaped blob, features softened by cascading sheets of cum, in a layer so thick it's near-opaque. Djen grabs hold of you, hand across your slimy back, half to steady you and half to rut his cock up across your front, letting his next shot spray half across your face in a huge eruption of slime, fountaining up above your head and coming down, seconds later, with a heavy //whump// on the sand behind you.\n\nYou wrap your arms around his cock, stroking it as he keeps erupting: eyes closed, entire body a mess of slime, only aware of the tarry weight of cum drenching you and the constant throb and ripple of his cock in your arms, spurting and spurting and spurting. You burble, blowing bubbles in the layers of murk drenching you as you pant for breath, smearing your face against his enormous cockhead.\n\nAt some point you slump down into the sand, on your knees, and Djen floods the space around you until your calves are entirely immersed in cum. It's still some time after that before he stops.\n\nHe says something, and all you hear are watery noises. He scrapes the side of your head, peeling of a slimy sheet of cum that splatters down across your shoulder and side, and then you try to wipe more of the mess off, scraping across your face until you can blink open your eyes. There are webs of cum corded across your eyelashes.\n\n"I was pretty pent up," Djen says. "I don't actually cum with my dick that often." He looks at you, a vague outline in a pool of chunky murk. "I did warn you," he says.\n\nYou say he didn't warn you //much//. But also, damn, man, what a nice surprise. The second you open your mouth some of his load spills inside, drooling across your tongue, and you try swallowing a few times before scraping across your mouth, grabbing an entire handful of slime that squelches apart in your hand.\n\nIt's a mess. To say the least.\n\n<<if $get eq "dick">>\\n<<addmutation "dick">>\\n<<set $from['dick'] to "djen cockfuck">>\\n<<else if $get eq "balls">>\\n<<addmutation "balls">>\\n<<set $from['balls'] to "djen cockfuck">>\\n<<endif>>
He slides your pointed cocktip over his slimy cockhead, slathering it in cum, using it to tease himself. He squeezes his fat cocklips open, like a pouting mouth, and presses your cocktip between them. His cock ripples, pulsing, and his lips wrap around your cock, sucking and slurping, drooling a sloppy froth of your mingled pre.\n\nYou groan, pushing forward minutely, and his cocklips spread, sucking you into the rippling heat of his cock. The inner flesh of his cock is covered in broad bulbous pustules, sliding against the sides of your cock as you drive deeper, tugging and squeezing against your flesh. You rut shallowly, staring at his distended cockslit as it swallows up your cock, no problem. His cock ripples, pre welling up around your shaft and erupting out in a pressurized burst, splattering all across your front, and you moan and sag forward, sinking your cock down to the sheath inside him. The slick wet heat milks your cock, clenching when you try to pull back, and you gasp and shudder, working the final few inches of your cock back and forth, letting a scummy mess of frothy, churned-up pre build up around his flushed, swollen cocklips. His cocklips shudder, warped into fat bean-shaped mounds, the very inner edges flushed a glowing lightrot yellow.\n\nYour knot surfaces with a wet //slurp//, bursting from your sheath and immediately mashing against his gaping cockslit. Your tentacles curl out beneath it, wrapping across the gnarled flesh of his cocktip, a few spanning entirely across your knot and shoving into his cock alongside your shaft. Djen groans, hooking an arm over your shoulder and drawing you together, panting against your face with your chests mashed together. His cock is like a cannon stuck between you. You kiss him as you fuck his cock, sloppily thrusting back and forth, burying your cock inside his, smacking your knot against his bloated cocklips. There's no real question about whether you can knot him, just on which thrust you'll try to push deeper: his slit gapes, warping wider each time you bash your knot against it, and one good push would do it.\n\nHis cock sags lower, bloated with backed-up pre. Slime gurgles and squelches along your shaft, his gushing flow half-dammed, with smaller strands -- still finger thick, given his size -- squirting out across your hips and stomach. The rest slops around your pumping cock and only slowly pours from his cock in a frothy, shining waterfall.\n\nYou groan, hunching forward, bashing your knot against his cock with a few hard smacks, and then you grab his cock -- flesh heavy, turgid -- and mash it down, thrusting up, grinding your knot hard against his cock until it slurps inside. One side dips in first, the other wedges in after, plugging him up entirely. You groan, sagging over his cock, and your knot shudders and pulses, bloating inside him.\n\nDjen's cock is so massive even your own cock sunk inside it doesn't make it that much larger. But knotted, all his pre is building up inside, mixing with your own heavy flow. His cock bobs lower, bottom-heavy, slowly fattening as you both flood it with pre. You shakily rut forward, grinding your knot an iota deeper within his cockhead. He's tight, flesh stretching easily but always clenching down hard, and you fuck into him, mashing your sheath against his gaping cockslit until it's a wrinkled slab of flesh pinned between you. Your knot mashes some of the swollen pustules inside his cock flat, lightrot gurgling against your flesh, and as you thrust they burst inside him, adding raw lightrot to the messy slurry bathing your cock.\n\nYou groan, letting his cock milk yours, hot prickling sensation rippling along your cock, slobbery gurgles and squelches sounding from his cock as his internal muscles clench and squeeze, forming fat bands of tension across your shaft, stroking and sucking. Heat races up through your body, building and building as you dazedly grind your cock into his, until with a final shaky moan you erupt inside his cock, pumping your load to mix with the sloppy mess already slathered across your cock. Djen groans above you, hands on your side, back, keeping you pinned together. His cock is tight, growing tighter, flooded with slime, pressure bearing down on you. Djen groans, rutting forward -- mashing you tighter together -- and you feel his cock ripple, shudder, before he starts to cum.\n\nYour loads have nowhere to go: knot plugging his bloated cockslit, only a scummy ooze spilling out around it, and in the mean time the entire volume of both of your huge loads is swilling within him. Gheisthide is elastic, and gloamling hide apparently even more so: his cock shudders and warps, flesh bloating out under your fingers as his cock grows fatter and fatter, drooping down in a bottom-heavy bloat. Your cock is immersed in slime, the flesh of his inner walls peeling away from your cock as you both flood the space with slime, cocooning your shaft in a slick, sloppy sea of cum. More and more pustules burst inside him, flesh stretched more than they can take, and the sizzling lightrot heat makes you groan: cock surging further, knot bloating fatter, as you keep pumping, pulse after pulse of cum spurting out into the swirling sea of ooze churning inside his misshapen cock. His cock hardly looks like anything now: warped into a fat, gristled column of flesh, shuddering and squirming as his hide stretches out into misshapen expanses of marbled skin. A heavy mound of flesh pinned between you, burning hot.\n\nYou're dimly aware of your legs trembling, your body slumping down, and Djen kneels with you. His bloated cock hits the floor before his knees do, squashing his misshapen cock out into an enormous flesh slug, squirming and shuddering between you. Each pump of his cock, of your cock, makes it spread out fatter: enormously bottom-heavy, squirming on the ground, as the sea of sludge inside it resonates, currents of wet heat rippling around your immersed cock. He groans, leaning forward over his deformed cock to messily kiss you, the both of you panting and shuddering as his cock bloats further. Thick, tarry sludge gushes up around your cock, bloating his cockhead, pumping up against the barrier of your throbbing knot, and his swollen cocklips ripple, spreading out to belch a frothy, foaming mess of churned-up cum slurry out around your knot: a single squirt, foaming up in a slimy eruption that paints you from knees to chest before his huge, rubbery cocklips seal around your knot again. Djen groans, hands wrapping around his cock -- even his giant hands laughably undersized against the bloated, chest-thick bulk of his warped cock -- and he milks his cockhead, coaxing out another foaming burst of cum, entirely drenching you in your mingled loads.\n\nYou're still cumming, knot clenched tight between his slimy cocklips, now just constantly pissing out a mess of watery cum into his cock, but that's only a thin smearing through the churning sea of lightrot and his cum that swills inside his bloated cock. Each pulse ripples, a band of pressure squeezing your cock from tip to knot, and stirs the slop inside him around, churning it up into a thick, dense slurry. It's tarry, slowly forming thick, gummy clots that plaster his cock walls against your shaft, gluing your cock inside his. The scum splattering out around your knot bakes down, practically steaming from the combined heat of your bodies, forming a dense, rubbery seal across his flushed cocklips.\n\nYou both just kneel there, panting and groaning, as you both spend your loads, all of it pumped into the grotesquely-warped flesh of his cock. Your knot keeps throbbing, the only thing you can focus on: heartbeat resonating through it, the sloppy suction of Djen's cock keeping you hard and spurting long after you'd normally break the tie.\n\nYou're dazed and half-asleep by the time your knot finally starts to go down, cock softening inside his. It tugs weirdly, congealed clots of sludge shifting as your cock softens and tries to draw back; your knot itches, peeling of sludgy sheets as it shrinks. You're still glued together, only the slightest trickle of gummy sludge spilling out around the messy seal of Djen's bruised and bloated cocklips, despite the bunched, bloated mound that his cock has become.\n\nDjen has to reach forward, dig his claws in around your cock, and gingerly peel the flesh of his inner cock out away from your knot. You can feel the seal breaking, sludge bubbling up around his fingers, closer and closer until you can tell right when it's going to break: Djen with both hands sunk inside his cockhead, spreading it open gaping, with sheets of congealed cum slowly shredding apart until they finally snap. Cum gurgles out in a chunky, sloppy waterfall, all over your lap, and you bodily drag yourself backwards, cock pulling out from his sheathed in layers of grime, entirely cocooned in rubbery sludge. Djen groans as his cock finally starts to drain, pissing out a thick, frothy waterfall of mingled cum, closer to seeing a water barrel rupture than anything else: a pressurized squirting, spraying out in all directions, that slowly ebbs into a constant pour. His cock ripples, deflating, pushing out huge globs of half-congealed slime, too chunky and tarry to soak into the sand; instead the cum piles up in clotted mounds, slowly oozing out across the ground.\n\nYou say, what a fucking mess.\n\nDjen grins, maybe just as exhausted as you. "Nice, though," he says, swiping his fingers across his cock, hand dipping inside between his enormously-swollen cocklips, and he fishes out a handful of runny slop, bringing it to his face and lapping it up. His cockslit is destroyed, a resting gape as wide as a fist, forming a broad tunnel that sluggishly drools out your clotted, mingled loads.\n\nYou stroke your cock, just trying to clear off the sheety layers of sludge, splattering it across Djen's stomach and thighs. You do lick some of it off your own hands, though, too.\n\nYou cock sluggishly pulls back into your sheath, still squelching and slathered in cum, making your sheath bloated and spongy, drooling out Djen's load. He leans down, sucking it into his mouth, and milks your shaft, wet squelching noises slurping as he pumps his load into his mouth, gulping it down. It's almost enough to make you get hard again, but, fuck, you're tired.\n\nIt's a fucking mess but you definitely don't regret it.
<<if $djenToppedLast eq true>>\\nHe snorts. "I fucked you last time," he says. "C'mon, I wanna get fucked too. Help me out here."\n\n<<display "djen menu">>\n<<else>>\\nYou go, yeah, fuck me.\n\nHe laughs a little. "A real size queen, huh?" His cock squirms against his thigh, rubbery and drooling. He smacks you on the side, sitting up properly, and you take that as a signal to roll back, spreading your legs. He leans in, over you, and his cock spills all across your stomach in a weighty curve, the bloated tip pulsing and spurting glowing slime over your chest. "Let's see if you can actually take it."\n\nHis fingers press against your asshole<<if hasMutation ("asshole")>>, easily sinking in, and he twists his fingers inside you, rolling his knuckles against your hole<<else>>, and he slides his fingertips in circles over the rim of your hole before digging in, sliding one and then two fingers inside<<endif>>.\n\nYou curl your hands around his cock. It's heavy and soft, dense and rubbery. It ripples, squirming like a snake in your grasp, and you stroke your thumbs up along its sides, rolling your hands over his shaft, fingers digging into the pulpy flesh of his cock. Djen keeps probing at your ass, opening you up, and you find yourself moaning, grinding back against his hand as you lap across the drooling tip of his cock. He doesn't get hard so much as his dick gets denser: heavier, more bloated, the earthworm-rings along his shaft bulging out in wrinkled crests all the way down and down and down until his cock meets his body.\n\nHis fingers twist inside you, and you groan, rutting back, and it's only when he pulls back that you realize that he had <<if hasMutation("asshole")>>four<<else>>three<<endif>> fingers inside you: <<if hasMutation("asshole")>>four<<else>>three<<endif>> fingers, each as big as a human's dick. Your hole feels slack and heavy, open and bruised, and you shakily clench and push, keeping it spread. He keeps two fingers inside, keeping you spread, and hefts his cock with his other hand, dragging it in a heavy, turgid curve down to rut the tip between your thighs. It's hot against your skin, drooling beads of glowing lightrot all over the curve of your ass, and Djen slides the tip down between your muscled cheeks, claws digging into your skin as he pushes the drooling tip against your splayed asshole. His pre gushes into you, a wash of lightrot that leaves you aching, heat burning inside you as it soaks into your anal walls.\n\nEven after opening you up, his cock is still thick. He humps forward, prehensile cock coiling and stiffening to slide into you, and all your breath goes out in a //whuff// as you get used to the stretch. The rings along his shaft slurp inside, one after another, each catching and then popping through your spread ring, and his shaft squirms inside you, hooking around your guts and straightening them out to delve deeper without you needing to do anything about it. You just sprawl back, breathing hard, looking down: his cock makes a visible lump across your stomach, shuddering and shifting as he thrusts deeper. There's heat and pressure and the solid feel of something big inside you, something pushing itself deeper and deeper. You let out a ragged groan, heel of your hand digging down against Djen's cock, through the sheathing flesh of your own body. His cock ripples and spits, a wash of heat blossoming deep inside you, lightrot pouring down through your guts.\n\nAll that and he hasn't even started to fuck you, not really. When he pulls back it feels like he's gonna take your guts with you, a tug and a pull that leaves you feeling hollowed out. That doesn't make the thrust back in any easier to take, and you groan and gurgle, chest heaving, the bloat of his cock just more pronounced when you exhale in a wheeze.\n\nDjen grins down at you: "Bigger than you were expecting, huh?"\n\n<<if isBiggest('djen', 'anal')>>\\nYou say, you can take it. Just, fuck, he's big. He laughs, punctuating it with a thrust that skews his cock all up across your chest, feeling like it's curling around your heart.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, you've taken bigger. Of course, you say it between wheezes. You're not used to the //squirming//.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe has no problem bottoming out inside you: his hips clap against your ass, his bloated balls smacking against your upturned cheeks, and his cock just squirms all the way in, still pliable to curl around the windings of your guts. He rests there for a second, grinning down at you, the whole length of his cock rippling as it spits out gurgling glugs of pre deep, deep in your guts. It's a heat, billowing through your body, hot and prickling, a burning ache around the edges.\n\nThen he starts fucking you.\n\nYou let out a bellowing groan as his cock shifts, practically enough to lurch you to the side, and Djen leans in, giant hands wrapping around your thighs just above the knees, pinning you in place. He draws back, your entire ass mounding out in a lump centered around your stretched, warped asshole. A slobbery spill of lightrot-tainted pre squirts from your ass as each bloated earthworm-ring rips out, and then he sinks back in, asshole squelching as he slams his entire rubbery length in to the hilt. He does it again, and again, pumping steadily into your ass, flooding your guts with burning lightrot slime. Burning trickles of his pre pour down through your spasming guts, collecting in gurgling pockets around the rings of his cock, building up and up until he twists his cock in just the right way and the mess bursts backwards, spilling down your guts until it finally erupts from your spasming asshole in a burst of glowing ooze. Your ring aches, bruised from the constant slurp of his rings back and forth, and when he stops and hilts in you to spurt out a few gushes of thicker pre your hole still burns, pulsing and spasming like he's still pumping through it.\n\nYour guts slosh, squelching with lightrot pre, and you just lay there, sprawled out with your knees nearly pinned to your chest, open and pliant as Djen rearranges your guts. Heat burns through you, lightrot soaking in through your flesh until your entire body hums with its heat. You're panting, sweat trickling down your sides, slick across your back, and Djen just keeps going: huge muscles across his stomach and hips clenching, pulling, as he drives his cock into your gaping ass. Your cock flops against your pre-bloated stomach, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>unsheathed and turgid<<else>>half-hard and heavy<<endif>>, leaving splotches of pre across your skin. You're like a doll to him. His balls smash against your ass, sending ropes of goopy pre splattering all over, and stick in place when he pulls back; his lumpy, warted skin only slowly peels away from your lightrot-glazed body.\n\nHis grip on your legs tightens, and he slavers, panting hard, drooling lightrot spit all over your chest and face. His cock ripples inside you, and he makes a series of long, driving thrusts, knocking the breath out of your body before he tenses, giant muscles standing out in sharp definition. He lets out a wild roar, deafeningly loud, buzzing the air all around you, and his cock surges, its pulses turning into solid, coordinated pumps: flesh bloating and bulging out in lumps, pushing each one deeper and deeper until they finally burst from the tip of his cock. Heat bursts inside you, thick tarry lightrot pouring directly into your guts, pulse and pulse as Djen howls above you, snarling as he starts pounding you again, cock just stirring his load around inside you. Your already-bloated belly grows, guts sloshing and gurgling, thick pools of his mutated load collecting inside you, slurping audibly as he thrusts, obscene squelches coming from deep inside you as he keeps dumping his load inside you.\n\nIt feels like he cums for as long as he was fucking you. Your belly grows and grows, the brilliant yellow glow of lightrot starting to gleam through your stretched skin, until you can see murky shadows of your own guts through your skin, constantly shifting. <<if !hasMutation("asshole") && !hasMutation("prostate")>>\\nYour guts gurgle as they start to soak up the lightrot basting them, and you groan at the hot stinging, like pinpricks all across your insides. A dizzying heat swells low in your hips: your prostate, squelching audibly as it soaks up the lightrot hungrily. The heat washes through you, lightrot seeping through your flesh and leaving it altered, forming a dense heavy deposit within your prostate. It grows and grows, pulsing and churning, squelching even over the sloppy, wet sounds of Djen fucking you, and you lay there panting as your prostate bloats out, wider and fatter, heavy with lightrot, forming a turgid lump digging against the side of Djen's cock. Your cock twitches across your bloated belly, gleaming yellow pre drizzling from the tip with each of Djen's thrusts, smearing your skin with your own lightrot-soaked pre.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHis load gurgles down through you and bursts from your ruined ass in splattering bursts, painting stripy lines of brilliantly-glowing goop all across Djen's stomach and thighs. His thick sludgy cum pours out all over your ass and thighs, cording out between you in glimmering lines. <<if !hasMutation("asshole")>>\\nYour asshole burns as the lightrot soaks into your flesh. There's a hot stinging sensation, prickles of heat all around the lightrot-slathered rim of your asshole, and you let out a shuddering groan as your asshole starts to bloat and stretch. It's slow, pulsing in time with Djen's bursts of cum, but so, so noticeable: an aching weight in your increasingly-bloated asshole, your flesh folding over itself in slabs of shiny, aching flesh, until your ring is a bloated lump mounded between your spread cheeks, wetly sucking around the base of Djen's massive cock.\\n<<endif>> Burbling froth drools out around his still-pumping cock, and Djen groans and drags a hand down, catching a handful of tarry slime, and hungrily eats his own load from your ass.\n\nEventually he slows, panting hard and sweating. His cock slows inside you, pumps subsiding until he's just pissing out the last of his load inside you in a slow drool, letting his lightrot cum sluggishly ooze out around his shaft. He slumps down, sprawling out next to you with his cock still sunk inside you.\n\n"How was that," he says, hand feeling over your gut, catching the slime oozing across your thighs and smearing it up across your chest.\n\nYou try to talk and just gurgle. Eventually you manage to say, good. Djen snorts a little, breath blowing against your sweaty neck. He adjusts your body, keeping you socketed on his cock, pulling you back against him. You're both drenched in sludge, with more still spilling out of your bruised ass.\n\n"Next time you gotta do something with my ass," Djen says, and you let out a breathless laugh.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("asshole")>>\\n<<addmutation "asshole">><<set $from['asshole'] to "djen top">>\\n<<else>>\\n<<addmutation "prostate">><<set $from['prostate'] to "djen top">>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<sex "djen" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "djen top">>\\n<<set $djenToppedLast to true>>\\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
You kneel before him, and he helpfully hooks his arms under his thighs, pulling his legs up to show off his asshole.\n\nHe's already gaping. The dark, leathery ĝheisthide across his ass thins into slick internal flesh around his spread asshole, glowing a sickly yellow-green. His asshole is a thick, rubbery muscle that's perpetually-bloated, forming a thick ridge of smooth, swollen flesh. He's sloppy, glazed with fresh lightrot, and his hole yawns open easily, pouting out into a wide gape that shows off his glowing guts. His guts are covered in a frothy spray of glowing pustules, a few already popped, leaking thinned lightrot down through the rumpled flesh of his ass.\n\nYou can see his internal muscles flex: something pulling up, widening the cavernous space of his ass, letting loose flesh peel apart. You can see his prostate: an enormous tri-lobed lump bulging out against his anal wall, pulsing and squirming from its own muscular contractions. Then he pushes down, flattening his anal walls together with a squelch, nearly prolapsing his guts out of his body entirely.\n\nYou reach down, hand sliding over the curve of his giant, muscular ass and focusing in on his drooling asshole. His skin is hot, asshole even hotter: a wet, heavy heat, nearly scalding. You catch a streamer of lightrot drooling out over the rim of his ass and feed it back inside him. You drag two fingers along his asshole, hooking them into his rim and pulling to the side, and he spreads wider easy, hole distended into a lopsided oval. His cock twitches against his stomach.\n\nHis cock is enormous: spilling out across his stomach, hefted up and out of the way. His balls are... even more enormous, each one easily the size of both your fists. He dragged them to the side, hefting his loose sac over his thigh to spill down over his outer hip. His cock flexes, twitching as you drag your fingers across his enormous asshole, and the flesh of his balls squirms, folding up into wrinkled furrows. You could easily shove both hands into his ass without the slightest effort. You start with more fingers: using both hands to curl over the rim of his hole, stretching it wider. If feels like a thick rubbery cord, muscular striations warping and stretching under your palms as you drag him wider and wider. Forget both hands; you don't think you have any body part you could put in him that would genuinely stretch him in any way. His gape is only a shade less wide than your chest.\n\nYou sink your fists into him. His hole doesn't even seal around them: it just droops down, the bottom rim half-prolapsed out in a rubbery ridge, with your wrists smearing across the upper edge. You dig your fists against his prostate: gigantic and lumpy, a dense knot of muscular flesh that still has a bit of spongy give. He groans, rocking up to ride on your fists, and he clenches his asshole. It furls in, flesh rolling across flesh, entire asshole snapping shut around your wrists, with excess flesh bloating up in a lumpy swell that spans from your knuckles to your wrists: a thick, dense wrap that's slick and smooth, yielding at the surface but implacably strong deeper within the muscle. He leans back, head on the ground, letting out a satisfied groan with every breath as he uses his asshole to milk your fists, grind them against his prostate, keeping them pinned in place as effectively as if he tied your wrists together.\n\nYou pin your elbows together, pushing in to roll your forearms through his clenching asshole, and he groans, hips rutting back as he fucks himself on your fists. You crook one hand up, raking your knuckles back and forth over his bloated prostate as you pump into him. His cock lurches, wormlike length shuddering and spurting out a thick burble of cloudy yellow pre all across his stomach.\n\nHis asshole convulses, pulsing around your arms, and you start pumping both arms into him, working back and forth, letting your elbows spread again to drag his hole wider: letting him gape between your forearms, glowing guts on display even with both fists sunk deep into him.\n\nBig rubbery blisters of lightrot bump against your hands, spongy and squelching when you press down against his guts. When he's clenching, it's nearly impossible to dig into his walls: all his flesh backed with iron-hard muscle. But then he relaxes, hole hungrily gulping, and his flesh becomes rubbery, stretchy, possible to prod deep into the warping walls of his gaping ass. You punch your fists into his guts, smashing through the opening from his ass, and Djen groans low, hips lifting off the ground as he fucks down against you. The lightrot pustules in his ass burst, raw lightrot splattering over your arms, lubing them to punch deeper into his ass. You lean down, reaching into his ass -- elbow slurping in over his asshole, then bicep, all sinking into him without a hitch until you're armpit-deep. You pull back, arm glazed in a froth of churned-up lightrot, and do it again with your other arm, punching back and forth inside him as far as you can reach.\n\nDjen hoists up his cock and repositions it, curling his turgid length down so it's drooling pre down between his thighs, a sloppy mess oozing along the furrow of his ballsac down to drool over his ass, straight into his gaping hole. You fistfuck him with his own pre, lightrot and pre foaming up along your arms into a stringy froth. Excess slime squirts out, splattering across your chest when you punch into his slimy guts. There's nothing you can do to stretch him, not really, so you focus on his sensitive areas: one fist clenching and cupping the shuddering, spasming bulk of his oversized prostate, milking his slimy pre out of him; the other open, fingers digging into the opening of his guts, prodding and shifting, peeling his sloppy flesh apart where it's been stuck together with layers of lightrot slime.\n\nDjen groans, his own efforts adding all the force to things. You think he could probably break your arms with the muscles of his ass, if he wanted. He rolls back, head thrown back, enjoying you playing with his giant ass. His internal muscles shudder and spasm, prostate beating like a heart, and then he lets out a long, low moan as his cock suddenly erupts. He's not even hard, wormlike cock thickened but still soft and flexible, but it throbs and erupts, splattering a mess of glowing cum all across your chest in an enormous eruption, excess spilling down into his foaming, frothing asshole. You keep pumping into him, the wet thrusts squelching and gurgling as his own load pours into his ass, and he keeps cumming: gush after gush painting your chest, drooling down your body in tarry lines, coating his own body until his ass is glazed in glowing slime, his hole just the center of a sloppy sea of churned-up slime.\n\nYou peel your shaking arms out of his ass, entirely drenched with lightrot slime. His ass is flooded: a sluggish waterfall of lightrot pouring out from his pustulent guts, spilling into a sloppy, shallow lake of slime pooling beneath his upturned ass, coated in a stringy mess of froth and corded slime.\n\nHe lowers his legs, asshole gurgling as his flooded ass starts to drain, all the lightrot slime filling him starting to drool out over his flushed asshole. He squeezes his cock, milking out a few more heavy cords of cum, and sprawls back with a sigh.\n\n"Yeah," he says. "I really needed that."\n\nYou say, the other ĝheist not satisfying you?\n\nHe laughs. "Not a whole lot can satisfy a gloamling aside from another gloamling." He looks at your slime-covered arms, hot lightrot sludge spilling down your arms and hanging in jiggling lines from your knuckles. "You did a pretty good attempt, though."\n\nYou say thanks.\n<<sex "djen" "fist" "bottom">>\n<<sexscene "djen fist">>\\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You wanna get inside his ass.\n\nWhile he's playing with himself, you settle against his ass, undoing your own pants, stripping yourself down. Your knuckles brush against him: across the backs of his thighs, his hide is supple and waxy, slightly damp. A hot prickle spills across your chest and stomach, heat tightening and pooling inside you, and your cock throbs in your pants, stiffening in beats.\n\nYou jerk your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> out of your pants, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>pointed tip pushing out with a series of wet slurps<<else>>half-hard and hardening fast<<endif>>, and Djen pulls his fingers from his ass with a //slurp//, wrapping them around your cock and stroking it. You <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>unsheath into his hand<<else>>firm up under his touch<<endif>>, his fingers slick from his lightrot-drooling ass. You rut into his hand, cockhead butting against his palm, and he grips you by the cock and guides you forward into his ass. Djen groans when you push in past his tight asshole -- he clenches down, hole bulging out and clamping tight around your shaft -- into the depth of his ass.\n\nYou bump against his prostate almost immediately. It's a huge, pulsing gland bloating out the flesh of his anal wall, a knot of hard muscle that dimples when you push against it.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<display "djen fuck tf">>\n<<else if !hasMutation("balls")>>\\n<<display "djen fuck tf">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "djen fuck no tf">>\n<<endif>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You grind your cocktip against his prostate, experimentally: it's huge and dense, like hard rubber, but when you push down you can feel it give slightly. Djen groans, and his cock twitches -- his prostate spasms, pulsing like a heart -- and his cock spits out a wet, heavy slug of glowing yellow pre, oozing down his thigh and leaving a shining trail. You buck forward, working more of your cock into his sloppy ass until he's taken the whole thing; no problem. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot hasn't even surfaced yet; that's how quickly his ass can swallow up your dick. You thrust a few more times, sheath smacking against the bloated slabs of his puffy asshole, before your knot bulks up enough to slurp out of your sheath and properly pin it back behind your tentacles. Djen's asshole just slurps slightly wider, swallowing your knot no problem. You get the feeling that even fully engorged you're not big enough for your knot to catch.<<endif>>\n\nHis guts are full of bulging, rubbery bubbles that squirm against your cock as you sink down to the root. You lean down, hands spreading his giant ass, and pick up the pace, hammering into the hungry pit of his bloated ass, and Djen lets out an accompanying groan, guts squeezing and stroking the full length of your cock, deeply embedded inside him. He's squirting lightrot, big puffy glands just behind his asshole clamping around <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>the root of your cock<<endif>> and wringing themselves out like a sponge, squirting fuming yellow lightrot across your shaft in glowing streaks. Djen braces himself against the ground with one forearm, pushing himself back against you -- the force of each push nearly enough to bowl you back on your ass. Your balls clap against his cheeks, splattering lightrot ooze across your thighs and stomach in burning dots, more constantly winding its way through the bloated folds of his meaty asshole, slurping out in gushes with each jabbing thrust. The fat bubbles in his guts burst, sending showers of glowing slime streaming down his ass, mixing with your pre to make a bubbling slurry, frothing up in steaming clots over the muscled expanse of his ass, dripping down to coat his own balls in a layer of froth.\n\nThe lightrot stings, but not in a bad way. Your shaft is drenched, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>knot <<endif>> pulling out sloppy and glistening, drenched in pure lightrot, burning as it soaks into your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>already-monstrous<<else>>thickly-gnarled<<endif>> flesh. Your cock, already thick, fat, heavy, bloats even fatter, dense flesh becoming yet denser as your tissues become totally suffused with lightrot. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your tentacles lap across the florid gape of Djen's splayed asshole, lapping up lightrot in stringy cords, smearing them back across your sheath.<<else>>Your flesh itches, fat warts growing huge and glossy, flattening out as thicker bunches grow in on top of them in a snarled mess, until your cock is thickly-coated even for a ĝheist dick, just a mess of warts on warts with only small patches of smooth, pebbly skin.<<endif>>\n\nDjen groans, his soft cock lurching and twitching, spitting out tarry cords of glowing sludge as you keep hammering away inside him. His balls shudder, shifting around against his thigh like living things, visibly pulsing; the giant cords of his sac squirming just under the surface. His prostate spasms, the sheathing cocoon of muscle milking it hard, adding thicker clots of built-up slime to the mess oozing from his dick, knocked free by your thrusts. You can practically feel it wind its way through him: sheets of sludge peeled off the internal surfaces of his prostate, bubbling through his internal passages in chunky clots, bulging the underside of his dick as they slowly ooze their way out. He huffs and groans, ass milking your cock as he keeps rutting back into your thrusts, wormlike cock squirming and lashing all across his stomach.\n\nThe heat spilling through your cock reaches a peak. You let out a bellowing groan, eyes rolling back in your head as your lightrot-suffused cock throbs and lurches<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot swelling hot and huge with shocky bursts of creaking flesh bloating even huger<<endif>>, and you abruptly cum in his ass, pumping out a load that burns as it makes its way out of your body: your load barely-thinned lightrot, nearly as pure as the ooze spilling out from Djen's ass. You curl up, balls throbbing, aching hard, as you pump cord after cord of gritty, burning sludge into Djen's already-flooded guts<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, the mess only barely catching on the rim of your giant knot before spilling out<<endif>>, adding to the glowing mess gushing from Djen's gaping ass.\n\nYou keep thrusting, muscles spasming automatically -- the lightrot itself practically keeping your body moving, forcing your muscles to pull and relax -- as you gush your tainted lightrot load into Djen's ass, fuming cum pouring out around your shaft, filling the air with the acrid, acid smell of raw lightrot. You're gasping, panting hard, a guttural roar ripping its way out from your chest as you keep cumming, burning bolts of cum lancing through your body, splattering into Djen's guts with audible //splat//s, gurgling and squelching as your hips reflexively jerk forward and back, forcing your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fully engorged knot to burst out<<else>>warped, warted cock<<endif>> through his swollen ring only to get punched back inside a fraction of a second later as you fuck him in a dazed frenzy, keening and yowling as your lightrot-flooded insides pump out some small fraction of the mess.\n\nEventually you collapse on top of him, his deep breaths shifting you enough to keep you fucking him, cock plunging into the sloppy crater that is his ass. You lose track of time, sprawled there in a daze while your cock shoots and shoots, only finally running dry when you lurch backwards, cock popping free and gushing your last few shots in brilliant yellow cords all over his slathered ass. You only manage to pull yourself up against his side, body shaky and trembling, cock still hugely engorged and leaving a slimy trail of lightrot over his skin, before you collapse, panting. It's more like falling asleep than passing out, but only just.\n<<sex "djen" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "djen fuck no tf">>
<<set $_djentf = !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot") ? "dick"\n : !hasMutation("balls") ? "balls"\n : "error??">>\\nYou grab his giant ass with both hands and slide all the way in, until your pubes are mashed against his hide. His ass ripples around your dick, his lightrot glands squirting hot slime, slurping out along the bloated slabs of his puffy asshole. <<if $_djentf == "dick">>You slide back, cock drenched, flushed and heavy. The lightrot burns across your skin, and you swear you can feel plumes of heat outlining the cavernous structures in your dick as it soaks in.<<else>>You slide back, cock drenched, with sloppy gushes pouring down your shaft all the way to your balls. The lightrot burns across your sac, and plumes of heat billow up as the lightrot soaks in, outlining your balls in a burning haze.<<endif>> You fuck him hard, hips slapping against his ass, cockhead scraping across the lumpy swell of his prostate. Thickened lightrot slime drools down your cock, tracing a burning line down over your balls. You peel his hole open, thumb tracing over the rubbery, elastic flesh, and you see the lumps of his lightrot glands just an inch deep, a ring of spongy flesh that suppurates at the touch, and you fingerfuck him, wringing out sloppy squirts of lightrot. Djen groans, head lolling to the side, and you thrust shallowly, one hand practically shoved into his ass alongside your cock, fingers groping across his rim, tugging him open into a wider gape.\n\nHis soft cock shudders and ripples with each thrust, mammoth balls juddering forward, draped across his thigh. His cock twitches, flexing, and a few seconds later -- a few thrusts into his sloppy, gripping ass -- a slurry of lightrot-tainted pre drools from his wrinkled foreskin. Your thrusts jolt his cock, smearing his pre across his stomach, glazing his skin.\n\nHis guts drool lightrot down your shaft, burning<<if $_djentf == "balls">> down to your balls<<endif>>, and you huff and lean in, panting over him as you hammer into his ass. <<if $_djentf == "dick">>Your cock shudders, heat racing up inside you in distinct lines, like hot wires burning inside you, and you cum with an abrupt groan, adding white threads to the lightrot slurry oozing out around your shaft.<<else>>Your balls ache, each thrust smacking them hard against his huge ass, and the lightrot burn snakes upwards, squirming through the squiggling cords filling your sac. The lightrot erupts into your body cavity, feeling like two fingers shoved up inside you, and you cum abruptly, with a gasping shudder. Your balls pulse, throbbing and gurgling, feeling denser, hotter, with each pulse.<<endif>> You keep fucking him as you cum, dazed and panting, entire body flushed, dizzily aware of lightrot drooling down your thighs, splattering up across your stomach, thick waves coating your balls.\n\nYou pull out gasping, <<if $_djentf == "dick">>cock heavy and flushed, only half-hard but heavy and engorged<<else>>cock messily squirting brilliantly-glowing lightrot cum all over his ass<<endif>>. Djen groans, reaching out, hand sliding through the lightrot mess before wrapping his hand <<if $_djentf == "dick">>around your cock. He works more lightrot into your skin, pumping your cum-streaked cock, lightrot slurping and squelching, even even though it's hasn't even been a minute since you came you're already firming up again, cock pulsing with an almost-painful heat.\\n<<else>>around your balls. He squeezes and tugs, working more lightrot into your skin, and your cock keeps throbbing, spewing what feels like an endless amount of burning cum out from your changing balls. Lightrot burbles inside you, burning as it soaks through the flushed and aching skin of your sac, settling in your heavy, bloated balls in a series of wet burbles and pops that you can feel through your entire body. \n<<endif>> Your skin shines dully, practically sucking up the lightrot sheening it, and Djen shoves his fingers into his gaping ass, working out a sloppy handful of cum-streaked slime, and <<if $_djentf == "dick">>slathers it across your shaft, stroking again. You groan, rutting your cock against his ass, up over his hip, balls smacking against his asscheek as his fist squeezes and strokes.\\n<<else>>immerses your swollen balls in them, thumb smearing all across your burning flesh. You groan, rutting your still-cumming cock against his ass, up over his hip, and grind down hard, pinning your balls between your bodies. You can feel them swell, faster now, heavy and bruised and aching, beating like hearts as their internal passages squirm and contort, becoming denser and heavier, suffused with lightrot.\\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $_djentf == "dick">>\\nYour cock is already bigger, aching and raw, flesh darkening in splotchy marks as the lightrot soaks in. You drag your hips back, ridge of your fat cockhead digging into the edge of Djen's fingers before it pops out between them, and you angle down, aiming the ramrod-hard length at his fucked-open ass. You slam into his sloppy hole, cock reaching deeper this time, jabbing against the opening to his guts for a moment before you feel his internal flesh unfurl, like a slobbering kiss against your cockhead as you sink into his guts. Your cock spurts, a mingled spurt of pre and cum splattering across his internal flesh, already slick and slimy with lightrot. He groans, rutting back against you, and you press down, flatting his fat cheeks against your hips. You can feel your cock growing, maybe, hot stinging pinpricks racing along the sides of you shaft, gathering just under your cockhead, and you squeeze your eyes closed and mindlessly rut forward, fucking your fattening cockhead back and forth through the pulsing entrance to his guts.\n<<else>>\\nYour balls are already enormous, aching and raw, the flesh of your sac starting to darken in splotchy marks as the lightrot soaks in. You rut your spurting cock along the curve of his asshole, painting him in grimy layers of your altered cum: goopy and grey, forming chunky globs, threaded with cords of murkily-translucent lightrot. You angle your cock down, slamming into his sloppy hole, punching through into his guts, and he shudders and squirts out a mess of lightrot all across your hips, drooling down in a slurry to add fresh lightrot to the slimy mess coating your balls. You hose his insides down with your altered cum, cock and balls burning with fiery pinpricks. Each thrust squelches and slurps, your balls bruised and aching, smacking against his drooling flesh with a watery //crack//, and you squeeze your eyes closed and mindlessly rut forwards, hammering your still-swelling balls against his skin, moaning from the dizzying mixture of pleasure and pain.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if $_djentf == "dick">>His guts are warted, covered in smooth bubbles that slide against your cock, and slowly more and more of your cock reaches into his depths, letting you jab harder and harder until you feel one burst, a hot spray of pure lightrot splattering back over your cock in a burning eruption.\\n<<else>>There's a painful twisting in your balls as your internal cords warp and stretch, bloated finger-thick now and folding over each other in a lumpy furl.\\n<<endif>> You groan, sagging forward over him, letting the heat wash through you. Your breath rasps in your throat, entire body sweating hard, gasping for breath. You bellow, cock erupting again, spraying your tainted cum into his ass, thicker now than you're used to. You rut shallowly, dizzy and exhausted, and collapse on top of him, dimly aware of how your orgasm goes on and on, the root of your cock flexing as it shudders and pulses, again and again, splattering rope after rope of cum into Djen's ass.\n\nYou pass out on top of him, cock still hard and drooling in his ass, <<if $_djentf == "dick">>a stringy slurry of lightrot-tainted cum oozing out around your thicker shaft<<else>>balls fist-sized and throbbing hard, pumping out and endless supply of grimy, lightrot-tainted cum that just oozes out around your fat shaft<<endif>>, gluing you together.\n\n<<if $_djentf == "dick">>\\n<<addmutation "dick">>\\n<<set $from['dick'] to "djen fuck">>\\n<<set $_awake to "djen fuck cock tf awake">>\n<<else>>\\n<<addmutation "balls">>\\n<<set $from['balls'] to "djen fuck">>\\n<<set $_awake to "djen fuck balls tf awake">>\n<<endif>>\n<<sex "djen" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "djen fuck tf">>
You wake in the evening glued tight together, the lightrot dried into a thick, flaking crust where you're stuck inside his ass. You're still half-hard.\n\nYou pull out, breaking the crust, and your cock emerges slathered in cum and lightrot, drooling fresh slime over Djen's ass. It's a beast, a proper ĝheist-looking cock now: bloated and huge, skin grey-brown and strangely elastic. Leathery and heavy, an added heft hanging off your body when you drag yourself to your feet. No warts yet, but you can feel the faint mars in your new ĝheisthide that'll bubble up into warts soon enough: invisible twists in the grain of your skin running the length of your shaft along the underside, skin marred and gnarling under your touch.\n\nDjen sees you playing with your cock and grins. "I'd like to ride that," he says, "but we do got shit to do."
You wake in the evening glued tight together, the lightrot dried into a thick, flaking crust where you're stuck inside his ass. Your balls are pinned to his ass, plastered there by the thick crusts of dried cum.\n\nYou pull away, breaking the crust, and your balls lurch down between your thighs, impossibly heavy, aching painfully at the slightest pressure. They're immense: huge blocky things bigger than a fist, weirdly oblong, like they're folded out over themselves, curled into crescents. You hiss in pain as you glide your fingers across their surface: lumpy, uneven, dense. The skin of your sac is leathery and heavy, proper ĝheisthide now, and it stretches easily, letting your balls hang lower, knocking against your thighs when you shift backwards. You can feel the connection points where your newly-gigantic cords meet your balls; you press down ever-so-slightly against them, and the full-body response -- stinging pressure, aching balls straining from the thick, tarry volume of slimy lightrot-tainted sludge inside them -- is so intense you can't tell for seconds afterwards if it was pleasure or pain. Your balls lurch, sludge pumping through your cords, and they're so bloated, hypertrophic, that you can follow the slow, churning passage of thick clots up from your balls, through your cords, and finally popping into your body cavity with the slightest pulse of resistence.\n\nWhen you open your eyes and return to reality, Djen has been watching you play with your balls for who knows how long. "Liking the change, huh?" he asks. "I'd like to see just how it's taken, but we got shit to do."
Djen surveys the acid stalks. You don't actually know what this entails.\n\nHe looks at the stalks, and sometimes scrapes off a piece of plant or rock, or digs at something in the sand. Sometimes he writes some stuff down. You mostly sit there and watch, and sometimes scratch around in the sand for any scavenge. It takes a few hours.\n<<set $stalksSurvey to true>>\\n\n<<display "djen survey wrap">>
Djen surveys the acid bay. You don't actually know what this entails.\n\nHe takes samples of the acid in glass vials, and he takes samples of the sand too. At one point he gets out some kind of angle-measuring device, or a telescope or something like that, and looks out across the acid shallows. Sometimes he writes some stuff down. You mostly sit there and watch, and sometimes scratch around in the sand for any scavenge. It takes a few hours.\n<<set $baySurvey to true>>\\n\n<<display "djen survey wrap">>
Djen surveys the acid flats. You don't actually know what this entails.\n\nHe collects up portions of the sandy powder, and at one point unpacks some kind of chemistry kit. Pours water and acid into vials, dissolves the powder into them, and then measures them with paper strips, which turn a variety of colors. He organizes those into a workbook. You mostly sit there and watch, and sometimes scratch around in the dust for any scavenge. It takes a few hours.\n<<set $flatsSurvey to true>>\\n\n<<display "djen survey wrap">>
<<set $djenSurveys += 1>>\\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\\nEventually, he finishes up.\n\nHe turns to you: <<if $djenSurveys lt 3>>\\n"Gotta keep filling out the survey. Let's go a ways down the coast and look around more."\n\nHe gestures for you to lead the way.\n<<else>>\\n"Yeah, I think that's enough. We can head back to town now."\n\n<<set $drudge1 to 3>>\\n<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<set $pthuulScenes += 1>>
[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Pthuul set up camp.\n\n<<if $pthuulScenes eq 0>><<display "pthuul first time">>\\n<<else>><<display "pthuul repeat">>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $_camprun to "pthuulcamprun">>
<<if $sex['pthuul'] gt 0>>\\nYou finish setting up camp and turn to find Pthuul sitting back against his packed bedroll, looking you up and down with overt intent. When he sees you've noticed, his lips crack open in a craggy grin. He tilts his knee out, giving you a view of his bulging crotch, and adjusts the big lump of his cock.\n\n"How about you c'mere," he says, and twists his hand around to show his open palm, beckoning. "Have some fun."\n\n[[→|pthuul first sex intro]]<<scenealert "pthuul first sex intro">>\n<<else>>\\nYou and Pthuul finish setting up camp. You eat some. There's a moment when his gaze lingers: he's setting on his rolled-up bedroll, legs spread, and his hand drifts in along his inner thigh and squeezes the heavy lump of his cock. He tilts his head in your direction. "You wanna fuck around?" he says.\n\n* [[yeah|pthuul first sex intro]]<<scenealert "pthuul first sex intro">>\n* [[nah|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
You go over, and he tugs you down level with him, one huge hand wrapping around the back of your neck and pulling you into a sloppy, toothy kiss. He presses against you, chest-to-chest<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>, and your aching, leaky nipples squirt milk all across his chest. He groans and reaches down, wrapping a hand around one and squeezing, tugging. You shudder and whine into his mouth as he milks you, roughly kissing your face.<<else>>, muscled bodies pressed tight together.<<endif>> You reach down, fingers curling against the waist of his pants, digging beneath where his skin is hotter and minutely damper, and he groans and ruts forward, cock grinding against cock.\n\nHis pants are closed with metal buttons, in a row directly down the bulging bulk of his trapped cock. With each one you undo, the fat, straining arc of his cock pushes out more, until you undo the fourth and final one and his entire cock lurches out with a smack, tip shiny and slimy with pre. His cock drizzles pre across your hand, hot and slick, excess spilling down across his thigh. He reaches down, cupping your cock with one giant hand, and uses his thumb to pull the laces of your pants loose, letting your cock pop out.\n<<if hasMutation("dick")>>\nHe coos in interest, giving your fat ĝheist cock a few tugs, grinning when you gush a mess of clotted, gritty pre all over his stomach. "That's a cock I can do something with," he says, and butts your cocks together, rutting so your gnarled shafts slide through his hand, warted flesh adding texture to the motion.\\n<<else if hasMutation("knot")>>\nHe coos in interest, giving your bestial cock a few tugs. He strokes tip to base, hand slimy with your tainted pre, wrapping his fingers around your softened knot and giving it a squeeze, letting your tentacles tangle across his fingers.\n\n"Don't see many like that," he says, and tugs you forward by your knot. All the breath leaves your lungs in a sudden //whuff// as your cock lurches, and you spray rancid pre all up across his chest and face. He sticks his tongue out, catching a fat droplet that splattered across the corner of his mouth, and sucks it into his mouth.\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if !(hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot"))>>\\nHe humps his cock against yours, his pre spurting out across your stomach and thighs until your cock is completely immersed in a smeared layer of his thick, gritty pre.\\n<<else>>\\nHe wraps his other hand around your cockheads, squeezing them together so that your mingled pre spurts through his fingers, and you rut against him. Loud, lewd slurping noises come from his hands as he strokes your dicks together, the both of you humping up into his grip.\\n<<endif>>\\n You grip his sides, fingers digging into his hide, leaning down against him, and he grins at you from an inch away, mouth open and panting, and you kiss him again, sloppily, his drool spilling down between your sweaty<<if hasMutation("leaky")>> and milky<<endif>> chests.\n\nHis cock shudders, spasming in the space between you before he erupts -- mouth open, breath popping against your lips -- and his cock gushes, the rank scent of ĝheist cum overwhelming as he shoots his load in thick, clotted globs that smear all up and down between your chests, hanging off your nipples, drooling in thick cords down your sides.\n\nHe groans, bringing a hand up -- huge globs of cum clinging to his palm -- and slurps it off. "Fuck, I needed that," he says. His hips work, cock still gushing in burbles that smear between your stomachs.\n\n"Gotta take the edge off," he says, lazily smearing his mess of cum all across your thighs and belly, letting the grit crunch under his fingertips.\\n\\n<<if hasMutation("dick") || hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<set $pthuulFirst to true>>\\n He looks down at your still-drooling cock. "I bet I could fit that in my ass," he says. He looks up: "Unless you really wanted me to fuck you."\n\n* [[yeah c'mon i really need a dick in my ass|pthuul top]]<<scenealert "pthuul top">>\n* [[yeah ride me|pthuul bottom]]<<scenealert "pthuul bottom">>\n* [[listen, i bet i could fit my fist in your ass too|pthuul fist bottom]]<<scenealert "pthuul fist bottom">>\n<<else>>\\nHe leers at you: "Next one will be in your ass." His slimy hands slide over your hips, and he grips your ass cheeks, leaving behind big wet handprints as he spreads them. You groan.\n\n<<set $pthuulImmediately to true>>\\n<<display "pthuul top">>\\n<<endif>>
<<set $pthuulFirst to false>>\\n<<if $sex['pthuul'] gt 0>>\\nPthuul is visibly hard in his pants the entire time you're setting up camp. He adjusts himself a few times and gives you a leer.\n\n<<if $sex['pthuulbottom'] gt 0>>\\nAfter you pitch the tent, he gets down to business. He pulls his fly open, milking his half-hard cock, letting it fill out to its full girth in his hand. "You wanna get fucked this time or what?"\n\n* [[yeah fuck me|pthuul top]]<<scenealert "pthuul top">>\n* [[how about i fuck you again|pthuul bottom]]<<scenealert "pthuul bottom">>\n* <<if $sex['pthuulfist'] gt 0>>[[how about i fist you again|pthuul fist bottom]]<<else>>[[how about i fist you|pthuul fist bottom]]<<endif>><<scenealert "pthuul fist bottom">>\n<<else if $sex['pthuulbottom'] eq 0 && (hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation("dick"))>>\\nAfter you pitch the tent, he gets down to business. He steps in close and wraps a hand around your cock, fingers curling down to tug on your balls. "You planning on using that dick tonight?"\n\n* [[yeah i'm gonna fuck you|pthuul bottom]]<<scenealert "pthuul bottom">>\n* [[i'm planning on using my fist on yr ass|pthuul fist bottom]]<<scenealert "pthuul fist bottom">>\n* [[nah i wanna get my ass used|pthuul top]]<<scenealert "pthuul top">>\n<<else>>\\nAfter you pitch the tent, he sprawls back, cock a fat, heavy lump. "How's your ass feel," he says, groping himself. "I wanna tear it up."\n\n* [[yeah cmon go for it|pthuul top]]<<scenealert "pthuul top">>\n* <<if $sex['pthuulfist'] gt 0>>[[well, i wanna fist you again|pthuul fist bottom]]<<else>>[[i wanna tear yr ass up with my fist|pthuul fist bottom]]<<endif>><<scenealert "pthuul fist bottom">>\n* [[nah man i'm just gonna sleep, sorry about yr dick|camprun]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\\nPthuul kinda leers at you some, but he doesn't make a move. But...\n\n* [[hey you wanna fuck around|pthuul fuck prompt]]<<scenealert "pthuul fuck prompt">>\n* [[just go to sleep|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
He leers at you. "Fuck yeah," he says, and gives his cock a squeeze. You can see it swelling up, pulling his pants taut around its bulk. "C'mere," he says, and beckons you closer with two fingers.\n\n<<display "pthuul first sex intro">>
<<display "pthuul top 1">>\n/%\n<<if $sex['pthuulbottom'] eq 0>><<display "pthuul top 1">>\\n<<else if $sex['pthuulbottom'] eq 1>><<display "pthuul top 2">>\\n<<else if $sex['pthuulbottom'] eq 2>><<display "pthuul top 3">>\\n<<else>><<display "pthuul top 3">>\\n<<endif>>\n%/\n[[→|camprun]]
<<display "pthuul first bottom">>\n/%\n<<if $sex['pthuultop'] eq 0>><<display "pthuul first bottom">>\\n<<else if $sex['pthuultop'] eq 1>><<display "pthuul bottom 2">>\\n<<else if $sex['pthuultop'] eq 2>><<display "pthuul bottom 3">>\\n<<else>><<display "pthuul bottom 3">>\\n<<endif>>\n%/\n[[→|camprun]]
He gives you a craggy grin. "Sure, go for it."\n\nHe rolls incrementally back, hard cock flopping up against his stomach with a sharp //crack//, and revealing the broad, blocky muscles of his thick ass. He raises a knee, and you move into the open space, letting him curl his leg around your side, pressing his huge, muscular thigh against your side. You slide your fingers up his thighs, sliding just beneath his enormous drooping balls to dig into to the crease of his ass, spreading his cheeks open slightly.\n\nHis asshole is dark and furrowed, smooth compared to the warted gnarl of his gheisthide. You skim your fingers across his fat cockhead, catching <<if $pthuulFirst>>a stringy mess of cum across<<else>>a glob of his pre on<<endif>> your fingertips, and use that as lube to press down his crack, digging into the pulsing knot of his asshole. He groans, arching back, hips canting up to give you better access, and you slide one pre-lubed finger into his ass. His gheist body is burning hot inside, immense heat and pressure clenching down as you fingerfuck him. His prostate is enormous; impossible to miss: your finger knocks into the huge, lobed structure just past his asshole, bulging and heavy as the walls of his ass pulse and shudder around your finger.\n\nHe spreads open easily. It's not difficult to smear pre across three of your fingers and work them inside; his hole practically gapes open, hungily gulping your fingers down to the root. You slide them across the slick walls of his ass, digging into the furrows of his dense prostate. His entire body rumbles with his groan, and his leaking cock spews out a few thick, slimy pulses of pre all up his stomach and chest as you bash your fingers into his prostate repeatedly. His tightly furrowed hole flowers open to reveal the dusky grey-purple flesh of his guts, slick and smeared with globs of <<if $pthuulFirst>>his own load<<else>>pre<<endif>>. You twist your fingers inside him, pumping faster as he opens himself up. It's not hard to feed your pinky into him alongside your other fingers; you let him groan and ride down, bashing his spreading hole against the ridge of your knuckles, soft hole wetly sucking against your palm as he starts to gape wide enough to swallow your entire fist.\n\nYou pull back, leaving his hole hugely spread, spread and sucking on nothing. The walls of his ass push and pull, hollowing out to reveal the gnarled mound of his prostate, then squashing down flat to bulge against his hole. You twist your thumb in under your fingers and slowly feed your entire hand into Pthuul's ass. He groans, muscles across his chest shuddering as he spreads himself wider. The ring of his asshole pulses against your fingers, flexing wider as it rolls down over your hand as a thick, muscular band, wetly sucking your entire fist into him with a soft wet squelch. You clench into a fist, rolling your knuckles against his prostate, letting his asshole shudder its way into a loose grasp around your wrist.\n\nYou tug back, pulling on his hole from the inside until it's an immense warped crater, sloppily clinging to your hand, and then you open your hand inside him, widening your grip so even his gaped, stretched-out asshole can't slip off your spread hand. You watch the play of his soft inner flesh as it ripples and clenches: smooth internal muscle pulsing, slowly spilling up your hand as you pull minutely back, peeling free webbed with dozens of thin glimmering cords of slime that snap apart into a shiny sheen coating your skin. You roll your hand back and forth over his gaping ring, pushing forward to solidly seat your fist between his hips with a wet //crack//. His entire body lurches, his still-hard cock spewing out a mess of thick, gritty pre all up his chest, and he lets out a guttural rumble: eyes closed, mouth open, internal muscles squeezing down on your fist.\n\nYou pull through the resistence of his hole, ripping your fist out of him with a hollow //pop// and stuffing it right back in before his spasming hole can clench tight. Pthuul groans, cock burbling short, heavy bolts of grimy yellow pre across his spasming stomach, and you fistfick him, punching into his guts and letting his ass swallow your hand down past the wrist, edging down onto the thick, bulky muscles of your forearm before you wrench it free, over and over, each time punctuated by the wet //splat// of grimy gheist cum spilling across Pthuul's cum-sheened stomach. His prostate ripples and spasms around your fist; a heavy beating heart lodged between his hips, and each sharp clench spews a messy plume of grey gheist pre all up his chest, glazing his hide in gleaming slime.\n\nPthuul claws at the sand beneath, hips lurching up to erratically fuck himself on your fist, meeting your thrusts with his own. His guts spread open against your hand. Your knuckles bash against the tight drumhead opening to his guts, and as he fucks himself on your arm -- his gaped hole slurping further and further down your forearm -- you push up, digging into the twist of his guts, until with a sudden groan and a sharp spasm he opens himself up for you: fist slamming into his guts, forearm slurping down to the elbow into his wrecked ass.\n\nA roar builds in his chest: a rumbling moan growing louder and louder in ragged jerks as you slam your fist into his ass until he's bellowing, breath rasping through his open mouth. Internal muscles spasm above your fist -- his cock flexes hard, loudly smacking against his chiseled stomach, and then he erupts with a huge plume of cum, shooting entirely over his head and smacking into the sand a solid second later. He coats himself in his load, thick tarry gheist cum splattering down in ropy cords: spilling across his face, into his open and panting mouth, spilling in thick clots down his muscled neck to collect in the lurching hollow of his throat, cutting through the murky mess of pre painted all across his chest and stomach. You fistfuck him through his entire orgasm: clenching asshole gripping down almost painfully hard on your hand, clinging tight when you try to force it through his pulsing ring.\n\nHis hole is a ruined mess: a broad ring of grey-purple flesh, bruised into puffy slabs, glazed and frothy with fluid. It sinks deeply into his body when you push forward, only to fold over itself in fat tongues when it spills back out, splaying wide into a crater-like ridge when you wrench your fist free, leaving him fully gaping for a moment -- thick webs of ooze strung between his slime-slathered insides, slowly spilling down to coat the walls of his ass -- before you punch back inside.\n\nHe collapses in a panting mess, sand smearing across his cum-glazed skin, and you gently rock your fist inside him for a while longer, teasing out a continual drool of heavy, silty cum that drools across the muscled arch of his hips. His hole pouts open behind you when you pull free, inner walls only sluggishly collapsing in to mash together, leaving his guts only just-barely staying within his body.\n\n<<sex "pthuul" "fist" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "pthuul fist bottom">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
He leans forward and pushes you onto your back, and then duck-walks forward on his knees, straddling your hips. His cock is half-hard and still drooling, leaving a mess of cum all across your chest as he lifts himself up enough to angle your cock against his ass. The skin of his ass is supple ĝheisthide, covered in smooth, pebbly scute, slick as you rut against it. He lets you go for a second, your hips rolling up minutely, sliding your cock along the furrow of his ass, and then he rises up, uses one hand to guide you in: <<if hasMutation("knot")>>the sharp spar of your cockhead glides along his thick ass until it spears against his hole: warm, wet, already spread open.<<else>>the fat, gnarled head of your cock smashes against his tight hole, and he spreads himself, hole sucking on your cockhead until it pops inside.<<endif>> He shoves himself down on your cock, swallowing half of it in the initial gulp, and then his ass clenches down, gripping your shaft. He holds there for a moment, milking it for another gush of pre. He throws his head back, eyes closed, mouth hanging open, and groans as he squats lower, taking in more of your cock.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your cock's huge enough that you've hardly met a human that can take it, even soft, but his ass swallows it up without issue. His swollen ass-lips shudder and clench, interrupting the slow slide downward each time they gulp, and eventually come to rest spread against the nascent bulk of your knot, hardly engorged but -- to a human at least -- punishingly thick. To Pthuul probably less so. He grinds down a little, riding the final inch of your cock before your knot, and each time his spread asslips spread a little further over the bulk of your knot. your tentacles curl over your knot and play with his hole, lapping like tongues across his stretched rim; sometimes pushing inside alongside your shaft.\\n<<else>>Your warts scrape across the rim of his asshole, digging into his puffy flesh. Each one slurping into his ass makes his hole lurch, flexing and spreading minutely before it shoves inside. His swollen ass-lips shudder and clench, hungrily milking your cock, surrounding it with rippling heat, and he shallowly fucks himself, your lumpy cock sawing back and forth through his tight asshole, making his asshole bruise and bloat.\\n<<endif>>\n\nHe's just toying with you, though, enjoying your cock: he spreads his hole and takes the entire thing with only the slightest hitch, coming to rest with his ass pressed against your hips<<if hasMutation("knot")>>, your sheath bunched up in a heavy, throbbing block against your crotch<<endif>>. He grinds himself down, getting that final iota of cock stabbing deeper into his guts, and holds that position. He twitches his cock, half-hard length lurching across your stomach, leaving behind a grimy string of greyish cum. You groan, and him too, as your cock pulses, gushing pre in thick, splattering lines all across the inside of his ass.<<if hasMutation("balls") || hasMutation("prostate")>> You drench his guts, splattering hot gushes of pre over the tight, slick walls of his ass. A wet burble spills out around your shaft, slicking the final few inches of your cock.<<endif>>\n\nHe exhales with a shuddery groan, grinning down at you. "Yeah, that's a pretty decent cock." He pulls up, thighs tensing to your sides, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>knot catching on the inside of his hole and pulling out with a slurp,<<endif>> ass clinging to your shaft, and then he squats back down again, slowly riding your cock.\n\nHis cock is sloppy, smeared with his last load, spurting little runnels of cum as he fucks himself on your cock. You thrust up, meeting him when he hilts your cock: hips smacking his ass, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath scrunching up into leathery folds, knot throbbing like a heart inside him<<else>>burying your cock deep<<endif>>, and he groans, holds it for a long moment, before eventually pulling off with a heavy, wet //slurp//. your cock is slathered in pre, drooling <<if hasMutation("knot")>>over the bulk of your knot<<else>>down your shaft<<endif>>, spilling out across your thighs. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your knot throbs, swelling slightly -- bloating inside him, pulsing hard, and then catching on the rim of his asshole when he pulls up, making his bruised asshole shudder and yawn, gaping wide open. He lets out a breathy growl, entire body shuddering, and immediately slams himself down on your knot again, moaning as it slurps back into his ass. His ass muscles squeeze down, rippling around your knot, coaxing it bigger and bigger.<<endif>>\n\nHe's the one doing all of the work, giant thighs bunching and shifting as he fucks himself, feet planted on your sides. He groans a little each time he hilts your cock, grinding himself down, head thrown back, and pulls back <<if hasMutation("knot")>>-- knot catching more and more -- <<endif>>to fuck himself on the full length of your cock. His pace builds, one hand braced back on the floor for leverage, and he growls and groans, mouth hanging open as the tempo builds. You rut up, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>knot slamming through his swollen asshole<<else>>hips smacking his ass<<endif>> with each thrust, and you can tell when just riding your cock gets him off: he slams himself down, letting out a ragged moan, and then just holds there, panting hard, asshole convulsing wildly around your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>knot<<else>>cock<<endif>>. He stays there for a long moment, mouth open, breathing hard, before he starts again.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your knot hardly fits out of his ass; he pushes down, guts slurping around your knot, and it lurches out with a spray of pre, his asshole half-prolapsed, gaping and drooling a slick river of pre all down your shaft as he thrusts up into the air and rides it back down, hissing as he tries to fit it back in. His asshole kisses your knot, his ass-lips bruised into soft, puffy swells, and they tease your knot, reflexively clenching and shuddering until he manages to take it again.<<else>>He rides your cock with the same enthusiasm, panting and huffing now, already working towards his next orgasm.<<endif>> His cock erupts like it's nothing: mostly-soft, hanging heavily between his thighs, suddenly twitching and pulsing as he pisses out a stringy mess of greyish cum, drooling in rubbery cords all over your stomach. He keeps riding your cock as he cums, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>whining now each time your brutally-engorged knot crashes against his gaping hole and breaks its way inside<<else>>tempo not changing at all with each gush<<endif>>. His load coats your stomach, spilling over your sides onto the ground, and Pthuul arches back again, grinding your cockhead against something inside him, and roars, getting off again, ejaculation just a messy intermission between getting himself off twice from your cock in his ass.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("knot")>>It's real hot. You rut up, actually fucking him for once, and the slight control over how your cock jabs into him is enough -- you're leaking and twitching, spurting pre into his ass wildly, and it only takes one, two, three solid thrusts before you're cumming too, hot splatters painting his guts. Pthuul sinks forward, squatting over you, and you drag him forward, onto his knees on top of you, and messily mash your faces together. You're both panting, the kiss mostly you panting at each other, his cock drizzling his load all over your stomach while you rut up, shallowly fucking him. Cum slurps out of his ass around your cock, messy streamers splattering against your skin each time you hilt inside him, and you chew on his lips, hand wrapped around his head, as you spill your load into him.\n\nHe sags to the side, spilling off your cock -- pulling off in a slimy eruption of cum, his asshole broken wide, lips ridged up into a fat crater as your load pours out -- and you paint his side with the last burbling spurts of your load, cock stiff and jabbing against his thigh as you both collapse.\n<<else>>It's real hot. He shudders, muscles across his stomach clenching and relaxing, shoulders heaving with his breath, and raggedly sinks back down onto your cock. Your knot is almost entirely engorged, way beyond what you'd expect anybody to take -- each swollen cavern of it like a fist, grotesquely oversized even on your fat cock. Pthuul groans, grinding himself down on it, and you shove inside, his bruised flesh stretching and slipping as you force your knot all the way into him. He rides you slower, each time knot catching harder over his rim, making him grunt and strain to pull free. Your knot bloats up to its full, guts-wrecking girth inside him, and you topple back into the sand, groaning, as you finally cum.\n\nYour cum collects inside him, splattering across his inner walls and pouring down, forming a sloppy, churning mess just above your knot, gurgling and squelching as you rut into him deeper, fucking your knot back and forth minutely inside his ass. He's maybe not really prepared for the sheer volume of your load; his hand goes to his gut, pressing down, feeling the wash of cum start to fill him up. You groan, tentacles splayed across his hips, clamping down, cock lurching from the force of each blast of cum. He sags to the side, bringing you with him. Your knot bashes into his prostate and he lets out an agonized groan, cock pulsing again. It's hard to tell if he cums again; his cock is still drooling cum, just a slow continual spill.\n\nYou sprawl out there through the full length of your knot, your load going from bursts of thick, gummy cum into a continual wash of thin, liquid slime. Pthuul groans, abs clenching, fighting back against the continual pressure of your load pumping and pumping into his guts, filling him up. You wrap your arms around his chest, half dozing, feeling the slow, constant pulse of your load chunking inside him, gurgling deeper and deeper.\n\nEventually you start to soften, knot growing turgid, a slurry of green-grey cum starting to lead out around your shaft. Pthuul groans, stirring, and experimentally tugs forward, knot bashing against his asshole from the inside. You hit something that makes him collapse, breath escaping from his lungs with a //whuff//, asshole pulsing, and then -- slowly, over minutes -- he works himself free, your knot spongy and softening, until finally he pulls himself off. Your knot yanks his asshole inside-out, a tight bud of guts unfurling, soft and sloppy cradling your knot. The morning air is shockingly cold, after the heat of his guts. Cum erupts everywhere, his flooded guts gurgling as your load pours out onto the sand, and you draw back, half-hard cock emerging cocooned in a grimy mesh of your own cum, congealed in big greasy globs. Pthuul groans, prolapsed ass winking and gaping, unfurling wider as your load pours out in a thick waterfall, spilling down his balls and thighs, visibly steaming in the cool air.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou both pant there, cum slowly cooling on your bodies, more <<if hasMutation("knot")>>pouring<<else>>drizzling<<endif>> out from Pthuul's wrecked ass.\n\n"I could get used to that," he says, reaching back to press his hand against his <<if hasMutation("knot")>>fat prolapse<<else>>rubbery asshole<<endif>>, hissing as his fingers sink down into his puffy, abused flesh. His cock lurches, dribbling cum, as he <<if hasMutation("knot")>>presses down on his prolapse until it slurps back into his body<<else>>tugs on the rim of his asshole, your cum drooling down all over his hand<<endif>>.\n\nYou mumble something, and then you're out.\\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "pthuul first bottom">>
[you fuck him on his back & he ends up cumming all across his chest like two or three times. if/when you knot him his cock stays half-hard and drools continually all across his chest the entire time. you can feel his prostate flutter against yr knot, etc]\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "bottom">>
[you make out w/ him and you fuck his throat w/ yr dick and then fuck him w/ his legs pinned against his chest. if you got a knot you knot-fuck him some as he bellows and whines under you]\n<<sex "pthuul" "oral" "bottom">>\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "bottom">>
<<if $pthuulImmediately eq true>>\\nHis cock is sloppy, half-hard, and he presses himself against you, hips slowly rolling as he smears his dick against your side. He's still leaking cum, turgid cock shuddering against your skin and spitting out a gummy mess of grey, chunky cum.\n\nHe rolls you onto your stomach, ass raised up, and he probes between your cheeks with a slimy, cum-covered hand, fingers sliding against the rim of your asshole, <<if !hasMutation("asshole")>>tapping against your tight, taut rim until it opens up around his fingers, letting him sink inside to the knuckle with a groan<<else>>catching on the bulging rim of your bloated asshole and easily digging in through the swollen furl, shoving two fingers down to the knuckle into the depths of your ass. He groans.<<endif>> He wiggles his fingers around inside you, twisting his hand, thumb scraping along the rim of your asshole, and then pulls out: he strokes his cock, coating his hand in globs of cum, and pushes them back into your ass, feeding it his load.\n\nHe does this a few times, smearing cum all across your inner walls, until it drools out from your pouting asshole, and then he rolls on top of you, half-hard cock smacking against your thighs until he guides it in. He's turgid, cock heavy but floppy, and he sinks down to the root and lets it rest inside you, drooling cum in weak spurts. He fucks you in slow, rubbery thrusts, cockflesh unwieldy: soft and spongy, not hard enough to prod against your insides. His cock shudders inside you, slowly firming up, growing harder and larger, more implacable as it starts to spread your asshole wider, warts starting to properly scrape against your skin. It lets out a squirt of pre, a sudden hot splatter, and he groans, sinking down on top of you, sheathing his entire length into your ass. It pulses inside you, throbbing, and gushes again, heat blossoming into your ass as he starts to flood it with his pre.\n<<set $pthuulImmediately to false>>\\n<<else>>\\nHe shoves his pants down, letting his cock lurch out into the open: already hard and drooling, with glimmering strings webbed across to the inner fabric, skewing out to wrap across his shaft in a thin smear of slime as he hefts it out, giving it a pump. His swollen cockhead pulses and shudders, the chunky metal ring pierced through his cockslit keeping it spread, and when he spits out a rope of pre it hits the ring and splatters everywhere in thick, gooey droplets.\n\nYou're on your knees, cocks pressed together, and your hands tangle with his as you reach out and stroke it, letting him spurt pre all across your stomach -- bodies pressed together, his hands on your hips, grinding his cock up across your stomach. The metal ring is hot to the touch, hard and implacable but sliding smoothly over your skin. He kisses you, rough lips scraping against your own, his tongue dragging across your lower lip before he bites on it, gently. His cock spurts pre all over your stomach as you stroke it, fingers sliding across the mess of waxy warts coating his shaft.\n\nHe catches some of the mess in his hand, scraping a hand across your stomach, and leans in, wet hand leaving slimy trails over your hip and across your ass as he reaches back, shoving two fingers up against your hole, <<if hasMutation("asshole")>>easily shoving them both knuckle-deep into your altered ass<<else>>grinding up and down until you relax and let him sink inside<<endif>>. He fingerfucks you, pumping his fingers back and forth, pulling out to smear his hand across your pre-glazed chest, so he can feed more into your ass, until it starts to drool out, spilling down the back of your balls.\n\nHe presses against your hip, pushing back, and you spin around, on all fours presenting your ass. He uses both hands to spread your cheeks, his cock lolling out against the curve of your ass, and feeds more pre into your swollen, puffy asshole, letting you clench and groan against his fingers as he stuffs you full of it. Then he shifts his weight, cock flopping down across your asshole, and guides it in hands-free, rutting forward and drawing back until the broad head catches against your spread hole. He sinks in slow, groaning as your ass envelops his cock, and only stops once his hips smack against your ass, his giant balls pinned against your thighs. His cock throbs, pumping pre directly into your ass in a hot gush: heat blooming inside you as he sprays the walls of your ass with splatters of pre.\n\nHe starts slow, only barely moving his hips, just letting his cock flood your ass with pre until excess leaks out around his shaft, burbling down over your balls.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe wraps his arms around your chest<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>, hands grabbing your swollen tits and roughly milking out squirts of backed-up milk, sluggishly fucking you as he scrapes his callused hands over your swollen nipples, tugging and twisting on them until they're hugely engorged, sticking out from your chest in flushed peaks, glossy with milk. He wraps his hands around your tits and milks you like a cow, squirting milk out into the thirsty sand beneath you as you groan, bellowing<<else>> in a big hug, enveloping you in his massive body<<endif>>. He bears down on you, the solid weight of his body pinning you to the ground -- your own cock drooling pre into the sand -- as he slowly ruts into you, cock sliding only an inch out before he pushes back, hips slowly rolling, slapping against your ass. He groans, panting against your neck, kissing and biting, and you tip your head to the side, letting him kiss you.\n\nYou groan into his mouth when he grinds down, his fat cockhead knocking against the opening to your guts, and he snarls across your face as he bears down, his cock a battering ram warping your ass until he punches through the opening of your guts, cockhead slamming inside. It feels like a hot iron bar shoved into your ass: hard and utterly implacable, warted flesh just a covering. His balls grind against your ass, lurching and churning like something alive, jerking up erratically sometimes when his cock twitches and spurts a frothy mess of pre into your guts.\n\nHis weight settles atop you, his chest pressed to your back, and he works his hips: half his cock pulling from you ass with a burbling //slurp//, his knobbled warts scraping through your asshole leaving a phantom-sensation of pressure and movement even when he's still. He fucks you, just pinning you down, hips the only part of his body moving as he plunges his cock back into your ass and pulls back. Pre splatters out from your swollen hole as he sinks back in, splattering down your thighs and spilling down your balls. His cock pummels your insides, <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>ramming against your bloated prostate and forcing pre to spurt from your cock in gummy waves, splattering all across your stomach and check<<else>>grinding along your prostate and flooding you with gushing waves of his pre<<endif>>. His cockhead forces through the opening to your guts, back and forth until your ass feels like it's buzzing. You groan and growl as his cock throbs inside you, sensation almost painfully intense. He groans too, grunting as his cock sinks to the hilt in your increasingly-sloppy ass, frothy cords of pre squirting out around his shaft and webbing over your muscled asscheeks, glazing your skin in grimy pre, turning the hard //clap// of his thrusts into a wet //smack//.\n\nYou can feel him start to cum: his cock tenses, swelling minutely, and his rhythm falters. He pants against your neck, muscles in his stomach clenching, his balls drawn up into a fat block beneath his cock, and he cums with a rolling groan. Cum erupts inside you, heat billowing out from his churning cock, flooding your guts in an instant and burbling out around his shaft in a thick wave of gritty grey cum. He keeps thrusting, a fresh spurt hosing down your guts each time he hilts inside you, until his thrusts are a wet, sucking //shluck//, with heavy cords of slime drawn out between your ass and his hips, cum smeared all over your skin.\n\nHe collapses entirely on you with a groan -- you weren't aware just how much of his own weight he was still carrying -- and stills, cock still throbbing inside you as he shoots and shoots, cum freely pouring through your guts, streaming out along his shaft and forming gummy rivers down your thighs. He's filling you up faster than it's spilling out; your guts gurgle as the wash of his load spills up higher inside you and pours further in, that deep only felt as a diffuse heat soaking through your flesh.\n\nAfter a while he rolls to the side, half-hard cock slithering from your ass with a wet //pop//. His fingers are immediately pressed against your broken-open hole, catching the sloppy mess of cum and ineffectually stuffing it back into your gaping ass. Your asshole is bruised and sore, and he runs two fingers along the swollen rim, digging in deeper when you hiss. His load coats his hand, spilling down over your balls, and he smears a grimy handprint over your ass as he pushes himself up.\n\n"You took that good," he says, and you can only groan softly in response.\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>\n<<sexscene "pthuul top 1">>
[he fucks you w/ you on yr back w/ yr legs in the air and him pounding away, sometimes leaning in to make out. keeps going until he's dumped three-or-so loads in you and each thrust comes w/ a wet squelch and a gush of cum spurting out from yr swollen asshole.]\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>
[he plays w/ yr asshole while making out, trying to milk a few loads out of you without really touching yr dick. lubes his dick up w/ yr combined loads and then fucks you.]\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>
[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Khru set up camp.\n\n<<if $khruBeast eq "none" || ($sex['khru'] gt 0 && $khruBeast eq "")>>\\nKhru gives you looks as you set up.\n\n* [[be flirty about it|khru pre flirt]]\n* [[just set up camp|khru initial]]\n<<else if $khruBeast neq "">>\\nKhru still looks kinda battered and bruised from his meeting with <<print $khruBeast>>. He collapses on the ground with a groan while you do most of the work.\n\n<<display "khru branch">>\\n<<else>>\\n<<display "khru initial">>\n<<endif>>
Khru sets up the tent and pitches your bedrolls inside.\n\n"So," he says, thumb hooked into the waist of his pants, tugging them down. "You wanna fuck around?"\n\n* [[yeah let's go for it|khru branch]]<<scenealert "khru branch">>\n* [[nah|camprun]]
You make sure to <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>tug your shirt to the side to show off your leaky tits<<else>>bend over to show your thick ass<<endif>> while he's watching. He lets his gaze linger, making no mistake about checking you out.\n\nOnce you're set up, he just leans in, <<if hasMutation("leaky")>>tugging your shirt to the side so he can chew on your dripping nipples<<else>>cupping your ass and grinding you forward against his hard cock<<endif>>. You groan, rutting against him, and he growls in your ear: "I missed <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>your milk<<else>>this ass<<endif>>. Was looking forward to getting another taste."\n\nYou both sink to the ground, on your knees, and you slide your hands down his stomach, over the burning bulge of his trapped cock, as he chews and bites on your neck<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>, head dipping down to suckle on your fat nipples<<endif>>.\n\n<<display "khru branch">>
<<if $khruBeast eq "">>\\nHe sighs and sprawls back with his legs spread, one hand lazily cupping his cock through his pants. He gropes himself, and you watch as his bulge fills out, swelling into a fat mound that strains the material of his pants. He twists his hand, using his thumb to pop open the button of his pants, and then lets his hand fall to the side, just showing his straining cock, a sliver of darker hide visible.\n\nHe looks up at you, leering: "If you suck me off, that'd take the edge off."\n\n* [[blow him|khru blow]]<<scenealert "khru blow">>\n* [[man just fuck me, i need it hard|khru anal need]]<<scenealert "khru anal need">>\n<<else>>\\nHe says, "Fuck, I forgot how great it was to be on the receiving end of things.\\n<<if $khruBeast eq "Astau">>\\n" He cups his bloated, pregnant belly, pressing his palm down. "I can feel 'em squirming around all the time."\\n<<else>>\\n Brulvundojn really tore me up."\\n<<endif>> He rolls on his back, shucking off his pants, and shoves two fingers up his ass, groaning. "My ass needs more. You wanna try fisting me?"\n\n* [[yeah fist him|khru fist bottom]]<<scenealert "khru fist bottom">>\n* <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>[[how about you try taking my knot|khru fuck bottom]]<<else>>[[how about you try taking my dick|khru fuck bottom]]<<endif>><<scenealert "khru fist bottom">>\n* [[plz facefuck me instead|khru blow]]<<scenealert "khru blow">>\n* [[plz wreck my ass instead|khru anal]]<<scenealert "khru anal">>\n* [[nah|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
<<display "khru blow 1">>\n/%\n<<if $sex['khruoraltop'] lt 1>><<display "khru blow 1">>\n<<else if $sex['khruoraltop'] eq 1>><<display "khru blow 2">>\n<<else if $sex['khruoraltop'] eq 2>><<display "khru blow 3">>\n<<else>><<display "khru blow 3">>\n<<endif>>\n%/\nHe lets you rest for a minute, cock still-hard and drizzling cum all across your scalp, before he sinks back minutely, letting you collapse on all fours on the ground. He squats down before you, his cock smearing behind your ear, still pulsing in faint tremors, oozing down along your jaw.\n\n"Think you're up for more?"\n<<set $khruBlewFirst to true>>\\n<<if $khruBeast neq "">>* [[yeah i'm up to fisting yr ass now|khru fist bottom]]<<scenealert "khru fist bottom">><<endif>>\n* [[yeah you gotta wreck my ass|khru anal]]<<scenealert "khru anal">>\n* [[oof no i'm too exhausted|camprun]]
He laughs. "Needy, aren't you?"\n\nHe pulls his own fly down, letting his cock spring out, and stands up. "Lemme at your ass, then."\n\n<<display "khru anal">>
<<if $sex['khruanaltop'] lt 1>>\\n<<display "khru fuck">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "khru fist">>\n<<endif>>\n/%\n<<if $sex['khruanaltop'] lt 1>>\\n<<display "khru fuck">>\n<<else if $sex['khruanaltop'] eq 1>>\\n<<display "khru fist">>\n<<else if $sex['khruanaltop'] eq 2>>\\n<<display "khru fuck fist">>\n<<else>>\n[TODO: probably randomly select from all scenes w/ some different intro text]\n<<display "khru fuck fist">>\n<<endif>>\n%/\n\nYou collapse under him, and he rolls off you just enough for his cock to pull out of your wrecked, gaping ass with a wet //slurp//. Good thing you prepared the camp beforehand, because you just roll on your side next to him and fall asleep.\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You get down between his legs. His pants are fastened with snap buttons, with a chunky, heavy-duty zipper beneath that. You splay your hand across his thigh for balance as you open it up, fingers feeling across the hot, hard bulge of his cock as you snap each button open. You slide your other hand up his thigh, fingers pressing against his stomach, on the rocky skin at the root of his cock, and finally pull the zipper down, letting his cock sluggishly loll out. It's too big to do more than flop against his thigh. He's got piercings, and they clink and clatter against each other as his cock stiffens. It's fat and rubbery, pulsing with his heartbeat, with a row of thick barbels through the underside from just under his cockhead all the way to the base. Not particularly tightly packed, but there are still more than you can count at a glance on his long shaft. He's hairless, like the ĝheist are, but his hide bulges up into rocky, wartlike scute across his thighs and hips, fanning out around the base of his cock and climbing up the first few inches, coating his flesh in stiff, wavy plates.\n\nYou loosely stroke him, his cock firming under your touch, until it's pointing right at you, steel-hard flesh sheathed with supple, leathery hide. His foreskin crinkles open, revealing the dark, mottled flesh of his cockhead, shiny with pre, and you lean in and suck it into your mouth, stroking his shaft with one hand and then two -- there's more than enough cock to wrap both hands around, even with his cockhead in your mouth, drizzling pre over your tongue. His piercings feel hotter than his flesh, burning across your palms as you stroke, pumping back and forth to pull his foreskin all the way back and let you take his gnarled, heavy cockhead into your mouth. He's thick, and your lips warp over the ridge of his cockhead, the very first barbel piercing digging into your lower lip.\n\nKhru groans, reaching up to cup your head, pulling you down. His cockhead bulges out your cheek, his pre bitter, forming a wet trickle down to the back of your mouth, and leaving a slimy, slick smear across the inside of your cheek when he pulls back. You look up at him, lips bulging around his fat shaft, and he matches eyes and grins, staring down at you as he pulls you deeper onto his cock. His cockhead butts against the roof of your mouth, one barbel and then another slipping into your mouth and digging hard against your tongue as he ruts shallowly, fucking your face.\n\nYou gurgle, letting go of his cock and bracing your hands against his thighs, and he takes that as an opportunity to thrust deeper, plunging more of his heavy cock into your mouth, ramming his cockhead against the back of your mouth and making you cough and sputter. He guides your head back and forth, shaft emerging glistening, fat beads of drool and pre clinging spilling down along the underside of his shaft and drooling down your chin as he starts a rhythm, just feeding you the first few inches of his cock. He wrenches his cockhead out, making your lips ache with the stretch of it, and then slides back in, hammering against the back of your throat. His cock trembles, the slow ooze of pre punctuated with a sudden gush of stringy, slimy pre, and you swallow around his cock, feeling his pre coat your throat.\n\nHe does it again, and again, until your lips are aching and bruised, and your mouth feels slick and open, slathered in his pre. He holds you down longer, cockhead pulsing as he grinds it against the back of your mouth, watching as you gurgle and choke trying to swallow more, and when he lets up the pressure on your head you lurch back, cock popping from your mouth. Rivulets of slime drool across the inside of your mouth, pooling along your teeth and spilling out down your chin as you pant. His cock twitches, smearing across your cheek and leaving behind a thick, slimy trail. His lax fingers tighten around your head, and he tilts you up, guiding you back to wetly kiss his slimy, spit-slathered cockhead. He spurts a slick mess of pre all over your lips, and then he spits down, splattering half across your face and half all over his cockhead, and then drives forward, sinking his cock back into your mouth, fucking you faster, more roughly, letting his piercings pop back and forth over your lower lip until it feels raw and bruised.\n\nHe pulls you down again, grinding his cockhead against the back of your mouth, bashing again and again against the muscle of your throat, until once you swallow and gag and sputter at the right moment and he forces through, shoving his cock down your throat with a sick, wet //slurp//. You gurgle, coughing up the mess of pre he gushes into your throat, eyes watering, nose running, face sheened with sweat, and he pulls back out, leaving your throat feeling raw, fucked-open. Then he does it again, throat pulling up less resistance as he pummels his cock against it, and with a warbling gurgle he shoves his cock back down your throat. It feels like an iron bar, implacably strong, completely unyielding, but one that throbs and pulses, stretching your throat even further with its minute twitches. He's breathing harder now, chest stretching when he inhales, staring down at you flushed and disheveled, nursing on not even half his cock. More piercings dig against your bottom lip, and you can feel the line across your tongue, down your throat, each motion scraping them along the sensitive flesh of your throat and making you gag. Khru just grins and pulls you down, grinding his cockhead against the spasming muscles in your throat until they give up and open wide, letting him drive in deeper and deeper. He fucks your throat, cock sawing through you, and you can feel the moment when he stops thinking about playing with your throat and starts thinking about cumming: he pins your head in his hands and snarls, panting hoarsely himself, and starts hammering into your throat, faster, not letting up. You gag and cough up slimy masses of phlegm and pre, erupting from your mouth and nose, and he groans snarls, cock lurching hard -- still only half of it in your mouth, so much more left to go -- and then erupting, each spurt tugging at your aching throat. He holds you in place, cock pulsing, and you wetly gag and choke, coughing up most of his load in gritty, sludgy grey-green globs before he finally lets you go, and you lurch off his cock, hacking and coughing as you vomit up the mess of his load clogging your throat, even as he keeps cumming all across your head and back, drenching you in thick, viscous ropes of ĝheist cum.\n\nHe milks his cock, sodden flesh squelching under his fingers, coaxing out sloppy, gushing streams of cum that he smears all across your head, letting you just lean against his thighs, mouth slack and open. Cords of slime work their way up from your throat, mouth feeling gaping and fucked-open, and you dimly just let his load drain out, coating your tongue in its bitter, meaty taste.\\n\\n<<sex "khru" "oral" "top">>\n<<sexscene "khru blow 1">>
[ you blow khru & take him down to the root. he cums all over yr face as reward ]\n\n<<sex "khru" "oral" "top">>
[ khru sits on yr packs and you get between his legs. he steadily feeds you his cock until the entire thing is down yr throat and then he facefucks you hard. you keep gagging and vomiting up his pre all over his crotch & he finishes by ramming yr head down on his cock & cumming down yr throat, and facefucking you w/ his drooling cock until you've vomited most of his load back up ]\n\n<<sex "khru" "oral" "top">>
<<if $khruBlewFirst>>\\nHis cock is still sluggishly oozing his last load, softened from iron-hard to hanging from his crotch in a dense and meaty slab. He moves around behind you, dragging your pants down to show off your ass, and he strokes his cum-slathered cock, drooling down, and then smearing the mess of spit and cum across your hole. His clawtips scrape over the furrowed flesh of your asshole, and you groan and slump down, rutting your ass back against him, asshole flowering open. He shoves two fingers in, slick and slimy, and then he's up on his knees, sliding his cock into you. His piercings push over your hole one by one, feeling like burning beads inside you, hotter than the flesh of his cock.\n\nHe's pulpy, half-hard, cum gritty and clumping as it smears across the rim of your asshole, and he sinks in slow, hilting with a groan. You huff, facedown on your bedroll, ass slowly accommodating to his huge size. You can feel his cock stiffen inside you, bulking up to its full girth, losing what little ease it had. He thrusts, balls smacking your ass, beating against your own dangling sac, and his cock twitches, spurting out a hot trickle of fresh pre.\n\n<<else>>\\nHis cock juts out from his crotch, hard and dripping, and he gives it a stroke, smearing the stringy mess of his drizzling pre across his warted shaft and giving his leathery skin a greasy sheen. The next few spurts of pre spill down his knuckles in a grimy flow, before he pulls off and lets his cock bob in the open air, twitching erratically as pre slowly spills its way down his lumpy shaft, pulling out into threadlike cords.\n\nHe shoves two fingers into your ass, already slick with his pre. He pushes in, only a cursory touch: scissoring apart, curling up, before he pulls out and replaces his fingers with his cock. His cock is slick and dripping, spewing out a hot gush of pre right against the rim of your asshole as he pushes his knobbled cockhead inside. You huff, face pressed against your bedroll, your ass stretching around his bulky dick.\n\nKhru sinks in to the hilt with an obscene wet squelch, his bloated balls smacking aganst your own, and holds there for a second, cock twitching hard. Pre gushes inside you, building up and burbling out over your rim in slimy streamers, and he groans, hands sliding up your thighs to curl thick dark claws around your hips.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe leans forward, hands coming down on your back, pressing you down. He grinds his cock in to the hilt, the wartlike scute across his crotch rasping over your skin, and his cock shudders again, spurting a hot trickle of pre that you feel slowly wind down your overheated guts, slurping out of your ass when he pulls back, cock emerging shining and slick. <<if $khruBlewFirst>>You can feel the grit of his load caking the walls of your ass, thick clumps slowly drizzling down your open, cavernous guts in the wake of his withdrawal. <<endif>>Then he slams back in, hilting with a sharp //crack//, cock spewing pre into your guts. He doesn't wait, after that. He fucks you hard, each thrust driving you into the ground, growling and snarling as he rams forward again and again. His thighs smack against yours, leaving stinging imprints tingling all across your ass and legs, his huge fat balls still dangling low, battering against yours with a dizzying, heady smack of impact each time.\n\nYou groan, taking it, ass rippling against his thrusts, the slick, heavy pressure of each thrust sending pleasure surging up inside you. You pant for breath, pressing your ass back against him, shoulders braced on the ground, the steady pulse of his cock inside you knocking against your insides, making you huff and groan and whine.\n\nHis tempo stutters, cock sliding out, and you whine, asshole clenching around his cockhead, milking it -- he's spewing pre, gushing in sloppy cords all across your fucked-open guts, a thickened mess of pre splattered across your cheeks, spilling down over the root of your cock, drooling from your balls. He laughs, not unkindly, and presses his hands against your heated cheeks, over the stinging, raw flesh. You let out a hiss, and he laughs again, playing with your oversensitive skin, stroking down over your thighs, one hand a sudden pressure around your balls, tugging and squeezing. His thumb smears up, following the trail of pre up until he pushes against your asshole, thumbclaw digging into your asshole alongside his cockhead. He ruts, shallowly, thumb and forefinger sliding in alongside, curling around his shaft.\n\nHis claws scrape over your prostate, flat edge sawing back and forth, and you squirm, the lighter thrusts and his fingers sending your soft cock slowly oozing slime, a milky off-while mix of cum and pre. Then he twists his hand around, a third finger shoving in, knuckles digging down hard, thumb sliding over your inner walls, and you let out a shaky, reedy groan, cock pulsing, mostly dry a few times before you drizzle a mess of cum onto the blankets beneath you.\n\nKhru doesn't let up, or even change his motions; he's playing with your ass for his own sake, pushing and prodding, three fingers shoved inside your ass alongside his fat cock, drenching your guts in his constant flood of pre. He ruts back and forth, cockhead playing against the taut drumhead that is the opening to your guts, clenching and spreading according to some smooth internal muscle, nursing on his cockhead. He slides in all the way, fat piercings catching on the gulping muscles of your ass, until he's hilted, hand plastered between your bodies, and then he pulls out again; he fucks you in deep, slow thrusts while all the while his knuckles are jammed down against your prostate. Your cock is still drooling, spurting cum at erratic intervals, limp and heavy dangling beneath you. Khru's cock knocks around inside you, back and forth, fat and heavy, and you take it, asshole splayed open, peeled wide by his hand as he fucks you, pre burbling over his fingers and squirting out in sloppy gushes, showing how spread-open you are.\n\nHis thrusts get faster, free hand sliding back up your sweaty back to spread between your shoulderblades, pinning you down, and he thrusts up, cock jabbing deeper inside you, fingers slipping out -- hole still loose and sloppy, gaping out around his shaft -- until he's fucking you hard again, knees nearly jolting up off the ground with each hard, long-held //smack// of him hilting inside you. He snarls, thrusting harder, leaning down over you, and a hot spray of drool splatters across your back, spilling from his open, drooling mouth. He smears it up and down your back until you're glazed, palm squelching over your skin when he bears down.\n\nHe collapses forward on top of you, hands gripping your hips strong enough to leave a bruise, his hips snapping forward to bash his cock yet-deeper inside you, back and forth in short, sharp thrusts. His entire body tenses, his chest sweaty against your back, and then he snarls loud, all but roaring, and his cock erupts <<if $khruBlewFirst>>again <<endif>>in your ass, flooding you with dense, heavy globs of cum. He keeps thrusting, stirring it up, grit scraping along his pumping shaft and emerging from your ass as a churned-up froth, huge dollops of dense cream spattering across your ass. He keeps fucking you all the way through his orgasm, cock twitching again and again with each new pulse, guts gurgling and slurping from the mess of dense, slimy ooze flooding them. He goes soft, slowly, still fucking you with his turgid, half-hard cock: spongy and dense, scraping the mess of his load back and forth inside you, dragging out big gooey clots of cum until he finally stops, sprawled on top of you. His load slowly oozes out of your broken asshole around his shaft.\n\n<<set $khruBlewFirst to false>>\\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "top">>\n<<sexscene "khru fuck">>
"Get on your knees," he says, walking around behind you.\n\nYou fall down into the sand with a soft //thump//. His callused hands scrape across your ass, digging into the thick muscle, and he groans, pressing his body against yours, his cock a heavy, hot spar grinding against your hip. His fingers scrape up along the underside of your ass, and you obligingly spread your legs, letting him push into your crack, fingertips tapping against your asshole with his knuckles brushing against your balls.\n\n"You got a real nice ass," he groans in your ear, humping his cock up between your cheeks, knobbled cockhead drizzling pre across your lower back. His fingers twist, digging into <<if hasMutation("asshole")>>the swollen crest of your altered asshole, easily pushing inside and hooking over your rubbery rim, dragging it open into a wide gape. He digs in, shoving most of one hand into your ass, thumb playing across your bloated rim<<else>>your asshole, one and then another shoving inside roughly, lubed only with his own slick, sloppy pre. He squirms his fingers around, pushing and pulling, spreading them inside you, and he groans when he pries you open, fingers digging deep into the rim of your asshole<<endif>>.\n\nHis other hand presses against your back, between your shoulderblades, and he pushes you down on all fours before sliding his rough hand down your back. He gives his cock a few pumps before switching hands, fingers pulling from your ass with a wet sound only to be replaced with ones thickly glazed in pre. His digs in with one hand before using both, hands peeling you open: asshole splayed and gaping, the sting of cool air spreading into your open ass. He spits into your asshole, using his fingers to smear the mess of spit and pre along your bulging asshole.\n\nHe pulls his hips back, dragging his cock down -- the fat piercings along the underside each a pair of smooth, heavy lumps sliding over your skin -- until the tip is kissing your gaping hole. His cock shudders, spurting out a mess of pre that spills down into your ass, hot and slick, and he grinds down, using his fingers to pry you open so that his cockhead just slurps inside, only easing his fingers out afterwards to let your hole clench around his shaft. He groans, cock pulsing again, and he spews out a mess of pre, a heat that spreads through your guts as he starts to thrust deeper. The first barbel sinks into your ass, pressing against your hole for a second before pushing in, and you both groan. Then another, and another, as he feeds the length of his cock into your ass.\n\nYour guts warp around his cock, heat and pressure penetrating deeper inside you until his hips meet your ass with a //smack//, cock fully hilted inside you. Khru groans, cock twitching, spewing out a hot, liquid mess of pre into your guts, burbling down along his shaft to sluggishly drool from your hole. He pulls back, cock lurching out -- each barbel a sudden lurch as it pops out over your rim -- and thrusts back in with a wet //crack//, droplets of pre splattering across your cheeks as he hilts again. He fucks you roughly, cock sawing through your hole until the lurch of his warts and the pops of his barbels blend together into a single sensation, his cock brutally thick and aching. His pre gushes out around his churning shaft, forming sloppy strings that splatter down your thighs in ropes, mashed by his thrusts into a sloppy paste all between your bodies.\n\nHe cums with a long growl, cock twitching and then erupting: the continual flow of pre turning into sharp, sudden bursts of cum, thicker and hotter, gritty as it scrapes across your guts, churned up into a gummy froth. Khru fucks you through it, cock pulling from your ass slimy with his greyish load, smearing in clotted clumps across your bulging, bloated asshole. It's thick enough it only slowly spills out of you, bloating your guts and gurgling back down, until abruptly you're so flooded it pours down into your ass, each thrust sending out a gushing spray of cum splattering all over your bodies. Khru groans again, ripping his cock out in a sudden motion and stroking off, firing heavy ropes of cum all up your back, smacking onto your skin and sticking there.\n\nYour hole gapes, drooling cum, and you spasm and clench, hole pouting open and struggling to close. Your bruised asslips are swollen fat. It feels like he's still fucking you, the phantom sensation of his cock pounding into your guts still echoing through you, buzzing across the lips of your ass.\n\nKhru's not finished yet. He drops his cock, letting it drool the thick, silty dregs of his load across the small of your back, and he swipes a hand through the mess painted on your skin, coating his hand in a thick layer of grimy, gritty cum. He nocks his fist against your ass, knuckles spreading you open, and shoves his entire fist in, no problem. You groan, ass spasming around his hand, slobbery ropes of cum pouring out around his wrist, and he pulls back -- the crest of his hand a //spang// of sensation that makes you groan brokenly -- and catches the mess in his palm, squelching all over his fingers when he closes his fist, and shoves his hand back inside. He growls, hungry, as he sinks deeper inside, twisting around to work your flooded ass open even wider. He punches deeper, pulls back, twists, all the while your ass gurgling and slurping as he smears his thick load all over your internal flesh, glazing you in a mess of churned-up froth. When he rips his fist out again your hole stays gaped, pouting open with a crater-like ring of flushed, purplish flesh framing the sloppy pour of cum drooling down to your balls. You shudder and clench, asshole just bloating out further, cum squirting from your gaping ass, and Khru groans down, fingers catching the mess of cum pouring down your thighs and mashing it back into your gaping hole. He punch-fucks your hole, fist bashing back and forth through your broken ring until you let out a sobbing cry, and then he pauses for a moment, fist sunk into your ass, still as frothy cum drools out around his wrist, before starting again. Again and again. Your cock erratically spasms, sudden spurt as you pump cum from your dick, almost no sensation attached to it. Just relieving pressure as he hammers his knuckles against your prostate.\n\nHis cum thickens, forming gummy sheets peeling away from your flesh, or gritty globs stirring around in your guts. Khru ruts forward, still-hard cock skewing across your ass, and pulls his fist from your ass enough that he can jerk off, nuzzling his bloated cockhead against your gaping asshole. He cums quick, pre drooling into your ass before he fills you up again with his second load: guts gurgling as it spills deeper, heat rising as he turns your open, cavernous ass into a sloppy lake of his thick, churning cum.\n\nHe fists you again, cum splattering out all over, just working his hand back and forth over your rim until you're well and truly broken open, his hand sinking in through your grossly-swollen ring with absolutely no resistance.\n\nYou stop less when you cum, or he cums again, and more when he gets physically tired of brutalizing your ass: forearm sore, aching from punching into your guts so much. You collapse on the ground, his fist still stuck into your ass, half-glued inside with a thick ring of glossy dried cum welling up around it.\n\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "top">>\n<<sex "khru" "fist" "top">>\n<<biggest_spec "khru_fist" "anal">>\n<<sexscene "khru fist">>
[ then he fucks you a bunch. an exhausting mess of him fucking you, and then fisting yr used hole, and then fucking you again while he sometimes shoves his hand into yr ass alongside his cock and jerking himself off inside you. cumming in you again and then getting two fists inside. etc. having you ride his dick while each thrust squirts his loads out from yr ass across his stomach and thighs. ]\n\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "top">>\n<<sex "khru" "fist" "top">>\n<<biggest_spec "khru_doublefist" "anal">>
<<display "khru fist bottom 1">>\n/%\n<<if $khruFist eq 0>>\\n<<display "khru fist bottom 1">>\n<<else if $khruFist eq 1>>\\n<<display "khru fist bottom 2">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "khru fist bottom 2">>\n<<endif>>\n%/\n<<set $khruFistBottom += 1>>\\n\nYou collapse on the bedrolls next to him, and he just groans and slumps to the side, your knuckles still dug into the soft, pulpy flesh of his gaping ass. You're breathing hard, matching Khru's heaving chest; the both of you are coated in sweat and cum.\n\nYou're exhuasted, and you fall asleep easily, still curled up around Khru's thighs, a fist half-lodged in his ass.\n\n[[→|camprun]]
Khru's asshole, when he flops over, still shows the signs of <<print $khruBeast>>'s use: a bruised, puffy mound that spreads in the center into his slick guts. When he spreads his legs his hole parts, pouting open to show the purplish flesh of his inner ass. He groans, reaching back to tug on his ass cheek, stretching his hole out into a lopsided crater, rim spilling partway out from his ass to form a thick ridge softly sucking back and forth as he clenches and pushes.\n\nYou slide your hands across his ass, fingertips digging into the heated, pulpy flesh of his abused rim, and he groans and sinks his head down, face pressed into the sand as he hikes his hips up, grinding his ass back against you. Your fingers slide in effortlessly, parting the fat, hanging lobes of his wrinkled asshole. His ass pulsates around you, clenching in sudden spasms, and you twist your fingers around, sinking deeper. You feed him another finger, and another, and then your thumb, sliding the crest of your hand into his ass with only the slightest hitch: a weak shudder, asshole clenching before it flowers open around your hand, rim a bloated, rubbery ring sliding down over your hand until you're immersed in the hot, slick depths of his ass.\n\nKhru groans, shallowly rutting back against your hand, and you run your fingers across his inner flesh, still raw to the touch from his fucking. <<if $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>His flesh is pulpy, seamed where the immense bulk of Brulvundojn's knot was stuck within him, and he hisses and whines as you play back and forth across his aching flesh.<<else>>There are thick lines of acid-burnt skin inside his ass, from where Astau's stinging cum poured down inside him in its strongest concentration, and you slide your fingers up along the paths, rubbing back and forth, across, and he hisses and whines.<<endif>> You work back and forth, sliding your fist from his ass and pushing it back in, watching as his hole clenches, spreads. You go harder, using more and more force until you're punching into his ass, making his fat cheeks jiggle, smacking back and forth over the rim of his ass, making it flush and bruise up more until a glossy, swollen slab of bloated flesh.\n\nThen you push deeper, fingertips pushing against the drumhead opening to his guts, and you hardly have to do more than slide them against the barrier before it spreads open wide. Khru groans as you work your forearm into his ass, his stretched hole shuddering, putting up some small resistance against the bulk of your forearm. This deep he's still flooded with cum, acid-green jelly sluggishly spilling down from his guts and slurping over his rim, spilling down across his balls and dribbling into the sand below, still fuming. His cock shudders, half-hard and leaking, drooling grimy pre as you work over his hole, slam into his prostate, sink your fist up into his guts. He groans and wheezes, rutting back against your fist, guts parting further and further up as you pull back and punch in further. Sloppy sprays of cum erupt from his ruined asshole, splattering back against your chest, and you pull out entirely once to see his ass gaping around nothing, flesh shuddering and twitching, able to see all the way up into his guts, catch the sloppy streamers of cum pouring down from his guts and pooling as a glossy, slimy lake in the ravaged flesh of his ass, before overflowing and drooling over the craggy ridges of his purpled asshole. Then you punch back inside, making his entire body rock with the force of it, forcing out an eruption of cum that glazes his cheeks in slime. You rock back and forth, other hand gripping his hip as you punch elbow-deep into his ass, bicep smacking against the furrow of his ass crack with a wet //smack// each time, forcing out a constant gurgle of sloppy, backed-up bestial cum.\n\nKhru lets out a ragged sob, shoulders pulling back, guts convulsing around your forearm, and he cums untouched, still half-hard cock abruptly twitching, pulsing, and pissing out squirt after squirt of thick ĝheist cum all over the sand beneath him. You keep working him over, fist rocking back and forth through the ruined entrance to his guts, and he squirms, cock still pouring out cum, body heaving with the force of his gasping breaths.\n\nHe finally stops cumming -- his load just a greasy smear on top of the spreading pile of <<print $khruBeast>>'s old cum, fisted out of him -- and you pull out, syrupy strands of cum webbed between your fist and his ass, snapping to smear across his thighs, slap down across his balls, tightly-furrowed between his legs. His asshole is a mess, yawning open to show off his ravaged guts. They're a flushed, mottled purple, glossy and flooded with slime, and you can see his anal walls shudder erratically, slurping back and forward, almost ready to prolapse out entirely out of his body. He clenches, asshole slurping shut, cum still pouring out in a frothy, churned-up mess. It's so bruised and swollen that even when he clenches it doesn't properly close, just forms a bulging mound that swells out from his body, rippling.\\n\n<<sex "khru" "fist" "bottom">>\n<<sexscene "khru fist bottom 1">>
[ you fist him w/ lightrot lube & get his ass slathered in glowing slurry & spreading enough to take you bicep-deep. you alternate back and forth, hole gulping up yr arms, the force of yr punches sending lightrot flecks splattering all over his ass and thighs & speckling across yr front. ]\n\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n[ the lightrot burns as it soaks into yr arms. ]\n\n<<sex "khru" "fist" "bottom">>
<<if hasMutation ("knot") && $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>\\nYou cup your sheath through your pants and Khru lets out a shaky groan. His asshole pulses around his fingers, spreading wider.\n\n"Fuck yeah," he groans. "I can't stop thinking about his dick. Fuck, yeah, give me that; fucking knot me."\n\nYou're not gonna argue with that. You shuck your pants easy, letting your sheath bob out in the open, and Khru hungrily moans as your cock spills out. He fingerfucks himself open -- he's still loose and gaping from Brulvundojn's cock -- and squirms closer, hooking his heels over your thighs to line himself up with your fat dog dick.\n\n<<display "khru fuck bottom brulvundojn">>\n<<else if hasMutation ("knot") && $khruBeast eq "Astau">>\\nYou run a hand over his swollen gut, digging in slightly. The eggs inside him shift and lurch around from the pressure. Khru groans, wrecked asshole spasming and gaping wider.\n\nYou tell him, you could properly fertilize all those eggs for him if he wants.\n\nKhru lets out a wracking groan, entire body shuddering. He drives his fingers deeper into his ass, legs spreading to fuck himself deeper.\n\n"Fuck yeah," he says, voice guttural and low. "Fucking knock me up."\n\n<<display "khru fuck bottom astau">>\n<<else>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>He's like, fuck it go for it; I gotta get something in my ass soon.\n\n<<else>>He kinda squints at your crotch. "Might as well," he says, a little dubiously, twisting his fingers inside himself.\n\nYou roll your eyes and laugh. Don't sound too hesitent, you tell him, or he might not get anything in his ass.<<endif>>\\n You're getting hard just watching him fingerfuck himself: his asshole is still huge and puffy, swollen into big meaty slabs of bruised muscle, and he's twisting two fingers inside, asshole clinging to his fingers when he pulls out.\n\nYou grope your dick through your pants, hardening in your hand, and tug your dick out into the open around when Khru starts trying to fistfuck himself.\n\n<<display "khru fuck bottom fistfuck">>\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
Your cocktip presses against his inner thigh and he groans, wrenching his fingers out of his ass with a wet //shluck// and curling them around your shaft. He's still leaking Brulvundojn's load: a slobbery pour of oily black cum slowly oozing down the folds of his open guts, drooling down over swollen asshole. He guides your cocktip to his ass and impales himself, back arching, head thrown back, and you grab his knees and thrust inside.\n\nAfter taking Brulvundojn, it's no trouble at all for you to hilt inside him. His ass gulps, entire body shuddering as you drive down to the root inside him. Your cocktip just has to brush against the back of his ass for him to unfurl, guts splaying open, and you slide in, sheath wetly smacking against his gaped asshole. Your cock twitches, lurching to the side, and Khru lets out a sobbing groan, his swollen belly heaving and sloshing, gurgling with the mess of Brulvundojn's load still inside. The slick heat of his guts -- the familiar stringy slime of Brulvundojn's cum coating his inner walls -- makes your cock twitch and shoot, adding your own gushes of rank dog slime into his guts. Khru groans, asshole hungrily gobbling up your cock, grinding down on your still-submerged knot in his eagerness to get plugged tight. You have to still him, hands sliding down to the backs of his thighs, so you can build up a rhythm, so you can properly press your cock into his guts. His eyes roll back, his own half-hard cock burbling out a mess of murky cum across his bloated gut, and you rock him on your cock, thighs meeting his ass with a sharp //crack//, your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>giant <<endif>>balls smacking against his muscled ass, beating a tattoo as you build up speed.\n\nKhru lets out a guttural groan, ass spasming. His prostate beats like a heart against the side of your shaft, and completely untouched his cock fires off with an immense hosing squirt of cum, painting his bloated belly with a thick cord of grimy grey gheist cum. He lets loose another squirt with each thrust, the cords layering over each other into a sludgy river, sluggishly oozing across his leathery skin.\n\nYour knot aches, throbbing in your sheath, and you brace against him, rolling him further onto his back as you slam into his ass. Your knot bursts free with an explosion of slime, instantly mashing against Khru's gaped ass and plunging inside with the force of a punch. Khru roars, his cock still gushing weakly, and his asshole clamps down, rhythmically pulsing around your knot as he brings himself off again, panting and grunting. He fucks himself on your knot, asshole clinging tight to your half-swollen knot before he clenches and pushes, spitting it out over his bruised, busted asslips. He shakily rocks into your thrusts, breath bursting from his lungs each time your knot slams into place inside him.\n\nYou're a little surprised how easily he took it. Your tentacles lick out of your sheath, behind your knot, and sluggishly coil around Khru's meaty thighs, lapping around his bloated sac and tugging his dick forward, so its spurts splatter directly on his burgenoning belly. You settle directly between his spread legs, knot solidly socketed inside him, and smear the mess across his hide, forming stiff peaks of thick gheist cum.\n\nFluid pools against your swelling knot, only escaping out in squirts when you change the angle of your thrusts. You slam your knot into him one last time, tentacles pulling tight across his thighs and belly to keep you locked in place, and your knot shudders and swells, entire cock aching as it engorges out to its full bulk. Khru bellows, guts warped around your knot as it seals inside him, and you cum with a groan, adding your fresh load to the sloshing mess in Khru's guts. Each spurt audibly splatters inside him, wet gurgling that settles down to a muffled squelch as you dump your load into him. Khru's eyes roll back into his head as he cums all over himself. His prostate spasms hard against your knot, smashed flat and jerking sideways, and the sheer pressure has his dick leaking huge gummy spills of jelly-like cum between his spurts: oozing all down his length even as he splatters his load up over his swollen belly.\n\nYou groan and sink forward, taking some weight off your knees as you settle into the knotting. Your cock is still throbbing in his guts. Your spurts steady out, going from thick goo to thin, watery slime; you piss out cum into him, churning together with Brulvundojn's load into a frothy slurry, totally flooding his insides with rank dog cum. Khru sobs, hands clutching his belly as his already-taut skin warps and stretches, growing in erratic lurches and gurgles as the mass of pressurized cum squirts still-deeper into him.\n\nYou spill across his side, hands stroking his swollen gut, crooning against his neck as you rock your knot inside him, shallowly fucking him as you piss out your load into him. It takes a long time before your knot starts to go down: the sheer pressure of the load inside him is a hot, tight pressure around your knot, the weight of cum bearing down on you from inside his body. Khru cums all over himself the entire time you stay knotted, until even his implacable gheist cock is only weakly burbling a thin, rank smear of cum: his balls totally wrung dry, spent all over his enormously-bloated gut.\n\nYou're half-asleep by the time you soften up; the sharp squirt of cum bursting out of him around your spongy knot only gets you to sleepily twist and tug, wrenching your knot free with a meaty //thwack// and ripping a sobbing cry from Khru's throat. Cum sprays out of his wrecked ass: meaty asslips pulsing, sloppily prolapsing down your shaft to nearly suck your knot right back into him.\n\n<<set $_awake to "khru knot aftermath">>\\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "khru fuck bottom brulvundojn">>
You tug your pants down, letting your sheath bob out, and your cock unsheathes fast, spilling out with a slick wet noise. You're already leaking a lot, seeing Khru's pregnant gut. He hooks his fingers into the rim of his busted hole and spreads himself gaping, turning his ass into a fat, gaping target for you to hit. You can see all the way up into his guts-- internal flesh flushed and purple, and at the rear wall of his ass you can see a sliver of one of Astau's glowing green eggs, starting to spill down as Khru's guts pulse and ripple, milking around nothing in anticipation of your cock. You groan, giving your cock a tug, and there's a sudden lurch beneath your hips, pushing your knot out into the open with a messy //pop//, letting you spew a filmy mess of pre all up inside Khru's welcoming ass. Your tentacles lick out, tasting across Khru's thighs, and he squirms towards you, asshole pulsing and shuddering.\n\nYou don't leave him waiting. You kneel in between his legs, hands sliding up his thighs, and let the weight of your unsheathing cock slot it into place in his gaped ass: sharp tip sliding between his bulging asslips, cradled between his fingers as he guides it right up into his guts. You push in, sinking the full length of your shaft into him in one smooth thrust, until even the soft bulk of your knot notches against his heated rim and sinks inside with only a slight hitch.\n\nKhru groans, back arching, hips sinking forward as he seats himself onto your cock. Your cocktip stabs into his guts, sliding against Astau's final few eggs; they churn around your cocktip, rubbery and firm compared to the yielding softness of Khru's wrecked guts. You fuck him in slow strokes, letting your cocktip fuck open his guts until Astau's eggs slurp down into his ass each time you withdraw. Khru groans, guts trying to keep them all inside: his hole clenches around your knot, guts shuddering and pulling. You plug him up with the full length of your dick, and his churning muscles suck his eggs back deeper inside.\n\nYou leak a mess of acrid dog pre across his eggs, basting them in slime, and the stringy mess of Astau's acidic load smears together with your pre to form a sloppy, gurgling slurry that floods Khru's guts, squelching and slurping as you build up a rhythm, fucking him solidly. His gut ripples and bounces, eggs visibly churning around deeper inside him. The big fist-sized eggs bloat him out smoothly, their edges only perceptible when you spread a hand across his belly and push down. Khru groans, and you groan too; the added pressure makes him shudder and clench harder, milking you tighter to keep his eggs all stuffed up inside him.\n\nYou're not gonna last long. You're panting hard, sweat streaking your sides, excess slime squirting from Khru's ass in an explosion, tethering all across your thighs and stomach. Already you can feel your knot start to swell, shuddering fatter in erratic pulses. You jerk back, dragging his already-broken hole out into an enormous rubbery mound that clings to your submerged knot, and Khru lets out a sobbing moan when his spasming asshole finally gives out and lets your knot free with an obscene wet squelch of flesh on flesh. You punch it right back in, letting his bruised asshole roll back and forth across its bulk, growing tighter each time until you bear down hard and slam the entire thing deep into his ass, letting it pulse bigger and bigger until it seals up against the walls of his ass.\n\nYou groan, sinking forward to press against his pregnant belly; Khru groans, hands blindly groping to wrap around your forearms. He cants his hips up, letting your knot sink an iota deeper -- cocktip sinking even deeper into the bubbly mass of eggs filling his guts -- and you splay your tentacles out, latching on tight to the glazed flesh of his ass.\n\nYou pant against his pregnant belly, heat in your guts growing and growing as Astau's eggs churn around your cocktip until you cum with a yowl, the first rope of mutant dog cum blasting up directly into a tethered mass of eggs, drenching them all in your fertile issue. Khru moans, his pinned cock erupting between you and his gut, painting you both in his thick spurts of gritty gheist cum. You flood his insides, cum swirling across Astau's eggs, pumping deeper through his egg-clogged guts. You can feel the first few spurts of cum, gummy and thick, smear all across the rubbery surface of his eggs, but as you settle in your cock's rippling spurts turning into a steady pour, and Khru's already-swollen guts bulge fatter, sloshing with the wet watery murk of your load. You piss out fertile dog cum into his guts, filling him up until your cock is immersed in your own load, more just churning up the sloppy sea of cum flooding his guts. You drench Astau's eggs in cum, feeling it through Khru's guts as your load gurgles and sloshes deeper inside him, spilling up through his guts as his pregnant belly bloats even bigger, until he's pinned down from the combined mass of Astau's eggs and your cum.\n\n"Oh fuck," he groans, one hand reaching out to press against his now-enormous belly. "I can feel it."\n\nHis eggs are starting to pulse, he means. You can feel it too, a little: a slow, steady throb coming from a handful of fertilized eggs as they start to stir inside him. Astau's eggs are responsive. You keep pissing out cum into his guts, audibly squirting and squelching as Khru writhes on the ground, guts swollen and bloated, clogged with cum-drenched eggs. His first eggs squirm like living things around your still-spurting cocktip. You groan, bucking up, sliding your sloppy cock across Khru's fertilized eggs. The heat and pressure -- the thought of all his eggs -- makes you squirt harder, knot throbbing hotter. You're not gonna stop pumping him full of cum until his belly is shaking and shuddering from the sheer volume of fertilized eggs in his guts.\n\nThe pulsing picks up as time goes on: following the sloppy plume of cum, delayed with each sharp twist to his guts. Feeling the eggs come alive under you, it's still hot enough to keep you knotted for longer than usual. Khru's belly swells, its taut arch hard to the touch, erratically jerking larger as stretch marks rip their way across his sides in abrupt jolts: raw purple-red streaks of flesh, striated from the layers of half-shredded skin, sluggishly leaking clear lymph. You're hardly even seeing it, just letting your cock baste in the sloppy mess of your load and Astau's slime, inexhaustable cock still spilling fresh cum all across Astau's churning eggs, not stopping until he's fully knocked up.\n\nKhru's gut grows immense: stretched skin collapsing over itself at his sides as it bloats beyond the width of his hips. Astau's eggs wring themselves out: discharging some of their rubbery bulk as raw lightrot, becoming denser and harder inside him as they become impermiable to any more cum. Khru writhes, belly shaking and shuddering above him. Erratic lines of motion trace across his skin as loops of guts squirm inside him, thickly clogged with monstrous eggs squirming against each other, forming vague lines of motion as they slowly, erratically, push yet-deeper inside him, slowly leaving your cock to flood only -- only! -- the lower depths of his guts.\n\nIt's still a long while after that before you stop cumming. Knocking him up was real hot, actually, and your knot doesn't want to give out. After so long knotted, softening itself is a strange sensation: your aching flesh shifting, caving in; blood surging back into your body from the trapped bulk of your knot. You shift, and a pressurized lance of slime erupts from Khru's ass: a messy slurry of lightrot slime, Astau's cum, and your own load, churned up into a nearly-opaque mess of oily, glowing sludge. Khru whines, guts finally relieved of a fraction of the pressure, and your knot softly slurps free from his well-bred ass, leaving his ass gaping, draining out excess fluid in huge, gummy pulses that drench your sleeping rolls.\n\nIt only takes the slightest ebbing of the frenzied, dizzying heat the suffuses your body for you to realize you're exhausted. You collapse against Khru's side, cock still submerged in his flooded ass, and immediately pass out.\n\n<<set $_awake to "khru knot aftermath">>\\n<<set $khruPregnant to true>>\\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "khru fuck bottom astau">>
You're glued together when you both get up: your softened cock still unsheathed inside the gaping depths of his wrecked ass, cocooned in a gummy mess of half-dried cum. <<if $khruBeast eq "Astau">>Khru's belly is churning and pulsing; all his freshly-fertilized eggs are squirming around inside his guts, massaging your cock into half-hardness. You could fuck him again, but you do actually have things to do today.\n\n<<endif>>Khru's belly is still swollen and sloshing, and his skin is obscured under a matte layer of dried cum, thickening into chunky globs of ooze across his ass and back where you're glued together with a thick paste of your dried dog cum. It comes aparts in sheets when you finally pull free, excess still gurgling out of Khru's fucked-open ass, and you wring your cock out across his back, casting off thick globs of glowing green jelly. <<if $khruBeast eq "Astau">>Khru cradles his pregnant gut, claws scraping through the layers of ooze to feel his eggs churn inside him.<<else>>Khru gets up sluggishly, ruined ass nearly prolapsing out every time he tries to step.<<endif>>
You stroke yourself off with one hand, reaching forward with the other. Your fingers skim across the soft hide of Khru's ass, curving across his cheeks to where his hole is spread around his fingers. He spreads himself, hole gaping wider, letting <<if $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>oily black dog cum<<else>>burbling green-acid monster cum<<endif>> spill down from his guts. He fingerfucks himself, fingers churning up the leftover cum, and it's easy to rise up onto your knees, guiding your cockhead across his cheeks, slotting between his fingers.\n\nKhru groans, throwing his head back, and his fat asslips pulse, sloppily sucking on your cockhead. He cups his fingers around your shaft, stroking it even as you sink it into him, and only pulls his fingers free with a //pop// once you're fully hilted inside him, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>letting the warted arch of your pelvis smack against his ass<<else>>coarse pubes pressed flat against the plush flesh of his bulging asshole<<endif>>. His hole gulps and gapes, clenching tight around the root of your shaft and then flexing wide open in his struggle to take you even deeper. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>Your fat, gnarled cockhead scrapes along his prostate and slams into the entrance to his guts. He flowers open, your cock just long enough to push through the sloppy opening into the mess of <<if $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>cum<<else>>eggs<<endif>> planted deeper inside him. You fuck his guts open wide, feeling <<if $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>Brulvundojn's cum burble down to coat your shaft in a slimy mess<<else>>your cockhead bash against Astau's final eggs, excess acid-green slime spilling down to drench your shaft<<endif>>.<<else>>Your cockhead mashes directly into his enormous prostate, digging into the hard knot of flesh, and a shudder runs through his whole body as you grab his hips and slam into it repeatedly, feeling the cocoon of muscle around it spasm and clench in response.<<endif>>\n\nKhru writhes on the ground, huge belly swaying and gurgling, bulging asshole spasming around the root of your shaft. He's incredibly open, asshole splaying wide. You curl a hand around the base of your shaft, fingertips pressing against his bulging asslips, and when he sinks himself down on your shaft you press inside, slotting your fist inside him. You jerk yourself off inside him, knuckles bashing against his prostate, fingers slick and slimy from the leftover monster cum drooling from his guts. Khru bellows, his cock slapping up against his belly, and he cums with a groan, painting the curve of his gut with his own thick grey gheist cum.\n\nYou twist your knuckles across the rim of his hole, skewing his hole out into a furled mass of warped flesh. His hole bulges out from his body in an enormous swollen lump, clinging to the back of your hand, before finally peeling off, lurching back into place between his cheeks, florid and gaping, ooze drooling down off his fat asslips. Then you do it again. You fistfuck him as you jerk off inside his ass: punching in, letting his hole cling to your wrist when you pull back. You drag your fingers along the underside of your cock, squeezing to get more friction inside his sloppy, loose ass, and fuck your fist with <<print $khruBeast>>'s cum as lube.\n\nKhru lurches, fucking himself down on your cock as you thrust up into his ass. The impact is muffled, spread out across your wrist and thighs; a wet crack. His bloated belly jiggles with each impact, swaying side you side as you fuck up into him faster. His balls jerk, drawn up tight beneath his fat dick, and his continually-leaking cock lets out heavy, gummy arcs of cum, splattering all across your bodies, painting your stomach and crotch in clots of grey gheist cum, smearing together into a filmy slurry as you keep fistfucking his gaped and drooling hole. Khru cums all over himself easily, prostate hammering against your hand, the flesh of his sac furrowed and dense, and then as you keep rolling your fist over the blown and ruined rim of his cratered asshole, he does it again, and again: eyes rolling back into his head, mouth open in a snarling roar, cock continually spurting dense clots of cum.\n\nYou groan, the heat and weight of his body, the rank smell of gheist cum, the sloppy wet squelches of his fucked-open ass, all racing through you. You fuck into him harder, slipping your hand out to grip his thigh, giving you more leverage to pound into him, scraping your cockhead along the soft, silky flesh of his brutalized guts. You cum with a bellow, cock lurching hard inside him, spurting out ropes of cum into his sloppy, overflowing guts, mingling with <<print $khruBeast>>'s old load to form a grimy, sloppy slurry of burbling ooze drooling out over Khru's heavy, hanging asslips. You fuck up into him, spending your load inside him and then sinking down to the root and staying there, letting your cock twitch out the dregs of your load into his guts.\n\nYou idly tug on his still-drooling cock, milking out a few heavier spurts of gritty gheist cum as you sluggishly start to go soft inside him. Khru groans, hide speckled with sweat, giant belly still sloshing and gurgling from <<if $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>the monstrous load dumped<<else>>the mass of churning eggs<<endif>> inside him, and he shakily rolls off you, cock pulling free from his ass with a wet squelch.\n\nYou ask him if he's good. He lets out a shaky moan as an assent, your load still drooling from the florid folds of his gaped asshole, bulging out fat and heavy between his solidly-muscled cheeks, half-hard cock flopping below. It's a good look.\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sex "khru" "fist" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "khru fuck bottom fistfuck">>
<<set $camps['gawann'] += 1>>
[[''you''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Gawann set up camp.\n\n<<set $_camprun to "gawanncamprun">>\\n<<if $camps['gawann'] == 0>>\\nYou look over at Gawann when you're in the tent, afterwards. He's considerably more alien-looking than the ĝheist. He spent most of the day walking on all-sixes.\n\n"It's strange walking on the uplands," he says, as you're making some small talk before settling in. "It's very bright. And I'm not used to spending so much time with the ĝheist."\n\nYou ask if he doesn't live in a hive, then.\n\n"A hive isn't just a bunch of ĝheist. A hive is big; they fill the caverns they're built inside. Many people of the hive have their own living spaces -- on the surface of the lake, or in burrows up along the cavern walls. My people build their own sections of the hive," he explains. "Obviously we //see// many ĝheist, but that's different than traveling with them for months. They're very different."\n\nOne of those differences is that he's apparently entirely comfortable being completely naked. The only thing he wears is his harness, across his shoulders and back, and that's purely functional, to carry his packs. When walking, his balls were drawn up tight, a big leathery lump at the base of his tail, but now sitting in your tent they're starting to relax and droop down, furrowed flesh spreading out to practically puddle over the ground, balls immense oblong weights pinned between his haunches.\n\nGawann notices you looking. You only notice he notices when he gets up and his balls shift: lurching forward over his thighs, then sagging down as he stands fully, drooping down to his knees in a heavy, bulky teardrop, smacking against his flanks when he walks towards you.\n\n"One of the differences," he says, as he approaches, "is the sex drive. They're constantly in rut. They've all been fucking each other nightly."\n\nYou kind of mumble out an 'oh?', because, well, he's close enough that above his balls you can see the bulging slit of his sheath, and how it's slowly starting to spread.\n\nHe continues: "I don't //gotta// fuck every night. But, if you want..." he says, and trails off, legs splayed, sheath parting wider and wider without his cockhead as-of-yet pushing out into the open.\n\n<<set $gawannPrompt to true>>\\n* [[yeah i definitely want that|gawann fuck]]<<scenealert "gawann fuck">>\n* [[nah i can go a day or two without constantly fucking|camprun]]\n<<else if $sex['gawann'] eq 0>>\\nHe sits back on his haunches, stretching his neck, rolling his shoulders -- and mid-shoulders -- to get the kinks out. His anatomy is so alien you have a hard time not staring, all strange sheets of muscle and gnarls of smooth chitin. His balls are just as enormous as before, spilling down over his haunches to puddle on the sand, enormous smooth swells, oblong, slightly-curving.\n\n<<set $gawannPrompt to false>>\\n* [[hey you mind if i play with your balls some|gawann fuck]]<<scenealert "gawann fuck">>\n* [[just go to sleep|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\nHe sprawls on his side, balls puddled loose across his inner haunches, flanks moving with his breaths. He shifts, sheath pinned up against his stomach, bulging out in a rubbery-looking swell, just starting to part.\n\nHe says, "So, how are you feeling? Tired after the day's travel?" You say you're good. He nods distractedly, sheath swelling minutely, cock starting to peek out.\n\n<<set $gawannPrompt to false>>\\n* [[hey i could take care of yr dick if you want|gawann fuck]]<<scenealert "gawann fuck">>\n* [[just go to sleep|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $sex['gawann'] gte $camps['gawann'] && $sex['gawann'] gt 2 && !$gawanPrompt>>\\nGawann leers at you. "You're pretty insatiable, you know. Anybody ever tell you that?"\n\nYou say, maybe. You tell him but instead of talking about that more you have better things you could do with your mouth. He laughs and gestures at his cock, as if to say, go wild.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $sex['gawann'] eq 0>><<display "gawann fuck 1">>\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else>><<display "gawann fuck choice">>\\n<<endif>>
He grins, letting his muzzle hang open, showing his teeth. You wonder if that's a learned behavior; lesson one in interacting with other peoples like the great beasts was to not smile because it's generally a threat display to anybody that's not human. But then you stop thinking about that because Gawann steps closer, and you lean back to let him in, until you're resting against your rolled-up blankets and he's standing astride you, immense balls resting atop your thighs. He reaches out with his middle limbs, and you startle a little -- his hind paws are splayed out at your knee, and his forepaws (well, hands) are at your shoulders, and it's strange to feel all of that and then have a whole other set of hands touching you.\n\nHe leans in and kisses you, tongue unfurling out of his mouth, long and slimy and warted as he licks across your face, and you arch up, kissing across the side before he coils it into your mouth, heavy and huge and flexible, squirming in past your teeth. Drool spills all across your face, gurgling into your mouth, and you swallow, hands curling around his bulky, muscled neck as you sloppily kiss. His hands tug at your clothes, deftly unlacing and unlatching everything, spreading you bare from chest to mid-thigh, while all the while drenching you in his drool, sloppy fluid running down your neck and over your bare chest.\n\nA burst of fluid hits you from another angle, a hot drizzle across your stomach, and you jerk back, breaking the kiss -- his tongue emerging, whiplike, from your throat -- and looking down. His cock is enormous.\n\nIt's finally pushed from his sheath, or at least some of it has. It's purple-black, the same as his tongue, and smoothly glossy. Along the upper half of his cockhead, the rim bulges up, out, and back into a thick crest, swept behind the bulk of his cockhead and easily doubling its girth. The crest is about a finger-length long, you find when you grab it, and both hands come nowhere near to encircling the thing. His spongy, rubbery flesh bulges out from the back of the crest, and you slide your fingers across it, rubbing back and forth. He growls, rutting forward, cock thudding in your loose grasp. His shaft is comparatively slimmer, almost slim enough to wrap your hands around, with a hugely-pronounced bulge running down the underside.\n\nHis dick is more suited to the stature of an animal than a man. By which you mean the thing is about the size of your entire arm, and when it's fully unsheathed it spans nearly all the way to his head, sandwiched between his quad-pecs. If he sat back the image would be absurd, cock jutting up all the way to his chest, ludicrously long for his body. But when he's on all fours (sixes) it's only mostly absurd. An enormous alien animal cock, sheath pillowed at the base, balls nearly dragging on the ground, cock drawn down into a long, low arch from its own immense weight.\n\nThat's a fucking big dick, you say, and he just lets out a snarling kind of laugh, still humping it forward, bashing it against your chest.\n\nYou milk the head, both hands tugging on his crest, palms squelching against the smooth, slick flesh of his cockhead. He growls again, vibration buzzing the air around you, and he lurches forward, pinning you to the ground, six reptilian paws on your chest, arms, shoulders, sides. He ruts forward, his gargantuan balls lurching forward against your thighs, cock a massive cannon slung between you, sliding smoothly over your skin. He gushes pre, a sloppy shot that erupts out all over your chest and face. His pre is dark, a cloudy grey-black where it pools across your chest, and you catch some of the drizzle in your hands and smear it back down across his cock, stroking the tip of his cock smoothly. He huffs and pants, muzzle open and drooling as he humps his cock against your body, utterly drenching you in spurts of his alien pre.\n\nWhere ĝheist cum mostly tastes bitter, sour, rancid, his tastes like hot metal. You lean up -- straining against his weight pinning you -- and lap at his cock. His cockhead is smoothly curved, with a bulge near the center, and you trace your tongue up its sloppy flesh and catch the tip just in time for him to let out an enormous splattering gush, painting your face in stringy lines of pre, hot and wet pouring down your cheeks, spilling over to trickle down the back of your neck. You gulp, swallowing the mouthful of pre, and press your face against his cockhead. Even without the crest it would be fist-sized, nearly impossible to swallow, and with it it's far too big to ever fit in your mouth. That doesn't mean you don't try. You slurp over the tip, lips sucking, tongue pressed flat against his shiny skin, slathering it up and down as you drink down the filmy streamers of pre.\n\nC'mon, you say, stroking his cock, letting him fuck it through the loose grip of your hands. C'mon I wanna see you blow your load all over me.\n\nHe lets out a keening groan, flanks heaving, hips driving forward with inhuman force, plunging his sloppy cock through your hands and jerking it back out, rubbery cockhead //spang//ing out on each pump and splattering you with hot droplets of pre, everywhere you're not already saturated. His balls lurch forward, weight slapping against your thighs, rolling over your own cock, pinning it flat to your belly from their weight.\n\nYou feel his cock tremble. Minute shudders run along its length, and the muscles of his underbelly clench and pull. His balls furrow, lurching upward with each thrust to smack solidly against your cock, and he digs his claws into the sand, clawing up sand as he spreads his legs. He snarls, snapping at the air, and his cock throbs hard in your hands, pumping dry for a second before he erupts, spraying an arcing burst of cum in all directions.\n\nHis cum is like quicksilver, or molten metal: metallic and shiny, totally opaque. It's //heavy//, pressing down on your body as he erupts all across your chest, pelting your face -- you close your eyes, cum washing over you in splattering waves, audibly gurgling as it pumps out from his titanic cock. You hold on, stroking his cockhead as he ruts against you, cock spraying out bucketfuls of cum all over you, soaking the sand around you. You rut up, cock sliding against his sheath, dizzy and flushed, maybe your half-hard cock shooting too; it's hard to tell. You groan, flush with pleasure, cum adding a heavy drag to his cock sliding over your chest, and you wrap your arms around it, letting him fuck your chest, cockhead smearing all over your face. Probably his cum isn't that bad for you, but you don't drink much of it anyway, just in case.\n\nHe keeps cumming for what feels like minutes, pulse after pulse rippling through his cock until you're beyond soaked. Eventually he flops to the side, groaning, and you smear one drenched forearm against your drenched face, mostly just smearing his load around. It's slightly more liquid than human cum, and noticeably denser; it flows in strange patterns when you sit up, movement alien as it pours down your body.\n\nYou say, what was that about you having a lower sex drive, and Gawann laughs, sprawled on his side, cock still sluggishly spurting quicksilver cum. He says, "I don't //have to// fuck." You give him a 'go on' kind of look. "But I certainly //can//."\n\nYou swipe some cum off your side and ask him if it's bad to eat it. He shakes his head, leans over, muzzle open, tongue slapping against the side of your hand and then curling entirely around it, and slurps your entire hand into his mouth, licking up the mess. Then he pushes himself up, spits out your hand, and kisses you, tongue shoving back down your throat, mouth flooded with the slimy mess of his spit and cum. You gurgle wetly around his tongue, and he pulls back, drags his tongue across your cum-covered face, gulps some down but shares the rest with you, drooling cloudy cum across your face as he drools it into your mouth. You gulp, grimacing at the strong metallic taste, burning down your throat.\n\nIn between sloppily making out, you gesture at his dick. You ask him, that gonna be enough? He says, "I don't think you could take any more."\n\nYou want to take that as a challenge, but it is late and you are tired. You tell him to ask you about it next night.\n<<sex "gawann" "frot" "top">>\n<<sexscene "gawann fuck 1">>
You tell him he should fuck you.\n\n[yr making out w/ his cockhead until yr head is entirely glazed w/ reeking metal head pre. and yr like 'hey fuck me' and he's like "my cockhead ridge is pretty flexible but it's not _that_ flexible"]\n\n<<if hasMutation("wide hips")>>\\n[yr like "i might surprise you".]\n\n<<else>>\\n[yr like "i definitely still want to try"]\n\n[he grinds his cockhead against yr ass and gets you to slop open but yr hips are too narrow to really fit his cock, & he's like. hold on i got something that would help. and leans over to get some lightrot lube and just pours it into yr gaping asshole & then stirs it around w/ his cock as yr hips start to burn and warp from the lightrot]\\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "gawann fuck 2">>\\n<<endif>>\n\n[anyway then yr ass swallows up his cock and he fucks you a bunch and gets you all cumflated.]\n\n<<sex "gawann" "anal" "top">>
His cock just kinda spills out of his sheath as you're talking. He might be starting to associate camping with you with sex. And, you know, rightly so.\n\nHe says, "Oh yeah? What're you up for?"\nYou think about his dick:\n\n* [[hey fuck me again|gawann fuck branch][$_gawann = "gawann fuck again"]]<<scenealert "gawann fuck again">>\n/%\n* <<if $sex['gawannanaltop'] gt 0 >>[[hey you should fuck me|gawann fuck 2]]<<else>>[[hey just fuck me again|gawann fuck branch][$_gawann = "gawann fuck again"]]<<endif>>\n* [[lemme fuck you|gawann fuck branch][$_gawann = "gawann fuck top"]] %/\n* [[how about you fuck my throat|gawann fuck branch][$_gawann = "gawann throatfuck"]]<<scenealert "gawann throatfuck">>\n* [[i wanna fuck your sheath|gawann fuck branch][$_gawann = "gawann sheathfuck"]]<<scenealert "gawann sheathfuck">>\n* [[nevermind|camprun]]
<<display $_gawann>>\n\n[[→|camprun]]
[you fuck him on yr back w/ him riding yr dick, and his mammoth cock bobbing up and down between you, pissing pre all across yr chest and face & sometimes he hilts himself on yr cock so hard his cock smacks against yr chest with a wet _splat_ and peels away w/ hundreds of tiny lines of pre webbed between you]\n\n<<sex "gawann" "anal" "bottom">>
Gawann flops to the side, and you shift in between his haunches. There's a foot or so of cock lolling out over his thigh, dark flesh glimmering with internal fluids. It weakly ripples, beads of runny pre spilling over the wrinkled flesh of his softened cockhead. You slide your fingers up his shaft, coating your fingers with slick slime, and curl your hands around his cockhead, sliding your thumbs against the ridged underside, fingers splaying out to rub against the broad crest sweeping back across the top half. Another bead of pre bubbles up from his dimpled cockhole, and you lean in, pressing your tongue to the flat tip, lapping it up. It tastes metallic, tinny with a bitter aftertaste, and you press your face against his cockhead, spreading your lips, tongue rippling against his cockhole, catching the weak spurts of pre.\n\nEven mostly-soft his cockhead is about the size of your fist, too big to wrap around with one hand. You play with his crest: it's soft and spongy, fluttering a little in resistance when you pin it back against his shaft. You slide down his cock, your nose mashed against the rim of his cockhead as you drool against the underside, lips spread over half of its bulk.\n\nYeah, you think you can manage this.\n\nGawann just looks at you. He says, "I'm used to hearing that from horny ĝheist. But a human's a new one."\n\n<<if !isBiggest('gawann', 'oral')>>\\nYou say, actually, this isn't even the biggest dick you've managed to swallow.\n\nHe says, "Really."\n\n<<if isBiggest('brulvundojn', 'oral')>>\\nYou say, you don't know if he's seen him, but there's this great beast nearby, Brulvundojn. And sure his wolf dick starts with a point, not with this thing -- you squeeze his cockhead crown for emphasis; you're still stroking his cock an inch from your face through this entire conversation -- but he managed to cram his knot into your mouth more than a few times and you're still around to talk about it.\n\n<<else>>\\nYou say, just go a little easy. But trust me.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\nIt's definitely gonna be a challenge. But you're hard from the thought of trying it.\n\nFully unsheathed now, his cock spans from his crotch to between his second set of arms. It's is nearly the length of your arm, and thicker in places. You think about that: an arm shoved down your throat, fingers grasping into your stomach.\n\nYou drool over his cock, pumping it in both hands. You lap at the tip, drooling, letting your spit mingle with his oozing pre, and you suck the rim of his cockhead into your mouth, smearing along the flat-capped lip. You open wide: sucking half his cockhead into your mouth, jaw aching, lips vainly trying to encircle it. His cock shudders, splattering a mess of pre all across the roof of your mouth, and you spit it back out, smearing it across his flesh as added lube. You have to do this a few times: struggling to open wider, needing to pull back, cough, sputter, work your jaw, as you loosen yourself up.\n\nGawann seems... indulgent, at least, breathing hard as you play with his cockhead, hips moving minutely to mash his cockhead against your face. You tell him, voice all thick and clotted, that he's gonna have to actually do some of the work later on. He snorts.\n\nYou turn back to his cock. You huff, panting against his cockhead, letting his spurts of pre splatter against your face, drooling down your chest in a wash of murky grey. You open wide, jaw aching but also relaxed, and slowly spread your lips: his brutally-fat cockhead digging into your lower lip, teeth sheathed under it; while you suck and slobbery across his cockhead, sinking down, pushing forward, grinding his cock against your face in the hopes the added pressure will help. It's achingly thick, cockhead slowly cresting him, rolling in over your spread lips: warping your mouth into an inhuman orifice, flesh drawn out into smooth curves, lips bulging up around the tip of his cock. You breathe through your mouth, inhaling the rank metallic reek of his cock, and dazedly slump forward, jaw shuddering as your lips spread just an iota more: only the final ridge of his cockhead outside your mouth, dragging against your upper lip, the long slope of his crest, pinned tight to his shaft but still so, so thick. You gurgle, frozen in place, just letting his implacable cockhead sink in on its own time, fractionally. Your mouth yawns open, warped grotesquely, and you manage to keep his cockhead in your mouth for all of a half second before you gag, jaw spasming, and have to spit it out, along with a messy spume of slobbery pre.\n\nYou pant, gasping, working your jaw. You say, not bad for the first try.\n\nGawann looks flushed, or as flushed as a blue-black reptile monster can get. "You should try that again," he says, lumbering up to his feet, letting his cock hang down beneath him, fat and heavy.\n\nYou say, a lot more interested now that it doesn't seem totally impossible, huh?\n\nHe lets out a hungry growl. "If you want me to fuck your face, I'm gonna fuck your face."\n\nYou grin at him, jaw loose and aching, and sink back down on his cock. On your back this time, squirming across his underbelly, throat aligned so that he could actually sink in. Just the thought of him actually sheathing down your throat has you hard; your own cock bobs up in the air, untouched and drooling pre.\n\nHis cockhead crest is just so wide. It's rough. Your mouth is slobbery with slime and pre; that helps. You open wide, lips aching as you warp them over his mammoth cockhead, stinging where they split, and you gurgle as you slowly, slowly sink your head down over his cockhead. His pre spills across your teeth, stringy and gummy. Your jaw clicks, spread so wide it aches, and it's easy enough to close your eyes and swallow, letting your jaw unhinge, dislocating as it sags out, loose. That makes it easier. Gawann lets out a curious rumble, head twisting back to watch; you feel the motion, his shoulders press against your stomach, rather than see it. Slobbery pre washes across your upturned face, mouth and jaw and throat already stretched out into sheets of flesh, just incoherent shapes bulging around the pillar of his cock. His cockhead shifts deeper, cockhead crest jamming against the opening to your throat, and you let out one final gurgle before opening your throat up and letting him thrust in. Carving your throat open as a tight, spasming hole for him to fuck. His paws shift in the sand, clawing, and he shoves in -- once, twice, a third time -- and each time his cockhead slams deeper: crest pinned tight against his cockhead, your throat erratically convulsing against the stretch, forced open by the bulk of his massive cock. Slime squelches inside your throat, thick phlegm coating his shaft as he plunges deeper. Your throat warps, flesh lurching and stretching from the sheer size.\n\nThere's a soggy, hollow //pop// when his cockhead pushes down into your ribcage, his crest springing back out with a lurch that makes you gag and retch, just squirting a mess of sludge up through your throat, staying there in bloated pockets before his shifts and it can squirt up your throat, out your mouth and nose in a wash of stringy slime that pours all over your already-drenched face. That much, and that's maybe half his cock. Your nose is mashed against the underside of his shaft, glazed now in the sludge you keep retching up, and dimly you can feel his paws around you, pinning you under his bulk. But still nowhere near all of his cock. His cockhead shudders inside you, flexing and twitching as he spurts pre into your throat, and it's almost easy to take more: his cock sliding down through your already ruined throat until the tip pops through directly into your stomach, near the bottom of your ribs, flooding it directly with gush after gush of heavy pre. Your stomach roils, shuddering, and you retch again, vomiting up a mess of sludgy, frothing pre that just adds more lube to the length of his cock, more slime building up through your throat in bloated pockets, drooling from your nose and mouth in frothy, lathered up streams.\n\nYou're pinned up against his underbelly as he brutally fucks your throat, cock plowing down until your stomach warps and opens, letting him sink all the way down into your guts, mashing the pillowy mounds of his bloated sheath against your slime-drenched face. You're weakly gagging, constantly, a froth of sludge squirting from your nose and mouth, blowing bubbles when you struggle to breathe. His paws hit the ground, properly mounting you like an animal as he ruthlessly fucks your throat, his alien cock churning your stomach, ruining your throat. Your entire body feels hollowed out, like you're just an orifice for him to fuck. His sheath mashes against your bruised lips, pillowy and heavy, and his balls crack against your head, shuddering hard when he grinds down, mashing them across your face.\n\nOver the throb of your heart, the rush of blood in your ears, you can hear him keening and yowling, roaring as he dumps his load directly down into your guts. His cock ripples rhythmically, a pulsing rod skewering you through, his cockhead flaring -- warping the flesh of your stomach into a lopsided lump -- as he cums. You can only dimly feel it, heat blossoming deep inside you, a wet weight sloshing around somewhere under your lungs.\n\nWhen he finally rips his cock out of your stomach, his cockhead crest scrapes its way up, scouring your aching, abused flesh until it pops into the back of your mouth, abruptly unblocking your throat. You gurgle, throat carved open into an open passageway, cum burbling up directly from your stomach: his heavy, metallic cum cut through with the sour taste of stomach acid. You lurch to the side -- only aware then how heavy your stomach is, bulging and swollen with his load -- and vomit up his load, heaving and coughing as you gag on nothing, broken throat muscles making each attempt at closing bring up a deep, retching spasm. His cum leaves a hot-metal taste in your mouth, stuck in your nose, as you cough up mouthful after mouthful of cum. Even afterwards, draining out, your stomach is still bloated: pumped too deep, directly down into your guts.\n\nYou say, with your broken, hoarse voice, that maybe he was right about it being too much. But, then again, maybe not. His cock, half-hard and still fully unsheathed, glimmers dully in the light, and there's a hot curl in your stomach, wanting it back down your throat already.\n\n<<sex "gawann" "oral" "top">>\n<<sexscene "gawann throatfuck">>
He lets out a low growl of arousal. "We could do that." His cock lurches, unsheathed but not fully hard, and his sheath droops low and loose from his underbelly: folds of flesh bunched up, pressed forward into a meaty mound by the size of his balls.\n\nYou reach over and slide a hand down his shaft: slick and wet, glazed with internal fluid, and it's very easy to slide down to the root and then even deeper. His sheath is incredibly hot inside, slick and oozing with fluid, and you scoot closer to him, working your fingers deeper inside him. He lets out an animal croon, mouth open and panting as you curl your hand around his shaft, using that to stroke down along the root of his cock, until your hand is stuffed to the wrist inside of his sheath, dragging out his soft and supple flesh in an obscene mound, lurching as you stroke him off from the inside.\n\nNot that far inside him you can feel the structure of his sheath change: pulsing internal muscles clamping and spasming, hard planes of structural muscle, the passage of his unsheathing cock twisting back and up, deeper inside him. He growls, planting his paws wider, spreading his legs so you can slide up against his flank, pressed tight to his body as you feel around inside him with one hand. He's not quite so loose -- yet -- to be able to take both hands in his sheath, so you stroke his cock with your other hand, fingertips digging into his shaft and just-barely pushing into his sheath. You catch sloppy blobs of pre and fluid and work them back his shaft, glazing his sheath in a sloppy mess of burbling ooze, squelching and slurping as you slowly work your hands back and forth.\n\nYour cock aches in your pants. You have to pull your hands free to pull your laces loose -- submerged hand emerging with an obscene wet //squelch//, tethered to his gaping sheath with dozens of thin, glimmering strands of fluid. You tug at your cock, adjusting it as you jerk your pants down, letting <<if hasMutation("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>it<<endif>> lurch out into the open, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>unsheathing quick<<else>>half-hard and stiffening fast<<endif>> at the sight of Gawann's underbelly pulsing, stretched sheath wetly gulping as his internal muscles pulse.\n\nYou slide beneath him, twisting as the huge, heavy meat of his unsheathed dick smears across your side and chest as you wiggle into place: <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheathes pressed together<<else>>cock pressed up along his sheath<<endif>>, shoulders bracketed between his forepaws. He leers down at you, muzzle open and drooling, and he swipes out with his tongue to cover your face in a mess of slobber, pressing into your open mouth in a messy kiss. His cock lurches against your chest, continually burbling out a wet spill of his cloudy black pre that floods the hollow of your throat and pours down the sides of your chest.\n\nYou line up your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>unsheathing cock<<else>>hard cock<<endif>> against his own: <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sharp cocktip digging into the smooth groove of his shaft, guiding it straight down into the sloppy heat of his sheath<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled cockhead scraping through the layers of murky goo coating his shaft, leaving a messy scoured line as you arch up to smack your cockhead against the puffy lip of his sheath<<else>>fat cockhead sliding smoothly across the pulsing, half-hard muscle of his shaft, guiding you towards his sheath as you arch up, slapping your cockhead against the lip of his puffy sheath with a wet //crack//<<endif>>. Gawann ruts forward, sheath stretching around your cocktip as you sink into his depths. The heat inside feels even more intense along your cock, surrounded by tight, rippling muscle that clenches tighter each time his cock twitches. The motion begins deep inside him, muscles twisting and pushing, rippling down along your cock before moving through his shaft, emerging as a fresh burst of fluid splattered all across your chest, smearing your jaw in stiff peaks of silty pre.\n\nYou rut upward, heels digging into the sand as you sink the full length of your cock into his sheath. You cup his shaft with both hands, tugging it to the side to twist the root of his shaft, helping your cock sink deeper along the smooth sides of his dick, until <<if hasMutation("knot")>>your sheath meets his with a wet //slap// /<<else>>you stuff your entire cock inside, letting his sheath swallow your cock down to the base<<endif>>. His sheath massages your shaft, wetly squelching and slurping as you adjust yourself, and you groan, mouth open against Gawann's neck, panting slightly as you get used to the tight, rippling heat immersing your cock.\n\nYou fuck his sheath. You pull back, cock emerging glistening, with fat dewdrops of slime burbling down your length, and then you arch up, thrusting back into the slick tight passage, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheathes meeting again with a //crack//<<else>>hilting again with a sharp //crack//<<endif>>. Gawann croons, opening wide to sloppily kiss across your face, and you groan against his tongue. You start up a rhythm, humping upwards, lurching his sheath out into a stretched mass of flesh, bloated and heavy cocooning around your shaft. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your sharp cocktip slides deeper, pushing against some internal barrier until it digs into just the right place and manages to slide deeper -- your knot bursts from your sheath into Gawann's, a sudden lurch that has you yowling, and when you next pull back you can see the lumpy, warped flesh of his sheath cling to your knot before pulling free with a wet gush of your mingled slime.<<else>>Your cockhead grazes against his soft, slick internal flesh, a wet sucking kiss, and you find yourself humping upwards, after the wet squelch when slime bursts down your shaft, the gurgling suction when you pull back, pressure and heat tugging at the flange of your cockhead.<<endif>> You pound into him, cock <<if hasMutation("knot")>>stabbing<<else>>bashing<<endif>> into his depths, and each thrust is punctuated by a shudder racing down the length of his cock, bursting as a flood of cloudy black pre all across your chest, totally drenching you in his bestial ooze.\n\nHis tight, sloppy sheath brings you off. You groan, fucking up into it, thighs hot from use, ooze spilling all over your hips as you pump into him. You feel yourself coming close, heat twisting in your guts, cock shuddering, and you groan, mouth open and slack as Gawann shoves his tongue down your throat, his own cock shuddering against your chest. Your moan is muffled in his mouth when you finally come: cock lurching hard, spasming against the slick, smooth muscle all around it, before you finally cum, spraying heavy loads of cum into his used, bruised sheath. Your hips spasm, breaking your rhythm, and half your cock lurches out from his sheath with an obscene wet //squelch//, your shaft still pulsing and shuddering as you spew your load into the sloppy depths of his sheath. Thick, churned-up lines of mingled ooze spill down from his stretched-out sheath, slowly painting your entire length in the sludgy slurry as you jerk and writhe beneath him, cock still squirting out your load into his depths.\n\nHis sheath feels bruised: the soft flesh used until it's swollen: puffy and hot to the touch, stiff and engorged with blood, turning the mess of supple folds into a series of bloated, rubbery ridges, visibly pulsing with Gawann's heartbeat, clinging tightly to the base of his shaft as your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>cocktip<<else>>cockhead<<endif>> pulls free with a final wet burble, letting you spew the dregs of your load all across his underbelly and shaft.\n\nGawann pants above you, his own hips jerking forward, pumping his shaft across your chest, and you wrap your arms around it, giving him something to push against. He's close too; he fucks his cock through your arms once, twice, before he throws his head back, letting out an animal roar as his cock flexes hard, pelting you directly in the face with an immense blast of his strange, quicksilver cum. It splatters everywhere, slurping between your bodies, spilling over your sides, erupting out of him in huge bursts that send his cock recoiling across your front, swaying back and forth.\n\nYou're both a mess when you're both finished: hips coated in a slurry of opaque, churned-up slime, your front and Gawann's belly dripping in the heavy, watery residue of his alien cum. You roll free, milking the last dregs of your load from your cock<<if hasMutation("knot")>> -- and milking a mess of sloppy ooze from your own sheath --<<endif>> before you get up, still-hard cock swaying before you, slapping against Gawann's flanks for a moment, as you scour each other off. You're both still damp, with Gawann's hide gleaming, by the time you properly settle down to bed.\n<<sex "gawann" "sheathfuck" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "gawann sheathfuck">>
<<display "gawann fuck 1">>\n/%\n[he just fucks you again, & leaves your asshole a cratered mess drooling cum]\n\n<<sex "gawann" "anal" "top">>\n%/
<<set $yraalNight += 1>>
[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Yraal set up camp.\n\n<<set $_camprun to "yraalcamprun">>\\nYraal knows his way around the supplies, and with his increased arm span he very easily plants the tent's struts in the ground and hooks everything together. Then he settles down in the tent with a groan.\n\n<<if $yraalReject>>\\nYou make small talk for a bit. He doesn't ask to fuck, but you can hear the wet squelches of him jerking off after you head in to sleep.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else if $yraalNight eq 0>>\\n"So," he says, voice gravelly. "You down to fuck?"\n\nForward, you say.\n\nHe shrugs. "Pent up." He gropes his cock, an enormous mound bloating out under his heavy gut.\n\n* [[sure let's go|yraal initial setup]]<<scenealert "yraal initial setup">>\n* [[nah sorry|camprun]]\n<<else if $yraalFuck eq 0>>\n"Fuck," he says, groping his crotch. "Pthuul blew me before we left. Not used to getting this pent up." He looks over at you. "You good?"\n\n* [[yeah let's go for it|yraal initial setup]]<<scenealert "yraal initial setup">>\n* [[nope sorry|yraal reject]]\n<<else>>\n<<display "yraal camp repeat">>\n<<endif>>
You say nope, sorry.\n\nYraal lets out a rumbling laugh. "That's fine," he says. "I can take the hint."\n\n<<set $yraalReject to true>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You say sure, let's see what he's got.\n\nHe tugs open his pants with his huge paws. He's gigantic all over: not just huge and fat, but with hands that could easily grab your entire head, even with his stubby fingers.\n\nHis dick is a big mound. He's got a heavy fat pad under his gut, swallowing up most of his dick and pushing his foreskin forward into a gigantic fist-sized mound. It's drooping down under its own weight, half-flooded with his silty pre, and as he shifts his weight his grimy pre squirts out of his overhanging foreskin. His balls are so huge it's hard for you to actually tell what's going on for a second; at first you just see his concrete-pillar thighs, and then he reaches down and hefts up and you realize his balls totally fill the space under his dick, an enormous bulging mound as broad as your chest that you took for a swell of fat-smoothed muscle. Even Yraal's gigantic hands can't cup his balls properly; he has to laboriously heft them out and up, and they shudder and jerk, drooping down slightly across the front of his pants in a bloated mound.\n\nHe grinds his hand against his balls, other hand grabbing his mounded cock and rhythmically squeezing. He lets out a guttural groan, and you hear more than see his pre work its way out of his flooded foreskin with a series of squelches and slurps, wetly cracking against his skin.\n\n"You wanna help me out?" he says, and peels his hand of his cock. He's already slathered with pre, with finger-thick webs in goopy lines smeared all across his hand. The mound of his cock shudders, squirming, and a slobbery waterfall of slime pours from his still-sheathed cock, spilling down onto the bulk of his balls.\n\n[[→|yraal initial fuck]]
You drop to your knees in front of Yraal. His gut is heavy, sagging further now that his pants are undone, and its fat bulk entirely covers his cock -- but not his balls, bunched between his legs, and not the thick strands of slime drooling from under his gut, sheening his skin and forming long, flabby strands hanging down from his belly and thighs. His balls churn up and down, flesh furrowing and relaxing slowly and sending his balls swaying. They're genuinely grotesque, massive and lopsided; their bulk juts forward, sandwiching his oozing cock within folds of bulging flesh -- gut above, balls beneath -- with only cords of slime showing you where it lies.\n\nYou lean in and lap across his belly, tasting dust and salt and rancid ĝheist pre, and Yraal groans and sways forward, mashing your face against his fat gut. He gropes across his stomach, lifting up and peeling his gut off his thighs, using his other hand to mash you into the dark, pungent space there, reeking and slick. Your first breath is dizzying, hot and humid, rich with the scent of his pre, and so rank it almost hurts to inhale. All you can hear is muffled squelching, his thighs pinning your ears flat; that and the thrum of your heart.\n\nHis stomach presses against your head, face buried between his folds, and his cockhead is a hard, stiff spar knocking against your face, smearing thick slime over your skin. It's immense -- stubby even by human standards, most of its length hidden in the fat pad around his crotch, but it's brutally thick. It's still sheathed in his foreskin, damp leathery skin rubbing across your face as he ruts against your head, and your open mouth isn't wide enough for him to push in.\n\nYou lick across his skin, turning your head to lap at the thick, gooey patches of slime across his thighs, and his cockhead feels like a burning brand shoved across your cheek . Your spit mixes with his constantly-pouring pre, already slathering together into a frothing mess spilling down your jaw. He nudges your mouth back in place, one huge hand spanning the back of your head, and ruts forward. His cockhead is enormous, a fist-sized core sheathed in rubbery folds of foreskin, smearing all across your mouth and jaw. You open wide, slurping on his skin, trying to suck its jaw-cracking girth into your mouth. His foreskin wrinkles up in folds, your lips pinned inside it as he sinks a fraction of his cockhead into you.\n\nYou find the opening in his half-retracted foreskin with your tongue, prying inside, and the taste of ĝheist pre bursts across your tongue as you lap and drool against his sheathed cockhead -- sour and metallic, meaty. His cockhead pulses, flesh squelching around your head, and his next shot of pre erupts into your mouth, strong and forceful without the slimy layers of his foreskin to reduce the spurt to a slow drool. You groan, swallowing, unable to purse your lips around his rolls of foreskin, and half of the shot drools out of your mouth, smearing all across his already-slick thighs, drooling down your chin to smear into the supple, churning flesh of his giant balls. You struggle to catch more, tongue smearing out of his foreskin to lap along the underside of his sheathed cockhead, but his cock pulses again, and again, and again, slime pooling on the floor of your mouth and coating your tongue in its taste, until your struggle isn't to swallow more but to gasp in air from your flooded mouth. You gurgle, letting his thick, gummy pre pour from your open mouth out all over his skin, smearing into a thick mess that coats your head entirely and starts to drool down your chest in hot, burning strands.\n\nHe sinks his cockhead a fraction deeper in your mouth, jaw straining, lips stretched, and his foreskin peels back enough for the raw flesh to prod, burning hot, against the roof of your mouth. His cockhead itself is knobbly, covered in fat bumps all across its dome, and the inside of his foreskin is coated in them too, rolling smoothly against your gums, tongue, the inside of your mouth. His bloated, gnarled cockhead spreads your bruised lips out around its full girth. Your nose digs into the soft, dense pad of fat under his gut, and he ruts shallowly back and forth.\n\nHis cock hoses down your mouth with vile, rancid pre, building up in your mouth, sloshing in thick, scummy waves as you struggle to swallow it. It burns, thick and sour, churning in your stomach, and you cough wetly, spraying a mass of slime out across his already-sodden thighs, wet sludge winding its way through the slimy passages where his flesh encircles yours -- gut, thighs, balls, all squelching and squirting slime as you rut against each other. Each breath you take is a gurgling mess, nose half-clogged with slime, air blowing back against your face as you pant and gurgle and gasp.\n\nAll that and he's hardly even fucking you, just his hands bearing you down against his cock, a shallow half-inch of motion rutting back and forth. He fucks your face, letting you gasp for breath between being shoved down against his broad, soft fat pad, cock constantly spewing vile sludge into your mouth.\n\nHe groans, grinding your head down, and cums, cock flexing under your lips, the gummy spurts of pre becoming thicker, grittier, crunching in the back of your mouth when you swallow. That's the only difference: webs of cum instead of pre coating you, cum thicker, denser, more acrid, just as copious. His cock twitches, cum burbling out from his mounded foreskin, drooling across your tongue as you lap it up.\n\nYou can't say how long it goes on for. Yraal is all around you, squelching thighs framing your head, belly grinding down on you, balls wetly mashing against your neck, face buried against his mounded cock, his folds of foreskin squirting out rank globs of cum. He pulls you back, eventually, and you think he's spent. Cords of cum coat your front, glossy membranes of smeared slime dragging out between you, anchored in chunky globs to your face, wrapped around your head. Froth glitters in the membrane, caught in place, all of it so thick and sticky it doesn't droop at all, just allows more and more slime to sluice across its cords, dumping tarry sludge onto you in greasy dollops.\n\n"You had enough?" he asks. He's still cumming. His mounded cock juts out, cum piling up at the tip as it shudders and flexes, forming a massive, fist-sized glob of slime that sluggishly starts to spill downward, dragging out into a wrist-thick rope of gummy, crunchy cum. "I could rein it in now, give it a break. But you look real nice painted in my cum, and I'm still kinda backed up. You wanna give it another hour and see how nice you look?"\n\n* [[yeah c'mon drench me|yraal nightly orgasm]]\n* [[nah|yraal cum reject]]\n<<set $yraalFuck += 1>>\\n<<sex "yraal" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "yraal initial fuck">>
You say -- gurgle, really -- that nah you're about as covered in cum as you'd like to be.\n\nYraal kinda smirks at that, but he pulls back, letting the dregs of his orgasm spill down from his pulsing cock-mound in silty cords. The cords of slime tethering your face to his crotch slowly droop down and snap, splattering cum across your chest, and you stay there panting for a while before you start wiping the mess of cum off your slathered skin.\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You beg for more. He grins and mashes you back against his spurting cock, the huge ropy cord of cum splattering over your face, slapping against your chest.\n\nHe staggers and slowly heaves himself down to the ground, hand keeping you pinned to his cock the whole time, and it's only after a few more minutes that you realize he's going to sleep, still cumming. His balls are churning, draped over your chest in a heavy mound, and they squeeze and pulse, internal muscles spasming, cock flexing, each time he spews out another messy rope of cum all over you. You're cocooned in slime, face lost in a mess: cords of cum strung together in thick rubbery sheets, with bubbles of froth glistening as they slowly stretch and smear apart.\n\nIt takes a while, cum still burbling across your face, spilling in greasy cords down your chest and back, but slowly you fall asleep too, pinned against Yraal's bulk.\n\n<<set $_awake to "yraal cum awake">>\n[[→|camprun]]
You wake inside a crusty crystalis: Yraal's load -- still sluggishly oozing silty cum from his mounded cock -- dried in the night into brittle shards, cracking and crumbling apart only to glue back together from the excess cum still coating your body. <<if !hasMutation("scales")>>Your braids are all glued together, and glued to your scalp, in a single immobile mass. <<endif>>You're coated head-to-toe in his half-dried load, cum still thick and gummy beneath the dried, hardened layers, and you practically crawl out of the cage of shards, peeling half-dried sheets off your skin. You're all goopy.\n\n"Slept well?" Yraal says, with a grin, and you say, yeah.
You make small talk for a bit. He's groping his cock, half jerking-off, wet squelches loud and sloppy in the silence between words, and it only takes a minute or two before he's totally soaked through the front of his pants. He tugs his gut up so he can free his cock, idly shoving his pants down, just casually groping his squelching, gushing mound while he keeps talking.\n\nHe leers at you when he notices you staring.\n\n* [[how about you fuck me|yraal fuck top]]<<scenealert "yraal fuck top">>\n* [[lemme suck yr cock more|yraal oral top]]<<scenealert "yraal oral top">>\n* [[how about i play w/ your ass|yraal fisting bottom]]<<scenealert "yraal fisting bottom">>\n* [[listen i'm pretty backed up too|yraal cocksound]]<<scenealert "yraal cocksound">>\n* [[i gotta sleep actually|camprun]]
You ask Yraal to fuck you.\n\nHe snorts. "Flip over, then," he says, and uses one of his enormous paws to do it for you.\n\nYou splay out on the sand, legs spread wide around Yraal's bulk, with him kneeling behind you. His hand is leathery and hot as he feels down your back, over your ass cheeks, fingers stroking over the furrowed flesh of your balls and then back up to press against your hole. His fingers are each as thick as a cock already, warted and thick, and he bears down, sliding one finger and then two inside. You groan, squirming, hole pulsing from the stretch, and Yraal uses his other hand to smear something slick across his fingers as he starts sliding them in and out, motion rough from the waxy crests of warts coating his skin. Pre, obviously, made even more clear when he shifts forward and you feel stringy drops of hot slime splatter across your calves and thighs, dripping down from his mounded cock.\n\nOne hand presses down between your shoulderblades, pinning you in place as he bears down on you: gut resting across your lower back and ass, his thick thighs pressing against your own. His fingers keep playing with your ass, wetly slurping now as he drools pre all over your ass. His cock is a hot brand, flesh-shrouded cockhead digging against your cheeks, smearing his thick pre all over your flesh, and he twists his fingers inside you, hand scooping up globs of pre and feeding them into your ass.\n\nHe ruts against you, slowly, body giant as he bears down on you. He's jerking off and fingerfucking you with the same hand, palm grinding along his stubby cock, pushing into his broad fat pad, and when he gushes pre it drools all along his fingers, straight into your sloppy ass. His fingers squelch, sinking into you, dull clawtips digging into the walls of your ass, and he pries something open deeper inside you, letting his tarry pre gurgle down into your guts. You pant, working your guts, able to gulp and swallow around his fingers. Yraal splatters more pre across the rim of your asshole, spreading your wider, and bears down. His cockhead is too fat and short to push inside. His foreskin is a mess of bloated flesh, pillowy and soft wrapped around the stiff, hot brand of his cockhead, and slowly, sluggishly, he ruts against you, cock leaving behind huge stringy webs of pre as he grinds against your ass.\n\nHis titanic balls mash against your thighs, pinned there by his bulk. Each time he grinds forward, they surge up, mashed tight, and his cock lets out a thicker eruption of pre, a gushing spray splattering over your skin and gurgling into your flooded asshole.\n\nYraal's foreskin peels back slowly, folded layers slurping down over his cockhead until the bare flesh kisses your bloated ass-lips: burning hot and iron-hard, and the sudden force of his pre -- gushing directly into you instead of drooling through his puckered foreskin -- makes you gasp as it splatters all across the walls of your ass. His bloated cocklips catch across your asshole, as big as a pair of lips, and you can distinctly feel them spread and open, spitting ropes of pre all over your ass, smearing the mess over your flesh, pursing and spreading, buried in the folds of your sloppy asshole. His foreskin is a gigantic mound of pillowy flesh pinned back against his fat pad, like huge lips kissing your bloated asshole, and his cock is a stiff tongue, mashing into the open socket of your spread asshole, squelching and gurgling as he fills you up with his grimy, clotted pre.\n\nHis fingers slide over your rim, claws digging into the underside of your asshole, and he spreads you open even wider, dragging your swollen asshole out into a lopsided oval. He's huffing above you, breathing hard, and his cock shudders harder, spraying gushes of pre into your flooded ass, excess drooling out around his still-pumping fingers and smearing together with the webbed mess of slime tethering you together: cords drooling down your thighs, wetly smacking against your ass with each thrust, oozing out across your back and hips when he grinds down harder. You pant, whining back as he shoves another finger in, spreading your asshole out into a gaping gulf, and his shots of pre fire straight through into the sloppy lake of slime flooding your ass, slowly gurgling down into your guts.\n\nThe shuddering ache of him playing with your hole, of him spearing forwards to play with your guts, grows and grows. You groan, utterly pinned under Yraal's bulk, unable to wriggle away from the sensation as it builds inside you. You sob, letting out a cry, and your guts spasm, hole clenching around Yraal's fingers. You squirt out a mess of his pre, an explosion trapped between your bodies, turning the cords of slime into a mess of pouring streams, splattering down into the sand beneath in greasy, foamed-up dollops. Yraal just laughs, a little out a breath but nowhere near finished, and spreads your slack asshole even wider as he refills your guts, his cock constantly pissing a flow of thick, slimy pre. He works you up to an anal orgasm two more times, until the sounds coming from your bodies are just a heavy, wet //slump// noise: asshole splayed open so wide he can practically jam his entire hand inside, your skin coated an inch deep with frothy pre, every space between your bodies a mess of bubbles and foam and slime, spilling in hand-thick cords up over your hips, pooling across your back, utterly immersing your calves.\n\nYraal cums, finally, with an inhumanly-deep bellow, roaring out into the night as the erratic, haphazard drool of pre turns into a continual pulsing: slime thickening into clumpy, gritty sludge as he sprays it into your entirely-flooded ass, letting the dense sludge sift down through the sea of pre inside you like silt. He peels your asshole open, inside-out, loose enough after all his play that it's just a matter of hooking his fingers over your bruised rims and tugging, in order for you to half-prolapse. Your asshole rises up like a bloated crater, and that swell is enough to finally wrap around his cockhead, pinned between your cheeks. He peels his fingers out and wraps them around the whole mass: your asshole a mound of wet, sodden flesh spilling out from your body, wrapped around his cockhead, and Yraal jerks himself off with your prolapsed ass, hand squeezing and milking it as he dumps his load inside.\n\nHe cums for nearly as long as he fucks you, and it's solidly midday before he finally peels away, leaving you sweaty and drenched in sludge beneath him, your broken ass only sluggishly drooling his thick, tarry load. Your guts ache, bloated with his tarry load, and your belly is heavy and swollen, sloshing and gurgling when you try to move. Yraal is a mess too: streaked with sweat, everything under his gut coated in cords of hanging slime, slowly winding their way down his leathery flesh.\n\n<<sex "yraal" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "yraal fuck top">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
<<display "yraal initial fuck">>\n/%\n[he fucks your face again. it's a big sloppy mess. maybe this the exact same scene as the initial sex scene or maybe not; either way it probably reprompts the 'do you want me to cum all over you for an hour' thing again]\n\n<<sex "yraal" "oral" "top">>\\n[[→|camprun]]\n%/
You say, how about you play with his ass.\n\n"Sure," he says, "Go for it." He shoves his pants down lower, stripping them off as he shifts to the side, knees hitting the ground with a heavy //thud//. His ass is enormous: huge and weighty, with leathery-grey skin ridden with pale stretch marks across his hips. The corset piercings he has down his back -- laced with thick black rope in a complex geometrical pattern -- end just above his hipbones, framing his ass. His balls hang below, enormous, head-sized dangling in a huge, bloated mound between his titanic thighs. He spreads his legs, the giant meat of his ass cheeks parting some, revealing more of the heavy furrow of his crack, and you kneel forward, one hand on one of his giant cheeks, and dig in, spreading him open.\n\nHis asshole is a fat, mounded pout, rumpled up into a thick peak, sluggishly clenching and opening as you slide your fingers across its bulk. You dig both hands into the curve of his ass, fingertips pressing down against the rim of his hole, and he gapes open easily, showing off the rich red-purple flesh of his inner ass, just as rumpled and furrowed as his well-worn asshole. He's already slick inside, inner flesh shiny and dripping, and you can even see why: three big, puffy glands bulging out from the walls of his ass, sluggishly drizzling slime; when his internal muscles clench and ripple, they lightly squeeze down, and wring out his glands like a sponge. You curl your knuckles over the rim of his asshole -- effortless, even though that's practically your entire fist sunk inside him -- and experimentally press down on his engorged glads, coaxing out a gushing squirt of lightrot-tinged slime and a rumbling groan from Yraal.\n\nHe's so gigantic it's almost like looking at an anatomical diagram: his asshole heavy, striated muscle wetly sucking on your fingers, his guts slick and open, fully revealed from his spread, gaping asshole. His guts ripple, flattening against each other with a wet squelch and then peeling apart, walls strung together with wet cords of slime, excess dripping down his inner walls. You can see his prostate outlined starkly by his fluttering guts: when he clenches, his guts peel back, and it's impossible to avoid the huge, fist-sized knot of hard tissue. You reach in, only slightly deeper -- entire hand swallowed up into his hot, wet guts -- and press it against your palm. It's almost burning hot, dense and rubbery, and when you dig in Yraal lets out a bellow, prostate pulsing, balls lurching in his dangling sac. His cock, hidden from view, audibly gushes pre, a wet pour that turns into a steady slurping, gurgling noise as pre spills from his hanging foreskin, smearing all across his thighs and the front of his sac, sheeting down to the ground in a grimy smear.\n\nYou dig your fingers into his rubbery inner walls, practically holding his pulsating prostate in your hand, and squeeze down hard, holding on as he roars and bucks backwards hard enough to nearly bowl you backwards. His cock throbs, the root of the muscle spasming against your wrist, sunk inside him, and there's a loud, audible //splat// as he gushes out thicker globs of pre, sheening his thighs with rippling streams of ĝheist pre. You fist him, easily, digging into his gushing lightrot glands before you smack your knuckles against his prostate, once, twice, hand becoming slick and lathered in slime, dangling cords splattering into the gaping hollow of his ass, forming a slushy river oozing down to the ridge of his asshole, piling up in a scummy river before he overflows, oozing cords of slime down the crack of his ass, drizzling down the backs of his thighs. You grind down against his prostate, feeling its heavy bulk, the grooves of internal lobes, milking out more and more squirts of pre until the sand beneath Yraal is a sodden dark and heavy, with excess ooze piling up over the sand, spreading out in a pudding-like pile.\n\nYour cock is leaking steadily <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>in your sheath<<else>>in your pants<<endif>>. No surprise. You fist-fuck open Yraal's guts, one hand peeling his rubbery asshole open, the other smacking against his gushing glands, his enormous prostate, sliding deeper to dig into the opening to his guts, pressing down until you feel it start to pulsate and open. You slide your other fist in, sinking both down until his asshole is stretched out across your forearms in a giant rubbery press, and rut your cloth-covered <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> against Yraal's thigh, soaking your clothes with the slurry of pre and slime smeared all over his skin. Both arms pinned together, you punch back and forth into him, hand smacking hard through the passage of his ass and into his guts. He's so hot inside, flesh dense and heavy, slick and gushing, clenching and rippling around your arms. He groans, dropping his shoulders down, rutting his giant ass back towards you, and you have to brace yourself, bodily leaning against him so the force of his motion doesn't knock you on your ass.\n\nYou peel one slime-encrusted arm from his ass to hastily shove your pants down, nearly snapping a lace when your soaked fingers get tangled. Your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> jerks out into the open with a slurp<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, cock immediately pouring out, unsheathing in a gushing fountain of trapped pre to press all up<<else>>, hard and dripping, smacking wetly against<<endif>> the giant curve of his huge, fat ass. You rut against him, cock fucking a sloppy furrow over his cheek before you press into position, sliding between his cheeks, cockhead bumping against your forearm, his cratered asshole, almost pressing inside before it skews past it, just pinned between his fat asscheeks. You groan, cock weakly spurting pre, an extra drizzle adding to the sloppy mess painting his cheeks. You fuck his ass, cock pinned between his meaty cheeks, just churning up the slurry of slime into a creamy froth that oozes in dollops <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>into your sheath, overflowing it and then pouring<<endif>> down your balls.\n\nThe second you actually push inside him you know you're gonna cum, and you want to stretch things out a bit longer. You still have one fist sunk inside him, so you fistfuck him, groaning and panting sprawled over his giant ass, other hand digging into his meaty cheek, smearing your pre all over his skin. You push deeper, elbow grinding in over his ridged hole, fist pushing into his guts. He swallows you down effortlessly, asshole practically gulping as his guts convulse, clenching tight around your arm. You sit back -- cock bobbing down, jutting straight out from your body, squirting pre all over Yraal's drooping balls -- and lean in, letting his ass swallow past your elbow, bicep, all the way to the shoulder without any problem. You groan, mouth pressed against his ass, tongue lapping up the sour lightrot slime, entire body tingling with heat. You pull back, sink in, feeling the way his guts stretch and compress, constantly squeezing tight around your arm, hot and heavy and dense. You dig your elbow into his prostate, milking him that way as you twist your hand around in his guts, pumping and churning your arm around.\n\nAll the while, your cock throbs, squirting pre in ribbons, basting him, and eventually you can't stand it any more: you lurch back, arm pulling from his ass with a wet //slurp//, leaving him gaped and drooling, and you line up your cock and slam inside. You jerk yourself off inside him, sloppy fingers wrapped tight around your shaft, and it takes one, two, thrusts before you're spilling inside him with a groan, balls pulled up so tight it hurts. You hump, cock stabbing inside him, glancing off his prostate, too small to get that deep inside him. You just mindlessly hump away, dumping your load inside him in heavy spurts, sagging forward to sprawl over his lower back, hips jackrabbiting, wetly slapping your cock into his sloppy, unfurled ass.\n\nYou pull back, eventually, cock spongy and half-hard, his ass easily swallowing your load -- mixed together with his lightrot guts in a sloppy slurry coating his inner walls -- and only sheening your shaft when you pull free. You're dazed, both hands lathered with slime, a thick cord of slime hanging from the tip of your dick. Yraal's a mess, thighs and belly painted with big, greasy whorls of chunky cum, gritty ooze smearing down his thighs. Good to see he came too, you think, dimly, before you collapse beside him, exhausted.\n\n<<sex "yraal" "fist" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "yraal fisting bottom">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You tell him, listen, you're pretty backed-up too.\n\n"That so?" he says. He gives you a cockeyed grin. "We can work something out, I'm pretty sure." He hefts up his cock, hand wrapping around its chunky girth and angling it up. "You wanna fuck my cock?"\n\nYou say, what.\n\n"Look:" he says, and very casually shoves two fingers up inside his dick. He slides them into the furled opening of his foreskin, twisting a little, and then deeper, until they're knuckle-deep inside his cock. To show off, or maybe just to show you exactly what he's doing, he brings his thumb down, curling it into his foreskin and then hooking it out, peeling himself open on display, and yeah, those two fingers are shoved straight down into his cock. His bare cockhead is ruddy, purplish in color, and shining with pre. His cocklips are even more flushed, a darker purple, and they bulge out around his fingers in puffy crescents, so huge you can see beads of pre gather on them, drizzling down to hang from their pouting lips.\n\nFuck, you say, scooting forward.\n\nYou cup your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> in your pants, adjusting it as you kneel between Yraal's spread legs, other hand sliding up his pebbled thigh, cupping the underside of his enormously bulky cock. His skin is almost silky, smooth and slick wrapped around the underside of his mounded cock, draping down in folds to wrap around his head-sized balls. Your cock lurches in <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your pants<<endif>>, and you give it another squeeze before yanking it out in the open.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cocktip juts out, stiff and sharp, and Yraal curls his fingers around it, hot and drenched in gritty pre, and guides it right into his dick, tip shoving inside and unsheathing directly down into him.<<else>>You're mostly-hard, cock lolling out to smack against your thighs, firming up quick as Yraal gapes his cockslit wider. You give yourself a few strokes, tugging on the root of your shaft, before he catches your cockhead between his fingers and feeds it right into his cock. <<endif>> He's tight. You rut up, dick sliding into the pulsing, clenching heat of his cock, and he lets out a rumbling groan, hand pulling free of his cock, letting his mounded foreskin rumple back across his cockhead, burbling in sloppy folds out over <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>the root of your cock<<endif>>, totally encasing your dick.\n\nIt's a strange feeling. He's tight without being unyielding; when you press deeper, his tight internal passageways stretch open, not effortlessly but always ultimately yielding. Internal muscles clench, rippling along your shaft, milking out spurts of pre. At the same time, he's leaking heavily, and there's a continual wet spill of his slimy, gritty ĝheist pre <<if !hasMutation ("knot")>>catching around the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled<<else>>fat<<endif>> ridge of your cockhead, <<endif>>oozing along the sides of your cock, and sluggishly burbling out of his bloated foreskin in a churned-up, creamy froth that spills down your thighs in thick dollops. You rut up, hands splayed across his giant belly, cock stabbing deeper into his depths, digging into the heavy, soft flesh of his fat pad. His cock ripples and squeezes, squirting out a slimy burst of ooze that sprays down to your knees and up across your stomach.\n\nYraal groans, giant hand spreading across your back, pinning you tight against his giant body. You hump into him, hips rolling, grunting and groaning as you fuck his cock. Your balls smack against the pendulous mound of his own, the sound already wet and gurgling with the amount of gritty pre gushing out around your dick. Creamy ooze burbles out around your pumping shaft, audibly glorping and gurgling inside as you pound away. Your hips press against his gut, cock digging deeper into his squishy fat pad, letting his fucked-open cockslit gape and shudder as you cram your cock an iota deeper. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot unsheathes with a sudden //pop//, a hollow pressure punching out into the open, leaving your sheath tingling. You imagine this all feels like the reverse to him: your cock cramming him tighter, fuller. Your knot isn't quite shoved inside him; it bulges out his foreskin, pressing against his splayed cocklips, smacking lewdly as you fuck him. <<endif>>You groan, hunching against his side as you fuck him, letting him squirt out thick, goopy strands of thickened pre all across your cock and balls, drooling in streams down your thighs. When you pull back, your cock is glazed with his slime, coated in the creamy mess, and you smear your hand through the mess, catching the cords and streaking them up across his gut in shimmering ribbons, only letting even more burble out from his fucked-open cockslit.\n\nYou can feel yourself getting close, and that just makes you pump harder, rocking his body with the force of your thrusts, arms splayed out to hug his enormous gut. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\n Your knot throbs, bloating fatter inside his foreskin. The heavy, rubbery cling of his bruised flesh curling around the underside of your knot is what brings you off, and you let out a long groan, knot smacking against his cockhead as you blindly rut into him, hot sparks of heat rippling down your shaft as you cum hard, spewing thick squirts of your mutant dog cum deep into his internal passages. A messy slurry of your combined loads burbles out around your shaft, stretching his loose foreskin into a heavy, sagging balloon partially stopped by your inflated knot. Your thrusts stretch and squash it, juggling the overinflated balloon of his foreskin between you, forcing out heavy squirts of steaming cum. Murky grey-black ooze glorps out behind your knot, oozing into your stretched sheath in gummy clots or spilling all down your thighs in a messy slurry.\n\nYou don't stay knotted for long, but it's long enough. The warped tip of his foreskin catching on the underside of your knot and jerks back in fits and spurts as you keep cumming, until finally you overflow, peeling his bruised flesh back over the bulk of your knot and practically bursting: suddenly slack foreskin erupting in an explosion of slime, spraying all up his gut, drenching your thighs, as the flood of trapped cum sprays in every direction. His foreskin gulps heavily, drooping and bottom-heavy as it drains out, spilling thick, silty cum down your sheath, drenching your balls. All that and you're still stuck knot-deep inside his cock.\n\n<<else>>\\n You let out a long groan, heat gathering in your guts, the sloppy grit of his creamy pre sending shocky sparks of pleasure along your shaft, and you cum hard, in sudden spurts, adding your own load to the churned-up slurry inside him. You thrust raggedly, knees digging into the sand, hips jerking forward, balls mashed against his own, as you pump rope after rope of cum across his insides, all of it just catching against his own internal muscles and getting pumped out around your cock, turning the creamy froth oozing out around your pumping shaft into a slobbery mess.\n\n<<endif>>\\nYou rest your cock inside him for a while, cum draining out in thick, liquid burps, before shakily drawing back, letting your cock lurch out into the open, leaving his fucked-open cock gaping and drooling, foreskin bruised up into thick slabs of puffy flesh.\n\nYeah, you tell him, afterward -- still practically glued together at the crotch, huge ropes of murky cum webbed between you hips, drying into stiff, clumpy clots -- that yeah that drained you out pretty good.\n\n<<sex "yraal" "cocksound" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "yraal cocksound">>\n[[→|camprun]]
<<set $camps['jinn'] += 1>>
<<if $jinnPregnant neq "" || $pregnant eq "">>\\n[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] set up camp. Jinn helps some.\n<<else>>\\n[[''You''|you][$back = "camp"]] and Jinn set up camp.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $_camprun to "jinncamprun">>\\n<<if $surveyComplete>>\\n<<if $jinnPregnant neq "">>\\n/% %/<<if $jinnPrePregnant || $jinnPregnant eq "astau">><<display "jinn camp prepreg aftermath">>\n/% %/<<else>><<display "jinn camp egging pre">>\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<<else if $sex['jinn'] eq 0>>\\nJinn settles in for the night. "Gotta get back to the town," he says, and you nod.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\nJinn settles down for the night. "Fuck," he says, drawing it out at the end into an inarticulate groan. He's flushed and tender, still in the grips of his heat. "I should turn in," he says, looking over at you.\n\n* [[join him|jinn post fuck intro]]<<scenealert "jinn post fuck intro">>\n* [[give him some alone time|camprun]]\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<else if $camps['jinn'] == 0>>\\n<<if $pregnant neq "">><<set $jinnPrePregnant to true>><<endif>>\\nIt's pretty clear he doesn't have a whole lot of experience actually doing the work.\n\nHe sprawls back across his bedroll, legs spread. "Uh," he says, looking kinda flushed. You don't know if even human-descended ĝheist can get sunburned. "So, you wanna fuck me?" You don't know if his flushing is embarrassment or if he's going into heat. It could be both.\n\n* [[uh are you going into heat?|jinn heat]]<<scenealert "jinn heat">>\n* [[yeah let's fuck|jinn first fuck]]<<scenealert "jinn first fuck">>\n* [[nah sorry|camprun]]\n<<else if $jinnPregnant eq "astau">>\\nAfterward, he settles down. He's hugely bloated with Astau's eggs, and he lets out a groan and flops onto his side, letting his pregnant belly slump to the side. It lurches sometimes, from the eggs squirming around.\n\n"I forgot how fucking heavy carrying eggs is," Jinn says. You say, Astau has some real heavy eggs, and he just groans, exhausted from a day of carrying them.\n\nYou both settle down to sleep.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\n<<if $pregnant neq "">><<set $jinnPrePregnant to true>><<endif>>\\nAfterward, he settles in. <<if $sex['jinn'] gt 0>>"Hey, you wanna fuck again?" he says, looking at you expectantly.\n\n* [[fuck him again|jinn fuck]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck">>\n* [[nah not tonight|camprun]]\n<<else>>"Hey, you up to fucking me tonight?" he says, looking at you expectantly.\n\n* [[yeah go for it|jinn first fuck]]<<scenealert "jinn first fuck">>\n* [[nope|camprun]]\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>
Jinn's gut is starting to bloat. He's definitely pregnant. He lies back on the ground, groaning. You kneel down next to him, and he turns over, grinning loosely at you, and pulls you down, so your pregnant bellies are pressed together. He pulls you in, kissing you loosely, hands reaching down to <<if hasMutation("leaky")>>pull on your aching, dripping nipples. You groan into his mouth as he milks you, the pad of his thumb rolling back and forth over your puffy nipples, milky ichor drooling down your chest, sometimes squirting out across him.<<else>>hands reaching down to stroke over your bloated belly, fingers running down the aching seams of your stretch marks. They're flushed, deep red, and his fingertips follow their ragged edges.<<endif>> He's starting to leak<<if hasMutation("leaky")>> too<<endif>>, and you reach up and smear your thumb over his chest, feeling the heavy lumps of his rapidly-developing milk glands. Milk seeps out of his nipples, dribbling down, and he shudders and groans, arching forward, when you curl your finger around his pert nipple and rub back and forth, letting it pebble up into a fat mounded cone, areola constantly dripping milk.\n\nYou can feel his eggs churn inside him, squirming against your own clutch as your guts flatten against each other. The pressure makes you groan, cock throbbing against your underbelly as you sluggishly rut against each other, making out as <<if hasMutation("leaky")>>you milk each other<<else>>you milk him<<endif>>.\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You follow Jinn into the tent. Jinn strips, settling onto his bedroll on his knees, flushed, cunt swollen and heavy. He groans, working two and then three fingers up inside him, his slimy juices spilling down his fingers as he fucks himself. "Not gonna be enough time for any eggs to get fertilized on the way back," he pants. "So you're stuck using one of my other holes." He drives his hand deeper into his gaping cunt, entire fist swallowed up with a sucking //slurp//, and his eyes roll back into his head for a second. "So, you know," he pants, "go for it."\n\n* [[fuck his mouth|jinn fuck mouth]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck mouth">>\n* [[fuck his ass|jinn fuck ass]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck ass">>
You ask him if he's going into heat.\n\nHe groans. "Maybe a little. Wasn't anticipating how lightrot-rich this place is. It's a little overwhelming. Guess that's part of why it's a prospective hive site."\n\n"But I think a more relevant question, is, //do you wanna fuck me//, because if you're not gonna use your dick you're useless to me."\n\nPushy, you say. He shrugs, like, sure, he'll accept that.\n\n* [[yeah let's fuck|jinn first fuck]]<<scenealert "jinn first fuck">>\n* [[nah sorry|camprun]]
When it's done, Jinn looks at you with a cockeyed grin.\n\n"Hey, guess what," he says. "You succeeded in knocking me up." Now that you look, he is starting to bloat a little, his fertilized clutch already starting to grow inside him. "I got these eggs squirming around inside me now, and you know the deal."\n\nHe groans, leaning back against a low rock behind him, spreading his legs. "C'mere," he says, a little breathless.\n\n[[→|jinn camp egging]]
You come closer.\n\nJinn's cock bulges out between his folds. The tip looks human, fat head with a hood of thick, rubbery flesh, a foreskin half-sheathing the tip. It slurps forward and back, making sloppy squelching sounds as Jinn pushes, stomach clenching and flexing as he bears down with internal muscles. He pants, sweat sheening his skin, his pregnant gut slick. He groans, leaning back against the rock, legs spread, hips jerking minutely forward and back as his cock slowly, sluggishly unsheathes itself.\n\nHis shaft slurps from his cunt, swelling fatter, lopsided and bottom-heavy. It's wedged inside his cunt, making his lips bloat out in heavy folds as he strains to push it out. He reaches down with both hands, hooks them over his lips, and tries to pry himself open, cunt lips gaping, little spurts of slime erupting around his fingers. He groans, cock bulging, trembling, his fingers that aren't buried inside him digging into his thighs.\n\nHis bloated shaft squelches out into the open. Jinn lets out an exhausted groan, sagging back against the rock, panting as his cock unsheathes with an explosion of slime. It's fattest in the middle, flesh gristled and ridged, flesh spongy and rubbery even fully hard. His cock is stubby and fat, cunt lips mounded up around the base, warped around its girth.\n\nThe similarity with a human dick ends at his cockhead. The most striking thing is the veins: snaking along its surface, purple-black, shuddering as his cock pulses and flexes inhumanly. Just like he's flushed, it's flushed too, the rich pink of his internal flesh mottling into a deep, angry-looking purple as you watch. He groans, massaging the base, peeling off coagulated sheets of old slimy fluid that have gathered in heavy globs across his lips. The dark flush spreads along his cock, color deepening slowly but steadily to red and then purple, until his cock is a monolith of grey-purple flesh, his swollen veins looking nearly black. It's completely slathered in slime, frothy globs smeared all across its length, and pre drizzling from the tip slowly cuts through the clotted slime and washes it down his legs, matting his silver hairs to his skin.\n\nJinn shakily pushes off from the rock, legs nearly collapsing under him as he wobbles forward. You catch him as his legs give out, his cock spurting a mess of slime all across your side, and you both sink down together to your knees. His cock seems impossibly sensitive, shuddering just from the air's touch across its saturated skin.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>\\n<<display "jinn camp egging anal">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "jinn camp egging oral">>\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $pregnant to "jinn">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n<<set $jinnPregnant to "">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
He says, "C'mon, suck on it." He's breathing hard, cock shuddering and lashing at the air, almost prehensile in the way it twists and lurches. "Lemme pump those eggs down your throat."\n\nYou lean down, mouth open, licking across the slime-covered flesh of his unsheathed cock. It trembles, cockslit pouting open into a broad, finger-wide hole. It's gonna have to open a lot more to fit an egg through it.\n\nHe tastes sour, bitter, the same rank taste as ĝheist cum only subdued, cut with something thick and tasteless, just slimy. Jinn keens when you get your mouth on his cock, his pseudo-human cockhead fluttering and flaring in inhuman ways. You slide your tongue up along the tip, and it's not really a surprise when it's easy to push your tongue inside his cock, his flesh easily warping and stretching as you sink your tongue as deep as it can go. He oozes pre -- well, some kind of fluid at least -- out around your tongue in sloppy gushes, forming bulging pockets of fluid that abruptly burble up and splatter into your mouth. His cockslit spreads further, warping wider and wider as his cock spreads into a soft, rubbery flare that grows to fill your mouth, until his inner walls peel away from your tongue.\n\nJinn groans, muscles across his stomach and hips shuddering. His belly shudders, and pressed against his belly and thighs you can feel his eggs shift inside him: weight sinking down, heavy lurches as the eggs pass through internal channels, sliding down beneath his cock.\n\nYou gulp down mouthfuls of his stringy slime, throat open and as ready as it's gonna get. An egg slowly rises up the length of his cock, pumped along by pulsing muscles shuddering along his shaft, until it presses against your jaw, half-crowned through his splayed cockslit. You open as wide as you can, the egg bigger than a fist but rubbery, distended into a lozenge it fit through Jinn's shaft. It spurts out into your mouth, heavy and blobby, and you swallow on nothing, gurgling around the egg. It's coated in a thick layer of stringy slime, sluicing off into your mouth as you slurp and huff around the egg. It's just too thick to swallow. But already you can feel another egg work its way up Jinn's shaft; he groans, letting out a shaky moan as the second egg collides with the first, the both of them warping, wobbling, internal mass resonating. The first egg pushes deeper, digging into your throat, and you open as wide as you can, throat gulping sloppy messes of slime and air, trying to catch on the slick curve of the warped egg.\n\nJinn keens, a third egg mashed up along the base of his shaft, adding to the pressure: each egg a thick-walled water balloon, wobbling and warping against each other, turning Jinn's cock into a swollen, wobbling sheath wrapped around the squirming eggs. You swallow again, added pressure enough to overcome the resistance of your throat, and you gurgle, wide-eyed, as the egg fills your throat, pulsing around your spasming swallowing muscles. You silently choke, tears streaming from your eyes as you swallow, again and again, each movement sending the egg lurching an iota deeper down your throat, plugging it entirely. You manage to keep going, gulping it down your throat until it pops down into your stomach, slithering down with a slimy lurch.\n\nYou have just enough time to draw in a gasping breath before the second egg shoves its way down your throat. Jinn groans above you, cock pulsing hard, like he's cumming eggs into you, and through his belly, under the root of his cock, you can feel egg after egg backed up.\n\nThe second egg is easier, throat already broken open, coated in thick slime, and you just focus on gulping, again and again, until the second egg, and the third, and fourth, make their way down into your stomach. Your front is coated in slime, thick ooze spilling out between the eggs, coating your throat, spilling over your teeth, drenching your front in a sloppy layer of sluicing slime.\n\nJinn groans, cock pulsing erratically around his eggs as he pumps them down your throat, and his fingers dig into the sides of your face, your head cupped in his hands, as he works his cock deeper: flared tip shoving into your broken-open throat, inhuman shaft spreading your jaw yet-wider, as he grinds your face against his bloated lips. Your abused muscles gape, shuddering uselessly as his pulsing cock does the work of swallowing for you. Your throat is just an open pipe, broken wide, with his cock shuttling your eggs directly down into your stomach. You gurgle, slime pouring from your nose and mouth, and Jinn coos, fucking your face gently -- as gently as possible when he's pumping fist-sized eggs through your lips and down your throat -- as he keeps cumming down your throat, amniotic fluid and slime and eggs in a gooey mess slurping in lumps down your bloated, bulging neck and landing in your flooded and overfilled stomach.\n\nYou only dimly realize when he pulls back, cock emerging slathered in webs of sludge: you just stay kneeling there, dazed, eyes unfocused, mouth open, as drool spills over your bruised lips. You retch, weakly, throat unable to close enough to even keep the contents of your bloated stomach bubbling up, and Jinn reaches in, fingers and then his entire hand slipping into your mouth, bony and hard compared to his cock as he pushes into your broken throat and forces an egg back down into your stomach. You gurgle, retching -- coughing up an explosion of sludge around his forearm -- before your throat muscles clamp down, and he pulls back, letting you vomit up more slime into the sand, your spasming throat at least staying closed enough to keep your eggs down.\n\nYou eventually pull yourself together, blow your nose, wipe your eyes, cough and cough and cough until you've cleared your throat, though it still hurts whenever you swallow. It's not until you try to rise up off your knees that you really notice how heavy you are: your stomach is swollen, heavy and aching, and the motion of eggs rolling inside you nearly makes you vomit again. You gag on nothing, drooling into the sand, and Jinn kneels down beside you, hand on your stomach, rubbing until you feel your guts shudder and spasm, sucking the eggs deeper down inside you.\n\n"Gotta give the eggs some time to incubate," Jinn says, or maybe he's been saying. You're aware of sounds again, abruptly: your panting, your heartbeat, now sounds again instead of solely the spasming of flesh inside you. "And your body needs some time to respond to their hormones, to get them settled."\n\nYou drool some more on to the sand, nodding mutely, and it's still a while more before you're able to stagger all the way over to your bedroll and collapse on it.\n<<sex "jinn" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn camp egging oral">>
He says, "c'mon, sit on it." It pulses again, spurting a mess of slime. "Lemme pump those eggs up into your womb."\n\nYou groan, wetly kissing him, one hand tugging on the laces of your pants. Jinn is impatient, flushed, shuddering: he rolls you back, rutting down against the waist of your pants, and you both grab your thighs, pulling your pants down past your ass so you can sink onto his dick.\n\nHis cock is pulpy, rubbery and dense without ever having the same rigid core you'd expect from a cock. It squelches, compressing as you sink down onto it, and Jinn shudders and jerks forward, easily punching his rubbery length deeper into your ass. His cock just shifts, flexes, twists and compresses any time it runs up against a barrier inside you: easily matching the curve of your ass, feeling like a soft heavy weight, nothing like you'd expect.\n\nYou still groan, awkwardly shoving your pants all the way off so you can straddle him -- half his cock emerging from your ass with a wet spray of slime before you sit back down, hilting it so your ass mashes against his spread cunt. His cock resonates inside you, pulsing and squirming like a living thing. It feels across the walls of your ass, finding the entrance to your guts, and instead of pushing through -- too soft and squishy for that -- it starts sucking, a strange wet pulsing running up through your body as his bloated... cock, ovipositor, whatever you want to call it, starts twitching against your guts, getting you to flower open with only the slightest pressure.\n\nYou sink forward, mouth hanging loose, eyes open but unfocused, as Jinn's cock burrows into your guts. The tip quests deeper, makes contact with your cervix, and its tip sloppily kisses it: rubbery flesh dragging across the taut barrier, knobbled lumps catching across its bulging lip. You feel it slot into place, distinctly: his unfurled cockhead cradles your cervix, his bloated lumps teasing it open. Jinn groans, bucking up -- flushed cunt smearing across your ass cheeks -- and his cock spews a mess of slime, drenching your guts. His body lurches beneath you, and mated together like this you can feel his eggs shift, lurching lower, starting to pump through his body in preparation for getting transferred to you. You groan, hands braced past Jinn's shoulders, ass grinding down on his cock, feeling the internal spasms that shudder all the way up: eggs slotting into place beneath his cunt, slowly starting to work their way up the length of his pulsating cock.\n\nYou're shocked at how much he stretches. His cock warps, bloating wide, and for a second it catches on your asshole, not-quite letting you spread enough to take it. Jinn groans, whining against your mouth, and you shift, pulling your asshole wider. His egg practically shoots inside, pushing up with a sudden lurch, and you gasp, breath shaky as the eggs threads its way through his cock, into your guts, to rest at the lip of your unfurled cervix.\n\nEven spread, the egg is big. Bigger than a fist already, and it warps and wobbles, compressing into a broad pancake between Jinn's cockhead and your cervix. You both groan, bodies working against each other, hips moving. Your cervix creaks open, muscle spasming and spreading as Jinn's cockhead drags across in, and slowly the egg lurches down through the bottleneck of your cervix: wedged in the tight, spasming canal, forcing it to spread wide. Your cervix gulps, swallowing, milking, just spasming rhythmically again and again as it warps wide around the egg, trying to fit it all the way into your womb. It aches, pressure growing and growing inside you, and Jinn moans, rutting up, kissing your open mouth.\n\nYou can already feel more eggs on their way, lurching through Jinn's guts, pushing up through his cock, one two three popping in past your asshole, dense and heavy inside you, still sheathed in Jinn's cock.\n\nThe first egg pops through the final inch of your cervix and lands in your womb like it's fired from a cannon, a sudden impact that drives the breath from your lungs and makes your entire body tingle. The egg pulses, beating like a second heart, testing the limit of your womb, but already more and more eggs are pushing up after it, slick and heavy pressing against your splayed cervix. You just hold on to Jinn, groaning into his mouth as he pumps his eggs into you, heavy and thick rolling through your guts, spilling through your slime-slicked cervix in lurch after lurch. Jinn groans with each one, cock spasming and pulsing inside you. He's cumming his eggs inside you; two dozen orgasms in a row.\n\nYou can feel his belly deflate, sinking under your hands as each of his eggs make their way into you, until it's your bloated belly bearing down on him. The extra weight sinks you an iota deeper on his cock: his unfurled cunt lips splaying out around your spread asshole; his unfurled cockhead grinding down against your broken-open cervix, pushing shallowly inside. You whine, shuddering on his cock as he pumps his remaining eggs directly into your womb, cervix so slack and gaping it gulps them down easily.\n\nJinn's cock shudders, heavy and bloated with slime, and he floods your womb, pumping the dregs of his womb directly up into you. Thick amniotic fluid pours into you in thick, rippling pulses, gurgling as it spills between all his eggs. Jinn moans into your mouth, panting, hips jerking up in erratic spasms, and the slick mess he's gushing inside you thickens, a gel-like ooze fills your cervix and sluggishly overflows, hardening inside you into a thick plug keeping your womb sealed.\n\nYou both lurch to the side, sprawling on your side to let your newly-pregnant gut bloat out, still gurgling and lurching as Jinn's eggs settle inside you. His cock slithers free, pulling from your ass with a gush of slime, and he strokes his hands over your swollen gut, feeling his eggs churn inside you, finding their position in your overpacked womb. His cock slowly sinks back into his cunt, his bruised lips drooling out a mess of slime. "They're your eggs now," he says. "You better take care of them."\n\nYou softly groan an assent. Getting impregnated is really exhausting. It's easy for you to just close your eyes and drift off, curled up against Jinn.\n<<sex "jinn" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn camp egging anal">>
<<if $pregnant neq "">><<display "jinn pre-pregnant first">>\n<<else>><<display "jinn not-pregnant first">>\n<<endif>>
He lets out a needy groan. "Fuck. //Finally.//" At your look: "Being around the rest of the squad with nobody to fuck was really getting to me. 'M fucking pent up."\n\nHe gives you a look. Specifically, he gives your bulging gut a look. "And you're not helping." He cups his crotch and grinds down, practically humping his hand. "I'm fucking-- fertile," he groans out, punctuated with a sharp //ah//. "It looks fucking good. Fuck. Y'know I got work to do with the survey and all. But it would be real nice if you could knock me up too."\n\nHe's panting, face sheened with sweat, and he tugs on his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it aside. He's bulky, solidly built but with some fat on his gut, with fine silver hair spread across his pecs.\n\nYou move over to him and drop down to your knees, and he groans and pulls you into a kiss, one hand wrapped around the back of your head, the other stroking over your gut. He breaks the kiss quick, pulling on your shirt, and you help him strip it off, leaving you both shirtless. He groans, hands on your pregnant belly, and moves to straddle your thigh, grinding down as he kissing you again, nipping at your lips as he gasps and pants into your mouth.\n\nReaching down his chest, you tug on the fasteners of his pants, popping them open. You stroke your hand over the coarse hair fanning out over his crotch, and he groans and sags forward, kissing your neck. You tug his fly open, and he grinds forward, mashing his cunt against your hand. He's flushed, lower lips swollen and heavy, slimy pre and juices spilling out from his parted lips and drooling over your palm. His cockhead is an enormous knob, like a gigantic clit, and it flutters and spits pre over your fingers as you slide two inside him. He lets out a groaning bellow, huffing hard, and arches up, pinning your hand between your own gut and his body, two fingers shoved inside him, the rest curled up, grinding against the swollen arch of his fat cunt.\n\n"Yeah, c'mon, fuck me hard," he groans out against your neck, his hands reaching down under your gut and unlacing your pants, letting your cock bulge out, cupped by the arch of his hand.\n\n* [[fuck his mouth|jinn fuck mouth]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck mouth">>\n* [[fuck his ass|jinn fuck ass]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck ass">>\n* [[fuck his cunt|jinn fuck cunt]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck cunt">>
He lets out a needy groan. "Fuck. //Finally.//" At your look: "Being around the rest of the squad with nobody to fuck was really getting to me. 'M fucking pent up."\n\nHe rolls forward, onto his knees, and grinds a hand down against his crotch, practically humping his hand. You move over to him, and he reaches up and pulls you down into a kiss. His hands feel all over your body, shoulders and chest, down over your stomach to grope your cock. You return the favor, feeling his thick, fat pecs, coarsely haired, and with a thick line of hair fanning down over the solid muscle of his chest and stomach, padded slightly with fat. He jerks down your pants, pulling eagerly to get and your cock, and groans when your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheath<<else>>dick<<endif>> lurches out. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>He strokes your sheath like a giant foreskin, up and down your unsheathing cock<<else>>He strokes your half-hard cock, <<if hasMutation("dick")>>warted <<endif>>shaft hardening in his hands<<endif>>, and lets out a shaky groan when it spurts, splattering a messy rope of pre across his stomach.\n\nIt's pretty clear he's got a cunt, even though his pants: your palm grinds against his lips, and he arches up, fat lips spreading, the heat radiating through his clothes increasing. He groans into your mouth and shoves his pants down to his thighs. He's got a messy fan of white-blond pubes, and his cunt lips are red and swollen, so thick they part themselves like pursed lips. His clit is an enormously-fat cockhead, and it bulges out his lips around it, shuddering and twitching as he drools a messy slurry of pre and juices down his inner thighs.\n\n"One of my sires was a Ksi-on high priest," he says, rutting against your hand, and you slide two fingers inside, stroking along the sunken length of his cock. His cunt is slick and flushed, labia huge and engorged, his cockhead winks between his lips as he clenches down -- with remarkable strength -- on your fingers. His cockhead pulses, huge cocklips pursing and spitting cloudy pre in little arcs, smearing all across his slick lips. Like a Ksi-on, he's probably got an internal cock, but he doesn't seem in any hurry to unsheath.\n\nHe arches up, your cock in hand, basting it in his own gushing juices. He shoves it between his lips, fat labia kissing it sloppily as you rut against each other. The flesh of his cunt is slick and yielding, wetly sucking against the underside of your fat shaft.\n\nHe's flushed, ruddy across his face and in big blotches across his chest. "Okay, here's the deal," he says. "It would be real fucking obnoxious if I got pregnant during this survey. I got work to do. So if you knock me up that's your problem; I'm gonna pump those eggs into you the second they start to grow and that'll be your problem." He pauses. "But. Y'know. I could really use a good fuck."\n\n* [[fuck his mouth|jinn fuck mouth]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck mouth">>\n* [[fuck his ass|jinn fuck ass]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck ass">>\n* [[fuck his cunt|jinn fuck cunt]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck cunt">>
He sprawls out on his back, legs spread. Most of his right hand is shoved into his gaping cunt, and he keeps twisting his hand back and forth, making his swollen labia warp around his fist. His thumb grinds against the ridge of his cockhead, digging down, and he drools a cloudy mess of pre, caught across his thumbtip and smeared over his lips, back into his drooling cunt.\n\n"What'll it be?" he says.\n\n* [[fuck his mouth|jinn fuck mouth]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck mouth">>\n* [[fuck his ass|jinn fuck ass]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck ass">>\n* [[fuck his cunt|jinn fuck cunt]]<<scenealert "jinn fuck cunt">>
You say you're gonna fuck his face.\n\n"Well, c'mon, fucking do it," he says, squirming down to reach for your cock, and you strip, shucking your pants to one side, letting your cock loll out.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>><<display "jinn fuck mouth knot">>\\n<<else>><<display "jinn fuck mouth regular">><<endif>>\n<<sex "jinn" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn fuck mouth">>\\n<<set $jinnFuckedMouth += 1>>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You get hard in the open air, <<if hasMutation("dick")>>leathery cock fattening in sluggish bursts<<else>>cock thickening<<endif>> as Jinn all-but-leers at it. He reaches out and strokes it, <<if hasMutation("dick")>>tugging on your gnarled warts<<else>>stroking your smooth shaft up and down<<endif>> until it's fully hard. <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>He milks your cock, and you groan, cock lurching in his hand and letting out a splattering gush of sloppy yellow pre all over his face. Jinn moans and buries his face along your shaft, lapping up your stringy pre and swallowing it down, before he reaches the tip, which he hungrily stuffs in his mouth, gulping when you spurt again, splattering pre all across his tongue.<<else>>He aims your cock at his face and leans in, lips sliding over the tip, tongue lapping across the underside.<<endif>>\n\nHe's still got his other hand stuffed in his cunt, and he squirms, pressing his thighs together to add more friction to his thrusts as he fistfucks himself, moaning as he swallows your cock in time, until his face presses against your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>crotch<<else>>pubes<<endif>>, entire shaft sunk down his throat no problem. He moans around it, buzzing, and milks it with his throat, eyes closed. <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>You splatter pre in a gush all down his throat, a burbling froth smearing across his lips as he swallows, and he pulls back to let your steady gushes of pre spill all across his tongue.<<else>>He pulls back, only nursing on the tip:<<endif>> "C'mon, fuck my face," he says.\n\nFar be it for you to deny him. You drag your hands across his scalp, the buzzed hair on the sides prickly and stiff, and hilt your cock down his throat, your <<if hasMutation("balls")>>heavy, misshapen <<endif>>balls slapping against his chin with a //crack//. His throat milks <<if hasMutation("dick")>>your warted shaft, rippling muscle lurching and popping as the bubbly patches drag across the inner flesh of his throat<<else>>your shaft, opening up with each thrust, rippling around your cockhead as he swallows<<endif>>.\n\nJinn gulps around your cock, flushed face looking up at you, and you pull back with a wet //slurp//. He purses his lips near the tip, bobbing back and forth over the thick ridge of your cockhead, tongue lapping across the underside. You shallowly fuck his face, cockhead sinking to the back of his mouth until he gurgles and gags, and then you pull back, letting him coat your shaft in a slimy mess of phlegm.\n\nYou pull back and rut your cock along his face, drooling streamers of pre all across his face, and he moans, lips spread wide along the underside of your shaft, wetly suckling. His tongue presses against your flesh, lapping up spit and pre. You slide back, notching your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>gnarled <<endif>>cockhead against his lips, and let him lap up the continual burble of pre. His tongue presses against your swollen cockslit, pressing lightly against its flushed bulk, and you groan, gushing a cord of pre all across his tongue. He cups your cockhead with his tongue, slurping and gulping as he sucks on the tip, cheeks hollowing, lips flushed and red as they latch on to your fat cockhead.\n\nYou fuck his face, holding him in place as you sink your entire length down his throat. His eyes flutter shut and he moans, tears streaking down his disheveled cheeks. Your cockhead knocks against the back of his mouth, and he easily gulps it down, throat tight and milking as you sink deep, and he gurgles around it, sloppy ooze squelching up around your shaft as you pump into him, back and forth. A sloppy mess of slime wraps around your cock, smearing along his throat, and as you fuck him thick cords of phlegm squirt out of his throat, webbing across his teeth and drooling over his bruised lips. He wetly drools, lips slurping over <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>the lumpy, gnarled warts at the base of your cock<<else>>the fat base of your shaft<<endif>> as you sink down to the root, your balls wetly pressing against his slathered chin, and when you pull back you're nearly glued together, skin peeling apart before you balls swing back.\n\nJinn's drooling, eyes watering, face smeared in a mess of pre and spit, with frothy slime drooling from his nose and mouth when he gags; a thick sludge of creamy, churned-up pre and phlegm works its way up his throat, burbling out around your pumping shaft. He cums with a squealing moan, muffled around your cock, and his entire body lurches as he grinds down against his fist, still stuffed in his cunt: his giant cockhead-clit erupting with a grimy mess of cum, sloppy juices squirting out around his fist, splattering down into the sand between your legs.\n\nYou're getting close. Jinn's still hungry, frenzied, even after cumming; his fist pumping into his cunt just gets louder, wetter, plunging into his flushed, gaping cunt. He gulps down the churned-up slurry flooding his mouth, throat milking all across the length of your cock, and you keep fucking his face, groaning each time he clenches, every time your fat cockhead pops out from his throat. You cum with a groan, sinking down to the root and staying there as you dump your load in him: squirt after squirt spraying down his throat, only a slobbery slurry working its way up. Jinn groans again, shuddering, and he cums all over himself again just from getting to drink your load. He buries his face in your crotch, your pulsing balls stuck to his chin, his lips wrapped around the root of your cock.<<if hasMutation("balls") && hasMutation("prostate")>> He can't quite keep up with the full volume: you spurt and spurt and spurt down his throat, each pump a huge burst of sloppy, stringy slime, and even with him gulping continually you can feel the silty slide of your cum smearing across your cockhead, burbling back up around your shaft each time he gags, until he weakly retches and your slimy, yellow-grey cum erupts out around your shaft, squirting from his nose, as he slumps forward against you, still vainly trying to swallow your load.<<endif>>\n\nYou push him off, cum spurting higher up his bloated throat until you flood his mouth, spraying your last shots all over his already-slathered face, and he lets the cum pool under his tongue: <<if hasMutation("balls") && hasMutation ("prostate")>>a gritty, chunky mess of murky grey sludge, mixed together with your slimy yellowed pre to form a roiling pool that overflows his mouth and pours down over his swollen lower lip in an obscene waterfall, drenching his jaw and neck, sluicing down his bare chest in sloppy cords<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>grey and chunky, thick and slimy mixed together with the churned-up sludge lining his throat<<else>>a slimy, sloppy mess of cum, all mixed together with the churned-up sludge lining his throat<<endif>>. He gulps, swallowing <<if hasMutation("balls")>>some<<else>>most<<endif>> of it down, and leans forward to suckle on the still-drooling tip of your cock, tongue swiping through the stringy mess of slime coating your shaft. You let him milk your cock until you're half-hard, soft and heavy resting across his tongue, and then you pull free.\n\nJinn's a sight: face shiny with sweat and spit, cheeks and jaw coated in stringy cords of churned-up cum, with thick sludge oozing down the underside of his jaw, spilling all down his neck in cords. Jiggling ropes of cum collect across his jawline, snaking out in rubbery lines from his chin. He's breathing hard, raggedly, mouth hanging open, throat visibly pulsing in the back of his mouth when he swallows.\n\nYou drop down onto your knees, lapping up a thick cord of cum across his chin, following it up to his mouth. <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>Your cum is rank and sour in his mouth, sloppy and thick when he shares your load with you, and y<<else>>Y<<endif>>ou sloppily make out, sharing the slurry of cum flooding his mouth, caked across his teeth, back and forth until you're nearly as smeared with cum as he is. He shares the dregs, and you groan into his mouth, teeth nipping at your lips, his tongue coated and slimy, catching globs of cum smeared across your jaw.
You unsheath fast, cock spilling out with a wet //slurp//, and Jinn wraps a hand around your sheath to shove the tip into his mouth, hungrily sucking on the tip. His tongue curls around your sharp tip, flesh spongy and soft, still unsheathing, but he groans, drooling down the shaft and trying to swallow more, already. Yeah, he's hungry for it. Your cock shudders, drooling pre across his tongue, and he gulps, fist twisting around in his cunt. He arches up against it, probably pretending it's your cock, and lets out a guttural groan, needy, aching.\n\nHe's definitely going into heat.\n\nYou thrust forward, just sliding the first few inches of your cock past his lips, letting your cock fully unsheath and start to harden. Your knot slurps out, tentacles fanning out behind it, and Jinn goes crosseyed staring at it, lips still attached to your sharp cocktip. You pull out with a soft wet sound, threads of spit webbing between you, jiggling as Jinn pants for breath, and you stroke yourself, letting your cock swell in your grip. You smack Jinn in the face with a spurt of pre, a slashing line from hairline to chin painted right over his open mouth, and his tongue darts out, catching a pearly bead.\n\nYou tell him, tip your head back. If he really wants to try swallowing your cock.\n\nHe lays back across your bedrolls, one pillowed against his neck, letting him hang his head against its back. You kneel before him, cock a huge spar of purplish flesh jutting up above him, drooling cords of pre across his neck and chest.\n\nHe's drooling. He swallows, eyes fixed on your balls, on your sheath, and you lick out with your tentacles: feeling over his lips, across his gums, one shoving up one of his nostrils, splaying out across his face. They're coated in old pre, fresh slime drooling down over the soft bulk of your knot and webbing between your tentacles, painting his face. You slide back, angling your cock down. It's enormous, given his human-sized frame, but if ever there was a human you'd expect to be able to swallow your cock, it'd be him.\n\nYou glide your cocktip against his lips, coating them in a wash of thin, reeking dog slime, drooling into his open mouth until he burbles and spits, letting slobbery pre pour across his face. You rut back and forth, glazing his skin until it's glossy, and finally pull back, and nock your cockhead between his lips. His head's tipped back, eyes closed, with runnels of glistening pre pouring down his face.\n\nYou sink in, mounting his face, and he lets out a groan, entirely muffled by your cock. His lips crawl up your shaft, spreading wide as you sink deeper, and when your cocktip dips into his throat he just swallows, easily taking it into his throat, even as it visibly warps from its girth. He's tight inside, throat clenching and gripping your cock as you sink deeper, his reflexive swallows milking your cock. You fuck back and forth, watching: his throat bulging, shrinking, bulging again, as you drive deeper with each thrust. His jaw is hanging open, lips spread obscenely, a messy froth of pre and spit drooling out of the corners of his mouth. He gulps, pre building up in his throat and lurching lower, washing past your cock in foamy bursts.\n\nYou lean forward, bracing your hands against his muscular chest. Half your cock sunk down his throat, throat warping even wider to fit the thick middle of your tapering shaft, and you bash it against his throat a few times, letting him gag and sputter on it before he manages to swallow. There's a slick, rubbery resistance to his throat, warping around your cock as you drive deeper, and you groan, fucking his face, feeling it convulse, watching it pull out of his mouth covered in frothy, foaming spit.\n\nHe's still got his other fist sunk into his cunt. His entire body shudders, throat milking your dick, and his giant knobbled cockhead-clit squirts out an abrupt spray of cum, splattering all up across his body, smacking against your stomach in heavy ropes. You wipe it off and smear it across your cock, an inch before where his warped lips are stretched around your shaft, and then you feed it back to him, sinking in deeper.\n\nEven knowing him, you're still impressed when he manages to take your cock all the way to the knot. It's half-engorged, a huge gnarled bulk smacking against his splayed lips, splattering thick ooze all over his already-drenched face. His throat works, clenching down hard when he gasps for breath, nose mashed against your knot and balls, half-plugged by your writhing tentacles.\n\nHe gags, eventually, a wash of spit and snot and pre erupting out from his mouth and nose, pouring down across his upturned face, and you pull back, cock sliding out cocooned in a messy slurry of slime. Jinn whines when you pull back, vainly trying to swallow the mess coating your cock and just gagging more, coughing wetly. You let him nurse on the tip, sputtering and drooling before he manages to cough the mess out of his clogged throat all over your cock. Then you let him lick up back up.\n\nYou sink back inside with a gurgling //squelch//, streams of frothy drool spilling across his drenched, flushed face. He's fucked-open, throat easily taking your cock down to the knot again, and you fuck his face: half your cock pummeling into him, rutting hard until he starts to gag and retch. You give him breaks, and yourself too: keeping yourself painting his face in layer after layer of rank dog pre, instead of actually blowing your load. You can feel it building, more with each gasping retch around your cock, but it's not there, not yet.\n\nYou ask him if he wants to try taking your knot.\n\nHe snuffles wetly around your cock, nodding his slime-encrusted face an iota around your shaft, tears dripping down his face.\n\nYour knot rests against his already-stretched lips, and you dig in with your tentacles, hooking them across his teeth and prying his mouth open wider. He gurgles, tentacles down his throat, pants of breath wafting out over your cock as you spread him wider. His lips are warped, distorted, drawn out into a raised mound of flesh, jaw nearly dislocated. Still, your knot digs in, half-engorged bulk mashing against his face with a wet //squelch//, and you rut back and forth -- sick, sloppy sounds coming from his wrecked throat -- for a minute, mashing your knot against his face again and again before his bruised, stretched lips warp an iota wider, and your knot catches on the rim of his face. You shove in, tentacles pulling back, and he retches again, slime gushing up from his throat, spraying from his nose, as you sink down to the hilt in his throat, knot filling his mouth so wide his cheeks bulge with its bulk. He gurgles, blowing gummy pre from his nose all over your balls so he can breathe, and you grind down, hands braced on his chest, knot swelling still-larger, as you cum directly down into his stomach.\n\nHe cums again, too. Twice. He gurgles, retching and gagging, and his throat warps and bloats as he tries to vomit up your load, only to have it plugged -- mostly -- by the sheer bulk of your knot, nestled up against the back of his mouth. Your tentacles splay out across his face, drawing patterns in the slimy mess coating his face. You slide two into his nose, slithering through his sinuses into his windpipe to half-intubate him, letting him breathe easier even with his throat warped and ruined.\n\nHis jaw spasms, spread so wide by your knot you're not even in danger of him accidentally biting your knot; the hard flesh of his mouth just suckles on your knot, squelching and burbling as you piss out watery cum straight down his throat. You can feel his stomach swell, his internal flesh shuddering and warping, slowly peeling away from your cock as your cum washes up higher and higher. His gulps just stir your load around, swilling around your spurting cock, with thick chunks of slop smearing along your shaft, churned up by your minute thrusts, grinding his face against the tacky, sodden fur of your sheath and balls.\n\nOnce you finally finish he nearly-immediately vomits up almost all of your load. The second your knot starts to sag, softening and deflating, cum squirts out of his throat: sloppy gritty-grey ooze, squirting out across your crotch, pouring down his drenched face and into the sand below. His muscles finally start to synchronize, throat rippling, and he hoarsely gags as he vomits up your load in gurgling waves, ooze just-barely slurping out around your still-engorged knot and splattering out into the open in sloppy, greyish waves.\n\nIt's still a while after that before you're soft enough to actually pull out. You knot pulls free with a soggy //pop//, and Jinn lets out a gurgling groan, lurching to the side to vomit up more of your load into the sand, hacking and coughing. Thin, watery cords of cum spill down the underside of your cock, drizzling all over his chest and sides. He leans back, scummy face sliding across your cum-coated shaft, and he wetly suckles on its side, coughing and gagging every time he tries to swallow. He's still fisting himself, cum and his own juices spilling down his thighs, and he twists his hand inside his cunt, moaning against your cock as he cums again, squirting his load in a sloppy mess all over his bedroll, cunt milking his fist as he gasps against your cock.\n\n"That was maybe a little too much," he says, eventually. He's a fucking mess: lips bruised and red like he's been punched in the face, jaw a little slack, skin flushed blotchy purple, eyes red and watering. Face -- and neck, and chest, and shoulders -- entirely coated in scummy layers of sludge, thicker goo stuck in clumps to his skin, with sloppier slime pouring down over it in waves. He drags a hand across his face and just smears it further, drawing out stringy cords of cum slurry.\n\nHe looks at your cock: coated in globs of cum and froth, cum drenching your sheath and balls, soaking your fur into dripping coils. Still weakly twitching, though it's impossible to tell what's fresh cum and what's just painted across it. "But I still wanna try it again."\n\nHe has to cough between words both times, each time a wet spasm that brings up a glob of glowing emerald-green jelly.
You say you're gonna fuck his ass.\n\nJinn groans hungrily and rolls over, reaching a hand down -- other still wedged in his sloppy cunt -- to dig into his ass cheek and pull it aside, revealing his spread, pink asshole.\n\nHe's got a nice ass: big and fat, thickly muscular, with a dusting of his white-blond hair all over, spreading down to match his hairy legs. His hole pouts open just from his fingers digging into his cheek, spreading open like he's already been fucked, showing off the flushed flesh of his inner ass. He braces himself on his knees, pulling his hand from his cunt with a wet //slurp//, and works himself open with fingers slick and shiny with his juices.\n\nHe shudders and groans when you move up, grabbing his hips and pressing your cocktip against his hole: he practically faceplants in the sand, ass up and presented to you, his splayed asshole pulsing and flexing, pouting out in a raised ridge, like an obscene mouth kissing your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>warted<<else if hasMutation("knot")>>sharp, animal <<endif>>cockhead. You spurt <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>a mess of grimy, lightrot-tinged pre all over the heavy globes of his ass, pouring across the broad pink rim of his splayed hole and dripping into his open guts, and you rut against him, sliding your cock along his ass until his skin is entirely glazed with your gleaming yellow pre<<else>>a mess of pre up across his ass, smearing across his skin and leaving it gleaming, and then you dig in, rutting your cock along the crack of his ass and leaving his skin glazed<<endif>>.\n\nJinn twists back: "Fuck me already!" he moans, a little teasing and needy about it but also a little legitimately frustrated you haven't stuck your dick in him yet.\n\nNo need to keep him waiting longer. You push in, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sharp cocktip sliding in through the open lips of his hole<<else>><<if hasMutation ("dick")>>broad, warted <<endif>>cockhead spreading his open lips wide<<endif>> as you sink down to the root effortlessly, immersing your cock in the tight, heated channel of his yielding ass. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>You grind your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted crotch<<else>>bloated sheath<<endif>> against his ass, rutting shallowly as Jinn groans from the sheer bulk of your cock sunk inside him. <<endif>>His ass ripples, internal muscles squeezing and miking your shaft, and Jinn lets out a long, shaky sigh when you spurt pre directly into him, spilling across his inner walls and smearing along the underside of your cock. His asshole flutters around the root of your shaft, squeezing and spreading, and Jinn just groans, your cock quenching some part of the burning heat gathering inside him.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You're not even fully unsheathed yet. You rut your sheath against his ass, its bloated bulk spreading his cheeks, and your knot spills out easily, bulky even soft and unengorged, followed by the messy slurp of your tentacles, immediately fanning out to lap across Jinn's broad ass. You sink down past the knot, felt now as only a pair of faint ridges across the very base of your shaft, and let your sheath properly fold back over itself, a big mound of leathery meat hot and heavy between your bodies, drooling a slurry of old backed-up sludge directly into Jinn's gaping asshole, painting down across your hilted cock in tarry lines.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHis ass is totally yielding: clenching tight around your shaft, but rubbery and pliable, spreading easily to swallow your entire cock with no problem. His guts ripple, squeezing your shaft, milking your cockhead, and you groan, rutting into him with a few wet //smack//s: eyes unfocused, not thinking of anything aside from his slick, heated guts wrapped around your shaft, squeezing in rhythmic contractions. Jinn lets out a shaky moan and cums all over himself, sloppy fluid squirting out around his fist, drooling down onto his bedroll. Syrupy lines of milky cum roll down his wrist as he shoves his fist deeper into his cunt, spreading his knees wider to take the force of your thrusts better.\n\nYour balls smack against the flesh of his ass with a sharp //crack//, sweat and pre splattering in droplets over your skin, sheening Jinn's skin in a gleaming layer of slime. Your cock shudders with each thrust, shoving deep into his stroking guts, spewing a mess of pre inside him that builds up into sloppy layers coating your shaft, smearing across the walls of his ass, and your cock pulls from his ass dripping with pre, drizzling down over the curve of his ass in cords. Jinn cums all over himself again, and his guts spasm, clenching hard as he keens.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYour knot throbs, already sunk into Jinn's ass, and you both groan. You ask, he want you to knot him? and Jinn sobs and nods and keeps cumming all over himself: "Yeah, yeah, fuck, yeah c'mon you better."\n\nYour tentacles splay out over the curve of his ass, digging in. Three squirm down between his legs and smear over his bruised lips, squirming into his cunt alongside his fist. They curl in, looping up inside him, just further anchoring your bodies together. You rut into him shallowly, tentacles grabbing hard, making his fat ass cheeks warp down, digging furrows that fold over themselves, as you rut into him. Your sharp cocktip is deep, deep in his guts, squirting a slobbery mess of pre that already has his guts sloshing, and each tiny swell of your knot has you both groaning, its bulk scraping against the walls of his ass harder, heavier.\n\nYou stare down: the leathery bulk of your sheath dipping down between his cheeks, folded over itself in a wrinkled mass, meeting the flushed pink of Jinn's ass in a slobbery, obscene kiss. There's a squelch every time you bottom out, the bulk of your sheath a piled-up mound between you, and when you pull back you're connected with dozens of tiny threadlike lines of slime; that and a few big cords, hanging down in heavy ropes that droop and fold into themselves, smearing across your bodies in a frothy, lathered mess with each thrust.\n\nYour knot crests backwards up out of him, its half-engorged bulk warping Jinn's asshole into an inhuman mound: a big ridged ring of flesh clinging to its rim for as long as possible before it finally peels away, leaving Jinn's ass a gaping crater, flooded with your sludgy pre. That's when you push back in, slime squirting out all across the rim of your knot as you earth it back inside Jinn's ass, immersing it in his heat. He takes it real well; even only slightly engorged you're bigger than a fist; close to two fists, and there's only the slightest catch on his rim: you bear down and Jinn just unfurls, ass spreading out so, so easy to swallow up your knot. You've never knotted a human before, but, of course, Jinn's not human. It's real nice to see a human//-sized// ass swallow up your knot, though.\n\nYou keep knot-fucking him with your swelling knot, slow and easy as it grows and grows, the spongy flesh becoming harder and harder, so swollen it aches with your heartbeat, thundering through its enormous bulk in a continual, dizzying throb. Every with that Jinn just keeps swallowing it up, asshole stretching impossibly, into what looks like warped sheets of flesh, asshole just a gnarled twist at the center, pouting open each time you slam your knot back inside. You really think you could keep fucking him the whole time through. Totally wreck his asshole with the fully-engorged bulk of your knot. But you really, really want to knot him, and Jinn clearly wants to get knotted too. You sink back in, one last time, and watch the bruised, broken folds of his swollen asshole smear themselves over the monstrous bulk of your knot, purple-black and visibly throbbing. It sinks so easily into his ass, socketing into place with a final gush of pre squirting out of him before your knot seals him tight.\n\nYou say, get ready, and Jinn lets out a shaky moan, asshole clenching down tight; that more than the bulk of your knot is what's gonna keep you locked together. Your tentacles dig in -- clinging over his hips, shoving deeper into his gaping cunt -- and you collapse on top of Jinn, sheath jammed against his asshole, knot beating like a second heart inside him, and you start to cum.\n\nYour load feels burning hot, sizzling inside you, plumes of heat billowing out around your cocktip as you cum inside him. First something thick: tarry and dense, sticking to his guts in a heavy wave as your cock throbs inside him. Jinn groans, his other hand going to his belly, digging in until you can feel the pressure against your cock. His hand twists inside his cunt, fingers shoving deeper, and you squirm a few more tentacles into him, splaying his gaping lips even wider. He's drooling cum continually, on a sloppy ooze that smears all over, and you use that as lube to shove your tentacles deeper, sinking in deeper than his fingers. You pin him, the weight of your body keeping your knot solidly seated, constantly grinding deeper inside him, and his entire body convulses as he cums all over himself again, squirting across the squirming, twining mass of tentacles plugging up his cunt.\n\nYou flood his guts with your load, pulse after pulse of tarry cum slowly thinning, your strong spasms turning into a continual flex, until you're pissing out stringy, watery cum. You groan, dazed, sprawled all across his back as you empty yourself into him. His guts slurp and gurgle; your cock is immersed in your own load, and you could feel the motions of the sloppy sea of cum inside him, churning and flowing deeper in abrupt gurgles. You flood him with the messy slurry of your load, and Jinn sobs and shudders under you, cumming just as continually as you are. He twists his head, kissing you in a daze, smearing his sweat-and-tears stained face against your own, gasping and panting for breath as you fill him up.\n\nHis belly bloats out slowly: the smooth curve growing almost imperceptibly, until it's hanging beneath him in a drooping arch. He's deep in the grips of his heat, and his skin stretches easily, like he's pregnant already, smooth and yielding even as you pump more and more of your slobbery dog cum deep into his guts. Eventually you slump to the side, carrying Jinn with you, so that he's lying on his side. Giving his belly more room to expand. You spread your hands over his stomach: skin feverishly hot, sweaty and slick with cum, a muted rippling from your load inside him.\n\nHe looks pregnant already, swollen and heavy, and Jinn is clearly engaging in the same fantasy right now: eyes closed, fluttering rapidly; mouth open, breathing hard; his flush cunt plugged with his fist and your tentacles, warped into an obscene mound bulging out from his crotch. His face is a mess of tears. His other hand is cupping one of his pecs. He's leaking milk, in waxy droplets oozing from his broad areola, and as he squeezes he lets out an abrupt squirt, painting his glazed chest with a mess of milky ichor. You milk his other nipple for him, cupping the thick muscle of his pec, padded now with extra tissue; his milk glands form distinct dense lumps under his skin, aching now with unexpressed milk.\n\nAll through this you're still filling him up, bloating his belly more, until he looks obscenely gravid: huge and round, skin across his sides finally starting to shred into stretch marks, brilliant red-purple against his dark skin. He's so flooded now you're spurting into a swirling sea of cum, his guts so swollen their walls only drift against your shaft instead of clinging tight. You can feel him convulse by the shifts in the currents of cum flowing through him, like a hazy vibration.\n\nIt takes a while -- it's nearly midday, with the tent growing hot from the daytime sun -- but you can feel yourself empty out. Your load is silty now, only gritty dregs left as you pump less and less into Jinn's bloated frame. He can feel it too; he sobs again; body exhausted but his heat still burning hard inside his enflamed cunt. His asshole shudders, sucking on your knot, and even dazed and half-asleep you can both tell you're starting to soften. You can follow the heavy pressure of cum lapping across your knot, and how slow tongues spill down its softening sides, finally oozing out over Jinn's asshole in a mess of slobbery beads: cloudy grey cum mixed through with tendrils of jellylike shining green sludge.\n\nCum drools out between you in thick, soupy waves, despite Jinn's shuddering, clenching asshole. Your knot shrinks, slowly, and the thick cords drooling out from him turn into slobbery waves, gurgling out from his wrecked ass. Jinn groans, frustrated, and grinds back against you, struggling to keep himself bred. He's red and teary-eyed, panting hard, and you obligingly peel your tentacles from his cunt -- leaving it a warped, gaping mess -- and shove them into his ass, curling them around your knot to stem the flow as much as possible.\n\nYou spend the rest of the day in a daze, hilted in Jinn's ass, dozing against each other. Your load slowly leaks from his ass, forming a crusty glaze all over your bodies, half-gluing you together.\n<<set $_awake to "jinn knot awake">>\\n<<else>>\\nHis cockhead is hugely bloated, bulging out between his swollen lips, its bulk nearly as broad as his fist. His cockslit gapes, flexing erratically as he continually drools a milky wash of cum, sloppy and liquid, silver-grey as it drools down over the bruised folds of his labia, outlining them in a shiny glaze. He squirts ropes of cum all over his hand, splattering on the sodden bedroll.\n\nYour cock shudders inside him. You tell him you're gonna cum, and he sobs and cums again.\n\n"Breed me," he sobs, bucking back against you, giant fat ass slamming into your hips as he rides your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>brutally thick <<endif>>dick, his guts stroking you off<<if hasMutation("dick")>>, slurping as your gnarled, warted shaft slurps back and forth inside him<<endif>>. "Please," he says. "Cum in me!"\nYou let out a rumbling groan, <<if hasMutation ("claws") || hasMutation ("hands fur")>>claws<<else>>fingers<<endif>> digging into his meaty hips, and you rut into him hard, <<if hasMutation("balls")>>bloated balls smacking hard against his ass, <<endif>><<if hasMutation("dick")>>mutated cock slamming into him through his gaping, wrecked asshole<<else>>cock slamming deep into him as you hilt yourself with each brutal thrust<<endif>>. You feel your orgasm coming on: heat and pleasure twisting in your gut, the slick heat of his guts wrapping around your shaft, and you give a few final thrusts, each bringing you that much closer, until the heat crests inside you. Your cock shudders, spurting hard into him, and you cum with a loud groan, spilling your load into him in burst after burst. You keep thrusting, shallowly, rutting your cockhead deep inside him<<if hasMutation("balls")>>, and your load floods him and gurgles down, excess squirting from his gaping ass in a mess of sludgy grey cum, thick clots of ooze smeared all over your shaft and foaming up into a dense cream as you empty your ĝheist balls deep into Jinn's guts<<else>> as you dump your load into him, spurt after spurt filling him up until your load starts drooling out over the rim of his asshole, smearing across his already-drenched skin<<endif>>. Jinn cums again, of course. He keens, moaning into his pillow, bloated cockhead letting out a very tarry, gritty squirts of cum all over himself, gushing from between his bloated cunt in heavy arcs. You rest your cock inside him, <<if hasMutation("balls")>>still cumming strong, gushing a slobbery mess of gritty cum into his already-flooded ass, slathering his inner walls in spurt after spurt of your grimy cum<<else>>letting the dregs of your load spill into his ass with the final few twitches of your cock<<endif>>. His ass milks your cock, practically swallowing it, and when you pull out his gaped asshole squeezes down hard, hungrily swallowing, so that your shaft emerges slick but not slimy, the mess of your load drooling all across the rim of his asshole. Your use your fingers to feed the excess back in, finger-fucking him as his asshole gulps it down.\n\nOnce your dick is out of him, Jinn collapses onto his bedroll, hand pulling free from his cunt with an obscene liquid //squelch//. He's trembling, body slick with sweat.\n\n"Fuck," he says, breathless. "That helped." He rolls over: his front is absolutely glazed in cum, and the bedroll under him is totally saturated, glossy black splotches painted all across the fabric. His cunt is swollen enormously, lips bruised and pouting out in a sloppy gape, with his cockhead visible like an enormous clit, peeking out between his splayed lips. He pants for a second. "Do I gotta sleep on the wet spot, though, c'mon."\n\nYou tell him he made the mess. Your load is still in his ass. He lets out a shaky sigh.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<sex "jinn" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn fuck ass">>\\n<<set $jinnFuckedAss += 1>>\\n[[→|camprun]]
Eventually you have to get up and peel yourself apart. Even leaking during the day -- clumps of dried cum smeared all over your front and Jinn's back, gumming down both your legs -- Jinn still looks hugely pregnant, bloated and heavy. He sobs when you finally pull out, crusts of dried cum breaking, and your soft cock emerging in a gooey cocoon of slathered cum. You have to basically wring your cock out, scraping all the slathered cum off and pumping excess out of your heavy sheath before you can get your dick to stop just hanging out there fully unsheathed. It aches when it finally starts pulling back into your body, muscles exhausted after having spent the entire day unsheathed.\n\nJinn's a mess: asshole gaping, bulging out in a bruised mound between his cheeks, continually pouring the sloppy mess of your load onto the sand; cunt nearly as wrecked, flushed and heavy and still hungry, his fat labia swollen into hanging mounds surrounding his gaped hole. His hand is wrinkled and waxy from being shoved into his sloppy cunt the entire day.\n\nJinn drains out slowly, shaky and feverish as he shambles to his feet. His pecs keep leaking milk, in milky lines all down his front, over the pregnant -- not actually pregnant -- mound of his cum-bloated gut. You're pretty sure this just made his heat worse.
You kneel down before him and scrape your hands up his hairy thighs, reaching up to tug his swollen lips wider. He draws his hand back and the bulk of his fist pulls free with a wet //slurp//, giving you a good view of his inner walls as he wedges his remaining fingers inside and pulls himself wide: cunt flushed red, flesh pulsing around his fingers, with his bloated inner lips sticking out like fat tongues. The similarity with human anatomy fades deeper inside him: his flesh takes on a purplish-grey tinge along the sloppy channel he's been finger-fucking, and past his fingers his gaping channel bulges out into smooth, rubbery ovals, with ridges of flesh rising up between them, fringed with stiff bristle-looking cilia.\n\nYou grope your crotch with a hand already slick with his juices, and then tug your pants open, letting your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>bloated sheath<<else if hasMutation("dick")>>heavy, warted ĝheist cock<<else>>cock<<endif>> lurch out into the open. Jinn groans, reaching out -- fingers pulling from his cunt -- and <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nstuffs his sloppy fingers into your sheath, milking your sharp cockhead as it starts to spill out into the open. You unsheath in lurches, your dark purple-black shaft spilling out into the open already slathered with a mess of pre and his juices, and you move forward, grinding the leathery flesh of your sheath against his swollen lips as he slides his fingers across your cocktip.\n<<else>>\\nstrokes your cock, letting it stiffen in his hand. Your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>warted <<endif>>flesh bloats, cock drooping down in a heavy arch, and you move forward, letting your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>rubbery <<endif>>cockhead drag against his plush lips as he slowly works it to full hardness.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<display "jinn fuck cunt knot">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "jinn fuck cunt normal">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $pregRate = hasMutation("knot") ? 0.99 : 0.25>>\\n<<if Math.random() lt $pregRate>><<set $jinnPregnant to "you">><<endif>>\\n<<sex "jinn" "cunt" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn fuck cunt">>\n<<set $jinnFuckedCunt += 1>>\n\n[[→|camprun]]
Fully hard, <<if hasMutation("dick")>>your cock spans up across his muscled stomach, drizzling pre in sloppy lines<<else>>your cock reaches up to dig against his bellybutton<<endif>>, with the underside of your shaft slurping against the fat, fleshy bulges of his swollen lips. you pull back, slotting your cockhead between them, and slowly sink into him. he's slick inside, flesh spongy and tight, ridged and rubbery from the alien anatomy deeper, and he swallows you down to the root with a long sigh. you can feel his own cock, still-sheathed, as a spar of dense flesh following the top of his cunt, slowly curving away from his depths. His internal muscles shudder and clench, milking your cock, and his own cock shudders and pulses in time, spilling forward for his swollen clit to bulge out between his splayed lips, only for the next milking shudder to pull it back inside.\n\nYou thrust inside him, cock pulling against his slick, squeezing grasp, and he groans and sighs, hiking his hips up to wrap his heels around your thighs, guiding your thrusts back inside. He squirts a messy burble of pre and cum, swollen clit gushing weak arcs of cloudy pre that spill down his sloppy lips, and when his cock pulls deeper inside it's reduced to a burble drooling out between his lips, smearing your shaft with his own load. He coos and groans, head thrown back, palm against his face, as you sink inside him<<if hasMutation("dick")>>, cunt lips warped obscenely around your gnarled, warted shaft<<endif>>. You start slow, not the least because Jinn seems like he's in a state of constant orgasm, body shuddering, muscles spasming, with nearly every thrust, and you're curious just how long you can keep him like that. You can feel his nuts inside his body: swollen ovoid shapes bulging in against the deeper wall of his cunt, spasming in time with his wet squirts, and you rut your cockhead across them, grinning as Jinn's groans turn into almost-pained sobs and his cunt spasms hard, locking your cock inside it.\n\nYour cockhead knocks against something inside him, a hard swell of bloated flesh, sensitive when you mash your cockhead against it -- Jinn lets out a new kind of broken moan, a hard hoarse rasp of an exhale -- and it takes a while for you to realize it's his cervix, pulsing back and forth, pushing down when he clenches and peeling back up deeper into his body when he rolls his hips on your cock.\n\nHe keens, his cunt a sloppy mess of pre, both yours and his. There's a frothing slurry building up across his slick lips, spilling down between his thighs in squelching rivers as you pump into him. His labia are meaty and heavy, wetly slurping across the base of your shaft, splayed open obscenely, and his enormous clit spreads his lips nearly as much as your shaft does, revealing the dark purple flush of his internal flesh. He groans, gutturally, and his cunt clenches down, milking you almost painfully tight as he mashes his cervix down, pushing hard enough that you can feel it start to flower open against your cockhead.\n\n"Breed me!" Jinn moans, words long and drawn out. He rides himself down on your cock, ass smacking against your thighs making wet //smacks//, muscles of his stomach rippling and clenching. His cervix clenches, a mounded circle that slowly spreads until it can suck the tip of your dick inside, lodged inside a burning, crushing tunnel of pulsing muscle. He moans, sobbing, convulsing, and his bloated clit erupts in sloppy gushes of milky cum, spilling all across his muscled stomach as his cervix suckles on your cockhead.\n\nYou cum with a groan, fingers digging into his hips, holding him in place so you can slam your cock against his cervix again and again, hosing him down with <<if hasMutation("balls")>>chunky, gritty ĝheist cum, in tarry, gritty bursts<<else>>your load, in sloppy spurts<<endif>> that spray all across his cervix, ones that it hungrily gulps down, swallowing into his womb. Jinn moans, hilting your cock and grinding down, and you roll your hips, fucking your spurting cockhead through the tight vice of his cervix.\n\n<<if hasMutation("balls")>>You keep cumming until your load burbles out along your shaft, squirting across your stomach and over Jinn's thighs, painting you in clotted, greasy smears of ĝheist cum. His cervix gurgles, florid and swollen, gulping down your tarry load as you gush again and again into his flooded cunt. His other hand comes down, smearing across his bruised lips to shove globs of cum back inside, fingers curling around your spurting shaft as he rides you in a frenzy, fighting to keep all your load inside him.\n\n<<endif>>\\nYou keep your cock inside him after you finish, letting his hungry cunt swallow down as much of your load as possible. Jinn groans, cervix just flowering open wider as it drinks it down, until you finally pull out half-hard, cock slick but not dripping, and Jinn even milks that, catching the final beads of <<if hasMutation("balls")>>gritty <<endif>>cum on his fingers before shoving them <<if hasMutation("balls")>>back <<endif>>into his cunt.\n\nYou ask Jinn if he feels better. He says, "Yeahhhh," drawing it out, fingers shoved into his gaping cunt, damming your load inside.
You unsheath all across his chest, drooling slimy pre in a messy trail all the way up until your head digs into the skin between his pecs. You paint him in your mutant pre, sticking his hair to his skin and coating him in a runny glaze of dog slime. Jinn groans, rutting his cunt against your leathery sheath, hands stroking your shaft, and you fuck his chest, cock spurting out fat cords of sludge all across his face, churning up your mutant pre until it's clinging to his skin in fat, frothy dollops.\n\nYour knot throbs in your sheath, tentacles already writhing behind it, making the flesh of your sheath ripple and warp. You groan as it peels back under its own weight, knot surfacing and then erupting with an explosion of slime, pouring a stringy mess of ooze down into Jinn's gaping cunt -- he reaches down and cups the underside of your knot, fingers sunk into his cunt, letting the flow of sludge gurgle straight into him -- and your knot smacks against his thighs before you press together and it comes to rest right over his cunt: a dense, solid weight resting against his spread lips. It's not even engorged yet, its sides only slightly-curving. You fuck your cock across his chest, letting the underside of your knot slurp back and forth over his gaping cunt, and with each drag of contact the both of you let out a guttural moan.\n\nJinn groans, weepy and snarling at the same time. "C'mon and fuck me already!" he begs, hands still stroking your cock, painting his chest in your grimy, off-color pre.\n\nYou fuck him, already.\n\nYou have to take a half-motion back, hips pulling back to hunch over him, before you can get enough space to drag your cock down his body. You spurt sludge all over his stomach and thighs as you line your cock up against his spread lips. Jinn arches up even before the motion is done and swallows the tip, letting out a hungry groan. His lips pulse, clenching and slurping, and his enormous clit throbs, spitting out a milky mess of pre and cum that drools down over his swollen lips, gurgling around your cock as it spills into his cunt. You thrust forward, driving into his cunt, and he lets out a long, aching groan, hands clutching your chest as you slide in deeper.\n\nJinn looks dazed. "Yeah, I fucking needed this," he says, eyes closed, mouth open. He rolls his hips, fucking himself on half your cock, a hand sliding down to press against your shaft, angle it slightly differently so he can buck against it. "C'mon, fucking breed me," he says, and you lean down and kiss him, letting him groan against your mouth as you sink the rest of your cock inside him. Your knot bashes against his lips, mashing them down before slurping through, and Jinn keens into your mouth and jerks up, swallowing your shaft all the way down to the tentacles, letting your knot throb there, nestled between his engorged lips. Deep, deep inside him, your cocktip jabs against a hard swell of muscle, and you both hunch together: knot slurping back and forth into his cunt, cocktip sliding and scraping against his depths. It takes your cocktip notching into place right in the dimpled center of the swell for you to realize it's his cervix: swollen and bloated, pulsing when you grind down against it. You fuck against it, breathing hard, your swollen balls smacking against his ass and sticking there, peeling away when you draw back.\n\nJinn moans and writhes, body convulsing around the spar of your cock, inner muscles clamping down, milking your shaft. He tips his head back, fucking himself on your soft, barely-engorged knot with a series of lewd //slurp//s, and slowly you feel his cervix warp and shudder against your cocktip. He flowers open, stiff rubbery flesh slowly parting, pushing, as he spreads himself, his splayed cervix hungrily sucking on your cocktip, letting you spew pre directly into his womb. He looks drunk: face flushed, eyes unfocused, jaw hanging open. He ruts against you, meeting every one of your thrusts with an upward jerk, shaky groans ripping their way up his throat as you mash just an iota deeper: cockhead slotting into place, sinking into his cervix, pinning your leathery sheath against his flushed cunt in a mound of wrinkled flesh. He cums with a shaky sigh, swollen cockhead erratically pulsing -- the entire long muscle of his sheathed cock throbbing -- as he spews out a milky, sloppy mess of pre and cum all over the base of your cock. You fuck his load into him, frothing up into a slimy mess around his gaping cunt, spurting out each time your knot pops free from between his bruised lips. He doesn't seem at all relieved by his orgasm; if anything he's more frenzied: he snarls, rutting up against you, keening when your cockhead stabs against the unfurling muscle of his cervix.\n\nYou fuck him in short hard thrusts, breaking his cunt open with your thickening knot, tentacles whipping out across his thighs and digging in to the meat of his hips. He arches up into each thrust, hungry cervix sucking on your cocktip when you stab in deep. Your knot throbs, starting to swell, and when you slam into him the bulk of your knot catches against his lips, grinding down hard enough that Jinn lets out a whining hiss, the internal muscles of his cunt gripping and clenching along your shaft, squirting out a sloppy gush of your mixed fluids around the tight press of your knot as you slam to the root inside him. His lips, already swollen fat, are flushed into dark red-purple mounds, glistening with slime as they uselessly clench, bloated out obscenely around the immense bulge of your fattening knot.\n\nWhen you pull back, the entire mound of his cunt bulges out. His fat lips are still locked tight around your knot, dragging his flesh out in a rubbery swell, and Jinn keens and writhes, lips slowly spreading into an even-wider gape and revealing the flushed purple underside of your bloating knot, lodged inside him. You let him keen for a moment, insides rippling up and down your shaft, before you yank it free with a sick wet //pop// that leaves him gaping.\n\nHis lips are hugely engorged, swollen up into massive puffy slabs hanging from his broken cunt. His heartbeat thunders through them, felt through the hardening meat of your knot. You have to press in hard, knot maybe already too swollen to fit back inside, and Jinn lets out a keening wail as you cram it back inside, fat cockhead-clit gushing out a fresh burst of milky cum, bathing your knot in his slick, sloppy fluids. Your knot is wedged, for a moment, between his lips: forcing them brutally wide, even his elastic ĝheist skin dragged taut, skin pale from the pressure, before you shove deeper, knot socketing into place inside him with a messy wet //squelch// and a final mess of slimy fluids burbling up around its hardening rim. Jinn knows what it means just as well as you do, and he groans, going lax; all but the muscles inside him, still working your cock: inner muscles squeezing, cervix pulsing, eagerly gulping down the froth of pre you're spurting deep inside him; that and his heels on the backs of your thighs, pushing you closer, tighter, deeper.\n\nYou cum with a groan, forehead pressed against Jinn's, gasping against each other as the first shot explodes into him, flooding his cervix and half spraying back out. Wet heat pours across the underside of your cock, a mess of churned-up cum squirting down your shaft. You pant there for a second, lost in the initial pleasure, and then you say, wait, hold on.\n\nYou sit back and pull him up so that he's riding your cock, impaled on your full length. From this angle he can grind down just a fraction further -- your knot lurching deeper; sheath folded up into a wrinkled mound that halfway slurps up into his gaping, broken-open cunt; tentacles curling across his cockhead and splaying him wider -- and your sharp cockhead pierces through the tight vice of his cervix, spurting directly into his womb.\n\nJinn bellows, the entire channel of his cunt convulsing erratically, and he cums again, spraying into the sloppy folds of your sheath as you drag him down onto your cock. You're panting, hips reflexively jerking up, sharp shots of cum hosing down his womb as you fuck into the tight, clenching grip of his pulsing cervix. Only a thin smear of cum drools back out; the rest of your load sloshes in his womb, coating and then immersing your cockhead in a wash of cum.\n\nHe's plugged tight: cervix hardly letting a single squirt of cum drool out; your knot trapping what little does. Your balls lurch, throbbing as you keep pumping, and the initial rush of pleasure fades down to a steady, constant throb: thick bolts of tarry sludge turning into a continual pour of sloppy, watery fluid, more and more until it sloshes in his womb, rippling around your spurting cockhead. Jinn just shudders and gasps, still grinding down on your cock needily.\n\nYou're tied together for a while. You pull him down on top of you -- he groans as the angle shifts, smacking your knot against his clit, stirring your cocktip through the sloppy swill flooding his womb -- and lazily kiss him as you keep flooding him with your load. His gut starts to bulge, pressure under his abs when you stretch your hand over his belly, and his muscles clench and relax, the bloat of his gut slowly growing and growing as his womb swells with your thick seed.\n\nHe sobs when you finally pull out: knot softening, slowly, bulk deflating, and when you pull out there's not the expected eruption of cum. His cervix squeezes down, milking your cocktip, and only a single gush of cum squirts out around your cocktip before he clamps himself shut. You still don't know if that's conscious, or some automatic response from his heat-flushed body. You pull out with a slurp, your cock slick and shining, practically milked clean from his hungry cunt. It's pretty impressive.\n\nHe's gaping so wide afterwards you can actually see his cervix: cunt lips flushed a deep purple-red, swollen so fat they can't close; the warped imprint of your knot across his inner lips, visibly bruised and broken right around where your knot was nestled. And then his cervix is a purple-grey donut deeper inside his gaping channel, glazed with your cum, swallowing itself up into a bulging mound as it seals your load in his womb.\n\nYou ask Jinn if he feels better. He just lets out a happy groan.
<<set $campHelpersSet to false>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "chain" && $noSex>>\\nYou do in fact hear them fuck out in the sand -- lots of guttural growls and snarls -- and come in a bit later reeking of cum, while you're getting to sleep.\n<<endif>>\\n<<display "timed tfs">>\\n\\n<<if $sandstorm>>\n/% %/<<set $sandstorm -= 3>>\\n/% %/<<if $sandstorm lte 0>><<display "scatter">>You sleep soundly in the sandstorm. it burns itself out during the day.\n/% %/<<else>>You sleep soundly in the sandstorm.\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<else>>You sleep fitfully through the day's heat.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $_camprun>><<display $_camprun>><<set $_camprun to false>><<endif>>\\n<<if $_awake>><<display $_awake>><<set $_awake to "">>\n<<endif>>\n<<resetmoves>>\\n<<if $plot eq 3 && $drudgeActive eq "chain">>\\n[[at dusk you all take up the yoke again|drag back 2]]\\n<<else>>[[at dusk you pack up and set off|worldmap]]<<endif>>
<<if !hasMutation("buff") && mutationPoints("ĝheist") gte 4>>\\n/% %/<<if !hasMutation("pre-buff")>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "pre-buff">>Your muscles ache during the day. Your heart thrums, blood rippling hot, flushed, close to the surface of your skin. Your muscles twitch, burning, heavy and dense on your body. In the morning you move, pushing yourself up, and your contracted biceps form bulky, smooth-edged shapes: heavy, powerful. Not such a change from last morning, but it seems more noticeable now.\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/<<rmmutation "pre-buff">>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "buff">>Your muscles ache during the day. They feel impossibly heavy, like lead weights strapped to your bones. You toss and turn, and wake aching and sweaty, every muscle burning like you spent the entire day laboring.\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<else if !hasMutation("scales") && mutationPoints("ĝheist") gte 6 && (hasMutation("leathery arms") || hasMutation("leathery hips"))>>\\n/% %/<<if !hasMutation("pre-scales")>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "pre-scales">>Your skin itches. You feel sunburnt. The skin across your elbows is ashy, flaking off, and when you scratch up over your arm, you leave a ragged trail of old skin. Underneath, you can feel harder structures forming.\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/<<rmmutation "pre-scales">>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "scales">>Your skin itches. You scrape old skin off sleeping, tossing and turning, skin hotter and more leathery, and when you wake you've mostly finished molting. Your skin is blotchy, speckled ĝheisthide: a dark grey-brown with only a few paler speckles across your chest and, you discover later, back.\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if $queuedUpper gt 0>>\\n/% %/<<set $queuedUpper -= 1>>\\n/% %/<<if !hasMutation('buff arms')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "buff arms">>Your arms ache. The sting from the lightrot never really left them, and while you sleep the ache soaks deeper until it feels like it hits the bone. Your biceps and forearms swell, shoulders bulking up to match their new size. You have stretch marks across your biceps and shoulders, thin red ones like stripes, and a few even across underside of your <<if hasMutation("leaky")>>puffy<<else>>muscular<<endif>> pecs.\n/% %/<<else if !hasMutation('leathery arms')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "leathery arms">>Your arms ache. The lightrot burn soaks in fast, and your skin mottles in piebald patches, leathery skin bulging to the surface in itchy patches. Your skin flakes off in patches, shedding quick, and when you wake you scrub them with sand, watching the flex of your new ĝheisthide across your wrists.\n/% %/<<else if !hasMutation('claws')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "claws">>Your arms ache. They're saturated with lightrot now, burning hot. Your fingernails are coming in black, shaped differently: with a thickened ridge down the center, pushing out into points. They look mismatched, and probably will for a while, until your claws can grow fully in.\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if $queuedLower gt 0>>\\n/% %/<<set $queuedLower -= 1>>\\n/% %/<<if !hasMutation('wide hips')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "wide hips">>\\n<<if $tfIncite eq "ophion oral">> Your hips \\n<<else if $tfIncite eq "ophion anal">>Your body still aches after being basted in Ophion's burning, lightrot-laden load. Your hips \\n<<else if $tfIncite eq "brulvundojn bigdick">>Your hips still ache after trying to take Brulvundojn's brutally-gigantic knot. They \\n<<else if $tfIncite eq "jinn-pools">>Your body aches after your full-body lightrot bath, down in the caves. Your skin prickles all over. Your hips \\n<<else if $tfIncite eq "gawann fuck 2">>Your ass still aches after Gawann's brutal fucking. Your hips \\n<<else if $tfIncite eq "storm king top">>Your ass is bruised and stinging from the storm king's brutal mating. There's a bone-deep ache deep in your hips; they \\n<<endif>> creak when you turn over, and the sudden ache wakes you several times. Your guts spasm, twisted up in strange loops inside you, and sudden flashes of heat, sometimes painful, sometimes not, keep flashing up and down through your waist. It feels like you have some immense gulf inside you, yawning open between your widened pelvis.\n/% %/<<else if !hasMutation('leathery hips')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "leathery hips">>Your hips ache. The muscles of your ass itch and burn, with a throbbing that buzzes up inside you, all through your body. Heat ripples from inside you, making your skin flush, and you run hot the entire day.\n\nSplotches of rubbery, dense ĝheisthide perceptibly grow and spread, old skin coming off in crumbling papery flakes, until when you wake the skin all across your hips and upper thighs is heavy, leathery ĝheisthide. Your core muscles burn, lower back and hips thicker, unexpectedly strong when you turn and sit up. Even your thighs feel bulkier, heavy muscle corded thickly where your skin splotchily fades from ĝheisthide into human skin.\n/% %/<<else if !hasMutation('full legs')>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "full legs">>\\n<<if hasMutation ("scales")>>\\nYour legs ache. New scute and quills grow in on your legs, turning your smooth hide into something lumpier and more leathery. Your legs thicken, thighs swelling, and your skin raises up into pebbly scute across your inner thighs, waxy to the touch. They slide against each other smoothly when you toss and turn. Down your legs, you sprout what passes for body hair among the ĝheist: a bunch of itchy quill-like spurs, tangling across your calves.\n<<else>>\\nYour legs ache. Your skin has been flaking off in streaky lines, all up and down your legs, and pebbly ĝheisthide is coming clear through, spreading in dark patches across the backs of your calves, scraping the old skin off your ankles.\n\nYour body hair gets coarser, hair growing quill-like spurs -- mostly across your calves -- or getting fossilized in rocky scute that slide smoothly against each other -- mostly across your inner thighs. Your thighs slide against each other strangely, almost feeling slick. Your toenails are growing in black, with ridges down the center, curling into short claws.\n<<endif>>\\n\\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if $pregnant neq "">>\\n<<if !hasMutation ("womb") && ($pregnancyStarted + 7) lte $turns>>\\n/% %/<<if $pregnancies gte 2 && $wombCounter gte 8>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "womb">>\\n/% %/<<set $from['womb'] to $pregnant>>Heat blossoms deep in your guts. There's a hot stinging sensation as your guts churn, and the eggs inside you stir and shift as something inside you flowers open: a new muscle spreading open, pulsing slowly as it draws the eggs into some new chamber, until you can feel every egg pressed together, stored in your new womb.\n\n/% %/<<else if ($wombCounter % 2) == 0>>\\n/% %/Your guts throb around the eggs inside you. A strange ache spills through you, flesh stretching and sliding in strange ways deep inside your guts, and a hot stinging sensation pulses inside you, like new muscles stretching.\n\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<set $wombCounter += 1>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $pregnancyTf eq "pre" && ($pregnancyStarted + 10) lte $turns>>\\n/% %/<<if hasMutation ("pre-leaky")>>\\n/% %/<<rmmutation "pre-leaky">>\\n/% %/<<rmmutation "pure">>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "leaky">>\\n/% %/<<set $from['leaky'] to $pregnant>>Your nipples ache. You turn, and they dig against your sheets. There's an unexpected pulse, and then a sudden dampness: you're leaking milk down your chest. You reach up and experimentally pinch, and there's a shock of //sensation// and you dribble milk all over your fingers, streaking down your chest in ichorous lines. You tug at your swollen nipples, rolling them between your fingers, expressing thin, watery milk until you run dry.\n\nYou almost think it was a dream when you wake, except you turn over and the sheets tug at your chest, lightly stuck-together by crusts of dried milk. Fresh beads of milk glisten across your fat, spread areola.\n/% %/<<endif>><<if hasMutation ("pre-six")>>\n/% %/<<rmmutation "pre-six">>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "six nipples">>\\n/% %/<<set $from['six'] to $pregnant>>Your nipples ache. The four purplish splotches down your chest have resolved into extra nipples, each one just as fleshy and huge as your original two. They're fat, sloping smoothly up to the corklike tip, areola speckled with dots of milk. You groan, tossing and turning, grinding your pregnant gut down against your sheets, rubbing your lower four nipples against the sheets, grabbing and mauling your upper two with your hands. Your nipples dribble milk, squirting out between your fingers in shocking gushes, soaking the sheets. You keep milking yourself, panting and shaking, body covered in sweat, and you end up falling asleep from exhaustion before you manage to milk yourself dry.\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<set $pregnancyTf to "yes">>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $pregnancyTf eq "no" && ($pregnancyStarted + 5) lte $turns>>\\n/% %/<<if !hasMutation("leaky")>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "pre-leaky">>Your nipples ache. They're puffy and swollen, digging against the sheets. You scrape your forearm against them and the sensation makes you gasp and shudder: painfully sensitive, flushed a dark purplish-red. You gingerly probe across them, pushing down into puffy flesh. There are hard disks beneath them, like wax or chalk, smooth-edged and thin. But thickening.\n/% %/<<else if $pregnant eq "astau" || $pregnant eq "astau-fertilized" || $pregnant eq "astau-zhalk" || $pregnant eq "www" || $pregnant eq "stormking" || $pregnant eq "stormking-fertilized">>\n/% %/<<addmutation "pre-six">>The skin of your chest aches. Dense, heavy breast flesh aches beneath your nipples, and in lines down over your ribs and stomach there are four new hard disks beneath your skin, smooth and waxy when you prod at them. Your skin is discolored above them, lightening into splotchy purplish circles.\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<set $pregnancyTf to "pre">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $handsfeetfur gt 0>>\\n<<if $handsfeetfur gt 3 && hasMutation ("pre-hands fur")>>\\n<<set $handsfeetfur to 0>>\\n<<rmmutation "pre-hands fur">>\\n<<addmutation "hands fur">>You dimly realize, half-asleep, that the coarse hair over your hands and feet has thickened so much it's practically fur: a stiff, inch-long coating across the backs of your hand, sweeping up to the elbow, and growing so thickly on your calves and down your feet that it hides the definition of your muscle in tufts of fur.\n<<else if !hasMutation ("pre-hands fur") && !hasMutation ("hands fur")>>\\n<<addmutation "pre-hands fur">>Your hands and feet itch, and you flop over, half-asleep, dimly aware of coarse hair growing in thicker clumps across your knuckles and over the backs of your hands. You twist your feet around each other, heels scraping at your calves, scouring old skin away until hair bursts free.\n<<endif>>\n<<set $handsfeedfur += 1>>\n<<endif>>
there was something here once. old marble, with lots of stairs and tiles. maybe an outdoor garden, though there's no trace of vegetation or even dirt at this point. just the occasional expanse of flat, sandy marble, and the rocky spur of a broken, sandblasted pillar sticking up from the drifting dunes.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal" && $surveyComplete neq true && $gardenSurvey neq true>>[[wait while Yraal looks around the ruins|yraalsurvey][$gardenSurvey = true]]<<endif>>
a shallow canyon in the shadow of the eastern glass mountains. sheltered from the desert wind, there's traces of old water, and a few brown, dead-looking plants in the canyon's overhangs.
the glass mountains are further northeast, big and dully glittering. the sand here is rough, mixed in with shards of fused green-black glass, and it mounds up into higher and higher dunes.
You're in the foothills of the glass mountains, where the thick sand gives way to a dusty scattering over fused green-glass and old black stone. The mountain crags shimmer above, and the ways along the hills sometimes yawn open into cave entrances.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann" && $surveyComplete neq true && $glassCavesSurvey neq true>>[[wait around while Gawann goes into the caves or digs around or whatever|gawannsurvey][$glassCavesSurvey = true]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Pthuul" && $surveyComplete neq true>>[[wait around while Pthuul does whatever it is he wants to do with the glass mountain|pthuulcomplete]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $ticLocation eq "caves" || ($ticLocation eq "away" && $plot gte 6)>>there's [[smoke|2ic caves]] coming from one cave opening<<endif>>
the tree. it's older than the town, and likely older than the ruins as well. it's stunted, gnarled from the endless wind and the coarse sand, but it still clings to life, with green-yellow leaves on its upper limbs. its roots form coils and humps in the sand around it, and in its shadow the sand is marginally heavier, less dusty.
the earth split open here, many years ago, and the yawning chasm it left is still here. the ground here is treacherous, with hardened sand cracking apart into open pits, and vast sloping hills of sand that empty directly into the mouth of the great pit.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann" && $surveyComplete neq true && $cleftSurvey neq true>>[[wait around while Gawann goes into the caves or digs around or whatever|gawannsurvey][$cleftSurvey = true]]<<endif>>
the area is ribboned with ridges, like the desert pulls at its seams to reveal slices of red-orange stone. the ridge edges are pockmarked with cave entrances going down deep.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn" && $surveyComplete neq true>>[[go w/ Jinn while he snoops around in the caves|jinnsurvey]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann" && $surveyComplete neq true && $caveRidgeSurvey neq true>>[[wait around while Gawann goes into the caves or digs around or whatever|gawannsurvey][$caveRidgeSurvey = true]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "birthing squad" && $pregnant neq "">>go [[down|lightrot caves]] into the lightrot caves<<endif>>\n* <<if $plot eq 6>>this is where the [[new ĝheist hive|new hive]] is<<endif>>
it's the town of Yapu. a collection of ramshackle huts in clusters -- metal sheeting, concrete pillars, and plastic panels, fixed together with adobe and green glass.\n\n(<<if $plot eq 2>>\\n/% %/[[head back to the village|village int]]\\n<<else if $plot eq 4 && ($drudgeActive eq "" || $surveyComplete eq true)>>\\n/% %/[[head back to the village|village int]]\\n<<else if $drudgeActive eq "">>\\n/% %/[[head back to the village|village int]]\\n<<else if countInventory($carrying) gt 0>>\\n/% %/[[head back to the village|village int]]\\n<<else>>\\n/% %/==go to the town==\\n<<endif>>)
you're amid the cacti fields east of town, used for water harvest. they're fat, bulbous things, covered in leathery patches where they grew so engorged on water their skin burst.
you're among rolling sand dunes, walking in the lull between them.
you're among rolling sand dunes, walking in the lull between them. you're just north of town.
you're in the flat, desolate desert. the sand beneath is hardened and cracked apart into tiles.
you're in the flat, desolate desert. the sand beneath is hardened and cracked apart into tiles. this is just south of town.
you're in the trackless desert, where wild cacti grow.
you're in the trackless desert, where wild cacti grow. this is just west of town.
the desert here is shaped by an ancient roadway, with crumbling concrete overpasses forming hills or hollows, and long sinuous curves of highway now cliffs and arches in their ruined state.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal" && $surveyComplete neq true && $concreteSurvey neq true>>[[wait while Yraal looks around the ruins|yraalsurvey][$concreteSurvey = true]]<<endif>>
the metal wastes. the husks of metal-and-glass towers jut up into the sky, acid-etched and crumbling apart.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Khru" && $surveyComplete neq true && $brulvundojnFriends>>[[introduce Khru to Brulvundojn|khru brulvundojn meet]]<<scenealert "khru brulvundojn meet">><<endif>>\n* this is where [[brulvundojn's den|brulvundojn's den]] is
the blasted lands. the air crackles and sparks. the sand is pockmarked with craters, burnt to black glass, and each has an ancient instrument at its center: a blackened thing reaching up into the sky, humming and buzzing. the less eroded the instrument, the worse the buzz in the air near the crater. nothing lives here.
This is the edge of the acid flats. Sand gives way to crunchy chemical exudate. The acid flats themselves are a shallow swamp of bubbling acid, stretching out endlessly to the south, and here at the shore the chemical processes of the swamp have formed vivid strata of exudate, in repeating bands of chalky white-rusty orange-bright green-pink, like mesas.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen" && !$surveyComplete && !$flatsSurvey>>[[wait around while Djen does whatever it is he wants to do with the acid flats|djen survey flats]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $plot gte 6>>[[late-game acid flats sex scenes]]<<endif>>
the acid flats sweep north, sand eroding down from its constant tide. the acid outlines a shallow bay, sand still visible beneath a shallow layer of bubbling acid. the air is sour and the fumes make your eyes water.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen" && !$surveyComplete && !$baySurvey>>[[wait around while Djen does whatever it is he wants to do with the acid flats|djen survey bay]]<<endif>>
at the edge of the acid flats. stalks grow out in the acid, strange fluted plants with purple-black vegetation, in clusters and thickets. they bulge and boil in the heat, and occasionally one erupts, spraying spumes of acid high into the sky like a geyser.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen" && !$surveyComplete && !$stalksSurvey>>[[wait around while Djen does whatever it is he wants to do with the acid flats|djen survey stalks]]<<endif>>
the trackless wastes spill out in every direction, without change, from horizon to horizon. the sky feels very close.
the sand here is powdery and white and packs strangely under your feet. in places it's dissolved into some kind of bubbling liquid.
the ground here smokes in the heat. at erratic intervals, something beneath the surface ignites with a ground-shaking //foom// and the sand boils like water, pillars of flame erupting from the earth with rattling crashes as planes of sand slide and sink in on themselves.
broken shards of the glass mountain's peaks have landed here: long, fine glass skewers, from the initial explosion, and the desert wind has sculpted them into humming sculptures. the wind rushes through hollows and makes them vibrate, and they give off an unearthly keening.
the ground has been eaten away in patches, leaving behind deep hollows that go down and down; there are trenches in the sand from some beast dragging its tail, burrowing down to a subterranean den.\n\n* <<if $knowAstau>>[[astau's den]] is here\\n<<else>>explore in the [[deep hollows|astau's den]]<<endif>>
the wasteland stretches off to the east, wrapping around the mountains to the north: endless desert, in vast expanses that no eyes have ever seen. the ground here is sturdy, but not for long.
a few rocky mesas, surrounded by stratified rock pillars and a few natural arches. the wind whistles through the holes in the rock.
mesa country. the northern lowlands stretch out before you, lower and marginally greener. its reddish sands are punctuated by black mesas with ancient trees on their tops.\n\n* <<if $wanderingSire eq "mesa country" && ($drudgeActive eq "" || !$drudgeActive) && $sandstorm lte 0>>[[there's a tent set up near the northern ridge|ophion's tent]]<<endif>>
red-rock spikes erupt from the ground. lightrot crystals grow from shallow divots on their surface, making them look like rocky trees.\n\n* <<if $wanderingSire eq "rock spikes" && ($drudgeActive eq "" || !$drudgeActive) && $sandstorm lte 0>>[[there's a tent set up between the spikes|ophion's tent]]<<endif>>
A deep canyon cuts across the land, nearly invisible until you're on top of it. There are old switchback trails doing down, to a dusty dry streambed at the bottom.\n\n* [[follow the trails down|canyon trail]]
The sand here trickles down into old caves, and at the crumbling edge you can see down into the spaces below, full of the marks of ancient encampments, fresh as if they were used yesterday: old petroglyphs on the rock, umber paintmarks on the walls, wood ash swept into the corners, sharp rocks with chipped edges.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann" && $surveyComplete neq true && $ravineSurvey neq true>>[[wait around while Gawann goes into the caves or digs around or whatever|gawannsurvey][$ravineSurvey = true]]<<endif>>\n* [[find your way down|ravine cavern]]
a span of red rock forms a horseshoe-shaped ridge. scraggling brush clings to the ridge walls, and detritus litters the base of the ridge.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann" && $surveyComplete neq true && $ridgeSurvey neq true>>[[wait around while Gawann goes into the caves or digs around or whatever|gawannsurvey][$ridgeSurvey = true]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $wanderingSire eq "red-rock ridge" && ($drudgeActive eq "" || !$drudgeActive) && $sandstorm lte 0>>[[there's a tent set up along the ridge|ophion's tent]]<<endif>>\n* there's a crack in the ridge
an ancient, crumbling fortress, from long ago. all that's left is the shape of its walls, a broad X-shape with the edges mounded up under sand, and a handful of interior crossbeams: wood, but so weathered away they're thin as sticks and hard as rock.\n\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal" && $surveyComplete neq true && $fortressSurvey neq true>>[[wait while Yraal looks around the ruins|yraalsurvey][$fortressSurvey = true]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $leaderLocation eq "fortress">>[[there's signs of life within the fortress walls|leader exile camp]]<<endif>>
the sand here is red with rust, and the dunes are shaped around the last vestiges of acid-pitted metal husks.
some strange vegetation from the acid flats has grown north over the sand: a twining, thorny vine, rust-red with chalky yellow stripes. it forms thickets in seemingly arbitrary spots, growing into stalks twice your height, with red-black vines spanning between each copse, linking them together as a single enormous lifeform.
the wasteland is an endless series of steep dunes made from something that's not quite sand. it burns in the back of your throat when the wind blows a scree of sand into your face. the ground shudders and shakes, and further out to the east the ground becomes totally unnavigable, with earth-shaking eruptions leaving behind abrupt chasms, smoking from some subtellurian explosions.
An ancient radio tower still stands at the very rim of the great wastes to the east. Its roots have been buried in sand, leaving only metal struts sticking up: a complex lacework of old metal, forming a vast pylon that reaches far overhead. The wind keens as it whistles through the lattice. <<if radioSignalActive ($radioSignal, $turns)>>The light at its apex blinks slowly, red and bright in the night sky.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $radioSignal lte $turns>>The sand beneath the tower has been dug away, leaving a hollow all the way down to a metal hatch set into the concrete base.\n* [[Investigate the hatch|radio int]]<<set $radioEntering to true>><<endif>>
the wasteland is an endless series of steep dunes, with grains of sharp glass mixed into the sand. when the wind blows, it leaves stinging cuts across your skin. the glass mountain is far to the north, its shape a dark mound on the horizon, and beyond that the wasteland spreads out, trackless and utterly inhospitable, in all directions.
the garden crossroads. there's a lull between dunes, and the land between is green. crunchy not-quite-dead grass grows underfoot, and sagebrush dots the land. a few gnarled acacia trees grow in a sparse copse at the center of the lull.
at the base of a giant black-rock mesa. there's a cavernous opening at the base.\n\n* [[go down into the caves|hive tunnels]]
<<if $_i eq "-3,0" && !$brulvundojnFriends>><<display "brulvundojn dig confront">>\n<<else>>\n<<set $moves -= 0.5>>\\n<<set $_dug to (function (){\n var res = gameMap [$_i].items;\n if (res.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return res[Math.floor (Math.random() * res.length)];\n })()>>\\n<<dugup>>\\n<<endif>>
<<print (function (item) {\n switch (item) {\n case null:\n case 0:\n return "you dig and find nothing but sand and dust.";\n case "sand": return "you dig up some sand. what were you expecting here, really?";\n case "rejection": return "it's not a good idea to dig this close to the cacti, so you don't.";\n\n case "acid vial": return "you dig, and fuming acid starts to seep in through the damp sand. you collect some of it in a glass vial.";\n\n case "ancient resin": return "you dig, carefully and not too close to the tree, and unearth a hunk of ancient resin, still tarry under its sandy surface.";\n case "dry hulls": return "you dig, carefully and not too close to the tree, and unearth some ancient plant matter, dry and stiff.";\n case "coarse sand": return "you dig, carefully and not too close to the tree, and find nothing but sand and dust. but the sand here is still thicker, darker and more compact, than the loose sand of the desert. you collect some of the coarse sand.";\n default: return ("you dig up " + item);\n }\n })($_dug)>>\n<<if !($_dug eq 0 || $_dug eq null || $_dug eq "sand" || $_dug eq "rejection")>>\\n<<set addInventory ($carrying, $_dug, 1)>>\\nYou're carrying:\n<<print printInventory ($carrying)>>\n<<if countInventory($carrying) >= 8>>No room for anything more. Time to head back.<<else>>Room for <<print numString (8 - countInventory($carrying))>> more.<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $scavenge eq "">>\\n<<set $scavenge to $_i>>\\n<<set $_sx to $x>>\\n<<set $_sy to $y>>\\n<<display "scavenge">>\\n<<else>>\\n<<set $_dug to (function (){\n var res = ["circuit board", "lightbulb", "glass panel"];\n if (res.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return res[Math.floor (Math.random() * res.length)];\n })()>>\\n<<set $treasure.splice ($treasure.indexOf ($_i), 1)>>\\n<<dugup>>\\n<<endif>>
<<if $plot gte 3>>\\nThis is the dune you<<if $bulvrundojnChain eq 2>> and Brulvundojn<<else>> and the ĝheist<<endif>> dragged the tanker out of<<if $plot eq 3>> not so long ago<<else>>, way back then<<endif>>.\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n<<else if $plot eq 2 && $brulvundojnChain && $chain>>\\nBrulvundojn takes the chain in his mouth and yokes himself up loosely. You try to dig out the sides of the tanker as he does so, and then you tighten the chains and he pulls.\n\nThe sand shifts, metal creaking and crackling as Brulvundojn strives forward, until eventually with a cresting of sand the wreck of the tanker rises and lurches forward.\n\nThen Brulvundojn pulls the thing back to town. It's that simple. He's really strong.\n\n<<set $plot to 3>>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $plot eq 2 && $locustChain && $chain>>\\nThe ĝheist observe the wreck.\n\n"Doesn't look like much," Khru says. You tell him up here you make do with what you can. Honestly it's more an excuse to have a complex project than anything else. Get some old technology running.\n\nThey dig out the rough outline of the tanker from the dunes while you inspect the wheels. They're mostly ruined, but not entirely rusted into a single lump of scrap. They scrape, sand spilling from their inner workings as you probe and pry, lubricating with oil you brought with. Yraal scowls, and eventually stoops down: "Here," he says, and pulls out some weirdly-shaped wrench, prying loose bolts to get to the sand-stuffed inner workings. You watch him work, giant hands poking and prodding as he works sand out of the wells. He grimaces every time he tries to turn them, sand scraping, tension keeping them locked tight.\n\nPthuul and Khru get the entire thing unburied before you and Yraal are done attempting to fix the wheels. Even getting them to roll slightly would make the trip back a lot easier, so it's worth taking your time here and now.\n\nYou're aware ĝheist are stronger than humans, but it's still real impressive to see the three of them line up, backs pressed against the side of the tank, and heave: straining, until with a cascading shower of sand it lurches up and over, landing upright. Yraal doesn't even look winded.\n\nNow comes the hard part. The wheels do roll, slightly, but this is hardly going to be easy even with that slight boon.\n\n<<set $plot to 3>>[[→|drag back]]\n<<else if $plot eq 2>>\\nThe tanker truck is still in the sand, half-exposed. Raw material, waiting for you to haul it out somehow.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends>>\\nYou got some options:\n* Head out west to the metal wastes and ask Brulvundojn for help dragging it somewhere\n* Head back to Yapu to see if you can figure out how to haul it with some help\n<<else>>\\nNothing much left to do but:\n* Head back to Yapu to try to get a better plan\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<else if !$brulvundojnChain && !$locustChain>>\nThere's a rusted metal panel in the side of a dune, and it doesn't budge when you pull on its side. You brush the sand at the edges, and reveal more metal: the side of some old rusting machine.\n\n[[→|scavenge dig]]\n<<endif>>
You dig the sand out around the machine, and slowly its shape emerges: the wreck of an old tanker truck, buried on its side. Mostly intact. There are delicate hulls of rust-red sand around stray parts, slowly crumbling apart in the desert sand.\n\nIt's quite the haul, if you can figure out how to actually haul it anywhere.\n\n<<resetmoves>>When dawn hits, you set up camp in the lull of the excavated machine, and think of how to get it back to town.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends>>\\n* You could head out west to the metal wastes and ask Brulvundojn for help dragging it somewhere\n* Or head back to Yapu to figure out what to do\n<<else>>\\n* Nothing much to do but head back to Yapu to try to get a better plan\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $plot to 2>>[[pack up and head off|worldmap]]
You all yoke yourself in with the chains, looped around the tanker's chassis, and start pulling. It's heavy, slow going, and you have to take frequent breaks, huffing and panting.\n\nAt the end of the first night of travel, you set up [[camp]].
It's another night of hauling. This actually was an enormous favor to ask, you think, several times during the night. You're a sweating mess, acutely aware you're not contributing as much force as any of the ĝheist, but it's about showing you're willing to participate, same as they're showing they're willing to accommodate you by breaking whenever you get too exhausted. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck in the moment.\n\nThey let out a ragged cheer at some point in the night: they can spot Yapu in the distance, a speck of light still so faint your human eyes can't make it out. It's still several hours out.\n\n[[→|village int]]
You hold the prism aloft and wait. Electricity crackles within the glass, matched by thunder in the sky.\n\nIt takes a while.\n\n[[the storm king descends|storm king]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe storm descends. Blue lightning crackles around a splotch of darkness in the sky. It's the storm king.\n\n<<if $metStormKing>>\\nHe lands with a familiar shaking: voice roaring, wings buffeting you as he curls them around you. His body is as grand as you remember: big as a house, somewhere in form between a bird, a bat, and a dragon. His head is framed with fierce metal feathers, and runes glow in patterned lines across his skin.\n\n"We meet again," he says, voice nearly enough to knock you off your feet.\n<<else>>\\nThe storm king is a great beast, in shape somewhere between a bird, a bat, and a dragon; big as a house. He is alight with electricity: arcing between his great forking horns, running down the ridge of his spine, bursting in explosive arcs from the tips of his metallic feathers and scattering across his rough scales. The air around him reeks of lightning.\n\nHe lands with an earth-shaking roar, clawed feet sending sprays of sand out in every direction; you raise an arm over your face, nearly knocked to the ground by the scouring sand. His wings spread over you like a tent, blocking out the roar of the storm; in the darkness you see the organic runes that cover his body: the sources of his electricity, winding across his hide in patterned lines in the grand language of the great beasts. The only light beneath his body is the pale blue light of his glowing markings; that and the snapping arcs of lightning bursting across his crown. He cranes down his batlike head, peering at you with his many luminous eyes.\n\n"Wanderer," he says, and his voice is the roar of the storm, full of rolling thunder. "Not many travel in the storm."\n\nYou're at a bit of a loss for words. You say, yeah, dumbly, and then try to think of literally anything that you could say that would be more reasonable. You're in the presence of one of the grand beasts, of the embodiment of the storm itself.\n\n"I have been watching the storm and the sea, and have built a nest of metal and glass." His claws draw patterns through the sand. "My clutch grows burgeoning within me."\n\nYour gaze dips down his body: the strange, angular shape of his body, pulled in unexpected directions by animal anatomy, shifting oddly when alien muscles pull and flex. Past the sharp keel of his breastbone and the bone-edged scales of his ribcage, his hide is drawn taut in strange arcs from the knobs of his elongated pelvis. The flesh there is smooth scales, seaming into pebbled scute across his haunches, and in the dip between his massive taloned claws there is a thin slit of light: a sliver of gleaming internal flesh peeking from his flushed cloaca, maybe.\n\nYour entire body flushes with heat. Not just the physical presense, the potential for sex; that's never been overwhelming for you. But having that potential against a god-- there's a sense of vertigo, almost. The entire world around you is the storm king's body: gleaming feathers, black horns, glowing mouth, even the sand beneath your feet is mingled with the charred dust that filters through his wings. You ask, is he asking you to fuck.\n\nThe storm king lets out a booming noise, a cawing roar, and it's only moments later has he's speaking that you realize that that's a laugh. "Certainly, little one," he says. "If you can bear the touch of my body."\n\nHis entire body is burning with electricity. He's asking that literally. You think you can manage it.\n\nIt's a little intimidating to be propositioned by a god.\n<<endif>>\\n<hr>\n<<set $metStormKing to true>>\\n* [[sure let's fuck|storm king continue]]<<scenealert "storm king continue">>\n* [[actually lord i got other stuff to handle right now|storm king reject]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You're more than a little overwhelmed. You say, your apologies, lord, but there are other matters that you must attend do. You mumble it out, awed by the lightningstorm called down by his scales, bursting in blinding arcs off his metal feathers.\n\nThe very earth roars with his hum of acknowledgment: a bass sound that sends the sand shaking. "Very well," he says. "We may meet again."\n\nThere's a shift in the ground, his claws tearing through the sand, a ripple of motion -- and then with a push that bowls you over onto your back, the storm king launches himself aloft, wingbeats sending sand scouring over your skin. His form is silhouetted by lightning: pitch black limned with an aura of brilliant light, and then he is gone, with only the sound of his wings merging into the howl of the storm, leaving you alone in the darkness of the storm.\n\n<<set $lord to "">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You tell him, sure you can fuck. The sound of your voice is drowned out by the roar of the storm, by the crack of the storm king's lightning, but he seems to hear you despite it.\n\n"Approach me," he says. You're already close; sheltered under his wings. You step closer.\n\nHis hide tingles with electricity; the thrum buzzes just under his skin, even on bare, dark hide. You press against his underbelly, feet crunching in the sand as you step further down, trailing down the strange planes of his body. You hesitate as your fingers trail closer to one of the complex runic patterns that run in bands across his hide. A soft arc bursts from the glowing runes to the back of your hand, and you flinch back, more in surprise than in pain. It stings, but only a little. You reach back, spreading your hand across the runes, and let the current earth itself in you: stinging and sharp, leaving behind a hum of sensation that it's hard to call pain.\n\nThe storm king's exhale is a wall of wind, sending the sand twisting through the air. His hide, as solid as a stone wall to your touch, flutters and shifts with the trapped force of his body.\n\nFurther down... the storm's king mouth glows on the inside, a pale blue-white, and his cloaca is swollen and heavy, lips spread enough to let another sliver of that same light peek through. He's enormous, a giant, and his cloaca itself is a thin opening that spans half your height: a long ridged furrow through his hide that's longer than your arm outstretched. Even thin and furled between his haunches, it raises out in an enormous peaked bulk, leathery skin pulled up into a fat ridge you can't fully cup with both hands. You stroke along the outer lips, watching -- feeling -- as his hide ripples and shifts before you. It's nearly pitch-black under his bulk, and only the seam of his cloaca gives off light: a door kept ajar, slowly creaking open.\n\nThe scent of him is all lightning and dust: a burning smell, a clear smell, even with your hands pressed against the swollen bulk of his fat cloaca. Internal structures shift and swell and part his lips out into a fat mound: pushing out from his hips, seaming the glowing line wider. The flesh there is soft and slick, shocking to the touch, and as you let your fingers spill over the stiff ridge of his outer lips and into the slick heat inside the storm king groans, internal flesh shuddering and pushing, slowly pushing out fat, heavy beads of an opaque blue-white fluid, slick and heavy as they sluggishly spill down his fattening slit. You coat your fingers in his issue, the fluid both slippery and glue-like at the same time, and paint your fingers across his skin, letting the heavy folds of internal flesh slide against each other as his cloaca blooms open into a florid mass of flesh.\n\nHis pulsing flesh warps, pushed out of the way from below. You can feel the shape of his cocks before they become visible: fat, tapering tentacles, sluggishly squirming beneath the mound of his swollen cunt, threading their way through the mazy folds of his internal flesh before pushing out into the open, making his cunt blossom outwards into an unfurling flower. They twist like snakes tasting the air: two fat nubs peeking out, for a moment, before they spill out in heavy lurching pulses, filling the space around you with their dim glow.\n\nThe storm king's cocks are small on his giant frame: short nubs jutting up from his flushed cloaca, only barely digging into the scales of his belly. They're half the size of your entire body, each. The twisting, tentacular shapes are covered in thick, rubbery spines, and those are each <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>nearly the size of your entire dick<<else>>bigger than your own cock<<endif>>; the coarse, barb-covered flesh contrasts with the smooth, shining flesh of his cloaca. His internal muscles flex, his cloaca lips slurping around the base of his dicks, and there's a blue-white flash of electricity that cuts through the gloom of the storm: a crackling arc of lightning ladders its way up his cocks, flashing across his spines until it reaches the top, dancing across the forked tips for a moment before dispersing. As it happens, his cocks ripple and flex, pumping out luminous beads of cyan-white fluid, sheening his shafts in a fresh layer of crackling, electrified pre, before dripping down to the ground and leaving behind a patch of glowing sand.\n\nHis cocks ripple and pulse. They're chambered, with many internal muscles, and as they flex his shafts alternatingly thin and stretch out, and contract into immensely-fat blobs. They press against you, like immensely fat slugs, and earth some of their current through your body: prickling and hot, sharp enough to make your muscles twitch. They churn back and forth, twisting around each other into a lopsided helix, sheening each other and the sand beneath in cords of luminous fluid.\n\nHis cloaca gapes open around his cocks, internal flesh on display between his twin cocks, and as his cocks pulse and twist you can trace the internal muscles deeper back into his body, by the way his shuddering walls match the motion.\n\n* [[fuck his gaping cloaca|storm king bottom]]<<scenealert "storm king bottom">>\n<<if $pregnant eq "">>* [[please, pump me full of eggs|storm king top]]<<scenealert "storm king top">><<endif>>\n* [[uhhhhh actually maybe not|storm king reject]]
You pull the laces of your pants open, and <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath lurches out into the open, cock already unsheathing with a long liquid gurgle<<else>>your cock, already-hard, lurches out into the open<<endif>>. You give yourself a few strokes, half-dazed from the sight before you: The storm king snarling and bucking at the air, his cloaca the only light, his cocks two person-sized slugs twisting out between his heavy folds.\n\nYou step forward. His flesh buzzes with electricity, and this close you can see his electricity glands: bulging spherical nodules half-embedded in his flesh, sparking when they clench; as his flesh ripples they squeeze down in sequence, generating a crackling wave of lightning that spills up the lengths of his cocks before disappating with a final arcing burst.\n\nHis cloaca runs from your knees to mid-chest, gaped open by his twin cocks. You could just stick your dick into any of the heavy folds of flesh; those would all be deep enough to take everything you have. There's a proper opening between his cocks: visible in flashes as his cocks twist around each other, showing off the smooth, pulsing muscle of his inner walls.\n\nHis cocks curl around you, hugely muscular, and jerk you forward, pressing your front against his gaping cunt. Your cock skews up along one of his huge, tentacular shafts, and you awkwardly hump against its side, cock wetly slopping across his pulsing flesh. Each thrust digs into his flesh, letting you pump more solidly, and it's with a sudden shocking burst that you pull back and then sink in, sheathing yourself to the root inside the storm king's hungry wet embrace.\n\nYour cock twitches erratically as you sink in: his current earthing itself in you, making your muscles fire. Your shaft slides along smooth bulges of muscle, only just-barely long enough to prod against the submerged swell where his two cocks conjoin. The roots of his cocks are covered in a scrubbing mass of writhing cilia, and they slither across your body, winding over your hip, lapping between your thighs<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, pushing into your splayed sheath<<endif>>. Electricity bursts across your front. His inner walls are studded with electric glands, and the pressure of your cock inside them squeezes them down, wringing out a continual charge of lightning, webbing across his sink in arcs and earthing itself into your cock. Your muscles spasm, cock spewing out a mess of pre and cum -- it hardly feels like anything, hardly more than an errant twitch, but your cock shudders and pulses, cum milked out of you with each electrical burst.\n\nHis twin cocks slither across your back, coiling around you in rubbery, squelching curves as you grind into his gaping, sloppy cloaca. The heavy furls of his cloaca suck wetly across your shaft, piling in folds over your cock as you push only slightly into his depths. You buck against him, pinned between his spread cloaca and his twisting cocks.\n\nThe rhythmic clenching of his cloaca, the pulsing spasms of his electricity, the sheer size of his body -- you're pressed against his flesh, cock shallowly digging into his body, and the lazy, lax curls of his slimy cocks are nearly enough to knock you off your feet. His body wrings the cum out of you: electric zaps arcing through your flesh, from cilia splayed across your stomach, curled behind your balls. You spill your load in <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sludgy black spurts<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>gritty greyish spurts<<else>>milky streamers<<endif>> across his glowing, steaming flesh, smearing through the opaque glowing slime drooling across his spread lips.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your tentacles thrash erratically, splayed out across the storm king's electricity glands.\n\nYour knot expands early, unexpectedly lurching from your sheath with an abrupt //pop//, and you completely fail to latch inside him; even the full bulk of your knot only loosely socketed between two folds of squelching, steaming flesh. <<endif>>Your balls ache, lurching in their sac. You groan, face pressed against the storm king's underbelly, as you ejaculate again and again. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>The electric charge pulls out the dregs of your load: <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>your balls shudder, aching as you pump out <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>huge wet gushes of fuming dog cum. Your oily black cum is thinned by his own juices, only dimly sheening his glowing flesh. His cilia wind through your tentacles, cradling your balls, and they dig in, feeling across your fat dog dick to milk out huge spurts of greenish sap: directly stimulating whatever muscle does the threading and forcing it to spasm continually<<else>>thick gritty globs of congealed cum, lurching up through the tubes of your body in heavy clots until they finally burst in thick globs out across the glowing flesh of the storm king's cunt<<endif>>.<<endif>> <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>> <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("knot")>>The<<else>>the<<endif>> thick silt in your prostate works its way free, gurgling and heavy, slimy gushes of dense fluid rushing down the length of your dick, bursting again and again into the storm king's heavy folds.<<endif>><<endif>> He's hungry: his internal flesh shudders and writhes, cilia catching every burst and shoving it deeper inside it, making sure that not even a drop escapes. He keens above you, cunt shuddering against your front, his cocks continually drooling opaque slime as he mashes himself against you, talons scrabbling at the dirt.\n\nHe milks you until you're dry: cock flagging, but kept hard enough to still cum by his electric shocks; balls mounded up so tight they nearly lurch into your body cavity. You let out an exhausted groan, cock only spurting a thin watery ooze across his glazed cunt. The storm king shudders against you, rutting himself down against your small form, and keens, internal muscles pulsing hard as he gulps around your cock, letting his fat, swollen cloaca suck down every bit of your load before releasing you.\n\nHis cocks slide off your shoulders, pulling away from your back, and you topple back into the sand, only aware at that moment that you were only held up by his cocks keeping you upright. Muscles in your thighs spasm, erratically firing even after you're pulled free from the storm king's body. Your cock shudders and twitches, still trying to cum more, but only a thin drizzle drools from your cockhead; you're wrung totally dry.\n\nThe storm king's talons stamp on the sand beside you; his head twists down to stare at you. You muster up a wave, body uncoordinated after so long having your muscles puppeted by electric shock, and you awkwardly flop over onto your side, starting the long process of getting up to your knees.\n\n"Ah," the storm king says, voice booming above you. "I'm glad you're not too damaged."\n\nYour cock keeps tingling, wet flesh slick and heavy. It feels bruised: swollen and hot, even now that you're softening. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>The muscles to pull it back into your sheath ache too much to do it; your entire cock, knot and all, just spills out, drooping down against your legs from its own weight. Your tentacles are lax and drooping, only erratically shifting with the errant twitch.<<endif>> It gets smeared with sand as you flop over; your entire front is glazed and glowing with the storm king's issue, and now that you've pulled free, even the calm air beneath the storm king's wings is enough to spray you with the occasional wave of sand. You shamble up to your knees<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> and stuff your cock halfway back into your sheath manually, making a face at the gritty scouring of sand<<endif>>. Good, you say, voice totally inaudible even to you, much less to the storm king.\n\n<<display "storm king leave">>\n\n<<sex "stormking" "cloacal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "storm king bottom">>\\n<<set $lord to "">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You ask him to please, please pump you full of his eggs. He peers down at you.\n\nHis cocks squirm, twisting out to point in your direction. Their tips pulse: hollows at the tips flex open into a broad, smooth mouth, wetly burbling as they spill out thick, slimy streamers of opaque glowing slime. His sloppy pre spills down his shafts and drizzles to the ground, leaving a dotted wake behind as his cocks pull themselves closer.\n\n"That would be..." His breath catches in his chest, rasping strangely. "Appreciated." You flush.\n\n"Remove your garments," he says. You do. It's strange to strip in the middle of a sandstorm -- shawl and cowl coming off, which is already //bare// in the stinging whirl of the storm, and then tunic and pants and shoes, until you're bare-ass naked standing on an anonymous dune in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the storm king's sheltering wings for protection. This time, when his cocks reach out for you, you step closer, letting them quest across your chest, slipping down your stomach. They fork at the very tip, and those tips are themselves prehensile; they grasp at your skin, like a feeling trunk, and leave behind a glowing smear everywhere they touch. You curl your hands around one, feeling it feel you. Muscle runs under the surface, pulsing and clenching, pushing back when you dig your fingers down into it. The storm king's breath is the howl of the storm: catching and shuddering, resonating through the enclosed space of his wings. It catches more when you stroke his cocks: letting them plaster themselves across your front, and hugging them with your entire body, hands stroking through his rubbery spines.\n\nThey glaze your front with his slimy ichor: brilliantly glowing, carrying the charge of his electrified length when it shudders and arcs. Your skin lights up with electricity, short shocks more surprising than painful, bursting up across his cocks to scatter across your slime-painted skin. They dip down, pressing beneath your cock, sliding between your thighs to curl around your ass, and the next time one gushes glowing slime it splatters up your back, drooling down in syrupy lines to glaze your asshole. You end up balanced on one foot, the other crooked up, caught in a tentacle loop of one of the storm king's cocks, while both tips squirm up and down your ass, churning up his slick slime into something thicker. The forked tips of his cocks -- the tips of his tips -- are still finger-thick each; even the barest spread of his cocks would be like taking a fist.\n\nOne tip presses against your glazed asshole<<if hasMutation ("asshole")>>, and you flex yourself wider, altered hole spreading and gobbling up his forked cocktip, letting them both slide into you as you're speared on the very tip of one of his cocks.<<else>>, slipping inside easily. You moan, flexing and opening your hole, and his cocktip squirms around, down the crack of your ass, and stuffs the other fork inside, letting the pulsing tip spread and clench inside you; letting him directly flood you with his slick ichor.<<endif>> His cock arcs: electricity crackles up his length, snapping against the ring of your ass for an instant before the current smashes itself inside you: his spread tips press against your prostate, holding it between them, and the arc earths itself right there. The breath leaves your lungs with a shocked //whuff// as your cock abruptly fires off, splattering a messy burst of cum all up across the storm king's underbelly. Electricity burns into you: your cock shudders and flexes, smacking up against your stomach<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>; your knot bursts from your sheath with a sudden lurch<<endif>>. Another burst of electricity webs its way between his lengths, and the arc's dance across his tips is interrupted by how you're half-wedged on top of them; the current zaps your asshole, burning further inside, and you groan and ejaculate again, hardly feeling it: just a sharp involuntary flex of internal muscle, making your cock fire in bursts.\n\nHis cocktip slips free from your hole, leaving you spread for a moment before the other presses in, this one twisting back instead of forwards: it slides along the smooth flesh of your inner ass, following the slope of your curve, and when it taps against the twist to your guts it simply jolts them open, earthing another bolt of lightning in your body and wringing out a third massive burst of cum. His cock twists inside you like a slobbery tongue, gurgling and spurting slick, liquid slime, and some low current flows with that, continually buzzing inside you. Your asshole clenches around his tentacle, and it pushes back: the muscle flexing, smoothly doubling in thickness. You howl, panting and gasping, cock a heavy weight hanging out from your body. His cocks are lined with electricity glands, beneath each rubbery spur, and as they twist and flex the motion squeezes down on his glands, forcing out sharp bursts of electricity that zap all across your thighs and ass.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>\\n/% this would be a variant wide-hips scene where you take both dicks at once but as with all the other wide hips variant scenes i didn't actually write it :V . but this is where some of the splices in the cervix scene below come from; yr more wrecked if he dped yr cervix %/\\n<<display "storm king top alternating">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "storm king top alternating">>\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou feel the storm king coming close. His thrusts change, angle steeper, and the cores of his cocks stiffen, becoming an iron-hard pillar that he fucks you down onto, warping your guts around his churning cock. Electricity bursts across his body, fanning out across his spread wings, and he hunches down -- dragging your body with him -- and fucks you into the sand, keening up into the night sky.\n\nHis eggs move under his skin. The alien planes of muscle across his stomach pulse, pushing and stretching. Impaled on his cock, you can feel as his eggs are pumped up through his shafts: fat bulges warping the smooth muscle, lurching along your thighs.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb") && $pregnant eq "">>\\nHis tentacle-tip loops around itself, sunk deep in your womb. Your body is lax, open, yielding. The very tip of his tentacle-cock flares, a band of muscle spreading wide as the first egg shoots into your hungry womb. You clutch your belly, gasping for breath as the first egg is joined by another, another, a continual pouring of slick, spherical eggs pushing through your <<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>wrecked <<endif>>cervix, popping one after the other into your flooded womb. Electricity burns through you: the eggs themselves jolt, sending a weak tingle of electricity across the inner surface of your womb, causing the other eggs to discharge in sympathy. Thin slime gurgles around the eggs, sloshing inside you as he fills up your womb with pulse after pulse of electrified sludge between each mass of eggs.\n\nIt's the thought of being impregnated by a god that does it; each egg a devotion as it nestles inside you, more and more until you're sobbing out a prayer. Your cock cums completely untouched, and at this point you're so wrung-dry that you only drool out a slimy cord into the gleaming sand. The pulsing writhe of the storm king's cocks hardly pauses: eggs pile up beneath your spasming ring, and then he pushes forward again, solidly pumping the backlog into your womb in an implacable push. You cum again, unfocused eyes seeing only electric blue.\n\nYou stay sprawled out on the sand, ass up, cervix erratically pulsing and twitching as his electrified eggs arc and jolt inside you. The slightest pressure against your pregnant gut, the slightest attempt to clench your cervix, just pushes eggs out from your overstuffed womb: a huge egg digs into the neck of your <<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>prolapsed <<endif>>cervix, and you hold still, whining and gasping as it makes your muscles involuntarily spasm, until it peels away from your aching cervix with a stinging jolt and sinks back into the churning mass of eggs bloating your womb.\n\nThe storm king's cum burbles sluggishly from the neck of your gaped cervix, spilling down your inner walls in a tarry flow, and it takes a while, still focused on the fresh heavy weight of the god's eggs shuddering inside you, for you to realize his cum is thickening, hardening, forming a heavy, rubbery plug stopping up the neck of your cervix. Your cervix is frozen <<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>flopped inside-out<<else>>in its aching spread<<endif>>, entirely plugged by the rapidly-hardening murk of the storm king's cum-plug, solidly sealing all his eggs inside. You clench down -- whining brokenly at the wall of pressure that slams into your aching cervix, eggs audibly slurping and gurgling inside you. There's a frozen starburst of cum splattered all over the bruised, doughy flesh of your cervix, sealing it tight even as the sheer weight of his eggs continually throb against that broken barrier.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>You shudder, pulling yourself up to your knees, and the motion drags at your prolapsed cervix, wrenching it back into place with a gut-churning //spang//. His cum-plug, still glued tight to your aching flesh, gets shoved directly into the tight neck of your cervix, and it's impossibly tight, too much plug stuffed inside you. Your cervix bulges halfway down, forcing you to stay spread wide, like you're perpetually being fucked-open. You abruptly cum all over yourself, eyes rolling back in your head, as your cervix spasms and clenches, bearing down on the huge spongy mass of cum clogging your depths. It doesn't get any better as you shamble to your feet: the pressure in your hips simply from the stretch of walking continually bears down on the misaligned cum plug. It's like a hot coal cradled between your hips, sending off sparks that rush through your entire body, leaving your flesh aching, tingling. The phantom sensation of the storm king's cocks shoved directly into your womb still pulses through you, and each throb of your ruined cervix, vainly clenching around the immense plug, is like taking a brutal, womb-deep thrust from absolutely nothing. You blow through a series of aching, overstimulated orgasms with each step, until you collapse back down to the ground, panting and sobbing, cum-stuffed cervix erratically spasming, <<if hasMutation ("prostate") || hasMutation ("balls")>>silty<<else>>thin<<endif>> cum oozing from your thoroughly-drained dick.<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\\nHis tentacle-cock squirms inside you, dragging your body one way and then the other. His eggs pile up against the destroyed rim of your asshole; they form an even fatter bulk to his twisting, muscular cock, and with a shudder and flex that races all through his length he bears down, forcing the mass of eggs, one after the other, into your guts. You let out a guttural groan, clawing the sand, as your already-sloshing belly sags deeper, eggs working their way through the coils of his cock until they finally burst free deep within your guts, churning erratically in your flooded guts. You wheeze, belly already bloated from the continual pouring of his heavy pre, and now each inhale stops halfway: pressure on the underside of your diaphragm, belly stuffed and aching as the storm king's luminous eggs surge unceasingly into your guts.\n\nHis other cock cums too: it slops up and down against your gaped ass, unable to push itself into your already-stuffed hole. He douses you with squirt after squirt of luminous pre, sheening your body in washes of pale-blue slime, and it's only when a slick, gelatinous egg spurts up across your back before rolling to the side and landing in the sand: a slick, luminous pearl, fist-sized and shimmering. That egg is followed by another, and another: both cocks churning and pumping, one spilling eggs deep inside your guts, the other squirting them out in forceful bursts all across your back, spilling down your sides to land in the sand with a series of soft //plap//s.\n\nEggs jostle inside you, lurching and dragging against each other inside your tight guts. There's a //glug-glug-glug// of slime pooling inside you, pouring down from deeper in your flooded guts, and then suddenly an egg rolls into position, blocking the flow with a hollow gurgle you can hear through the flesh of your body. Pressure builds, eggs piling up in mounds through your aching guts, and abruptly the egg dislodges, lurching deeper with the force of a punch. That happens again and again, eggs squirming inside you like living things, buzzing with electricity, swimming through your flooded guts as your belly bloats more and more, sagging low beneath you until it scrapes across the sodden sand. All the while, the storm king's other cock is pumping out a second clutch, eggs uselessly piling up over your sides, rolling over the sand, placing you at the center of a glossy web of pearls, sand sheened in arcs and lines from the excess goop clinging to the spare eggs.\n\nThe storm king breeds you. On all fours, ass up, panting into the sand, you take it, shaking and moaning as the god fills you with his spawn. Your belly aches with the sheer volume of eggs, dragged down into an enormous pregnant gut. Eventually his spurts slow: eggs replaced with thick, heavy cum that pours into your aching guts, rolling over itself in slimy folds as he seals the eggs deep inside you. His cock pulls free, emerging from your ruined ass with an obscene wet slurp, leaving you gaping and drooling. Brilliantly luminous cum pours from your ass in a sluggish waterfall, burbling out in fat beads. It takes some time for you to realize his cum is thickening: fat beads becoming even stiffer, cum folding over itself in taffy-like layers, squelching against the rim of your broken ass to form a heavy, waxy seal that spills all down your thighs in rubbery cords. You clench and push -- eggs slopping against each other -- and your guts go before his cum does: your ruined hole shudders and gapes, guts spilling out of your body in a fat rose, folds of your guts all glued together with tarry, hardening cum. You whine and pant, guts pulsing against your ass, slurping back and forth as you struggle to suck your guts back into your overstuffed body. He has to help, in the end: his slimy cocktips jab against your prolapse, bearing down against the waxy plug and forcing it back into your body. It feels like an enormous lump, lodged between your hips: the wet weight quickly becoming gummy, spongy, as it seals itself tight to the walls of your ass.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $pregnant to "stormking">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "storm king top">>\\nYou can hardly move, with your belly already grotesquely pregnant, sagging hugely beneath you from the sheer volume of the storm king's eggs. <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>In your womb<<else>>deeper inside your guts<<endif>>, his eggs slosh and gurgle, discharging electric arcs in erratic pulses. Each one makes you groan and thrash, muscles across your stomach firing uselessly, making you clench your exhausted muscles. You can't even rise to your knees without help -- the storm king's tentacle-cocks coiling around your mammoth belly and helping you tip backwards, and the shift of weight brings all the eggs to bear: cum-plug flattening your prostate, weight keeping it pinned in place. You sob, soft cock lurching, entirely hidden beneath your belly, and you cum dry, cock flexing hard as you're overwhelmed again, a chain of orgasms running through you, over and over until each one hurts, until the continual pressure inside you simply aches.\n\nYour thighs are painted in excess cum; it's hardened now too, forming great bubbling masses of sludge glued tight to your <<if !hasMutation("leathery hips")>>skin, prickling and painful when movement yanks at your leg hairs<<else>>scute, bulging and rippling as it bonds tightly to your smooth skin<<endif>>.\n\n"Can you move?" the storm king says, and it's a long time before you can even manage a response. Your legs are trembling to hard for you to stand up, muscles too weak to lift yourself even with the added weight of his clutch. "You little ones may be too frail to carry my clutch," he says, maybe a little abashed, as you continue to struggle to even stand up.\n\nYou get there, but it takes a while. Your belly aches, skin drawn so taut you can feel the uneven bulge of the eggs, curves dimly felt through the thin substance of your body. You stagger, lurching to the side to rest against the storm king's haunch -- his metal feathers reek of ozone -- before finally stumbling your way upright, standing with your feet solidly planted on the sodden sand.<<if !hasMutation ("womb")>> Seeing the drifts of eggs surrounding you is illustrative: he came just as much with one cock as with the other, so every egg piled up in heaps surrounding you, spilled over the sand to dry out and crack apart, is roughly matched by one sunk deep into your guts. It seems impossible that he hit so many inside you-- but as your guts lurch, gurgling as the eggs start to settle, maybe it's a testament to how well you could take it.<<endif>>\n\n<<display "storm king leave">>\n\n<<sex "stormking" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "storm king top">>\\n<<set $lord to "">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
One cock lurches out of you, leaving your ass gaped and drooping for a half-second before the other slides back into place, squirming up into your guts with no problem. You're hardly taking any of his cocks; the upper third is all smooth slick flesh, with his rubbery spurs only growing across the lower portions, and even when he pushes deep, cocktip opening up new passages inside your guts, you're nowhere close to reaching that point.\n\nHe switches off his cocks: one supporting you, the other churning away inside your ass. His cocks flex, bunching fatter at erratic intervals, twisting prehensile through your guts with no problem. Your stomach swells, sloshing with the sheer volume of glowing pre he dumps into you. It's all you can do to hold on: hands splayed against his underbelly, face mashed against his crotch, gasping and panting as you're jolted against his waxy scales. Your ass swells out into an enormous mound, with his tentacle-cock bunched up just behind your hole. He tugs himself free with a body-wrenching //pop//, flexing his cock as he pulls free to rasp it against the bruised muscle of your rim, turning your asshole into an enormous crater: fat asslips blown open, slack and heavy, guts sluggishly unspooling. It's a good thing he fills you back up with his other cock a fraction of a second later, or else your guts would've prolapsed entirely out of your body. He curls his other cock around your waist, using it to drag you down in time with his cock twisting up deeper. He knocks the breath out of your lungs from the inside: his tentacle-cock digs into your diaphragm, flattening it out so you can only wheeze and gasp, and then he twists somehow, cock sliding even deeper -- your belly bloats outward into an enormous swell, lurching and swaying beneath you -- but taking some of the pressure off your lungs.\n\nAll that, and it's only then that you feel the slightest brush of his barbs against your thighs. You lurch deeper down on his shaft, gravity dragging you down as he stiffens his cock, smoothing out every wrinkle in your guts. He carves his way even deeper inside you, twisting through your guts, making you a sheath for his cock. His barbs slide smoothly across the broken rim of your ass, only a slick and heavy pressure until they spring out inside you, ribbed and dragging as they slide across the ruined walls of your ass.\n\nYour belly is glowing. It's not just the slime sheening your entire body: as his cocks twist inside you the glow churns, fading and intensifying, matched in time with the slick wet gurgle of your flooded guts. You keen, entire body shaking as the storm king using one of his cocks to plunge you down onto his other cock.\n\nThere's a pulse of electricity, and your cock erupts. It doesn't even feel like anything, just a shock somewhere between your hips, and some muscle clenches around it, and your cock spews out <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>a gush<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>a gritty cord<<else>>a filmy mess<<endif>> of cum. You let out a shaky exhale, dimly looking down at your own cock, beneath the glowing, warping bulge of the storm king's cock in your guts, and it happens again: a shock inside you, forcing out a heavy, sensationless gush of cum. Again and again the storm king electrifies your guts, pumping your cum out of you in thick, heavy ropes, forming a streaky line of sodden sand before you.\n\nHe pulls himself free, and it feels like his cock slithers out of you forever. You're gaping even before he finishes pulling free: the wet meat of your ass slackly shuddering around the comparatively thin tip of his cock. Your guts prolapse out of your body, unfurling in a bruised, meaty tail, sluggishly spilling down back onto his shaft in lumpy folds. His forked cocktip slides through the ridge of your inverted asshole, so swollen it's still a tight fit even turned inside-out, and then pulls back further, tugging its way free from your hanging prolapse until you're laid out, held aloft by his tentacle-cocks, fat prolapse smacking against the backs of your thighs, continually oozing a wrist-thick cord of glowing slime. You gasp for breath, stomach oddly hollowed-out even while your guts are still sloshing; each breath sends your prolapse blossoming a fraction further, letting your slack guts bloom out from your body in slick, glowing folds.\n\nThen he pushes back inside.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>The physical limit is your womb: at some point your guts are anchored tightly to your cervix, and there's only so much slack. It seems like the storm king has noticed that too. He pushes his other cock back up inside your prolapse -- your guts scrape across each other in slimy folds as they lurch back up into your body -- and taps across the slick walls of your guts, feeling through it: prostate, sigmoid curve, deeper, until he taps against your cervix: previously ignored, lodged deep but not so deep inside you.\n\nYou let out a shaky sob as the storm king focuses his entire attention on it: prehensile forked cocktip playing across the bloated ring, grasping and squeezing, glazing the tight opening in slime and pressing across its swell, letting his electric glands feel across your rim, searching for the correct set of muscles to trigger. The sensation is intense. You flower open, in shocky, aching spurts: cervix spreading enough to admit one forked tip, then the other: tight and aching, stinging as you spread wider. He rubs his cocktip along the ridge of your cervix, lodging both tips inside, and squirts a mess of glowing slime directly into your womb. It burns, electricity zapping all through you, and you let out a wail that breaks off into a guttural, gurgling groan as he sinks you down onto his cock, only this time he's pushing through the bottleneck of your cervix. He jolts you open, his cock intently //feeling// across your inner walls as your muscles clench around it, and then he finds those same muscles and forces you open. Your cervix dilates wide, flowering open into an aching gape that leaves you feeling hollowed out, wide open from ass to womb. He stuffs his cock into your womb, flooding it with sludge, burning and electric zapping across your inner walls, and you sob and shudder, convulsing impaled on his cock, eyes rolling back into your head, only feeling the way he scrapes his forked cocktip across the walls of your womb, mixing your thickened slime with his own.\n<<else>>\nHe slams his other cock back into your prolapsed guts, bunching them up into heavy, meaty folds that catch, once, on the broken rim of your ass before bursting back inside your body. He plunges down into your fucked-open body, sheathing himself inside you, tentacle-cock twisting and probing deeper and deeper inside you. His barbs pluck at your inner walls, rolling against your prostate, and he twists your limp body around, lining up your prostate with a fat, swollen electric gland along the side of his cock. He discharges it with a lurch, current spasming beneath your hips, and your cock flexes and pulses, balls jerking up <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>to halfway lodge themselves into your body cavity<<else>>into your body cavity with a rough //spang// of sensation<<endif>>. He puppets your body with his dick, fat cock twisting around your hips and chest, angling you around so his other cock can probe ever-deeper inside your broken body.\n<<endif>>
He raises a wing, shifting the walls around you -- sand eddies through the seams he introduces as he raises a wing, reaching for the dangling collection of chain coiled loosely around his long neck. He pulls something loose, a glimmering thing that carries the heart of the storm inside it. It looks tiny, cradled against the edge of his wing, but then he lowers it down to the sand, next to your exhausted body: it's an immense chunk of translucent glass, nearly as broad as your chest and just as thick. There's a blue-white vortex at the center, sluggishly crackling electricity through the material.\n\n"A storm prism," he says. "In case you have need of me, in the future."\n\nYou're not sure how you're gonna carry it.\n<<set $hasPrismBeacon to true>>
<<if !$hasPrismBeacon>>\\n<<display "stormking give prism">>\n<<endif>>\\n\n"Thank you for your assistance," he says, voice booming. His tentacle cocks slowly pull back into his cloaca. It's much more visible now: lips bruised and swollen, the flesh all between his hips smeared with glowing slime. "We may meet again."\n\nA tension builds in his body, talons scraping down into the sand, and then he launches off with a wild buffeting of air that knocks you flat on your back again. His wings flap above, turning into the howl of the storm, and then you're back in the desert, sprawled alone on a barren dune in the pitch-black darkness of the storm.
<<if !$radioIntroduction>><<display "radio enter first time">>\n<<else>>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $radioEntering>>You drop into the trading post. Chul-chak is at work unpacking and organizing the heaps of stuff, and shuffling the ancient objects around to make room for the new.\n\n<<endif>>Chul-chak is a heavily tattooed and pierced Skull Wing ĝheist. His hide is less warty, more scaly, and it's covered in full-body lines of color: red and yellow cords intertwined, edged with black, except for across his face, which is covered in dark blue splotches, edged with white.\n\nHe's got bone spurs pierced through his nose -- crescents in his bridge and septum, with studs on the outer edge of his nostrils -- and through his ears, half-moon fangs in asymmetrical lines up the shell of his ears. He's got a stud through his upper lip, and three fangs through his lower lip, with the central one being a solid two-inch spike. One eyebrow is pierced with three studs, and the other with a twisting corkscrew. Those are just the piercings that are immediately visible on his face. <<if hasMutation ('asshole') || hasMutation ('leaky')>>This is actually fairly conservative for Skull Wing; enormous stretching plugs on the lips or nose, or lines of studs across the cheek or jaw are pretty common. He might have more adventurous markings elsewhere, though. <<else>>Skull Wing, you understand, are pretty big on piercings, tattoos, and scarification; this probably isn't a particularly extreme number of facial piercings.<<endif>> When he turns his head, you can see he has a line of barbells down his neck, just over his spine.\n<hr>\n* [[so, about trading...|radio trade]]\n* [[ask about his plans out here|radio plans]]\n* [[ask if he's all alone out here|radio alone]]<<scenealert "radio alone">>\n* <<if $sex['chulchak']>>[[you wanna fuck around more?|radio fuck around]]<<scenealert "radio fuck around">><<endif>>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $radioEntering to false>>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nYou open the hatch with a bang and drop into the darkness. There's a semi-open chamber beneath the tower, built into the concrete foundation; the walls come in at three strangely-angled slopes at equal points around the circular room: the locations where the metal frame is tied to the earth.\n\nThere's a ĝheist here. Skull Wing by the look of him: his hide is tattooed in brilliant looping cords of red and yellow, like a snake's scales, with his facial tattoo dark blue and edged in white. He's got beast-bone spurs pierced through his face in at least a dozen places.\n\n"Hey," he says. "I wondered if the light would get anyone's attention." He looks at you, assessing. "Chul-chak," he says. It's his name. "Trader from out in the wasteland."\n\nYou let out a low whistle. You ask him, he walked all the way here?\n\nHe shrugs. "Most of the way. Plenty of underground passages." Given the state of the wasteland -- brutal sun, burning sand, subterranean explosions -- you don't think an underground route is any less dangerous than the overland way.\n\n"You live out here? I hear there's a human settlement close."\n\nYou say, yeah, a day's walk or so way.\n\nHe looks surprised: "That close? Huh."\n\nHe takes a step back and gestures at the rest of the room. It's a mess of stuff. Ancient furniture with gheist crates piled on top of it, only a handful unpacked. "Thinking of setting up a safehouse here. Good to have a place to recover after the wasteland journey."\n\nYou say, sure. No trouble around here unless he makes some.\n\nHe laughs. "Sure. Also, you know, I could use some stuff to set up here-- you interested in trading anything?"\n\nYou tell him, now he's talking. You've got a collection of scavenged stuff. You can probably make an agreement.\n<hr>\n<<set $radioIntroduction to true>>\\n[[→|radio int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
[present 6 random trades, & each time the pc returns to base, remove the bottom one and add a new one on top]\n\n<<print $ (function (r, i) {\n var res = printReqs ($inventory, r.req);\n var valid = res.v;\n var reqs = res.r;\n var result = (function (res) {\n return res.i + " x " + res.n;\n }).reduce (function (acc, v) { return acc + ", " + v; });\n if (valid) {\n return "* [[trade][$_trade = " + i + "]]: " + reqs + "<br> → " + result;\n } else {\n return "* ==trade==: " + reqs + "<br> → " + result;\n }\n }).join(String.fromCharCode(10))>>\n\n[[←|radio int]]
you trade your stuff for his stuff. [actually name the items here]\n<<set $_tval = $trades [$_trade]>>\\n<<set $ (function (i) {\n rmInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\\n<<set $ (function (i) {\n addInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\n\n[[→|radio int]]
<<if !$radioPlanAsked>>\\nYou ask what kinda plan he has for the radio tower.\n\n"Working on lights now," he says. "There's shorts in the wires; gonna have to rewire most of the place, I think. Gonna set up a grove in one of the lower levels, if I can--" He gestures back at a washbasin bolted to the wall, currently half-flooded with rusty water and overflowing with neatly packaged and wrapped plant cuttings, about half of them glowing dimly. "There's some cavern space beneath here, but connecting the basement up there is way more than a one-person job. I can do cavemoss and glowgum, no problem."\n\n"My cohort runs some trade caravans; getting a decent connection to Worm God territory would work out well for everybody, even if it's partly overland." <<if $sexscenes["chain camp leaky fuck"]>>//That's// the translation of the hive name of the gheist you're with -- Iron Worm God. Something like that; you always got the sense that the hive names never really got translated all that clearly.<<endif>>\n\n"And a place like this -- I guess it'd be too much to ask to immediately get a paired receiver on the Worm God side, but one big advantage of the overland stretch is being able to send radio. Signal inventories and trade conditions." He shrugs, then gives a craggy grin. "That's getting ahead of myself. Right now it's just a busted wreck with a barely-working transponder. Gotta start somewhere, though."\n\nYou say, sure, it sounds like a big project.<<if $plot gte 4>> You don't say anything about Worm God surveying the place for a new hive site; it's not really your place. But it does sound like the neighborhood is gonna get a lot busier over the next few seasons.<<endif>>\n<<set $radioPlanAsked to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nYou ask what he's working on now.\n\n"<<print either("Pipes are all corroded; gotta rip those out,"\n , "Starting on unpacking a little more than a camping setup here,"\n , "Gonna spend a while assembling the proper lightrot engine down here. It's not a full reactor, but it should be good enough for the lights and vents for now."\n , "Gonna pot up some of the sweetcane. It's not gonna be ready to harvest for a full year, so might as well start soon.")>>" Chul-Chak says.\n\nSounds like a lot of work, you say. He shrugs. "That's how it is. Only so much I can do as a one-person squad."\n<<endif>>\n\n[[→|radio int]]
You ask if he's really all alone. He's got an awful lot of stuff here for just one person carrying it.\n\n"Yeah," he says, hardly even turning your way to answer. "Got a sledge. Lemme tell you, I really don't recommend it; awfully fuckin' rough dragging that stuff all the way across the fuming wasteland."\n\nYou gotta admit you're pretty impressed, or maybe concerned. You wouldn't seriously consider travelling across the eastern wastes all by yourself, much less all by yourself and hauling half a wagon's-worth of stuff. Then again, you're sure plenty of people would say that about roving the desert alone. Also...\n\nPretty rough on ghiest to travel alone, huh, you say. You don't get the sense that it's a sore spot for him, or else you wouldn't pry, but to be honest you're pretty surprised; you genuinely almost never see solitary gheist.\n\nHe lets out a little bark of a laugh. "I always did better on my own anyway. Fewer distractions."\n\nYou raise your eyebrows. You say, you hear most gheist find nobody else around more of a distraction than somebody. You're talking about how gheist are constantly fucking each other. They get pent up fast.\n\nHe snorts. "I got //some// self-control," he says. Then his gaze roves you up and down, and his lips peel back in a leer. "Why, you offering?"\n\n* [[yeah definitely|radio talk fuck]]<<scenealert "radio talk fuck">>\n* [[just asking|radio reject]]
You say yeah definitely; he's hot.\n\nHe lets out a rumbling noise that's more of a hungry growl than a laugh. He puts down the coil of wire he's been untangling throughout this entire conversation and turns to face you, letting one hand hang low to grope across his crotch. His fingers dig in, cupping and then lifting and hefting, and when he pulls back you're stuck by just how huge his dick looks: soft and heavy, mounding out the soft leather of his pants, sagging down over itself in a heap. It shudders, stirring, and in the silence between your breaths you can hear the leather creaking as it expands.\n\nIt really doesn't take much to get a gheist going.\n\n"C'mere," he says, gesturing at the warren of a campsite he's established along the side of the room. You step close. He hauls you in closer, curling one huge hand around your forearm and pressing your chests tightly together. <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>Your nipples ache, digging into the hard muscle of his body, and you feel yourself start to leak faster, forming fat wet blotches that soak through your shirt. <<endif>>He tips your head up, callused hands scraping over your skin, and presses his lips to yours in a kiss that quickly turns open-mouthed. His tongue -- pierced also -- flits across your lower lip; the hard metal studs of his piercings drag against your chin. You moan into his mouth, leaning into him, and he groans back, exhale hot spilling down your neck when you pull away.\n\nThe length of his cock digs into your stomach, shuddering bigger with his heartbeat. It drags between you, bulky and bloated, spilling out fatter and fatter as you kiss. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cock isn't to be overshadowed: your sheath aches, swelling in your pants as your cock bloats, knocking solidly against his thighs as you kiss.<<else if hasMutation ("cock")>>Your cock mirrors his own: fat gheist flesh thickening, spilling out in a bulky mound that drags against his thighs as you kiss.<<else>>Your cock jerks its way to hardness with the slow crawl of engorged flesh, sluggishly fattening as you sloppily kiss.<<endif>> Chul-Chak lets out a hum of interest, one giant hand coming down to curl around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>swollen sheath<<else>>tented cock<<endif>> and squeeze, and the pressure bursts across your skin in a spike of pleasure, wringing a guttural groan out of your throat, swallowed up into Chul-Chak's mouth.\n\nYou rut against each other, you on your tiptoes to grind your still-concealed cocks together. You can already feel he has piercings: pinned against the bulk of his shaft are hard twists of metal, fleetingly felt across your fingers as you drag your hand across his bulge. A heavy ring, a fat straight spar, a bulbous knob, all lurching around as you heft his cock to the side, letting it lie askew along his hip, half-unfurled in heavy pants.\n\nHe eventually lets out a rumbling roar and pushes you back, his hands dropping to tug at the fastenings of his pants, unbuttoning himself. He's panting, lips peeled back; the piercing through the center of his tongue keeps tapping lightly against his teeth, clacking in the short space between him pushing you away and him yanking his cock out. You're busy too: you haul your shirt over your head before you're even clear, nearly smacking him in the face with one hand as you toss it aside. <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>Your wet nipples tense in the air, dribbling out beads of milky ichor down your chest; Chul-Chak's gaze follows them, and he reaches out with a hand to swipe across your fat pecs, catching a mess of milk on his thumb. <<endif>>You jerk your pants down, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> lurching out into the open, slick and heavy, and haul your balls out afterwards. The both of you strip to mid-thigh, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath clashing against his cock<<else>>cocks clashing against each other<<endif>> as you press together again, rutting your bare cocks against each other and Chul-Chak kisses you deeper: one hand splayed across your jaw, tugging it open wider as he shoves his tongue down your throat.\n\nHis dick clatters when it spills out in the open. He's tattooed, pierced, cock an immense flat-capped cudgel: cockhead broader and flatter than most, comparatively demure compared to the sheer girth of his shaft. He's got a chunky frenulum ring, pierced just under his cockhead, the hoop enormously fat but small enough the curve clings tightly to the dark flesh of his bare cockhead. The underside of his shaft is studded with barbels, staggered through his flesh in a broad pattern -- a central line, widely spaced, and then evenly between those piercings are two spaced further out, alternating one and two all the way down to the base of his shaft -- with each piercing a finger-thick chunk of twisted metal, capped with a bulky sphere. All those piercings so tightly clustered together makes the underside of his shaft look more like a series of circular scales, budding out against each other in a tightly geometrical pattern. They clatter against each other as his cock hardens fully, each piercing lurching, weighed and heavy, as his cock jerks upward. There's an enormous ring hanging from the very base of his cock, drooping over his balls, and... there's another set of rings pierced through the furrowed line down the middle of his sac, but hanging from each ring is a short length of chain, connected to a dangling tag that hangs beneath.\n\nAs his balls lurch out into the open, they're all stuck together: tags weakly clinging to his damp flesh; sac itself folded over itself. His balls are enormous, two fists large each, and they jostle lower, spilling out of his pants in a heavy arc, dragging his sac down to nearly his knees. They sway back and forth, weight sluggishly peeling the tags off his skin until they release with a second clatter, clacking against each other as his balls churn and lurch. His dick sounds like a windchime. It's a little comical and a little hot, but that's the kind of thing you expect from Skull Wing guys.\n\nYou stroke his cock. His cock juts up to full hardness, damp flesh sluggishly peeling apart, swelling fatter. It's not easy to stroke, with it so bloated and uneven from his piercings. He returns the favor: <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>his hand curls around your sheath, giving it a soft squeeze that has you unsheathing with a groan, and he sloppily milks your shaft, glazing his fingers with your rank animal slime before slowly, steadily working your shaft, coaxing the full length of your shaft out into the open<<else>>hand mirroring yours, curling his fingers around your <<if hasMutation ("cock")>>fat, warted shaft<<else>>shaft<<endif>>, lining your bodies up so your cocks grind against each other: your shaft drags along the underside of his, sending all his piercings clattering<<endif>>. Pre oozes from his bulging cocklips, spilling in greasy furls over his ring and then lower, sheening all his barbels, making their clack and clatter more muted.\n\n"What you up for?" he asks.\n\n* [[lemme fuck your face|radio talk facefuck]]<<scenealert "radio talk facefuck">>\n* [[fuck my face|radio talk facefuck bottom]]<<scenealert "radio talk facefuck bottom">>\n* [[fuck my ass|radio talk countertop]]<<scenealert "radio talk countertop">>
[you facefuck him as he sloppily drools slimy pre all down his chest. maybe you knot his mouth if you can]\n\n<<sexscene "radio talk facefuck">>\\n<<sex "chulchak" "oral" "bottom">>\\n[[→|radio int]]
You say, fuck, you want him to facefuck you.\n\nHe slaps his cock against his palm. There's the //crack// of flesh on flesh, but also, his piercings jingle metallically, clattering against each other. "You think you can take it?"\n\n<<if isBiggest ("chulchak", "oral")>>\\nYou look over his dick. It's real big, and fat too. You tell him not to worry about you; you can take it.\n\nHe leers at you, slapping his shaft against his palm with another heavy //thwack//. "Guess we'll find out how much you can take," he says.<<else>>\\nYou look over his dick. It's real big, but you've taken bigger. You tell him as much.\n\nHe leers at you, giving his cock another heavy slap against his palm. "Then I don't have to go easy on you," he says.<<endif>> "Kneel," he says, grinning wide, and you drop to your knees, letting his fat shaft smear across your face until you're facing it head-on, staring up-close to his warped cockhead, at his fat, bulging cocklips. It ripples, a lurch traveling up its length, sending his piercings clattering against each other, and his cocklips part into a wide oval, revealing dark purple internal flesh for a fraction of a second before he spits out a slashing burst of rank gheist pre all across your face. It's gritty and thick, oozing thickly down your cheeks, and you groan and lean in, lips pressing against the taut dome of his cockhead, tongue darting out to lap up the sour, rancid pre drooling from his cockslit.\n\nHe groans, hand coming down to {tangle in your hair / cup your head } and angle you deeper. You open wider, letting his cockhead push into your mouth, already jaw-stretching with its lopsided girth. The heavy metal ring framing the underside of his cock rests against your lips, body-hot and slicker than his rough, warted flesh. His cock pulses again, gushing a second burst of pre into your mouth. It splatters against the back of your mouth, drooling into your throat in a sluggish wash, and you let the excess pool under your tongue, spit-thinned into a slimy slurry as you bob forward, slurping across his fat cockhead. He groans, fingers on your head clenching fractionally as he guides your head down, slowly but powerfully pulling you down onto his cock.\n\nYou drool, lips unable to close around the lumpy, piercing-studded shape of his cock. You bob on his cocktip, lewdly slurping and squelching as he gushes further bursts of gritty pre into your month, coating your mouth in his heavy, rank-tasting issue. Bubbling drool pours down his shaft, coating his fat piercings and outlining his waxy warts with an oily sheen, eventually spilling down to coat his enormous balls. Thick cords of slime spill down his chained piercings, forming dribbling lines coursing down the edges of his hanging wooden tags; when he moves, their clatter is muffled, wetter when their slimy edges knock together.\n\n"Open wide." His voice comes as something of a surprise; you've forgotten every part of him aside from his cock. The metal ring on the underside of his cock drapes over your lips, and you sloppily suck along its fat edge, sinking deeper on his cock as you pull your lips back over your teeth, only letting the metal ring dig against the sides of your teeth as it settles over your tongue. His fat cockhead butts against the back of your mouth, prodding at the soft flesh there, and you swallow around it, pursing your mouth around his cudgel-like cocktip. He groans, rutting shallowly in your mouth -- metal ring clinking against your teeth, the first of his bulging piercings tapping against your lips -- and you slurp across the fat dome of his cockhead, tongue curling around the hot metal curves of his fat ring piercing.\n\nThe pressure of his cockhead against your throat steadies, and you look up at him, eyes watering, as you work your throat, soft wet flesh convulsing around his cockhead. He groans, hips rolling forward, and you gurgle and swallow, struggling to take his fat cock down your throat at the same time his bulging barbel piercings start to lurch over your lower lip, each one popping in slick and slimy, hard enough that you suck your lip in over your teeth to soften the slide. His thick cock plugs your throat, so fat it cuts off your breath -- you suck in a wet breath, feeling the slimy suction as his cock plunges into place, visibly bloating your throat, and then the messy //squelch// of it pulling free for just a moment, long enough to exhale in time, before he ruts forward again, shallowly fucking your throat, groaning every time his cock squelches down your throat. The hard metal ring of his piercing scrapes across the soft flesh of your throat, building up to a stinging burn, and your lips ache, bruised from the continual //slop// of his bulging piercings rolling over your lips: dimpling inwards when he thrusts in, and dragging out when he pulls back, warping your lips into obscene stretched curves, sloppily clinging to his shaft as he fucks your face.\n\nHe tests your throat: pumping his cock down to the deepest point yet and holding it there, staring down at you as you gurgle and drool around his cock: breath plugged; throat coated in thick, slimy phlegm; ooze drooling over your flushed, raw lips.\n\nYou gurgle, staring back up at him, and lurch down, forcefully swallowing down his shaft nearly to the root. The squelch of his piercings pushing past your lips becomes a liquid, scummy pour, like the sound of a burbling spring, and they scrape over your tongue in a mass of flexing scales, battering against the back of your throat and making you weakly cough, throat rippling around his brutally-fat shaft as you wetly spew up a slurry of pre and phlegm from your nose and mouth. He groans, cock throbbing inside you, and heat blooms deep in your throat: a messy spray of pre gushing directly down into your stomach.\n\nHe grabs your head with both hands and forces the final inch of his cock into your mouth, letting the final ring hanging from the base of his cock press against your fat, pulpy lips. His hanging tags wetly slap together, flat surfaces glued together with slimy pre, and when he draws you down to the root, his mammoth balls smack wetly across your jaw, and a tag splatters across your chest, stuck in place. Your entire body convulses around his cock, throat lurching, and you let out a warbling gag, spewing a mass of slimy, gritty gheist pre from your nose and mouth, utterly drenching his hanging piercings across his balls, excess collecting along your jaw in slimy cords. The thinner half of the mess sheets down your neck and chest, while the rest stretches out, slimy cords slowly lengthening as they twist and jiggle, smearing together with liquid splats and tangling with the muted clattering of his hanging tags.\n\nHis piercings are a clustered mass of lumpy bulges, dragging across your throat. When he pulls back, they forcefully scrape over your flesh in twisting furrows, and you gag again, vomiting up a slimy mess of pre, burning through your sinuses as more squirts from your nose. He pulls back, groaning as your throat spasms and clenches, ooze squelching obscenely as it burbles up your throat alongside his shaft. He can only pull back so far: his piercings start to pop up your throat, hard and hot against the base of your tongue; if he tried facefucking you with the full length of his shaft there's no way he wouldn't shatter your teeth as they rasped over them. Instead he hunches forward, driving his cock back down your flooded throat, hands keeping your head pinned in place, a sloppy open hole for him to sink his bloated cock into, over and over again. You just take it, gurgling and gagging as his plunges his cock to the root in your open throat, flesh raw and aching from the implacable drag of his heavy piercings.\n\nHe angles your head, burying it between his thighs as he fucks your face, grunting and groaning each time you vomit up a mess of slime: throat convulsing along the length of his shaft, squeezing down on his bulging cockhead. He bashes the hanging ring at the base of his shaft against your mouth over and over, impact stinging across your already-bruised lips until you feel the sharp burn of a split lip. His cockhead scrapes deep down your throat, its matching ring scrubbing over the flesh of your throat. His barbel piercings twist minutely with each thrust, like lumpy scales prodding over your warping flesh. Your throat convulses, slime burbling up around his thrusting cock, spraying in squelching bursts from your throat and pouring into your mouth.\n\nHe groans, loud, and his cock shudders hard. Heat bursts directly into your stomach, pulse after pulse of cum pumping into you. You can taste it, faintly, in the slime that works its way up around his still-pumping shaft: sour and rich. He holds you in place, rutting into your sloppy, overflowing mouth. Your throat warps around his pumping cock, throbbing in time to his pulses. Your stomach roils, flooded with his load, and you gag around his cock, spewing up a mass of chunky gheist cum that fountains out around his shaft, splattering up across his stomach and entirely drenching the space between you in finger-thick cords of gummy slime. You gurgle, bonelessly lurching backwards as he pulls you off his cock. Each fresh burst of cum erupts higher and higher in your throat, visibly warping it further. He shoves two fingers into your mouth alongside his shaft, working his piercings free of your mouth -- the heavy metal ring just beneath his cockhead lurches against your tonsils, forcing out another wet gag -- before he can tug his slime-drenched cock free. You wheeze, first inhale wet and dragging, and you immediately lurch forward, his soaking tags knocking against the back of your head, and vomit up heavy, dripping mouthfuls of his tarry cum onto the concrete below. He milks his cock, scraping off the sludge coating it and letting it drool down the back of your neck, stroking his still-hard cock as it splatters out the dregs of his load {all over your braided hair / all across your scalp}. You wheeze for breath, coughing and sputtering as he drenches you in cum, letting long, stringy cords spill over the sides of your head and join the thick webbing still tethering you together: laced all between his thighs, coating all his hanging piercings, with drooping arcs spilling down your neck and chest. You weakly cough up more and more cum, thick globs burning as they're forced up your ravaged throat, over your split lips, pouring from your open mouth in a sludgy waterfall that paints the concrete below dark.\n\n"You good?" he says, hand cupping across the side of your neck. You're both slathered: frothy ooze is plastered all over your skin, with bubbling mats pouring down your front in sluggish waves. His touch smears through the slime.\n\nYou just nod, throat so ravaged you can't speak.\n\n"Fuck," he says, resting his still-oozing cock against your head, letting it {drip across your scalp / drool into your already-soaked braids }. <<if isBiggest ("chulchak", "oral")>>"Guess you can take a whole lot,"<<else>>"Forgot how good it feels to really let loose,"<<endif>> he says. "You did real good."\n\nYou don't really need his praise, but it's still nice. You concentrate on breathing: panting between heaves, slowly clearing your throat until you can inhale and exhale without sludge catching on the inside of your throat.\n\nYou wobble to your feet, and that just punctuates how much of a mess you two made: the concrete is splattered in dark splotches of cum, a sluggishly-growing lake oozing out past his feet. His thighs are drenched, pants soaked and squelching when he moves. There's a sluggish waterfall of slimy, gritty sludge pouring down your chest, spilling down to drench your own stubbornly-hard cock in the gooey slurry.\n\nIt takes a while for you to clean yourselves up.\n\n<<sexscene "radio talk facefuck bottom">>\\n<<sex "chulchak" "oral" "top">>\\n[[→|radio int]]
You stare at his cock and say, hey you really want him to fuck your ass.\n\nHe leans in, nipping along your jaw. "Got ambition," he says, and slowly rolls his hips, fucking his mammoth cock up your stomach. It's incredibly bulky. "Think you can take it all?"\n\n<<if isBiggest ("chulchak", "anal")>>You say, you guess you'll find out.<<else>>You say, you've taken bigger, and leer back at him.<<endif>> He laughs, sliding a hand beneath your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>furry <<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>leathery <<endif>> balls to press a clawtip against your asshole. <<if hasMutation ("ass")>>You let him peel open your rubbery asslips, digging his claw into the plush flesh, and you groan and bear down, letting your asshole spread itself wide around his chunky gheist finger. He slots a second finger in alongside the first, scissoring them apart to work you open.<<else>>You bear down, letting yourself open up, and sink yourself on one of his chunky gheist fingers, all the way down to the knuckle. He crooks his finger inside you, slowly easing you open.<<endif>> You rock yourself deeper, grinding his knuckles against your rim, and he grins at you, slow-walking you backwards, half-perched on his hand, until you hit a countertop and nearly bowl over backwards. He steadies you, letting you sprawl out across the counter, and he raises your legs, stripping your boots and pants off before stepping between your spread legs, fingers returning to push at your spread asshole.\n\n[i guess he fucks you over the countertop]\n\n<<sexscene "radio talk countertop">>\\n<<set "chulchak" "anal" "top">>\\n[[→|radio int]]
You say you're just curious.\n\nHe lets out another short bark of a laugh. "Sure," he says.\n\n[[→|radio int]]
You lean against a rust-rotted countertop. He wanna fuck around, you ask.\n\n"Can't spend all the time fucking," he says, and then turns to face you, hungry. "But yeah."\n\n* [[lemme facefuck you|radio talk facefuck]]<<scenealert "radio talk facefuck">>\n* [[fuck my face|radio talk facefuck bottom]]<<scenealert "radio talk facefuck bottom">>\n* [[ride my dick|radio talk countertop]]<<scenealert "radio talk countertop">>
The tent is open, with materials and supplies spilling out -- open crates pinning the edges of the tent's awning down -- and you can see the person at work within.\n\nHe's a Titan -- a half-human, half-ĝheist monster; a throwback to the progenitors of the ĝheist race. Muscle is heaped on his body, piling up over his shoulders and back until they rise up above his head, giving him a hunchbacked appearance. His hide is ribboned with stretch marks, silvery-white where his skin is grey-white, and yellow-black where it grows thicker, forming great banded swaths down his sides and over his thighs. His body is misshapen, asymmetrical even beyond what's usual for the ĝheist: thick horns erupt in lopsided curls from his shoulders, back, and arms, and his leathery hide thickens into armor-like crests in random patches across his body. The right side of his hunchback is covered in horns, spilling forward to cover half his face. His mouth is a mess of fangs, and his soft flesh -- gums, lips, nostrils, around his ears and eyes -- is a mottled purple-black, only a hint of the usual lightrot glow ripping under his skin. His hands and feet are gargantuan; animal, with exaggeratedly-long, winglike claws stretched out, webbed together with a leathery membrane.\n\nHe's wearing little more than a loincloth, a mess of leather and cloth stitched together haphazardly to cover his gargantuan form, and it covers his thighs and spills down across his seat in a mess of frayed tendrils.\n\nHe's at work with a complicated alchemical setup: fluids drizzling into beakers, or running through glass tubes above flames. There're some things that are identifiable: lightrot crystals, or lightrot powder, and there's something you can identify as a charcoal filter, with an unidentifiable crusty ichor sinking through it, but aside from that it's all magic to you.\n\nHe turns to watch you approach while you're still a ways away, and you give him a wave. He lets you approach, and beckons you in.\n\n<<set $sireArrive to true>>\\n<<set $sireVisited to true>>\\n<<set $sireFirstIntroduction to true>>\\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
<<if !$sireFirstIntroduction>><<display "wandering titan">>\n<<else>><<display "ophion's tent actual">>\n<<endif>>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nYou're in the tent of<<if $sireIntroduced>> Ophion,<<endif>> the wandering Titan, who's at work refining and processing lightrot. Presumably.\n\n<<if $sireArrive>>He says, "what brings you here?"\n\nWhat //does// bring you here?\n<<set $sireArrive to false>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if $sireInv lte 0>>He's used up his supply of lightrot crystals for the time being.\n<<endif>>\\n<hr>\n* <<if !$sireIntroduced>>[[introduce yourself|ophion introduce]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $sireIntroduced && itemCount ($carrying, "crystallized lightrot") gt 0>>[[give him some lightrot crystals|ophion give]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $sireIntroduced>>[[ask about his experiments|ophion work]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $sireIntroduced && $sireUse && !$sirePrompt>>[[so uh you got any processed lightrot to spare|ophion opener]]<<endif>>\n<<if $sireIntroduced && $sireInjected && $sirePrompt>>\\n* so, could you...\n** <<if $sireInv lte 0>>==inject my dick with lightrot==<<else>>[[inject my dick with lightrot|ophion inject dick]]<<scenealert "ophion inject dick">><<endif>>\n** <<if $sireInv lte 0>>==inject my ass with lightrot==<<else>>[[inject my ass with lightrot|ophion inject ass]]<<scenealert "ophion inject ass">><<endif>>\n** [[let me blow you|ophion oral]]<<scenealert "ophion oral">>\n** [[fuck me|ophion fuck]]<<scenealert "ophion fuck">>\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You introduce yourself, and tell him your name.\n\nHe hums. "I'm Ophion," he says.\n\nYou tell him you're a scavenger, looking across the desert for old relics.\n\n"Not much here aside from lightrot," he says. "There's a fault deep underground, and the springs of the deep push up here nearly to the surface. I use it for my experiments. There's old human habitations a ways to the southwest, though."\n\nYou nod. You basically already knew all that.\n\n<<set $sireIntroduced to true>>\\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
You tell him you're looking for lightrot crystals. Would he happen to know a place around that has them?\n\nHe laughs. "Try outside," he says. "The ground is littered with them."\n\nYou kind of already knew that.\n\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
You ask him what he's working on.\n\n"Processing," he says. "The lightrot that reaches the surface is thick with impurities. It takes careful refining to render it suitable for use."\n\nYou say, use for making Titans?\n\nHe laughs, a low and booming sound. "I suppose. I was born half-ĝheist, with a lightrot resistance. I was curious about what made it work: which strains influenced the development of which kind of ĝheist, and how the original ĝheist were formed from it. Here on the surface, the rock strata have filtered out all the many strains of the underground, leaving only the pure chemical."\n\nHe gestures out with his hands, showing them in their full lopsided growth: thick with horn and shell, warts stretched over massive, inhuman muscle. "Of course, I am my own test subject."\n\n<<set $sireUse to true>>\\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
You ask if he could use more lightrot.\n\n"Always," he says.\n\n<<set $given to itemCount ($carrying, "crystallized lightrot")>>\\n<<set rmInventory ($carrying, "crystallized lightrot", $given * -1)>>\\n\n<<if $given eq 0>>\\nYou say, uh, you don't actually have any. He huffs out a laugh.\n<<else>>\\nYou give him <<print numString($given)>> shard<<print $given eq 1 ? "" : "s">>.\n\n"Obliged," he says.\n<<set $sireInv += Math.floor ($given / 2)>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
He looks down at you. "Spare for //what//," he says, voice deep and rumbling, buzzing through your bones.\n\nYou say, uh,\n\nYou're aware it's a joke; he knows perfectly well what you're asking, but you don't quite have the words.\n\n<<if hasMutation("pure")>>\\n"Quite the pretty human," he says, reaching out and cupping one gigantic hand on your chin. His skin is burning hot. "Thinking of trading that skin in for hide?"\n\nYou say, maybe.\n\nHe laughs, and tugs you forward, giant fingers curled around your neck, broad fingerpads pressing against your spine. You take a stumbling half-step forward, almost topping forward into his lap. Heat billows up from his body, in rippling waves, rich with the reek of lightrot.\n\nHe reaches out with his other hand and grabs something from his workbench: a hollow glass rod, with a plunger on one end and an opening on the other. Inside, refined lightrot glows, scintillating blobs slowly churning in the suspended fluid.\n\n"I make sure to apply all of my works personally," he says. "So what'll it be?"\n<<else>>\\nHe looks you over, intently. "Already showing the signs, are you?"\n\nHe reaches out and tugs you forward, one gigantic hand cupping your face. His skin is burning hot. He reaches out with his other hand and grabs something from his workbench: a hollow glass rod, with a plunger on one end and an opening on the other. Inside, refined lightrot glows, scintillating blobs slowly churning in the suspended fluid.\n\n"I make sure to apply all of my works personally," he says. "So what'll it be?"\n<<endif>>\n\nYou feel your body flush, heat pooling inside you from his touch.\n\n<<set $sirePrompt to true>>\\n* [[pump it into my dick|ophion inject dick]]<<scenealert "ophion inject dick">>\n* [[pump it into my ass|ophion inject ass]]<<scenealert "ophion inject ass">>\n* [[actually i changed my mind|ophion reject]]
"Cold feet," he says, and releases you, letting you take a stumbling step back.\n\n"I'll be here when you change your mind."\n\nYou stumble back out into the open air, away from the lightrot reek of his tent.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
You ask him to pump it into your dick.\n\nHe grins at you, craggy teeth on display. "Certainly," he says, and pulls you close.\n\nHeat from his body billows up all around you as he pulls you close, rank with lightrot fumes. You strip hastily, tossing your tunic aside, nearly snapping the laces of your pants as you pull them off.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nHe lets out a low hum at seeing your sheath. "Not sure how lightrot will effect that," he says. "It's about as changed as it can get. But..." he pauses, then grins. "Why don't we find out?"\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nHe leers at your cock, heavy ĝheist flesh hanging down heavily between your thighs. "Already started your transformation, I see," he says, and like it's nothing picks you up -- hand between your legs, fingers grinding against your balls -- and repositions you on his lap, thumb sliding up along the half-hard length of your cock. "We'll see if there's anything left to change."\n<<else>>\\nAnything would look tiny compared to his grotesquely-huge mutant cock, but you can't help feeling a slight pang of... something, at the comparison. Eagerness, maybe. Because soon enough you won't have a human cock to worry about.\n\nYou're half-hard just from the thought of it, cock filling out in pulses, pulling up into a drooping arch. He curls two fingers around it, lifting you up with the rest of his fingers slid against your balls, between your legs, and puts you in position.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if !hasMutation ("dick") && !hasMutation ("knot")>>\\n<<display "ophion inject cock human">>\n<<addmutation "dick">>\\n<<set $from['dick'] to "ophion injection">>\\n<<set $sirePass to "cock">>\\n[[→|ophion pass]]\n<<else>>\n<<display "ophion inject cock other">>\n\n[[→|ophion's tent]]\n<<endif>>\\n<<sex "inject" "sounding" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "ophion inject dick">>\\n<<set $sireInjected to true>>\\n<<set $sireInv -= 1>>
The glass syringe is thin in his giant, fat fingers, but it's very thick compared to your cock. Slightly thicker than one of your thumbs. Ophion wraps his enormous hand around your hips, two fingers cupping your balls, thumb sliding up over your stomach, and pulls you closer. The heat from his body is immense, billowing outward like a flame, air rippling, and carrying with it the powerful scent of burnt lightrot and sweat and sex.\n\nHe scrubs his thumb over your cockhead, pulling back your foreskin, and gently squashes it between his fingers, making your cockslit pout out into a spread opening. The syringe still looks real big in comparison. But it has a little dimple on the underside, bulging out around the opening, and Ophion brings it down, licking his fingers to smear spit on the glass, and slides it into place, just-barely dipping into your cock.\n\n"Don't worry," he says. You'll stretch more afterwards."\n\nThen he presses down the plunger, just a little. A few beads of lightrot push out, and for just an instant you feel it as liquid, spilling inside your dick, before the burning starts. You gasp, reflexively pushing away, and his grip tightens, one hand anchoring your hips, the other curled around your cock, keeping the seal of the syringe tight. Heat blossoms in your cock, burning hot, and you hiss and keep trying to twist away, even though you know it's pointless. He presses down more, a dribble of lightrot pouring into your cock, and the heat and burning doubles, spilling down deeper inside you. It spreads out, walls of your urethra soaking it in, spreading it all over the dome of your cockhead, tongues of flame licking across the sides of your cock. You can feel your heartbeat in your cock, and with each throb it feels like your flesh bloats and swells. You can feel the air as sharp, silvery prickles across the swell of your bruised cocklips, spreading wider now around the capsule-like underside of the syringe.\n\nYou reach down, wanting to -- something. Squeeze your cock to stop the pain, but it's fully enveloped in the Ophion's giant hand, and his grip might as well be rock. You're gasping, chest heaving, sweat trickling down your sides. He adjusts his grip, angle of the syringe changing slightly, and the raw, overstimulated grind of it sliding against your cockhead makes your legs grow weak. His hand around your hips takes the weight effortlessly, holding you like a doll.\n\nAnd then Ophion pushes it deeper. Your cockhead bulges, flesh stretching and warping in inhuman ways as he shoves the syringe itself into your cock. Looking down at it makes you woozy, cockhead splayed out around the fat, thumb-thick container, flesh visibly warped around its girth. Your foreskin is dragged halfway back over your cockhead, and the flesh of your glans is a vivid, angry red-purple, with your swollen cock-lips so flushed they look black. The burn ebbs and rises, beads of burning lightrot soaking into your flesh, and for a moment it's not so bad: flushed, panting, cock throbbing, heat billowing all across your flushed body.\n\nOphion shifts his grip, fingers sliding along your aching cock, thumb resting on the plunger, and he pumps lightrot right into you. He depresses it slowly, sending a steady stream of lightrot spilling down into your cock, heavy and thick and hot as it pours down the inside of your shaft, like a red-hot lance.\n\nYou howl, sagging forward against the Ophion's chest, panting brokenly, tears and snot running down your face. The sensation becomes indescribable. Like your cock is gonna burst apart, flesh writhing and squirming, blood pulsing through it with such force that your entire body shudders. Heat gathers inside you, fat boils bubbling up within your cock, growing and bursting as the lightrot soaks through your ruined, transforming flesh.\n\nHeat scours through your cock, through internal passages within you, all perfectly outlined by the scorching heat. Sweat pours down your sides, drips down your back, and you pant hoarsely, entire body trembling as you weakly clutch at his side. You feel the plunger bottom out: Ophion's thumb scraping against your bloated glans, cock practically split open by the enormous rod shoved entirely down inside it. You whine, broken whimpers ripping up through your throat as you try to squeeze your legs together, do anything about the heat and pain, but he stops you with his other hand, easily pinning your legs open, using his curled fingers to massage back and forth along the underside of your cock, fingers prodding down below your balls, against the root of your cock bulging out against your taint.\n\nYour head spins, eyesight greying out until you're entirely focused on just the pulse of your own body: cock throbbing, twitching, boiling, as the lightrot burns through your tissues and flesh. You definitely pass out at some point.
He cups your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>warted dick<<endif>> in one giant hand<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>and angles your unsheathed dick into place<<endif>>. He presses the tip of the glass vial <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>against the dimple atop your sloping cockhead<<else>>between your bulging cocklips<<endif>>. It easily fits. He smears its length with his pre for added lubrication, and pushes it in. He leers at you, fingers curled around your dick, the weight of the glass tube settling within you. He slides a finger along the underside of your shaft, pressing down just hard enough to feel the tube through the flesh of your dick.\n\nThe flare at the end of the vial presses against your cockhead, and he slides his fingers back up, catching the messy drool of pre oozing out around the vial, and presses the plunger. Lightrot bursts into your dick, deep, and there's a wash of heat hits before anything else, heavy and liquid spilling inside you, before the pain hits.\n\nYou groan, slumping forward, and Ophion keeps you held in place. The lightrot burn spreads, soaking your dick, spilling inside your body cavity, and you pant and gasp, breathing hard. The flesh of your cocktube stings, aching, and Ophion kneels beside you as you ride it out, sweating and gasping as your flesh soaks in the lightrot.\n\n<<if !hasMutation ("prostate")>>\\nSome winding flow of lightrot soaks through your internal walls, tapping against your prostate, and you let out a shaky groan, spreading your legs -- the lightrot feels like burning fingers, shoved down your dick, through your internal passages, tugging and twisting as it soaks through flesh. Your prostate throbs, dense flesh soaking up lightrot like a sponge, and there's a heat and a pressure, the gland outlined perfectly in your body by the haze of pain. It squelches and gurgles, lightrot audibly slurping as more and more soaks through into the mazy passages of your prostate, flooding it more and more.\n\nThe cocoon of muscle wrapped around your prostate throbs, pulsing, and you feel dense, lightrot-sodden pre try to pump out, mostly stuck behind the glass vial still jammed inside you. A thin watery dribble of slime oozes out around it, a glowing a brilliant lightrot-yellow, and Ophion grins, catching it on his thumb and smearing it across your aching cockhead. The pressure on your prostate grows as it swells more, fighting against the rest of your body for more space. It feels like somebody's just grabbed your prostate and is squeezing it hard. You whine, humping against the air, every sensation from your cock still just burning.\n<<addmutation "prostate">>\\n<<set $from['prostate'] to "ophion injection">>\\n<<endif>>\\n\nOphion peels the vial out of your dick, slowly. Your cock throbs erratically, spewing out a mess of lightrot-tinged pre that streaks all down your shaft -- still burning and stinging as it goes -- and lets you collapse on all fours, weakly gasping and shaking.\n\n"You took that real good," he says. "Didn't pass out or anything. Body's getting used to the lightrot I think."\n\nYou can't move and it feels like somebody's shoved their hand up into your body through your balls. It still takes you a good few minutes before you can move.\n\n"Tell me if you notice any big changes," Ophion says.
You ask him to shove it in your ass. Please.\n\nHe grins down at you. "Eager for it, hmm?" he says, and pulls you closer, against his thigh. His giant fingers feel across your ass, digging between your cheeks, and you hurriedly tug loose the laces of your pants, letting him jerk them down to show off the flesh of your ass.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("asshole") && $from['asshole'] == "ophion injection">>\\nHe slides his fingers over your thickened, pillowy asshole. "You're changing quite nicely," he says, voice rumbling against your body. "Ready for your second dose, then?"\n\nHe sinks one giant finger into your ass, claw from another teasing your hole, and you gasp and shudder, groaning against him as he spreads you open. He taps the vial against your spread hole, glass shockingly cold compared to the heat of his body. "I'm eager to see the development."\n<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>\\n"Already starting to change here, hm?" He grinds a finger against your altered hole, and you clench and relax, hole pouting. Your swollen asshole is on display, bulging and puffy, and he spreads his fingers, pushing your cheeks apart, getting you to gape wider. "This'll be more of a change, then," he says, tapping the vial against your cheeks.\n<<else>>\\nHe taps your asshole, flushed and, for the moment, still human. "Looks nice," he says, grinding his fingertips along the trench of your asscrack, pushing your cheeks apart. "It'll look nicer when I'm done with it," he says, tapping the vial against your cheeks.\n<<endif>>\\n\n"Spread your legs," he says, and you do, braced against his thigh as he leans to the side. He reaches between your legs, one giant hand pressing against your stomach and hips, pinning your cock against his palm as he bodily repositions you like he would a doll, to give himself a better angle.\n\nThe vial itself is about the thickness of one of his fingers, by which you mean it's considerably thicker than a human's cock. He slides his claws along the curve of your ass, pressing his giant fingertips against your asshole, <<if !hasMutation ("asshole")>> just digging in gently. You're breathing fast, half-stripped and bent over his giant thigh as he slowly plays with your asshole. He reaches to the side, other hand moving or mixing something on his bench while he continues steadily grinding his knuckles against your asshole, and when he brings his other hand back his fingers are coated in something slick and heavy. He smears it across your cheeks, tapping against your asshole as it opens, until with an abrupt shock he pushes and sinks the first knuckle of one of his claws into your ass. You groan, almost dizzy from the sensation -- the heat, the lightrot reek all around you, more than the penetration itself -- and you go slack, slumping across his giant thigh as he starts to fingerfuck you.<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>> His claw digs deeper, jamming into your bloated prostate, and you let out a sudden //whuff// of air, cock shuddering and starting to drool sloppy, grimy pre all down the curve of his thigh in stringy lines.<<endif>>\n\nHe pulls back, the slick nub at the tip of the glass vial pressing against your pert hole, and he slowly eases it in, sinking the first few inches into you, letting the rest just out between your cheeks like an obscene tail.\\n<<else>> and pushes in, easily spreading your thickened, rubbery asshole around his giant finger. One, and then two, and then the claw of his third teases across your rim, his spread fingers easily opening you up more than any human could. <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>His clawtips jab against your enflamed, swollen prostate, and he twists his fingers inside you, fingertips bearing down hard against it. Your cock shudders against his thigh, spitting out a sloppy mess of stringy pre, and he kneads your prostate in his fingers, milking out a constant flow of sloppy ooze from your cock.<<endif>> He finger-fucks you easily, two fat fingers scraping their way through your asshole and into your guts, and he presses the glass vial between them, sliding it into you smooth and slick as he pulls his fingers back.\\n<<endif>>\n\nHe stills for a moment, glass syringe a fat dildo spreading you open, before he wraps his fist around the length of it outside you, thumb resting on the plunger at the other end.\n\n"This will burn," he says, some warning, before he presses it down, forcing the churning lightrot into your guts.\n\nThe heat blossoms inside you first, a sudden wash spilling through your ass, outlining the curl of your guts. Then the burning starts. You convulse, breath rasping, as the heat turns into flames, scouring across the sensitive inner flesh of your ass. You howl, panting, as the lightrot slops against your skin and sticks there in a gummy layer, heat growing stronger and stronger until it feels like your skin will burn into char and peel from your body. He twists the glass vial inside you, the sensation a messy mix of pleasure and pain, and you let out a wracking sob, chest heaving, guts cramping. He presses down again, the rest of the lightrot blooming out into your burning ass, and you howl and sob, thrashing body pinned in place by the implacable weight of one hand spread across your lower back. You just whine, panting, snot and tears dripping from your face as the heat soaks into you.\n\nHis hand shifts on the glass vial, sliding lower, and his fingers dig against your asshole, dragging the already-abused flesh wider. A spurt of lightrot spills from your ass, drooling down your skin, and he casually scoops it up and feeds it back into your hole, sliding one finger in alongside the vial. He sinks in, one finger and then two, warping your asshole out as he reaches in to curl his fingers around the vial, gently pulling back and forth, fingerfucking you with the equivalent of a human fist as you writhe and convulse.\n\n<<if !hasMutation ("asshole")>>\\nHe focuses on your asshole, fingers digging in and pulling back, smearing a thick paste of gummy lightrot all across the rim of your asshole, inside and out. He works it in, fingers rubbing back and forth as it soaks in to your tortured flesh, until the heat is concentrated in a burning ring of heat between your cheeks. You can feel your flesh thicken, lightrot soaking into the flesh and muscle of your asshole, making it bruise and swell and grow. He hooks his fingers in around the lip of your ass, spreading it gaping: first along your spread crack and then against it, digging into your cheeks. He twists his fingers around, dragging your asshole out into gaping, lopsided shapes: three fingers shoved into your ass, your bloated rim forming drooping catenary curves between his fat fingers.\n\nYou don't even know when he pulls the vial out, just that at some point all you can feel his half his hand in your asshole, burning flesh wrapped around the bloated, enormous mass of his fingers.\n<<addmutation "asshole">>\\n<<set $from['asshole'] to "ophion injection">>\\n<<else if !hasMutation ("prostate")>>\\nHe realigns the glass vial, nubby tip mashed against your straining prostate, digging into it through the walls of your ass, and he sinks the plunger an iota more, a tiny spurt of remaining lightrot spilling out to stick precisely against your prostate, soaking in with a bubbling gurgle.\n\nYour prostate convulses, spasming erratically as the lightrot soaks in through your ass, and you howl again as the heat builds and concentrates, outlining the gland -- lopsided, bean-shaped -- in a nimbus of burning heat. Your prostate squelches as it soaks in the lightrot, swelling into a soggy, bulbous mess. Ophion lets up the pressure, slightly, and your prostate audibly gurgles as the lightrot suffuses into its newly-swollen flesh, flooding the mazy conduits inside.\n\nFluid swirls and drools inside your prostate, and your cock shudders, erratically, spewing out a mess of glowing lightrot-yellow pre. Ophion is already in place, fingers slurping from your asshole and leaving it gaping, hand catching the flood of pre in his palm and smearing it back into your asshole.\n<<addmutation "prostate">>\\n<<set $from['prostate'] to "ophion injection">>\\n<<endif>>\n\nIt feels like it goes on forever: his fingers clawing at your ass, the lightrot heat boiling inside you, your flesh warping and swelling as it soaks in. At some point he pulls his fingers out, leaving your slack, broken ass gaping, only a thick dollop of churned-up lightrot slowly spilling from your wrecked hole as you lay there, gasping. He makes no attempt to move you, and you just lie there, gasps slowly subsiding to pants. You can feel the slowly-shifting air move against the raw, broken mound of your gaping asshole. It's shuddering, slowly, like a thing with its own volition: too swollen now to actually close on its own, just gulping sometimes, letting the thickened lightrot grit swill around inside you. At one point you gingerly feel back over your ass, fingers digging into the heated, spongy flesh of your swollen ass lips, and you hiss in a mix of pleasure and pain.\n\nAt some point you apparently came all over Ophion's thigh, or at least, there's <<if hasMutation("knot")>>a heavy mass of green-threaded grey cum in a sloppy river all down his calf, soaking the sand below<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>a swampy mess of thick, grimy cum drooling all down his calf<<else>>smears of cum all across your belly and thighs, with messy strings drooling down his calf<<endif>>.\n\nIt's a while more after that before you even try to stand up. Your asshole feels too big to fit between your cheeks, and too sensitive to try. You stand, eventually, on wobbly, shaky legs, leaning against Ophion for support before you finally manage to take a few steps.\n\nYou say thanks. Well, you say more than that, but you're still kind of an incoherent mess.\n\nOphion reaches down between your legs, the rough ridge of his thumb sliding over the bloated, swollen mound of your bulging asshole, and he grins. "Good to see how well your body takes it," he says. "I'm sure it can take a lot more."\n\n<<sex "inject" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "ophion inject ass">>\\n<<set $sireInjected to true>>\\n<<set $sireInv -= 1>>\\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
You get on your knees before him, and he spreads his legs to let you fit. At first you think the creaking sound is the trunk he's sitting on buckling under his weight, but it's not -- it's his skin, creaking and straining just from the motion.\n\nHis bulge is enormous. His knees stick out on either side of your body, one covered in spikes all down his outer calf, the other sallow yellow-grey, with his skin stretched apart from growth until it forms a lattice of diamond-shaped divots of shredded skin. Between his legs, his ragged loincloth skirt is draped over misshapen swells of flesh that spill out across his seat nearly to his knees. Given the lopsided asymmetry of his body it's at first not even clear what it is -- knotted thighs, bloated gut, gnarled warts atop meaningless folds of overdeveloped muscle. It throbs, the skin visible between the frayed material of his skirt churning, tightening, flexing, making his loincloth ripple and rise.\n\nYou lean in, hands touching his calves. He's hot to the touch, skin feverish, inflamed, burning hotter than human or ĝheist. His hide thrums, his pulse surging, and as you slide your fingers up his pulse becomes more pronounced. Shredded cloth presses against your fingers, and you slide your hands up beneath his skirt, into the hot, damp space beneath, and push it aside.\n\nHis cock is monstrous, ridged in rings of bulging warts, cockhead itself so gnarled it's flattened out into a broad, wart-ringed cap. It lolls to the side, half-hard and thicker than your thigh. His foreskin has been transformed into a leathery sheath that folds over itself midway up his shaft, its leathery grey-black skin sheathing his sallow yellow bare flesh. Compared to his overall size, it's mercifully short -- the length of your forearm, maybe. But he's not fully hard yet.\n\nMore than that, his balls are enormous. That's what the mass of churning flesh his skirt hides is. Huge folds of thick, leathery flesh draped over themselves, cocooning vast, heavy structures within. You can't necessarily call them balls; you're not sure if there's one or two or a heavy, bulging organ of undifferentiated flesh, forming semisolid globs and cords. They're dense, and gnarled, and as you slide your fingers up his thighs, over the bulging mass of his balls, the skin of his sac furrows and tightens, outlining the lumpy, lopsided mass in sharper detail.\n\nOphion lets out a long, low exhale, groaning softly as you play with his balls, and his cock shudders, thickening slowly. His warted foreskin-sheath peels back in folds along his shaft -- past a certain point his shaft is fuzzed with warts, thickening his shaft from their spongy bulges -- and his cock twitches and shudders. His gaping cockslit flexes wide-open as his cock twitches, lurching to the side, and you reach up to capture it with both hands. Your fingers only barely overlap around its misshapen girth, and as his spongy flesh fills out, swelling fatter, it forces your fingers apart, so that you can only cradle the underside.\n\nHe jerks forward, sending some amount of his balls sliding forward, hanging down over the edge. His hand comes down, huge, against your back and presses your head-and-shoulders against his slimy shaft, chest grinding his misshapen balls against the front of the trunk. His cock pulses, spewing out a mess of thick, chunky slime all across your front, and he pulls back, catches a clotted, syrupy strand across his thumb, and shoves it against your mouth. His thumb alone is the size of a reasonably-sized cock, stubby where it hits his webbed membrane, and you slide it into your mouth, tongue lapping over the curl of his claw.\n\nGheist pre is rank, reeking of lightrot, but still solidly tasting like pre -- salt, meat, sex, everything that comes together to make cum taste like cum. His pre tastes like pure lightrot, crunchy with crystal, and the only contribution his biology has made is the thick, glue-like texture. You catch globs of ooze across your tongue, thinning it with your spit, and it itches and burns across the inside of your mouth, sending up eye-watering fumes when you gurgle and drool down his thumb. You still swallow it all, chewing and swallowing, spit thinning the fuming ooze coating his finger, until he pulls back with a pleased growl.\n\nYou lean in, pressing your lips to the edge of his cockhead. His skin is leathery, rough and sandpapery where it's not covered in waxy warts. You lick and suck along the curve of his cockhead, and it keeps slowly stiffening, cockhead flaring out wider. Ophion groans, above you. There's no way you're going to be able to fit it in your mouth. It's fatter than your fist; the size of most of your face. Still, you lick and suck along the rim, tongue burning when dip down to the bottom, catching the stream of chunky lightrot oozing from his cockslit. You follow it up, over the warped flesh of his cockhead, to the slit itself. It's a mess. His cocklips are enormous, grown into fat, purple-black slabs of raised flesh, color mottling out across his cockhead. They're covered in warts, bunched around the slit, growing in along the inner flesh of his cumtube. You can kiss them like they're actual lips, tongue sliding across them, pressing against his cockslit, and they simply part and open, letting your tongue sink down inside his cock effortlessly. Ophion lets out a rumbling sigh, a gush of pre burning across your tongue, fuming in your mouth, and you jerk back, drooling the worst of it out onto the ground. His cock pulses, huge clots of half-crystalized lightrot catching between his lips and slowly pushing free, clattering to the ground. You gulp, throat burning, and kiss his cockslit again, gulping down the burning slime as you play with his huge, rubbery cocklips. His cock is still spongy, half-hard, and he reaches down with one huge hand and pulls you closer, face mashed against the leathery surface of his cockhead, sucking on his bulging cocklips. He groans, holding you there, using his other hand to drag his cock around, smearing its burning lightrot ooze all over your face before shoving it back against your lips.\n\nYou wrap your hands around his shaft and stroke him slowly as you nurse on his cockhead, chewing globs of pre. His flesh is hard, bulging, straining, under your fingertips. You lap at the gunk flowing from his gaping slit, gooey ooze flooding your mouth, tangling your tongue in its thick, tarry folds. You pull back, solid arches of slime drawing out between you, like stiff honey. You chew on it, slowly thinning it apart into waxy strands, and gulp it down, panting between swallows. Ophion pats your head, giant thumb stroking the back of your head, like you're a pet he's telling is doing a good job. You're doing a good job.\n\nYou bury your face in his cockslit, lapping up sludge. Ophion plays with his foreskin, dragging it back to reveal the craggy mess of his cockhead -- covered in wide, flat blisters and crunchy lightrot crystals -- and pushing it forward to entirely bury your head in its mass. You look up at him while you eat him out, slit spanning chin to nose, tongue shoved inside to lap across the clustered boils inside. His foreskin is piled across your face, spanning across your cheeks and spreading over the bridge of your nose, burying your face in the hot lightrot reek of his cock. You stroke his cock with him, hands cupping the underside of his cockhead, playing with the gigantic triangular slab of flesh that connects to his foreskin. It stretches and twists under your fingers as he strokes his cock, and you fan your hands out over it, sliding your fingers along the edges, where the flesh becomes frothy with blisters. He lets out a bellowing groan, and his cock shudders.\n\nAn enormous blast of lightrot sludge splatters all across your face, webbing in thick tendrils across your cheeks, and you jerk back in reflex, only succeeding in pulling the cords out into a mess of intersecting membranes, resonating in time with your panting breath. You catch some of the slime on your fingers, smearing it over the underside of his cockhead, and he bellows again, cock shuddering as he spews another mass of cum over your face. This time you're expecting it, and you lean in and open wide, lapping up the sludge trapped between you, chewing on its crunchy crystals and swallowing down fuming clots, face mashed up against his gaping cockslit. His strokes bunch his foreskin up again, slurping over your hands and pinning them against his skin, and you smear them around in the tight, squelching confines, stroking over his sensitive flesh. He snarls, grinding his cock forward, drenching you in spray after spray of thick, viscous sludge that gathers in huge globs and only slowly spills down your body. Slime spills back into his foreskin, flooding it and squelching all across your fingers, frothing up into a dense, creamy slime as you keep stroking and making out with his cock, until your face is slathered in thick dollops of yellow slime. He grins down at you, squirting sludge all over your face, and then wraps a huge hand around your face and mashes it back down against his cock. He strokes his cock with his other hand, snarling and huffing.\n\nYou can feel his orgasm coming from a mile away. The flesh of his sac tugs and twists, flesh trying to furrow but only making his balls lurch around, cords shifting inside his sac like live snakes. Tremors run up and down his cock, internal muscles spasming again and again without bringing up anything aside from the usual mess of tarry sludge. His stomach clenches, blocky inhuman muscles shifting. His breathing picks up, until he's huffing and panting, stroking his cock fast, still mashing your head down, practically shoving it entirely inside his slimy, gaping cockslit.\n\nHe bellows, cock pulsing a few more times before you feel the eruption work its way up. His cock bloats, perceptibly bulging out in the middle from the sheer volume of his load. His lips gape, revealing the bubbly, froth-covered tunnel down within his cock. His cock twitches, mashing the walls together, peeling back apart webbed with slime, and then he's cumming all over you, pulse after pulse spraying out in a heavy, dense arc and splattering all over your face. It's more lightrot: thick, gummy slime, the only real difference that his cum is mingled with some thinner sludge, sluicing over the thicker layers, and that as he cums you can feel immense, coagulated chunks of lightrot work their way up, eventually emerging from his cockslit as gigantic, fist-sized lumps of chalky crystal that crack apart into grit as they tumble down to the ground beside you. Cum erupts out around them on their way up, the pump of his ejaculation sometimes shattering them into smaller fragments, until finally one crests out and tumbles down: a big misshapen mess of shattered crystals, stewing somewhere inside him for who-knows how long. One bulges out between his lips and you sink forward and suck the scum off it, pushing it back down into his cock only to have his next gush of cum shove it forward. You crack it apart with your teeth, chewing on the chalky crystal, swilling his cum in your mouth to dissolve it before you swallow it down. Ophion groans, mashing your face into the mess so that cum squirts out over your entire head, tendrils drooling down the back of your head, down your back, letting you pant into his cock as it gurgles and squirts, drenching you in his mutated lightrot cum.\n\nYou peel back, and he keeps spurting, cum channeled down into the mess of frothy cords and membranes hooked all across your front, spilling all down your front in dense, heavy waves. You gurgle, lapping at the sludge, having to chew the cords apart, mouth burning, your own spit taking on an acrid, burning tinge as you struggle to thin Ophion's cum into something you can swallow. His drenches your entire body in his load, head to toe slathered in frothy, sludgy lightrot ooze, burning as it soaks into your skin. You blink, strings of cum caught in your lashes, fumes making your eyes water, and lean forward again, pressing your lips to his still-drooling cockslit to drink directly from the tap, only stopping when the rippling nausea from your stomach becomes too much and you have to pull away, drooling and swallowing on nothing.\n\nHe certainly looks pleased, grinning down at you drenched in his load, the fumes from the tarry puddle under your legs twining up your body, making the air ripple and warp. His cock pulses slowly, a huge glob of cum working its way up, and you lean in, sucking its dense, rubbery bulk into your mouth despite the sour, sickening taste, swallowing down a final mouthful of sludge.\n\nHe reaches down, pulling you out of the mire of his load -- giant hands wrapping around your body, lifting you like a doll's -- and placing you on his lap, which here means atop the monstrous bulk of his cock, burning hot running between your legs. His skin is so much hotter than yours, and his cock is double that, like hot metal. He leans down, warted black tongue spilling from his mouth and licking at your neck, catching huge globs of cum drizzling down your body in syrupy strands. Cleaning you up. Although his spit is hardly different from his cum: cloudy yellow-black, thick and heavy, still burning as he laps up the lightrot sludge from across your chest and neck, before he curls his tongue over your jaw and kisses you. You gurgle and retch, his tongue squirming down your lightrot-lubed throat, dumping drool into your roiling stomach.\n\nYou let out a muffled groan, dimly aware of being pressed up against his chest, gasping around his tongue, your cock erupting again and again before he makes you sink back, his tongue squirming back up your throat with a //slurp//, leaving you gasping, coughing up a slurry of his drool and cum that he feeds back into your mouth, letting you swallow it again. You feel woozy, shaky, eyes blurry from the fumes, body outlined not by proprioception but but the haze of lightrot soaking into you all over. You gasp for breath, swallowing as you gag on nothing, lightrot burning you inside and out, heat soaking down into your muscles and bones.\n\nYou definitely pass out at some point.\n\n/% this should maybe add queuedUpper and queuedLower, but like. it's too repeatable for that maybe. also this should probably have a thing where you pass out in his tent and that passes the day %/\\n<<sex "ophion" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "ophion oral">>\\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "ophion oral">>\\n<<set $sirePass to "oral">>\\n[[→|ophion pass]]
You ask him to fuck you.\n\nHe laughs. His hand goes down to the drape of his loincloth, and he pulls it aside to show off the full bulk of his cock. Soft -- or as close as it ever gets to soft -- it's still nearly the thickness of your chest.\n\n"Think you might have eyes bigger than your ass," he says, and crooks his hand, gesturing you closer. You have to climb up his body: hoisting up his knee, straddling the titanic log of his cock. It's as thick as your torso. You grind down against it, clutching his chest, and groan. He laughs again, and slides a giant hand down your side, fingers curling around your hip. His thumb spans from your hip to your dick; his fingers reach all the way across your ass, and he presses his claws against your asshole, rubbing his fingertips over your puffy hole. "Pretty hungry for it, huh?" he asks, finger digging into your ass, and you groan, sinking forward against his chest, hiking your ass up.\n\nHis body shifts around you, jostling you to the side, and when he brings his fingers back against your ass they're slick, lubed with stinging slime. His lightrot pre. Probably. Just one of his fingers is the size of good-sized cock, and he slides his lightrot-lubed fingers over your hole, letting the burning heat sink in before he shoves one inside, pushing past the initial clench of your asshole and into the open heat beyond. You groan, rutting back against him, sprawled out over his cock as he slowly works you open, finger-fucking you, pulling out to slather his fingers in a fresh coat of murky pre. His cock shudders beneath you, a wet //slap// of fluid splattering out behind your feet, and he leans forward to catch it. His other hand slaps down on your ass drenched with slime, letting hot runnels of sloppy pre drool over your ass, spilling down the backs of your thighs.\n\nHe wedges a second fingertip against your already-stretched hole, just enough to push in past your rim, and then he scissors them apart, stretching your hole into a pouting gape. You groan, reflexively clenching against the force before you work with it, letting your hole pout open. Hot slime spills down your back, drooling into your open hole, and Ophion groans in appreciation, ladling handfuls of sloppy pre from his leaking cock into your ass; huge fuming clots of tarry slime sluicing down his fingers and settling as a burning-hot weight inside you. You huff, breathing hard, asshole pulsing as the lightrot soaks into you, heat penetrating through your skin, down deeper.\n\nHe shoves his fingers into you, your hole stretched into a lopsided figure-eight around them as he sinks them both down to the knuckle. The sudden push has you groaning, ass spasming, depths stretched around his probing fingers. He works back and forth, sludgy pre spurting out of your ass around his fingers, and he digs the side of one of his claws into your asshole, peeling it open so you're constantly drooling; thick cords of slime squelching out of your ass, dripping down over your balls. He slides you back and forth, other hand wrapping around your side, lifting you like a doll. He fingerfucks you, pulling out so your empty hole pouts open around his claws, and then slides back in until he's grinding his thumb against your hole, both fingers sunk down inside you to the knuckle. Over and over, working your ass open until the motion is frictionless, ass lubed with his sloppy pre, your flesh bruised and swollen, heavy and puffy as he twists his claws around inside you. He pushes in harder, jamming his thumb up into the space between his fingers, and you groan, pushing out, letting your hole flower open as he jams his thumbtip in too, turning your asshole into a mass of stretched, warped flesh pulsing around his brutal penetration.\n\nHe hoists you up and twists you around in a single motion: his huge hand totally encircling your chest, holding you there effortlessly: face and shoulders mashed against the leathery surface of his shaft, legs up in the air. He dips down, mouth open and panting, warted tongue swiping across your cock and balls before he shoves it into your gaping ass, a new wash of heat pouring into your ass as he drools into you. His lips work against your asshole, and he spits, thicker lightrot drool plastered to the walls of your ass. He slides his fingers back, only keeping the tips inside, keeping you spread, so he can dig deeper with his tongue. It's massive, covered in huge warts that slurp in over your broken asshole and press strangely against your insides, and it squirms around as he laps over your inner flesh, scraping his chunky, gritty lightrot sludge off the walls of your ass only to spit it back in, deeper.\n\nHe pulls back with a wet //slurp//, drooling all across your ass, and shoves his fingers back in, more focused this time, going straight for the opening to your guts. His claws dig into the taut opening, pushing until it flowers open. Your guts gurgle as they spread, gulping down the pooled layer of spit and pre into your spread-open guts. Heat blossoms inside you, dizzying, and you raggedly gasp, panting and groaning. He spits into your gaping ass again, hand reaching down just in front of your face to swipe across his drooling cocktip, gathering a handful of tarry slime -- murky yellow, glowing and fuming, lumpy with the half-formed lightrot crystals inside -- and then pouring that into your gaping ass, pinned open by three fingers now.\n\nYour asshole feels like an enormous bruise, huge and elastic as Ophion pulls it wider and wider. His fingertips dig into your pulpy flesh, hooking inside your ass as he spreads your open, his lips kissing it brutally, teeth nipping at your unfurling folds as he spits burning lightrot slime into your flooded ass, excess spurting out over his face, drooling up your inclined body in syrupy strands. You pant, internal muscles spasming erratically as the lightrot seeps into them, heat gurgling deeper inside you, squirting back out over Ophion's face. He lowers you down, slightly, letting his drool splatter all across your back, and he stuffs three fingers up your ass. A leaky plug keeping most of his slime inside you.\n\nHis thumb drags over your asshole, <<if !hasMutation("asshole")>>warped obscenely around his splayed fingers, stretched inhumanly wide into an smoothly-curving ring of swollen, satiny flesh. Your flesh is stuck in bruised clumps around where his fingers dig in, swelling out larger into rubbery peaks where his fingertips hook back from inside. Your asshole pulses, muscle spasming in erratic waves, stinging from his lightrot-sodden pre as it soaks into your flesh. He twists his fingers around, scraping through the thick slick mess of his lightrot drool, and smears it thicker across your asshole.\n\n<<else>>already-mutated flesh broken open yet-wider, into a satiny-smooth expanse of bulging flesh, wrapped around his gigantic fingers. <<endif>>He pries his thumb in too, only his pinky out, skewed up along your ass. You're so stretched your ass hardly looks like part of your body anymore, just an expanse of flesh with a gaping hole in the center, difficult to connect to any human anatomy. His fingers dig into the walls of your ass, pressing down hard; you can feel them working over bone, pressing against your pelvis. You whine, drenched in sweat and slime, gasping for breath from the exertion of having your ass wrecked.\n\nYou're dimly aware of his cock pulsing steadily beneath you, a slimy web of lightrot splattered out in front of him, but he leans forward abruptly, sliding you down off his cock and onto your back, lying down in the slimy morass. Cords of thick slime smear all across your body, hand you catch yourself, hands braced in the puddle of slime beneath him, ooze squelching under your palms. His hand pulls out of your wrecked asshole with a deep, hollow //squelch//, and he holds you in place, ass jammed against his cockhead. His cocklips are enormous, splayed and puffy, rising up from his cockhead in a bulging lump of flushed flesh, and they slide over your aching asslips, kissing you obscenely. Even after taking nearly his entire fist there's no way you're open enough to take his cock, but regardless he grinds you down against the dome of his cockhead, his bulging cocklips slurping inside your ass, spurting pre straight into your ass.\n\nThen he bellows. He ruts against you, hand splayed over your hips keeping you anchored against his cannonlike cock, and a burst of slime works up through his cock, erupting into your ass with a hot, splattering jolt. He roars and groans, hands keeping you held in place, digging into your hips and thighs, kneading his cock, and he erupts inside you with the force of an explosion: a single burst of cum knocks the breath from your lungs, making you gasp soundlessly, and fills your already-flooded ass to capacity. Excess squirts out around the sloppy, loose seal your wrecked ass makes around his cockhead, spraying out in all directions. Ophion groans, pulling you down harder, uselessly wedging his spurting cockhead against your broken ass. He shoots again, and again, each shot rocking your entire body, forcing gritty, crystal-laden sludge deeper into your guts, by far the majority of it just pouring out from your ass, spilling down his shaft or piling on the ground beneath you. You struggle to even breathe; the steady pulse of his ejaculation overpowers your lungs, making you gasp and exhale in time with his pulses. He rubs your body against his cockhead, churned-up froth smearing all across your ass and thighs and stomach, asshole an open, gushing crater that he brings his cock back to, pushing it back against you until you feel his spongy flesh digging against your bones, trying to shove inside.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("asshole") && !hasMutation("prostate")>>\\nHis load gurgles inside you, thick chalky clumps of lightrot adhering to your anal walls, mushing apart into a thick paste from the force of his shots. You groan, muscles deep inside you erratically spasming, overheated from the lightrot soaking in through your flesh. There's a dizzying gurgle, wet suction pumping lightrot through your flesh and muscle, concentrating on the aching bulb of your prostate. There's a flash of heat, like a fireball exploding inside you, and your prostate spasms erratically, slurping and gurgling, hungrily sucking lightrot through your flesh as it bloats and swells, soaking up some tiny fraction of Ophion's tainted load. You groan, hoarsely panting, as your cock spasms, a pulse of wet heat spewing glowing yellow lightrot pre through your body, drooling from your cockhead, as your prostate grows and swells in fiery bursts.\n<<endif>>\\n\\nHe holds you down in the growing pile of cum, your forearms nearly entirely submerged in the tarry pool, more constantly spraying from your ass, drooling down your coated body. He ruts forward, giant thighs bunching, driving you forward, hands pulling you back into place. He hunches forward, fucking you, mashing your body against his cock.\n\nHe stops coming, eventually, with a guttural groan. He lets you go, dropping you into the pile of sludge, letting his cock drain the silty dregs of his load all over your back.\n\nYour ass hardly feels attached to your body, blossomed into something enormous, cratered. It hangs open, yawning wide all the way into your guts, clogged and overflowing with lightrot slime. You roll onto your side -- difficult with your entire body coated in a frothing, fuming layer of sludge -- and reach back, fingers feeling over your newly-alien flesh. Your ass is broken so wide you can slide your hand inside without even touching the ring of your broken asshole. Your asshole itself is slick, flesh bruised and swollen enough to remove every wrinkle: slick and smooth, unnaturally hot, and folded into layers of bloated slabs, rumpled together in a bulging hoop that's close to falling out of your body. It shudders with your breath, rising and falling, constantly drooling thick glowing sludge. You pant there, on knees and elbows in the murk, Ophion's thighs pressed up beside you, the formless mound of his sac feverishly hot against your side.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("balls")>>Ophion's hand cups your balls, the plane of his palm vast and gnarled, burning hot even against the heated lightrot. He grinds down, squeezing your balls, and you let out a guttural groan, dizzy from the fumes. You pant hoarsely as he kneads your balls, squelching as he slathers them with cords of his grimy, chunky load. Lightrot burns all across your body, but that dims compared to the heat in your balls. Ophion works a gigantic thumbtip over one, then the other, coating them with a thick slather of slime, and you can feel the lightrot soak in through your skin, heating up the flesh of your balls. It burns, sac tightening to draw your balls up and away from the pain, but Ophion just grinds down, mashing your balls up in a cocoon of burning sludge, grinding your balls back and forth against his palm until all the lightrot has been soaked in.\n\nYour balls ache, heat and pressure growing inside them. You can feel the cords in your sac burn, tainted seed sluggishly pumping its way up, and your body is warping so fast you can feel it: cords lengthening, folding over each other in thickening tangles, feeling like hot wires stuck up into your groin, hooking around internal passages and digging in as they swell thicker. Your balls warp, flesh bloating and swelling, a dizzying mix of pleasure and pain that has you hoarsely gasping as your cock starts to leak, drooling out a slurry of altered cum. It feels like wings unfurl inside you, the lightrot burn spilling around inside your hips, heat echoing back and forth from your hips to your balls, and each time the wave crashes through you your balls bulge a fraction larger, skin creaking and shifting, sloppy grit pouring from your cock in thick waves. You howl, Ophion still grabbing your bloated balls and squeezing, practically milking your altered cum out of them as they swell and swell and swell, audibly squelching and gurgling from the lightrot pouring in, sublimating through your skin.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\\nYou slip and slide through the mess as you struggle to get up, using cum-slick hands to press against him and shove yourself partially upright. You gasp for breath, body sweating and shaking, heat and chills racing across your entire body from the lightrot suffusing your body. Your belly is bloated, some, and it sloshes and gurgles as you shift, burning hotter inside you, more lightrot grit spilling out of your ruined ass.\n\nYou slump against him, panting and shivering, body slathered in his clotted, grotesque load, fumes billowing up across your body from the mess spread out beneath you. Your eyes water, bloated belly feeling burning hot inside you, heat soaking into you all the way to the bone.\n\nYou definitely pass out at some point.\n<<sex "ophion" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "ophion fuck">>\\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "ophion anal">>\\n<<set $sireInv -= 1>>\\n<<set $sirePass to "anal">>\\n[[→|ophion pass]]\n\n<<if !hasMutation ("asshole")>>\\n<<addmutation "asshole">>\\n<<set $from['asshole'] to "ophion fuck">>\\n<<else if !hasMutation ("prostate")>>\\n<<addmutation "prostate">>\\n<<set $from['prostate'] to "ophion fuck">>\\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if !hasMutation ("balls")>>\\n<<addmutation "balls">>\\n<<set $from['balls'] to "ophion fuck">>\\n<<endif>>
You're dimly aware of Ophion moving you around, setting you down, cleaning some of the drying sludge off of you, and then you fall asleep for real.\n\n<<resetmoves>><<display "timed tfs">>\\n\n[[→|ophion wake]]
You wake up in the back of Ophion's tent, on his elevated sleeping platform. You can hear him bustling around, moving things made from glass and metal, and you lay there for a moment, feeling out your body. /% {if this actually tfed you:} You move your hands, feeling the newly-leathery skin of your {arms/legs/arms and legs}. %/\n\n<<if $sirePass eq "oral" && !hasMutation ("facial")>>\\nThere's a big splotch of flaking skin in a starburst across your face, and you peel it off, feeling the ĝheisthide pushing out beneath: spreading across your brow, fanning out across your cheeks, forming straight lines down to your neck, following the path the Titan's cum took.\n\n<<addmutation "facial">>\\n<<else if $sirePass eq "anal">>\\nThe skin across your ass is flaking, ĝheisthide spreading out in a starburst from your altered asshole, the lines of changed skin following the lines where the Titan's cum poured over you: down over your balls, along the backs of your thighs.\n<<else if $sirePass eq "cock">>\\nYour cock hangs heavily off your body, unexpectedly weighty, smacking further down against your thigh when you shift. It still aches, dimly, and when you reach down to touch it, experimentally, you hiss at the mess of sensations: too sensitive, aching, stinging, with tarry lightrot dregs audibly crackling inside your shaft. Itchy.\n\nYour skin has desaturated as it's thickened, and your shaft is a mottled grey-brown, with splotches of yellow skin across the sides. Gheisthide, leathery and supple to the touch. Smoother than most, without any boils or warts yet, but you can feel the subtle gnarls in the grain -- across the shaft, wrapped across your foreskin, along the raw flesh of your cockhead -- that you know will bloom out into clusters of warts eventually.\n\nYour cocklips are bruised and swollen, bulging out from your cockhead when you pull your foreskin back. They're purple, throbbing, and they gape open at the slightest pressure, making your cockslit spread into a wide oval. You milk your shaft, more for curiosity than to feel good -- it doesn't; still too achy -- and it's not a surprise when a mess of lightrot-suffused pre burbles up in a slimy froth, smearing all across your cockhead when you let it go, letting your half-hard length loll back against your thigh with a weighty //smack//.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou look up: Ophion has been watching you explore your altered body for the past who-knows minutes. It's not embarrassing. You grin at him.\n\n"Feel better?" he says.\n\nYou say, yeah. Still sore, but that's only to be expected.\n\nHe laughs. "You took the change well," he says, and reaches down, hands <<if $sirePass eq "oral">>tracing across the starburst splatter on your face<<else if $sirePass eq "cock">>cupping your altered cock and softly milking it<<else if $sirePass eq "anal">>curving over your ass, his clawtips playing with the mounded swell of your bloated asshole<<endif>>. "I can't wait to see what you look like after next time," he says, and leers.\n\nYour cock shudders, and you can see his shaft shift, its man-sized bulk pulsing. It's briefly tempting to stay here longer and see just what he can turn your body into, but you do actually have work to do.\n\n<<set $sirePass to 0>>\\n[[→|ophion's tent]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if !$metwwwPair>>\\nA pair of travelers walk across the desert sands.\n\nOne is human, or at least humanoid; the other is a great beast. The human is shrouded in desert wanderer robes: faded red-brown, threadbare at the fringes where they've been buffeted by the desert winds. The great beast is a bulky bull-dragon, with cloven hooves on its back legs and massive three-fingered hands in front. He goes around on all fours, and comes up to chest height walking like that. He has a squat, bullish muzzle, and two gigantic horns, spread out like handlebars and turning up into points at the tips. He's got black metal caps on the tips of his horns.\n<<set $metwwwPair to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nA pair of travelers walk across the desert sands.\n\n<<if $wwwEggsDelivered neq true>>\\n<<if $wwwNames>>\\nIt's Dante and Malsatante; the human and the great beast.\n<<else>>\\nIt's the human and great beast again.\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\\n<<if $wwwEggsWhen - $turns lt 6>>\\nDante is swollen with eggs. They're still settling, dragging his stomach out into smooth mound. He's stripped his robes off his upper body, fastened around his waist, and his sheath juts out over the belted tie, cock hanging out half-unsheathed and constantly drizzling pre.\n<<else if $wwwEggsWhen - $turns lt 18>>\\nDante riding atop Malsatante. He's swollen with eggs. They've visibly grown; he's much more pregnant than you looked when they were in you. His gut is enormous, his flesh seaming open into raw red stretch marks across his sides and belly, and without Malsatante to carry him he probably couldn't walk. His nipples are swollen and heavy, and his extra nipples are starting to come in: dark circles budding up from his skin in rows down his stomach.\n<<else if $wwwEggsWhen - $turns lt 36>>\\nDante is grossly pregnant. The eggs have grown so large in him that he looks lumpy, stomach a mess of lopsided bulges. He's got eight nipples, all sluggishly drooling milk down his hairy chest, over the stretched, shredded expanse of his stomach. The skin of his underbelly is starting to swell, forming heavy mounds just above his cock. His udder is starting to come in.\n\nHe's resting in the shade of Malsatante, curled up protectively around him.\n<<else if $wwwEggsWhen - $turns lt 72>>\\nDante is grossly pregnant. His pregnant gut churns and shudders from the squirming eggs inside; huge lumpy swells sluggishly bulge out from the shredded, stretched flesh of his stomach, slowly churning. His eight nipples have all grown enormous, becoming palm-sized mounds dribbling milk down his chest. He's got nubby horns pushing out at his temples.\n\nHis udder hangs down, split into two lumpy sacs around his constantly-unsheathed cock, pre and milk sheening his length. His teats are still half-formed: six darkened bulging mounds, currently looking more like further nipples across the span of his udder than teats proper.\n<<else>>\nDante is so pregnant he can't really walk, or move. His bloated gut is a monstrous swell, lumpy and shuddering from his squirming eggs. His stomach is a mess of deep, oozing stretch marks, weeping lymph down his skin. His eight nipples have formed into broad, puffy peaks, each the size of a spread hand. They mound out from his body, the flesh beneath visibly swollen with milk, fat, sagging flesh folding over itself in chunky curves, drizzling milk in streams down his chest. He's got horns a handspan long growing out from his head, at his temples.\n\nHis cock is entirely hidden beneath his gigantic udder, a mass of heavy flesh swollen taut, with six fat teats each a handspan long, a few splayed out against his thigh. He's sprawled on the ground, huffing and panting, glazed in a sheen of his own milk and sweat.\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if $wwwEggsDelivered>>\\n/%[presumably this event should change a bunch (or maybe just vanish?) once you've helped deliver their eggs, rather than presenting the exact same talk/sex options] %/\n<<endif>>\\n<hr>\n* [[talk to them|www talk]]\n* <<if $wwwPairBrulvundojn eq "open">>[[mention brulvundojn|www brul intro]]<<endif>>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<<if $pregnant eq "www">>\\nYou talk to them.\n\nThey take in your grossly pregnant gut. Dante croons a little, pressing a hand against your belly; the eggs squirm inside you, pulsing against his touch.\n\n"How much longer do you think you'll need to carry them?" he asks, not so much 'impatient' as 'excited'.\n\nYou say you don't know, it'll happen when it happens. The eggs have to thicken up a fair amount before they're ready to be transferred.\n\nMalsatante agrees: "Not ripe yet," he rumbles, sniffing across your stomach.\n\nUltimately, you gotta head out again. You tell them, don't worry, you'll be around.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<else>>\\n<<if $wwwTalk eq 0>>\\nThe human raises his hand in greeting. You wave back and approach.\n\nThe human is, in fact, human. Muscular. Very dark-skinned, black-brown, and the moonlight shines off his skin blue. Scarred face. Black hair in braids, tied in a knot at the top of his head, and a short beard.\n\n"Not many people out in the wasteland," the human says. The beast looks at you and snorts, but doesn't say anything.\n\nYou say yeah. Out scavenging.\n\nThe human nods. "We're out wandering," he says, and pats the shoulder of the beast.\n<<else>>\\nThey nod at you. "Still out scavenging?"\n\nYou say yeah.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if $moves eq 0 && $drudgeActive eq "">>\\nYou say, you were just about to set up camp actually.\n\nThey say, "Us too. Wanna share?"\n\nYou say sure.\n\n[[→|www camp]]\n<<else if $wwwTalk gte 1>>\\n<<if $wwwNames>>Dante<<else>>The human<<endif>> looks you up and down. He smiles at you. "Feel like taking a break?"\n\n<<if $sex['www_human'] gt 0 || $sex['www_beast'] gt 0 || $sex['www_both'] gt 0>>\\n* [[sure let's fuck|www field sex]]<<scenealert "www field sex">>\n* [[nah sorry i'm busy|www field rejection]]\n<<else>>\\nThere's something in the heat of his gaze. You ask, does that mean sex.\n\nHe looks you over. "You want it do be?"\n\n* [[sure let's do it|www field sex]]<<scenealert "www field sex">>\n* [[nah sorry|www field rejection]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\\nYou say sounds good. Keep an eye out if you see any big salvage.\n<<set $wwwTalk += 1>>\\n\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
You say sorry, you got other things to do. <<if $wwwNames>>Dante<<else>>The human<<endif>> shrugs. "Maybe next time," he says, and you make a noncommittal grunt.\n\n[[→|www pair]]
<<set $wwwHaveAsked to true>>\\n<<set $wwwCamp to true>>\\n[[''You''|you][$back = "www camp"]] set up camp with <<if !$wwwNames>>the two wanderers.\n\n<<set $wwwNames to true>>\\nThey tell you their names: the beast is Malsatante; the human is Cedante. He says to call him Dante. You don't pry about why the human is going by a great-beast name. Partly because introducing himself as that and then instantly asking you to call him by the human version of the name else is clearly inviting the question.\n\nYou tell them your name.<<else>>Malsatante and Dante.<<endif>>\n\nThey don't have a tent as such; Dante sets out a blanket on the sand and Malsatante just lies down, with Dante sprawled against his side.\n\nYou make small talk. They say they're out wandering for the dry season. They say they went further south than they usually go; not much this far south but beasts and wasteland.\n\nYou say you're staying in Yapu, the town to the south. They nod. They say they knew of it but were avoiding getting to close; they didn't want to impinge. You say it's been kinda hectic there lately, so maybe that's for the best.\n\n<<if $pregnant neq "">>\\nDante can't stop staring at your pregnant gut. You catch his eye, and he looks away. This happens a few times before he finally breaks.\n\n"We've been wanting to have kids," he says. Ah. "But I can't sire them if I'm the dam, so..."\n\nThey don't actually ask, because that would be gauche. But...\n\n* [[you know after i deliver this clutch i could help you out with that|www promise]]<<endif>>\n* [[yeah that's rough|www decline][$_nice = true]]\n<<else if hasMutation ("womb")>>\\nMalsatante's nostrils flare. He leans in, and takes a long whiff up your chest.\n\nDante hits him in the shoulder. "Don't be rude, man."\n\n"I can smell your heat on you," Malsatante says, and Dante buries his face in his hands. "You smell //fertile//," he continues, and that gets Dante's interest.\n\n"Uh...?" he says.\n\nYou say, yeah what about it.\n\nMalsatante opens his mouth to say something and Dante reaches out and squashes his muzzle closed. "Nope," he says to Malsatante, and then to you: "Uh, we're kinda wanting to have kids. But I can't sire them if I'm also the dam, so, we've been kind of looking..."\n\nHe trails off. For a surrogate, he means.\n\n* [[hey i can do that no problem. right now if you wanted.|www no problem]]\n* [[nah sorry i got other shit going on right now|www decline]]\n<<else>>\\n"Nothing too bad, I hope?" Dante asks, and you nod. It's fine.\n\nYou make some polite small talk for a while.\n\nEventually, Dante kinda cocks his head, letting his gaze settle on you. Looking you up and down. He says, "So, you wanna...?"\n\n* [[yeah let's fuck|www fuck][$_www = "www dante fuck"]]<<scenealert "www dante fuck">>\n* [[nah better not|camprun]]\n<<endif>>
You say no problem, I've carried loads of eggs before. You say, we could even do it now if you want.\n\nDante lurches up. "What. Wait, what? Seriously?"\n\nYou pull your shirt over your head and undo your belt, pulling on the laces of your pants. Dante says "Holy shit." He leans forward, grinning. "Hope you're ready to get fucking knocked up then."\n\n<<set $_wwwFrom to "talk">>\\n[[→|www impreg]]
You say, after you deliver this clutch you should be good to help them.\n\n"Wait, seriously?" Dante says.\n\nYou say sure. They're gonna be around here?\n\n"Uh, yeah," Dante says. It's not really sinking in for him.\n\n"We got no plans for the season," Malsatante says. "Just walking the wasteland."\n\nYou say sure, you know the feeling. You'll find them next time you're free.\n\n"Yeah," Dante says. "Wow. Uh, thanks?"\n\n<<if !$wwwCurrentlyFucked>>\\nYou say, well, they can thank you afterwards.\n\n"Yeah, uh, carrying our eggs is gonna be... It's a lot," Dante says.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, well, they can thank you afterwards. Handling their cocks is gonna be a trial. Dante looks pretty proud of himself at that part, looking over your cum-smeared belly.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $wwwPromise to true>>\\n<<if $wwwCamp eq true>>\\n<<set $wwwCamp to false>>\\nYou all settle down to sleep for the day.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\nYou scour the worst of their loads from your skin with sand, and set off.\n\n<<display "www leave">>\n<<endif>>
<<set $wwwCurrentlyFucked to false>>\\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $_nice>>\\n<<set $_nice to false>>\\nYou say yeah, that sounds rough.\n\n"Yeah, it kinda sucks," Dante says.\n<<else>>\nYou say, sorry, but you got some other stuff going on.\n\nDante's shoulders fall some, like he was expecting it. "Oh well," he says. "Understandable."\n<<endif>>\n\nYou feel for them; it's pretty difficult for giant beasts to breed with humans in the best of situations, and if they want Dante to sire their kids they're stuck finding a surrogate that can handle a giant beast, which is not most of them.\n\n<<if $wwwCurrentlyFucked>>\\nYou're still slathered in their cum. It's a little awkward as you scour the worst of their loads from your skin with handfuls of sand.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $wwwCurrentlyFucked to false>>\\n<<if $wwwCamp>>\\n<<set $wwwCamp to false>>\\nYou all talk some more, and eventually settle down to sleep through the day.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else>>\\nYou all talk some more, and then you head out.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<endif>>
You say sure, let's go.\n\nThe human looks you over. "Good," he says. "Because you look nice."\n\n<<set $wwwNames to true>>\\nHe extends a hand, and you grasp his forearm. "Dante," he says, and gestures with his other hand at the beast. "That's Malsatante." You tell them your name, grip hands, release.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb") && $pregnant eq "">>\\nMalsatante, the beast, takes an interest in you. His squat muzzle snuffles against your thigh, dragging up your side.\n\n"Don't be rude, man," Dante says, knocking his knuckles against Malsatante's shoulder.\n\n"You're fertile," Malsatante says. His voice is inhumanly deep, guttural.\n\nDante looks up at you. "What?"\n\nYou say, yeah, what about it?\n\nMalsatante says, "we're looking for a surrogate."\n\n"It's difficult, since, you know --" Dante gestures at his dick. You assume he's got an altered dick, from fucking Malsatante so much. Most humans can hardly take an altered human's dick, much less a great beast's.\n\n"How would you feel about incubating a clutch?" Malsatante says.\n\n* [[yr gonna have to show me yr dicks so i can see|www show]]<<scenealert "www show">>\n/% * [[nah but i'm totally up for you to spitroast me if you want|www fuck][$_www = "www spitroast"]] %/\n* [[nah but i'm totally to fuck if you want|www fuck][$_www = "www dante fuck"]]<<scenealert "www dante fuck">>\n* [[nah sorry i got some other shit going on|www decline]]\n<<else>>\\nDante looks over at Malsatante. "Who gets to get seconds? You want dibs?"\n\nYou look at Malsatante. Specifically, you look at Malsatante's cock: the gnarled, spiny tip peeking out from his immense, drooping sheath. His sheath hangs low, angling down from the weight of his titanic balls, more than head-sized each, hanging so low they nearly drag on the ground. His sheath ripples, pushing out another half-foot of cock in a slimy gush. It's easily the thickness of your leg.\n\n* at dante: [[let's try your cock first and see where things go from there|www fuck][$_www = "www dante fuck"]]<<scenealert "www dante fuck">>\n/% * [[y'know you could probably spitroast me|www fuck][$_www = "www spitroast"]]\n* [[hey you could probably both fit in at the same time|www fuck][$_www = "www dp"]] %/\n<<endif>>
You tell them they're gonna have to show you their dicks.\n\nDante grins, groping his crotch. "No problem." He tugs on his belts, parting his robe. He's mostly naked underneath, chest and stomach bare, with loose underclothes. He shoves them down enough to let his sheath lurch out. It's pretty big. He shrugs out of his robe, tossing it aside, stripping down to just sandals and cloth wrappings.\n\nHe's got bull's balls, each one easily bigger than a fist, and they droop down all the way to his knees in a heavy, dangling sac. They're oblong, with a lumpy knob at the bottom, and covered in a sparse layer of thin, coarse fur. His sheath juts out, it alone as big as a human's cock, flesh leathery black and supple, with a stretchy cord of flesh hooking up across his stomach, to his bellybutton, keeping his sheath pointed slightly upwards despite its heft.\n\nDante pats Malsatante's side, letting the big beast lap across his sheath, purple-black tongue swirling around the coarsely-furred sheath and then shoving inside. Dante groans, sinking down, and the both of them lumber to the ground, Dante on his knees letting Malsatante suck on his cock. Malsatante shifts to the side, sprawling out, his own sheath and balls on display, and Dante leans over, lying on his side between Malsatante's legs.\n\nMalsatante is bigger in every way: balls each bigger than Dante's head; his bloated sheath heavy and loose sprawled across his flanks, and Dante easily pins it up against the great bull's underbelly and practically shoves his entire face inside the enormous sheath: thicker than his thigh and easily stretching, with loose flesh spilling out over Dante's chin when he pushes his nose up against the arching tip.\n\nYou still haven't seen either of their dicks, actually.\n\nYou grope yourself, cock stiffening as you watch them slurp on each others' sheaths. Malsatante is chewing, jaw grinding down against the leathery flesh of Dante's sheath, and you can see it ripple and bulge as his cock starts to push out, straight into the bull-beast's muzzle. Dante... he gulps, pungent slime already drooling out across his face as he slurps on Malsatante's sheathed cockhead, throat working as he swallows and swallows again. The great bull's sheath shudders, flesh shifting under the surface, and Dante lets out a gurgling groan, opening his mouth wide -- sheathflesh warping around his face -- and starts panting.\n\nGiven how huge Malsatante's sheath is, you can't imagine he's actually fitting the bull's cock in his mouth, but, well, you've seen more extreme acclimations. Dante's throat warps, bulging, and you see the mounded crest of Malsatante's cock lurch down, an enormous swollen lump that shudders back and forth through Dante's throat before he gurgles and swallows, tipping his head back to let more of it shove down inside him.\n\nYou fall to your knees, moving closer, and press a hand to Dante's throat, feeling the heat radiating out, the heavy gristle shifting under the surface, as he gulps around Malsatante's unsheathing cock. You're jerking yourself off with your other hand, splattering pre across Dante's chest and Malsatante's underbelly, and Dante groans again, humping forward, sloppily fucking Malsatante's face as he's impaled with the length of the bull's cock.\n\nYou finally see part of one of their cocks: Dante's hunching against Malsatante's face, sheath smacking against his muzzle, drawing back to reveal a sliver of his cock -- purple-black and gristled, shiny with spit -- before he pumps it back. Thick as your bicep, maybe thicker. Definitely would take both hands to wrap around. And if that's what Dante's cock is like... you look back down, Dante's face distended, jaw looking warped, dislocated, as he continues eagerly gulping around Malsatante's cock. His throat is stretched out from jaw to collarbone, lumpy and bloated, erratically squeezing as he gasps for breath around the monstrous cock, and as you watch -- hand still pressing against his bulging throat -- an even bigger bloat warps his throat, like some swollen ridge wrapped around Malsatante's shaft. Dante gurgles, swallowing and then gagging, pulling off with a sloppy, liquid retch that has him coughing up a slurry of phlegm and reeking bull pre all across Malsatante's cock.\n\n"Still can't manage the spines easy," he says, coughing more, rubbing his jaw. "Gotta actually ease into that." His face is a mess of slime, drenching his beard and forming frothy cords hanging down from his jaw.\n\nMalsatante's cock, now spanning across Dante's front, is a monster: thicker than one of your legs, divided into two gristled, lumpy tubes that bulge and bloat out into lopsided ovals from their sheer size. And, yeah, coated in spines. There's a swollen band of flesh wrapped around the base, and sprouting out from that are a mess of huge, heavy spines, backwards-facing and flexing slightly as Malsatante keeps unsheathing.\n\nDante pulls back, cock pulling from Malsatante's muzzle with a wet slurp, and he grinds their cocks together, comparing them. They're the same basic shape: a lumpy, gnarled head that has a split knob at the tip, and the spiky swell of his urethra juts out past that, with a mess of spines beneath the head; and then the long, split-tube length of his cock, a fat tube along the underside nestled between the two bloated halves; bloated out from sheer size and then banded together into a circle by that spike-lined ridge at the midpoint, with a second band just barely cresting out from his sheath at the base. Dante peels his sheath back, letting the pinned spines flower out. The whole thing spans up to his chest, nearly to his chin, and it squelches and throbs, spikes fluttering back and forth against his shaft, spreading and relaxing, all slathered in spit and pre.\n\nMalsatante's cock is like that too, only half-again as big.\n\nYou're amazed Dante could manage to fit any of that in his mouth, much less nearly half of it. Lots of experience, you figure.\n<<if !$_wwwDoneIntro>>\\n<<set $_wwwDoneIntro to true>>\\n<<set $_wwwFrom to "show">>\\n<<if $pregnant eq "">>\n* [[holy shit that's huge but sure let's try to stick those in me|www impreg]]<<scenealert "www impreg">><<endif>>\n* [[maybe let's start with dante fucking me and see if i can manage|www fuck][$_www = "www dante fuck"]]<<scenealert "www dante fuck">>\n<<endif>>
/%\n<<if hasMutation("knot") && $from['knot'] === "cc">>\\n[they're like, hey nice dick. and yr like, yeah thx i got it from a friend. probably the same way you did. and they're like oh yeah?]\\n<<set $wwwPairBrulvundojn = "open">>\\n<<endif>>\n%/\n<<display $_www>>\n\n<<if $wwwCamp>>\\n<<set $wwwCamp to false>>\\nYou collapse to sleep sandwiched between them, with their half-hard cocks still oozing slimy cords of cum across your slime-encrusted skin.\n\n[[→|camprun]]\n<<else if !$wwwHaveAsked && Math.random() < 0.33>>\\n<<set $wwwCurrentlyFucked to true>>\\n/% %/<<if $pregnant neq "">>\\nDante presses his hands against your bloated belly, feeling over the taut dome of your cum-and-egg-bloated gut.\n/% %/<<else>>\\nDante presses his hand against your cum-bloated gut.\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n\n"Wow, you look real good." He's still half-hard, and his cock gives a sluggish kick, lurching across your side and spewing out a watery mess of sludge. "You took that real well."\n\n"We're, uh, trying to have kids," he says, glancing over at Malsatante's bulk, collapsed on his side in the sand. "I'm getting used to the thought of, y'know, carrying a giant clutch. For months."\n\n"But, uh, before any of that happens we gotta find a surrogate so we can incubate our eggs properly." He's not leading. Or rather, he is, but not really a lot.\n\\n<<set $_wwwFrom to "postfuck">>\\n\n* <<if $pregnant eq "">>[[hey i'm good for that now, pump me full of eggs|www impreg]]<<scenealert "www impreg">><<else>>[[you know after i deliver this clutch i could help you out with that|www promise]]<<endif>>\n* [[yeah that's rough|www decline][$_nice = true]]\n\n<<else>>\\nYou sluggishly pull yourself together and scour the worst of the slime off of you.\n\n<<if $wwwPromise>>"Hey, uh," Dante says. "That was for real, right?"\n\nYou say, yeah, they can hit you up once you've delivered this clutch. Or you'll find them.\n\nDante breaks out into an enormous smile. "Wow. Uh, yeah, uh... yeah we'll see you around huh?"\n\nYou say yeah, they will.\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<endif>>
Dante leers at your sheath. "Nice dick," he says, cupping it, stroking the leathery flesh.\n\nYou say thanks; you got it from a friend. Probably the same way you got yours. You clasp his sheath, stroking his unsheathing cock, and he presses your cocks together, monstrous shafts dark and slick, gushing sloppy pre against each other.\n\nDante says, "oh yeah?" He slides a slick finger up the underside of your cock, thumb rubbing against your pointed cocktip. "Think we could meet up?"\n\nYou tell him you can talk about it after they're done fucking you.\n\nHe snorts. "You got priorities; I get it."\n<<set $wwwPairBrulvundojn = "open">>
<<if !$_wwwDoneIntro>>\\n<<set $_wwwDoneIntro to true>>\\n<<display "www show">>\n<<endif>>\\nYou tell them Dante should go first.\n\n"Like me that much, huh?" Dante says, stroking his unsheathed cock, slathering it in watery pre. Excess slime drools down the arch of his cock and spills to the sand below. "How about you show us what you got."\n\nYou strip. /% <<if hasMutation("knot") && $from['knot'] === "cc" && !$wwwPairBrulvundojn>>\\n<<display "www sheath intro">>\\n<<endif>>%/\n\nDante's real big. <<if isBiggest('www_human', 'anal')>>\\nEven thinking about taking his dick is real intimidating, and that's not even considering Malsatante's monster.\n<<else>>\\nBut you've taken bigger. Watching it throb and pulse makes something deep inside your ass twist and clench. You're hungry for it. Hot shocky pulses rush across your hips, through your guts. Your body knows what's coming.\n<<endif>>\\n\nDante presses against you, cock wet and slimy slapping against your legs -- cock solidly the thickness //of// your legs. It lurches between you, huge and heavy enough to keep knocking you apart, battering against your thighs. Dante grins into your kiss and pushes you back, nearly toppling you backwards across Malsatante's hooves. The air around Malsatante ripples with heat radiating off his hide, and the heat grows scorching as they move you into place: bent over Malsatante's forelegs, body pressed against his utterly gigantic inhuman cock, with Dante kneeling in the sand behind you.\n\nDante's callused hands scrape up the backs of your thighs before he presses his fingers, slick and hot with his own sloppy, churned-up pre, across your muscled ass cheeks and <<if hasMutation ("asshole")>>over the heavy mound of your altered asshole, swollen and heavy bulging out between your cheeks<<else>>dip down between, finding your lax, spreading pucker<<endif>>. He presses inside, thumb catching on your wrinkled flesh, and you open your mouth to groan, slumping forward -- mashing your face against Malsatante's cockhead. It's as big as your head, maybe bigger if you count the big fleshy spines jutting back across the broad tip. He reeks, bestial sweat and slime, the rank taste of his acrid pre splattering across your tongue just from the inhale; the air suffused with the scent. You gasp and huff, smearing your face across the sloppy, ichorous length of his dick as Dante opens you up. Dante sticks a finger in your ass and it's almost comical: he's got barbs on his dick that are bigger than that.\n\nDante ladles pre across your ass, drenching your flesh in the sloppy, thick heat. Heavy cords of ooze trail down your skin, coating your balls, shining across your inner thighs. One finger goes to two, three, scissoring inside you, thumb dipping in to stretch you open. He hefts his dick and presses it into place, just to get the tip lodged against your asshole, squirting his unctuous pre directly into you in gushes. You groan, suckling across Malsatante's cockhead, face just as glazed, eyes already glued shut. Just heat surrounding you, the dry desert air and the wet, clinging heat of their touches, smearing you with clinging globs of rich, oily pre.\n\nDante's knuckles press against the rim of your ass, pushing in and twisting, and you push out to meet him: his fist slides right into your ass with a wet //slap// of skin on skin, and you groan, hitch up your hips, and spread your legs wider. His dick is still bigger than one of his hands, but it's closer to the right size. He fistfucks you, nothing too intense -- this is still all just foreplay to him -- to get you worked open: fat fist smacking against the entrance to your guts, riding your ass down against the thick, blocky muscle of his forearm. You rut back against him, pushing down internally -- you groan when your guts shudder and shift and he abruptly sinks deeper, elbow sliding into your ass, his arm huge and rigid filling you up. You focus on that, guts milking his forearm, gasping from the sudden push inside. He twists, elbow knocking around inside you, arm slightly bent, and you let out a long, shaky exhale, groaning as he pulls back and pushes forward. His other hand presses against your ass, aiming his cock: he drenches his bicep with pre and ladles it down his arm, slathering himself with a fresh coating of ooze with each pump into your ass. Your own cock, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>unsheathed and dangling down soft but turgid<<else>>half-hard and heavy<<endif>>, leaks pre in a slow drizzle, forming a short, stiff cord hanging off <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sharp cocktip<<else>>your hooded foreskin<<endif>>.\n\nYou feel hollowed out when Dante finally pulls back, fist popping free from your ass with a wet squelch. It's not a feeling that lasts long. He pushes forward: cockhead a brand pressed between your cheeks, slopping and dripping, squirting little pressurized blasts of pre up your back or into your gaping ass, down to coat your balls, as he wiggles back and forth, just mashing his cocktip against your still-tight gape, sloppily kissing it with his spurting cock. Already your asshole feels rumpled and enormous, a huge puffy swell bulging out between your cheeks to dig soft and pulpy into the crown of Dante's dick; all that and his cockhead is still even wider. The bulging ring around the very tip slops up and down, digging against your hole, hard and gristly when he pushes in harder. Slowly, gingerly, he works himself in: fingers tugging at your gape, squeezing his cockhead, shifting and realigning. You bellow, panting and gasping, sound muffled with how your face is mashed against Malsatante's dick. His dick feels like it's gonna rip you in half. The ridged tip crowns inside you, half of it slopping inside with a bone-jarring lurch, and Dante groans hard, cock lurching and spewing pre with such force that he has to press it down to keep it from popping out of your gaped hole. He ruts back and forth, smearing the ridge of his cocktip against your ass, revolving the line of pressure where it digs in the hardest, and slowly, with a dizzying slide and stretch, he works the entire tip into your ass, plugging you up solidly. You convulse, asshole clenching and gaping, erratically pulsing against the hard, implacable flesh of Dante's giant cock.\n\nAll that, and that's only the upper half of his cockhead. Already the bulging tip is digging into your guts, flooding you with gush after gush of slimy pre. And after that ridge come the spines. The first row of spines. You groan, sprawled out over Malsatante's legs, aware of Dante repositioning himself by how his cock dips and turns inside you.\n\nIf his fist made you feel hollowed-out, his cock is something else entirely. His cockhead jams between your hips, throbbing and pulsing like an extra heart, and his spines pin in tight to slip through your bulging, broken asshole only to spread out in a heavy, bulky fan that scrapes all across the inner flesh of your ass like a thousand probing fingers, trapping his cock inside you until he cums. Your guts gurgle, stomach already bloated and heavy from the sheer mass of his pre, steadily gushing into you in spasming blasts. He fucks you shallowly, or shallowly for him -- cockhead stirring around at the warped opening of your guts, spines jabbing backwards into your hips, bladder, prostate, every time he shifts, hips sending most of a foot of shaft slurping back and forth through your unfurled asshole. He's still opening you up, slowly, carefully. You just sprawl there, half-impaled by his cock, shaking and groaning each time he dips a little deeper, sinks a tiny fraction more of his cock inside you, threading his cockhead deeper through your squashed and straightened-out guts. Your belly lurches, pre-bloated sag drawing out into a warped mound as his cockhead taps against your skin from the inside.\n\nYou sob and groan as he works his cockhead deeper, spines going from tugging at your swollen asslips to scraping along your prostate to jabbing back and forth over the opening to your guts. Pre gurgles down your guts, sluicing through his flexing spines and fountaining from your ass in slimy waterfalls. The sheer //volume// of his issue is astounding; all that and he's nowhere near cumming. You lay there and let him impale you, hips erratically jerking back to vainly try to swallow more of his cock. His hands are hot and slick on your hips and back, leaving behind big wet handprints that prickle in the heat, drying out in what seem like instants.\n\nEventually you feel the added bulk of his spike-ringed medial ring brush against your ass: another bulging ring of thick, gristled flesh, and dimly you're aware that means that he's not even halfway in.\n\nHis cock kicks inside you, deep enough now that the motion sends your entire body lurching to the side, his cockhead blossoming with heat halfway under your ribs. When you breathe in deep you can feel the shape of his cockhead pinned against the sheet of your diaphragm, keeping your lungs from fully filling. You gag on nothing, drooling across Malsatante's cock, as he slops his dick against your lungs. He twists, cock knocking around inside you -- dizzy, nauseating, breath knocked from your lungs in a //whuff// and leaving you gasping -- and adjusts, aiming his dick out against your belly, instead of up against your heart.\n\nHe slops his medial ring against your ass, the muscle long ago bruised and broken, drooping slack and rubbery as he ruts his ring over its heavy, puffy bulk. Your guts unspool more, pinching and bunching around his shaft as he works himself into you -- works you down deeper on his cock. Your belly is enormous, impossibly distended, with the nearly leg-thick imprint of his cockhead warping out your skin, spines flexing making your skin warp and bunch like you've got snakes inside you.\n\n"Ah, fuck," he groans over you, both hands on your lower back, hips snapping forward to play his medial ring over your ass, wetly mashing your bodies together and pulling apart. His spines flex, scraping against the muscle of your ass cheeks, warped out into crescents by the sheer bulk of his shaft. "Gonna cum soon." You have absolutely no idea what 'soon' means here; he's been fucking you for what seems like hours, slow and gradual, stuffing his giant monster dick into your body slowly, slowly. His pace doesn't change: still rutting down, bodily bashing your asshole wider, spines flexing hard when he shoves in deeper, clawing deep in your guts when he pulls back.\n\nYour guts unfurl, wet meat spilling in bruised folds from your ass and slurping over his spines, half-sheathing his rutting shaft in the impossible, bloated mound of your prolapse. Dante just groans, breathing harder, and digs his hands into your meat, playing it across his spines, stroking himself off with your guts. He groans again, cock lurching harder -- nearly strong enough to drag you up, a sickening yank deep in your guts that makes you feel lighter, less weight resting on your sweat-slick elbows and thighs.\n\n"Oh, //fuck//," Dante groans, again, and his cock flares. His spines all flex hard, turning the spiky ridges into giant serrated disks, and he shoves forward, half his medial ring plowing into your ruined ass. He cums hard, entire cock pumping rhythmically, something hotter and thicker than his pre blossoming in your heavy, sloshing gut. You gag on nothing, drool spilling from your mouth as he floods you, already-flooded guts surging with his bestial load, gurgling and churning inside you as he pumps more and more of his impossible animal issue into your guts. Sick wet slopping noises come from your broken ass, the pre continually gushing out turning into a fountain, squirting out between his spines to paint the rest of his shaft in the churned-up slurry of his load, spraying from your broken body in heaving squirts.\n\nIn what's maybe the only relief, he doesn't cum long: just a dozen-or-so gut-churning, body-warping spurts, before his dick practically collapses inside you, iron-hard flesh suddenly spongy and soft, dropping you back down to the ground with a lurch. Dante collapses too, spilling to the side against Malsatante's bulk, and his medial ring crests back out of your ass, sheathed with the bruised, wrinkled flesh of your prolapsed guts, hanging out of your body in an obscene tail. Cum gurgles out of you, drenching your thighs, Malsatante's hooves, the sand beneath you, in an endless flow of thick, jelly-like sludge, a cloudy yellow-orange goo that sends up visible fumes as it works its way out of your ass and splutters down onto the sand. Dante groans, flexing his cock -- still turgid enough to lurch inside you, churning up your guts around his shaft -- and shakily pulls backwards, dragging more and more of your guts out of your body as his cock slurps free, forming an immense mound of scummy, cum-coated flesh. His cockhead pulls free from your ass with a lurch and then, seconds later, spills from the end of your hanging prolapse, letting your bodies separate with a final gush of slime: his cock lurching to the side to thwack loudly against his chest, your prolapse swaying the opposite direction, splattering against your thigh and staying there, glued in place by Dante's gummy issue.\n\nDante weakly slides his hand against your hip, feeling through the mess he made. You drain out for a while, cum squirting from your ruined ass, before Dante manages to slide his hand over, catching the heavy, meaty base of your prolapse and digging in. You groan, guts -- guts still in your body -- clenching and shuddering, pushing out congealing globs of cum, stuck to the walls of your ass in clumps.\n\nDante leans in, squirming a little to shove Malsatante's cock down further, pinning it between your bodies while he plays with your ass. He fists your guts back into your body, slowly, spread palm pressing against the sloppy flesh of your prolapse to give it the extra force you need to pull, tightening some internal muscle, and slowly suck your guts back into your body, in fold after fold, lumpy and heavy with his load glued inside and out.\n\nYou groan, wet mouth sliding across the inhuman bulk of Malsatante's dick. It's like an earthquake when Malsatante cums, his body under you shifting and stirring, and you and Dante press tight together, coated head to toe in the great beast's load: issue twice as thick and twice as heavy, a weight piling up over your bodies as his gargantuan cock ripples and shudders, dragging you both bodily with it as he drenches you with his own fuming load.\n\nYou sprawl bonelessly against Malsatante's bulk as Dante fists the rest of your guts inside you. When he pulls out, it takes a moment to verify the sensations: that he was elbow deep in your broken ass, stirring around your guts, and it hardly felt like anything.\n\nIt's considerably longer before you can do anything but lie there; by the time you can manage to sit up, their loads have dried enough they have to pry you off, peeling huge clots of congealed goo off your sides, and leaving behind a mound of glossy wet ooze across Malsatante's shoulder, cum there still wet and sloppy where it was pinned between you.\n\n<<set $_wwwDoneIntro to false>>\\n<<sex "www_human" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "www dante fuck">>
You tell them to spitroast you.\n\n"Oh yeah?" Dante says, stroking his cock. "Who gets to use your mouth, then?" he says, stepping close, thumb stroking the corner of your lip. "You think you're up to swallowing Mal's cock?"\n\nHis tone of voice says he's joking. But the thought of getting to swallow Malsatante's nightmarishly huge cock is still pretty hot.\n\n"Anyway," he says, taking a half-step back, letting his hand trail down your chest, tugging at your tunic. "We gotta see what you got."\n\nYou strip. <<if hasMutation("knot") && $from['knot'] === "cc" && !$wwwPairBrulvundojn>>\\n<<display "www sheath intro">>\n<<endif>>\n\n[they spitroast you w/ the human in front and the beast mounting you and drooling froth all down yr back]\n\n<<sex "www_human" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sex "www_beast" "anal" "top">>
Dante whistles, low. "You probably got eyes bigger than your asshole," he says. Then he gropes his crotch. "But let's see what you got."\n\nYou strip. <<if hasMutation("knot") && $from['knot'] === "cc" && !$wwwPairBrulvundojn>>\\n<<display "www sheath intro">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation ("wide hips")>>\\n[you manage to stuff malsatante's cock in yr ass and you peel yrself open wider while he's hilted inside, broken asshole squirting out his pre around yr hand. dante is like, holy shit.]\n\n[they dp you and stuff you with both cocks until yr a broken, gaping mess.]\n<<else>>\\n[you barely manage to take malsatante's cock and dante's jerking off watching, like, yeah i figured. real fucking hot to watch you try though. he plays w/ yr asshole as malsatante fucks you for a while, and then he pulls out and dante fucks yr sloppy, open hole]\n\n[then they alternate fucking you back and forth until yr asshole is broken open.]\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<sex "www_both" "anal" "top">>
<<if $_wwwFrom eq "show">>\\nYou tell them, that's utterly huge but let's go slow and see if you can take it.\n\nDante leers at you, some of Malsatante's pre still oozing out of his mouth, forming a trail down his jaw and into his short beard. He absently wipes his lips with the back of his hand. "Let's go for it, then," he says.\n\n<<else if $_wwwFrom eq "talk">>\\nDante's not wearing a whole lot under his robe, it turns out. Some loose underclothes and some cloth wrappings across his stomach. His cock matches Malsatante's.\n\nBy which you mean, Malsatante lying on his side has his sheath and balls pretty clearly out in the open. Big leathery sheath, thinly-furred, with titanic balls in a low-hanging sac draped over his inner thigh. His balls are strangely-shaped, drawn down into a knobbled point at the bottom. Dante's got a sheath too, balls each bigger than a fist, draping all the way down to his knees, all sparsely coated in black fur. His cock lolls out with a //slurp//, purple-black and shiny.\n<<else if $_wwwFrom eq "postfuck">>\\nYou tell them, you're good for it now. You twist onto your back, cum-flooded asshole loose and gaped already, spilling his tarry, orange-yellow cum out onto the sand. Pump you full of eggs, you order them.\n\nDante groans, cum-slathered cock lurching up, fattening out again already. "Seriously?!" he says, and you just nod. C'mon, you say.\n\nMalsatante lumbers up and shoves Dante to the side, his squat muzzle prodding at your cum-filled ass. He digs in, and you're already so lax and fucked-open that the tip of his muzzle shoves into your gaping asshole with an obscene wet //slurp//. You gasp, shuddering, and Dante presses against your side, his cum-slathered cock drooling fresh pre all across your bloated belly. Inside, Malsatante opens his muzzle, tongue unfurling directly into your guts as he gulps down mouthfuls of Dante's load. His tongue flexes, squirming through the dense mess of cum flooding your guts, squirming deeper in a slick, heavy motion that sends ripples through your body.\n\nYou gasp, breath fluttering, as Malsatante mashes his tongue against the donut bulge of your cervix. You groan, throwing your head back, rutting back against his snout as he digs in, nipping at your gaped asshole. Your legs come to rest on his horns as he digs in deeper, another inch-or-two of his muzzle slurping into your fucked-open ass. Your heels press against the side of his neck, and his giant muscles tense as he shoves forward: a gush of cum burbling out across his face, his tongue mashing against your bulging cervix, looping around it, squeezing. You bellow, and Dante feeds you his cock, pressing its gristled curve against your lips. There's a stinging pain as your cervix contracts, muscle spasming in time with his rhythmic squeezes, and then you starts to pulse, flowering open. There's a moment of shaky pressure, of fluid gurgling inside you as Dante's load starts to slurp into your cervix, and then Malsatante rears back and plows his tongue straight through the shuddering opening of your cervix, directly into your womb.\n\nYou howl around Dante's cock, dizzyingly aware of the heavy //gurgle// of cum pouring into your womb, Malsatante's tongue stirring it around and around in a thick, heavy slurry. Heavy globs of cum work their way in, a blossoming of heat deep inside.\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $_wwwFrom neq "postfuck">>Dante plants his hand on your chest and gently but inexorably pushes you onto your back. He goes instantly to your ass, stroking his cock to get his hand shiny with pre before shoving three fingers in. Not much for foreplay, you say. Dante laughs, twisting his hand around as he tries to fit his whole fist in. "This //is// foreplay," he says, and jerks his head to the side: Malsatante has lumbered up, crouched on his hooves, cock starting to spill from his sheath. It's completely soft and it's still as thick as your thigh. "Gonna have to really spread you open," he says, thumb slipping into your ass with a shuddering push. He's breathing hard, his own cock stiffening, draped heavily across your upturned thigh as he leans in, twisting his fist back and forth in your ass.\n\nTheir dicks are long and flat-capped. There's a ring of spikes just under their cockheads, short thick spines that shrink into stubbly bristles down their shaft. Their flesh is gnarled and lumpy; bloated into two sagging chambers framing their cocks, and those spread their already brutally-wide cocks out even thicker as they start to get hard. There's another ring of spikes halfway down their shafts -- and if that's really 'halfway', seeing Dante fully unsheathed, then Malsatante's forearm-long cock is hardly even halfway out. The reek of their cocks fills the air, heavy and animal. There's a hot tingle in your ass, hungry and desperate. You're breathing hard, whole body flushed, skin damp with sweat.\n\nMalsatante shoves Dante to the side, bowing his head down to lap out, tongue unfurling from his mouth to loosely wrap around Dante's wrist. His tongue flexes, pushing against your asshole, and Dante drags his fist out, leaving his fingers hooked into the rim of your asshole, making you gape, ring pinned open. Malsatante settles into position, tongue licking over Dante's fingers, unfurling into your asshole. His horns scrape your stomach as he digs in, nose cool and wet pressed against the skin just above your hole. He snorts and slavers, drooling, lips working against your hole, tongue squirming deeper.\n\nYou gasp, breath fluttering, as his tongue taps against your inner walls, tip instantly seeking out and breaching the drumhead barrier into your guts. His tongue flattens itself against the donut bulge of your cervix. You groan, throwing your head back, rutting back against his snout as he digs in, nipping at your flushed asshole. Your legs come to rest on his horns as he digs in deeper, the cold wet flesh of his nose slurping over your asshole. Your heels press against the side of his neck, and his giant muscles tense as he shoves forward, squat muzzle dragging against your gaping asshole. Stubbly flesh stings scraping over your spread rim as he shoves his squat muzzle into your ass, mouth open and panting into your guts. You bellow, wrapping your calves around his head, rutting up, guts spasming as his tongue wraps around your bulging cervix and squeezes, milking it. There's a stinging pain as you contract, muscle spasming in time with his rhythmic squeezes, and your cervix starts to pulse, flowering open.\n\nDante shifts in the sand beside you. He's jerking off, cock fully hard, gigantic even on his big frame, angled over your body, and thick dollops of pre splatter down across your thighs and ass. His balls hang so low they come to rest against the sand, pillowed in the leathery flesh of his ballsac. His cockhead flutters: muscles beneath flexing, sending his spikes flexing back and forth, making his broad cockhead flare wide and then flatten back against his shaft with a wet //squelch//.\n\nHis fingers burn hot when he strokes your ass, guiding the flow of pre over your cheeks, into your spread asshole. His fingers curl on your stretched lip, pressed against Malsatante's snuffling muzzle, and he pulls to the side, pulling you wider with a //slurp//. He leans down, spitting into your gaping asshole, and ladles a mess of slimy pre in with his spit, gurgling in across Malsatante's face. Your guts slurp, flooded with drool and pre, body flushed, hot pinpricks racing across your thighs and balls, tightly furrowed under your cock. Your cervix spasms again, basted by Malsatante's spit, and he shoves in, tongue plowing through the shuddering muscle directly into your womb.<<endif>>\n\nYou let out a reedy, shaking gasp, hot flushes racing through your body as Malsatante feels across your womb, tongue smacking wetly across your inner walls. Your entire body shudders, chills racing over your skin, the enormous bloat of your stretched asshole catching the beat of your heart. Fluid sloshes in your womb, drool and pre gurgling as they flow down into you, stirred around by Malsatante's tongue.\n\nSuddenly, abruptly, Malsatante pulls back, tongue slithering up out of the bottleneck of your cervix, muzzle slurping out of your ass, calves sliding down his horns until you're dumped back onto the sand, ass a splayed, gaping crater drooling a frothy mess of spit and pre.\n\n<<if $_wwwFrom neq "postfuck">>Dante takes his place in front of you, cock spanning up his chest to his nipples. His entire length is shining, covered in rippling layers of pre. "//That// was foreplay," he says breathlessly. He's sheened with sweat, breathing hard. His cock pulses with his heartbeat, messy lightning-bolt patterns of veins fluttering to the surface of his gnarled shaft with each pulse.\n\nHe's got one hand on his cock, playing with the base: stroking up and down, smearing his flowing pre into a dense foaming mess. His cock spits pre, lurching from the recoil, and a finger-thick cord of pre splatters all across your front. He releases his cock, letting it slap down all across your chest -- it's way too huge to stand up under its own weight. It's not quite long enough for you to easily suck on the tip while he's grinding his sheath against your ass.\n\nYou wrap your hands around the tip, feeling the springy spines flex against your palm. It takes most of both hands to wrap around it. You tell him, what are you waiting for? Shove this thing in me.\n\nHis slimy, pre-coated fist slurps into your ass easily. He twists his hand around inside you, knuckles jamming against your prostate. It's a cursory motion, just smearing his fingers around the rippling, bloated ridge of your asshole. "Yeah," he says, breathlessly, and he hauls back, rolling you forward, and guides his cock in.\n\nWith a cock that long that's quite the effort: he sits, back, dragging his cock halfway down your chest, and then he has to move back more, tugging his cock back in a rubbery arch before it's even possible to clear enough space for the head to press against your gaping asshole. It's hot and slick, gushing pre into your ass in a sloppy flood, and he wraps a hand beneath his cockhead and shoves it in like a plug, stopping you up. His pre splatters across the inside of your ass, pouring down into a sloppy puddle inside you. Dante slides forward, cock shoving deeper, punching through the open barrier into your guts and then ramming into your cervix with enough force to knock the breath from your lungs.\n\nYou soundlessly gasp, body shuddering around the pillar of Dante's cock, milking and squeezing. He's impossibly fat, body warping around his cock, hot shocky aches racing through your guts as they try to adjust to his sheer size. You look over at Malsatante's cock, so much bigger again than Dante's. This is still just opening you up. Dante rolls his hips forward, cock shifting inside you, his spines tugging at your inner walls, and lets your guts mold around his fat, heavy girth. His cock spurts pre right up against your cervix, gurgling in your guts, and he shallowly ruts against you, cockhead knocking on your cervix, bashing against its slowly-spreading opening. Your cervix warps, internal muscles you've never had to identify before shuddering, pulling, pushing, as Dante hammers your cervix. His bulging cocktip shoves into place and gushes streamers of pre right through its bottleneck opening, stinging and raw when they splatter into your womb. He groans, leaning down over you, mouth open and panting, hands digging into your shoulders as he tries to grind deeper. His cock is so slick, lubed with pre and spit, and his cockhead bears down hard against your rubbery cervix before it slips to the side, jabbing hard against your insides. You can feel your guts, yawningly empty, and how he'd only have to tip up, slide to the side, to hilt himself in your guts. But he keeps grinding at your cervix, spreading it open an iota with each thrust. Slime slops into your womb, burning, heavy, and his cockhead catches in your flared cervix, spines rubbery serration dragging across your rim. Dante groans, eyes rolling back into his head as he blindly shoves forward.\n\nDante's cock is just so, so fat. The flat tip is a sledgehammer bashing against your flowering cervix. You shudder, internal muscles stretching with shocky pain as he grinds inside, wrapping your cervix like a clenching hand around his cockhead. His flare shudders, trying to spread, and you gasp, stinging heat blossoming inside you with each twitch. You're panting in short sharp gasps, sweaty skin coated in sand, eyes closed as you focus on the sensation of being split open. Your asshole gapes, loose and half-prolapsed around his shaft, but his cockhead is wrapped tight inside your warping cervix. Hot tremors of pain race through your body, belly bloating from the girth of his cock shoving into your womb. He's leaning over you, panting just as hard as you, sweat dripping down his skin.\n\nHe roars, hips snapping forward, and his cock surges, breaking through into your womb and bashing against the far wall, warping your stomach cartoonishly: the blocky swell of his cockhead surfacing under your spasming abs, jutting up over your stomach. You shudder and spasm, mouth hanging open, body convulsing. Clenching your stomach stirs his cock, trying to sink it back inside, dragging your womb this way and that. His cock shudders, hard, pre erupting at full force against the walls of your womb, burning hot, stinging and heavy as it piles up inside you in thick globs. Each throb of his cock pushes against your cervix, forcing it to spread further, and Dante groans, all but collapsing on top of you. His pulses strongly inside you, head half-flared, and he freezes in place, panting, face screwed up as he tries to stop himself from cumming. His cock kicks a few more times, lurching in your womb, gushing a pressurized stream of pre, but he manages to stop himself in time. He gingerly pulls back, cock dragging through your cervix until the ridged head pops out with a rubbery //spang// of pain. He pants, dazed, sweat dripping down onto your chest, and then mashes his cockhead back against your warped cervix. Working you open. He hammers forward, second slam into your womb -- easier? -- just as intense, splitting you open into a writhing mess on the desert sand, chest heaving, gasping for breath. He ravages your womb, face screwed up so much you can't tell if it's in pleasure or pain as he ruthlessly hammers his cock through the tight vise of your cervix, slamming into your womb and then drawing back, spines catching on the inner lip of your cervix and nearly dragging it inside-out with a gut-twisting lurch inside you. His cock pulses unevenly, spewing a thick, clumpy mixture of pre and cum into your womb, and he keeps hammering away, struggling not to cum as he works to break you open entirely.\n\n"Don't wanna blow too soon," he says, gasps really, grinning loosely down at you. "I just gotta--" he says, and jerkily thrusts forward, using his cock as a dilator to spread your cervix again. His hips weakly jerk as he shoves his cock back into the now-gaping bottleneck opening of your cervix, dragging his shaft back and forth. His sheath mashes against your gaping ass, furry skin slurping inside as he smacks his cockhead against the deepest wall of your womb. You groan, arm slung over your head, biting into your bicep as the sensation explodes through your body, cervix feeling enormous and elastic, a hot stinging ache blossoming inside you as it spasms and contracts, flowering open under Dante's brutal fucking.\n\nHis cock pulls out, dragging against your inner walls, and the phantom sensation is still there: gaping cervix clenching down on nothing, womb squirting out a slimy, foaming mess of fluids that spill down your ass in a gurgling stream. His cock pulls from your ass with an explosion of slime, spit and pre. Dante's cock pulses, an inch from orgasm, gushing sloppy squirts of pre all across your front.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $_wwwFrom eq "postfuck">>Malsatante stands before you, panting and huffing, muzzle drooling Dante's load, his own cock a monstrously gigantic pillar spanning across his bestial underbelly.<<else>>Then Malsatante shoulders him out of the way.<<endif>>\\n If Dante's cock was enormous, Malsatante's is //titanic//. <<if isBiggest("www_beast", "anal")>>Not the biggest cock you've ever seen, but absolutely the biggest one anybody had any expectation of fitting inside you. <<endif>>Where Dante is arm-thick, Malsatante is thicker than one of your legs. It bloats out under its own size, shaft lopsided. He's drooling a thick, gummy string of pre, more liquid drizzle spilling down his shaft and entirely coating it.\n\n"If you're sure...?" Malsatante says, hoof-hands spread over your sides, enormous bulk looming over you. His dinnerplate cockhead brushes against your thighs, leaving behind glistening strings, and sockets against your gaping asshole with a muffled //slurp//. Pre pulses, flooding your insides and gurgling out around the loose seal, streaming down your ass cheeks into the sodden sand below.\n\nYour cervix shudders, heat zinging up inside you, ache twisting in your gut. You feel yourself flower open, spreading yourself with a stinging pain. Just fucking shove it in me already, you groan, reaching one hand up over Malsatante's shoulders to drag his head down. You moan into his mouth, <<if $_wwwFrom eq "postfuck">>sharing Dante's load, <<endif>>his tongue spilling out in a slobbery tendril as he shoves forward, cockhead breaching you open. You howl, entire body shoved forward -- Dante braces you, his cock slapping wetly against your shoulder -- as Malsatante slams in. You're dimly aware of your body convulsing; your gaping asshole still clings tight around his mammoth shaft. He barrels in, cock forcing wide the already-gaping opening to your guts, and smashes into your cervix with a jolt that drives your head and shoulders up into Dante's lap, his cock dragging across the back of your head<<if !hasMutation ("scales")>>, smearing your hair with the mess of slimy froth coating his shaft<<endif>>.\n\nEven fucked open by Dante's giant horsecock, Malsatante is so much larger that he struggles to fit inside. He smacks his flat head against the bloated donut of your cervix. You make short sharp gasps, eyes screwed shut, mouth pressed against Dante's thigh. Your cervix shudders, warping, spreading, every iota of movement a hot stinging stretch. His sloppy pre gushes into you, swilling around in a gurgling mess. It feels burning hot, outlining your inner surfaces: spilling down the sloping corridor of your cervix, smearing across the curving walls of your womb. Your cervix clenches tight, audibly slurping inside you as it clenches closed and flowers open, and Malsatante grinds his hands and hooves into the sand and bears down, forcing his gargantuan cock into your gaping cervix. You howl, hips weakly jerking as he impales you on his cock, split open from ass to womb. He shifts, bulk shifting above you, and physically jerks you up into the air: pinned against his underbelly, only your shoulders still resting on the sand. You warble, incoherent noises coming up from your throat as Malsatante's cock rearranges your insides. Your womb warps around his cock, internal muscles spasming erratically as it's stretched out into a rubbery extrusion wrapped around Malsatante's monstrously-oversized cock. Your stomach bulges: the pillar of his cock sheathed in the flesh of your body and in the rubbery mess of your ruined womb, bloating out under your ribs and grinding against his own underbelly, cock only dragged down minutely from the weight of your own body. His spines scrape in past your slack, gaping asshole and shove into your guts, forming a secondary lump stirring above your cock.\n\nHis cockhead jars against your ribs, stinging heat rushing all through your body with each shift of his cock inside you. Malsatante grinds his hooves into the sand, rutting forward -- your body boneless, puppeted by his cock, rising up and mashing against his coarse, sandy underbelly. The rank taste of his flesh fills your mouth; you face mashes against his chest, his coarse, dusty fur scraping across your skin. You gurgle against his skin, dimly aware of Dante's hands on your shoulders and back, helping align your body with Malsatante's cock. It shudders in deeper, spines scraping as they slurp into your guts, womb distended into a dense, rubbery tube wrapped around the first half of his cock, warping more and more as he ruts into you. You shudder, whining, as he drives in deeper: the spines wrapped around his medial ring bash against your wrecked cervix, prying it yet-further open. Your body contorts, nothing more than a sheath for his cock. He plunges deeper and deeper, contorting your body to stretch out a further passage. Hollowing you out to fit his cock.\n\nThere's a scrape against your ass, sandpapery flesh dragging against your slick skin for an instant, and his next push forward mashes his heavy, leathery sheath against your asshole, impact strong enough that folds of coarsely-furred flesh shove in through your ruined asshole, souring across the inner flesh of your ass. You heave, gasping shallowly, the hammering throb of his cock inside you a force stronger than your own heartbeat, filling your ears with a dizzying syncopation.\n\nMalsatante rests there for a moment, cock shuddering and pulsing through you, hilted entirely within you. A cock bigger than your leg isn't something you get //used// to having stuck inside you, but you become aware of the space of it, of how each twitch sends you listing to one side or the other, hanging off his cock and guided by Dante's hands. It gurgles inside you; it's been gurgling, shuddering and pulsing and spewing bestial pre deep inside you, but only now that it's resting does the catch and flow of fluid inside you become clear: hot globs of steaming pre splattering into your womb, squelching as excess floods down through your broken-wide cervix. Your womb is already packed with his cock, his pre forming a sluicing layer around his shaft. You can't imagine how he can even begin to fit his eggs in there too.\n\nDante is pressed against you, knees holding your back in place, hands on your shoulders. His cock spikes up past your head, mashed up against Malsatante's neck, and they're sloppily kissing: Dante's mouth open, moaning and gurgling, with Malsatante's tongue shoved down his throat, warping his neck as it curls inside him. Drool and pre splatter down over your face and chest, a strange translucent yellow-orange, steaming in the air.\n\nThen Malsatante starts to fuck you.\n\nYou're just a sack of flesh: warping and distending, entire body a thin sheath around his utterly monstrous cock. You can't even groan; you just gasp for breath when you can -- when Malsatante pulls out enough for your lungs to work -- and try to hold on to Dante. Your stomach warps, bloating out into an inhuman swell of stretched flesh, the vague outline of Malsatante's cock blanketed in your womb, your guts, your organs, forming only a vague mound. It still stretches wider every time his spines twitch, and you let out a soundless cry, mouth open against Dante's thigh.\n\nYou lose all track of time: they could be fucking you for hours. All you can feel is the churn, the lurch, the heat, the scrape of sand. Your own heart pounding in your chest; the vastly more powerful throb of Malsatante's cock spasming inside you. Hot liquid spilling across your body, inside, slurping and churning in your ruined guts.\n\nEventually, Malsatante roars. His cockhead flares, wider and wider, and your womb warps with it, until it's squished flat, entire womb not big enough to fit the full bulk of Malsatante's cock. Boiling hot cum erupts inside you, thick and slimy and //heavy//, only a few pulses weighing you down, dragging Malsatante's cock lower.\n\nDante says something, voice groaning, but you're beyond comprehending sounds as anything but sensation. His chest buzzes against the back of your head. His head is inside Malsatante's maw, slathered in drool, Malsatante's tongue coiled around his head as he kisses the warted underside.\n\nEggs. You feel Malsatante's cock warp, lumpy swells popping into you along the underside of Malsatante's shaft, moving up and up through you until they burst into your womb. Slime floods out of you, cum tarry and thick, and Malsatante jerks back, flared cockhead catching on your broken cervix and nearly wrenching your womb inside-out, opening up a void inside you for his eggs to fill. They're hot too, almost burning, and as he keeps cumming more and more push inside you: womb stretching in abrupt rubbery //spang//s of sensation. Each one knocks the breath from your lungs. You're dimly aware of scratching at the sand, clumps of sodden sand in your fists as you soundlessly howl up into the sky. Your womb swells, bigger and bigger, its elastic flesh peeling away from Malsatante's cockhead until your cervix is the only point of contact: a pulsing, rubbery tube wrapped around his shaft, and your womb perched atop that, shuddering and jiggling with each new egg that he lays inside. Your stomach bloats, the bulge of his cock immersed under the growing swell of your pregnant womb.\n\nDante cums all over your chest. He bellows into Malsatante's mouth, cock spraying up against his chest and splattering down all over your body, and he ruts, shallowly, cock heavily //thwack//ing against your neck, your chest, your swollen belly. Dante's hands come down, milking his cock, feeling over your taut skin, and he smears his thick, jellylike load all over your skin in thick, gloppy waves.\n\nEventually Malsatante finishes. The lumpy underside of his cock smooths out again, with no more eggs coming, and one by one he pumps them all into your grossly-overinflated womb, finishing up with a final few gushes of slick, slobbery cum. He's already half-hard when he drags his cock out of you. His spikes catch on your cervix, on your asshole, and the motion pulls both of them inside-out, prolapsed from ass to womb in a sudden jerk. Cum and eggs slurp out of your womb in a thick, slimy flow, and Dante's hands spread around your asshole, one hand reaching inside -- catching an egg -- and sinks all the way in to your womb.\n\nAfter Malsatante, Dante being bicep-deep inside you is nothing. He digs in, and your cervix rights itself with an abrupt //lurch//, knocking the breath from your lungs again. His hand is spread, shoved inside your womb, acting as an impromptu cervix to keep all of the eggs from spilling out. Your cervix aches, shuddering sensations of getting fucked still rippling up and down your guts. It feels like there's a yawning gulf inside you, body hollowed out by Malsatante's cock, and you just lay there, gasping and spasming, your cervix only slowly managing to close around Dante's wrist. He pulls back with a wet //slurp// once you're closed enough for the eggs to not just pop out, but even still you can feel one slowly digging against your cervix, slowly crowning back out.\n\nHe's rutting against your side, cock still hard, or hard again. He's already, or still, drooling cum. "I blew early," he says, a little apologetically. He looks down at you, pregnant belly covered in his load -- a thick yellow-orange sludge, visibly fuming -- and presses his hands against your skin, groaning. "It's really fucking hot." You nod. "I'm, uh, gonna fuck you now," he says, with a grin that turns into a groan as he slides into your wrecked ass, hilt deep without a hitch. Your cervix is still gaping, only parting slightly, and Dante pushes into your womb, thrusts once, twice, before letting out a gasping groan and blowing his load. His cockhead flares, at once brutally wide and hardly nothing, and drenches Malsatante's eggs with his load. He gasps and shudders, his rings of spines fluttering against your guts, in your ass. You're so bruised and oversensitive that the feeling is just as overwhelming as when Malsatante came, and you shudder and groan, gasping between pulses as Dante dumps his load inside you in thick, gloppy waves. Cum gurgles inside you, streaming down your cervix, and Dante just collapses beside you, cock still stuck deep inside, just dazed as he cums and cums and cums, hands petting your stomach.\n\nThe consistency of his load shifts at the end, thicker even still, and he pulls his softening cock out with a lurch, leaving behind a gummy plug of hardening cum, gluing your bruised and broken cervix shut, trapping his load inside.\n\n<<sex "www_human" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "www_beast" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "www impreg">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "www">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n<<set $wwwCamp to false>>\\nMalsatante collapses to the ground beside you, his cock soft and incredibly heavy draped across your thigh, and you just lay there, skin covered in sweat and cum, feeling the eggs inside you churn through the murky mess of slime filling your womb. Your guts churn, slowly, pulling themselves back into some semblance of their proper shape.\n\nYou definitely pass out after that. It was exhausting.\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You set up camp for the day. It's difficult: the eggs inside you churn and squirm, each motion knocking your breath out, mashing into your kidneys, kicking you in the stomach. Your belly is obscenely swollen, ribboned with fresh stretch marks -- red and oozing clear lymph. You think you're making worse time than usual. Difficult to trek across the desert when you're this pregnant.\n\nYou think, for a moment, that you should probably hunt down Dante and Malsatante and get them to transfer the eggs, and then, of course, a few minutes later you spot two black dots on the shimmering horizon. Speak of the devil.\n\nMalsatante is tracking you; they're coming up behind you, following your night's trek. Dante waves once he's close enough for the motion to carry; you wave back. It's still a few minutes until they reach you.\n\n[[→|www birth talk]]
"You're looking pretty big, huh?" Dante says, immediately dropping down and feeling across your belly.\n\nYou say hi into his hair, and then look up at Malsatante and say hey again. Dante is occupied feeling his eggs kick.\n\n"You ready to deliver them?" Malsatante asks. "You smell ripe."\n\nYou tell him you was just thinking about that. You ask just how much more time is left before they hatch, since -- Dante will be taking them from here, right? you ask. He's not that much bigger than you.\n\n"He's a lot more well-adapted," Malsatante. "He's stretchy."\n\nDante lets out a half-laugh. "Don't worry, I can take it." He looks at your belly: "Well, probably. If things get real bad we're gonna have to get your ass to carry some," he says, and punches Malsatante in the shoulder.\n\n"We'll see," Malsatante says, and sits down on his haunches, forehands reaching out to press over Dante's, the both of them feeling your belly. Obligingly -- they've been doing nothing but -- the eggs lurch and squirm, strong enough to make your bloated belly shake and lurch.\n\nDante looks up at you. "You ready?"\n\n* [[yeah|www birth deliver]]<<scenealert "www birth deliver">>
You say yeah, you're ready.\n\nThey help you down onto your back, and strip you naked. Malsatante presses his forehands against your thighs, lifting them up, pressing them out around the mounded bulk of your pregnant gut. Dante kneels in front of you, hands hovering over your asscheeks.\n\nMalsatante's cock is unsheathed, spilling out over Dante's back and shoulder. You tell him there's no way that's going into you //now//. He laughs, snorting out streamers of steaming air. "Quite the opposite, now."\n\nDante lubes his hands up with Malsatante's pre, and shoves a hand into your ass. You pout open already; the lube wasn't really even necessary. Dante feels deeper, casually squirming his hand up into your guts with hardly any effort, until he's elbow-deep, his palm pressed against your bulging cervix. He cups it in his hand, holding it, thumb skimming over the bulging plug of thickened slime keeping it sealed shut.\n\nEven if your //body// is prepared for this, flooded with alien hormones from the giant beast eggs, you're still gasping from the penetration, guts lurching from being fisted elbow-deep with no prep. You gasp, belly shuddering, womb pulsing, cervix clenching.\n\n"You ready?" Malsatante says, and you nod, but he's actually talking to Dante.\n\n"Yeah," Dante says. Nervously. "Those are some big eggs."\n\nYou tell him, yeah, you know, because you're not gonna let yourself be left out of this conversation.\n\nBut, yeah, you know how this is gonna go for Dante, and those //are// some big eggs. He's gonna be carrying them for the rest of their term, which means getting them inside him after he gets them out of you. They're rubbery and elastic still, but that's only gonna do so much when it feels like each one is the size of your fucking head.\n\nThen he starts working his jaw, which you weren't expecting. That's definitely one way to do it. He breathes a little, preparing, and unhinges his jaw. He's got sharp dragon teeth growing in behind his molars, you notice. Also, he can unhinge his jaw. His tongue is split at the tip, pink flesh mottling purple in rubbery patches, and it unfurls inhumanly long, squirming in the air only gingerly tethered to the mass of flesh and muscle forming his hanging jaw. His throat pulses, flesh spread, splayed, forming a mesh of inhuman anatomy, pulsing and sucking on the empty air.\n\n"Ready?" Malsatante says, to you this time. You say, yeah. Dante probably can't say anything right now.\n\nDante pulls out your plug.\n\nIt's a little more involved than that. It's glued in place. His fingers scrabble around the lip of your cervix, and he clenches every time it pulses, until his fingers find purchase and he digs in, pushing his fingers in deeper, between the rumpled ridge of your cervix and the plug itself. The sensation is indescribable.\n\nSlowly, his hand sinks in, fingertips squirming into your womb, and the plug peels free. There's a wet //glug// as fluid slops inside you, pouring out from your unstopped womb, flooding your guts and squirting out around Dante's bicep. Dante pulls, the plug lurching out, and your womb gurgles, eggs shifting as sloppy amniotic fluid pours out from you.\n\nDante reaches inside you with his other hand. Your body is pliable, flesh flush with pregnancy, and it parts easily, even with him two arms deep into your splayed asshole. He shoves his fingers into the channel of your pulsing cervix, fingertips curling into your womb, and pulls you gaping.\n\n"Push," Malsatante says. You push. Eggs lurch, a sudden wet sucking that forces all the breath from your lungs, and you uselessly gasp for a moment, only aware of the heft of eggs, pressing against your gaping cervix and slowly warping to slurp through. One pushes into your guts, spilling down in a wash of slime into your ass, crowning around Dante's biceps. You can't see them -- all you can see is the sky above -- but you imagine them red-hot, or brilliant cyan and red, or green and golden, or glowing, with strange fetal shapes inside them. Dante presses his jaw against your unfurled ass, tongue snaking around the egg, and his already-gaping mouth stretches wider. Muscles jerk in his throat, pulsing and clenching, and the egg slowly warps, still jammed halfway in your ass. Dante gurgles, choking as he swallows, lips kissing your gaping asshole. The egg shifts, slopping out into his mouth -- he gurgles again, wet sloppy noises coming from his open throat -- and he swallows, throat spasming again and again as he tries to spread wide enough. He's drooling snot and tears across your skin, eyes rolled back into his skull, mouth and throat deformed into inhuman planes of flesh. The egg sinks deeper, squashed into a rubbery lozenge, shuddering with every spasm of his throat, and slowly, pulse after pulse, it sinks down into his warped throat, bloating under his collarbone before it finally sinks into his stomach.\n\nDante lets out a gurgling retch, vomiting up the mess of slime the egg was coated in before he can take in a massive, gasping breath. He gurgles something, tongue moving like it's trying to press against teeth, only more slime burbling up from his gaping throat.\n\n"Good job," Malsatante says, pressed tight up against Dante's back, his own cock hard and drooling. For you and Dante, this is gonna be a struggle; Malsatante is just here to watch.\n\nAlso, in retrospect, given that you knew Dante could deep throat Malsatante's cock, suddenly the idea that he could swallow one of the eggs seems a lot less implausible. Huh.\n\nBut also, that was egg number one. There are at the very least another dozen in there. Dante's still bicep-deep in your ass with both arms, hands pressed together in your cervix, and another egg is lurching down, crowning from your ass sheened with slime. Dante presses his face against your ass, sucking the giant egg out of your body, gagging and sobbing and choking as he struggles to swallow a second one. His throat is already wrecked, gaping and lined with slime, and so the second egg goes faster. Two down.\n\nDante eats egg after egg from your gaping ass. At some point he pulls back, with thick cords of slime tethering his shining face to your gaping ass. He's breathing hard, groans barely comprehensible as human sounds from the wet opening of his throat. He shifts, legs changing position, and you realize his gut is already swollen, pressing against your upturned ass as he kneels around it. You can feel your eggs -- //his// eggs, now -- lurch inside him, squirming down into his guts. He takes a slight breather, just panting hard, hands temporarily stopping the flow of eggs. Glistening slime spills down his face, entirely coating his beard, and cords pour down onto your asscheeks, heavy, hot waves sluicing down into the mess of sludge soaking into the sand beneath. Your guts shudder, eggs so big they ache -- not that they didn't ache in your womb, but this is a different kind of ache -- and eventually Dante bows down again, lips sucking on the rim of your asshole before the next egg crowns.\n\nYou lose track of how many eggs you lay into him, just aware of sensation, movement, heat. Your womb slowly emptying out, Dante's pregnant gut growing and growing until it eclipses your shrinking one. Slime squirts from your womb, more and more compared to each egg, until the last two eggs come out carried in cocoons of slime, your empty womb just pulsing again and again, pushing out excess slime as it starts to contract. You feel empty, hollow, with your formerly-pregnant gut collapsed into a mess of wrinkled flesh.\n\nDante, on the other hand, has taken everything that you've lost. He presses a hand to his belly, his flesh stretched and rubbery, bloated out into a smooth, shining curve. He gurgles a little more, coughing up stringy messes of egg coating, and reaches up, wet hand grasping his jaw and pushing it up. There's a wet //crunch//, and Dante works his jaw, yawning a few times, hinging his jaw, before the bunched muscle at the socket starts looking normal again. He tries to talk and instantly coughs up another mass of slime, wetly retching into the sand next to you.\n\n"Holy shit," he eventually says, hoarsely. "They're heavy." That's said softer, more gently, looking down at his pregnant belly.\n\nYou're amazed how easily you can sit up. Thick sheets of slime peel off the inside of your womb, slowly drooling through your cervix in a series of weak pulses. You say, yeah. You hope he's prepared for the rest, because apparently they've got a lot more growing to do.\n\n"Yeah," he says. "Wow. I'm gonna be a dad!"\n\nYou think at some point Malsatante came all over you both. You would've thought you'd notice something like that, but given that you're both already covered in your amniotic slime his load hasn't really made either of you any //more// mess.\n\nIt occurs to you that a giant beast who's into fucking humans basically has a human fetish, and probably watching his surrogate and his lover pass his eggs between them was pretty fucking hot for him to watch.\n\nYou try to stand up and nearly pass out. Malsatante catches you with his shoulder, and you kneel there half-lying across him. You say, you might pass out. You're not sure if you mean that literally.\n\nDante says, "Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted."\n\n"You two should rest," Malsatante says. "I'll clean things up."\n\nYou and Dante crawl over into the tent. His belly is massive, the eggs taking up more space in his guts, not packed together as tight as they were in your womb. He slumps down on his side, belly sticking out, and you slump down next to him. You're both still coated in slime, but you're so exhausted after laying all his eggs that you don't care.\n\n<<sex "www_human" "oral" "bottom">>/% lol %/\\n<<sexscene "www birth deliver">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "">>\\n<<rmmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $wwwEggsDelivered to true>>\\n<<set $wwwEggsWhen to $turns>>\\n<<set $_awake to "www wake">>\\n[[→|camprun]]
You wake up next to Dante, feeling moderately less exhausted. Turns out delivering a dozen-or-two giant monster eggs really takes it out of you. Dante wakes when you sit up, and he tries to and just flops over, not used to the added weight of the eggs. You have to help him up.\n\nIt looks like the eggs have grown substantially, already. Responding to his more-suitable insides, maybe. He's got his first stretch marks: thin purplish ribbons, cracking across the underside of his gut.\n\n"Ooof," he says. "This is gonna take some getting used to."\n\nYou say, yeah. Good luck, you say. He's gonna need it.\n\nMalsatante is curled up in a giant mound outside the tent, and he raises his head, eyes opening slits.\n\nYou ask them, off already?\n\nDante nods. "We're gonna be laying low while I'm pregnant. Gonna take it easy, since..." he rubs a hand over his belly, looking down. "This is only the start of it." He already looks as pregnant as a human carrying at the end. "We got a hideaway, but we gotta get there while I can still //walk//."\n\nYou say sure. You tell them, you wanna see the kids once they're all hatched. They nod.
[you're like "oh yeah you're interested in knowing about where i got my dick from?" and they're like, yeah]\n\n[anyway you tell them where brulvundojn's lair is and they're like, so, you wanna meet up there later? and yr like, sure]\n<<set $wwwPairBrulvundojn = "visit">>\\n\n[[→|www pair]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if !$mangemaIntroduced>>\\nThere's a person walking along the peaks of the dunes. He notices your approach, and you wave in greeting. He doesn't seem to take issue, so you approach closer, until you're within speaking range.\n\nHe's an unusual sort. A chimera, a demigod: the child or mate of a great beast, you assume. He's humanoid, and big, and his upper half is -- mostly -- that of a human, but at his waist his anatomy shifts, skin growing scaled and leathery, legs warping into broad bull's legs, ending with enormous serving-plate cloven hooves. Dusky purple-black spirals of hide-coloration spiral up his skin at the line where his two halves meet, softening the transition and staining his nut brown skin dark. Closer up, you can see his hands are somewhat altered, too: fingernails the same glossy black as his hooves, patterns of reddish scales winding up his forearms. Even on his human half, his muscles are bull-like in their enormity: arms as thick as a thigh, neck and shoulders so thick with muscle he looks nearly hunchbacked, stomach swollen from the sheer bulk of his abs.\n\nEverywhere he has hair -- not many place, just his head and some tufted lines up his forearms and across the spread of his haunches -- it's inhuman, more like quills than hair: each strand thick, long, and straight, with coarse burrs along their length and ending with a sharp tip. It's also a brilliant, inhuman red-orange, more like shining copper or gold than anything else. His skin and hide are smeared with glittering black dust, not so much in designs so much as errant billows, like he stood in a burning pyre and had its black smoke smeared onto his skin.\n\nAnd, like a great beast, he shuns clothing. For great beasts it's one thing, since their size and anatomy tends to hide them somewhat, but as a human it's difficult to not interpret his nudity as somewhat sexual: his sheath is a massive fat mound of wrinkled leathery flesh, and beneath it his sac is tightly-furrowed, balls drawn up tight as he travels the desert -- and still his sac fills the space between his thighs, stretched down to his knees by the oblong animal shape of his balls, with corded lumps at the base that visibly stretch the taut flesh of his sac, twisting along the back side of his balls up to join with his body. He's sweating lightly, naked in the sun, and his sheath glimmers with sweat. You're impressed at the apparent immunity to heatstroke, if nothing else.\n\nYou say, hey.\n\n"Hail," he says. "Not many stride the desert." His accent is unusual; you can't place it. That alone is unusual, because you've been to an awful lot of places in your life.\n\nYou say you're just a simple scavenger, out to scour the desert for ancient materials.\n\n<<if hasMutation("hands fur")>>"Oh?" he says. "I took you for a child of a beast, with your appearance."\n\nHe means your hands and feet, coarse with Brulvundojn's gifted fur. You stumble a little. Oh, you say, no, you're more his consort. He hums in acknowledgment.\n\n<<endif>>\\n"I'm called Manĝema," he says. <<if $wwwNames>>\\n\nYou look him over. You say, you know some great beast that looks like him. You're thinking of Malsatante, who has a similar bull-dragon look to him.\n\n"Oh?" He shrugs. "Could be some cousin. I<<else>>"I<<endif>> was hatched <<if $_i === "3,2">>here<<else>>near here, in the flame pits<<endif>>, many years ago; many other of my kind travel the wastes. I returned to visit, for a time."\n\nYou look at his scaled, dark hide; at the coal soot staining his skin. Certainly, he could have been hatched in the inferno that exists under the desert sands.\n\nGood to meet him, you say.\n\n<<set $mangemaIntroduced to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nYou approach Manĝema.\n\nHe's as big and naked as ever. Heat ripples off his body in billows.\n<<endif>>\\n\n* [[so, hatched in the flame pits, huh|mangema hatch]]\n* <<if $mangemaSiblings>>[[ask about his siblings|mangema siblings]]<<endif>>\n* [[so, no clothes, huh|mangema clothes]]\n* <<if $mangemaFlirt>>[[hey so you want to fuck around|mangema flirt]]<<scenealert "mangema flirt">><<endif>>\n\n* [[leave|mangema leave]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You ask, hatched here, huh?\n\nHe nods. "Deep in the pits, below where any human could hope to survive, are great lakes of boiling lightrot. We -- I and my siblings -- incubated in them for an age, before we hatched and made our way to the surface."\n\nHis body is surrounded by a rippling haze of heat, like the air warping at dawn, even though it's the dead of night. You can feel the heat radiating off his core.\n<<set $mangemaSiblings to true>>\n[[→|mangema]]
You say, siblings, huh?\n\nHe shrugs. The bunching motion of his bull-like muscles seems almost violent; an animal's power on a human's frame. "Many, and now spread far away from here, out across the desert. I returned... for curiosity. To see what has changed in my memory and in the land."\n\nThe flame pits are continually exploding, caving in on themselves and bursting apart. Even in the span of a year a dozen pits collapse in on themselves, and a new dozen burst into being, carving long trenches into the desert sands.\n\n[[→|mangema]]
You look him over: skin glowing in the moonlight, head entirely bare of even a broad-brimmed sun-hat, not even a pack shouldered on his back. Even on his inhumanly broad body, his cock is still oversized, bloating the space between his monstrously-huge thighs.\n\nYou say, no clothes, huh? Not even a pack?\n\n"I have no need of human things," he says. He crosses his arms, looking down at you. "I may have been human-bred, but I was raised as a beast my whole life."\n\nThe great beasts, like the ĝheist, can interbreed with humans. 'Human' and 'Ĝheist' are muddy categories at the best of times, given the close relation, and their children are about what you'd expect, but the children of a human and a great beast could be any combination imaginable -- entirely human, animal-headed beasts, the satyr-esque form of Manĝema, centaur-bodied humanoids, or full beasts, and that's not even to mention the thousands of smaller variations -- human-pawed beasts, beast-fanged humans. Manĝema's siblings could look nothing like him.\n\nMore to the point, even if he looks human enough he apparently has no issue hunting and eating raw meat, which is what he would have to do if he's going completely without supplies out in the desert. Although judging by the heat rippling off of him, maybe the meat would be cooked by the time he's eaten it.\n\nYou're maybe a little out of your depth when it comes to great beasts. You tell him, sure, got it.\n<<set $mangemaFlirt to true>>\n[[→|mangema]]
You say, so, do you wanna fuck around some? You gesture at his huge, bulging sheath.\n\nHe makes a low snort that grows into a bark of a laugh. "Forward, aren't you?"\n\nYou shrug. Worked for you so far, you tell him.\n\nHe shifts his weight on the sandy dune, hooves sinking into the flowing sand, and in the stillness it's impossible to miss the //clap// of his balls shifting against his thigh, followed by the soft creaking of his leathery hide as his sheath bobs with it. Your eyes follow the motion.\n\nHe peers down at you, taking you in. "Why not," and then immediately: "Suck on it," he says, cupping his sweat-sheened sheath with one huge hand.\n\nYou drop to your knees before him, knees hitting the sand with a //thump//. His sheath is easily bigger than your head: dark leathery skin, with the faintest fuzz of a reddish coat prickling over its surface. At the very lip of his sheath the fuzz cuts off, defining a huge, dark oval, with the interior flesh wet and glistening. This close, his scent is nearly overpowering: his sweat and the heat of his body sending radiating waves of scent, heady and rich, a sharp spicy scent that grows more and more intense, almost oppressively intense pressed up against his enormous sheath.\n\nHis flesh pulses, internal muscles shuddering to make the soft skin of his inner sheath slurp back and forth over itself in minute folds. You close the distance, entire face smearing across his sheath as you focus on the rim: lips spread around the heavy hide, fuzz prickling across your jaw. Manĝema's taste is overwhelming: rank sex, fresh sweat, the bestial savor of his flesh. It bursts across your tongue, burning and acrid as you lap across his skin, and you have to brace yourself against its intensity, practically burning the sensitive flesh of your mouth.\n\nHe groans, bringing one huge hand down to cup the back of your head, using the other to adjust his sheath. You drag your tongue across his sheath, wetly slurping, and he softly moans, spreading his legs wider, pulling you down between his haunches. His balls press against your chest, boulder-like in their size and weight, and his sheath wrinkles, pressure making it fold over itself in slimy furls. He tugs your head, mouth sliding off the rim of his sheath and down into the open furrow; he presses your entire face into his sheath, letting its enormous gape sloppily suck from chin to {hairline/scalp}, like a slimy kiss from an enormous pair of lips. You huff, panting into his sheath. He bears down, face slurping deeper, letting pillowed flesh bulge out around your face, forming a thick rubbery ridge slurping along your jaw, over your ears.\n\nSomething deep within his body shudders, a muscle jerking and sending motions rippling out through your body, and a moment later a slimy flood of spicy, fuming pre gurgles from within him, forcing his soft flesh to spread itself in slimy jerks. Ooze floods the lower half of his sheath, flooding into your panting mouth in an overpowering wash, spilling out over your cheeks in thick, slimy cords. You feel the vibration of Manĝema's moan more than hear it, ears muffled and half-flooded with his pre already. His sheathflesh slurps across your face, its sloppy sucks drawing you deeper matched against the rippling pushes from deeper inside him, sending gushes of pre splattering across your face.\n\nYou open wide, sloppily sucking scum-drenched folds of inner flesh into your mouth, and you twist your head, kissing your way across the inner walls of his enormous sheath. The heavy, rubbery rim of his sheath digs against your neck, spilling {over your hair/across your scalp}; he's swallowed your entire head down his sheath, no problem. Each breath comes heavy, air burping and squelching as you pant for breath inside him, and you have to jerk backwards, dragging the heavy furls of his sheath across your face, to emerge back in the world, panting and gasping.\n\nIf his sheath looked enormous before, it was monstrous now: it hung open, fat lips bulging out into a hand-thick rim. Slimy inner flesh drooped down, to heavy to do anything other than spill over itself in folds, and a continual river of rank, burning pre gurgled down through the mazy folds at the base of his sheath, pouring out into the open as a frothy waterfall of sludge. His internal muscles spasmed, but his sheath was just too heavy; it only rocked minutely, wet inner flesh pulsing and pushing.\n\nYou groan, lurching forward again to drag your sludge-covered face across his gaping sheath. He guides you with both hands, slotting your face into the open gape of his sheath and letting it swallow up your head -- and his hands, down to the wrist -- in its heavy folds. It's oppressively hot inside, pre practically steaming as it squirts out around your face, near-scalding hot as it winds its way down your chest in thick cords.\n\nFrom deep within his sheath, something moves. Soft flesh parts, some internal passage stretchig wider, spread to iron out the heavy folds of flesh. You gurgle, nose and mouth choked with his slimy pre, excess already gushing out past your head, oozing over his fingers and spilling down his forearms, forming dripping lines that splatter down your back.\n\nHis cockhead smacks into your face with enough force to knock you out of his sheath. If it wasn't for his hands on your head, you would have toppled back into the sand entirely. It wasn't so much the sharpness of the blow as the spread of it: his cockhead fills his sheath, broader than your own head, and it's soft and spongy, soft enough to smear across your entire face and //push//.\n\nYou spit out a mouthful of pre and drag your forearm over your face, scraping away some of the murk glued across your eyes, letting you blink your eyes open. Fat beads of pre glimmer in your eyelashes. His cockhead rests in the gaping, drooping socket of his sheath, still cocooned inside, with only the very tip pushing out past his huge, rubbery sheathlips. His sheath lurches, muscles across his hips flexing, and another inch of his cock lurches out into the open. For a dick that broad, an inch is practically nothing: a mass of striated flesh pushing out from the wrinkled mass of inner flesh, a single ridge working free.\n\nHis cock, unsurprisingly, is that of a beast. \n\n[...]\n\n* [[69 in the sand|mangema sex 69]]<<scenealert "mangema sex 69">>\n* [[fuck his cock|mangema sex cockfuck]]<<scenealert "mangema sex cockfuck">>\n* [[make out w/ his cock while he fists you|mangema sex fist]]<<scenealert "mangema sex fist">>\n/% * [[ride his dick|mangema sex ride]]<<scenealert "mangema sex ride">> %/
[he flips things around so he's on his back in the sand & yr 69ing]\n\n<<sexscene "mangema sex 69">>\\n<<sex "mangema" "oral" "mutual">>\\n[[→|mangema]]
[you fuck/fistfuck his cock]\n\n<<sexscene "mangema sex cockfuck">>\\n<<sex "mangema" "cockfuck" "bottom">>\\n[[→|mangema]]
[...]\n\n<<sexscene "mangema sex fist">>\\n<<sex "mangema" "fist" "top">>\\n[[→|mangema]]
[...]\n\n<<sexscene "mangema sex ride">>\\n<<sex "mangema" "anal" "top">>\\n[[→|mangema]]
You say, you've got places across the wasteland to get to. Maybe your paths will cross again.\n\nManĝema nods. "See you," he says.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
You follow the switchback trails down. It's dark in the canyon, with only a sliver of moonlight painting the rocks green and silver. There's a faint moisture in the air.\n\nDown at the bottom of the canyon there's a straggling stream: a line of damp sand in most places, with coarse grasses growing in clumps.\n\nThe walls of the canyon are pockmarked with hollows: some only shallow recesses, others pitch-black caves that wind deeper, maybe reaching all the way to the underground.\n\n* <<if ($munitionsLocation eq "canyon" || ($munitionsLocation eq "away" && $plot gte 6)) && !$munitionsLeaving>>there's a [[crude canvas awning|munitions tent]] strung up along the base of the canyon<<endif>>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n/% (if he's in this state you definitely did not do the rook threesome, but you may have blown him. i think it's possible if you blow him, then ride him, then ignore him totally, to get here without getting the talk point but with you having fucked twice. ofc you always could have completely blown the event with zero points total or w/e) %/\\n\\nIt's Maxwell. He's set up a camp, and dammed the tiny trickle of water with rocks and sand to form a puddle. There's a lopsided bench made from old driftwood, and a sleeping platform that's just a layer of old wood with his bedroll on top. He's stripped himself down to just his underwear, or at least, that's what he's wearing right now; his undershirt and pants are hanging up to provide an additional shade under the canvas awning.\n\n<<if $munitionsVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\\nHe waves. "Forget something?"\n<hr>\n[[←|canyon trail]]\n<<else>>\\n<<display "munitions active scene">>\n<<endif>>\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<<if $munitionsVisits eq 0>>\\n<<display "munitions exile scene 1">>\n<<else if $munitionsVisits lt 2>>\\n<<display "munitions exile scene 2">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "munitions exile leaving">>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $munitionsVisitedThisTrip to true>>
He's sleeping now, but you scrape your boots against a rock and say, hey, and he jerks awake, hand going to his gun. He drops it when he recognizes you.\n\n"What the fuck," he says.\n\nYou say, sorry, didn't mean to wake him. You say you weren't expecting him to be sleeping.\n\nHe says, "It's //night//."\n\nYou shrug because you don't really know how to respond to that.\n\nHe says, "Well," and then pauses. "I'm gonna be staying out here for a while. At least until the heat dies down back at the outpost. If I even want to go back. Hope you don't mind."\n\nYou say it's not your desert, so you don't really care.\n\n"Sure," he says.\n/% %/<<if arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["munitions blow", "munitions ride"])>>\\n\nHe shifts, swinging his legs to the side, onto the sand; sitting up on his platform. "So," he says, and reaches down to grope his cock through the sheet. "You wanna pick off where we left off...?"\n\nYou say, you wake up awfully quick.\n\nHe shrugs. "Not a lot to do around here. Haven't gotten off in a while."\n<hr>\n* [[yeah man i've been wanting your dick|munitions canyon blow]]<<scenealert "munitions canyon blow">>\n* [[nah sorry i got places to be before dawn|munitions canyon reject]]\n/% %/<<else>>\nYou say, well, you have places to be. Maybe you'll see him around.\n\nHe snorts. "Maybe."\n<hr>\n[[←|canyon trail]]\n/% %/<<endif>>
He's awake this time. He actually hears you coming down the trail and shines a flashlight at you, mostly ruining your night vision. He's got a little campfire burning, from old driftwood, though he doesn't appear to be cooking anything.\n\nYou say hey.\n\n"Hey," he says.\n\nYou unload some of your spare supplies. You came with extra.\n\nHe kinda blinks. "Thanks...?"\n\nYou say you didn't really figure him for a hunter, and you have no clue how many rations he's got.\n\nHe says, "Well... thanks. I guess. Food isn't really that big a problem. I've hunted before; I can do it again."\n\nYou say sure.\n\n/% %/<<if arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["munitions blow", "munitions ride"])>>\nHe leers at you: "But there is //one// thing..." he says, and adjusts his bulge.\n\n/% %/<<if $munitionsCanyonFacefuck eq true>>\\n"I was hoping I could get a crack at your ass."\n<hr>\n* [[yeah c'mon fuck me up|munitions canyon fuck]]<<scenealert "munitions canyon fuck">>\n* [[nah sorry i got places to be before dawn|munitions canyon reject]]\n/% %/<<else>>\\n"Could really use your mouth, on my fucking dick."\n\nYou say yeah, that was kind of implied when he groped his dick.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah c'mon fuck my face|munitions canyon blow]]<<scenealert "munitions canyon blow">>\n* [[nah sorry i got places to be before dawn|munitions canyon reject]]\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<else if $anySeigeSex>>\nHe awkwardly shifts for a moment. Then: "There's, uh, one thing, though. I know you were fucking around with \\n<<if inArray ($whoSiegeSex, "rook") && inArray ($whoSiegeSex, "recon")>>Rook and Raven\\n<<else if inArray ($whoSiegeSex, "rook")>>Rook\\n<<else if inArray ($whoSiegeSex, "recon")>>Raven\\n<<endif>>, right?"\n\n"So you think, uh..." He spreads his legs: his cock is mounded out enormously, even through the sheet loosely draped across his lower body. "I been so goddamn horny. You think you could help out?"\n<hr>\n* [[sure, whip it out and lemme take care of yr dick|munitions canyon firsttime]]<<scenealert "munitions canyon firsttime">>\n* [[nah sorry, yr gonna have to handle that yourself|munitions canyon reject]]\n\n/% %/<<else>>\nYou kinda stand there awkwardly for a bit. Eventually you tell him, well, you'll probably be back again at some point. He shrugs.\n<hr>\n[[←|canyon trail]]\n/% %/<<endif>>
He's awake. His camp is in disarray, like he's been moving stuff around. He sees you and says, "Hey," with a waved hand.\n\nYou say hey.\n\n"I'm probably gonna pack up here, soon," he says. "Might as well wait for a while at your town, instead of out here."\n\nYou say, good.\n/% %/<<if $munitionsCanyonSex eq true>>\n\nHe leers at you. "Easier to get at your ass, too."\n\nYou tell him, actually you're out of town nearly all the time."\n\nHe snorts. "Well, //somebody's// ass, then, I guess."\n/% %/<<if $rookLocation eq "village">>\n\nYou tell him, you know, Rook's in town, too. You bet he'd be real interested in seeing his dick.\n\n"Oh yeah?" he says. "I'll definitely have to visit him, then."\n/% %/<<endif>>\n/% %/<<endif>>\n<hr>\n<<set $munitionsLeaving to true>>\\n[[←|canyon trail]]
You tell him you got places to be.\n\n"Your loss," he says, but he's clearly a little stung by the rejection.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<set $munitionsCanyonDicksuck to true>>\\n<<set $munitionsCanyonSex to true>>\\n"Then get on your knees", he says, and you do, knees hitting the piled sand with a soft //whump//. He grins, the casual grope of his cock turning into something longer, more lingering, grinding the heel of his palm against his bulge. He's wearing boxers, tight ones, and he lets his cock skew to the side, cockhead emerging from the leg, drawing the fabric taut around his fat, gnarled shaft.\n\nYou lean in, and he uses his other hand to grab your head, tug you against his cock, letting you suck and lick at his cockhead, pinned against his thigh. You lap over the swell of his head, catching the drizzle of pre as it starts its constant flow, and swallow with your lips spread around the tip, pre spilling over the edge of your mouth, smearing across the curled hairs of his thigh. He grips his shaft through his underwear, milking it as he gets fully hard -- shaft fattening until it's so thick it seems just about ready to rip through the stitching. His cock pulses out a heavy gush of pre, splattering all across your face, and he groans, staring down, waggling his cock up and down to smear the mess all across your jaw.\n\nHe pushes you back, thumb digging into your forehead, and you slump back with a whine, mouth still open, half-flooded with a sloppy mess of spit and thinned pre, the rancid reek clinging to your tongue. You swallow.\n\n"You're eager for it, huh? Don't got enough ĝheist dick back at town, so you gotta get mine too." He shoves his underwear down, cock flopping out, swaying in front of you, back and forth. his balls jounce below, damp flesh slowly peeling apart and letting his sac hang lower and lower, until his huge fist-sized balls are drooping nearly halfway to his knees.\n\nHis flesh starts to furrow and churn, making his balls squirm. His cock twitches, veins pulsing down its length. A huge glob of pre collects at the tip, bloating out as his fat cockslit flutters open and closed, oozing slime, until gravity starts pulling the collected mass down as a chunky, stringy cord of pre, finger thick. You lean in to lap it up, and he stops you, mouth open, pre an inch from your outstretched tongue. "Nah, you don't get it that easy. C'mon, I wanna hear you beg for it."\n\nYou tell him that's awfully pushy for somebody who was just begging for a blowjob.\n\nHe says, "What can I say, I got expectations."\n\nYou debate it for a moment. You want him to spray his gross mutant load all over your face, all down your throat. But you're not the biggest fan of him trying trying to make a point about how gross that is, especially since it's his gross mutant cock.\n\nYou lean in, against his hand -- he's not //really// pushing you back -- and just suck his cockhead into your mouth, lips wrapped around its fat, warted flange, and slurp as you suck, pulling the viscous, stringy strand of pre back up into your mouth. His cock shudders, flexing up, and shoots two hard, sharp blasts of pre against the roof of your mouth, sticking there as slimy stalactites. You gulp around his cockhead, and his legs tremble -- he takes a wobbling step backwards, bracing against the rocky wall, and you follow him on your knees, not letting his cock pull out of your mouth. Pre laps against your gums, mouth flooded, and you gulp again, groaning low, letting the sludgy, gritty mess spill down your throat. You open your eyes to see him staring down at you, mouth a little open.\n\n"Fuck, you're really into it, you know?"\n\nYou tell him what gave it away. You mumble that around his cockhead, kissing it, each plosive a burst of air around his fat, taut cockhead, and he gushes a few strings of slime up across your face, over one eye, so you have to squint. You ask him if he's gonna let you suck his cock now, or, and you pull your lips up, a half-grin stretched around his cock, if you should just stop now.\n\nHe exhales in a big shuddering burst. "You're something fuckin' else, you know that?" He pulls down, sinking his cock into your mouth, and you gulp when the tip hits your throat, letting it slide all the way down your throat until you're pressed against the sparse tangle of his pubes, nose flattened against his pubic arch. His cock shudders again, trying to twitch up, and a heavy, wet burble of pre sprays out into your throat, catching there for a second before you manage an actual swallow around his shaft. His grip slackens, and you pull back up, cock emerging shining, dripping, slathered with a mess of pre and phlegm.\n\nYou tell him, cmon, fuck my throat. It comes out in a gurgle, speech forcing the gritty pre still in your throat up into the back of your mouth as stiff, frothy bubbles of slime. You open wide, letting his cockhead rest on your tongue, sludge slowly pooling in the bottom of your mouth.\n\nHe lets out a groan that's almost a growl, snarling, and, grabbing your head in both hands, he rams you down on his cock, face hitting his crotch with a //smack//. "You're such a fucking tease."\n\nHis cock throbs inside you, pulsing against the flesh of your throat, stretched so tight around his fat girth it feels like each motion will drag your throat inside-out. He pulls your head back, cockhead scraping along your throat and building up a scummy plug of slime, and right when it pops out of your throat he slams you back down, sheathing his cock inside you again. A spray of ooze erupts from your mouth, splattering across his thighs in stringy cords, and he groans, rutting up, making more slime drool from your mouth. He fucks your face, using your slack, open mouth as a sheath for his cock. You gurgle, slime drooling over your lips, tongue wetly pressed against the underside of his cock, rasping against his lumpy warts as he saws back and forth. His cockhead bursts in past your throat, your muscles not entirely slack -- yet -- and then his shaft spills in after it, lumpy, rough skin rasping against the walls of your throat, making you gurgle and sputter, throat spasming and clenching around his cock, coaxing out heavy, sloppy gushes of gritty pre that web across your throat and stay there, forming thick grimy films of sludge.\n\nMax grins down at you, stirring his cock around as you choke and sputter, groaning as you cough, a thick, clotted mess of pre and phlegm working its way up, erupting from between your lips, drooling from your nose, smearing all across his thighs. He ruts shallowly, hands on the back of your head, pinning you in place as he fucks your throat, cockhead a fat battering ram slamming against the spasming muscles of your throat. You make sick, wet, warbling sounds, slime churning around in your throat, erupting up in sudden bursts, and his cock twitches every time he makes you vomit up a sloppy mess of his pre, spraying a new mess of thick, scummy slime inside you.\n\nHe lets you up, and you gurgle, spilling off his cock to cough and gasp for air, weakly heaving as you vomit up more gritty slime all over the dark, sodden sand between his feet. Wetness smears across your face, and you open your eyes to see you're still tethered to his cock, huge lumpy cords of sludge hooked behind your teeth, down your throat, and running up to smear all across his glistening, slathered cock. He catches them in his hand -- still just stretching them more, the thick slime slithering across your skin rather than snap -- and then smears them back all over your face, mixing it with the mess of slime and sweat and tears already coating your face.\n\nHis fingers probe over your lips, bruised and swollen, feeling across the line of your teeth and then prodding backwards, scooping up thick globs of ooze from the back of your mouth and then peeling them out, smearing them across your forehead and cheeks. You pant, mouth hanging open, weakly spitting up slime as it works its way up your ravaged throat. You let it spill over your lower lips, down your chin, in sloppy globs, rather than turn to spit it onto the ground, because you figure Max would like that more. He reaches back into your mouth, fingers sinking under the layer of sludge, and he shoves a fourth finger in, nails scrabbling at the back of your throat. You weakly gag, slime bursting out around his fingers, and he digs in, fingers pushing at the spasming muscle of your throat, knuckles bashing against your lips. His thumb smears over your cheek, leaving a peaked crest of stiff, half-coagulated slime, and he pushes in, knuckles bursting one after the other over your lips, scraping against your teeth, as he tries to shove his entire fist into your mouth. He groans, cock bobbing untouched an inch from your face, spurting out tarry slime, and he slowly twists his hand around in your mouth, fingers sinking into your throat, thumb sliding up over your already luridly-stretched lips and probing for entry. You gurgle, vision blurred, slime drooling from your nose, face flushed and slick with sweat. He ruts his cock against your disheveled face, crest of his palm slipping into your mouth, fingers down your throat. His thumb slides in, under his palm, leaving your lips stretched to their limit, wrapped around his entire hand. Your tongue presses against his palm, tasting the gritty slime clinging there, and he curls his fingers in, all four pressed together as he plays with the opening to your throat, pushing and pulling, every touch making you gag and heave, coughing up frothy squirts of slime around his fingers, dribbling in thick clots down his wrist. He pries deeper, smooth fingernails sliding over the abused muscles of your throat, and you keep retching as he reaches down your throat, vomiting up frothing sludge, coating your teeth and flooding your mouth. Your mouth is entirely full of his hand, the knuckle of his thumb digging into your molars, and slime pours constantly over your bruised, inflamed lips.\n\nHe pulls back, having to twist again to fit the crest of his knuckles back between your teeth, and the motion is slick and sloppy, fluid popping in your mouth, smearing across your gums as his hand emerges from your wrecked mouth. You just kneel there, breathing hard, feeling sweat trickle down your back and a whole mess of slime sluggishly spilling down your neck and chest. You blow your nose; wipe the worst of the mess off your face. When you open your eyes, Max' cock is still there, bobbing in front of you, steadily spurting pre across your jaw.\n\n"Think you're ready for the rest of it?" he says, like you're gonna do anything other than nod.\n\nHe wraps his slime-slathered fist around his equally-slathered cock, and gives it a few pumps. It squelches under his touch, slime squirting out between his fingers, sending huge globs of froth splattering to the ground. You lean in, sucking globs of churned-up froth off the tip, and he reaches back, hands on the back of your head -- one completely sodden, slick with froth -- and sinks inside you again. This time it's frictionless, even the slight catch of your throat gone, making you a hollow, open sleeve for him to fuck. He fucks you, harder, smashing your face against his crotch each time, balls smacking against your neck and sticking there for a moment, glued by the sheer accumulation of slime splattered across your skin. Gurgling, squelching sounds come from your churned-up throat, slime gushing from your mouth. You take it, dazed, face flushed, lips stinging, not even trying to swallow the mess of slime he's spraying all up and down your mouth. After all that, it doesn't take long. He cums with a bellow, fucking you through it, snapping his hips forward, your head down, half his cum-slathered cock ripping out of your mouth with each thrust as he fucks you in a frenzy. His cock pulses again and again and again as he dumps his clotted, chunky load into your ruined throat, his brutal thrusts making you vomit it all back up onto his cock. It feels like it goes on forever, cock churning back and forth in your flooded throat, swampy heat spilling over your lips, but eventually he sags back, dragging you with him, and the pulses slow and stop. His cock softens in your throat, even as you sloppily nurse across its length, lips rippling around the base, tongue stroking along the underside. You gulp, each swallow burning, drinking down some small fraction of his giant load.\n\n/%lol have him ask if yr okay w/ him pissing down yr throat here V: %/\n\nYou look up, eventually. He's leaning back against the well, glistening with sweat, breathing nearly as hard as you are, all his weight on his back. You sit up, his cock peeling from your throat cocooned in a thick, clotted mess of slimy cum, and he looks down, dazed. "Fuck," he says. His voice is rough. He sinks down on wobbly legs, knees hitting the drenched sand with a wet noise. His fingers trace across your face, collecting huge jiggling cords of slime. "I really needed that. Fuck. You look real good like that," he says, between ragged breaths, and then he leans in, tongue out, licking a stripe across your jaw, gulping down a mouthful of his own cum slurry. He grimaces but then does it again, licking across your open mouth, leaning in to kiss you, gulping as slime pours out of your mouth into his. You spit into his mouth and he swallows, the both of you slathered in slime as you make out, and you reach down to stroke his cock, smearing the corded slime off his cock to share it between you, passing chunky clots of slime back and forth as you kiss until your chests are drenched, slime mashed together between you. Some of the grit is sand at this point.\n\nEventually you slump back, utterly exhausted, while he licks and sucks across your face and chest, cleaning off the worst of his mess.\n\nHe sprawls out next to you. "Yknow," he says, voice buzzing against your ear. "If that really wore you out so much, you could sleep here tonight."\n\n<<sex "munitions" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "munitions canyon blow">>\\n* [[sure|munitions exile camprun]]\n* [[nah sorry i got places to go|munitions exile camp reject]]
You say sure, and you don't do much, just let him snuggle up next to you. You drape your own blanket over the both of you; nights get real cold, but his body is very warm. You're both sticky, skin a mess of drying sweat and not-so-dried cum, and you can feel how you're a little glued together even before you properly fall asleep.\n\n<<resetmoves>><<display "timed tfs">>\n\nYou sleep with him, in the dark, and wake up a little bit before dusk. This has probably fucked up your sleeping schedule.\n\nIn the morning you kiss him and set off. You maybe blow him a little before you go.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
You say sorry, you got other places you gotta be.\n\nHe says, "Sure," and rolls over, adding some distance between you.\n\nYou stay there for a bit before you get up. You say you'll see him around, and he nods.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<set $munitionsCanyonFuck to true>>\\n<<set $munitionsCanyonSex to true>>\\nYou tell him, go right ahead.\n\nHe reaches out and grabs your ass, fingers digging in as he bodily pulls you close, grinding your cocks together. He kisses you, then kisses down your jaw. "Fuck yeah," he says, growling against your throat, humping up against you. You can feel his cock thicken against yours. "Lemme see that ass." He pushes you away, letting you turn, and you shove your pants down over your ass.\n\nHe lets out a hungry growl and presses a hand against your lower back, pushing you down so your ass is in his face. He slides his hand down over your muscled cheeks, thumb and index finger spreading them to let your hole peek out, and he groans, breath puffing out across your ass, before he leans in, tongue swiping across your asshole before he digs in, sucking and licking, tongue stabbing forward into your ass. He pries you open with his fingers, spitting against your hole as he opens you up, and then uses his mouth again, slobbering across your cheeks as he tonguefucks you.\n\n"You'd think I'd feel less horny," he says, half-mumbled across your cheeks as he fingerfucks you. "I been through a lot recently. But, fuck," he says, and punctuates it by spitting into your spread asshole and working it over your rim. "Got nothing else to do aside from jerk off all day, and I'm still fucking pent up."\n\nYou can feel him drop a hand to his crotch, and you twist back to look as he strips, pulling out his cock. It's hard and drooling, already greasy with cords of pre sheening his warted shaft. He rises up, thighs tense, and grinds his huge, meaty cockhead against your spread asshole. He thrusts in; you sit back, and his shaft bores down into you, heavy and solid, iron-hard. He lets out a lot, slow exhale, a soft groan, and you end up seated on his lap, the entire length of his cock sheathed in your ass. His cock shudders, pulsing, and there's a wet splatter of heat inside you as he pumps an enormous gush of pre. And then again, and again. He wasn't lying about being pent up.\n\nHe holds stock-still, one hand on your hip, the other splayed up your back. He's breathing fast and shallow, gasping, overwhelmed by his cock. His cock twitches hard inside you, spewing hot bursts of thick, chunky pre, more and more. Maybe if you really wanted to tease him, you could get him to cum just like this, not even thrusting, just letting your ass milk his load out of him. You don't think you're that much of a tease, though.\n\nHis fingers dig in to your hips, and he pulls you back, grinding his cock an iota deeper. It shudders and splurts, more gushes of pre splattering in your guts, and you both groan. You ride his cock, letting him fuck up into you, breathing ragged and rasping, practically growling every time he hilts inside you. His balls slap against your thighs: heavy and huge, pulsing and lurching, and he slams inside you and holds you there, balls churning against your ass as he spews a ropy mess of pre into your flooded ass. Excess sluggishly pours down his shaft, drooling out around his cock in a slimy layer.\n\n"Turn around," he says, voice rough, and you pull off his cock -- a wet explosion of pre spraying everywhere when his fat cockhead jerks loose -- and get on your knees, leaning forward against his sleeping platform. He stands, moving with you, keeping his cock smacking against your ass cheeks. He strokes himself, smearing the slurry of pre into a foaming froth all along his shaft, spewing a few ropes of pre all up your back. "Y'know, before now, I woulda thought I came already," he says, catching a bolt of pre across his fingers and then smearing it into your flooded ass.\n\nYou tell him he's pretty glad you showed him how to properly use that ĝheist dick, huh?\n\n"Yeah, fuck yeah," he says.\n\nYou're loose, hole pouting open, and he works you open with two fingers, three, spreading them inside you and pulling your rim out into a wider gape, before he finally pushes his cock back into position, rolling back and forth over your swollen, flushed asshole. Not driving deeper, just playing with your asslips, stretching them over his lumpy, gnarled cockhead, spewing pre into your ass and letting it drool out, spilling down your thighs, over your balls, in sloppy lines.\n\nYou tell him to actually fucking use that ĝheist dick. Snarl, really.\n\nHe laughs and obligingly sinks in, entire cock hilting inside you again with a wash of pre spurting out from your overfilled ass. The angle is different; he rams his cockhead against your <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>grossly oversized <<endif>>prostate with each thrust, shaft skidding past it, bearing down. You groan, half-hard cock spewing a mess of pre all over his bedroll, and he groans and leans forward, muscled chest pressing against your back, hips grinding against your ass, and he curls a hand around your side and tugs on your half-hard cock, jerking you off as he fucks you.<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>> His other hand slides up your chest, thumb catching a leaking nipple, and he milks your chest, letting you squirt milky ichor all across his sheets as he fucks you, switching off between nipples until they're <<if hasMutation ("six nipples")>>all<<else>>both<<endif>> swollen and engorged, dragging back and forth over his sheets from the force of each thrust.<<endif>>\n\nFrom this angle, he pounds your ass, full force of his muscles driving his cock into your sloppy, flooded ass, churning the mess of pre inside you around. Frothy, foaming cords of pre squirt out each time he bottoms out, smearing all across your joined bodies, webbing between your legs, forming drooling rivulets of slime slowly oozing down the backs of your thighs. His cock keeps shuddering, practically pissing out a constant spray of pre, until each thrust squelches and slurps. Your gaping hole gurgles, his pre spilling out, when he hilts and stays there, letting his fat cock throb deep in your guts.\n\nYou can feel him get close, eventually -- once your asscheeks sting from the impact, and the mess of pre has formed a slobbery pool beneath you. You're both panting and sweating, his hands slick across your thigh, milking your cock. He lets out a rasping, growling groan, cock burying itself in your ass and staying there, and it throbs so hard you can feel it squirm as he finally starts to cum. He lets out a long, groaning sigh, frozen in place for the first dozen squirts, letting a lake of cum gather in your flooded guts before he finally starts thrusting again, lazily pumping through your ruined asshole as his load fills and overflows, burbling out around his cock in a frothy, grimy mess. He just keeps cumming, pent up hard, rolling his cock back and forth through your flooded guts as the mess of slime painting your ass and thighs goes from translucent yellow pre in frothy bubbles to chunky grey slop, pouring down your legs to pile up beneath you in a heap.\n\nHe collapses on top of you with a groan, hips still working -- each thrust a wet //squelch//, complete with a splatter of hot droplets all across your thighs -- as he drains his load inside you. He slumps down to his knees, cock pulling free from your wrecked ass with a soggy //pop//, and jams his face against your hole, tongue shoving inside, as he gulps down the frothy mess of his own load straight from your ass. He groans, chest buzzing against your thighs, and shoves both hands into your ass, fingers hooking across your rim and peeling your gape even wider, letting you prolapse all across his face, wet slabs of swollen, bruised flesh unfurling across the bridge of his nose, across his jaw, as he messily eats you out, throat constantly working as he gulps down mouthful after mouthful of his own clotted, rancid pre.\n\nHe's still cumming: cock weakly spurting all across his cum-slathered chest, gummy cords catching across your thighs and drooling down to pool in the backs of your knees. When he finally pulls back, his face is tied to your ass with finger-thick cords of cum, smeared all across his face as he pants and gasps, hot breath billowing up inside your broken, gaping ass.\n\n"Gheist cum still tastes fucking awful," he says, before leaning in and licking a stripe across the glazed flesh of your unfurled asshole, leaving behind a line of raw purple-red flesh that is immediately covered in a sludgy wave of grey ĝheist cum. He swallows, shuddering.\n\nThen he levers himself to his feet and fucks you again, jerking himself off with your half-prolapsed asshole. When he finally finishes you're half-unconscious, cock drooling a long cord of cloudy cum, your stomach swollen and bloated from the sheer amount of cum he's pumped into you, even with more than half of it smeared all over you and soaked into the sand below.\n\nHe slumps beside you, cock still buried deep inside. "Y'wanna sleep here?" he says, reaching over to pull you up against his chest, his cum-slathered hands idly smearing cum all across your sides and chest<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>, mixing with the mess of milk painted across your front<<endif>>.\n\n<<sex "munitions" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "munitions canyon fuck">>\\n* [[yeah there's no way i'm getting up after that|munitions exile camprun]]\n* [[nah sorry i got places to go|munitions exile camp reject]]
<<set $munitionsCanyonDicksuck to true>>\\n<<set $munitionsCanyonSex to true>>\\nYou say sure, go for it, and lean in. He leans in, all but pulling you into his lap as he kisses you. You reach down and grope him through his pants, and he moans into your mouth, oversized cock shuddering under your fingers. He's real sensitive, it seems -- he mumbles "oh, fuck," against your lips, breathing hard, and his cock shudders and spews of a mess of pre, leaving a dark splotch on his pants.\n\nSmells like ĝheist pre. You get an inkling of why specifically he's so pent up. You squeeze his cock as you kiss him, being more aggressive -- pushing him back so you're in his lap, biting on his lips and then across his jaw, grinding your bodies together. His cock shudders again, spurting out enough pre to be a solid human load, but here he's maybe not even fully hard yet. You can feel the warts along his shaft, lumpy and heavy, and when you curl your hand around his cockhead he erupts with a shaky gasp, spewing thick, slimy yellow pre through the thin fabric of his pants.\n\nYou slip down in front of him, breaking your kiss, and get on your knees in front of him. This puts you at eye level with his dick: staring at his grossly-distented pants, cock skewing down one leg with a glossy smear of dark slime splattered all across the side.\n\nYou hook your fingers on the waist of his pants, about to haul them down, and he says, "Uh, wait--", his hands stilling your own. You look up at him, like, yeah?\n\n"About my dick, it's-- maybe not what you'd, uh," he says, and you let him stumble that far through an awkward explanation he clearly doesn't know how to make before you go, yeah, don't worry about it, and knock his hands aside, dragging his pants down.\n\nHis cock lolls out, swaying back and forth before you like a snake, coming to rest throbbing and huge just an inch away from your face. Like you expected, it's a ĝheist dick. Gheist balls, too: enormous and leathery, in a lumpy mound bunched beneath his cock. It's already shiny with pre, more drooling down the underside. His cockslit gapes, probably your breath billowing down his shaft enough stimulation, and he spurts a mess of runny pre all across your face. It's like a cup of water being dashed in your face.\n\nYou lean in and lick the mess from his cockhead, sucking it into your mouth as you drag your tongue across the tip, peeling away scummy layers of half-congealed pre and drinking it down. He looks -- shocked. Mouth open, eyes wide, whimpering now as you suckle on his cockhead, eagerly swallowing the his pre, rich with the rank, heavy flavor of ĝheist pre.\n\nYou pull off with a //pop//. You ask him, you good?\n\n"You're asking //me//?!" he says.\n\nYou say, listen, this isn't the first ĝheist dick you've sucked. You lap across his cockhead for emphasis, and he spurts a stringy mess of pre all up across your face.\n\n<<display "munitions blow firsttime general">>
You tell him, you'll be back around later, if he wants to fuck around more. You squeeze his cock: he's still shooting, in runnier globs that splatter across your chests and spill down into the mess below with a series of soft, wet //plap//s.\n\nHe says, "Yeah." He looks down across your chests, entirely slathered with his grey, chunky cum. "Yeah, damn."\n\n[[→|canyon trail]]
From beneath, the caves are a series of lacy caverns, old sandstone worn away into smooth curves from sandstorms and ancient rain. Desert light and flowing sand spills in from pits in the ceiling.\n\nThe floor is sandy and littered with sandstone chunks, and the walls are carved with glyphs and painted with old earth dyes.\n\n* <<if $reconLocation eq "ravine" && !$reconLeaving>>there's a [[stock of modern supplies|recon tent]] piled up with a bedroll along the wall of one dead-end cave<<endif>>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $reconVisits eq 0 && !$reconVisitedThisTrip>>\\n<<display "recon exile first intro">>\n<<else>>\\nIt's Raven's camp. <<print either ("He's making food.", "He was sleeping, but he stirs awake at your approach.", "He's reading from a small book.")>>\n<<endif>>\n<hr>\n* [[so what are you doing around here|recon exile talk what]]\n* [[hey you wanna fuck around|recon exile sex]]<<scenealert "recon exile sex">>\n\n<<set $reconVisitedThisTrip to true>>\\n[[←|ravine cavern]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<<set $reconSexAfterExile to $sex['recon']>>\\nIt's Raven. This must be where he washed up after the squad left the village.\n\n<<if $sex['recon'] gt 0>>\\nHe hears movement and goes for his gun, but relaxes a little once he recognizes you.\n\n"You don't like having a gun aimed at you, right," he says, a little wry.\n\nYou tell him, does anyone? He shrugs.\n<<else>>\\nHe hears movement and goes for his gun. He glowers when he recognizes you. <<if $humansManagedBad>>"You follow me? You bring any of your grub friends?"<<else>>"You follow me?"<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou tell him you usually wander the desert and look for things. <<if $humansManagedBad>>You add, alone.<<endif>> You saw signs somebody was living here and decided to check it out.\n\n"You do that often? That hasn't ever gone bad for you?"\n\nYou say, usually people out in the desert don't have guns, and you're pretty decent at knife fights. You also say usually if people want to be left alone, they just say so.\n\nHe scowls, but puts his gun aside. "Well," he says. "Leave me alone."\n\nYou say sure, if that's what he wants. You ask him if he needs extra water or food or anything like that.\n\nHe's very aware you're trying to be nice about things and he's angry about it. He says, "I took wilderness survival training. I'm fine."\n\nYou shrug.\n\nGrudgingly, he says, "Fine, come back if you want. I'm not gonna offer much conversation, though."
You ask him what he's doing here.\n\nHe says, "Really?" You wait expectantly. "When we left, we just... broke apart. You were there; you'd think you'd remember how it went."\n\nYou say sure, but how did that lead to him setting up camp in a cave.\n\nHe shrugs. "This is where I ended up. Gonna settle down for a while, wait for things to blow over. Get some new clothes and hike to the nearest village."\n\nYou tell him, he knows where the nearest village is.\n\n"The //other// nearest village."\n\n[[→|recon tent]]
<<if $sex['recon'] lt 1>>\\nYou say, well, does he wanna fuck around?\n\nHe lets out a sharp bark of a laugh. "You're serious? Really, that's what you go for?"\n\nYou shrug. You say, he's clearly got the survival part down. You thought about hitting on him when he was in town, but the gun was a pretty big turn-off.\n\n"I've still got the gun," he says.\n\nYou say, he knows what you mean.\n\n"Yeah, sure," he says.\n\n<<display "recon cocksuck">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "recon sex tree">>\n\n[[←|recon tent]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $drudgeActive neq "">>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThere's some old canvas stretched between some beams and made a shaded corner, and the assorted debris of the inner fortress has been piled up into waist-high walls. Nobody's here now though; maybe your company spooked whoever's nested here away.\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\n<<else>>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $leaderVisits == 0>>\\nSgt. Agares is here. Or just Agares now; since he's deserted he no longer has a rank. Still has his gun though.\n\nHe's set up in the old fortress, in a corner where the walls are intact and the old beams are solid enough to support a length of canvas. He's even shoveled away some of the sand, exposing the crumbling masonry floor below the drifting dunes, and shored up his pocket of space with some of the cluttered debris filling the inner fortress: material from the collapsed ceiling, old roofing tiles, stray rocks that may once have been part of the walls.\n<<else>>\\nYou're at Agares' camp, in the ruins of the old fortress: A corner where the beams have been draped with canvas and the floor has been excavated under a few feet of dunes, with assorted debris of the inner fortress piled up into waist-high walls. Agares is here, disheveled and out of uniform, but unhurt.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $leaderVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\\nHe says, "What, did you forget something?"\n<hr>\n[[←|worldmap]]\n<<else>>\\n<<display "leader exile action">>\n<<endif>>\\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>\n<<endif>>
<<if $leaderVisits eq 0>>\\nHe's not super pleased to see you.\n<hr>\n[[→|leader exile first]]\n<<else if $talkedSex && $talkedSexOn + 3 lt $turns && ($talkedSquad + $talkedPast + $talkedVillage) gte 4>>\\n<<display "leader exile talk sex">>\\n<<else>>\\n<hr>\n<<if $talkedSquad lt (2 + $anySiegeSex)>>* [[ask about his squad|leader exile talk squad]]<<endif>>\n<<if $talkedPast lt 2>>* [[ask about his past|leader exile talk past]]<<endif>>\n<<if $talkedSquad + $talkedPast gte 2 && !$talkedVillage>>* [[talk about the village|leader exile talk village]]<<endif>>\n<<set $leaderVisitedThisTrip to true>>\\n<<endif>>
He's holding his gun, and he squints at you. When he figures out who you are, he lets out a mirthless bark of laughter.\n\n"You know," he says, "I think all of this is actually your fault. I saw you talking to everybody, poking and prodding. I thought, what could it hurt."\n\nYou look at him and you look at his gun. You say, so, what, you're gonna shoot me now?\n\n"I thought about it," he says. "Woulda solved this problem before it started. Too late for that to help anything now, isn't it? Even if I shot you the first time I saw you that wouldn't have solved any of my actual problems, not really."\n\n<<if $munitionsLocation == "village" && $ticLocation == "village" && $reconLocation == "village" && $rookLocation == "village">>\\nYou say, if it helps, the rest of his squad is safe and sound in the village. You could come join them. We'd take your gun, though.\n\n"Hostages?" he says.\n\nYou roll your eyes. You tell him they're fine. That it turns out they prefer living somewhere with food and water and other people, rather than roughing it out in the desert.\n\nHe lets out a noise, a scoff or a grumble. "Well, that's something." He pauses. "You know, my job was to keep my squad safe. You're doing a better job at that than I ever did."\n<<else if $ticVisits gt 0 && $munitionVisits gt 0 && $reconVisits gt 0 && $reconLocation == "village">>\\nYou say, if it helps, you've talked to all of them since they left, and they seem fine. <<if $ticLocation == "village" || $munitionLocation == "village" || $reconLocation == "village">>Some of them are<<else>>Rook's even<<endif>> in the village. You could come talk if you want.\n\nHe says, "Well, that's something."\n<<else>>\\nYou say, probably not. You say, one thing you've noticed about city humans is that it doesn't really take much. Seems like life there sucks for just about everybody; they're pretty desperate for any other option.\n\nHe says, "You know, my job was to keep my squad safe, whatever it took. The best plan I got was to get as far from the cities as possible."\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe puts his gun aside. You're pretty glad he's no longer pointing it at you.\n\n"So why are you out here, anyway?" he asks.\n\nYou say, you're a scavenger. You hunt around for stuff, out in the desert. He kinda grunts in acknowledgment. There's an awkward silence.\n\nYou say, y'know if there's anything he needs, you could -- and he cuts you off. "I'm fine." You say sure.\n\nEventually you say, well, bye. Good luck.\n<<set $leaderVisitedThisTrip to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $talkedSquad gt 0>>\\n<<if $anySiegeSex && !$talkedSex & !$humansManagedBad>>\\n<<display "leader exile talk squad bonus">>\n<<set $talkedSex to 1>>\\n<<set $talkedSexOn to $turns>>\\n<<else>>\n<<display "leader exile talk merged">>\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "leader exile talk squad 1">>\n<<set $talkedSquad to 0>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $talkedSquad += 1>>\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $talkedPast gt 0>>\\n<<display "leader exile talk merged">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "leader exile talk past 1">>\n<<set $talkedPast to 0>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $talkedPast += 1>>\n[[→|worldmap]]
He says, "Y'know, I knew it. I knew it the second I disobeyed orders. I wasn't sure what was gonna happen but I knew this was the time when the hammer would come down."\n\nYou say, this time?\n\nHe says, "Last time. We were up north. Scouting. Some rebels had set minefields around their base. We got orders to pull back because command was gonna drop firebombs. We had to go around, the slow way. Exposed. Sabnock got caught in the chest by a shot, and then the mines started going off. The bombs started dropping. I went back for him.\n\nYou don't really follow the connective tissue of that story, but it definitely doesn't sound good.\n\n"Command sends troublemakers on suicide missions. They send everybody on suicide missions, since that's all they got, but... people they don't like, you can tell. Assignments that are as clear as a death warrant." He laughs, broken. "Pretty sure they started bombing precisely because they knew we weren't clear. Or they just didn't care. It doesn't really matter."\n\n"It's not like they disapprove of heroism, but it's nicer when the heroes get tragic deaths instead of lingering around like ghosts. Coffins get people energized more than cripples. Bringing back a bunch of wounded doesn't look good for the brass, especially not when it's friendly fire."\n\n"It wasn't just that though. Just a long line of fuckups. The wrong kind of attention. War hero's kid fails to valorously win the day. Again."
He says, "It hardly matters now, does it? I'm here now. This is a whole different world, and I'll never get the chance to go back to the old one."\n\nHe exhales loudly. "Probably better off this way."\n\n"You know, my father is Primus Agares. The General. That doesn't mean anything to you, right?" He lets out a mirthless laugh. "What I would've given to meet somebody who didn't know, as a kid. It was all over the papers. Everybody knew who he was. Who I was. He had a love story, see? A big propaganda piece.\n\n"He was a hero of the eight-years war. The reason we held the northern colonies. A symbol of what a true citizen could do for their country. When he returned to October he was given a hero's welcome, invited into the inner circle. But everybody knows how he fell in love.\n\n"My mom was a nobody. A starving homeless woman living on the outer ring, just before the walls. My father patrolled the city in the guard. A ceremonial position. And the way it's told, he fell in love at first sight. That my mother was a jewel, hidden in mud. That their love was a symbol of how all citizens were equal in the eyes of the government. He swept her off her feet and brought her to his estate, to be waited on hand and foot.\n\nHe snorts. "They didn't really like each other. My father... it was a crush. Maybe it was about power, or innocence. They lived in separate wings of the house, and my father called on her like a concubine. She knew just how precarious her position was. And it didn't last. They were a propaganda couple; it would look bad is they divorced, officially, so eventually she just... moved out. She was moved out; I don't think she had a lot of choice in the matter. The government gave her accommodations and tried to keep things quiet.\n\n"So that was my life. My father didn't want to raise me -- a child was a lot of work. But he didn't want me to vanish into the slums like my mother had, either. I got tutors and I got to visit my mom every month or so. I got to see the estate, with its gardens and servants, turn into dusty roads with crumbling cinderblock houses, with people living crammed together a half-dozen to a room.\n\nYou ask, what's 'divorced'?\n\nHe looks at you. "Seriously? When people stop being married they get divorced."\n\nYou say, so they broke up.\n\n"Yeah, in front of a judge." He sees you're still not getting it. "Marriage is a legal thing? You have laws here, right? It's a contract. And to stop that contract you get divorced. How the fuck do you people do it?"\n\nYou say, people fuck around if they want to fuck around and if they get pregnant they get first dibs on raising the kid. Parents and then surrogate, but like, not as a rule, since generally you have a good sense of if your surrogate'll want to help raise the kid before you ask. Kids get handled by the village a lot, though. Everybody spends some time in the creche, it's just if a kid's parents don't want the kid at all they live there. \n\nYou try to articulate the thing you don't understand. You say, there's not... if people's relationship works they just stop having it? They don't gotta pass a law to not be together any more. You ask, sarcastically, like what, do they call the guards if your lover is fucking somebody you don't like?\n\nHe blinks. "Yeah," he says. "Adultery is a crime."\n\nWhat the fuck, you say. You tell him, this explains a lot about how all y'all are so neurotic about sex.
He says, "I enlisted as soon as I could, just to get out of October. I got sent to the officer track, with promotions for being my father's son." He snorts. "I wasn't a very good officer. Still didn't get that many."\n\n"My father got furious every time i got passed over for promotion, and expected me to feel that way too; like that was genuinely the worst thing that could happen to me. Meanwhile, I got to see the outer city decay and fall apart and people there starving and deserting. And my dad was talking about how not getting extra bars and stars on my dress uniform should be my top priority. It was pathetic.\n\n"I went on a few assignments. Got promoted until I got my own squad. Last time... shit went bad. Nearly got killed."\n\nHe pulls up his shirt: he's got huge ragged scars across his side. His skin is pink and shiny, only a season or two old.\n\nHe says, "I disobeyed direct orders to retreat. Managed to drag Sabnock back. He's probably still laid up in a hospital. Fuck, hopefully still alive. But after that, we got Rook and we got assigned out into the wasteland. I knew enough to know this was basically a suicide mission. Or maybe somebody up top pulled strings. It's also a real easy mission to desert on. Who knows what was going on while the higher-ups decided my fate. Probably I'll never know how close I was to just getting executed."\n\nHe shrugs. "Guess it doesn't matter now."\n\n"When I got my own squad I decided..." He trails off. "I'm pretty useless, you know? Never did much of anything. But I figured, if I couldn't do anything else, I could at least try to keep them safe. I was important, or important enough, because of my father. All the rest-- they were just cannon fodder, but if they were assigned to me... I don't know. Maybe it was dumb to think that. I didn't end up doing a very good job of saving them.\n\n<<if $ticVisits gt 0 && ($munitionsVisits gt 0 || $munitionsLocation eq "village") && ($reconVisits gt 0 || $reconLocation eq "village") && $rookLocation eq "village">>\\nYou say, well, if it helps, they're all fine, actually.\n\n<<endif>>\nYou tell him that all we can do is what we can. You say, you're still not very pleased about his whole holding the village hostage thing, but nobody actually died and things worked out okay so you're inclined to forgive him for it.
You ask about his squad.\n\nHe makes some kind of face. "I know you were fucking around with <<if $whoSiegeSex.length gt 1>>them<<else>>him<<endif>>. I'm not as oblivious as I seem."\n\nYou say, oh?\n\n<<if $whoSiegeSex.length eq 1>>\\n<<if $whoSiegeSex[0] == "rook">>"Rook," he says. "The kid was... I don't know. Desperate for it, I guess."\\n<<else if $whoSiegeSex[0] == "munitions">>"Maxwell," he says. "He was... pent up. It was pretty clear when he wasn't, any more."\\n<<else>>"Raven," he says. "He'd fuck around just to be disobedient." He snorts. "But I guess you gave him something a little more than that."\\n<<endif>>\n\nYou shrug. You tell him, sure, if that's how he wants to read it.\n<<else if $whoSiegeSex.length eq 3>>\\n"All of them. You really got to 'em all."\n\nYou say, except your second in command. And him.\n\nHe shrugs. "They were all... I was surprised how easy it was? How little they tried to cover their tracks. Like, I'd heard them fucking before, when we were in garrisons or whatever; that's just living in close quarters. But out in the wasteland, with you..." He trails off, looking over at you. "I would've thought they'd try to be more circumspect."\n\nYou're not sure if that's an insult. You say, sure. Sex is complicated. Or at least you humans like to make it complicated.\n<<else>>\\n"The two," he says. \\n<<if $whoSiegeSex eq ["munitions", "rook"]>>\\n<<if arrayContains ($stressPoints, "rook munitions bj")>>\\n"Maxwell and Rook."\n\nYou leer a little and say, yeah, and both of them together. It's a good memory.\n\nAgares looks a little pissed off.\n<<else>>\\n"Maxwell and Rook."\n<<endif>>\n<<else if $whoSiegeSex eq ["rook", "recon"]>>\\n"Raven and Rook."\n<<else>>\n"Maxwell and Raven."\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou say, yeah, you did. He got a problem with that? They were just fucking around.\n<<endif>>\n\nHe laughs. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe I should've done something about you when I noticed. You pushed a wedge in between us all. But I guess if you hadn't..."\n\nYou say, maybe that's overstating it a little. You mean, yes, sure, you were looking for weak points and trying to get them in disarray. You were surprised how easy that was. But also, you just like sex. It's nice.\n\n<<if $leaderHitOn>>\\n"You hit on me," he says. "I thought it was a power play."\n\nYou say, yeah, well, it was. You weren't exactly expecting him to just go "oh yeah, sure, let's fuck". But if he had...\n\nHe says, "huh."\n<<else>>\\nYou say, does //he// wanna fuck?\n\nHe says, "uh,"\n\nYou say, no pressure.\n<<endif>>
<<set $talkedVillage to 1>>\\nYou say, he knows the village would take him in, right? Nobody's gonna like him much, and they'll definitely take your guns, but they'll give you food and water and a place to sleep. He'd be digging ditches for a few seasons before anybody would trust him with anything else, but it'd be a start.\n\n"Even after we held you all at gunpoint?" he says.\n\nYou say, yeah that didn't exactly endear him to anybody. But he never actually shot anyone, or else this would be a very different kind of conversation.\n\nYou say, if we had wanted them all dead, they'd all been dead.\n\n"//Really//," he says.\n\nYou say, one thing you really don't understand is why all the city humans assume peaceful people aren't capable of defending themselves. We decided to take a chance on them. And it worked out well enough.\n\n"In the city," he says, "if you threatened an official with a gun, you'd be executed."\n\nYou roll your eyes. He's not in the city, you tell him.\n\nYou decide to use small words. It's kind of insulting to be this explicit, but it's not like he even knows enough to know it's insulting. You say, that you're even here is the town saying they're willing to extend the offer. If we didn't care one way or the other we'd just leave him alone and see if he'd die or beg for help first. Nobody really likes you back in town <<if $staying.length gt 0>>-- aside from your former squad members --<<else>>,<<endif>> but they're willing to have him around if he's willing to swallow your ego.\n\n"What's the catch?"\n\nYou say, city boys are always so suspicious. He'll be doing a lot of shitwork. But listen: this is the wasteland. There's work that always needs to be done. We'd be stupid to let somebody die in the sand, if we can save them. Waste of a perfectly good body that could be doing work.\n\n"Huh," he says. "I'll keep that in mind."\n\nMake sure he does, you say.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
He says, "I think I would."\n\nYou say, you're gonna have to give some more context here.\n\nHe says, "Fuck."\n\nYou say sure. You kneeling down on his level, so you're close but not incredibly close. You say, should you..., and gesture at your dick. You say, what are you interested it?\n\nHe says, "uh, like...?"\n\nYou tell him you usually just kinda roll with whatever people go with but, he seems pretty skittish so maybe you should actually talk about it.\n\nHe says, "I'm not //skittish//."\n\nYou shrug. Sure, you say. But he's nervous. He's never fucked anybody out in the wasteland. <<if $whoSiegeSex.length gt 0>>He knows you've been fucking his squad; maybe that makes him nervous. <<endif>>He's been thinking about what it'd be like, and maybe he doesn't really know what he wants or if he wants it. That about right, you ask him.\n\n"I don't know, maybe," he says.\n\nHe wants you to blow him? Jerk him off? you say.\n\nHe says, "uh,"\n\nMaybe this could wait until he's not camping out in a busted ruin in the middle of nowhere, you say. You could fuck in the town when he's all well-rested and fed and isn't worrying about dying of thirst alone in the wilderness.\n\nYou've been kind of pushy to see how he responds to that, so it's kind of gratifying to see him firm up with resolve. He stops making his "hm"s and "uh"s and stays silent for a second: "No, I think I wanna do this now," he says. He looks at you, intently, up and down, really taking in your body, and you see his cock stretch, bulge slowly fattening. "I think I wanna do this now," he repeats.\n\nYou say, cool. So what does he want to do.\n\nHe reaches out, hand quavering a bit, and puts it on your thigh.\n\n[[→|leader exile sex scene]]
He's breathing hard. You wonder how much sex he's had. It's probably more than 'none', but it's probably not a lot. Hurried mutual masturbation sessions in changing rooms, something like that. You wonder if he's ever had a dick down his throat. He's got the kind of face that would look really nice warped out around a huge cock.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your cock stirs too, filling out your sheath<<else>>Your cock starts to flush and fill out too<<endif>>. Something in the air, where you both know something's gonna happen, where you're both turned on and know the other is too, but before everything's resolved. Tension. Maybe you're breathing a little hard, too.\n\nHe leans in, other hand on your thigh, sliding up to your waist. Lips parted, staring down across your body, at your fattening bulge. His hand slides up and clasps around it, and you exhale softly in a low moan. \\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>He's not expecting the inhuman shape: he gropes across your sheath, balls, the tip of your unsheathed cock mashed up against the fabric, clearly not really knowing precisely what he's feeling.\\n<<else if hasMutation("dick")>>He's not entirely expecting the sheer bulk of it, still mostly soft despite the swollen bulge. His fingers squeeze around the shaft, bulky warts big enough to be felt through the fabric, and he curls his hand around it.\\n<<else>>\\nHe lets your cock fatten in his hand, heat seeping through the fabric as it bulks up, fingers curled around it, feeling it pulse thicker.\\n<<endif>>\n\nHis head dips down before he goes for it and kisses you. His lips are dry, leathery, and he opens his mouth, wet and smooth. He moans into your mouth, sinking forward against you, and you nip at his lips as you return his gesture: wrapping your hand around his swollen cock, squeezing him gently through his pants. He groans, rutting forward, less kissing and more smearing your lips together as he moans.\n\nHe slides his hand off your cock, pulling enthusiastically but inexpertly at your tunic. He doesn't actually know how to remove it, aside from pulling it harder, so you pull back, tug open the laces, and strip it off, and then shift forward to strip him of his undershirt, too, leaving you both bare-chested.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("six nipples")>>\\nHe's staring at your chest: your six nipples all fat and swollen, milk building up beneath them in broad pads, all leaking lines of milky ichor down your chest. \\n<<else>>\\nHe's staring at your chest: your nipples fat and swollen, only dribbling slightly. \\n<<endif>> He reaches out and touches one, delicately, and then glances up at you.\n\nYou say, harder, dragging your thumb against your <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>top left<<else>>left<<endif>> nipple, mashing its heavy, peaked bulk to one side and making it squirt out a mess of droplets, splattering against his bare chest. He jerks back reflexively, still staring.\n\n"Holy shit," he says, and you grin, flexing your pecs so your <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>top <<endif>>nipples stick out further, now sloppily drooling milk. He leans in, bodies pressing together, your nipples smearing milk all across his hairy chest <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>and stomach<<endif>>, with one hand curling over your cock and the other <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>milking your nipples, tweaking each one until they're flushed and erect, huge rubbery pads of flesh dragging against his stomach as he ruts into your hand<<else>>milking your nipple<<endif>>.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHe kisses you hungrily, nipping at your jaw, panting, and you lean down, teeth grazing across his stubbled jaw, and you're not expecting the full-body shudder he makes, a shockingly loud moan ripping its way up his throat. He looks embarrassed, maybe, and you grin and him and nose his head up, biting his jaw and then lower, chomping across the side of his neck. He bellows, entire body rocking up, and his cock pulses in his pants, shooting a mess of cum that sluggishly seeps through the fabric. You grind your jaw, scraping across his throat, and he gurgles, moaning inarticulately as he cums against your hand. You keep the pressure on, teeth holding him in place until he stops bucking against you, and then you pull back, letting him slump down.\n\nFound a sensitive spot, huh, you say. You left a nice mark, big red curves of teeth marks across his neck.\n\nHe says, "Holy //shit//." He shifts, grimacing at how his cock is stuck to his pants, and you pop the button and unzip him, letting his softening cock flop out, coated in smeared globs of cum. It's a nice enough cock. With the foreskin cut off, which is something you've never really understood, so his cockhead is two-tone, flesh thicker than you're used to. He looks at your bulge<<if hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation("dick")>>, swollen to inhuman proportions<<endif>>. "You want me to return the favor?"\n\nYou quirk your eyebrows. You say, if he wants to. He wants you to chew on his neck more?\n\nIt's harder to tell when he blushes, dark skin and all, but you can still see it. More like, his skin visibly flushing around the raw, reddened mark you left, making it look like it's spreading.\n\nYou lean in and lick across your teeth marks, and he shudders, hands trembling as he wraps them around your biceps, gripping hard. He whines, gasping and breathing hard as you prod your tongue into the teeth marks, digging in and then licking, biting down softly. He goes, "oh fuck, oh fuck," hips rolling, smearing his soft cock against your stomach. He keens when you bite down again, on the muscled junction of his neck and shoulders, and his cock twitches, drooling out a fat bead of cum.\n\nYou chew back and forth up and down his neck, across his shoulders and jaw, and he just moans and gasps the entire way through. It only takes him a few minutes to get hard again, which you understand to be pretty quick for an unaltered human. He ruts against your stomach, fucking his cock along a trench of cum-glazed skin, his hands tangled against your chest as you chew on his neck.\n\nYou say, he wanna cum again? Your lips drag against his stubble, swollen and aching from the rasp of it, and he just shudders and shakes.\n\n"You're fuckin' unreal," he says, mumbling, and you grin against his throat, tongue reaching out to tap against his adam's apple. You say, is that a yes?\n\nHe nods, and you nip across his throat, watching how he shudders and responds to each touch, and then you open wide and bite down across the front of his throat. Not hard. But enough to freeze him in place. His pulse beats against your lips; his throat quavers with his breath, and he lets out a sobbing moan and cums all over your chest. You bite down harder, making him drag in each breath with a shaky rasp. He sobs, cock pulsing as he shoots out his load all over you, smeared cords of cum drooling down your sides.\n\nYou let him sob his way through his orgasm, each minute twitch of your jaw making him wheeze and gasp and often as not spew out another rope of cum. He ruts through the slimy mess of his load, smearing it all over his drenched cock until it finally starts to soften, and only then do you release your hold and pull back.\n\nHe's a mess. You, uh, definitely left a lot of bruises: right side of his neck all the way out to his shoulder is a mess of teeth marks and bruises, all shiny with spit, and there's the new, shallower imprint of your teeth right across his throat: two curving imprints, just starting to flush red. You kinda want to make the left side of his neck match.\n\nYou say, he coulda opened with, 'I wanna fuck and if you bite me I'm gonna cum all over.'\n\n"I didn't know," he says. "Actually. Holy fuck." He's gasping for breath, slumped against you, cock still drooling weekly against your hip. "Never cum that fast in my fucking life."\n\nYou say, wow. Well, y'know, you're glad you figured that out then; it was fucking hot.\n\nHe peels himself off you, leaning back against the wall. His chest is heaving, giving you a nice view of the play of his muscles, solid and defined. There's a long thread of cum hanging down from the tip of his softening cock. He looks at you: flushed and sweaty, front smeared in <<if hasMutation("leaky")>>a mess of cum and milk<<else>>his loads<<endif>>, and his gaze drifts down to your bloated bulge. "Lemme see your dick," he says.\n\nYou easily tug the laces open, \\n<<if hasMutation("dick")>>\\nreaching in to heft your dick out into the open. You've drooled a mess of scummy pre all over, and your cock comes out glazed and shining, webbed in glistening, threadline cords, slowly drooping down under their own weight. It shudders, bloating out further now that it's free, <<if hasMutation("balls")>>and you have to reach in under it and heft out your altered balls too; they're too big to roll out on their own<<else>>until it's fully-hard and dragging down from its own bulky weight<<endif>>.\n\nHe stares at its inhuman bulk, eyes going wide as your cock shudders and trembles, spitting out a slimy mess of pre in a thick, sludgy cord. "That's a fucking grub dick, huh," he says.\n\nYou say yeah, it is, even though it really wasn't a question. He wants to give it a feel?\n\nHe seems to consider it for a second, staring at your cock, and then leans in, hand curling around your shaft, his fingers digging into the crest of warts just under your cockhead. His grip shifts, thumb stroking along the underside, and you spew a mess of pre all across his wrist.\n\n<<else if hasMutation("knot")>>\\nreaching in to peel the sodden fabric away from your unsheathed cocktip. You've drooled out considerably more pre than he has cum, and it squelches and gurgles as you heft your sheath out. Thick, drooping cords of pre hang from the bottom of your sheath, webbing across the sodden inside of your pants, with more oozing out from your flooded sheath. He stares at its inhuman bulk, eyes going wide as you unsheath in a flood of scummy slime, full length of your cock plus half-swollen, spongy knot erupting out from your aching sheath over a few seconds in a squelching, gurgling slurp.\n\nYou groan while it's happening; it's real nice to not be so backed-up anymore.\n\nYour tentacles spill out behind it, swiping through the frothy mess smeared all across your sheath and knot and letting it splatter to the ground beneath. Cleaning it off.\n\n"What the fuck is //that//?!" he says, arching away from it like it's a snake that's gonna bite him.\n\nYou say, it's your cock.\n\nHe says, no shit.\n\n<<if $anySiegeSex>>\\nYou say, y'know that seems to be a pretty common response from city humans.\n\nHe snorts. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. It's a fucking monster of a dick."\n\nYou say, yeah. You like it a whole lot.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe says, "That kinda thing common?"\n\nYou say, nah. Beast dicks are pretty rare.\n\nHe says, "//Beast// dicks?"\n\nYou say, yeah, dicks from fucking around with a great beast.\n\nHe says, "You //fuck// those monsters? They're wild animals!"\n\nIt's still weird to hear that. You say, you know normally you wouldn't ask such an insulting question but he does realize great beasts are intelligent, right? They can talk. That's why they're great beasts and not just beasts. Like literally every time you've shown my dick to somebody from the cities they get hung up on this.\n\nYou decide not to get into the theological aspect of it either because it sounds like he's //profoundly// not ready for that. City humans get all weird if you mention you fuck around with a demigod a lot. Not that you'd let Brulvundojn know you ever called him that.\n\nHe says, "huh."\n\nThat doesn't answer your question but you don't really want to get into it right now.\n\nGetting back to it: you shift your weight, and your unsheathed cock bobs in the air, slinging gummy cords of pre in all directions.\n\nYou say, fucking aches after being pinned in your sheath for so long. So y'know, if he wants to touch it, be your guest.\n<<else>>\\nand let your cock swing out into the open. You're longer than his stubby length, but he's fatter. You're a little envious. He leans in and wraps his hand around your shaft. His fingers are slick with his own cum, and he wetly strokes your shaft, fingers squelching.\n\n"Huh," he says, looking down. "Kinda thought all wastelanders had grub dicks."\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nNow's a good time to heft out your balls. They're aching, bloated and heavy, and like on cue your cock shudders and spews a mess of slimy yellow pre all across his hand, up across his forearm.\n\n"Fucking hell!" he says, grimacing, using his other hand to scrap the pre away -- just smearing it all over both hands -- and you let out a soft laugh against his lips. You got some other ĝheist parts, you tell him.\n\nHe feels down over your bloated balls, expression somewhere between disgust and fascination. His fingers dig into the lumpy, lopsided chambers of your swollen balls, enough to send a heated ache through you, and when you spew a mess of pre bigger than both his loads all over his stomach he doesn't try to dodge, just leans forwards so the mess gets sandwiched between you, squelching and slurping as he sloppily strokes you off.\n<<else>>\\nYou raise your eyebrows. "You thought your whole squad was into grub dicks?" He shrugs, not really bashful, and uses the heel of his palm to squeeze your cockhead. "Could be."\n\nYou groan a little while he strokes you off. No, most of us just have human dicks, you say, mumbling against his mouth while you hump your dick against his cum-smeared stomach. Sorry to disappoint.\n\n"S'fine," he says, kissing you again, fingers curling down to tug on your balls as he strokes you off.\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\nHe reaches out, hands immediately glazed from the ropes of frothy pre hanging down from the underside. His fingers are already slick and dripping by the time he touches you. His fingers tug experimentally, slipping across your sharp cockhead and sliding along your shaft, and you exhale, letting your cock pulse in his loose grip, and smack him in the chest with a few spurts of pre.\n\nHe raises his eyebrows. "You cum?" he asks.\n\nYou have to clarify: that's just a single shot of pre, you tell him. Then you say, keep touching it.\n\nHe slides his glazed fingers down your shaft, flinching a little when your tentacles lap out, curling around your fingers. He's not really sure what to make of your knot: a big bulb of spongy, dense flesh. He spreads both hands around it, thumbs gliding across the grooves where its chambers meet your shaft. He squeezes down, and you moan obligingly, pressure and heat racing through you. Your cock jolts up and paints him with a glossy rope of pre, splattering him from stomach to chin. He sputters, spitting out some that apparently splattered across his lips, but then he squeezes again and you mostly catch him right in the face. He jerks back, mouth open, eyes shut, a sloppy glaze of rank dog slime drooling down his cheeks, over his nose, to drip down his jaw. You groan, leaning in, pinning your cock between you like an enormous brand, and rut against him, gushing pre in sloppy lines all over his chest.\n\nYou say, fuck. He looks fucking hot drenched in your pre, and you tell him that. There's a bubbly froth building up through the scum, corded in drooling lines down his chest, and you reach out and lather it across his chest, sticking his hair to his skin, fingerpainting him until he's entirely soaked. He's gasping for breath, flushed and sweating. His cock is hard again, butting up against the side of your knot, and you coil some tentacles around it, wetly squelching as you jerk him off.\n<<else>>\\nHis palm is hot and <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>slimy with your pre, squelching<<else>>slightly damp with sweat, friction warm<<endif>> as he curls his fingers around your shaft and strokes you. You rut against him, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled shaft lurching and popping through his loose grasp<<else>>shaft slipping through his fingers<<endif>>, your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>bloated <<endif>>cockhead butting against his cum-glazed stomach as he strokes you, base to tip.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>There's a hot pressure inside you, pulsing as you groan and rut into his hand, and you shudder and spew a gushing explosion of slimy yellowed pre all up across his chest. He just groans and leans in, stroking you more as you utterly drench him from stomach to neck in a layer of grimy, sludgy pre.\n\nHe lets go of your dick, watching it bob in the air, still hard. "You cum?" he says, and you gotta say, nah, that's all just pre. He shudders, fingers catching some of the sludge drooling down his chest, peeling it out in a lumpy, finger-thick cord. "Seriously?"\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>You say, when you actually cum he'll know it. This is just foreplay.\n<<else>>You say, yeah. You're productive, and if to punctuate it your cock twitches again, spurting out a plume of rank, cloudy yellow pre that splashes up all across his face, drizzling in liquid lines across his nose, spilling down his cheeks.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe curls his fingers back around your dick with a wet //squelch//. Pre drools out between his fingers, smearing across his hand as he gets back to pumping your dick.\n\n<<else>>You spurt a mess of pre across his chest, mixing with his load, and he groans and ruts forward.\n<<endif>> He's hard again, cock stiff and jutting up against your own, and you curl your fingers around it, the both of you stroking each other off in a sloppy mess of pre and cum, grinding your cocks against each other, pinned between your bodies.\n<<endif>>\\n\nThe other side of his neck is very temptingly unmarked, and he notices you staring just around when you start to lean in. He tips his head to the side, hands curling around your shaft, and you bite down, chewing on his neck. He groans, rutting up, letting out gasping, hitching sobs, and <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>he squeezes down, mashing his hands against your bloating knot<<else>>he squeezes down, fingers digging into your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted <<endif>>shaft, and the whole thing bulges out more, swollen with trapped blood<<endif>>. You snarl against his skin, breath snorting out through your nose, licking up the mess of your own pre between chomping bites.\n\nHe cums with a shaking, needy moan, and it's that more than his hands on your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>knot<<else>>cock<<endif>> that gets you to cum too. You groan, sound buzzing through his body with your teeth still clamped on his neck, and your cock erupts between you, first shot <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>cracking against the underside of his jaw from an inch away and splattering in all directions<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>spraying a grimy, clotted mess of gritty grey cum all across his chest<<else>> spurting out all across his cum-slathered chest, smearing together with his own load<<endif>>. You both messily rut against each other, chests glazed with cum, his spurting cock splattering up across <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot, smearing against your tentacles<<else>>your shaft, glazing his still-stroking hand<<endif>>. You snort and snarl, teeth sunk into the thick muscle of his neck, and each of his broken, shaky moans makes you spurt more. You wring his third orgasm out of him<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, tentacles playing with his flared cockhead, and utterly paint him with your load in the mean time, rutting your mutated dog dick against his chest, with foaming, frothy streamers of grimy cum cording out between you in squelching waves<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>> while you utterly drench his chest in wave after wave of your thick, tarry load, washing away his own smears of cum with your own reeking issue, until he's glazed and coated in a slimy slurry pouring all down his front <<else>>, the both of you spurting into the sloppy, cum-smeared space between you, until your combined loads start to ooze down your bodies, drizzling in slimy cords down your thighs<<endif>>.\n\nYou slump against each other, your teeth finally coming out of his neck with a final wrench. Tiny spots of blood well up where your incisors dug into him. You might have overdone it a little.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>The space between your chests is a messy cocoon of slime, all wrapped around your cock, squelching and burbling as it spills down to the sodden sand beneath you. You both just rest there, on your knees, panting raggedly. Your cock is still weakly pulsing, splattering his jaw with clumpy grey cum, spilling down his chest in a messy waterfall. After a while -- a few minutes -- you peel apart, and the cum between you webs out into a mess of foamy cords and glistening planes, slowly sagging down. He waves a hand through the mess, just staring at the chunky ropes of gritty grey cum, threaded through with jellylike green lines.\n<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>He's still stroking your cock, and you're still spurting weakly, splattering his stomach with thick, silty slugs of gritty cum. His chest is -- both your chests are -- thickly glazed with an opaque coating of grey cum, slowly sheeting down his skin in clotted layers. You both just rest there, on your knees, panting raggedly, while your load smears between you, oozing down his thighs and cocooning your cocks in a frothy slurry of cum. After a while -- a few minutes -- you peel apart, and the cum between you webs out into a mess of stringy cords and froth-speckled bubbles, slowly drooping down in the heated space between you. He waves a hand through the mess, just staring at the mess of gritty grey slop.\n<<else>>The space between you is a sloppy glaze, both your fronts painted in a slurry of your combined loads, and as you both sluggishly rut against each other it smears into a dense paste, half-dried into flaking crusts, still wet and oozing across your stomachs. Your dicks are slathered in cum, slick and slippery in your hands, and you both just rest there for a few minutes, on your knees, panting raggedly, while you recover. After a while -- a few minutes -- you peel apart. His hair is plastered to his chest in dark whorls, big smears of cum all across his front, and he scrapes a hand down his stomach, hand coming away dripping.\n<<endif>>\\n\n"That's some shit," he says, bracing his hands on the ground to push himself up slightly. You say, yeah. It's pretty fucking messy. His pants are saturated, cum soaking them uniformly all across his front, with big greasy splotches soaking up piled globs of cum. They audibly stretch and creak when he shifts, and he grimaces, sitting back and peeling the soaked fabric down his thighs, awkwardly sprawling back with his pants in a lumpy furl caught on his knees. You're just about as equally slathered, with cords of sludge drooling down your chest and soaking your pants. You're considerably more used to it, though.\n\nYou tell him sorry. But also, that you're not really sorry.\n\nHe reaches up and touches his neck, hissing a little when he presses down against his bruised flesh. He really does look like a mess: big purple-blue bruises are starting to form in splotches across his neck, and all the tooth marks are darkening into flushed red lines. He looks like he lost a fight with an angry animal. "Yeah," he says. "I don't think you're sorry."\n\nYou say he looks really fucking hot right now. All bruised up and glazed with cum. It's starting to dry<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>, the sloppy waterfall down his chest still sluggishly drooling, <<endif>>but all across his arms and sides it's starting to clot up and flake apart. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>He tries to wipe some of it off and just smears grey slop all across his chest.<<endif>> He hisses more, wiping up cum across his bruised shoulders, and you watch his softened cock twitch, shifting slightly as he digs into the bruises. You say, you wanna try for a fourth? and he just laughs.\n\n"No fuckin' way, I'm fuckin' spent," he says. "Fuck." He digs into his shoulder. "I'm gonna be feeling this for days."\n\nYou say yeah, probably.\n\nIt takes a while to get to that point, but you scrub the worst of the mess out of your pants and off your chest<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>, showing him how to scour the jellylike cum off with sand<<endif>>. You leave him some extra food and water, though you get the sense he'll be coming around town to bring it back sooner rather than later.\n<<set $leaderLocation to "village">>\\n<<sex "leader" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "leader exile sex scene">>\\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $ticVisits gt 3>>\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe cave is abandoned. Looks like Leraje has packed up and left.\n\n* [[leave the cave|worldmap]]\n</div>\n<<else if $drudgeActive neq "">>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe cave is abandoned right now, but shows signs of recent habitation. You look over at <<print $drudgeActive>>. Maybe your company spooked whoever's nested here away.\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\n<<else>>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe cave has been set up as a rough campsite. It's Leraje.\n\nHe's a little worse-for-wear after living out in the desert for a bit. He's stripped off his armored gear -- it's in a pile in the corner -- and he's only in his pants and an old white undershirt. He's sunburnt across his shoulders and neck, and his hair has grown out enough to start to curl. His jaw is covered in coarse stubble, a brighter red-blond compared to his rusty orange hair.\n\nThere's a bunch of empty ration contains in a heap in the corner. He's got two water jugs next to his bedroll, one empty and the other half-empty.\n\nHe doesn't look too pleased to see you, but he's not threatening you either.\n\n<<if $ticVisitedThisTrip>>\n"Forgot something?" he says.\n<hr>\n<<else>>\n<hr>\n* [[talk to him|2ic caves talk]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>\n<<endif>>
<<if $ticVisits eq 0>>\\n<<display "2ic caves exile talk 1">>\n<<else if $ticVisits eq 1>>\\n<<display "2ic caves exile talk 2">>\n<<else if $ticVisits eq 2>>\\n<<display "2ic caves exile talk 3">>\n<<else if $ticVisits eq 3>>\\n<<display "2ic caves exile talk 4">>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $ticVisitedThisTrip to true>>
You say hey. He doesn't look too happy to be found out here. You lean against the rocky wall and say, you know, we never //really// had any ill-will towards them. We just didn't want them laying siege to your town. You say, be glad he didn't actually shoot anybody or he'd be dead.\n\n"Spare me the lecture," he says.\n\nYou sigh. You toss him some of your rations and your extra waterskin.\n\nHe doesn't pick them up, but he doesn't reject them, either. "...Thanks," he says, eventually.\n\nYou ask if there's anything he needs.\n\n"Just fuck off, okay?"\n\nYou say, whatever.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
"You're back," he says. That's the friendliest greeting you've seen him give so far.\n\nYou say yeah. You dump some excess food and water rations you'd been carrying for this specific purpose. He kinda looks at them, mouth flat.\n\nHe could come back to the village, you tell him. They're not actually gonna turn him away to die in the desert, if that's the other option.\n\nHe snorts. "Not likely."\n\nYou ask, what about his human outpost base?\n\n"Oh, fuck that," he says. "And get court-martialed for dereliction, on top of everything else? You know what they do to deserters?"\n\nNo, you actually don't, you tell him. The entire human city setup has always seemed like a pretty bad deal to you, and you've tried to avoid it as much as possible.\n\nHe laughs at that, not really amused. "Yeah. It is."\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
"You again," he says. "Still taking pity on me?"\n\nYou say, if that's how he wants to interpret it, fine.\n\n"You know you're the only human I've seen in weeks? I'm just waiting around here and you keep coming up to fucking bother me."\n\nYou don't say, yeah, good luck surviving on his own, because he clearly needs the help. You dump the latest load of food and water; that makes the point pretty clearly.\n\nYou tell him, again, that he could just come back to the village if he wants.\n\n"Fuck off," he says. Then he pauses. "Uh," he starts, barely articulating something before stopping. You wait for a second.\n\nIf there's anything you can do to help him, you know, you're all ears, you tell him, and he scowls.\n\n<<if $whoSiegeSex.length gt 0>>\\n"There's--" he starts. "Nah, fuck it, forget it. You got your rocks off with <<if $whoSiegeSex.length gt 1>>the others<<else if $whoSiegeSex[0] === "munitions">>Maxwell<<else if $whoSiegeSex[0] === "rook">>Rook<<else>>Raven<<endif>>, not me, right?" He sneers a little.\n\nYou didn't actually know he knew about that. You say, so it's a sex thing, huh? He glowers at you, but nods. That's kind of cute.\n\n* [[say, lemme guess, you wanna fuck me|2ic caves ride intro]]<<scenealert "2ic caves ride intro">>\n* [[say, well say it or don't|2ic caves initial sex prompt]]<<scenealert "2ic caves initial sex prompt">>\n* [[just drop it|2ic talk drop]]\n\n<<else>>\\n"There's--" he starts. "Nah, fuck it, forget it."\n\n* [[tell him to not be an asshole about it|2ic caves initial sex prompt]]<<scenealert "2ic caves initial sex prompt">>\n* [[just drop it|2ic talk drop]]\n<<endif>>
"Hey," he says.\n\nYou say hey.\n\n"You, uh, were serious about the town thing, right? Them taking me in?"\n\nYou say yeah. You say, does he want to head back there with you?\n\n"Nah," he says. "Just thinking."\n\nYou say, sure.\n<<if $ticSexPrompted>>\\n<<if $sex['tic'] gt 0>>\\n\nHe swallows. "So, uh, could you fuck my face?"\n\nThat's a little surprising.\n\n* [[yeah|2ic caves facefuck]]<<scenealert "2ic caves facefuck">>\n* [[yeah but i wanna hear you beg for it a little more|2ic caves beg]]<<scenealert "2ic caves beg">>\n* [[nope sorry|2ic caves reject][$_ticReject="facefuckAfterBlow"]]\n<<else>>/% sex prompt happened but you rejected him %/\\nHe swallows. "You, uh," he starts. "You, uh, wanna suck my dick?"\n\n"Or you still set on not fucking around with me...?"\n\n* [[yeah i can blow you if you want|2ic caves blow]]<<scenealert "2ic caves blow">>\n* [[nah not interested|2ic caves reject][$_ticReject="second"]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<endif>>
You say it's that he wants to fuck you, right?\n\nHe jerks back, eyes wide. "What?! You'd do that?" So maybe not that, then.\n\nYou shrug.\n<<set $ticSexPrompted to true>>\\n* [[sure, if you're all pent up lemme ride yr dick|2ic caves ride]]<<scenealert "2ic caves ride">>\n* [[nah it just seemed what you'd expect|2ic caves demur]]<<scenealert "2ic caves demur">>
You say, sure, you'd ride his dick. His eyes practically bug out, and his gaze drags its way up your body with a new kind of interest. You return the gaze. Obviously you've seen him before, but it's different if you're sizing somebody up to fuck. To fuck in the next few minutes, even.\n\n"I been so fucking horny," he says. He leans forward, one arm draped between his legs, and he's idly grinding his bulge against his forearm while he talks. "All the food and water is contaminated, right? Fuck, I can't imagine how you all deal with these fucking sex drives, fuck."\n\nPersonally you think he might be overstating it a little; you've lived in the wasteland your whole life and the ambient level of lightrot in everything really isn't enough to do much except over the course of years. But maybe city humans have even less resistance; you have no clue. He could just be pent up.\n\nYou step forward and place a hand on his chest. He looks down, like he doesn't understand, and you push him onto his back, flat on the rock shelf he's been using as a bed. His cock tents up his pants, absolutely obscene. It shudders as you straddle his thighs, hands fanning out across his hips, thumbs digging into the hardening flesh of his trapped dick. He groans, hips rocking up, and his cock shudders, lurching through the thick cloth covering.\n\n"I was gonna ask to suck your dick," he says, voice a little hoarse. "Been so pent up I need //something//."\n\nYou tug on the laces of your pants. Your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>own cock<<endif>> lurches, its fat bulge sagging out. You tell him he could still do that.\n\nHe lets out a gusty laugh, and clutches your ass, hands digging into your cheeks. "Nah," he says. "This is good." He humps up, grinding his dick against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>yours<<endif>>, and lets out a shaky moan. His cock twitches again. The material across his crotch is slightly damp, pre and sweat seeping through and adding a slight drag, a slight stretch, to the material, as you cup his bulge in your hand and grind your palm down. He moans and arches up, pushing back, and his cock throbs hard, pulsing as he spurts pre.\n\nYou shove his undershirt up his chest. He's solidly muscled, abs thick, clenched now as he ruts up against you, and his nipples are broad and dark, starting to pebble up when you drag your hands down his chest. He's got a decent covering of red-orange hair, fanning out in curves across his meaty pecs, covering his clenching abs in a thin fuzz. He's absolutely covered in freckles, thicker across his shoulders and arms, thinning down his chest, where he's pale and not sunburnt. Tufts of sweat-dark hair curl out through the gap where his bulging cock peels his pants away from his waist, and you give his dick one final squeeze before you pop the button of his pants and unzip them, shoving his pants down and leaving him naked from chest to thigh.\n\nHis cock lolls out and smacks against the groove of his abs, shockingly huge for a human, and his balls spill down along his thighs, huge and heavy. He's thick, shaft just as broad as his cockhead, but his cockhead has a huge, deeply-defined ridge that's clearly visible as a thick lump banded all around his dick even through his foreskin. He's big enough for you to wrap both hands along his shaft and still have the head peeking out, and so you do that, milking him a little as his dick loses its last softness and holds itself up under its own weight, jutting straight up from his crotch. He groans, rutting up against your hands, and you stroke him enough to peel his foreskin back, showing off the raw red flesh of his bare cockhead. His cock twitches in your hands, spitting out a slimy gush of pre, and you smear it over your hands and slick it back down his shaft, making each stroke squelch obscenely.\n\nYou take one hand off his dick to shove your own pants down over your ass, and you finger yourself open with fingers slick with his pre. His head is tipped back, eyes closed, with the stubbled underside of his jaw on display. You shift forward, straddling him, and sink down on his cock. He lets out a bellowing groan, cock sliding along the wall of your ass, long enough that it digs against the opening to your guts for a second before you push yourself open, taking it down to the hilt. <<if hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation("dick")>>Your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheath<<else>>dick<<endif>> flops out against his chest, half-hard and drooling, and he looks up at the weight. He stares, bug-eyed, for a second, before your ass gulping and squeezing around his shaft pulls out a full-body shudder and he throws his head back again, groaning, as your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>unsheathing dick spills out all across his chest, with the sharp tip slotting up to press between his meaty pecs<<else>>dick flops across his chest, pushing up against his pecs as it fills out<<endif>>.<<endif>>\n\nHis cock, sunk in your ass, is big; he's real big. <<if !isBiggest('tic', 'anal')>>But real big, for a human, is still just moderate compared to a ĝheist, and so your ass hungrily swallows him up, letting him grind his pubes against your ass.<<endif>> Your ass spasms around his shaft, milking him, clenching hard, and you both groan. You sag forward, knees bracketing his ribs, hands splayed across his chest for balance, and you push back to grind his dick just an iota deeper, making his cockhead skid and slide through your guts. Beneath you, he groans, hands curling around your forearms as he hunches up, grinding his dick inside you.\n\nYou ride him, ass coming down as his hips come up, each thrust punctuated by the sharp //crack// of impact. His balls throb against your cheeks. You focus on his fat cockhead kissing against the entrance to your guts, dragging back and forth over it each time you hilt him, and you bring your ass up, mouth open, eyes unfocused, as you slam down on his dick again and again until the slight hitch of his cockhead popping deeper is ironed out; until your guts are rearranged around his cock, yawning open to swallow his entire length without the slightest hitch. He's groaning under you, fingers digging into your forearms, hips snapping up to fuck his cock into you deeper.\n\nHe's pent up. It's a race to see if you can manage to get off before he does. Your ass burns, cheeks flushed from the impact against his crotch, your guts sucking and spasming around the plunging length of his dick. His shaft grinds against <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>the bulging wall of your ass, just enough pressure against your aching, bloated prostate, and you groan and let your cock spew out a mess of grimy, yellowed pre all over his chest, glazing him in stringy froth<<else>>your prostate, just barely<<endif>>, and you lean back so his pumping thrusts put more pressure down. He's long enough to really push in deep, to get to the sharp, intense sensation of him plunging into your guts, and you gasp and shudder, growling deep in your chest as you ride him, chasing the hot spark of heat in your shuddering guts as he slams into you again and again.\n\nYour guts spasm, heat burning through you, sensation so intense your rhythm falters -- hands clenching against his sides, ass slamming down against his dick and stuttering there, milking the final inches of his cock -- and he has to pick up the pace, hands spread across your ass as he pushes you up and down his cock, fucking you through an anal orgasm so intense your vision greys out, bright flashes of light sparking in your peripheral vision. You warble, snarling and groaning through it, only dimly aware of his presence as anything other than a fat dick in your ass, still pumping and thrusting.\n\n"Oh fuck," you hear him say, dimly, and suddenly he's cumming in your ass, heavy bursts of cum gushing into your aching guts, slick and heavy spilling down his shaft to squirt from your spasming asshole. You groan, riding him shallowly, still focused on the drag of his fat cockhead punching back and forth into your guts, lubed now by his load. His cock shudders inside you, flexing fatter, cockhead flaring out minutely, churning up his load into a frothy mess that oozes out around the lax, gaping seal your asshole makes around the root of his dick, smearing between you in sloppy cords.\n\nYou pant there for a bit, just resting on his dick as he spills the rest of his load inside you. You're both breathing hard, and that movement is enough to keep his cock shifting inside you, fucking the final inch of his cock back and forth in your sloppy, flooded ass. Your own dick is still half-hard, <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>cockhead pinned between his pecs<<else>>cockhead pressed against his stomach<<endif>>, <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>continually gushing a slimy mess of frothy yellow pre, pouring all over his chest and coating it in a murky, translucent layer of rank slime<<else>>leaking a mess of pre all over his chest, painting his chest hair down in dark lines<<endif>>.\n\nHis cock shudders inside you, half hard, and you slump to the side, pulling off his dick with a //squelch//, leaving your ass feeling open and empty.\n\nStill panting, sweaty and red-faced, Leraje looks over at you. He grabs his cock, slimy and wet with his load, and smacks it against his thigh: still thick and turgid, drizzling out cloudy beads of cum from his bulging cockslit. "You didn't think one load would be enough, right? You ready for more?"\n\nYou were expecting he'd be spent, but it's always a nice surprise when you meet a human who's actually capable of fucking.\n\n[[→|2ic caves ride followup]]
You roll over, on your back on the stone shelf, and he rolls off it entirely, standing up between your spread legs. Your hole is wet and open, sloppy, and he shoves two fingers in before guiding his cock back inside, no resistance.\n\nHe's only half-hard, dick spongy and heavy, compressing and shifting inside you as he thrusts. He can't get in you as deep, in this position, but you're raw enough from the fucking that it doesn't really matter; your inner walls clench around his dick, slick and raw, buzzing inside you as he drags the heavy weight of his cock over your aching flesh. Cum squirts out of your hole each time he hilts, splattering down his thighs and dripping off his balls.\n\nYour cock fills out, thickening as you get hard, and <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Leraje just kinda stares at it, a little bug-eyed as you spit out green-threaded pre all over your chest. His hands clench hard against your raised calves when your knot finally slurps out, a gush of grimy black pre gurgling out of your bulging sheath, followed by your writhing tentacles.\n\n"What the fuck is that?!" he yelps, but not pulling back from where he's stirring his half-hard cock in your sloppy ass. You tell him that's your dick.\n\n"No shit," he says, still just staring.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>Leraje stares at it as it hardens up, swelling into a complete ĝheist dick, grey-green and immense, gnarled from the innumerable waxy warts coating its surface, drizzling out gritty, chunky pre all across your chest. His hands clench against your raised calves, and he snaps his hips forward, cockhead bashing past your prostate as he sinks deep, and your cock twitches and flexes, lurching to the side.\n\nHe groans. "What the fuck," he murmurs, still thrusting, just staring down at your dick.\\n<<else>>Leraje fucks you harder, grinning down at your cock flopping against your chest, spurting out pre in shining ropes, smearing all across your stomach and sides.\n<<endif>>\n\nIt takes a while, but he gets hard again. The spongy softness of his dick dragging inside you has a nice weight to it, heavy and dense without being hard, but slowly he swells again, skin drawn taut over the full bulk of his engorged dick. He snaps forward, burying his dick all the way in, cockhead only just teasing the entrance to your guts; but since you're already fucked-open it's easy to cant your hips a little and let him slide an iota deeper, rolling his cockhead over your aching, splayed-open guts. He groans, head thrown back, chest heaving, and here all you gotta do is brace your arms against the rock wall so he doesn't fuck you into it. Riding a dick is an exercise; your thighs ache. Your hole is gaping, sloppy and open from the long fucking, asslips bruised and pouting open, wetly slurping along his dick with each thrust.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>His cock keeps knocking against your overinflated prostate, milking out huge streams of grimy pre. <<endif>><<if hasMutation ("balls")>>Your balls jostle up, huge lopsided knobs lurching inside your heavy sac, listing out across your thigh as he fucks. There's a ripple of heat inside you, not-quite an orgasm, and your dick gushes out a rank, fuming slurry of slimy pre and clotted cum, gushing out across your chest in a gooey wash. <<endif>>Leraje keeps thrusting, angling his dick deep inside, fucking up into the sloppy, pulsing opening of your guts. His balls smack against your ass, splattering his load in hot speckles all up your thighs. Your cock ripples, squirting pre-and-cum across your chest in a frothy mess, and Leraje stares down at it, groaning, each thrust forcing out more.\n\n"Oh fuck," he groans, again. "Oh //fuck//!" His cock ripples inside you, twitching, and you clench down, sloppy guts milking his dick as he spills his second load inside you. Cum winds its way down through the bruised, swollen ridges of your guts, oozing out across the thick slabs of your fucked-open asshole, and Leraje sways, dazed, and lurches forward on top of you: your cock pinned between you, faces suddenly an inch away. He groans, gasping and shaking, and turns his head to the crook of your neck, hips still pistoning away as he fucks his way through his drawn-out orgasm.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cock shudders between you, pinned between your chests, audibly squelching and slurping as Leraje rocks into you. You groan too, rolling your hips, fucking it through the sloppy channel between you.\n\nLeraje gets an idea of what's gonna happen; he pulls up fractionally, one elbow propping him up, and looks down at the foaming, frothy mess of slime webbed between your chests. "Wait," he says, "are you--?" is all he gets off before you cum, blasting him directly in the face with <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>your gritty, chunky ĝheist-cum load, smacking him right between the eyes with the first finger-thick rope. It glues itself to his skin, greyish cum clinging to his sweaty face in a mounded pile, and then you groan again and let out the second shot, a messy fountain of cum splattering all over your chests, catching across his jaw and hooking up over his cheek. He lets out a squawk, and you hook your arm over his back, pulling him back down so you're gushing your load out between you, slimy and gritty, squelching and popping between your bodies as you unload in a huge sloppy mess.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>a mess of oily, grey cum, threaded through with glowing green jelly. You hit him right in the bridge of his nose, and the cord splatters out in both directions, plastered to his skin in a huge gummy mass, with thinner ooze dripping down his cheeks, spilling into his mouth as he sputters. You groan, hips jerking up, sending your sharp cockhead cannonading between your pecs, and when you let out the second shot he's still just staring dumbly, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. You plaster his face, painting his sweat-dark hair to his scalp, making him squeeze his eyes shut, sputtering more as big greasy clots of your load splatter across the roof of his mouth. You pull him close, kissing him to lap up the rank ooze dribbling across his teeth, letting you hunch your cock up between you, squirting ropes of fuming animal cum all over your necks and jaws.\\n<<endif>><<else>>Your cock aches, grinding between your stomachs, coating the both of you in your pre. You groan, rolling your hips to rut your cock against Leraje's stomach, and you cum in a rush, only that tiny amount of stimulation enough. You spurt your load between you, slurping and squelching as Leraje hunches into you, cum smearing between your bodies, dripping down your sides.\n<<endif>> He's still cumming in your ass. At this angle your hole is dragged out into an oval, with his load constantly burbling out in a mess down your ass, onto the rock beneath.\n\nHe collapses on top of you, all that weight pinning you down<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>as you keep gushing hard, filling the space between you with rank slime<<endif>>. Leraje gasps<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>, mouth full of cum, and you lick the mess off his lips, off his stubbled jaw, and shove your tongue into his open, panting mouth just to see him sputter and jerk back, face screwed up in a grimace<<else>>and you messily kiss him, the both of you breathing too hard to really kiss; just breathing into each other's mouths as you pant your way through your orgasms<<endif>>.\n\nEventually you're both spent, sprawled across the rock shelf with his softening dick still embedded in your fucked-open ass. <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>He's completely drenched in your load, with thick, gummy cords of sludge spanning between you when he pulls himself up. There's a mess of froth and bubbles, huge planes of glistening slime, webbed between your chests, all down your stomachs, and when he waves a hand through it to try to snap them they all just hook around his hand. You grin up at him. Still, his dick pulses again, twitching inside you.<<endif>> He pulls back with a slurp, shakily getting to his feet. Your ass feels hollow, carved open.\n\nGood fuck, you tell him, sliding off the shelf. Cum drips down your balls, more winding its way down the backs of your thighs. <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>That's nothing compared to the sludge painted across your chest, oozing down in grimy sheets. It's nice to watch the matching mess across his chest, drizzling down his sides, outlining the chiseled muscles of his stomach, dribbling down to soak his own dick in the slurry of your load.<<endif>>\n\n"Fuck," he says, slumping against a wall<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>, trying again to scrape off some of the slime with his hand.<<endif>> "All of you are freaks, you know that?" He's saying it more ruefully than insulting; it's still a little obnoxious.\n\nYou decide to ignore it. You tell him, freaks that just got him laid. You tell him, hope he's feeling less pent up now. And, if he wants to do that again, well, you'll be around again, probably.\n\n<<sex "tic" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "2ic caves ride followup">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You say, nah it just seemed like the kind thing he'd be into.\n\n"I fuck," he says, growling, and it's so unexpected and unintentionally funny you have to bite your lip to not laugh in his face.\n\nYou say, so what was he gonna ask?\n\n<<set $_late to true>>\\n<<display "2ic caves initial sex prompt">>
<<if !$_late>>\\nYou tell him not to be an asshole about it.\n<<endif>>\\n\n"Is it really in the air?" he blurts out. "I've been drinking spring water too --" he nudges a boot against the plastic jugs you've been bringing. "That shit's tainted too, right? Fuck, I can't imagine how you all deal with these fucking sex drives, fuck."\n\nYou've lived in the wasteland your entire life, you tell him. It takes years for the slightest effects of lightrot contamination show up. You cross your arms. So he might just be using it as an excuse, you say.\n\n"Oh, blow me, fuck off," he says.\n\n<<set $ticSexPrompted to true>>\\n* [[hey i can blow you if you want|2ic caves blow]]<<scenealert "2ic caves blow">>\n* [[yeah well sounds rough for you|2ic caves reject][$_ticReject = "initial"]]
You let it drop. Leraje looks uncomfortable, shifting awkwardly, not making eye contact.\n\nYou just tell him to ask again when he's ready to actually ask, and head out.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<set $ticSexRejected to true>>\n<<if $_ticReject == "initial">>\\n<<if $whoSiegeSex.length gt 0>>\\nYou say that sounds rough.\n\n"Oh, fuck you, 'sounds rough'," he says. "I know you suck dick, 'anything I can do to help', fuck off."\n\nYou say, did he ever actually //ask// if you wanted to suck his dick?\n\nHe scowls.\n\nThis is probably a good time for you to leave.\n<<else>>\\nYou say that sounds rough.\n\n"Yeah, it fucking sucks," he says. "So fuck off, get out."\n\nYou get out.\n<<endif>>\n<<else if $_ticReject == "second">>\\nYou say yeah, you are. He scowls. You say, maybe he shouldn't've been such an asshole before; maybe then you'd be sucking his dick right now. But he wasn't and you're not.\n\n"Fine, I get the point," he says.\n\nYou're not sure if he does but it's actually not your problem.\n<<else if $_ticReject == "facefuckAfterBlow">>\\nYou say nope sorry.\n\nHe visibly deflates. "Seriously?!"\n\nYou say yeah. You know a bunch of guys who'd gladly fuck his face but they're all back at the village. He scowls.\n\nYou say, see him around.\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $ticSexRejected>>\\nYou say, asking somebody if they reconsidered not fucking you ain't a good look, chief.\n\nHe gets a look on his face, kinda pissed off.\n\nThen you drop to your knees in front of him. You could suck his dick, though, you say. You've been thinking about it recently. You press your hands to his knees: body warm through the fabric, muscles of his legs trembling slightly. He looks more than a little shocked; you don't think he was actually expecting you to say yes.\n\nYou slide your hands up his thighs, to the mound of his cock. He gives a wheezy exhale when you cup your fingers around it. He's not hard yet, just filling out, and you squeeze down a little, fingers catching along the underside of his shaft, letting his dick swell in your hand. He groans and spreads his legs wider, rutting his hips up against your hand.\n\n"Oh fuck," he says, a little breathlessly.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, yeah you can blow him if he wants, and you drop to your knees in front of him.\n\nHis eyes get kinda wide. "I didn't mean it //that// way," he says, and you say you know. And then you say 'but...' and trail your hands up his thighs, tense and trembling, to the mound of his dick. He lets out a soft little exhale, almost a whine, and slumps down. He's not hard yet, but you can feel his cock shudder through his pants, slowly filling out. You grope him a little, squeezing and tugging at his cock, and he groans and spreads his legs wider, rutting his hips up against your hand.\n\n"Fuck," he says, a little breathlessly.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou say you like him a lot better like this. Less of a giant hardass. When you thought about sex with him before it involved a lot of him being a tightly-wound asshole. You cup his cock for emphasis and look up at him, grinning.\n\nHe goes, "oh fuck off and just suck me off," but it's still missing the angry bite he had in the village.\n\nYou unbutton his pants and unzip his fly, and his cock all but bursts out. Lurching out, its taut arch bobs in the air, the whole length a ruddy, flushed red. It's remarkably big for a human dick, enough to grip with both fists and still have his head peeking out. You do that, his skin sweat-damp on your palms, and stroke him a little, watching his foreskin peel back and forth over the bright red head of his cock. He groans, sagging back on his elbows, head tipped back.\n\n"Fuck," he groans, while you pump his cock. He's got two big squiggling veins up his shaft, and when you grip the base they bulge out into a messy lightning-bolt tracery under his skin. "I really needed this. Th--" he says, and stops with a hoarse gasp when you lean in and kiss his cockhead, softly sucking on the tip while you pump his shaft, other hand going down into his pants to drag out his (equally big) balls.\n\nHe tastes salty. Saltier than most. But he pres a lot, spurting a burble across your tongue as you suckle on his cockhead, and you lap up over his splayed cockslit, swallowing with a gulp. He groans, hand coming up to cup your <<if hasMutation ("scales")>>stubbled scalp<<else>>braids<<endif>>, and he tugs you forward, further down on his cock. You oblige, for now, bobbing down and taking in another inch of his cock, wetting his dry skin as you sink down. You drool, your pumping hand smearing his shaft with spit and pre, and you sink down until his cockhead hits the back of your mouth. His cock throbs, a drizzle of pre spilling down your throat, and you lick across the underside of his shaft, back and forth, until you raise up and spit his cock out, letting it skew across your face as you catch your breath.\n\nYou tell him you were expecting him to have a smaller dick.\n\nHe snorts, a bit of that obnoxiously-controlling tone in his voice as he smirks and says "What, too big for you to handle?"\n\nYou tell him not to get wise when you've got your teeth on his dick. Then you tell him about how most humans from the cities are all small and most people figure they got small dicks too. Not that you got that much of a preference. His cock is stuck to your cheek this whole time, drizzling pre down your jaw. You're stroking him slow, milking the pre out of him, lips pressing against the side of his shaft as you talk. He nods vaguely every time you pause. You don't think he's actually paying much attention to what you're //saying//, just the feeling of your breath washing across his cock.\n\nYou take his cockhead back into your mouth, tongue pressed along the underside, drooling, and you bob back and forth over the tip, lips pursing around the fat flare of his cockhead. He groans, fingers tensing on your scalp, and then you look up at him and open your throat up, sinking down until your nose is buried in his pubes, his fat balls on your chin, and his entire cock stuffed in your mouth, cockhead shuddering down your throat. He curses, groaning, and holds you down, flattening your nose against his stomach while he humps forward.\n\nYou pull back, cock coming up your throat, slick and glistening with thick phlegm, giving the cockhead a lick as it spills past your lips. Cords of slime web between his cockhead and your mouth, staying in place even when you lick your lips. His cock shudders, its heavy arch swaying back and forth minutely, and his cockhead spreads, a heavy bead of pre drooling out. You catch it on your tongue and swallow.\n\n"You're fucking teasing me," he says, like he actually just figured it out. You tell him duh, of course. He wanna cum or you wanna keep going like this for a while? He lets out a little half-believing pant of breath. "That's not really up to me is it? You're the one with your lips on my dick."\n\nYou roll your eyes, but you go back to making out with his cockhead, lapping along the ridge of his cockhead where it seems like he's most sensitive, tongue swiping across the taut dome, drooling down his shaft enough to keep your pumping hand sliding slickly. You stop every so often, other hand tugging on his balls, squeezing a little. You don't want him to cum yet. You suck on his cockhead more, letting his pre trickle over your tongue to the back of your mouth, swallowing sometimes. Then you swallow the whole thing, moving your hand out of the way to leave a wet smear across his hips. You gulp around his shaft, milking him, and he groans again, breath coming faster. His skin glistens with sweat, and you spit his cock out to play with his cockhead again, going faster -- gulping his cock to the root, spitting it out to suck on the ridge of his cockhead, back and forth.\n\nHe snarls, grip on the back of your head digging in as he shoves you down to the root. His feet shift on the gritty floor, back arching, and he fucks your face, using both hands to hold your head in place as he takes control, fucking your mouth hard. He can probably feel you grinning against his crotch as he slams your head down, cock hilting with a wet gurgle, pulling out with a //slorp//. He snarls, breathing hard, fucking up, until with a loud bellow he cums down your throat. Even knowing it's coming it's still a bit of a surprise, cockhead spurting in the back of your mouth, and you cough between swallows, cum sticking to your throat, smearing back and forth in heavier globs, drooling out between your lips. He holds you down again, spending his load down your throat, and you obligingly milk him until he stops cumming.\n\nHe softens in your throat, and you slowly pull off, letting his half-hard cock slurp out of your throat and smack against his thigh, covered in slime and froth. You catch a glob of cum on your lips and smear it over into your mouth, swallowing again. You're looking up at him while you do it, and he's staring down at you, his lips parted, shoulders heaving with his deep, heavy breathing. You swallow again, and he mirrors the motion, staring down at you. Your lips feel bruised, swollen and glossy.\n\nAlso, you're hard in your pants. You sit back, standing up, and the catch of the fabric is what makes you realize. Leraje's gaze shifts over to your bulge, and you wonder if he thinks you'll expect him to return the favor. From the way he's looking, he wants to. He might not be ready to realize that, though.\n\nHe breaks the silence, voice croaking a little. "Thanks," he says. "I really needed that."\n<<sex "tic" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "2ic caves blow">>\\n\n* [[grab your dick and see if he's up to returning the favor|2ic caves blow return]]<<scenealert "2ic caves blow return">>\n* [[no problem|2ic caves blow np]]
He says, hoarse and kind of breathless, "Show me your dick." He's leaning forward, half off his perch, and you sit back and tug on your pants.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nDon't wanna freak out out with my giant monster cock, you say, while you're tugging at the laces of your pants.\n\nHe says, "Fuck off," but not really in a mean way.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\n<<display "2ic cave blow return knot">>\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("balls")>>\\n<<display "2ic cave blow hj">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "2ic cave blow return">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<sex "tic" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "2ic caves blow return">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You tug open the laces of your pants.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nYour balls ache, churning and lurching in your overpacked sac. You drag them out, letting your bloated, misshapen sac hang down, hefty and huge, cords visibly slithering inside. Your flesh furrows and droops, spilling out lower.<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> <<endif>>Your cock flops out over your balls, gnarled and heavy. Your leathery foreskin peels back, showing off the darker skin of your cockhead, flesh slick with rank pre. You give it a tug, more slime drizzling out, and then let it drop, slapping against your thigh.<<endif>>\n\nLeraje lets out a noise of disgust, nose wrinkling. You laugh a little, and tell him you did warn him. You give your cock a stroke, curling your fingers down to your balls.\n\n<<set $both to hasMutation ("balls") && hasMutation ("dick")>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>You milk out a thick, gooey string of grimy, cloudy yellow-white pre, and catch it on your fingers.<<endif>><<if hasMutation ("dick")>><<if hasMutation ("balls")>> <<endif>>You tug on your cock a little showily, fingers digging into the rocky scute along the root of your cock, pulling your gnarled foreskin back and forth to show off your warted cockhead.<<endif>> So you're not gonna suck on it, huh, you say, idly jerking off.\n\n"<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>There is no fucking way that thing is ever going in my mouth<<else>>There is no fucking way you're getting that shit in my mouth<<endif>>," he says.\n\nYou shrug. Fine by you. But you say, well, you're gonna jerk off now. Does he wanna watch, or should you go outside.\n\nHe stares at your cock, mouth still hanging open. He swallows on nothing. You wonder if he's thinking about what sucking it would be like. Eventually he mumbles, "uh, you can stay." You grin at him, but he doesn't really catch it, because he's still just staring at your <<if $both>>cock and balls<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>cock<<else>>balls<<endif>>. <<if hasMutation("dick")>>Your cock throbs in your hand, veins rising to the surface when you tighten your grip slightly, visibly pulsing.<<endif>><<if $both>> <<endif>><<if hasMutation("balls")>>Your balls are churning and gurgling, rising and falling as internal muscles pull and tug. A wet pulse races up your cock, and you spurt out a cord of viscous slime onto the ground beneath you. Leraje looks split between flinching back and pressing his face to the dust to lap it up.<<endif>>\n\nYou stroke yourself off some, one hand on your cock, the other tugging on your balls. You burble a slimy mess of pre down your shaft, smearing it with a wet crackle over your hand, using it to lube your strokes. Leraje is real close. You're both on your knees, nearly touching, his head only inches from yours. But he's just staring down at your cock. His fingers twitch against his thighs. "Can I--" he says, making an abortive motion, and you let your hand fall, cock jutting out from your body, pulsing slightly with your heartbeat. He pauses, hand raised, until you tell him to c'mon, get on with it, jerk me off. He wraps his hand around your cock, letting out a soft sigh.\n\nHis grip is soft, loose; he's more interested in playing with your cock than getting you off. Which you're fine with. He tugs on your foreskin, staring as its warted folds slurp back and forth in a crinkly wave. Your cockslit pulses, spitting out a gush of pre all across his chest, and he lets out a groaning sigh, thumb sliding up over the tip of your cock, catching on the swollen, lumpy protrusions of your fat cocklips. You spurt pre in a thick cord, webbing across his spread fingers, and he groans, rubs his knuckles across your shaft to smear it, and uses it to ease his strokes. You tell him good job. He kinda sneers up at you, but does it again, gets his hand slathered in your grimy pre and steadily pumps your cock, letting your pre froth up into chunky clusters that smear all over his hand, drool down his wrist. The sound is obscene, wet squelches and sloppy crackles when he adjusts his grip, palm slurping when he wraps his hand around your shaft, a thin burble of pre oozing up between his fingers. He does it all while staring intently at your cock: gaze fixed, mouth open, panting. Little flecks of pre splatter across his face, beads dotting his cheeks and brow, probably getting into his mouth. The thought of that, of him gulping down your pre in scummy waves, makes you spurt more: a gush splatters across his face, and he flinches back reflexively, but his strokes hardly falter. He uses his other hand to wipe his face, and a messy cord spills down his cheek, into his mouth. It's real nice.\n\nYou feel heat start to twist in your stomach, the flesh of your balls furrowing. You tell him he's right in the blast radius. He's panting, breath billowing out around your cock, splatters of pre gushing all across his neck and chest. He groans, and the hot wash of breath that wraps around your cockhead is nearly enough to get you off.\n\n"C'mon," he says, face shiny with sweat, "cum all over my face."\n\nHe asked for it. It's not long; his steady pumping gets you closer and closer, and you start to fuck his fist, groaning. He coaxes you on, growling, begging, and you go, oh fuck, and cum all over his face. The first shot comes out like a shot, smacking him right square between the eyes, and he jerks back. You pulse in his hand, cock throbbing, and the second and third shots spray all across his turned-aside head, drenching one cheek and webbing across his ear. He turns his head back, glaring up at you, and then has to shut his eyes as you cum all over his forehead, stringy ropes soaking his sweaty curls to his skin, drooling down his face in a scummy wave. He keeps pumping your cock, hand stroking from base to tip, keeping it aimed right at him. You coat his face with <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>grimy, chunky ĝheist cum, grey-green and gritty, <<else>>your load, spurt after spurt<<endif>> until it pours down his face, gathering in thick cords across his jaw and splattering down across his kneeling body.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>You tell him, c'mon, open your mouth. His lips are already parted, scum burbling down across them, but you want him open wide. He opens wide. Cum pours down his face, all over his tongue, and he grimaces but doesn't shut his mouth. You shoot right between his lips, cum splattering against his tonsils, and he sputters and swallows, face scrunching up from the taste. But then he opens back up, licks his lips, and grimaces his way through another swallow.\n\nHis face is drenched under a sloppy, chunky mess of cum, soaking his hair, catching in his stubble, and yeah drooling into his mouth. He keeps swallowing, even though there's a whole-body shudder each time. He sags forward, lips wrapping around your still-spurting cockhead, and he grimaces as he gulps down each spurt. He catches the mess drooling from his chin and uses it to stroke himself. He lets out a shaky, shuddering whine around your cock as he instantly blows his load, shooting all across your boots. He gulps down your foul load, each swallow making his cock spurt another rope of cum.\n\n<<endif>>\\nEventually you're spent, cock softening in your hand -- and on his tongue -- and you slowly pull back. Your cock lurches from his mouth, smears across his cum-coated cheeks, and smacks against his shoulder, drooping there in a heavy arch as he kneels in front of you, panting and sputtering, cum drooling down his skin and making dark, glossy droplets in the sand below.\n\nYou good? you ask him, and he sags forward, forehead against your thigh, smearing cum all over. "Fuck off," he says, still panting.
You show him your dick. You tug at the laces of your pants, pulling them loose, and hoist out your cock. He groans when he sees it, slumping forward onto his knees, and presses his face against your thigh, stubble scraping across your balls as he leans in and wraps his lips around the tip.\n\nYou were genuinely not expecting him to be this easy.\n\nYou're half-hard, cock thicker and longer but still soft, spongy; your foreskin droops over your cockhead, heavy and wrinkled. Leraje's tongue works at the tip of your foreskin, pushing in to lap across your bare cockhead, and you groan, tugging him more solidly between your legs, angling his head. He groans again, mouth open wide, and gulps down your entire half-hard dick. Your head presses against the back of his throat, slowly filling out further, pushing minutely deeper, and his tongue wraps around the underside of your shaft, stroking it. His nose flattens against your crotch, buried in the curly hair there. He huffs and groans, mouth milking your cock as it stiffens, before he pulls back, cock emerging shining and wet, to focus on suckling on your cockhead again. You stroke your shaft, pulling your foreskin back and he groans and slides his tongue across the bare flesh, swallowing as you drizzle out your first bead of pre.\n\nYou tell him, suck on my balls, and he pulls of your cock, and pushes behind them, lips wrapping around one of your heavy, low-hanging balls. Your half-hard cock smacks against his cheek with a satisfying //thwack//, leaving a messy smear of spit. He sucks one ball into his mouth, gently sucking, lips and teeth gingerly pressing against your skin, sending hot frissons up through your spine, and then spits it out, repeats the process on the other. Your cock shudders, drooling a thick bead of pre across Leraje's cheek, slowly winding its way down his neck. He tries to fit both balls in his mouth, lips stretched, lips squeezing down with a not unpleasant pressure as he crams both into his mouth. He slobbers across your balls, chewing and gnawing at the loose flesh at the base of your sac, breath wetly billowing up across your cock. You're fully hard now, cock a spar laid out across his face, drooling pre across his forehead. He stares up at you, tongue dragging against the flesh of your sac, juggling your balls, face flushed and cheeks puffed out from the heft of your balls.\n\nYou lazily jerk your cock, drooling pre across his face, forming runny lines over his bulging cheeks, spilling around his stretched lips. Leraje swallows around your balls, tongue shoving one and then the other out, and then he slides his tongue up the underside of your cock, wrapping his lips around the fully-hard tip. He bobs back and forth, just suckling on the tip, popping the ridge of your cockhead through his lips with a hot spang of pleasure. You spurt pre into his mouth, mixing with his spit into a sloppy slurry that he drools down your shaft.\n\nHe strokes you off with one hand, the other tugging on your spit-slathered balls, lips and tongue playing with your cockhead. He's good at it. You huff and groan, hips moving forward slightly, fucking his fist, pushing your cockhead deeper into his mouth.\n\nYou tell him you're gonna cum soon, and he groans around your cock, staring up at you. He looks so plaintive about it, like he's begging for your load. It's a real hot expression. Plus he keeps stroking your shaft, other hand squeezing your balls. You can feel it coming fast, each tug bringing you that much closer.\n\nYou cum in his mouth, shooting across his tongue, and he swallows it easy, letting out a hungry whine. Your cock throbs, cockhead pulsing between his swollen, bruised lips, and you shoot rope after rope of cum into his mouth: painting his tongue, splattering against the back of his mouth. He gulps, throat working, tip of his tongue playing with the underside of your cockhead, stroking up and down in time with your spurts.\n\nHe eventually eases off your cock, catching the last dribbling squirts of cum across his tongue. He nurses your softening cock, licking it clean. He swallows, licks his lips, and tucks your cock back into your pants. "You good?" he says, and you say yeah.
Your cockhead is shoved up tight against the front of your pants, and the scrape of the raw flesh against the sodden fabric is gross and uncomfortable. You slide your hand into your pants and cup your sheath, palm squelching as your cockhead drools against it. With your other hand you unbutton your pants, and the relief when your cock spills out into the open has you panting and groaning.\n\nYour cock unsheathes with a thick, meaty gurgle, drawn by its own bulk to point down at an angle. Unsheathing is a feeling like nothing else, almost like getting fucked: the dense, engorged bulk of your cock shifting inside you, sliding out in a rush. The bulk of your spongy, unengorged knot catches on the lip of your sheath with a //spang// of pleasure, the tentacles behind it finally able to peel away from your shaft and stir the air, a feeling like being able to spread your fingers after having them cramped together. Your shaft is coated in slime, trapped pre gurgling out of your flooded sheath and getting smeared all over the base of your shaft, dribbling down towards the head. The air in the cave abruptly changes, suffused with the dense, heady reek of your cock: sweat and flesh and meat and cum; wild animal musk, the rotten-metal reek of lightrot, all so potent it almost hurts to inhale.\n\nLeraje is staring at your cock, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. "What the fuck is //that//?!"\n\nYou tell him it's your cock. You say you did warn him.\n\n"Fucking hell, that thing's freakish." Slime trickles across your cock, slipping down the sides to hang off the bloated underside. As if to punctuate his statement, a glob pulls out into a fat, hanging line and then snaps, hitting the floor with a sharp //crack//. Leraje flinches back. "You weren't joking when you said you had a giant monster cock."\n\nYou tell him you never joke. It's a joke. Then, grabbing your cock by the sheath and waggling it, you ask if he wants to return the favor. He leans back, nose wrinkling up in disgust. Yeah, a little too early, you think.\n\n"There is no fucking way that thing is ever going in my mouth," he says.\n\nYou shrug. Fine by you. But you say, well, you're gonna jerk off now. Does he wanna watch, or should you go outside.\n\nHe stares at your cock, mouth still hanging open. He swallows on nothing. You wonder if he's thinking about what sucking it would be like. Eventually he mumbles, "uh, you can stay." You grin down at him, but he doesn't really catch it, because he's still just staring at your cock.\n\nYou take a step back, so you can lean against the cave wall: shoulders braced against the rock, hips thrust forward. Because you think it looks hotter, but also so you don't drip so much slime on your pants. It can be a serious mess. You wrap both hands around your cock, one near the tip and the other around the gnarled arch of flesh that'll swell into your knot a bit later. Slime squelches under your palms, burbling up between your fingers. There's a mess of darkened splotches on the rock beneath you, like just before the start of a lightning storm.\n\nYou jerk off. The sensation is still almost too intense, altered flesh raw, painfully sensitive. You stroke, up and down, and the eddies of air stirred by the motion caress your shaft, achingly intense despite how you only feel it as a slight breeze across your stomach and thighs.\n\nLeraje is still kneeling basically right in front of you. You tell him he's still in the blast radius.\n\nHe says, "what, you're gonna cum already?" You say no, and then pump your cock a few times, playing with the tip, hand and tentacles milking your slack, pulpy knot. Your cock shudders, lurching in your grip, and gushes a rank, fuming mess of green-threaded precum all across the cave floor, stopping between Leraje's spread knees. Droplets splatter up across his thighs and stomach. He gapes, mouth hanging open, and you're real tempted to make his mouth the next target if he doesn't shut it. You say as much, and he gulps, licking his lips.\n\nHe still scoots back a bit, though. Not enough to actually get out of your splash radius, but you figure you gave him enough warning. He'll figure it out.\n\nYou play with your cockhead, running your fingers along the sloping plane of the tip, over the sharp point along the bottom edge, thumb rubbing back and forth over the fat divot of your cumslit, turning the next few gushes of pre into fountaining eruptions that splatter out in all directions. You dig your thumb into your cumslit, groaning, head tipped back, slimy fingers stroking across your cockhead. Pre splatters against the bare skin on your stomach and thighs in hot specks, and you wiggle your thumbtip around in your cockhead, feeling pre gush and back up behind it, only to flow out in a constant stream when you pull back. Pissing out pre all over the ground.\n\nYou stroke yourself with both hands, using your tentacles to play with your knot, hips thrusting forward, fucking your cock through your hands. You're panting, mouth hanging open, skin shining with sweat, and when you look down Leraje looks the same way: face flushed, mouth hanging open, breathing hard. You've hit him with a few shots, thick lines of slimy pre splattered across his thighs and stomach. He's hard again, cock knifing straight out from his crotch. You aim your cock a little up, and the next gush of pre erupts out and splatters all across his chest. He jerks back from the unexpected impact, but then leans in more, creeping forwards on his knees.\n\nThe heel of your hand slams down against your knot, sluggishly swelling now, and you let out a sharp bark of a groan, cock spewing two more lines of pre in short succession. Splattering all across Leraje's chest, the end of one catching on his chin and plastering itself to his neck. He whines, dazed, one hand dimly raising up to feel across his undershirt, fingers smearing the gummy cords of pre across the sodden fabric.\n\nYou focus on the base of your cock, tip lurching side-to-side with your thrusts, your fingers tangled together as you pump your cock, smacking against the growing bulk of your knot each time. Pre slashes off your cock, splattering to the sides, and Leraje creeps forward again, close enough to catch the shots against his chest again. His shirt is nearly entirely drenched, stuck to his skin, and in a single smooth motion he grabs the hem and pulls it off, catching the next spurts right in the center of his chest, soaking down the coarse spray of hair there. He whines, hips rutting forward in time with your pumping thrusts, head bobbing down to line up with your cockhead when your thrusts angle it toward him. He's only like a foot away now, close enough for the eddies of his breath to curl around your shaft. Also close enough to catch nearly every shot of pre. Your cock twitches up with one, and the resulting spurt hits him square in the face, right between the eyes, and he flinches back, eyes closed, mouth open. He looks real hot glazed in your pre, face glistening with your slime, rivulets trickling down his face, dripping into his open, panting mouth. He licks his lips again, swallowing, and you groan, sliding a hand up to aim your cock right at his mouth. You gush across his face, cords splattering right into his mouth, scum cording over his lips, and he chokes and gurgles, mouth flooded, a sloppy mess of pre and spit drooling out over his lips, in a shining, slimy trail down his neck, to his glazed chest.\n\nYou groan, tipping your head back, and let yourself go. You grip your knot with your tentacles, squeezing and tugging, hands pumping your entire shaft back and forth, back and forth, and it's only seconds more before you cum. You moan, loud, and your cock lurches, erupting with a sizzling cord of translucent green jelly, smacking against him so hard that the backsplash splatters against your hands, all over your shaft. He groans, and then you shoot again at the noise cuts off in a wet, liquid gurgle; you got him right in the mouth. There's an eddy of air around your cockhead, and then his lips are on you, sucking on the sharp tip. It seems like he hasn't really caught that you cum from a bit higher up, on the center of your sloping cockhead, and then next gush of cum is angled to spray all across his face, completely drenching him in cloudy, greyish cum, little swirls of greenish jelly spilling down across his face. Cum drips from the tip of his nose across your shaft. His hair gets messily plastered to his scalp, rusty curls lopsided, droplets of cum dripping down over his shoulders. He moans around your cockhead, sinking down, lips struggling to wrap around your cockhead as it gets thicker. You shoot again, bloating his cheeks, and he swallows and then chokes, spitting it out in a messy burble that splatters on the ground between you, probably not used to the taste or texture. You flood his mouth, cum sloshing against his teeth, and he finally pulls off, panting hard, letting the thick, tarry mess pour down his face. He squirms closer, pressing his face against the side of your shaft, sliding down, catching slime on his tongue, until he's pressed against the side of your engorged knot, mouth open and sucking, slurping, across the dark flesh. He moans, and you look down: he's finally touching his cock, hand overflowing with your load, using it as lube to stroke himself off. He busts again, like two strokes in, his load instantly lost under another wash of slime pouring off your cock.\n\nYou wonder if you could keep milking your knot, keep yourself cumming the full half-hour, until he's totally drenched. The initial rush of your orgasm has faded, ebbing back to just the slow, steady pleasure of pumping cum; some internal muscle spasms, keeping you gushing. Your load thins, less cloudy, only thin strings of greenish jelly; spurting from your cocktip and splattering down across his back, the crown of his head, pouring in watery waves down his body. His skin glistens, rippling waves of cum pouring all over him, washing down into a messy puddle beneath him. He keeps slurping on your knot, dazed, panting, eyes screwed shut -- glued shut with cum -- chest plastered against your legs. You like him a lot more like this.\n\nEventually you stop playing with your knot, and your pulses slow to a slow pour. You ease back a little, guiding him back up your shaft to nurse on your cockhead. You tell him to try swallowing it again, and he mumbles a "fuck off" against your cockhead. But he tries it, mouth flooding with rancid, vile cum, entire body shuddering when he swallows. He takes a few more gulps before he gives up, coughing and splattering the latest mouthful on the ground. "Your cum tastes fucking awful," he says, and you say it's an acquired taste, catching a handful of the silty dregs and sucking it off your fingers. It tastes pretty bad. He shudders, spitting on the ground, but when you slump down to your knees -- cock a huge club between you, spurting sluggishly between your chests -- he doesn't object to you making out with him, feeding him your reeking cum.\n\nEventually he slumps back, gasping, and you sprawl back too, cock giving out its last few spurts across your chest. He's dripping wet, front and back plastered with cum, pants soaked black, squelching when the seat of his pants sinks into the piled-up puddle of slime beneath him. "You're a fucking menace," he says, spitting again. "Your cum tastes like battery acid and oil."\n\nYou shrug. Like you said, an acquired taste.\n\n"Does everybody in the wasteland have a fucking monster cock?" he asks, and you say no, just you. You tell him, some people got ĝheist dicks. You tell, you got yours from fucking around a lot with a great beast, and he stares. "Like, as a pet?" he asks, and you laugh. You say he's your friend. You say he should talk to Brulvundojn sometime, maybe. He's nice. But his cock is even bigger and his cum tastes even worse. Leraje blanches. He's still staring at your cock, watching as the knot throbs against your sheath, slowly sinking back inside your body as it shrinks. He wipes a cord of cum off his jaw, looks at his gummy fingers, and experimentally presses them to his tongue again, grimacing as he swallows, once, before giving up and spitting again. You laugh, and he scowls at you, so you lean in again and kiss him, tongue lapping across his lower lip, teeth following. He moans into your mouth, and his cock twitches between you, pinned against the side of your mammoth cock.\n\nYou pull apart, and he scowls down at your cock. "You said I had a big dick." You say, big for a //human//. He says, "You're a human," but it's a little bit of a question. You say you sure don't have a human dick, and he says "yeah, that's fair."\n\nYou're pretty glad he didn't start talking about how you're all degenerate, mutated freaks or any of that shit, because blowjob or no you would've decked him for that. You do say, well, I gotta go. I'll leave you to clean up. It's a joke, because he's a fucking mess, and the smell is gonna sink into the rock and the sand and stick there for at least a few seasons.\n\nHe says, "This is all your mess," and you say that you did offer to go outside. He kinda bares his teeth at you.
You say no problem, any time, and grin. He goes back to staring at your lips.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if !$_beg>>You say, yeah, sure, you can fuck his face for him.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHe squirms down: laying on his back on his sleeping shelf, with his head hanging back off the edge.\n\n<<if $_beg>>\\nYour cock bobs as you walk over, <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate") || hasMutation ("knot")>>already drooling runny <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>dribbles of dog pre<<else>>yellowed ropes of pre<<endif>> that slash off in cords to splatter across your thighs, and then across his face when you get close. He flinches back reflexively, gummy lines spilling down his face, before opening wider, breathing fast<<else>>and he opens wider, swallowing on nothing as you line it up<<endif>>. He's drooling.\n\nYou press your cocktip against his lips, resting on his tongue, and he lets out a shaky moan, lips wrapping around the <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sharp <<else if hasMutation("dick")>>warted <<endif>>tip, tongue cupping around the underside to catch the spill of pre. He gulps, hungry and desperate, and only moans more when you slide in deeper, cockhead sinking down to press against the back of his mouth.\n\n<<else>>\\nYou say, he's awfully eager for it.\n\n"Well, are you gonna get your cock out or not?"\n\nPushy.\n\nYou get your cock out<<if hasMutation("knot")>> and mash your sheath against his face. He groans, opening wide, and sloppily kisses your sheath, shoving his tongue inside to lap thick slime off your inner walls. You can feel his jaw twitch from the taste, and you mash down harder, so your leathery sheath slops out over his cheeks and jaw, letting him gulp down old cum as you unsheath into his mouth. <<else>>, and mash it, soft and turgid, against his face. He groans, opening wide, and swallows it down to the root, tongue hungrily lapping across its <<if hasMutation("dick")>>warted <<endif>>surface as you let him get you hard.<<endif>>\n\nYou pull back, and he drags in a watery gasp, before immediately glaring at you: "C'mon," he says, mouth open, tongue sticking out. His voice is garbled; he's more interested in presenting himself than speaking clearly. "Fuck me."\n<<endif>>\n\nHis lips spread around your shaft, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>more and more as your tapered shaft bloats in the middle<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>each fat wart catching and snarling his lips as it slurps in<<else>>wetly sucking as he starts to swallow your dick<<endif>>; you jab against the back of his mouth before you can get too deep in, and he gags and chokes, coughing up a huge phlegmy trail of pre and drool that spills all up across his face. He lets out a desperate whine, grinding his face along the weighty underside of your dick as he coughs and swallows, before opening his spit-shined lips and trying to swallow your dick again. He opens wide, lips crawling down your shaft as he takes it in an inch at a time. His face is beet red; his neck is swollen; he keeps snorting out through his nose as he gasps around your dick. Your dick ripples, spraying a mess of pre into the back of his throat, and he gags again, pre stewing around in his mouth before he manages to swallow around your dick.\n\nHis throat rumbles around your shaft when you bring your hand down, curling across his neck. His hair is loose and dark with sweat, sticking to his skin. You push him deeper, letting him gurgle and gag as <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your mutant cock spreads his lips wide, sharp tip jabbing against the soft flesh at the back of his throat<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>you scrape your warts over his lips, scratching them up until they're swollen and red, fat and pouty clinging to the bulk of your fat dick<<else>>your cockhead jabs against the soft flesh of his throat<<endif>>. He gags again, ooze drooling from his nose and burbling out around your shaft, but he just sniffles and keeps sinking down. You lean forward, practically mounting his face, and grind your dick down, plunging it into his phlegm-lubed throat with an obscene wet squelch until he's buried all the way to the root, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath piled up across his nose and jaw, <<endif>>balls draped across his face. His throat bulges from the bulk of your dick shoved down it; you spread your palm over his adam's apple, feeling the stretch as you rut your dick minutely back and forth. He's still gagging, slime squirting from <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>his mouth into your sheath, cords spilling from his nose all down your balls<<else>>his nose and mouth and drooling down your balls<<endif>>.\n\nYou fuck his face. You pull back, giving him time to cough up a wash of pre mixed with stringy throat phlegm, and then thrust forward, spearing him <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the sheath<<else>>to the root<<endif>>, balls hitting his flushed face with a satisfying //crack//. You pull back again, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the bulky middle of your shaft warping his throat<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>warts catching on the walls of his throat<<else>>shaft emerging slathered in his phlegm<<endif>>. His throat convulses, coughing up a wet mess of slime, spilling across his upturned face, and you use that as lube, smearing it back across your shaft before you snap your hips forward again. His entire body shudders with each thrust, back arching off the rock shelf, throat working as he struggles to not gag. His hands wrap around your thighs, digging in hard with each thrust. You lean in and snap your hips forward, fucking the final few inches of your cock back and forth, keeping your cockhead sunk deep in his throat. Your pre froths up, a thick cream burbling from his nose and mouth, escaping up his throat in wet gags of churned-up, creamy froth. His fucked-open mouth makes wet noises, squelching and slurping when you grind down, hollowing out with a scummy gurgle when you pull free.\n\nHe gags hard, but even the sharp clench of his fucked-open throat isn't enough to push your cock out. You lean back, letting him cough it up, and he wetly retches, vomiting up a mess of phlegm and pre all over his face, dripping down his face and pulling his sodden hair out into corded tendrils. He hacks and coughs, slime squirting from his nose and mouth, just collecting in his cheek and spilling out over his bruised lips when he turns his head to the side. His face is flushed dark red, and you can see veins in his neck pulse. He takes in a few gasping breaths, slime whistling through his throat.\n\nHe opens his mouth, burbling out slime as he tries to talk. "Don't stop," he says. "I can take it. Fuck me harder." All that's said in a ruined buzz, breath whistling, clots of slime working their way up his throat between words.\n\nHe opens his mouth, probably to say more, but you take him at his word and line up your cock, shoving it back down his throat in a single frictionless shove. He swallows the entire length of your shaft no problem<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, sheath pinned to his face in a meaty bulk<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>, lips scraping against the waxy base of your dick<<endif>>. There's a buzzing, deep in his chest: he's groaning, the sound muted by the dick clogging his throat.\n\nYou lean forward, bracing your hands against his chest -- he's still totally hard, which is a little impressive on a base physical level -- and hump down, his face mashed between your thighs, balls smacking his face with each thrust. He gags less this time, throat a fucked-open trench that easily takes your dick. Slime squelches around your shaft, churning in his throat, bursting up into his mouth in abrupt gushes that splatter out over your dripping balls.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>When you grind your sheath down against his face the next time, your knot bursts out into the open in a sudden eruption, sheath flesh peeling back as its soft, turgid bulk works its way free. You keep facefucking him, letting your sheath drain backed-up pre out all over his face in a grimy wash of black sludge. Your tentacles smear across his face, tugging at his lips and squirming into his nose. You mash your knot against his lips -- no way he's gonna take //that//, or at least, not the first time you facefuck him -- but it's still nice to see the way his lips warp, spreading around the heavy bulk and clinging tight when you try to pull back, bruised and glossy. You bash your knot against his face a few times, practically clubbing him with it as he arches and convulses, vomiting up greasy black pre, squirting ooze from his nose. You decide to be a //little// nice and grind down, holding him in place while you stuff a few tentacles up his nose, squirming through his sinuses and into the back of his throat. You peel them apart, stretching out his internal passages. Half-intubating him, so the sloppy black ooze burbling from his nose comes out in a bubbling froth, mixed in with his breath.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHis hands shudder on your thighs, fingernails digging into your <<if hasMutation ("scales")>>hide<<else>>skin<<endif>>. You pick up the pace, plunging your dick into his spasming throat, watching the warp and stretch it makes through his skin. His chest is flushed red, drenched with sweat and stringy slime that's splattered up across his neck and throat. You groan, low and long<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, tentacles milking your knot<<endif>>, and cum straight down his throat. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>The tip of your dick is practically shoved into his stomach, lodged under his collarbone, and y<<else>>Y<<endif>>ou flood his throat, pulse after pulse of cum rippling inside him, stewing around your spurting cockhead before he gulps, or gags, one way or the other cum churning around inside him. Ooze slurps up around your spurting shaft, big bubbly globs gutturally squelching in his throat, bursting higher when he gags and convulses, slurping up higher across your shaft. It takes a while before he gags enough to squirt cum from his nose and mouth, gushing up into his mouth already creamy and frothy, pouring from his fucked-open mouth all over his slime-drenched face in chunky, sloppy waves. You're spurting just as much down into his stomach, audibly gurgling as you keep fucking his face, sliding your cock through the mess to hilt his face, spurting balls grinding wetly across his slathered, bruised face.\n\nHe cums all over himself. He squeals, sound turned into a buzzing vibration against your cock, and his mammoth dick shudders and sprays his own load all up his front, shooting in time with his full-body writhing spasms. His cock lurches erratically, dragging across his stomach with each shot, splattering his chest in streaky lines of cum. You groan, grinding <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot against his lips<<else>>your dick down against his mouth<<endif>>, and he makes an answering buzz, ruined throat gurgling as he smears his bruised lips against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>the base of your dick<<endif>>. You facefuck him through his orgasm, your spurting cock making his throat swell and bulge, and only draw back once he's collapsed down, his cock sluggishly leaking the dregs of his load over his hip.\n\nYour cock pulls free from his throat with a liquid squelch. Thick globs of churned-up goo coat his mouth and ooze out over his floridly-bruised lips, shiny and red-purple. He looks like somebody punched him in the mouth. Your cock slurps out of his throat, the tip pulling free coaxing out a wet gurgle followed by a breathless, heaving cough as he vomits up most of your load all over his face, twisting to the side to let some of the mess spill down onto the sandy ground. He's a mess: he's basted in your load; nose and mouth clogged with slime; hair corded into heavy tangled hanks, dripping <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>black<<else if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("balls")>>gritty<<endif>> ooze down to the ground in long, syrupy strands, painted all over his face. He heaves, vomiting up cum, cords squirting from his nose, and it's only after two or three wrenching, full-body spasms that he finally manages to suck in a breath, gasping through the mess painted all over his face.\n\nYou jerk off onto his face, dick still spurting heavy cords of cum. He's flushed a ruddy dark red all across his face and neck, spreading out across his chest. He's using one arm to prop himself on his side, and it's already trembling, straining with exhaustion. His breathing is wet and gurgling, throat clogged with thick sheets of frothy ooze, and he keeps hacking and coughing, spitting out huge sluglike globs that splatter against his lips and catch on his stubbled jaw.\n\nYou're pretty sure he's bruised from collarbone to eyebrows. Your balls smacking against his face didn't do him any favors, at least. It's hard to tell the damage with his skin so thickly slathered with sludge. His lips are split, with a thin smear of blood winding through the slime dripping down his face.\n\nAll that, and he still lurches forward, broken lips catching on the tip of your dick, tongue -- heavy and greasy-feeling, after so long pinned to the side of your dick -- licking through the grime coating your shaft. He gags when he tries to swallow, throat carved open and aching, but that doesn't stop him from lapping at the dripping tip of your dick, coating his tongue <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>in your murky, mutant dog cum<<else if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("balls")>>in your gritty ĝheist cum<<else>>in your load<<endif>>, swilling it in his mouth as he struggles to swallow.\n\nHe tries to reach out and pull you closer, and nearly topples off the rock shelf. You have to catch him, grip slippery across his cum-streaked side, and he sluggishly topples down, ending up on his knees in front of you, all the excess ooze streaking down his chest as he mouths at your dick. He whines around your dick, slurping on the side, and humps your leg like an animal, his hard-again dick slathered in the messy slurry painted all up and down his front at this point. You let him keep going until he cums again, gasping and sobbing around your dick as he cums all up your leg.\n\nHe spills back against the rock wall, dazed and shaking, utterly exhausted. His eyes have been glued shut by sludge for who knows how long. He just pants and shakes, still weakly retching when he tries to swallow, nose and throat still clogged with slime. You kneel down with him, catching some of the mess dripping down his face -- his hair is thick and saturated; you wring out a few slimy tassels -- and scrape the worst of the mess off his face and chest. He gurgles wetly, head tipped down, ooze still working its way up his throat, down through his sinuses.\n\nYou ask him, that what he was looking for?\n\nIt's probably easier for him to answer with his eyes glued shut and his voice ruined. He bobs his head, nodding mutely, face still flushed and blotchy.\n\n<<sex "tic" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "2ic caves facefuck">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You say, yeah, you can, but you wanna hear him beg a little for it first.\n\nHis mouth hangs open, lips a little parted. You're not sure if he's angry or turned on or both, but you expect he'll tell you in a second.\n\n"Oh, what the fuck! It's like that, huh?" he says.\n\nYou say, all he's really gotta do is ask nicely. You're down for doing actual favors for assholes, but sex is supposed to be pleasant. So maybe he could try being pleasant.\n\n"'Pleasant'," he says. "Fuck off."\n\nYou shrug. He seemed to really enjoy your dick last time, you say. Would be a pity if he didn't get to suck on it. He gets red, flushing all blotchy. All you wanna hear about is why he wants to do it again. He gets redder.\n\nHe looks away. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\n"Your dick is so fucking freakish. Like something out of a fucking nightmare."\n\nYou say, that's not exactly complimentary.\n\n"I want it so fucking bad. Every time I've jerked off since then I've thought about you fucking me. Your fucking gross-ass cum all over my face. After you left I played with it until it all dried out. Jerked off using it as lube. I thought about you cumming all over my face, fuck. Fucking open my throat. Somehow getting that fucking nightmare of a knot in my ass. Came the hardest I ever have." He's so red you're actually a little concerned, face solid red from hairline to chest. He swallows, body pulled tight, forearms trembling where he's got his hands white-knuckled on his knees. "Those fucking tentacles! I never seen a dick like that in my life. People joke about grub dicks being clubs but that thing is just -- it's just -- fucking --" He swallows thickly, wipes his mouth with one hand. You think he's actually drooling. Or crying. "I can't stop thinking about it."\n<<else if hasMutation("dick")>>\\n"You got a fucking monster dick. You know that, right? It's huge and it's gross. Fucking disgusting all covered in warts. Fuckin' //slimy//."\n\nYou open your mouth to say something like, that's not exactly complimentary, but he carries on:\n\n"And fuck, I've been jerking off thinking about when you came all over my face. <<if hasMutation("balls")>>Your fucking gross-ass sour cum! I can't stop thinking about the taste. Getting your fucking grub dick down my throat and feeling it burn when you dump your load in me. You came so fucking much.<<endif>> I jerked off with your load, you know? Worked it into my cock. Stunk like you for days. All I been thinking about since it happened." He swallows, thickly. You think he might be drooling.\n<<else if hasMutation("balls")>>\\n"Your fucking //balls//," he says. "They're so fucking huge. I couldn't believe how much you came. A fucking mess of grub cum all over. I couldn't stop thinking about the taste. I ate it up after you left, you know. Licked some off the fucking rocks. Tasted fucking horrible but I couldn't stop thinking about it." He swallows, thickly. You think he might be drooling.\n<<else>>\\nHe looks up at you. "Look, I like sucking dick, okay? And you got a nice dick. What fucking more do you want to hear? I like it when you shoot your load; I want you to cum in my mouth. That good enough for you?!"\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation("dick") || hasMutation("balls")>>\\nHe whips his head up, making eye contact, glaring. His eyes are shining, tears starting to drip down his cheeks. "That good enough for you?!"\\n<<endif>>\n\nYou say that's great, hand on your belt, tugging it open. You tell him he did real good.\n\n"So what, now you're gonna 'reward' me with your dick?" he says, scornfully.\n\nYeah, you say. You are.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYou tug on the laces of your pants, and your sheath lurches out in a heavy mound, the mottled purple tip of your dick already peeking out from the leathery flesh. He keeps staring at it, swallowing slowly. You shove your pants down to your thighs, sheath and <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>warted <<endif>>balls lolling out with a heavy lurch: balls slowly drooping down lower, sheath swelling fatter.\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYou tug on the laces of your pants, and heft your cock out. It's half-hard, leathery skin crinkling up into folded slabs of leathery flesh as it droops out over your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>bloated <<endif>> balls. You shove your pants down to your thighs, giving your balls space to hang lower, letting your cock slowly peel off away from the damp skin as it shudders its way to full hardness. He just stares, mouth open, swallowing slowly.\n<<else>>\\nYou tug on the laces of your pants, and shove them down to mid-thigh, letting your cock and balls loll out. You're half-hard, cock starting to skew upward, cockhead half-revealed over your foreskin. Your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>altered <<endif>> balls hang down beneath<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> in a leathery, warted sac, churning and near-audibly gurgling with your mutated load<<else>>, your sweat-damp skin slowly peeling apart, letting them hang down lower<<endif>>.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou say, well, c'mon, ask.\n\nHe swallows again. "Fuck me," he says, mumbling, half-hypnotized. His cock is tenting up his pants obscenely, a big trapped lump skewing to one side. "C'mon, fuck my face."\n\nYou say, good boy. That might be overdoing it a bit but he seems really into it.\n\n* [[get in position|2ic caves facefuck][$_beg = true]]
<<if $campHelpersSet neq true>>\\n<<set $helpers = shuffle (["Pthuul", "Jinn", "Djen"])>>\\n<<set $campHelpersSet to true>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<print $helpers[0]>> and <<print $helpers[1]>> set up camp while [[''you''|you][$back = "camp"]] sit on your collected gear, with <<print $helpers[2]>> kneeling in front of you. Your gut aches, swollen now more than ever, and the eggs within you throb and pulse. \\n<<if hasMutation('womb')>>\\nYou can feel them slowly churn inside your womb, settling lower in your hips for the night.<<else>>\\nYou can feel them churn in your guts, rippling back and forth along your bloated inner passageways.<<endif>> \\n\n<<print $helpers[2]>> leans in. "You need some help?"\n\n* [[yeah c'mon touch me|pregnant pre-birth camp sex]]<<scenealert "pregnant pre-birth camp sex">>\n* [[nah i'm good|camprun]]
<<if hasMutation ('leaky')>>\\n<<print $helpers[2]>> rubs your bulging stomach with his huge hands, stroking up across your chest, and his fingers find your swollen, aching nipples. He tugs on them, built-up milk squirting out on the first grasp, and he curls his fingers around the fat knobs of your nipples, steadily milking you. Twin streams of milky ichor squirt out, excess drooling across his fingers and spilling down your chest, over your fat, pregnant belly.\n\nHe leans in, lips wrapping around one of your fat tits, suckling, hand mauling your other nipple, playing with them both until they're erect, forming corklike nubs on top of the fat, mounded peaks of your wide areola. He humps against your side, <<if $helpers[2] eq "Jinn">>hot mound of his cunt wet and drooling against your hip<<else>>cock sliding over your hip<<endif>>.\n<<else>>\\n<<print $helpers[2]>> rubs your bulging stomach with his huge hands, stroking down over your thighs, and his hand wraps around your cock, mounded beneath your huge gut. The weight of the eggs has your cock constantly drooling pre, and he plays with it, stroking your belly with his other hand and teasing out a constant, sloppy pour of pre from your throbbing cock.\n\nHe leans in, kissing you, fingers slipping beneath your balls to slide into your ass, and you moan into his mouth as he slowly fingerfucks you, asshole aching and slick, hungrily gobbling up his fingers.\n<<endif>>\n\nThat's the scene <<print $helpers[0]>> and <<print $helpers[1]>> come back to when the tent is all set up, you sprawled on your back with <<if hasMutation('leaky')>><<print $helpers[2]>> nursing on your tits, your belly smeared with his <<if $helpers[2] == "Jinn">>juices<<else>>pre<<endif>>.<<else>>four of <<print $helpers[2]>>'s fingers up your ass, other hand rubbing your cock against your belly, milking out pre that he lets slip down over your balls, feeding it into your sloppy ass.<<endif>> They both grin and leer.\n\n"You need any more help?"\n\n* [[please you gotta fuck me|pre-preg anal]]<<scenealert "pre-preg anal">>\n* <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>[[please milk me more|pre-preg milk]]<<scenealert "pre-preg milk">><<endif>>\n* [[please you gotta play with my cock|pre-preg cock]]<<scenealert "pre-preg cock">>
You beg them to fuck you.\n\nPthuul lets out a craggy laugh and gropes his dick. "You sure you should be getting fucked when you're that big?" he asks, but it's rhetorical; his fingers are already pushing into your ass, spreading your slick, loose ring open into a wide gape. His entire fist pops into you with hardly a hitch.\n\nYou groan, hiking your ass up, and Djen and Jinn press close, hands on your thighs, hips, sliding over your spread cheeks. You can tell whose cocks are pressing against you: Pthuul's huge and warted; Djen's utterly gigantic, soggy and writhing; Jinn's a fat nub above his flushed cunt. Pthuul grinds up your hip, spurting gritty pre over your skin, and he ladles it in as Djen gives his dick a shake, splattering a burning cord of glowing yellow lightrot-pre all up your back. Jinn just groans, fingers curling around Pthuul's wrist as he slides his hand up into your ass too.\n\nYour pregnant gut squirms, eggs pulsing in response to your body's reaction. A cord of pre oozes from your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>half-hard dick<<endif>>, hanging between your thighs and jolting backwards as you whine and fuck yourself back against the fists in your ass. The three of them splatter their pre all over your skin, rubbing the grimy slurry all over your ass, feeding it into your gaping ass, before Jinn and then Pthuul pull their hands out with a //pop//, leaving your asshole inverted, bulging out between your spread cheeks in a pouting crater.\n\n"Me first," Pthuul says, lining up his dick and sinking it in with a single thrust, until his pendulous balls smack against your slathered skin. Your body convulses, clamping down around his fat shaft, and he groans, a hand on your back as he ruts in. His warts drag over the rim of your ass, rough as he saws back and forth. "Not gonna take long."\n\nYou keen. Heat radiates off you, stirring the air above you, and all three of them are reacting to the rich, gravid scent of your body. Pthuul gushes in your ass, already nearly cumming. His cock ripples, pre gushing into you in hot spurts, and he snarls, claws digging into your hips as he jolts up hard, smacking your ass against his hips, splattering pre all over. Djen's gushing across your side, murkily-glowing pre coating Pthuul's stomach and splattering between your bodies, thickening the ooze spilling down your thighs. Pthuul snarls, cumming hard, each shot hitting inside your flushed, aching insides with the force of a punch, jolting your eggs. You groan, rutting back against him, grinding his gnarled cockhead against your aching prostate, but before you can get a good rhythm up Djen bodily drags him off, flinging him a few steps back, his still-spurting cock gushing his chunky, gritty load across your side before Djen slots his squirming, wormlike cock against your gaping ass. He's huge, but so soft and pulpy even fully-hard that he slides in effortlessly, cock dense and squirming. He's so long that if he properly fucked you <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>he'd be fucking into your cervix<<else>>he'd be basting your eggs in a fresh layer of lightrot<<endif>>, but he's half-frenzied, snorting and snarling as he drags you backward, using you like a fucktoy for his cock; he's not gonna have the time to squirm deeper before he cums.\n\nWhile Djen hammers into you, giant hands on your thighs, dragging you back onto his squirming worm-cock, Pthuul ruts his still-spurting dick up your side, splattering you from head to ass in a gritty layer of ooze. You moan, insides flowering open from Djen's sharp thrusts, but before you can fully spread -- <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>letting him fuck his way into your womb<<else>>letting him reach the twist of your guts where your eggs are caught<<endif>> -- he cums with a bellow, hoarsely panting. His cock shudders, flexing and twisting like an enormous snake, and the heat of his raw-lightrot load blossoms in your guts, suffusing through your flesh with shaky shocks of heat. You whine, gasping from the sensation, yowling like an animal in heat as the lightrot soaks into your hormone-suffused flesh, just making it stretch easier, more, faster. Your eyes roll back into your head, hips jerking back convulsively, struggling to warp your grossly-pregnant body around the squirming, spurting pillar of Djen's dick.\n\nDjen pulls out before you're fully-satisfied too, cock slithering out from your gaped hole, leaving you with your blossoming guts painted thickly in lightrot goo, squirting out slime from the bruised folds of your cratered asshole. Jinn groans, finally pushing past the other two, and sinks both his fists into your ass. The sound is obscene, wet gulps as you spasm and flex, squirting out raw lightrot across his forearms as he sinks one to the elbow <<if hasMutation ("womb")>> -- hand cupping your bulging cervix -- <<endif>> and leaves the other just-inside your blown-open rim, knuckles digging down hard against your prostate. Pthuul and Djen were too occupied with their own orgasms, just pumping into you in a frenzy, but Jinn knows what he's doing. He lets you rut back against him, angling your hips so his knuckles drag against your aching prostate; so his fist smacks again and again against the bloated mound of your sealed cervix.\n\n"C'mon," he says, leaning over you. "Cum for me."\n\nYou let out a guttural groan, rocking back against him, flooded ass squirting the messy slurry of Pthuul and Djen's loads back against Jinn. You can feel it building, deep inside you, and you're dimly aware of panting with your mouth hanging open, shaky moans bursting out of your throat as you focus on the drag and pressure of Jinn's fists in your ass. Jinn meets your motions, bashing deeper, keeping the rhythm once it becomes too intense and you can't keep up the motions -- he bowls you forward, face mashed into the sand, ass up in the air, and churns your ass, churning the sloppy slurry of ooze gushing from you into a dense, creamy froth splattering down your body in gushing cords. You howl, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>still-sheathed<<else>>still-soft<<endif>> cock twitching hard before your entire body spasms and you cum the hardest you have in your entire life; your cock pissing out a stream of cum that's nothing compared to the spasming, shuddering convulsions happening deep in your guts, clamping tight around Jinn's hands and locking them in place as your ass milks them hard.\n\nYou think you pass out at one point, or at least there's a fuzzy period where you're just panting and groaning, and eventually you come to, sprawled out on a bedroll, body soaked with half-dried cum. The phantom sensation of them fucking you still ripples through you, ass feeling empty, and each clench of your internal muscles brings the sense-memory back to the forefront.\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "djen" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "jinn" "fist" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "pre-preg anal">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
<<if hasMutation("udders")>>\\n<<display "pre-preg milk udders">>\n<<else>>\\nYour broad nipples have been leaking steadily, aching continually from the added bulk of your pregnancy. They drip trails of milky ichor down your chest, over the broad bulk of your pregnant belly, and <<print $helper[2]>> chewing on them only makes you produce more: fat nipples mounded up into fleshy peaks, dark areola speckled with milk. <<print $helper[1]>> leans in and gives your left nipple a tweak, making it spray out a shockingly high-pressure squirt of milk, and your entire body resonates from the sensation, flesh around your nipple rising up into goosebumps, nipple stiffening into a heavy triangular mound. <<print $helper[1]>> rolls his thumb across it, loosely working out a continual slobbery drool of milk down your chest. <<print $helper[2]>> catches your other nipple between his teeth and sucks, the pressure and heat so intense it hurts: a burning, stinging across your chest. Your milk glands discharge, so built-up now you can feel the strange wet trickle of milk being secreted inside your chest, being drawn out in squirts. <<print $helper[1]>> mirrors <<print $helper[2]>>'s motions, bringing his head down to nurse on your nipple. You let out a shaky groan, head thrown back, the sensation across your chest like electricity bursting between your nipples, arcing down across the heavy, taut pressure of your egg-filled belly.\n\nThere's a //thump// in the sand before you, and you open your bleary eyes to see <<print $helper[0]>> kneeling before you. <<if $helper[0] === "Jinn">><<display "pre-preg milk jinn spec frot">><<else>><<display "pre-preg milk frot">><<endif>>\n\nYou cum with a keening moan into <<print $helper[0]>>'s mouth, cock pulsing hard as you gush out a messy burble of cum across his stomach. Body lax and heavy, they shift you back to a reclining posture, mouths pulling free from your aching, still-dripping nipples, replaced with their hands. They milk you like a beast: fat, reddened nipples so engorged they can curl their fingers around the puffy mounds and squeeze, steadily working out squirt after squirt of backed-up milk, pouring in liquid lines down your already-glazed skin. You keen, body exhausted but still needy, and <<print $helper[0]>> cups his fingers around your cum-glazed cock, grinding it up against your taut belly, heel of his palm grinding your cockhead to your skin until, with only a slight squeeze and pressure, you cum all over yourself again.\n\nYou pass out, falling asleep, before they manage to milk you dry.\n<<endif>>\n<<sex "jinn" "milk" "bottom">>\\n<<sex "pthuul" "milk" "bottom">>\\n<<sex "djen" "milk" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "pre-preg milk">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
Jinn leans forward over your hugely pregnant belly and kisses you while Pthuul and Djen milk your aching nipples. His cunt pulses against your cock, his fat lips spreading around the girth of your shaft, letting your pre burble down over his folds. You both groan, Jinn panting into your mouth as he ruts against you, his cunt stroking you off. His hands swipe across your chest, fingers catching the wet smears of milk and drool spilling down your chest, and he paints the mess over your straining belly, glazing your stomach in your own milk.
<<print $helper[0]>> presses his huge hands against your burgeoning belly and leans in, kissing your panting, gasping mouth messily. His cock digs into the underside of your belly, burbling out rank, grimy pre all over your skin. His hands reach upward, cupping your fattened pecs, nails digging into your skin. Milk squirts from your aching nipples, and you let out a shaky moan as he swipes his fingers through the mess of milk and drool spilling down your chest, painting it in slimy curves all across the aching bulk of you belly.
Your udders ache, fat and heavy, so bloated from your pregnancy that they're nearly two fingers wide. Your bloated tits burn, painfully sensitive from the swipe of fingers and lips and tongues over your skin. It's between relief and torture when fingers wrap firmly around your fat teats and tug, milking out an immense gush of built-up ichor. The sensation burns so hot it almost feels like you've been stabbed, and you let out a guttural bellow, body bonelessly flopping backwards, unable to even hold yourself up.\n\nThree of them means they have enough hands to catch all of your udders. Hands of disparate size curl around your tits, claws digging into your agonized flesh, and they milk you in spurts, lips pressed against your neck and throat. Your milk glands, so engorged and sensitive you can feel the trickle of milk being secreted inside you, pulse and rush. There's a weight of milk surging down your tits to collect in heavy pads just beneath your udders; it's the only sensation you can focus on: the wet heat of milk pouring through you, spraying out of you in squirt after squirt, hot and slick pouring down your chest, smearing down your belly. A milk-slick hand scrapes itself clean on your side, leaving one teat taut and pulsing, bloated in the middle, before it returns and grips harder, milking out a gush that you can hear splatter into the sand a half-second later.\n\nFingers stroke down the line of your nipples, a phantom burn in its wake as your skin reacts, flushing hard, and the added tension makes all your udders squirt at once, splattering wetly down your chest. Mouths press against your udders, teeth digging into your skin, throats working as they gulp down squirt after squirt of your excess milk. You're a mess: pregnant belly gleaming from a rippling sheen of milk, rivulets of milk streaming down your side, coarse smears of sand from their desert-worn hands clinging to your soaking skin before they're washed away from the continual flow of thin, translucent milky ichor.\n\nThe aching burn of backed-up milk abates, somewhat, into a continual pour: the milking just stimulates your tits to produce more, flushing out your system until you're a dazed, milk-drunk mess, body flushed with heat as they tug and twist your fat, abused udders. You cum all over yourself without any of them touching your cock, spurting your load in a slimy mess across your pregnant underbelly.\n\nYou pass out, utterly exhausted, before they manage to milk you dry.
You beg them to suck your cock.\n\nJinn snorts. "Still thinking with your dick?" he says, but he gets down between your legs, hands curling over your knees. Your cock is a heavy ache, constantly half-hard, and he slides his hands up along your inner thighs to cradle the bloated, aching mound of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your dick<<endif>>. You groan, cock flexing. There's a sudden muscle spasm in your hips, surprising even you, and you pump out a huge pulse of pre, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>oozing out of your bulging sheath and <<endif>>soaking through the fabric of your pants. Jinn groans, leaning in to suck across the damp spot, lips and tongue pressing down against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your swollen sheath<<else>>the aching flesh of your trapped dick<<endif>>.\n\n"Don't tease," Pthuul says, and spreads his hand across the back of Jinn's head, pushing him down, mashing his face across your dick. You moan, hot spasms racing through your hips, and you gush out a slobbery mess of pre that burbles out all over Jinn's face.\n\nThey finally get your pants off, and <<if hasMutation("knot")>>your sheath lurches out, cock unsheathing with a liquid burble across Jinn's face, coating him in your gushing, liquid pre<<else if hasMutation("dick")>>your cock flops out, pulsing to full erection in a dizzying rush of blood<<else>>your cock flops out, only taking a few moments to get fully hard<<endif>>. Jinn groans, opened-mouth across the side of your shaft, and Pthuul leans in too, his tongue lapping across your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>pointed <<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled <<endif>>cockhead. They sandwich your cock between them, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Pthuul's warty tongue curling along the smooth, shiny underside while Jinn slobbers and sucks on the pointed tip itself, drenching his face in gush after gush of wet, watery pre<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>Pthuul's warty tongue curling along the lumpy underside of your gnarled cock as Jinn slobbers and sucks on the huge, swollen flange of your cockhead<<else>>nearly your entire shaft pinned between their faces, smearing between their lips and up over their cheeks<<endif>>. You groan, hips jerking up -- only minutely, weighed down by the clutch stirring inside you -- and fuck your cock between their lips. The sight of it is lost beneath your belly, just hot wet tongues, spit and pre smearing across your length, the sound of wet slurps and liquid crackles as they slobber all across your aching length.\n\nDjen finally joins in, knees hitting the ground with a rumble. He bodily lifts Jinn up, sprawling on his back with Jinn across his chest, and shimmies between your legs, all three of them pressed together as they suck on your dick. Djen's tongue curls out, giving off a muted yellow glow, and his spit burns as he laps across your balls, his lightrot-tainted drool soaking into the flesh of your sac, already thick and loose and soft suffused with the hormones from your pregnancy. He opens up and sucks your entire <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>malformed <<endif>>sac into his mouth, lips sucking on the base of your dick, tongue bathing your balls in burning spit. You let out a shaky moan, cock rippling -- pre smacking hard against Jinn's face and splashing back across your skin in hot droplets -- and just lay there, sprawled out and panting, a half-dozen hands pressed against your thighs and ass, mouths licking and sucking along your cock, lapping at the tip, squeezing your balls<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, dipping into your sheath<<endif>>.\n\nYour body's so responsive from the pregnancy that it's no surprise you don't last long. You howl and groan, voice catching in your throat, your hands mashed against your face as you gasp and sob. It feels like somebody reaching down into your dick and scooping something out. Your balls ache, pulling up so tight they pop out of Djen's mouth and <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>jam themselves halfway up into your body cavity<<else>>jerk back up into your body cavity<<endif>>, throbbing and pulsing. You cum with a long shaky sigh, huge wet ropes of cum abruptly lancing out all over Jinn and Pthuul's face, wet smacking noises sounding as you layer sheet after sheet of cum all over them, catching across their tongues as they make out around your spurting cockhead, spilling into their open mouths, forming heavy, drooping webs spun out between you.<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> Pthuul's hand, callused and rough, reaches down to your sheath and squeezes your burgeoning knot, one hand and then both pinning its heavy, still-spongy weight tight as he fixes his lips around your spurting cocktip, gulping down the endless flow until even he has to take a break, pulling off just to get glazed in your acrid canine cum.<<endif>>\n\nYou collapse down, utterly boneless, cock a thing with a mind of its own as it just keeps cumming and cumming, spurt after spurt of cum drenching Jinn and Pthuul, squelching and wet drizzling down your thighs, excess spilling all over Djen's chest, beneath you. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot isn't even fully hard, just bulky and huge, but there's<<else>>There's<<endif>> a steady throbbing inside you, <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>the web of muscle around your giant, malformed prostate squeezing hard, milking out and endless supply of grimy, rank ooze<<else>>your aching prostate shuddering hard<<endif>>. It feels almost more like something draining rather than cumming, backed-up sludge just pouring out of you in a current. Still feels great though.\n\nBy the time you finally finish, all three of them are glazed, skin shiny and shimmering, rivulets of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>oily grey-black dog cum<<else if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("dick")>>grimy, gritty ĝheist cum<<else>>cum<<endif>> pouring down their chests, drenching their faces, forming frothy bubbles across their noses and mouths. You feel hollowed out -- or rather, you feel like your belly has expanded even more, eggs unpacking to spread out into whatever new space had opened inside you. Your legs ache, trembling hard; you're pretty sure you couldn't stand up even if you wanted to.\n\n"Pent up," Pthuul says, spitting out a mouthful of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>rank grey-black ooze<<else if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("dick")>>chunky slop<<else>>watery cum<<endif>> and wiping his mouth with his forearm. "No kidding," Jinn adds. You just groan in assent.\n<<sex "pthuul" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sex "jinn" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sex "djen" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "pre-preg cock">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
[[''you''|you][$back = "camp"]] and the ĝheist with you set up camp.\n\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>Your nipples have been leaking continually since you gave birth. You've been going shirtless, and your chest is a mess of half-dried tracks of milk, streaking down your stomach and into the sand. <<if hasMutation("six nipples")>>They're all flushed and erect, forming twin lines of fat rubbery nipples down your chest.<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if hasMutation("womb")>>Your cervix keeps pulsing, weird aftershocks, strong and almost painful, and now that you've stopped moving for the day it's sinking in how sore you are. You can feel your cervix by the aching radiating out from it. Your womb feels empty, a huge hollow cavity inside you, almost itchy with the need to get filled again.<<endif>>\n\nDjen settles next to you, squatting down with his forearms on his knees. "You okay?" he asks.\n\n* [[yeah i really need to get fucked|preg post-camp fuck]]<<scenealert "preg post-camp fuck">>\n* [[yeah i just need to rest|camprun]]
You tell him you really need to get fucked. <<if hasMutation("womb")>>Your womb needs something huge shoved into it.<<endif>>\n\nDjen leers at you. "I think we can help with that."\n\nHe rolls you onto your back, one hand reaching down the seat of your pants and sliding two fingers into your loose asshole before he's even finished stripping off your clothes. You groan, hooking your heels around Djen's back as he stoops down, slipping one huge fist into your ass without a single hitch.\n\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>\\nPthuul and Jinn settle beside you, reaching down to tug on your nipples<<if hasMutation ("udders")>>: a hand each on your lower ones, and then they stoop down over you, latching on to your top pair and suckling as they milk you<<else>>, heavy fingers wrapping tight around your engorged nipples, teasing out a wet, slick gush of built-up milk before they both lean down and suck a nipple into their mouths, lips and teeth almost too much pressure<<endif>>. You groan, reaching up to rest your hands against their heads, letting them chew on your giant flushed nipples as they milk you of the built-up excess.\n\nYour milk glands react as a series of hot pinpricks under your chest, radiating out under your nipples. Milk secretes, rivulets streaming down internal passages to build up in reservoirs of milky ichor just beneath the pads of your spread areola, almost outpacing Pthuul and Jinn's attempts to drain you dry.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\\nYou're still spread from the birthing, the spread of Djen's fist just peeling your flesh back apart. Your guts spasm around his fist, the heat that rises through your body almost painful in intensity after the birthing. You can only writhe in place, gasping as Djen works your ass open.\n<<if hasMutation("womb")>>\\n\nHe reaches up elbow-deep inside you to grope your cervix, claws wrapping around its bulk, cupping and holding it as it spasms. His fingers dig into the bottleneck opening, still sore and puffy and //lax//, spreading open easily under his touch. You let out a shaky moan as he rolls his knuckles over the lip and then pushes inside, shoving through the stiff, gristly rim of your cervix. His fist plunges into your womb, still half-flooded with egg fragments and birthing slime, and you shudder and clench around him, a sloppy squirt of ooze gushing out of your warped cervix and slowly drooling down his arm. Djen rolls back and forth through your cervix, cleaning it out, letting you squirt out all the dregs half-congealed in your womb. You're a shaking, shuddering mess: body trembling under the touch of the three ĝheist, howling as they tug on your nipples or play with your asshole.\\n<<endif>>\n\nPthuul rocks your forward: body pressed against Jinn's front<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>> as he continues to milk your aching tits<<endif>>, pinning you between them. His cock bumps against Djen's bicep, tip digging into the rumpled furl of your bruised, swollen asshole. Pthuul's cockhead is pierced with a thick metal ring, and it's burning hot pressed against your skin, half-enveloped by the soft, pulpy folds of your asshole, pulsing and sucking around Djen's bicep.\n\nDjen pulls his arm out of you with a //slurp//, leaving your ass gaping open<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>, cavernously, from asshole to womb<<else>>cavernously, asshole cratered and bulging out between your cheeks<<endif>>, and Pthuul doesn't waste any time; he pushes in as Djen's pulling out, cock sinking to the root in your gaping ass without a hitch. You groan, ass clenching down, loosely milking his shaft, squirting out birthing slime around his cock as he takes ahold -- hands wrapping around your back, sides, chest -- and fuck you on his cock, holding you down and rutting in hard. The metal of his piercings jabs against your guts, totally implacable, digging into your sore and aching flesh. Your asshole gapes, loose and gaping so soon after birthing, and Pthuul fucks into your splayed, spongy guts, hammering against the still-sore walls of your ass. Pre and slime constantly burbles out of your loose hole, spilling down across your thighs, forming slimy ropes webbed across the tangle of bodies pressed against you.\n\nYou bury your head against Jinn's chest, gasping and sobbing as Pthuul hammers inside you, cockhead ramming against your insides, hands grasping at his arms as they fuck you hard. You cum just from that, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>half-unsheathed<<else>>limp<<endif>> cock weakly shuddering before you piss out a mess of watery cum, and then again when Pthuul slams his cockhead against your prostate. You're a sweating, sobbing mess as he fucks the cum out of you, guts spasming, cock continually drooling<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>, womb still aching, cervix erratically clenching and pushing like you're still giving birth<<endif>>. Things go hazy: heat rippling over your skin, pressure pounding in your guts, Pthuul and Jinn hard walls of muscle on either side. Pthuul roars when he cums, snaggled teeth digging into your neck, and hard shots of cum gush into your sloppy guts, <<if hasMutation ("womb")>> spurting again and again until you feel it burble hot and wet back into your splayed-open womb, filling you up with a fresh heat<<else>>spurting into you and just as rapidly drooling out of your gaping ass, forming thick, clumpy strings of thinned ĝheist cum smeared all across your ass and thighs<<endif>>.\n\nWhen Pthuul pulls out, you're gaping, asshole splayed open. You try to clench, abused muscle spasming erratically, burning from exhaustion, and you only sluggishly pull yourself closed -- mounded asshole audibly squelching, forcing a burble of cum out to spill down over your balls -- and then when the clench finally gives up and goes slack you drooping right back open the second you stop. You can feel the wet meat of your bruised asshole spill over itself in a heavy, dripping fold.\n\nThey reposition you onto a bedroll; you're definitely not up to doing that yourself. You only have the energy to flop over onto your side so that you're not sprawled out on your knees, ass-up, and fall asleep just about instantly the second you straighten out.\n<<sex "pthuul" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sex "djen" "fist" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "preg post-camp fuck">>\\n\n[[→|camprun]]
You head down into the cliffside fissure, bracketed by your three companions. The chalky red sandstone gives way to a harder, darker stone, and the sour tang of lightrot drifts up on the cool breeze from the depths.\n\nEventually the winding tunnel opens up into a wider cavern, lit by glowing lightrot pools dotted across the floor. The fluid churns slowly, with wispy fumes bubbling up in the center.\n\nDjen and Pthuul help you over to the pool, practically carrying you at this point. You're hugely pregnant, gut bloated and sagging, the entire rest of your body flushed and aching, swollen, weighty. They help you kneel at the very edge, staring down into the fuming lightrot. A good home for the eggs' longer incubation, when they'll thicken and grow.\n\nYour gut churns, eggs shifting. You're ready to lay. Jinn presses his hands against your stomach, the pressure making you groan, vaguely dizzy and nauseous. You pant, gasping in the rank lightrot fumes, and you feel passages inside you shudder and warp, opening in preparation.\n\nWhich isn't to say that they're not going to get help. Pthuul and Djen pull at your clothes, giant hands dragging across your chest, pulling your boots off, stripping off your pants until you're fully naked, and then a finger -- you're not sure whose -- presses between your cheeks, one clawed fingertip and then two, three, pushing against your asshole. Other hands curl over your hips, spread against your lower back, drag between your thighs. Your body is flushed with hormones, yielding and puffy, and you gape open easily, the thick rim of your asshole slurping open over the gnarled ĝheist fingers. You let out a shaky moan, heat bursting up inside you, <<if hasMutation("womb")>>eggs bearing down hard against your aching cervix, forcing its tremulous spasms into steady pulses<<else>>eggs slurping as they work their way down your guts<<endif>>. You sag down on all fours, ass rutting back against the solid mass of Djen-and-Pthuul behind you, and you let out a long, groaning exhale as they shove their entire fist inside your ass. Your asshole dilates effortlessly, rubbery and thick, spreading easily even around that bulk, and whichever one it is pushes deeper, fingers reaching for the twist in your guts.\n\nJinn sits by your side, hands pressed against your belly, digging in hard enough to feel the distinct lumps of each egg. His fingers clench and relax, sending your eggs shifting and sliding, <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>bearing down against your cervix as they start to force it open, eggs lodging in the half-dilated neck<<else>>lurching around inside you erratically as they sink down lower, pushing their way out slowly<<endif>>.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>\\nThe hand inside you twists along the curve of your ass, pushing into your guts -- your asshole starting to spread across their broad forearm -- and taps at the opening of your cervix. You pant and whine, aware of the continual spasm of your cervix opening up, sealed shut with gummy slime and now slowly spreading out around the thick plug. The hand cups your cervix, palm grinding around its thick, muscular ridge, and bears down, adding an extra pressure to the other side, pinning it between the weight of your eggs on one side and the implacable force of their hand on the other. Your entire body shakes as your cervix creaks open, warping in sudden bursts as the muscle creaks open. Wetness seeps out around the seal, the mucus plug damming your cervix stretching and tearing as you start to push, mashing eggs into the still-tight bottleneck of your cervix. Amniotic fluid starts to trickle down the forearm embedded in your ass, thin and watery compared to the thick gel goop coating your eggs, and the hand clutching your cervix twists, claws digging into the sloppy mucus, helping you push and push and push until with a liquid //glurp// it lurches to the side, letting a torrent of fluid spill from your womb, squirting from your ass in a thin, watery gush. Pthuul groans, his hard cock grinding against your hip as he ruts through the mess, panting nearly as hard as you are.\n\nDjen's hand in your ass -- since it is Djen's hand; you can feel Pthuul's claws pricking in your sides as he ruts against you -- twists again, gingerly peeling the plug the rest of the way free. The sensation is strange: the impossibly intense feeling of pressure, movement, stretch, so deep inside you, but strangely diffuse, lacking any direct feeling. Your eggs lurch, filling the spasming line of your cervix, and Djen gingerly stuffs two fingers down inside, fingertips sliding along the goop-coated sides of the eggs. He works them back, letting you push down again before pushing them back again. You whine, huffing and panting. He's training your body to push rhythmically, forcing your cervix to clench and push in a single strong motion, instead of the shaky, erratic pulses you've been doing reflexively. Each motion smears slick, stringy goop further down, lubing the bottleneck of your cervix and slicking down Djen's forearm, lodged to the elbow in your ass.\n\nFinally he pulls back, letting you clench and push, forcing an egg through your cervix in a sudden lurch that leaves you lightheaded and dazed, crowning out the egg into his awaiting palm.\n<<else>>\\nThe hand inside you twists along the curve of your ass, pushing into your guts -- your asshole starting to spread across their broad forearm -- and straightening them out, forcing their curve into a broad, slick corridor for your eggs to spill down. You pant and whine, guts gurgling, weight inside you shifting, sinking lower and lower until with a dazed clarity you can feel them spill into the broader, smoother coil of your large intestine. It's like something opening up inside you, the tightly-compressed egg mass seaming apart, spreading out to fill the excess space, and your stomach if anything bloats further, gurgling and slurping as your eggs separate from one another and push one-by-one through the final passage.\n\nDjen's hand in your guts -- since it is Djen's hand; his other hand digging its claws against your taint, thumb stroking along the already-sloppy skin just beneath your gaping hole -- catches the first egg in his palm, holding it there just-barely still inside you. Elbow deep inside your ass and that's still just barely inside, with your ass fisted open into a gaping tunnel, slack and shuddering around Djen's forearm. He holds the first egg there until the rest have caught up, pinned tight behind it in an aching, cramping weight that grows and grows as your guts finally empty out.\n<<endif>>\\n\n"Ready," Djen says, voice gravelly, and you're dimly aware of them all repositioning you, laying you on your back with your ass practically in the lightrot pool. Ready to lay. Djen pulls his hand free.\n\nThe first egg burns, making its way down, pushing through the already-lubed passage of your guts; your asshole is already gaped, blossoming sloppy and meaty in a mounded prolapse, and your egg just slurps out of you as the next <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>crowns<<else>>makes its way down<<endif>>, plopping into the lightrot pool and splattering your ass with burning slime. You groan, belly aching, so, so many more eggs left inside you. Another slides down, and another, and another, <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>cervix pulsing and pushing, a steady pump that forces egg after egg from your womb, each one sliding easier than the last as your guts become lubed with the thick, stringy sludge coating each egg<<else>>guts lurching and squirming, gurgling as the eggs make their way down in mounds and heaps, popping one-by-one around the slack curves of your guts<<endif>> until they all pour down, bursting through the prolapsed meat of your ass and down into the murky lightrot. \\n<<if $pregnant eq "astau-fertilized" || $pregnant eq "astau-zhalk">>\\nThey're all greenish and translucent, the same brilliant acid-green as Astau's slobber and cum. Smoothly oval, only slightly bigger than your fist, and most of them have a strange, chimerical fetal creature curled up inside them, squirming in agitation as they sink into the pool.\n<<else if $pregnant eq "stormking-fertilized">>\\nThey're all a brilliant cyan, gemlike in their intensity. The Storm-King's eggs have grown from tiny berry-like beads into immense spheres, each one nearly the size of two fists as they lurch from your broken ass. They have a cloudy rind, and at the core of most of them there's a fetal creature, wings half-formed and curled around a strange body, the bones of their claws clearly visible through their half-formed flesh. They squirm in agitation as you lay them, electric arcs bursting across the fluid of the egg, and sink down into the murky depths of the pool.\n<<else if $pregnant eq "jinn">>\\nThey're a murky lightrot-orange, camouflaged against the light of the lightrot pool itself. They push out in clusters, two or three fat fist-sized eggs strung together with thick cords of mucus, with a curled-up fetal ĝheist in most of them. They sink down into the pool, blending in invisibly after only a few inches of depth.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou're a mindless creature, just lying there pushing, body aching with each egg slurping out of you. You pant and huff, internal muscles squirming. The physical sensation overrides everything else: stretch, shift, movement, egg after egg pushing its way out of you, living things squirming inside you as they slide through your gaping, ruined ass. Your shuddering muscles bring out sludge, sloppy amniotic ooze spilling down your guts, and you clench and push, only realizing some span of time later that that means you're done: hollowed out, nothing left in your <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>womb<<else>>guts<<endif>>.\n\nYou feel carved open, the phantom gulf of space inside you compressed flat, stomach a stretched-out mess sagging down, feeling just as strange and foreign as the immense weight of your pregnant gut did. Pthuul's jerking off against your shoulder. Your ass is an immense drooping gape, guts spilling from your prolapsed ass down into the lightrot pool, and the sizzling burn of the lightrot is nothing compared to the warping, shifting stretch of your post-pregnancy body.\n\nThey drag you back from the edge of the pool. Jinn's hands are impossibly soft against your guts as he reaches inside you, packing the meat of your prolapse back inside your cratered ass, slowly pushing until your cratered asshole slurps in over itself, sinking inside your body with an impossible //whump// and a ripple of pressure that shocks all the way up through your empty <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>womb<<else>>guts<<endif>>. Your legs and ass are soaked with birthing slime, in huge thick strings coated all down your thighs, webbed up inside you in ropes that they slowly drag out, peeling goop from your bruised, aching guts<<if hasMutation ("womb")>> all the way up to your womb, pulling gummy clots of sludge from its still-shrinking walls, dribbling out down your cervix in gushes of rubbery slime<<endif>>.\n\nIt's some amount of time before you come back to yourself, sprawled out sweaty and trembling on the rocks. Your legs are too shaky to hold you up, and Djen and Pthuul sling your arms over their shoulders as they start making their way back up, leaving your eggs soaking in the lightrot, their gill membranes already starting to unfurl and filter lightrot through the shell.\n\n<<set $pregnant to "">>\\n<<rmmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nBrulvundojn's den is in the rusting hulk of some ancient building, at the edge of the city. It was once a wide U shape, but two-thirds of the construction has collapsed in on itself in a mess of shattered concrete and rusted beams, and Brulvundojn nests in the remaining third. It's been dug out and shored up, forming a hollow cavern with walls of crisscrossing metal beams partially propping up listing slabs of concrete. Sand pours in through open windows.\n\nBrulvundojn is gigantic; half again the height of a human, and shaped something like an enormous desert wolf: paws, muzzle, fur, teeth. That's where the similarity ends. He's got six legs and four eyes, and his coat is a charred grey-black. His drool is oily, with an iridescent sheen, and on hot days it ignites when it hits the sand. His eyes glow, solid yellow, gleaming at strange angles as the internal light reflects around inside them.\n\n<<if !$brulvundojnFriends>>\\nThat's from memory. You knew Brulvundojn well, but you haven't been on great terms recently. For more than a few years. Coming here was probably a mistake.\n\n<<display "brulvundojn confront">>\n<<else>>\\n<hr>\n<<display "brulvundojn menu options">>\n<<endif>>\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
* <<if $brulvundojnFriends == "provisional">>[[go so hey do you want to fuck around?|brulvundojn first time]]<<scenealert "brulvundojn first time">><<endif>>\n* <<if $plot eq 2 && $brulvundojnChain lt 1>>[[ask for help with the old tanker|brulvundojn chain talk]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $brulvundojnFriends !== "provisional">>[[fuck around w/ brulvundojn|brulvundojn fuck]]<<scenealert "brulvundojn fuck">><<endif>>\n* <<if $pregnant eq "astau" || $pregnant eq "stormking">>[[brulvundojn sniffs at yr pregnant belly|brulvundojn impreg intro]]<<scenealert "brulvundojn impreg intro">><<endif>>\n/% this isn't reachable anyway since i removed the part that sets $wwwPairBrulvundojn\n* <<if $wwwPairBrulvundojn eq "visit">>[[Dante and Malsatante are here|brulvundojn www 4some]]<<endif>> %/\n\n[[←|worldmap]]
You say, so, uh, //do// you wanna fuck around?\n\nBrulvundojn turns to stare at you, glowing eyes burning into you. "//Really//," he says.\n\nTo be fair to him, the skepticism isn't unwarranted. You say, a little nervously: Yeah. Like, you mean -- you know this isn't -- or, that, you don't want to presume that he's in the same place, like, emotionally -- like, you're not in the same place emotionally as you were back then. Clearly. You just want to do something new. And. He's hot. But it's cool if he doesn't, just--\n\nBrulvundojn interrupts you. Thankfully. "You're cute when you're nervous," he says.\n\nYou say, excuse //you//, but you're smiling.\n\nBrulvundojn takes a step forward, posture suddenly predatory: head down, shoulders level. <<if hasMutation ("leaky")>>\\n"I can smell your milk," he says, voice rasping, tongue lapping out over his teeth to catch his slavering drool. "You're dripping with it."\n\n<<display "brulvundojn first leaky">>\n<<else if hasMutation ("asshole")>>\\n"So you got gangbanged," he says, leering. "How's your asshole look after taking a dozen ĝheist cocks?"\n\n<<display "brulvundojn first asshole">>\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("balls")>>\\n"So I heard your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>cock <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>and balls<<endif>><<else>>balls<<endif>> got all mutated now, huh. How about showing that off?" His voice is heavy, smoky, and he grins, baring his teeth, when you get a little flustered.\n\n<<display "brulvundojn first dickballs">>\n<<else>>\\n"Interested in finally getting fucked by a beast," he says, which is a little mean but you're willing to roll with that. His tongue laps out over his teeth, catching his slavering drool. You take a step closer, and he pounces, bowling you backwards. "I'm gonna drench you in cum," he growls, oily saliva splattering all over your face and chest, one of his huge paws pressed against your chest.\n\n<<display "brulvundojn first pure">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<sexscene "brulvundojn first time">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>\n<<set $brulvundojnFriends to "late">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You say, yeah? What does he plan to do about that?\n\nBrulvundojn growls, bowing down like he's about to pounce, tail lashing behind him.\n\nYou take off your shirt. Your pecs are swollen, nipples stiffening -- from the air, from the tension -- and, yeah, you're leaking, little rivulets of milky ichor dribbling down your chest, down your stomach.\n\nBrulvuldojn sniffs, lapping at the air, and crawls closer. His breath is like a furnace, billowing out nearly hot enough to singe your hair, and his muzzle opens, tongue unfurling out to splatter, hot and wet, all across your chest. Cloudy black drool sprays over your skin, painting you in iridescent droplets, and you groan and move closer, so that you're pressed up against Brulvundojn's muzzle, hands wrapped around his enormous fangs. His tongue squirms across your chest, giant and coated in stringy drool, pouring slime down your front. His tongue is covered in spongy papillae, big raised clusters of buds, and each one is nearly as big as your own engorged nipples. He doesn't wrap his tongue around your nipples; he wraps it around your entire pec, squeezing it out into a peaked mound, and you shake and groan, rising up on your tip-toes as you lean against him -- against his head -- and let him milk you. His tongue ripples, clenching, and you squirt thin ichor all across his fangs, into his maw. His tongue scrapes over your nipples, almost painful in its pressure, and you groan and shudder, letting him wring your milk-swollen pecs out. His tongue coils and pulses, hard enough that you know you'll have big ropy bruises all across your chest later, and then he spits it out, tongue slavering across your chest to wrap around your other pec, pulling it out into a bloated, bulging tit as he laps across your squirting nipple.\n\nYou groan, face pressed against his snout, chest in his open mouth, tongue an enormous slavering tentacle groping and squeezing across your chest: switching from one nipple to the other, wrenching your pecs out into bloated peaks as he suckles across them, smearing you up and down with his cloudy black spit, your milk smearing into nothingness, mixed with his heavy spit.\n\nHe eventually spits you out, letting you crash back on your ass, nipples bruised and swollen even huger than they usually are, your front, face to toes, entirely coated in his drool. Brulvundojn licks his lips, satisfied for the moment.\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "milk" "top">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
You say why, does he want a look?\n\nBrulvundojn snarls. "I plan on doing a lot more than //looking//," he says, with his teeth bared, tongue lolling from his mouth.\n\nHe lunges forward, and you jerk back onto your ass, and, while you're there, you figure it's a good time to take off your pants. You shove them down to your knees and move to turn over, and Brulvundojn practically bats you into position, one huge paw pressing across your side as you flip over. Hot slime splatters down all over your back and ass: Brulvundojn looms over you, mouth open, tongue slavering, and he messily licks his lips before bowing his head down, tongue squirming snakelike over your hips and thighs before it presses flat against your altered asshole.\n\nYou rise up, letting Brulvundojn shove his muzzle between your thighs: tongue unfurling across your asshole, his giant fangs pressed against your thighs and back. His hot breath billows across your skin, and he growls against your body. The length of his tongue lurches over the swollen rim of your hole, digging in. He slavers and drools, drenching you in spit, tongue-tip tapping at the splayed muscle of your asshole.\n\nHe doesn't push in until you're begging, huffing and panting rutting back against him. You can feel his wolfish grin across your entire body. He gives you one last tap, tracing around the bloated swell of your bulging hole, before he spears inside, plunging the length of his tongue into your ass, slick and heavy and hot squirming deeper. You let out a shaky moan, cock hard and drooling as his tongue ripples along your hole, a deeper coil finding the hard knot of your prostate and mashing down hard.\n\nYou grind your ass against his teeth, practically sitting in his mouth, and he pumps his tongue back and forth, plunging deep into you with an obscene squelch, dumping his oily drool into your guts in gurgling waves. He works you open, until your hole is a splayed gaping wreck. You rock back against him, following the sensation, feeling his tongue stab up into your guts, feeling the broad, bumpy texture of his tongue slurp back and forth over your bulging asshole, slobbering all down your taint.\n\nYou croon and whine, panting and sweating as his fucks your ass, and it's with a shaky groan that your asshole spasms around his tongue, clenching down hard, and you spurt a mess of cum all over the ground in runny spurts. Brulvundojn tongue-fucks you through your orgasm, a heavy fold of his tongue pinned hard against your spasming prostate, and when he pulls out you collapse onto the ground, oily black drool spurting from your flooded ass. He gives you a last lick before he steps away, spreading his drool all up your back.\n\nYou flip over and ask, you're not gonna fuck me?\n\n"Oh, I'm sorry," he says, voice clotted, tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle. "Did you want to //fuck//? I was just getting to know your new body." He's unsheathed, cock throbbing along his underbelly, dripping pre all over the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm busy now; you'll have to come back later if you want me to properly ruin your hole."\n\nHe's being a bit of an asshole about it but you kinda deserve it a little. You're shaky from the orgasm when you stand up, and your guts gurgle, with runny cords of drool spilling down your thighs.\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "rim" "top">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
He pads closer, giant muzzle poking you in the stomach, pushing you backwards onto your ass. His muzzle opens, giant teeth flashing as his tongue lolls from his mouth and curls around your hips, tongue-tip digging for an instant against your waist. Long enough for him to feel the half-hard spar of your cock. You shove your pants down to your thighs, letting your <<if hasMutation ("dick") && hasMutation ("balls")>>mutant dick and balls<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>mutant dick<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>dick and mutated balls<<endif>> out, and Brulvundojn slides his tongue across your front, using enough force to sprawl you on your back. His paws dig through the sand on either side of you as he steps over you and smacks you bodily with his cock.\n\nHis cock is enormous and alien. It reeks, sex and animal and lightrot and metal, all so potent it hurts to inhale the reeking miasma surrounding it. It's an enormous spar of bloated purple-black flesh, dragging heavily down from its own weight. It's easily longer and thicker than one of your legs. Thick cords of cloudy black slime pour along its length, collecting in jiggling ropes along the underside, spilling down all across your body, hitting your bare skin with a series of wet //crack//s.\n\nYou reach out and pin it against your chest, rutting your dick up against its side. Above you, Brulvundojn croons, letting out a hungry growl as you bodily jerk him off. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>Your own cock, so big on your human frame, fits easily against the groove along the underside of his cock, just grinding over his smooth, slick flesh. <<endif>>You hump up against him, dick skewed out to the side, face mashed against his slimy flesh. He spurts pre with enough force that it spews out past your head, only the sludgy dregs clinging to his sharp cockhead and pouring down all over you, and you burble through the mess pouring down your face and keep rutting against him, panting and groaning.\n\nHis knot bursts out from his sheath with a horrible wet sucking noise, sending out a spray of old rancid pre splattering everywhere, followed by a soggy wet //glugging// as his sheath drains out, spilling a grimy flood of frothy, sludgy pre all over your legs.\n\nBehind his knot, he's got tentacles. They're affixed to the very base of his shaft, peeking out from his sheath, all totally slathered in a mess of slime, and they squirm around each other in tangles, looping over your thighs, crawling across your stomach and lower back, looping around your dick<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> and curling around your bloated ballsac, tugging your gigantic balls down into a huge lumpy block<<endif>>. You moan against his cockhead, getting another mouthful of rancid, hot-metal pre, and you gulp and then gag, drooling and teary-eyed from the foul taste.\n\nBrulvundojn pins you under his bulk and pumps his hips, grinding you down into the sand, rutting his slimy, spurting cock along the entire length of your body. Your cock aches, its pre lost in the frothy, foaming slime coating your entire body, and you arch up, squelching as you rut against his many-chambered knot, cockhead digging into its dense, spongy surface.\n\nYou rut against each other, wet and sloppy, the contact nearly frictionless. His cock cannonades through your arms, smearing across your glazed face with each thrust. His tentacles squirm across your stomach, stroking your cock, tugging on your balls. You cum first, hips working as you grind your dick against his, feeling it build for minutes, each thrust closer and closer until you know it's coming, and you howl out against his cock, gurgling and blowing bubbles, as you pump your <<if hasMutation("balls")>>mutated <<endif>>load out across his shaft<<if hasMutation("balls")>>, even its excess lost in the mess of stringy froth<<endif>>.\n\nBrulvundojn snarls, drool splattering loud across the saturated sand before you, and he grinds down hard, shoving you down into the quicksand sludge the ground has come before he shoots off hard. His cum is a thick, opaque black, threaded through with streaks of roiling acid-green, glowing in streaks as he sprays out gummy webs of his monstrous, fuming load before you. His cock ripples in your arms, shuddering and pulsing, and you mash your face against the sharp slope of his cockhead, slobbering through the mess as he cums and cums and cums. Thicker clots of ooze drool down his bloated flesh, jellylike green and squirming black clots smear all over your face. The taste is overwhelmingly chemical: sour acid, rotten metal, the smell of hot metal. You just gasp and hold on, pumping him through his orgasm until it's just a sloppy pour of green slime all over your face and chest. When he pulls away, you remain tethered together by chunky cords of slop, stringing out in drooping arcs between you.\n\n"Nice dick," Brulvundojn says, muzzle hanging open, tongue catching the frothing drool painting his muzzle. He's making a joke.\n\nYou tell him he's got a fucking great dick too.\n\nIt takes you more than a while to get out of the quicksand slop, and longer still to scour most of it away. You set out in clothes still saturated and creaking, utterly reeking of Brulvundojn's bestial load.\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "frot" "top">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
You groan and arch up, and he obligingly uses his middle paw to grind against your dick. There's a wet, liquid sound from further down, and you tip your head up to see: his sheath is rippling, his cocktip pushing free from the leathery flesh: purple-black, glazed and shining with grimy sheath fluid; a fresh drizzle of pre oozes across his sloped cocktip, from a pulsing hole in the center of the flat face, and pours down to gather at the sharp tip, slowly oozing out in a watery tendril before it snaps and splatters down to the ground.\n\nYou shove your pants down, your own human cock lurching out, skewing to the side half-hard, though you sure don't stay half-hard for long. Brulvundojn's fur is coarse, almost prickly where it's short and stiff across his paws, but you still rut up against him, groaning when your cock lurches and spurts out a dewdrop of pre that you smear across his fur in a shimmering line. The weight of his paw on your chest lets up just enough for you to yank your tunic over your head and toss it aside; you kick off your boots and let him shove a paw into the crotch of your pants and yank them off none-too-gently, leaving you totally naked: sand gritty on your back, Brulvundojn's hot breath wafting out across your front, hot and humid.\n\nBrulvundojn rumbles, head stooping down to lick a messy, drooling stripe all across your face and chest, leaving behind murky translucent drool. Naked, you can feel his pre splatter against your feet and calves: his cock is unsheathing, lurching out in erratic pushes, already steadily weeping pre in watery cords, soaking into the thirsty sand but also splattering higher and higher up your legs as more of his cock spills out into the open. You arch up, grinding your dick against his paw, and make contact with his dick: a sudden smack against something slick and dripping, instantly coating your shaft in messy runnels of his pre. You both groan, Brulvundojn's exhale a grinding growl, and he lurches down to kiss you: taking your entire head in between his teeth as he splats his tongue across your face, squirming it into your open mouth when you moan, heedlessly shoving it down your throat in a sloppy gush. You sputter and choke, spitting out most of his tongue, his breath rank and metallic, his teeth digging into your throat and the back of your skull.\n\n"Sorry," he mumbles inarticulately, still lapping up and down your face, totally coating your skin in his cloudy black spit, reeking like gasoline. His hips roll, sending his cock -- fully unsheathed? -- smacking against your stomach, skewing against your own hard cock, and you blindly reach down to pin your cocks together, letting you hump up against his dripping, sloppy length. His cock is maybe the size of one of your legs. Scummy froth builds up, his oily pre lathering up into a bubbling mess as you stroke him, stroke yourself. There's a warm wash of heat spilling across your stomach as he keeps pissing out pre all over, coating you, sand sticking to your ass and thighs as you squirm around under him. He groans, tremors racing through the length of his cock, making it lurch so hard it rips free of your loose grasp and smacks, erratic and weighty, against your stomach, thighs, sides, before you can catch it again. His skin is perfectly smooth, so glazed with slime it's frictionless, and you play your hands across his bestial shaft: up to the ridge of his cocktip, across the smooth, slightly-curved plane of his cockhead. You slide your fingers around the bulging mound of his cockhole, pressing slightly against the divot at the center, and your fingers slip smoothly into his cockhead. Brulvundojn roars across your head, hips jerking closer, grinding his cock hard down against your body. Pre fountains out in every direction around the blockage of your finger: hot droplets splattering all over, painting your chest and thighs where you're not already coated in his watery pre.\n\nYou groan, hand slurping as you stroke him off and fingerfuck his dick in the same motion, your cock aching, hot shocky sensations rippling up your shaft as you slide against the underside of his dick. You groan, and this time when Brulvundojn shoves his tongue down your throat you swallow, gulping down mouthfuls of his rank spit, letting his tongue fill your mouth and squirm down your throat in a rippling push. You gurgle, and Brulvundojn opens up wider, tongue mashing across your face, warping your throat. He's easily got enough tongue to sink it down into your stomach, and he's definitely trying. He whines, whimpering against your head as you choke on his tongue, pouring drool in sheets down your face, into the fucked-open passage of your throat, stirring it up into a frothy mess that squirts from your nose and mouth as his writhing tongue pushes deeper.\n\nThere's a horrible wet sucking noise that you definitely can't take a second to see, and a shower of slime sprays out across your calves, with a swampy wave of ooze spilling down his dick into your lap. You run your hands up his shaft, catching clots of old ooze streaming down his dick. Something wet and slick laps across your fingers, like a tongue, and you reflexively jerk back. Brulvundojn lets out a laugh before he pulls back, tongue extricating itself from your throat, leaving you burbling up his drool, spilling out over your cheeks, before he pulls up and you can actually take a look at what you're feeling.\n\nHis knot popped out of his sheath, half-hard and enormous, and old back-up slime is burbling out of his bruised and blown-open sheath, drenching his entire length -- and you -- in a scummy wave of murky black slime. But also, behind his knot he's got tentacles. They're affixed to the very base of his shaft, peeking out from his sheath, all totally slathered in a mess of slime, and they squirm around each other in tangles, sucking across the slime-encrusted bulk of his knot, scouring messy clots of half-congealed slime off the underside of his knot, out of the inner flesh of his sheath, smearing them apart and mashing them together into a blackened cream and letting the mess ooze down his dick to smear in frothy dollops all over your body. You groan, hands swiping through the mess, using it to stroke his dick, painting it in streaky marks all over your slime-drenched skin. Brulvundojn groans, tongue lapping across your shoulder as he looks down too, watching you coat yourself in his gross, murky pre. He snarls and yaps, hips rolling, fucking his cock between your legs, against your cock, cocktip jabbing against your stomach.\n\nYou jerk him off. You want to see him cum. You want to get drenched in cum. He starts up a rhythm, slopping fucking his cock against your body, letting your arms guide his thrusts as he pins you against his dick, cockhead scraping from thigh to chest as he ruts down, paws scrabbling in the sodden sand beside you. His balls lurch, churning in their sac, and his leathery skin starts to shudder and furrow, pulling up tighter, turning his loose, low-hanging balls into a single giant mound pulled up tight beneath his sheath.\n\nHe yowls when he cums, sharp yapping noises. His tentacles pull tight, curling around his knot so he can knot himself, and his cock jerks hard once, twice, with nothing coming out, before --\n\nHis cock erupts in an enormous fountain of thick, tarry black cum, and you make sure to aim it right across your body: spraying across your chest, rank and sour splashing into your mouth, hooking in gummy tendrils over your shoulders and elbows, practically tying you to the ground. His cum is an inky, opaque black, but threaded through gummy cords is something a vibrant glowing green, like a thick jelly. You pump his cock, fingers playing over his cockhead, holding it in place. There's recoil: each shot of cum heavy enough to make his entire dick lurch, wanting to skew to the side. His internal muscles flex hard, wanting to lift his dick up against his underbelly, but you keep it pointed down, catching each blast of murky, congealed cum right across the chest, spraying in all directions and painting you uniformly in a gummy layer of his tarry, built-up load. He cums like that for -- you don't know. Blast after blast of mutant dog cum paints you head to toe while you rut up against him, your cock sliding frictionlessly through the murky ooze strung out between your bodies.\n\nAfter a while, his cum thins, and his spurts even out. Brulvundojn sags down, underbelly coming close, giant cock pinned heavy across your stomach, and his tongue unfurls with a //splat// over the crown of your head. He's knotted, you realize. Knotting himself decently enough, at least. He's pissing out cum, thin and watery, even more bitter and acrid than the built-up gunk before, and he groans, long and low in a buzzsaw rattle, as he unloads all over your body, watery cum thinning the tarry murk plastered to your skin, ooze clogging the sand beneath you and overflowing, burying you in a swampy morass of his putrid, blackened cum.\n\nYou cum all over his dick, whining and sobbing, mouth flooded with the rich, rancid taste of his cum, entire body tingling, hot and prickly as you soak up his grotesque, lightrot-laden issue. He keeps cumming for what feels like hours, cock pulpy and heavy, internal muscles pulsing steadily, as he drenches you in cum.\n\nYou have to peel his cum off you, afterwards. It pulls off in half-congealed sheets, rubbery globs that fold over themselves and leave your skin damp and slick, with only a thin smearing of cum left over. You reek of him now, and you can tell he likes it: he butts his head against your stomach, nostrils wetly snuffling as he takes in your mingled scent. All you can smell is the rancid gasoline reek of his cum, still clogged in your nose. It's pretty nice.\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "oral" "top">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
You tell Brulvundojn about your find. Old tanker, for lightrot or oil or something. Mostly intact. But definitely too big for you to move in any way shape or form. You ask him if he can help drag it all the way back to Yapu.\n\nBrulvundojn says, "Sure."\n\n"But I'm going to need some kind of yoke to pull it. Also, you know, you found this on my territory; I'm pretty sure I got first claim rights. You gotta trade me for it."\n\nYou tell him if he's trying to barter into fucking you, he really doesn't gotta do that. You leer at his dick. But you know you'd really like to get this back to the village before anybody else actually tries to stake a claim on it, so, you know, fucking you can wait until then, you tell him.\n\n"Are you trying to bribe me with sex?" he asks, head lowered, furnace breath billowing out over you.\n\nYou say yeah, is it working.\n\nAnyway the point is you need some kinda chain to make a yoke, which is fine, because there's plenty back at town.\n\n<<set $brulvundojnChain to 1>>\\n[[→|brulvundojn's den]]
You say, hey, does he wanna fuck around?\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>\\n"Always," Brulvundojn says, low, and pads forward across the sand: head low, shoulders even. A wolf's stride, hungry. His sheath sways between his haunches, balls hanging low, and you see his cock begin to crest out: purple-black and shining, dripping dark slime onto the ground beneath.\n\nHe steps over you, foreleg pushing you down onto your ass, and you complete the motion by laying there under him, letting his cock unsheath in front of you, on top of you, slathering you in his sloppy pre.\n<<else>>\\n"Again?" Brulvundojn says, not uneagerly.\n\nYou say, well, y'know, he's real hot, and now that you can fuck you're really looking forward to it.\n\nBrulvundojn leers down at you. You can see his sheath lurch: he shifts his weight, balls swaying to smack against his haunches, bloated sheath bobbing, its tip spreading and opening to reveal a glimmer of his purple-black shaft. "Since you asked so nicely," he says, and steps forward: head low, shoulders even. A wolf's stride, hungry and hunting.\n\nHis head sways down and he nudges you with his muzzle, pushing you back on your ass, and you briefly card your hands through his fur: along the underside of his muzzle, down his neck, as he pushes past you, over you, letting him stand astride you with his cock unsheathing all across your body.\n<<endif>>\\n\nBrulvundojn's cock is obscene: animal, grotesque, slimy and reeking, utterly gigantic. An immense spar of purple-black flesh, gnarled with veins. It pours out of his sheath with a series of wet //glug//s, slime belching out from his sheath in bursts, pouring down the rigid line of his shaft to splatter down all over the sand -- all over you, splayed out beneath it. It drags down from its own weight, hanging heavily off Brulvundojn's frame. Fully unsheathed it's easily thicker and longer than one of your legs; long enough to span from your waist up past your head. Cloudy black slime pours from the tip, drools from his sheath. His pre is rank, chemical, and it has a rainbow sheen, warping across the surface as his pre pours down in watery droplets.\n\nSlime crackles audibly, and his sheath swells -- bulging fatter and squirming -- before his knot bursts out in the open, an added stopper on his already nightmarishly-huge cock: even soft, it's forms a distinct lump, a many-lobed swell along the sides of his shaft, not swollen but still bulky framing the base of his cock. And following that, at the very root of his cock, are his tentacles -- reaching out into the air, glued together from being stuck deep within his body, and slowly peeling apart, sending sheets of congealed slime flying through the air. A dozen tentacles, maybe, roughly. Stubby compared to his cock, but big enough to reach out past his knot -- each one easily maybe a foot long, and they're nothing but small decorations compared to the enormous bulk of his cock.\n\nTotally unsheathed, his cock hangs beneath his underbelly, drooping from its own weight: grotesquely huge, pulsing and shuddering, flesh rippling under the surface. He's constantly pissing out cloudy black pre, forming shining splotches of dark, saturated sand beneath him.\n\nIt's real intimidating, but it's also real hot.\n\nBrulvundojn leers down at you. "Ready?" he asks, and gasoline drool splatters down across your face, thick and slimy.\n\nYou say, absolutely.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends === true || ($brulvundojnFucked gt 1 && hasMutation('wide hips'))>>\\n<<display "brulvundojn knotting">>\n<<else if $brulvundojnFucked gt 0 || !hasMutation('wide hips')>>\\n<<display "brulvundojn bigdick">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "brulvundojn frot">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $brulvundojnFucked += 1>>\\n\n[[→|brulvundojn's den]]
He steps forward, and his cock jounces beneath him, a huge cannon swaying back and forth, slapping against his legs -- big enough to hit the two back pairs -- and slinging huge, sloppy gushes of pre in all directions. Droplets splatter against your skin, hot and wet, and then the main mass of one blast hits you and it's like a bucket being upended in your direction: leaving you flushed, open-mouthed, skin stinging, gasping from the sudden impact. Your gaze is locked on his cock, watching it grow and grow until it slaps against your side and sends you sprawling on your back: beneath Brulvundojn's underbelly, nearly pinned by the weight of his mammoth cock.\n\nIt's //heavy//, drooping down from its own weight, and its twitches make it shudder upwards before slapping back down, smacking against your chest and stomach. You wrap your arms around it, letting Brulvundojn's motions send it fucking back and forth, sliding along your chest. It reeks, rank animal musk and the rotten-metal of lightrot, so brutally intense you can hardly breathe. Your eyes water from the fumes. He splashes your chest with pre, forming greasy pools of cloudy black slime, spilling down your chest into the sand below. Your sweaty skin is already caked with sand, and it's only the constant flow of pre that washes the worst of it away.\n\nBrulvundojn huffs, chest a vast stretch of blackened fur above you, and drool splatters down past your head, staining the sand dark. Adding to the dark blotch spreading out around your body, where the sand is caked down in sodden waves.\n\nCatching a mess of black pre to the face, you moan and wrap your arms tighter around Brulvundojn's bloated shaft. You pull it closer, pressing it against your face and chest. It ruts back and forth, spewing slime all over, and you raise your legs, wrapping them around its base, heels butting against the hind end of his knot. Above you, Brulvundojn laughs:\n\n"A little too big for you, you've figured."\n\nBlack pre winds down between your thighs, spilling over your ass. You clench and relax, feeling some of it catch on your rim, slide inside you. But he's right; his cock is maybe a //little// too big for you to manage. Yet. Maybe next time, you say. Or try to say; it comes out gurgling, muffled by the webs of slobbery pre splattered all over your face.\n\nOne of his paws comes down on your shoulder, a light pressure -- comparatively -- holding you in place as he ruts against your body. Your own cock is hard, aching, grinding against the underside of his cock as he ruts through your thighs and arms. You arch up, humping against it. He thrusts forward, knot hitting your thighs with a //smack//, cockhead mashed against your face, his tentacles fanning out over your calves, sliding smoothly across your ass. He grinds down, knot throbbing, and the force shoves you bodily forward, dragging you through the sodden, clumped sand. It beats like a heart, pulsing with monstrous energy, halfway-pinned between your raised legs. His tentacles slide into your asshole, slick and easy, and it's impossible to avoid comparing them to the colossal cannon of his cock; what it would be like forcing its way into your ass. He ruts back and forth, tentacles pulling from your ass with a //slurp//, and you whine, rutting back against them. You hooking your legs around his half-inflated knot, knees pressing against the sodden fur of his underbelly, and his next motion nearly drags you up into the air, dangling off the spire of his cock, and when he ruts downward you're flattened into the ground, pinned as his cock smashes down all across your chest and face. Wrapping your hands around his cockhead, you nurse on his cock, gulping down mouthfuls of rancid, gasoline-slick pre as they fountain out all over you. \n\nHis tentacles smear all over your ass, one and then two shoving inside your precum-slathered asshole, and you whine, stroking his cock with your entire body while he shallowly fucks you with his tentacles. Your cock throbs, pinned to your belly by his bulk, and you grind up against it, huffing and panting, entire body drenched in his foul pre. You come with a broken moan, mouth pressed against the underside of his cockhead, hips jerking as you cum all across his cock, your load thinned out into nothingness almost instantly by the constant pouring of his pre.\n\nBrulvundojn strokes his cock with your entire body, arms wrapped around his shaft, knot milked by your legs. You stroke him off, moaning when he grinds down, legs slowly spreading as his knot swells. You can feel him getting closer; the twitches of his cock get strong enough to nearly rip it from your grip, and his pre erupts out past your head in huge, spouting bursts. He snarls, paws tearing at the sodden sand, and then howls, a baying that turns into a feral yapping. His cock erupts, motion surging down its length, and he erupts with a fuming, clotted mess of monster cum, a chemical acid-green streaked through with black clots. He grinds down hard, knocking the breath from your lungs -- and your open mouth gets flooded with the spill of cum pouring off his cock, sour rank sludge spilling all over your face, drizzling down the sides of your head. He ruts back and forth, hard, dragging your body with his motions, cock tensing and firing eruption after eruption of foul cum. The vast majority of it misses you, spraying past your head, but even the excess dribbling down the underside of his cock is enough to completely slather you in his fuming, acidic cum. You whine, kissing his cockhead, blasts of cum smacking against your face with enough force to knock your head back even as they coat you in his thick, gluey load.\n\nAfter a while you just lay there, panting, thighs squeezing his knot, body drenching in slime. His eruptions turn into a slower, steadier drool, thinner slime a murky acid-green, pouring down all over you, with fat black clots of tarry slime building up inside his shaft and gushing out at erratic intervals. It piles up on the sand, spilling out in a slimy mound, and he keeps rutting, back and forth, as the constant spill slowly ebbs, until he's simply smearing it around, load frothing up into grey dollops smeared all over your skin.\n\nEventually you let your legs drop, letting his cock spring back up against his underbelly, just drizzling excess slime along the bottom as you lay there, half-immersed in his load. You sit up, sending cum sluicing down your stomach and sides, pooling around your own stiff cock. You lazily jerk yourself off, rutting up against Brulvundojn's still-unsheathed length, slimy and heavy bearing down against your skin. You cum with a groan, after only a few strokes, and glaze his purple-black shaft with smears of your own <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>altered <<endif>>cum.\n\n"Good?" He asks, twisting his head down to look at you with his four gleaming eyes, and you tiredly nod.\n\nIt takes you more than a while to clean yourself up.\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "frot" "top">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
<<if $sex['brulvundojn'] gte 4 && !(hasMutation ("pre-hands fur") || hasMutation ("hands fur"))>>\\n<<set $handsfeetfur to 1>>\\n<<endif>>
He steps forward, cock jouncing. It sags down, slinging a spatter of pre all across the sand, then bounces back up, smashing against his underbelly with a sharp //crack// that slathers pre all through his coat, and then it sags down in the opposite direction, swaying back and forth like that for each of his slow, prowling steps closer.\n\nHe looms over you, cock hot and slimy smearing across your chest, tip pressing against your jaw just under your ear. It's heavy and dripping, overwhelmingly alive: thrumming with Brulvundojn's heartbeat, set swinging in the open air when muscles in his hips twitch. The whole length ripples backwards, like recoil, each time he lets out a spurt of black pre.\n\nYou moan, wrapping your hands around its monstrous girth, and say, fuck, fuck, c'mon. You beg Brulvundojn to shove it in your ass.\n\nBrulvundojn leers down at you, at this angle head visible only as a sliver of fangs and a slavering tongue. He ruts against your chest, cock spanning from your thighs past your head. "Don't you think it's a little too big?" he says, teasing, and you writhe against him, fucking his cock along your entire body.\n\nYou say, fuck, please, he's gotta try. There's something wild and hungry to being this close to a dick this big. Something to having it pulsing and spurting in your arms, utterly, inhumanly huge.\n\nYou rock up, spreading your legs, framing his sheath with your knees, and Brulvundojn obligingly takes a step back. The cock drags along your chest, stomach -- briefly eye-to-eye with your head, letting out a stringy burst of pre that coats your face in drooling strands and makes you flinch back at the sudden wet impact -- and slides between your thighs, throbbing there in the air. Pre gushes across your stomach, with big rubbery cords drooling down across your own dick, spilling down your thighs. You pin his shaft with your thighs, rolling your hips to grind up against him. Brulvundojn snarls, low and eager, and ruts against you, dragging his cock back and forth until the tip pops out behind your thighs, leaving them slathered and goopy with his pre. You pull your knees to your chest, ass in the air, and Brulvundojn grinds between your cheeks, gushing slobbery ropes of pre all over your ass, entirely drenching you in heavy, sloppy runnels. You might moan when you feel a wet pulse of pre spill down right over your asshole.\n\nHe hasn't even tried to fuck you yet; he's just basting you in cord after cord of cloudy black slime, until it pours down your skin in layers. His cockhead, for all that it's comes to a sharp tip, is still immensely broad at the tip. A fat chisel-head that slopes wider and wider. It's dense, flesh implacably hard when it sliding down one of your muscled asscheeks, and you twist, slotting it into place against your hungry asshole. There's a squirt and a ripple of heat; pre pumping out directly over your already-slathered asshole, and you shudder, letting out a guttural groan that shades into a whine when you bear down on his cocktip.\n\nEven just his cocktip stretches you wide. He sinks an inch or two inside, spurting pre all over the rim of your asshole, and when he draws back your hole stays open, goopy smears of pre all over your open ass, with threadlike strings glimmering between you. He ruts forward again, fat cockhead stretching you wider and wider, his pre lubing you up inside, before he pulls back again: your hole gaping wider, more pre drooling out. Again and again he ruts into you, fucking you with not even his entire cockhead, just the first few inches. He works you open until your asshole is a gaping cavern, a hungry mouth splayed open wide, with the red flush of your guts on display, color muted by the heavy slather of his black pre all over and inside you, clinging to the walls of your ass in thicker globs.\n\nFor a moment, his cock hangs there an inch from your ass: poised and ready, erratically spurting pre across and into your gaping ass. Then Brulvundojn slides back in and keeps pushing. You groan, head thrown back, eyes unseeing as you focus on the sensation of him burrowing into you. His cock spreads out wider and wider, cockhead alone stretching you far beyond any human cock could. Your swollen ass lips gape around his shaft, stretched out into glossy petals of bruised flesh, and when Brulvundojn draws back a fraction, paws shifting around you to get better footing, he practically pulls your drawn-taut guts out along with his shaft. His cocktip shoves against the depths of your ass, and you push down, opening yourself up, letting him in deeper and deeper. His pre sizzles inside you, hot and heavy, gurgling and sloshing as it pours into your guts.\n\nWhen you exhale you can see the shadow of his cock bulging out your stomach, jerking forward and back as Brulvundojn stirs his cock inside you. Your flesh warps and shifts, his cock jabbing up against the muscles of your stomach, and you clench and relax, letting him shove up, shove deeper, his cock bulging out over your stomach in smooth relief. You gag on nothing, his cockhead mashing against your diaphragm, forcing all the air from your lungs in an abrupt //whuff//. You struggle to inhale, dimly aware of a rising pressure deep inside you that's your diaphragm wrapping itself around Brulvundojn's cock. He growls above you, panting as your struggled breath teases his cockhead, and his next spurts of pre burn hot as they splatter inside you, gurgling through your warped guts, feeling like thin membranes of flesh are the only things keeping him from pushing up directly into your chest cavity. You gag and drool, unable to swallow even from the pressure on your stomach; each motion just shudders against Brulvundojn's cock: a massive obstruction warping your entire body, stirring around your guts, pinning your organs together.\n\nBrulvundojn finally pulls back -- only fractionally, though it feels like miles -- and you suck in a watery breath, chest heaving. Each breath just makes the grotesque, impossible bulge of his cock across your stomach more distinct: skewing up your left side, slightly, bellybutton dragged into an oval from the stretch, with the tip bulging out past your ribcage. It flutters, dragging your entire body with it when it twitches, and when it spits pre you can see it pour down: your warped flesh drooping down under extra weight, mounding out like a half-full waterskin as the burning slime pours down along his shaft.\n\nBrulvundojn shifts the angle, tipping you back, and your entire body jerks up, puppeted by his cock. He's nearly sunk deep enough inside you to drag you along with him: body pinned against his underbelly, impaled on his cock. He ruts into you, or at this point more like ruts you along his cock, using your entire body as a tight, shuddering orifice to fuck, and the swell of his cock rises and falls, churning across your belly like a living thing, like snakes in your guts. His thrusts now dig against your belly, warping your pre-bloated gut more and more, with the rest of your body just hanging off it. Your stomach is a mess of stretched, warped skin, bruised muscle, not even easily identifiable as something attached to a human. He's nearly hilted in you, by which you mean there's still the full span of a human's cock before he's even close to pressing his sheath against you. His knot is swollen but still soft, a mess of heavy, spongy flesh glazed with slime, smacking against your thighs as he rolls you along his shaft. His cocktip presses up past your ribcage, on the outside, pulling your belly out into a spike warped around the pillar of his cock. Each further inch sinking into you feels impossible, the stretch resonating all through your body: belly taut, guts bloated, asshole bruised and gaping. His tentacles lick across your thighs, over your ass, smearing slime all over your skin, and his pre continually pours from your broken ass, a constant refrain of wet smacks and slaps as beads of pre hit the saturated sand.\n\nHis knot hits your ass with a //crack//, just that much more of his shaft impaling you, and all you can do is shudder and groan, each reflexive flutter of your abs clenching sending an ache all through your front, making your body bounce back and forth from where it's strung up over his cock. He's half-engorged, soft knot spongy and broad, spread nearly as wide as your hips. He grinds down, shoving you to the left and then to the right just to wedge his knot between your ass cheeks, to get the full bulk of his knot jammed up tight against your asshole. Pre squirts out between you, pressurized by his knot damming the flow, and dimly you feel wet ribbons of slime splatter against your calves, dripping down your feet in waves.\n\nHe bounces you on his knot. There's a shift and a sway, gravity pulling on you -- on your body against the monstrous spike of his cock inside you -- in new ways, and it takes a moment for you to realize Brulvundojn has sat down on his haunches, pressing you up against his underbelly. And letting gravity pin you on his cock. He shifts, fucking the air, and your entire body bonelessly moves with him, dragging you just a fraction off his knot before slipping back down. You're dimly aware you're making noise, panting that turns into a gurgling groan each time he thrusts, warbling keening that breaks when he slides you back down his cock. Your thighs are pinning his knot tight, and it swells slowly: bloating just an iota thicker each time he bounces you, smacking harder and harder against your blown asshole. He's panting too, breath hoarse and rasping, drooling a slavering mess of froth as he snarls and ruts up into you, brutally sheathing nearly the entire length of his cock inside your body, stirring his cock around inside you like he's looking for a way to cram just a little more each time. Each thrust is a bone-rattling jerk, your face mashed up his filthy, slime-soaked underbelly, your feet only loosely braced against the flesh of his inner haunches, with sludge-soaked fur in tangled clumps under your feet. Your bones ache.\n\nYou can feel him get close to coming for minutes. His breathing gets faster, his cock twitches and trembles more. His knot swells, bigger and bigger, until it's locked half-inside you, the upper bulk sunk into your ruined asshole with the rest of its immense spread pinned tight by your thighs. Muscles across his underbelly twitch and shudder. He gives a final few thrusts, knot squelching and slurping, and cums with a ragged, yipping howl. His cock surges, twitching up and plastering you to his underbelly. Cum sprays into you, thick and gummy, sticking to your guts in big tarry clumps, but so much of it that it soon begins to pour down in globs. Your bloated gut shudders, visibly swelling in time with his shots, and your guts gurgle and churn, sloppy wet noises coming from inside you as his load fills you up. Tarry dewdrops of cum spill down to where your asshole is stretched out around his knot. Even half-knotted, it's stuck inside, and and you can feel every drop as it pours down and spreads out, filling your ass with bubbling slime.\n\nYou sprawl there, impaled on his spurting cock, weakly shuddering with each pulse. After a while his tarry cum thins, his sharp spurts replaced with a continual pissing pour of watery, silty slime that floods all through your guts. The bulge of his cock softens as your belly expands, until it's entirely hidden in the heavy, drooping swell of your cum-filled gut. Your skin shudders, drawn taut, slowly seaming apart into ragged red stretch marks across your sides as your belly bloats and bloats from the sheer volume of Brulvundojn's load.\n\nThe weight, the pressure, becomes so overwhelming it almost seems normal, like you're stuck in a hazy, dreamlike daze, body heavy and wet, slathered with slime, full of stinging heat and a continual pumping. You're in a haze when you feel yourself start to overfill: the pressure of cum inside you digging down against his loose knot. It feels almost like being stabbed when the first trickles of cum spill out around his knot: hot and liquid, pouring down your splayed, warped asscheeks, leaking out from inside you. Slowly, sluggishly, you feel your guts warp and spasm, dragged down by the sheer volume of cum. Streamers of cum sluice down your ass, more and more, as the wet meat of your ass grinds against itself, pulpy and swollen and bruised, until with a sudden lurch your asshole spasms and turns itself inside-out, prolapsing out around Brulvundojn's knot in an explosion of slimy cum. Cum fountains out around the sloppy seal, your guts a mound of cum-slathered meat wetly sucking against his knot, and you let out a dazed groan as your guts finally drain, gurgling obscenely as you pour out Brulvundojn's slimy cum all over the swampy sand. He's still cumming, in spurts deep inside you, and the flow of cum pouring out of you rises and ebbs, watery slime gushing out all down your dangling thighs.\n\nYou stay spired on his cock, breathing shallowly, gut still grotesquely bloated even as you drain out gallons of cum onto the ground. Your prolapse weakly shudders, wet folds of raw flesh pinned between your ass and his knot, sloppily milking his knot with slobbery wet slurps. It's still another indefinite stretch of time before his spurts finally slow and subside and his knot softens. His cock sags, slowly, and even though you feel it happening the entire time, it's still a surprise when your weight is finally enough to drag it to the side, and you spill off his cock into the sand. The entire length of his cock just slides out of you, guts long-ago dragged into a straight, open passage, and you sprawl out in the mess of sludge that's been collecting beneath you for... hours?, just weakly panting, arms and legs shuddering, with your utterly-broken asshole pouring his load out through the slimy furls of your weighty prolapse.\n\nBrulvundojn collapses on the ground next to you, sprawling out on his side. His muzzle is open and his tongue is lolling out. He's panting hard. You think maybe this took as much out of him as it did out of you. And then, shifting gingerly, every joint in your body aching, you decide, well, probably not //quite// as much.\n\nYou say, eventually and exhausted, that ow, your hips hurt.\n\nBrulvundojn lets out a tired //yap//. "You did ask for it," he says. He's right.\n\nEventually you muster up the strength to flop over onto your side. You hiss as you reach back, fingers probing across the bloated bulk of your prolapse. It's drenched in coarse slime, sand mixed in with cum, still leaking more. It's gritty across your palm as you catch it in one spread hand and slowly push down, easing it back inside your body. It takes a while. Your ass is bloated enormously even with all your guts inside your body; your ring is swollen up into a puffy crater, slack and spreading easily, and so bruised that you can't even clench closed.\n\n"You think you're gonna be okay?" Brulvundojn says, tipping his head towards you.\n\nYou say, no problem. You're gonna take that knot next time.\n\nBrulvundojn lets out a laughing yip. "You got eyes bigger than your ass," he says. "But I don't mind trying again."\n\nYou're gonna need some time to pull yourself together, for sure.\n\nYou do eventually pull yourself together enough to stand up, and that just helps all the cum drain out faster, winding in runnels down your legs. Your gut is still mounded, swollen and heavy, and it sloshes and gurgles when you try to move. There's bruising coming up all across your front, skin purpling slightly. Your abs ache like you've taken more than a few punches, and you suppose you have, just from the inside.\n\nIt's a while longer before you manage to set out again, but you do finally manage it.\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "brulvundojn bigdick">>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>\\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "brulvundojn bigdick">>
He steps forward, cock jouncing. It sags down, slinging a spatter of pre all across the sand, then bounces back up, smashing against his underbelly with a sharp //crack// that sprays pre all over his shaggy underbelly, painting it into heavy, dripping hanks. His cock rebounds, sagging in the opposite direction, and sways back and forth with each of his slow, prowling steps closer.\n\nHe looms over you, cock hot and slimy smearing across your chest, tip pressing against your jaw just under your ear. It's angled down, drooping from its own weight, and slimy sheath fluid oozes down from his warped sheath, stretched wide around the frothing mess of his lashing tentacles. He pours his blackened pre all over your body, a dense, swampy heat enveloping your body. His dick thrums, veins shuddering under the surface, muscles in his hips sending the entire mammoth shaft swinging back and forth over you, slinging ropes of pre all over your chest in zig-zagging lines.\n\nYou moan, wrapping your hands around its monstrous girth, pulling the head down to your face -- his cocktip nearly the size of your head -- and beg him to knot you.\n\nBrulvundojn leers down at you, at this angle head visible only as a sliver of fangs and a slavering tongue. He ruts against your chest, cock spanning from your thighs past your head. His knot, bulky even totally soft, looms above you, slathered and dripping in black slime from his lashing tentacles. He milks himself, tentacles cording around his knot and squeezing, and a hot shower of dark, oily pre rains down across your already-dripping body, coating you entirely in his rank, rancid pre.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnKnotted>>\\n"You asked for it," he says, and you groan. Your pelvis aches bone-deep, in memory of taking his knot. He ruts down against your -- cock long enough to span from hips past your head, and his soft, bulky knot nearly as wide as your hips. You moan, arching up against him, dazed from the sheer hunger racing through your body; the desperate desire to be wrapped around his knot.\n<<else>>\\n"You think you can take it?" he asks, experimentally rutting down -- pinning his cock against your body to compare. It's impossible to miss how his dick alone is half your body length, and his knot even soft is nearly as wide as your hips.\n\n//Nearly// as wide is the important part, with your freshly-stretched pelvis. Already you can feel the anticipation of it, bones creaking as if he's already fucked you open. You can absolutely take it, you tell him.\n<<endif>>\n\nHis hips shift, dragging his cock back across your chest, and you loosely wrap your arms around it, forming a sloppy, slime-encrusted tunnel for him to fuck his dick through. Soon that tunnel is gonna be your ass, you think to yourself, dimly. The size difference is incredible. Above you, Brulvundojn's body is an expanse of charcoal grey fur, warped over his animal muscles, and his rocking hips have the same inexorable power as a landslide.\n\nYou groan and hook your legs up, folding yourself double under him, grinding his dick between your thighs -- and against the hard spar of your own dick, tiny compared to the huge, bestial club he's got. Scum builds up across your thighs as he thrusts, scraped off his pumping shaft, murky precome lathering up into a glistening, oily froth. You have to shove his dick into position, a whole foot of his shaft smearing between your thighs before the pointed tip is aimed at your asshole. You rut up against him, rocking back and forth, letting his cock slide between your muscled ass cheeks, just back and forth. Heat pools in your stomach, billowing up as the smooth, slick flesh of his cock slides against your skin. Something deep inside you pulses. You desperately need his dick in your ass.\n\nHis cock grinds against your hole, catching and dragging minutely as you splay yourself open, just grinding along the edge of his shaft as he fucks your thighs. His pointed cocktip might start small but it thickens a lot, real fast. That doesn't stop you from arching up, grinding your ass down, putting more friction on the motion so his thrusts scrape slowly, cocktip mashing against your spreading hole before it pops out in a gush of pre, and then again and again on the next thrusts. He's restraining himself; if he actually tried thrusting hard he'd probably scoop you up and fling you into the air just by smacking you with his dick. Your asshole warps open, spread just a fraction wider each time his cockhead half-caches in your open, welcoming gape, and you find yourself whining, squirming against his dick, trying to pin his dick with your knees so it's got no choice but to shove into your ass.\n\nWhen it finally catches it still takes both of you by surprise. You yelp, the force that sent his cock skimming across your stomach suddenly shoving it a foot deep into your ass. Your guts pulse, rammed open, hole spasming as it clenches down hard on the impossibly-wide obstruction of Brulvundojn's dick -- only managing to push it a few inches out before you relax and spread wider, practically sucking his cocktip into your ass. He spurts, cock huge and heavy and hot inside you, a living thing pulsing and shuddering, gushing a blossoming swell of heat into your guts, sloppy and gurgling as the cords of pre spill deeper inside, tracing out the passages of your guts in burning heat.\n\nYou let out a long, shaky bellow, eyes rolling back into your head, impaled on just the tip of his cock. There's so much more left to go. He ruts, experimentally, cocktip stabbing deeper and pulling out with a heavy wet glugging sound, leaving your hole open and gaping, an open passage carved out inside you. His paws scratch in the sand, coating your side in a gritty spray, and he sockets his cock back inside you and then keeps going, the motion shoving you through the sand, bashing you against his middle legs before you get stuck in the trough he's dug out, and then it's just your body versus his cock: his cock, implacable, gigantic, pulpy and heavy and utterly unyielding; your body spread open, inner passages warped and swelling, twisted out of place to make yourself a tight sleeve for him to fuck.\n\nBrulvundojn fucks you. You're pinned in the sand, hands grasping hold of his ankles, bodily bracing yourself against each thrust. His dick jabs deep, a smooth swell bulging up across your belly, and when he bottoms out inside you -- for now -- the force of his thrust lifts you off the ground for a second, leaving you hanging off his cock, bobbing in the air, before the weight of your own body sends you slipping back off, falling the few inches down to the earth. Then he does it again, cramming a few more inches into your body -- cocktip knocking the breath from your lungs, then angling up, making your guts shudder and unspool as he twists them out of place -- before jerking back out, slimy black pre gurgling from your gaping ass in wet, messy slurps in the half-second before he slams into you again, and again, and again.\n\nHe's slavering, fiery drool smacking into the churned-up sand, spicy sweat dripping down his flanks and mixing with the mess of pre and sand splattered all over your body. Your belly lurches and shudders, the shape of his cock under your skin warping as he thrusts; the shape shrinks down between thrusts but always bulges out bigger on the next one. You bounce on his cock, a fucked-open puppet jerking up to smack against his underbelly until he finally rears up, paws scrabbling against the walls of his den, and lets gravity do his work: all your weight on his cock, shaft lurching in your guts, bulging your stomach out into a giant, impossible swell. The skin at your sides aches, belly taut as a drum, wrapped obscenely around his bestial, alien dog dick. Brulvundojn mashes you against the wall, pinning you in place as he humps forward, and his cock makes obscene wet squelching noises as he slams inside and drags back, fucking you open. Pre sluices down the length of his cock. Your hips ache. His tentacles lash against your calves, curling across your feet and pulling taut, physically dragging you deeper down onto his dick in lurches and fits. Your belly ripples, all your skin and flesh sheathing his cock not enough to fully dampen the impact of his pre burbling up in gushes, hard shots of heat blooming inside you. Your arms and legs dangle uselessly at your sides; there's nothing to brace yourself against, pinned against old metal beams at your back and Brulvundojn's sodden underbelly against your front. You feel like a gyre, twisting open, wider than you ever thought possible, letting more and more of his cock sink into your splayed, hungry depths.\n\nHe snarls above you, huffing and panting, hips mashing you against the wall, cock making obscene wet squelching noises. When he dismounts, you stay pinned to his cock, held aloft by its sheer length stuck inside you. You slip, fractionally, in little bursts, and his cock bobs down, until eventually your shoulders hit the sand, ass gaping even around his giant shaft.\n\nCarved open like that, he can actually fuck you. He sinks in to the knot, just like that: his shaft fills you back up again, heat and hardness where you were left hollow and cold without him in you, and the soft bulk of his knot jams against your ass, his cock itself stretching your belly out into a warped sheath that juts out past your chest, sloshing and gurgling with the mass of pre stuck inside you. Your asshole burns, flesh bruised and swollen, rumpled up into puffy, meaty slabs, and the sensation when he bears down, grinding his knot against your aching flesh, defies description. You gurgle, bellow turned soft and wet from the pressure of his dick inside you.\n\nHe fucks you like that, for a while, just pinning you in the sand with one huge paw on your ribs, fucking your body like it's a toy. His tentacles lash across your thighs, dragging you backward when he pulls halfway out; when he hoists you up to mash against the sodden, stinking fur of his underbelly, his tentacles make sure you don't fall off again.\n\nYou're only half-aware he's knotting you before he's tied. Your entire body ripples, phantom sensation rubbing up and down through your guts even when he's holding you still. The throb of his cock is indistinguishable from your own thudding heartbeat, from the erratic lurch of your lungs expanding, diaphragm warped out by the side of his cock. Flesh slides against flesh, his cock dense and pulpy, the hard spar of his dick bone sometimes felt, dimly, as the structural support keeping his cock utterly rigid. The bruised, broken ring of your asshole slurps over his cock, catching on a heavy swell, with tentacles prying at your rim, squirming inside you like snakes, and it's not until it's firmly seated inside you, pulsing heat filling your entire body, that you realize that was his knot. His sheath-flesh is wet and scratchy, hanks of fur soaked to his skin, grinding in wet clumps against your thighs. His balls swing forward, battering against your legs, lurching in their sac, and in your dim, feverish daze you have enough clarity to realize, oh, he's gonna cum, just as his cock starts to throb.\n\nHis knot //creaks// as it fills out, hot popping noises that might be your pelvis creaking or might just be pre pouring out of you in thickened droplets, spilling off the rounded bulk of his knot before it swells enough to seal everything inside. You dangle from his cock, solidly locked in place, stuck so tight that when he ruts he's just humping the air; your body a decoration wrapped around his dick.\n\nMuscles deep in his belly shudder and pulse, and his load erupts out into you in burning-hot gushes, burbling inside your already-flooded guts, slopping lower to build up in a churning sea just past his knot. His cock twitches, sending your body swinging back and forth, the wet weight of his load inside you working as a counterbalance; dragging behind and then catching up with a gurgling //crack// inside you, knocking the breath from your lungs. You can already only breathe shallowly, lungs jerking sideways, diaphragm fluttering. Brulvundojn howls, yapping and baying as he uselessly works his hips, your body stuck tight to his cock. He cums and cums, thick tarry cum plastering to your warped, unspooled guts, slowly rounding out the spire of his cock jabbing out from your stomach. You pant and whine, heat cascading through your body, gagging on nothing as his cock lurches again and again, slapping you up against his matted underbelly.\n\nYou can feel when his cum thins; the heat swirls inside you, thinning the clotted murk of his initial spurts. The weight of fluid bears down against him knot, slowly peeling your skin away, working rivulets of cum along the lobes of his knot, hot and stinging against your abused flesh. You asshole gapes around the underside of his knot, hanging slack and open, drooping over itself in meaty folds. Slime drools from the underside of his knot, just churned-up froth starting to dry and peel away, splattering down your dangling legs in sudden plops. Inside you, the weight of his load churns, gurgling deeper. Each spurt makes his cock angle lower, slowly forcing you to the ground. When your shoulders hi the ground you let out a breathless gasp, just that soft impact enough to jar his cock inside you, stirring around your guts.\n\nYou're only dimly aware of the ache across your gut, rounded and bulbous, shredded red stripes of stretch marks seaming open up your chest and over your sides, stinging from sweat sluggishly oozing lymph as Brulvundojn's breeding goes on and on. Cum ripples inside you, the pressure growing and growing, gurgling around his knot until you finally start to leak: a thick drizzle of churned-up cum spilling out over his knot, audibly crackling and slurping through the folds of your broken ass before it spills out, steaming, into the open air. Just a slow, sluggish pour leaking out of your broken ass, nothing at all to abate the sheer volume of cum he's pissing out into your guts.\n\nYou come to when his knot slips out. Your ass drags out with it, folding inside-out with an explosion of cum. Your belly looks pregnant; beyond pregnant, huge and rounded, stretch marks shredded to the point of spotty bleeding. Your ass is a hollow cavern, flooded with cum, gurgling out excess into the thirsty sand. Your guts shift with a sickening lurch, over-filled passages squirming, and you're dimly aware of the mound of your prolapsed guts slurping out over itself, mounding out into a fat, glossy tail, erratically pulsing with smooth muscle contractions to pump out huge, sloppy handfuls of Brulvundojn's bestial cum: oily black, threaded through with chunks and clots of brilliant emerald jelly. You just gasp, lungs fighting for space against your flooded guts.\n\n"I think I overdid it," Brulvundojn says from above, and you're hardly in a place to even process that as language, much less respond.\n\nYour hands flutter at your sides, clawing furrows in the saturated sand. You're anchored down by the weight of Brulvundojn's load. By weight you're probably more Brulvundojn than you're you. Cum gurgles out of your ruined ass, squelching in your guts as huge gummy cords slowly ooze their way back down, heavy gurgles punctuated by sloppy gushes when some finally slips back down that final curve and spills its way down your ruined ass, wetly burbling out through your mounded prolapse in globs, murky black and glowing green, oily and heavy, steaming lightly in the cold night air.\n\nBrulvundojn is still half-hard and pissing out cum all over you, you realize, eventually. There's so much cum painted all over you it wasn't immediately obvious.\n\n"You okay?" He says, sounding a little worried. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>"It's been a while since we did that."<<else>>"First time getting knotted."<<endif>>\n\nYou gurgle for a while. M'fine, you eventually manage to mumble out. It's considerably longer before you can do anything else. Your asshole drains out in spurts, slowing to a constant burble while your belly is still huge and mounded, all your stretch marks loose and sagging, stinging more from the sand scoured into them while you were writhing around. Your guts ache, rich purple-red flesh darkening to a furious red-black from hanging out of your body for so long. You groan, lurching to the side, and smack your hand across your side, feeling down to your broken-open gape. Your hand sinks into the puffy, aching flesh of your guts, and you ease down, pushing down -- and pulling internally, feeling your sill-bloated guts ripple and squirm -- and slowly letting your body suck your guts back inside itself in rumpled folds, soggily gurgling and squelching until, with a final wet sucking noise, your asshole folds back in on itself, your tangled ball of guts slurping in between your hips and smacking back inside with enough force to send a wave of nausea rushing through you. You dig your hand into the rim of your ass: hugely-bruised, stinging and puffy, worked up into meaty slabs of flesh still glazed with Brulvundojn's slobbery, ichorous cum.\n\nYou sprawl there, asshole clenching and gaping, so slack and open that the slightest push causes it to nearly push itself inside-out again. The flow of cum slows to a sluggish river, gurgling continually out over your broken hole and soaking down into the sand. You lay there, gasping, for a while. Brulvundojn stoops his head down and licks up the sandy cum slurry painted all across your belly and thighs, mostly just smearing it into globs, churning it up with his oily drool.\n\nIt's most of an hour by the time you actually try to sit up. You reach out, grabbing ahold of Brulvundojn's muzzle and letting him half-drag you up onto your knees; the motion makes your still-flooded guts gurgle, slimy fluid slopping around inside you and sending a fresh mess of cum draining out. You groan, having to pull in tight just to stop your guts from spilling out of your ass.\n\nIt takes a lot longer than that to get going again.\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "brulvundojn knotting">>\\n<<set $brulvundojnKnotted to true>>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>
You say yeah, you're pregnant. <<if $pregnant eq "astau">>Astau got you good.\n<<else if $pregnant eq "stormking">>You say, you got fucked by a god.\n\nBrulvundojn gives you a look. "//I'm// not enough of a god for you?"\n\nYou say he's, at best, a raggedy kind of demigod. You got fucked by the king of the sandstorm.\n<<endif>>\\n\nBrulvundojn lets out a considering growl, tongue lapping out to curl over your swollen belly, feeling across your stretch marks. "They're not fertilized," he says, eventually.\n\nYou go, yeah, and? Is he offering?\n\n"I think you know exactly what I'm offering," he says, voice rasping. You can hear the slick gurgle of his cock peeling its way from his sheath.\n\n* [[yeah knock me up|brulvundojn impreg]]<<scenealert "brulvundojn impreg">>\n* [[i think i'm gonna keep this set trophic but thanks|brulvundojn's den]]
You say -- moan, really -- that he should knock you up properly.\n\nBrulvundojn bares his teeth and pads closer, looming over you. Slime squelches to the ground, drooling from his unsheathed cock: a massive cannon barrel aimed at you, drizzling black pre into the thirsty sand.\n\nHe bowls you over onto your back -- not that that's hard, with your belly so swollen and heavy -- and looms over you: muzzle open, cock unsheathed, drool and pre splattering all over the taut dome of your pregnant gut. His cock is a sharp knifepoint, jabbing against your sides and scraping down past your cock to dig into the flesh of your ass. His cock trembles against your flesh, spurting out watery cords of pre all over your skin. You groan and struggle to lift your legs, knees spreading around your raised belly, and Brulvundojn leans in, pinning you between his flanks as his cock stabs against your asscheeks: sliding out over your hips, up your thighs, into the sand. He pants and huffs above you, giant body shifting, his breath hitching with each missed thrust, until his slime-and-sand-covered cock finally slides in along the cleft of your ass and stabs into your asshole. You both groan, unmoving for a moment as you get used to the new girth splitting you open. Your ass clenches and grips around his shaft, and his cock shudders, his pre hot a goopy spurting across the walls of your ass. He easily fills you up, flooding your ass until his pre burbles out around his shaft and spills down your upturned ass, wetly gurgling.\n\nYou lay there panting, slowly getting used to him inside you. He's big<<if $sex ['brulvundojn'] gt 0>>, still, always<<endif>>. His cock shudders, slime slurping as it pours down from his bloated sheath, and his knot surfaces with a sick wet sucking //slurp//, splattering flecks of slime all over your skin. He finally moves, hips shifting, and his cock shoves deeper inside, bashing against the depths of your ass before you push yourself open, letting his cocktip sink down into your guts. The sensation is still intense, moreso on top of your pregnant gut, and Brulvundojn lets out a snarling animal noise as he plunges in deeper: the thickest part of his shaft slurping into your splayed asshole and leaving you gaping. His knot bashes against your asshole for a second, cocktip stabbing deep, deep into your guts, before he pulls back along with a wash of pre.\n\n<<if hasMutation("womb")>>\\nYou can feel your cervix, distinctly, as his cock scrapes along it: a swollen rubbery mound, dimpled in the center, and Brulvundojn's thrusts scrape along it at first, making it clench tighter with an aching pang. His cock inside you aches, too big to fit, but your hormone-suffused flesh spreads and parts shockingly easily, gulping up his length up until the brutal spread of his knot smacks against your ass. That deep, you're properly impaled -- each thrust drags your body back and forth, even with your pregnant gut weighing you down. His cock lurches inside you, knocking you to the side, and you gasp for breath. Your eggs churn, thin amniotic fluid resonating from the force of his thrusts, making your entire belly buzz with sensation as he scrapes his cocktip through your guts, aiming up at your engorged womb.\n\nYour cervix pulsates, puffy and stiff as it digs into the side of Brulvundojn's shaft, shoved deep in your guts, and you can tell when he notices its presence: his head cocks, paws scraping in the sand, and he twists -- dragging your body over along with his cock -- and pulls back, rutting softer and shallowly to drag his sharp cocktip over the spasming mound of your cervix. You groan, guts spasming, body convulsing around Brulvundojn's giant cock, and there's another kind of ache: a hot stinging heat as your cervix pulses and spreads, the very tip flexing open into a deeper tunnel. His pre pours in, flooding the tiny space, and it burns, hot and aching, as his cockhead caches on the rim of your unfurling cervix, shoving into the sloppy mess of pre. The sensation is dizzying, a wash of heat and pressure pulsing outward, and you go limp, dazed, as Brulvundojn digs in, cock mashing over your bloated cervix and stabbing inside. There's a hot splatter of fluid inside you, droplets spraying over the taut mound of your cervix, painting your guts with a fresh coating of slime, and you writhe on the ground, hands clawing at the sand, head thrashing back and forth, hoarsely gasping, as Brulvundojn slowly, inexorably, works his sharp cockhead in through your spasming cervix. You unfurl, the tight bottleneck of your cervix slick and hot, drenched in thick slime, and so tight as Brulvundojn forces it open, wider and wider.\n\nYou sob, brokenly, as he sinks deeper. Each thrust spreads your cervix an iota deeper, a fraction wider, and you can feel your womb leaking: slick slime pouring out around his cocktip, spurting when you clench down, in a thicker and thicker flow as he breaks you open. You squirt around his cockhead, a shockingly hot wash of slime splattering out over his thrusting cockhead, pouring down his shaft, and you're only dimly aware of the gush erupting from your ass, splattering in stringy cords all along his half-engorged knot. You blindly reach out, grasping his midlegs, clenching hard as he hammers into you. His cockhead breaks through that final barrier into your womb at the same time his knot crashes against your ass, and your body warps, flesh stretched and wrecked, ruined by the giant bulk of his animal cock. He howls, knot mashed between your cheeks for a second before your broken asshole gapes and swallows, gulping it down to the tentacles in a single push, and his cockhead stabs directly into your womb and erupts, squirting his load into the already fluid-filled cavity. Your body spasms, hips aching, asshole pulsing, cervix squirting sloppy fluid out around his shaft, pouring down your guts to be trapped by his knot.\n\nBrulvundojn bucks, teeth bared, snapping at the air as he lurches forward, fucking your womb. He drenches your eggs in cum, pissing out his load into your already-swollen womb. You gasp, staring up at nothing, feeling your already-bloated belly swell and grow as Brulvundojn keeps cumming and cumming. The slime spilling down his cock thickens into silty, stringy ooze, squirting out from your cervix in sudden gushes, and your eggs stir and mix around, pulsing around Brulvundojn's cock as he breeds you.\n<<else>>\\nYour guts are swollen, lumpy with eggs inside you, and as Brulvundojn thrusts they stir, squirming around. He floods you with pre: one shot, then another, and another, gurgling through your tangled guts, slurping down the length of his churning shaft, until he floods you, and slime erupts out across his flanks. You're loosely fucking yourself on his bestial cock, groaning when he grinds deeper, dimly aware of the sand stuck all across your back and shoulders, of your feet propped up against his haunches, letting you just rock back and forth on his cock as he thrusts into you. His pre is slick, wet, heavy, as it pools inside you, gulping deeper and deeper into your egg-swollen guts.\n\nThe brutal spread of his knot bashes against your ass, grinding over the hollow crater of your splayed asshole, and he only bears down for a second before pulling back, letting slime drag out in cords between you, snapping to slap across your upturned ass. Brulvundojn snarls and snaps at the air, hoarsely panting as he fucks you, and your ass swallows his cock nearly to the root: grinding down on the monstrous bulk of his knot, rocking against its crest as it slurps half-in, half-out of your asshole. Your flesh is slack, lax, loose, now that you're suffused with pregnancy hormones, and it's a shock when his knot simply slips into you: bearing down, pushing harder, only to have its entire bulk sink in easy. Your flesh stretches, asshole wrapped around his knot, gulping to settle it between his hips like a giant coal, and then you can feel the lash of his tentacles grasping all over your skin. You still gasp, body shuddering as you warp around his knot, his cockhead shoved so, so deep inside your guts. He's still spurting pre, squelching as he rocks into you, and slime squirts out around his half-engorged knot, the muscles of your ass just pulsing, squeezing, wrapping tight around him. The sensation is dizzying: his cock a hot brand inside you, enormously huge and somehow sliding easily into your pregnant body, and you writhe on the sand, gasping and shuddering as you warp to fit his bloating knot.\n\nBrulvudojn snarls and yips, paws dragging furrows in the sand as he bucks into your body. His knot throbs, beating like a heart as it swells, and the continual pour of his pre pools inside you, with a final few cords of slime squirting out around his shaft before his knot solidly seals the rest inside, leaving your skin glazed and dripping, asshole wetly sucking as he tries to stir his knot around inside you. His cock throbs, and heat blooms inside you, wet and heavy gurgling through your guts as he cums properly: gush after gush of hot, watery slime, pouring all through your guts and soaking your eggs.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou sprawl out in the sand, body lax, a carved-open puppet pulsing around his enormous, bestial cock: muscles in your arms and legs erratically spasming, hugely pregnant belly wobbling, his knot wetly smacking and squelching as it slides around inside the cavity of your hips. His load floods you, hot and wet, heavy even with your eggs weighing you down, and you lay there in a daze, feeling the hot //spang// of your internal flesh warping and stretching under the continual pressure of his load.\n\nHe stays knotted with you for a long time. You fall into a kind of half-daze, only dimly aware of your aching body, your belly bloating wider, heavier. At some point you feel the eggs start to squirm, pulsing as they're fertilized one by one, until your gut is wobbling not just with the force of his blasts but also your eggs churning and squirming, pulsating as they soak up his cum. Brulvundojn is still cumming, panting and drooling, sides heaving, fur dripping with sweat, and his knot is still an implacable lump burning between your hips, damming up what are likely gallons of cum inside you.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>At some point you feel your womb finally overflow, filled to its utmost. You ache, flesh feeling like a paper-thin wrapper around a body entirely suffused with Brulvundojn's mutant cum; internal flesh so bruised and aching you can feel precisely where the thick, jelly-like goo of his load has plastered against your inner walls, forming a churning layer of slime that drifts along the lower half of your obscenely swollen womb.\n\nYour cervix finally gives up and gapes, spilling inside-out across Brulvundojn's shaft, and the slobbery gushes of cum squirting down his cock turns into a gurgling flood, thick tarry belches of churned-up cum and amniotic slime pouring into your guts, filling your ass, bearing down on his knot. In your daze, you just groan low, panting yourself, drenched in sweat and slime as Brulvundojn's sheer excess floods out into your guts in tarry bursts.\n\n<<endif>>\\nIt's considerably later by the time he starts to soften. Ooze wells up around his knot, burbling down into the sand in thick clots, and even then it's minutes of that slow drool before it turns into spurts, rivers, floods of slime gurgling out of your ruined ass around the softening bulk of his knot. You're so stretched, and so full, that you're leaking huge waterfalls of churned-up slime out around his turgid knot. Obscene wet noises come from your wrecked guts as Brulvundojn slowly peels out, knot surfacing with a //pop// through the slime drenching your lower body, and you let out a long groan as your body finally starts to drain. Your shuddering belly finally shrinks some, slime pouring freely from your guts<<if hasMutation("womb")>> and your prolapsed womb<<endif>>, spilling in a murky, gently-glowing ooze all across the saturated sand. <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>Your cervix shudders, pulsing erratically to pump out huge globs of thick, silty cum, splayed so wide you feel your eggs start to shift and spill lower, and you let out a shaky cry and clench, pain sizzling up your spine as your cervix reverts itself with a loud, audible //squelch//, half-catching an enormous globular egg inside it.<<endif>> You stay there for a long time, draining out. Brulvundojn's cock is still embedded deep inside, and his paws drag through the sand as he pulls back, cock emerging coated in thick sheets of slime that peel off his still-slathered flesh. Jelly-like sheets of sludge splatter across your ass and thighs, spilling over themselves in thick folds as he pulls out, until his sharp cocktip pulls free with a final //pop//, leaving you feeling hollowed out, entirely empty, for all that your ass is still continually oozing his load in a sloppy waterfall.\n\nHe ruts his cock up across your belly, and it hits you that he's still cumming: thin, watery slime, cloudy black mixed in with glowing green tendrils. He bastes your pregnant gut in cum, fluid burning in lines where it pours across your fresh stretch marks, jostling your gut and helping yet more of his load to work its way out of your broken body. Your asshole feels like one enormous crater: not prolapsed, somehow, simply an enormous open void, wetly sucking at the air as you push out more and more cum. And all the while, all of the dozens of eggs inside you squirm and shudder, pulsing now with life.\n\nYou lay there on the ground, breathing hard, guts churning as Brulvundojn's load spills out of you. His body shifts, sodden fur pressing against your side as he lies down next to you, and you drift off into a shallow sleep, waking at the unfamiliar lurch of your eggs squirming inside you.\n\nIt's a while before you're able to get up and get going again. Brulvundojn laps some of the congealed slime off your ass and thighs; just adding his grimy drool to the scum coating your skin.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("wide hips")>><<set $queuedLower += 1>><<endif>>\\n<<if $pregnant eq "astau">><<set $pregnant to "astau-fertilized">>\\n<<else if $pregnant eq "stormking">><<set $pregnant to "stormking-fertilized">>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "brulvundojn impreg">>\\n<<set $brulvundojnKnotted to true>>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>\\n[[→|brulvundojn's den]]
[there's a partner-swapping foursome here. {www human} struggles to get knotted by brulvundojn's giant cock, while you struggle to take something as deep as {www beast}'s entire cock. while you and {www human} make out as the two giant beasts mount you.]\n\n[maybe also {www human} fucks you while brulvundojn fucks/gets fucked by {www beast}, idk. or the both of them rutting their cocks over you two while you make out in a pool of their cum.]\n\n<<sex "www_beast" "anal" "top">>\\n<<set $wwwPairBrulvundojn to "open">>\\n[[→|brulvundojn's den]]
You start digging in the sand.\n\nThere's motion behind you. You turn: it's Brulvundojn, looming up out of his den, coming toward you.\n\nYeah, you really should have anticipated this happening if you spent any time around here.\n\n<<display "brulvundojn confront">>
You start setting up your camp.\n\nThere's motion behind you. You turn: it's Brulvundojn, looming up out of his den, coming toward you.\n\nYeah, you really should have anticipated this happening if you spent any time around here.\n\n<<display "brulvundojn confront">>
That being said, it's too late for second thoughts. Brulvundojn is in his den, hidden in its shadows; you can hear him snuffling at your scent. You know he's doing it specifically so you can hear, because he can scent perfectly quietly if he so desires.\n\nThe thing is, you were close once. Quite close. And when he let his guard down and asked if you, perhaps, wanted to be even closer you basically spurned him. It wasn't your finest moment.\n\nBrulvundojn slinks out from his den, dark fur glimmering dully in the light. He snarls at you.\n\n"And what business do //you// have here?" he asks, splattering oily drool on the sand beneath him.\n\n* [[apologize about that time you were kind of a dick|brulvundojn apology]]\n* [[actually you were just leaving|brulvundojn leave]]
You say, maybe premeditated or maybe off the cuff, that you're here to apologize.\n\nBrulvundojn stares down at you, head tilted to show two gleaming eyes.\n\nYou continue: you say, you've been thinking about things went down. And you know you weren't very... sensitive about it. You don't wanna say you were a //kid// back then, but you were pretty immature.\n\nYou were fully human and the thought of fucking around with anybody that wasn't human was exhilarating but also scary. You'd seen ĝhiest, of course, and you'd seen humans who'd picked up mutations, one way or another, and you'd thought about that -- maybe it being hot, maybe not, but always it being some big, life-altering change. A fundamental shift of who and what you were. And...\n\nYou look at Brulvundojn. You say, when you thought about doing that with him, fucking him and maybe catching a dog dick or a dog head or fur or who-knows-what, that was... it was intense. You really liked him. Or, you know he knows that already; he knows you used to jerk off thinking about him. That was kind of what sparked the entire thing. But, you say, the thought of that kind of intimacy, of literally reshaping your body so that it'd always show having been with him, that seemed... just too much to think about ever actually happening, instead of being safe in some fantasy that you never seriously considered making real. You were scared, and you rejected him on reflex. And you regretted it, in bits and pieces, ever since.\n\nBrulvundojn says, "that sounds like you're justifying it."\n\nYou shrug and say maybe, a little. But that's where you were coming from. You knew he was sensitive about... being desired, being desirable, and opening himself up in that way, and you went and did it anyway. You say that that wasn't fair to him, and there's not really any justification for that. Just you were scared, and that's why you did it. That's what the apology is for; everything else is just asides.\n\nYou say, even when you were doing it, your motives weren't clear to yourself. You weren't really that conscious of what you were doing. <<if $from['leaky'] == "cc" || $from['asshole'] == "cc">>\\n<<set $tf to $from['leaky'] == "cc" && $from['asshole'] == "cc" ? "both" : $from['leaky'] == "cc" ? 'leaky' : 'asshole'>>\\nIt wasn't until you went and lived in Skull Wing territory for a while, that you had to think about it again, and really consider what it would be like, being human, and what it would mean to give that up. If you actually cared about it at all, really. And when <<if $tf == 'leaky' || $tf == 'both'>>you asked a brood prince for his eggs<<endif>><<if $tf == 'both'>>, and later, when<<endif>><<if $tf == 'asshole' || $tf == 'both'>> you started fucking around with the ĝheist mechanics at one of their resupply points<<endif>>, you knew what you were doing, and what you were asking and giving with that. And it made you think about how you didn't want to have ruined things between us.\n<<else if $from['dick'] == "cc" || $from['balls'] == "cc">>\\n<<set $tf to $from['dick'] == "cc" && $from['balls'] == "cc" ? "both" : $from['dick'] == "cc" ? 'dick' : 'balls'>>\\nIt wasn't until your <<if $tf == 'dick' || $tf == 'both'>>dick<<endif>><<if $tf == 'both'>> and <<endif>><<if $tf == 'balls' || $tf == 'both'>>balls<<endif>> started molting, growing, expanding, that you thought about it again. That maybe you had invested all of this meaning in what it meant to be 'fully human', or be altered. That most of the humans in Yapu are kind of terrified of him, and you were thinking about that, not that it's any excuse. It took a while for you to realize that you'd overreacted, that you'd formed this big dumb self-image of your humanity as something huge that defined your entire life, instead of something incidental that you happened to have and that you may or may not actually want.\n<<else if hasMutation ("pure")>>\\nYou say, you used to have some kind of... complex about it, of being 'fully human', pure and untouched. Like it made you special. And you freaked out because you thought us fucking would... take that away from you.\n\nYou laugh, a little self-conscious. You say, you didn't have the best self-image back then. You were kind of grasping for whatever external traits you could, in order to justify yourself as special and important, because otherwise you thought you didn't have any value as a person. You're, thankfully, over that now, but it definitely took a few years for all of that to percolate out as something you were consciously aware of.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, you used to have some kind of... complex about it, of being 'fully human', pure and untouched. Like it made you special. And you freaked out because you thought us fucking would... take that away from you.\n\nYou laugh, a little self-conscious. You say, you didn't have the best self-image back then. You say, let felt... dirty, naughty, taboo, to actually let yourself be transformed, even though it's just a fact of life. You had a bunch of weird feelings all caught up in being pure. To be honest, you tell him, you're still kind of grappling with what that means for you.\n<<endif>>\n\nSo, you say. You're sorry for all of that.\n\nBrulvundojn stares down at you for a long moment.\n\n[[→|brulvundojn apology 2]]
Then he says, "well, alright."\n\n"But don't push your luck."\n\nYou say sure.\n\n<<set $brulvundojnFriends to "provisional">>[[→|worldmap]]
You say, sorry, I was just leaving. It was a mistake to come here.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<if $knowAstau>>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nYou slide down the dunes to the entrance of Astau's den. He's here.\n\nHe crawls out from the depths of the cave: four legs, with his hind pair massive swept-back reptilian haunches; hide red-orange, mottled darker; dully glimmering chitin crests framing his head and shoulders; mouth slavering fuming drool; six glowing-green eyes.\n<hr>\n* <<if !$astauIntroFuck>>[[talk to him more|astau talk]]<<endif>>\n* <<if $astauIntroFuck>><<if $pregnant eq "">>[[fuck around|astau fuck]]<<scenealert "astau fuck">><<else>>yr too bloated w/ eggs right now to have room for more<<endif>><<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Khru" && $surveyComplete neq true && $knowAstau>>[[introduce Khru to Astau|khru astau meet]]<<scenealert "khru astau meet">><<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn" && ($pregnant == "astau" || $pregnant == "astau-fertilized") && $jinnPregnant == "">>[[let astau knock up jinn too|astau breed jinn]]<<scenealert "astau breed jinn">><<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn" && $pregnant == "" && $jinnPregnant == "">>[[let astau pump you and jinn both full of eggs|astau breed threesome]]<<scenealert "astau breed threesome">><<endif>>\n\n* [[←|worldmap]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>\n<<else>>\\n<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nYou descend into the hollows, gingerly. Sand slides under your fingers as you move down the hills, into the smooth, organic sprawl of the caves beneath.\n\nYou know this is the den of some slavering reptilian beast. Hopefully a great beast, and a peaceful one, or you're in trouble. You're pretty sure it's a great beast.\n\nIt might not be the best idea to have come here.\n\n[[→|astau meet]]\n</div>\n<<endif>>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nPinpricks of green light drift in the darkness, resolving into glowing eyes. Something crawls out of the cave depths, while you're still a few body-lengths away.\n\nIt's a beast, that's for sure. A bulky reptilian monster with a long dragging tail. His skin is a burnt ochre, mottled with purplish splotches, with dark red chitin patches across its head and shoulders. It blends in with the coarse sandstone. Comes up to about your stomach. Its front is overdeveloped, with huge, bulky muscles.\n\nAlso it's got six eyes, all of them acid green, and a squat muzzle full of craggy serrated teeth. It opens its mouth, acid-green drool spilling out onto the sand and sending up pluming clouds of acrid fumes.\n\nYou hold out your hands, palms up, in greeting. You say hey. You say, you were just scavenging around and were curious. You say, if they have a problem you can leave and you won't cause a fuss.\n\nIt makes a hissing, hacking kind of noise. You're //pretty sure// it can talk. You've seen it around before, from a distance.\n\n"Astau," it says. "I'm Astau of the wasteland."\n\nYou tell it your name.\n\n"Did you have a specific reason for coming here?" they ask.\n\nYou say, not really. You tell them that you're living in Yapu, the human city over yonder, and you're a scavenger. That you usually avoid this section of the wasteland, but that you felt like you should finally come over and see what's around. But that if they don't want to deal with humans you'll remove yourself.\n\nAstau hums. "I have no issue with humans," he says. "I haven't been close to many."\n\nYou say cool, good.\n<hr>\n<<set $knowAstau to true>>\\n<<set $astauTalk to\n [ {p: "where", b: "so where are you from?"}\n , {p: "long", b: "how long have you been living here?"}\n , {p: "acid", b: "uh so how acidic are you precisely?"}\n ]>>\\n<<set $astauInt to 0>>\\n* [[talk to him more|astau talk]]\n* [[say so you might see me around sometimes and leave|astau meet leave]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You say, well, you might see me around sometimes, so we could get to know each other.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<print (function (intimacy, slobber) {\n switch (intimacy) {\n case 0:\n return "Astau is standing at the entrance to his cave, and you're standing a ways away, on the sloping sands.";\n case 1:\n return "Astau is standing out among the sands, a few paces away from you as you talk.";\n case 2:\n return "Astau is standing a few paces away from you, slightly down the sloping dune. His acid drool sends the sand around you fuming in acrid clouds.";\n case 3:\n return "You're sprawled on the sands under Astau's bulk, with his " + slobber + " writhing in sloppy curves across your chest and coiling around your hands. He's drooling glowing green slime all across your chest, panting against your face.";\n case 4:\n return "You're rutting up against Astau, his cock and tongue both heavy, writhing tentacles curling across your body, slick and shining, coating you in a sheen of slobbery pre, translucent green and glowing. His vent is flushed and engorged, bloated out from his body in a lumpy swell, and it grinds against your thighs as he ruts back. The pressure of his motion makes green slime squirt out from his vent, wet juicy pre spraying all across your stomach and thighs, smoking when it hits the sand.";\n case 5:\n default:\n return "Astau is heavy over you, bearing down, with his cock threading deeper inside you, pumping fluid in pulse after pulse. He groans and growls, hips working, fucking the sloppy arch of his drooping cock against your thighs, as his prehensile length coils in snakelike bunches between your legs, over your hips." + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) +\n "He drools sloppily across your face, tongue licking over your chest, up your neck, sliding across your lips and shoving inside as you pant and groan: abruptly stabbing down into your throat, flooding your mouth with drool, and then pulling back to let you gasp and swallow and breathe, before doing it again."\n }\n })($astauInt, $astauSlobber)>>\n\nYou ask:\n<<display "astau talk opts">>\n\n[[←|worldmap]]
<<print $ (k) {\n return ("* [[" + k.b + "|astau talk " + k.p + "]]"\n + (k.p === "pump" || k.p === "frot"\n ? "<<scenealert " + String.fromCharCode(34) + "astau talk " + k.p + String.fromCharCode(34) + String.fromCharCode(0x3e) + String.fromCharCode(0x3e)\n : "")\n );\n }).join(String.fromCharCode(10))>>
You ask where he's from.\n\n"Across the wasteland," he says. "From the shores of the fog sea."\n\nYou say, that's an awful long way.\n\nHe nods. "I wanted a broodhome far from any of my siblings." You nod, sure. "Where are //you// from?" he asks, in return.\n\nYou tell him you were born up north, nearly all the way to the scrubgrass steppe. Big town, called Dimashq. But you left it to go wandering nearly when you were still a kid, and you've been moving ever since.\n\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "where"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "broodhome", b: "what's a broodhome?"})>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You look at the fuming sand beneath him. You ask, just how acidic are you.\n\nHe laughs. "Not as much as you might think." He takes a half-step forward: "You could see for yourself," he says, as his tongue lolls out, slavering fuming spit all over.\n\n"Watch:" he says, and opens wide, showing off protruding glands lining the back of his tongue and the sides of his mouth. He clenches them, adding, you assume more potent acids to his drool, and sure enough when the mess of glowing green spit drools out onto the sand it plumes upward in a mess of dark, acrid smoke. Then he relaxes his acid glands and shakes his head, splattering thinner drool all over, just soaking peaceably into the sand.\n\nYou say oh.\n\nHe says, "how acidic are //you//?" He's still slavering, voice clotted and sloppy.\n\nYou say, not at all, as far as you know. Or at least, not externally.\n\n<<set $astauInt += 1>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "acid"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "tongue", b: "so uh just how long is your tongue?"})>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You ask, just how long have you been living here?\n\nHe says, "A few years. Kept a few smaller dens in the caves further east, before I settled here. Fewer wild animals, better soil here by the acid sea." You say sure.\n\nHe asks: "How long have you lived here?"\n\nYou say you've been in Yapu for a few years too. Passed through it a few times before then; decided to come back eventually.\n\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "long"; }), 1)>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You say, what's a broodhome anyway.\n\nHe says, "It's for brooding." You say, you don't say. "For preparing egg clutches." You say, egg clutches? He says "yeah."\n\n"Gotta absorb certain minerals through the skin to produce healthy eggs," he says, like he's explaining how to eat to a child who somehow didn't know. He scratches the powdery white sand. "Here's a place with good sand. Makes good eggs."\n\nHe says, "humans don't have broods, right?"\n\nYou say, right. The kids stay back in the village in a creche, but they're not all part of the same lineage. Different parents. You say, humans mostly reproduce one-on-one, with real small litters.\n\nYou also say, only some humans can naturally carry human eggs, but there's not really an issue with carrying ĝheist or beast eggs.\n\nHe hums. "Our eggs incubate for years before hatching. They're carried at the beginning."\n\nYou nod. Not that different from ĝheist reproduction, though that's for months rather than years, but it's not surprising; great beasts tend to have much longer birthing periods.\n\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "broodhome"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "eggs", b: "so you planning on doing anything with your eggs?"})>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You say, so, you planning on doing anything with your eggs?\n\n"Maybe," he says. "I lay an unfertilized clutch every few seasons, but, you know. Been getting a lot more eggs recently. Thinking about actually doing something about it."\n\nYou say, oh yeah?\n\n<<if $astauInt gte 3>>\\nHis body shifts against yours, glowing eyes staring down at you, tongue lapping across your chest.\\n<<else>>\\nHe takes a step closer, tongue slavering out of his mouth.\\n<<endif>>\\n "You wouldn't happen to know anybody who could surrogate some eggs, would you," he says.\n\nYou say yeah, you might.\n\n<<set $astauInt += 1>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "eggs"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "lay", b: "so how do you lay those eggs?"})>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You say, how d'you lay those eggs anyway?\n\n<<if $astauInt gte 3>>\\nAstau lets a puff of hot, humid breath out across your face. "You wanna see?" he asks, and you nod.\n<<else>>\\nAstau lets out a puff of hot, humid breath, and takes a step closer. "You wanna see?" he asks, and you nod. He steps forward again, knocking you back on your ass so that you're face-to-face.\n<<endif>>\\n\nAcross his underbelly, visible now that you're lower, you can see a swollen vent between his hind legs: a line of glowing green flesh, with his dark red-orange skin becoming a flushed purple around it. It's mounded out, bloated from within him, and as you watch -- <<if $astauInt gte 3>>as he ruts against your legs<<else>>as he steps closer over you<<endif>> -- his skin ripples and shudders as some internal muscle shifts, bearing down harder across the inside of his swollen vent, until his lips crack open with a gush of slimy fluid splattering out.\n\nHe groans, haunches shaking, huge hind paws scraping at the sand as he spreads his legs wider, and his cock -- ovipositor? -- pries its way out: it's a fat green-glowing tentacle, squirming in the open air as it pours green slime onto the sand. He groans, hips fucking the air as he pushes more of it out into the open, questing up across his underbelly to push out between his forelegs. You have little doubt that there's still a lot more coiled inside him.\n\n"That's how I lay my eggs," he says, voice rasping.\n\n<<set $astauInt += 1>>\\n<<set $astauSlobber to "cock">>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "lay"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "parasitize", b: "those eggs aren't gonna like dissolve my guts or hatch and eat me alive, right?"})>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "carry", b: "so what all goes into carrying your eggs?"})>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "frot", b: "you mind if i just keep playing with your cock?"})>>\n[[→|astau talk]]
You ask, stroking his cock, what all actually goes into preparing to carry his eggs?\n\nHe drools across your face, rutting against you.\n\n"Strip," he growls, paws tugging at your hips, "And you'll find out."\n\nYou squirm under him, shucking your tunic and loosening the laces of your pants. Your clothes are already soaked with sloppy green slime, and you peel them off your skin, letting the hot, wet muscles of his tongue and cock drag across your naked body.\n\nAstau stoops his head, muzzle shoving between your thighs to lap over your balls, shoving them to one side as he slides his tongue down between your ass cheeks, dumping a mess of drool all over your skin.\n\n"First I have to prepare someone," he says, voice gurgling against your ass as he prods his tonguetip against your hole. "Physically." His tongue pushes inside your ass, probing deeper, and he leans in, scraping his chunky teeth against your skin, spreading your cheeks wider so he can drool directly into your ass, flooding you with his sloppy spit.\n\nHe pulls back, tongue whipping at the air as it pulls free, splattering slashing lines of acid drool all over. "Before I pump the eggs in, I need to saturate them with solution." His cock drools, more slimy, foaming ooze drooling from the tip. "To provide a receptive environment. Nutrients. For carrying." He pants, voice hardly more than a growl, garbled as he ruts down against you. His cocktip licks across your asshole, nearly indistinguishable from his tongue, and slides easily inside, mixing drool with some new slime.\n\nHis cock is... pulpy, spongy, dense but easily squashing and rebounding as it sinks into your ass. Astau groans above you, cock rippling as the long, long length starts pumping, a visible knot of muscle pulsing through the drooling arch of his unsheathed cock until it erupts from the tip as an enormous gush of slobbery slime, a shocking burst of heat in your ass.\n\nAstau groans, legs sinking down, pinning you beneath his bulk as he ruts more strongly against you. His cock probes deeper, smooth pointed tip easily breaching deeper into your body, threading into your guts. His cock shudders again, muscles pulsing and pulsing as he pumps pre through his length, bulges colliding or fading out, not synchronized at all. You hiss when the swollen knots of muscle clench and push through your asshole, adding a new blossom of heat in your guts, slime spilling down to erupt from your flooded ass.\n\n<<set $astauInt = $astauInt lt 5 ? 5 : $astauInt + 1>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "carry"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "frot"; }), 1)>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.push({p: "pump", b: "so cmon pump me full of your eggs already!"})>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You say, they're not gonna dissolve me from the inside or hatch and eat my guts or anything like that, right?\n\nHe looks a little nonplussed. "I'm not going to //parasitize// you," he says, probably a little offended.\n\nYou say, yeah you didn't think so but you were just making sure.\n\n<<if $astauInt gte 5>>His cock lurches inside you, twisting up, knocking the breath out of you from the inside. You let out a shaky moan, feeling across your stomach, feeling his cock push up against your hand. You say, shakily, it's important to know before things get too far along.\n\nAstau licks across your face, messily slopping another curve of his heavy, smooth cock into you, pushing up even deeper inside you. "That's true," he says.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "parasitize"; }), 1)>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
You say, so, uh, how long is your tongue, anyway?\n\n<<if $astauInt gte 3>>\\nHe opens his mouth wide, letting his tongue unfurl across your face, wetly looping across your <<if hasMutation("scales")>>head<<else>>hair<<endif>>, pulsing and clenching.\n\nYou reach a hand up, peeling one coil of his tongue away from another, and heft it: slick and sloppy, certainly, but also heavy, smooth, with broad pebbled swells along what could be the underside or could be the top; it's impossible to tell with this much of it spilling from his mouth, twisting around in corkscrews and arches.\n\nHe wraps it around your head and chest, dense coils spilling loosely around your neck and chest; your head practically shoved inside his open muzzle. You can see the inner workings of his throat as his tongue unfurls, muscle anchored strangely in the back of his throat, spilling out of some coiled reservoir.\n<<else>>\\nHe takes a step forward, and lolls his tongue out of his mouth a little, panting. "Why don't you find out?"\n\nYou move closer, until you're nearly touching. Your fingers scrape over the rough skin of his muzzle, over the craggy exoskeleton teeth, and catch a smear of wetness, tracing it along his jaw to catch his tongue in your hands. It's slick and prehensile, squirming -- you weren't exactly expecting it to be still, but still its motion is a shock, as it twines across your fingers. His drool tingles slightly: not acidic enough to hurt, but maybe not great if you soak your fingers in it for long periods.\n\nHe drools across your hands, throat muscles working, and his tongue slowly spills out over your arms, hanging in heavy loops. He shifts forward, knocking you on your ass so that you're face-to-face, and his hot breath ripples out over you as he coils his tongue in thick rolls up one arm, heavy and slimy and hot. You can see it unfurl, muscle anchored strangely in the back of his throat, spilling out of some coiled reservoir.\n<<endif>>\\n\nAstau looks down at you, mouth open and panting, and shoves his tongue into your mouth, cutting you off with a gurgle.\n\nHis drool is sour, acidic, but still slick and slippery. His tongue squirms in your mouth, tip shoving against your throat for a second before he jerks back, pulling out with an explosion of drool that splatters all across your face. You both pant, mouths an inch apart, sharing breath as he spatters thick drool across your face.\n\n"Long," he says, or mouths, throat forming the words but losing all articulation in his mouth, tongue rippling against your throat.\n\n<<set $astauInt to $astauInt gte 3 ? $astauInt : 3>>\\n<<set $astauSlobber to "tongue">>\\n<<set $astauTalk.splice($astauTalk.findIndex (function (v) { return v.p == "tongue"; }), 1)>>\\n[[→|astau talk]]
<<if $astauInto gte 5>>\\nYou reach down, feeling his cock pumping into your ass; feeling the heavy coils of it looped around your thigh, spilling out across your stomach. It pulses in your hands, rippling as he floods you with bursts of sloppy slime. You ask, does he mind if you keep playing with his cock?\n<<else>>\\nYou reach down, letting his cock coil snakelike around your hands. You ask, does he mind if you keep playing with his cock?\n<<endif>>\\n\nAstau groans, eyes blinking shut in staggered winks. "Go wild," he says, and his cock gushes a mess of slime all across your chest. His cock coils more, squirming over your side and burrowing across your back, slowly looping your entire body. You rut against him, your own cock sliding across some swollen length of his squirming shaft, and you arch up, pinning the heavy mass of his spongy, squirming cock between your stomachs, letting it slowly spill out on both sides in heavy, draping coils. Snakelike, with this much of it hanging out of his flushed vent.\n\nHis cock is glowing a vibrant green, flesh smooth and satiny with strange patterns beneath the surface. Sloppy greenish ooze, murkily translucent, drools from the tip -- shoved across your chest, sometimes -- and spills down from the unfurled flesh of his swollen vent, sheening his cock and smearing across your body. Your cock throbs, nestled against his coils, and you messily rut together. His cock is... pulpy, spongy, dense but easily squashing and rebounding as you squeeze it, and Astau groans above you, cock rippling as the long, long length starts pumping, a visible knot of muscle pulsing through his coils until <<if $astauInt gte 5>>\\nit erupts from the tip as an enormous gush of slobbery slime, painting all across your front with his watery pre.\n<<else>>\\nit punches through your asshole, rippling up through your guts until it erupts deep inside you: a sudden wash of heat outlining your guts, flooding your insides with his watery pre.\n<<endif>>\\n\nAstau groans, legs sinking down, pinning you beneath his bulk as he ruts more strongly against you and his cock shudders again, pulsing and pulsing as his muscles pump pre through his length, bulges colliding or fading out, not synchronized at all as he erratically <<if $astauInt gte 5>>\\nfloods your guts with streamers and gushes of pre, in gurgling eruptions that pour down along his squirming shaft, squirting from your ass when you clench down.\n<<else>>\\nsplatters shots and streamers and flooding gushes of pre up and down your chest, all over his underbelly.\n<<endif>>\\n\n* [[jerk him off|astau frot actual]]<<scenealert "astau frot actual">>\n* [[keep talking|astau talk]]
That's not a question.\n\nYou groan it against his tongue, ass split around his shuddering cock. He rumbles in response, coiling cock pushing deeper -- you distinctly feel it squirm through your guts, rising up through your stomach on your left side, abruptly squirming across your stomach before descending again. You gasp for breath, stomach fluttering, and when you exhale you can clearly see the mounded lump of his cock, bloating out your body in a squirming swell.\n\nYou're pinned under his bulk, with your legs splayed out on either side, slime and spit and pre splattered all over your drenched body, only fuming slightly as it spills out into the sand beneath you.\n\nAstau leans down, head tilted to the side, tongue wrapped entirely around your head in fleshy coils. "Patience," he says, maybe a little humor in his voice. "I need to get you fully prepared, before you're ready for the clutch." As if to punctuate, his cock ripples, bulges of pre bubbling up through your guts before finally erupting so deep inside you you can't feel it, save for a heat and a pressure slowly spreading.\n\nYou pant there in the sand, hoarse and gasping as Astau slowly floods your guts with his bubbling pre. The sheer depth of it never stops being intense; you can feel his cock ripple inside you, squirming across through your guts. It feels like being impaled, each time it moves. You open your mouth to groan and Astau stuffs the tip of his tongue into your mouth, drooling heavily. You can tell he's going easy on the acid: his drool is sour, burning in the back of your throat, but nothing worse than a bitter fruit. You still choke and sputter, sloppily drooling across his tongue as he floods you both ways, shoving his tongue down your throat as his cocktip digs at the opening to your small intestine.\n\nYou feel the first egg slurp out of him with a sudden lurch. You look up at him: his mouth hanging open, eyes shut, dazed from the pleasure of it. The egg shuttles its way up through the loops of his cock, draped across your thighs, and by the time it actually presses against your asshole he's pushed out another half-dozen eggs, turning the smooth tentacle of his cock into a series of lumpy swells. The egg bears against your ass for only a second, a bulge sheathed in the flesh of his cock, and then his cock twitches, muscle contracting, and he shoves it through into your body. You gasp, hands clutching across his legs and body, your internal muscles shuddering, the ache of your splayed ass only half-felt. He pumps the egg deeper, deeper, slowly pushing it up through your guts, and before it's properly laid into your body he's pumped the second, third, fourth, fifth, in past your asshole. You've already lost count: the lurch of each egg shoving into your spread asshole turns into a constant, rippling pulse, the sensation stretched out all through your guts until finally an egg crests from the very tip of his dick and pops into your slime-flooded guts. You stay clinging to Astau's front, gasping from the intensity of it -- his cock feeling like it could flip you inside-out -- as his eggs start to pile up, forming a dense, heavy pit deep in your guts.\n\nIt's already been at least a dozen, you think. There are dozens on their way, pressed tight against each other in the long length of Astau's cock, slowly pumping their way into you, through you, with the final spurt into your body hardly anything, compared to the shifting, squirming, lumpy bulk of his cock inside you. Not thrusting; Astau's stock-still above you, but his cock churns, its muscles spasming and shifting, dragging your guts with it in loops as it pumps and pumps and pumps to propel his clutch into you.\n\nYour stomach starts to bloat, his eggs weighing down inside you, swimming in the sludge bath he's soaked you in. They smear past each other, slickly working their way deeper int your guts. You can feel the clusters shift, clumping together into gummy oothecae, and when they snag against each other the abrupt lurch drives the breath from your lungs, leaving you gasping and shaking, stomach heaving. When your stomach hollows the anatomy of it all becomes clear: the hook shape of Astau's dick, forming a spiral across your gut, punctuated with a growing mound at the very center of your stomach, soft and heavy and growing with each fresh egg.\n\nYou sprawl back on the sand on concentrate on breathing, body dazed and heavy, growing heavier. Astau has so many eggs, more and more pumping you full until your belly is a swollen mess: skin smoothly mounded, but even the slightest pressure reveals the warped, lumpy swell of -- dozens, hundreds? -- of eggs sunk inside you, squirming through your guts, settling into place. Astau pants above you, drooling acid slime all over your face, gushing egg after egg through your bloated guts. You're obscenely pregnant: pinned to the sand by the sheer weight of them, gasping for breath as he breeds you.\n\nYou're lying there in a daze, only aware of the churning inside you, the slick wet pump that goes on and on and on. Eventually -- hours later? -- it shifts, Astau's shaft smoothing out, and slowly, slowly the final few eggs make their way up through your lumpy guts to spew the final straggling eggs inside you. He keeps cumming afterward, more silty slime to fully immerse his clutch. You can't sit up; you can't see over your enormous belly, stretched beyond even the bulk of a human child inside you.\n\nAstau moves finally, coming out of the daze of his long orgasm, and his cock acts like an enormous tongue, lapping across your guts as he slowly, gently, peels himself out of you. He laps across your asshole, painting it in slimy green ooze before he pulls out all the way, leaving you pinned to the sand by the weight of his clutch. You have to ask him for help, and he shoves his muzzle against your side, levering you up until you manage to clutch his side, the crests of his chitin, and use that to push yourself upright. It's a while longer than that before you can manage to stand unassisted, and longer still before you can walk. Your stomach is bloated and heavy, warped from the sheer bulk of eggs inside you, and they slowly settle into place, lurching and squirming like you have snakes in your belly.\n\nAt some point, you ask him, these aren't even //fertilized// eggs, right?\n\n"They're trophic," he says. "This was just for fun." He leers at you: "Unless you happen to get them fertilized."\n\nYou clutch your bloated belly. You ask, they'd get even bigger then, huh?\n\n"Oh yes," he says. "Much bigger."\n\nYou can hardly imagine what that would be like. You say, well. It was fun.\n\n"Come by anytime," he says. "If you need another clutch." His cock is still hanging out, spooled now in the desert sand, thoroughly caked in sand. You think, now, maybe it wasn't that he ran out of eggs, but that he took some mercy on you.\n\nYou eventually manage to totter to the top of the dune above his den.\n<<sex "astau" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "astau talk pump">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "astau">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n\n<<set $astauIntroFuck to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You reach out, peeling the tip of his cock off your side to raise it to your mouth, and you kiss the tip, tongue lapping across its smooth flesh -- the taste sour, reeking, heavy with a foul, bitter aftertaste -- before you slurp the tip into your mouth, gulping down the coating of acidic pre smeared over his skin. His cock pulses, the next burst enough to flood your mouth, bulge your cheeks, and you sputter and gag, sinuses burning as you spray acid slime from your nose. You gurgle, swallowing and coughing, and sputter his fuming pre back all across his squirming tentacle-dick. Burning slime oozes from your nose and mouth, the fumes making your eyes water.\n\nMaybe you're just gonna jerk him off.\n\nHe has a really nice dick, still. Thick and tapering, with internal muscles that contract and pulse. It goes from slack and heavy to rock-hard when it happens, muscles under the surface clenching hard to spew out another mess of acid pre all over your front. You stroke him off with his own pre, goopy lines spilling across your knuckles and jiggling in the air. He ruts against you, heavy body atop you, muscled haunches humping forward to smear the looping, squirming mass of his dick all across your stomach and chest. Pre squirts out at unexpected angles, soaking the sand beside you, splattering you in the face or squirting across your hips.\n\nHis dick coils around your arm, pumping itself in a slurping cockscrew, and you rut up against it. He's got so much dick, and it's so long and flexible, that you're just trying to add pressure: grinding against him with his dick pinned in furls between you. Your cock digs against his underbelly, slathered in the same slick slime as the rest of your body, and you arch up, groaning as you fuck through his coils, arms tangled together. He pre frothes up, bubbly and foaming, and it washes out all across the sand beside you, coating the both of you in a gritty, fuming slurry. Astau groans, muzzle hanging open, his tongue just another long squirming tentacle lapping across your face and chest. You kiss his tongue, lapping at the gummy lines of sour drool coating it, swallowing thickly. He slavers above you, drooling slime down in frothy dollops, just churning into the gummy mess already slathered all over you.\n\nYour clothes feel heavy, saturated with acid sludge, and they scrape and grind against his hide, adding some friction to the increasingly-slimy mess. His cock drools continually, spewing out enormous fuming gouts of bubbly slime, until the sandy hollow you're lying in is half-flooded, absolutely bathing you in his tarry slime.\n\nYou have to admit you're thinking a little about what would be happening if all that slime was stuck inside you.\n\nHis cock bloats in your hands, muscles knotting up to pump giant, head-sized reservoirs of watery slime each one visibly swelling his cock as they're pumped along his immense length. The space between your bodies feels like it's filled with a dozen snakes, squirming and slithering against each other with wet crackling sounds. You have to admit you can't actually tell if he's cumming or not, but he doesn't seem in any hurry to stop soon.\n\nLiquid slime bursts from his cocktips in a fountaining explosion, spraying in all directions in a messy splatter, and then another, and another. You gasp and sputter, with cords spilling down your face, squelching along your hands, pooling beneath you. It's all you can do to keep rutting against him, hands and arms smearing along his length, scraping on his underbelly, ladling handfuls of slime across your skin.\n\nHis pulses become erratic: cock ballooning out in unevenly-spaced lumps, pumping them faster or slower, and he growls and groans, sagging forward -- sending you squelching down into a foot or so of puddled sludge -- and humps messily, hips hinging back and driving forward. His cock loops loosely around your neck, like an immense meaty necklace, and the tip unfurls: going from a blunt tapered point to a throbbing swell, internal flesh pushing out into the open so that the entire thing blossoms out like a flower, swollen to nearly the size of your entire head. He lets out a howling, yammering screech, and his cock erupts. //Now// he's cumming, you're pretty sure.\n\nForget the individual pulses, his entire cock just spasms and floods, and he pisses out a mass of brilliant green slime, muscles deep in his underbelly spasming, his cock just a slack, open conduit for all the slime to spill from. He gushes all across your already-soaked body, just adding another layer of sludge to the churned-up, gritty slurry painted across your skin. His overfills the hollow you're resting in, sending rivers of sludge pouring down towards his den, huge plumes of acrid smoke billowing up into the air as his acid cum reacts with the powdery sands. He cums and cums, just dumping sludge all over your body until you're practically swimming in it, crooning and rutting against you the whole time.\n\nBy the end of it, you could hardly even be identified as a human anymore; you just look like a vague swell rising up from the bubbling mass of slime, coated inches-thick in streaky green slime. When you try to breathe slime pours into your mouth, and you just blow bubbles out, burbling and slurping up to the surface of the sludge.\n\n"Sorry," Astau says, a little bashfully, as you scrape tarry masses of sludge off your face. "I guess, uh, when I'm fucking someone it's the pressure that gets me to stop, and without that, well..." He looks at the lake of slime, forming a goopy river pouring down into his den. It's an awful lot.\n\nYou wade up out of the pool, legs absolutely sodden, weighed down by the masses of thick slime. It's silty, with thicker ooze filtering to the bottom, and incidentally all over you, while the thinner, clearer fluid separates out on top. It's all an electric green, the thickest clots glowing slightly. It's churned up with the powdery sand, forming a chunky mess that's been painted all over every inch of your skin. When you try to scrape it off you mostly end up smearing it around, and the second you step out of the pool your feet are daubed with sand and dust.\n\nYou end up sitting around talking with Astau for a while, slowly peeling off his load in sheets once its congeals enough for that to work. You're still a disheveled mess by the time you set out, though. You don't think these clothes will ever be the same.\n\n<<sex "astau" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "astau frot actual">>\\n<<set $astauIntroFuck to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
Astau headbutts you in the side, not hard but hard enough to make falling back onto your ass the easiest option. He steps closer, forepaws on either side of your ankles. He's grinning, his squat muzzle cracked open and fuming drool bubbling down over his oversized teeth, and from your position sprawled on the ground you can see all the way down his underbelly, from the alien set of his shoulders, his animal barrel-chest tapering at his haunches. The slabs of matte ochre-red chitin across his head and shoulders soften below, hide turning dusty red-purple in mottled splotches.\n\nHis eyes blink in sequence before he shuts all of them, panting. He shakes his whole body like a dog throwing off water, the motion centering on his haunches, whipping his tail back and forth. He widens the spread of his hind legs, claws digging in the grit, and his vent mounds out into a heavy, drooping bulge. He whines, hips humping the air, before his glued-shut slit splits open with an eruption of fuming green slime, spraying out all across the ground and splattering you up across your calves. The initial gush slows to a steady drool of backed-up fluid, soaking into the dry sand.\n\nHis still-mounded vent shudders and shakes, pried open wider as he worms his cock out into the open. It's a tapering purple-black tentacle, cracking through the layers of dried slime coating his slit until it's fully spread, his slit lips mounding up around his unsheathing shaft. His cock writhes across his underbelly, coiling around itself in constantly-shifting knots, acrid, slimy fluids sluicing down his length. He steps further over you, pinning you to the ground under his bulk. His cock smears in tangles all across your front, heavy and wet, splattering you with itchy, burning slime.\n\nYou prop yourself up on your elbows, kissing his rocky muzzle and gulping down mouthfuls of his acidic drool. He hisses, tongue slapping across your face before it skewers its way down your throat, pumping as he floods your mouth with drool, excess pouring across your chest -- less a kiss and more him milking his tongue with your throat, acid glands in the back of his mouth pulsing as they discharge and pour fuming slime all across your face. It stings, but not as much as you'd think. You close your eyes, though.\n\nHe only pulls back when you're gasping, face slathered in clotting slime, eyes watering from the fumes, and gives you a playful lick across the face, just further drenching you. He pants, hips shuddering forward, the tangle of his cock skidding across your stomach and chest. He coils it up, once, unfurling so the tip smears across your face just like his tongue, before he springs back, forepaws grabbing your thighs and pinning your legs to your chest as he mounts you, cock snaking along the curve of your ass before he slides inside.\n\nYou're still panting, swiping your face with the back of your hand, as he settles his weight atop you, pinning you solidly in place. His cock writhes inside you, churning and twisting. It's an uncanny feeling, snakes in your guts, his cock so much slicker than anything else you're used to. Slicker and thinner, and so long -- and Astau so impatient -- that feet of it shove into you, fast and easy, while the remaining coils lash back and forth, battering across your ass in hanging loops. All of this is just foreplay to him, anyway. His cock winds deeper, pushing so far up inside you it hits the bend of your guts and twists sideways before descending again. The sensation is quite distinct, hot prickle all over your skin, body responding like you've been punched, making you gasp for breath. Astau bows his head, kissing you again, giant serrated teeth scraping across your cheek as he all but envelops your head in his jaws. His hips grind forward -- not thrusting, just mashing the coils of his cock against your ass, so that you can feel the blood rushing through them, pulsing and shuddering in squiggling curves as he feeds more of his long, slick cock into your guts.\n\nThere's a pressure in your belly, his cock twisting around in your appendix, cockhead butting against the opening to your small intestine. Your stomach bulges out between your pinned legs, flesh rippling, shuddering, a dizzying, nauseating squirming just under the surface, like your stomach is full of snakes. You gasp and groan, hand pressed across your rippling stomach, feeling the twisting beneath, and the pulses of fluid he's feeding into you gushing against your palm, guts gurgling and squelching.\n\nHis cock thickens, pulling itself into spirals and knots inside you, straining the walls of your guts -- anything to fit his impossible length inside you, with heavy arcs of drooping flesh still smearing across your ass, slowly feeding into the gulping, open hole of your ass. The squirming of his cock knocks your breath out of you, a heavy aching pressure all across your guts, and you cling to his forepaws, panting shallow breaths as he works to hilt the final -- final! -- few feet of his cock inside you, cock all folded up into layers and twists, tangling your guts around it. A wave of dizziness floods through you, stomach lurching and rippling, bulges of knotted flesh rising up as he twists cords of his cock back and forth inside you.\n\nHe finally starts thrusting and meaning it: pulling the root of his cock back and forth, shaft dragging along through your guts, and the motion makes it feel like your entire body is going to be pulled inside-out when he pulls out; there are a thousand points of contact, body aching, flooded with the sprawling length of his cock. You just lie there, panting, Astau's bulk above you, heat billowing off his body, drool spilling down from his open muzzle. Drenched inside and out with his fluids. It aches when his vent presses between your cheeks, kissing your asshole. The whole of his cock sunk inside you, rippling and squirming even with him standing, unmoving, above you. Your cock shudders, half-hard, and it's impossible to tell when you cum: just one more muscle spasm amid the hundreds, just another spatter of fluid amid the pouring mess coating your entire body. Astau works the root of his cock around in your ass, knocking around in heavy, soggy pulses.\n\nHe's been gushing pre the whole time, but with his cock so deep it's impossible to feel directly; there's just a heat rippling through you, a weight bearing down, until abruptly you realize that even without his paws pinning your thighs to your chest you'd be pinned to the ground from the sheer weight of the slime flooding inside you. The motions of his cock resonate, humming inside you, and his cock slides frictionlessly through the bloated, fluid-filled cavities of your guts. You whine, panting, gut swollen like you're pregnant already, weight bearing you into the sand beneath, skin aching from the stretch. Astau lets out a low, growling hiss, cock lazily coiling inside you, hips mashed against your ass. Then his eggs finally start to descend.\n\nHis vent shudders, muscles clenching where it's pressed against your asshole, and then some muscle inside him shoves, pumping forward so sharply that the first egg rams against your spread asshole and catches for a moment, trapped between your bodies, huge and heavy, impossible heat bleeding through his cock, before the erratic spasms of his cock sync up and shove it forward into your body. You groan, nearly soundless, a ragged, half-voiced sound as the air rushes from your lungs, and you gasp soundlessly for a moment before you manage to inhale. The one egg feels enormous, warping his comparatively-slender cock into a vast bulging weight, and contractions run up along his entire length, slowly sending his egg deeper within you. But that's only the first.\n\nAnother presses against your asshole, sheathed within his cock, and it pushes through easier; you're already broken open. And then another, and another, until you stop counting as he pumps egg after egg inside you, cock a lumpy, misshapen tube, eggs straining against each other, caught in the tangle of his cock as it loops back and forward, forming huge, lumpy swells in your stomach as they block each other and only slowly unweave their tangle. Always sinking deeper and deeper inside you.\n\nHis claws dig into your thighs, and he spreads your legs wider, knees pressing against your shoulders -- gut instantly bulging out to take advantage of the space, wet sloppy squelches resonating inside you as your guts shift -- before he shifts his weight, letting you move out of your pinned posture. His forepaws brace against the sand on either side of your shoulders, and you lift your legs up, loosely wrapping them around his sides, like you're riding him from beneath. Which, in a way you definitely are. It's a much more comfortable position to get pumped full of eggs: your gut bloats out, less cramped, and forms a heavy, jiggling swell pinned between you, and you feel the trapped twists of eggs locked around each other all suddenly break free, his cock untangling inside you. You both groan, fresh drool splattering all across your face and neck, and his cock keeps pumping, egg after egg sinking deep into your guts. You can't feel precisely when they finally emerge from his cock, but there's a reservoir of them in you now, eggs shifting against each other as they stretch your guts, and you feel him slowly pull his cock backwards, cramming you full on just as many eggs as you can take before moving back, letting each new egg crest out into the back of the ones before. You gasp for breath, unable even to fully inhale with the mass of eggs bloating your body, feeling them shift and settle within you, belly rounding out in a high, bulging dome, skin taut and reddened.\n\nThe pressure increases, until you're half-sobbing, letting out a groaning whine with each new egg that sinks in through your gaping, ruined hole. Astau sinks his head down and lets you suckle on his tongue, gasping and whining as he steadily pushes egg after egg within you. You let out an exhausted, half-hysterical sob when you feel the lack of an egg -- his cock pulsing and squirming, pumping, but with nothing within it. All that's left is to solidly earth all the ones still within his cock in you. You gag, sputtering on nothing, gut so swollen with eggs you can hardly breathe or swallow. The final few eggs pop into your guts, so low down you can feel the motion, until finally Astau's cock only spills slime, sludgy dregs, into your ass, and that so low in your guts that it's only moments before it gushes out around his cock, thick green ooze, rubbery and opaque. His cock pulls from your ass, hardly any of it left inside -- only a foot or two -- and licks across your thighs, lapping up to gush slime all across your bloated, burgeoning belly, stinging and burning across lines of stretched skin. You let your legs fall, groaning, hardly enough energy left in you to look up at the mounded mass of your pregnant gut. Astau steps to the side, a grin on his muzzle, and bows down to lap at your gaping hole, flesh bruised and rumpled, swollen into aching slabs, stinging with the acid of his issue and spit. You sob, struggling to roll on your side, not prepared for the heavy, wet slosh of eggs shifting inside you, and Astau noses over your hip, back across your ass, shoving his head under one leg to get a better angle at lapping up his mess, sludge and drool gushing from your cratered asshole as he drags his rasping tongue all over the rim of your asshole, until it gets too intense and you have to actually ask him to stop.\n\nHe looks really pleased when he pulls out, staring at your fat, pregnant gut.\\n<<sex "astau" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "astau fuck">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "astau">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n\n[[→|astau's den]]
You and Jinn are in the dusty hollow before Astau's den.\n\nYou say, so, he was wondering how you got so pregnant...\n\nJinn looks at your bloated gut, and then to Astau ambling his way out of his den. "Seriously?" he says, a little exasperated. But only a little. Mostly he's heat-flushed, pupils dilated, hair stuck to his head in sweaty clumps, reeking of his heat. Astau can absolutely smell him.\n\nYou introduce them.\n\n<<if $khruBeast eq "Astau">>\\nAstau leers at Jinn. "You keep bringing me people to breed," he says, and Jinn lets out a little bark of laughter.\n\n"You're the one responsible for Khru, huh?" he says. He strips off his shirt. His chest is a mess of milky ichor, dribbling slowly but steadily from his engorged nipples. "How you feel about another clutch?"\n<<else>>\\nJinn's flushed and flustered. "You're gonna pump me full of eggs, huh?" He swallows, hungry. "Hope you got a fuckin' lot of them."\n<<endif>>\n\nAstau slavers and takes a few steps forward; his cock bursts out of his swollen vent with an obscene squelch. "Breeding you would be my pleasure," he says, and Jinn lets out a shaky groan, undoing his pants and shoving them down to mid-thigh, all but collapsing in the sand before Astau and presenting his gaping, flushed cunt.\n\nAstau mounts Jinn, driving him down into the sand, and Jinn lets out a reedy moan, shaky and desperate, before Astau plugs his mouth with his tongue. Jinn gurgles, gulping down Astau's foaming green drool, painting his face with the slobbery slime, and his entire body goes limp when Astau sinks the twining tip of his cock into his cunt. He moans, spreading his legs, arching back against Astau's body, and lets out a long, groaning sigh as the bloated tentacle of Astau's cock slithers deeper inside him, already pumping huge gurgling bursts of slimy pre into his womb.\n\nYou get your dick out and get on your knees in front of them. Jinn lets out a hungry groan, lurching forward to swallow <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>as much of your dick as he can manage<<else>>your dick to the root<<endif>>, still desperate for cock while he's getting bred. Astau ruts forward, driving Jinn across your lap, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth, curling around your thighs, lapping across your balls, drenching your dick in his fuming pre. He stuffs his tongue into Jinn's mouth alongside your cock, stretching his lips out into an obscene warped mess, his drool and your pre burbling out in a messy slurry, drooling down Jinn's face and dripping from his chin.\n\nJinn already looks like a wreck: flushed hot from the heat, sweaty and dripping, glazed now in your pre and Astau's drool. He slobbers across your cock, panting and gasping, gulping hungrily. His gut hangs low, his womb already bloated from the sheer volume of Astau's pre, and every time Jinn shudders and groans, muscles across his stomach shuddering, he squirts out a mess of fuming slime from his gaping cunt, warped out obscenely around the fat base of Astau's cock. He's gonna lay his eggs directly in Jinn's womb; his cocktip is probably already sunk as deep as it can go, squirming across his inner walls. Astau lets out an animal hiss, inhuman snarls and yaps bursting from his open throat as he ruts into Jinn, mashing him <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>further down on your cock, until he's sloppily kissing your exposed knot, entire shaft sunk down his throat<<else>>against your crotch, balls stuck to his chin, his nose flattened against your stomach<<endif>>.\n\nJinn gurgles around your cock, grunting and groaning as Astau starts pumping his eggs proper into him. You lean to the side, looking across Astau's flanks: the root of his cock hangs low, his tentacle-cock lumpy and swollen. Jinn's cunt is florid, obscenely stretched around Astau's cock, and each egg catches between his bloated lips for just a second -- Jinn's entire body shuddering every time -- before lurching inside with a messy //slurp//. \n\nAstau's forelegs curl around Jinn's chest, pinning him tight against Astau's underbelly. His cunt mashes against the mound of Astau's vent, and Jinn lets out a shuddering sob as Astau bears down, plunging the sloppy coil of his cock into him in a single obscene crash, so they're mated tight, eggs popping directly from Astau's body into Jinn's. His belly bloats in lurching increments, its drooping heft rounding out as his womb gets more and more packed, until it's a taut mound filling the space under his body, bulging out across his sides. You fuck Jinn's face, letting him gag and sputter and cough up a slimy mess of Astau's drool and your pre, and he wetly snuffles across your shaft, still swallowing in big gulps as he whines and shakes, cunt squirting around Astau's cock.\n\nJinn is practically rolling on his pregnant belly at this point; spitroast between you and Astau, and his eyelids flutter, eyes rolling back into his skull, his belly shuddering hard, his cunt squirting out a slurry of his juices and Astau's slime all across his sagging underbelly. Jinn clenches hard, cunt squirting, and his cock sags out between his lips few inches, prolapsing out slathered and dripping, erratically squirting cum onto the dusty ground.\n\nYou pull out of Jinn's <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>throat<<else>>mouth<<endif>> and cum all over his face. His mouth hangs open, lips bruised, jaw slack, throat a pulsing opening continually flooded with the <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>grimy <<endif>>slurry of your pre and Astau's drool, and it's real satisfying to <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\ncoat his face with the sloppy green-threaded grey ooze of your load, drenching him until cum pours down his face in gummy sheets, spilling over his lips into the open cavity of his mouth, clinging to his jaw in dozens of jiggling cords, sluicing down his neck and all over his chest in a grimy river. You work your knot, keeping yourself cumming until his face is entirely slathered, all features lost under the tarry, opaque sludge of your load: hair painted to his skin, eyes glued shut, sludgy bubbles blowing from his nose, open mouth a churning pit of thick slop, a spit-thinned slurry bubbling out over his lips. He gulps without closing his mouth, spewing a mess of cum all down his front, and then again, leaning forward so that his bruised lips warp around your sharp cocktip, letting you spurt your load all across the roof of his mouth, drooling down his open throat in gooey lines. He sucks on your cockhead, gasping for breath between swallows, just gulping and gulping until he has to pull off to heave wetly, throat clogged with cum.\n<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nutterly drench him with the chunky, gritty slop of your load, flooding his mouth until gooey streams of cum spill over his teeth and ooze down his slime-slathered face. You spurt up across his face, sticking his hair to his skin in grimy clumps, forming thick, opaque cords of greyish cum that drool down over his cheeks and drip from his jaw in gummy clots. Jinn burbles, lips pursing as he swallows, letting a wash of cum spill over his lips, and then he opens wide again, tongue scraping your chunky cum off his teeth, off the roof of his mouth, as you splatter your next few shots into the open, wet cavity of his mouth. He lurches forward, lips wrapping around the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>lumpy <<endif>>ridge of your cockhead, tongue cradling the underside, and gulps down the rest of your load.\n<<else>>\\npaint his already-glazed face in an extra layer of cum, squirting out all over his forehead and cheeks in runny lines, pouring down into his open mouth or spilling down his neck in watery lines. He gasps, lurching forward, and sucks the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>lumpy <<endif>>crest of your cockhead into his mouth, wetly slurping as he gulps down the rest of your load.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou sloppily jerk off your cum-slathered cock, letting Jinn suck on the tip while Astau finishes breeding him. Eventually Jinn lurches to the side, massive belly sagging out beside him: glazed with slime, lumpy just under the taut surface, sides ribboned with stretch marks. Astau's cock slurps as he pulls out, Jinn's cunt utterly wrecked: fat labia bruised up into enormous slabs, his inner lips sticking out like huge fat tongues, wetly spitting out enormous glugs of foaming, fuming green slime. Astau's cocktip pulls out of him with a final explosion of fluid, drenching his thighs and new underbelly with thick gobs of glowing green slime.\n\nJinn lies there in the darkened sand, breathing hard, belly audibly sloshing and gurgling as his womb adjusts to abruptly being in the middle of carrying a brood. You wring out the rest of your load across his chest and hugely pregnant belly. He's messily painted with your and Astau's loads, spilling down his skin in huge gooey droplets.\n\nIt's a while before he can manage to get up. You and Astau help him get to his knees, and he staggers up, slick and slimy, coated in sand, his wrecked cunt still sluggishly oozing cum. He's shaky and trembling, weak like after a fever, heat utterly quenched under the gallons of slime Astau pumped into him.\n\nEventually, you help him waddle back up the dune and away.\n\n<<sexscene "astau breed jinn">>\\n<<set $jinnPregnant to "astau">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
Astau paces around the both of you. He's slavering. "Hungry for it," he says, voice wet and gurgling; his giant tongue is lolling from his mouth and drooling all over the sandy ground.\n\nYou look over at Jinn. He's flushed, skin damp with sweat, the scent of his near-heat strong in the still air. To be honest, you're not in much better state. Astau's tail drags against your calf, his hide hot and rough, and you let out a shaky groan, dropping down to your knees. Jinn stumbles forward to spill down next to you, his slick juices dripping through his pants.\n\nYou say, c'mon. You know he's got a clutch for the both of you. Jinn moans, face pressed against your neck, wetly mouthing as Astau presses his snout against his side. There's the wet //slurp// of Astau's cock bursting out from his vent, dribbling slime onto the sand, and you moan against Jinn, tugging on his clothes. You strip each other, until you're both naked and presenting, on all fours waiting for Astau to mount you.\n\nAstau presses his snout against Jinn's ass, serrated teeth scraping across his muscled cheek as he opens wide, lapping his slavering tongue over Jinn's thighs and smacking with an obscene lewd crack against the puffy, swollen flesh of his gaping cunt. Jinn lets out a sobbing moan, knees dragging furrows in the loose sand as he spreads his legs wider, letting Astau lap across his fat lips, his animal tongue parting them and then pushing deeper into his hungry cunt. Jinn all but howls, rutting himself back against Astau's head, slinging one leg backwards over his shoulder to half-impale himself on Astau's giant muzzle. He cums all over himself just from that, fat cockhead pulsing out a filmy mess of greyish cum that drizzles down over Astau's face as he tonguefucks Jinn.\n\nYou're feeling left out, and also so horny you're dizzy from it. Your cock bobs beneath you, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fully unsheathed and spurting slime into the already-murky sand<<else>>hard and straining<<endif>>. You drag your hands down Astau's flanks, pulling yourself beneath him to get a faceful of his dripping cock. You drag your lips up its still-unsheathing length, all drenched in brilliant acid-green slime, spilling down to hang from the underside in goopy cords, and by the time you reach the tip your entire face is glazed, eyes squeezed shut to keep the acid slime out. You blindly suckle on the tip of his dick, letting him spurt sour bursts of pre across your tongue, and you gulp it down greedily, already hungry for his eggs. There's a wet gurgle; Astau's tongue clogging Jinn's throat, the slick wet sounds of their kiss dragging out into a series of obscene wet slurps and squelches, almost drowned out by the wet crackle of his cock twining around itself across your face.\n\nAstau's underbelly shifts, internal muscles pumping, and you feel a huge bulge of clotted slime pump its way through his tentacle-cock, looping around your head and shoulders before finally erupting in a sloppy mess all across your front, drenching your face in fuming slime. You groan, open-mouthed, drooling heavily from the unremitting sour taste, the hot sting of the dull acid seeping down your chest.\n\n"Greedy," Astau says, and it takes a minute for you to realize he's talking to you. He's pulled back from Jinn -- sopping with drool -- and has twisted around, looking down at you on all fours between his haunches. "Bringing a guest but wanting to get fucked first."\n\nYou groan, lapping at the side of his cock, catching huge globs of slime, and Astau twists around, giant paw bowling you back onto the sand as he straddles Jinn, pushing him to the ground. Mounting him, with Jinn's comparatively tiny frame dwarfed by the overmuscled, chitinous bulk of Astau's monstrous form. Astau looks at you, still slavering: "You'll go after."\n\nJinn spreads his legs, arching up to press himself along Astau's underbelly. Astau curls his cocktip over Jinn's hugely flushed lips, already spread in an obscene gape, and then stabs it inside. The sound Jinn makes is indescribable: an animal sound, more a yowl than anything else. He sags back, eyes blank, mouth hanging open, Astau's drool dripping from his nose and mouth. The coils of Astau's cock shift across his thighs, drooping down in fat arcs and churning in a messy tangle, spearing foot after foot of his thick, muscular cock deep into Jinn's gaping cunt. His stomach ripples and sways, huge loops of tentacle pressing out from his skin in defined arcs before plunging back deeper inside. Astau's fucking his womb, no doubt. You're envious.\n\nYou rise up onto your knees, lurching towards them. Astau leans down, slavering mouth lapping across your chest, up your shoulder, catching on your chin in a wet, meaty fold of flesh before he plunges his tongue into your open mouth, fucking it down your throat in a bubbling spray of slime. You gurgle, warped throat spasming around his lashing tongue, and cough up a plume of frothy sludge all across the inside of Astau's mouth, just more slime that he laps off and fucks down your throat again.\n\nYour cock drags against Jinn's face. He's in no state to actually suck your cock, gasping and whining as Astau piles up his cock inside his bloated womb, but he pants across your length, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>lips wetly slurping along the bulge of your knot, moaning as your tentacles lurch out and coil across his face, lashing his head tight to the base of your cock<<else>>drooling over your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted <<endif>> flesh, breath hot and humid as he rocks against you from the force of Astau's thrusts<<endif>>.\n\nAstau's tongue curls inside you, looping beneath your collarbone, mouth open, throat plugged, and you wetly gag against his teeth, rutting your slimy cock across Jinn's flushed face. Your breath comes out in a bubbling froth, bursting up your throat as Astau's tongue shifts inside you, each breath wet and sucking, punctuated by your convulsive gag as you heave up some measure of the acid slime Astau's dumping directly down your stomach. Your palms smack against Astau's shoulders, digging into the smooth edge of his chitin plates as you curl your hands tight.\n\nYou cum all over Jinn's face. Astau just opens wider, serrated maw enveloping your entire head as he plunges his tongue deeper -- tip bursting into your stomach with a sudden rush of nausea -- and holds you in place, hips just erratically jerking as you fuck your spurting cock all across Jinn's head, soaking his hair to his scalp, smearing cords of cum between Astau's forelegs.\n\nAstau pulls free, his tongue slithering up your clogged throat with a jerk that feels like he's turning your stomach inside-out, and you sag back, tongue bursting free with an enormous spray of slime. You sag back, twisting to the side to cough up what feels like a gallon of fuming spit, wetly heaving as you vomit up brilliant cords of glowing green slime. You're still cumming all over Jinn's face, cock aimed right between his eyes, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sloppy dog cum<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>gritty grey cum<<else>>cum<<endif>> drooling down his dazed face and spilling into his open mouth in <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>huge slimy clumps<<else>>cords<<endif>>. He moans, spitting up a mess of cum and slime, and gulps, and you lean down to kiss him roughly, sharing Astau's drool and your own load. Jinn's belly is already bloated and heavy, drooping down full of eggs: Astau's cock is sunk entirely inside him, the very base shuddering steadily, visibly distended by the continual pumping of eggs through it. Jinn sinks down, head cradled on his forearms, pregnant belly nearly touching the ground, just arching back into Astau's slow, implacable thrusts as his belly grows and grows. You're still drooling cum into his hair, even as you catch your breath, throat clogged with stringy drool, each breath bringing up sour clots of sludge.\n\nYou pant there, hands braced on your thighs so you don't collapse entirely, just watching as Astau breeds Jinn. His already-bloated belly swells and shudders, rippling from internal motions: Astau's cock squirming inside him, shifting around to make room of his clutch. His belly is striped red, brilliant stretch marks seaming wide across his hips and down his chest. His belly is glowing; Astau's slime coating his skin adds a brilliant sheen, and maybe he's so full of the acid sludge of Astau's load that its glow is visible through his stretched skin. His gut sways beneath him, skidding against the saturated sand with each rolling thrust, and slowly it catches more and more until it's wedged in place, slowly spreading out. Jinn's anchored in place, already looking hugely, grotesquely pregnant, belly blown out into a gigantic, impossible swell of warped, shredded flesh.\n\nAstau pulls back, a huge paw clawing a dark pit in the sodden sand, his haunches coming back as he pulls the bloated, leg-thick root of his cock free from Jinn's gaping cunt. Astau steps over Jinn's collapsed form, leaving him in a heap in the sand, with his tentacle cock draped across his back, tip still lodged between Jinn's bruised labia, his shaft still lumpy with unexpressed eggs. It twists to the side, coiling up in puffy folds across Jinn's back as Astau fully dismounts him, stepping towards you.\n\n"I still have another to breed," Astau says, leering. The full length of his cock is on display, and it's... impossible. It drags over the flooded ground, bloated into distinct mounds from the mass of eggs, a lurching tentacle longer than you are tall even twisted across itself in meaty spirals. "Isn't that right?" He looks at you, his chest heaving, breathing hard, underbelly spasming as he tries to contain the reflexive pump of his eggs.\n\nYou sag down to all fours, ass on display. Astau makes a hungry animal sound, a rumble deep in his chest, and he's on top of you, his snakelike cock lurching over your calves and creeping its way up your thighs. It's harder for him to push in; his cock is turgid and bloated, and your ass hasn't been utterly broken open yet. He rolls his cock against your ass, up over your lower back. The tip spurts goopy slime, a cluster of fist-sized eggs half-crowning out the splayed tip, and you have to reach back, chest scraping through the slimy sand, and pull your cheeks apart, fingers smearing against your hole as you work yourself open. Astau stuffs his cock into you, coarse sand rasping against your inner walls as he hurriedly plunges his cock deeper and deeper; there's no slow play to work you open, <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>just his gritty, sand-slathered cock slamming into you, bashing against your flowering cervix with the force of a punch, scraping into your womb with a nauseating lurch that has you gagging and panting on nothing, your cervix squeezing down hard. It takes a second, fresh gushes of slime squirting heavy and hot into your womb, before you're spread enough to take an egg. Astau whines, eggs backing up within his cock, dammed at the tight entrance to your cervix, and you both sob as his pulsing cock slowly pumps an egg up through the tight vise of your cervix, popping into your womb with a muffled but entirely audible //squelch//. After that first egg a dozen pop into you, one after the other, before he eases up slightly: less desperate, with his eggs moving steadily through you, popping out directly into your womb.<<else>>just his bloated tentacle-cock forcing its way up, across, down before he lets out a shaky groan and pushes, instantly bloating you with a dozen eggs that spill into your guts with a clench and a lurch. He groans, forelegs bracketing you properly, and only slowly stuffs the rest of his cock inside you, pushing his clutch deeper as he slithers deeper, deeper, deeper, until he's sunk to the root inside you.<<endif>>\n\nYou stay there, pinned under Astau's bulk, shaking and moaning as he breeds you. His eggs are warm, gurgling as they shift around, their sheer volume already warping <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>your womb<<else>>your guts<<endif>>. His cock pulses steadily, a huge tendril reaching deep inside you, squirming and shifting as it bulges with eggs, working them through his drooping length until they erupt into you. Your stomach is already swollen, and he's only just started. He ruts above you, hips grinding against your ass, and you stare down, forearms digging trenches in the soaked, slimy sand as Astau fills you up.\n\nAt some point you're aware of Jinn in front of you -- him crawling forward, you fucked up against his immobile bulk, you can't say. He's so hugely, immensely pregnant, gut stretched and shredded apart into a maze of stretch marks, entire body glistening with slime. He groans, lurching to the side -- off his pregnant belly -- and that gives you a look at his cunt: bruised up enormously, labia huge slabs of puffy meat framing his still-gaping cunt, splayed so wide his raw purple-grey internal flesh is on display. A particularly strong thrust bucks you forward, mashing your face against Jinn's shoulder, and he repositions your head, cheeks sliding together as he licks up across your neck, biting across your jaw before pulling you into a sloppy kiss. Astau purrs above you, slimy drool spilling down across your faces, pouring sour and fuming into your open mouths as you messily kiss. Slime glurps between you, spilling in webs down your chests, smearing between where your pregnant bellies are pinned together. Gummy ropes spill down Jinn's chest, hooking across the side of your face, slithering like slugs as they lurch down your neck. Astau drools down, panting hoarsely, tongue lolling out over his serrated teeth and drenching your heads in a syrupy mess.\n\nThere's hot, shuddering //spangs// of sensation <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>in your aching womb<<else>>deep in your guts<<endif>>; your flesh shuddering as it stretches in jolts. You feel stretch marks shred wider across your stomach, with the stinging prickle of acid spit and sand grinding into them as they widen and flush, raw and red as Astau just keeps pumping egg after egg inside you, until you're just as hugely bloated as Jinn. You're in a daze, just dimly mouthing across Jinn's face, lapping up slime and gagging when you try to swallow it -- body so full of eggs you can hardly breath, stomach churning from the volume of stringy drool you've already swallowed. You can feel Astau run dry: the eggs still in his tentacle-cock shifting deeper, but behind that nothing but sloppy ooze, not the firm bulk of more eggs. You whine, ass convulsing where it's spread around the root of his cock, and gasp for breath, internal flesh warping ever-so-slightly more with each egg as he pumps the dregs of his clutch into your <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>inhumanly bloated womb<<else>>packed guts<<endif>>. His cock squelches as the final egg lurches free, the tarry ooze of his mating plug squirting out and painting across your insides, even hotter than the eggs themselves. You pant hoarsely, gagging on nothing, coughing up fuming sludge all over Jinn's face as Astau's cock slithers backwards and <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>seals your womb with pump after pump of thick, gummy mucus, until your cervix is sealed open, clogged by the sheer volume of his silty plug<<else>>drenches your guts in the thick, silty mess of his cum-plug<<endif>>. When his cock pulls free it's with a gush of slime, but only a short, gummy waterfall; all the rest is plugged <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>in your sloshing womb<<else>>deep in your sloshing guts<<endif>>, sealed tight.\n\nAfter that you and Jinn stay sprawled on the sodden ground, making out in a haze, while Astau shoves his rocky muzzle against your gaping ass, against Jinn's bruised cunt. Seeing how well he's bred the both of you. It's hours before either of you manage to stand, and that's breathless, exhausted, with trembling legs and sudden sloppy shifts of weight inside you, as his eggs swirl around, repositioning themselves.\n\nJinn's heat, at least, appears to be fully quenched. He shaky, dazed, with his cunt continually oozing a filmy slurry of Astau's drool and his own juices, but he doesn't have the building desperate edge he had before.\n\nEventually, you set off, the both of you stumbling against each other, gravid bellies bulging out before you. Astau looks real satisfied watching you go.\n\n<<sex "astau" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "astau breed threesome">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "astau">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n<<set $jinnPregnant to "astau">>\\n[[→|astau's den]]
<<display "trip resolution">>\\n<<display "deposit inventory">>\\n<<if $plot eq 3>><<display "chain return">><<endif>>\\n\n[[''You're''|you][$back = "village int"]] in Yapu. It's a ramshackle collection of buildings: old concrete, new adobe, patched together with plastic and ceramic and old metal. Maybe a hundred people live here, with two main passages through that twist out into a messy collection of half-shaded alleys, and beyond that it's just the wasteland, just before the world ends at the great southern shallows.\n\n<<if !($humanSiegeArrive lte $turns && $humansManaged neq true)>>\\n<<if $ticLocation eq "village" && $ticArriveSceneRan neq true>>\n* [[Leraje is sitting awkwardly in the ĝheist camp|2ic village intro]]<<endif>>\\n<<if $munitionsLocation eq "village" && $munitionsArriveSceneRan neq true>>\n* [[you first see Max sitting in the ĝheist camp w/ Khru sitting on his lap|munitions village intro]]<<endif>>\\n<<if $reconLocation eq "village" && $reconArriveSceneRan neq true>>\n* [[Raven, out of his gear, is waiting at the edge of the village, sitting on the old cobblestone wall|recon village intro]]<<endif>>\\n/% * there are presumably other humans you can talk to at least %/\\n* [[Ara is in the agricultural compound|agriculture quests]]\n* [[Omero is in the underground workshop|tech quests]]\n* [[Check out your workshop|workshop]]\n/% * there are some hidden tunnels beneath the town, & also a deep deep well that's where the town gets all its water %/\\n/%\n* <<if $ticLocation eq "village" && $ticArriveSceneRan>>[2ic talk option]<<endif>>\n* <<if $rookLocation eq "village">>[rook talk option]<<endif>>\n* <<if $leaderLocation eq "village">>[leader talk option]<<endif>>\n* <<if $reconLocation eq "village">>[recon talk option]<<endif>>\n* <<if $munitionsLocation eq "village" && $munitionsArriveSceneRan>>[munitions talk option]<<endif>>\n%/\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if $plot eq 2 && !$gheistIntroduced>>[[There's a commotion in the village when you arrive.|village ĝheist intro]]\n<<else if $humanSiegeArrive lte $turns && $humansManaged neq true>><<display "village options humans">>\\n<<else>>\n<<if $plot lt 2>><<display "village options pure scavenge">><<endif>>\\n<<if $plot eq 2 && $chain>>\\n/% %/<<if $locustChain>>\\n/% %/<<resetmoves>>[[Head out with your ĝheist helpers|set out][$x = 0; $y = 0;]]\\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/<<resetmoves>>[[Head out with your chain|worldmap][$x = 0; $y = 0;]]; Brulvundojn will meet you at the scavenge site\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $plot eq 3>><<display "village options chain return">><<endif>>\\n<<if $plot eq 4>><<display "village options survey">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe agricultural compound is a fairly sprawling set of mostly-adobe buildings out by the eastern cacti fields. There's a shaded hollow within a U of buildings that features a dry-looking garden: scaly saltbushes, coarse sprays of saltgrass, a thicket of sagebrush, oozing black oilwick. There's a cluster of glasswort growing up one wall, in the sun; it's not quite ripe, and its bulbous fruit refract prisms all across the wall. The sand has been so-long cultivated that it's turned brown and thick, becoming a coarse, silty soil: probably the most valuable, hard-earned thing in the village. <<if $agriQuest gte 1>>Water sluggishly drips from a series of rubberized tubes snaking their way through the garden.<<endif>>\n\nThe water purification double-boiler is an immense metal bulk against one wall, and inside the buildings there are stacks of cordwood, or cacti skeletons, bags of ash or compost. Taps for extracting water or juice from cacti. Farming stuff; you're not a farmer.\n\n<<if !$farmVisited>>\\nAra is the Yapu villager you mostly talk to about farming. He's not the most experienced -- there's a gaggle of ancient, wrinkled grandmas who have been tending the cacti far longer than you've been alive -- but he leapt at the opportunity to be your contact. He's a few years younger than you, and he's lived in Yapu his whole life; you get the sense he's excited or impressed at your history as a wanderer: blowing into town a few years back, strange and intimidating -- to him, at least. He's taller than you but kinda skinny, and he's starting to show gheist transformation in greyish blotchy patches up his forearms and calves. His fingernails have been coming in darker and darker, and now they're almost black, with a spine down the middle as they push out into claws. He wears his hair in a mess of shaggy dreadlocks that spill out like a mane, half the time hiding his face, and they whip around when he twists his head.\n<<set $farmVisited to true>>\\n<<else>>\\n<<if $agriQuest gte 2>>Ara is along one side of the building, tending to one of your greenhouse planters, shallowly filled with white ash and fuming acid. <<if $agriQuest gte 4>>His acid-coral vines are putting up new tubules, fatter and glossier than the older ones.<<else>>A few scraggling acid-coral vines are planted in the murk.<<endif>><<else>>Ara is here, tending to the garden.<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n<hr>\\n<<if $agriActive>>\\n<<display "agriculture quest present">>\n<<else if $agriQuest lt agricultureQuests.length>>\\n* [[ask about work|agriculture new quest]]\n<<else>>\\n[he's like, nah i'm good w/ what i got, ty for doing all that work]\n<<endif>>\n* [[talk|agriculture talk]]\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<<if $agriQuest gte 5>>\\n"Wow," he says. "You know, you've been a huge help with all this stuff? Like, that's a lot of stuff done for the season, yeah?"\n\nHe steps a little closer, voice going softer. "I'd really like to, uh, return the favor."\n\nYou say, he doesn't gotta do anything, you're just glad you could help out.\n\n<<if $sex['agriculture']>>\\nHe steps closer again, until you're chest-to-chest. You can feel the heat of his body. He reaches out and presses his hands against your stomach, sliding them down slowly.\n\n"I //want// to do it," he says, voice husky in your ears. "I want to help you out."\n\nWhen he looks down at you, his eyes are dark, shaded by his mane of hair. The pressure of his hands touches the waist of your pants, prickling hot over your bare skin.\n\n* [[yeah fuck him|agriculture complete]]\n* [[let him down|agriculture complete reject]]\n<<else>>\\nA dark flush spreads across his cheeks. "I want to do //something// to repay you, though. I--" he reaches out, hands pressing against your stomach, fingers hot against your bare skin.\n\nHe super obviously wants to fuck.\n\n* [[yeah, we can fuck|agriculture complete]]\n* [[let him down|agriculture complete reject]]\n<<endif>>\\n\n\n<<else if $agriQuest gte 1 && !$agriQuestThanks>>\\n<<set $agriQuestThanks to true>>\\nYou talk to him.\n\n"Oh yeah, we got the irrigation system set up! We might be able to grow some thirstier crops. Y'know, [grandma] says her grandma remembered a time when she was a kid when there was a whole forest around here? A grove tucked away between some dunes. I guess it's all dust now, but..."\n\nHe gestures at the garden around him. "It'd be great to see if we could plant some things like that. Even somewhere like here, there's plenty of plants that would grow, given the opportunity. If we get the soil thick enough, we could keep the roots of the trees wet even between waterings, and like, we've drilled down to the aquifer; we don't have //unlimited// water, but yeah we could start a major irrigation project, if we just had the labor." He's smiling.\n\nYou say, you're glad you could help.\n\nHe flushes and cuts himself off, a little embarrassed he got so effusive. He ducks his head, letting his hair hang over his eyes. "Yeah, uh, thanks," he says. "It was a big help."\n\n[[←|agriculture quests]]\n<<else if $agriQuest gte 1 && !$agriSexPrompt>>\\n<<set $agriSexPrompt to true>>\\nYou ask him what he's up to.\n\nHe flushes when he looks at you and stammers out some response.\n\n"I wanted to thank you for helping us out? You didn't need to."\n\nYou say, it wasn't much trouble; you've been scavenging in the desert wastes for most of your life.\n\n"Actually, uh," he says. "I thought-- there was, uh, something I wanted to do for you." He swallows; his throat jogs. He looks at you through his mane of hair. "I thought we could go to my place and I could, uh, give you a reward." His voice starts out wavering, a little uncertain, but he manages to steady himself as he keeps talking, even as a dark flush emerges across his cheeks.\n\nHe means fucking. He wants you to fuck him. It's pretty obvious.\n\n* [[yeah, go with him|agriculture first]]\n* [[let him down|agriculture first reject]]\n<<else>>\nYou ask him what he's up to. He gives you a long response about managing <<print either ("salt-tolerance", "shade and sun requirements", "soil nutrients", "plant cultivars")>>.\n\n[[←|agriculture quests]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $agriQuest eq 0>>\n[he's like, we want to try irrigating directly from the cistern but we don't have enough pipes. if you can find some ''iron rods'' we could machine those into pipes]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 1>>\n[he's like, oh actually we're running low on glass; we uh-- some windows broke. so we replaced them but now we don't have any spares. so if you could get some ''glass panes'' that'd be good.]\n[he's like, actually we still have the shards, that probably helps, right?]\n<<set addInventory ($inventory, "glass shards", 1)>>(he gives you 1x glass shards)\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 2>>\n[he's like, well the garden is mostly set for now, but i'm kinda working on a side project. i got some cuttings from some acidwreck and some rustvine, but i definitely can't plant that in the garden. if you could make some ''greenhouse frames'' i could get those set up somewhere safe]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 3>>\n[he's like, hey we're trying to compare our soil to the pre-desert soil here. there's still that one tree way out in the desert, right? if you could go dig up some of the organic material around there and make some ''dry compost'' we could compare that to the salt-sand we have now]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 4>>\n[he's like, hey my plants are doing okay but i think it needs special ''acidic fertilizer''. i guess since they're native to the acid shallows they probably need soil from there?]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 5>>\n[he's like, hah well... no i mean, we're pretty well sorted here. even my little pet project is going real good, thanks to you. i mean, i guess if you're really hurting for things to do, i have kinda wanted-- the quern is this marble slab? they say back in the day they made decorative gardens edged in the stuff. it'd be kinda fun to try that out, but i mean, you're the one who's gonna have to lug that around. a set of ''marble garden tiles'' and a ''marble balustrade'' is what i'd need.]\n<<else>>\n[he's like, i could use these parts: ]\n<<endif>>\n<<set $agriActive to true>>\n<<display "agriculture quest present">>\n\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
He's asked for:\n<<print (function () {\n var res = printReqs ($inventory, agricultureQuests[$agriQuest].req);\n var valid = res.v;\n var reqs = res.r;\n if (valid) {\n return reqs + "<br>* [[drop off the stuff|agriculture submit]]";\n } else {\n return reqs;\n }\n })()>>
You drop off the materials.\n\n<<set agricultureQuests[$agriQuest] (function (i) {\n rmInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\\n<<set $agriActive to false>>\\n<<if $agriQuest eq 0>>\\n[he's like, cool yeah these look good enough, we can machine these, gj]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 1>>\\n[he's like, great this looks good; they were planning on setting up some different seedling starter beds so they're gonna need a bunch of glass soon]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 2>>\\n[he's like, oh wow cool! yeah this should be great. yeah i've been wanting to set up some acid shallows flora for a long time but it's definitely a bit of a trek to get everything set up. so this should help a lot!]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 3>>\\n[he's like, oh yeah this should work. they should be able to figure out some stuff from this, yeah. he laughs a little and is like, all that is a little too technical for me]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 4>>\\n[he's like, yeah they've been kinda thin and weedy and i think it has something to do with the acid circulation? no tides in my acid pool.]\n<<else if $agriQuest eq 5>>\\n[he's like, haha wow i really wasn't expecting this. yeah wow i could make something real fancy with this, that could be fun. uh. yeah, just, wow thatnks a lot for doing that, you know? you really didn't have to]\n<<else>>\\n[response blurb based on the quest]\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $agriQuest += 1>>\\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if !$workshopVisited>>\\nThere's a warren of tunnels beneath the village: first shored up by brick and sheet metal, only a few feet under the shifting sands, and then lower carved out from the soft sandstone. The well is in the lowest chamber: an ancient borehole, dug out and reinforced over the years, drilling all the way down to where the water seeps out from the rock, fuming and mildly acidic.\n\nThe underground passages are lit with pale electric lights: current passed through lightrot crystals, fluorescing off pigment. They chain through the more commonly-used passaged, forming a web that leads to the central workroom.\n\nThe workroom is a shadowy basement, beneath a warehouse, and it's interrupted at regular intervals by thick brick support pillars, mated to the sandstone floor. It's full of old machines, most of which are far too complex for you to identify: exploded masses of circuits and crystals, with wiring diagrams sketched out across papyrus. You can identify some pieces of motors, or gear drives, or generators.\n\nThere are only two technicians in the village: the old one and the young one. The old one is an ancient old man with metal beads woven into his hair, and stark geometric tattoos that people say are prison markings from the city. He's never actually spoken to you; he leaves talking with outsiders to his apprentice.\n\nOmero is the young one: a man about your age, with a broad, bulky body and a shaggy mass of hair. His face is half-transformed, like a beast's claw scored in jagged lines across his face: altering his eyes, snarling his lips, catching half of one ear, and leaving him with warted gheisthide bubbling up across his jaw. He wears goggles with black-glass lenses, and he doesn't need the lights on to do his work in the workshop.\n<<set $workshopVisited to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nYou return to the dark, machine-cramped workshop beneath the village. Omero is here, assembling a complex-looking bank of registers.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<hr>\n<<if $techActive>>\\n<<display "tech quest present">>\n<<else if $techQuest lt techQuests.length>>\\n* [[ask about work|tech new quest]]\n<<endif>>\n* [[talk to him|tech talk]]\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You ask Omero what's up.\n\n<<if $techQuest lte 0>>\\nHe's been visibly frustrated: scrawling out connectivity diagrams -- something with a bunch of lines connected to dots -- but taking breaks every few seconds to look around the room and grimace. He's making no progress. Well, probably your presence here doesn't help.\n\nWhen you ask he just shrugs, looking aside, mouth twisted. "Busy," he says. "Windy season isn't just a busy season for you, you know."\n\nThat's true enough. <<if $techQuest eq 0>>You should probably <<if !$techActive>>ask if he needs something<<else>>get that cable<<endif>>.<<endif>>\n\n[[←|tech quests]]\n<<else if $techQuest gte 4 & !$techSexComplete>>\\nHe shrugs. "There's always stuff to work on," he says. "Right now, things are pretty settled, though." He gives you a sidelong look and a little bark of a laugh. "Thanks to you, I guess."\n\nYou shrug, equally as disused to getting appreciation for your work. It makes you feel itchy.\n\n<<if $sex['tech']>>\\nHe lets out another laugh, softer this time. "You know," he says. "I could use some relief. Bet you could too." He openly gropes his dick, adjusting the fat lump to one side, to hang more naturally from where it was bunched up. "And, y'know, nobody else will need to be here for a while."\n\n* [[blow him|tech complete blow]]\n* [[pull out yr dick|tech complete frot]]\n* [[turn him down|tech complete reject]]\n<<else>>\\nOmero's still looking sidelong at you, paying a little attention as he picks through his projects. You could just nod and leave.\n\n* [[ask him if he wants to fuck|tech first proposition]]\n\n[[←|tech quests]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $techQuest gte 1 && !$techProposition>>\\n"Glad to have that fucking project done," he says. "The acid evaporator was running on its last wires; now we'll have a little better luck building up the water supply."\n\nHe's visibly less tightly-wound: shoulders not pulled back in a knot, mouth not perpetually tugged down into a frown.\n\nHe gives you a little sidelong look. "Could use a distraction," he accedes.\n\n* [[ask him if he wants to fuck|tech first proposition]]\n\n[[←|tech quests]]\n<<else>>\\nHe talks about his latest project. Something to do with sand refinement, or acid etching, or metal reclamation. You listen to him talk about it for a while, nodding at the appropriate times.\n\n[[←|tech quests]]\n<<endif>>
You ask him if there's anything you could help him out with.\n\n<<if $techQuest eq 0>>\\nHe scowls. "We're short on cables. We can hardly keep our electrical grid hooked together." He makes an angry gesture at the nest of interconnected cables against one wall. The village circuitbox, you assume. "If you can put some together, it'd help."\n\nYou say cables, sure.\n<<else if $techQuest eq 1>>\\n"We're working on a lightrot engine now," he says. "So if you could whip up some fuel, that'd be useful."\n\nYou say, lightrot fuel, sure.\n<<else if $techQuest eq 2>>\\n"We're running low on fluorescents." He catches a look at your expression: "Don't worry, I'm not gonna make you go down into the caves to scrape moss. But if you could make a few simple bulbs, we could use those in the mean time."\n\nYou say, lightbulbs, sure.\n<<else if $techQuest eq 3>>\\n"Well, we do need some circuit boards. If you happen to dig one up, we could use it, but there's no rush."\n\nYou say, circuitboard, sure.\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $techActive to true>>\n<<display "tech quest present">>\n\n[[→|tech quests]]
He's asked for:\n<<print (function () {\n var res = printReqs ($inventory, techQuests[$techQuest].req);\n var valid = res.v;\n var reqs = res.r;\n if (valid) {\n return reqs + "<br>* [[drop off the stuff|tech submit]]";\n } else {\n return reqs;\n }\n })()>>
You drop off the stuff.\n<<set techQuests[$techQuest] (function (i) {\n rmInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\\n<<set $techActive to false>>\\n/% [response blurb based on the quest] %/\nOmero says, "Hey, thanks!"\n\n<<set $techQuest += 1>>\\n[[→|tech quests]]
You say, sure. He can lead the way. Ara practically stumbles over himself getting ready to go, and keeps jerking his head back to look at you as you walk out.\n\nHis place is in a building just across from the agriculture compound: a shaded room with a window, half-obscured from some bushgrass outside.\n\nHe flushes deeper once he's pulled you inside: his gaze roving across your body, his face still flushed. "Um," he says. "Thank you."\n\nYou laugh a little and step closer; he whines just at your touch across his arms. No trouble, you say.\n\nHe leans in and kisses you, slinging his arms over your shoulders. He ruts against your front, grinding your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> against his belly, and he moans into your mouth as <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your cock shifts in your sheath, fattening sluggishly<<else>>he feels you get hard<<endif>>. He nips across your lips, teeth digging into your jaw, and moans louder as you grind against him, rutting your cocks together.\n\nHe slides his hands down your front, fingers pressing into the bare skin of your stomach, dipping under the waist of your pants. "I really wanna suck you off," he says, fingers sliding lower, cupping the <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fat mound of your sheath<<else>>mound of your dick<<endif>>.\n\n/% maybe branch here if you have the time: he blows you vs. you 69. it's like, 'go for it' vs 'yeah i really wanna suck you off too' %/\\nYou tell him, go for it. You press your hands over his, guiding him to the catch of your belt, and then to the laces of your pants, while <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath swells fatter, slimy pre already starting to ooze through the fabric and smear across his hands<<else>>your cock fattens under his touch, becoming an obscene mound that catches against the backs of his hand<<endif>>. He tugs your laces open, kneeling down before you as he does, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>and moans shakily at the sight of your dog dick, sharp purple cocktip pushing free from your sheath and unsheathing all across his face, coating his skin in a glossy drizzle of fuming, green-threaded mutant precum<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>and gets smacked in the face by your gheist dick lurching out into the open, leaving a grimy smear of pre across his face for his trouble<<else>>letting out a hungry groan as your cock lurches out into the open, bobbing before him half-hard and rapidly swelling to full erection<<endif>>. He curls his fingers around your shaft, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>letting your slick, glossy shaft slide through his fingers as you unsheathe fully<<else>>stroking you to full hardness<<endif>>, mouth open. He leans in, kissing the tip<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, getting a facefull of murky, cloudy pre gushed all across his face, dripping down his jaw<<endif>>, and slowly strokes your shaft as he slurps across the tip, mouth open, tongue lapping across your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>animal<<endif>> cockhead.\n\nHe tugs on your hip, guiding you to the side, and you sit on his low bed as he sprawls out across it, pressed between your legs<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>, your fat balls pressing against his chin as he laps his way down your shaft<<endif>>. He drools across your cocktip<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>, sliming up your gnarled, warted shaft<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>, mixing your stringy sheath fluid with his slick spit<<endif>>, and strokes your shaft, coating your shaft with <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the slick slurry<<else>>spit<<endif>> as he leans forward and takes your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>cocktip<<else>>cockhead<<endif>> into his mouth. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>Your fat gheist cockhead stretches his lips: fat lips straining around each bulging wart as he struggles to fit the whole thing into his mouth. He groans around the tip, lips bulging up into a fat crater.<<endif>> You moan, cock shuddering, and reward him with a messy splatter of pre that hits the roof of his mouth and splatters all across his teeth, pooling across your cockhead, resting on his tongue. He swallows easily, gulping down a sloppy mouthful of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the fuming, acidic mess of your mutant dog slime<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>your sour, rancid gheist pre<<else>>your pre<<endif>>, whining and panting through his nose as he does it. He gulps, tongue lashing across the underside of your cocktip, and he swallows more down, bobbing on the final few inches of your cock, slimy fist pumping the rest of your shaft, other hand coming up to tug on your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>enormous, lopsided<<endif>> balls. You encourage him on, one hand spread across the back of his head as he slobbers and sucks, hungrily swallowing each time you splatter his throat<<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate") || hasMutation ("knot")>>, even as his eyes start to water, nose running, from the burning tang of your altered pre<<endif>>.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>\\n<<display "agriculture first mutant dick">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "agriculture first human dick">>\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou pull him up, lapping across his chin, licking up some of the mess, and he lets out a broken groan. You kiss him, his lips bruised and enormous, hot to the touch, and he coughs up another mouthful of your own cum into your mouth, weakly burbling as he gasps for breath. You share your load, slimy tongues tangled together as you lap up the worst of the mess, your own cock still weakly twitching, spilling out a solid cord of cum down its fat length, drizzling into the bed below.\n\nHe pulls back with a shaky sigh, eyes still unfocused until he blinks a few times. "That was real nice," he says, wetly kissing across your lips, licking up some of the slimy mess transferred across to your cheeks. "You wanna stay here?"\n<<sex "agriculture" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "agriculture first">>\\n\n* [[yeah take a nap together|agriculture first nap]]\n* [[say you gotta get going|agriculture first leave]]
He stares down your dick, tongue teasing at your cockslit, and then opens wide, slurping your fat cockhead back into his mouth. His lips pulse, pursing around your shaft and then peeling back as he inches his way down. Your cockhead prods against the back of his mouth, and he clenches and relaxes, opening his throat up for you to sink deeper, cockhead boring down into his throat as he swallows more and more of your shaft. There's a catch, an inch away from the root, where his throat milks you tight before the entire thing slips into place: solidly sunk into his throat, with his nose buried flat against your pubes, the whole length of your cock sheathed inside him. His throat works, clenching and milking, and then he pulls back, revealing the dark flesh of your cock, glossy with spit. He bobs on your cock, pulling back just enough for the ridge of your cockhead to tug at his lips, before lurching forward and swallowing the whole thing down to the root. He looks up at you, eyes half-lidded, lips curving into a smile around your cock as he takes you to the root and stays there, letting his throat milk your cockhead, sluggishly swallowing as you gush out pre straight down into his stomach.\n\nHe pulls off with a //pop//, glimmering cords of spit webbing across your shaft to his wet, open mouth. He pants for breath, rasping. He's grinding his hips down against the bed, fucking his cock against it as he sucks you off.\n\n"Please," he says, voice clotted and rough. "Fuck my throat."\n\nYou grin down at him, rising up onto your knees. You tell him, you can definitely do that. Your cock stabs forward, smacking across his cheek and skewing up to his hairline, and he twists to try to capture it between his lips. He opens wide, sucking it in, and you push forward, one hand on the back of his head, and sheath the whole length down his throat, his face hitting your crotch with a //crack//. He gurgles around your cock, moaning, and you pull back and thrust in again, watching his entire body convulse as you push in that final inch of your cock, pressing through some slick opening halfway down his throat. He whines, muffled, and hunches down against the mattress, hips working, and you smirk, repositioning him between your thighs, and lean forward, giving you a better angle to fuck his face. You drive forward, hand splayed across the back of his head, pinning him right between your thighs, and then you do it again, and again, fucking his throat. <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>Your cock spurts hard, spraying a huge mouthful of yellowed gheist cum down his throat, and he gurgles and gulps, the excess slime making your thrusts push smoother, even as some of the churning mess froths its way up his throat in fat, greasy dollops. <<endif>>He's tight and slick, a lather of pre and phlegm building up into a sloppy ooze coating the walls of his throat, squelching and popping each time you hilt. He chokes <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>on your continual gushes of rank pre<<else>>a little<<endif>>, sprays of slime squirting from his nose and mouth, painting his face in a slimy lather, but he never needs more than a half-second to catch himself -- throat spasming hard, clenching closed, before he groans and opens himself up again, throat practically milking your cock, sucking your cockhead deeper until it's lodged tight under his adam's apple.\n\nYou lean over him, fucking the full length of your cock down his throat, each thrust punctuated by a wet //crack// of your balls smacking against his face, a gurgling squelch from his convulsing throat as he spews up a slimy mess of phlegm and snot and pre, slick and stringy smearing along your shaft. You hammer against his throat, letting him drool and gag as he sputters slime down your balls, adding to the mess splattered across his face. You can feel him get close: throat clenching tighter, the warbling whine of his moans growing louder. His body, pinned under yours, grinds down hard, hips fucking into the mattress, and he cums in his pants with a gurgling sob, foaming slurry squirting from his nose and mouth as he pants for breath, blowing frothy bubbles. You pause for a second, letting him ride it out, and he lets out an irritated whine, hands clenching your thighs, telling you to get back to it. You snort and fuck him harder, sheathing your cock solidly in the pulsing heat of his throat. Each time he gags around your cock you get harder, a little closer to cumming, and at the end you're panting and snarling, mounting his face like an animal as you pound into his fucked-open throat, his face a wash of ooze before you finally surge forward, balls pinned against his chin, nose flat in the frothy mess of sludge plastering your pubes flat to your skin, and you pump your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>chunky, clotted load of gheist cum down his throat<<else>>load<<endif>> in pulse after pulse, groaning as he struggles to gulp it down with his ravaged throat. He shakes again, keening around your cock, and cums again, hips rolling against the mattress.\n\nWhen you finally pull back, his face is a mess: finger-thick cords of cum and phlegm webbed between your cock and his face, smeared together into thick bubbling planes of froth. He's painted in frothy, opaque runnels of churned-up slime, gluing a haphazard mess of his dreads to his face, goatee lost under the ooze spilling from his fucked-open throat, the line of his chin a mess of flabby, oozing cords of slime, slowly stretching down. He coughs, gurgling up a mouthful of cum, and he pants for a second, cum burbling over his lips and cutting through the froth across his chin, before he manages to swallow it back down. He flops over -- huge wet spot on the mattress, the front of his pants entirely soaked through with his own milky cum -- and drags a hand across his face, only managing to smear the mess around.
He opens wide, swallowing more. He gulps your cock down, lips sliding down your spit-shined length, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>fat cockhead bashing<<else>>sharp tip stabbing<<endif>> down his throat. He moans around your cock, lips obscenely stretched <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>around your fat, warted shaft<<else>>around the sheer animal bulk of your shaft<<endif>>, cockhead prodding deep, deep down his throat. He pushes a fraction deeper-- and then he chokes, wetly gagging as he spits out your entire cock in a lurch, the slime-covered shaft lurching out between his lips and smacking up across his face in a <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>fat, rubbery arch<<else>>brutally-straight spar<<endif>>.\n\n"Fuck," he groans, lips pressed against the underside of your cock, cock steadily spurting out short, heavy arcs of pre that splatter all across his hair, slowly oozing down through to sheen his face.\n\nYou tell him, he should keep trying, but also you don't exactly expect <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>him to manage to deepthroat it all<<else>>to be able to knot his face<<endif>>. He laughs, wetly, and licks a messy stripe all up the underside of your cock, until his lips are smearing across the tip, letting you gush <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>rank<<else>>animal<<endif>> pre into his mouth, painting his teeth in layers of <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gritty sludge<<else>>fuming ooze<<endif>>.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>He's unused to the sheer bulk of a fully-transformed gheist dick: he strokes the warted shaft, fingers catching on the ridges and burrs, each time throwing off his stroke. He digs his fingers into the dense, waxy flesh, and seems a little surprised when you groan and your cock pulses in his hand, spitting out a thicker glug of gritty pre. He leans forward, catching the ooze on his tongue, and struggles to fit your fat, broad cockhead back into his mouth.\\n<<else>>He's certainly not used to the monstrous animal bulk of your cock. He strokes it, hands wet and dripping with your copious pre, moving frictionlessly over its smooth sides. His fingers twitch, grip tightening for a moment and then softening again as he explores the shape of your cock. He uses both hands, grasping your cock like it's a snake, and then strokes them in concert, tip to base. He uses one hand to feel across the leathery flesh of your sheath, digging in to find the still-sheathed shape of your knot, and the as-of-yet quiescent tangle of your tentacles beneath that, currently nearly sunk inside your body. They twitch sluggishly at his prodding, and he flinches back like your dick will bite, only to immediately reach back for it again, a faint flush marring his cheeks.\n\nHe opens his mouth, you think at first to say something, but then he glares down at your cock and all but attacks it: stuffing the sharp tip into his mouth, sinking his lips down the shaft until you push into his throat.<<endif>> You croon and cup his head in your hand, guiding him on as he struggles to swallow your cock, sinking down deeper until he has to stop, choking, and pull back fractionally to bob on only the first handspan of your cock.\n\nYour cock ripples as you pump a fresh gush of pre down his throat, smearing with his phlegm to lube him up slicker, and he hungrily groans, testing his limit again as he tries to swallow more. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>He's not that far off-- he's got maybe two-thirds your cock shoved down his throat, no problem, and the coarse, horny calluses around the base aren't likely to be a trouble for him.<<else>>He's not gonna be able to take it all, but you'd be shocked if he could. If anyone could, really. He's got half your cock in his mouth, and he's straining against the part where your shaft thickens, the widest bit in the middle before it starts to narrow again before your knot. Watching him try, though -- your knot shifts, a fraction more of your cock pushing out into the open, and you groan, leaning back as he struggles to impale himself on your monstrous cock.<<endif>> He gurgles, blowing bubbles from his nose, froth squirting up his throat around your shaft and forming a foaming mess drooling down to soak his goatee. Pre collects in his throat, webbing the passage closed with spurt after spurt of <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gritty<<else>>burning<<endif>> pre, and when he finally gags and jerks back all that mess comes with it, pouring from his mouth in a slimy fountain, slicking down your shaft and painting his face in the splash. He whines, lapping at the mess, tongue sliding across <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>your fat warts<<else>>the smooth planes of your shaft<<endif>> and catching the slimy drool of pre, gulping it down.\n\nHe flips over, face pressing against your slime-soaked balls. "C'mon," he demands. "Fuck my face." He opens wide, back of his throat visibly pulsing and clenching in preparation. You kneel forward, lining your cock up. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>With this angle, he does actually have a straight line from his mouth to his stomach, which is what he'd need to fit the stiff spar of your dog dick any deeper. <<endif>> You give yourself a stroke, milking out a fresh spurt of pre all over his face, before you pull back and line your hips up. He swallows the first <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>half<<else>>third<<endif>> of your cock no problem; that's not that big compared to a human dick. But after that...\n\nYou fuck him with the start of your dick, never really prodding against the point midway down his throat that makes him gag. His lips <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>catch across your shaft, drawn out into snarls by each clump of warts, adding a coarse drag to each of your thrusts as they rasp across the soft flesh of his throat.<<else>>slide smoothly across the alien planes of your cock, raw flesh slick and slippery as it sinks effortlessly down his throat.<<endif>> He buzzes out a groan, one hand cupping your thigh, other hand grinding down against his still-trapped cock, forming a fat bulge in his pants. They he groans a little more pointedly, shoulders squirming as he tries to shift closer, hungrily impaling himself further on your cock. He wants more.\n\nYou press your hand across his face, fingers catching on his lips. You lean forward over him, plunging a little deeper. He makes a sputtering sound deep in his throat, coughing around your cock, and you keep going, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>fat, warted cockhead tearing deeper down his throat<<else>>sharp cocktip stabbing deeper down his throat<<endif>> as he struggles to handle more. He coughs and gags, spewing up a mess of phlegm all across your shaft, dripping down to coat his own face in a fresh layer of ooze. He blows bubbles from his nose, gurgling and snuffling as he tries to breathe -- throat clamping down around your shaft as he sucks in messy breaths. All that, and he's only taking your cock an iota deeper, a half-inch of extra length<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, lips spread and almost splitting around the fattest part of your dog dick<<endif>>.\n\nYou fuck his throat: you pull back, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>the fat crown of your gnarled cock tearing back up his ravaged throat<<else>>the slick tip of your dog dick spilling from his throat along with a wash of fuming slime<<endif>>, and let him gurgle out a few breaths before you plunge inside, sinking <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>two-thirds<<else>>half<<endif>> your cock down his throat. Slime explodes out from his clogged throat, spewing all along the root of your cock, and you pull back -- cock emerging slathered in ooze -- and plunge back inside, starting a rhythm. You break his throat open, letting him gag and choke on your fat dick, coughing up ooze around your shaft until his face is entirely coated in a thick slurry of opaque sludge, drooling over his upturned face until the only feature that shows is the messy wash of bubbles burbling from his nose.\n\nYou pull free with a slimy squelch, leaving his open mouth gaping, thickly clogged with ooze. A grimy froth webs from the depth of his throat over across your cock, forming a messy intersection of bubbling planes, vibrating as he gurgles and coughs, breath coming in wet pants. He arches up, hand grinding down against his trapped dick, and tries to say something; the sound comes out as a broken gurgle, bringing up a sludgy mouthful of slime, and he turns his head to the side to spit it out, leaving a huge glob of churned-up froth oozing down his cheek. You press your cocktip to his bruised<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, split<<endif>> lips, and he lets out a shaky whine, inching closer, lips eagerly wrapping around the tip.\n\nYou mount his face, one foot on the bed next to his head, and sink your cock back down his throat. He lets out a guttural buzz, vibration sunk into your shaft, and you slide deeper, letting him slobber across your length, throat working over your shaft as he struggles not to cough or gag. He makes it further, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>lips clasping around nearly the base of your shaft, catching on the waxy warts near the root<<else>>the brutally-wide middle of your shaft punching through his broken lips and wedging its way into his throat<<endif>>, and you feed him your pre in spurts, letting him gurgle and swallow, throat visibly bulging around the lurching mass of your cock. The wet spasms of his throat milk you, slick muscle clenching tight around your shaft. His gurgling whimpers speed up, his lips hungrily slurping around the base of your shaft, and he arches up, humping his hand, and cums all over himself. You press your hand down against his own, adding more pressure to his motions, and you think it's the slight shift in the angle of your dick, spearing through his throat, more than your touch, that has him convulse and shudder, spurting out another mess of cum into his pants. His other hand clenches on your thigh, pulling you deeper.\n\nYou grin down at him, face a mess of slime, mouth warped obscenely around your enormous cock. You push deeper, letting him warble and gurgle until <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>his lips press against the absolute root of your cock<<else>>his lips press against your sheath<<endif>>, fully impaled on the length of your dick. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>> Well, fully impaled save for your knot, but... His gurgling pants for breath blow into your sheath, rippling heat across your knot, and it bursts out into the open with an obscene wet //pop//, splattering ooze all down his chest. Your tentacles unfurl, spilling in a messy wash across his face, looping around his neck. Even attempting to take your knot would break his jaw, so you don't push it. It's real impressive, still, watching his neck ripple and swell, throat warped around the slowly-shifting bulk of your cock, your knot rammed tight against his fat lips.<<endif>>\n\nYou brace yourself against his chest and fuck him, feeling the warped wreck of his throat clench and ripple as your cock <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>tears<<else>>slips<<endif>> free, pumping through the mess of sludge clogging his throat. Ooze, whipped up into a dense cream, squelches out from his throat in fat slugs, squirting from his nose and mouth in thick dollops. Bu the end you're panting and snarling, cock lurching in the tight sheath of his throat, and you cum with a bellow, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>hips cracking against his face as you grind him down onto the absolute root of your cock<<else>>knot bashing against his face as you bludgeon it again and again against his lips, each time pulling back webbed with cords of froth<<endif>>. His throat visibly pulses, head lurched back and forth by the throb of your cock, and he lets out a groan from deep in his chest, broken throat desperately trying to swallow down your load. He doesn't succeed: <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gritty greyish gheist cum<<else>>slimy grey ooze<<endif>> squirts up around your shaft, spraying from his nose, as he chokes on the sheer volume of your load, overflowing his wrecked throat. You pull back, tearing your cock out of his throat to paint him in a wash of cum, idly <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>stroking the base of your shaft<<else>>squeezing your knot<<endif>> as you wash off the froth painted across his face with a layer of <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>fresh gheist cum<<else>>rank dog cum<<endif>>. He coughs and gurgles, spewing out glossy mouthfuls of ooze as he struggles to breathe.\n\nHe's completely slathered in sludge: the mess of spit, snot, and pre drenching his face and gluing his dreads to his scalp, and now you cum all up and down his chest, huge ropes of cum splattering across his sweaty skin until it forms a lumpy layer, slowly separating as the thinner slime drips down his sides.\n\nYou collapse onto the bed next to him as he coughs up more cum, wetly gasping between heaves. You really did a number on his throat. You tell him, good job, you really weren't expecting him to take it all. He lets out a pleased whine. You press down against his trapped dick. The fabric of his pants is entirely saturated, with his own pretty huge load slowly oozing through the soaked fabric. You press your hand down against his cock, feeling it out. You ask him, does he want you to get him off. You don't say 'again'; that part's obvious. He keens and opens his mouth<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, split lip leaving behind a smear of blood, spun out into the froth<<endif>>. It's a little tempting to throatfuck him again, but instead you just push your fingers into his throat, two <<if hasMutation ("claws") || hasMutation ("hands fur")>>claws<<else>>fingertips<<endif>> probing at the fucked-open entrance to his throat, feeling his walls shudder and convulse as he sucks on nothing, gurgling breaths blowing out over your knuckles. You grind your hand against his cock, letting him hump up against you, and he blows all over himself from you fingering his throat.\n\nIt takes more than a while to clean up afterwards. You feel a little bad for the mess you made of his dreads. But, well, he //was// asking for it.
You say yeah, you can stay for a while, and he presses himself against you, the both of you pressed to one side of the mattress to avoid the giant sodden patch you've left. He shoves his clothes half-off, pants down to his thigh and shirt rucked up to his chest, letting his cock and surprisingly giant balls flop out, glazed and dripping with his own load as he sprawls against you.\n\nYou sleep for a while.\n\nWhen you wake up, he's hard, cock spanning against your thigh, and his hand plays down your stomach, tugging on your cock -- coated now in a crusted, flaking mess of cum and spit, dully shining. He kisses you, stroking you off, and then slides down your body to suck your sludge-coated cock back into his mouth. You fuck his throat again before you have to go.\n<<sex "agriculture" "oral" "bottom">>\\n[[→|village int]]
You say you gotta head off. He sighs a little, but nods.\n\nThen he sucks the slime off of your cock and balls, until they're slick and glazed with his spit, and your cock is sluggishly surging back to life, fat and heavy.\n\n"You said you did have to go," he says, and gives your hard-again cock a sloppy kiss on the tip before pushing you out of bed. "See you around."\n\nHe's a bit of a tease, after he gets over his nerves.\n[[→|village int]]
You say, sorry, but you gotta work on other stuff. He visibly deflates, dark flush spreading even further as he mutely nods.\n\nSee him around, you say, and step away.\n\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
[he takes you to his room and is like, wow lemme ride yr dick]\n\n* [[yeah go for it|agriculture complete top]]\n* [[actually i was hoping you could fuck me|agriculture complete bottom]]
You say, sorry but you got other stuff to handle that won't wait.\n\nHe visibly deflates. "You sure?"\n\nYou say yeah, sorry. You appreciate the thought though.\n\nHe's definitely a little stung by the rejection. You're pretty sure the kid has a crush on you. That's rough. You give him a little smile and pat his shoulder, and then you gotta go.\n\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
[you fuck him. he can take a human/gheist dick but you can only fit half yr dog dick into him. he whines and sobs and cums all over himself + you, half-hard cock pouring out an absolute mess of silty cum]\n\n<<sex "agriculture" "anal" "bottom">>\\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
[he flushes and gets flustered but you can see his cock jerk in his pants, visibly thickening in the taut silence. he goes, 'really?' and you say, yeah really]\n\n[you ride his dick and he pumps you full of a huge silty load of half-transformed cum]\n\n<<sex "agriculture" "anal" "top">>\\n[[→|agriculture quests]]
<<set $techProposition to true>>\\nYou say, hey, you wanna fuck around?\n\nHe laughs a little. "Sure," he says, and immediately pulls off his shirt. He really gets right down to business regardless of what he's doing.\n\nThe slash of his facial transformation reappears at the base of his neck, curling around his right shoulder, forming stripes down his arm and across his back, fanning out in petal-like shapes across his heavy pectoral -- warped lines of transformed flesh, surface smooth gheisthide that ripples out into a fringe of rubbery warts where the hide meets human skin.\n\nHe pulls you aside, behind a big panel of switches and through a darkened doorway, into a nearly pitch-black room. He pulls off his goggles, lenses gleaming in the dim light, and his eyes gleam the same way: shining like glass in the darkness.\n\nYou press your bodies together. His bare chest is broad and heavy: pecs fat and heavy, his gut soft against your stomach. His hands slide up your arms, tugging on the sleeves of your tunic, and you follow his example and strip, tossing it aside. You kiss, and the sensation of lips dragging against lips makes you groan. You can feel him grin against your mouth, his mouth parted to suck your lower lip between his lips and tug gently. Then he opens wider. The same transformation that spreads across his face also caught his teeth: he's got fangs, sharp and scraping as he slides to the side, nipping at your jaw.\n\nHis hands slide down your bare chest, feeling across your muscles, and he spreads his legs, thighs jammed against each other as he rolls his hips against yours. The mound of his crotch is hot and heavy, a solid pressure bearing down on your trapped <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheath<<else>>dick<<endif>>. You groan against his face, rutting back, feeling your cocks drag against each other as you make out. You reach down, cupping his dick in your palm, and squeeze slightly. It pulses in your hand, and he groans low, breath panting across your shoulder.\n\nHe tugs the laces of your pants open, letting your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> lurch halfway out into the open -- <<if hasMutation("knot")>>folds of sweat-damp leathery flesh<<else>>dry air washing over your sweat-damp skin<<endif>> -- and then finishes the job himself, reaching down to cup <<if hasMutation("knot")>>the fat spar of your sheath <<else>> the curve of your dick<<endif>> and haul it out in the open. His hands slide lower, pushing inside your pants to press into the flesh of your sac, and he <<if hasMutation("knot")>>strokes your sheath<<else>>idly tugs on your cock<<endif>> with one hand as he hauls out your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>gigantic <<endif>>balls with the other, letting them sag low against the front of your pants.\n\nHe coos against your neck, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>hands curled around your sheath, trying to figure out your anatomy from feel alone: fingers petting across the soft leathery tube, circling the fattening tip, catching the slow ooze of pre drooling from your spreading sheathtip and using that to slide his fingers //inside// your sheath. You let out a shaky exhale, sensation intense as he works his fingers into you, sliding along the sensitive inner flesh of your sheath, only stopping with a faint questioning sound of his own when he finally bumps against the tip of your dick, sluggishly pushing over his fingers before unsheathing properly. Your sheath bloats, stretched wide around his fingers, and you shudder, rolling your hips against him as your cock spills out into the open with a slick gurgle. You groan, internal muscles rippling, and spray his gut with a slimy mess of pre: watery dog pre, glazing his skin until it shines.\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>fingers feeling across the heavy, warted flesh of your shaft. His fingers only barely meet around your fat cock, and as it shudders to full erection his fingers are spread wider apart, until he's cupping the underside of your dick, fingers sliding along the grooves between the bloated chambers of your cock, catching and tugging at the glossy warts spreading along your length. You groan, humping up against him, and spew out a mess of murky pre across his gut.\n<<else>>hand stroking your half-hard cock. You stiffen in his grasp: shaft thickening, foreskin peeling back, until you're humping his belly, hard cock digging into his soft flesh, leaving behind <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>a glazed, dripping mess of murky pre<<else>>shiny smears of pre all over his skin<<endif>>.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou return the touch, cupping his fat bulge in your hand. He jerks forward, grinding his arched shaft against your palm, and you tug open his pants and reach in, curling your fingers around his dick. He moans, fucking your loose grip, and you pull his dick out into the open, letting it flop out to clash against your own. It lurches out of his pants with a heavy //thwap//, smacking against <<if hasMutation ("scales")>>your bare skin<<else>>the coarse hair of your thigh<<endif>>. His dick is incredibly fat: fatter than most gheist dicks you've seen, beyond wrist-thick. The chambers of his dick are clearly outlined, forming deep grooves along the underside of his cock. The swell along the underside is two fingers thick, smoothly bulging broader midway down his shaft, tapering down to merge into the underside of his blocky cockhead. He's short, stubby, only barely enough to fit in your hand, but he's brutally thick.\n\nYou stroke each others' dicks as you make out, puffing out shaky groans between your mouths. He digs his fangs into the meat of your shoulder, into your throat, and you groan, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>cock unsheathing in a slimy lurch and <<endif>>spewing a mess of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>slimy dog pre<<else if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("balls")>>rank gheist pre<<else>>pre<<endif>> all up and down his belly, painting the space between your bodies. Your thrusts slide through the mess, cocks grinding against each other, slick and slippery as you grind together.\n\nYou grab his hips -- letting his dick smack up, pinned against the bulk of his gut -- and grind down hard, rutting your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fully-unsheathed <<endif>>cock across the soft, glazed flesh of his chest, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>tip smacking between his pecs, gushing slobbery spurts of rank dog slime up across his face, drizzling from his jaw in watery lines<<else>>sliding along the full curve of his belly, forming a slimy, frothy furrow of churned-up pre<<endif>>. His cock throbs against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>your own<<endif>>, a huge wedge pinned against your thigh, his broad cockhead <<if hasMutation ("cock")>>catching on your warted shaft<<else>>sliding sleek and smooth along your glazed shaft<<endif>>.\n\nHe groans, his hands clamping around your hips, his cock slapping up against your stomach, and with a bellow he shoots off with the force of a geyser, cock erupting in a sharp squirt that clears both of your heads, only splattering your bodies with stray droplets. His bellow tails off in a series of gasping moans as he shoots off again: fierce spurts that squirt up between you, slapping against your chest, hooking across your neck, painting you in heavy, dripping lines of cum. You pull him close -- chests pressing together with a wet //squelch//, cum burbling out between your slimy bodies as he keeps shooting off, cockhead jammed against your bellybutton -- and kiss him, moaning into his mouth as you get close.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You totally drench him with your load. Your knot throbs between you, hard flesh digging into his soft gut, and you erupt with a grimy splatter of rank dog cum, hosing him down with squirt after squirt, until the excess starts drooling to the floor beneath you in slimy cords. He's sheened with slime, body glistening in the low light. Waves ripple across his skin from the slimy spurts: your cocktip wedged between his pecs, cumshots slapping against the underside of his jaw and burbling down over his fat pecs, cutting through the lathered-up froth painted across his front. You groan, hips rolling, fucking your cock across his front as you coat him more and more thickly with your fuming, mutant load.\n<<else>>You cum with a groan, cock erupting all across his front in thick, heavy spurts<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> of gritty gheist cum<<endif>>. You rut your cocks together, <<if hasMutation ("cock")>>your warted shaft against his smooth one, <<endif>>the both of you cumming in sloppy spurts, squelching and slurping as your chests slide against each other, smearing cum together in frothy lines.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou pull back -- the space between you a mess of webbed cum, heavy arcs dripping down to a point -- and curl your hand around his still-spurting cock, grinding your palm against his cockhead as you coax the last few spurts of cum from his dick. A thick cord of cum drools from his cockslit, splattering down to the floor with a wet //splat//.\n\nHe sags back, scrubbing a hand down his glazed chest, flinging off the mess from his dripping fingertips. "Fuck," he says.\n\nYeah, you say. Your cock spits out its final few spurts<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot unlatched and aching,<<endif>> across his belly. You say, well, hope you didn't distract him too much.\n\nHe scrapes another mass of cum off his chest and looks down at the puddled mess beneath you. "I gotta clean this shit up before I get back to work."\n\nYou laugh. He was the one who dragged you in here, you say.\n\n<<sex "tech" "hj" "mutual">>\\n[[→|tech quests]]
[you get on yr knees and blow him at his workbench. he cums all over your face.]\n\n<<sex "tech" "oral" "top">>\\n<<set $techSexComplete to true>>\\n[[→|tech quests]]
[you jerk each other off and then make out while yr cocks grind against each other pinned b/t yr stomachs, and you blow in a slimy explosion that leaves a big dripping mess drooling down onto the floor]\n\n<<sex "tech" "frot" "mutual">>\\n<<set $techSexComplete to true>>\\n[[→|tech quests]]
You say, sorry to disappoint but you really got other stuff to be doing.\n\nHe shrugs and lets out a sigh. "Well, thanks for helping out anyway," he says. "Even if I won't get to pay back the favor with sex."\n\nYou let out a little laugh.\n\n<<set $techSexComplete to true>>\\n[[→|tech quests]]
<<set $_xy = $scavenge.split(",")>>\\nYou say, the scavenge site is to the <<print worldDir($_xy[0], $_xy[1])>> town, not too far. The trip back will be the hard part.\n\nYou say, you found an old buried tanker; you haven't had time to assess it very much. If the wheels turn -- which they probably won't -- it'll be easy. Otherwise, well, there's a reason you asked for three of you.\n\nThe two drudges grumble good-naturally about that.\n\nYraal, the big magnataar, just crosses his arms and pulls some kind of face, like he's waiting for you to get on with it. "A tanker," he says, and his voice is low and rumbling. "An old machine wagon?" You say yeah. He says, "there's no way the wheels will work. Bearing's'll be entirely clogged with sand." Then he hums to himself and turns and heads back to their piled encampment.\n\nYou look at the two drudges: Pthuul says, "He's our mechanic."\n\nKhru says, "He's not actually a //mechanic//; he's the one handling artifact survey. But he knows his way around your old machines."\n\nYou say oh, and wait a bit, before Yraal comes back. You assume he slipped tools or materials in his pack; he doesn't specify why.\n\nIt's with this auspicious start that you head out.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<nobr>>\n/% roll trades one per trip %/\n<<set {\n $trades.shift();\n $trades.push (randomTrade());\n}>>\n\n<<if $ticArriving>>/% add a delay of one trip for him to show up %/\n<<set $ticLocation to "village">>\n<<set $ticArriveSceneRan to false>>\n<<set $ticArriving to false>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $ticVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\n<<set $ticVisits += 1>>\n<<set $ticVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<if $ticVisits gte 4>>/% gotten all the exile scenes from him %/\n<<set $ticArriving to true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $munitionsVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\n<<set $munitionsVisits += 1>>\n<<set $munitionsVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $leaderVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\n<<set $leaderVisits += 1>>\n<<set $leaderVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $reconVisitedThisTrip eq true>>\n<<set $reconVisits += 1>>\n<<set $reconVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<if $reconLocation eq "ravine" && $sex['recon'] - $reconSexAfterExile gt 2>>\\n<<set $reconLocation to "village">>\\n<<set $reconArriveSceneRan to false>>\\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $munitionsLeaving>>\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "village">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $sireVisited>>\n<<set $sireVisited to false>>\n<<set $sireInv += 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if ($surveysDone gte 1 || $turns gte 20) && $radioSignal eq 9999>>\n<<set $radioSignal to $turns + 10>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $surveysDone gte 2 && $humanSiegeArrive eq 9999>>\n<<set $humanSiegeArrive = $turns + 41>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
He sees you and visibly relaxes.\n\n"Hey," he says, when you approach. "How's the village doing?"\n\nYou tell him it's fine. It's small talk. You mean, obviously.\n\n"So, you think they're really gonna take me in?" he says.\n\nYou shrug. No reason not to, you say.\n\nHe hums. "Might stay here for a while, then. Long way back to April."\n\nYou ask if he's really thinking about making that trip. The sand sea is far, far to the north, and across the western mountains. That kind of trip takes a whole season, and that's with a whole trade envoy.\n\nHe shrugs. "Maybe one day."\n\nYou give him a friendly elbow to the side and say, he might be decent at doing scavenge runs. He could stick around.\n\nHe laughs. "I think I'm gonna stay in town for a while, at least."\n\n<<set $reconArriveSceneRan to true>>\\n[[→|village int]]
You approach him. He shifts. He's wearing regular clothes, and somebody's taken his gun, but his armor and gear is still in his pack at his side.\n\nYou say, hey.\n\n"Hey," he says. He looks relieved to see a familiar face. "Didn't know you were actually hosting some grubs," he says, looking over at the camp. Khru and Pthuul are arguing about something, loud and relatively friendly.\n\nYou say, sure. You ask if he's settling in good.\n\nThere's a pause. "I guess," he says, in a way that means //definitely not//. You suppose it is a pretty big shock.\n\nYou say, well, you're not gonna be in town much this season, but if he can come over to your workshop any time he wants anything.\n\n"You have a workshop?" he says. "What?"\n\nAh.\n\n<<set $ticArriveSceneRan to true>>\\n* [[take him to your workshop|2ic village intro workshop]]<<scenealert "2ic village intro workshop">>\n* [[give him directions|2ic village intro directions]]
You say, yeah, you do. From the crossroads head south and then take a right past the brine compound. It's past the weavers'. Or just ask somebody; they know where it is.\n\n"Huh," he says. "Sure."\n\n[[→|village int]]
You sigh. You'll take him there, you say, and he stands up, grabbing his bag.\n\nYou lead him there: along the southern edge of the town, past the weavers', mixed in with old sheds that are mostly there as a sun screen.\n\nYou lead him inside. He looks nonplussed. "So...?" he says.\n\n<<if $sex['tic'] gt 0>>\\nYou tell him, it's a workshop. You fix shit in here.\n\nThen you add, you'd also be amenable to fucking him in here if he wants. He starts a little, back straightening from his slouch, and looks over at you. "Oh?" he says.\n\nYou leer at him a little: it'd be a good way to welcome him to the village, you say.\n\nHe flushes a little. "Sure," he says. "Let's do it."\n\nAwfully enthusiastic, you tell him.\n\n<<if $_beg>>\\n"What, you gonna make me beg for it again?!" he says, glaring at you. You lean back against the counter, the half-hard bulge of your dick forming an obvious mound. You say, you don't know; does he wanna beg for it again?\n\nHe's flushed for real by now, darkly-freckled skin nearly as red as his hair. "Fuck off," he says, and swallows hard, staring at your dick. "Lemme get on your dick."\n\nYou cock your head. Take off his shirt, you tell him. He tugs it over his head and throws it at you in a crumbled ball; you catch it and put it aside on the counter. You cup your dick, squeezing it as it swells fatter. Now his pants, you tell him, and he looks to the side, flushed and flustered, his cock already rock hard, forming its own tent. It jerks out into the open, huge and heavy, foreskin half pulled back and head shiny with pre.\n\nYou tell him, c'mere, and he closes the distance, letting you kiss him hungrily. He's unshaven, stubble nearly to the point of a beard, and it rasps across your cheeks as you slide your lips up the line of his jaw and catch his lips between your own, sucking his lower lip into your mouth so you can tease it, biting down slightly. He groans against your face, hands clutching your sides, his dick throbbing between you, and you grind the bulk of your trapped cock against his own, groaning from the rush of pleasure.\n\nYou tell him to take off your pants. He lets out an angry snarl, but this close you can feel his cock throb when you order him around some. You tell him, do it good and you'll even let him suck your dick some before you fuck him, and he lets out a disbelieving bark of a laugh: aware of the absurdity of the situation, but still willing to roll with it.\n\nHe drops to his knees and pulls the laces of your pants open with his teeth. He slurps the side of your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>dick<<endif>> into his mouth <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>and chews on it, none-too-gently, while glaring up at you, but he hasn't really factored in the increased durability of <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>ĝheist<<else>>mutated<<endif>> dicks; mostly it feels really fucking good. You groan, spewing out a mess of pre into your pants that oozes out all over his face, and he grimaces as he laps it up.<<else>> and slobbers across it as you harden in your pants.<<endif>>\n\nEventually he actually bites down on the laces and tugs them open, and <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>you unsheath all across his face in a slimy, slurping mess<<else>>your dick flops out all across his face, cockhead smacking him in the forehead and drizzling <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>rank <<endif>>pre into his frizzy hair<<endif>>. Your cock <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>is <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>vivid purple<<else>>a ruddy grey-green<<endif>> in the muted light of the workshop, and it's gleaming with slime, already eagerly drooling pre in cords, and he just kneels there and takes it, breathing in the rank fumes of your slimy pre as you drench his entire face in waves of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>rich, rank glossy dog slime<<else>>stringy yellow pre<<endif>>, until his stubble is saturated and dripping, with cords spilling down his neck. He opens his mouth, sucking on the underside of your slime-slathered cock, body still shuddering from the rank taste as he gulps down each mouthful.<<else>>drizzles pre all down his face, and he twists his head to suck on your shaft, still glaring up at you even as you drool pre all across his face.<<endif>>\n\nYou say, does he want to suck your dick or get fucked, because you can do either but one of them involves him getting up.\n\nHe slobbers across your dick for a minute<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>, until his eyes are watering from the fumes and his features are obscured under the slimy, pouring burble of your sloppy pre<<endif>>. "Fuck me," he groans out around your cock, still sucking, and you finally have to peel your dick off his face before he shifts up.\n\n<<else>>\\n"You know it," he says, and strips off his shirt with no fanfare, tossing it aside onto the counter, and starting at his pants. He strips himself easily, standing there bare-ass naked in your workshop, chest rising and falling with his breathing. He looks nice. His dick is soft but heavy, turgid, and it smacks against his thighs as he closes the distance between you.\n\n"What, you gonna make me strip you too?" he says, fingers curling up the hem of your tunic, brushing over the flesh of your stomach, and you let out a breezy groan and strip your shirt off, unlacing your pants and kicking them down, all with him pressed up against your front, his hands on your stomach, over your hips, cupping your balls.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou press him against the counter, his own dick spilling over the rock surface, his arms braced against the wall. His ass is paler than the rest of his skin, his thick freckles thinning out down his back so that he's only lightly splashed, and you slide two pre-slick fingers along the curve of his taint, the root of his cock broad and heavy when you dig in, and slide up between the crack of his ass, bearing down against his tightly-puckered hole. You wonder if he's ever actually been fucked before.\n\nHe ready, you ask.\n\nHe looks back<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, at the monstrous bulk of your mutated dick, its sharp tip drooling cloudy black pre onto the hard-packed dirt floor. "As I'll ever be," he says. You say don't worry, you'll break him open good, and his cock shudders, balls slowly furrowing up between his thighs.\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>, at the giant bulk of your ĝheist dick, heavy and knobbled, drooling sludgy yellow pre onto the hard-packed dirt floor. "Yeah," he says, voice a little dry. "I can take it." You say, yeah, you'll make sure he does, and his cock shudders, balls slowly furrowing up between his thighs.\n<<else>> at you. "Yeah," he says. "C'mon, fuck me." You say, you're gonna.\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|2ic workshop fuck]]\n\n<<else>>\\nYou tell him, it's a workshop. You fix shit in here. Probably he shouldn't poke around too much, since it's piled up with stuff that could be dangerous. But it's where to find you, for when you're in town.\n\n"Huh," he says. "Sure."\n\n[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
You break him open. You push in, his asshole clenched tight, and you tease the tip of your cock down, grinding against the tightly-curled knot of flesh, gushing out pre over his hole, spilling down his crack and over his thighs. He whines, pushing back, asshole fluttering, and eventually when you push in he flowers open, asshole spreading to suck <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>on your pointed cocktip<<else>>across your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled<<endif>> cockhead<<endif>>. He groans, head slumping down to press against the countertop, his feet sliding wider as he spreads his legs, arching his ass back to try to swallow down your cock.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>You tell him, go easy, you got a pretty giant dick. He snarls. "Shove it in me, then!", he says, and you laugh. <<endif>>You ease your cockhead inside, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sharp tip sliding in easy, smooth and slick and slowly thickening<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>the broad, warted crest digging into his splayed asshole, forcing him even wider before the whole thing sinks inside with a //slurp//<<else>>catching its fat ridge around his spread asshole and pushing it in with a //pop//<<endif>>. That's the easy part. You spurt pre into his ass, slick and hot as it floods across his inner walls, and he lets out a shaky groan, his own cock half-hard, his balls loose and dangling down low between his thighs.\n\nThere's a lot of your cock left to go. You tell him to fuck himself on your cock, and he just lets out a long, guttural moan. His asshole spasms around your cockhead, slurping and sucking. His hands spread against the countertop, bracing himself, and he works his hips an inch backwards, driving your cock deeper. All the breath in his lungs races out with a breathy //whuff//, and he angles down. He's found his prostate, and he grinds back, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sliding your sharp cocktip along the surface of his prostate<<else>>mashing your fat cockhead right against the hard nut of his prostate<<endif>>, over and over. His asshole shudders and spreads, opening wider: pink flesh spread wide around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>violent red-purple <<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>grey-green <<endif>>shaft, clenching and pushing, rising up into a cratered ring when he pulls off and sinking deep inside him when he pushes himself back on, sliding deeper.\n\nYou buck forward, just enough to sink a few more inches into him, and he bellows, guts clenching and pulsing; his entire body shudders when you bash against the end of his ass. Pre gushes out around his splayed asshole, his ass slick and sloppy, flooded with pre and starting to churn up into a thick froth; your cock emerges coated in the foamy lather, with the sloppy excess drizzling down over his ass cheeks, down the backs of his thighs, in big creamy dollops of churned-up slime.\n\nYou lean over him, cock throbbing sunk partway inside him, and you tell him to push. You can feel when he does: the slick muscle of his ass shudders and shifts, the opening into his guts sliding into place and flowering open, letting you sink deeper, deeper, deeper inside him. He's breathing hard, chest heaving, back shiny with sweat, as you plunge into his guts, your slick pre gurgling as it pours deeper inside. You stop with most of your cock lodged inside him, only a few more inches to go before <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the giant bulk of your knot, bloated above your pinned-back sheath<<else>>you're hilted entirely<<endif>>.\n\nHe ruts back against you, breathing in time to his movements, long breathy exhales as he sinks another inch of cock into his guts, a skipping, shuddering inhale as he pulls off. His ass flexes, his giant thighs clenching as he fucks himself on your cock, over and over.\n\nHis dick is leaking steadily. He's half-hard, foreskin peeled halfway back his dark cockhead, and the bare skin of his cockhead is glazed with a filmy mix of pre and cum, collecting in thick droplets that merge together into a single long, thick cord of slime that hangs from the tip of his dick and slowly stretches longer and longer as he drags your bulky shaft over his prostate. The cord whips back and forth beneath him, catching against the frothy mess of your pre dripping down his knees and sticks there, forming a webby mess: thick beads of slimy cum oozing from his splayed cockslit and drizzling down in globs, smacking against his thighs and knees, glazing his skin in slime as he breathlessly fucks himself on your cock.\n\nHe bellows again, ass gaping, guts opening wide, and he swallows your cock all the way down <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the knot, freezing with a gurgling gasp when your half-engorged knot smacks into place between his cheeks, pinned there against his ass in a heavy, bulky mass.<<else>>to the root; his ass smashes against your hips with a sharp //crack//, and he lets out a long, hungry groan, ass milking the entire length of your cock as he grinds himself against your crotch, fully impaled.<<endif>> He stays there for a long moment, guts rippling, his cock flexing and twitching, breathing in sharp gasps.\n\nYou figure now's a good time for you to be a bit more active. You pull back -- he sobs as your cock pulls out, lurching out from his guts with a //pop// -- and then fuck back in, hands braced on his back as you start slow, deep thrusts, pulling halfway out and then plunging back in <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the knot<<else>>to the hilt<<endif>>, each time meeting his ass with a sharp //crack// and a spray of fluid.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYou don't know if it's the first time he's gotten fucked, but it's definitely the first time he's gotten fucked so deep. He writhes and warbles, gasping for breath, slurred howling, bellowing noises ripped out of his chest as you keep up your pace. His ass clenches and pushes against the giant bulk of your dick, wringing out his spongy guts against your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>knobbled shaft, each thrust scraping your gnarled, lumpy warts against the smooth muscle of his guts<<else>>shaft<<endif>>, and the sloppy mess of your churned-up pre squirts out around your dick, creamy froth splattering up your stomach and coating his huge muscled ass in thick cords of slime, smeared into a grimy paste as you keep fucking him.\n\nHis eyes roll up into his head and his erratic howling reaches a peak as you fuck him through an anal orgasm; his cock twitches weakly, only drooling a few more beads of watery cum, and then you show him what's nice about getting fucked by keeping the pace, fucking his through that orgasm and instantly into another one. He whines and howls, baying like an animal as his entire body convulses, guts spasming continually as you sink your cock down to the <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>knot<<else>>root<<endif>>, slow and steady the whole while.\n\nYou eventually give him a break, slowing and pulling half your cock from his ass. He's a mess, dripping with sweat, asshole bruised up into an enormous flushed lump, pink and hot. All the skin across his ass and thighs is drenched in the grimy, gritty flow of your churned-up pre, drooling in a sluggish waterfall from his gaped ass. He whines, ass clenching and pushing, just squirting out another mess of pre, spilling down over his already-coated cock and balls.\n\nHe just gasps for breath, muscles trembling, asshole rhythmically squeezing around your shaft, and you slide in, hands wrapped around his hips as you sheath your cock inside him again. He's fucked open, guts straightened out around your cock, and he swallows you down effortlessly, until you're entirely sunk into the slick wet heat of his guts again. He cums all over himself from that; a dick orgasm this time: prostate kicking against the base of your dick, his half-hard cock splattering cum into the puddle of pre beneath him. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You grind your knot against his asshole, big and dense enough to dig against his prostate even with all the bulk of the rest of his body in the way, and he lets out a sobbing groan, pissing out his load in a series of body-wracking pulses.<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>"Knot me," he begs, and you laugh at the sheer temerity. You've never knotted a human and you really doubt he's gonna be the first. Not even half-engorged, and your knot is already bigger than two fists, warping the hard muscle of his ass cheeks around its bulk. You pull back, knot bursting free with a gush of churned-up pre, and then wedge it back into place, scraping the top against his gaping asshole.\n\nYou're gonna flood his guts with your load regardless.\\n<<else>>"Please," he begs. "Fill me up. Cum in me."\n\nWell, since he did ask nicely. You're leaking a lot; it's not gonna take much for you to cum. He looks real hot coming undone under your dick.\\n<<endif>> \\nYou dig your fingers into his hips, pulling him back onto your dick and grinding down, forcing your fat cockhead a fraction of an inch deeper into his silky guts. He groans. Your balls throb, pinned tight against the meat of his ass, and when you pull back they peel away from his soaked skin, slime webbing out between you in cords, only to smack back together on your next thrust.\n\nYou pick up the pace, hammering into him faster. He writhes under you, howling as you fuck him through <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>another <<endif>>anal orgasm, but you're beyond caring about that. You snarl above him, mashing your full length into his pulpy, fucked-open guts<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, beating your knot again and again against his gaping asshole<<endif>>. Heat blooms inside you, a hot prickle across your chest that concentrates inside you, a tangle of heat pulsing tighter each time your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>knot crashes against him; each time your sharp cockhead stabs deeper<<else>>fat cockhead scrapes across his sloppy guts<<endif>>. You're panting, drooling across his back, eyes unfocused, unthinking of anything aside from the snap of your hips diving your cock into the sucking heat of his squirting guts. Your balls crack against his ass, the frisson of pain just bringing you closer, each impact sending up a spray of sweat and slime, gurgling constantly from his ruined, gaping asshole.\n\nYou cum with a bellow, balls pulled up tight<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot aching<<endif>>. You slam down to the hilt<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot half-caught between his hugely-muscular ass cheeks,<<endif>> and stay there, legs trembling, hands curled into claws, nails digging into the muscle of his hips and stomach. Your cock spasms, cum racing through you in bursts, and you collapse on top of him, pinning him flat to the counter as you dump your load into his guts.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>Your balls ache, dense and heavy pinned against his balls, internal flesh twisting and shuddering. You can feel the chunky gel of sperm work its way up through them, gushing through internal passages and hooking together with the thinner sludge from your prostate. Each spurt feels like someone reaching down into your balls and scooping up sludge, dragging it through your passages in stringy globs. All that combined mess rushes through your cock, emerging in gritty, chunky sprays that splatter across his guts, sticking to his internal walls in a clotted mess.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>The force of cumming aches, muscles throbbing hard inside you, wringing out your gigantic, lopsided prostate with gush after gush of rank, rancid slime, pouring into his ass in an endless torrent. <<endif>><<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot is stuck enough to get some resistance, aching as it bloats fatter and fatter between his cheeks, warping his muscles out until they're warped crescents, only barely cradling half of your grossly-inflated knot. Cum swills deep in his guts, audibly gurgling and slurping as it pumps even deeper, and you groan and slide your hands down to his ass, pinning his huge ass tight around your knot to keep yourself cumming. <<endif>>It doesn't take long to overflow him: cum spills down your length, squirting out over his bruised ass lips in a messy explosion<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, splattering against the top of your knot and oozing down the crack of his ass in a sloppy waterfall<<endif>>. You groan, feet scrabbling in the dirt as you grind an iota deeper, plugging him up as tight as you can manage even as more and more cum gushes out from his ass, webbing down his thighs in a continual flow. The splash of cum spilling into the spreading puddle beneath you turns into a continual wet gurgling, splashing and pouring as you overflow his guts. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>You lurch backwards, pulling him off the counter just so you can see his gut sag down, muscular stomach distended from the sheer volume of your load, drooping down lower and lower as you keep pumping into him. <<endif>>He probably cums<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>> again<<endif>>; his prostate shudders against the base of your cock, but his cock is already cocooned in the slimy froth of your own load, and whatever streaks he adds to the mess are invisible.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You keep his ass clamped around your knot, half-knotting, and that's enough to keep you cumming for a while. His bloated gut grows and grows, hanging down in a drooping swell before his skin reaches its limit and he starts to round out in a pregnant-looking bulge, skin drawn taut around the sheer volume of your load. He's sobbing, groaning between wracking sobs, entire body shuddering. Your feet are immersed in cum, thick and gummy, and you grind down, forcing your cock an iota deeper, sharp cocktip digging into his cum-flooded passages.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYou stay half-knotted for a while, enjoying the sight of him squirming and groaning, his belly bulging more and more, just as much as the continual throb of your knot, the steady spasm of your load squirting out into him.\n\nWhen you pull out, it's with a wet, gurgling //pop// as your knot finally pulls free from his warped asshole. He's spread wide open: asshole splayed open, practically hanging out of his body. His hole is broken-wide, a huge mound rising up past his ass cheeks, and his asshole itself is a huge rumpled crater, purple-red and enormous, his skin bruised up into fat slabs. He shudders, clenching and pushing at nothing, pumping out your grimy load in huge gushes of shining grey slime, drizzling down over his soaked, immersed cock and balls, spilling down his thick legs in sheets, soaking all his hair down in dark lines. His legs are trembling, even as he rests most of his weight on the counter.\n\nYou let him push out your load for a while, immersing his feet in the stringy, viscous heap of cum gathering beneath him. You play with his ass a little, thumb scraping along the blown-own ridge, entire fist pushing inside without much effort. He lets out a shaky groan, ass pulsing and sucking, milking your wrist as he squirts out more cum around it, only for his entire ass to come out, spilling inside-out, when the crest of your hand catches on the lip of his ass and tugs free. He lets out a shaky sob, meaty prolapse pulsing, slowly blossoming bigger until it looks like an obscene tail, a big fat mound wiggling back and forth as he clenches and pulls, smacking against the junction of his thighs just under his muscled ass cheeks.\n\nYou jerk him off while you play with his prolapse, one hand squeezing his balls, sliding up to stroke along the underside of his cock, all just a mess of drenched flesh, slick and frictionless. He might cum; it's hard to say. You work his prolapse, fingers smearing along its huge bloat, palm pressing down on the raw flesh and letting out an obscene squelch, with ooze squirting out across your fingers. He's still pumping out cum, the curled end of his prolapse gushing sloppy grey slime onto the dirt floor, and you work two fingers inside him, stretching his guts out to turn the flow into a continual waterfall: a thick, stringy pillar of cum tethering his ass to the floor.\n\nYou ease his prolapse back into his ass, letting his bruised flesh curl in over itself, ass gulping as it sucks his guts back inside his body. His hole is enormous, a wrinkled crater sunk deep between his spread cheeks, and at the slightest touch it flowers back open into a raw red opening, guts ready to fall out again at the slightest provocation.\n\nAfter working his guts in and out of his body a few more times he's finally drained out enough that he doesn't look pregnant anymore.\n\nHe collapses down into the murky mire of cum underneath him, legs utterly unable to hold his own weight, hands coming down to steady himself and getting buried to the wrist in the thick heap of slime. He's panting and shaking, still groaning weakly when his internal clenches pull against his aching flesh.\n<<else>>\\nHe's a mess when you're finally finished; asshole still gaping even after you pull out. You can see the flushed red-purple flesh of his guts, piled up just behind the bruised gape of his rumpled, bruised asshole. Cum pours out of him, sluicing down his legs, soaking his hair flat and outlining the blocky musculature of his thighs and calves. His legs are trembling as he leans against the counter.\n\nYou play with his ass, thumb sliding over the puffy ridge of his pouty asshole, other hand reaching down to stroke his slime-coated cock. He's hard, dick a hard prong jutting out beneath him, and you stroke him, frictionlessly, as you slide two fingers into his ass, bearing down against the hard nut of his prostate. He howls, gasping between pants as you milk him, and his cock shudders, gushing out his load in squirts that mix with the slurry of cum drooling from his ass, spilling down your wrist and eventually pulling out into a long, dripping tendril. You fingerfuck his ass through his orgasm, stretching his bruised hole even wider, but you finally pull back, letting him shakily shamble to his feet, body drenched in sweat and cum, his half-hard dick jutting out from his body, drizzling a filmy mix of your loads.\n<<endif>>\\n\nWelcome to Yapu, you tell him.\n\n<<sex "tic" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "2ic workshop fuck">>\\n[[→|village int]]
Max is sprawled out across the sand, with one hand behind his back to keep him upright and the other curled around Khru's waist. They're making out, both shirtless and with their pants shoved down to mid-thigh, and their cocks are mashed together, grinding across their stomachs, their chests glazed and shiny with pre.\n\nMax keeps humping up, making his dick skid all across Khru's chest, and eventually Khru shoves him flat down on the sand and rises up, hilting himself on the spire of Max's cock with a single motion. Max lets out a strangled bellow, hips jerking up to bury his dick down to the root in Khru's ass, and reaches out to spread a broad hand across the back of Khru's neck, dragging him down to sloppily kiss him while Khru settles himself on his knees, riding Max's dick.\n\nThey keep making out while they fuck, hungry moans swallowed by their mouths, with Khru grinding himself down, Max thrusting up, Max taking Khru's dick in hand and stroking it as it leaks all across his chest. It takes a while before they're spent.\n\nEventually they give each other one parting kiss and Max sloshes over to you, bare-ass naked and glazed in big runny clots of ĝheist cum, splattered all across his face and chest, his own load smeared in grimy layers across his belly and thighs. His cock is slimy, with a long, jiggling tendril of cum drooling down from his half-hard cock, webbing threads of slime against his thighs as it slowly drips down lower.\n\n"Nice place you got here," he says, voice hoarse.\n\nYou say, glad he likes it, and then you gotta clarify and tell him that y'know humans have //some// propriety and probably won't be fucking all out in the open. That's much more of a ĝheist thing.\n\nHe shrugs and jerks a thumb over his shoulder, in the direction of the rest of the ĝheist survey tents. "No problem. Probably gonna be staying over here for a while anyway."\n\nYou roll your eyes and tell him good luck getting the asses of the rest of the team.\n\nHe claps you on the shoulder. "Thanks."\n\n<<set $munitionsArriveSceneRan to true>>\\n<<sexscene "munitions village intro">>\\n[[→|village int]]
<<if countInventory ($carrying) gt 0>>\\nyou drop your scavenged materials off at your workshop on the way into town.\n<<set (function (inv, toAdd) {\n Object.keys (toAdd).map (k => {\n addInventory (inv, k, toAdd[k]);\n });\n })($inventory, $carrying)>>\\n<<set $carrying to {}>>\\n<<endif>>
<<resetmoves>>[[head out, to scavenge|worldmap][$x = 0; $y = 0]]
<<set $gheistIntroduced to true>>\\nThe ĝheist have arrived while you were away.\n\nThat's not that surprising; this time of year you usually see some traders or explorers. But seeing the tight cluster of ĝheist standing head-and-shoulders over the rest of the human crowd it's immediately clear that this isn't just a regular scouting party.\n\nThere are a few things you process in short succession: one, they're lead by a Ksi-on, the warrior-priests of the hive; two, there are another six of them, but that's not instantly obvious because; three, only three of them are drudges.\n\nYour standard ĝheist, the kind you see around on the uplands, are all drudges: taller than humans by about a foot, hugely muscled, having a human body structure but with something closer to animal hide or reptilian scute than human skin. They're generally hairless, with blotchy grey-brown-green-yellow coloration. Where you'd expect to see body hair on humans, sometimes they have sallow yellow-white patches, rocky spurs of asymmetrical hornlike growths, or quill-like spurs. Their nails are a dull black, and grow into short claws. They have deep-set eyes, glowing yellow, that are apparently extremely light-sensitive, and when they're above-ground nearly all of them wear goggles or helmets with black glass lenses, to block out the light. They got mouths full of snaggletooth fangs. Their clothes are generally functional: armor, straps to hold packs, beast-hide leather leggings, and they frequently go around barechested and barefoot.\n\nA Ksi-on is like that but even bigger. You've never actually seen one before. Things you know about Ksi-on: they're big; most of them are adherents to some kind of worm-based religion; and they have something like hair, because drudges have a habit of describing any human with long hair as having a "Ksi-on cut". This one does, in fact, have something like hair, in heavy dreadlocks down his back. He also has horns, big branching antlers, which now that you think about it makes a few things you've heard about a Ksi-on cut make a lot more sense.\n\nIn this group, there are two drudges: shirtless, wearing armored pants, one wearing a sun-protection helmet that obscures his upper face, the other perpetually squinting. There's a fat Magnataar -- a giant, huge-bodied variant of a drudge -- who's slightly taller than the two drudges but probably as heavy as the two drudges put together. Then...\n\nOne of them looks human -- pale, silvery-blond hair shaved at the sides, with a stubbled square jaw, and dark skin. Muscular, but not as defined as you'd expect, for a human hanging around with a ĝheist squad.\n\nAnother one is what you figure is a Gloamling; another ĝheist variety (subculture?) you've heard of but never seen before. As tall as the Ksi-on, and mutated, with black, flaking skin that peels away in charcoal shrouds. His body is visibly glowing, an inner light burning the shadows of his ribs across his chest, in the sickly yellow tinge of lightrot.\n\nThe last... you have no idea. He (it?) looks nothing like anything you've ever seen. Some kind of great beast of the underground, though he would be a small one. Four-armed, roughly bipedal, and about the same height as the other drudges, but with such weird proportions that it seems like he could move on all fours (sixes) as easily as walking. Leathery reptilian hide, dark blue-purple, with metallic chitin plates growing across his forearms, haunches, and covering most of his chest and head. His head is animalistic, with a squat snout full of thick, curving fangs. Both his skin and his chitin have a bit of an iridescent sheen to it, shimmering in the sunlight. He's got a tail like a scorpion. Also, six eyes, in two lines between slats of chitin, all of them glowing lightrot yellow.\n\nYou know that ĝheist hives are more than just drudges, and more than just ĝheist besides, but you've never heard much about what the rest is. Apparently you're looking at part of it. It's strange. You know there's an entire other world beneath your feet, and you'd thought you knew a little about what it's like, but this casual reveal implies there's a whole host of unknown things everywhere. It's a little unsettling, though you don't hold that against them.\n\nThey're talking to the crowd, in the middle of the hospitality ritual, and so you stay on the outskirts, listening to the news. Apparently they're being unusually cagey about why they're here, aside from that the Ksi-on said they were doing a study.\n\nWhen ĝheist scouts pass through, they generally have clear reasons for being in the uplands -- gathering glass, harvesting acid, hunting the wild beasts of the far wasteland. And it's understood that sometimes those clear reasons are lies, and that they're actually on some unknown ĝheist business. But it's... if they know enough to have reasonable-sounding reasons, and if they help the people they're staying with menial tasks and so forth, then it's a trust that whatever unknown business they're on isn't dangerous to their hosts.\n\nThe Ksi-on here is very explicitly avoiding giving a reason. //That's// the reason practically the whole town is out watching, and they're starting to mutter to each other about it. They're in the middle of being greeted, and very pointedly -- though maybe not to the Ksi-on -- Karon, the council leader of the village, is drawing the greeting out and out, in effect demanding more and more gifts -- spices, medicine, cloth, the usual -- from the ĝheist team.\n\nIt's a bit of an awkward situation.\n\n[[→|chain resolve]]
<<if $brulvundojnChain gt 0>>\\nThat's all pretty interesting and you're sure it'll come up later, but right this second you have your own haul to take care of.\n\nYou drop down into the underground store and collect a few loops of chain: heavy black-metal, hopefully long enough to harness Brulvundojn and the tanker. More would be better, but there's a limit to how much you can carry, weighed down by a 50lb necklace of chains, clattering across your chest.\n\nThis was just a quick stop on your way back out: refilled your water and supplies, grabbed food quickly from a cache, and left. You notice the ĝheist noticing you, though.\n<<set $brulvundojnChain to 2>>\\n<<else>>\\nAs it turns out, this is immediately relevant to your problem.\n\nYou get up in front and ask for their help hauling some stuff around. Asking peoples who stay here for help in trivial tasks is an important part of the greetings anyway; important to get a bunch of favors running in all directions so everybody feels friendly. This is an unusually big favor to ask, but Karon is clearly giving them a hard time already, and the Ksi-on is clearly not stepping up to smooth things out, so it's warranted.\n\nTwo of the drudges instantly relax, giving you a thankful nod out of the corner of your eye. They knew what's up but it probably wasn't their place to say anything about it. The Ksi-on doesn't look too happy about it, crossing his arms and glowering down at you. You think maybe this is his first time out on the uplands.\n\nYou say it'll only be a day or two, round trip, and the two drudges and the magnataar say they'll come with, quickly, before the Ksi-on can say no. You share a look, a kind of get-a-load-of-this-guy thing. The Ksi-on guy glares, like he genuinely doesn't realize you just did him a big favor by showing everybody that his people are friendly and happy to roll with the needs of the village.\n\nYou get their names: the drudge with the sun-helmet is Khru, the one without one is Pthuul, and the magnataar is Yraal. You tell them your name.\n<<set $locustChain to 1>><<set $drudgeActive to "chain">>\\n<<endif>>\n<<set $chain to true>>\n[[→|village int]]
<<if $brulvundojnChain eq 2>>\\nYou arrive back in Yapu.\n\nBrulvundojn hauls the tanker all the way back to town, leaving it on the outskirts, beside your workshop, and collapses to pant in the dark, filling an entire alleyway with his looming presence. You figure he deserves the rest; he's more than earned it.\n<<else>>\nYou leave the tanker on the edge of town, near your workshop, and sprawl out against a dark wall, passing your canteen back and forth.\n\n"Fuck that was heavy," Khru says, rubbing at his shoulders. There's a general groan of agreement. You padded the chains with cloth, but you all still have dark bruises across your shoulders where you carried the weight. That's going to ache for a while.\n<<endif>>
<<set $drudgeActive to "">>\\n<<set $surveysDone to 0>>\\n<<set $zhalkLastCocksuck to 0>>\\n<<set $zhalkCocksucks to 0>>\\n<<if $brulvundojnChain eq 2>>\nBrulvundojn looks up at you, eyes gleaming:\n\n[[→|village brul]]<<scenealert "village brul">>\\n<<else>>\\nThere are footsteps in the sand, and you turn your head from where you're lying: the Ksi-on approaches.\n\n[[→|village borrowed]]\\n<<endif>>
Brulvuldojn leers down at you. He's panting, sides heaving from the effort, and his drool hits the sand with a sizzle.\n\n"I did all the work here," he says. "so I think you owe me for services rendered."\n\nYou're already tugging your shirt up over your head. You toss it aside and start on your pants. You tell him, you know, if he wants to fuck you he can just fuck you; he doesn't gotta make up excuses.\n\nHe steps closer, so his fuming drool splatters down across your head and chest. "Well, I'm gonna fuck you then."\n\nYou say good.\n\nHis sheath squirms, fattening up, slimy pre starting to drool from the slowly-parting opening. Brulvundojn rears up, forepaws braced on the concrete lip of the building's roof, presenting his massive sheath to you. You groan, burying yourself against it -- sheath nearly as wide as your chest, his massive balls hanging down to your feet -- and stroke his sheath, his flesh sliding under the surface. His giant dog dick pushes out into the open, in jerks and spurts, feverishly hot and sour acid-smelling, smearing old clots of cum across your chest. You smear your hands with his issue, stroking the heavy, pulpy flesh of his cock as he unsheathes all the way. His mammoth cock presses up all across your chest, and he ruts against you, making you stagger backwards from the force of it until you're pinned against the wall and he can rut freely, cock thrusting against you and utterly drenching you in his acrid, sludgy pre. Sharper squirts of pre splatter against the wall behind you, darkening the concrete and drizzling down your back. You guide his cock with your hands, leaning in to kiss across his sloppy length, lapping up gummy layers of his old cum, panting against his burning flesh as you struggle to swallow the sour, rancid mess. Slime pours down your legs, wet trails of ooze smeared all over your skin, catching the slight breeze that blows across your bodies and making your skin prickle up.\n\nHis knot bursts from his sheath with a sloppy //splurt//, the swell unengorged but still present, enough to stretch his sheath, and a constant drool of old slime pours out of his sheath behind it, smeared all across his underbelly -- and over the bulk of his knot -- by the fat, tapering tentacles that fan out across the root of his cock. They squirm over your hands as you reach down to play with his knot, digging into the pulpy, spongy flesh of his soft cock.\n\nHis midlegs shift, one dipping down, and he twists to the side, one of his forepaws scratching down the side of the building, and you fall to the side -- still wrapped around his enormous cock -- as he returns to all-sixes. You hit the ground with a soft //whump//, your slimy skin instantly covered in a gritty coat of sand. Brulvundojn growls softly, able to properly rut against you now, haunches working as he grinds his cock down against you, sliding it along your chest, smearing up over the side of your face. Cloudy black pre constantly drools from his sharp cocktip, glazing you, and spills down your sides into the thirsty sand beneath you. You make out with his cockhead, tongue swiping across the sharp plane of his sloping cockhead, lips spread over the bloated divot. He spurts into your mouth, rank and rancid, and your cheeks bloat from the sheer volume of the shot. You struggle to swallow, keeping up with the flow, and your stomach churns, mouth flooding with drool to try to wash away the rank, acid taste. You have to pull away, pant for breath, let the excess drool from your mouth. All the while his cock keeps trembling against you, spurting rope after rope of mutated pre across your face until you're thoroughly soaked in his slime.\n\nHe growls, dragging his cock back until it's pressed against your stomach, sliding against your own hard cock. You raise your legs, feet pressed against the lean arch of his haunches, and he shifts, cock smacking down against the ground and getting its own gritty coat of sand before it shoves into place against your ass. You both hold there for a moment, letting his pre wash off the worst of the sand coating your bodies before he digs down, rutting his cock up and down the crack of your ass. Pre squirts out over your cheeks, spilling into the sand and forming a gritty, clumping pool beneath you. Then Brulvundojn bears down, and his loose, sloppy play with your asshole turns into him starting to properly batter you open. You groan, throwing your head back, and reach out to grab his ankles, bracing against them as he sinks his cock into you.\n\nHe's huge. <<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>It's not your first time with him, obviously, but he never gets any smaller. You're pretty sure he's still growing, actually. <<endif>>Your ass spreads, hole spreading easily over the tip of his cock, and you relax yourself, swallowing up more and more. His pre burns inside you, hot and heavy, spraying against the walls of your ass and gushing inside you. But there's just so much of his cock left. He thrusts forward, shallowly, and even that sends his cock smashing into you, cocktip already mashing against the end of your ass, digging against the opening to your guts. You exhale, tensing your guts, raising ass to get a better angle as Brulvundojn starts sinking his shaft into you. He thrusts, sinking in and pulling back, cock emerging along with a slick slurry of pre, ropy cords of slime splattering out in all directions, gurgling as his pre pours down the inside of your ass and out over your stretched, gaping ring. Your stomach rises and falls, bulging out unnaturally from the spike of his cock. He's not even halfway in.\n\nHe presses one of his forepaws against your chest, keeping you pinned as he ruts harder into you. The sodden sand piles up against your shoulders as his thrusts drive you forward regardless, though. You gasp, unable to breathe when he shoves in; his cockhead mashes up against your diaphragm and knocks the breath from your lungs. You time your breaths for when he withdraws, feeling flushed and woozy. His cock is so big. It's still pulpy, dense flesh kept hard by his dick bone, and it's only that fractional give that lets him thread up into your guts. Your body squeezes down, asshole, guts, all spasming around the girth of his cock, and he keeps thrusting regardless. You have to look down across your stomach to notice you just came, cum smeared across your stomach and caught in the wet hanks of his fur.\n\nHot slime burns through your body, making his thrusts squelch and gurgle, cock slurping as he pummels into you. His cockhead drives under your ribs a few more times before he angles up, and your bloated stomach swells out, his cockhead bulging out of your stomach only thinly-sheathed in your muscle and skin. There's a trick to it. You have to relax your stomach, let your muscles go slack so he can stretch them out, and he drives forward again, belly swelling grotesquely as he jams another foot or so of cock into you. His cockhead twitches, bulge squirming as he lets loose a burst of pre, and the fluid wobbles and pours down beneath your skin. You press a hand to the bloat, wrapping your fingers around his cockhead, feeling his pulse and your own mingled together. He snarls, rutting into you harder. You belly shakes and ripples, drawn out inhumanly by his thrusts. <<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>Old stretch marks across your skin flush red, stretching wider as your skin is warped into bizarre, inhuman shapes by the bulk of his cock. <<endif>>Your ass slurps, his pre squirting out around his shaft with each thrust, forming a sloppy, soupy mess of slime webbing between you and Brulvundojn. Slime pours down his cock, sheening his shaft. He thrusts in, bloating your gut, and while he's buried you you can feel the wet swipe of his tentacles across your ass. They're all drooling slime, smearing it over your skin like licking tongues, digging at your stretched, gaping asshole or drizzling it across your balls. You might have cum all over yourself a second time. It's hard to say.\n\nBrulvundojn bears down, a fraction more, and his knot presses against your fluttering asshole with a //smack//. It's still spongy, only slightly swollen, but that still makes it utterly enormous. A struggle to even fit in between your hips, much less your asshole. You writhe on the ground, skewered through by his cock, body just acting as a sheath for his enormous cock. He thrusts into you, each one gurgling, gulping, with a flood of dammed-up pre gushing from your wrecked asshole each time he pulls back. Your hole is swollen, flesh bruised up into big glossy slabs of aching flesh, and each thrust pulls them back and forth, asshole dimpling out of your ass as Brulvundojn pummels you with his cock. You groan and whine, fingers twitching in their grip around his ankles. You can hear his tail wagging, bashing against the concrete wall beside you, and that makes you grin between your pants. He's enjoying himself.\n\nThe weight of your gut bears down on you, sloshing now with fluid. You look pregnant; your belly has started to round out from the sheer volume of pre he's been pumping into you, and it churns and ripples with each thrust, fluid buzzing inside you, resonating with the force of his thrusts. His knot smacks against your asshole again and again, wet kisses that pull back webbed with slime, thick cords hooking you together, squelching against your thighs when he shoves forward again. His paws dig into the sand, straining, and he jams his knot forward, the flesh of your ass deforming from the force of it, asshole pinned down. Then he pulls back, letting out a frustrated yap, knot peeling away from your skin in preparation of his next try. He hammers down against you, knot straining against your hole, shoving fractionally inside before pulling back, again and again until eventually you spasm and spread and in a sudden push he's shoved entirely inside you. You gurgle, choking on nothing, barely able to breathe from the bulk inside you. Brulvundojn howls, gibbering yaps, and his cock twitches inside you, jerking with enough force to make you lurch to the side. His knot burns, already so huge and swelling larger. The flood of slime from your ass gets pressurized, squirting out with more and more force through the narrowing opening around his knot, until with a final //squelch// his knot bloats large enough to completely seal your ass.\n\nBrulvundojn pants, body drenched with sweat and slime, standing stock-still now that your entire body is pulsing around his cock. He erupts inside you, cock spasming wildly, knot beating inside you like a second heart, and his cum just squirts out into the vast, fluid-filled reservoir your guts have become: flesh bloated and swollen, stretched out from the sheer volume of his pre; his load just adds to that, thicker sludge gushing into you and slowly mingling together. You sob, bloated belly resonating, oceans of slime churning inside you, and you twist -- knot catching on your skin, slick and heavy, pressure sparking everywhere inside you -- and slump down on your side. Even that motion was nearly too much; light flashes behind your eyes, the breath leaves your lungs, and you shudder there, sweaty and slime-coated, dazed, as Brulvundojn keeps filling you with his load. You maybe came again, but right now the pressure inside you and the constant play of his knot and his tentacles against your asshole is making you constantly drool cum regardless.\n\nYou lay there on your side, belly impossibly bloated, shuddering and rippling sometimes with a particularly strong burst of cum. <<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>In a lot of ways, everything that came before was just the foreplay. This is what sex really is to Brulvundojn: being knotted, cock immersed in his own foul issue, the hour-long orgasm, cock pumping and pumping and pumping. Breeding you. <<endif>>You lay there and take it, groaning. Your belly is taut as a drum, skin aching, and stretch marks sluggishly seam open across your sides, skin shredding to let you stretch more and more. They burn from the sweat and slime coating your body.\n\nYou can feel the consistency of his load inside you slowly change. Sloppier, more liquid, but with dense, heavy chunks that smear across the walls of your guts. The fluid pressure increases, gushing deeper and deeper inside you until it feels like you're utterly drenched, inside and out. It radiates heat, painfully hot inside you the entire time, and you just pant and sweat and gasp as he fills you up, more and more. His knot throbs, pulsing with each shot. You can feel yourself start to overflow, too full even for the knot to hold it in: fluid starts creeping up along the edges of the knot, peeling it away from your skin, pushing backwards across its bulk until there's only a thin strip of flesh still securely anchored to it, keeping you plugged up. The pressure grows, and finally you move, or Brulvundojn does, and his knot twists just an iota. Cum fountains from your ass, squirting out in huge, sloppy gushes, and you groan, head flopping back to rest on the sand. You ass blossoms open, half-prolapsing out of your hole, his knot sheathed in layers of your furled guts. His cum gushes out around it, squirting out onto the sand, drenching his paws, slathering your skin. It's fuming, acrid and rank, cloudy black pre mingled together with the green-acid of his cum, forming a sloppy, frothing slurry that spills out over the sand, sending up billowing clouds of fumes. You clutch your belly, bloated gut hardly shrinking at all. He's still cumming inside you, cock pissing out his foul issue, and even with the immense volume of cum gushing out of you it's only somewhat outpacing the continual pour inside you.\n\nHis knot pulls out of your prolapse with a rubbery //spang//, leaving your hole a total wreck: bruised flesh swollen up enormously, sheathed in layers of your folded, furrowed guts, drooping out down your ass like a fat, stubby tail, and all of it completely slathered with his load, drowned under it until your flesh is impossible to discern under the layers of his mutated load. His cock pulls out of your ravaged ass, shaft pulling more of your guts with it, until finally his cockhead pulls free with an explosion of slime, hot droplets of ooze splattering across your entire body. He's still cumming, strong blasts splattering out across your body, hosing you down with his acid-green load. You slump back onto your back, fat prolapse-tail getting mashed into the sodden sand, cum still pouring out all over.\n\nYou catch his squirts of cum all across your swollen belly, spray erupting out all over your chest and face. You shove his cock to the side so it's pressed along your belly, feeling like a rod of red-hot steel, and aim it so he sprays all across your face, coating it in his mutated slime. You scrape your hands over your slathered skin, sucking them into your mouth to gulp down mouthfuls of the slurry, his foul cum and pre mixed together with sand, burning in your throat as you struggle to swallow it. Your guts are so swollen your stomach hardly has any space to expand inside you.\n\nNow that he's not knotted, though, his ejaculation starts to slow: shots only splattering across your chest and belly, instead of all over your face, and then only drooling down from his cock in a thick rope of slime. You crawl over, anchored down by your bloated gut, and catch the thick, silty dregs of his load, sloppily chewing on the chunky, viscous slime as it pours all across your face, gulping it down as it drools from his faintly-twitching cock. You struggle to raise yourself up, wrapping your hands around his cock to drag it down, and slurp the last dregs of his load straight from his cock, letting the excess drool down your face and splatter across your belly. You nurse his cock as it starts to soften, licking up the layers of slime still coating his flesh, mouth open as you drag your hands up along the underside, catching the hanging, jiggling clots of slime and stuffing your slime, coated fingers between your lips.\n\nHis knot sinks down, pinning his sheath back into a mass of wrinkled flesh before it finally shrinks enough to slurp back inside, bringing his tentacles with it. You moan sadly as his cock shrinks back, getting up on all fours to drag yourself forward, until you find yourself buried in his sheath, sloppily kissing his sodden flesh, tongue lapping against the tip of his soft cock. Brulvundojn twists around, pulling you away from his sheath so he can lap up your legs, licking up the mess of his load. His tongue curls around your prolapse, resting it in his mouth, and he chews on it gently, tongue slithering into your unfurled guts to gulp his load fresh from your ass.\n\nYou sprawl out on the sodden, slimy ground, head and shoulders down, legs only supported by Brulvundojn's jaw as he sucks on your prolapse. His tongue squirms inside you as he gulps down his cum -- still pouring out of you around his tongue, excess spilling down your thighs -- and he slowly works your flesh back inside your body, tongue digging into the swollen, bruised slabs of your prolapsed guts and digging down, helping them slurp back inside you. You pull it back in, internal muscles lifting, and your prolapse squelches back inside your ass, weight shifting as it fills the hollowed-out space inside you. Brulvundojn just digs in deeper, teeth spanning up your back and down your thighs, the full length of his tongue buried in your ruined ass. Exchanging the cum flooding you with drool, as he pants and snarls and nips at your ass, tongue constantly squirming inside you. You push your guts back out, prolapsing into his mouth, around his tongue, and he gulps, throat pulling your guts out even longer as he swallows down the constant flood of cum. When he finally spits you out your prolapse smacks against the backs of your knees, dragging in the sand, and he gives it a final sloppy lick, cleaning off the sand, before he helps you pull it back inside your body.\n\nYour gut still looks pregnant, but at least now it's not so heavy you can hardly move. It sloshes and ripples when you get to your feet, more cum streaming down your flooded guts to ooze from your broken, cratered asshole. The wall and the sand around it is completely soaked, shining with an iridescent sheen, with plumes of black smoke fuming up in splotches. You stagger away, using Brulvundojn as a support.\n\nYou say you should probably listen to what the ĝheist have to say.\n\nBrulvundojn says "I forgot they were around." He presses his nose to your side. "Had other concerns." He lets his tongue spill out, licking up the fresh spill of cum down your leg, all the way up to your gaping hole. You let him eat you out again for a few minutes, muzzle shoved between your legs so one is slung up over his head.\n\nYour clothes are fine; you tossed them far enough away that they didn't get drenched. <<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>This is not the first time you've done this. <<endif>> But they're useless to put on now, so you just drape them over your arm as you go.\n\n<<sex "brulvundojn" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "village brul">>\\n<<set $brulvundojnKnotted to true>>\\n<<display "brul tf trigger">>\\n[[→|gameplan]]
<<if $humanIntro neq true>>\\n<<if $drudgeActive>>\\nYou come close to town and immediately duck behind a wall, pulling <<print $drudgeActive>> along with you.\n\n"What?" he says.\n\nYou tell him something's up. There's a crowd in the middle of town, and there are some humans there. There's a beat. //City// humans, you clarify. The kind with guns.\n\n<<print $drudgeActive>> looks concerned. "So, where would the rest of the survey team be?"\n\nYou say, underground if they know what's good for them. That there's arguing in the town instead of a combat site means they probably didn't spot the ĝheist, which means they probably managed to get hidden.\n\nYou say all that while moving along the edge of the town, where the last low shacks fan out into desert. Yapu is mostly one big crossroad, but the roads curve as they go, so there's only a few places where long line of sight is an issue. You duck into a shed, and shove aside an old dusty bin, then stoop down and find the invisible groove on the ground. You open the trapdoor and gesture to <<print $drudgeActive>>. Him first.\n\n[[→|village human sneak]]\n<<else>>\\nHeading back to town, and something's different. There's a change in the quality of light and noise. You crouch down, ducking behind the low cobblestone wall, coming in alongside the edges of buildings.\n\nThere's something up. A crowd in the middle of the city, and some city humans, with guns. This isn't a great situation in the best of cases, and it's made worse by the ĝheist squad being here. They're underground, if things haven't gone totally awry.\n\nYou duck into a shed and shove aside an old dusty bin, then stoop down and find the invisible groove on the ground. You open the trapdoor and drop down into the tunnels beneath the village.\n\n[[→|village human underground alone]]\n<<endif>>\\n<<else>><<display "humans options">>\n\nthe human squad is still here so you can't do survey stuff, or leave the town\n<<endif>>
<<print $drudgeActive>> lands in the tunnels with a //thump//, and you pull the trapdoor closed above you before letting yourself fall the rest of the way down. The tunnels are soft sandstone and dry clay, reinforced at intervals with metal beams. There's a string of dim lightrot lanterns on one wall, with slack power cables strung between them. This tunnel is about wide enough for two people to walk abreast<<print (function (d) {\n switch (d) {\n case "Khru":\n case "Pthuul":\n return (", but low enough that " + d + " has to stoop his head.");\n case "Yraal":\n case "Djen":\n return (", but given " + d + "'s bulk, he has to stoop low, giant body mostly filling the corridor.");\n\n case "Jinn":\n return (", and Jinn stands beside you, blinking at the low light.");\n\n case "Gawann":\n return (", and Gawann paces behind you, down on all his paws.");\n }\n})($drudgeActive)>>\n\nYou gesture at <<print $drudgeActive>> to be quiet, and make your way down.\n\n[[→|village human tunnels]]
<<nobr>>\n<<if $surveyComplete eq true>>\n/% %/<<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn">>\n/% %/<<set $zhalkAngry to ($jinnPregnant neq "") || ($pregnant eq "jinn")>>\n/% %/<<endif>>\n/% %/<<set $drudgeActive to "">>\n/% %/<<set $surveyComplete to false>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n* check in on the [[ĝheist surveyor camp|survey index]]\n<<resetmoves>>\\n\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "birthing squad">>[[head out with the birthing squad|survey req][$x = 0; $y = 0;]]\n<<else if $drudgeActive neq "">><<print "[[head out with " + $drudgeActive + "|survey req][$x = 0; $y = 0;]]">>\n<<else>>[[head out alone, to scavenge|worldmap][$x = 0; $y = 0]]<<endif>>
<<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen">>\\nDjen looks across the horizon.\n\n"Yeah, this'll be easy," he says. "Didn't actually need a helper." He looks at you: "No offense."\n\nYou say no problem.\n\n"Just gotta check out the acid ecosystem here. South, along the coast."\n<<else if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann">>\\nIt's a little surprising when Gawann shows up walking on all-sixes, with his sides burdened like a pack animal. Some of the way his arms move makes more sense like this, though. \n\nHe looks across the horizon: "Just take me to some rock. We'll probably need to check multiple places, so this could take a while."\n\nYou say, rock, huh? Anything more specific? There's rock everywhere. You ask if he wants want exposed rock, like, cliffs and canyons, or if anything would do.\n\nHe says, "Sure, exposed rock would be better."\n\nYou say... well, there's the glass mountain, obviously, to the northeast. There's some old caves around there, too. There's the cleft and the cave ridges to the southwest. There's the red-rock ridges to the northwest. You wanna see all of that? Yeah, that'll take a while.\n\nHe says, "Well, just take me to whichever ones are most convenient. I'll tell you when I've had enough."\n<<else if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal">>\\nYraal shades his eyes even through the dark glass.\n\n"Looking for old holdings," he says. "Cities or constructions; things like that."\n\nYou tell him, hope he's not planning on muscling in on your scavenging.\n\nHe laughs. "I'm more interested in cataloging. Once the hive is set up, I could buy scavenge off you, so long as you can tell me where you got it."\n\nYou tell him, there's the old city dead west, and the ancient fortress east-southeast.\n\nHe shrugs. "Up to you," he says. "Probably it'd be good to check out multiple places."\n\n<<else if $drudgeActive eq "birthing squad">>\\n"It's to the southwest," Jinn says, as you set out. "Red-orange rock, with lots of cliff openings." You tell him you know the place.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou head out.\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
Your workshop. It's an old concrete building along the edge of town; squat. You framed the big hole in the side with old iron beams, and tarped it off with translucent plastic sheeting. The door was missing, so you made a scaffolding framework from spare pipes and draped that with a mess of plastic sheeting; that's your antechamber.\n\nYou got a bench inside with your tools, and greater or lesser piles of junk all over the place depending on the season.\n\n<<if Object.keys($inventory).length === 0>>\\nRight now you don't got anything but dust.\n<<else>>\\nRight now you got:\n<<print printInventory($inventory)>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $plot gte 3>>\n<<if !$tanker>><<set $tanker to {}>><<endif>>\\n<<if $tanker["wheels"] && $tanker["transmission"] && $tanker["ignition"] && $tanker["engine"]>>\\nThe repaired tanker is sitting outside your workshop. [fuel blurb here]\n<<else>>\\nThe wrecked tanker is outside, immobile. <<if $tanker["wheels"]>>Its patchwork wheels are properly inflated and catch in the sand<<if $tanker["transmission"]>>, and with the transmission fixed they even turn properly<<endif>>.<<endif>> <<if $tanker["engine"]>>There are a mess of cords and wires still hooked up to the engine, now settled in its cavity.<<endif>> <<if $tanker["ignition"]>>When you climb into the cabin, you can watch the ignition fire properly<<if $tanker["engine"]>>, causing the engine to rumble and start<<endif>>.<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<print Object.keys(tankerfix).filter (k => {\n return !state.history[0].variables["tanker"][k];\n }).map (k => {\n var recipe = tankerfix[k];\n\n var res = printReqs ($inventory, recipe.req);\n var valid = res.v;\n var reqs = res.r;\n if (valid) {\n return "* [[" + + "|" + recipe.fixPassage + "]]: " + reqs + " → " + result;\n } else {\n return "* " + + ": " + reqs;\n }\n }).join(String.fromCharCode(10))>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<print recipes.filter (function (r) {\n return r.req.filter (function (req) {\n return $inventory [req.i] > 0;\n }).length > 0;\n }).map (function (r) {\n var res = printReqs ($inventory, r.req);\n var valid = res.v;\n var reqs = res.r;\n var result = (function (res) {\n return res.i + " x " + res.n;\n }).reduce (function (acc, v) { return acc + ", " + v; });\n if (valid) {\n return "* [[" + + "|repair][$_act = setRepair(recipes, \"" + r.act + "\")]]: " + reqs + "<br> → " + result;\n } else {\n return "* " + + ": " + reqs + "<br> → " + result;\n }\n }).join(String.fromCharCode(10))>>\n\n[[←|village int]]
[blurb about fixing the transmission]\n\n<<set $tanker["transmission"] to true>>\\n<<display "tanker allfix check">>\n[[→|workshop]]
[blurb about fixing the wheels]\n\n<<set $tanker["wheels"] to true>>\\n<<display "tanker allfix check">>\n[[→|workshop]]
[blurb about fixing the ignition]\n\n<<set $tanker["ignition"] to true>>\\n<<display "tanker allfix check">>\n[[→|workshop]]
[blurb about fixing the engine]\n\n<<set $tanker["engine"] to true>>\\n<<display "tanker allfix check">>\n[[→|workshop]]
<<if $tanker["wheels"] && $tanker["transmission"] && $tanker["ignition"] && $tanker["engine"]>>\\n<<display "tanker everything fixed">>\n<<endif>>
[you fixed the entire tanker! it theoretically works now!]\n\n[some context-dependent blurb based on how far you are in the plot?]\n\n[[→|workshop]]
<<print $_act.act>>\\n<<set $ (function (i) {\n rmInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\\n<<set $ (function (i) {\n addInventory ($inventory, i.i, i.n);\n })>>\n\n[[→|workshop]]
So, Zhalk.\n<<if $zhalkDelayed eq true>>\\n\nYou get up on wobbly legs, face slick with a mess of cum and spit, runnels of slime corded down your chest. You wipe your face a little before going after him.\n\nSo, you say to him. Somebody's gotta say this to you and it doesn't look like anybody else will. Your voice is a little hoarse from getting facefucked, which slightly undercuts the tone you're going for.\n\nYou say, you're gonna piss off everybody in town and they're not gonna consider sucking your dick a proper payment for leading them around. You're being cagey and not actually telling us why you're here, which, we'd actually be fine with if you came up with a vaguely plausible cover story, because that shows you care enough about what we do here to know what 'plausible' is, and also that it's none of our business. Actually //saying// that it's none of our business is incredibly rude and liable to get your asses kicked out of town.\n\nYour voice cracks more than a few times during that monologue, and you cough up more clots of Zhalk's cum while you talk. You have to stop to spit it out onto the sand.\n\nZhalk looks profoundly displeased. For a second it looks like he's gonna argue, but then he just crosses his arms. "Fine." he says, and turns as if to walk away.\n\nYou say, fine? You were expecting more.\n\nZhalk doesn't look pleased to admit it, but he says: "This is my first assignment to the uplands." You want him to keep talking so you don't interrupt to say //obviously// but you definitely think it. "We do in fact want a comfortable relationship between our peoples. I was advised to listen to advice. So I'm listening." His tone of voice says he's really not enjoying the listening part, but, you have to admit that's a vastly faster turnaround than you'd expect from a human. So that's something.\n\nYou say, well, good, because you were expecting more of an argument. So why are you here. Actually.\n<<endif>>\\n\nZhalk says, "we're here to survey for the construction of a new hive in the underground near here."\n\nYou say, oh. Actually that would be great news for everybody? It'd keep the city humans away, and make the place more than a desolate shithole in the middle of nowhere. You'd be glad to help.\n\nZhalk says, "Oh."\n\nYou say, yeah, see. Maybe he's got some society in him after all. It's a joke, because he's some priest from the ornate hive-cities, and you're in a desolate wasteland.\n\nZhalk says, "I guess you want some payment," and you say, that's right. But you're making a point here. You say, do you have any machine stuff I could take apart. Parts. Zhalk says, no, which you already knew because generally speaking ĝheist don't trade machine parts. You say, you got the regular trade shit, right? Fabric and spices. Zhalk says yeah. You say, do you got much more than you were already expecting to give away? Zhalk says no. He's clearly getting impatient with this like of questioning. He says, we have money. You say, your money is still that alloy, right? Melts down poorly? He clearly has no clue what the melting process of his currency is. You say, yeah that shit's worthless to me. You kinda wait a beat. You'll just have to owe me. Zhalk scowls.\n\n<<if $sex['oral'] gt 0 || $sex['anal'] gt 0>>\\nYou have to admit it's kind of hot to play the hardass, but you gotta separate that out. You're actually making a deal here, irrespective of whether you really wanna fuck around with Zhalk. It's important not to be an asshole to him just because you want him to fuck you; being an asshole to him for other reasons is okay.\n\n<<endif>>\\nAnyway, you say. Listen, go tell everybody else about the hive plan, and watch how suddenly they'll suddenly be totally fine with you camping out by the town and they'll stop constantly bothering you with introductions and plans and ceremonies and trade exchanges. You say, you gotta plan out some shit yourself to see how to handle how the rest of the season is gonna go, but you'll figure something out.\n\nIt looks like you're gonna be doing a lot of ferrying ĝheist around the desert.\n\n<<set $plot to 4>>[[→|village int]]
You head over to the ĝheist's encampment at the town's edge.\n\n<<if $zhalkAngry>>\\n/% %/<<display "zhalk angry intro">>\n<<else if $pregnant neq "" && $pregnant neq "www" && $surveysDone gte 1 && atTerm ($pregnant, $pregnancyStarted, $turns)>>\\n/% %/You get more than a few looks. You're particularly pregnant, and walking, much less traveling across the desert, is becoming a challenge.\n\n<<if !$jinnPregnant>>\\nJinn's the one who says something: "You're gonna be laying those soon, huh?"\n\nYou nod.\n\n"Need some help?"\n<<else>>\\nDjen looks you up and and down. Your belly aches, bloated out gigantically before you. You can feel the eggs churn inside you.\n\n"Need some help getting those out?"\n<<endif>>\n/% %/\n* <<if $pregnant eq "astau" || $pregnant eq "stormking">>[[yeah help me with the birthing|birth fist]]<<scenealert "birth fist">><<endif>>\n* <<if $pregnant eq "astau-fertilized" || $pregnant eq "astau-zhalk" || $pregnant eq "stormking-fertilized" || $pregnant eq "jinn">>[[yeah help me with the birthing|birth sidequest]]<<endif>>\n/% %/\n<<else if $surveysDone gte 6>>\\n/% %/<<display "survey endgame intro">>\n<<else>>\\n/% %/<<display "survey index main">>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[←|village int]]
ĝheist survey team:\n* [[Zhalk|zhalk]] (leader, ksi-un)\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge2>>[[Pthuul|drudge2]]\\n<<else if $drudge2>>==Pthuul==\\n<<else>>Pthuul<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Pthuul">>(active)<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge3>>[[Khru|drudge3]]\\n<<else if $drudge3>>==Khru==\\n<<else>>Khru<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Khru">>(active)<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge5>>[[Yraal|drudge5]]\\n<<else if $drudge5>>==Yraal==\\n<<else>>Yraal<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Yraal">>(active)<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge1>>[[Djen|djen]]\\n<<else if $drudge1>>==Djen==\\n<<else>>Djen<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Djen">>(active)<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge4>>[[Gawann|drudge4]]\\n<<else if $drudge4>>==Gawann==\\n<<else>>Gawann<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Gawann">>(active)<<endif>>\n* <<if $drudgeActive eq "" && !$drudge6>>[[Jinn|drudge6]]\\n<<else if $drudge6>>==Jinn==\\n<<else>>Jinn<<endif>> \\n<<if $drudgeActive eq "Jinn">>(active)<<endif>>\n\n/%[add in being able to revisit the sex scenes for characters you've already done the survey bits for]%/
<<display "zhalk opener">>
The ĝheist squad leader comes up to you and your mess of collapsed grunts.\n\nHe still doesn't look like he's in the greatest mood, but maybe that's just how he looks. You learned from the grunts that his name is 'Zhalk'. He's wearing what you know are some kinda religious robes. They didn't say for sure if he was a monk, but to be fair you didn't ask. So he's a monk, maybe.\n\nHe says: "Well, good job hauling that wreck all the way back. You ĝheist: rest up, I expect you to get some actual work done tomorrow. We came here to get shit done, remember?\n\n"Human: get up. You wanna say thanks for me letting you use my guys? I got some ideas for how you can pay me back."\n\n* [[say oh yeah?|zhalk direct]]\n* [[say oh yeah? but drawing it out, making eye contact, legs spread minutely, thumbs hooked into the waist of your pants, pulling them taut across your crotch|zhalk actual]]<<scenealert "zhalk actual">>
You say, oh yeah?\n\nZhalk says, "You're their scavenger, right? You could work as a guide. I'm sure you know the lay of the land better than we do."\n\nYou consider whether to go for it and decide, sure, fuck it. Sure, you say. How do you plan on paying me.\n\nYou distinctly hear Pthuul groan in the darkness.\n\nZhalk says, "Pay //you?//"\n\nYou say yeah, for leading your guys around for what'll probably be an awful lot of my own time.\n\nZhalk looks at the grunts beside you, still sprawled out but probably not relishing the confrontation you're instigating right in front of them. "Letting them help you wasn't enough payment?" He says it like you're being greedy.\n\nYou tell him, no, that was a service to the town, in exchange for them letting you stay here despite how you're being cagey and not telling anybody why. I did you a favor by showing I trusted your guys to help with a task, instead of treating you like somebody coming through to stir up trouble. If you wanna get more help, you gotta tell me what you're actually doing here, so I know what I'm getting involved with. And you gotta tell everybody else too, so they know what they're getting involved with by hosting you.\n\nZhalk doesn't look too pleased. For a second it looks like he's gonna argue, but then he just crosses his arms. "Fine. See me later, when you're recovered from your trip," he says, and turns and leaves.\n\nYou sag back against the wall with a sigh.\n\nPthuul looks over at you, where he's still lying on the ground. "You don't really take any shit, huh?"\n\nYou tell him somebody had to say something to him, and it might as well be you, because apparently all of y'all are useless. He takes it as the friendly ribbing its intended as. Thankfully.\n\nYou stay there for a few more minutes, but whatever the rest of your talk with Zhalk is gonna look like keeps weighing on you. You get up.\n\n[[→|gameplan]]
<<set $zhalkChainFacefuck to true>>\\n<<set $zhalkOpenCocksuck to true>>\\nYou make a mental note to complain about his unawareness of social protocol later, but right now you really just wanna suck his dick.<<set $zhalkDelayed to true>>\n\nYou check him out and don't bother to hide it at all.\n\nHe's leaner than most ĝheist, but that's mostly because he's taller. He's still brutally, inhumanly muscled, and his loose robes flow with the desert wind, fluttering against his body and, for an instant, revealing the hard muscle of his chest and thighs. His robes are parted in the center, a sliver of his bare chest and cord-wrapped stomach visible as he shifts. You catch his gaze, holding it, and he smirks, baring his fangs.\n\nHe laughs. "You're the scavenger, right? I was thinking you could work as a guide. I'm sure you know the lay of the land better than we do."\n\nHis hand stirs at his side, and he reaches over to grope himself, giant clawed fingers wrapping around a fat mound under his skirt. He leers, forked tongue flitting out across his lips. "But if you're so eager to work in some other way, how about you get up on your knees and show us what thanks looks like."\n\n[[→|zhalk facefuck]]
You raise up from your slump against the wall, kneeling, and he steps in front of you, leering down. The other ĝheist perk up, shifting; Pthuul's arm presses against your side as he leans in.\n\nZhalk unties the cord around his front and shrugs, letting his robe fall open, baring his chest. His stomach muscles clench under his bandage wrappings, and he angles his hips closer, making his underskirt drape forward across his thighs, mounding across his crotch. He breathes in, out, chest rising and falling, letting you lean in closer, and then he hikes up his skirt with one hand and mashes your face down against his fat, puffy cunt with the other. You groan, lips parting, and the movement parts his as well. He's got thick, heavy lips, yellow-grey and covered in leathery warts across their curves, lumpy and smooth across your tongue as you lap inside. He groans, grinding your face down, hips rutting against your face. Flesh slides against your tongue, heavy and thick, and his cock unsheathes into your mouth without ever once touching the air.\n\nYou slurp on his cock as more of it spills into your mouth. It's heavy, spongy and dense resting on your tongue, but still flexible, only half-hard, and as more slides into your mouth it's easy to swallow it down your throat. You look up at him while you do it, lips kissing his fat cunt, his cock effortlessly unsheathing down into your throat. His shaft is coated in old slime, sour and gritty smearing over your lips, across your tongue, and you lick across the underside, swallowing down a mouthful of sludge, letting your throat muscles milk his cock. He snarls, hand pressing on the back of your head, grinding you down against his crotch. You're not sure how long Ksi-on dicks are; it's entirely possible he could just unsheath all the way down into your stomach. It already kinda feels like that already. His cockhead slides against the base of your throat, just above your collarbone, and you wetly gag, feeling a wash of phlegm and pre work its way up your throat until you gurgle and let it drool from your mouth, smearing against his leathery hide, forming slimy cords hanging from your chin.\n\nHe pulls you back, and that makes you gag worse than the slow slide down your throat. His cock pulls from your mouth, shaft a dark flushed purple and glistening. He pulls you back until the head slurps up out of your throat along with a sludgy plug of his grimy pre; his cock flops from between your drooling lips, draped across your upturned face. It throbs, veins bulging out under the surface, still filling out. It's already enormous. He lets you kneel there for a bit, swallowing the slime in your mouth, breathing hard, before he pushes you back, dragging you back down his cock. He stuffs the whole thing down your throat, smacking your face against his swollen cunt, lips straining around the engorged bulk of his cock. He groans, and his cock pulses, a spurt of pre a blossoming heat beneath your collarbone. He grabs your head in both hands, holding it in place as he thrusts forward and draws back, treating your mouth like an open hole to fuck. You sputter and gag, washes of gritty pre erupting deep in your throat and working their way up, heat rising as your throat muscles spasm and retch, until a sloppy mess sprays from your mouth, splattering out across his stomach and hips. He seems to like that; he groans and jabs forward, holding you down as you cough up gritty ĝheist pre, squirting up out of your fucked-open throat in erratic bursts.\n\nHe fucks your throat, snarling, and you're dimly aware of the other ĝheist leaning in, a sandpapery tongue lapping at your bare chest, licking up the stringy mess of slime drooling down from your fucked-open mouth. Somebody's cock presses against your side, humping up, leaving wet smears on your skin. You're not paying attention; your world has narrowed to the sight of Zhalk's clenching abs, the feeling of your hollowed-out throat, held wide open by his fat cock. He drags you down, thrusting forward, and his cunt smacks against your bruised lips with a sharp sting, his cock spitting pre down your gullet, your tongue drenched in a morass of slime, strung out in glistening cords between your bodies when he pulls back, excess working its way up your spasming throat and drooling from your mouth.\n\nSomebody chews on one of your nipples; //that// you notice, whining around Zhalk's cock, vision whiting out. You maybe cum in your pants. Hands scrape down your sides, and a second cock presses against your other side. You're sandwiched between the two drudges, Zhalk steadily pounding your throat, his cock emerging from your bruised and slimy lips with a sick wet gurgle, wet squelches coming from your fucked-open throat. He growls and roars, fingers digging into your skull as he slams you down and holds you there. His cock shudders, some internal muscle spasming against your nose, mashed against the flowering folds of his fat cunt. His cock flexes, strong ripples pressing against your tongue, and he dumps his load down your throat, heat and weight washing deeper in scummy, thick waves. You gurgle, throat slack, not swallowing or letting it build up, just letting it all drain directly down into your stomach.\n\nZhalk groans and draws back, shallowly rutting against your messy face, dragging his spurting cockhead back and forth through the spasming rings of muscle deep in your throat, and you obligingly gag and retch, cum gurgling up to erupt from your nose and mouth, splattering in lumpy clots across the root of his cock, over his flushed and straining cunt lips. He drags your head back and forth stronger after he sees it makes you gag, and you cough and retch, cum burning in your sinuses, tears streaking down your disheveled face, a sloppy burble of grimy cum flooding your mouth and bursting out from your lips, spraying everywhere. The drudges press tighter, licking up over Zhalk's thighs, nipping at your jaw as they eat up the sloppy mess as it bursts from your mouth.\n\nZhalk pulls back, cock slithering up your throat and pulling from your slack mouth with another burble of cum. His cock is slathered in an opaque mess of cum, thinned by your spit, dribbling and drooling everywhere. He shoots across your face, stinging where it catches over one eye, and you squint it shut, gasping and panting as he aims for your open mouth, jaw hanging open, mouth flooded with slimy, sour cum.\n\nHe sprays the last of his load across your face and hair, droplets splattering across your shoulders. You can still feel him thrusting in your throat, phantom pressure rippling up and down every time you swallow. You slump down onto all fours, dazed, cum draining from your mouth in a tarry cord, and one of the drudges reaches out and grabs it, squelching in his hand as he pulls to the side, chewing. You just gasp, stomach roiling, weakly coughing up chunky, gritty cum, sour and acrid.\n\nSomebody presses kisses across your jaw, tipping your face up, and his tongue drags wetly over your stubbled cheek. You turn towards it, catching his tongue between your lips, and he hungrily eats Zhalk's load out of your mouth as you gurgle and spit, viscous slime working its way up your throat in gummy clots. He groans against your mouth, tongue scooping up cum plastered across your teeth, over the roof of your mouth, pulling back to messily chew on it. His breath puffs out across your face, huffing and groaning, and he gulps it down before leaning in again, cleaning you off. It's Pthuul; you can tell because of the lack of helmet. Khru leans in against your back, his hard cock jabbing against your ass, and he licks across your shoulder, up the back of your neck, where a few stray globs of cum landed when Zhalk shot all over your face. You turn away from Pthuul, letting Khru kiss you -- he's much more aggressive about it, hand on the back of your head crushing your faces together, snaggletooth fangs chewing on your lips as he shoves his tongue down your throat and sucks Zhalk's cum up out.\n\nAfter a while you say you should probably go actually talk to Zhalk, and they peel themselves off of you. They're both hard, cocks out, giant and heavy and drooling fresh pre. You're a little tempted to keep at it, but... can't be fucking constantly, you guess. Just frequently.\n\n<<sex "zhalk" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk facefuck">>\\n[[→|gameplan]]
Zhalk has definitely noticed your arrival. He stomps towards you and Jinn. He's irate.\n\n<<if $jinnPregnant neq "">>\\nHe really takes in the two of you: both of your stomachs bloated and pregnant, eggs sometimes squirming around with visible shudders. You and Jinn both kinda awkwardly look away. You were kind of expecting something like this to happen; it's not like taking him to visit Astau was //at all// what you were supposed to be doing.\n\nZhalk yells at you both. Things like, "we're not here to just fuck around!", and "did you have any plan aside from doing as much spawning as possible, assholes!". At Jinn: "Look at you; you can hardly walk. How do you expect to get any fucking work done like that."\n\nHe crosses his arms and says, "I hope you both fucking enjoyed yourselves."\n<<else>>\\nHe takes in your freshly-pregnant belly, eggs sometimes squirming around with visible tremors. He also takes in Jinn's comparatively-smug face. He doesn't look particularly abashed about anything.\n\nZhalk yells at your both. Things like, "we're not here to just fuck around!", and "did you have any plan aside from doing as much spawning as possible, assholes!". At Jinn: "You're not here just to pump eggs into everybody you see! You might be a prince, but I'm still the squad lead!"\n<<endif>>\n\nThis goes on for a while. But. After a while it's hard not to notice that Zhalk is //aggressively// turned on. His nostril-slits keep flaring, and his skin starts to flush a blotchy purple-brown, in mottled clusters across his neck, spreading up and down to his face and chest. After a while you can smell him: the reek of ĝheist pre. His skirt is mounded out, cock not unsheathed but clearly struggling.\n\n* [[share a look with jinn|zhalk angry fuck]]<<scenealert "zhalk angry fuck">>\n* [[just let your dressing-down be a dressing-down|survey index][$zhalkAngry = false]]
You share a look with Jinn. You might be overstating the degree to which you wordlessly understand each other, but he's definitely smirking a little out of the side of his mouth, and he gestures his head towards one of their tents.\n\nYou go, uh, and Zhalk's gaze whips over to you. "You got something to say?" he says, and you go, well, and just kinda reach over and tug him with you. Jinn takes his other arm, guiding him back into his tent.\n\nYou get inside -- first time being in there for you. Dimly lit, with a cot and a low metal bench clustered with what you figure are survey tools or reports. You're not paying much attention to the //decor//, though.\n\nYou settle him down on his cot. His dick is making a giant tent in his skirt, pre starting to soak all through his wraps, making dark spots shine through the fabric. His nostrils keep flaring, practically snuffling as he takes in <<if $jinnPregnant neq "">>your pregnant scents<<else>>your pregnant scent<<endif>>. Jinn leans in and says something into his ear in ĝheist that makes his cock lurch, and he huffs out a breath, maybe caught between being annoyed and turned on. You're, uh, pretty sure that there is some complex ĝheist relationship dynamic going on between Jinn and Zhalk, all the more so when Jinn kneels down in front of him -- pulling you down with him and starts to peel off Zhalk's sodden wrap, flipping his skirt up into a sodden pile.\n\nZhalk just groans, all the fight gone out of him, and tugs you both forward, mashing your faces against his crotch. His cock shoves out between his unraveling wrap, and Jinn frees the final coils -- dripping wet -- as Zhalk's cock unsheaths hard, slurping and gurgling as it spills out of his vent.\n\n<<if $sex['zhalk'] gt 0>>\\nHe gets fully hard and fully unsheathed quick. Seconds after unsheathing his cock is an iron-hard ramrod, lost its last soft give. It trembles in the air, bubbly boils near the tip fluttering, dimpled cockslit pouting open as he spurts pre all over himself, entire shaft pulsating.\n<<else>>\\nWhat Jinn said about Ksi-on internal dicks was definitely true. Zhalk's got a pair of thick, meaty lips: yellow-grey and covered in leathery warts, and his cock emerges as a flushed, purple spar between them: thick and smooth, with only a few bubbly boils close to the tip. It's shaped like a sledgehammer head: flat-capped, shaft smoothly bulging out fatter in the middle. His labia wetly flex and clench around the base of his cock, excess slime drooling out over his lips and down between his muscular thighs. He's practically gaping around the girth of his own cock: the internal flesh of his cunt is a pale green-yellow, his inner lips sometimes fluttering out around the base of his shaft when he clenches down and pushes.\n<<endif>>\\n\nThe second his dick spills out it lurches up, smacking against your wrists, and gushes a streamer of pre all across yours and Jinn's faces. Jinn groans, capturing the side of Zhalk's shaft in his mouth, tongue laving across the raw flesh to catch a scummy layer of pre all across his tongue, and he slides up the slathered shaft to catch the tip in his mouth. You mirror the motion on the other side, catching a mouthful of sour pre, tongue pressing against Jinn's as you make out over Zhalk's cockhead. He growls above you, hands raising to cup your heads and mash them together, letting him rut his cock between your kissing lips, spurting messy gushes of pre all over yours and Jinn's faces.\n\n<<if $pregnant eq "jinn">>\\nJinn grins at you, lips warped around Zhalk's cockhead. He pulls off with a slobbery //pop//. "You wanna fertilize the rest of my clutch?" he says, hand spreading across your belly. "Impregnate those royal eggs?" You groan, still slobbering across Zhalk's cock. Jinn keeps talking: "Go for it," he says: stroking Zhalk's cock, rubbing your gut, and Zhalk rumbles and shifts, rising up to stand in front of you, cock aimed directly at you while Jinn jerks him off.\n\n<<display "zhalk angry facefuck">>\n<<sex "zhalk" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk angry facefuck">>\n<<else if $jinnPregnant eq "you">>\\nJinn looks up at Zhalk, all dewy-eyed. He moans, wet and wanton against Zhalk's shaft, letting spit and pre drool from his mouth, just adding to the bubbly mess of slime pouring down Zhalk's cock.\n\n"You wanna fertilize the rest of my clutch?" he says, one hand shoved into his cunt, rutting against Zhalk's calf. "Get me bloated with your eggs too?"\n\nZhalk lets out a rumbling roar, his cock spurting hard, coating Jinn's face in a sheeting layer of rank, sour pre. Jinn leans back, sitting on his ass with his legs spread, fingers spreading his cunt lips to gaping. "C'mon, go for it," he says, and Zhalk snarls, the sound rough and animal, and lunges at him, on his knees shoving his fat cock across Jinn's underbelly as he ruthlessly kisses him.\n\n<<set $jinnStillCarrying to true>>\\n<<display "zhalk angry jinn fuck">>\n<<sex "zhalk" "anal" "voyeur">>\n<<sex "jinn" "anal" "voyeur">>\n<<sexscene "zhalk angry jinn fuck">>\n<<else>>\\nYou and Jinn share a messy, sloppy kiss around Zhalk's pumping cock. Pre and drool spill down your jaws, dripping from your chins in ropy cords that splatter over your bloated, pregnant bellies. Zhalk bastes your faces in his pre, until your faces are dripping with sloppy, translucent layers of sour pre.\n\nJinn looks up at him, eyes watering and shining, a froth of bubbles collecting across the corners of his mouth. "Don't you want to fuck us?" he says, almost pleading. "We're both so heavy with eggs." His voice gets a little sharper, teasing and mean. "Don't you wanna add your loads to the clutch? Get us both well-bred?" His body is pressed all against yours, hot and slick with slime, his gut churning with Astau's eggs.\n\nZhalk roars, lurching up to his feet, cock erupting to splatter you both with more cords of stringy pre. "I'm going to ruin you," he growls, tongue slavering out of his mouth, the sounds nearly an inarticulate roar. Jinn groans around his dick.\n\n<<if $pregnant eq "astau">><<set $pregnant to "astau-zhalk">><<endif>>\\n<<set $jinnStillCarrying to true>>\\n<<display "zhalk angry double impreg">>\n<<sex "zhalk" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk angry double impreg">>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $zhalkAngry to false>>\\n<<set $zhalkLastCocksuck to $surveysDone>>\\n<<set $zhalkJinnThreesome to true>>\\n[[→|survey index]]
"I hope you're ready for it," Zhalk says, voice wet and rasping. He's practically slavering.\n\nThe wet weight of his cock smacks against your jaw as it twitches, burbling a constant spill of translucent, off-white pre in slimy cords over your skin. You turn your head to the side and suck the tip into your mouth. Jinn's fingers slide across the shaft, brushing over your lips and leaving behind stringy cords before he slides down to the base, fingertips dipping into Zhalk's cunt. Zhalk just snarls, weight shifting: his hand fans out against the back of your head and he shoves you down on his cock, slamming the entire thing down your throat.\n\nYou gurgle, throat warped from the fat bulk of his shaft, slime squirting from your nose and mouth, and Zhalk stares down at you, his eyes gleaming, his cock shuddering in the tight confines of your throat. His calves press against your bloated gut, digging into the heavy bulk of Jinn's clutch, and that's what gets his cock to throb and pulse, spewing a messy slurry of pre and cum down your throat. You swallow, the motion squeezing his fat shaft, and the stringy mess of slime burns down your throat until you can feel it empty out into your stomach with a heavy //splat//. His pre is thick and ropy, jellylike in texture, and it digs against the sides of your throat, forming bloated pockets that further warp your wrecked throat. You gag and swallow, and your erratic contractions eventually knock free the heavy clots of built-up slime, sending it sinking down into your swollen stomach.\n\nJinn's fingers press against your chin, spreading Zhalk's fat labia, and he sinks in to grind down against the underside of Zhalk's cock, working against his bloated prostate, his bulging internal balls. Zhalk groans again, the noise practically a growl, and he drags your head back -- cock emerging from your lips slathered and dripping, smearing cords all down your chest and pregnant belly; all down Jinn's arms where he's wrapped around Zhalk's legs -- and then slams you down again. His hips snaps forward to smack his puffy cunt against your face, smearing his skin in the slurry drooling from your nose and mouth. His cock spasms and spews a heavy, tarry mess of cum-laden slime down into your stomach, thick ropes that you can feel peel apart and smear together until they spill into your stomach in a dense, coiling heap.\n\nHe's not trying to cum precisely, just using you to milk as much thick, cum-laden pre out of him as possible. He lazily fucks your face while Jinn fists his cunt, wringing out his internal balls in chunky, tarry clots.\n\nZhalk keeps spurting down your throat, each one long and protracted, ending in a series of shuddering spasms that makes the flesh of your warped throat shudder. He fills you up, tarry cum and slobbery pre, until your bloated stomach is warring with your pregnant guts for space. Your stomach gurgles, internal chambers shifting, and there's a rush of fluid as the sheer volume of his issue combined with whatever hormones Jinn's eggs are oozing out lets your stomach open wide and bathe the eggs in your guts directly in the slurry of cum and acid that's stewing in your stomach. Zhalk groans when it happens, his cock shuddering again where it's shoved down your wrecked throat. You gurgle on slime, blowing out thick bubbles around his shaft, spilling down your slime-painted chest, and Jinn humps against your stomach, his fist-sized clit protruding from his hugely flushed cunt, skidding back and forth along your belly in a mess of slime.\n\nEach wet, soggy lurch of your guts is sickening; a wave of nausea ripples through you with each splattering gout of ropy cum that pours directly into your guts. Like the retch of gagging on a dick, but worse. Your eyes water, tears streaking down through the slurry painting your face, even as you keep swallowing in gulps. Zhalk's cum is hot inside you, heat seeping through your flesh, outlining the spasming swell of your stomach and the twisted loops of your guts, flooded and drenched with cum. Your pregnant gut droops lower, shuddering each time your guts gurgle, and it smooths out into a wide, broad expanse of slime-smeared skin, shredded at the edges with a mess of reddening stretch marks.\n\nAt some point, eventually, Zhalk pulls out of you. His cock comes up with a wash of slime, a gush of grimy cum flooding your mouth and spewing out all across his legs, and you just stay kneeling, head tipped back, cum overflowing out of your retching throat without Zhalk's dick to keep it mostly stoppered up. Your heartbeat thuds in your ears, your eyes open but unseeing, your vision greyed out until you manage to cough and sputter and vomit up great tarry heaps of Zhalk's load on the floor of the tent.\n\nSound comes back to the world with an abrupt //pop//. There's slime in your ears; it makes the sound all wavy. You're coughing, loud and hoarse, and there's the creak of hide as Zhalk leans back, collapsing in his seat with an exhausted groan. His cunt is gaping; you can see all the way back along the underside of his shaft to the tri-lobed bulge of his prostate, his internal flesh bruised vividly purple. If you hadn't just spent the past -- half-hour? at least? -- gagging on his cock you'd say this was just as rough on him as it was on you. He's still half-hard, his cock draped across one thigh and still weakly shuddering, drizzling out a mess of thinned slop all down his leg. His head is lolled back, and he's breathing hard, his entire body sheened with sweat where he's not dripping with slime.\n\nJinn looks smug.\n\nEventually you clear your throat. You can feel, distinctly, the sphincter in your stomach close up again, as a ring of pressure stemming the flow of cum burbling back up.
Zhalk pins Jinn down, looming over him on all fours, practically mounting him like an animal. He snarls, huffing and panting over Jinn, hips erratically jerking as he ruts his gushing dick across Jinn's mounded belly, digging down hard against the broad, jiggling expands of his pregnant gut. He coats him in thick, stringy cords of pre, glazing his stretched skin. He chomps down on Jinn's face, biting messily across his jaw and neck, leaving jagged marks in his wake.\n\nHe pulls back, minutely, only so he can line up his cock. He paints Jinn's flushed cunt in heavy webs of pre, totally drenching his inner thighs in slime, his cockhead knocking against his swollen lips before he sinks inside with a wet //squelch//. Zhalk roars, panting and slavering all across Jinn's face as he hilts his cock inside him, his own scaly cunt lips mashing against Jinn's with a slimy //slap//, ooze burbling up between their florid lips as he grinds his cock down, stirring it around inside Jinn's depths.\n\nJinn spills back, arms raised, and tugs you forward. He pulls your cock out across his face, nursing lazily on the side as you drizzle pre down his jaw and into the hollow of his neck. Zhalk doesn't care; he genuinely might not notice: hands on Jinn's pregnant gut, cock pounding into his bruised and bloated cunt. Jinn moans, body shaking with each thrust. You have little doubt that Zhalk is pushing his way into Jinn's cervix, gushing his pre all over Jinn's eggs.\n\nZhalk snarls and growls, deep gurgling sounds popping up through his throat, lost in fucking Jinn, and he cums in about five seconds, roaring up at the sky, the root of his cock flexing hard as he dumps his load directly into Jinn's womb. He keeps himself hilted the whole time he's cumming, hips rhythmically grinding even deeper, mashing their cunt lips together in a slimy mess. Jinn tips his head up, easily swallowing your cock down <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the knot<<else>>to the root<<endif>> now that he's not being jolted around by Zhalk's thrusts.<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>> His throat warps out, thickening around the bulk of your cock as he milks your shaft.<<endif>>\n\nZhalk pulls out, cock still-hard, and immediately catches a slimy runnel of ooze drooling out from Jinn's gaped cunt. He catches the gritty grey mass of cum on his claws and smears it back up inside him, fingers shoving into him, and then he keeps pushing: sinking the crest of his hand into Jinn's cunt with a jolt, shoving his entire fist deeper, stopping up the flood of cum oozing out of his fucked-open womb.\n\nJinn gurgles around your cock, cunt clamping down on Zhalk's forearm. He's too heavy to fuck himself on Zhalk's hand -- his pregnant belly sloshes and sways, pinning him down -- but his hips jerk like he's trying to. Jinn moans, sound lost against your cock, and cums around Zhalk's fist, sloppily squirting a filmy mess of pre and cum and juices in all directions, glazing Zhalk's scaly arm in dripping slime.\n\nZhalk growls, cock twitching, gushing fresh pre, and he rips his hand out of Jinn's cunt with a slimy spray and shoves his cock back into place through the frothy mess, fucking him again. Jinn jolts against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>the root of your cock<<endif>>, face mashed against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>it<<else>>your crotch<<endif>> from the force of Zhalk's thrusts. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>He's so loose and pliable from his heat you actually have little doubt that you could knot his face. To be honest, though, you don't //really// wanna try that out when Zhalk in all frenzied, mindlessly fucking him. Jinn's lips, spreading against the slimy bulk of your knot in an obscene kiss, feel great. <<endif>>His throat warps each time your cock throbs, spitting out a mess of pre directly down into his stomach.\n\nZhalk cums again, just as quick. His cock throbs hard, muscles just above his cunt visibly spasming, and he growls, slavering and drooling all over Jinn's gut, hands dragging his hips backward, keeping him pinned tight on his cock. He doesn't even pull out this time before starting on his third load: just keeping Jinn impaled on his cock, cockhead no doubt shoved into his cervix, squirting directly into his womb.\n\nSomewhere around Zhalk's fourth or fifth load you cum down Jinn's throat. He moans, sound muffled into a wet buzz against your balls, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>and you faux-knot yourself with your tentacles for a bit. He's already so hugely pregnant his belly doesn't really get any bigger, even with a load of dog cum churning in his stomach<<else>>and you cum down his throat, pulse after pulse of cum that he swallows with not a single hitch<<endif>>. He licks your cock clean as you pull out, tongue swirling around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>slick, animal cock<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>fat warts<<else>>shaft<<endif>> and lapping up the slimy mess, gulping more down. Zhalk keeps pounding out, wet //plap//s as his cunt lips beat against Jinn's own, by this time bruised up into immense, drooping folds, puffy and a deep purple-red, coated in a grimy grey froth as Zhalk's cum gurgles out of him, thinned into a greasy slime by Jinn's own slick fluids.\n\nJinn spits out your cock, letting you drool the dregs of your load all over his sweaty, disheveled face. He pants, entire body sheened with sweat, his pregnant gut lurching and swaying from Zhalk's brutal thrusts. You kneel in front of him, spent from your own load, just watching as Zhalk cums again and again, flooding Jinn's womb with his own chunky, gritty ĝheist cum. His thrusts grind, wet cracks resounding as he ruts into the fucked-open, gaping mess of Jinn's cunt, their bodies webbed together with dripping arcs of slime strung between them, snapping and splattering down against their thighs when he pulls back, only to squirt out in all directions when he pounds back in. You've lost track of how many times Zhalk's cum. It's around a dozen. He's slavering and panting, snarling, mounding Jinn like an animal, and he shows absolutely no sign of stopping. You can hear Jinn's gut slosh, cum squelching up between his eggs, churning through his flooded womb.\n\nEventually, you realize they're gonna be like this for hours. Maybe days. You milk out the dregs of your load across Jinn's face<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, squeezing out slimy, backed-up ooze from your stuffed sheath, letting it drip down Jinn's cheeks in oily black runnels<<endif>>, and tuck your dick back into your pants. You don't think either of them actually notice when you leave, both still locked in their frenzy of mating.
Zhalk bowls you both backwards with one arm and lunges forward, hands planted on the ground beside your shoulders, snarling like an animal. His cock smacks wetly across your thighs, bumping against your ass, sliding up the groove between yours and Jinn's thighs. Zhalk pins Jinn down, cock dragging across his thigh, smacking against his pregnant gut, and he shoves himself into Jinn's cunt with a sloppy explosion of slime, his juices and Zhalk's gushing pre erupting out in a burbling slurry. He all but mounts Jinn, on all fours over you, panting and snarling like a feral animal. Zhalk bays at the roof as he ruts forward, his fat cock thudding against Jinn's puffy lips, warping them out into a gaping spread, before he hilts himself with a //crack//, his own swollen lips grinding roughly against Jinn's own.\n\nHe doesn't forget about you: his arm hooks across your chest, pinning yours and Jinn's bellies together in an obscene swell of stretched flesh, and he scrapes down your side, claws leaving stinging red marks across the curve of your asscheek as he pushes two fingers into your ass. He fingers open your ass as he fucks Jinn, roughly twisting his hand inside you, claws scraping across your inner flesh. You and Jinn hold on to each other, groaning into each others' mouth. You press wet kisses across his jaw as he's jolted by Zhalk's thrusts, entire body rocking from the force of each blow: belly swaying, head lurching too much for you to kiss him properly.\n\nZhalk doesn't last long. He roars when he cums, keeping his dick buried deep in Jinn's cunt, his fat cunt mashed against Jinn's own. Cum squirts out around his fat shaft, thick cement-mix grey ooze in gritty clots burbling out along with Jinn's slick juices. Zhalk breeds him hard, the root of his cock visibly flexing over and over as he dumps his entire load into Jinn's womb. He rips his cock out, shaft drenched and dripping in cum, and ruts the sloppy mess against your thighs, coating your underbellies in his thinned cum. He shifts, cock knocking against your cheeks, and he rips his hand from your ass as he plunges in, sinking down to the hilt in a single brutal thrust. You groan, head tipped back, and Zhalk takes the opportunity to bite your throat, a buzzsaw grating deep in his throat. Jinn presses kisses across both of your faces, grinding his well-fucked cunt against your thigh, squirting out a gushing mess of Zhalk's cum. Zhalk's hand finds Jinn cunt: his claws catch sloppy runnels of cum oozing down his thighs and he scrapes his fingers up, feeding his load back between Jinn's flushed, purplish lips, and then he goes further and stuffs his entire hand inside, plugging him up tight as he fucks you.\n\nZhalk fucks you just as hard as he fucked Jinn. His cock stabs deep, coated in the gritty mess of his first load. The eggs inside you squirm and pulse, making your gut wobble, rippling from the force of his thrusts. His cunt smacks hard against your ass, his scaly flesh smooth and firm, and his cock lurches inside you, gushing out fresh pre even as the dregs of his first load ooze out into your guts.\n\nZhalk doesn't last long the second time either: he fucks you hard, claws tearing at your sides, palm grinding down on your pregnant gut, panting and drooling over you, and cums after only a few thrusts, roaring again. His cock kicks hard, knocking the breath from your lungs, and the heat of his load spills into you, mingling with the still-foreign heat of the eggs, more and more spurts adding a wet, sloppy weight to your guts. He pulls out with a slick wet sound, leaving your asshole gaped open, sluggishly oozing his own churned-up load down your inner walls, gurgling out over the bruised muscle of your puffy asshole. He fists you too, hand slipping into your fucked-open hole easy, thought it's still enough of a stretch that you jerk and groan, clamping down on his wrist as he twists his hand around inside you, scraping his huge knuckles against your prostate, forcing your cock to gush out a slimy mess of pre.\n\nZhalk fucks Jinn again. He's still hard, cock unflagging even sloppy with two loads, and he shoves into Jinn's well-fucked cunt, fucking out a slimy mess of his first load, painting Jinn's skin in the frothy, churned-up slime as he breaks him open even wider. He grabs Jinn by the thighs and shoves his legs up around his belly, letting him push an iota deeper -- Jinn writhes in a way that makes you thing he's bashing his cockhead into his womb -- and frames Jinn's hugely-pregnant belly between his legs, knees pressed against his chest. He snarls something in ĝheist down at Jinn, who just groans and shudders, cunt squirting out a frothy mess with each slapping thrust. Zhalk cums again, muscles all across his entire body clenching: head tipped back, stomach taut, hands curling tight around Jinn's thighs. He dumps his third load into Jinn's cunt, crooning as he grinds his cunt down against the hug meaty slabs of Jinn's bruised lips, and then pulls out, cock hard and dripping.\n\nZhalk fucks you again. You have no clue how long he can keep it up, but he shows no sign of getting anywhere close to his limits. Your guts slosh from the volume of his first load, and he just slides his cock right back in, prying your inner walls apart again, <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>bashing his cockhead against the aching barrier of your cervix<<else>>sinking his cock into the fucked-straight passages of your guts<<endif>>. Jinn's cunt is so gaped that he leaks cum in grimy, greyish streams around Zhalk's fist, shoved between his lips past the wrist.\n\nYou lay there and take it, shakily groaning as <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>Zhalk bashes his way through your cervix<<else>>Zhalk fucks your egg-stuffed guts<<endif>>. Zhalk seems just as out of it as you are: eyes unfocused, slavering frothy drool until your and Jinn's faces are drenched with his spit, wetly snuffling as he inhales the rich scent of Jinn's heat, mindlessly fucking your and Jinn's open, sloppy holes.\n\nYou lose track of how many loads Zhalk dumps into you. There's just the hard pressure of him pounding into you, the gurgling gush of a new load, and then his fist stopping you up as he breeds Jinn again. Your asshole aches, hole blown open into a huge, messy gape. The space between your thighs becomes thickly webbed with scummy cords of slime: oozing from your ass, sluicing down Zhalk's shaft when he pulls out, clinging in jiggling ropes to Zhalk's fists as he switches off between you. Your pregnant guts squeak as Zhalk fucks you, slick with sweat and slime, shuddering and gurgling as Zhalk impregnates all your eggs.\n\nYou only dimly recognize a cessation: Zhalk collapsed over Jinn, cock sunk inside his gaped cunt, totally insensate. He's still cumming, hips jerking even as he sleeps, gushing out thinner slime that drools out over Jinn's folds, bruised up into dark purple slabs of puffy flesh. Zhalk's fingers scrape inside your ass, dragging you closer, and you press up against Jinn's side.\n\nYou all sleep for a time; you're woken up some time later by bodies moving: Zhalk's fist glued inside you by his own tacky cum, pulling out with a stinging lurch; Jinn's gut stuck to your own with a thick crust of ooze, still-liquid sludge squelching between you. Your guts are flooded, so much cum that even with the thick, chunky consistency of ĝheist cum it sloshes and spills inside you.\n\nIt takes some time to clean up. Jinn stays, even after you leave.
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThe leader of the survey team.\n\nHe's a big Ksi-on monk -- easily eight feet tall, standing head-and-shoulders over the rest of the ĝheist (who in turn are standing head-and-shoulders over you). Unlike the rest of the ĝheist, who don't have hair, Ksi-on grow something like... thick, fleshy dreadlocks; soft tubes of velvet. His are mostly hanging loose down past his shoulders, but he's styled some into bone crests, forming a pair of branching, swept-back antlers that just add to his height.\n\nHe's wearing traveling monk's garb: heavy robes of dyed-red cloth and tanned leather, with the robes opening at the waist. Beneath that he's wearing spiked leather armor, on his legs and upper arms, with a loose wrap of undyed fabric around his waist and thighs. like most of the dark-acclimated ĝheist you've seen, he's got a mechanical helmet with a dozen yellowed lenses that completely covers his upper face, to move out in the sunlight.\n<hr>\n<<if $stressPoints.length gte 7 && !$zhalkPostSiegeScene>>\\n<<set $zhalkPostSiegeScene to true>>\\n[[zhalk awaits you in his tent|zhalk post siege scene]]<<scenealert "zhalk post siege scene">>\n<<else if $zhalkOpenCocksuck>>\\n* [[ask to suck his cock|zhalk cocksuck request]]<<scenealert "zhalk cocksuck request">>\n<<else>>\\n* [[hit on him or w/e|zhalk cocksuck request]]<<scenealert "zhalk cocksuck request">>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[←|survey index]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
After resolving the issue of the human BOLT squad, Zhalk wanted to talk to you. He's awaiting in his tent.\n\n<<if $rookLocation eq "village">>\\nHe's not alone: Rook's there too, flushed and naked, kneeling to the side and sloppily making out with Zhalk's cunt, lapping on the few unsheathed inches of his dick. That really didn't take him long.\n\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("rook locust bj") !== -1>>\\nYou look over the situation. Rook turns his head away but doesn't stop shoving his tongue into Zhalk's cunt.\n\nYou say, what was that about wasting time teaching him to suck dick?\n\nZhalk shifts his weight on the seat. "We have plenty of time now," he says. He looks down at Rook, mouth glued to his cunt, lips spread around the root of his cock. "And he asked for it.<<if $sex['zhalkoraltop']>> You didn't mind when it was you asking to suck me off." You roll your eyes a little, but, that's reasonable you guess.\n\nAnyway.<<else>>"\n\nWhatever.<<endif>>\\n<<endif>><<endif>>\\n\n"Good work getting the humans out of here," he says. "To be honest I wasn't expecting you to accomplish anything."\n\nThat's nice, you say. He should //probably// know by now that you know a lot more about how shit works on the surface than he does.\n\nHe scowls. "Maybe."\n\nHe leans forward <<if $rookLocation eq "village">> -- and Rook gags from where he's kneeling, throat lurching as he tries to swallow Zhalk's apparently-unsheathing cock --<<endif>> and looks at you. "I guess I owe you one, then."\n\n* [[yeah i guess you do|zhalk owe]]\n* [[hey in that case can i fuck you|zhalk top]]<<scenealert "zhalk top">>\n* [[hey in that case can you fuck me|zhalk bottom]]<<scenealert "zhalk bottom">>
You say, yeah, you guess he does. Maybe you'll call that in, when you need it.\n\nZhalk scowls.\n\n<<if $rookLocation eq "village">>\\nA sloppy runnel of slime burbles over Rook's lower lip and drools to the ground. He makes a wet, messy sound as he struggles to swallow, and then he weakly coughs, spewing a slimy mess of stringy yellow pre back across Zhalk's flushed cunt, before struggling to lap it back up.\n\nYou leave them to it, and you hear Rook's wet swallows pick up after you exit the tent, audibly splattering as he gulps on Zhalk's dick.\n<<else>>\\nYou leave the tent, leaving Zhalk alone in the dark.\n<<endif>>\\n\n[[→|survey index]]
You say, in that case can you fuck me?\n\nZhalk raises his brows slightly. "I was talking //generally//," he says, and then he smirks. "You're awful eager for a dick in your ass, aren't you?" He gropes himself through his skirt, cock already starting to mound out in a fat bulge. "I can oblige you that."\n\nHe tugs off his skirt, and then loosens the cloth wrappings beneath that, and his cock emerges from between his fat cunt lips: like a massive purple tongue, heavy and throbbing as it spills out into the open. It's lightly steaming in the cool air.\n\nHe pulls you closer, hands clutching your hips and back, and pulls you in between his spread legs, with your chests pressed together. His cock pulses up across your stomach, slimy and drooling pre, still unsheathing further in minute twitches. He kisses you, nipping at your lips, sliding his slimy tongue between them, panting against your face. You reach down, stroking his cock with one hand, and he groans. "Ride it," he says into your ear, voice buzzing.\n\nYou have to clamber up onto the wide bench he's reclining against, knees spread around his hips. Your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>half-hard cock<<endif>> smears against his<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> cock<<endif>>, pressing together as you raise up. You slide his cock between your thighs, pushing it back behind your balls. It shudders in your hands, splurting out a web of pre all across your ass and then smearing through it as you line it up, pressing the tip against your hole. The entire thing pulses, slick and heavy and hot pressed against your skin. He's still spongy, half-hard, but when you push down you can feel the iron-hard core. Your hole shudders, pouting open, trying to spread over the broad, flat-capped head, and his next spurt of pre burbles inside you, smearing across your inner flesh and drooling out around his cockhead. His cockhead fattens half-inside you, each pulse stretching you slightly more, and you groan and sink down: cockhead lurching inside you, the rest of his cock following in a long slow slide that ends with his cock sheathed to the hilt, your guts spasming as they adjust to being wrapped around his fat cock.\n\nZhalk groans, hips jerking up -- smacking his fat cunt lips against your stretched ass with a //crack// -- and grinds you down on his cock, jabbing an iota deeper. You groan, panting, as your body warps around his cock: internal muscles spasming and relaxing, slowly spreading, so that the push and drag of his cock within you goes from being raw, aching thrusts to a deeper, looser pleasure. Pre splatters in hot globs across your inner walls, each shot a diffuse sensation of pressure and heat and wetness, spilling down his shaft and slicking you up. You press your knees down onto the bench at his sides, thighs tensing, and rock on his cock a few times, sliding it back and forth, getting used to it inside you. Zhalk's hands on your thighs squeeze in time with your motions, and his cock bloats to its full, brutally thick girth inside you. Even with his thickness his syrupy pre makes your rocking thrusts glide easily; his cock smoothly sinking to the root or sliding out.\n\nYou spread your hands over Zhalk's chest, using him for support as you fuck yourself on his cock. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your own cock is unsheathed and hard, fucking up against Zhalk's pecs and splattering rank pre all across his face. You groan, sinking on his cock and pulling your cock back between his muscular pecs, then rising up and thrusting forward, letting your pointed cockhead mash against the underside of his jaw.<<else>>Your own cock is half-hard, drooling pre in erratic bursts across his stomach as you ride him.<<endif>> His cock pulses inside you, steadily spurting pre, excess slurping out of your stretched asshole and flooding over his swollen lips, spilling down across his thighs. His pre churns up into a thick cream, frothy at the edges, forming messy strings webbing all across your ass as you keep fucking yourself. His flat cockhead <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>mashes against the bloated walls of your oversized prostate, squeezing out a spray of pre and making your entire body shudder from the sensation<<else>>slides along your prostate, each stroke adding to the heat inside you<<endif>>, and you close your eyes and rock on it, focusing on <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>the heat<<else>>that sensation<<endif>>/% (this is to avoid some repetitive noun phrases) %/ building inside you.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Zhalk wraps one hand around the tip of your cock, letting you grind up against it as you fucks his chest. His fingers slide across your aching flesh, digging against the divot of your cockhole, and you shudder and groan, open-mouthed and panting. Pre splurts out between his fingers, splattering in stringy ropes all across his hand, and he milks your cock while you ride him, coating his chest and face in a messy slurry of your rank animal pre, streaking down his skin in gooey layers.\n\n<<endif>>His cock steadily hammering into you -- thighs burning as you ride him, his hips pumping up to end each stroke down with a rough smack -- brings you closer and closer. The sensation twists inside, a sustained heat that Zhalk's cock shoves through over and over. Your internal muscles spasm, stomach heaving, guts rippling, and you pant and whine your way through a dizzying wash of heat, buzzing all up and down your body. <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cock erupts in a grimy mess of weak spurts: splattering his face with a grimy slurry of cloudy grey pre and chunky green-grey cum. Not even properly cumming, just a few random, erratic pulses deep in your hips wringing it out of you.<<else>>Your cock drools a cloudy mixture of pre and cum in erratic spurts all across his chest, feeling wrung out of you.<<endif>>\n\nThe sensation ripples through you, each thrust of Zhalk's cock dragging out a moment longer, a moment longer, until it's nearly intolerable. You collapse bonelessly on top of him, ass spasming wildly around his cock, his tip jabbing deep into your guts. He grins up at you, hands gripping your thighs tight, and he draws back, jabs forward, keeping the sensation burning through you. Your cock keeps erupting, <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("knot")>>entirely drenching his face under a layer of grimy slop<<else>>coating his stomach and chest<<endif>>, as he keeps hammering into you; his cock knocks deep into your guts as you squirm and writhe, chest heaving, gasping for breath, until finally you have to sob for him to stop.\n\nYour ass feels churned-up, phantom sensations of him fucking you rippling up and down; your guts keep spasming, squeezing tight around his fat shaft. <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>Your cocktip shoves between his slime-covered pecs, with churned-up cum burbling out around it.<<else>>Beads of cum drool from the tip of your cock, over the shiny mess smeared all across his chest.<<endif>> You plant your hands on his shoulders, gasping for breath, and try to recover. He's still leaking inside you, messy spurts of pre that pour out of your flooded, gaped ass, squelching between you every time you move.\n\nNeither of you have cum yet. Properly cum, the mess all over Zhalk notwithstanding. You're webbed together: strings of slime hooked all over your thighs, spanning down to his thighs and up across his chest. They stretch and sway as you rock forward, ooze spilling down thicker tendrils and dragging them down. You rock slowly, clenching your ass, milking Zhalk's cock, and he groans and ruts up, practically bouncing you on his cock. He thrusts fast, pre erupting from your ass with each thrust, and then slow, just rocking you forward, and then fast again. He's panting, chest heaving under you, claws digging into your thighs. His cock twitches hard, flexing and stiffening, and he fucks into you with a few final, brutal thrusts before his entire body tenses. His cock jerks hard, thickening further, and he roars as he finally starts cumming. Each burst of cum inside you burns, bubbling lightrot-tainted slime pumping into your flooded guts, threading its way deeper inside you. He ruts into you, fucking the final inch of his cock back and forth through your bruised, swollen asshole as he dumps his load inside you. Cum pours down his shaft, erupting from your ass in a messy explosion that splatters in all directions, squelching and slurping as he keeps fucking you through it.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>He wraps his hands around your cock, one near the tip and the other just above your knot. He doesn't even stroke you; he doesn't have to: he just squeezes gently, rhythmically, and that's all it takes. Your entire body shakes as you feel your internal muscles wind, the rippling heat of his strokes burning down the length of your cock, and you sob and whine as you erupt. Zhalk opens wide, snarling with his tongue hanging out from his maw, and catches your shots all across his face, drooling in messy clots into his mouth, piling up in a chunky pool against his tonsils. He gulps, forked tongue catching against your cocktip, and lets you cum all across his face, drenching him and the tent wall behind him with a thick coating of your mutant cum.\n\n<<endif>>You're both wrung out and exhausted when <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>you both stop<<else>>he stops<<endif>>. You slump on top of him, his half-hard cock still embedded deep into your flooded ass, with his grimy cum oozing out all over his thighs, squelching under his ass. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>He's entirely coated in your load, features hardly visible under layers of your chunky grey cum -- just his fanged maw, lapping up the mess drooling over his lips.<<else>>He's glazed with your cum, in messy smears painted all across his chest and stomach, some pooling in the hollow of his throat. It's already starting to dry at the edges, peeling up into flaky clusters.<<endif>> You slump to the side with a groan, his cock pulling out of you with a wet //slurp// and a waterfall of cum, spilling in oozing layers over your ass cheek as you sprawl out on your side. His cock is slathered, ooze spilling down the side of his listing shaft, pouring into his cunt in gurgling layers.\n\n"You definitely earned that," he says, panting, and rolls on his side with you, tugging you back against his chest. "You can sleep in here for the day," he says in your ear, and you dimly nod, just as exhausted as him.\n\nWhen you wake at dusk he fucks your puffy, still-leaking asshole again, and dumps another enormous load inside you. You cum all over his bedroll.\n<<sex "zhalk" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk bottom">>\\n[[→|survey index]]
You say, in that case can you fuck him? <<if $rookLocation == "village">>You hear Rook sputter a little at that.<<endif>>\n\nZhalk raises his brows slightly. "I was talking //generally//," he says, and then he smirks. "You're awfully eager to stick your dick anywhere, aren't you? Or spent some time thinking about how you wanna fuck me? I could get used to rewarding you for diplomacy with sex." <<if $rookLocation == "village">>He pushes Rook off his half-unsheathed cock, revealing his fat cock and heavy, puffy cunt, already glazed with Rook's sloppy spit.<<else>>He tugs on his skirt, tugging some critical fold loose, and pulls the entire thing off.<<endif>>\n\nHis cunt is flushed and swollen: his fat cocktip is just-barely sticking out between his lips, bulging them out into a pursed pout. His pre and juices spill across his lips, sheening his cock and drooling down across his inner thighs. He stretches, giant thighs flexing, and reaches down: he shoves his clawed thumb straight up his cunt, just under his cock, and curls his fingers down across his ass, grinding the claws of his first two fingers against his asshole. His hole is glossy, a ring of plush purple muscle that spreads as you watch, opening up for his fingers. He's not loose; his claws just-barely dip into his ass, and he twists, tugging, and directs the continual drool from his cunt to spill down and lube his fingers, letting him slide them over his warted asshole into his ass.\n\nHe leers down at your cock, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>tip unsheathed and mashed up against the front of your pants in an inhuman bulge<<else>>hardening in your pants and forming a <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>monstrous<<else>>fat<<endif>> bulge<<endif>>.\n\n<<set $zhalkTopped to true>>\\n* [[fuck his ass|zhalk top ass]]<<scenealert "zhalk top ass">>\n* [[fuck his cunt|zhalk top cunt]]<<scenealert "zhalk top cunt">>\n/% * <<if $rookLocation eq "village">>[[how do you feel about getting dp'ed by me and rook|zhalk top dp rook]]<<endif>> -- regrettably no time to write it V: %/
You step forward and hoist up his legs, giving you a clearer shot at his ass.\n\nHis asshole is thick and solid, a bulging ring of swollen muscle that pouts open slightly when you dig your fingers into his cheeks. He's not loose, but he's //big//, and ĝheist flesh is pliant; you hook both thumbs into his ass easy and then stretch him wide open, and he just groans, florid purple-grey guts on display as his asshole pushes out into a huge gaping mound. You tug to the side, letting the dribble of his pre pour down his inner thigh directly into his open ass, and you rut your clothed dick against his ass for a second, unwilling to pull your fingers out from his ass just yet. It's nice seeing his sloppy pre spill over the swell of his asshole, gleaming down the inner flesh of his ass and starting to pool in a frothy puddle, slurping and sloshing as his internal muscles push and pull.\n\nEventually you get your dick out. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You unsheath in a great wet gush, splattering your rank pre all over his upturned ass, adding that much more mess to his glazed skin. <<endif>>You rut the tip of your dick against his bulging asshole, sloppily rolling over his skin, his splayed hole, gushing pre in spurts all over. Your thrusts crackle, wet and heavy, and you rut back and forth, fucking a dripping trench for a while before you jerk your cockhead back just a fraction more and then when you push forward you sink your entire dick into his guts, no problem. He's tight, ass clamping down hard once you actually push in, and he arches up, back straightening to give you a straight shot into his guts. He groans when <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath smacks against his ass<<else>>your crotch hits his ass<<endif>>, hilted entirely inside him; his guts clench and squeeze, milking the length of your cock, and you give an answering groan and flex your dick, letting it gush a messy burble of pre deep into his ass.\n\nYou stir your dick inside him a little, shifting your hips, and he groans again, head thrown back. His own dick shudders, bulging cocktip slurping back and forth out of his puffy cunt as you move, wetly gushing pre that drizzles down his shiny hide and over his glazed ass. You fuck him slowly, experimentally, able to feel by the resistance against your cock the shape of his dense, rocky prostate; the shape of his bloated internal balls. His cock flutters in and out of his cunt, slowly unsheathing as you knock around his guts until it's fully unsheathed; with him bent double it's a giant spar that spans up to his pecs, gushing pre across his neck and chest. When you pickup the pace and hilt into him with a //smack// his cock jolts up, pecfucking himself as he snarls and hooks his legs around your sides, heels against your lower back, urging you on. Your cock emerges from his ass with a wet burble, pre drizzling down your shaft, slick and slimy, and you find a rhythm, fucking him hard. He snarls more, messily splattering his neck and face with stringy, cloudy pre and drizzling all down his sides in corded streaks.\n\nHis prostate is a huge target, impossible to miss: huge and broad, with a tri-lobed shape that you keep skidding off of, with two deep grooves in the dense flesh. It's a dense, heavy mound impossible to miss given the slick, sloppy walls of his ass, and you smack your cockhead against it a few times, watching as he squirms and writhes, cunt clenching so hard he squirts out a soupy mess of flooded pre all over his dick, splattering across your chest. His balls bracket his guts, deeper and wider, but they're even easier to feel -- they pulse and churn, cocooned in smooth muscle that keeps clenching and tugging, and when you manage to jam your cockhead into one Zhalk howls, thrashing, and it squirms like it's a living thing, beating like a heart as his dick spews out a gritty slurry of pre and cum. You do it a few more times just to watch his thrash, until his entire chest is glazed in the chunky, gloppy mess of his own load. Each time you hilt inside him he shudders and gasps, cock firing out a plume of murky cum, forming a frothy mess oozing down his sides, huge glossy bubbles tangling across the splayed lips of his burbling cunt.\n\nYou dig your <<if hasMutation ("hands fur") || hasMutation ("claws")>>claws<<else>>fingers<<endif>> into his thighs and slam into him, snarling, fucking him fast and hard as he keeps spraying all over himself. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your knot lurches out of your sheath with a //pop//, immediately smacking against his bulging asshole and punching inside with a //thud// that makes him howl, only to turn into a rumbling gasp when you rip it right back out, leaving his asshole splayed open and gaping. You knotfuck him, his head thrown back, eyes squeezed tightly shut, fanged mouth open and snarling as he pisses out cum all over himself. Your knot batters his prostate, mashing against it hard, and he lets out a choked sob, stomach hollowing, entire body convulsing as you fuck his load out of him before finally mashing your knot against his asshole, half-knotting him, and start to properly flood his guts with your load. His guts ripple, still wildly convulsing even after your dick has stopped moving, and he vainly clenches and squeezes, only a burble of tarry grey-green cum oozing out over the purple-black bulk of your knot. You scoop it up with one of your tentacles and smear it back across his bulging him.<<else>>\\nYou hilt inside him with a roar, pre squirting out around your dick, and cum in a sudden rush, pumping hard as you overfill his already-flooded ass. It's only a few pulses before cum starts to burble out, and as you shakily keep fucking him through it his asshole clenches and pushes, collecting a heavy, churning mass of cum just inside him, building up until it's too much to contain and it squirts out of him in sloppy gushes. You groan, cock slathered in churned-up cum, balls wetly smacking against his drenched ass.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $rookLocation !== "village">>\\nYou spill inside him for a while, cock rippling, excess cum <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>building up inside him in a sloppy sea<<else>>squirting out around your cock in thick ropes<<endif>>. Zhalk just groans, breathing hard, hide shining with sweat where it's not dripping with cum. You lean in over him, grinding <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>the root of your cock<<endif>> against his ass, breathing hard as you pump him up, filling him with your load in slobbery bursts.\n\nEventually you pull free<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot bursting out of him with an explosion of backed-up cum, draining out of him in huge bursts<<endif>>, cock sliding out utterly drenched, cocooned in slimy cum. You spurt out a few more ropes of cum up across his chest, just mixing with his own load, painting him in a messy slurry. You stay there for a second, spread hands braced against his slime-covered chest, panting hard.\n\nYeah, that went well, you think. You pull yourself away.\n\nZhalk really is a mess. You're not gonna belabor the point, but the ground beneath his seat is dark and wet, sand churned up into a mess of rich sludge.\n\nFavor all sorted, you say, and Zhalk lets out a ragged growl. Cum squirts out of his cunt when he tries to sit up.\n\nAnyway, you leave the tent.\n<<else>>\\nAfter that, you look over at Rook, who's been watching with his dick hard and leaking. He hasn't touched it, probably because he'd probably blow at the slightest touch. His dick is angry and red, flushed dark, and he's oozing a great thick cord of pre that drags nearly down to his knees, lashing around each time his dick twitches.\n\nYou shift towards him, cock tugging around inside Zhalk. You ask him if he wants a go too? <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>And to punctuate it you peel Zhalk's asshole off your knot, letting him start to drain out in huge wet glugs of tarry cum. This is why you didn't want to knot him properly; it's fun and all but staying locked together unmoving for twenty minutes isn't the best for an audience.<<endif>>\n\nRook lets out a high, needy whine, and Zhalk grumbles. "I never said anything about //him//," he says.\n\nYou say, hey, without him things might've gone way different. He helped out a lot. And then, with a smirk, you say that he's pretty desperate to fuck a ĝheist too, not just suck a dick. You lean forward and slide a hand across Zhalk's glazed, cum-covered chest. Rook'll probably wring another load or two out of him, you tell Zhalk. You consider using that cum-slathered hand to feed it to Zhalk, but he's the type who'd probably bite your hand just to make a point.\n\nZhalk groans, ass open and gaping around your shaft. "Fine," he snarls, but you don't miss how his dick pulses against his chest. He's still drizzling pre all over, even with cords of ooze spilling down his thighs, dripping off his feet now that he's not bent double.\n\nYou look over at Rook, and step aside. Your dick takes a while to pull free, and when it does it gives you a real nice look at his asshole: totally blown open, spitting out wads of cum, flesh all bruised and swollen, bulging out between his mottled cheeks. Rook takes a few shaky steps closer, eyes wide, gingerly reaching out to rest his hands on Zhalk's drenched, slime-slathered hide. He lines himself up, fat cockhead sliding across Zhalk's muscled thigh, cutting through the lathered froth to sink balls deep without a single iota of resistance.\n\n"Oh fuck," Rook says, hips jerking back, fucking forward with a //splat//. "Oh, fuck!" he groans, and cums instantly, the root of his cock flexing as he dumps his load into Zhalk's already-flooded hole. You let out a little laugh; you figured that would happen. Zhalk gives you a mean look. Rook flops around, eyes rolled back into his head, blindly mashing the root of his cock against Zhalk's bulging asshole as he cums his brains out. You let him finish up -- slathered in a messy cum slurry from his crotch all down his legs, when he finally pulls back. He's not done yet, you tell him. You said he was gonna get a few more loads out of Zhalk, so you're gonna make sure he does.\n\nRook looks down at his dick: totally drenched in your load now, still huge and heavy, but half-soft and getting softer. You snort. Like this, you tell him, and grasp his wrist, guiding his hand over the furled mound of Zhalk's gape, letting his curl his fingers over the giant ridge of his asshole and push inside. Rook makes a soft gasp when he actually pushes inside, fist sinking into Zhalk's sloppy depths. "It's so hot," he says, wonderingly, and immediately twists his hand around, corkscrewing deeper with a series of deep, wet //slorps//. He's a natural.\n\nYou guide him on: Feel up, you tell him, with your fingers. Not too deep in. Hard to miss Zhalk's prostate, and you sure as hell can tell when he finds it, because Zhalk lets out a snarl and a grunt, his still-hard cock oozing out a fresh burble of pre. He glares at you, not too happy to be used as an anatomical model, but Rook grins when he sees it, and you don't even have to tell him to do more; he pushes his fingers or palm against it, wringing out another gush, and then he goes in hard, forearm tensing as he punches forward, milking huge gushing slops of grimy ooze out of Zhalk's dick. Zhalk pants, snarling, still glaring until Rook pulls back -- base of his hand appearing between the bruised folds of his gape -- and then punches back inside, hard enough that Zhalk's ass jerks up. Zhalk //howls//, baying at the ceiling, and his cock erupts in a gush of ooze, one and then another and another as Rook brutally fistfucks him, knuckles undoubtedly slamming right into his prostate over and over, hard enough you'd be worried about serious bruising if Zhalk wasn't a ĝheist.\n\nRook pushes in deeper, forearm mashed up against the roof of Zhalk's ass to keep some pressure on his prostate. You tap against Zhalk's stomach around where his balls are hidden, above and bracketing his cunt. You tell Rook that. Your wrist brushes against Zhalk's slime-slathered dick when you do it, and the whole thing lurches, spilling ooze down. Rook's elbow slurps into Zhalk's ass, scraping over his rim, and he finds one internal ball, then the other, dragging the loose, fucked-open furl of Zhalk's guts around with his arm as he roots around inside.\n\nYou're a little envious now; with how prominent Zhalk's balls were against your dick, you bet it'd be possible to just flat-out grab them through his ass, and from Zhalk's response -- thrashing and yowling -- it looks like Rook's the one who gets to try that out. He's properly cumming now, translucent yellowed pre giving way to gritty, chunky globs of cum, and Rook has lost sight of anything aside from rooting around in Zhalk's guts: his eyes are unfocused, jaw slack, as he feels around inside, squeezing his balls, churning up his guts, who knows. Zhalk just keeps cumming, chunky slop gurgling down into his gaped cunt, and maybe Rook isn't as out of it as you thought; his head jerks up, staring at Zhalk's spurting dick, and he slides his other hand up Zhalk's thigh, curling his fingers around the thick, meaty base of Zhalk's dick, before he pushes his other hand down into his cunt, sinking in down to mash against his prostate and balls from the other direction. Zhalk lets out a shaky, exhausted moan, upper body gleaming with sweat where it's not dripping with cum, and Rook works both arms in to the elbow, one blowing out Zhalk's cunt into a gaped mess, the other bulging out the wreck of his cratered asshole.\n\nYou leer down at the both of them, Rook almost frenzied now, dedicated to rearranging Zhalk's guts as he keeps poking and prodding, twisting around inside. He's just slumped forward, weight braced on his hands -- on his hands //inside Zhalk's guts// -- huffing and gasping. He's hard again, though he doesn't seem to have noticed. A messy ooze of churned-up cum burbles up out of Zhalk's cunt, squirting out in heavy, dripping arcs across Rook's bicep, and Zhalk lets out a sobbing groan, rank plumes of backed-up cum squirting out in sharp arcs, hosing him down. Rook shifts his hand, absolutely on purpose, skewing the angle of Zhalk's dick so he pegs himself in the face with his load, totally drenching himself from antlers to crotch.\n\nThey've both practically forgotten you're there. You tell Rook to keep going until he's actually wrung Zhalk dry, and you leave them to it. Kid deserves a bit of a break after everything. Zhalk does too.\n\nYou exit the tent. The wet noises of sucking and slurping, and Zhalk's increasingly-exhausted yowls are absolutely not muffled at all by the tent fabric.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<sex "zhalk" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk top ass">>\\n[[→|survey index]]
You step forward, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>releasing your cock. It spills out into the open, unsheathing fully in an instant with a messy gurgling slurp<<else>>pulling out your cock and giving it a lax pump, grinding its nearly-hard length up along his inner thigh, mashing the tip against the gnarled lips of his gaping cunt<<endif>>. You rut your cockhead against his. His cock unsheathes in minute jerks, rippling against your own, and you slide along his shaft, cocktip dipping down to jab between his already-stretched lips.\n\nHis cunt lips are plush and swollen: waxy yellow-grey flesh, coated in a delicate froth of warts up to the inner edge, where they grow smooth and slick. His skin is flushed into a mottled purple where they're wrapped around his shaft. You toy with their rim, running your fingers around his fat lips, smearing his sloppy juices all across his thighs. You push two fingers inside him, under his cock, and he lets out a soft groan, angling his hips up to swallow your fingers deeper. He's impossibly hot inside, slick and incredibly wet: pre and juices pouring out over your fingers, more gurgling up as his lips purse around his shaft and squirt out a messy slurry of glistening slime.\n\nYou line your cock up and push inside. <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nHis lips warp around your fat cockhead, spreading wider and wider as you push your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled<<else>>animal<<endif>> shaft deeper, and Zhalk lets out a shaky groan as you sink in along the inner length of his shaft<<if hasMutation("dick")>>, your gnarled warts tugging and dragging against his plush internal flesh<<endif>>. You sink half your length into him before you bottom out: not the depths of his cunt -- you can still feel his unsheathing along your shaft -- but to a tight muscular barrier, like the drumhead entrance to his guts. You bear down against it, and he throws his head back, groaning, cunt spasming around your cock. His untouched cock messily squirts a rope of pre up across his chest, and that's followed by a gushing squirt of juices from between his luridly-stretched lips, spraying out around your cocks.\\n<<else>>His lips spread and fold around your shaft, wetly slurping as you easily sink in to the root.\\n<<endif>> There are two dense, heavy swells inside him, framing the channel of his cunt, digging against your cock as you thrust into him: his balls, you realize, huge and weighty inside him. You angle your cock against them, cockhead butting against their swells, and Zhalk groans. His internal muscles shudder and clench, milking your cock and squeezing his balls, and his cock gushes <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>another rope of pre in sloppy spurts across his already-glazed chest<<else>>a rope of pre up across his chest<<endif>>.\n\nHis cunt gapes, fat lips stretched luridly around both your cocks into a sloppy double-oval, with the glistening mess of his stringy juices burbling out between your shafts. His juices form a drooling web of slime, spilling over his plush lips, burbling out in splurts when you sink deeper inside. His lips warp and stretch with each thrust, making them flutter: slick purple flesh sinking tighter around your cock as you press in, until it's only a sliver around the rim of his cunt. And then, when you pull back, his lips spill out, half-prolapsing, and that sliver grows into two huge, hanging ridges of flushed flesh, slurping and gurgling as they spill out with your cock. Already his lips look fatter: swollen, flushed, bruised, growing thicker and turgid as they warp and stretch with your thrusts.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>><<display "zhalk top cunt knot">>\\n<<else>><<display "zhalk top cunt other">>\\n<<endif>>\\n\nZhalk's cock shudders, bobbing in the air, and you grind your fingers down along the hidden muscle, stroking him off from the inside. He keens, hips tiredly working, fucking himself on your fingers as you use both hands to jerk him off. He lets out an exhausted groan, cock flexing hard between your lax fingers to slap against his stomach, and he cums -- again, or maybe still -- in a sloppy explosion of thick, greyish cum, painting all over his chest and face. You milk him out through his orgasm, helping give him a facial, keeping a few fingers inside his fucked-out cunt through his body-ravaging orgasm, until he collapses down entirely boneless, cock just drooling thick clots of cum across his stomach.\n\nYou think that went pretty good.\n\n<<sex "zhalk" "cunt" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk top cunt">>\\n[[→|survey index]]
Zhalk groans continually, his inner walls alternately squeezing and pushing: milking your cock as you sink down to the root inside him. He throws his head back and groans when you hilt, cunt squeezing tight around the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>lumpy, warted <<endif>>base of your shaft, and his internal muscles erratically spasm. He squirts, groaning, splattering a mess of juices all over your hips, and dazedly fucks himself on your cock: hips moving against yours, letting you pull half your cock out of him and then hilt again with a loud //clap//, juices and pre squirting out over his lips in a messy splatter.\n\nYou grip his calves and lean in, bearing down as you fuck him. His cunt warps around your cock -- around his cock, too -- and he squirts again, a filmy mess of churned-up slime splattering up over your stomach, excess burbling out between his doubly-stretched lips in frothy bubbles, spilling down over his engorged lips, and you groan and rut up inside him, hilting each time with an increasingly wet //smack//. Your balls smack against his ass, each thrust a stinging slap and a squeeze, and you fall into a rhythm: his cunt milking your cock, cockhead smashing deep inside his fucked-open passages, balls throbbing as they smack against his skin and peel back away. Your cock throbs inside him, cockhead swelling as you spurt out messy streamers of pre, gurgling down your shaft to emerge as <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>a grimy, grey swill of churned-up slime<<else>>a churned-up mess of pre and his juices<<endif>>, glistening in fat beads as it rolls out over his giant, meaty labia.\n\nZhalk keeps groaning, entire body jerking when you grind your cockhead up against something inside him, and you focus in, angling your cock to slam against big, heavy swells lining the walls of his cunt: his prostate, maybe his internal balls; several big oval swells bulging out against your cockhead, hard and heavy when you mash into them. Zhalk snarls, panting and biting at the air, and cums all over himself: his cock erupting untouched, splattering his chest in ribbons of lumpy grey cum. More drools down his shaft, and you stroke your hand up his cock, once, to coat your fingers in the gritty dregs of his load and then shove them into his cunt, half-jerking yourself off with your cum-coated fingers. Zhalk cums all over himself again, cock erratically spurting as you ram into his depths, and you feed his cum back inside, smearing it across your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>slick<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled<<endif>> shaft as you plunge into his churned-up guts. He's overflowing, stuffed with a mess of pre and cum and juices, all churned together into a dense, creamy froth, sticking to your shaft and burbling out over his lips in a dense greyish gel, forming a mess of greasy-looking froth that clings to your shaft and gathers across his hugely bloated lips.\n\nEventually you add your own load to the mess.\n\nYou're fucking him hard, cock squelching through his flooded cunt, each thrust erupting in a spray of slime. You're both panting and sweating, moving against each other, and you can feel yourself get close: pleasure sparking hotter, balls pulling up tight, cock flexing. You cum with a groan, hilting with the first shot and fucking him through your entire orgasm. <<if hasMutation ("prostate") && hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nYour load erupts into him in immense splatters of rank slime, stringy pre mixing with your ĝheist load to form a lumpy, gritty mess of sludge that you paint all across his inner walls in gushing blasts. Zhalk groans, cunt walls warping from the sheer volume, and he squirts a mess of sludge out over your hips, forming thick cords splattered between you, jiggling and stretching lower as you keep humping into him, utterly flooding his cunt with your load.\\n<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nYour load erupts into him in thick splatters of rank slime: your own ĝheist cum mixing with his own, forming a thick, lumpy sludge that squirts out over his lips in heavy tendrils, cording out between you in tarry webs. Zhalk groans, bodies mashing wetly together as you flood him with your load.\\n<<else>>\\nYour cum gushes into him, mixing with the slurry already flooding him: the slobbery, tarry mess churning up into a slimy froth as you pump inside him, painting his inner walls with cord after cord of cum, until the ooze pouring out around your shaft is threaded through with white.\n<<endif>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> Your cock mashes against his sodden lips, forcing out a thick wash of cum, followed by a hollow wet sucking noise as you pull out, leaving his cunt open and gaping, empty for you to spray more cum into, again and again until you're both painted and dripping with it.<<endif>>\n\nYou pull out with a wet //slurp//, cock still twitching, and you spray your last shots all up across his stomach and chest. Your still-pulsing dick just drools cum, oozing down through the slurry slathered all across your shaft, and you wipe your cock off and shove your fingers into Zhalk's gaping cunt.
You rock back and forth, shallowly fucking him with half your cock. Your pointed cocktip jabs against that deeper entrance inside him, and each time his entire body shudders, a low groan ripping its way up out of his throat. Your knot surfaces from your sheath with a meaty //slurp//, tentacles spilling out to squirm out over Zhalk's thigh, and you groan, staring down at the raw, aching length of your cock stuck outside him. You sink in to the limit and grind down hard, cocktip mashing against that spasming wall, and Zhalk thrashes, chest heaving. His inner walls shudder, squirming, letting you sink an iota deeper, and you push forward. Zhalk bellows, cock flexing, throbbing, as he erupts with a single sharp shot of grimy grey cum, excess dribbling down his shaft.\n\nYou push through that inner opening, slowly easing in, as Zhalk lets out a continuous rumbling growl, mouth hanging open and panting. He's tighter deeper, your cock sliding up inside some narrow internal passage that pulses erratically, flesh wrapping around your cock in rippling waves as his body convulses. You can feel big hard swells framing the passage: his internal balls, or his prostate (prostates?), or just internal muscles. A pair, and then another, and then a third broader surface that you can just-barely knock against. For all you know you're fucking up against his diaphragm. But they're hard and swollen and sensitive, when you knock against them, and Zhalk snarls and bucks back against you, rutting your cock over the dense, heavy ridges that line his depths, with his cunt hungrily milking your shaft.\n\nYour knot meets his cunt with a wet //smack//, and you bear down, squashing the swollen, bruised meat of his labia flat. His cunt ripples, wetly squirting around your knot, and when you pull back you're webbed together with glistening filaments of slime. His depths milk your cock, and you spew a filmy mess of pre deep inside him; it slowly spills down your shaft as you fuck him, churning up into a slimy mess, and eventually he overflows, squirting your pre back out all over your knot, up over your stomach and down your thighs. He's spread wide, and your knot nocks between his flushed lips, half-buried between their enormous bloat. A wash of frothy, churned-up slime drools out, coating your still-soft knot in a filmy lather. You bear down, knot prying between his lips, tentacles squirming all over his thighs, looping around his cock, some of them digging in around his lips and trying to spread him even wider.\n\nYou ask him, does he wanna try to take your knot. Your knot pulses, shuddering at the thought of it, and his cunt lips visibly warp, split even wider.\n\nZhalk's splayed out, panting hard. His skin is sheened with sweat, his head's thrown back, his limbs are splayed out. You think he's not really used to getting fucked. He stirs when you speak, and he hazily lifts his head up, blinking. "Hunh?"\n\nYou tap your knot and tell him it gets bigger. Locks you together. It's a dog thing.\n\n"It shouldn't surprise you to hear I don't have much experience getting fucked by dog dicks," he growls, panting, the root of his cock still weakly rippling against your shaft.\n\nYou grind forward, minutely, sinking your softened, unengorged knot an iota deeper between his cunt lips. You tell him, he wanna get a lot of experience getting fucked by a dog dick, because you can provide.\n\nHe lets out a ragged laugh, shading into a moan as you splatter his depths with another eruption of pre.\n\nYou squirm some tentacles along the rim of his cunt, coating them in the churned-up, opaque froth of slime drooling out of him. Big frothy bubbles catch on their edges, smearing everything together in a webby mess as you shove them in alongside your knot, and Zhalk lets out a guttural groan, panting fast as you use your tentacles to pry him open. His lips gape out, spitting out a thick mess of grey slime; your pre and his juices all churned up, slathered all over his cunt walls. His insides are flushed a brilliant vivid purple, visible in a sliver where your tentacles pry his sloppy flesh away from your knot. He's pried open just enough for you to sink in deeper. Your knot crests in between his lips, its giant bulk grinding against the underside of his cock as it sockets into the open space inside him, bearing down on his spongy internal flesh. Zhalk bellows again, his cock twitching hard enough to smack against his stomach as it lets out another shot of cum, then a second, spraying up all across his chest and face.\n\nYou're a little surprised he took it so well. You thrust, experimentally: knot mashing deeper down his internal passages, cocktip stabbing deeper. Your knot digs down against his internal ridges, and Zhalk growls and ruts up, squeezing them tighter together; his cock shudders and drools cum, in thick, lumpy cords that cling tight to his cockhead.\n\nWhen you pull back the entire mound of his cunt swells and rises up, thick meaty flesh trapped on top of your knot before his cunt clenches and pushes, spitting your knot out with an obscene //squelch//. You emerge entirely slathered and drooling, huge finger-thick cords of slime clinging to every ridge and swell of your knot, and it's that added slime that makes sinking back in so much easier. Zhalk growls, chest heaving, and cums all over himself again. Your sheath smacks against his cunt, wrinkling up into meaty furls between you, and you rut back and forth, hips working, as you fuck him. Your knot shudders, bloating inside him, and already you can feel your pre build up inside him: pouring down your shaft and pooling around your knot, building up in huge sloppy pockets until you thrust just right and the entire mess squirts out all over you both. Your knot swells until even that stops, his splayed cunt plugged up tight, slick and open but no longer drooling, and the wet pressure of your mingled fluids pours across the upper half of your knot, sluicing down your shaft in bursts and finding nowhere left to go.\n\nYou're quick to come after you're knotted. Your knot is still swelling, bloating out fatter, but you shoot off with a groan, a hot burst of cum splattering deep into Zhalk's flooded passages and washing down your shaft to mix with the mess building up around your knot. You groan, sinking down on top of Zhalk, knot shoving a fraction deeper as you shoot off again and again, filling his already-flooded passages with your load. The pool of slime builds up into a sloppy ocean, immersing your cock in its sloppy, churned-up heat. There's an audible gurgle, slime stewing in his warped cunt, and soggy, wet gulps as the heavy, wet mass of slime fills him up enough for it to start pouring backwards, glugging as it gets swallowed down the length of his cunt. Zhalk groans, thighs spasming, his cock erratically spurting out cords of thick, tarry cum as you bloat his guts with your watery load. You're not even spurting any more, just pissing out cum, in a continual rippling pour that gurgles down his bloated passages, squelching and slurping trapped behind your knot.\n\nYou tell him it'll be a while before you're done. He just snarls in response. His gut is starting to bulge, just a little directly above his cock, and every time he clenches the muscles across his stomach he squirts cum: out of his dick, yeah, but also back against your own, his cunt swilling the mess of slime inside him, trying to spit it out around your cock.\n\nHis labia are bruised and bloated, still glistening with slime, mounded up into an obscene heap over your cock, and while you're flooding him with cum you play with them: thumb dragging over the thick ridge of warts running along them, fingers stroking inside, feeling across the underside of your knot. Zhalk groans, panting, shuddering, his cunt shuddering erratically across your shaft as you just keep cumming.\n\nIt's a while.\n\nHe's properly bloated by the time you start to soften: the flesh across his stomach mounded out in a small, abrupt lump; your cock not touching his internal walls at all, just floating in a sloppy sea of slime, only brushing against his walls when you angle your cock, your knot the sole point of contact, and that stretched nearly to bursting. Zhalk is panting, sweaty and exhausted; you don't exactly know how his biology is rigged up but the fluid press has kept him cumming nearly as long as you have. Every time he squeezes down his cock erupts too, and his chest is glazed in his lumpy, gritty cum.\n\nYou shift, and a stream of slime winds its way out around your knot; you shift again and it turns into a sharp squirt. Zhalk lets out a sobbing groan, bearing down, and the dam of your knot bursts with a gigantic eruption of slime, splattering all up across your front, completely sliming his thighs up to his knees, before he collapses, muscles going slack. A tiny fraction of the pressure inside him letting up. More slime sluggishly drools out around your knot, rising into squirts when Zhalk struggles to move. You work your cock back and forth, each aborted thrust sending plumes of slime squirting out of his wrecked cunt: passages utterly over-filled, warped and stretched from the sheer excess of your load. You work your softening knot free, and the sound is obscene: the soggy wet scraping of flesh against flesh, slurping and gurgling that builds up into a sloppy //pop//, and then your knot jerks free with an absolute explosion of slime. Zhalk collapses with a bellow, internal pressure finally letting up, and his cunt shudders, pumping, as he squirts out the entire gallon-and-change of your load. It's slick, liquid, mostly his own juices and your own watery cum, and it pours all over the both of you, a wash of hot fluid that spills all across your skin and drips down to the floor below in a crash. Your cock emerges drenched, cum pouring down the underside as Zhalk empties out, and the more you pull free the faster cum squirts out of him: a huge waterfall of slime pouring out between his utterly wrecked lips.\n\nYou jerk off a little, hand frictionless from the slime. His cunt is so warped and stretched it's not hard to shove your hand inside to reach the tip, and you use that for pressure, fist tighter than his gaped cunt. You're still cumming, not that anyone could tell, with watery ribbons of cum pouring out over your fingers and spilling down to your elbow.\n\nZhalk looks wrecked: cunt a bruised mound of flesh, lips hugely swollen and still warped from taking your knot, forming meaty slabs of rumpled flesh along the inside where he spent a half-hour bearing down against your knot. He's fucking the air, clenching and arching up, and each motion makes his internal walls buckle and shudder, half-spilling out between his lips, squirting out slobbery gushes of backed-up cum all over your bodies.\n\nHe eventually collapses, body covered in slime from neck to knees, his prolapsed cunt still sloppily drooling cum. He's still hard, you notice: his cock is just as slathered in cum as everything else, and it juts up straight from his cunt, nearly half its length hidden in the wet, meaty bulk of his busted cunt. You slide some fingers along inside him, then your entire hand when there's absolutely no resistance from his spongy flesh, and work his prolapse mostly back inside him, fingers running along the hard spar of his internal cock.
[... you and rook fuck zhalk's ass & cunt while he snarls and gasps and cums all over himself ... ]\n\n[[→|survey index]]
<<if $zhalkCocksucks eq 0 && $zhalkChainFacefuck>>\\nYou say, hey you really liked how he totally fucked your face after you borrowed his drudges; does he mind if you do that again.\n<<else if $zhalkCocksucks eq 0>>\\nYou say, hey he's really hot; does he wanna fuck around or something.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, hey does he mind if you suck his cock again.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<if $zhalkLastCocksuck - $surveysDone gte 2>>\\n<<set $zhalkLastCocksuck to $surveysDone>>\\n<<set $zhalkCocksucks += 1>>\\nHe snorts. "With all these surveys you've been helping with, I guess you deserve it."\n\n<<display "zhalk cocksuck">>\n<<else>>\\n<<if $zhalkChainFacefuck>>\\nHe snorts. "After I saw how much you liked it I don't think I should be letting you at my cock too often, or you'd never do anything else." He grins at you, a little mean. "What have you done to earn it lately?\\n<<else>>\\nHe snorts. "Look, I'm not one of those grunts you can't keep their dicks in their pants for even a minute. Not saying I //won't//, but what have you done to earn it?\\n<<endif>> \\n<<print (function (d) {\n switch (d) {\n case 1: return "Get another survey done and we'll talk."\n default: return "Get some more surveys done and we'll talk."\n }\n })($zhalkLastCocksuck - $surveysDone)>>"\n\n[[←|zhalk]]\n<<endif>>
Zhalk sits back, letting his robe drape open, and spreads his legs enough for you to drop into place between them. You run your hands up his giant legs, shoving up his skirt to his waist. Beneath that, he's got bare knees, leading to bandage-wrapped thighs. His fat cunt lips form a bulging mound in his wrappings, and you stroke one hand across it while the other tugs on the bow of the cord binding his hip guards in place. You pull that open and the plating on his outer hips sags loose, letting you pull his skirt off entirely, wrappings coming loose, spilling in slack coils across his stomach and thighs. You didn't think you'd ever think this about a ĝheist, but he wears too much clothing.\n\nHis cunt is flushed, lips dull yellow-grey across his outer lips, clustered with warts that thin across them, until there's a mottled line where it becomes smooth, slick internal flesh: rich purple, with a tracery of veins just beneath the skin. Skin slick with his own juices, glimmering threads stretching out when you slide your thumb between his lips, parting them. His cock is already starting to push out, tip pink, patchy and mottled with splotches of yellow and deeper purple as it shoves out into the open, glistening with his fluids, a thin drizzle drooling from the tip.\n\nYou lean in and lap along his cock, from base to tip, catching a mouthful of slime before wrapping your lips around the inhuman, diamond-shaped head, swallowing around it. He spurts pre across your tongue, salty, sour, streaming in rivulets to collect in the back of your mouth. You lick the underside of his cock, swallowing as he fills your mouth, and Zhalk groans, hand cupping your head and urging you to take it deeper. He's still unsheathing, more cock pushing out into the open each moment, and you open wide and sink down, letting his cockhead hit the back of your mouth, holding there for a moment as he gushes pre down your throat, before you swallow, letting it stretch your throat as you sink down and down and down on his fat, gnarled length. His cock is gristly, banded with gnarled ridges, and they jab against your stretched lips before they slurp inside, again and again as you sink down on his enormous spire of a cock. His cockhead bashes down your throat, and you have to lean down to straighten the path: bowing down in front of him, his cock ramrod straight from your jaw down to the base of your neck, each throb testing the limits of your throat.\n\nZhalk groans, cupping your head in both hands, and mashes you the short distance left: lips kissing his puffy, swollen lips, cock entirely sheathed in your throat. His lips spit, gushing slime into your mouth, and you struggle to swallow around his cock, a mess of frothy slime drooling over your lips and smearing across your face. Your nose mashes up against his crotch, flattening as he grinds you down, holding you in place. He's still unsheathing, minute twitches and jerks inside him pushing his cock out by minute fractions. Another gnarled ridge surfaces, working its way out between his stretched-taut lips, bursting into your mouth with a spray of slime, and you gurgle and gulp, jaw spread open as wide as possible around the fat, lumpy base of his cock. Pinned to the bottom of your mouth, your tongue squirms against his shaft, feeling the thick, smooth bulges at the very base: big flattened warts, in splotchy clusters.\n\nYou struggle to inhale, throat clamping down around his cock and squeezing so that you can for a brief moment gasp in a breath, air rank with the reek of his cock, sweat and salt and ĝheist. His cock throbs each time you do it, spewing pre straight down your throat, into your stomach, pooling there in heavy, oily globs.\n\nZhalk lets you up, pulling you off his cock, and it surges up your throat, excess slime flooding your mouth and drooling over your lips, until with a final lurch his cockhead bursts into your mouth with an explosion of sloppy, sludgy ooze. Your throat still feels fucked-open, spread and hollow, and when you try to swallow you choke on nothing and gag, sputtering the slime back down Zhalk's cock in frothy cords.\n\nFully unsheathed and out in the open, it's a monster: pinkish at the tip, tinging down to a dark, violent purple at the base, and covered all over with patchy, mottled yellow splotches. Each of his gristly rings is clearly visible, a thickening of his smooth skin into leathery calluses, all warped and irregular, following invisibly growth lines. Slime pours down its length, catching just before each ring, eventually hitting the base, half of it gurgling into his splayed cunt, the other half pouring down between his legs.\n\nHis cockhead spits into your mouth, tremors constantly running up its length. He's constantly spurting pre, slick and slimy clinging to your teeth, and every so often a spurt will bring up a heavy dense clot of thicker slime, splattering in a rancid mess across your tongue, in the back of your mouth, flooding you with its sour, acrid taste. You pant around his cockhead, swallowing what you can, letting the rest drool down his shaft. You wrap your hands around it with a wet //squelch//, both hands still leaving easily enough room for a third. Slime crackles under your palms, and you stroke him off while you play with his cockhead, lips slurping back and forth over the tapering swell of his cockhead, tongue pressing against the tip, swiping across his spurting cockslit. \n\nHe groans again, cock twitching in your mouth to spray a thick rope of slime all over the roof of your mouth, clinging like honey to your lips and teeth as you struggle to swallow it. He pulls you down, one hand and then the other releasing his cock as he sinks the entire thing down your throat again, humping forward to grind his puffy lips against your face, and then pulls you halfway off before pulling you back down again, ass rising off his seat to smack his cunt against your lips with a //crack//. He facefucks you, slow but strong, holding you in position for a moment each time he hilts himself, letting his cock shudder and spurt, thick slime in your throat building up into a thick, scummy plug of tarry sludge, dragging back and forth almost in time with his thrusts, until it becomes too heavy and finally slurps down your throat into your stomach.\n\nHe holds your head in both hands, dragging you down to meet his crotch as he fucks your throat, grunting and growling as he floods your throat with sludge. You gurgle, ooze working its way up your throat and spraying from your lips as he brutally hilts himself again, yellow-green sludge splattering out across his hips, smearing across his shaft, drooling in thick globs over the lips of his cunt. He half-raises himself up, standing and hunching forward with you kneeling between his legs, fucking into your unturned head, spraying slime straight down your throat. He snarls, huffing, fucking only the very base of his cock back and forth, ravaging your throat, and with a sudden spray his cock erupts in your throat, heavy, hot waves of thick fluid splattering down your throat, flooding your stomach. He tips his head back, thrusts slowing as he cums, pulse after pulse of rancid ĝheist cum pouring into you, working its way up your throat around his pumping shaft until it erupts from your mouth, splattering against his soaked flesh and pouring down the sides of your face in gummy strands. He pulls you down and holds you there, letting you gulp down his load, excess spraying from your mouth drooling straight into his swollen cunt. His cock shudders, spraying and spraying, cock pulsing around your lips with each spurt that erupts deep down your throat.\n\nZhalk sprawls back down into his seat, groaning, one hand on the back of your head keeping you in place. His cock is still spurting, even as his cock slowly starts to soften and retract back inside him: the pulses come slower, heavier, as his cock pulls back up your throat, until the head pops back into your mouth, gushing the latest pulse of cum all across your tongue in a rancid, reeking wave. You gurgle, swallowing, fucked-open throat bruised and aching. He finally pulls you off his cock, cockhead a fat nub jutting out between his lips, and angles you down, presses you against the soaked skin at the base of his cunt. You lap up the slathered mess that's overflowed down, licking up to catch the slurry burbling over his cunt lips, and he presses you down, his fat, glossy cunt lips pressing against your mouth, his cock a fat clit sheathed within. He's overflowing with his own load, a slurry of spit and pre and cum gushing out of him, and he clenches and squirts into your mouth, internal muscles pumping the thick, gritty slurry into your mouth. You swallow, clotted waves of sludge building up in your throat, gasping for breath pressed against his puffy cunt before he finally lets you up. Thick, syrupy lines of slime spread out between you, your face and neck webbed to his crotch. and he pulls you up, hand snapping the cords and smearing them across your chest as he pulls you up face-to-face. He kisses you roughly, mouth open, slimy tongue shoving inside your mouth. Less a kiss and more simply wanting to eat the remnants of his load from your mouth, tongue shoving into your throat to work up thick globs of slime that he swallows down with a hungry growl.\n\nYou pull apart after a while, both panting. Slime webs between your mouths, remaining ever after you lick your lips. You're plastered against his body, hands on his forearms, his hands -- burning hot -- on your shoulder and side. At some point you came in your pants, cum soaking through the fabric, sticky and tacky. His thigh is between your legs, grinding up against your balls, and the motion makes another shudder run through your cock, a blob of cum working its way up. So, not that long ago.\n\nYou sprawl back, panting hard, a flushed, sweaty, slime-covered mess. Zhalk's not in much better shape, a slurry of fluids splattered all across his stomach and thighs, cunt lips swollen into gigantic bruised slabs, sloppy juices still oozing between his lips, pouring down onto the bench below.\n\nEventually you manage to get up.\n<<sex "zhalk" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "zhalk cocksuck">>\\n[[→|survey index]]
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nDjen is a giant. He's a gloamling: instead of the usual yellow / grey / white coloration of a drudge, his skin is an ashy, charcoal-black, pockmarked with glossy blisters of cloudy lightrot in asymmetrical clusters and blotches all over his body. He glows: his lips and gums and tongue, the flesh under his claws, and there's a burning lightrot-yellow glow spilling up through his flesh. His eyes are solid discs of burning yellow light. You can see the shadow of his ribs across his chest. His skin constantly flakes off, shedding in burnt flakes to reveal smoother, darker skin beneath. It's like he's literally being burnt apart from the inside out.\n\nHe's somewhere around eight feet tall, and grossly muscular even for a ĝheist. He's asymmetrically mutated, even beyond the lightrot blisters: he's got blackened bone spurs and gnarled shells of flesh bulging in strange lines up across his body. One of his chestbones is oversized, forming a thick ridge across his chest, wrapping over his shoulder to his back, making him look like he's always wearing a bone mantle. There's a spray of rocky spurs over the left half of his back, nearly large enough to be horns; the claws on his right hand have grown back down his finger, enveloping the final joint of his hand.\n\nHe's very, very big.\n\nLike most of the ĝheist, he's also just wearing a pair of pants with armored greaves, save that his are worn and frayed, patched together and held in place with leather straps bound around his thighs or in knotted lacework with metal cord across his greaves, rather than having any real structural integrity themselves. Like even his clothes are being burnt away from the inside: from constant contact with his burning, boiling flesh.\n\nHe says he needs to check out the acid ocean, maybe a few places across the southern coast.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Djen"]]\n* [[look over yr options more|survey index]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nPthuul is just a standard ĝheist drudge, really. About six and a half feet tall, generally huge and muscular. He's got leathery grey skin that's speckled w/ lighter patches down his chest, and he's covered in darker horny scales across his shoulders and upper back, creeping up some across the back of his neck. Bald, with a mess of snaggleteeth.\n\nHe's wearing just a pair of armored pants and some armguards. No sun-helmet, and he's squinting a lot. He says he's got some human ancestry, so the sun doesn't bother him as much.\n\nHe says he's gotta check the glass mountain for radioactivity.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Pthuul"]]\n* [[look over yr options more|survey index]]\\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nKhru is a standard ĝheist drudge: maybe six and a half feet tall, generally muscular, covered in leathery grey skin with lighter patches across his forearms and calves, with dark, stubby horns coming up across his chest and shoulders. He's got a mess of snaggleteeth, and a bifurcated tongue.\n\nHe's wearing just a pair of armored pants and a sun-vision helmet that covers his eyes but not his jaw.\n\nHe says, his part of the survey is the study of any local beasts. You say, what kind of beasts. He says, ones that talk, mostly.\n\nGenerally speaking you're pretty suspicious of humans that want to know where any great beasts are, because they're usually hunters, but ĝheist tend to get along much better with their giant beasts.\n\nThere are some acid-eel colonies further out in the flats, and there are the wild beasts far out to the east, but around here there are only really two great beasts that are indigenous.\n\n<<if !$brulvundojnFriends>>\\nYou say that there's Astau of the wasteland, to the southeast, and... Brulvundojn, in the rusted city to the west.\n\n"Sure, that sounds reasonable," Khru says, not noticing or ignoring your hesitation. "You have any preference as to which we visit?"\n\nYou say no, but that's a lie.\n<<else>>\\nYou say there's Brulvundojn in the rusted city to the west, and Astau of the wasteland, to the southeast.\n\n"Sure, sounds good," Khru says. "You got a preference as to which we visit?"\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot") && $sex['khru'] gt 0 && $sex['brulvundojn'] gt 0 && $sex['astau'] gt 0>>\\nYou grope your crotch and say, well, you wanna get knotted on both ends? Or you wanna get pumped full of eggs, because those are the things that'll probably happen.\n\nKhru lets out a low whistle.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, not particularly. Depends on who you wanna meet.\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n"Pick your poison," Khru says.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Khru"; $khruFist = 0; $khruBeast = ""]]\n* [[check in with the other ĝheist|survey index]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nHe's the weird four-armed reptile monster.\n\nHe's got four arms, articulated strangely. Muscle and chitin bulges across his sides and back when he moves his arms.\n\nHe's got reptilian hide -- slightly-shiny scute, as opposed to the more leathery ĝheisthide, a dark blue-purple that fades darker and lighter in patches. He's covered both in natural chitin plates, smoothly growing from his skin, and in armor made from the same material -- shed plates, you guess. It's a shiny, metallic material. It's hard to tell which is which, precisely. His head is nearly entirely covered in chitin plates, like a natural helmet, and his six eyes gleam out lightrot-yellow between slats. As opposed to the ĝheist, who just have big fucked-up fangs, he's got actual animal teeth, in a squat reptilian-like muzzle.\n\nHe's also got a long, curving tail that arcs up at the tip, with a big stinger at the end. He seems to mostly use it for balance when standing upright.\n\nYou watch him for a while, before you approach. He drops down to walk on all sixes easily, especially when he's carrying things on his sides.\n\n"Gawann," he says. That's his name. He says take him to some rock; he needs to do some digging and to check out some of the surface strata. You tell him there's a lot of rock. He shrugs, a strange expression with two pairs of shoulders. He says, he needs to do a lot of checks. It could take a while.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Gawann"]]\n* [[look over yr options more|survey index]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nHe's the huge, fat magnataar drudge. He's a giant: half again as tall as you, and easily twice as wide. His palms are the size of your head. When he walks, the ground shudders slightly.\n\nHe's wearing armored pants and some metal plates strapped across his shoulders and chest, not covering his arms or giant gut. He's wearing a blocky sun-vision helmet. Like most sun vision helmets, it covers his upper face, hiding his eyes behind near-opaque yellow-black glass, but his expands down over his cheeks and jaw, with a rubberized bite-rod that fits into his mouth like a bit. There's also layered metal scales that come out from under the back of it, partially covering the back of his neck.\n\nHis hide is leathery grey with dull green-white splotches. It's shredded into rubbery layers from the masses of deep, dark stretch marks across his sides and gut, zig-zagging across his biceps, shoulders, and neck.\n\nHe's got a bunch of piercings, tied into his armor. There's a crossbrace across the middle of his helmet that pierces right through his septum, and when he moves you can see that he's got a line of corset piercings up his back to the back of his head, tied together in a complex interlacing pattern with black rope, tying into loops and crests on his helmet, the metal scales, and his chestpiece, connecting them all in a single piece.\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Yraal"]]\n* [[look over yr options more|survey index]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nThat's the human one. He says he's not actually human.\n\nHe's human-sized, so, small-looking compared to the rest of the ĝheist. He's wearing their leathers: armored pants, metal and leather stitched over coarse canvas; and a simple tunic made from the same fabric. Muscular, wide jaw, straight teeth. Dark skin. Silvery-blond hair, buzzed on the sides and a little longer at the top. Coarse stubble all across his jaw and neck, and a few dark scars, maybe claw marks, across his jaw. The only real sign that he's not fully human -- aside from the hair color -- is that his eyes are a weird gold-amber color, and when they catch the light right they shine green-red like an animal's.\n\nHe says his name is Jinn.\n\n<<if $surveysDone lt 3>>\nHe says, he's here to check out the proposed site for any flaws that might only be visible to a breeding prince, so he don't really got much to do until they get a little more data.\n<hr>\n* [[ask about how he looks human|look human]]\n* [[so if yr not busy you wanna fuck around|jinn flirt]]\n\n* [[←|survey index]]<<else>>\\nHe says, they got a proposed site now. He says, they had a pretty good idea from the beginning since this isn't the first survey they've done, but it's certain enough now that it's worth my time to actually head out and look around.\n\n"So do you wanna take me down to the proposed site? Uh, you know which one that is, right? The southwestern caves."\n\nYou say, sounds like he doesn't actually need your help. "It's good to involve the locals." It's a joke. It's pretty deadpan. Then he shrugs, laughing a little. "Also, I have no fucking clue how I'd actually walk all the way there."\n<hr>\n* [[yeah go w/ this guy|survey index][$drudgeActive = "Jinn"; $jinnPregnant = ""]]\n* [[look over yr options more|survey index]]\n<<endif>>\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
You ask him what's up with him looking human. Assuming that's not really rude to ask or anything.\n\nHe says, "Nah, not human. Born from an egg and everything."\n\n"My bearer bearer was one of the first human-borne ĝheist after the rise, and I got mostly human genes."\n\n"Actually I'm the highest-ranking person here? Technically? Technically I'm a prince. Just a branch line off of a branch line, so I don't get a palace or attendants or anything like that. Unless you count these jokers." He jerks his thumb at the rest of the survey team.\n\nYou tell him you basically have no clue what that actually means in terms of ĝheist society.\n\nHe says, "Oh, sure. Uh, there's the queen's lineage? Like (you already probably know this) but we don't really reproduce like humans. A lot of us aren't really fertile. Which is good, because uh, if we were we'd be drowning under our own eggs. There's only really the one bearing lineage. The royal family. So when we lay a clutch some of those eggs grow up into bearers too, but... it's a very //wide// lineage, you know? So it's only really a ceremonial thing."\n\n[[→|drudge6]]
You come on to him.\n\nHe laughs. "I said I didn't have much to do, not that I was just open for business whenever." He looks you up and down, not unappreciatively. "Really, you don't know what you're getting into. We fuck around and everybody else is gonna be pissed at you."\n\nYou go what, why?\n\n"Like I said, I'm a breeding prince. It's kind of a status thing. Whoever knocks me up gets to feel really proud about it." He shifts, a little flushed. "Plus being around all of them when they're all fucking each other and not joining in has me kinda pent up. And they can smell it. And that's probably making their ruts worse. It's kind of a clusterfuck."\n\n"I got my eye on Zhalk -- that's the Ksi-on -- but I really wanna see him begging for it before I get on his cock. We kinda got some tension going."\n\nYou go, you know we could fuck him together.<<if $zhalkCocksucks gt 0>> I've been sucking him off. I'm sure he'd be down for a threesome.<<endif>>\n\nJinn smirks a little. "Nah, I really wanna see him beg for it. I know he wants to fuck me, and he knows I know, but you know the Ksi-on. Monks. He's not gonna ask unless he's really desperate. I really wanna get him to break."\n\nTurns out ĝheist sexual politics are pretty complicated.\n\n[[→|drudge6]]
Jinn heads down into the caves, and you follow. He doesn't seem to need a light; a benefit of having ĝheist eyes, you assume. You get out a crystal lantern.\n\nThe tunnels are made from red sandstone. They're chalky at the entrance, cliffs eroded in wavy furls from the wind, but deeper in the tunnel the rock is harder, more solid, than the surface material. There's a continual breeze up from the depths, carrying with it the metallic tinge of raw lightrot. The ground underfoot remains loose red sand for a ways down.\n\nYou follow Jinn through the twisting passages until you hit rock: the sandstone hits the transition to a darker grey stone, and the loose sand beneath becomes raw gravel. The passage opens out not much past that, into a rocky cavern with old wind-worn pillars. The walls are clustered with lightrot crystals, and Jinn smells the air, following one particular passage over until it spreads out into another chamber: a broad, shallow space pockmarked with pools of bubbling lightrot, with a vaulted roof above. It's humid, with a dense glowing fog resting just above the pools, spreading out over the lowlands of the chamber.\n\nYou say, don't usually see lightrot this high up.\n\nJinn nods. "There's an aquifer below here. There's a fault. The acid infiltration from the southern wastes makes channels that push the lightrot up, nearly to the surface."\n\nThen he reaches down and dips his hand into it. You can't resist letting out a small sound of shock, and Jinn looks back at you, a smile on his face. His eyes catch the light as he turns, flashing red-green, as if to remind you that he's not actually human, despite how he looks. He smears the lightrot between his fingers, feeling it. "Unprocessed," he says. "Mixed with water, and emulsified with bitumen in the rock. Looks pretty ideal."\n\nYou say sure. You've purified lightrot before, getting out crystals and tarry black sludge, and you suppose that could run in reverse. Then you say, but you never shoved your hand right into a pool of the stuff. Lightrot burns can char all the way down to the bone.\n\nJinn laughs. He inhales deeply, breathing in the lightrot-suffused humidity. "My body processes it differently than a human. Or a drudge, for that matter." He splashes the pool, letting the lightrot stir, slightly more viscous than water. "If I sat in here for a few hours all that'd happen is I'd go into heat."\n\n<<if $sex['jinn'] gt 0>>You look at him appraisingly. You say, he hasn't //been// in heat?\n\nHe laughs. "You'd be surprised. I don't know if you've ever met a breeding queen, but our heats can be... pretty uncontrollable. It's not just wanting to fuck."\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe continues, "Anyway, that's not what'd happen here. Maybe the raw stuff from the depths, or the acid lightrot that they use for mining" -- you had no clue anybody used lightrot for mining -- "but these days there's ĝheist strains in nearly all the surface reservoirs. It's pretty mellow." He points at the haze. "You're breathing it in and you look fine."\n\nThe air is hazier now, with Jinn splashing the pools around. Fumes steam up from the disrupted pool, like all it needed was a slight push. You do feel a little woozy. It burns, a little, but only when you focus on it. Your skin prickles up into goosebumps.\n\n<<if $sex['jinn'] gt 0>>Jinn looks at you, his skin flushed, practically glowing in the ambient light. "You feel like a swim?"\n\n* [[sure, wow, let's do this|jinn survey sure]]<<scenealert "jinn survey sure">>\n* [[uh|jinn survey uh]]<<scenealert "jinn survey uh">>\n* [[we should probably try to focus on the survey|jinn survey focus]]\n\n<<else>>Jinn rolls his shoulders, flushed. "We should probably focus on the survey, anyway. Don't wanna expose you too much." He slaps you on the shoulder as he turns and walks past, up to the higher ground.\n\n[[→|jinn survey complete]]\n<<endif>>
You tell Jinn you should probably focus on the survey.\n\nHe rolls his eyes. "You're kind of a buzzkill, you know, right?"\n\nYou shrug. Gotta do work sometime, you say, and Jinn lets out a breathy sigh.\n\n"//Fine//," he says, and clambers out of the pool, naked and dripping luminous lightrot. You still enjoy the view.\n\n[[→|jinn survey complete]]
<<if hasMutation("pure")>>\\nYou say, uh.\n\nJinn says, "You know, other ĝheist get exposed to this much lightrot and they turn gloamling. Like Djen. Not me though. I'm stuck looking human." He looks over at you. "You come in here, you're not gonna come out looking fully human anymore."\n\nHe stretches, corded muscles shining in the hazy light. "I'd really nice you to come in here with me."\n<<else>>\\nYou say, uh.\n\nJinn says, "come on." He tugs on his tunic, stripping it off, and kicks off his boots, wiggling his bare toes on the rocky ground. "It's so fucking dry up there; I forget every time just what it feels like." He sits on the rim of the pool, dipping his feet in, idly kicking to stir up currents.\n<<set $uh to true>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n* [[sure let's do this|jinn survey sure]]<<scenealert "jinn survey sure">>\n* [[we should probably try to focus on the survey|jinn survey focus]]
You say, fuck it, sure, let's do this. You tug your shirt over your head and start unlacing your pants.\n\nJinn says, "That's the spirit," and <<if $uh>>pushes off the lip, wading into the pool to his chest. He reaches under him, pulling, and a second later his soaked pants float to the surface.<<else>>strips his clothes and splashes down into the lightrot, just like that.<<endif>> He leans back, spread-eagle, floating easily on its surface.\n\nAll the movement stirs up huge waves of haze, dense fog billowing up around him, nearly opaque in the still air. The lightrot tang perceptibly increases as the cloud spills over you, enveloping you in its haze.\n\nJinn floats peacefully on the glowing pool. His skin is streaming with rivulets of lightrot, opaque yellow seams spilling across his belly, down the fork of his thighs. His cunt is flushed, lips spread, and he shoves two fingers in, splaying them to show off his still-sheathed cockhead, an enormous clit sunk inside him. He dips his wrist down into the pool, lightrot spilling across the back of his hand and into his cunt, and he hisses and arches up, shoving his fingers between his lips, using his thumb to splay them wider. They pulse, gripping his hand, before he shoves his entire fist up inside himself with a ragged, needy moan. He pumps back and forth, cunt lips bulging around the span of his knuckles, cockhead pinned up over the back of his hand, cockslit gaping open, pulsing, as he fucks himself.\n\nHe groans: a low, heavy "yeahhh," as he slowly fistfucks himself. He spreads his legs, floating around to face you, give you a good view of his flushed, gaping cunt.\n\n"Please," he whines, rutting his hips up into the air. "Fuck, it feels so good. C'mon, fuck me, please." He looks up at you, mouth open, face flushed -- entire body flushed, splotchy red-brown skin down his chest, spreading across his thighs, his fat cunt lips ruddy and engorged.\n\nYou get into the pool.\n\n[[→|jinn survey fuck]]<<scenealert "jinn survey fuck">>
You wade into the pool. It's warm, denser than water. The pressure clamps down on your legs. The heat billows through you, soaking into your skin, and you pant in the humid air. <<if !hasMutation ("balls")>>The heat immediately starts to sink in with the sensation of hot pinpricks all across your inner thighs, coursing up over your balls, and as you slosh towards Jinn the heat increases again, lightrot burning as it's soaked up through the flesh of your sac. It feels like a constant squeeze: a pressure, hot and tight, pressing down on and burrowing inside your balls at the same time.<<endif>>\n\nThe sloshing water spills across Jinn's thighs, and he pulls his hand from his cunt with a slick //pop//. His hole gapes, syrupy fluid spilling down from inside him and pooling in his half-flooded cunt. His walls clench, squirting out a sloppy mess of lightrot, and then he spreads himself, fluid gurgling back inside, sloppy and slick drenching his inner walls. He's a dripping mess.\n\nHe groans, grabbing out at you, and pins one of your hands to his cunt, fat lips trembling and squirting across your palm, sucking on your fingers as you slide them up, sinking inside him. He's hot inside, lightrot squelching lewdly between your fingers, and you sink down to the knuckle. He's very, very hot inside, flesh slick and wet, coursing streamers of lightrot down his inner walls and burbling up around your knuckles. Excess starts to spill down the back of your hand. He arches back with a splash, moaning, releasing your hands to reach up and grab his nipples, pinching and pulling them. Yellow-white fluid dribbles between his fingers; he's leaking milk already.\n\nHis inner walls pulse, grip, pull, at your hand, and you glide your fingers over his slick inner walls, feeling the bulge of his internal shaft along the roof of his cunt, implacably hard compared to the silky, muscular clench of walls. He's half-underwater, and lightrot gurgles in around your fingers, currents slipping back and forth as just cunt yawns open, gulping, and then clenches again, squirting a slimy, thickened mess of lightrot back out.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation("knot")>>Your cock burns, swilling in the lightrot mess. You're already hard, practically fisting Jinn's gaping cunt while he squirms and whines, but your cock throbs, hard and aching, and the pour of lightrot sizzling all across your shaft makes you gasp and pant, nearly collapsing into the pool yourself. Your shaft burns, skin aching from the lightrot. It burns, the heat of the pool intensified a hundredfold by the sensitive flesh of your cock, and you pant and whine from the dizzying mix of pain and pleasure. \\n\\n<<endif>>Your cock bumps against his thigh, buoyed by the dense lightrot, and he whines, rutting forward against your hand, legs tangling around your waist and drawing you closer. Your cockhead slides along the muscled curve of his thigh, and he twists along with it, guiding it up between his thighs. You catch it with your palm, fingers still sunk inside him, and guide it into place, fingers sliding out as you push in. You sink in effortlessly, his cunt gulping around your cock, hilting the entire thing without a hitch. <<if !hasMutation("dick") && !hasMutation ("knot")>>The walls of his cunt wrapped around your burning, warping cock is so intense you slump forward, just gasping against his chest as he milks your aching shaft. <<endif>>He groans, low and needy, fucking himself on your cock already -- shoulders and back braced against the shore, hands fixed on his leaky, dripping nipples, heels digging against your ass as he swallows your entire cock, fat lips bulging around the root, inner muscles clenching and pulling, wrapping around your cock in rubbery bands. He gasps in the humid air, whining when you grind against each other, cock scraping deeper inside him. Not thrusting, not yet, just getting used to the hot, tight confines of his cunt, letting him fuck himself on your cock.\n\nYou grip across his meaty hips, fingers digging into his flesh. He sobs when you pull back, thumbs squeezing his nipples so hard they let out little //splurts// of milky-white ichor, spilling over his lightrot-shined sides and spilling down into the pool. His cunt gapes, lightrot swirling into his depths until he's flooded with a wet slurp, and then you shove back in, slime squirting out all across your stomach and sides. You fuck him, the lightrot slowing your thrusts, cock sinking into his gurgling, lightrot-spewing cunt, hollow slurping when you pull back and the pool floods his gaping, cavernous depths.\n\nHe croons, pecs dribbling milk all across his front, lightrot frothing up across his sides, your balls pressing between his legs. His head is thrown back; eyes closed, lids fluttering; mouth open; lightrot spray sheening his entire body golden. His cunt clenches, milking your cock as you hilt inside him, and you lean in, thrusting shorter and faster, choppy waves spilling across his body as you pummel his cunt, slamming into him so hard his cockhead bulges out between his lips, a fat flushed nub. You reach down, sloppy fingers pressing against the underside of his cockhead, slipping back and forth as you thrust, and he wails, sobbing, arching his body into each thrust. His inner walls spasm, clamping down hard, and his cockslit gapes, squirting a mess of sludgy ĝheist cum all up your chest, clinging there in gritty lines. Lightrot washes out around your cock, trapped inside him or from some internal reservoir, and he sags back, slack, legs spreading, fat cunt lips gaping around your shaft. He whines, sleepily, cock drooling cum all across his cunt, mixing with the slimy slurry drooling out of him.\n\n"Don't stop," he says, hips still slowly working, fucking himself on the root of your cock. So you don't. You keep going, slower and then faster and then slower again. He cums again, the only warning a ragged groan and his cunt milking your cock. Then his cock erupts, dense ĝheist cum squelching across his slowly-reddening lips, smearing between his folds, drooling down your stomach, forming an oily slick on the surface of the pool.\n\nYour cock throbs, the sucking heat of his cunt mixing with the sloppy, frothing mess of lightrot surrounding you. You groan, leaning in -- hands on his shoulders, pinning him down as you thrust into him, grinding up so your cockhead scrapes along the harder, gristly flesh sheathing his cock. You huff, panting, thrusts slowing as you stretch it out as long as possible, cock shuddering and twitching, heat pooling in your belly, until you finally let out a long, low groan, cock erupting inside him, hosing him down with your load. He groans too, needy, fat cockhead dribbling cum, face flushed and sweaty, dazed, as you pump him full of cum. Your load splatters across his insides, down deeper where he's still sloshing with lightrot, and he sloppily squirts, cum gushing out around your cock in a thick slurry. He whimpers, hand reaching down to feed it back inside him, shoving his fingers in alongside your still spurting cock. You thrust shallowly, riding it out, and it's only once you're totally spent that you pull out, cock half-hard and drooling. Jinn strokes your cock, milking the last of your load, and shoves his cum-smeared fingers into his cunt.\n\nHe's a wreck. His cunt is puffy and engorged, bruised so huge his inner lips stick out like fat tongues, and they pout open in a perpetual gape, showing off his sloppy, used cunt. He's flooded with a thick, filthy slurry of your load and his, stuck to his inner walls in slimy clots. He's red all over, flushed and panting, sweat and lightrot sheening his skin. His nipples are an angry purple-red, swollen up into fat corks, areola mounded out around them, now leaking milk even untouched, leaving streaky lines over his flushed skin. He struggles to get up, off his balance, and you clasp forearms and help drag him up. His other hand instantly goes to his cunt, catching runnels of slime dripping down his thighs, feeding it back inside.\n\nHe wobbles out of the lightrot pool, back onto solid ground, and you follow, wading out of the lightrot murk. He collapses onto his knees, ass-up, face in the dust, thighs trembling, cunt lips drooling syrupy slime to the rocky ground.\n\nYou fuck him again like that.\n\n<<if !hasMutation("knot") && !hasMutation("dick")>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "dick">>\\n/% %/<<set $from['dick'] to "jinn-pools">>\\n<<endif>><<if !hasMutation("balls")>>\\n/% %/<<addmutation "balls">>\\n/% %/<<set $from['balls'] to "jinn-pools">>\\n<<endif>>\n<<set $queuedLower += 1>>\\n<<set $queuedUpper += 1>>\\n<<set $tfIncite to "jinn-pools">>\\n\n<<set $pregRate = hasMutation("knot") ? 1.00 : 0.75>>\\n<<if Math.random() < $pregRate>><<set $jinnPregnant to "you">><<endif>>\\n<<sex "jinn" "cunt" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "jinn survey fuck">>\\n<<set $jinnFuckedCunt += 1>>\\n\n[[→|jinn survey inter]]
Eventually Jinn pulls himself off your cock to actually do some work, but he doesn't put any clothes on. He looks around the cave system -- it opens out into something even larger, further down, and you assume that's around where the hive would actually start.\n\nThat he does it all naked, chest dripping with milk, your loads drooling all down his inner thighs from his bloated, gaping cunt, is just an added bonus.\n\nEventually he finishes up.\n\n[[→|jinn survey complete]]
<<set $_tf to\n ($from['dick'] eq "jinn-pools" && $from['balls'] eq "jinn-pools" ? "both"\n : $from['dick'] eq "jinn-pools" ? "dick"\n : $from['balls'] eq "jinn-pools" ? "balls"\n : null)>>\\nYou head back up to the surface, through the winding tunnels.\n\n<<if $_tf>>Your <<print (function (tf){\n switch (tf) {\n case "both": return "cock and balls ache";\n case "dick": return "cock aches";\n case "balls": return "balls ache";\n default": return "???";\n }\n})($_tf)>>. Unsurprisingly, taking a lightrot bath <<if $_tf eq "dick" || $_tf eq "both">>-- and fucking Jinn's lightrot-flooded cunt -- <<endif>>had some effects.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $from['dick'] eq "jinn-pools">>Your entire cock feels bloated: heavy and dense, constantly turgid. It's painfully sensitive, shifting in your pants. You can feel your skin start to chafe, with the first warts starting to grow under the surface, slowly swelling and flattening as they burn away at your old skin.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $from['balls'] eq "jinn-pools">>Your balls ache. The flesh of your sac burns, stinging at the slightest pressure. Your balls feel impossibly weighty, swollen so tight it feels like they're about to rupture. Even though the pain, though, there's a constant throb of pleasure, unexpectedly spiking when your balls shift. They're swollen, feeling bruised, and they keep swelling larger all through the upwards climb.\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $_tf>>By the time you actually reach the surface, y\\n\\n<<if $_tf eq "both" || $_tf eq "dick">>our shaft is newly-gnarled, impossibly huge compared to what you just had, and still raw and aching, a light froth of warts starting to collect across the sides of your shaft, ringing the base.<<if $_tf eq "both">> Y<<endif>><<endif>>\\n<<if $_tf eq "both" || $_tf eq "balls">>our balls are gigantic, immense and lopsided. Their flesh is warped and stretched, sensitive when you press down. Each one is nearly the size of a fist, and they droop unexpectedly low, sometimes brushing heavy and dense against your inner thighs just above your knees, and each time the sensation sends a hot prickle of pleasure up your spine.<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $drudge6 to 3>>\\n<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
Yraal looks around a bunch. You know in the broad sense he's cataloging signs of habitation, but you have to admit you have no clue what the specifics of that entail, because to you it mostly looks like squatting in the sand looking at old walls or shards or bits of metal. Certainly, there's stuff here, but to you it's all scrap; you assume Yraal can figure out some kind of providence.\n\n<<if $yraalSurvey gte 1>>\\nEventually: "Yeah, this is enough," he says, and then clarifies. "Overall. We can head back to town now; this is enough for a basic historography."\n\nYou say finally.\n/% %/<<set $drudge5 to 3>>\\n/% %/<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\\n/% %/<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nEventually: "Yeah, this is enough," he says. "You said there were other sites, though? Let's head to one of those."\n\nYou say sure.\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $yraalSurvey += 1>>\\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
Gawann gets to digging. With his claws he can burrow under the sands in an instant: body submerging into a shifting mound of sand, and then digging deeper as to be totally invisible. Just a slight shifting of sand that might as well be the winds. You make a game of trying to guess where he'll surface, and you're usually wrong.\n\nIt takes a while, though. You have no clue how deep he's digging. Can't be all the way to bedrock; it's a long way down before the sand even becomes sandstone, much less meets true rock. You imagine him digging troughs in the sandstone, forming a delicate web beneath the sands.\n\n<<set $gawannSurvey += 1>>\\n<<if $gawannSurvey gte 3>>\\nEventually Gawann surfaces, shaking his flanks like a particularly hairless wolf, sending sand flying everywhere.\n\n"That's enough digging," he says. "I got a good enough sense of the landscape. We can head back to town now."\n/% %/<<set $drudge4 to 3>>\\n/% %/<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\\n/% %/<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n<<else>>\\nEventually Gawann surfaces, shaking his flanks like a particularly hairless wolf, sending sand flying everywhere.\n\n"That's enough for here," he says. "Let's go to the next site."\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\n\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $drudge3 to 3>>\n<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\n<<set $khruBeast to "Astau">>\n<<endnobr>>\\nAstau slavers out of his den. Khru only looks a little alarmed. You introduce them to each other. You basically say, Astau this is Khru; he's a ĝheist who's doing a survey on building a hive in the underground a ways from here. Khru this is Astau; he's a giant slavering monster who lives around here.\n\nKhru steps forward, and Astau turns his head to watch him with three of his eyes, blinking in sequence.\n\nKhru asks some questions -- other great beasts around (a few), if he eats lightrot (yes), how much (not actually that much), and so forth. And then he gets to the part you were all expecting he'd get to, which is reproduction. Astau kinda pauses for a second after Khru asks "do you know if you can reproduce". "It comes up a lot," Khru says, defensive. "Very few great beasts actually breed true. And how viable the eggs are can vary a lot. We got some breeding programs set up in the underground. If you're interested."\n\n<<if $sex['astautop'] gt 0>>\\nYou tell Khru he could have just asked you if he wanted to know what kind of eggs Astau makes. Astau leers at you. His vent had been flushed, a glow of slime slowly gathering across his lips, and at that it slowly parts, his tentacle cock slurping out into the open. You say, y'know if you want to get some first-hand experience...\n<<else>>\\nAstau leers at him. "You could find out firsthand," he says, acid slime drooling from his squat muzzle, his vent bulging before his tentacle cock slurps out into the open with a messy eruption of slime, splattering all across the sand beneath him.\n<<endif>>\\n\n"Ydon't say," Khru says, fanged mouth pulling out into a lopsided grin. He shrugs his pack off, letting it crash down onto the sand, and tugs at the button of his pants, pulling the riveted fasteners apart. He strips down casually, tossing his clothes to the side -- except for his helmet; he keeps that on -- and kneels down, letting Astau take a few steps closer. "So come and get it," he says, one hand curled in reverse around his cock, stroking his soft length.\n\nAstau's tongue whips out of his muzzle and wraps around Khru's neck, tugging him forward, almost onto all fours. Astau kisses him, open muzzle enveloping Khru's entire head, and he shoves his tongue into Khru's mouth, audibly gurgling as he drools fuming slime down his throat. Khru's hands come up to Astau's shoulders, fingers curling around his craggy chitin plates, and he gulps, once and then constantly. Gleaming froth builds over his lips as he struggles to keep up, gurgling and sputtering. His throat works as he gulps, until he stops with a choked gurgle, sputtering up a mess of monster drool. Astau shoves his tongue down his throat, the giant warted purple-black muscle stretching his lips, bulging his throat, making him shudder and gurgle as Astau feeds the slime directly down into his stomach. Khru gags and chokes, face covered in filmy slime, with excess pouring down his chest. Between his legs, untouched, Khru's cock shudders and starts to fill out, jutting out from his body as an enormous cudgel, tip shiny with pre. It grows to full erection, drooling a steady stream of grimy, greyish pre onto the thirsty sand as Khru swallows down Astau's drool.\n\nAstau huffs, steaming breath billowing out around Khru's head. He takes a step forward, making Khru's head tip up, crouched on his knees under Astau's bulk, until finally Astau tugs his tongue up and out of Khru's convulsing throat, letting him gasp and cough up a mess of glowing sludge all over his face. Khru pants, knees spread, fat balls drawn up tight to the base of his shaft, and he coughs and sputters, dragging the back of his forearm over his mouth, smearing the sludge across his cheeks.\n\nAstau's cock twists across his underbelly: long and tapering, purple-black with glowing green veins. His entire length is sheened with glowing slime, thickening into an acid-green line along the underside, drooling down in rubbery cords.\n\n"You gonna shove that thing into me?" Khru says, mouth open and panting still, slime burbling out over his lower lips. In answer Astau just plants a paw on his chest and bowls him onto his back, and dips his head down, tentacle-tongue curling around Khru's thighs, drooling across his cock and balls before he noses deeper, hooking Khru's legs across his bulky shoulders as he slathers his ass with his tongue, leaving behind messy smears of slimy drool. You see his tongue twist, pushing and meeting resistance. Khru groans, head thrown back, and his heels dig into Astau's shoulders, and then Astau's tongue plunges into him with a wet smack. Astau pants, drool spilling across and into Khru's ass, squirming wetly. Astau bashes his soggy, twisted-up tongue against Khru's ass with a series of wet cracks, each one louder than the last, as he drenches his skin with slimy drool. Astau slavers, opening wide, Khru's ass resting on his craggy teeth, Khru's hard cock smacking against the roof of his mouth. He fucks Khru with his tongue, tongue squirming around inside, and Khru bellows and groans, arching his hips, fucking himself. His cock shudders, splattering grimy pre all across Astau's teeth, drizzling down to coat his own stomach in corded runnels, mixing with the slurry of slime already smeared all over him.\n\nAstau's cock throbs beneath him, base already bulging with eggs: big lumpy swells shifting around within the coiled loops of his tentacle-cock. Astau pulls back, practically spitting Khru out onto the sand -- back and ass instantly coated in a thick crust of sand -- and he strides forwards, over Khru, ready to mount him. You catch a flash of Khru's asshole: broken open and drooling slime, rim flushed and swollen into a puffy, wrinkled ring, gaping open to show off his flushed guts. Then Astau pins Khru, forepaws on his shoulders, and his tentacle cock squirms up into place and spears inside. Khru lets out a groaning exhale, continuing as a breathless, rattling moan as Astau sinks feet of cock up inside him, threading up through his ass into his guts without hardly a hitch.\n\nYou're jerking off. Obviously. You're drooling pre into the sand, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled ĝheist cock<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>mutant dog dick<<else>>dick<<endif>> thick and heavy in your hand, and Khru's head tips back, catching sight of you. He groans, pulling one hand up to gesture you closer, and you move in, knocking your <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted cockhead<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>sharp, purple-red cocktip<<else>>cockhead<<endif>> against his face, sliding up over his lips. He groans, sucking your cock into his mouth, gasping and panting around it. You lean forward over Khru, and Astau moves to match, twisting to clamp your head in his jaws, tongue plunging down your throat with none of the mercy he showed to Khru. You groan, cock sunk down <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the sheath<<else>>to the root<<endif>> in Khru's throat, your throat warped around the lurching muscle of Astau's tongue, drool splattering across your face, pumping down your throat, excess splattering down on Khru's pinned form beneath you.\n\nKhru pants, abs shuddering, clenching and relaxing as Astau plunges deeper, the coils of his cock looping around itself steadily shortening as he earths it all deep into Khru's guts. The first egg lurches in past his asshole, a good six feet of cock left before it's actually spat out into his guts, and Khru shudders again, groaning, wetly slurping on your cock to distract himself from the overwhelming sensation. His cock twitches, drooling a filmy mess of cloudy pre across his stomach and chest, cock twitching in miniature orgasms and thickening the slime with clotted grey cum, in dribbling spurts every time Astau's cock lurches inside him.\n\nThere's still a heavy arch of cock hanging outside Khru's ass, bloated now with the lumps of innumerable eggs. Khru's panting breath hitches each time one pushes in, his asshole spreading even further around each egg and only sluggishly clenching afterwards, until he's gaped open even wider than Astau's fat cock, hole blossoming open and showing off his flooded asshole, a few inches of Astau's cock surrounded by his pulpy, shuddering flesh. Khru's belly swells, his shuddering abs flattening it for a moment, bulging back out again when he relaxes, and as Astau keeps pumping eggs into him his muscles give up, letting his belly swell out into a heavy, pregnant arch. Khru groans, vibration buzzing against your cock, and you can feel him shift, hands pressing against his pregnant gut as Astau fills him up. Each egg pushes inside him with a wet //crack//, the sheathed egg smacking against his broken ass, catching momentarily before it gets swallowed up inside him, over and over. Khru's cock erupts, firing off completely untouched and showering you with stringy clots of gritty cum. Khru groans, gurgling and moaning desperately around your cock, wetly snuffling against your balls as he shoots his load all over your stomach and his own face. Astau keeps fucking him, underbelly grinding against Khru's increasingly-bloated belly, cock shoving egg after egg into his guts with a heavy, wet //shlurp shlurp shlurp// noise.\n\nEventually Astau slows, cock thinning as he finishes laying his eggs. Khru is bloated, hide across his belly stretched ludicrously. Astau pulls back, coils of cock squirming free with wet slurps of neon-green slime, his cock slithering in the sand like a snake a picking up a thick crust of sand coating its slathered surface.\n\nKhru lurches to the side, pinned down by his own enormous belly. He struggles to roll over, hands gripping his bloated gut, and eventually he manages, just by shoving his gut to the side and letting it topple over, half-dragging him with it. He groans, gasping for breath. Astau's cock slithers out of him with a //pop//, leaving his hole gaping and destroyed, his flushed purple guts piled up in a crumpled heap just behind his swollen, bruised asshole, slathered in a mess of frothy neon-green slime, drooling out of him in fat, glistening teardrops.\n\n<<sexscene "khru astau meet">>\\n<<if $sex['astautop'] gt 0 && $pregnant eq "">>\\nAstau pulls back, his tongue pulling out of your throat with an explosion of green slime. You cough up more all over Khru's slathered, disheveled body. Astau looks at you, his cock still squirming across his underbelly: "I saved some eggs for you," he says.\n\n* [[fuck khru's sloppy gaping hole|khru astau top]]<<scenealert "khru astau top">>\n* [[take astau's eggs|khru astau bottom]]<<scenealert "khru astau bottom">>\n<<else>>\n* [[fuck khru's sloppy gaping hole|khru astau top]]<<scenealert "khru astau top">>\n* [[ask astau if he saved any eggs for you|khru astau bottom choice]]<<scenealert "khru astau bottom choice">>\n<<endif>>
You ask Astau if he saved any eggs for you.\n\nHis muzzle is a sloppy grin, teeth coated in runny drool. His cock twines across his underbelly, coiling all across itself in knots. "As a matter of fact," he says. "I did."\n\n<<display "khru astau bottom">>
You get on your knees next to Khru, and Astau nips at your side, cock coiling around your thighs, licking like a giant tongue against your ass, digging down between your cheeks. You groan, spreading your legs more, leaning against Khru for support, and then Astau mounts you in a sudden push: claws on your back, pushing you facedown into the dust, his cock slithering up against your ass to push smoothly inside. You can already feel fresh eggs start to pump up through his cock, and Astau dispenses with the foreplay he used when breaking Khru open. His cock surges deeper inside you, slick and drooling as he sinks through into the opening of your guts. It feels like hot water inside you, pouring deeper and deeper, squirming around the curves of your guts until you're fully threaded. You groan, dazed, arms and legs trembling under Astau's bulk.\n\nThere's contact against your shoulder, neck, face, and you open blurry eyes to see Khru in front of you, still on all fours, kissing the side of your face. You look up, kissing him back, and they both pull you to the side, pressed up against Khru's fat, pregnant belly with Astau perched over you, his underbelly pressed against your side. Astau's cock lurches inside you, visible through your warped flesh, and the movement ripples through Khru's gut, making his eggs resonate against your chest. You gasp for breath, Khru gnawing at your face, the both of you grunting and groaning as Astau's eggs start to burst into your guts. Khru presses one hand against your stomach, feeling the first few squirt out into you, and digs down harder, making the eggs shoot out, lurching against his hand with only the thin padding of your body between them.\n\nThey pin you between them, your belly bloating against Khru's, both their bodies burning hot, slathered with sweat and drool and cum. Astau leers down, tongue dragging sloppily against your faces, coating you with a fresh layer of drool. Khru turns his head, eyes dazed, mouth open, and Astau shoves his tongue straight down his throat, making him gurgle and gag, throat lurching back and forth as his tongue quests deeper. Then quick as a whip, Astau lurches up, making Khru gag and choke, coughing up a slurry of drool and phlegm all over, and shoves his dripping tongue down your throat, mirroring the motion. You gurgle, blowing frothy bubbles from your nose, out around his tongue, into his gaping maw, and Astau groans across your face, panting as he squirms inside you, egg after egg popping out into your guts.\n\nKhru's cock is hard, dragging against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your own<<endif>>, and he ruts against your bellies, grinding his gnarled cock against the soft, lurching flesh there. He groans across Astau's muzzle, the three of you sloppily kissing as Astau breeds you: sometimes Khru's tongue in your mouth, his teeth on your lips, sometimes you with your mouth pressed to Khru's throat, feeling Astau's tongue squirm through it, sometimes your jaw split open, Astau's tongue dumping enough sloppy drool down your throat that you feel queasy, your stomach sloshing with drool even as he bloats your guts more and more with fresh bursts of sludge and eggs.\n\nAstau's cock makes heavy loops against your body, squirming as his eggs move through it, filling you up and up and up until you're every bit as pregnant-looking as Khru, the both of you whining and groaning as Astau bears down atop your bodies, hips rutting his underbelly down, pinning you both in the sodden, clumpy dust. You and Khru kiss each other, sharing Astau's sloppy drool as your belly rounds out. Astau finally empties himself out, cock only pushing more slime into your guts, and he slowly peels himself free, his cock drooping and slack as it slurps through the mess of slime painted all across his underbelly, slowly vanishing back into his spread slit.\n\nYou rub Khru's belly, his own clawed hands pressing against yours. You ask him, does he consider that a successful contact with a great beast?\n\nHis claws dig into your gut, and he lets out a rumbling moan. "Oh yeah," he says.\n\nIt's a while before either of you can manage to get to your feet.\n\n<<sex "astau" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "khru astau bottom">>\\n<<addmutation "eggs">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "astau">>\\n<<set $pregnancyStarted to $turns>>\\n<<set $pregnancyTf to "no">>\\n<<set $pregnancies += 1>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
Khru is lying on his side, legs sprawled out, and still his wrecked hole peeks out between his muscled ass cheeks: a big puffy oval, squashed flat against itself, his rubbery, abused flesh slurping and sliding in shuddery jerks as his ass convulses, still sucking on the phantom imprint of Astau's monstrous tentacle-cock.\n\nYou kneel down behind him, fingers curling over his cheeks before you dig in and peel them apart. Khru's asshole gapes easily, soggy guts unfurling out into a fat, taut prolapse, just barely peeking out over the enormous swell of his raw purplish anal ring. He's hot to the touch, flesh slick and heavy and parting easily as you press your fingers into his flooded ass. The walls of his ass are webbed with Astau's cum, thick glowing-green slime corded in tendrils. He's so spread you can see all the way up to the opening of his guts: a shuddering, convulsing ring of flesh. Huge glistening dewdrops slowly drip down from deeper inside him, pouring in a sluggish wave across the inside of his ass. You reach in further, fist slipping in with no problem, other hand easily stretching him wide enough that you can still get a good view as you push your fingers up against his shuddering inner ring, digging into it until it stops spasming and goes slack, letting a frothy burble of glowing slime drool steadily out of his guts. Khru lets out a soft groan, spreading his legs, and his pouting asshole slurps even wider; you don't even need to use your other hand to get him to gape around your fist. You roll your fist back and forth through his swollen asshole until he's uniformly slathered in Astau's cum. His anal walls shine with green ooze, thick rivulets drooling down to pool inside him in a frothy mess. You pull out with a //slurp//, and his hole stays open, the fat lips of his broken asshole spreading in a drooping pout.\n\nYou smear your cum-coated fist across your cock, adding Astau's cum to the slurry of spit and pre coating it, and slide it into place, spearing through the fat bullseye of Khru's broken ass. You sink in effortlessly all the way to the root, obviously. Astau opened him up. His ass is slick and sloppy and warm, internal muscles rippling and squeezing, flesh so swollen he's loose and slick{ even around your knot}, his shuddering clenches only making his guts slide around the length of your cock.\n\nYou're already close, so this is not gonna take long. Watching Khru get fucked was hot. You spurt pre into Khru's ass, mingling with Astau's load, and just roll your hips back and forth slow, grinding your cock against Khru's sloppy, drenched guts. Huge wet burbles of cum slurp down across your cock, splattering over your thighs.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your knot punches in over Khru's wrecked asshole, and he lets out a low moan, guts convulsing around it. He's so slack even that doesn't pose a problem. Your tentacles fan out, digging into the wrinkled crevasses of his bloated asshole, folding over the cratered rim.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHis guts are just a wash of hot slime, wetly sucking on your shaft, and you stir your cock inside him, fucking through the thickening sludge as Astau's slime starts to soak into Khru's flesh.\n\nYou pull out, letting him gape, cock emerging slathered with Astau's glowing green cum, and slide your fist in to replace it. He's slick, flesh inside spongy and smooth, and your hand glides frictionlessly through him: fist in, his hole smoothly spreading for your forearm, letting you push up into his guts with only the slightest hitch. Your crooked elbow smacks against his ass, and he groans, guts pulsing around your arm. You pump into him a few times before pulling out, replacing your fist with your cock to sink down to the hilt. Not working towards anything, trying to get him or yourself off. Just feeling out how you can slide into him; feeling how his sloppy, used hole works. Cum drools down in taffylike cords, piling on the sand beneath him before it spreads out. His gut is still enormously swollen, pregnant and bloated hanging under him, even with all that's drooling out of him. You wrap your hand around your shaft, then push back into him: stroking yourself off inside his ass, cum squelching and gurgling around your pumping hand. Thick iridescent bubbles froth up in cords, splattering all over Khru's meaty ass, and you grip yourself harder <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>-- knot bulking up in your fist -- <<endif>>and rut into him, grunting as you drag your cockhead against the walls of his ass.\n\nKhru groans in time as you fuck into him: asshole spread around your wrist, cock sinking into the sloppy, frothy sea of cum in his ass, bloated belly shaking and jiggling beneath him. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You squeeze your knot tight, grinding it up against his pulverized prostate.<<endif>> You fuck your fist in short sharp thrusts and cum with low groan, cock shuddering in your hand before you start pumping your load into his already-wrecked hole. Your cum just smears into the mess of ooze drooling out of him, <<if hasMutation ("balls") && hasMutation ("prostate")>>\\na slimy wash of yellow-grey sludge marbling through\\n<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>\\nthick grey streaks marbling it for a moment before they diffuse into nothing\\n<<else>>\\nthin white streaks marbling through for a moment before they diffuse into nothing\\n<<endif>>, mixing into the frothy slurry. You keep pumping, fucking him through your orgasm, peeling your hand out so you can drag your spurting cock along his ass.\n\nYou collapse on top of him, hips shallowly pumping, your balls glued to his cum-slathered ass as your cock pulses within him. Khru groans, his own cock soft a twitching, completely slathered in a slurry of yours and Astau's cum -- mostly Astau's. You roll over to the side, pulling Khru with you, and you both sprawl out, panting, Khru's guts still gurgling and sloshing as Astau's eggs settle inside him. You both feel across his belly: skin taut, lurching as eggs shift, swaying heavily as cum sloshes inside him.\n\nEventually you peel apart: you drenched in cum from knees to chest, Khru with his ruined asshole pouting out, a waterfall of glowing slime streaming down the backs of his legs. You help him to his feet, cum squirting from his ass as he tenses his thighs, tries to tense his core, and you have to help him heft his belly so he can even stand upright.\n\n"Hope you enjoyed the visit," Astau says with a leer, his cock still unsheathed and twining beneath him. Khru just groans, slumped against a wall, letting his flooded ass drain more before trying to move.\n\nIt takes quite some time but you eventually get back on your way.\n<<sex "khru" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "khru astau top">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $drudge3 to 3>>\n<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\n<<endnobr>>\\nBrulvundojn looms out of his den. Khru has to crane his head. He only looks a little worried.\n\nYou introduce them. Well, you basically say, Brulvundojn, this is Khru, he's one of the ĝheist surveyors looking to build a hive nearby. Khru, this is Brulvundojn.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>Khru looks at you and Brulvundojn. "You're his consort, right?" he asks you.\n\nBrulvundojn looks //real// pleased to have somebody call you that in front of him. "Yes, absolutely," he says, before you can respond, and he grins at you, all teeth. You roll your eyes.\n\n<<else if $brulvundojnFriends eq "late">>Khru looks at you and at Brulvundojn. "You know each other, right?"\n\nYou say yeah, you're friends. You sling an arm around Brulvujdon's foreleg, and he nips at you affectionately.\n<<else if $brulvundojnFriends eq "provisional">>/% you've never fucked %/\\nKhru looks at you and at Brulvundojn. "You know each other, right?"\n\nIt's a little awkward. You say, yeah.\n<<else>>\\nYou're not on the best terms. It's real awkward. Brulvundojn doesn't really acknowledge your presence at all, and his responses to Khru are short and clipped. You wish things had turned out differently.\n<<endif>>\n\nKhru asks some questions -- other great beasts around (a few), if he eats lightrot (not really), if he knows what his drool is made out of (not really but it is flammable), and so forth.\n\n<<if $brulvundojnFriends === true>>\\nAt one point Brulvundojn gets bored. "When are you gonna ask to fuck," he says.\n\nYou cover your face in your hands. You tell him, this is precisely why nobody thinks you're the majestic, intimidating demigod kind of great beast.\n\nBrulvundojn shrugs. "We all knew you were gonna go for it." He's looking at //you// when he says it.\n\n<<if $wwwPairBrulvundojn eq "open">>You say, just because you organized that foursome-- and maybe you would've said more but Brulvundojn starts cackling, sides heaving.\n<<else>>\\nYou say, when have you //ever// brought somebody to him for a threesome.\n\nBrulvundojn looks over at Khru: "Right now," he says, and cackles at his own joke.\n<<endif>>\\n\nKhru looks a little overwhelmed. Presumably in the underground they actually treat their great beasts as demigods. Maybe in the underground their great beasts have some dignity.\n\nYou say, well, does he wanna have a threesome?\n\nKhru looks back and forth between the two of you. He snorts. "Of course," he says, and leers.\n\nYou admit, you knew this was going to happen.\n\n[[→|khru brulvundojn sex]]\n\n<<else if $brulvundojnFriends>>\\nBrulvundojn lets Khru get through his litany of questions. It takes a while.\n\nEventually: "That it?" he asks, head cocked to the side.\n\n"Yeah, just about," Khru says, looking to the side, storing the paper he was writing down answers on in a pocket.\n\n"In that case," Brulvundojn says, taking a few steps forward, paws crunching in the sand. "I have a question for you." His maw yawns open, drool spilling out and exploding into fiery comets when it hits the sand. Khru looks a little overwhelmed. Brulvundojn stops in front of him and lowers his head, licking his tongue out to tap his chin. "You wanna fuck around?"\n\nYou sigh. You knew this was going to happen. Admittedly, you're a little surprised Brulvundojn made the move, and not Khru. Or you.\n\nKhru looks over at you. "Uh, yeah, definitely," he says.\n\n[[→|khru brulvundojn sex]]\n<<else>>\nEventually Khru runs out of questions, and there's a long beat of silence.\n\n"That all?" Brulvundojn says, and maybe that's your cue to say something, but you can't really think of anything. You and Khru leave, mutely. Your shoulders slump when you get outside.\n\n"Rough," Khru says, because it would be impossible to not recognize the tension between the two of you. "Exes?"\n\nYou tell him, something like that. You say, let's just go.\n\nYou go.\n\n<<set $khruBeast to "none">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $khruBeast to "Brulvundojn">>\\nKhru strips, easily. You and Brulvundojn both leer at him, watching. Brulvunojn drools, tongue lapping out of his muzzle to spatter oily black froth across Khru's side, speckling his leathery hide.\n\nIt doesn't take long for Khru to strip naked -- pulling off his eye-covering helmet and unlatching his pants, unstrapping his boots and kicking everything off. His mostly-hard cock bounces out in the open, piercings clattering against each other as his cock droops down over his fat, heavy balls.\n\nBrulvundojn pounces, bowling him onto his back in the sand, muzzle splayed out all across his chest, claws from one paw splayed wide against one thigh, anchoring him in place. He slurps a messy trail up Khru's chest, ending in a slobbering kiss all over his face, and then he steps forward, pressing Khru against his underbelly, and unsheathes all across his chest. Khru groans, bucking up against Brulvundojn's giant, bestial cock -- shaft spanning from hips to chest, sharp tip spurting pre across his jaw -- and wraps both arms around his arm-thick dick, stroking it across his chest. Brulvundojn's cock is slathered in old cum, like thick, murky oil, and it leaves glossy black smears across Khru's hide, forming a grimy trench of glazed skin, with runnels of thick black slime pouring down his sides.\n\nKhru groans, one hand swiping down Brulvundojn's glossy purple-black shaft to gather a handful of his murky pure, and then slathers the mess all across his cock, stroking his dick up against the groove along the underside of Brulvundojn's until he's entirely hard. His cock, pretty decently-sized by any other metric, is absolutely dwarfed by Brulvundojn's enormous, bestial length. Khru pins his dick against Brulvundojn's cock, wrapping both hands around his shaft -- fingers nowhere near touching -- and lets Brulvundojn fuck against his entire body, bashing his sharp cocktip against his face, drenching him from crotch to crown in runny black ooze.\n\nYou're hard just watching it, idly <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>stroking your own slimy dog dick<<else>>tugging on your dick<<endif>>. Khru looks real nice, pinned down from the sheer weight of Brulvundojn's monster dick on his chest. Brulvundojn, though, maybe wants a little more: he pulls back, cock skidding down Khru's glazed chest until it slides free, aimed at his ass. His cock lurches, bobbing up and down, tip smacking against the ground and picking up a coarse glaze of sand, near-instantly muddled together into the churned-up mess of oily pre streaming down his shaft.\n\n"Think you can take it?" Brulvundojn asks, paws shifting on the sandy ground, clawing furrows beside Khru's body.\n\nKhru groans, raising his legs, putting his ass on display: cheeks spread, the darker ring of his asshole exposed as a fat, bulging target. "Fuck yeah," he says, rocking his body towards Brulvundojn's dick, moaning when the side of his cock smacks against his ass cheek and sticks there for a half-second, wet and drooling pre down his hide.\n\nBrulvundojn takes a heavy step forward, cock jabbing against Khru's ass, tip digging into his asshole, slowly pushing in harder-- until with a lurch his cock twitches up, sliding up between Khru's thighs, across his dick. Khru whines, rutting back against him, reaching down to push Brulvundojn's cock into position, nocked right into his ass, so the next spurt of grimy black pre gushes straight into his ass, sloppy and heavy. He lets out a shaky moan, head falling back into the sand, eyes going unfocused as he focuses on the slow, inexorable push of Brulvundojn's giant dog dick sinking into him.\n\n/%\nThere's still the question of how you're gonna get involved here.\n\n* [[ride khru's dick while he gets fucked|khru brulvundojn ride]]\n* [[spitroast khru|khru brulvundojn spitroast]]\n%/\n<<display "khru brulvundojn spitroast">>
You shift closer, at his side, hands skimming across Khru's leathery hide, feeling the way he gasps and shudders as Brulvundojn's dick carves him open. He opens his mouth, craggy teeth on display in a groaning snarl, and reaches back with one hand, loosely curling his fingers around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>dripping dog dick, identical to Brulvundojn's own save for size<<else>>dick<<endif>>. Brulvundojn thrusts into him, making his entire body jolt forward, and his grip tightens, erratically jerking you off in time with Brulvundojn's thrusts.\n\nYou press against Brulvundojn's foreleg, cock skewing across Khru's shoulder, reaching down to feel his stomach -- not enough dick sunk inside him that you can feel it bulging back out, yet -- and Khru turns his head to the side, breath hot and wet puffing out across your shaft, tongue lolling from his mouth to wetly smear across your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>dark, purple-black flesh<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted cock<<else>>cock<<endif>>. He groans, opening wide to try to drag the tip into his mouth, and you pull back fractionally, cock smearing across his face before it pops between his lips. Brulvundojn bucks above you, sinking another few inches of his colossal cock into Khru's straining ass, shoving Khru down onto your cock<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, sharp tip skidding across the roof of his mouth and digging into his throat<<endif>>.\n\nYou look up at Brulvundojn -- who's looking down, burning eyes fixed on the two of you -- and shift to the side, straddling Khru's face, knees bracketing his head as you sink your cock into his upturned face. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cock lurches, your own knot digging hard against your sheath as it starts to swell, and you let out a shaky groan as Khru none-too-gently yanks your sheath down over it, gurgling out a groan as your slimy tentacles unfurl from behind your knot, twining across the long length of your cock still outside his mouth, tips spreading out to lick across his face. <<endif>>You rise up, hands wrapping around Brulvundojn's forelegs, Brulvundojn's tongue slathering all across your face as he lowers to meet you, giant muzzle enveloping your entire head for a brief moment before he twists to the side, drooling a mass of black, oily drool down across your shaft, flooding Khru's open mouth. He gurgles, blowing heavy, iridescent bubbles as he slurps along your shaft, gulping down the messy slurry of drool and pre pouring into his mouth, excess pouring down his cheeks into the sand below.\n\nKhru's pinned between your cocks, Brulvundojn's paws bracketing his body, his own cock rock hard and drizzling pre all over his leathery stomach. His stomach warps: Brulvundojn's cock presses deeper, and you watch how his abs clench and hold, entire stomach rising sluggishly, muscles lurching as they're jabbed from behind, forcing his cock up against his ribs. Khru groans and relaxes, letting the giant shape of Brulvundojn's dick stand out in relief, audibly shifting inside him with a low, meaty //thwack// as it skews upward, rising up inside him until it's visible as a stiff peak just above his dick, warping his abs obscenely. <<if $sex['brulvundojnanaltop'] gt 0>>You know firsthand how hard it is to take Brulvundojn's dick, especially the first time. <<endif>>Khru shudders, his asshole clenching and splaying, wetly sucking along Brulvundojn's shaft. There's muffled vibration against your shaft every time Brulvundojn sinks deeper: Khru's throat buzzing, silently groaning as he's opened up further and further. Brulvundojn's knot hangs there, an enormous lump at the base of his dick, cocooned by his churning tentacles. There's only a foot or so of shaft left before the knot, and his tentacles lap out, licking across his thighs and ass, a few curling around his own leaking cock.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You press closer too, sinking your sharp cocktip down Khru's throat, letting your own tentacles get close enough to really latch on: curling around his neck, gripping tighter on the side of his head. Spitroast by a pair of mutant dog dicks, filling him from both ends with slobbery black pre.<<else>>You press closer, grinding your cockhead against the back of his mouth before he gulps and swallows, opening his throat to let you press a few inches deeper.<<endif>> You slide deeper, his open throat warping as you thrust down <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>to the knot<<else>>to the root<<endif>>. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your tentacles latch across his entire head, grinding your knot back and forth over his goopy lips, each twitch pumping a gush of rank black ooze directly down into his stomach. <<endif>>You fuck his face, groaning into Brulvundojn's fur just under his neck as you <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>bash your knot over and over against Khru's bruised lips<<else>>grind the root of your cock against his bruised lips<<endif>><<if hasMutation ("balls")>>, heavy, altered balls smacking wetly across his face, half-glued there by the slathered mess of pre burbling from his nose and mouth<<endif>>.\n\nKhru's throat convulsing around your cock in a silent bellow is the only clue that Brulvundojn has just shoved his knot into Khru's ass. You peel off Brulvundojn's front, staring down: Khru's cumming all over his grotesquely gigantic gut bulge, grimy cords of cum slapping up against Brulvundojn's shaggy underbelly, with Brulvundojn's sheath mashed against his ass, knot undoubtedly absolutely crushing his prostate.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>If he can take the knot in his ass..., you think, angling down, pressing your knot harder against his bruised lips. Khru's jaw goes slack, a rumble rippling along your shaft, and his jaw yawns open, lips spreading to suckle along the midpoint of your knot before it sinks into his mouth with a wet //squelch//. You groan, the dense rubbery flesh of your knot shuddering and swelling, creaking larger until it presses against the uneven line of his fangs, pinned tight in his mouth. Sick wet warbles come burbling up around your shaft, sloppy goo gushing up his throat and only sluggishly oozing out around his teeth. You groan, head tipped back -- Brulvundojn's tongue curling around your face and neck -- and cum directly down Khru's throat, flooding him full of mutant dog cum from both ends.\n\nKhru's belly shakes and shudders, the force of Brulvundojn's spurts rippling his flesh, visibly bloating his guts more and more with each shot. His belly grows taut, stretched flesh rippling in sluggish waves with each spurt. His cock, still weakly spurting, is pinned against the growing bulk of his belly, glazing his skin in grimy waves of thick, gritty ĝheist cum. Khru groans around your knot, throat shuddering and lurching, visibly warped not only by your fat cock but also by the thick, tarry cocoon of cum wrapped around your shaft, churning sluggishly as you rut in short, slow strokes, mashing your knot against throat and then pulling back until it digs into his front teeth. He gulps, unsteadily, with thick black cum burbling from his nose in thick runnels and smearing against your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>heavy, leathery <<endif>>balls, an iridescent black froth oozing over his lips, squelching out around your knot.\n\nYour cock pulses slower, sharp blasts of thick cum thinning out into a continual pour of thin, watery cum, pissing out down his throat directly into his stomach. You cna feel it when Brulvundojn changes too: the wet throb of his ejaculation, felt through the meat of Khru's body, slows too, until he's pissing out his own load of watery dog cum into Khru's already-overstuffed guts. You tip your head up, letting Brulvundojn stuff his tongue down your throat -- always a favorite of his -- as you both rut into Khru, flooding him with more and more of your loads.\n\nIt's a while before either of you finishes up.\n\n<<else>>Khru sucks on your cock harder, groaning as Brulvundojn's knot expands to its full size inside him. You groan and arch forward, balls smacking against his face as you push into his clenching throat. You cum with a moan, cock lurching, spurting straight down Khru's throat, hips rolling, sluggishly fucking the final few inches of your cock through his puffy, bruised lips. Khru gulps hungrily, swallowing your load, but a slobbery froth still builds up at the corners of his mouth, drizzling down across his face.\n\nNo matter how long you cum, you finish far before Brulvundojn is finished knotting. Khru's belly is bloated enormously, his stretched flesh rippling in sluggish waves as cum churns inside him. His cock, still sluggishly gushing heavy arcs of rank ĝheist cum, is pinned against the underside of his growing belly, digging into his taut flesh. He groans, head thrown back, face smeared with your load as he groans up at Brulvundojn, panting for breath.\n\nYou sit back, cock drizzling out the dregs of your load across Khru's face. It's gonna be a while.\n\n<<endif>>\\nKhru is a cum-drenched, bloated mess by the time <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>you're<<else>>Brulvundojn's<<endif>> done with him. His belly is stretched obscenely, gurgling as cum pours still-deeper inside him, sloshing and cracking against his gaped, ruined internal walls. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You finish first, knot growing spongy before it softens and shrinks, and you spend the last minute-or-so locked together with Khru wetly gagging, coughing up slimy, churned-up cum all over your sheath and balls. When you finally pull free, he retches, puking up your load to make more room for Brulvundojn's, still steadily pouring into his wrecked guts. <<endif>>Brulvundojn drags him bodily back, or tries to at least; the sheer weight of cum anchors him to the groud. His asshole gapes and shudders, the muscle bruised into a heavy, dense mass that's tightly wrapped around Brulvundojn's head-sized knot, but slowly, in fits and jerks, you watch as Brulvundojn drags backwards, his knot cresting backwards to dig, turgid and enormous, into the underside of Khru's ruined asshole. He shifts, and slimy black cum squirts out around his knot, splattering all across his hind legs, dripping back down over Khru's cum-slathered body.\n\nKhru gurgles<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> between wet retches, still coughing up mouthfuls of your load <<endif>>as Brulvundojn drags his cock out of his ass: knot digging harder and harder against his gaped ass, until with a final deep, wet //squelch// he pulls free, wrenching Khru's asshole inside-out into a blossoming purple-red prolapse, squirting frothy black cum in pulsing blasts. Khru groans, both hands on his belly, pressing down like that will help Brulvundojn's load make its way out of the mazy passages of his guts. Cum fountains out of his prolapse, pouring down Brulvundojn's cock, still deeply embedded inside him, becoming an unending flow as gallons of cum pour out of him in a slobbery black waterfall.\n\nBrulvundojn steps backward, cock spilling out of Khru's meaty prolapse, paws smearing through the murky black swamp of cum flooding the sandy trench Khru's been fucked into. His cock emerges, thick enough to pull out more and more of Khru's guts, until there's a good foot-or-so of his shiny, black-painted guts wrapped tight around Brulvundojn's cock. When he finally pulls the tip of his cock free -- still spurting, pissing cum all over Khru's enormous, pregnant-looking gut -- Khru's prolapse flops down to the ground, hanging off his body like a thick, heavy tail. He groans, claws twitching against his stretched gut<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, cum gurgling up his knotted-open throat as Brulvundojn's load burbles out of his ass, draining out from both ends<<else>>as black cum burbles out of his prolapse in immense heavy, wet gushes<<endif>>.\n\nYou let Khru drain out for a while, hands spread against his gut, feeling the cum gurgle under his hide. You press fingers into his hanging prolapse, sinking a fist -- a forearm -- into him no problem. It's no surprise; Brulvundojn's cock is a lot bigger than that. You fistfuck his guts back into his body. <<if $sex['brulvundojnanaltop'] gt 0>>It's a little nice seeing somebody else get the proper Brulvundojn knotting treatment. It'd be nice if somebody else fistfucked your guts back into your body after he knotted you. Brulvundojn using his tongue doesn't count.<<endif>>\n\nEventually Khru is drained enough to flop to the side<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, hacking and coughing when that shifts the mass of your load still stuffing his stomach, bringing up another few mouthfuls of burbling black cum<<endif>>. You help drag him out of the swampy morass of cum, at least.\n\nFucking a great beast is a lot of work. There's always a lot of clean-up. When Khru only looks heavily pregnant, instead of so bloated he's about to burst, you help him scour his hide down with sand, scrubbing off the accumulated layers of filthy, half-congealed cum soaking him head to toe.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>He coughs up a final mouthful of cum, panting as thick strings of ooze drool from his open mouth. <<endif>>He groans as he shakily gets to his feet, his balance still off with the weight of cum inside him, still eagerly drooling from his broken, fucked-open asshole all down his thighs.\n\nEventually, you head off.\n\nAfterward, when you're a ways away and Khru has pulled himself together enough to talk, he asks if he should've thanked Brulvundojn for anointing him. You laugh and tell him you wanna know just what the great beasts are like in the underground, if that's a question he has.<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> You grope your sheath through your pants and tell him you can anoint him any time he likes.<<endif>>\n\n/% some kinda sex count here %/\\n<<sex "khru" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "khru brulvundojn spitroast">>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
Pthuul gets out some mechanical tools and takes some readings. It takes a while. You have no clue what he's doing; you're only assuming he's taking reading on account of the looking at tools and writing things down, but apparently after a few hours he's done, and he turns to you: "All done here," he says.\n\nThat all, you ask?\n\nHe nods. "Back to the village."\n\nBack to the village, you guess.\n\n<<set $drudge2 to 3>>\\n<<set $surveysDone += 1>>\\n<<set $surveyComplete to true>>\\n[[→|worldmap]]
You ask them to help you with the birthing.\n\nThey shuffle you over to their tent. It's dark and cool inside, and it smells of lightrot and smoke. They settle you on your back on a pallet, and then hands are at your thighs and hips, propping your legs up and out. Claws slide along your ass cheeks, digging into your swollen hole, and you relax back into the sheets and groan. There are bodies pressed all around you, rendered as hazy silhouettes in the dim lighting. Fingers push inside you, tugging on the rim of your asshole, and in response, your body knowing it's ready, you feel <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>your cervix spasm, cracking open with an aching pang<<else>>your guts shift, gurgling as your eggs descend<<endif>>. Somebody strokes your belly, coaxing the eggs on; their palm sticks against your tacky stretch marks, stinging slightly.\n\nSomebody's dick slides against the curve of your pregnant guts, and somebody else scoffs. You know that to the ĝheist, both sex and birth are basically, well, sex. Your body aches, shaky pulses of pleasure -- hands trailing across your sensitive flesh, someone's thumb digging into the heavy peak of your aching nipple -- and pain -- your <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>womb<<else>>guts<<endif>> shuddering, the weighty ache of your eggs knocking around inside you growing more intense as they <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>bear down on your cervix<<else>>start to gurgle down through your guts<<endif>> -- mixing together in a dizzying haze. You sprawl out, letting hands reposition your body. The immediacy of the sensation destroys your rational thought, letting you float through, timeless, a beast of raw sensation. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your dick is unsheathed<<else>>Your dick is hard<<endif>>, skewing up against your heavily-pregnant gut, drizzling stinging pre across your aching stretch marks.\n\n<<set $_birthhelper to shuffle(["Khru", "Pthuul"])>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>\\n<<display "birth fist womb">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "birth fist guts">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<sexscene "birth fist">>\\n\n[[→|birth fist recoup]]
You wake up in the morning, on a cot in one of the survey team's tents. Your entire body aches. You've clearly been cleaned up some -- you're not glazed in cum -- but there are still half-dried crusts of slime and cum painted across your ass and thighs. Your belly has collapsed in on itself, stretched skin saggy and heavy, red marks itchy and crusted over with yellowed lymph. Your asshole is enormous, swollen and heavy, hot to the touch when you reach back to feel the damage. The skin of your asshole is pulpy, soft and spongy, rubbery when you dig in harder, which sends a throb of heat, pain and pleasure, up your spine. It's a little more directly painful when you try to get up.\n\nThe pressure of standing up pins your swollen asslips together, mounding your hole out into a swell that peeks out between your cheeks. Your swollen asshole scrapes against itself when you move. Slabs of puffy flesh smear side-to-side, making a soft wet squelching noise, and you can only manage a few steps before you collapse to your knees -- and doing that gapes your ass, yawning open effortlessly, cold air stinging your inner wall. It takes a while for you to get up.\n\n<<print $_birthhelper[0]>> looks askance at you when you finally manage to make your way out the tent flap, mostly dressed and mostly walking steadily. "Up already?" he asks.\n\nYou shrug. You have things to do. Also, it's not all bad; you're pretty sure your asshole so is sensitive right now that just the rhythm of walking will get you off, if the soreness doesn't get too bad first.\n\nYou don't say all that to <<print $_birthhelper[0]>> though.\n\n<<sex "birth_fist" "fist" "top">>\\n<<set $pregnant to "">>\\n[[→|survey index]]
Your cervix spasms in erratic pulses, yawning open slowly, creating an open, hungry gulf inside you. Heat ripples across its aching rim, stretching open like hard rubber deforming, with each muscular clench resonating through your entire body.\n\nThe fingers inside you slide deeper, an entire fist pushing in past your yielding asshole without much effort: the flesh of your asshole is heavy and stretchy, gaping open at the slightest touch. The hand inside you feels its way deeper, claws digging into the walls of your ass, thumb sliding over the shuddering entrance to your guts, like a taut drumhead, coaxing it open in fits and starts until you bear down, guts sliding into place to splay yourself open from ass to cervix. The hand presses deeper, asshole warped and gaping around a thick, muscular forearm, fingers curled to press broad knuckles against the soft, pulsing flesh of your guts. Their claws catch against the bulging rim of your cervix, and the sensation knocks the breath from your lungs, a shaky keen ripping its way up your throat. The hand grips, squeezes, cradling the mound of your spasming cervix in its palm, and you rut against it, bearing down harder, sobbing from the impossible pressure that comes with: cervix squashing against the hand, spasming and warping as it shudders open. The pace picks up: your cervix flowers open, in time with the rhythmic clenches of the hand inside you, clenching tight and spreading wide. Eggs crown, wedged inside the tight neck of your cervix, pumping a fraction of an inch down with each contraction. You keen, howling up at nothing, hard cock splattering a mess a pre against the figure knelt before you, elbow-deep in your ass.\n\nYour cervix pushes, womb deforming. You spit out eggs, eggs lurching out with a shuddery //pop-pop-pop//, suddenly pushing free from your cervix into the waiting hand -- and then overflowing, each one bigger than fist-sized, smearing together in your guts. The hand curls around one, pulling back. <<display "birth common 0">>\n\n<<print $_birthhelper[0]>> places the egg in a shallow basin, the bottom filled with watery lightrot. That's one out. A few dozen left. Already more are squirting out of your womb, piling up inside you, half-crowning through the slick, open gape of your rumpled asshole. You push, <<print $_birthhelper[0]>>'s fingers peeling your asshole open, and you push out a sloppy cluster of eggs, webbed together with thick cervical slime. Hands drag heavy, webbed-together oothecae from your rumpled ass, so thickly corded-together that the motion wrenches more eggs down, all hooked together from ass to womb in clusters of pulsing eggs. <<print $_birthhelper[1]>> groans, cock spurting cum up your side, stinging as it oozes over your raw stretch marks.<<if hasMutation ("leaky")>> Someone -- Jinn, from the soft hands -- pulls on your nipples, milking out sharp squirts of milky ichor, dripping down his hands and drizzling down your sides in liquid streams.<<endif>> You focus on pushing: internal muscles spasming erratically, eggs stewing in your womb, gurgling and slurping as they churn around. Your cervix aches, fluttering and spasming, pumping out egg after egg until it becomes automatic, continually squirting eggs into your guts, heavy and hot inside you as they slurp down your guts. At some point the basin fills with eggs, more piling up on top, and someone has to fetch a new one -- the light in the room warps as the eggs get moved, extra shadows cutting to the side.\n\nYour eggs come out sloppier, dripping with amniotic gel. <<display "birth common 1">> Still, your womb spasms and pumps, eggs slickly spilling from your gaping cervix, down into your overstuffed prolapse, squirting again out from there in slime-drenched gushes, plopping into the heaped basin.\n\n<<display "birth common 2">>\n\n<<display "birth common 3">>
Your guts spasm, eggs finally starting to lurch lower. There's a heavy lurch, a wet pop, as each egg works its way down through the curves of your guts; there's a sensation of weight shifting, all the eggs spilling lower and lower until there's a burning weight between your hips, gurgling and churning.\n\nThe fingers inside you slide deeper, an entire fist pushing in past your yielding asshole without much effort: the flesh of your asshole is heavy and stretchy, gaping open at the slightest touch. Claws tap at the twist into your guts, and you push, passage opening up, and eggs gush down, one smacking audibly into their palm, the rest bunching up behind it. Their claws curl in around it, pulling back. <<display "birth common 0">>\n\n<<display "birth common 1">> Your guts shudder and pulse, churning deep inside you as the entire clutch descends: spilling into your overstuffed prolapse, forming a big, rubbery pouch that spits eggs out directly into the waiting basin.\n\n<<display "birth common 2">>\n\n<<display "birth common 3">>
<<if hasMutation ("womb")>>You whine, cervix pushing out scummy clots: the rubbery crescents of cast eggshells, the silty ooze that's collected at the bottom of your womb, only erratically lurching when one of the few remaining eggs catching on its aching lip and pushing out. Your womb aches, its stretched flesh starting to contract, pull itself tighter in sharp, stabbing jerks.<<else>>You whine, pushing out rubbery crescents of cast eggshells, the final few eggs erratically lurching down your guts and squirting forcefully from your sloppy prolapse.<<endif>> <<if $sex['khruanaltop'] gt 0 && $sex['pthuulanaltop'] gt 0>>Khru and Pthuul push their cocks together, sliding effortlessly into your gaping, drooping prolapse, fucking you through the final few contractions, eggs squirting out around their pumping dicks in a sloppy mess. They're both still cumming, thickening the goopy slime gurgling out from your <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>empty womb<<else>>hollowed guts<<endif>> with their gritty cum, drenching the trophic eggs in a slurry of ĝheist cum. Their giant clawed hands wrap around your prolapse, teasing it out fatter and longer, tugging it down their shafts until they're both hilted inside it without their cocks ever pushing inside //you//, properly. They fuck your prolapse like a sex toy, arching up into it, gushing out gritty cum the entire time. <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>They fuck you through your final contractions, until your gaping cervix is just dribbling out sludge, cocks scraping across your guts, peeling away in sheets the silty slime that's plastered itself to your inner walls.<<else>>They fuck you through the final few lurches of your guts, only one, two, three final eggs squirting out between their pistoning dicks. Their cocks scrape across your guts, peeling thick birthing slime off your inner walls in thick sheets.<<endif>>\n\nThey pull free with a wet squelch, letting your prolapse flop down beneath you -- a huge mound of rubbery flesh hanging to your knees, oozing slime and cum from the rumpled tip, still fat and flooded with sludge -- your own sloppy womb fluid, in addition to Khru and Pthuul's cum.<<else>>Khru and Pthuul reach inside your prolapse, feeling inside to pull free the final few eggs, pinned in between folds of your bloated, swollen guts. Your guts are caked in sludge, thick sheets of ooze stuck to your inner walls, peeling off in rubbery arcs as they fish out your last eggs, before they pull free and let your prolapse flop down -- a huge mound of flesh hanging to your knees, oozing slime from its rumpled tip. <<endif>>\n\nJinn's hands are soft and gentle, running across the rim of your blown-out, inverted asshole, fingers slowly pushing in, helping your body //pull// instead of //push//, dragging the folds of your guts back inside your body in shuddering, lurching jolts. You just lay there, drenched in cum. Your body feels hollowed out, the massive heavy weight of eggs inside you simply gone. <<if hasMutation ("womb")>>Your womb aches as it shrinks, pulling itself closed -- it's still enormous, squashed flat, inner flesh stinging as it smears against itself. Hot shocky jolts race through your body as your womb shrinks, as your cervix pushes itself closed with a final squirt of gummy ooze.<<else>>Your guts ache, slithering inside you, warped and out-of-place after your pregnancy, and it's with weird shocky jerks you feel them start to pull back into shape, rearranging your inner space.<<endif>> Your guts slurp back into your body, asshole finally pulling itself rightside-out with a final lurch, leaving you with an enormous, slack crater of an ass, the ring of your asshole a wrinkled, puffy pit slimy and slick with ooze.\n\nYou sprawl there, gasping, skin dripping with sweat and slime, so exhausted that you only hazily catch somebody saying "rest up" before you're totally out.
Your asshole unfurls, gaping wider as their forearm drags back out, rough skin scraping along your inner walls. They twist back and forth, your asshole bunching up around their spread fingers, until with a sloppy //pop// they pull free, egg cradled in their hand. It's <<if $pregnant eq "astau">>glowing yellow-green<<else>>luminous blue<<endif>>, casting a strange murky light across the tent interior, lighting up the bodies clustered around you. It's <<print $_birthhelper[0]>> with the egg in his hand, his other hand spread across your ass. It's <<print $_birthhelper[1]>> who's grinding his dick against your side, jerking himself off against your pregnant gut.
<<print $_birthhelper[0]>>'s hard too, his cock slopping through the slimy mess between your thighs, cock lubed with your birthing slime. He groans, the crest of his fist pushing into you, twisting, pulling back with egg in hand. He punch-fucks your gaping ass as he pulls eggs out of you. Your guts shudder, heavy with eggs, asshole slack and open, and with a dizzy wrench you feel yourself fold inside-out, asshole unfurling into a heavy, rubbery prolapse, eggs still squirting out through it like they're gushing from the bloated abdomen of some giant insect: prolapse swelling into a taut, heavy pouch, swollen with eggs, drooping down against your thighs as it fills up with eggs, popping one-by-one, loose and easy, through the opening of your guts.\n\n<<print $_birthhelper[0]>> cums across your prolapse, hand smearing his gritty cum all over your slime-slicked guts. He ruts against it, fucking the sloppy fold between your thigh as he shifts the basin beneath you. Your hanging prolapse spills eggs out directly into it, splashing watery lightrot up across your thighs and ass, burning softly. Your belly droops, soft and sagging now that half the clutch is out of you, and <<print $_birthhelper[1]>> grinds his hands across your loose folds, fucking your belly, smearing his gritty cum all over your skin.
You cum all over yourself just from <<print $_birthhelper[0]>>'s hand bumping up against <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot, dick<<else>>your dick,<<endif>> suddenly spasming and spraying a slick, watery load across your deflated belly and chest. He milks it, wrapping a hand tight around <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your knot<<else>>your shaft<<endif>> and tugging, hands almost frictionless webbed with slime. You sob, arching up -- belly so much lighter than you've grown used to -- and fuck his fist, drenching yourself in cum.<<if $sex['khruanaltop'] gt 0 && $sex['pthuulanaltop'] gt 0>> Thick, goopy fluid splatters against you from multiple directions, the rest of your audience jerking themselves off, coating your drenched form in their pre and cum.<<endif>>
You have to admit you're not totally up to handling this on your own. These eggs are //heavy//. You don't say that part, but it's pretty obvious.\n\nJinn feels your belly. At his touch, the eggs inside you churn and squirm, pulsing hard enough to knock some of the breath out of your lungs. Jinn lets out a low whistle. "Yeah, you're pretty gravid," he says. You snort and tell him, you coulda told him that.\n\n<<if $pregnancies eq 0>>"They're not human, right?" he asks. It takes you a second to realize he's serious. You tell him, humans don't lay eggs. "What, really?" he says. You say, well, not like that. Human eggs come apart when birthing happens, so you end up with a baby right away. Jinn wrinkles his nose. "Gross," he says.\n\n<<endif>>\\n"Anyway, you're gonna have to lay these in a lightrot pool. Good thing you got a team of geological surveyors handy, huh?"\n\nYou say yeah, real convenient.\n\n"We got enough information about the landscape to have one mapped, so, I guess we're heading out there." You say, now? Jinn says, "Yeah, unless you got anything else real critical to handle. You don't.\n\nJinn basically commandeers Pthuul and Djen for the trip, and tells them to tell Zhalk what's up. You get the feeling they're coming along partly as part of the protracted flirting/insubordination thing Jinn has going on with Zhalk.\n\n<<set $drudgeActive to "birthing squad">>\n[[→|village int]]
( gangbanged-by-the-entire-survey-team would give you a new tf: ass if you don't already got it, and then upgrading 'leaky' if you have that, and then if you have ass but do not have leaky, uhhh prostate? which would basically just be upgrading ass V:\n\nnote that this is the first tf sex scene i've outlined, but it's probably not the first one that will occur in the game. at the very least you could visit astau and get egged up before this.\n\n<<set $pending to 1>>\n<<if !hasMutation("asshole")>>basically one of them fisting lightrot into yr ass so they can fit two dicks in there, and then two fists.\n<<set $pending to 0>><<addmutation "asshole">><<set $from['asshole'] to "survey gangbang">>\\n<<else>>if you already have ass they just fist you to open you up for two dicks and then two fists.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>they milk you\n<<if $pending != 0>>they smear lightrot all across yr nipples & chest and there's some narration about how you can feel yr milk glands swelling & engorging, and like feeling milk start to build up behind yr nipples, so that the next tug is this sloppy squirt of lightrot-tainted glowing milk. also yr nipples swell to be kinda thumb-sized udders.\n<<set $pending to 0>><<addmutation "udders">><<set $from['udders'] to "survey gangbang">>\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>if you don't got leaky they just chew on yr nipples and fuck yr chest a little (which also happens otherwise, just with more of a milking focus)\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation("asshole") && $pending != 0>>and then finally if you have ass already & no leaky somebody fists you w/ lightrot at the end once yr all sloppy and loose and grinds it into yr guts and prostate and you start basically pissing out precome as some of yr internal organs (by which i mean spermatic ducts etc, just, not by name) swell and bloat and rearrange.\n<<set $pending to 0>><<addmutation "prostate">><<set $from['prostate'] to "survey gangbang">>\n<<endif>>\n)\n]\n\n[[→|village int]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $humanIntro to true>>\n<<set $days to 0>>\n<<set $timeOfDay to 0>>\n\n<<set $leaderTalk to 0>>\n<<set $leaderStress to 0>>\n<<set $munitionsTalk to 0>>\n<<set $munitionsStress to 0>>\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "siege">>\n<<set $rookTalk to 0>>\n<<set $rookStress to 0>>\n<<set $rookLocustDick to false>>\n<<set $ticTalk to 0>>\n<<set $ticStress to 0>>\n<<set $reconTalk to 0>>\n<<set $reconFlirt to 0>>\n<<set $reconStress to 0>>\n<<set $reconLocation to "siege">>\n<<set $talkOptions to ["make smalltalk", "why are you in town", "where are you from", "leader", "2ic", "munitions", "recon", "rook", "you wanna fuck around"]>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $timeOfDay += 1>>\n<<if $timeOfDay gte 6>>\n <<set $timeOfDay -= 6>>\n <<set $days += 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
The tunnels expand in a web under the town and most of the nearby fields, and you know your way through them easily. You come across someone in the undermarket, who points you in the right direction. The tension visibly leaves <<print $drudgeActive>>'s frame when you push through an archway to see the rest of the squad sitting on the ground, looking a little dusty but none the worse for wear. They wave.\n\n<<display "village human underground setup">>
The tunnels expand in a web under the town and cut a little across most of the nearby fields, and you know your way through them easily. This isn't the first time people have had to take shelter here.\n\nThrough the undermarket, someone points you in the right direction, and after a short, quiet walk you push through an archway to see the entire ĝheist squad sitting on the ground, looking a little dusty but none the worse for wear. They wave.\n\n<<display "village human underground setup">>
There are a few people from the village with them too. You've walked into an argument. Or a discussion, depending on how you want to frame it.\n\nApparently they just walked into town, last midday. They're laying claim on the tanker. A few people give you a look at that; scavenging is useful, but, well, the town really doesn't want to get involved in anybody's scavenger squabbles, and while it doesn't come up much the city humans absolutely consider the entire desert their property.\n\nBut maybe that's a blessing in disguise, since the tanker and the argument over it caught the human's attention for long enough to get all the ĝheist underground and get their very distinctly ĝheist camp kit packed up too.\n\n"You want us to kill them for you?" Zhalk says. He's not talking to you. You, and also the other villagers, explain to him that that's not exactly your style. //You//, personally, don't add that if you wanted them dead you'd be perfectly capable of doing that yourself, without their help. That's the backup plan.\n\nYou say you're probably just gonna try to chase them off; get them to leave.\n\n"Sure," Zhalk says. "How you planning on doing that?"\n\nYou say, yeah, that's what we gotta figure out.\n\nZhalk crosses his arms. "Look, we can play things your way. For a while. But we have a deadline ourselves, and we gotta report back on the hive survey; we're not gonna sit around in your tunnels for months while you try to be diplomatic about it."\n\n"You have a week, and then we'll drive them off. We'll be gentle about it. But if they get themselves killed, then that's just what happens."\n\nYou tell him a week should be plenty of time. Zhalk raises his eyebrows, like, 'well...', and you roll your eyes.\n\n[[→|human setup outro]]
You make your way back up to the surface. Things have quieted down. The human squad is up top, bunkering down in one of the storerooms beside the village square. There are only five of them total, which is kind of a joke; even with guns that's not a real credible threat against an entire village. But seeing as ideally you wouldn't just kill them and dump their bodies in the desert, you kinda want to have a light touch here.\n\nYou got your work cut out for you, that's for sure.\n\n<<display "human var init">>\\n[[→|village int]]
<<display "time">>\n<span class="meta">you have <<print numString (7 - $days)>> day<<print ((7 - $days) == 1 ? "" : "s")>> left before the ĝheist take matters into their own hands</span>\\n<<if $stressPoints.length gte 8 && $timeOfDay eq 0>>\\n* there's an [[altercation|human altercation]] in the human squad's tent\n<<else if (7 - $days) lte 0>>\\n* you're [[out of time|human out of time]]<<set $outoftime = true>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if !$outoftime>><<display "humans rollcall">><<endif>>
You're out of time. It's not a great feeling to fuck up.\n\nIt doesn't take long. It's effectively a sneak attack: the ĝheist go through the underground tunnels and pop up. They take down <<display "munFullName">> first, and <<display "reconFullName">> next, out at the margins of the town. Rook is, of course, an easy target, and after that there's a tense standoff between the survey team and Leraje and Agares.\n\nOut of respect for you, maybe, they at least don't kill anybody. You don't know that in the moment, but it's still a relief to see them all alive and scowling and angry.\n\nThe human squad gets trussed up, their guns and gear taken off them, and they're escorted a ways past the edge of the village and kicked off.\n\nZhalk looks real smug.\n\n<<set $humansManagedBad to true>>\\n<<set $humansManaged to true>>\\n[[→|village int]]
They're having some big shouting match. You casually drift on over to where they're set up.\n\n<<if $leaderStress gte 2>>\\nThere's an argument. Sgt. Agares is lecturing at the rest of them, who don't really look all that happy.\n\n"We're done here," he says. "Just pack up and go."\n<<else>>\n<<set $mostStress = stressPoints (["tic", "munitions", "rook", "recon"])>>\\n<<if $mostStress.who eq "rook">>\\nIt looks like Rook is kind of having a meltdown.\n\n"You think I wanted to be a soldier?!" he's yelling, and neither Agares nor Leraje look like they know exactly what to do with him, after just yelling at him to shut up failed. Leraje yells something about insubordination, and Rook yells back about how it's not like any of them are actually following orders to begin with.\n<<else if $mostStress.who eq "tic">>\\nLeraje is ranting about decay to an increasingly uncomfortable-looking set of Maxwell, Raven, and Rook. He's going on about how the cities are crumbling and how there's no safe place left in all the world. Agares puts his hand on his shoulder and says something, and Leraje just whirls around and maybe tries to punch him in the face. There's more shouting; less coherently.\n<<else if $mostStress.who eq "munitions">>\\nMaxwell is standing up close to Agares, arms crossed. He says, "I think I'm done guarding this place for you. You want somebody to hold a village at gunpoint all day and night, do it yourself." Leraje says something about insubordination and Maxwell nearly decks him in the face. Rook is looking on, head awkwardly tipping back and forth as he stares at everybody involved.\n<<else if $mostStress.who eq "recon">>\\nRaven is packing his gear up while Leraje is yelling at him. Raven turns to face him: "Y'know what? I think I'm going AWOL. You're welcome to jot that down officially if you want." He cocks his head to the side, hand dropping down to rest on his gun. "Or try to fucking stop me." Agares is looking on, looking miserable.\n<<else>>\n[error: didn't coherently resolve siege stress points]\n<<print $ {return w.who;})>>\n<<endif>>\\n\nEverybody gets drawn into the tableau eventually, till it's a mess of shouting. You're genuinely concerned they're gonna start shooting each other.\n\n<<endif>>\n<<set $leaving to []>>\\n<<set $anySiegeSex to arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["munitions blow","munitions ride","rook munitions bj","rook hj/blow","rook locust bj","recon assplay","recon bj","recon bottom"])>>\\n<<set $whoSiegeSex to\n [ arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["munitions blow", "munitions ride"]) ? "munitions" : null\n , arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["rook hj/blow", "rook munitions bj", "rook locust bj"]) ? "rook" : null\n , arrayContainsAny ($stressPoints, ["recon assplay", "recon bj", "recon bottom"]) ? "recon" : null\n ].filter (function (t) { return t !== null; })>>\n<<set $leaving.push ("Agares")>>\\n<<if $leaderStress eq 0>>"Listen," Agares says, eventually. "We're heading out of here, back to Krag Zone #3." He glares at the rest of them. "Anybody who wants to come with, can. Anybody else... I've done what I can to protect you. You go out on your own, I can't promise anything."\n<<set $leaderLocation to "away">>\n<<else if $leaderStress gte 1>>"Listen," Agares says, eventually. "We're heading out of here. Somewhere. I don't know where. I'm-- I'm not your commanding officer anymore. We all knew heading back to the cities was never an option, so we're gonna head somewhere else. Anybody who wants to come with, can."\n<<set $leaderLocation to "fortress">>\n<<set $leaderVisits to 0>>\n<<set $leaderVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<endif>>\\n/% yeah yeah this doesn't fully convey what actually happens but i'm trying to finish this up quick %/\\n<<set $leaving.push ("Leraje")>>\\n<<if $ticStress eq 0>>Leraje scowls. "I'm with him," he says, crossing his arms.\n<<set $ticLocation to "away">>\n<<else if $ticStress gte 1>>Leraje scowls. "And what has your leadership got us? Wasting away in the fucking great desert. Fuck that, I'm out."\n<<set $ticLocation to "caves">>\n<<set $ticVisits to 0>>\n<<set $ticVisitedThisTrip to false>>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $munitionsStress gte 3>>Max takes in the situation. "You know what? I think I //am// staying. Here. There are worse places to live than here." He looks over to where you thought you were fairly unobtrusively watching. Sure, you think. You have no problem with him staying, so long as he's not doing it as a soldier.\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "village">>\\n<<else if $munitionsStress gte 2>>"I'm getting out of here," Maxwell says. "Sure as hell not going back to Krag either. The desert's not too bad."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Maxwell")>>\\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "canyon">>\\n<<else if $munitionsStress gte 1>>"Let's just get out of here," Maxwell says. "The sooner the better."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Maxwell")>>\\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "canyon">>\\n<<else>>"Let's just get out of here," Maxwell says. "The sooner the better."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Maxwell")>>\\n<<set $munitionsLocation to "away">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $reconStress gte 3>>"I'm staying here," Raven says. "All y'all can fuck right off. You know how it's been. You know none of us really gives a shit about command. I'm done pretending, and we're well outside their range."\n<<set $reconLocation to "village">>\\n<<else if $reconStress gte 2>>"I'm heading out," Raven says. "Alone. I lived out in the desert before this and I'll do it after, too. None of you can stop me."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Raven")>>\\n<<set $reconLocation to "ravine">>\\n<<else if $reconStress gte 1>>Raven already has his things packed. "Yeah, let's just get out of here. We'll see how far we get."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Raven")>>\\n<<set $reconLocation to "ravine">>\\n<<else>>Raven already has his things packed. "Yeah, let's just get out of here. We'll see how far we get."\n<<set $leaving.push ("Raven")>>\\n<<set $reconLocation to "away">>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $rookStress gte 3>>"I think-- I think--" Rook starts, stammering. "I think I'm staying. Isn't it nice? We all hated marching through the desert. Why not stay here?"\n<<set $rookLocation to "village">>\\n<<else if $rookStress gte 1>>"Um, I guess-- I guess I'm going with the Sergeant," Rook says, looking nervously between everybody.\n<<set $leaving.push ("Rook")>>\\n<<set $rookLocation to "???">>\\n<<else>>"Um, I guess-- I guess I'm going with the Sergeant," Rook says, looking nervously between everybody.\n<<set $leaving.push ("Rook")>>\\n<<set $rookLocation to "away">>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $staying to ["Agares", "Leraje", "Maxwell", "Raven", "Rook"].filter(function (n) { return $leaving.indexOf (n) === -1; })>>\n<<set $humansManaged to true>>\\n[[→|human altercation aftermath]]
You follow, at a safe distance, as the humans leave. <<if $leaving.length lt 5>>Well, <<print englishList ($leaving)>> are leaving. <<if $staying.length === 1>><<print $staying[0]>> is<<else>><<print englishList ($staying)>> are<<endif>> staying.<<endif>> It's a pretty grim procession regardless. They hit the edge of the village and just keep walking, sometimes together, sometimes drifting apart.\n\n<<if $rookLocation eq "???">>\\nRook lags behind, quavering. He drags his boots, like nobody's gonna notice if he drops behind, and if nothing else, in this moment, Agares and Leraje let him do it. Rook loiters at the low cobblestone wall dividing the village from the cacti fields.\n\nHe's taken off his helmet, and he looks happy to see you. "I don't actually know what to do," he says.\n\nIt looks like he doesn't want to follow them, you say, as flat and open a statement as you can make it. He's kind of desperate for somebody to tell him what to do, you think. What does he want to do, you ask him.\n\n"I think--" he says, and stops. "I think I want to stay here. Is that-- is that okay?"\n\n<<if $staying.length gt 0>>You say, <<print englishList ($staying)>> <<if $staying.length === 1>>is<<else>>are<<endif>> staying. He could stay too.\n<<endif>>\n\nHe sags visibly when you say it, like he was held up by nothing but tension before. Take off the armor, you tell him, and throw away his gun. If he wants to live here, or just stay for a little while longer, he can do that.\n\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("rook locust bj") !== -1>>It's not really the moment to bring it up, but you figure you should warn him. He knows about the ĝheist hanging around in the village, right? you ask. He nods, face pinking. You tell him they'll be around for a while longer, out in the open now that his squad is gone. Don't freak out about it, you tell him, even though, well, you doubt he will.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $rookLocation to "village">>\\n[[→|human altercation aftermath sex opts]]\n<<else>>\\n<<display "human altercation aftermath sex opts">>\n<<endif>>
/%\n<<if $rookLocation eq "village" && $reconLocation eq "village" && $munitionsLocation eq "village">>\\n[splice for bonus sex scene where you and max fuck rook and raven]\n<<else if $rookLocation eq "village" && $reconLocation eq "village">>\\n[splice for bonus sex scene where you and rook and raven have a threesome]\n<<else if $rookLocation eq "village" && $munitionsLocation eq "village">>\\n[splice for like another rook/max sex scene/threesome]\n<<else if $reconLocation eq "village" && $munitionsLocation eq "village">>\\n[splice for bonus sex scene where you and max dp raven]\n<<else if $reconLocation eq "village">>\\n[you talk to raven and he's like, you sure i can stay? yr like, yeah it's fine]\n[maybe if you've had sex with him, splice for another sex scene or just another opening of his sex tree]\n<<else if $munitionsLocation eq "village">>\\n[you talk to max and he's like, you sure i can stay? yr like, yeah it's fine]\n[maybe if you've had sex w/ him, sex scene splice. probably not tho]\n<<else if $rookLocation eq "village">>\\n[you talk to rook and he's like, you sure i can stay? yr like, yeah it's fine]\n[maybe if you've had sex w/ him, sex scene splice.]\n<<else>>\\nIt's a mess. The human squad, as such, has left, though, so you're under your time limit and that's really what matters here.\n<<endif>>\\n%/\nYou stay out there, watching them leave until their forms vanish into the desert. What a mess. The human squad, as such, has left, though, and you're under your time limit, so that's really what matters here. It's never really a great feeling, though. You weren't exactly what anybody would call friends, but you still hope they don't die out in the desert. Or die back in the human cities.\n\n[[→|village int]]
* <<print (function (t, n) {\n var names = ["Their leader", "Sgt. Agares", "Primus Agares"];\n switch (t) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n return "[[" + names[n] + " is in the town center|leader]]";\n case 2:\n return names[n] + " is in his personal tent";\n case 3:\n case 4:\n return names[n] + " is sleeping in his personal tent";\n case 5:\n default:\n return names[n] + " is awake in his tent";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $leaderIntroduced)>>\n* <<print (function (t, n) {\n let names = ["The second-in-command", "Cpl. Leraje", "Malachi Leraje"];\n switch (t) {\n case 2:\n case 5:\n return "[[" + names[n] + " is on patrol around the town|2ic]]";\n case 3:\n case 4:\n return names[n] + " is sleeping in the tent";\n case 0:\n case 1:\n return names[n] + " is moving around in their tent";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $ticIntroduced)>>\n* <<print (function (t, n) {\n var names = ["Their heavy-munitions guy", "Pvt. Maxwell", "Max"];\n switch (t) {\n case 3:\n case 4:\n return "[[" + names[n] + " is on guard, at the northern edge of town|munitions]]";\n default:\n return names[n] + " is asleep in their tent";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $munitionsIntroduced)>>\n* <<print (function (t, n) {\n var names = ["Their scout", "Pvt. Raven", "Six Raven"];\n switch (t) {\n case 2:\n case 3:\n return "[[" + names[n] + " is on guard, at the southern edge of town|recon]]";\n case 1:\n case 4:\n return names[n] + " is busy in their tent";\n default:\n return names[n] + " is sleeping in their tent";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $reconIntroduced)>>\n* <<print (function (t, n) {\n var names = ["Their lowest-ranking member", "Rook", "Rook"];\n switch (t) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n return "[[" + names[n] + " is on patrol around the town|rook]]";\n case 2:\n case 4:\n return names[n] + " is busy in their tent";\n default:\n return names[n] + " is sleeping in their tent";\n }\n })($timeOfDay, $sex['rook']>0|0)>>\n* [[wait|time wait]]\n<<if $rookGheistDickPlan eq 1>>* [[talk to the ĝheist underground|rook ĝheist cocksuck setup]]<<endif>>
You wait around for a while.<<display "human time advance">>\n\n[[→|village int]]
ask about:\\n<<print (function (talks, who, ns) {\n var humans = ["leader", "2ic", "munitions", "recon", "rook"];\n var humanTitles =\n [ ["leader", "sgt. agares", "sgt. agares"]\n , ["second-in-command", "cpl. leraje", "cpl. leraje"]\n , ["heavy munitions guy", "pvt. maxwell", "pvt. maxwell"]\n , ["scout guy", "pvt. raven", "pvt. raven"]\n , ["rook", "rook", "rook"]\n ];\n return talks\n .filter(function (t) {\n return t !== who;\n })\n .map(function (t) {\n var i = humans.indexOf(t);\n var display = t;\n if (i !== -1) { display = humanTitles[i][ns[i]]; }\n return "* [[" + display + "|" + who + " " + t + "]]";\n })\n .join(String.fromCharCode(10));\n })($talkOptions, $_who, [$leaderIntroduced, $ticIntroduced, $munitionsIntroduced, $reconIntroduced, 1])>>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $leaderIntroduced eq 2>>Primus Agares\\n<<else if $leaderIntroduced eq 1>>Sgt. Agares\\n<<else>>The leader of the squad<<endif>> is a big burly guy, grizzled-looking. He's particularly huge for a human. He's got light brown skin; black hair, short-cropped, covered with a bandana; a short beard, mostly stubble from the desert travel.\n\nHe's wearing the standard human military outfit -- rough metal armored boots and greaves, with heavy sand-colored pants, and an armored chestpiece that doesn't cover his shoulders or arms. The rank insignia on his chestpiece says he's a sergeant.\n<hr>\n<<set $_who to "leader">>\\n<<display "human talk">>\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $ticIntroduced eq 2>>Malachi Leraje\\n<<else if $ticIntroduced eq 1>>Cpl. Leraje\\n<<else>>The second-in-command<<endif>> is a pale white guy with red hair that's buzzed down to stubble. His face, shoulders, and arms are completely covered in freckles. He's got a big nose and a square jaw. Green eyes, and he's got his brow perpetually furrowed.\n\nHe's wearing the standard human military outfit -- armored greaves and boots over drab sand-colored pants, and an armored chestpiece that doesn't cover his arms. The rank insignia on his chestpiece says he's a corporal. He's holding a gun.\n<hr>\n<<set $_who to "2ic">>\\n<<display "human talk">>\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $munitionsIntroduced eq 2>>Max\\n<<else if $munitionsIntroduced eq 1>>Pvt. Maxwell\\n<<else>>Their munitions guy<<endif>> is a big black guy, head shaved bald. He's got a broad nose and wide cheekbones. He's wearing the standard city human military outfit: Armored greaves and boots, over drab sand-colored pants, and an armored chestpiece that doesn't cover his arms. The rank insignia curving along his breastplate says he's a private. He's holding a gun.\n<hr>\n<<set $_who to "munitions">>\\n<<display "human talk">>\n\n<<if $rookMunitionsThreesomePlanned>>\n* [[rook is loitering around|rook munitions 3some]]<<scenealert "rook munitions 3some">><<endif>>\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\n<<if $reconIntroduced eq 2>>Six Raven\\n<<else if $reconIntroduced eq 1>>Pvt. Raven\\n<<else>>Their scout<<endif>> is darkly tanned guy with a short, broad mohawk and a stubbled goatee. He's got a big tattoo across most of his face and neck that zigzags down his shoulder and vanishes under his chestplate, reappearing all across his arm. Wide face, flat nose. Brown eyes. He's broadly muscled, but not particularly well-defined. More tattoos across his right arm; you assume more elsewhere. Got a series of old scars across the right side of his face, curving around his jaw in erratic lines. Shrapnel, or maybe knife wounds; they're newer than the tattoo.\n\nWearing the standing city human armor gear: armored greaves and boots over drab sand-colored pants, and an armored chestpiece that doesn't cover his arms. The rank insignia on his chestpiece says he's a private. He's holding a gun.\n<hr>\n<<set $_who to "recon">>\\n<<display "human talk">>\n\n[[←|village int]]\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<div class="character_textwrapper">\\nYou've never heard anybody call him anything other than 'Rook'.\n\nHe's a white guy. He's wearing a helmet that completely covers his face, with a mirrored visor and mesh-backed slits at his mouth and ears. He's audibly panting through it. He's big and beefy, with a broad, muscular body. His arms are tanned, and sunburnt around the shoulders, with coarse blond hair covering his forearms and spreading across his back.\n\nHe's wearing the standard human military outfit -- armored greaves and boots over drab sand-colored pants, and an armored chestpiece that doesn't cover his arms. The rank insignia on his chestpiece says he's a private.\n<<if $rookTension>>\n\nHe flushes when he sees you, visible in splotchy patches across his neck and chest, spanning out across his shoulders.\n<<endif>>\\n<hr>\\n<<set $_who to "rook">>\\n<<display "human talk">>\\n\n[[←|village int]]\\n</div>\\n<div class="character_portrait"><img src="." width="368" height="768">\\n</div>
<<if $leaderIntroduced eq 2>>Agares\\n<<else if $leaderIntroduced eq 1>>Agares\\n<<else>>He<<endif>>
<<if $leaderIntroduced eq 2>>Primus Agares\\n<<else if $leaderIntroduced eq 1>>Sgt. Agares\\n<<else>>their leader<<endif>>
<<if $ticIntroduced eq 2>>Leraje\\n<<else if $ticIntroduced eq 1>>Leraje\\n<<else>>He<<endif>>
<<if $ticIntroduced eq 2>>Malachi Leraje\\n<<else if $ticIntroduced eq 1>>Cpl. Leraje\\n<<else>>their second-in-command<<endif>>
<<if $munitionsIntroduced eq 2>>Max\\n<<else if $munitionsIntroduced eq 1>>Maxwell\\n<<else>>He<<endif>>
<<if $munitionsIntroduced eq 2>>Maxwell\\n<<else if $munitionsIntroduced eq 1>>Pvt. Maxwell\\n<<else>>their heavy-weapons guy<<endif>>
<<if $reconIntroduced eq 2>>Six\\n<<else if $reconIntroduced eq 1>>Raven\\n<<else>>He<<endif>>
<<if $reconIntroduced eq 2>>Six Raven\\n<<else if $reconIntroduced eq 1>>Pvt. Raven\\n<<else>>their scout<<endif>>
You ask what's up with <<2icFullName>>.\n\n"He's my XO," he says. You think that means second-in-command.\n\nYou say, and?\n\nHe crosses his arms and glowers at you. "And if you got problems, you talk to him, and he decides if they're worth bringing to me."\n\nFrom his tone it's clear that nothing is gonna be worth bringing to him.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<munFullName>>.\n\n<<if $leaderFish>><<display "leaderNone2">>\n<<else>><<display "leaderNone1">><<set $leaderFish to true>>\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<reconFullName>>.\n\n<<if $leaderFish>><<display "leaderNone2">>\n<<else>><<display "leaderNone1">><<set $leaderFish to true>>\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
"None of your business," he says. "You shouldn't be palling around with my troops." He gives a little sly grin: "Or trying to fish for information."\n\nYou thought you were pretty obviously fishing for information; you don't know why he said it like he found you out.
<<set $leaderPissed to true>>"I told you," he says. "It's none of your fucking business what any of them do. Get your fucking nose out of where it doesn't belong before I make some trouble."
You ask what's up with Rook.\n\n"You mess with him, I'll kill you." He says it very flat.\n\nYou raise your eyebrows. You say, he's awfully protective of somebody he dragged out here into the middle of the desert.\n\n"Listen," he says, grabbing you by the front of your shirt and dragging you close. "You don't fucking do a thing with him."\n\nYou say, you weren't planning on it.\n\n"Good," he says gruffly, and drops you.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<leaderFullName>>.\n\n<<2icName>> crosses his arms. "Yeah, he's my CO." You wait expectantly. "That's all you need to know."\n\nGreat. Very helpful.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<munFullName>>.\n\n<<2icName>> crosses his arms. "He's the one who'll shoot you if you try to leave. That's all you need to know."\n\n<<if $ticCross>><<display "2ic cross">><<endif>>\\n\\n<<set $ticCross to true>><<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<reconFullName>>.\n\n<<2icName>> crosses his arms. "He's the one who's gonna track you down if you get out of here. That's all you need to know."\n\n<<if $ticCross>><<display "2ic cross">><<endif>>\\n\n<<set $ticCross to true>><<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You tell him, he's a little repetitive with his answers; does he know that?\n\nHe snarls in response, taking a step forward. "It's none of your fucking business what--" he yells, cutting himself off and composing himself. "It's none of your fucking business," he repeats, at a slightly lower volume. "You just gotta sit tight for a while and not worry your ass about it."
You ask what's up with Rook.\n\nHe scowls. "I don't know what kinda shit you're up to, but leave him out of it."\n\nYou say, you were more just wondering about his name.\n\nHe snorts. "Just call him Rook. Everybody else does."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<leaderFullName>>.\n\n<<munName>> scowls at you. "He's trying his best, man. Don't mess around with him. He's, uh, under a lot of stress."\n\nYou say from your point of view you're all under a lot of stress and it's mostly his fault. He shrugs. "See it your way. Don't wind him up, though."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<2icFullName>>.\n\n<<set $ticIntroduced to Math.max ($ticIntroduced, 1)>>He wrinkles up his nose. "Don't get me started. Leraje has got the biggest stick up his ass. He'd probably jerk off on his dress uniform if that wouldn't muss it up."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<reconFullName>>.\n\n<<set $reconIntroduced to Math.max ($reconIntroduced, 1)>>"Raven? I dunno; we're not close or anything." He kinda smirks at you. "He's a hunter-killer. Tracker type, you know? He could follow your footprints all across the desert."\n\nThat's kind of funny as somebody who actually can follow somebody's footprints across the desert, but you don't tell him that.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with Rook.\n\n<<munName>> kinda scowls. "He's just a kid, you know? I know you're up to something, but like, do me a favor and leave him out of it. He doesn't know shit."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<leaderFullName>>.\n\nHe shrugs. "He's the boss. He's the one we're stuck with." He laughs: "I guess you're stuck with him now, too."\n\nFunny.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<2icFullName>>.\n\n<<reconName>> lets out a wry bark of a laugh. "What //isn't// up with him. He's a city boy all the way through."\n\nYou say you thought they were all city boys.\n\n"Y'know if I thought you knew any better, I'd take offense at that," he says. "He's from the December suburbs. Enlisted in the officer track, got busted down to grunt for some shit. //I'm// from the sand sea. Makes me about half wastelander to everybody from the cities."\n\nYou say, how many generations you been outside the walls?\n\nHe looks a little surprised. "One, I guess?"\n\nYou snort. He'll get there eventually, you say.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<munFullName>>.\n\n<<set $munitionsIntroduced to Math.max ($munitionsIntroduced, 1)>>"Maxwell? He's from the sand sea, I think. He's the one with the big gun. That's about it."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with Rook.\n\n"He's the new kid," he says. "Newer than me, even. A real greenhorn. You know that's why we call him Rook, right?"\n\nRight, Rook, Rookie, you get it. It's not exactly the deep codeword he seems to think it is.\n\n<<reconName>> shrugs. "Think this might be his first actual deployment. Second, maybe. New enough to still be an idiot, but not so new he doesn't know how to shoot."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<leaderFullName>>.\n\n<<set $leaderIntroduced to Math.max ($leaderIntroduced, 1)>>"He's such a badass!" Rook says. "Did you know his dad's General Agares? He's like, a war hero." He looks down, kinda glum. "He seems real stressed out, though. This post-- I was real excited to get assigned with him, you know? But things are... I dunno. Things got weird."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<2icFullName>>.\n\n<<set $ticIntroduced to Math.max ($ticIntroduced, 1)>>"Leraje? He's the second-in-command." He turns his head to the side, absently picking at the flaking paint on his helmet, like he's scratching his jaw. "He's a little mean? I guess being in charge of a squad stresses him out."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<munFullName>>.\n\n<<set $munitionsIntroduced to Math.max ($munitionsIntroduced, 1)>>"Oh, Maxwell? He's nice. Big. A little scary." He pauses. "Uh, I dunno? He's a guy. He's kinda a badass."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with <<reconFullName>>.\n\n<<set $reconIntroduced to Math.max ($reconIntroduced, 1)>>"Oh, that's Raven. He's like, a wild man." He seems to remember who he's talking to right after saying that. "Uh, I mean, not that-- he's great. But he's really not from any of the cities, you know?"\n\nIt's kind of funny how tight the definition of 'from the cities' is for city humans. You say, they're all from the cities to you;\n\nRook laughs like that was a joke. "Yeah, but you know what I mean," he says, and you guess you do.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, hey, so...\n\n<<if $days lt 2>>\\nHe turns from his perch sitting on the low wall. "Hey, fuck off, I'm busy."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $munitionsTalk eq 0>>\\nHe turns from his perch sitting on the low wall. "Hey," he says. "Awfully fucking boring here, huh?"\n\nYou say sure. Seems more boring if he's gotta sit at a post all night and do nothing.\n\nHe shrugs. "Used to it."\n\n"Hey, sorry for being trouble here. I know we put out the town." You say, pretty obvious about that huh, and he laughs. "But I don't feel like getting murdered by ĝheist out in the desert either, so you're just gonna have to put up with the hassle for a bit."\n<<set $munitionsTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $munitionsTalk eq 1>>\\nHe's sprawled back across the wall, leaning against a building. "Holy shit, it's boring out here." His gun is resting next to him, no longer in hand, and he's idly drumming his fingers against the rough concrete.\n\nHe looks at you. "So, uh. Y'know, I got so much time on watch, and all the rest of the time with the rest of the fuckheads that I ain't even gotten to jerk off since we got here." He gropes his crotch. "So, y'know, if you wouldn't mind helping a guy out...." He leers.\n\n* [[yeah i'll blow you|munitions blow]]\n* [[nah sorry dude|munitions reject]]\n<<set $munitionsTalk += 1>>\\n<<else if $munitionsTalk eq 2>>\\nHe's laying back on the wall, looking up at the stars. "Honestly, I don't know why we're even doing this. No offense, but this little boondocks isn't worth anything. Pretty fucking arbitrary if you ask me."\n\nYou say yeah, as much as you like his company you'd be just as happy if they all moved along now.\n\nHe laughs. "Yeah, don't tell me."\n<<set $stressPoints.push("munitions talk")>>\\n<<set $munitionsStress += 1>>\\n<<set $munitionsTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else>>\\nYou talk for a bit, about nothing really. Proper smalltalk.\n\nYou're pretty much out of idle conversation topics here.\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
You ask him, why are y'all in town.\n\nHe says, "Well, //I'm// here because the captain ordered me to follow him."\n\nYou wait for a second, but no, that's all he's gonna say about that. He kinda gestures you away.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask him where he's from.\n\nHe turns it around. "Where are //you// from?"\n\nYou don't mind actually talking about your past, so, sure. You tell him your parents were living in Dimashq when you were born; that's a city way up north, nearly all the way up at the scrubgrass steppe. You left when you were pretty young to walk the desert.<<if (hasMutation("asshole") && $from['asshole'] == "cc") || (hasMutation("leaky") && $from['leaky'] == "cc")>> You lived out east for a while, past the eastern wastes.<<endif>> Eventually you came down to Yapu; you've been staying around here for a while.\n\nThen you say, so, what about him?\n\nHe nods along to your story. "Yeah, I can get that," he says. "Moved around a bunch, huh? Me too. I'm from July," -- You know that's one of the big human cities they talk about as being a ruin, even though, clearly, plenty of people still live there. The city wall was wrecked or something like that. Not sealed. -- "and I grew up farming; they got farms all over there, because they're still running the water plant. But I got restless, got out, and it wasn't too long before I got snatched up by the BOLTs and now I'm in the army." He shrugs. "That's life, I guess."\n\nYou say sure, and hey it's good to meet him. He kinda grins at you, lopsided, not entirely sure how serious you are about that.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask about the human army command.\n\nHe groans. "Don't even get me started. It's a fucking mess. The less they know about where we are, the better." He squints at you. "Not to give you any ideas or anything."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if !$sex['munitionsoraltop']>>\\nYou ask how he feels about ĝheist dicks.\n\n"What?!" he barks. "What the fuck do you mean about that?"\n\nYou hold your hands up and say, just curious.\n\n"The fuck you mean, curious," he says. "Fuck on off with that gross shit!"\n\nYou fuck off.\n<<else>>\\nYou ask him about his dick.\n\nHe says, "Uhhhh," long and drawn out. "It's complicated."\n\nYou say, go on.\n\nHe gets flustered. "Look, normally I wouldn't tell this shit to anybody, okay? But you fucking blew my mind when you sucked my dick."\n\nHe says, "So my cock started getting all warty and gross when I was like... early twenties, back when I was living in July. And like, that was no big deal, because people there got some mutations, but..." He looks aside at you. "Clearly nobody there knew how to actually handle that. Fuck. Everybody I fucked around with just stopped when I started to spurt a little. And when I jerked off, I did too. Felt good, came a lot, seemed right, but you said that was just pre? Fuck. And, you know. Nobody wanted to stick it in them in case it was transmissible."\n\nYou say it would be, a little, but lightrot-tainted water or food would be a way bigger factor.\n\nHe waves a hand. "That's not the point."\n\n"I got conscripted five years ago, and to the BOLTs it's like, a deformity. Listed in my file and everything. That felt weird? I didn't like having a weird dick but I didn't think it was //bad//. But..."\n\n"The squads have a lot of jokes about how humans from outside the cities are half-rate humans. Can't breed true; half-ĝheist already. And here I was with--" he gestures at his crotch. "I still got no clue if it works like a dick should, though I ain't got much interest in fucking women. Not real interested to find out."\n\nYou don't bother to interrupt to talk about the way human mutations affect fertility and offspring, or how ĝheist/human reproduction works. Like, it's probably relevant but that would be a much longer aside that he doesn't seem very interested in right this second.\n\n"So... I don't know. Everybody always acted like my dick was busted and they were doing me a favor by touching it. So it was..." he looks aside, flustered. "Real fucking hot when you were super into it, and just dove onto it. Felt real nice."\n\nYou say, hey good. You know any time he want you to blow him, or, he said he hadn't ever actually fucked anybody with it? If he wants to fuck you, hey, we could do that right now.\n\n<<if $timeOfDay eq 4>>\\nHe looks around. "//Right// now?"\n\nYou grin and reach forward, groping his cock. He's half-hard, shuddering to life under your touch. You say, right now.\n\n"Holy shit," he says, and his voice squeaks a little.\n\n<<set $munitionsRideFromTalk to true>>\\n[[→|munitions ride]]\n\n<<else>>\nHe looks around. "Uh," he says. "Holy shit. Not right now, but-- You gotta-- Uh--"\n\nHe's hard in his pants, his cock forming a giant, obvious bulge.\n\n"Come back at midnight," he says. "Nobody'll be around. Then, holy shit."\n<<set $munitionsNightRide to true>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $rookTalk gt 2 && !$rookTension && $sex['rook'] lt 1>>\\n<<display "rook water sequence">>\n<<else if $rookSmalltalk gte 2>>\\nYou say hey.\n\nHe says hey.\n\nYou talk about some stuff. Nothing real important at least.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $rookSmalltalk eq 1>>\\nYou say hey.\n\nHe waves and says hey.\n\nYou say, you've been meaning to ask, why the helmet anyway?\n\n"It's //armor//," he says, like it's obvious.\n\nYou say, nobody else is wearing it.\n\nHe shifts his weight. "It's part of the standard uniform. The sergeant said some stuff about snipers."\n\nYou don't say, a sniper could get him in the side, or in the throat even, with those chestpieces and the helmet. Instead, you say, well, nobody else is wearing it, right?\n\n"It's not really well-designed for the desert," he admits. "But I'm gonna keep wearing it."\n\nYou say sure, you're not here to argue him out of it.\n\n<<set $rookSmalltalk += 1>>\\n<<set $rookTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $sex['rook']>>\\nYou say hey.\n\nRook glances over you and flushes, in splotches down his chest. "Oh, uh, hey," he says.\n\n<<if $rookLocustDick>>\\nHe looks back and forth and then leans in. "Um, hey, uh," he says. "Could I-- would you mind if I..." He trails off and swallows. "Could I suck your dick again?"\n\n* [[sure go for it|rook blow]]\n* [[nah now's not the time|rook reject]]\n\n<<else>>\\nYou say, he good?\n\nHe nods. "Yeah, uh, fine. Uh."\n\nYou say, that's good.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else if $rookSmalltalk eq 0>>\\nYou say hey.\n\nHe jumps and turns towards you; apparently he didn't see you approach. "Hey," he says, a little nervous.\n\nYou say, it's his first time out on deployment or something, right?\n\n"How do you know?"\n\nYou tell him he seems jumpy. It's pretty clear.\n\nHe relaxes. "That obvious, huh?" He reaches up and scratches his neck, rubbing the sweaty skin around where the helmet seals around the back of his neck.\n\nYou tell him, relax, things are gonna be fine. Being jumpy is what causes problems.\n\nHe lets out a little laugh. "Yeah, Agares told me that too."<<set $leaderIntroduced to Math.max ($leaderIntroduced, 1)>>\n\n<<set $rookSmalltalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $sex['rook'] gt 0>>\\n<<display "rook fuck">>\n<<else if $rookTension>>\\nYou say, so, do you wanna fuck around?\n\nHe pauses. "What?!" he says, voice squeaking a little.\n\nYou say, well, it would be hard to not notice you checking me out that one time. You say you didn't want to do anything at the time since you thought he might pass out. From the heat stroke. But now he doesn't have heat stroke.<<if $rookWannaFuck eq true>> You tell him, when you asked if he wanted to fuck before, that wasn't a joke. Just to be clear.<<endif>>\n\nYou jerk your head to the side, towards that storage hut. You tell him, you think we could get some privacy, y'know, if he needed any help with anything else.\n\nYou wish he wasn't wearing the helmet, because you bet he's having a lot of facial expressions through this.\n\nHe turns and heads to the shack.\n\n[[→|rook delayed first time]]\n<<else>>\\nYou say, so, do you wanna fuck around?\n\nHe squeaks out "What?!" You can nearly immediately see him flush, in blotchy patches across his chest that spread up his neck.\n\nYou say, just wondering, in case he's interested.\n\nHe reflexively says "No?" and then pauses, like maybe he's thinking about saying something else.\n\nYou decide not to press him.\n<<set $rookWannaFuck to true>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
You ask why is he in town.\n\n"Uh, I don't know?" He looks confused. "I'm just a private; Agares ordered us to stay here, so we're staying here."\n<<set $leaderIntroduced to $leaderIntroduced gt 1 ? $leaderIntroduced : 1>>\\n<<set $rookTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask where he's from.\n\nRook says, "Oh, um, I'm from September? You know, one of the big cities."\n\nYou say he might be overestimating how much you know about human cities.\n\nHe stammers a little. "What, huh? Really?"\n\nYou say you've lived out in the wasteland your entire life.\n\nHe says "Huh." Then: "It's way up north. Long way away actually. I lived in one of the big farming compounds outside the walls? Then I got conscripted and now I'm here. This is my first real mission actually. It's... I mean, it's scary, right? But that's what it is."\n<<set $rookStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("rook talk")>>\\n<<set $rookTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask about the human army command.\n\n"The what?" Rook tilts his head. "Like, the generals? I got no clue. Conscriptions been going up, right, hah. But that's about it."\n\nThere's a pause. "Though, uh, I get that the rest of the squad doesn't like the generals, like, at all, right? That's part of why we're all the way out here, right?"\n<<set $rookTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if $rookThreesomeUnlockable && $stressPoints.indexOf ("munitions blow") !== -1>>\\nYou tell Rook that you know somebody <<if hasMutation("dick")>>else <<endif>>with a big ĝheist dick. <<if hasMutation("dick")>>If he wants two.<<endif>>\n\n"What," Rook squeaks out, looking back and forth to make sure nobody's watching. And then, slower: "Uh, really?"\n\nYou say, yeah. He wanna try guessing? It's somebody he knows.\n\nHe says, "What? No way. Who do I--" and he cuts himself off.\n\nYou say, he could try asking Maxwell.\n\nRook's voice takes on a tone. "You're just making fun of me, c'mon. I thought you were nice."\n\nYou say, no joke. Try asking him when he's out on watch next night. Or you could ask for him.\n\nRook straightens his back, chin up. "You know what? I will."\n\nYou say, good.\n<<set $rookMunitionsThreesomePlanned to true>>\\n<<else if $rookThreesomeUnlockable>>\\nYou ask Rook, well, if you actually saw a ĝheist drudge would you wanna suck his dick?\n\n"Um," Rook says. "I mean, they'd kill me, right? I haven't thought about it."\n\nYou raise your brows, like, you're pretty sure he has thought about it.\n\n"Not used to talking about it," Rook says, looking down and to the side to break eye contact despite the fact that he's wearing a helmet with a reflective visor already. "It's weird, right? Fucked up."\n\nYou say, not //that// weird. \\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>You've got a ĝheist dick and you've fucked plenty of people. \\n<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>You've got a mutant dick and you've fucked plenty of people. \\n<<else>>Plenty of people have one mutation or another, and they still fuck around plenty. \\n<<endif>> And he seemed pretty into thinking about it. Sounds like he's maybe regretting not going up to those ĝheist he saw fucking and asking to join in.\n\n"Yeah, but -- like, they'd shoot me, right?"\n\nYou say, you've had plenty of actual conversations with ĝheist. But it's true if he comes at them dressed like that they're not gonna think you're peaceful.\n\n"Huh," Rook says.\n\nAnd then because you're trying to get him to talk about how he wants to suck on ĝheist dick, not necessarily just consider the political implications of ĝheist maybe not all being ruthless murderers, you say, so, you know, there are definitely some ĝheist around who'd be interested in getting their dicks sucked.\n\n"Around?!" he says, while looking around, like you mean 'right next to him'.\n\nYou say you mean, in general. Not like in the village right now. Which is a lie. Obviously. Well, not to him.\n\nHe leans in closer, helmet mouthpiece brushing against your cheek. "Yeah," he says. "Fuck. Every time I jerked off recent it's been to getting fucked. Those ĝheist spitroasting me. Pinning me against a wall and stripping me down and taking turns fucking me." There's a cute little catch in there, right before he says 'fucked' or 'spitroasting', like he's used to thinking about it but not used to actually saying the words. He's still going: "Those two ĝheist I saw, but they pull apart and fit me between them, so I'm fucking one while the other fucks me."\n\nYou say, he's got a dirty imagination.\n\n"Sorry," he says, and you say nah, that was a compliment. But, you know, all that might be actually doable, if you wanna try doing it. Rook gropes his dick, squeezing down, and he's so close you can hear his ragged exhale. He's hard, pants tented, palm grinding down against the heavy bulge of his cock.\n\nYou say, does he want you to take care of that? Or does he want to jerk off sucking your dick again.\n\nRook groans. "Lemme suck you off," he begs, and far be it from you to deny him.\n\n[[→|rook blow]]\n<<set $rookGheistDickPlan to 1>>\\n<<else if $rookLocustDick>>\\nYou say, so, what does he think about ĝheist dicks, huh?\n\nRook starts. He looks around and then leans in. "You have one," he hisses.\n\nYou say, yeah, you do.\n\nRook swallows, hard. "How--" he starts. "How did you get it?"\n\n<<print (function (d){\n var op = "<<display \"";\n var cl = "\"" + String.fromCharCode(0x3e) + String.fromCharCode(0x3e);\n switch (d) {\n case "cc":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc cc" + cl);\n case "djen prolapse":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc djen prolapse" + cl);\n case "djen fuck":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc djen fuck" + cl);\n case "djen cockfuck":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc djen cockfuck" + cl);\n case "ophion injection":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc ophion injection" + cl);\n case "jinn-pools":\n return (op + "rook fromdesc jinn" + cl);\n default:\n return "!!no case match for from-dick!!"\n }\n})($from['dick'])>>\n<<set $rookThreesomeUnlockable to true>>\\n<<else>>\nYou say, so, what does he think about ĝheist dicks, huh?\n\nRook starts, like you snuck up on him or something. "What?!"\n\nYou say, just asking.\n\n"Why'd you ask about something like that?!" he says. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, and then back. "It's not-- I've never--" he says, audibly flustered. You can hear him swallow.\n\n"I uh," he says, low. "I saw some fucking once, you know? Out scouting, way up north. They thought they were alone I guess. They were, uh. Real big. Gross looking." He's breathing heavier. He swallows again. "They got really into it? They uh. Sucked each others' dicks. To start. And then fucked each other." You don't ask about how long he watched, since you've seen ĝheist fuck before and it generally takes more than just a little bit.\n\n"It was, uh. Gross." His voice is all but a whisper now. "Their cum is like, grey. Chunky. Real fuckin' gross."\n\nYou say, no shit, and your voice seems to knock him out of his reverie. He jerks back. The lump of his dick in his pants is visibly swollen, forming a heavy bulge.\n\n"I don't get why it matters," he says, kind of hazily, and you say, hey no problem.\n\nYou can feel him staring at you as you leave, though.\n<<set $rookThreesomeUnlockable to true>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<set $rookTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, no real special way. You just lived out here and ate food and drank water. There's a little lightrot in everything out here.\n\nRook looks down at his canteen like it's gonna bite him. "Like..." he says, trailing off. "Nothing?"\n\nYou laugh, a little. You tell him, no rush, since it takes a good two or three decades for any mutations to show up, and they might not even be any to do with your dick. But that yeah, that's how it happened with you.\n\n"Huh," Rook says. "Wow."
You lean in and ask him, does he really wanna know how you got it?\n\nRook nods eagerly. "Yeah."\n\nYou say, well. You've heard of gloamlings, right? The big ĝheist with the glowing spots. Rook nods. You say, well, you fucked one. Glowing asshole, lightrot boils all across his guts, and all that soaked into your dick.\n\n"Holy shit," Rook says, the sound nearly a groan. He's groping his dick, squeezing as you talk.\n\nYou kinda smirk at him and say, yeah.
You lean in and ask him, does he really wanna know how you got it?\n\nRook nods eagerly. "Yeah."\n\nYou say, well. You've heard of gloamlings, right? The big ĝheist with the glowing spots. Rook nods. You say, well, you fucked one. Fisted him, actually. Worked his bloated guts right out of his asshole in a nice meaty prolapse. Glowing guts all coated in lightrot boils, punctured and oozing while you fisted him, and then you jerked yourself off with his guts. All that lightrot soaking into your dick makes an impact.\n\n"Holy shit," Rook groans, openly squeezing his cock.\n\nYou say, yeah, you enjoyed it a lot. He did too. Rook just whines.
You lean in and ask him, does he really wanna know how you got it?\n\nRook nods eagerly. "Yeah."\n\nYou say, well. You've heard of gloamlings, right? The big ĝheist with the glowing spots. Rook nods. You say, well, you met one that had a giant earthworm dick, all glowing with lightrot. Like the size of his leg; maybe a bit bigger. Big enough for you to slide your dick right inside it, straight down his cockslit. His cum was practically pure lightrot, and he came all over your dick.\n\n"Holy shit," Rook says, the sound nearly a groan. He's groping his dick, squeezing as you talk.\n\nYou say, turns out all that lightrot changes you when it soaks into you. So that's how you got your dick.\n\nRook just whines.
You say, actually, it was pretty recent. There's a big Titan out there in the wasteland this season, and he's working on refining some lightrot. Rook nods along, head bobbing. You say, he's got a bunch of lightrot mixes, and you asked him to inject some right down into your dick. Turns out all that lightrot changes things when it soaks in.\n\n"Didn't it hurt?" Rook says.\n\nYou say, yeah, some. But it was definitely worth it.\n\nRook lets out a whining groan, groping his dick.
You lean in and ask him, does he really want to know how you got it?\n\nRook nods eagerly. "Yeah."\n\nYou say, well. You met this ĝheist breeding prince. Went down with him down into the underground and fucked him in a big pool of lightrot. Got drenched in lightrot, and it all soaked up into your dick.\n\n"No way," Rook says. "You're making that up."\n\nYou say nope, that's the honest truth.\n\nRook says, "Huh."
You say, hey.\n\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("2ic collapse") === -1>>\\nHe glowers at you. There's a pause. "Lemme ask you something," he says, which is a surprise.\n\nYou say, sure.\n\n"Do you hate humans?"\n\nThere's a longer pause. Eventually, you tell him, you //are// human.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("pre-scales") || hasMutation ("scales")>>\\n"Even with the--" he says, and gestures. He means your skin is getting scaly.\n\n<<endif>>\\nYou grew up in a human city. You were raised by humans. You lived your entire life as a human. <<if hasMutation ("pre-scales") || hasMutation ("scales")>>Getting a few mutations doesn't change any of that.<<endif>> You got nothing against humans.\n\n"But you don't like //us//," he says. He means humans from the cities.\n\nYou say, does he really want the truth? And he nods, because that's a leading question. Everybody thinks they want the truth until they decide they don't like your answer.\n\nYou tell him, he's bad. His cities are falling apart. His government sucks. They're all miserable and they hate it. And instead of facing that themselves they shove it off on other people. On //us//. Like shooting some humans they think are conspiring against them is gonna change how their lives are fundamentally untenable. Their cities are gonna collapse; it's just a question of how much suffering they're gonna put everybody else through before they finally lose all their power. And sometimes they start to think about all of that, but they're too much of a coward to actually follow it through.\n\nHis grip on his gun has gotten progressively tighter. You admit, that was pretty... distemperate of you. The problem with telling a city human something they don't want to hear is that they might shoot you for it.\n\nHe gonna shoot you for that, you say, crossing your arms.\n\nHe scowls at you, then pries his hand off his gun. "Nah," he says, and nothing else.\n\nYou turn and leave. You're acutely aware of how he could shoot you in the back at any moment, until you finally get around a corner and can relax.\n\n<<set $ticStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("2ic collapse")>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $stressPoints.indexOf ("2ic sand") === -1>>\\n"We're not gonna win this war," he blurts out. "We were never gonna win this war."\n\nYou're only dimly aware that they're at war. Or like, obviously, you know they're out in the desert to fight the ĝheist, but the whys are a lot more vague.\n\n"I just wanted-- something," he says, talking like you're not even there. "To live a normal life. To not have to deal with this fucking mess, waiting for everything to fall apart. Everybody's gonna die and all that's gonna be left is sand."\n\nYou shrug. You tell him, your grandparents lived long lives in the desert. Your parents are still living in the desert, unless something happened in the past year or two. There are three other towns within a week's walk from here. Sand really that bad?\n\nHe snorts. "You don't know what you're missing. You got to live in civilization, you'd drop anything, kill anybody in your way to get a chance."\n\nYou never really got the way city humans talked about the city. Nothing but misery and tragedy, but always the insistence it was so much better than the wasteland. You guess it's true you don't know what you're missing, but you doubt they're right. And if they are right, you'd rather live your entire life in ignorance, if knowing about the city meant you'd turn into somebody like him.\n\nOut loud, you just say, people have always lived in the desert. The cities aren't doing so great, but people are always building something new.\n\nHe just sighs.\n\nThat's about all he's got.\n<<set $ticStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("2ic sand")>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else>>\\nHe says, "Hey."\n\nThrilling conversation. You guess he got it all out early.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
You ask him, why are y'all in town.\n\n<<if $ticSiege eq 1 && $leaderSiege gte 2>>\n"I told you, ask the boss," he says.\n\nYou say yeah, you did, and he's giving you the runaround too. If it doesn't matter he might as well tell you the actual reason, instead of insisting it's all just happenstance.\n\nHe signs. "Listen. We're out here because we pissed off the brass. So just calm your ass down and we'll be out of your hair in a few months, once things settle down."\n\nThat's progress, but you got a much shorter timeline to work with than a few months.\n\n''You can now talk about "human army command"''\n<<set $talkOptions.push("human army command")>>\\n<<set $ticSiege += 1>>\\n<<set $ticStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("2ic command talk")>>\\n<<else if $ticSiege gte 2>>\\n"You again." He glares at you. "I told you fuck off; if you wanna bother somebody, bother somebody that's not me."\n<<set $ticSiege += 1>>\\n<<else>>\\nHe scowls, hand on his gun. "Don't fuckin' ask me. I'm just following the boss' orders." His grip tightens. "So maybe fuck off before he orders me to shoot you, get it?"\n<<set $ticSiege += 1>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, so what about the brass?\n\nHe scowls. "None of your fucking business, is what."\n\nYou say, if you're gonna be imposing on all of us for a few months I think we deserve a little bit more than that.\n\nHe scowls. "We decide what you deserve."\n\nYou roll your eyes and ask, that really the attitude you wanna have for the whole rest of the season here?\n\nHe sags back. "They're fucking-- out of touch, idiots." He looks you over. "You wouldn't understand; you've never been in civilization. You get idiots at the top, when you live in the cities."\n\nYou say, the cities sound like they suck, but he just scowls, and you decide to stop while you're ahead.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask how he feels about ĝheist dicks.\n\n"What the fuck," he snarls at you. "Fucking degenerate!"\n\nYou roll your eyes, but really, you knew what you were getting into here.\n\n"I bet you like them," he says. "I bet you //love// them. They say you're all a bunch of monster-fucking degenerates out here anyway.<<if hasMutation ("pre-scales") || hasMutation ("scales")>> What are you, anyway, some kinda fucked-up halfbreed?<<endif>>"\n\nRude.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask him if he wants to fuck around.\n\nHe just stares bug-eyed at you for a second. "Seriously?!"\n\nYou shrug. What else is he gonna do, you ask.\n\n"Not give into your fucking-- //ploy//, is what!" he says. "What are you getting at?"\n\nYou say, he seems kinda high-strung. You might be able to help with that. By getting his dick in your mouth.\n\nHe chokes on his own spit. "You-- you're a bunch of fucking degenerates out here, you know that, right?"\n\nSo that's a no, you say.\n\n"Fuck off," he says.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask him where he's from.\n\n"Civilization," he says.\n\nYou say you're from the desert; does he wanna get a little more specific than that?\n\n"Nah," he says. "That's the difference here. Nothing else matters."\n\nCharming.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You're not sure what to say to him.\n\nYou say, hey.\n\nHe says, "You better have a good reason for bothering me."\n\nYou say no, not really.\n\nHe audibly growls. Not in an intimidation kind of way; you think he genuinely doesn't notice he's doing it. "Fuck off, then," he says.\n\nYou fuck off.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask him, why are y'all in town.\n\n<<if $leaderPissed>>\\nHe leans in close. "Maybe we're here because we're gonna fuck you up, huh? How about that. It's none of your fucking business what we're here for, so why don't you fuck off."\n\n<<set $leaderPissed to false>>\\n<<else if $leaderCommandTalk && $leaderSiege gt 2>>\\nHe signs. "Listen. You're a persistent asshole. I'll level with you. Don't get used to it."\n\n"We don't give a shit about the tanker. Obviously. We're just gonna chill here for a while, until things cool down for us back at base. Nothing bad has to happen so long as you all keep your heads down."\n\nYou say, keep our heads down for how long.\n\nHe shrugs. "Couple of months, maybe? Gotta lay low and call in just enough that they don't think we've gone AWOL. Eventually the marshall's eye will turn to somebody else and we'll be free."\n\n"I know it sucks for you, but easy enough to just stay calm for a while."\n\nYou think he'd be singing a different tune if you told him he had a much tighter deadline to get out of here, but he thinks you're all just... scared and weak and waiting for the threat to pass. You don't bother sharing any of that with him, of course.\n<<else if $leaderSeige eq 0>>\\nHe crosses his arms over his chest. "We're just here because our patrol route passes near here and we spotted you messing around with military property. So now we're here."\n\nYou say, why is he //really// here and he gets kinda pissed.\n\n"Maybe it's none of your fucking business. We're not leaving just 'cause you don't like it."\n\nWhatever.\n<<set $leaderSiege += 1>>\\n<<else if $leaderSiege eq 1>>\\nHe says, "I told you. Listen, you're not happy with us being here? Yeah well we're not happy to be here, so let's call it even."\n<<set $leaderSiege += 1>>\\n<<else if $leaderSiege eq 2>>\\nHe lets out a tired bark of a laugh. "Still on my case, huh? I feel bad for you." He sighs.\n\n"Listen, just drop it. We're staying put. It'd be nice if the world was a place where you could talk people into changing their minds."\n\n"But it's not. So fuck off and stop bothering me about it."\n<<set $leaderStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push("leader talk")>>\\n<<set $leaderSiege += 1>>\\n<<else if $leaderSiege gt 3>>\\n"Again?" He gets in close, pointing a finger at your face. "I been pretty patient with you. Don't fucking push it."\n\n<<set $leaderPissed to true>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $leaderTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask him where he's from.\n\n<<if $leaderTalk gte 3>>\\nHe sighs. "Around. From October, actually."\n\nYou have no clue where that is or what it's like.\n\n"Capital," he says. "Dad's brass. Though that clearly worked out real well for me."\n\nHe waves aside your quizzical look. "Doesn't matter; don't think about it. I'm one of your 'city humans', right? That's where I'm from. The city. Anything else doesn't really matter, does it?"\n\nHe's not wrong.\n<<else>>\nHe glares at you. "We're not here to make smalltalk. None of your business."\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $leaderTalk += 1>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, so you hear they're not on the best terms with the higher-ups.\n\n<<if $leaderPissed eq true>>\\nHe growls at you. "How about you stop talking about that shit before I shoot you, how about that, huh?!"\n\n<<set $leaderPissed to false>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\\n<<else>>\\nHe says, "oh." Draws it out into a long exhalation, like, //aha, how'd you hear about that//.\n\n"Yeah, the higher-ups are pissed at us," he says. "So they sent us out into the wasteland to get torn apart by wild beasts. So we're making this your problem."\n\nYou have a brief moment of frustration about the whole wild beasts thing because there's a good chance what he actually means are great beasts and in that case he could solve that problem by just, talking to them, most of the time, but that's definitely not a conversation you want to have or that he's capable of having right now.\n\nHe's still talking. "They're a bunch of bastards committed to bleeding the world dry so they can live in comfort until they die. Push off the total collapse until they don't have to think about it." He laughs, mirthlessly. "I'm sure things are going great for them, while we're dying out here."\n\n<<set $leaderCommandTalk to true>>\\n<<set $leaderTalk += 1>>\\n<<set $leaderStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push("leader command talk")>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\\n<<endif>>
You look him up and down. If nothing else, he's not unattractive.\n\n* [[hey lemme suck your dick|leader flirt][$_flirt = "suck dick"]]\n* [[hey you wanna fuck around|leader flirt][$_flirt = "fuck around"]]\n* [[hey i bet you'd look good on yr knees sucking my dick|leader flirt][$_flirt = "on knees"]]\n\nYou never claimed to be the most inventive.
You say <<print (function (f) {\n switch (f) {\n case "suck dick":\n return "he's hot and you wanna suck his dick.";\n case "fuck around":\n return "he's hot and you wanna fuck around."\n case "on knees":\n return "he'd look real good on his knees sucking your dick."\n }\n })($_flirt)>>\n\nHe recoils like you hit him. "Fuckin' say that again," he snarls, shifting back and pointing his gun at you. How tedious.\n\nYou say, you were just curious. No harm done.\n\n"Oh, there'll be harm done," he says, tense for a second before he shoves his gun back to his side, hanging from its strap. "Don't wanna deal with the hassle shooting you would get," he says. "Fuck off."\n\nYou fuck off.\n<<set $leaderPissed to true>>\\n<<set $leaderHitOn to true>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, so what does he think about ĝheist dicks.\n\nHe jerks to attention. "What the fuck did you just say?!"\n\nYou admit you're not really sure where you were going with this. The guy definitely doesn't have one, since he's been eating safe-room greenhouse food for his whole life<<if $sex['munitions'] gt 0>>; telling him about Maxwell would just get him in trouble<<endif>>; he doesn't seem the type to enjoy playing with one, either. Well, definitely not right now, at least.\n\nYou say, he heard those rumors about humans turning into ĝheist if they stay out in the wasteland too long?\n\n<<if mutationPoints("ĝheist") gte 4>>\\nHe looks you up and down. "Doesn't look like a rumor to me, freak."\n\nRude.\n<<else>>\\n"Afraid I'm gonna turn into even more of a badass," he says, sneering. "Don't worry about me; you're the one who should be worrying."\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou have to point out that you could absolutely take him out if you wanted, probably even with his gun. That's not what you're here to do, though, which makes things pretty frustrating. His posturing gets pretty fucking tedious after a while.\n\n"Now fuck off," he says. "Don't come back."\n\nYou fuck off.\n<<set $leaderPissed to true>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You make smalltalk.\n\n<<if $sex['recon'] lt 1>>\\nHe glares at you. "Got nothing to say," he says. "You don't even got any questions? Even if you do, you ask somebody else."\n\nFair enough.\n<<else>>\\nHe says, "You suck dick pretty good, you know?"\n\nYou tell him you've got a lot of practice.\n\nHe guffaws and gropes his dick. "Sure do," he says. "You ever wanna do it again, just let me know."\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask, why are you in town?\n\n<<if $sex['recon'] lt 1>>\\nHe says, "Why do you //think//. Listen, if you wanna complain about it, complain to Leraje or Agares; I don't give a shit."\n<<set $leaderIntroduced to Math.max ($leaderIntroduced, 1)>>\\n<<set $ticIntroduced to Math.max ($ticIntroduced, 1)>>\\n<<else>>\\nHe sighs. "I mean, I bet you already know, right? We've deserted in all but name. Out in the wilds seemed like a good place to hunker down; coming across a town was just lucky." Then he leers at you. "I know I got lucky hanging around here."\n\nYou roll your eyes.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask, where are you from?\n\n<<if $reconStress eq 0>>\\nHe says, "What's it to you?" He swaggers up to you. "I'm from around. How you like that."\n\nYou say, no need to be antagonistic; you're just making conversation.\n\nHe scowls. "Sure."\n<<else>>\\nHe says, "I'm out from the dust bowl. Sand sea. Where April used to be. Mostly the BOLTs left us alone, but after their war really started to go bad they started demanding quotas from all the unincorporated towns out there. So now I'm here."\n\nYou say, rough.\n\nHe shrugs. "That's life."\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You ask what's up with the human army command.\n\n<<if $sex['recon'] lt 2>>\\n"They're our bosses," he says. "We're still reporting back; who do you think ordered us out here in the first place?" He scowls. "Now how about you fuck off."\n\nYou fuck off.\n<<else>>\\n"Oh yeah, fuck them," he says, sprawling back. "I hope they choke on sand and die." You snort, and he takes that for disbelief. "You surprised?"\n\nYou say, no it's just a little surprising how little any of you like command, even though you're still following their orders.\n\nHe laughs. "We stopped following //their// orders a while back. We'll see how that goes. Probably won't go well."\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if $reconCocksuckReject eq true && $sex['reconhj'] lte 0 && !$reconIntroCock>>\\n<<set $reconIntroCock to true>>\\nYou ask, how does he feel about ĝheist dicks?\n\nHe snorts. "Yeah, you got some freak-ass dick. How the fuck did you even get that anyway?"\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYou say, it's not a ĝheist dick actually, but you got it from fucking around with a giant beast. Ghiest cum got ĝheist lightrot strains in it. Giant beast cum got giant beast lightrot strains in it.\n\nHe snorts. "I shoulda known it was fucking."\n<<else>>\\n<<print (function (d){\n var op = "<<display \"";\n var cl = "\"" + String.fromCharCode(0x3e) + String.fromCharCode(0x3e);\n switch (d) {\n case "cc":\n return (op + "recon fromdesc cc" + cl);\n case "djen prolapse":\n case "djen fuck":\n return (op + "recon fromdesc djen fuck" + cl);\n case "djen cockfuck":\n return (op + "recon fromdesc djen cockfuck" + cl);\n case "ophion injection":\n return (op + "recon fromdesc ophion injection" + cl);\n case "jinn-pools":\n return (op + "recon fromdesc jinn" + cl);\n default:\n return "!!no case match for from-dick!!"\n }\n})($from['dick'])>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $reconCocksuckReject eq true>>\nYou ask, how does he feel about ĝheist dicks?\n\nHe snorts. "You got anything in mind with that question?"\n\nYou say, well, you don't know; does //he// have anything in mind?\n\nHe looks pointedly down at your crotch. "Listen, I ain't got anything against it. You trying to ask me if I like your gross-ass dick?"\n\nYou say, well, does he?\n\n"Fuck yeah I do."\n\n* [[well then you wanna get it in yr ass right now?|recon anal fuck direct]]<<scenealert "recon anal fuck direct">>\n* [[maybe i can show it to later then|recon tease]]\n\n<<else>>\\nYou ask, how does he feel about ĝheist dicks?\n\nHis eyebrows go up. "What the fuck are you talking about, you freak?"\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
You say, nothing special actually. Just grew it one day. Body decided all that lightrot in the water should end up in my dick.\n\nHe whistles. "Well, that's a pretty good place for it, huh?"
You say, you got it from fucking a big Gloamling's guts. All that lightrot suppurating out mutated your cock.\n\nYou leave out how long ago it happened, specifically.
You say, you got it from fucking a big Gloamling. His cock actually; it's a big earthworm thing that was real nice to sink your dick into. All his lightrot cum mutated your cock.\n\nHe whistles. "That's some crazy shit."
You say, you begged a big Titan to inject your dick with refined lightrot, actually.\n\n"Fucking hell," he says. "Guess it worked."\n\nYou give your cock a squeeze. It definitely did, you say.
You say, you fucked a ĝheist prince in a pool of lightrot.\n\nHe says, "what?!"\n\nYou say, yeah, he heard you.\n\n"You got a wild life," he says.\n\nYou say, it's been pretty good so far.
You leer at him and adjust your dick. His eyes follow the motion.\n\nYou say, maybe you can show it to him later, then.\n\nHe lets out a gusting exhale, laughing a little. "You're a fucking tease, you know that right?"\n\nYou say, yeah.\n\nHe adjusts his dick, giving it a squeeze. "I'm waiting for later, then," he says, voice rough.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if $sex['recon'] == 0>>\\nYou look him up and down. He's pretty hot.\n\n* [[hey lemme suck your dick|recon flirt][$_flirt = "suck dick"]]<<scenealert "recon flirt">>\n* [[hey you wanna fuck around|recon flirt][$_flirt = "fuck around"]]<<scenealert "recon flirt">>\n* [[hey i bet you'd look good on yr knees sucking my dick|recon flirt][$_flirt = "on knees"]]<<scenealert "recon flirt">>\n\nYou never claimed to be the most inventive.\n\n<<else>>\\n<<display "recon sex tree">>\n\n[[←|recon]]\n<<endif>>
/%\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("recon assplay") !== -1 && $sex['reconanaltop'] === 0>>\\n[he's like. yeah me too. i wanna fuck you.]\n\n* [[sure|recon fuck]]\n\n<<else if $sex['reconfistbottom'] !== 0 && $sex['reconfisttop'] === 0>>\\n[he's like, well good because i wanna return the favor and punch your asshole open until yr gaping around my forearm]\n\n[yr like, wow, explicit]\n\n[he's like, i think we're past the point of being coy about it]\n\n* [[yeah fuck my ass up|recon fistfuck]]\n\n<<else>>\\n%/\nYou ask him if he wants to fuck around.\n\nHe rolls his shoulders and shrugs. "Sure. You wanna suck my dick again?"\n\n* <<if !$humansManaged && !$reconCocksuckReject>>[[yeah but i'd appreciate it if you put away yr gun while i'm doing it; i swear i won't strangle you or whatever|recon cocksuck]]<<scenealert "recon cocksuck">><<endif>>\n* <<if $reconCocksuckReject eq true>>[[hey you wanna play with my big gross dick more|recon gross dick]]<<scenealert "recon gross dick">><<else>>[[actually i was hoping you'd return the favor|recon cocksuck bottom]]<<scenealert "recon cocksuck bottom">><<endif>>\n* <<if $sex['reconanaltop'] neq 0>>[[i want you to fuck me again|recon fuck]]<<scenealert "recon fuck">><<endif>>\n* [[actually i kinda wanna play with yr ass|recon assplay]]<<scenealert "recon assplay">>\n* <<if $sex['reconassplay'] gt 0>>[[i wanna fuck yr ass up|recon anal split]]<<scenealert "recon anal split">><<endif>>\n/% * <<if $sex['reconfisttop'] neq 0>>[[i want you to fist me again|recon fistfuck]]<<endif>> %/\n\n<<endif>>
You say <<print (function (f) {\n switch (f) {\n case "suck dick":\n return "he's hot and you wanna suck his dick.";\n case "fuck around":\n return "he's hot and you wanna fuck around."\n case "on knees":\n return "he'd look real good on his knees sucking your dick."\n }\n })($_flirt)>>\n\n<<if $reconFlirt eq 0>>\\nHe laughs, a little disbelievingly. "Has that literally ever worked?"\n\nYou say, not a lot of experience with soldiers, so why doesn't he tell you.\n\n"Don't waste my fucking time," he says. "Get the fuck out of here."\n\nSo, that didn't work.\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $reconFlirt eq 1>>\\n"What, again?" he says. "Yeah, I don't trust that shit. Try hassling somebody else."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else>>\\nHe huffs. "You're persistent, huh?" He leans in. "Do you actually just want to fuck around?"\n\nYou say, that's what you've been //saying//.\n\n"Huh," he says. "Your flirting game could use some work."\n\nYou say, you say it like you mean it. Don't know how the city humans do it but out here if you wanna fuck you ask somebody if they wanna fuck. You are, of course, playing it up a little. But you're not lying.\n\nHe snorts. "Sure, why the hell not." He thumbs the button of his pants. "You wanna suck my dick? Just don't try to bite it off."\n\nYou ask him if that happens often.\n\n"Nah." He rolls his shoulders, hands hooked into his beltloops, pulling the crotch of his pants taut. "At the garrison, they say not to fuck around with the natives. Got horror stories of getting seduced and then stabbed to death." He grins at you, lopsided. "'cause you're all savages."\n\nYou say that's not a very nice thing to say to somebody who's about to suck you off.\n\nHe shrugs. "Well, prove me wrong."\n\nYou get down on your knees, and ask him if he means about the savages part or the cocksucking part.\n\n[[→|recon initial cocksuck]]\n<<endif>>\n<<set $reconFlirt += 1>>
<<if $reconLocation eq "siege">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<else if $reconLocation eq "ravine">>\\n<<if $sex['recon'] - $reconSexAfterExile gt 2>>\\nHe's sprawled out, still a little glazed with cum. It's nice. Casual.\n\nHe looks over at you: "Guess I might as well head back to the village, huh?"\n\nYou look over at him. You say, yeah, if he wants. He knows where it is. Probably pack up your gun and hand it over first, but...\n\nHe smirks. "What, you haven't been keeping everybody in town up-to-date about how we're fucking?"\n\nYou shrug. You tell him, you could do an oration in the town square. He snorts.\n\nHe says, "Well. See you around then, yeah?"\n\nYou say yeah, next time you fuck it'll be in a house instead of a cave. Big improvement.\n<<set $reconLocation to "village">>\\n<<set $reconArriveSceneRan to false>>\\n<<endif>>\n[[→|recon tent]]\n<<else if $reconLocation eq "village">>\\n[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
His cock makes a fat, stiff spike in his pants, hardly giving when you grind your palm against it through the fabric. There are curls of a tattoo visible: black lines and curves all over one half his stomach, going down one thigh, the actual design hidden by his clothes. He unzips his pants, shoving his underwear down with both thumbs -- a splay of short, stiff pubes fanning out across his crotch -- and lets his cock jut out.\n\nIt's short and fat, only a little longer than a finger while still being considerably thicker than most human cocks you've seen. His cockhead is a smooth, shiny dome, foreskin bunched up across his shaft beneath, and his cockslit is a wide, pulsing slash, framed with the twin rubbery red crescents of his bulging urethra. Beneath that, his balls are gigantic, each one nearly fist-sized, and they hang down to mid-thigh, pulling his sac out into a smooth curve of taut, shiny flesh.\n\nIt's a nice dick, for sure. You lean in, lips catching on the tip, and you slowly spread them, softly sucking on the tip, tongue lapping against his bloated cockslit, like a tiny mouth pursing and drooling. He moans softly, staring down as you sink onto his cock: lips stretching around its fat girth, nose buried in his muscled gut. He's short enough that the head just tickles the back of your mouth while you're buried in his pubes. His balls press against your neck, the soft, hanging flesh of his sac pressing against your chin.\n\nHe groans, one hand scrubbing across your hair, and he humps forward, fucking your face: flesh of his foreskin slurping back and forth over his fat cock, the thick flange of his cockhead slurping out over your lips with a wet //pop// each time. You coil your tongue, squeezing along his cockhead, milking out erratic spurts of pre, salty and dimly bitter. You move with him, letting his hand on your head guide the pace. He hilts with a //smack//, balls swinging forward to clap against your neck, and you keep doing that until he cums, cock shuddering and then spraying spurt after spurt of cum into the back of your mouth, a shocking number of pulses before he finally finishes, cock just spilling watery drool down your throat before you pull off and lick it clean.\n\nNice cock, not the best blowjob you've ever given, but that might just be because his other hand has been on his gun at his side the entire time.\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("recon bj") === -1>>\n<<set $reconStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("recon bj")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<sex "recon" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "recon initial cocksuck">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if !($reconLocation eq "ravine")>>You tell him you wanna suck his dick again but you'd prefer it if he didn't keep his gun right there while you did it this time. You say you promise you won't strangle him or whatever.\n\nHe kind of scowls. "Is this some kind of trick? I still don't trust you."\n\nYou roll your eyes. You tell him, listen, if you wanted to kill him you'd just do it, you wouldn't fuck around with blowjobs first. You just like sucking dick.\n\nHe laughs a little uneasily at the first part. "Fine," he says. "I guess I could."\n\n<<endif>>You say good, and get on your knees.\n\nHe raises his eyebrows, like he wasn't really expecting it to be that simple.\n\nYou curl your hand around his cock, cupping his balls. You say, unless he'd like you to blow him later, and trail off.\n\nHe lets out a huff, but checks the safety on his gun and then tosses it aside, out of arm's reach. He actually has a bunch of knives on him, notably two strapped to his thigh and one at the back of his spine, all of which are within easy range for you right now, so really if you'd wanted to kill him the gun wouldn't have helped.\n\nAnyway, you unbutton his pants and pull his zipper down, shoving his pants and underwear to mid-thigh. Soft, his cock looks like a fat button, cockhead mounded over with foreskin, and you lean in and suck it into your mouth, tongue playing with the tip of his foreskin, squiggling to push inside and lap across the silky flesh of his cockhead. He moans, sinking back against the wall, and spreads his legs a little. You reach up, hand wrapping around his balls -- as well around his balls as you can manage with one hand -- and tugging them down, squeezing them as you nurse on his hardening cock.\n\n<<if !($reconLocation eq "ravine")>>He's got big loads, you say around his cock, lapping the underside of his shaft as his cockhead starts to bloat out, foreskin peeling back. He hasn't got to cum much, you ask him, in between lapping up and down across his skin. His skin tastes salty, taste a little purer with less hair to catch the scent of sweat.\n\n"Huh?" he says, like he's not really paying attention to what you're saying so much as the fact that you're sucking on his cock. "Not really. That's about usual."\n\nYou groan against his cock, hard enough now you can purse your lips around the ridge of his cockhead and let it pop into your mouth. You tell him, good, you want a big load of cum.\n\n<<endif>>"Fuck, you really weren't kidding about liking to suck cock," he says, and you grin up at him and swallow his cock down to the root. He gets real hard, cock bloated and stiff, cockhead rutting up against the hard flesh of your palate, and you stroke him with your lips, letting him hump up, fucking your face. He's drizzling pre<<if !$reconLocation eq "ravine">>, more than last time -- maybe he was nervous too --<<endif>> and you eagerly swallow, tongue curling around the underside of his cockhead, lapping across his thick frenulum to coax out heavier spurts. You squeeze his balls, pulling them down in an enormous lump, and he groans, cock twitching hard, splattering the roof of your mouth with pre. You smile around his cock and do it again, face buried in his pubes as he fucks your face, grunting and groaning.\n\nYou grind your other hand up behind his balls, knuckles rolling over the thick ridge of the root of his cock, and he growls, taking your head in both hands and leaning forward, burying you between his thick thighs, under his muscled gut, and ruts his cock along your tongue, breath hitching every time your swallow tightens your mouth around him.\n\nYou can feel him start to cum: balls pulling up against your hand, cockroot under your knuckles throbbing. He groans, pulling back, cockhead pressed right between your lips when he shoots: first shot a thick cord sticking across your teeth, and then he aims up, shooting all over your face. You let him paint your face in hot lines, lips teasing his frenulum, lapping up the thinner goo that drools down from his shuddering cockslit with each shot. Now you know some of his responsive spots you can play with them: squeezing his balls with each spurt, rolling your knuckles against his cockroot, dragging out his orgasm until he's just pissing out clear watery drool all over your tongue, a dozen shots of cum all over your face. He's breathing hard, legs trembling, as his ejaculation finally slows. You let go of his balls and swipe across your jaw, catching a few blobs of cum that you suck off your fingers.\n\nHe looks down at you: your face glazed in his load, his softening cock resting across your lips, tip pressed against the side of your nose. Eating his load. "Fuck," he groans, and reaches down, callused fingers scraping over your cheeks and pressing them against your lips, letting you suck his cum off before he does it again, finding stringy globs in your hair, spilling down your cheeks, caught in your eyebrows. You turn your head slightly, letting his cock loll to the side, back into your mouth, and nurse on his softening length, sucking the sheen of cum off his cockhead as his foreskin slowly spills back over it.\n\n"Didn't think I could cum that fucking fast," he says.\n\nYou tell him next time you'll take your time. It's nice to get somebody to cum all over your face in five minutes, but it can be just as nice to play with somebody's cock for an hour.\n\nHe laughs. "Don't threaten me."\n\n<<sex "recon" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "recon cocksuck">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
You say, well, you definitely could suck his dick more if he wants. But how does he think about returning the favor?\n\n"Oh yeah?" he says. "Forward, huh?"\n\nYou say, not that forward. You grope your dick: just that you wanna get off some too.\n\nHe snorts. "Not gonna get off just from sucking dick, huh?" There's a lull, then he says: "Well, get your dick out, I don't got all day."\n\nYou get your dick out. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYour cock aches in your sheath, and it's with a low sigh that you tug the laces of your pants out and shove them down, letting your heavy sheath loll out, weightily smacking against your thighs as it jounces into the open. A few inches of your dick spill out with a wet //slurp// and a spray of backed-up pre, spattering the sand beneath you with dark splotches. Your dick throbs, purple-black and glistening, pointed right at Raven's face.\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYour cock aches, bound up in your pants in an aching lump, and you give it a squeeze and a heft before you push your thumb under your laces and tug your pants open. You gotta reach in and heft your cock out, letting it lurch out into the open and droop down between your thighs, half-hard and slowly thickening more, big folds of gnarled, warted flesh peeling away from each other as it swells up, the bloated, warted tip jutting out straight at Raven's face.\n<<else>>\\nYour cock aches, half-hard in your pants and folded over itself in a heavy bulge. You squeeze and heft it through the fabric before you push a thumb under your laces and tug your pants open, letting your cock swing out into the open. You're nearly fully hard, foreskin peeling back, cockhead glistening, flushed dark, and you give it a few tugs, showy, as you let it swing out, pointing out stiff right at Raven's face.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation ('dick') || hasMutation ('knot')>>\\n<<set $reconCocksuckReject to true>>\\n<<display "recon cocksuck reject repeat blow">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "recon cocksuck bottom actual">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
He jerks back like you're pointing a gun at him. "What the fuck is //that?!//" he says. "Fucking hell!"\n\nYou say it's your dick. Your dick gives an answering throb<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, unsheathing another few inches<<else>>spurting out a mess of grimy yellow pre<<endif>>, and Raven shoves himself back from it in equal measure.\n\n"That's super fucking gross," he says. "No fucking way am I putting that in my mouth."\n\nYou let out a little laugh. You give it a stroke and a squeeze, splattering pre in the sand, your palm coming away with glistening threads of slime webbing across your shaft, and say, he sure?\n\nHis nose wrinkles from the smell, lips pulled down in a grimace. "I see why you gotta ask strangers to suck your dick if that's the kinda shit you got," he says. "Sure as hell ain't gonna get any takers."\n\nYou say you get plenty of sex, thanks. But, whatever, you can suck his dick again while you jerk off.\n\nHe stares at your dick. "As long as I don't gotta look at that thing it's fine by me," he says, and gropes his dick, thumb already popping the button of his pants.\n\nDespite his reaction to your dick, he's already hard: his cock lurches out, smacking against his thigh before fattening in rapid jerks, aiming his chunky cock right at your face. You dip in, tongue dragging over the flesh of his shaft, up to the lip of his foreskin. He groans, cock jerking, smearing out across your cheek until you tip your head and gather the tip between your lips, letting you roll his foreskin down with your lips and catch the glossy drool of his pre across your tongue. He groans, one hand on the back of your head, and then he looks down and spreads his legs. You've been spurting <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sloppy, stringy dog pre<<else>>grimy yellow pre<<endif>> all over his boots. You take your dick in hand, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>frictionlessly smooth as you slowly stroke down the tip all the way to your leathery sheath, milking out heavy, thick bursts of rank animal pre to splatter right between his spread feet<<else>>the pre only smoothing out the rough, craggy drag of your warted flesh slightly, making each time your fingers catch on a particularly lumpy, waxy wart into a wet crackle of pre squelching<<endif>>. You sink down his dick, swallowing it to the base and letting his fat cockhead butt against the roof of your mouth, just barely tickling the back of your throat. Raven groans above you, cock pulsing against your tongue, and he drenches your mouth in thin, watery gushes of pre.\n\nHe fucks your face, both hands coming down to guide your head, groaning as he drags back. The vein-gnarled flesh of his fat, stocky shaft slips over your lips, smooth and slick, with excess pre dripping from your lips, down your chin, splattering on the sand beneath you -- sometimes smacking across your own dick, sharp impacts that make your dick lurch, swaying between your thighs, adding a thinner slime to the churned-up mess painted along your shaft. You moan, mouth slurping and sucking, obscene wet noises as he thrusts forward and buries his dick inside you again, wet squelches as he grinds your face down: nose flattening against the muscled arch of his belly, his coarse pubes crackling against your cheeks, his heavy balls freely flopping back and forth, smacking against your chin with each thrust.\n\nBoth your hands are wrapped around your cock, letting you thrust through them as Raven fucks your face. Heat zaps up your length, a jolt of pleasure that ripples inside you<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, squeezing your grossly-oversized prostate down hard<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>, making your altered balls throb and churn<<endif>>, and you gush out a rank, fuming cord of gleaming pre, lightrot-yellow ooze burbling down your shaft and coating your fingers in grimy murk. The wet squelch of your fingers on your dick are just as loud as the sounds coming from your face: heavy and meaty, burbling and smacking as you hump forward, fucking your cock through your hands, drenching the sand beneath you in so much ooze that it starts to build up in a thick, pudding-like pile over the saturated sand. The reek of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>rank dog dick<<else>>ĝheist pre<<endif>> builds up in your nose, overwhelming even the taste of Raven's dick sliding over your tongue.\n\nRaven cums with a groan, hunched over your face, pressing your head down under his muscled gut. His first shot of cum smacks against your tonsils, caught in your throat, but he pulls out, two fingers sliding along his frenulum, thumb playing with his brutally thick cockhead ridge as he paints the rest of his load all over your face. You groan, mouth open, cum drizzling in over your lips, but Raven aims his dick to paint you: cum splattered <<if hasMutation ("scales")>>across your scalp<<else>>in your hair <<endif>>, across your cheeks, dripping over your eyelashes, down the line of your jaw. He groans as he does it, hips jerking, fucking his dick across his fingers as he dumps his load all over your face, saving the final wet drool for your tongue, as he slides forward, resting his weakly-spurting cock in your open mouth, spilling down your tongue.\n\nYou close your eyes and gulp, lapping up the mess of his load as more drips down your face, and cum with a moan.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your sheath aches, the heels of your hand bashing down against it with each stroke, and your knot lurches out with a loud, gurgling //slurp//, aching tentacles finally spilling out into the open, hungrily fanning out across your thighs, curling tight around your bulging knot. That's all the extra pressure you need; you gurgle out a moan around Raven's dick and your cock erupts, spewing fuming clots of murky dog cum all over. You jerk forward, swallowing down Raven's still-hard dick, and milk it for the last drops of cum as you blow your load all over the ground, sharp blasts smacking into the sodden sand as you rhythmically squeeze your knot, tentacles digging in hard to keep you spurting.\\n<<else>>Your entire cock aches, surging with blood and swelling fatter. There's a hard lurch deep in your hips, and an ache in your balls, and you're abruptly cumming, internal muscles pumping hard. You blast a rope of cum all across the sand, neatly lined up between Raven's legs, soaking the sand dark. You gurgle out a moan around Raven's dick, gulping hard around it, and you rut forward, humping your hands in time. The //splat// of cum hitting the sand gets wetter and wetter, cum piling up, thick enough that it only slowly drains into the saturated sand, building up into a messy trench of gritty, grimy cum.\\n<<endif>> You groan, opening wide to grind an iota deeper on his dick, throat just-barely catching on his huge broad cockhead, adding more friction as you slurp on his dick.\n\nWhen you pull off his dick, opening your eyes, Raven is staring down bug-eyed at your dick. You're still cumming<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, and you'll be cumming for a while, even with the lax grip your tentacles have on your knot<<endif>>; cum burbles down your shaft, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>thick black ooze, with jelly-like strands of brilliant emerald<<else>>gritty, translucent-yellow slop<<endif>>, dripping down into the saturated sand in fat dollops. You squeeze <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your tentacles around your knot<<else>>your hand around your dick<<endif>>, coaxing out a thicker blast of cum, and Raven just stares, taking a shaky step back before dropping down to his knees, digging a furrowed trench in the swampy, saturated sand beneath him, letting cum burble up across his calves.\n\n"That's fucking-- that's fucking //inhuman//," he groans, callused hands reaching out to wrap around your dick, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>scraping along the tip<<else>>catching on your waxy warts all across the sides and tip<<endif>>. The contact has you groaning, rutting forward, and you spew out a fresh gush of cum that splatters all across his thighs and dick, painting him in <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fuming black mutant dog cum<<else>>greasy lines of rank ĝheist cum<<endif>>, but he hardly seems to notice, save for groaning again. His hand curls around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>cocktip, stroking frictionlessly across the smooth animal point<<else>>cockhead, catching on your bulging warts, thumb digging into waxy clusters of flesh<<endif>> as he explores across your dick, almost in a daze. You spray cum all up his forearm, dripping down to soak his forearm hair to his skin, coating his skin in the sloppy slurry of your load.\n\n"So fucking gross," he mumbles, staring at the goop running down his arm, using his other hand to experimentally touch it, just smearing your load up across his forearm <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>in dark, oily smears<<else>>in dense, gritty clots<<endif>>. He pulls his fingers away: cum drags out, clinging in taut arcs from his fingertips. "Fuck," he says.\n\nHe's breathing hard. He squelches your cum under his palm, one hand and then the other curling around your still-spurting dick, digging in as he smears your load all up and down your dick. You splatter a <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>dark<<else>>dense<<endif>> rope of cum across his belly, webbing out over his thigh, and he lets out a shaky moan. His still-hard cock stands up stiff from his crotch, shining spit-wet, and he aims your dick at his own, letting the next few shots paint in, totally drenching it in the rich, rank slurry of your cum.\n\nRaven lets out a shaky moan and surges forwards to kiss you, breath suddenly puffing across your face, tongue hot and slick licking up his own load, up your jaw and then in your mouth. He's gasping out puffs of breath up across your face, breathing hard as he laps up the watery gushes of his cum, both hands desperately stroking your dick, painting his belly and thighs in gush after gush of your mutated load. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>All four of your hands together nearly cover your dick from knot to tip, fingers splaying against each other, smearing oily black gunk all over. Raven catches the brilliant green threads of thicker goop in tendrils across the backs of his hands almost by accident as he jerks off the final few inches of your cock, catching burst after burst of oily black cum across his forearms, webbing between them in finger-thick cords.<<else>>You let him curl his hands around your dick, stroking inexpertly but enthusiastically as you hunch forward, humping against him as you keep making out. He groans into your mouth, your gritty yellow cum splattering up his belly and chest, soaking him in your fuming load as he keeps jerking you off.<<endif>>\n\nHe strokes your dick until his hands are slathered and dripping with cum, huge clots drooling down his forearms and frothing up over his hands. He breaks the kiss to just stare down at your dick: watching his fingers curl over <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the animal shape of your shaft<<else>>the huge, knobbled curve of your shaft<<endif>> as he strokes back and forth, almost incidentally keeping your spurting dick aimed so it drenches him from stomach to thigh, glazing his skin in sluicing layers of mutant cum.\n\nHe jerks forward, chests pressed together, your cock sandwiched between you, still spurting. His dick is a hard spar grinding against your thigh, and he ruts and ruts before -- you think -- cumming again, moaning and puffing as he grinds down harder, his humping motions slurping and crackling as he smears your load in frothy, churned-up clumps between you.\n\n"Fuck," he groans out again, lips dragging against your jaw. "Fuck, you're so gross." He says it with one hand practically immersed in your cum, smearing it all up and down your stomachs in a creamy froth, still weakly humping your side.\n\nWhen he finally peels himself away -- cum webbed between your bodies, totally drenching the space between his thick gut and blocky thighs, cockhead just a divot bulging out from the frothy, stringy mess -- you have to show him how to scour away the worst of the mess with fistfuls of sand. If he's embarrassed about it, he doesn't show it, but you still don't ask if he's reconsidered sucking your dick just yet.\n\n<<sex "recon" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "recon cocksuck reject repeat blow">>
/% this is human dick only, so the only splices needed are balls/prostate %/\\nRaven leans in, lips quirked in a half-smile. "You gotta nice dick," he says, reaching out to catch it in his palm, callused fingers hot and rough gripping your shaft, stroking along the underside of your cockhead.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>He gropes yr balls through yr pants, moaning at the size, and when he tugs them out -- heavy, leathery ĝheisthide sac spilling down across yr thigh, pinning his hand under its bulk -- he gets a little bug-eyed. "Holy shit," he says, "Those are some huge balls." It's obvious, but you cut him some slack since he's clearly so surprised. "That's lightrot contamination, right? That's, uh, not contagious, is it?"\n\nYou tell him, not unless he sucks you off a half-dozen times a day for a few seasons. <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>But-- you start, as he leans in and hefts your cock, lifting it up to give it a stroke just in time for you to peg him right in the face with a drooling squirt of translucent yellow ĝheist pre -- you do have a few more changes, you finish, while he sputters, face glazed and dripping just from that one shot. He looks really fucking nice with his skin all shiny with your tainted pre.\n\n"No shit," he says, and sputters more, with watery pre dripping down over his upper lip, glossy beads spattering against his tongue.<<endif>>\n\nStill wanna suck you off, you ask him, giving him an out, and despite how he recoiled he's hard, other hand reaching down to realign his dick, to grind down against his hand.\n\n"It's super gross," he says, as he leans in to lap up the side of your half-hard dick<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, grimacing at the sour tang of your lightrot-laden pre. He swallows, decisively, and his entire body shudders, lips pulled back in a grimace<<endif>>. "I said I would, though." He smirks up at you<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, not flinching when you gush another splatter of rank, fuming pre all over his face<<endif>>. "Figure you don't get many takers, since you're a gross mutant," he says, and sucks your cockhead into his mouth, slobbering wetly.\n\nYou groan, cupping his head, taking that as a good way to avoid mentioning just how much sex you have.\n<<else>>He gropes your balls through your pants, tugging them out and cupping them in one hand as he drags his lips across the hardening arch of your cock. He peels your foreskin back, sucking along the ridge of your cockhead before slurping the tip into his mouth, groaning as he curls his tongue over your fat cockhead. He pulls off with a pop, a glimmering string of spit webbing between his lips and your dick.\n\nHe says, "Kinda surprised you have a regular dick." He mouths it across your dick, idly tugging on the base, tongue wetly dragging along the underside of your cockhead, teasing your frenulum.\n\nYou know where this is going. You say, oh yeah?, even though you know exactly what he's going for.\n\n"Heard all the guys stranded out here end up growing grub dicks," he says.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("pure")>>All human, you tell him.\n\nHe hums, opening wide to suckle on the tip of your dick again. "Good," he says, voice muffled around your cock.\n<<else if hasMutation ("prostate")>>It's a good time to bring it up. Actually, you start, and he tugs on your balls again, lips dragging along your frenulum, and like it's on cue you groan and abruptly gush out a wet, slobbery mess of rank, yellowed ĝheist pre all over his face. He jerks back, sputtering, but fuck, he looks really good glazed and dripping, with wet streams of watery pre curling over the black lines of his tattoo, spilling along the curve of his jaw, dripping from his eyelashes. Your cock ripples again, prostate throbbing, and you peg him with another spurt, cords smacking between his eyes, skewing off to one side to slash across his cheek. Actually, you say, you got //some// ĝheist parts.\n\nHe pants, brows furrowed, and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, spitting. "No shit," he says. "That shit's rank."\n\nSorry, you say, but you're not that sorry.\n\nSomewhat surprisingly, he reaches out and curls a hand around your cock, giving it a little jerk. "Went off like a firecracker," he says, slipping his hands down to tug on your balls, grinning a little when you groan and spurt again. This time he aims it over his shoulder, mostly missing him. "Fucking messy, is what it is."\n\nYeah, you groan, drawn out as he keeps playing with your dick. He dabs two fingers along your shaft, catching smears of pre, and experimentally brings them to his face: sniffing them, nose wrinkling at the rank odor, and then opening his mouth, tongue swiping out for an instant to taste. He grimaces, drooling and spitting again. "Tastes like shit."\n\nIt's an acquired taste, you tell him.\n\n"No shit," he says. He snorts. "You must not get much," he says, leaning back in, breath hot and humid curling across your cockhead. "So I guess I'll do you the favor."\n\nHe leans in, lapping along your cock -- lips still pulling back in a reflexive grimace from the sour tang -- and sucks your cockhead back into his mouth, gurgling angrily when your cock lurches and splatters a fresh cord of sloppy yellowed pre across the roof of his mouth, drooling down to entirely coat his tongue. You groan, taking that as a good way to avoid mentioning just how much sex you have.\n\n<<else>>All human, you tell him. There, at least. He looks at you like you might be joking, but you let him think whatever he wants.\n\nHe hums, opening wide to suckle on the tip of your dick again. "Well, good," he says, voice muffled around your cock.\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n\nHis lips curl around your cockhead, tongue rippling, coaxing out another gush of <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>sour <<endif>>pre. He gulps, opening wider, and bobs halfway down on your cock, one hand stroking the base in time, the other wrapped around your <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>altered <<endif>>balls. He sucks your cock, letting your shaft pull from his mouth spit-shined, dully glimmering. He's got fat lips, swollen a little as he purses and slurps across your shaft: letting his lower lip drag against the underside of your cockhead, wet skin just rough enough. You groan, cock shuddering, and pull him down lower, fucking half your cock into his mouth with a wet gulp.\n\nHe looks up at you, eyes half-lidded<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, face still dripping with your rank pre<<endif>>, and swallows the rest of your cock all the way down to the root. He swallows when the tip hits the back of his throat, not breaking eye contact, all the way down until his lips are pressed against your curly pubes. His throat clenches, milking your dick, and you groan again, cock lurching, spewing a mess of pre straight down his throat. He stays there for a long moment, face slowly flushing, sweat beading his brow, before he pulls off your cock, gasping, glimmering strings of fluid connecting his lips to your dick. Your dick twitches, smacking up across his face, <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>and lets out a heavy squirt of pre, painting him in a fresh coating of rank slime. You groan again, watching as he burbles out a mouthful of slobbery, spit-thinned pre, pouring in a frothy mess down his chin, dangling down in dripping tendrils. He groans, the sound wet and gurgling, and sucks your cockhead back into his mouth just in time to get another mouthful of rank pre<<else>>and he turns and catches it between his lips, sucking it back into his mouth<<endif>>.\n\nHe sinks back down your <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>wet, dripping<<else>>spit-shined<<endif>> shaft, easily swallowing it to the root, and he doesn't pull back when you groan and grind forward, cock digging an iota deeper down his throat. You pull back, thrust forward, and fuck his throat a little, hand resting on the back of his head as you pull him down in rhythm, gushing pre each time you push into the tight, yielding heat of his throat.\n\nOh fuck, you say. <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>You're gonna cum, you tell him, since you figure he deserves that much warning. He makes absolutely no movement to pull off. <<endif>>You can feel it coming: shocky sparks racing along your shaft, following the slick heat and pressure of his bruised lips. You tip your head back, both hands on the back of his head, pulling him down against your crotch with a wet //crack//, fucking the final inch of your cock back and forth into his open throat.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>You cum with a loud groan, your giant, altered balls churning and lurching, jerking against his hand as they start to pump. Like always, you can feel it: pressure and heat lurching up from your balls, heavy and tarry<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>, with thinner fluid squirting out from your aching, oversized prostate. It feels like a wet //crack// inside you as they mingle, smearing together into<<else>> forming<<endif>> a dense, gritty mess that surges up through your cock, emerging in the back of his throat as a slug-like half-congealed mess of goopy sludge, instantly clogging his throat and making him gag and sputter, coughing up a wet explosion of your rank cum all down your spurting shaft.\n\nYou flood his throat with your load, chunky ĝheist cum drooling from his nose and mouth as he gags, entire body convulsing as he sputters. His lips peel off from your shaft, just letting your cock rest against his tongue, cockslit pulsing as you fill his mouth with your load in spurt after spurt of thick, gritty slop. He lets out a gurgling groan, eyes rolling back in his head, and cums in his pants, totally untouched, just from choking on your load. He whines, cum burbling over his lips, forming cords dripping from his nose, as he wetly mouths against your cock, rubbing his bruised lips over your spurting cockhead, just making the wet gush of your cumshot spray all across his face, totally painting him in cum. He still can't manage to swallow any of it, throat convulsing, slobbering drool and time he tries, but he drags his tongue across your cock, building up a scummy mass of your rancid cum, squelching in his flooded mouth as he tries and fails to swallow.\n\nYou end up painting his entire face in cum, features glazed under a chunky mess of your sluggishly-dripping cum, grimy yellow-green flowing in thick, syrupy layers down his neck, forming stiff lines of dripping gunk across his jaw. He still cleans off your cock, swallowing it to the root and pulling off with his lips pursed, wetly whining against your crotch as he maybe cums in his pants again, or just keeps cumming, and when he pulls off he licks your cock clean, showing off his mouth, flooded with your reeking, rancid load.\n\nHe tries to swallow again, fails, and just spits to the side, only managing to shove a heavy, slobbery slug of cum down his cheek, spilling down his neck with a wet //splat//. "That's fucking disgusting," he says, voice gravelly and rough, and he coughs afterwards, spitting out another mass of cum lodged in his throat. "You're a fucking freak."\n\nHe says that, but he's still licking his lips, grimacing each time at the fresh burst of sour taste. He absently grinds a cum-slathered hand against his trapped dick, letting out a shaky groan as he presses down harder. "Fuck," he says, or groans, and slumps forward, wetly mouthing against the side of your half-hard dick, smearing fresh cum all over his lips.\n\n"I think you owe //me//," he says, dragging a hand across his face, catching thick runnels of cum that pour down his palm. He looks up at you, with dewy beads of cum trapped in his eyelashes. "Dealing with your fucked-up cum is going above and beyond."\n\nYou tell him, sure, fine, whatever. Mostly you wanna focus on the image of him on his knees in front of you, cum still burbling over his lips every time he talks, face and neck streaked in cum, slowly sluicing down his chest in a grimy wave.\n\nHe sits back on his ass with a //thump//. "Yeah," he says, dimly, swiping a glob of cum off his chin and pressing it against his tongue, entire body jerking from the taste. "That was pretty decent."\n<<else>>You cum with a groan, balls pulling up against his hand, and shoot straight down his throat in heavy gushes. He lets out a muffled groan, hungrily swallowing, throat milking your spurting dick as he effortlessly swallows every shot. He moans, lips spread against your crotch, tongue lapping along the underside of your dick, and he grinds his free hand down on his crotch, rutting up against it as he drinks down your load.\n\nEven after you stop shooting, he keeps your half-hard cock shoved down his throat, milking it for the dregs of your load as he humps his hand, huffing and puffing through his nose until he cums too, entire body shuddering as he blows his load in his pants.\n\n"Fuck," he says, pulling off your cock and letting it smack against his cheek, heavy and slick, shiny with spit and cum. "Yeah," he says, tongue swiping out to slide over the tip of your dick, catching a short cord of cum clinging to the tip of your drooping foreskin. His words are half-articulated, mostly groans as he snuffles against your dick, sucking globs of cum into his mouth. "Yeah," he repeats. "That was pretty good."\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou say, glad he liked it.\n\n<<sex "recon" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "recon cocksuck bottom actual">>
You tell him that actually you wanna play with his ass.\n\nHis eyebrows go up. "Oh yeah?" he says, not betraying any emotion. Yeah, you say.\n\nYou give him a little: you say, you guess he could fuck you if you wanted, but you've seen his ass in his pants and you really wanna mess around with it.\n\nHe lets out a sharp bark of a laugh. "Well, you convinced me."\\n\\n<<if $reconLocation eq "seige">>\\n He jerks his head to the side. "Where do you wanna do it?"\n\nStorehouse, you say. You got some mats you can unroll.\n\n"Classy," he says, but he follows you to the outskirts and into a darkened room no trouble. Good thing you really did just wanna fuck around with his ass.\n\nYou kick open an old bedroll and sprawl him out backwards across it, and he just arches up, wiggling back to fit, his huge fat muscle ass on display through his pants.\n<<else>>\\n\nYou sprawl him out on his bedroll easy; a hand in the center of his chest and he just rolls backwards, huge fat muscle ass on display through his pants.\n<<endif>>\n\nYou slide your palms up under his shirt, shoving it up past his pecs. He's big and broad, stomach a solid keg of muscle, wide pecs with big fat nipples. You've seen the shadow of his tattoos under his shirt, obviously, but they're a lot more stark on his bare skin: thick black lines in sharp zigzags, wrapped together in geometrical knotwork, one pec entirely covered in a spiky-edged ribbon, the pattern looping across his side to fan out symmetrically across his lower back. It absolutely slides under the waist of his pants to cover his ass.\n\nYou unzip his pants, taking the time to grind your palm against the soft, heavy bulk of his half-hard dick, and shove them down to his knees before flipping him over. His ass is real nice: rich brown skin, skin taut across the huge swells of his ass, broad and heavy with muscle and with enough fat to jiggle and droop when you dig your hands into his cheeks. He's got stretch marks on the backs of his hips. The crack of his ass is lightly furred, little more than stubble, and his hair is all stiff and straight, trailing up his lower back and fanning out lower to meet his hairy thighs. His tattoos cover the outer halves of his ass, big spiky angles swooping up over his cheeks, like serrated teeth, with a complex geometrical design tiled behind the spikes, continuing in coils down his thighs.\n\nHe groans and arches his ass up, smacking your fist into its dense, pillowy weight, and you pry his asscheeks open to get a look at his hole directly: darker brown than the rest of his skin, with a faint purplish tone, wrinkled up into a tight pucker.\n\nYou lick your fingers before sliding them across his bare pucker, and he inhales sharply. You slide your thumb back and forth, callus adding a little friction. Relax, you tell him. He'd be surprised how open he can get.\n\n"M'not a virgin," he huffs, and you let out a dry laugh. You didn't make any assumptions. You dig your thumb deeper<<if hasMutation ("claws") || hasMutation ("hands fur")>>, claw pushing into his ass easy,<<endif>> and sink the first joint of your finger inside him. He's hot and tight, muscles clenching hard, not used to intrusion. You pull back, his tight hole only spreading fractionally more when you spread his cheeks. You let spit collect in your mouth for a second, just rubbing your fingers over his hole, before you spit down, splattering between his cheeks with a //crack//, and then you work your thumb back inside, dragging your callused thumbtip against his tight, spasming ring. He groans at that, hitching his ass up, and you spit again, catching your knuckles and smearing it across his big bubbly asscheek, before you pull back and slide two fingers in. <<if hasMutation ("hands fur")>>The coarse fur across your knuckles drags against his skin, scraping over his rim, and he clenches and pushes, hole sucking on your fingers as you twist them inside<<else>>You sink in two joints, half your finger stuck inside him, and then twist<<endif>>. You fingerfuck him shallowly, spit already starting to dry, smearing thick across his flesh.\n\nYou lean down and kiss his ass, tongue sliding up between his crack before you press it broad and flat against his spread pucker, drooling over his skin, tongue slowly feeding spit inside. Raven shudders, shoulders low, head resting on his hands, as you eat out his ass: tongue sliding across his dusky skin before pressing down, slurping inside much easier than your fingers. His asshole shudders, pulsing around your tongue, and you lap across his ring, tugging it sideways, lips sliding minutely across his spit-slathered skin as you spit and suck across his hole, working him open. His prostate is so huge you can feel it against your tongue when you push in slightly deeper: mouth open, lips pressed between his cheeks in an obscene kiss, tongue shoved into his ass, squirming and drooling.\n\nHis asshole flowers wide, tight muscle loosening as you tonguefuck him open. His tight little hole spreads out, relaxing in shuddering jerks until he's properly open: asshole mounding out when he pushes, sucking back closed as a big rumpled hole, skin soft and open, spreading again with the slightest pressure.\n\nYou pull back, nipping at his ass cheek as you go, and slide three fingers into his sloppy, spit-shined ass no problem. He just groans, rutting back against your hand, hole wetly sucking as he clenches and pushes. You twist your fingers frictionlessly around inside him, <<if hasMutation ("claws") || hasMutation ("hands fur")>>claws<<else>>tips<<endif>> pressing against the inner flesh of his ass. You slide your fingers across the dense lobes of his prostate, feeling out its not-quite-spherical shape. Raven's been breathing hard, hoarse and wet, but when you dig into his prostate all the air in his lungs rushes out in a shocked //whuff//, leaving him soundlessly gasping. You play your fingers across the fat, hard nut of his prostate, pinning it between two fingers while you slide your thumb into his slack hole, digging down hard. He lets out a shaking moan, hips jerking up to increase the pressure, to get a rhythm going, and you let him fuck himself on your fingers for a while, gasping and shaking from your <<if hasMutation ("claws") || hasMutation ("hands fur")>>claws<<else>>fingertips<<endif>> tapping against his prostate.\n\nHe cums all over himself, which is a surprise. You don't notice it's happening until it happens: his half-hard cock sluggishly leaks a cloudy white slurry, cum and pre oozing down onto the roll beneath him, and as he ruts back onto your hand, hole stretching to take more, the thick fluid builds up in a stiff white cord, dangling off the tip of his foreskin. He moans, balls jerking up, cock flexing, asshole clamping down, and he's suddenly cumming hard, shooting out messy blasts of cum that paint the bedroll beneath him, soaking in in dark lines.\n\nHe moans, sagging back, and you take the opportunity to slide a third finger in beside your thumb, letting his spread, relaxed hole splay open even wider. He huffs, breathing in short gasps, and he moans again when you don't stop, continuing to grind down on his swollen prostate as he just takes it. His balls are still drawn up tight, a big mound of flesh a few shades darker than the rest of his body, and dribbles of churned-up spit drizzle down from his fucked-open ass, painting his furrowed balls.\n\nYou spit is drying out already, glazing his hole in matte layers, friction hot when you twist inside him. You use your other hand to tug on the laces of your pants, letting your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>bulging sheath<<else>>bulging dick<<endif>> breathe more, mounding up and out, and you tug it out into the open<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, letting just the tip of your dog dick push out from your sheath, cocktip already slick and drooling<<endif>>. You milk yourself with your off-hand, coaxing out <<if firstMutationOf (["balls", "prostate", "knot"])>>a rank, grimy splatter of yellowed pre<<else>>a gush of pre that you catch on your fingers<<endif>><<if hasMutation ("prostate")>> from your own oversize prostate<<endif>>, slathering his spread crack, letting more dribble across your fingers, sluggishly catching on his rim as you fingerfuck him.\n\nHis ass flexes as he fucks himself back onto your fingers, huge blocky muscles forming chunky divots, warping the texture of his tattoos. He groans every time his hole stretches wider, slurping open to dig into the crest of your hands, your knuckles dimpling the swollen, puffy ridge his asshole has become. You curl your fingers up, bashing against his prostate with your knuckles: more surface area, stronger impact, and Raven lets out a sobbing moan as he cums again, cords of cum making an audible //smack// as they hit the saturated bedroll.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You can't stop your dick from unsheathing,<<else>>Your dick juts up hard and heavy<<endif>> taking in the sight of him: on his knees rutting back into you, big muscles across his shoulders and back flexing and twisting, thighs trembling. You spurt pre in a <<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>rank <<endif>>drizzle all up his back, angling your hips afterwards to rut your dick against your wrist, catching the slimy mess of pre and sending it pouring down into his sloppy, gaping hole. Your pre foams up, lathering across his cheeks in a frothy mess, forming drizzling cords that obscure the stark lines of his tattoos.\n\nHis hole is a wreck: was once a tight smooth pucker is now splayed open wide, slick and glistening with spit and pre, brown-purple asshole pouting open like a hungry mouth, showing off the raw purplish flesh of his guts, churning and rippling as he clenches and pushes. You rut forward, cock slapping between his cheeks, sliding through the mess you've made. Heat rises in your belly, your balls pull up, and you find yourself fucking the sloppy trench of his glazed asscrack, fingers holding his hole open wide as you slop your cock across the gaping pit of his sloppy asshole. You let out a low groan, cocktip slopping between his goopy cheeks, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sharply-pointed dog dick catching and stabbing at his rim<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>your fat, warted cockhead grinding against his gaping pucker<<else>>your fat cockhead grinding against the thick ridge of his worked-open asshole<<endif>>, not-quite pushing inside. Your fingers slip across your shaft<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>, strokes tugging on your fat, glossy warts,<<endif>> and with your other hand you hook his asshole open wide, fingers shoved in past the rim, dragging your hand out across the dense, doughy flesh of his cheek.\n\nYour cock shudders in your hand, first shot splattering up across his lower back, and you grind your dick down, cockhead slurping over his bulging ring so the next shots pump straight into him. Sprawled out beneath you, Raven just groans, humping his hips back minutely, ass swallowing up your cockhead as you flood his ass with your load. You dig your hands into his cheeks, squeezing them around your shaft, and you shallowly fuck him, cocktip dipping deeper inside, shaft sliding between his sloppy cheeks. He lets out a hitching moan when your cockhead jabs against his prostate, bruised asslips clamping down <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>around your sloping cockhead<<else>>just under your cockhead<<endif>> and squirting out a messy froth of cum as he rolls his hips, riding your cockhead against his sensitive prostate. He huffs, rocking harder, clearly about to cum again just from the pressure, and you slide a hand down, grinding against the root of his dick behind his balls as he bellows and cums again, half-hard cock flexing hard as he squirts out a milky dribble of cum, asshole rhythmically sucking on your cockhead.\n\nYou pull out with a sloppy //pop//, cockhead pulling free along with a flooding burble of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>murky grey-black dog cum<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>gritty ĝheist cum<<else>>cum<<endif>> that spills down his taint and coats his balls. You rut your dick between his cheeks, still spurting all over his ass, and scoop up your cum with one hand, feeding it back into his flooded ass.\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("recon assplay") === -1>>\n<<set $reconStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("recon assplay")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<sex "recon" "assplay" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "recon assplay">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
You say, hey does he wanna play with your big gross dick some more?\n\nHe looks up at you: "Oh yeah? What d'you have in mind?"\n\nYou say, well, he seemed pretty into playing with your cock. He said it was gross but he sure loved jerking you off when it was all covered in your sludgy cum. So, y'know, he could do that again. You grope your dick. You say, you'd have no problem covering it in cum again. Or him in cum.\n\nHe leers at you, leaning back, legs spread, arms resting at his side. Like he's providing his chest as a big target. "Well, get it out, then," he says.\n\nYou get your cock out.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYou're half-hard, shaft swollen and huge when it lolls out of your pants, and Raven shifts, hefting his cock through his pants. You give it a few tugs, letting it shudder and thicken in your hand, and Raven leans in, smoothly stripping off his shirt and leaving himself bare-chested as he reaches out for it. He's anticipating things getting messy, and he's right to.\n\nHis hand is warm and smooth as he curls it around your cock, stroking it gently. Your warts scrape and catch against his palm, letting your thick foreskin roll over your cockhead. Your cock goes from drooping down in a heavy arch to sticking straight out at him, and your cockhead flushes dark. He strokes your cock, your foreskin peeling all the way down and letting the full gnarled, warted bulk of your cockhead out into the open, the raw flesh glistening with fluid. He groans and sinks down in front of you, fingers feeling across the warted base and smoother tip, thumb sliding over your broad cockslit just in time to catch the first pulse of pre. He smears it back across your shaft, making it glimmer, and returns to the tip, catching the sluggish drool of pre. He strokes back and forth until your cock is uniformly slick, his palm squelching against your lumpy warts, making wet slurping, crackling noises with each stroke.\n\nHe leans in, staring down at your cock as he strokes you off. His breath gusts across the wet flesh of your cock, and you groan, spurting a mess of pre all down his wrist, smearing across his belly as he keeps pumping. He tugs at his belt with his free hand, pace erratic as he tries to shove his pants down at the same time as jerking you off, and you lean in and press your fingers under the waist of his pants, pushing them down to mid-thigh and letting his fat, stubby cock spring out from his underwear. He groans, pressing your dicks together -- his own instantly glazed and slimy with the mess of foamed-up pre -- and rutting against you, sliding his own smooth cock against your gnarled bulk, grinding down hard to pin both your cocks between your bodies, digging into his muscled gut. You curl your hands around his hips and rock against him, splattering a spume of pre up across his chest, and he lets out a guttural groan, smearing it between you in a slimy mess as he humps against your stomach.\n\nHe peels away, leaving your bodies webbed together with threads of shimmering pre, and curls both hands around your fully-erect cock. He stares down at it, stroking slowly, fingers twitching as they dig into the rumpled warts coating your shaft.\n\n"It's a fucking monster," he mumbles, mostly just talking to himself. You tell him yeah, it is; you like it a lot. His thumb drags against the underside of your cockhead, digging in, and you groan and erupt with a spurt of grimy, yellow-tinged pre that splatters all the way up to hit the underside of his jaw; he lifts a hand off your dick to touch his freshly-glazed skin, smearing the clotted clumps of pre into a slimy glaze. "Fuck," he says.\n\nYou pull him forward into a kiss, biting his lips and scraping your mouth down to his jaw, lapping up the sour clots of pre and shoving them into his mouth. He grimaces, pulling back, spitting. "Your cum tastes like shit."\n\nYou tell him it's an acquired taste, and drag your tongue over his throat, lapping up the dollops of pre. He moans, cock twitching against your own. You pin him tight, rutting against him hard, just using his entire body as a slick surface to drag your cock over. You coat him in spurt after spurt of slimy pre, until his chest and stomach are a mess of slime. You ask, does he want you to cum all over him?\n\nHe swipes through the mess coating his stomach. "You're not already cumming?!"\n\nYou tell him this is just pre. He sags back, laughing. "What a fucking mess. Yeah, c'mon, drench me!"\n\nYou hunker over him, breathing hard, humping against him. His hands catch along your shaft, the space between you a slippery, squelching mess. His own cock grinds against your hip, and his own breathing picks up, hunching together erratically, fucking your cocks through the slimy mess. He cums first, throwing his head back, hands squeezing tighter around your shaft, and his load is a stringy mess, splattered all over the bulk of your cock. You snarl, panting into his open mouth as your balls draw up, beating a hard //smack-smack-smack// against his thigh as you get closer, until you finally press through his hands once, twice, a third time, and your cock erupts with an enormous spurt of <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>chunky greyish cum<<else>>thick yellowed cum<<endif>>, smearing in gritty cords all over his sweaty, heaving chest. You press your foreheads together, groaning into his mouth as you cum all over him. He milks your cock, squeezing through the mess, pulling out spurt after spurt of <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>tarry, grimy cum from your altered balls, basting his entire body in gritty scum, scouring over his skin in congealing layers<<else>>sloppy ĝheist cum all over his body, piling up in congealing layers<<endif>>. You rut slowly, ooze burbling up between you when you press down, finger-thick cords of ooze stretching out between you only to snap and splatter down over his thickly-painted belly when you rise up, over and over as you drench him in your load. He drags a hand through the sloppy mess coating his chest, seemingly only half-aware he's doing it, and smears your load all over his skin: fingers washing it across his sides, up over his chest and shoulders, thumb jerking to paint a goopy streak across one bicep. He's whining, hips grinding forward to hump his cock against your own, crotch a frothy, bubbling mess of stringy planes of sludge, cocooning his cock in your gritty, chunky load.\n\nYou piss out cum all over his front, slumping forward to glue your bodies together, squelching wetly as you shift against each other, cum burbling out between you in greasy folds. You lick a messy stripe up his neck, gulping down your own load, and he grimaces when you shove your tongue into his mouth, sputtering at the taste. He sure he doesn't wanna give it a try, you say, mumbling against his throat as you suck up scummy clots of cum.\n\nHis upper lip pulls back, almost a sneer. "It's super disgusting." You shrug. It's an acquired taste, you tell him. You're still pissing out cum all over his stomach, excess oozing down the sides of his muscle gut in sheets. When you pull away you stay tied together with the frothy mess, and he groans, smearing a hand through the corded space, using it to lube his cock. He's still hard. Maybe he's cumming again; you really can't tell.\n\nEventually, you finish.\\n<<else>>\\nHe still recoils when your sheath flops out in the open, bug-eyed like he forgot just what your dick looks like.\n\n"It's a fucking monster," he mumbles, just staring as you unsheath in front of him, inch after inch of glossy purple-black dog dick sliding out into the open. Your knot aches, still shoved inside you, and just because you know it'll make him jump you bear down hard with your internal muscles, forcing your knot -- and tentacles -- out into the open with an unpleasant wrench of muscle, leaving the entire, gargantuan length of your dick hanging out there, drizzling cloudy black pre over his belly. It does make him jump.\n\nIt's nice to see the way he stares, open-mouthed, at your writhing tentacles. He leans back, like they're snakes and they might bite him, and flinches a little when you drip a thicker gush of oily black pre all across one thigh.\n\nYou let your tentacles do the work for a bit: fanning out over your thighs, milking the soft, heavy bulk of your knot. It's chilly, hanging there untouched, sheath fluid slowly drying almost itchy across your length, tip steadily oozing pre. Raven makes a few abortive gestures, like he wants to reach out but isn't quite there yet, so you decide to give him a break. You reach down and give it a few pumps, smearing your cloudy pre back along your length until it gleams uniformly. Your cock kicks in your hand, sending pre splattering across Raven's side, and almost unconsciously he reaches out to touch the droplets, fingers smearing them out over his skin as he watches you jerk off.\n\nYou inch forward, cock bobbing over his reclining form. The slashing lines of your pre splatter across his thighs, splashing across his own hard cock, glazing his belly. You aim higher, practically jerking off on top of him, and splatter your next shot up between his pecs, smacking against the underside of his jaw.\n\nHe reaches out, hand creeping towards the underside of your cock, and you both groan when he finally makes contact: fingers fanning out around the bulk of your dick, digging into your heavy, turgid flesh as he sluggishly strokes a few inches of the middle portion of your dick. He's breathing hard, belly heaving, sweat shining his skin where you haven't yet painted him in grimy black. You hunch down, pinning his stroking hand between his belly and your dick, rutting your cock against his stomach and chest as you keep gushing shots of pre all over his body. His skin is slick and slimy, your cock carving a messy trench of slick, glazed ooze through the heavy globs of pre as you rut up and down his gut, digging down into the hard muscle of his stomach.\n\nHe groans, open-mouthed and panting, grimacing with each fleck of pre that splatters into his mouth, but he lets it mix with his spit, pooling in the back of his mouth until he swallows with a ragged gulp. You make a point to aim a little higher, pegging his face with a cord of reeking, rancid pre that drizzles all across his open mouth; he sputters and gags, chest heaving, and swallows again, coughing and tearing up as he tries to keep the acrid, ichorous mess down.\n\nC'mon, you tell him. If he really wants to see you blow, you say, and show him: you slide your hands down to the base and wrap them around your aching knot, squeezing for a moment to show off how to faux-knot. Raven skims his fingers down, cutting through the lathered froth, tracing out squiggling lines down the smooth, slick length of your shaft. You lap at his fingers with your tentacles and he flinches back, his gaze flitting up to your half-smile before he reaches out again, more firmly, and lets your tentacles play across his hands, wetly licking over his knuckles and up his wrists.\n\nHe's got big hands. You groan and hunch forward, cocktip skidding up his chest, pressed between his fat pecs, and let him get a better heft on your knot: fingers coiling around the many-lobed structure, feeling out the divots between dense masses of flesh. You twitch your tentacles away, making sure he doesn't pinch any of them in his grip. Squeeze, you tell him, and he does. Not hard, just like he's holding a dick and wants a better grip. Harder, you tell him, and he slowly increases his grip, both hands digging down hard against your knot. There's a hot zing of sensation, heat boiling up your spine, and you let out a hissing moan that he mistakes for pain, fingers loosing their grip.\n\nYou rut across his chest a few times, spraying his jaw, pre pooling in the hollow of his throat and overflowing on both sides, painting him in dark lines. You tell him, no, that was good. Do it again.\n\nYour knot aches, not quite swollen enough to want to knot properly yet, but still an enormous weighty block anchoring down your dick, pulsing sluggishly, and Raven's fingers creeping across its bulk, digging in hard, make you groan and hunch forward, some animal part of your brain making you snarl and pant, hunching over him like a beast, sloppily fucking your cock up across his chest. You glaze his front in cloudy black slime, cutting across the dark lines of his tattoos and eventually hiding them entirely under the murky flow. Your knot smacks against Raven's palms, again and again, and he starts reaching back for it, fingers curling around its bulk to try to keep it trapped in place. Your thrusts drag, grinding down harder against his chest, Raven's palms pinning the root of your cock in place.\n\nYou forget about putting on a show: heat sparking in your spine, Raven's hands tugging on the base of your dick; and you hunch over him like an animal, mindlessly fucking your cock against his body, no longer thinking of aiming, of how to totally paint him in your load. You want to cum. You snarl, panting and drooling down across his chest, cock skidding back and forth erratically. His fingers catch on your knot, almost closing before you wrench back with an obscene wet //slurp//, and it's the next thrust where he's prepared: his hands wrap around your knot tight, socketing it into place, and when you try to jerk back you yank on your knot, the backwards pressure sending some primal signal through your body. You yowl, cock lurching hard as you finally start to cum: the murky black slime of your pre thickening into opaque black sludge, cut through with brilliant jelly-line cords of emerald goo, splattering point-blank against Raven's chin and spraying in every direction in oily drops. Your hips keep jerking, grinding your dick against his body, knot straining as it grows and grows, spreading apart his fingers until he's got it barely-contained between his hands. You cum all over him, just mindlessly rutting, first coating him in chunky black sludge and then pissing out acrid, watery dog cum all over his drenched form. He ruts up against you, cock smacking against the base of your shaft, against his hands and your knot, and your thrashing tentacles find it as something to curl around, erratically jerking him off as you rut against each other, the both of you gasping and heaving, shuddering, hips arching to grind your bodies against each other, the both of you drenched and dripping in your endless load of mutant dog cum.\n\nYou paint him head to toe in your load, wave after wave until all his features are obscured under the sluicing layers of dark, watery cum. Your knot grows turgid, softening in his grip, and he pulls his hands away, fingers creaking after so long stuck in that tight grip. Your cock flops down over him, still erratically pissing out watery gushes of cum, spilling down his sides.\\n<<endif>>\\n\\n He's sprawled out on the ground, totally naked, practically tied down with huge wrist-thick cords of sludge hooked to the sand around him. Thinner slime sheets down the more viscous sludge, soaking into the sand around him, turning it into a sodden, gritty heap. You think about helping him scour down.\n\nRaven's still jerking off, using your cum as lube. He's humping the air, ass drenched in cum turned <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>gritty<<else>>even grittier<<endif>> with a thick coating of sand. Wet, disgusting squelches come from his hand around his dick, with ooze burbling out between his fingers.\n\nYou say, he want you to help cleaning up?\n\nHe smears your load more thickly across his chest with his free hand, painting himself entirely in heavy, peaked whorls of sludge. "I got it," he groans, and cums into his fist again with a breezy exhale, slopping his fingers down over his balls to soak them in a fresh layer of churned-up sludge.\n\nYou wonder how long he's gonna lie there jerking off in a puddle of your cum.\n<<sex "recon" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "recon gross dick">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
[he's got a stubby dick but it's super fat and so he just kinda ruts the tip against yr asshole, back and forth until yr hole is bruised and sloppy, and then he cums all up across yr back. if you got a big gross dick he also jerks you off while you fuck and plays w/ yr knot or w/e while he fucks you.]\n\n<<sex "recon" "anal" "top">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
You tell him, you wanna fuck his ass up.\n\nHe smirks. "How you thinking?"\n\nYou say, you were planning on starting just by playing with his ass and seeing where things go from there. Maybe fuck him, maybe fist him, maybe try both at once.\n\nHe groans, hand cupping his cock, grinding his palm down. He smoothly pulls back, fingers unbuttoning his pants as part of a smooth motion that has him unzipping his pants and shoving them down to his knees. "Get at it, then," he says, and you get in close to roll him over onto his knees, fingers already sliding up over his smooth, muscular asscheeks.\n\nHis asshole is tight at first, but he opens up real quick. He gasps and shudders, hole milking your fingers, pushing out, and you splay your fingers inside him, hooking over his rim to spread him wider, and when you eventually pull back his hole is a slick wet opening, a deep hole that stays spread around nothing.\n\n"Fuck, fuck," Raven says, grinding his ass back against your palm as you run your fingers along the furrows of his hole. "C'mon, gimmie more!"\n\n<<display "recon anal fuck">>\n/% \n* [[fuck him|recon anal fuck]]\n* [[fist him|recon anal fist]] %/
You whip your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> out. It droops out over your balls, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>taut, with the tip just starting to peek out from your fuzzy sheath<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>heavy and gnarled<<else>>fat and drooping as it hardens<<endif>>. Raven groans, leaning in, and gives it a pump, fingers cupping its side, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>stroking your cock through the sheath<<else>>tugging at your loose foreskin<<endif>>.\n\nHe gives a glance around, looking for observers, before he drops down to his knees, looking at it straight on. "That's a fucking gross monster dick," he says, pumping it slowly, so close his breath puffs over your skin. You <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>unsheath all across his face<<else>>stiffen in his hand<<endif>>, and he groans, angles it up so he can suck <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>at the lip of your sheath, where your scum-coated dick spills out into the open<<else>>along the base, slurp on your balls<<endif>>. You start to drizzle pre, spilling down your shaft all over his hand, overflowing to splatter in greasy droplets across the side of his head.\n\nYou say you thought he wanted it in his ass, and he groans, pulling back to really take it in.\n\n"It's a fucking beast," he says, pumping it again, milking a slimy mess of yellowed pre from the tip. He leans back and slides his fingers along his ass, shoving them inside. Working himself open with your pre as lube. Then he rolls back, legs in the air, showing off his asshole: pulsing, rubbery lips parted slightly, shiny with your pre. "Go easy," he says, and smirks. "Not too easy though."\n\nYou get down on your knees, pushing your cock into place, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>pointed<<else>>gnarled<<endif>> head digging into his pulsing pucker. You push forward, asshole tight, just enough to get him to groan, and then you dip back, watching webs of pre stretch out between you. You spurt, a cord of slime hitting the bullseye, slowly starting to drool down, and before it can spill out of his asshole you slide in again, shoving your cockhead into his ass, spurting inside him, pulling back again. You keep going, just shallowly playing with his ass, until his hole is spread open wide, the purplish flesh of his guts on display, all shiny and slimy with your pre. Only then do you properly shove inside.\n\n[[→|recon anal fuck]]
He groans, bellowing, an arm slung over his face as you sink the full length of your cock into his spread, yielding asshole. You <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>watch as his asshole gulps and gulps, swallowing up each knobby wart along your bloated shaft until you're sunk all the way to the root.<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>watch as your shaft smoothly spreads his asshole wider and wider until it's swallowed down the thickest part. After that you just let his ass gape, the rest of your cock sliding in all the way down to your sheath, knot still-hidden within.<<endif>> Raven lets out a shuddering sigh, muscles across his stomach clenching and relaxing, hole squeezing the root of your cock. His cock, half-hard, drapes across his thigh, his big balls drawn up tight beneath. You wrap your hands around his thighs, pressing them back against his chest, and lean in, bearing down to grind <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>your cock an iota deeper<<else>>your sheath against his hole, wrinkling it back to let your knot slowly surface<<endif>>, and Raven groans, chest heaving, skin already sheened with sweat.\n\nThen you start fucking him. You pull out, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>knobbled <<endif>>cock slurping from his ass shiny with pre, and thrust back in, fucking him in long strokes. He shudders every time you bottom out, mouth open in a groan, stomach rippling. His guts stroke you off, pulsing and shuddering, clenching around you, and you shorten your strokes, only pulling out halfway before slamming back in. Your balls smack his ass with a sharp //crack// and a sting of pain that makes your cock shutter and spurt inside him. His ass slurps, pre oozing out around your shaft, and his hole splays open to show off his flushed purplish insides as you lean in, dragging out his hole with the spar of your cock. His dark foreskin glistens, beads of pre gathering as his cocktip as you hammer inside him, slowly growing into a glimmering pearl that drips down across his stomach.\n\nHis head lolls back, his pants come out as sharp, keening whines, and his ass ripples around your cock. He cums just from getting fucked. His cock twitches, base flexing, and then, sluggishly over the next few minutes, the pre drooling from his cock thickens into a milky slurry of thinned cum, oozing all out across his stomach. You swipe through it and push your fingers into his mouth, letting him suck down his own load. Then he does it again, ass spasming, belly clenching, cock pissing out a slurry of cum. You slide back until your shaft is half out of him, letting your cockhead drag across the walls of his ass until it digs into the hard swell of his prostate. You fuck him slowly, just scraping your cockhead against his prostate, back and forth, and he whines and thrashes, mouth hanging open. His ass ripples around your cock; not him cumming again, just an anal orgasm. His ass is remarkably sensitive.\n\nYou keep fucking him, turning his ass into a sloppy, gaping mess: pre squirting out around your cock, asshole pouting out in a lumpy furl, clinging to your cockhead and then finally unfurling into a gape as you pull out all the way. When you slide back in another explosion of pre erupts out around your shaft.\n\nYou lose track of how many times he's cum. His stomach is a shiny mess of fluids, drying at the edges into flaking shreds. His face is slack, eyes fluttering, rolling back into his head, mouth hanging open. He claws furrows in the sand beside him, grabbing handfuls of sand in his clenching fists. His soft cock squirts a mess of pre and cum all up his chest, drizzling down his side, and you rut back and forth over his prostate, making him groan in overstimulated agony before you get back to fucking him.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYour knot surfaces from your sheath with a gush of slime. Your tentacles lash inside your sheath, making the leathery flesh ripple and squirm, and you push them down over the half-engorged bulk of your knot, still trapped in your sheath. You grind down into his ass, sheath slipping back, tentacles lapping against his thighs, and pin your sheath back behind your knot as it slurps out into the open, already slick and shining from the slurry of pre drooling down your shaft. You groan, smacking your knot against his ass with each thrust, kissing his gaping hole and pulling back webbed with slime.\n\n<<endif>>\\nYou get close, so you let his legs up, letting him sprawl bonelessly in the sand, spread-eagled, and you grip his fat, pillowy ass with both hands, stretching him out until his hole gapes around your shaft. \\n\\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\n<<display "recon anal fuck knot">>\n<<else>>\\nHe's so slack his hole pouts open, no part of it clinging to your shaft, letting you fuck up into his guts without ever touching his hole. You groan, his guts drooling slobbery kisses across the crown of your cockhead, and you rut up into him in a frenzy: just pushing up into the hot, sloppy passages of his guts, letting him squirt out gushes of pre.\n\nYou fuck him harder, thrusts coming harder and shorter until you slam into him with a final growl and erupt. Your cock throbs, flexing across his already-stretched inner walls, spewing a whole mess of thick, gritty ĝheist cum into his abused ass. You hold in place for the first gushes, splattering deep inside him, and then you start thrusting again, fucking through his sloppy, overflowing ass as you dump the rest of your load inside him, until it starts to drool out from his gaping asshole in huge gritty clumps, smearing down your shaft and dripping into the sand under you. You're breathing hard, skin hot and sweaty as you ride through the rest of your orgasm, slamming into him and grinding the base of your dick against his splayed hole, feeling just clots of cum pile up around your shaft until they burst out through his spasming hole in heavy, wet squirts. His guts ripple, gurgling as you flood him, until you're fucking up into the flooded channel of his broken ass, cock just smearing gritty globs of cum all across his inner flesh.\n\nYou keep spurting hard inside him, until his gaping ass is a continually-pouring river, ass oozing clumpy grey cum in globs that smear all down your shaft. You pull out, shooting your final spurts across his asshole, up over his belly. He came again while you were cumming inside him.\n\nHe just groans, letting his trembling legs fall to the ground, all your cum slowly drooling out of him and into the thirsty sand. He's dusted with sand all over, sweat and cum-glazed skin picking it up in a thick coating.\n<<endif>>\n\nIt takes more than a while to get yourselves cleaned up even a little. <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Raven props himself up against a wall, heels digging into the sand, while he tries to drain any part of your load of out him. His belly is enormous and heavy, glazed in sweat and cum, dusted with sand. Your load is thick enough it sticks inside him, keeping his guts swollen and bloated, only pouring out of him in slobbery bursts when his guts convulse, spilling your grimy, grey load in tarry streamers down the backs of his thighs.\n\nYou say, you would apologize for that, but it seems like he really enjoyed it, so you're not that sorry. Raven makes an obscene hand gesture at you.\n\nYou're still leaking cum into your pants, still-unsheathed cock an enormous spar down one leg.<<endif>>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("recon bottom") === -1>>\n<<set $reconStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("recon bottom")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<sex "recon" "anal" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "recon anal fuck">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
He's so slack his hole pouts open, gaping wider than your shaft. Not as wide as your knot. You drive in, the rim of his hole catching around the bulk of your half-engorged knot, and you groan and struggle, bearing down, trying to wedge your knot inside his slack ass. Even sloppy and gaping, well, no part of your knot was made to fit in a human. You bear down, feeling your knot bulge and swell as it throbs against his hole. Slime squirts out between you, thin lube, and you sloppily rut into him, his asshole half-wrapped around your knot, his flesh warping, drawn out into an obscene crater.\n\nYou snarl, bearing down, aware of him keening and whining, and your knot slides a fraction forward, and again, and again, before it slams into him at full force. His bloated asslips gape wide, drooping open around the root of your shaft, shuddering as your tentacles ply over them, and inside him your knot beats stronger, swelling fatter and fatter. It's dizzying, literally, blood rushing to your cock, and you slump forward over him, panting, letting yourself swell up until you're locked together, knot so fat that even with his ass a sloppy, gaping crater your knot is wedged so tight against the unfurled meat of his prolapsed ass that the steady pour of pre slows into a trickle and then stops, all dammed behind your enormous knot.\n\nYou can feel him cumming. Dry now. His prostate is mashed against your knot, spasming constantly, and his soft cock flexes, twitches, wet droplets spilling over his stomach. But it doesn't let up, the pressure and slide of your knot inside him keeping him cumming, and he looks up at you, dazed, mouth hanging open, eyes rolling back into his head as his cock convulses.\n\nThen you cum. His guts ripple around your shaft, wrecked ass wrapped tight around your knot, and the slightest motion sends lightning up your spine, making you shudder and groan. Your cock surges, pulsing strong inside him, and your tentacles fan out across his big muscular ass and clamp down. You let out a long, rattling groan, cock erupting deep inside him: a strong spasm that turns into a constant flow, you pissing out alien cum in cords. Your cock pulses steadily, in time with your knot, each burst spraying slime into him. Cum pours across your cock, spreading the walls of his guts, forming a heavy, sloshing pool of fluid trapped against your knot. You hold in place, entire body stock-still save for your spraying cock. His belly bloats, cum lapping higher across your shaft, spilling deeper inside him. Your load thickens and thins, cords of sludge spewing from your cock, mixing together with the churning slime inside him.\n\nHis belly is nice, fat over muscles, smooth when he's getting fucked, and now you get to see it swell. He clenches, cum rippling across your cock, and relaxes, belly visibly bloating in that instant as he gives up, goes slack. Each pulse ripples across his belly, guts sloshing and gurgling as you flood him deeper and deeper. You lean over him, panting drool across his chest and face, sweat trickling down your back. Not even seeing him, just feeling him clench and shudder, currents of slime curling around your cock, bearing down.\n\nThis goes on for what is easily half an hour. You think he cums most of the way through that too: his prostate keeps spasming, erratically on and off, and your knot keeps throbbing inside him, mashing against it.\n\n<<if $reconLocation eq "siege">>\\nAbout halfway through he cranes his head up: "Fuck," he says. "Somebody's gonna be coming up to check on me soon; you gotta finish."\n\nYou say, does he //think// you can pull out right now? and you stir your knot around for emphasis, digging its engorged bulk around through the sheathing layers of his half-prolapsed asshole. Raven's entire body goes limp, and he lets out an extremely audible groan.\n\n<<if $sex['munitions'] gt 0>>\\nYou say, uh, so who is it who's gonna check on you?\n\n"Maxwell," he says. "So unless you wanna get in a fucking fistfight while I'm hanging from your dick, try to fucking finish up quick."\n\nYou say oh. And then, slowly, debating saying it even as you're saying it, you say, oh that's no problem then; I've been fucking around with him too.\n\nRaven says "//what?//" and clenches down, knocking your knot hard against his guts, and then goes limp again while he cums all over himself again.\n<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou collapse next to him at some point, the both of you sprawled on your sides as his bloated belly ripples and swells. You're both sweaty, crusty messes, pre and cum on your skin dried into gross crusts, partially gluing his asshole closed around your knot, sand coating your sweaty skin, mixing into the dried cum.\n\nHe looks pregnant. Beyond pregnant. Belly bloated out enormously, audibly sloshing when he tries to move, wet glugs and gurgles coming from deep inside his flooded depths as your load continues to penetrate him deeper. His skin is taut, flushed across his sides and over his stomach, with the beginning of raw stretch marks starting to show as his skin begins shredding. You hope that doesn't wreck his tattoos.\n\nAt some point your cock stopped spurting, instead just slowly pissing out watery cum, and he's so flooded the pressure inside him almost hurts, bearing down on your shaft, on your knot. You feel yourself start to soften, just an iota, and you shift slightly, but that's enough. His guts ripple around your knot, gulping, and the movement breaks the seal. Cum spills out of him, thick and heavy slurping over the root of your shaft, and you move again, cum washing across your knot as you unplug him. Cum squirts out around your knot, gushing from his ass, and Raven lets out an exhausted groan, hand clutching his swollen belly.\n\nYour cum is all churned up, a murky grey with an iridescent sheen, and it pours out of his ass in a constant flood, splattering across your thighs and soaking into the sand beneath. You pull back, knot catching on the rim of his broken ass, and pull out with a heavy, sloppy //schurp//, cock emerging cocooned in your own load. Even with cum gushing out around your knot, it was some form of plug, and without it he drains even faster, asshole shuddering and winking, cum gushing out of him in a continual slobbery waterfall, so much that it saturates the sand and piles up, spreading out in a frothing heap. He groans, pressing down on his bloated belly, squirting more cum out of his broken ass.
[you fist him and his asshole really flowers open. he cums all over himself. a few times. his hole is totally cratered by the time you pull out, and he whimpers when you finally let his hole slowly smear itself closed]\n\n[blah blah sex scene]\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("recon bottom") === -1>>\n<<set $reconStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("recon bottom")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<sex "recon" "fist" "bottom">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
[he gets you on your hands and knees and works your asshole open until he can fit his entire fist in there. he uses yr pre as lube if you got an altered dick. he compliments you with how easily you open up.]\n\n[then he punchfucks you until yr pissing cum onto the ground and whining and moaning and rutting back against him. he uses both hands to pry yr asshole open and tells you to push until you can feel yr guts spilling out of yr body, and you do that, and he makes out w/ yr prolapse before cupping it in his hand and telling you to pull it back in. then he has you do it a few more times]\n\n<<sex "recon" "fist" "top">>\\n<<display "recon after-sex advance">>
Rook hasn't really approached, but he's conspicuously present. He doesn't look at either you or Max. When you go up to talk to Max you see him duck his head away. It's cute.\n\nMax has noticed too. "The kid's been hanging around all day." You say yeah. "You got something to do with that?"\n\nYou say you told him that you got a big fat ĝheist dick.\n\nMax kinda gapes at you. "Well, what the fuck?!"\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>You grope your crotch and say, turns out Rook really likes sucking on gross monster dicks.\\n<<else>>You look down at Max's crotch and say, turns out Rook really wants to get to suck on some gross monster dick.\\n<<endif>>\n\nMax gawks. He looks over to Rook, who still can't manage to look at either of you. "No shit." He turns to Rook: "Hey, Rook!"\n\nRook kinda freezes in place, like maybe he's considering just running away. But he doesn't, and he comes over.\n\nMax looks at him, face-to-mask. "I hear you got something to ask me," he says. And then after the briefest of pauses he says, "Wait, hold on," and slings a hand over Rook's shoulder, pulling him in. He unlatches the back of his helmet, and then the sides under the jaw, and pulls it off Rook's head.\n\nRook, as usual, is flushing a blotchy red. He says, "Um," and Max snorts, pulls him in again, tips his head up, and kisses him. Rook lets out a surprised yelp that melts into a moan when Max swipes his tongue over his lower lip, sucks it into his mouth.\n\nMax pulls back, just an inch between their faces, bodies still plastered together. "So..." he says, voice gravelly, and you look down to see Rook's gauntleted hand is wrapped right around the bulge of Max's cock. Rook still looks a little terrified.\n\nMax sighs. "C'mon," he says, and pulls you all over, into a bulky door alcove on the shaded side of a building. You consider mentioning that you could just... let them in, but hey if they wanna fuck out in the open you got no problem with it.\n\nIt's tight, the alcove precisely filled by the three of you, all shoulder-to-shoulder, pressed against the walls. Max kisses Rook again, and then lightly presses him down, and Rook just drops like a rock, falling down on his knees with a //thump//.\n\n* [[get yr dick out and let rook blow both of you|rook munitions both]]\n/%\n* [[get on yr knees and share munitions' dick w/ rook|rook munitions share]]\n<<if hasMutation ('dick') || hasMutation ('knot')>>\\n* [[get yr dick out and let rook blow both of you|rook munitions both]]<<endif>>\n* [[watch him suck dick|rook munitions voyeur]]\n%/\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("rook munitions bj") === -1>>\n<<set $rookStress += 1>>\n<<set $munitionsStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("rook munitions bj")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
You drop down too, cheek scraping against Rook's, staring at Max's tented dick, sluggishly lurching bigger under Rook's hand.\n\nMax cups a hand across your head. "You're pretty greedy, you know? Can't even let Rook get this for himself. Not complaining though." He grins down at the two of you. "You should kiss."\n\nRook is flushed and sweaty, breathing hard, and you lean in and drag your lips up across his stubbled jaw, lightly nipping at his lower lip. Rook lets out a shaky groan, eyelids fluttering, and you press in deeper, parting his mouth and running your tongue across his lips. Rook moans into your mouth, and above you Max laughs, his hands pressing your faces together. "Yeah, good," he says, watching you make out.\n\nRook's hand is still cupping his dick, and he seems shocked at just how big Max has gotten, when you finally break the kiss. His pants are obscenely tented, a giant hard lump bloating out the fabric, and Max lets Rook undo his pants, unzipping them to let his cock spring out and smack him in the face.\n\nEven though you both said it, Rook still stares at Max's ĝheist dick like it's a surprise. He leans in, mouth open, lips shiny with spit, hand wrapped most of the way around its giant, lumpy, warted length, and Max groans, hunching forward to smear it all across his face, leaving behind a shiny, gleaming trail of pre all up Rook's cheek.\n\n"C'mon," he says, slowly guiding Rook's face in place: lips right in front of his giant cockhead, his breath gusting out over the slimy, pre-covered head. Rook breaths hard, letting out a shaky, subvocal groan as he takes in the rank ĝheist reek of Max's cock, and he nervously licks his lips, tongue catching on Max's gleaming cocktip and coming away with a sloppy trail of pre all across his tongue. He groans, hungry and desperate, and dives down on Max's dick, opening wide to try to swallow the entire thing.\n\nMax laughs, cupping Rook's jaw -- his lips warped around his dry shaft, his eyes staring up at him. "Don't gotta try to swallow it all," he says, and he leans back -- the few inches he can -- and pulls his shaft from Rook's mouth, until his lips catch on the bloated tip. "Just try that," he says, cockhead resting on Rook's tongue. You lean in and wetly tongue along the length of his shaft, coating it in spit, and lean down to suck on his mammoth balls. Max groans, cock twitching across your face, and Rook lets out a gagging gurgle; Max just gave him a taste of ĝheist pre. Rook swallows, scrunching up his face at the taste, and then again when Max's dick twitches again, painting the inside of his mouth in another layer of slimy pre.\n\nMax groans, guiding you up to share sucking on his cockhead, and Rook messily spits out the tip, a cord of sludgy pre spilling down his chin as you lean in to kiss him around Max's dick. It's sloppy, mouths glazed with pre, Max huffing and thrusting above, shoving the warped, bloated club of his dick between your lips, spurting cords of grimy yellow-tinged pre all over your faces. Rook ducks down to lap up a cord spilling along your jaw, lips pucked from the sour taste the whole time, but he swallows hard and then grins, like a little kid who wants to be told he did good.\n\n[you get down on yr knees too, and munitions is like, hah yr pretty greedy you know? can't even let rook get this present for himself. he lets rook nurse on his cockhead and slowly try to take more in his mouth / down his throat, but when yr sucking on his dick he pulls you down all the way and facefucks you. rook gets a little jealous and keeps trying to take in more than he can handle, and munitions is like, hey no need to rush. i'll be here to fuck yr throat as much as you want. and rook moans and grinds against munition's calves and cums in his pants. munitions is like, you just cum? and he nods. and then he's like you wanna keep sucking my dick? and rook nods again. so he feeds it back into his mouth. he lets rook get the cumshot, but sprays the last of his load against yr faces, and you sloppily make out over his cockhead, licking up the smears of cum drooling down each other's faces. munitions is like, fuck i could get used to this.]\n\n<<sex "munitions" "oral" "top">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
Max unbuckles his pants and unzips his fly, letting his fat cock flop out, and you do the same, tugging your belt loose and unlacing your pants, letting your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>fat, leathery sheath<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled ĝheist dick<<else>>dick<<endif>> lurch out into the open.\n\nMax looks over at you, a hand cupping your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>>, stroking it. "Man I don't know, that might be too much for him," but Rook whines, mashing his face against Max cock, licking up the side, and then turning his head to <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>make out with your sheath until your sharp cockhead peeks out<<else>>do the same to your own cock, the both of them sluggishly stiffening<<endif>>. You shift closer, so both your cocks are pressed against his face, and Rook hungrily hefts Max's cock, stroking it while he sucks on the tip, making a high-pitched whine.\n\n"Easy," Max says, stilling Rook's frantic motions. "Don't gotta rush. We'll be here all day." Rook opens wide, letting Max slowly feed him his limp cock, resting it on his tongue. It shudders as it hardens, warted foreskin slowly peeling back to drool rancid pre into his mouth. Rook gulps, lips wrapping around the tip, and Max pats his head. "Yeah, good job. Just suck on the tip." Rook nods, swallowing again, and does something with his tongue that has Max groaning, stroking the side of his head.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Meanwhile, your cock has been spilling out of your sheath, drizzling rank sludge across the side of Rook's face, forming a glistening streamer from his forehead down his cheek to his jaw, and he eventually pulls off of Max's half-hard cock with a needy groan, opening wide and stuffing your cock into his mouth.\\n<<else>>Meanwhile, your cock has been firming up, bloating out just watching. Fat beads of pre work their way up your cock, drooling out onto Rook's skin and drizzling down the side of his face, smeared by your movements into a glossy mess of <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>rank slime<<else>>slimy pre<<endif>>. Rook pulls off Max's cock with a needy groan and switches over to yours, tongue curling around the tip to catch the mess of pre gathering as he stuffs your cock into his mouth.<<endif>> His mouth is hot and wet, tongue lapping across your flesh as he tries to cram more of your cock inside.\n\n"He's a needy one, huh," Max says, watching him bobbing up and down on your <<if hasMutation("knot")>>unsheathing<<else>>half-hard<<endif>> cock, his cock now the one pressed against Rook's face, leaving behind greasy smears.\n\nMax cups Rook's head and urges him on, pushing him down so your cockhead bumps up against the back of his throat. Rook struggles, swallowing aimlessly without managing to get your cock down his throat, and Max leans in, smacking his cock across his face. "C'mon, you can do it," he says, thumb stroking across Rook's cheek. "Wanna see you swallow it all."\n\nRook groans, the sound muffled by your cock, and he tries again, hands wrapping around your thighs as he mashes his face down, your cockhead jabbing against the soft tissue at the back of his mouth and making him sputter and gag, frothy drool spilling out of his mouth. You tip his head back, tell him to drool on it, and prod against the back of his throat, just resting your cockhead right in the back of his mouth. He still gags, a little more under control, swallowing hard, and has to pull off, gasping and drooling on the ground. "Sorry," he says, wiping his spit-covered face with the back of his hand. "I can't..."\n\n"Don't worry about it," Max says, grinding his cock over Rook's face. "Gonna give you plenty of time to try." He tips Rook's face back up, pressing his warted, lopsided cockhead against his lips. "Just suck on the tip."\n\nRook leans in, glossy lips parting to let Max's cock slide in, and Max groans in appreciation. "Yeah, like that," he says. "Lick the tip. Do this:" he says, and shoves two fingers in his own mouth, pursing them when he pushes in, going slack when he pulls back. Rook imitates the motion, lips slurping over the fat, chunky ridge of Max's cockhead, flesh spilling out glossy and covered in spit. Max shallowly fucks Rook's face, just his cockhead slipping over his lips. He pulls back, cock spurting tainted pre across Rook's face, and he reflexively flinches and pulls back as the spurt webs over his face, left eye squinting shut as the cord catches over his eyebrow. Max reaches down, smears the cord to the side, and holds him in place while he does it again, splattering a mess of grimy, cloudy yellow pre all over Rook's face. Rook burbles, slime gushing into his mouth, drooling over his lips, and he turns to the side, Max's cock popping out of his mouth as he sucks on your own <<if hasMutation("knot")>>sharp<<endif>> cockhead, <<if hasMutation("knot")>>trying to adapt the same motion to your dog dick with its ridgeless, sloping cockhead<<else>>nursing it back and forth over the cockhead in the same way<<endif>>.\n\nYou groan, rutting shallowly, reaching down to grip his head. He slurps and drools, your pre pooling in his mouth, and he dips his tongue down, coating it in mingled sludge before smearing it all along your cock and sucking it back off, gulping. Max jerks off, aiming his cock at Rook's lips, and when he opens wide his shots of pre splatter across the inside of Rook's mouth, webbing over your cock. They both groan, a burble of sludge frothing up over Rook's mouth as he swallows the mess of pre, and Max leans in and wedges his cockhead against yours: neither of you in Rook's mouth, but both of you spurting into it, his lips stretched obscenely around your <<if hasMutation("knot") || !hasMutation ("dick")>>mismatched<<else>>monstrous<<endif>> cockheads. Rook shudders, pressing closer, trying vainly to actually cram both your cockheads into his mouth. His tongue slides over your flesh; Max's gnarled warts scrape over <<if hasMutation("knot")>>your smooth, slick flesh<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>your own<<else>>the flesh of your dick<<endif>>, and despite yourself you both rut forward, hunching to cram your cockheads into him until your cock jerks out of the way with an explosion of slime, splattering all up Rook's face, and he sinks down on Max's cock with a gurgling groan, your own cock sliding up his face to rest against his closed eye, drizzling slime down his cheek. Max shoves in a little deeper, Rook snuffling wetly as he tries to swallow more, and you spurt a mess of pre all across his face, until he's glazed and shining with <<if hasMutation("knot")>>your oily mutant-dog pre<<else if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>your gritty ĝheist slime<<else>>dripping streamers<<endif>>, drooling over his cheeks, spilling into his mouth, forming thick, jiggling cords hanging from his chin.\n\nHe spits out Max's dick, turning back to yours, face a mess of froth and slime, lines of spit and pre tethering the three of you together as he nurses on your dick. Max pulls your head up, away from the sight of Rook alternating choking on your cocks, and slings an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close so you can make out while Rook plays with your cocks. You feel Rook slide deeper on his cock, lips spreading and pursing, and Max groans into your mouth. You push Rook's head forward, and he struggles to deepthroat Max's cock again, gurgling and gagging before spitting it out. Max grins at you, cockeyed. "Definitely needs more work, huh," he mumbles against your lips, gripping the base of his cock and smacking Rook in the face with it, splattering hot beads of froth across your skin. "Gotta make sure we give him plenty of practice."\n\nRook groans in agreement, switching over to your cock, managing it a little deeper, nearly pushing into his throat, but gags when <<if hasMutation("knot")>>the sharp tip digs into his throat<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>the full girth of your warted cockhead grinds down against the entrance to his throat<<else>>your cockhead grinds against the back of his mouth<<endif>>, and he spits it out in a wash of slime, gasping for breath. He's plastered up against your legs, and when Max shifts you feel Rook's cock press against your calf. He humps you like an animal, whimpering and sobbing as he trades off your cocks. His face is tear-streaked, pre drooling from his nose and mouth, and he keeps choking himself, red-faced and gurgling as he tries to force your cocks down his throat.\n\nYou play with his throat, hand on his head, just shallowly pressing forward, letting him adjust. You can already feel the difference in his technique now versus when he started. His throat is sloppy, thick phlegm working its way up, coating your cocks. He still can't swallow right, swallowing air when your cockhead is lodged in the back of his mouth. You tip his head back, leaning forward, and shove your cock nearly straight down his throat. He gurgles, gagging again, but pushes through, and with a sudden lurch he catches your cockhead right and it sinks into the tight, pulsing confines of his throat with a wet, obscene squelch. Rook holds it for a second, throat clenching, and then his eyes roll back into his head and his cock spasms against your calf, twitching again and again as he cums. He pulls off your cock, retching up a mess of mingled pre, still humping your legs.\n\n"I did it!" he says, hoarse between gurgling coughs, voice watery and broken, and Max grins down at him.\n\n"You sure did. Good boy." Max angles his calf against Rook's dick. "You just cum?" Rook nods, looking down. "You wanna keep sucking our dicks?" Rook nods. Max slaps him in the face with his cock again. "So let's see if you can do that with my cock this time."\n\nRook hungrily devours Max's cock, and this time he manages it, swallowing Max's cockhead down his throat, sinking further down his lumpy shaft. Max holds him there, guiding hand on the back of his head, exerting just a little pressure, letting him swallow more and more cock down his throat. Rook gurgles, throat spasming, but he doesn't pull off, just coughs up a mass of slime around Max's cock, splattering ooze over his crotch, and Max grins down and pulls him down, shoving his cock though the sloppy mess to hilt his cock all the way down his throat for a brief instant before Rook retches again, pulling off with a watery gurgle.\n\n"Yeah, real good," Max says, petting Rook's head as he coughs up slime, dragging in watery breaths between heaves. "Can't wait until I can fuck your throat proper." Rook lets out a whine at that, even while he's heaving, churned-up slime painted all across his mouth and jaw, drooling down his neck. "You try," he says to you, gripping your cock with one slime-slathered hand and milking out a squirt of goo all across the crown of Rook's head, drizzling down in sloppy cords. Rook lifts his head up, sloppy mouth capturing your cockhead. He looks a mess, flushed purplish-red all the way down to his chest, tears streaming down his face, blowing bubbles from his nose, frothy slime clinging to the corners of his mouth. Completely drenched in your rancid, slimy pre.\n\nHe opens wide and swallows your cock. You drive into his throat, tight and pulsing, slick with slime. He still gags, but he doesn't spit your cock out while he does it, just sputters and swallows again, tears streaming down his face as he sinks down and down <<if hasMutation("knot")>>until he's kissing your sheath, leathery flesh bunched up against his lips<<else>>until you're hilted in his throat, entire length sunk down his throat<<endif>>. He can't manage it for long, of course, and he gags and retches, vomiting up a frothy mess of sludge all over your cock as he pulls off, lapping along your shaft to catch it and swallow it back down.\n\nYou're both close, and Max tips his head back, holding him in place as he fucks his cock along his face, Rook's mouth open, smearing across the underside of his slathered shaft. You thrust against him too, your cocks smearing through the mess of slime coating him, churning it up into a frothy mess. Rook groans, sloppily kissing your shafts, tongue protruding from his mouth, all his features buried under grimy slime. Max wraps a hand around your cock, pumping <<if hasMutation("knot")>>just above your knot<<else>>the base<<endif>>, and you wrap your hand around his, his flesh warted, lumpy, but nearly frictionless from the mess of slime drenching him. You jerk each other off, Rook kissing and sucking on your cocktips, already completely soaked in your mingled pre. Max groans, cock shuddering in your hand, and he lets out a guttural growl. He cums, strong pulses flexing his cock, as he erupts all across Rook's face. The first shot sprays across his forehead and splatters against the door behind him before you angle his cock down so his blasts hit Rook directly in the face. The gummy tar of his gritty, yellow-green cum clings to Rook's disheveled face, globs of thinner slime spraying off in all directions from the force of the blast, and Max keeps thrusting, cockhead sliding up across the side of his nose, down to burst into his open mouth. Rook tries to capture the tip, catching a burst of cum that bulges his cheeks, and he chokes and sputters -- probably the taste -- and spits it out in a mess, only getting more splattered across his face, into his panting mouth.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\nMax clenches down, hand squeezing your knot, and you cum too, snarling as you fuck along Rook's face, cock cutting through the hot slime. You erupt, spraying your greyish load into the slurry painting his face, sloppier and thinner mingling with Max's ĝheist cum, and so much more copious: gushes completely drenching his face in cloudy grey, washing everything but the thickest clots of slime down his neck and over his chest in a grimy wave. Rook tries to catch your cockhead too, sloping cockhead squirting up across his face before he can fit it in his mouth, and he slurps on your dick, mouth flooding with cum faster than he can gulp it down until it erupts out around your cock in a frothing wash. Max's fingers tremble on your knot, tugging it forward, and you keep cumming, the both of you utterly drenching him in your mutant loads, scum building up over his skin in a fingertip-deep layer of churning, frothing ooze, spilling in sloppy lines down his skin.\\n<<else>>\\nMax pumps your cock, a few final spurts of pre adding to the slurry coating Rook's face, before you snarl and erupt too, <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>doubling the flow of rancid ĝheist cum painting his skin<<else>>thinning the chunky, gritty ĝheist-cum glop with your thinner human cum<<endif>>. He's completely drenched, tarry clots of ooze building up in thick, lumpy ridges all over his face, smeared around by your still-thrusting cocks, spilling down his neck and chest in a honey-slow wave. Rook tries to catch your cockhead too, shots lancing up his face, just splattering into the fingertip-deep coating of nearly-opaque sludge, finger-thick cords webbing between his lips as he sticks his tongue out, wetly gagging as he struggles to drink <<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>your reeking loads, sour and rancid-tasting. It's an acquired taste.<<else>>the burbling slurry of your mingled loads, just thinned enough to sluice easily down his face and pool in his open, hungry mouth.<<endif>> You and Max stroke each others' cock, drenching Rook until he's just a slimy outline, open mouth flooded with chunky sludge, burbling out over his lips in a constant flow.\\n<<endif>>\n\nYou and Max jerk each other off, hands webbed with slime, each spurt adding a fresh coating of slime to the frothy, bubbling mess pouring down Rook's body. He gasps for breath between burbling pants, the only discernible feature of his slime-coated face his open mouth: a hollow, drooling out a mess of frothy bubbles, tongue lapping at the flowing sludge, trying and failing to swallow it down.\n\nYou both ride out your orgasms; Max eventually lists against you, and you against the wall, as your cocks ooze out the dregs of your loads. Churned-up sludge coats your hands, and mashed-up globs stick to your palms. Your cocks are completely slathered in slime, piled up in waves along your <<if hasMutation("dick")>>lumpy <<endif>>shafts. Max shakes his hand, trying to get some of the slime off, and sprays a wet arc all across your side, Rook's face, and the doorway. "Fuck," he says. "'M used to dumping this in somebody, not all over them."\n\nRook is drenched. You're both drenched, big greasy splotches across the fronts of your pants, everywhere you're pressed against Rook's body. His undershirt is grey-black, utterly saturated with slime, the wash of ooze building up at the waist of his pants and overflowing down his thighs, just uniformly soaking his already-drenched clothes. Max's pants are likewise black with slime, big greasy-looking blotches slowly dripping down his thighs and calves. You're pretty disheveled too. You're just more used to it.\n\nYou lean down, swiping the worst of the mess from Rook's eyes. You have to do it a few times, and by the end you're still smearing clots of sludge out over his cheeks. Thinner slime drools down from his brows, and Rook cracks open his eyes, blinking rapidly. Max looks down at him, grinning. "You look good like that." You can't actually tell, but you bet Rook is blushing under the layers of sludge. Or maybe not; getting a gigantic facial maybe loosened him up a bit. He swallows again, or tries again; after he chokes again he turns to the side and spits, a huge ball of slime flowing out of mouth, hanging there webbed to his face, only slowly stretching out its tendrils, spilling down to the ground.\n\nYou tell him it's an acquired taste. You get used to it. Rook kinda groans, and Max dips down onto his knees too, and leans in, licking a stripe up across Rook's jaw -- grimacing at the taste as he struggles to swallow it too -- before kissing him, wetly sharing your mingled loads, the both of them sputtering as they swallow down the thinned slime. Max slings a hand over Rook's shoulder, squelching, unable to actually grip. "Feel good?" Max says, said low against Rook's lips, and Rook nods, looking away. They both get up, wobbling against each other, fat dollops of slime spattering down to the sand. You lean in too, mirroring Max's action: licking up the mess of slime drooling down Rook's neck, up over his jaw. It's sour, gritty sludge with bitter chunks, rancid and heavy in your stomach. You make a point to swallow it down effortlessly, and then lean back in, licking up over Rook's throat, swallowing again.\n\n"Gross," Max says, and you grin at him.\n\nYou look at the two of them, Max getting slimier as he stays pressed against Rook's side. You ask them if they're good to get, you know, wherever. Somewhere to clean up without the rest of their squad getting all offended.\n\nMax nods, and you step back, out of the doorway. You don't seem to have attracted any obvious attention, though it's hard to miss the spreading pile of sludge completely flooding the alcove, three bootprints slowly being erased by the sludge filling in.\n\nYou think that went well.\n\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "rook munitions both">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
[you watch rook blow munitions. he gets real into it, to the point of probably forgetting yr there. he keeps trying to take in more, coughing and sputtering, and munitions keeps having to pull him off so he doesn't choke, half-squatting to kiss/drool/spit over rook's face. slowly working him open until he can slowly facefuck him. he's all like, yeah yr doing real good, while rook whimpers and whines. rook cums in his pants, and munitions is like, you just cum? and he nods. and then he's like you wanna keep sucking my dick? and rook nods again. so he feeds it back into his mouth. he cums down rook's throat, but he coughs and sputters and spits out a lot of it all over munition's thighs, and when he pulls his cock out it's drenched in thick, sludgy ĝheist cum. munitions is like. c'mon, clean it off. and rook laps up his load off his thighs, gulping around his softening cock until it's just spit-shiny. ]\n\n[does this really count as a rook bottom scene, etc.]\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, sorry you're not planning on fucking around with any soldiers.\n\nThat's the response he seems to expect, and he just nods, still kinda smirking. "No problem," he said. "Just wanted to give you the opportunity." He thumbs the button of his pants. "But you probably don't wanna hang around, then."\n\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, sure I'll blow you, and he kinda chokes on nothing and spends a second wheezing.\n\n"I wasn't serious!" he says. "Just, y'know. Intimidation."\n\nYou say, what, intimidating you by talking about his dick? You've sucked plenty of dicks. Including his if he wants it.\n\nHe lets out a shaky exhale. "Fuck."\n\nYou grin. Came on pretty strong and really weren't ready for a yes, huh. C'mon dude lemme just suck on his dick.\n\n<<set $surpriseDick to true>>\\n<<if firstMutationOf (["buff", "pre-scales", "scales", "pre-hands fur", "hands fur"]) !== undefined>>\\n<<set $surpriseDick to false>>\\nHis hands rest on his belt buckle. He looks you over: "I guess this kind of shit would be what you're used to out here, but..."<<else>>\\nHis hands rest uneasily on his belt buckle. He says, "Well, don't freak out."\n\nYou resist the urge to say, that's not the kind of thing you like to hear when somebody's about to show you their dick.<<endif>>\n\nHe undoes his pants and shoves them open. His cock mounds out in his underwear for a second, heavy and bulging, and then he tugs the elastic band down, letting his soft cock lurch out into the open. It's a ĝheist dick, complete with balls, all leathery grey and warted. So not all the city humans are mutation-free, you guess.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYou say, oh, we match.\n\nHe says, "huh?" but you're already unbuckling your belt and unlacing your pants, hefting out your own ĝheist dick. He lets out a low whistle, automatically reaching out, hefting it in his hand. "Man, that looks like a beast," he says, groping it, and you return the favor, your cocks slowly stiffening in each others' hand.\n\nHis gnarled foreskin works back and forth over his swollen cockhead, catching his slow drool of pre and smearing it across his skin. You get to see his skin stretch: soft, spongy flesh bloating out, drawing taut, as he hardens in your hand. You slide your thumb across the fat gash of his splayed cockslit, thumbtip catching on the bloated crests of his cocklips, and he groans, spluttering out a gush of pre all across your hand. You smear it back along his shaft, entirely sheening it in his slime, and pump his slowly, fingers playing along the underside of his cock, sliding and stroking. He humps your hand, mimicking your motions more clumsily, and you press together tightly, grinding your cocks together. They pulse, swollen and enormous, gnarled and heavy skewing up between your stomachs, warted flesh constantly catching on each other as you hump against each other. Pre squelches against your palms, glimmering cords stretching out between your cocks, webbing them together. His rumpled foreskin catches, forming a swollen sheath-like bulge midway down his cock until it's totally extended, and as he humps your stomach it rolls back and forth, a heavy slab of warted flesh catching and tugging at your own cock.\n\nHe groans and pulls you in for a kiss, broad hand spread across the back of your head, and you groan and pant into each others' mouths as you rut against each other, stomachs smeared with your mingled pre in glossy globs. He pants into your mouth, letting you suck on his tongue, his cock shuddering and gushing enormous gritty strings of pre, hot and wet against your skin, forming syrupy runnels drooling down your thighs.\n\nYou pull back, both your cocks twitching, lurching, sending the cobwebbed mess of stringy pre between you jerking this way and that. You still want me to blow you? you ask against his mouth, and he groans out a "Oh fuck yeah."\n\nYou drop down to your knees, getting a faceful of his pre-slathered cock. \\n<<else>>\\nYou say, <<if $surpriseDick>>is that it? He looks a little shocked.<<else>>yeah, I'm pretty used to ĝheist dicks, and you leave whether you're talking about them on humans or them on ĝheist up in the air.<<endif>> You reach out and wrap your hand around it: flesh warm, slightly damp, heavy and gnarled against your palm. It shudders, blood pulsing under the surface, and slowly starts to expand, swelling in your hand.\n\nYou look at him: he wants you to suck it?\n\n"Generally guys at the base think it's disgusting," he says, and you say, well, you don't, and drop down to your knees. <<endif>>\\n\\nHis cock bobs in the air, standing out straight from his body. His hips muscles twitch, sending it swaying back and forth, and you lean in and catch his cockhead, tongue spreading to cradle the underside, lips sliding across the lumpy, uneven dome of the tip. He groans, head thrown back, hand pressed against his eyes, legs trembling, and he nearly collapses; he sags back against the wall behind him, breathing hard.\n\n[[→|munitions blow firsttime general]]
<<set $standing to ($munitionsLocation eq "siege")>>\\nGheist dicks are a lot more sensitive than human dicks, in addition to being a lot bigger, and people who end up growing a ĝheist dick tend to get overwhelmed by how it feels. Even just the feeling of air moving around it when naked can be almost painfully intense if you're not used to it. You don't know what the process of being taught about mutation acclimation looks like in the human cities, but it's entirely possible it's "literally nothing". The way he howls and pants and whines just from you drooling across his cockhead definitely makes it seem like that's the case.\n\nYou focus on his cockhead, one hand pressed against his hips. His pulse is racing, fluttering just under his skin, and when you kiss his cockhead his fat cockslit gapes and spits, splattering your mouth with a gush of rancid pre. It's impressively sour, with a bitter, reeking smell. You gulp, swallowing, and slurp the head of his cock into your mouth, lips slick and glossy just past the ridge of his cockhead, letting him pump pre all across your tongue: gritty, chunky, gel-like, only thinning minutely with your spit. You swallow, tongue laving across the underside of his cock, drooling pre down his shaft to get it entirely coated. You pump it with your hand, stroking it until it starts to foam up: big chunky clusters of bubbles corded across your hand, spilling down his shaft to cling to his hips, his thighs, drooling in a sluggish flow down over his giant balls.\n\nHe whines, a sharp desperate sound, face strained, entire body shiny with sweat. You pull off to ask him if he's ever actually gotten blown since he's got his ĝheist dick. He just shakes his head. "Got jerked off some," he says. You hum -- lips against his cock, vibration making him spurt a massive glob of pre all across your face -- and open wide, sinking down on his cock again.\n\nGenerally speaking the way to handle growing a ĝheist dick is to fuck around a lot during the process of transformation, until you get used to it. Gotta get yourself used to everything it can throw at you. It's a bit harder to do after it's fully-mutated, but the fact that he's hard and spurting pre all over you is a good sign, as opposed to actually being in pain at the slightest touch.\n\nYou don't actually tell him all that, it's just something to consider going forward. Like, right now he really doesn't seem capable of doing much aside from panting and gasping and trembling<<if $standing>> as he struggles to even remain standing<<endif>>. He keeps jerking his hips forward and shying back, like body can't figure out what it wants to do. He's got one hand flung over his face, and he might actually be crying. He keeps making these guttural gasping noises, breath hitching every time you swipe your tongue across his warted cockhead.\n\nYou sink down, letting his cock bash up against the back of your mouth. You swallow, his gnarled head sinking into you until you have his entire cock down your throat, nose pressed against his pubes. His cock shudders, flexing, fat shaft making your throat warp and swell, and he gushes thick streamers of pre down your throat, heavy and clotted catching inside you. You stay there for a bit, milking him with your throat as he huffs and whines. His balls are enormous, drawn up tight beneath his cock in a misshapen lump, and you reach up and tug on them: slick with pre and drool; flesh churning under your fingers. He howls, cock spurting grittier sludge down your throat, and his cock jerks hard, pulsing. His balls roil, drawing up, and you tug them lower down, squeezing gently.\n\nHe's a fucking mess: panting and sweating, making incoherent howling groaning noises. He's spurting into your mouth, a sloppy slurry of cum and pre. He's //really// backed up: thick rubbery chunks of clotted cum spurt down your throat, gumming together and smearing apart, filling your throat with gritty, congealed ĝheist cum. Sour and reeking, suffused with dense, crunchy clusters. Probably hasn't shot a proper load for however long he's had this dick. He's not even properly cumming yet, just leaking: cock still just trembling, erratically twitching, not shooting yet.\n\nYou pull off, disgorging his cock -- entirely cocooned in sludge. He immediately drenches you face with cum: he's weakly spurting cum, out an inch or so, in heavy, drooping arches. You slide your fingers over the slick, rubbery flesh just beneath his cockhead, back and forth through the grime coating his shaft, and he growls, cockhead flaring so wide you can see the cum gurgling up through his gaping cockslit right before more pelts you in the face. It's chunky, gritty, semisolid: thick even for ĝheist cum. It clings to your skin in rubbery clots, peeling off rather than drooling down.\n\n<<if $standing>>He's shoving himself back against the wall, legs rubbery and trembling, and you watch as he sags and buckles, nearly falling as you<<else>>You<<endif>> slide his cock back into your mouth, drool thinning his chunky cum into a silty mess that you can swallow easier. You stroke his shaft with one hand, other tugging on his balls, as he keeps draining his backed-up cum down your throat. He lets out a ragged, shuddering sob, abs clenching into rock-hard blocks and then relaxing; body convulsing. He's drenched in sweat, droplets spilling down his chest and stomach, streaking across his arms and legs.\n\nYou massage his balls, tugging and squeezing, digging into his furrowed flesh. When your fingers are wrapped tight around one, you can feel fluid churn within: thick chunks of grit, abruptly popping through the convolved passageways of his balls, lurching out along the finger-thick cords in a slow but perceptible current. You dig in and feel gritty chunks shatter apart under your fingers, and he howls, convulsing, balls throbbing.\n\nReaching further back, you dig two fingers against the root of his cock, feeling it pulse -- when you bear down hard, the ooze spilling from his cock thins, grime building up beneath your fingers. You work back and forth, squelching and squishing along the root of his cock, and you feel more built-up gunk dislodge: tarry chunks of dense cum that had been plastered against the walls of his internal piping for who knows how long, finally moving. His cock flexes, hammering against the side of your mouth, and a dozen seconds later you feel the chunks work their way up his cock, big juicy clusters of cum, bursting apart in your mouth as you chew on them. You work over his cock, grinding your knuckles down from balls to asshole, back and forth as you work built-up sludge free, getting him to pump the fuming, reeking mess straight into your mouth. His skin is slick, sweat pouring down his body, and you dig in harder to keep from slipping, grinding deep along the muscular lump of his cock. He wails, hands clutching the wall behind him, fingers digging into the stone, spasming. He's still spurting built-up gunk down your throat, in tarry gushes, and you have to swallow continually, sour metallic lightrot aftertaste building up in your mouth from the sheer volume of sludge he's unloading. Globs smear up along his cock, a grimy grey-green wash drooling over your lips, coating your chin in slathered mess.\n\nYou dig your fingers further back, probing at his asshole for a second before pushing in. He lets out a strangled groan, asshole spasming and puckering against your fingers, and you only have to press a fingertip in before you can feel his prostate. It's //enormous//, bloated and swollen and backed-up, pushing out the wall of his ass in a lumpy, lopsided gnarl of dense, rubbery flesh. You dig in, flesh spongy and tender, and he throws his head back and lets out a strangled roar, whining and gasping. Sludge churns just under your fingertips, prostate practically gurgling: internal muscles squeezing it, churning the clotted ooze within. His breathing rattles and catches as you dig your fingertips into his bloated prostate, gushing spurts turning into a continual syrupy pour, punctuated by sloppy eruptions that flood your mouth. You work his prostate, grinding down until you feel thickened sludge peel apart within his luridly oversized prostate, pumping up through his aching, swollen piping to erupt in chunky globs in the back of your mouth.\n\nYou work on his balls and prostate, tugging and squeezing, grinding back and forth, working more and more clotted layers of sludge loose, until his balls feel rubbery to the touch, flesh hot and bruised; and his prostate shudders and spasms, solidifying into a hard knot of pulsing muscle. His entire cock is radiating heat, hot air billowing up from his overheated body, and his cock is swollen, bruised, bloated up even further from the abuse.\n\nHe still hasn't cum, not really. Just draining out, your massaging of his neglected flesh agonizing and overwhelming. You pull off his cock -- the continual spurts of chunky grey cum splattering all over your face and chest, slapping against you in gritty bursts -- and say, you ready to cum? The immense volume of cum coating your throat and mouth makes your voice gurgle, and you cough up a mess of frothy bubbles, spitting it against his cum-slathered thigh. He doesn't respond with words, just a sobbing growl, rutting his spurting cock against your cheek.\n\nYou take him solidly in hand and start stroking him. His cock is slick; would be frictionless without the lumpy gnarls of warts along his shaft. You pump him steadily, coaxing him on, using the continual fountaining of gritty cum to lube his cock with sludge. It scrapes like sandpaper under your palm, huge congealed clots smearing out into an opaque froth. The mess in your stomach roils, bitter and sour, but you still let your mouth hang open, catching ropes of cum across your tongue and swallowing when you need to; most of his shots splatter across your cheeks and neck, forming a dense, heavy coating of sludge. He's getting close: he keeps turning his thighs in, trying to squeeze his balls between his legs; his hips jerk against your fist, smacking hard when you bottom out, tugging the loose folds of his foreskin taut. You let him fuck your fist, his breathy snarls getting louder and louder. His balls lurch, visibly pulsing in his taut sac, internal muscles spasming erratically before they finally synchronize into sudden sharp twists. His balls pull up, his abs clench hard, and finally he howls, letting out a bestial roar as his spurting cock shudders so hard it nearly jerks out of your grip, and his gaping cockslit pouts open into a near-perfect circle before he finally, actually cums. Cum smacks across your face with stinging force, a churned-up green-grey, entirely opaque, and you keep stroking him through it as he howls and gurgles. His cum hits you with sudden hard smacks all across your face and chest, backsplash webbing thick cords of cum between you in messy sprays. He's sobbing, rutting forward, slathering you in a fresh layer of churning slime as he cums and cums and cums, fountaining out all over you in globby waves.\n\n<<if $standing>>At some point his legs give out entirely, and he jolts down onto his knees. Cock still fountaining as you stroke it, but now the jets smack against your stomach and up your chest. <<endif>>He looks dazed: pupils blown like he's concussed, eyes red from crying, face shiny with sweat and tears and snot and drool. His chest heaves, gasping; heart racing, with his pulse visibly fluttering through his neck. He sags forward, roughly kissing you -- dragging your lips together as he snorts for breath -- and gasps against your shoulder, hips weakly jerking up in time with his spurts. Cum squelches between you, oozing from where you're pressed against each other. You're entirely drenched; his touches leave him coated in huge, grimy smears where he's not already splattered.\n\nYou stay there for a moment, <<if $standing>>slumped together on your knees in an alleyway<<else>>slumped together on his sleeping platform, knees sunk into the sodden sand<<endif>> as he tries to catch his breath. His load slowly cools and hardens on your skin, forming a sticky glazed coating.\n\nYou tell him ĝheist gotta fuck around two, three times a day, minimum, or else they really get backed up. Like this, you say, and give his still-spurting cock a squeeze, making his next few squirts splatter up between your chests.\n\nHe says, "If that's what it feels like to cum, I don't think I came since I got this dick."\n\nYou tell him, yeah, that's why you're so pent up. You scrape a hand up his chest, peeling it away corded with his rank, gritty cum. You bring your hand to your mouth, sucking on the sides of your fingers. It's thicker than most ĝheist cum. More clotted, grittier, with a more pronounced bitter aftertaste. He looks at you, maybe a little interested, and you lean in to kiss and then, nearly the instant your cum-slathered tongue pushes past his lips, he rears back, twisting away to spit onto the ground, spluttering. "Damn, that shit's //vile//," he says, wiping his mouth. You say it's an acquired taste, and swallow the rest of it, wiping your mouth and licking off your fingers.\n\n<<sex "munitions" "oral" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "munitions blow firsttime general">>\n<<if $munitionsLocation eq "siege">>\\n<<display "munitions blow siege closer">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "munitions blow exile closer">>\n<<endif>>
You tell him, you know, if you ever wanna fuck around more, you know where to find me.\n\nHe says, "Yeah." He looks down across your chests, entirely slathered with his grey, chunky cum. "Yeah, damn."\n\n<<if $talkOptions.indexOf("ĝheist dicks") === -1>>''You can now talk about "ĝheist dicks"''\n<<set $talkOptions.push("ĝheist dicks")>><<endif>>\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("munitions blow") === -1>>\n<<set $munitionsStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("munitions blow")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if $munitionsTalk gte 2>>\\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("munitions blow") === -1>>\\nYou ask him if he wants to fuck around.\n\n"Rethinking that blowjob, huh?" He gropes his crotch.\n<<else>>\\nYou ask him if he wants to fuck around.\n\nHe kinda straightens up and looks around. "What you got in mind?"\n<<endif>>\n\n* [[blow him|munitions blow]]<<scenealert "munitions blow">>\n* <<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("munitions blow") !== -1>>[[ask to ride his dick|munitions ride]]<<scenealert "munitions ride">><<endif>>\n<<else>>\\nYou ask him if he wants to fuck around.\n\nHe snorts and gropes his dick. "You couldn't handle what I got," he says.\n<<endif>>\n\n[[←|munitions]]
<<if !$munitionsRideFromTalk>>\\n/% %/You say, how about letting me ride your dick? You reach down, curling your hand over the fat, bloated mound of his cock, and feel it shudder to life under your palm.\n\n"Fuck," he says. "Wow. Sure, yeah."\\n/% %/<<if $timeOfDay neq 4>>\\n/% %/ Then he looks around, like he's realizing where he is. "Fuck, but you can't right now. Come back at night; nobody'll be around. I'll be waiting."\n\nYou say you'll be waiting for it too, and give his fattening cock a parting squeeze.\n/% %/<<set $munitionsNightRide to true>>\\n/% %/<<set $prevent to true>>\\n/% %/<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n/% %/<<else>>\\n/% %/<<if $munitionsNightRide>>\n\n/% %/You say, you ready?\n\n"I been waiting for this," he says, and grabs your hand and puts it on his dick. He's hard, swollen and throbbing, with a hot dampness soaking through the fabric. "I been hard for fucking hours thinking about this."\n\nYou grin at him. Good to know you make an impression, you tell him.\n<<set $prevent to false>>\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n/% %/<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\\n<<if !$prevent>>\nYou curl your hand tighter around his fattening cock and lead him back into an alley, and then aside into a dark storeroom. You ask him, you good here?\n\nHe presses against your side, cock skewing up, heavy and hard. "Yeah," he says, voice low in your ear.\n<<set $munitionsRideFromTalk to false>>\\n<<set $munitionsNightRide to false>>\\n\nYou pull him close, grinding your cocks together, and he groans, hands on your hips, fingers squeezing down. You open his pants, his bloated cock mounding out through his underwear the instant you pull his zipper down, and shove his pants and underwear down to his thighs. His cock is a hard spar, already drooling stringy yellow pre, making his warted length glisten as you give it a few pumps.\n\nYou tell him to strip, and tug your shirt over your head.\n\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>\\nMax leers at you, hands reaching up to wrap around your swollen, engorged nipples. He tugs, sending a wet squirt of milky ichor gushing out over his fingers, dribbling down your chest. "That's fucking hot," he says, pulling harder, until your swollen pecs are deformed into rubbery cones, milk spilling down his forearms in off-white lines. You moan, hands on his chest, groaning as he milks you of some of your backed-up fluid, nipples pert and heavy in his hands, spurting milk in runny lines.\n\nYou tell him, you wanna play with my nipples all night or you wanna actually fuck me, but you're breathing hard as you say it, flushed and aching.<<set $munitionRemind to true>>\n\n<<else if hasMutation("buff")>>\\nMax leers at you, hands reaching up to feel across your thick, muscular abs and solid pecs, giving your nipples a tug while you're tossing your shirt aside.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\\nMax strips off his own shirt, flexing a little showily when he does it: pecs round and heavy, with thick downturned nipples that jut out, pebbled in the cool night air; abs solidly defined, muscle rippling as he tosses his shirt aside.\n\nYou kick off your boots, pulling the cords on your pants, and \\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nMax groans when your own dog dick spills out into the open: fat purple tip jutting out from your leathery sheath<<if hasMutation("balls")>>, gnarled ĝheist balls sagging beneath it<<else>>, tip all slimy with pre<<endif>>. He says, "No fucking wonder you didn't think my cock was weird." He reaches out and wraps his hand around your sheath, pumping it along your cock, and he lets out a shuddery moan when your cock unsheathes another few inches, the fat tip surging out to reveal the long, purple-black mass of your meaty shaft. He reaches out to touch it, and you hiss and catch his hand before he can. It's real sensitive, you say, and pull his hand up to your mouth, licking across his palm and then drooling, getting his hand wet and slick. Don't touch it with dry fingers, you say, guiding his hand back down to your cock, letting him curl his fingers around as much of the bulk as possible. You say, it gets slick enough by itself after a while. But. You were maybe going to continue, but then he scrapes the callus of his thumbtip along the very tip of your cock and the flash of heat makes all the breath in your lungs escape with a //whuff// and a groan. You sag forward against him, cock burbling grimy yellow-grey sludge across his chest as he strokes you. You catch the slime spilling down his stomach, coating your hand and using it to lube his cock: the two of you pressed together, your sheath grinding against his balls, stroking each other off.\n\n"Fuck," he says, staring down, as more and more cock spills out of your sheath. "That a usual kind of cock to have out here?"\n\nYou say nah, you're special. He says, "no shit," and gives your cock a squeeze, at the midpoint where it's the fattest. You let out a cracked groan, jerking forward, hosing him down from bellybutton to chin with a fat, finger-thing rope of slime. He moans, mashing his face against yours, hungrily kissing you as his hand milks your cock, your mingled pre smearing together between your chests.\n\n<<if $munitionRemind>>Eventually you reiterate: you wanna jerk me off all night or you wanna actually //fuck// me\\n<<else>>Eventually you say, you wanna jerk me off all night or you wanna actually fuck me\\n<<endif>>, and he goes "oh yeah, fuck," and grinds his cock along yours, getting it slathered and dripping with the slurry of your mingled pre.\n\n<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nMax groans when your own ĝheist dick spills out into the open, just as heavy and gnarled as his own. He reaches out, cupping it in his hand, giving your fat shaft a tugging squeeze. It shudders, hardening in his hand, and he pumps it again, stroking back and forth, getting you to spurt out a grimy streamer of pre.\n<<else>>\\nstrip down, kicking your clothes to the side as you stand before him naked. He's mostly there himself; his boots taking a moment longer to remove, and he straightens up, cock an enormous cudgel jutting straight out from his body, drooling a cord of pre halfway to the ground.\n<<endif>>\n\n"So how's that ass," he says, voice rough and low, and he tugs on your hip, fingers digging into the meat of your ass.\n\n<<if hasMutation("asshole")>>\\nHe groans as you turn around, big muscular ass on display, fat ĝheist asshole practically bulging out between your cheeks: swollen and puffy, bloated out into slabs of wrinkled flesh.\n\n"Fucking hell," he groans, fingers digging in, peeling your cheeks apart, and your hole parts open, gaping easy. He runs his fingers over the crater-like ridge of your asshole, digging in, feeling the way your flesh spreads and yields.\n\n"No wonder you weren't worried about taking my cock," he says, fingers curling up over the rim of your ass and sliding in: two, then three and then four, as he realizes just how easily you can spread. You clench down, half his hand trapped inside your ass, and he groans, half-laughing, curling his fingers inside you<<if hasMutation("prostate")>>, tapping against the bloated mound of your prostate<<endif>>. You let his hand out, turning back around, and tap him on the chest, getting him to lie back, looking up at you.\n<<else>>\\nYou turn around and he groans, fingers digging into your cheeks, spreading them to reveal the pucker of your asshole. He smears his fingers against it, slick and gritty with his pre, and shoves two fingers inside, groaning when you clench down, milking them. He slides back and forth, fingerfucking you, ladling pre into your ass until excess drools out around his fingers. He pulls out, and you turn around, tapping him on the chest to get him to lie back, looking up at you.\n<<endif>>\\n\nHis cock stands straight up, visibly throbbing with his heartbeat as he stares at you. It's a sloppy mess, <<if hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation("dick")>>drenched with your mingled pre, excess already drooling across his stomach and spilling down his sides<<else>>drenched with his pre<<endif>>, weakly spurting pre in runny streamers, and you straddle him, letting his cock drag across your inner thigh before you press the gnarled tip to your hole. He grinds up, cockhead bearing down, and you spread yourself, letting your hole open. You sink down, his fat shaft slurping inside; his warts drag and catch against the rumpled flesh of your rim, popping inside and grinding against your inner walls. You let out a long shaky groan as he hilts himself: squatting down over him, ass flush with his crotch, the entire giant spar of his cock throbbing and twitching inside you. Hot and unyielding, like a cudgel-head or a battering ram slammed inside you.\n\nMax looks dazed, mouth open, eyes unfocused, hips jerking up erratically, grinding his cock fractionally deeper. You can feel each spurt of pre inside you: a spasm that ripples through his cock, followed by a sharp impact across your inner flesh, heavy heat blossoming inside you. You milk his cock at first, just rippling your internal muscles, clenching your hole, and he groans, cock gushing pre, slathering your inner walls, building up inside you until excess starts to drool out around his fat shaft.\n\nYou tense your thighs, muscular legs blocky and heavy, and push yourself up, fucking yourself on his cock. Max groans again, throwing one arm over his eyes, hips still just erratically twitching; not really capable of a coherent motion. You ride him, up and down, his cock emerging slathered with pre, excess squirting out in sloppy ropes as you sink back down again. His cock is hot, a huge wedge driving inside you, and you plant a hand on the center of his chest for stability as you rock on it. <<if hasMutation("knot")>>Your own cock is fully unsheathed; enormous length beating against his chest every time you bottom out, spurting grimy pre in gushes all across his chest and face, catching in stringy lines over his upturned arm. You grind down on his cock, his hips coming up to meet you, and your knot surfaces from your sheath with a heavy wet //schlop//, tentacles bursting out behind it, smearing sludgy pre all across Max's stomach. He lifts his head to see what the sensation is, tentacles writhing across his skin, and stares, open-mouthed, at the monstrous length of your mutated cock. You grin down at him, grinding on his cock, your sloppy squirts of pre drenching him in rancid mutant dog slime, until his face and chest are shining with it.<<else>>Your own cock is half-hard, pre drooling from the tip all over his stomach, drizzling out in erratic pulses when you hilt: his cock grinding against your depths, sending billowing plumes of heat through your body.<<endif>>\n\nYou can feel when his cock shoves into your guts, catching on some twist inside you and then hitting a barrier that flowers open, and so you close your eyes and focus, hitting it again and again as you ride him. You groan, sensation almost painfully intense, and go slow: fast and then slow, and then fast again, and all the while Max is groaning and shuddering under you, hips jerking up to meet you on the way down. Pre slurps around his cock, webbing in a slimy mess across your ass, splattering across his hips. More gushes inside you, his cock moving in sudden spurts.\n\nYou sink forward onto your knees, angling his cock differently, and catch your breath: skin hot and sweaty, the phantom sensation of his cock ramming inside you still rippling through your ass.\n\nMax recovers, a little, panting with his face screwed up. He wipes some of the <<if hasMutation("knot")>>mess<<else>>sweat<<endif>> from his face, and looks up at you with a goofy grin on his face. "Feels fuckin' great," he pants, and his cock gives a matching twitch inside you, thick globs of pre splattering into your guts. He reaches out, fingers digging into your ass, and thrusts up. It's different when he's doing it: his cock rams inside you unexpectedly, and you groan, spreading your knees to give him better leverage. Your cock is leaking all across his chest. He ruts up, fucking you, cock slamming into your ass and pulling out with a wet //squelch// each time, huge gushes of pre splattering out with the force of his thrusts.\n\n<<set $came to false>>\\n<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>><<set $came to true>>\\nHe brings one hand to your cock, stroking it as he fucks you. You groan, head tipping back, and spray pre all across his front, webbing him even more thickly. He angles his thrusts, ramming against your <<if hasMutation("prostate")>>grossly oversized<<endif>> prostate, forcing out streamers of grimy pre all over his chest, pooling in the hollow of his neck. You let out a guttural moan, asshole rippling around his cock, and you roll your thighs back against him, ramming yourself down onto his cock with a wet //smack// of impact, matched with an answering spray of pre all over his face.\n\n"C'mon," he says, growling, panting. "Cum all over my face."\n\nHow can you resist that. You rock into his thrusts, fucking yourself on his cock, thrusting through his loose grip<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, and his other hand wraps around your knot, squeezing and milking it along with your tentacles<<endif>>. You howl, cock pulsing<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>, knot throbbing harder<<endif>>, and cum explosively, first shots spraying entirely past his face, smacking into the wall behind you with enough force to still splatter back across your bodies in a shower of droplets. He angles your cock down, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>pointed tip<<else>>warted tip<<endif>> aimed right at his face, and the next shot coats him with <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>chunky grey slop, threaded through with syrupy green lines<<else>>gritty grey cum<<endif>>. He gurgles, cock throbbing hard inside you as you cover his face with your load, and then he's cumming too: cock erupting inside you, chunky clots of cum spilling heavily into your guts, filling you up.\n<<else>>\\nHe slams up into you hard, making you bounce on his cock as he gets closer. He snarls, fingers digging into your hips, pulling your asshole wider until he's fucking your guts: gaping asshole spread wider than his pumping shaft, letting him fuck up into your slick, pre-slathered insides.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou tell him, c'mon, you wanna feel him blow his load inside you. He lets out a desperate groan, cock throbbing hard, and slams up into you in three sharp thrusts before dragging you down onto his cock, holding you in place as he starts to cum. You can feel each shot: a sharp impact inside you, like being jabbed in the gut. The first wash of cum spills into your guts before he starts thrusting again, and you feel it gurgle, thickly spilling down his shaft to emerge around his shaft in a sloppy mess.\n\nYou both groan, rutting against each other<<if $came>>, cum smacking across his skin<<endif>>, gurgling inside you. His cock emerges slathered with cum, gritty cords smearing apart across your bodies, and drives back in with a wet //crack//, splattering globs of cum all over. You flood his open mouth with cum, a thick wash of grey sludge, and he sputters it all over himself before gulping, sucking in a breath afterward. Your guts are flooded, cum slopping down his shaft in huge bursts, squirting out around his still-pumping shaft, just smearing the mess all across your bodies as he rides out his orgasm inside you. Grit grinds along his shaft, scouring your insides, and you groan through it, jolting on his spurting cock as he pumps his enormous load inside you.\n\nEventually he collapses, panting and you sink down to the base: his cock still weakly spurting, growing turgid and spongy, more and more cum pouring down it and coating his body as he grows softer. Eventually you slump to the side, his cock pulling out of you with a //slurp//, leaving your sloppy, gaping hole drooling cum all down your thighs. You're both entirely slathered: <<if $came>>his chest and face drenched in your grimy load,<<endif>> your thighs and ass dripping in cords smeared all over your skin, his load smeared all up and down across his stomach and thighs. You're both coated in sweat, panting, and he looks down at himself and groans.\n\n"Such a fucking mess," he says<<if $came>>, but swipes through the mess of cum on his face and sucks on it, groaning<<endif>>. You grin, sinking down to suck his soft cock into your mouth, dragging your tongue along its cum-coated length and swallowing it down. When you spit it out it lolls against his thigh, instantly getting just as coated as it was before.\n\nCleaning up properly takes a while.\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("munitions ride") === -1>>\n<<set $munitionsStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("munitions ride")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\\n<<sex "munitions" "anal" "top">>\\n<<sexscene "munitions ride">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]\n<<endif>>
He's in the shade, leaning back against a wall, very much not in military formation: head tipped back, eyes closed, with his legs spread, heels dug into the sand, and he's fanning his chest by pulling on the hem of his undershirt. He's taken off his helmet and chestplate. It's the first time you've actually seen his face.\n\nYou say hey.\n\nHe gives a kind of fuzzy "zzzuh?" in response. He's been standing out in the sun and the heat. Not for too long, or else he would have passed out, but long enough.\n\nIt's important for you to take a moment to recognize that even though he, personally, is overwhelmingly not threatening -- you could go over there and snap his neck, if you really wanted, and there's not actually anything he could realistically do to stop you -- that doesn't mean that the overall dynamic here isn't potentially threatening. He's clearly not used to being out in the desert, and while that means he apparently had nobody warn him about heat exhaustion, it also means he could get real jumpy with his gun in completely normal situations, and there's no way to tell what those situations might be until they're too late.\n\nYou have to go through that consciously, though, because he looks completely harmless. Like a baby animal.\n\nHe's got dingy off-blond hair, cut short and currently sticking up from his scalp in every-which-way, half-soaked with sweat. He's got a thick, chunky jaw. His white undershirt is soaked transluicent with sweat, letting you see the darker curls of hair fanning out across his pecs, fuzzing up across his stomach. He's pretty cute.\n\n* [[get him some water so the poor idiot doesn't fucking accidentally kill himself and make the situation real dangerous to everybody|rook water]]
You walk up to him. He doesn't even notice your approach, not until you stop in front of him and pointedly clear your throat, and then he jolts up, eyes opening to stare at you, and he leans over for his gun, which he doesn't even reach because he's let it topple over into the sand.\n\nThis sure is going to be something.\n\nYou say, he really is new to being out in the wasteland, huh? You say, listen it's not gonna be great for anybody here if your squad finds you feverish and dying from heatstroke. You tell him, c'mere and you'll get him some water.\n\nHis brow furrows, and you get the sinking feeling he's gonna refuse because he expects you're gonna jump him, or something.\n\nYou look pointedly at his gun. You tell him, if you wanted to hurt him, you clearly already could've. You say if he really wants to he can bring his gun. Probably not a good idea to leave it lying around out here unattended, anyway.\n\nHe looks at you for a moment. "Oh," he says. "Okay. Sure."\n\nHe follows you along the side of your storage room, to a small supply cache. You duck inside through a tarped-off entryway, down a slight ramp to the tamped floor, and get him a mug of water from a big plastic storage bin. He takes it and starts to chug it.\n\nYou say, hey, hold on, and reach out an arm, pulling the mug down. Slower. Take sips until you feel better. You pat the countertop. You tell him he should probably be sitting down, too.\n\nHe hoists himself up onto the countertop. He sips at the rest of the mug, and drains that pretty quick. He's nearly instantly sweating even more, all his skin not even oily, just //wet//. You refill his mug.\n\n"Thanks," he says, face flushed, maybe sunburned.\n\nNo problem, you say.\n\nThen he says, "uh."\n\nHe's sitting on the counter, and you're between his spread legs, hands an inch from his thigh, one draped over his knee. He's breathing hard, chest rising and falling fast, and you see his eyes dart down, take you in. His lips are parted, wet, and he flits his tongue out over them, then swallows. His nipples stick out from his undershirt, flush pink circles starting to perk up.\n\n* [[make a move|rook show your dick]]<<scenealert "rook show your dick">>\n* [[step back|rook tension]]
The storage hut is dimly-lit and marginally cooler. And empty, aside from Rook in front of you, who stopped and turned to face you the instant you closed the door behind him.\n\nHe wants something, but he doesn't know what to do to get it, so you decide to help him out. You close the distance between you, coming closer until you're chest-to-chest, and you reach up to pull at the latches of his helmet, fastened first on the sides of his jaw and then on the back of his head. His helmet snaps apart, loosening, and you pull it off over his head. He's flushed. As usual. At this rate you think he's always flushed, between the pale skin and the embarrassment. Then you step forward, and he jerks back, gaze darting down across your chest, watching your hands. You keep moving forward until he's pinned against the counter, and he lets you grind your hips together, his cock half-hard and bulging, skewing to the side when you rut against his hips. He moans, eyelids fluttering. It's the first sound either of you have made in here.\n\nYou reach down to press your hands against his hips, sliding your thumbs up to dig into his bare skin, and then you lean in and kiss him, just a little peck at first but then coming in again, tongue flitting across his lower lip, sucking it into your mouth to dig your teeth down, tilting your head to deepen the kiss, and he moans again, breathing hard through his nose.\n\n<<display "rook initial fuck">>
You step in closer, so there's only a few inches of space between your faces, and put your hands on his thighs. Not too close to his dick. You go, hey, he feeling better? and he nods a bunch and mumbles something affirmative. You go, he needs any help with anything else? and you flex your fingers. Not much. But enough to remind him of the contact.\n\nHe flushes a lot, ruddy red. He's breathing hard from the heat exhaustion, chest heaving, but you can see his cock swelling up: the folded fabric on the crotch of his pants shifting, pushing outward. You move your hands up fractionally, braced across his inner thighs. You say, you think he could help you out with something too. He outright moans, sudden and kind of reedy, and then ducks his head, flush spreading to his neck.\n\nSo you lean in the inch and kiss him. Just a little peck at the corner of his mouth at first, but he looks up, surprised, and you come in again, tongue flitting across his lower lip, and his lips part, moaning again. You suck his lower lip into your mouth, digging your teeth in minutely, and he reaches up and pulls you closer, hard wrapped around your head, mashing your faces together. He moans, breathing hard through his nose, roughly kissing back.\n\n<<display "rook initial fuck">>
You grope his dick. It feels like a sledgehammer head, enormously fat, and he whines into your mouth, panting hard already. His other hand clutches at your waist, one dropping down across your shoulders, feeling the <<if hasMutation ("scales")>>scaled skin<<else>>smooth muscle<<endif>> across your back. The other nervously flutters down to your cock. He cups your bulge.\n\nHe jerks back. "Uh, you wanna--" he says, digging the heel of his palm into your cock, and you go, uh, hey, yeah.\n\n<<if $rookWannaFuck eq true>>You go, like hey you weren't kidding when you asked if he wanted to fuck. He flushes deeper.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\\n<<if hasMutation("knot") || hasMutation ("dick")>>\\n<<display "rook first sex altered dick">>\n<<else>>\\n<<display "rook first sex human dick">>\n<<endif>>\\n<<set $rookStress += 1>>\\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("rook hj/blow")>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if hasMutation ("dick")>>\\nYou unlace your pants and let your gnarled ĝheist dick lurch out, swaying in a heavy, drooping arch. Rook //moans//, enthralled as it shudders and firms up, and immediately cups his hand around it, stroking over its leathery, warted flesh. His fingers stroke over the tip, foreskin only half peeled-back, and he catches the first little droplet of cloudy pre between his fingers, stretching out into a fine thread, and he brings his hand to his face, licking it off. You make a sound, an appreciative laugh, and he looks up, embarrassed, like he forgot you were even there. Just fixated on your disembodied dick.\n\nYou tell him it's nice he likes your dick, and he flushes and doesn't meet your gaze. But he keeps playing with your dick. \\n<<else>>\\nYou unlace your pants and let your sheath spill out and he //moans//, enthralled. Your sheath slurps open as your slimy cockhead pushes out into the open, dark and shiny. Rook wraps a hand around the tip, and you hiss and jerk back; he says "Sorry sorry," and you say, nah it's just real sensitive. Look, let me show you. You pull his hand up, pressing his fingers to your mouth, and lick a wet, slobbery trail over his palm.\n\nYou say, gotta make it slick at first. Then you move his hand back to your dick and wrap it around the tip, stroking his hand up and down. He stares down, just watching his fingers loosely curled around your sharp cockhead, slimy pre squelching up between his fingers. His mouth is hanging open; his fingers are trembling as he starts to stroke it on his own.\n\nYou say, he likes it, huh.\n\nRook says, "What even is it," flushed, mumbling.\n\nIt's your dick, you say.\n\n<<endif>>\\nThen you say, seems like he wants a closer look and step back, making enough space for him to slide off the counter onto the floor.\n\nHe kneels down, face an inch away, hand stroking over your flesh, hot breath coiling around your cock as <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>it hardens<<else>>you unsheath<<endif>>. Your first pulse of pre drizzles all over his hand, slimy and wet, and he strokes harder, filling the room with the thick //slurp slurp slurp// sound of his hand stroking <<if hasMutation("dick")>>your knobbled, warted monster dick<<else>>your mutated dog dick<<endif>>. Your second pulse of pre smacks him right in the face. He makes a sobbing, needy kind of whine and then smears his face against your dick, desperately sucking on the side, lapping up pre as more splatters across his face, spilling down his neck in dribbling lines and staining his already sweat-soaked undershirt with the grimy greyish tinge of your pre.\n\nHe slides up to the tip, lips parted, your cockhead resting on the pad of his lower lip as you spew pre all across his tongue, flooding his mouth. He gulps, wetly swallowing, and then gags a little.\n\n"It's sour," he says, more a marvel than a complaint, even as he struggles to keep up with the slow, sluggish drizzle of your pre.\n\nYeah, you say. It's an acquired taste. He'll get used to it if he keeps sucking.\n\nHe whines at that, lapping at the tip, tongue swiping over your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>smooth<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>gnarled<<endif>> flesh and catching stringy globs of pre. You groan, running a hand through his hair as he bobs up and down on your cocktip, snuffling and sobbing in joy as he gets to drink your pre.\n\nHe tries to cram more into his mouth, lips opening wide as he slides further down your shaft. He's clearly new at this: your cockhead bumps into the back of his mouth and he gags, pulling off sputtering, and he swallows a few times before he tries again. He mashes your cock against his throat, choking again, and you ease him off. No rush, you tell him. He's gonna have plenty of time to practice. Just take it easy. He pouts, and you kinda smirk and tell him not to worry. You're gonna fuck his throat later. A lot. But only once he can take it.\n\n<<if hasMutation("knot")>>\\nYou're nearly fully unsheathed now, knot half-surfaced from your sheath, and you tell him to just suck on the tip, lifting one of his hands from where it's digging into your thigh to wrap around your shaft. Jerk me off while you suck on my dick, you tell him.\n\nHis hand is glazed in slime, slick as he pumps over your smooth flesh. He's kissing your cockhead, lips pursed, tongue playing with the sharp tip, and his hand pumps up and down your length, pressing against his lips and sliding down to dig against your sheath. It's a band of pressure, sliding up and down, and it makes you want to hump forward, pin him back against the counter so you can fuck his throat. Feel his tight throat wrapped around your cock. Gotta go easy though; don't wanna spook him.\n\nHis hand butts against your sheath, pushing your sheath back, and experimentally he grinds down further, pinning your sheath back in leathery folds. Your knot bursts out into the open, tentacles squirming out behind it, coiling around his fingers, and he jerks back, back of his head knocking into the counter. He goes a little bug-eyed as he stares at your cock. You guess that your cock might be a little, uh, intimidating. Especially if it's the first non-human cock some guy's ever seen.\n\nRook reaches out with trembling hands, wrapping them both -- with a wet //squelch// -- around your shaft, stroking slowly down. He flinches again when one of your tentacles touches him, fingers tightening fractionally, but he pushes down further, fingers sliding over the slightly-swollen bulk of your knot, digging into the nest of tentacles at the very base of your cock. You groan, legs sagging a little, and you give in to the impulse to lean forward, hands gripping the counter's edge, fucking your cock along his face. You let him bury one hand half-inside your sheath, fingers all tangled up with your tentacles. You gush a messy shot of pre, spraying up the countertop, dregs drizzling down into his hair, and Rook whines, using his other hand to tug your cock down, letting you spray the next shot all over his face, a drizzling mess pouring down into his open mouth as he starts sucking on it again.\n\nYou tell him good boy, and he whines around your cock, sucking up the scum caking it, letting the tip pop out of his mouth with a spray of slime. He follows the drizzle of slime down the underside, lapping it up as he goes, until his exploration takes him to your knot. His tongue traces the furrows around the fat chambers of your knot, dipping down beneath that to kiss your sheath. His stubble rasps against your tentacles, sending a frisson of heat up your spine as you splay them out across his face, wrapped over his cheeks and jaw, splayed up over the bridge of his nose. Tying his face to your knot as he kisses and sucks on its slathered flesh. He shoves his tongue inside your sheath, gulping down the thickened slime that spills out across his face, old pre and cum slathered around the root of your cock, smeared in tacky globs across his face from your churning tentacles. Your cock twitches, shaking side-to-side, spewing out heavy arcs of pre that splatter down across his shoulders and back, glazing his sweaty skin in a layer of grimy pre. He moans, wetly blowing frothy bubbles out across your knot, and drags back. His lips are bruised, red and pillowy as he wraps them around your cocktip again, gulping down your pre easier now. He still gags a little.\n<<else>>\\nYour cock aches, heavy and engorged, and Rook hungrily slurps on the tip, lips stretching over your warted cockhead, throat jogging as he gulps down pulse after pulse of pre. He grimaces from the taste, pulling off to pant and grimace when it gets too much, but he doesn't let that stop him: a few seconds of panting on his knees in front of your cock, one hand still loosely jerking off your slime-coated shaft, his face getting splattered with cords of pre before he's ready to start drinking it again.\n\nYou tell him to squeeze down, and his grip tightens, letting your fat, gnarled shaft pump through his fist, and he just stares at it, marveling: your fat warts catching on the crest of his fingers, pushing through and scraping across his palm to pop out into the open. He stares at the minute flex of your skin against his fingers, and squeezes harder, making your entire cock swell with trapped blood. He moans, sinking back onto it, lips pressing against your bloated cockhead and catching a mess of fresh slime all over his face before he opens wide, letting it spurt all over his tongue. He grimaces again, but swallows, sucking the head of your cock into his mouth as he strokes your shaft.\n\nHe tries swallowing it again, sinking down your shaft, glossy warts catching on his lips and shoving in. His tongue laps along the underside of your cock, and he whines, hungry and desperate. The tip of your cockhead bashes against the back of his mouth and he gags, sputters mess of phlegmy pre out across your shaft, and then tries again. You tell him, easy, and gently hold his head in place, letting him nurse on as much of your cock as he can manage. His throat warps around your cockhead, resting against the soft flesh at the back of his throat, spitting pre in sloppy lines all over his tonsils. He gurgles, swallowing thickly, tears streaking down his face as he inexpertly tries to swallow your cockhead. You tip his head back, giving him a better angle, and between that and the thick phlegm he's been sputtering up across your cock, the next time he struggles to swallow your cockhead hits his throat at the right angle and sinks in. He wasn't expecting it to work and immediately coughs and sputters more, spitting your cock out and drooling on the ground, face a mess of snot and tears.\n\n"Sorry," he says, hoarsely, and you tell him no problem, it's real fucking hot how much he wants to swallow your dick. So if he wants to keep choking on your dick that's great. Your cock bobs from his abrupt withdrawal, splattering lines of sludgy pre and spit all across Rook's shoulders and chest while he pants. After a second he raises his head, stares at your cock, and opens wide, gulping down the first few inches and mashing the tip against the back of his throat. He swallows deeper, head angled up, and manages to stuff it down his throat: spit frothing across his lips, throat bulging from its girth, chest heaving. He gurgles, coughing up most of your pre, sludge drooling from his nose and lips, eyes watering. He finally has to spit it out, keeping the tip in his mouth, his face a mess of pre and spit, flushed a blotchy, ruddy red.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou tell him you're close. He moans and redoubles his efforts. You tell him, just stroke. Keep going. He slobbers all over the tip of your cock, cords of spit and pre drooling down his chin, splattering across his chest. He pumps your cock with both hands, squelching and sucking. Your pre froths up into dollops of cream, splattering in heavy globs on the floor, all over him, slathering his arms to the elbow in creamy, churned-up slime.\n\nYou can feel it build, and probably Rook can too. He's panting, gasping for breath around your cock, spitting and sputtering pre back down your shaft, all over his pumping hands. Your muscles flutter; you clench your stomach. You feel your balls lurch, churning, skin furrowing deep. You let out a long, low groan, cock pulsing in Rook's hands, base flexing, and then you flood his mouth with your first blast of cum. He gags and sputters, spewing it back down your shaft in a gloppy wave, pulling off in shock, and your next blast pegs him right in the face, painting him in a thick, slimy wash. He sputters again, eyes watering, mouth hanging open. He struggles to swallow, gagging from the taste, each burst of cum spraying across his face, gushing into his mouth, and each time he tries to swallow and fails, throat rejecting the sour, bitter, chunky sludge. Cum pours down his face, thinner slime washing the thicker clots down his chest, and he coughs and sputters, frothy cum drooling from his nose, cords spilling down over his lips.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYou're tempted to tell him to grab your knot, have him squeeze it and feign knotting so you'll keep cumming all over him for a good half-hour, but he seems pretty overwhelmed just from a few seconds worth of blasts.\\n<<else>>\\nYou spray all over his body, shots erupting into his hair, all over his face, down over his jaw and neck, glazing him in shot after shot of your thick, gritty load.\\n<<endif>> He looks drunk, eyes half-lidded, webbed over with cum, mouth hanging open slack, a grimy wash of greyish cum flooding his mouth, spilling over his lips. He's glazed, skin hidden under layers of cum, huge stringy cords hanging from his jaw, tangling together with wet slaps when he bobs his head forward to try to suck your load straight from the source. His entire front is drenched, undershirt and pants soaked dark in huge splotches, a dark puddle of slime pooling beneath him.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>So you let yourself stop, tentacles not clamped around your bulging knot, letting it swell and then spend itself over hardly a minute. You don't think Rook even noticed it. In his defense, he's got other things occupying him.\n<<endif>>\\n\\nYou drop down to your knees, your cock <<if hasMutation("knot")>>a shuddering pillar sandwiched between your chests<<else>>skewing up across his stomach, still drooling cum<<endif>>. You lean in to lick your cum off his stubbled jaw, then kiss his cum-slathered lips and spit the mess into his mouth. He tries to swallow, again, gagging and spitting it into your mouth, slimy with drool. You gulp it down, easy, and he sobs against your lips, panting. You share globs of cum back and forth, getting sloppier and thinner, until he manages to choke down a messy slurry of it, throat spasming and retching before he swallows again and gasps, panting. You smear your hands across his chest, catching a messy slather of cum, and then feed it to him. He sucks the gritty cum off your fingers, eyes watering, drool pooling in his mouth, drinking more down.\n\nHe's a flushed mess, drooling from your foul, acrid cum, panting and gasping for breath, sometimes heaving and struggling to keep what he's already swallowed down. You lean in, eating your cum off him, sharing some when he seems capable of swallowing more.\n\nAll-in-all, pretty good for his first time, you think.\n\n<<if $talkOptions.indexOf("ĝheist dicks") === -1>>''You can now talk about "ĝheist dicks"''\n<<set $talkOptions.push("ĝheist dicks")>><<endif>>\\n<<set $rookLocustDick to hasMutation("dick")>>\\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "rook first sex altered dick">>
You unlace your pants and pull out your dick, and he moans and wraps his fingers around it, tugging on your sweat-damp flesh as you harden in his hand. You do the same, unzipping his pants and fishing out his cock -- already hard. It's a nice size, just a little over two fists long; brutally thick all the way from base to tip. His cockhead is a flushed, shiny red, with his tight foreskin half-retracted down its swell.\n\nYou stroke him off slow, letting your palm grind against the underside of his cockhead. He sighs into your mouth, a glossy bead of pre bubbling up from his puffy cockslit, and you catch it over your fingers and slick it back across his shaft, making your strokes slicker and sloppier. His fingers dig into your shaft, and he gasps, shaking, as he runs his hand over your hardening cock, overwhelmed by even getting to touch it. You drizzle <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>cloudy yellow <<endif>>pre over his fingers, <<if hasMutation ("balls")>>thick and stringy<<else>>sloppy and wet<<endif>>, and your press your cocks together, hands wrapping around both shafts as you rut against each other. Rook kisses you hungrily, whimpering into your mouth, hips rising up off the counter as he humps you, his cock sliding up your stomach, sheened in your mingled pre, leaving behind wet, glossy smears across your stomach as he starts leaking more.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("balls") || hasMutation ("prostate")>>You far outproduce him, your tainted ĝheist pre gushing out across his stomach in slimy spurts, glazing you and him both in your sloppy spurts, until both your hands crackle and squelch as you stroke your slick shafts, the motion nearly frictionless all coated in churned-up crests of frothy pre.\n<<else>>You spurt pre across his belly, your combined pre coating your shafts, making your hands glide slickly over your glazed shafts, the motion smooth and easy as you rut against each other.\n<<endif>>\n\nRook gasps, eyes fluttering, and you lean down, kissing across his stubbled jaw, teeth digging into his neck. He lets out a choked moan, cock twitching against yours, and then he shoots off, cock flexing as he pumps stringy white cum up between you, sharply squirting up over your chests. You milk his cock, stroking it steadily as he cums all over your, thumb playing with his cockhead, and he groans, sagging against you as he blows his load all over your stomach, fat globs of cum that smear between you in a sloppy mess as he keeps humping the furrow of your thigh. His thighs strain as he rises up on his toes, hands on your hips as he humps away, gasping and shuddering.\n\nWhat can you say. He looks good. You groan, kissing him aggressively, biting his lips, and you cum too, cock gliding through his sloppy mess before you erupt, gushing up over his chest, shooting droplets of cum that tangle in his stubbly chest hair, smeared up and down as you press against each other, sloppily making out. He groans, sagging back, and your next few spurts splatter in lines all up across his chest, nearly to his neck<<if hasMutation ("balls")>>, glazing him in gritty, grimy ĝheist cum. He raises a hand, smearing a glob onto his fingers, and looks at it, marvelling at the inhuman consistency even as you splatter more all across his chest and belly. He squishes it between his fingers, grit showing clear when he stretches it out into cords, and then he brings his finger to his mouth, licking it off and making a face. You tell him it's an acquired taste.<<else>>.<<endif>>\n\nYou rut your cock against his hip, his softening cock lolling to the side, and ooze out the last dregs of your load down his side. You pull away, the both of you flushed and sweating, his front glazed in your mingled loads, you only slightly less splattered with cum. You grin at him, cockeyed, and he grins back breathlessly, still panting.\n\nGood, huh, you ask him, giving his softening cock a tug, letting it drizzle out cum over your fingers. He nods, swallowing, fingers skimming across your thigh. You lean in and kiss him again -- incidentally smearing your load all over when you press against him -- and then pull back. You say, maybe we can do that again some time, and he flushes and nods.\n<<sex "rook" "hj" "mutual">>\\n<<sexscene "rook first sex human dick">>
You take a step back. His first response is to lean in, look down, gaze focusing on your crotch, before he drags his eyes back up.\n\nThen he comes to, or snaps out of it maybe, and jerks back. He stammers something, an apology probably.\n\nYou tell him, no problem. You're glad you could help.\n\nHe mumbles something else and slides off the counter, stumbling out of the room.\n\nYou watch him go. He's got a nice ass, too.\n\n<<set $rookTension to true>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("rook hj/blow") === -1>>\\n/% a way to get to the sex scene later if you don't make a move immediately %/\n* [[come on to him|rook show your dick]]<<scenealert "rook show your dick">>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $rookLocustDick>>\\n* [[ask him if he wants to blow you again|rook blow]]<<scenealert "rook blow">>\n<<set $_rookhardintro to true>>\\n<<endif>>\n<<if $rookThreesomeUnlockable && $rookGheistDickPlan gte 2>>\n* [[get him to blow pthuul's actual ĝheist dick|rook ĝheist blow]]<<scenealert "rook ĝheist blow">>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[←|rook]]
<<if $_rookhardintro>>\\nYou ask him if he wants to blow you again.\n\nHe immediately stares down at your crotch. You bet he's flushing under the helmet.\n\n<<set $_rookhardintro to false>>\\n<<endif>>\\n"Over here," he says, all pulls you all of ten steps away, around a corner into an alley, only just hidden behind an enlarged masonry block at the corner that provides a scant alcove. At the right angle, somebody in the street could see his back, but you figure, well, if that's what he wants to do, you're not gonna stop him.\n\nHe immediately drops to his knees, thumbs prying into his helmet along his chin to release its catch, and pulls his helmet off, revealing his disheveled face, slightly shiny with sweat. He buries his face in your crotch, fingers curling around the lump of your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> through your pants. You let him mash his lips against the <<if hasMutation("knot")>>swelling<<else>>growing<<endif>> lump for a minute before you peel him off, tugging on the laces of your pants to let your cock out into the open.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>\\nYou drag your sheath out: a fat cannon of dark, leathery flesh, pointed right at Rook's face. He moans, raggedly, and presses his face against it in an obscene kiss. The wrinkled flesh of your sheath lurches back under the force of his mouth, pinned back against your crotch in thick furls, spreading in pillowy waves across his cheeks and chin as he digs in. Spreads his lips, groaning into your sheath, tongue lapping across your slick inner flesh. He gulps, mouth flooded with thicker, sludgy fluid, old pre trapped inside, and you can feel him grimace and sputter, drooling into your sheath to get the acrid taste out. All he accomplishes is thinning the messy slop coating your inner walls, letting more sluice down into his mouth. He doesn't pull back, through.\n\nYour cock surfaces, bloating your sheath before it bumps against Rook's face -- he jerks back in surprise, face already webbed with cords of slime, tying him to your spread sheath -- and pushes out into the open. The sharp tip crests out, and Rook pants an inch away from it, the hot billows of his breath making you unsheath faster. It slurps out, mashing against his slime-coated face and skewing up his cheek, and Rook twists his head, slotting his lips around the tip. He didn't notice, or hasn't remembered, just where your cockhole is: recessed in a dimple along the upper slope of your cockhead, not at the very tip, and so when you let out your first spurt of pre it smacks him right between the eyes and he jerks back in surprise, eyes flitting up to you, like he's embarrassed. You aim your cock down, tip digging into his chin, and the next spurt splatters all over his nose and lips, drooling down in thick webs across his mouth. He grimaces again at the taste, sour and bitter pouring over his tongue, but he still struggles to swallow, even with his eyes tearing up.\n\n<<else>>You pull your pants down enough for the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted <<endif>>base of your cock to be visible, and Rook is instantly back on it, lips and tongue feeling across your skin, tongue lapping down along your shaft. You help him heft it out into the open, peeling it out from your pants to hang in the open air: a thick, drooping arch of rubbery flesh<<if hasMutation ("balls")>> with your bloated balls knocking behind it, sac already churning<<endif>>. He groans, rubbing his face all along your shaft, dipping down to catch your foreskin gently between his lips, tongue flitting against the opening, peeling it back to reveal the darker flesh of your cockhead.\n\nYou give your cock a few tugs while Rook laps at the tip<<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>; that's enough for you to spurt a slobbery gush of pre that Rook gulps down and then immediately grimaces at, neck muscles twitching as he coughs and sputters. You spurt again, painting his mouth in a stringy mess of yellowed pre that he lets drool down his neck<<else>>, letting it harden against his face<<endif>>. Your cock fattens slowly, thickening until Rook's lips are widely spread around the tip, foreskin peeling back as he keeps suckling at your gaping cockslit.\n\n<<endif>>\\n\nHe's still too eager for his own good. He stuffs the tip of your cock into his mouth and tries shoving himself down. He manages a little better than his first time: handling your cock in the back of his throat, digging into his tonsils without him gagging -- too much -- but he still hasn't figured out how to deepthroat it. He mashes your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sharp cocktip<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>fat, warted cockhead<<else>>cockhead<<endif>> against the tight, closed muscle of his throat, not accomplishing anything. He whines, eyes closed, gurgling around your cock as he tries to force it down, hungry and frustrated. You pull him off, smiling a little at the soft, almost pouty whine that comes from his throat.\n\nYou tell him that's better than before, but that he's still gotta have some moderation. You tell him, don't worry, you'll fuck his throat once he can take it. His <<if hasMutation ("prostate")>>slime-smeared <<endif>>eyelids flutter closed, and he moans, humping against your leg. You could probably get him to cum in his pants just by telling him what you want to do to his throat.\n\nYou tap on his armored shoulders, and he pulls back enough to dig his pre-slimy hands into the seams on the side, letting it sag apart with a //clunk// before he shoves it over his head, letting it fall onto the sand beside him. His undershirt is already half-translucent with sweat, and the drool of pre down his chin has made its way down his neck to hit the seam of his undershirt, soaking in and staining it darker.\n\nYou tell him to just play with the tip; that it's not just about fitting as much cock as possible into his gullet as fast as possible, and give your shaft a few pumps for emphasis, spurting out a few gushes of pre all over his upturned face.\n\nHe leans forward, lips kissing your slathered cockhead, slowly spreading as he sinks down on it, until <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sharp tip digs into the back of his throat again, splattering pre all across the roof of his mouth<<else>>his lips pop over the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted flange of your fat cockhead<<else>>ridge of your cockhead<<endif>>, letting it sit on his tongue, constantly oozing pre<<endif>>. He gurgles, <<if firstMutationOf (["dick", "knot", "prostate"])>>mouth flooding with drool to try to wash the acrid taste away, <<else>>spit burbling at the corners of his lips as he slurps and swallows, <<endif>>and he just lets it drool down your shaft in a slobbery wave.\n\nYou tell him good job, and reach down, wrapping his hands around your shaft, letting him jerk you off, slick with <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>slimy sheath fluid and the slurry of spit and pre drooling from his spread, bruised lips<<else>>pre and spit as he slobbers around your fat cockhead<<endif>>. He strokes your cock for a bit, tongue squirming against the underside of your cockhead, <<if firstMutationOf (["knot", "dick", "prostate"])>>getting used to the taste of your pre until he swallows more than he gags<<else>>his moans as he gulps down your pre sending buzzing vibrations through your cockhead<<endif>>. There's a sloppy, shiny spill of spit and pre pouring down his neck, over his chest, completely soaking his undershirt all the way down to his belt.\n\nYou ask him if he wants to try taking more. He nods, of course, cheeks bulging as he bobs on your cock.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>You tell him to straighten his neck, moving him around a little: hips further back, back down, head tipped up. Throat a straight line. Your cock has a bone in it, you tell him. It doesn't bend much, so he's gotta bend around it. He whimpers, lips stretched wide around the fat middle of your shaft. You move forward: hunched over his upturned face, cock pointed straight down. Mounting his face like an animal.\n\nIt is a better angle. Your cocktip pushes down into his throat, and he holds it there, his clenching muscles milking your tip, coaxing out a continual flow of grimy pre. Drool burbles over his lips and spills down his face, a constant wet upwell as he shudders and gags weakly, mouth flooded with the heavy, rancid taste of your pre. You press your hands against the wall, bracing yourself, and thrust: quenching your cock in the sloppy morass of his flooded throat, plunging down until your sheath meets his face with a wet //plap//, spilling out over his nose and chin. He gurgles, big bubbles of spit bubbling out around your cock, but he manages to not choke. You pull back, cock emerging slathered and dripping, spilling finger-thick cords of churned-up slime down across his face. He sobs at the withdrawal, rising up to sink back onto your cock, and you let him fuck himself on your cock: his bruised lips slurping up your shaft until they dig into your sheath, bobbing up and down on a few inches of cock, managing to handle it. A continual flow of slime pours from his fucked-open mouth.\n\nYour knot digs against the lip of your sheath, heavy and already half-engorged. It bears down, impossible to miss -- Rook's nose bumps against it when he tries to hilt your cock. Rook slides a hand up your thigh, curling a hand around the huge, meaty lump of your sheath, and tugs, feeling your knot beat under the surface, feeling your sheathflesh peel back. He digs in, coaxing it on, and your knot throbs hard, lurching out with a messy explosion of backed-up pre, totally drenching his face in murky black pre. Your tentacles unfurl from behind it, smearing through the messy tracks coating his face, painting messy lines over his skin until his entire head is uniformly glazed. He opens wider, mouth a sloppy pit, throat convulsing around your fat shaft as he struggles to swallow you down to the knot. His lips inch up your shaft, scummy black ooze pouring down over your knot to meet them, adding oily black streaks to the mess coating his face. He chokes, body suddenly realizing just how deep he is -- cocktip spurting just a scant inch above his collarbone -- and retches, jerking to the side, cock emerging from his throat a spit-slathered mess as he gags and coughs, drooling heavily into the sand, letting thick froth spill from his fucked-open mouth. His lips are bright red, puffy and bruised, and when he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand that just makes the color more clear.\n\nYou tell him that was a pretty good try. You're definitely not expecting him to get all the way down to the knot. He's probably expecting you to knot his face, which is really not gonna happen. You let your tentacles wetly lick across his forehead and scalp as he coughs up big glistening bubbles of pre, throat warbling wetly in between coughs. It takes him less time than you expect before he's raising his head again, dragging his puffy lips across the bulk of your shaft, tongue slipping out to catch glossy streamers of black pre. Your tentacles squelch wetly as you coil them around your shaft, sluggishly jerking yourself off, keeping your dick drooling heavily all over Rook's drenched and dripping face.\n\n<<else>>You lean back, canting your hips slightly to give him more space, and Rook instantly crowds in, chest pressing against your thighs. He keeps his lips locked around your cockhead, bending your shaft in a taut arch over his face, like a spring about to burst. Your balls smack across his slime-slathered chin, sticking there wetly, and smear across his face as he bobs back and forth on the tip of your cock, lips slurping across the <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>warted <<endif>>ridge of your cockhead. You feed him more of your cock, pulling him down until his lips press against his hand, circling the base of your cock. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>Your cockhead presses against the back of his throat and pops into the sloppy, phlegm-lubed tunnel of his throat<<else>>Your cockhead digs against the back of his mouth<<endif>>, and he pushes himself deeper, voice muffled into a buzz as he struggles to swallow more. His throat bloats as he gulps down your cock, drool streaming down your shaft as he inches his way down.<<if hasMutation ("dick")>> Huge craggy warts catch across his lips and drag them out into a messy snarl before each one pops over his lips and slurps inside, scraping his already-bruised lips redder and rawer.<<endif>>\n\nHe's only got the root of your cock to go: <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>a punishingly-thick base, craggy with the coarse, waxy scute that fans out across your crotch and thighs, forming big waxy blisters that coat the final few inches in broad, heavy knobs<<else>>a fat base, with tightly-curled hair fanning out across your crotch, crawling up the final inch of your shaft in coarse curls<<endif>>. Rook groans again, gurgling. He's flushed a deep, ruddy red, jawline a mess of dripping slime, with cords of pre and phlegm oozing from his nose and around your cock. He lurches closer, body radiating heat across your legs, slime squelching wetly between your bodies. He sucks on your cock, tongue lurching erratically across the underside, throat spasming each time he sucks in a breath around your cock. Like something flowering, unfurling, his throat opens up, and he sinks himself down on your cock all the way to the root, <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>heavy waxy warts tearing at his lips<<else>>coarse hair scratching across his lips<<endif>> as he sinks all the way down. His lips are warped obscenely, drawn out from his face in a taut arch, bruised and red and enormous. Your balls smack against his throat and stay there, glued in place by the gummy slime painting his skin. You can feel his throat pulse both ways: cock carving him open, balls feeling the twitches from outside.\n\nRook keens, humping your leg, head bobbing down on your cock. He hilts each time with an obscene wet //squelch//, frothy ooze burbling out over his lips. For a second, you think he's gonna make it -- keep your cock down long enough to cum in his pants; to get you to cum down his throat -- but he abruptly gags and lurches to the side, cock ripping its way up his throat in a messy explosion of slime. He coughs and gags, spitting out your cock, and it sways away before listing back and smacking hard against the side of his head as he spits up mouthfuls of phlegmy slime. He whines, voice nasal, nose and throat clogged with your pre, and even as he's retching into the sand he curls a hand around your drooling cock and idly strokes you off, coaxing out more spurts of pre to soak his hair and spill down his head.\n<<endif>>\\n\nYou tell him, you're gonna cum soon. Does he want it to be all over his face or down his throat?\n\nRook gurgles a little, throat still filmy with pre, before he responds. "Down my throat," he says.\n\nYou say, well then he better get your dick back in his throat. He whines, lips sliding down your shaft to wrap around <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the tip<<else>>your cockhead<<endif>>, his abused throat pulsing as he swallows in preparation before sinking himself down. His throat is thickly-lubed with your pre and his thick phlegm, and it's easy now for him to sink <<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>halfway down, lips warped obscenely around the midpoint of your shaft<<else>>to the root, lips pressed in an obscene kiss against the base of your dick<<endif>>, his throat bulging around your dick.\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your tentacles stroke the rest of your shaft, slopping wetly across your knot. Writhing tentacles smack across Rook's face, fanning out in dripping furls.<<else>>Rook curls his hand around the root of your cock, stroking its bulk. The calluses across his palm catch across your warts, scraping roughly, and you have to resist the impulse to fuck forward into his grip, jamming the full length of your cock down his throat. He does it himself after a second, hand flattening out against the hard arch of your crotch, head pinned between your thighs.<<endif>> Your orgasm builds. The tight, rippling heat of Rook's throat sends hot sparks along your shaft, buzzing down into your heavy balls, blossoming between your hips. He gurgles and slurps, drooling heavily as he facefucks himself, bruised lips spread obscenely around your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>monstrous, bestial shaft<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>mutant ĝheist dick<<else>>fat dick<<endif>>.\n\nYou cum with a groan, and dimly aware of how exposed you are you muffle it with your forearm: head upturned, eyes blank, as you shoot straight down Rook's throat. Wet noises come from his fucked-open throat, sloppy and gurgling, and he hunches against your leg, cumming in his pants as you cum down his throat. His throat warps, abused muscles spasming as he tries to gulp down your load. Excess froth spills from his mouth<<if hasMutation ("dick") || hasMutation ("knot")>>, <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>inky black cum squirting from his nose and burbling up over his lips<<else>>and gritty scum scrapes along the inner flesh of his throat, working its way up into his flooded mouth in gummy clots<<endif>>, overflowing his lips and oozing down your sodden balls in a grimy wash<<else>>but he gulps and gulps, managing to swallow down each spurt<<endif>>.<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>> He groans around your cock, hand on his stomach, feeling as you fill him up with your altered load, and as you keep unloading down his throat you start to see it as well: his belly heavy and drooping, deep wet sloshing sounds coming from his overfilled stomach as you pump squirt after squirt of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>mutant dog cum<<else>>chunky ĝheist cum<<endif>> down his throat.<<endif>>\n\n<<if hasMutation ("knot") || hasMutation ("balls")>>You fill him until he overflows: he gags around your cock, squirting out an enormous fountaining mess of cum up across your stomach, streaming down your legs. He gags weakly, falling off your cock -- emerging drenched, pouring more cum down its length and all over his disheveled face. Cum burbles up from his nose and mouth, gushing down his face in frothy, churned-up lines, utterly drenching his undershirt, dripping down his heavy pecs. He kneels there under your cock, mouth an open pit overflowing with cum, mutely gulping as you <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>piss out<<else>>squirt<<endif>> even more cum all across his face in gush after gush, gluing his eyes shut, plastering his hair to his scalp, forming a sloppy river pouring down his neck, spilling between his fat pecs and drenching the crotch of his pants.\n\n<<endif>>\\nHe slurps across the length of your cock, puffy lips wrapping around the tip, still gulping. You think he cums in his pants again: his entire body shudders, soft keening noises rippling up through his clogged throat, and his hips lurch, grinding the hard mound of his trapped dick against your calf again. He sucks across your shaft<<if firstMutationOf (["knot", "balls"])>>, trying and failing to keep up with the sheer volume of cum you're spurting out all over him<<endif>>, his tongue soft and slimy, slathered and drooling, as he laps across <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>the smooth, animal planes of your monstrous dick<<else if hasMutation ("dick")>>the craggy warts of your mutant ĝheist dick<<else>>your dick<<endif>>. Your cock lurches, smacking him across the face, and the next spurt of cum entirely coats his tongue in <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>inky black ooze<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>the wet-concrete grime of a fresh chunk of ĝheist cum<<else if hasMutation ("prostate")>>a wash of slimy, yellowed cum<<else>>a wash of pearlescent cum<<endif>>, drooling down into his flooded mouth.<<if firstMutationOf (["knot", "balls", "dick", "prostate"])>> He's beyond grimacing at the taste: he just gulps it down, hungry for more.<<endif>>\n\nYou eventually finish, <<if firstMutationOf (["knot", "balls"])>>leaving him almost a sloppy, cum-coated silhouette: drenched from crown to crotch in the sloppy mess of your load<<else>>leaving him dripping in your load<<endif>>, with excess darkening the sand beneath him. He's flushed and panting, hands gripping your thighs, needy noises bubbling up from his well-fucked throat. He sucks your softening dick<<if hasMutation ("knot")>> as it slips back into your sheath<<endif>>, and it lurches one last time, spitting out the heavy, silty dregs of your load. He swallows it down easily. He nearly sobs when you step back <<if firstMutationOf (["knot", "balls"])>>-- your own body dripping with cum, pants soaked all across your inner thighs -- <<endif>>and you have to stop him from lunging forward, hungrily nursing at <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your soft dick<<endif>>.\n\nYou squat down, leaning it to give him a kiss, sharing the <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>acrid, sour<<else if hasMutation ("balls")>>gritty, rank<<endif>> taste of your load, cum still streaked across his face and pooling under his tongue. He moans into your mouth, hands curling across your thighs, hefting the weight of <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>your sheath<<else>>your dick<<endif>>, and he gurgles, swallowing on nothing, and cums in his pants again. His throat is well and truly fucked open: he keeps swallowing, a burble of cum still making its way up, and each time he swallows he whimpers.\n\nYou take a little pity on him and drag him away -- nearly literally -- so you can help him scrub off the worst of the cum. He reeks of sex. It's not subtle.\n\nHe definitely had a good time, though.\n\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "rook blow">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You head back into the tunnels. The ĝheist have spread out some, in various deeper storage rooms. It's a little weird to see them with their sun-shades off.\n\nYou tell them you're making progress. Then you talk about Rook and how he really wants to suck a dick.\n\nZhalk says, "You're on a time limit and you're spending time teaching this soldier how to suck dick?"\n\nYou say, this guy is about ready to desert from the army and a big part of that, right now, is how he really wants to suck on some big gnarled ĝheist dick. So...\n\nPthuul snorts. "He can suck my dick if he wants," he says, and gropes his dick for emphasis. Khru elbows him: "All for the cause, right."\n\nYou say, perfect. You'll set up something with him.\n<<set $rookGheistDickPlan to 2>>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
You say, you know how we talked about how you really wanted to suck on a ĝheist dick.\n\nRook kinda stiffens. You'd thought the helmet would really hurt your ability to read him, but it turns out he's so responsive to everything that it's not actually a big deal.\n\nYou continue, so, you know, if you got a minute free I'm about to do you a huge favor.\n\nThis is kind of the big moment. //Theoretically// the correct action in his position would be to report to Agares that there's probably a ĝheist in the village right now, and that some of the villagers are smuggling people -- ĝheist! -- in and out despite the ostensible siege. But instead he just follows you, nearly tripping over his own feet.\n\nYou bring him to a low building at the edge of the building. Farming supplies, but in this season it's pretty desolate. You step inside, and Rook follows you, looking around the empty room. The second door on the other side of the room seems to draw all his attention.\n\nYou tell him, y'know what you said about clothes? He says "huh?", distracted. You pull on the edge of his chestplate. You say, not really gonna show that you come in peace. You slide your fingers up and dig into one of the latches, pulling it open with a //clack//.\n\nThen you pull back and tell him you'll strip too. So he's not the only naked person in the room. You pull your tunic over your head, shedding the rest of your clothes as Rook half-stumbles out of his armor. Presumably he's skilled at putting it on in an emergency, but maybe not so much taking it off while he's distracted by his dick. He finally strips naked, helmet coming off last, revealing his ruddy face and stubbly hair. He's half-hard, cock jutting out straight from his body like a lead pipe, balls drawn up tight beneath it in a fleecy sac.\n\nSo you say, c'mon, and herd him through the other door. He freezes, back against your chest as he actually looks in. Pthuul is there, idly playing with a broken trowel-head that was let back here. You hope you haven't left him waiting too long. He's mostly stripped down: just wearing his pants, no boots.\n\nRook's eyes are real wide. This is probably the closest he's ever been to a living ĝheist, and he's probably thinking about how his gun is back in the other room with the rest of his clothes. Still, his cock doesn't flag at all. If anything it gets harder. Pthuul looks him up and down, gaze catching on Rook's cock, and Rook whines. He's breathing fast. You tell him chill.\n\n"I'm not here to fight," Pthuul says, swaggering forward a few steps. "I heard you wanted something I got." He gropes his crotch, hoisting up the bulges of his cock, and Rook lets out a sighing exhale, legs trembling. You give Rook an encouraging push forward, and he stumbles into the room, staring back between you and Pthuul. Like he's only just realizing what he's got himself into. But as his gaze lingers on you both, also realizing //what he's got himself//. <<if hasMutation ("dick")>>Your cock shudders to life, warted shaft pushing out further, lengthening where it's draped against your thigh.<<else if hasMutation ("knot")>>Your cock shudders, tip bloating your sheath, making it spread open in a thick swell.<<endif>> He swallows.\n\n"Hey," he says, voice catching, and Pthuul smirks at him.\n\n"Hey," Pthuul echoes, mirroring him.\n\n"Holy shit," Rook says. You consider telling him to beg Pthuul to suck his dick, but figure that might be a little too much.\n\nPthuul curls his fingers around his belt, unfastening the buckle and letting his pants sag minutely lower. Then he opens his fly, pulling the riveted fasteners open, unzipping the zipper, and fishes out his cock. <<if hasMutation("dick")>>It's about the same size as yours: a big gnarled ĝheist dick. But this one is attached to a genuine ĝheist.<<else>>It's a ĝheist dick for sure: big and gnarled, covered in a messy spray of warts. Big and heavy in his hand.<<endif>>\n\nRook lets out a shaky moan, taking a few staggering steps forward, gaze stuck to Pthuul's cock, and then he collapses on his knees in front of him, face just a few inches away.\n\n"Suck it," Pthuul says, giving it a shake so it hangs loose, damp hide peeling away from his balls. It shudders, swaying towards him, and Rook jerks back as it grazes across his nose. He looks back at you for a second, catching you stepping forward, your <<if hasMutation ("knot")>>sheath<<else>>cock<<endif>> jouncing with each step, and then back at Pthuul's dick, hardening an inch from his face.\n\n* [[→|rook blow voyeur]]\n/%\n* [[get on your knees and share Pthuul's dick w/ Rook|rook blow share]]\n<<if hasMutation ('dick') || hasMutation ('knot')>>\\n* [[let Rook blow both of you|rook blow both]]<<endif>>\n* [[watch him suck dick|rook blow voyeur]]\n%/\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $stressPoints.indexOf ("rook locust bj") === -1>>\n<<set $rookStress += 1>>\n<<set $stressPoints.push ("rook locust bj")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
You just watch. Rook is practically drooling all over Pthuul's dick. He's whimpering, needy hungry noises bursting out of his throat as Pthuul lets his hardening dick droop over the bridge of his nose, spilling up across his face. You wanna see just how hungry for that dick Rook is.\n\nRook mashes his face against Pthuul's cock. He snuffles, desperately inhaling the reek of a ĝheist dick: the smell of sex cut with lightrot reek, harsh and chemical. He licks his lips, so close that his tongue drags against Pthuul's skin, and opens wide, pressing his lips against the gnarled flesh of his dick. He moans, eyes fluttering shut, entire body arched towards Pthuul's dick. Rook suckles along the underside of his shaft, jaw lurching as he drags his tongue back and forth over Pthuul's flesh. He pulls back, a wash of spit spilling down Pthuul's balls, and then he slurps down over his fat sac, smearing his face against Pthuul's shaft, lips stretching as he tries to suck one of Pthuul's nearly fist-sized balls into his mouth. You think you're all surprised when he succeeds: cheeks hollowing, lips outlining the lumpy, lopsided furl of Pthuul's oversized balls, and then with a soggy //pop// he manages to stuff the ball in his mouth, dragging in half the furrowed, leathery flesh of Pthuul's sac with it, stuffing his mouth full.\n\nPthuul lets out a groan, his cock letting out its first wet drool of pre, hitting Rook directly on the forehead and sluggishly oozing down across his nose as he slobbers and slurps on Pthuul's balls. Pthuul groans again, reaching out to angle Rook's head -- pressing his other ball against Rook's face, his claws digging into the corner of Rook's already-stuffed mouth. Rook gurgles, trying to swallow around the giant mound filling his mouth and failing, letting a messy spill of spit squirt out around his lips and drizzle down his chin. His jaw lurches again, tongue twisting and prodding, and he spits out Pthuul's ball and sucks in the other, chewing on his leathery sac. His lips already look bruised, flushed and red as he stares up at Pthuul, snorting breath through his nose. Pthuul tries again, grinding his spit-coated ball against Rook's face, claws prickling across his cheeks, and Rook tries again, slurping and slobbering as he vainly tries to stretch his lips around Pthuul's other ball.\n\nRook looks up, face flushed red, eyes shining with tears, cheeks already stuffed to capacity with one giant ball. His mouth makes obscene wet sucking noises as he slurps, spit spilling in a grimy flow down his chin, and Pthuul grinds his knuckles over his ball, hissing as it's pinched between Rook's warped lips before it shoves down into his mouth.\n\nRook gurgles, jaw pinned open, his cheeks cartoonish, bloated enormously by the sheer volume of Pthuul's leathery sac. His raw lips are pinned tight to the base of Pthuul's dick, giant dick draped all across his face, bending his nose, glistening cockhead stuck to his forehead, drizzling grimy pre into his hair. Rook snuffles, jaw reflexively chewing on Pthuul's balls and only coaxing out thicker, ranker spurts of ĝheist pre all over his face, glazing his cheeks and coating him entirely in a translucent layer of thick, gummy sludge. You can see Pthuul's sac furrow, shifting around in Rook's mouth like a living thing, lurching around as Rook chokes and gurgles. Now with both balls stuffed into his mouth Rook can't spit them out; he's stuck prodding his tongue against their combined bulk, locked up against Pthuul's giant cock while it oozes grime all over his face. He swallows, throat lurching as he drinks down the slimy mess of spit and pre and sweat, only to have more pre burble over his spread lips, slipping inside as he chews on Pthuul's sac. Pthuul groans, slumping back so Rook has better access, letting him chew and slurp across his balls, tongue -- maybe dragging against his giant balls, lapping up slime from the surface of his sac; maybe just pinned flat in his mouth, unable to do anything other than wiggle against the huge girth of Pthuul's balls. Whatever he's doing, Pthuul sure seems to like it. He milks his dick, gushing slime onto Rook's disheveled face, coating him in a thick, gritty layer of grimy yellow pre: soaking his scalp, obscuring his eyes, dripping down his jaw, drooling from his nose and mouth as Rook sputters and gurgles, wetly breathing around the immense obstruction Pthuul's balls make. Sloppy ooze drizzles down Rook's chest, forming a frothy river of slime all down the center of his chest, more and more drizzling down as Rook coughs up wet slime, squirting out around his red, bruised lips.\n\nRook's hard. That's not a surprise. His dick, long and fat, is pinned against Pthuul's leg, glazed in the slurry dripping down Rook's body. He's whining, whimpering, as he slobbers across Pthuul's balls, dick hard and leaking, leaving a shiny smear across Pthuul's scute. Rook humps his leg like a dog, cock slipping along a glazed trough defined by the huge meaty swell of Pthuul's giant calf: face glued to Pthuul's dick, cheeks bloated by his balls, hips rutting desperately. You're not really that surprised when Rook cums, biting down hard, whines turning into a gurgle, cock lancing out cum all up Pthuul's calf. Pthuul rumbles out a roar, mashing Rook's face against the root of his cock, and he gushes grimy squirts of pre out past his head, splattering down his back in chunky, opaque cords, like wet cement, dripping down his skin. He catches the last few squirts in his other hand just so he can smear them all over Rook's face and neck. Rook whines, wetly snuffling, bubbles of ooze, eyelids fluttering as he cums all over Pthuul's calf before slumping forward, dazed.\n\n"That was a good start," Pthuul says, wiping chunky pre from Rook's eyes with one giant clawed thumb. "But there's so much more to do."\n\nRook whimpers, pulling back -- lips looking glued to the base of Pthuul's sac -- and slowly, unevenly, his lips spread, spitting out one immense ball and then the other, and then a sloppy river of spit that spills down Rook's chin. He's breathing hard, gasping for breath. He left tooth marks on Pthuul's sac. You know their genitals are a hell of a lot more durable than human ones, but you gotta admit you're a little surprised that didn't actually hurt Pthuul. If anything, he seems enamored. He plays across Rook's spit-shiny lips, claws curling into his mouth, fingers stretching his lips. They're already immensely bruised, red and plush, lower lip split and sluggishly oozing blood, and Rook just moans and leans in, sucking across Pthuul's gnarled fingers, still gasping for breath. Pthuul lets Rook suck on his fingers, swallowing them down to the knuckle -- face screwing up as, presumably, his claws start to dig into the soft flesh of his throat. Pthuul pulls his fingers free with a final drag of his thumb against Rook's parted lips, and guides him to the tip of his dick: Rook's lips parted against the immense, brutal cap of his dick. The crests of his warts and layered down into a thick ridge of waxy flesh along the ridge of his cockhead that Rook runs his teeth over, digging down slightly. Slowly Rook drools across his shaft, thinning the gritty sludge coating his dick, turning it into a slobbery mess. His tongue drags against Pthuul's broad cockslit, his puffy cocklips bulging out like a small mouth, and Rook laps at the tip -- still not entirely used to the bitter, sour taste of ĝheist cum -- and shoves his tongue inside, spreading Pthuul's cocktip around his squirming tongue. Pthuul groans, guiding Rook on with one immense hand spanning across the back of his head, letting Rook suckle on his fat cockhead. Pthuul groans, cock visibly lurching, the motion almost strong enough to pop it free from Rook's mouth, and then Rook is gurgling as he swallows, letting a sloppy mess of pre and spit coat Pthuul's shaft. Pthuul bastes Rook's mouth with pre until he stops grimacing, getting him used to the sour tang, and Rook just keeps going, hungrily gulping down pre even when it makes him gag and retch. His dick gets hard again, still smeared with the drying crust of his last load, and this time he hardly seems interested in getting off, just leaking pre all down Pthuul's calf as he gulps down the ĝheist's continually-flowing pre.\n\n"Bite," Pthuul commands, and Rook looks up at him before gingerly digging his teeth into the flesh of Pthuul's shaft. He snorts. "Harder." Rook digs down, jaw clenching, and Pthuul lets out a rumbling moan. Pre bulges out the underside of his dick, Rook's teeth chomping on the broad frenulum of his cock and apparently putting enough pressure on to stopper up Pthuul's squirts of pre. Rook opens wide, realigning to bite again, and gets a sudden mouthful of pre, squirting out over his lips as he starts to chew across Pthuul's dick. It looks kind of brutal, literally biting and chewing, chomping down hard on Pthuul's dick, but Pthuul just groans, rutting against Rook's face, breath hitching when Rook twists his teeth in his dick. He's leaving visible teeth marks in the waxy flesh of his warts. Pthuul seems real into it, actually. He's pissing out pre, flooding Rook's mouth, and by this time Rook is just letting it go, mouth stringy with slime, throat coated, gritty yellowish cords hanging from his chin, spilling down his drenched chest. He's glazed in pre, gagging as he gulps down more. It's sour, rancid, and hard to keep down your first few times.\n\nAll this and Rook hasn't gotten more than Pthuul's cockhead into his mouth. His shaft is thickly glazed, drenched in syrupy clots of pre, spilling over his thighs and coating his balls, and he pushes Rook off his cock to get him to suck on his balls again, slurping up the greasy, chunky mess of pre half-congealed across his immense, leathery sac. This is all still just foreplay to him. Rook sobs, moaning against his balls as he gulps down rancid ooze, tears in his mouth, frothy bubbles of slime drooling from his nose, gathering across the edges of his lips. Pthuul paints the mess across his face, making sure he's entirely slathered in clotted slime: fingers pressing behind his ears, along his stubbled jaw, dragging over the lines of his eyebrows and the bones of his cheeks, whorling thick lines of sludge until his features are totally obscured under a chunky, opaque layer of frothed-up pre, like he's had his head dunked in a barrel. Just his open, sucking mouth, a wet pit continually overflowing with spit-thinned pre, and the bubbles spilling from his nose.\n\nRook cums all over himself again, this time not even doing anything with his dick. His entire body convulses, chewing on Pthuul's giant sac again, and his cock erupts, adding streaks of cloudy white human cum to the grimy mess drizzling down his front. He gurgles as he tries to suck in a breath, wetly coughly around Pthuul's balls, and slowly manages to spit them out, gasping for breath. Pthuul takes the interruption in stride, just milking his dick over Rook's head, working out a continual flow of gritty pre pouring from the crown of his head down.\n\nRook catches his breath for a bit, hands on his knees, just breathing hard. He looks nice. Streams of pre ooze down his face, spilling into his panting mouth or along his jaw, dangling in swaying cords all along the line of his jaw before breaking and smacking down to the floor below. He's bulky, muscled and thick, and here every line of definition is glazed and glistening, his naked body drenched in slime. The room reeks of ĝheist cum, sour and bitter and meaty, rank and heavy. Rook's nose might be so clogged with pre he can't smell it anymore, maybe.\n\n"You ready to take my dick?" Pthuul says, and Rook's head instantly snaps up. He's doing it blindly; his eyes are thickly caked in pre, gluing his eyelashes down and turning his eyelids into vague swells beneath the gummy sludge. He nods, making an incoherent moan of agreement, and Pthuul laughs a little, not meanly.\n\nPthuul's dick thickly slathered in the gummy slurry of his pre and Rook's spit; Rook's mouth is in the same state, with gritty ooze dribbling out over his lips. Pthuul guides him down, wet open mouth down onto his dick, and this time instead of letting Rook just suckle on the tip he spreads his huge clawed hand across the back of Rook's head and eases him down. Rook gags when his cockhead bashes against the back of his throat, of course, and Pthuul keeps him there for a while, making him gag up a mess of stringy phlegm until his dick is coated. Rook keeps trying to swallow more, gagging and retching from the sheer brutal girth of his dick, puking up wet slime onto Pthuul's crotch, and Pthuul just scoops up the frothy mess and feeds it back into Rook's mouth, letting it lube up his throat until he's slick and open. He tugs Rook forward, both hands on his head, claws curling behind his ears, and Rook gives a final wet gag, splattering froth down Pthuul's shaft, and then gulps, wet and liquid, and then there's just the loud crackle of his grimy, warted shaft slurping past his lips.\n\nYou can see Rook's throat warp from your view at the door; it's not subtle. Pthuul's shaft is nearly as thick as Rook's wrists, and Rook's a meaty guy. His jaw hangs open, lips bruised and bleeding, scummy froth building up across his face as it gets scraped off Pthuul's shaft. His throat warps, squeezing tight instead of convulsing, milking Pthuul's dick. Pthuul groans in appreciation, rewarding Rook with another inch of his dick, sliding a hand over his face to tug his lips over a particularly lumpy whorl of warts. Rook's chest buzzes, the only sound he can actually make right now, wet and gurgling, and Pthuul's dick lurches inside him, spreading the flesh over Rook's throat until his adam's apple nearly vanishes from the bloated bulk. You can hear the crackle of his throat, fluid slipping and squelching; the wet //smack// is probably Pthuul spraying pre straight down into his stomach.\n\nPthuul tugs him off his dick, Rook's lips warped out into something obscene, almost mechanical in its stretch, like a rubber gasket warping around a fitting. He gags again as Pthuul's cockhead lurches back up into his mouth, and immediately slumps to the side, vomiting up thick cords of viscous, gritty slime, inhaling in wet, ragged gasps between full-body retches. He's sweating the ooze coating him thin, and it pours down his body in streaks, forming a spattering of frothy droplets beneath him.\n\nAll that, but once Rook finishes coughing up Pthuul's pre he gets right back up, absently wiping his tear-streaked face with one slime-coated forearm, and swallows Pthuul's cockhead back down without any prompting. Pthuul growls in appreciation, and Rook's entire body shakes, eyes squeezing even fight shut, and his half-hard dick lurches where it's glued to his thigh, spitting out a few more pulses of cum. Pthuul's growl ramps up at that, and he slumps a little lower, reaching out to wrap his giant hands around Rook's head, palms pinning his ears down with the wet squelch of skin on skin. He drags Rook's head down, cock vanishing into Rook's fucked-open throat with no resistance, not after all this. His throat warps, visibly spreading as Pthuul's cock sinks down, deeper, until Rook's lips press against his crotch with a liquid squelch. \n\nPthuul grinds him down, mashing Rook's nose flat against the muscled arch of his stomach, cock probing an iota deeper down his throat. It's probably nearly under his collarbone at this point. He holds Rook in place, hips jerking up -- burying Rook's head between his giant, muscular thighs -- and then pulling back, ripping a few inches of his cock from his mouth before pistoning them back. He fucks Rook's throat. It's loud: deep wet //glurp//ing noises coming from Rook's throat as Pthuul uses it as a fucksleeve, Rook spewing and gagging, the liquid sounds of slime splattering down beneath them. Ooze squirts from Rook's nose and mouth, thick gummy cords hanging down from his clogged nostrils, smearing across the base of Pthuul's cock as he keeps thrusting. Slime squirts from the corners of Rook's obscenely-stretched lips, sloppy and liquid sheening the leathery hide of Pthuul's thighs, spilling down over his balls.\n\nPthuul cums at some point, using Rook's head like a sex toy. He growls and groans, head thrown back, hips still jabbing up to beat Rook's mouth against his crotch, face-fucking him all the way through his heavy, prolonged orgasm. The stringy slime Rook's been vomiting up gets thicker, threaded through with heavy, gritty clumps of ĝheist cum. You can see it rippling up his spasming throat, wet gurgles forcing huge clots higher and higher until they finally burst into his mouth -- or up his nose -- and he spews them out in messy squirts, painting Pthuul's crotch in a frothy, churned-up layer of grimy, sour ooze.\n\nPthuul finally lets Rook go, hands hanging at his sides, but Rook doesn't try to pull off: he just gurgles, throat audibly squelching as he strokes off Pthuul's still-spurting dick with his ravaged muscles. Cum pours from his nose and mouth in foaming clumps, jaw hanging open, lips split and bleeding, and it's only when his entire body starts to slump to the side, dragging Pthuul's dick out of his throat, does Rook actually pull off. He makes an impossible, inarticulate noise, fucked-open throat gurgling up cum at the same time he tries to say something, and he coughs up a thick, stringy mass of cum, dribbling down over his jaw and splattering down to the floor. He gurgles more, gasping between retches, vomiting up cum, mouth constantly full of the overflowing slurry of cum and slime bubbling up from his wrecked throat.\n\nPthuul starts idly stroking his cock as he watches, aiming it to paint Rook's face and chest and hair in a fresh layer of cum from his still-spurting cock.\n\n"But," Rook says, cum gurgling out of his throat as he talks, voice a ruined hoarse rasp. "You were gonna fuck me!" It takes nearly a solid minute of hacking and coughing and slobbering over Pthuul's balls and spitting up cum before he can even get that out.\n\nPthuul laughs. "Yeah, I'll fuck you alright. Later. Can't have you gone for too long."\n\nYou have to admit you're impressed with Rook's stamina. His entire body is shaking, tremors running up his arms and through his thighs. He's glazed in cum, blowing bubbles from his nose and mouth. He looks like somebody punched him in the face a few times: lips swollen enormously, flesh of his jaw and throat starting to purple, big handprint bruises showing faintly across his jaw and up his cheeks. It's a good thing he wears that fucking helmet everywhere or there'd be no hiding it.\n\nAll that and he seems desperate to actually get fucked. It's admirable.\n\nStill, you're out of time.\n\nYou tell him, c'mon. Gotta get back outside. Rook nods jerkily, eyes still unfocused, cum oozing from his nose and mouth. The first time he tries to get up, he leans back first, and has a single-second expression screwing up his face before he lurches to the side, retching as he pukes up another mess of grimy, sour ĝheist cum. The way he looks at the clotted pile afterwards makes you wonder if he's gonna get on all fours and lap it up. You bet if Pthuul gave him the slightest indication he would, and maybe he'd cum all over himself untouched from doing it.\n\nAfter that, he gasps for a while, stomach still roiling, and eventually shambles to his feet, weaving unsteadily, leaving a dripping trail of slime behind him.\n\nYou have to scour him down with handfuls of sand to get him clean, and even skin scrubbed red he still reeks of ĝheist cum.\n\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<sexscene "rook blow voyeur">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
[you both fuck his mouth / cum all over his face and hair, etc]\n\n<<sex "rook" "oral" "bottom">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
[you and rook make out around pthuul's cock, trading off sucking on the tip, or sucking on his balls, etc. pthuul has one hand on each of yr heads and kinda guides you in place. he slides you up to be making out right over his cockhead when he blows, and you and rook make out and share his load]\n\n<<sex "pthuul" "oral" "top">>\\n<<display "human time advance">>[[→|village int]]
That's all the surveys done. You're not exactly sure on their schedule, after this. It's been an eventful season, that's for sure.\n\nZhalk's there, outside his tent for once, glowering in the light. He turns when he sees you approach.\n\n"All the expeditions done," he says. He looks grudging about what he's about to say. "You were a big help."\n\nYou say, he's welcome. You ask if they're all packing up and heading out, now?\n\n"Not immediately," he says. "Soon. Two or three days from now, once we've conferred about the initial assessment."\n\nYou nod. Going to be strange to have things wind down, after everything. Last chance to wrap things up with them, probably.\n\n<<display "survey endgame logic">>\\n[[that night...|survey endgame]]
<<nobr>>\n<<set $rookInVillage to $rookLocation eq "village">>\n<<set $munitionsInVillage to $munitionsLocation eq "village">>\n<<set $reconInVillage to $reconLocation eq "village">>\n<<set $ticInVillage to $ticLocation eq "village">>\n<<set $leaderInVillage to $leaderLocation eq "village">>\n\n<<set $khruFuckedBrulvundojn to $khruBeast eq "Brulvundojn">>\n<<set $khruFuckedAstau to $khruBeast eq "Astau">>\n<<set $rookWithJinnZhalk to $rookInVillage && $jinnStillCarrying && $zhalkTopped>>\n\n<<set $zhalkScene to\n $jinnStillCarrying && $rookInVillage && $zhalkTopped ? "zhalk fucked by jinn & rook"\n : $jinnStillCarrying ? "zhalk fucked by jinn"\n : $zhalkJinnThreesome ? "zhalk jinn double fuck"\n : "zhalk alone">>\n<<set $munitionsScene to\n $munitionsInVillage && $rookInVillage && $zhalkScene !== "zhalk fucked by jinn & rook" ? "rook munitions share djen"\n : $munitionsInVillage && $reconInVillage ? "munitions blow recon"\n : $munitionsInVillage ? "munitions ride pthuul"\n : "none">>\n<<set $jinnScene to\n $jinnStillCarrying || $zhalkJinnThreesome ? "none"\n : $rookInVillage && !$munitionsInVilage ? "rook jinn fuck"\n : "jinn absent">>\n<<set $reconScene to\n $reconInVillage && $munitionsScene === "munitions blow recon" ? "none"\n : $reconInVillage ? "recon yraal blow"\n : "none">>\n<<set $khruScene to\n $khruFuckedAstau ? "khru gangbang"\n : $khruFuckedBrulvundojn && $ticInVillage ? "khru riding 2ic"\n : "khru frot gawann">>\n<<set $ticScene to\n $khruScene !== "khru riding 2ic" ? "2ic frot gawann"\n : "none">>\n<<set $leaderScene to\n $leaderInVillage ? ($reconScene !== "recon yraal blow" ? "leader yraal blow"\n : $munitionsScene !== "munitions ride pthuul" ? "leader ride pthuul"\n : "leader djen makeout")\n : "none">>\n\n/% mopping up %/\n<<set $djenUnused to\n !($munitionsScene eq "rook munitions share djen"\n || $leaderScene eq "leader djen makeout")>>\n<<set $yraalUnusued to\n !($reconScene eq "recon yraal blow"\n || $leaderScene eq "leader yraal blow")>>\n<<set $pthuulUnusued to\n !($munitionsScene eq "munitions ride pthuul"\n || $leaderScene eq "leader ride pthuul")>>\n<<set $gawannUnusued to\n !($khruScene eq "khru frot gawann"\n || $ticScene eq "2ic frot gawann")>>\n\n<<set $djenScene to\n $djenUnused && $gawannUnused ? "djen fucked gawann"\n : $djenUnused && $pthuulUnused ? "djen fucked pthuul"\n : $djenUnused ? "djen self-fuck"\n : "none">>\n<<set $djenUnused to false>>\n<<if $djenScene eq "djen fucked gawann">><<set $gawannUnused to false>><<endif>>\n<<if $djenScene eq "djen fucked pthuul">><<set $pthuulUnused to false>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $yraalScene to\n $yraalUnused && $pthuulUnused ? "yraal blow pthuul"\n : $yraalUnused && $gawannUnused ? "yraal fucked gawann"\n : "none">>\n<<if $yraalScene eq "yraal blow pthuul">><<set $yraalUnused to false>><<set $pthuulUnused to false>><<endif>>\n<<if $yraalScene eq "yraal fucked gawann">><<set $yraalUnused to false>><<set $gawannlUnused to false>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $unusedOrgy to []>>\n<<set $yraalUnused ? $unusedOrgy.push("Yraal") : 0>>\n<<set $pthuulUnused ? $unusedOrgy.push("Pthuul") : 0>>\n<<set $djenUnused ? $unusedOrgy.push("Djen") : 0>>\n\n<<set $gheistSex to Object.keys($sex)\n .filter (function (i) {\n return ["zhalk", "jinn", "gawann", "pthuul", "khru", "yraal", "djen"].indexOf (i) !== -1;\n })\n .sort (function (a, b) { return state.history[0].variables["sex"][b] - state.history[0].variables["sex"][a]; })>>\n<<if $gheistSex.length gt 0>>\n<<set $mostSex to capitalize($gheistSex[0])>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $mostSex to "celebate">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endnobr>>
The ĝheist encampment is half packed, with all their complicated devices stowed away in boxy containers, and two of their tents disassembled, with their struts lashed together in stiff bundles, wrapped in the fabric.\n\n<<if $mostSex eq "celebate">>\\nZhalk sees you and nods. "Leaving tomorrow night. We'll see you before we set out."\n\nYou nod.\n\n[[→|survey endgame morning]]\n<<else>>\n<<print $mostSex>> sees you and waves. "Hey," he says. "So, we're leaving tomorrow night."\n\nYou nod and tell him you know.\n\n<<print $mostSex>> leers. "So, you wanna say goodbye? Come around later. You might get a little treat."\n\n* [[head to the ĝheist encampment a little later|survey orgy]]\n* [[stay home actually|survey endgame morning]]\n<<endif>>
It's late dusk: the moon is in the middle of the purple-black sky. Heat still ripples off the ground, but the chill night wind is beginning to blow. You head to the ĝheist encampment, which is a splotch of light and sound at the edge of the otherwise quiet village. The //kind// of sound is obvious, even approaching: guttural groans and moans, slurred words in ĝheist, the wet crack of hide on hide. It's an orgy.\n\nThe screen they've set up at the edge of their camp seems considerably more necessary; through its gaps you can see shifting bodies, lit by a billowing campfire. They're already in full swing, everyone sprawled out in a lopsided ring, bodies knotted together as they buck and groan. You observe for a minute, picking people out of the heap:\n\n<<if $munitionsScene !== "none">><<display $munitionsScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $reconScene !== "none">><<display $reconScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $ticScene !== "none">><<display $ticScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $leaderScene !== "none">><<display $leaderScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $zhalkScene !== "none">><<display $zhalkScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $djenScene !== "none">><<display $djenScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $yraalScene !== "none">><<display $yraalScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $khruScene !== "none">><<display $khruScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n<<if $jinnScene !== "none">><<display $jinnScene>>\n\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<print $mostSex>> pulls himself away from the orgy -- <<if $mostSex eq "Gawann">>loping on all-sixes, cock slinging quicksilver cum onto the churned-up sand beneath<<else>>stripped naked, unselfconscious about his dick smacking against his thighs as he approaches<<endif>>, his <<if $mostSex eq "Jinn">>skin<<else>>hide<<endif>> sheened with sweat and cum, with drizzling streams streaking down his chest and legs. He nods at you, coming close so you can smell the scent billowing off him: ĝheist and cum and lightrot, fresh and rich.\n\nHe tugs on his cock. "You wanna have a turn?"\n/% haven't tested this to make sure it works %/\\n<<set $mostAct to mostSex (['analtop', 'oraltop', 'analbottom', 'oralbottom'])>>\\n\n* [[fuck him|survey orgy most fuck]]\n* [[join the orgy|survey orgy join]]\n* [[nah you just wanna watch|survey orgy reject]]
Zhalk is sandwiched between Rook -- in front, with his cock stuffed up Zhalk's cunt -- and Jinn -- behind, fat and pregnant with his cock prolapsed out of his cunt, shuddering in big, rippling pulses as he pumps his clutch of eggs into Zhalk's guts. Zhalk is groaning, head thrown back, snarling at the both of them as Rook kisses and licks across his jaw. From the splotchy mess of cum all across Zhalk's growing belly, he's cum more than a few times already.
Zhalk is sprawled out on all fours with Jinn fucking him from behind: Jinn's fat, pregnant gut weighs down over Zhalk's back, and Jinn's cock is prolapsed out of his cunt, rippling and shuddering as he pumps his clutch into Zhalk's guts. Zhalk is groaning, eyes closed, and rutting back into Jinn's thrusts, his cock pissing out pre onto the ground beneath, warped down from the growing heft of his egg-heavy belly.
Zhalk and Jinn are face-to-face, kissing so aggressively it's nearly biting. It takes a second for you to realize, but they're fucking each other: Zhalk's dick shoved into Jinn's cunt, and Jinn's in Zhalk's. They're pressed together, hips jerking and bucking in an erratic rhythm, only a sliver of their jammed-together shafts visible before one or the other bucks hard, slamming himself down on the other's cock at the same time he hilts his own. Heavy arcs of glimmering slime oozes from their overstuffed cunts, drizzling down their legs in thick streamers.
Zhalk is standing at the sidelines, not fucking anybody. He's glaring around the margins -- catching your eye for a second -- like he's staying watch. He's also stripped to the waist, skirt bulging and sodden, pre oozing out from under the heavy material in clumpy sheets.
Jinn's sprawled out on a low bench by one of the remaining tents, legs spread around Rook's hips -- the both of them stripped totally naked -- while Rook hunches forward, rutting his fat dick into Jinn's splayed cunt, fucking him hard while he licks and bites across Jinn's jaw.
Jinn, you notice, is mysteriously and notably absent.
Rook and Max are on their knees in front of Djen, making out around the gloamling's gigantic earthworm cock. They're all jerking him off, six hands still nowhere near enough to cover the massive length of his ridged, glowing dick. He's oozing an arm-thick cord of lightrot-yellow pre, and Max is dragging the gooey tendril over to mash it against Rook's dick, smearing it onto his cock and balls in a thick lather. Rook is groaning and squirming, gasping and sweaty but still rutting up into Max's hand, sliding his dick up along Djen's monster. Looks like they're getting him a ĝheist dick too.
Raven is kneeling in front of Max, his hands wrapped around Max's giant thighs, and he's making a good attempt at swallowing his entire giant gross ĝheist dick. He's got more than half of it down: mouth open wide, lips and chin slimy with ooze, one of Max's big hands spread out across the back of his head. His own dick juts out hard, untouched and drooling a long, shining string of pre.
Max is straddling Pthuul, knees braced against his hips, hands flat across Pthuul's chest. Above half of Pthuul's dick is sunk into his ass, visibly flexing and pulsing, with excess pre already squirting out around his warted shaft. Max rides his dick, rolling his hips back to swallow more. Pthuul's jerking him off one-handed, letting him glaze his chest and face in his own gritty ĝheist cum.
Raven is kneeling in front of Yraal, his hands digging into Yraal's concrete-pillar legs, head sunk between his thighs, hidden under his drooping gut. Yraal's balls dig against his chest, visibly lurching and churning even from your vantage point. Thick, chunky jelly oozes out: smearing down Raven's neck, spilling down Yraal's inner thighs, constantly pouring in chunky clots down Raven's front, splattering in big frothy droplets down Yraal's balls. He's got one hand pressed against Raven's neck, giant fingers flexing slightly as Raven grinds his face against Yraal's hidden dick, chewing on the thick, waxy flesh of his cock and balls.
Khru's sprawled on his back, breathing hard, his ass a fucked-open mess: asshole mounded out in a puffy pile of purple flesh, slathered in chunky ĝheist cum, with more continually burbling out of his wrecked guts. His stomach is swollen, rounded out under his abs from the sheer volume of cum pumped into him.<<if $unusedOrgy.length gt 0>> <<print englishList ($unusedOrgy)>> <<print $unusedOrgy.length eq 1 ? "is" : "are">> pressed up against him, <<print $unusedOrgy.length eq 1 ? "cock" : "cocks">> slathered in and oozing cum.<<endif>>
Khru's on his hands and knees, ass split around a fat human cock, and when he straightens up you see it's Leraje: spread-eagle on the ground, breathing hard. Khru straightens up into a squat, his asshole clenching around the root of Leraje's dick, and he starts riding him again, asshole clenching and gripping, milking his cock hard. Khru's cum a few times already; Leraje's front is painted from stomach to crown in cords of chunky, gritty ĝheist cum, with more burbling from his nose and mouth from, presumably, when he was getting facefucked earlier. Khru's left a big smear of spit across his jaw and all up his cheek.
Khru is pinned under Gawann's bulk, sloppily making out with drool spilling all down his cheeks, pooling in the hollow of his throat. Gawann's giant, bestial cock pistons wetly between them, fucking along Khru's body and drenching his hide in a shimmering layer of cloudy black pre.
Leraje is pinned under Gawann's bulk, whining and rutting with his hands clamped around his forelegs. They're kissing -- Gawann's jaw open across most of Leraje's face, the human's lips spread around his thrashing tongue, drooling in messy streamers as he works his tongue deeper down Leraje's bulging neck -- and Leraje keeps lurching up, fucking his cock along the giant, bestial spar of Gawann's fully-unsheathed cock, pressed against his body from mid-thigh nearly to his chin. As you watch, Leraje shudders and arches, cumming all over himself, his load shining Gawann's pumping shaft.
Yraal is sprawled on his side, and laid out across his belly is Agares: head sunk between his legs, pre drizzling across the back of his head and down his muscular shoulders; his hard dick grinding against Yraal's chest. Yraal has one hand rooting around in his ass -- three fingers in, and with his huge, chunky fingers that's enough to turn Agares' hole into an enormous rubbery gape, bruised and swollen in a red mound -- and the other pressing Agaras' head down, mashing his head against the sloppy hollow between his thighs, dick sunk into his mouth or maybe just dragging back and forth over his pre-glazed face.
Agares is riding Pthuul's dick. He's sitting on Pthuul's lap, arms wrapped around his chest, gasping and shaking as Pthuul grinds him down onto the root of his cock. Pthuul's chest is glazed with cum, with Agares' half-hard dick lolling against his stomach, smacking down hard with each thrust. There are a bunch of jagged red bite marks all across his chest and neck, spreading out across his jaw.
Djen is leaning against a wall, with Agares sitting astride his giant worm cock -- Djen is heavy and engorged, cock lolling down between his thighs, but he's so thick that the mounded-out base is easily broad enough to sit on. Still, Djen's got one hand spread across Agares' back, keeping him steady, and Djen is leaning forward, chewing across his neck and face while Agares groans and growls, rutting his hard dick across Djen's chest. He's already cum more than a few times; Djen's front is glazed with a sloppy mess of cum.
Djen is sprawled on his stomach with Gawann mounting him. The size difference means that Gawann's paws are scratching at his sides and pressed into his shoulders, making Gawann look small compared to Djen's muscled bulk. Gawann's slavering, drooling down over Djen's back spurs as he ferociously fucks him, hips snapping forward to hilt the full length of his alien, animal cock into Djen's bubbling lightrot guts. His balls beat a tattoo against the curve of Djen's ass, drawing back stringed with the lightrot-and-pre slurry oozing from Djen's ravaged ass, and Djen groans and arches back into each thrust, his own cock spilling back between his legs, erratically pulsing as it drizzles out glowing lightrot cum.
Djen is sprawled out on his stomach with Pthuul behind him, only half his cock sunk inside in, the rest pinned between his giant muscled ass cheeks. You can tell only half because Pthuul also has his arm shoved in there; elbow digging into Djen's asscheek, asshole wrapped lax and heavy around his forearm. He's thrusting, hips meeting Djen's ass with wet //smacks//, probably jerking himself off inside of Djen's guts. Big glossy streamers of lightrot burble out of Djen's asshole in wet spurts, cording down his giant thighs and spilling all across Pthuul's crotch.
Djen is actually off by himself -- for the moment -- with his giant earthworm cock twisted back behind his concrete-pillar legs, curved in a giant ring to sink into his own ass. It's rippling and pulsing, fluid visibly lurching around inside the weighty loop. He's groaning, head tipped back, hands wrestling with the swaying, twitching mass of his cock. pumping his own bubbling lightrot load into his guts. The excess streaks down his shaft, glowing opaque yellow ooze dribbling down over his ridged dick, forming slobbery tendrils hanging down from the lowest point, smacking against his calves when he fucks himself back on his own cock.
Yraal is on his knees, and Pthuul is under him, pressed to the ground on his stomach, face mashed beneath Yraal's hanging belly, pinned into the hollow between his huge thighs. Thick, clotted chunks of cum burble out over the back of Pthuul's skull, dripping down his shoulders and back in coarse, chunky streaks.
Yraal is sprawled on his side, with Gawann over him, all four forepaws spread out across his giant belly. Gawann's fucking him ruthlessly, the full length of his alien, animal cock slamming into Yraal's ass, making his entire body ripple with the force of the impact. Yraal groans, head thrown back, the mound of his cock throbbing continually between his spread legs, his piled-up foreskin oozing a continual drizzle of chunky grey-green cum all down his thigh.\n\n\n\n\n/% these don't trigger so idk why i'm still leaving them around %/
[munitions and pthuul are dping 2ic. munitions is maybe kinda smugly making out w/ him, or chewing on his neck while he makes out w/ pthuul, w/e]
[munitions is sprawled on the ground getting plowed by pthuul while his own cock flops huge and hard against his stomach]
[pthuul's sprawled on the ground with khru riding his dick. pthuul's hands are grasping khru's ass, digging in hard, showing off the deep crack of his ass & how his asshole is wrapped tight around pthuul's fat shaft. khru's splattered cum all up pthuul's chest and face, w/ globs dripping off his jaw.]
You and <<print $mostSex>> make out for a bit before \\n<<if $mostAct eq "analbottom">> he sprawls back, ass on display, and lets you slide between his spread legs and ease your dick into his ass. His inner walls hungrily milk your dick, effortlessly swallowing your cock down to the root, and you fuck him hard, his own dick drooling cum across his stomach, until you cum inside him with a roar.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "oralbottom">> he drops to his knees before you and hungrily sucks your dick into his mouth, letting you fuck his face until you cum down his throat in a messy burst.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "analtop">> he pushes you down on all fours and mounts you, ramming his cock into you ruthlessly until he cums deep inside you, and you cum all over the cum-sodden sand.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "oraltop">> he pushes you to your knees and lets you suck on his cock. He fucks your face, sheathing his dick down your throat until he cums with a roar, cock shuddering and firing a messy deluge of cum, hot and heavy, into your belly.\n<<endif>>\n\n<<display "survey orgy final">>
You and <<print $mostSex>> make out for a moment, his mouth on your jaw, biting your neck and shoulder, before he drags you down into the pile. Bodies press against you, heavy cocks dragging against your sides, their skin already slick and dripping with cum.\n\n<<if $mostAct eq "analbottom">>You fuck <<print $mostSex>>'s ass, first, grunting and groaning as you dump your load inside him, but while you're still cumming a hand yanks you backwards, your still-spurting dick pulling out with a wet squelch, leaving <<print $mostSex>> gaping. You're twisted around, another ass presented to you, hole already-fucked and oozing cum, and you slide in effortlessly, down to the root. You cum again, and again, body dragged down as they ride you again and again, your load gushing out from their gaping, fucked-open asses, drenching your thighs and crotch in your slimy load.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "oralbottom">><<print $mostSex>> drops before you, sucking on your cock, and his mouth is joined by others -- tongues lapping across your shaft, sucking on your balls, mouths wetly kissing with your cock pinned between them. You groan, fucking <<print $mostSex>>'s face, thronged with bodies pressed close. You cum all across his face, others licking your load off, messily snowballing it, and then another mouth slides down your dick, a clawed hand pressing down on your stomach, keeping you pinned. They milk your dick, coaxing load after load from your cock until it aches, tongues lapping across your cum-glazed thighs, drooling mouths slurping your balls into their sloppy wet heat.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "analtop">>Cocks press against your ass, one slopping into you with an effortless push, others grinding against your thighs and back, glazing you with a messy slurry of pre. Figures fuck you, one after the other, pumping your ass full of cum until you overflow: cum splattering out against the stomach of whoever's fucking you latest, until he roars and dumps his load into the gushing mess.\n<<else if $mostAct eq "oraltop">><<print $mostSex>> pushes you to your knees. He fucks your face, with other cocks pressing in against you: sliding over your scalp, the weight of a heavy cockhead digging into the flesh behind your ear. <<print $mostSex>> cums down your throat with a groan, cock pulling from your mouth still dripping, instantly replaced by a new dick -- it too already glazed with cum, rank and sour as it gushes into your mouth. Cock after cock fucks your throat, flooding your stomach with their cum, others pulling off to paint your face in their loads, over and over until your belly aches with fullness.\n<<endif>>\\n\n<<display "survey orgy final">>
You say, nah, you think you're just gonna watch, looking over <<print $mostSex>>'s shoulder at the writhing bodies in the firelight.\n\n"Suit yourself", he says, and gives you a <<if $mostSex neq "Jinn">>craggy <<endif>>grin. "Keep an eye out for me." He turns, backlit into a silhouette, and walks back to the mass of bodies, slipping down to slot back into position.\n\nYou jerk off watching the orgy, spilling a few loads onto the sand.\n\n<<display "survey orgy final">>
<<set $orgy to true>>\\n[[→|survey endgame morning]]
<<if $orgy>>\\nYou sleep in the ĝheist camp, dozing off with your head pillowed across <<print $mostSex>>'s thigh, and dimly awake when they start to shift, bodies pulling away, shuffling noises from things being moved around.\n\nWhen you awake properly, it's on someone's bedroll, in one of the remaining tents -- the rest have had their contents taken apart, packed together into bundles or boxes, tents disassembled into long sticks wrapped in coarse canvas. You watch Pthuul and Khru, still totally nude -- save for Khru's sun-helmet -- with glossy streaks of dried cum across their chests, wrapping vials of samples in padding before stowing them away in a crate.\n<<else>>\\nYou head over to the ĝheist camp in the evening. They've been packing. The camp is barren, space nearly back to the sandy field outside town that it usually is. It's littered with tightly-packed boxes and bags, some on sledges, with only the skeleton of a single tent left, being rapidly stripped down.\n<<endif>>\n\nZhalk's watching you. "Leaving," he says. You don't say, obviously. He shifts his weight. "You were pretty helpful to have around."\n\nThat's his way of giving you a complement. You say, thanks.\n\nHe says, "So"..." and pauses, looking down at you.\n\nYou say, yeah, maybe we'll see each other again sometime. They are supposed to be setting up a new hive nearby.\n\n<<if $mostSex neq "Zhalk" && $mostSex neq "celebate">><<print $mostSex>><<else>>Jinn<<endif>> comes up at your side and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Hey," he says. "He's asking if you wanna come with us, back to our hive."\n\nOh, you say. You tell Zhalk, he's //really// gotta work on his communication. Zhalk grinds his fangs together.\n\nYou think about the future. You wander around a lot; maybe it's time to say goodbye to Yapu. Or maybe not. Either way, things are gonna be different. You look up at Zhalk and tell him, well...\n\n[[THE END]]
{{{It's finally done! I started working on this in early January 2018, and finished up primary writing January 2020, so overall this took almost exactly two years to finish. What a trip it's been.\n\nI didn't really plan out the design of this at all -- I just wrote out an outline in twine, started breaking out passages into more and more detailed summaries of what an event would be like, and kept doing that until I had a skeleton that was logic-complete, and only then did I start seriously writing out all the scenes. I wouldn't call that a //mistake// precisely, but it did seriously influence the way I made the game, and specifically it kinda prevented me from being able to put out coherent 'demo' releases, since each version was something like "oh i wrote 10 scenes, scattered all across the game, most of which require totally replaying everything to see". Although the game design has a few warts and the plot and characterization are kind of weak, I'm still really proud of what it is? This is maybe the longest single thing I've ever written. I learned a lot about gamedev just by pushing through and taking a game project all the way to the end. I hope everybody enjoys it!\n\nAlso, for people willing to dig around in the guts of a twine file, I've purposefully left in the removed content for the "latter half" of the game, before I reduced the scope to just the initial survey section. If you feel like digging around inside a 286k word twine game file, that is....\n\n -- xax, january 11, 2020\n}}}
[ eventually survey team leaves, you go with. there's a proper [[gangbanged-by-the-entire-survey-team sex scene|survey team gangbang]] scene, either here or during one of the camps on the way there]\n\n[ if yr full of eggs at this point the justification would be "hey you gotta actually birth those soon, & they're too big to just shove into somebody else"; otherwise it would be like, blah blah, diplomacy, if yr town is gonna officially be part of the ĝheist empire you gotta actually see what the ĝheist hives are like.\n]\n\n<<set $drudgeActive to "squad">>\\n/% if the game map isn't in the save then this doesn't get stored actually... %/\n<<set gameMap["0,-4"] = {where: "nnnn", items: []}>>\\n<<set $mapOpen to true>>\\n<<set $plot to 5>>\\n<<resetmoves>>[[worldmap][$x = 0; $y = 0]] (head north)
[ you & the ĝheist team follow the twisting tunnels down, on a path that becomes a paved road, lit by glowmoss and lightrot pods on the tunnel walls. it eventually opens out into a vast highroad, with the space beneath filled with opaque glowing fog. eventually you crest over a ridge and see [[the ĝheist hive|city intro]] spread out beneath you]
[ you arrive at the ĝheist hive. it's a sprawling underground city, in the middle of a giant cave, built around/through/over a giant glowing lake. there's a perpetual haze over the water's surface, blurring the light into an ambient glow that seems to come from all directions. the air is humid and reeks of ĝheist.]\n\n[this is a big splash passage describing the city layout overall -- built on a big stalagmite, with glittering lights, etc]\n\n[you head down into the city, & you follow the survey team through a bunch of streets, getting totally lost, and you end up sitting in on part of their debriefing. this would be a several-passage fragment to kinda ease you into the city section. anyway after that wraps up they all kinda tumble out of the building and are like "...oh yeah we gotta get you set up somewhere if you'll be staying here until the new city site gets set up." and they basically just kinda roll you into a flathouse apartment kinda place and it's like, okay you live here now, gl, seeya, have fun, we'll probably hear back about the preliminary report in a week]\n<<set $unlocked to []>>\\n<<set $nextCityEvent to $turns + (8 * 7)>>\\n<<set $moves to 3>>\\n<<set $cityStart to $turns>>\\n<<set $cityEvent to "first city reportback">>\\n[[city]]
<<set $timeOfDay to (Math.ceil ($turns) % 8)>>\\n<<set $cityElapsed to $turns - $cityStart>>\\n<<print (function (t) {\n switch (t) {\n case 0:\n case 3:\n return "The city is bustling. The lightrot lake glows a bright yellow-orange, and the haze on the surface sends scintillating lights across the cavern walls.";\n case 1:\n case 2:\n return "The city lulls. The lightrot lake dims to a ruddy red-orange, and the deep crevasses bubble and churn, frothing the surface."\n case 4:\n return "The city is quiet, and the crowds thin. The lightrot lake dims to a red-black, with only scattered pockets of yellow-white light along the lake floor, dispersed through the semi-opaque fluid into strange spotlights shining up."\n case 5:\n case 6:\n return "The city is quiet and dark. Only a few stragglers move down the streets, and the lightrot lake glows a pale, lightless yellow-white.";\n case 7:\n return "The city is eases back to life. Blotches of light and color burst across the lake, slowly increasing in intensity.";\n default:\n return "!!error!!";\n }\n })($timeOfDay)>>
[[you're|you][$back = "city"]] in the ĝheist hive of {hive}.\n\n<<display "citytime">>\n\n[yr in yr lodgings, somewhere, etc etc]\n\n<<if $nextCityEvent - $turns lte 0>>* [[there's a knock on your door|city event]]\n<<else if $moves lte 0>>\\n[yr tired. you should [[sleep|city sleep]].]\n<<else>>\\n<<set $daysLeft = Math.ceil(($nextCityEvent - $turns) / 8)>>\\n<span class="meta">there's <<print numString ($daysLeft)>> <<print $daysLeft == 1 ? "day" : "days">> until <<print (function (e){\n switch (e) {\n case "first city reportback": return "the ĝheist survey gets back to you";\n case "second city reportback": return "the squad to the new city site heads out";\n default: return "!!default!!";\n }\n })($cityEvent)>></span>\n\n<<if $pcChastity>>\\n* <<if $pcInCage>>[[unlock yr cock cage|chastity self unlock]]<<else>>[[lock yr cock up|chastity self unlock]]<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n\n* [[explore the city|explore]]\n* <<if atTerm ($pregnant, $pregnancyStarted, $turns)>>[[figure out where to give birth around here|city birth]]<<endif>>\n<<print $ (function (l){\n return "* [[" + l + "]]";\n }).join(String.fromCharCode(10))>>\n\n* some kinda commercial district place where yr sprawled out on a counter getting fucked while other ĝheist are just like, eating or w/e\n* egglaying pools\n* shrines to other gods. storm gods gods of the deeps etc\n* other city neighborhoods, etc\n* known apartment/house locations\n<<endif>>
<<set $turns += 1>>\\n<<set $moves -= 1>>\\n<<display "city">>
<<set $moves to 3>>\\n<<set $turns += 3>>\\n[you sleep for a while]\n\n<<display "timed tfs">>\\n\n[[→|city]]
<<display $cityEvent>>
[the ĝheist squad, or like, the nuctus guy or whoever you got the highest affinity with shows up and is like, hey btw i just got back from getting the report about the city site. looks like they're planing on heading out in another two weeks. so yknow, keep that marked.]\n<<set $nextCityEvent to $turns + (8 * 14)>>\\n<<set $cityEvent to "second city reportback">>\\n[[okay cool|returncity]]
[blah blah somebody shows up and leads you to the staging ground near the highroad]\n\n[a few of the survey team are there, & they explain that the ones that aren't there have already set out & are off doing whatever. there's also a gigantic ĝheist breeder-prince & his royal entourage. a giant berserker type, who's gonna be the queen of the new hive.]\n\n[you all set out back up to the surface]\n<<set $timeOfDay to 0>>\\n<<set $plot to 6>><<resetmoves>>[[set off|worldmap]]
[you unlock yr cock cage and let yr cock out]\n<<set $pcInCage to false>>\\n<<rmmutation "cock cage">>\\n\n[[→|city]]
[you lock your cock back up]\n<<set $pcInCage to true>>\\n<<set $chastityStarted to $turns>>\\n<<addmutation "cock cage">>\\n\n[[→|city]]
[something something one of yr neighbors or yr city contact is like "yr looking awfully pregnant" and there's maybe a scheduled event to get transported to a birthing pool etc]\n\n[anyway you get laid out on some fancy baths setup and massaged and oiled while yr getting fisted by attendants etc & you push out yr latest clutch of eggs]\\n<<set $pregnant to "">>\n\n* [[back to yr lodgings|returncity]]
[you step out of yr lodgings]\n\nyr in a moderately-sized apartment building, along a major road in the city. the road is lined with vendor stalls hawking goods. there's always traffic out your window: weird aliens of all varieties, carts laden with cargo heading up or down the road. every so often you spot something you recognize: the drab outfit of drudge surveyors, the robes of a ksi-un monk, the scarce human, but nearly everybody you see is something you've never seen before. you probably look like a wide-eyed yokel.\n\nthe road has a slight but definite slant, curving up and around the central stalagmite pillar, and then down and out to the island shore.\n\n[[go uphill]] or [[go downhill]]
you go uphill.\n\nthe road slowly winds around the central stalagmite of the island, and the ornamentation of the buildings you pass gets more and more lavish as you ascend, until the road is bordered with curving terraced gardens, with elaborate trees shedding spores on the ground around them, and the archways and balustrades are edged with gilt.\n\nthe lighting of the city is all weird -- this high up, the city itself blocks the bulk of the light from the glowing lake, and what illumination there is comes from below, casting upside-down shadows across everything.\n\nyou can [[keep ascending]] or turn off into [[an alleyway]].
you turn off the main path, onto a narrow alleyway.\n\nit's dark, with the only light coming from buzzing glowbug lanterns hung in zig-zagging lines between the narrow balconies on the second story. it's presumably ample illumination for ĝheist eyes, but yours strain to discern the various shades of black.\n\nthe alleyway eventually opens up into a tight, deep courtyard abutting the wall of the stalagmite pillar. it's marginally better lit, and on the opposite side of the square there's a switchback set of stairs carved into the rock, going up. just below the stairs, there's an open archway with pale pink light spilling out.\n\nyou can [[go up the stairs]] or [[go into the archway|baths]].
you go up the stairs. they're narrow and steep, carved into the edge of the cliff, and the banister is -- rather than the broad, bright stone assembled in complex masonry all the other banisters you've seen -- a rattling metal fence, with swaying chains. you go two, three, four flights up, past the level of the buildings around you, and you can see the city unfold in a vista around you, glittering like stars.\n\nthat being said, it's a relief when the cliff comes down and swallows the path up, leading into a pitch-black tunnel, simply because it removes the vertigo-inducing sight. there are grooves in the side of the tunnel for hand-holds, and you keep walking up through the pitch darkness for another minute or so before a wan light begins to shine through ahead\n\nyou [[keep climbing]].
you keep climbing.\n\nyou come out at a small round plaza, around the back of a taller, more ornate building. the palace is still a ways above you, but this place looks pretty classy.\n\nthe plaza is open to the same cliff you just walked up, and here the vista is less vertigo-inducing: this high up, the lowest boroughs are shrouded in lightrot haze, and their lights smear together with those of the glowing lake. you can see across the entire cavern, to the far shores, covered in fields or wild growth, and the cavern walls only visible when seams of glittering lightrot crystals push out into the open.\n\nthere's a [[small archway|museum]] along the side of the big building.
you keep ascending.\n\neventually the road opens up into a broad, four-chambered plaza, just in front of what it presumably the ĝheist palace: a huge complex of many buildings, made from shiny stone pillars, lacquered wood, and translucent quartz panes, so that the interior lights cast shadows through the walls. it's built up along and into the stalagmite pillar in a spiral, and you can see the undersides of various gardens and building wings spread out above you.\n\nthe palace gates are stationed by absolutely gigantic ĝheist guards, in ornate armor, but they seem to be letting people pass in and out of the palace gardens freely.\n\nyou can head into the [[palace gardens]] or walk down the intersecting [[plaza road]].
you go downhill.\n\netc etc road broadening out, becoming a wide thoroughfare, eventually reaching the city gate you came in by\n\n[[go through the gate]], [[walk right along the edge of the wall]], or [[walk left along the edge of the wall]]
you walk along a fancy tiled road, curving along the island's side.\n\nthis is a more residential neighborhood, you think. all the stone is shiny, and you don't know if that's an aesthetic choice or just a consequence of being built on the shores of the glowing lake.\n\nthe path you're following splits at a set of long, winding ramps: up and [[over a bridge to the mainland]], or [[down into a market street headed down to a set of docks|the docks]].
you walk along a mazy path, formed by the outcropping edges of many different buildings.\n\nthe architecture of the city leads to a few large roads and a maze of tunnels and bridges and winding ramps elsewhere, and even with the edge of the wall always to your right it soon becomes totally impossible to track your path backward -- through a small raised garden, and then under an arch at the next crossing, and then on the path along a step-well, and then down a sloping ramp to a small dark lull with many doors that leads to a short tunnel, which forks again at the exit in curling ramps.\n\nyou reach a space where there's an archway through the outer wall, leading to [[a two-pronged jetty out into the lake, all misted over with haze|lightrot fissure]], or a ramp curling up into [[a strange plateu a ways above the rest of the city|metal head sector]], covered in black trees.
you walk up the ramp and out onto the bridge.\n\nthe bridge is set low, nearly inside the cloudy haze above the lake, and wisps of haze billow across the path constantly. strange plants grow near the bridge supports: crystal lilypads with pink flowers and razor-wire cattails with glowing cyan pods, in clusters and thickets.\n\nthe bridge itself is ornate, hewn from smooth pale rock, etched darker in places from the constant exposure to lightrot-tainted water. each bridge segment is framed with (fungus?) trees, big white-barked ones with yellow-blue leaves.\n\nthe bridge heads to [[a big ziggurat-structure on the mainland|worm monastery]].
you go through the gate.\n\nthe road continues, curving gently through what vaguely looks like farmland, or maybe just less urban settlments -- sparser clusters of buildings separated by reeds and grasses. the buildings here are lower and wider, forming sprawling collections of overlapping eaves and shingled rooftops.\n\neventually the road reaches the long bridge across the glowing lake that you came into the city via\n\n[[cross the bridge|pitstop]]
it's a sculpture garden.\n\nit's an open space beneath part of the palace gardens, with hedgelike bushes defining a series of organic spaces, each with something that's probably sculpture. like an open-air gallery.\n\n* (meet that sculptor ĝheist here)\n* (also fuck in the hedges i guess)\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
you head into the building.\n\nit's darker inside, with a wide open area where the floor slants down into a wide, shallow bowl. it's lit by ambient cavern light filtering in from windows on a higher story, and many corridors branch off, leading in twisty mazelike passages to nearly-lightless alcoves or tight, narrowly-defined rooms.\n\n(the stuff that you could do here would depend on the time of day. during the day it's mostly empty, and during the night they're burning incense and the main floor is a big lazy orgy of fucking, w/ the alcoves for more active sex.)\n* fist that party ĝheist bro ([[party ĝheist]])\n* <<set $back to "ĝheist gay bar">>[[run into the piercing locust assistant|piercing assistant]]\n* etc\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
you push aside the curtain and step into the food stall.\n\nit's packed inside, with a constant bustle of cooks working in the kitchen -- which extends somewhat back into the building behind the stall -- and a long bar just before it, with two communal(probably) tables laid on on either side of the entrance. it's standing room only, with some people leaning against the walls holding their plates or bowls in hand.\n\n* get some food\n* talk to people, which might lead to fucking right there in the stall, sometimes across the lap of somebody else who's just eating but wouldn't mind if you fished out their cock and blew them\n* also as you spend time here sometimes people will just fuck randomly & you can watch\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "museum")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("museum")>>\\nyou step through the archway into the building, to find yourself about midway down a long hallway, its walls hung with incredibly ornate tapestries and paintings. there are cabinets and pedestals with what looks to you like a haphazard collection of trash: old machines, guns, a set of foundry plates.\n\nit's really quiet, and there's nobody around. you have the feeling you're somewhere you shouldn't be. when you hear footsteps on the marble tiles you almost make a break for it, and it's only really the knowledge that so far as you've seen the ĝheist don't really seem to be the type to have lavish palaces -- well, lavish _private_ palaces -- that keeps you standing around awkwardly.\n\nthe footsteps belong to a ĝheist guy, young-looking, kinda fat. he looks surprised to see you, but not in an unpleasant way. "did you climb all the way up here? it's been so long since anybody came in through the side entrance i thought they'd closed it up at the bottom."\n\n[blah blah you head to the front entrance]\n<<else>>\nyou return to the museum.<<endif>>\n\nyr in the lobby of the museum. it's mostly empty, but sometimes you see people drift through the main archway or in and out of side passages. sometimes they talk to {the clerk} about stuff.\n\n* blow the clerk\n* get a bunch of setting exposition\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "the docks")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("the docks")>>\\nyou head down the ramp, onto the market street -- it's places to get food and drink, or bunkhouses, just as much as stores. selling what might be imports or exports. with the docks there, it seems like they must send boats across it. you've heard ĝheist talk about travel through the cavern network, and you knew large parts of the underground are flooded with lightrot, but it never occurred to you that the travel could be over an underground ocean.\n<<else>>\nyou return to the dockside markets. <<endif>>\n\nthe market buildings are lined with pennants, in different colors and with different shapes emblazoned on them. some of them are clearly trade shops, or offices, and others just as clearly a place for shipworkers to get drunk or high in.\n\nthere's a constant bustle of shipments: huge six-legged {metal heads} carrying crates on their backs and sides, ĝheist swarming about loading or unloading crates, spilling out into the middle of the street as often as not. the flow of traffic, which you're helplessly stuck in, ebbs and flows around them.\n\n[ (there could be multiple events for each thing here, and they would be randomized and then drawn from to exhaustion. or different events based on the time of day?) ]\n\n* duck into a side alley\n* [[continue down the market street to the docks proper|docks]]\n* [[idle along the edge of a busy loading bay|dock loading]]\n* [[go into one of the busy buildings that might be a restaurant|docks pub]]\n* there's a sign for what's pretty clearly a [[piercing studio]]\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "metal head sector")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("metal head sector")>>\\nyou head up the ramp, and while you do some of it resolves. this is, you realize, the {metal head} sector of town: <<else>>\\nyou return to the metal head sector. <<endif>> {metal heads} of various degrees inhumanness walk through the forest (which might be buildings?) or wade out through the swampy plateu-shallows on stilt-legs.\n\nwaterfalls of glowing water stream down the cliffside, from springs or pumps yet higher above, and flood the plateu in a series of broad, shallow pools.\n\nthe trees grow from pools of glowing water, and some are rooted out in the lake shallows, growing all the way up to provide hanging walkways across to the plateu. they're black, with fat, bulbous growths near their tips, all fused together into a single lumpy blob. some of them have glowing pods on their trunks or canopy: lightrot yellow, of course, and dimly glowing.\n\n* get fucked by metal heads, etc\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "baths")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("baths")>>\\nyou step through the archway, and walk down a short hallway, lit by pinkish lanterns.\n\nthe air is humid, and you can hear the low ripple of water ahead.\n<<else>>\\nyou head back to the baths.\n<<endif>>\n\nyou emerge into a wide, low-ceilinged chamber, with lines of pillars in a not-quite-square arrangement. the floor sinks down into a number of broad, shallow pools of water, and there's a collect of people -- ĝheist and otherwise -- lounging about, in or out of the water, in various states of undress.\n\nyou're in one aisle of a larger baths, and there's a central nave with an elevated ceiling, flanked at various intervals with aisles.\n\nThere are some filled or occupied baths:\n<<print randomOpts (baths, Math.random() lt 0.5 ? 3 : 2, "go over there")>>\\n\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "pitstop")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("pitstop")>>you cross the bridge.\\n<<else>>\\nyou head back to the highroad pitstop.\\n<<endif>>\n\nthere's a whole second town here. more of a compound, really. a cluster of buildings nestled up against the side of the underground highroad, something more like a barracks and stable than a town proper.\n\nthere's always traffic along the highroad, and it's even more wild than the people you saw in town. you can't tell which ones are people and which ones are beasts of burden. lots of the usual, though -- ĝheist squads, {metal head} convoys, and the occasional great beast.\n\n* this is where you could get gangbanged by various groups of people passing through\n* basically the equivalent of a truckstop glory hole\n\nThere are some people that stand out among the crowd:\n<<print randomOpts (pitstop, Math.random() lt 0.5 ? 3 : 2, "talk to them")>>\\n\n* [[go back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains($unlocked, "worm monastery")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("worm monastery")>>\\nyou walk across the bridge to the giant ziggurat.\\n<<else>>\\nyou walk over the big bridge to the worm monastery\\n<<endif>>\n\nthe center of the ziggurat is hollow, and it opens onto... a complex hanging garden, full of bridges and vines and broad platforms of shelf fungus. it's a ksi-un temple to one of their worm-gods, built around an ancient bore-hole it burrowed through the rock. the central garden goes down deep into the earth, following the circular path. you stay on the surface.\n\n<<if !$monasteryVisited && !$acolyteTour>>\n<<set $monasteryVisited to true>>\\n[some ksi-un priest comes over and is like, blah blah, brief intro to the worm-god religion, do you want an acolyte to show you around]\n* [[yeah please|worm acolyte tour]]\n* [[no i was just leaving|returncity]]\n<<else if !$acolyteTour>>\n[basically a shorter version of the same scene above, with the same choice. you gotta take the tour before they'll let you wander around inside.]\n* [[yeah i'll take the tour|worm acolyte tour]]\n* [[no i was just leaving|returncity]]\n<<else>>\nif you've been here before, and gone with the guide: general chatter of the monks, maybe randomized. prelate doing this, exarch doing that. you have more options:\n<<print randomOpts (worm, Math.random() lt 0.5 ? 3 : 2, "go over there")>>\n\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]\n<<endif>>
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "palace gardens")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("palace gardens")>>\\nyou walk through the palace gates.\n<<else>>\\nyou head back to the palace gardens.\n<<endif>>\\n\nthere are more plants here than you've seen in the entire rest of your life combined. the palace gates open into a wide round plaza, with the edges overgrown by various large, leafy plants. there are a bunch of different paths that branch out from here, all of them meandering -- some wide, paved paths with guiding archway, others marked with pilinths, still others simple footpaths through narrow tunnels of greenery. shot through the gardens are palace buildings; you can on occasion see their walls or roofs, behind screens of trees or reeds.\n\nthere are lots of fancy branching ornamental trees with pale blue leaves, not so much trimmed into topiary, but clearly having had their branching and growth sculpted into a certain shape. the undergrowth is thick, with many different kinds of plants. lots of black leaves, some green, some blue or glass-like.\n\nit's oppressively humid; you get sweaty just from walking around. water pours down ornamental cliff faces, or splashes in fountains, and winds down channels or streams, sometimes gathering in ornamental pools thickly clustered with black lilypads.\n\n* [[talk to the theron guards]]\n* [walk around through the gardens and probably meet some guys to fuck]\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "plaza road")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("plaza road")>>\\nyou walk down the road intersecting with the plaza.\n<<else>>\\nyou head back to the plaza road near the palace\n<<endif>>\\n\nthis is a wide thoroughfare that winds its way all through the city. it's lined with businesses, probably? buildings with open doors or wide archways, with signs above in what's probably ĝheist, sometimes with lettering that might be other languages to the side.\n\n* there's an [[open courtyard|sculpture garden]] along one side of the street\n* a ways further down there's [[a ziggurat-like building|ĝheist gay bar]] a few stories tall, with many half-exposed staggered balconies along the top.\n* there's a curtained [[food stall|plaza street food stall]] extending from a nearby building\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "lightrot fissure")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("lightrot fissure")>>\\nyou walk through the arch and down one side of the jetty.\n<<else>>\\nyou head back to the lightrot fissure, through the mazy back-alleys. probably you should figure out how to get there more directly, one day.\n<<endif>>\\n\nthere's a ramshackle collection of buildings across and up the outer wall, and they spread out across the jetty as a series of glowing windows and doorways. the air is thick with a strange scent, oily and flowery at the same time. the sides of the jetty slope down at intervals, to broad platforms precisely flush with the surface of the lake, and you walk down one.\n\nit's disorienting looking down into the water: it's like an inverse city street, going down and down, with the edges of what is apparently a deep crevasse lined with neat rectangular holes, openings into underwater structures. black spots squirm around in the depths: some ĝheist-sized, but many more looking like immense... things. the shapes of strange beasts, spider-squids, with furry filaments growing across their sides and back, billowing out in strange tails as they swim back and forth.\n\n* get fucked by a weird spider-crab monster\n* or a ĝheist w/ gills\n* [[head back to your lodgings|returncity]]
[you go over to the big group]\n[they're making plenty of noise, but the acoustics of the space are such that even from a ways away it sounds attenuated. which is good because otherwise they'd be pissing everybody else off, probably.]\n\n[you can join in and either just like casually jerk off / blow the ĝheist next to you, or ride his cock while blowing somebody else and get everybody ramped up to fuck you silly]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[two or three hugely mutated lambent in a pool of raw lightrot, with a fume hood over it any everything. one of them crawls out w/ his five mutated leg-arm-claws and fucks you w/ his enormous whiplike pustule-covered tentacle cock while dripping (& drooling) lightrot all over you]\n\n[would presumably give you some lambent mutation]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[there's a big heavily-mutated Titan sitting chest-deep in a pool of mostly-lightrot. you can see his cock through the murky water, as a colossal club of bloated, mutated flesh lolling to one side, resting against his knee. and when he notices you staring at his dick he grins and gives it a heft, raising it upright and letting the misshapen head crest above the surface, streaming with some mixture of lightrot and pre\n\nyou blow / ride his cock and he pumps you full of lightrot sludge\n]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ tall lean/gaunt monster-thing in a pool of opaque purple-black murk. leathery skin and scaly birdlike hands/feet. you can climb in and ride its cock, which as you discover is like, a big prehensile tentacle that squirms around inside you.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ a bath that's seemingly empty at first, bubbling opaque black ooze. if you... climb in? idk. a big fat ĝheist surfaces, with like... pure white skin with tinges of gold. hugely fat, big belly, huge arms and legs, big fat pad that reduces his dick to a fat knob (still about as big as yr thigh though). balls that are like, grotesquely gigantic even by the standards of ĝheist, like watermelon/torso sized. anyway he milks some black cum from his dick and fists you with it. and/or you make out with his cockhead]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ a bath of thick black slime with a single giant metal head in it. arcs of purple-black electricity fizz over the surface as he visibly absorbs stuff into his skin. he's a mess of overlapping chitin plates and swollen muscles.]\n\n[you approach the bath and he stirs and opens his eyes -- six in his head, with a line of other ones running down the sides of his neck and over to his shoulders; all of them glowing lightrot-yellow -- and is like 'if yr gonna bother me i hope yr ready to get me off' and yr like, yeah, so he pulls you in and uses you like a fleshlight on his huge mutated dick.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
<<set $acolyteTour to true>>\\n[the acolyte is a kinda chubby ksi-un who seems to get easily flustered. he's like, i'm new to the cloister and all.]\n\n[anyway he gives you a basic tour (entry hall, a few courtyards for different ceremonies, the inner garden, the way to the upper chambers) and then afterward]\n\n[plus like, {ksi-un priest lore dump about riftworms}, kind of in the tone of like, a tourist getting an informational pamphlet.]\n\n[then the tour is done and he's like, uh okay that should be it, uhh feel free to talk to me if you got any other questions but you can look around for yrself now.]\n\n* [[so uh you wanna fuck|worm acolyte fuck]]\n* [[k thx i'll keep that in mind|worm monastery]]
[you go into a side chamber and he opens up his robes and you suck on his dick / finger his cunt for a bit until you pull back once and he's just gushing pre in slimy cords all over yr face, and you look up at him and he's flushed and kinda dazed looking, rutting his hips forward and smearing his cock all over yr drenched face. and yr like 'hey you wanna fuck me' and he just kinda nods so you roll back and he kneels down and then fucks you into a panting sobbing mess before dumping his load in you. afterwards he's like 'hope the stone floor wasn't too rough' and yr like, nah it's cool. if you wanna help me out you could blow me. and he blows you while fingering/fisting yr ass until you cum in his mouth]\n\n[[→|worm monastery]]
[the acolyte is busy with his duties but yr like 'you sure you don't wanna take a little break'? and he gets flustered and then fucks yr throat in the middle of a hall while you gag and vomit up all his cum. he apologizes but yr like 'nah dude that's what i wanted. cmon and make out w/ me' and he gets on his knees and you feed him some of his own cum.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[there's a big peloton of monks out in one of the lower courtyards, arranged in a neat grid. they're stripped down, naked or nearly-naked; most of them only wearing their monk's chains, jingling ribbons of metal wound around their necks or chests or hips, and they're stomping their way through something that could be martial arts, or ritual dance, or something. there's a dragoneante at front leading them through it, barking out things in ĝheist that all the other monks call back.]\n\n[anyway you watch for a while and then they break and it rapidly devolves into a big orgy b/t all these big sweaty oiled-up ksi-un. the dragoneante gets gangbanged.]\n\n* [[head to the side where there are only a few monks idly making out / jerking each other off|worm martial bj]]\n* [[get right in the middle of that huge orgy|worm martial gangbang]]
[you go over to the monks along the side and end up kneeling in front of three of them, blowing them in turn, while they jerk off all over you & coat you in sloppy gooey cum]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[you wade into the big orgy and get tossed around and splayed out, held aloft, one monk under you fucking you, somebody else shoving their cock into yr face, cocks in yr hands and rubbing along yr sides. spitroast, dped, a monk fucking himself on yr cock and cumming all up yr chest, etc]\n\n[eventually the orgy burns itself out and they break apart and make their way to some ritual baths to clean up]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[the prelate is some ksi-un with some kinda worm mutation? like huge chompy serrated riftworm teeth and two big long riftworm tongues and riftworm dick, with his eyes covered with an insignia of his teeth. -- basically]\n\n[the prelate is a particularly-huge ksi-un, with a snarling mess of serrated, triple-rowed teeth in an inhuman (unĝheist) jaw. also he's got a gigantic prehensile worm cock, and he's currently holding a monk up above him and using him like a sex toy, prehensile cock plunging into him, gut warping and bulging, audible gurgling and sloshing coming from his stomach. slimy froth is constantly erupting out from his ass, splattering in grimy lines all across the prelate's stomach and thighs and the altar beneath them, and sometimes a huge gush of marbled precome will spray out, cloudy grey with glowing lines of translucent green jelly.]\n\n[anyway the prelate fucks him until the monk howls and cums, slit squirting out cum, and then he starts whimpering and whining. the prelate pulls him off (like 2.5ft of cock squirming out of him) and basically tosses him aside, snarling.]\n\n[you get up on his dick and he fucks you hard. gut bulging, etc, etc, all that stuff, and eventually he bloats you w/ his load and leaves you sprawled on the altar w/ cum drooling from yr ass, and some attendant monks eat / fist his cum out of yr ass, jerk off w/ it, etc, while yr sprawled there trying to catch yr breath.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[you follow the guards through the archway and it's something like a locker room. changing station / guard room, where the off-duty guards are putting away their staves and stripping off their guard outfits, etc. and they're like. ha ha yr looking for a show, huh? well yknow we've been on duty for a while so we're pretty pent-up. like taking off their skirts so you can see their bulging flushed slits w/ the tip of their dicks sticking out.]\n\n[anyway they spitroast you and pull out when they cum to shoot their load all over you. maybe some other guards come in, going on duty, and they kinda play w/ yr ass / throat a bit.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[you go over to the guard at the entryway who keeps looking at you, and he gets kinda flushed and awkward and he's like, uhh we're supposed to actually _stand guard_ you know. and not get distracted fucking. and yr like, so yr getting distracted b/c you wanna fuck me, huh? and he's like, uh yeah i fucking am.]\n\n[anyway you peel up his tenting skirt and duck under and blow him, and it's extremely obvious to everybody. he fucks yr face and you cough up cum all over his dick and thighs, and then you pull off his cock and clean up the slimy mess that's smeared all over his thighs and the inside of his skirt, etc.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[so the exarch is a worm-naga and part of his 'duties' is like, offering himself? sacred prostitute kinda thing. only in this case it's like, he's basically a demigod and so getting to fuck him is the closest anybody else is gonna get to divinity.]\n\n[so you can go into his chambers and he's already totally drenched in a layer of mingled cum, w/ a sloppy gaping asshole just under his equally-sloppy and gaping sheath]\n\n[uh like ksi-un upper body, w/ a poutier-than-usual slit/cunt. but his worm body is like ~15, 20 feet long, and like six inches beneath his ksi-un slit he's got another one, making a kind of bulging figure eight of half-prolapsed flesh. and then under _that_ is his asshole, which is more of a big crater. both of his slits have a giant prehensile worm-cock in them, tho the bottom one is bigger. it's like, top cock 2 ft bottom cock 3ft. they both cum worm cum, which is like... it looks & feels like concrete mix, but threaded through with translucent fluorescent green jelly]\n\n* [[lick the cum off his body|worm exarch worship]]\n* [[fuck his ass|worm exarch ass fuck]]\n* [[fuck his worm slit|worm exarch worm slit fuck]]\n* [[fuck his ksi-un slit|worm exarch ksi-un slit fuck]]\n* [[ride his smaller dick|worm exarch small dick ride]]\n* [[ride his bigger dick|worm exarch bigger dick ride]]\n* [[try to cram both dicks into yr ass|worm exarch dp]]
[you lap up the mingled cum splattered all across his body. you lap into his puffy, prolapsed cunt & asshole and pull out huge gummy clots of half-coagulated ĝheist cum. also you make out and feed some of it to the exarch, etc. he fucks yr throat w/ his tongue and you end up cumming across his chest while yr making out, and ultimately he's just as drenched as he was before and now yr also pretty drenched]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[his asshole is half-prolapsed, w/ a big ridge of rubbery flesh bulging out from his underbelly. he pouts open at the slightest force, showing off his cum-flooded guts. his internal muscles pulse, sluggishly pumping the (dozens? hundreds?) loads in his ass out along his tail in a gritty, sloppy slurry]\n\n[his asshole is giant, muscular, but when he clenches he's so bruised and swollen that his asshole still pouts open. yr not really fucking his ass so much as a furrow of flesh b/t the slabs of his big rubbery asshole.]\n\n[anyway you fuck him and add yr load to the mix, pulling out w/ yr cock totally drenched in mingled cum]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[his cock-slit is gaping, flooded both with runnels of his own cum and with the loads of the countless people who've been there before you. his cock is sluggish, half-hard, spent from prior use, but still oozing a sloppy mess of cum down his chest.]\n\n[you rut yr cockhead against his huge, puffy lips, along the muscular base of his cock, before you slide in with a slick, wet slurp. he's sloppy inside, cum squirting out with every thrust, and you can feel the shudders of his cock along yours, shuddering as you fuck him.]\n\n[anyway you cum in him and add yr load to the mix and pull out w/ yr cock in a rubbery cocoon of greenish slime from all his churned-up cum inside his cunt & have to smear that off onto his side]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[his cock-slit is puffy and spread. smaller than his other holes, which means it's taken more of a pounding. it's flooded with cum, each internal clench sending a sloppy wave of cum pouring down his hips, flooding into his lower holes with a scummy gurgle. his cock is sluggish, half-hard, tangled together with his other cock where they're both sprawled across his chest. you have to climb up his body, his lower cock a giant ropy mound between your legs as you get in place]\n\n[anyway you fuck him and add yr load to the mix and pull out w/ yr cock drenched in slimy cum, etc]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[his smaller dick is still a mammoth of a cock, thicker than your arm and nearly as long. straddling his hips, you heft his cock up -- it's spongy and dense, incredibly heavy as you nock the rubbery head against your asshole. the exarch groans, and you can feel the ripple course up through his stomach, the meat of his cock squirming, before it shoves forward, flat head punching into your ass with enough unexpected force to send you sprawling forward across his chest. he tips your head up, sloppily kissing you as his massive cock plunges into your ass, and you whine and groan into his mouth, gasping around his tongue as his cock roots around in your guts]\n\n[anyway he fucks you and pumps you full of dense gritty sludge, and you slump off him and wobble out]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[his second dick is a monster. it's considerably thicker than your thigh, and even in loopy coils it stretches from his waist, over his other cock, nearly all the way up his chest to his face.\n\nyou gotta have it in your ass.]\n\n[you straddle him and heft up his cock. it's only half-hard, dense but not engorged, and the exarch's pulse slowly thuds through it, making the entire length flare outwards. you clambor over his chest, dragging the head backwards to get it in position -- the exarch only lazily twitching and pulling, letting his cock form figure-eight loops mounded against your ass.]\n\n[anyway he fucks you and it's intense and yr gut is all bulging and straining. each time it throbs it ripples outward, flesh expanding until it hits the implacable limits of your body, again and again until you feel like a hollow skin of flesh wrapped around his cock. you don't cum exactly but the rippling pulses of the exarch's cock have yr soft cock pissing out cum across his chest.]\n\n[etc etc sex scene here]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[the big extreme penetration scene. both his dicks squeezing through the set of yr hips and feeling like they're sliding against bone. etc etc etc, squirming gut, cumflation, etc]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[some huge fisting party. you run into a troop squadron headed by a giant theron & they basically reenact that scene from gow.html where cole gets fisted + slathered in lightrot until his hips warp + used as a living fucksheath for a giant five-foot dick + has some drudge nearly crawl up inside his ruined ass. which would be like, going one up the scale of "asshole" -> "hips" -> "cilia" -> ???]\n[ gangbanged by passing army platoon w/ a theron captain a la gow.html ]\n\n[that seems like a sufficiently Big scene to maybe break it into two? like have it randomly come up + then when you next visit the pitstop location they're still there and you can get the next scene]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ brumak-equivalent great beast sex scene. giant tentacled cock as big as yr entire body ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ merchant cart drawn by some big six-legged (or vaguely centauresque?) metal head & you get spitroast by the metal head and the merchant ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
There's a tall Ksi-on monk resting in the shadow of a building. He's big, with lavish antlers that form curling hooks. Skin is pinker and darker than most ĝheist you've seen: he's more purple-black than yellow-grey, with messy splotches of lighter skin in asymmetrical patches all over. He's only wearing a thin underskirt; that and a mess of ropes of beads. There's fist-sized ones, each one gold and onyx striped, looped twice in dangling cords around his neck; there are smaller and more complexly-knotted ones -- solid black -- lacing across his hands and up his arms, spanning across his shoulders. He's got equally involved ones bound down his legs, a single cord hooking under his feet like stirrups.\n\nHe's also got a vine-arm. There's an old scar at his shoulder that bursts across his chest and his side, and overgrowing the stump of his arm is a bizarre prosthesis, as a mass of prehensile purple-black vine, thickly studded with fat, gnarled thorns. It's broader than his actual arm, coiling lower, looking all-around oversized on his body.\n\n<<if $pitstopMonkFuck eq true>>\\nIt's the monk again. He leers at you and beckons you over.\n\n"Here for more," he says, vine-hand cupping his crotch, tugging up. "How d'you want it this time?"\n\n* [[please fuck my throat|pitstop monk fuck][$_monk = "oral"]]\n* [[please fuck my ass|pitstop monk fuck][$_monk = "anal"]]\n* [[please wreck my ass with your giant thorny vine-arm|pitstop monk fist]]\n* actually nah\n<<else>>\\nHe notices you looking and gestures you over.\n\n"You here to fuck?" he asks, bluntly.\n\n* [[yeah|pitstop monk fuck]]\n* actually no\n<<endif>>
<<set $pitstopMonkFuck to true>>\\nYou say yeah, and give him a look over. He's big and muscular, bulky-looking even for his giant height. You can see the roots of his vine sink under his skin, looking like bulging veins. Thinking they're veins is understandable; his other arm is just as vascular.\n\nHe hooks the branching tip of his tentacle-arm on the hem of his skirt and hoists it up. The beads winding up his legs are hooked around each other between his legs, spanning up over his hips, and they outline his bulging cunt lips, making them protrude even further. He's already partially unsheathed, purplish cockhead jutting out between his spread cunt lips. "Suck," he says.\n\nYou get down on your knees and suck.\n\nHe grunts, hips moving slow, hand holding your head in place as he shallowly ruts his diamond-shaped cockhead into your mouth. He's fat; you have to open wide, lips straining to fit around the fattest part of his cockhead, and he just shoves in, cockhead drizzling foul, bitter pre into the back of your mouth, and then he pulls back out, your lips distending, taut, as they spread, until he pulls out with a wet spray, teasing his sharp cocktip around your parted lips, hanging jaw, before he thrusts forward, hand pushing you down, sinking his cock back into your mouth.\n\nHis cock is lumpy, with lacy patterns of beads sunk under his skin. Considerably more symmetrical than the warted drudge cocks you're used to. A little bit more of his cock spills out into the open with each thrust, and you get to watch his cunt lips strain, chunky thumbtip-sized lumps catching on the edge, making them warp and furl, before they burst out into the open, leaving his lips rumpled and flushed just from his cock unsheathing.\n\nHe holds you down, pressing you against his cunt with a wet _smack_, lewdly kissing it, as his cock unsheaths down your throat. You swallow, opening your throat, letting him shallowly thrust as he fucks you open, dragging his fat cockhead back and forth. Phlegm and pre build up in your throat in a sloppy mess, working up in big glossy globs, bursting into your mouth and drooling out over your stretched lips. He grins down at you, tipping your head up so he can watch you watching him. You jaw is distended, spread open by his thick, bead-studded shaft, each fat bead smooth dragging over your swollen lips, lumpy gnarls as he shoves into your throat. They feel like lines of force, digging into the walls of your throat, furrowing out channels as he ruts into you.\n\nYour tongue digs into the underside of his cock, feeling the pulse as he spews pre down your gullet, hot and slimy slowly trickling down into your stomach.\n\nHe fucks your face, vine-hand wrapping around your head too, 'palm' coarse and bristly with short, stiff fibers. The root of his cock is more naturally misshapen, big blotchy warts waxy against your teeth as he ruts in all the way, down to the hilt, and he thrusts forward and rips back, holding you in place as he casually shoves his cock into your sloppy, overflowing mouth and then pulls it half-out again. It twitches, base flexing, as he dumps sharper blasts of pre down into your stomach, cockhead feeling like it's only just a few inches short of actually popping directly into it -- digging down under your collarbone, completely threading your throat.\n\nHe pulls you off his cock with an explosion of slime, spit and pre erupting from your mouth as he slides you off his slathered length. He lets you kneel down, wetly coughing against his thigh as his cock drools sludge {into your hair}, his cock twitching and spurting out in the open air.\n\nFully unsheathed, it's a beast of a cock, a deep flushed purple-black, beads of different sizes pearled into it, forming a complex geometrical pattern wrapped around its length. You can still feel those beads churning in your throat, digging into your skin every time you swallow. His cock juts out into the air, past your head, underside drooling a frothy slurry of spit and slime. He caresses it with his vine-hand, the tapering tips catching drooling rivulets and smearing them back up across his cock.\n\n<<if $_monk eq "oral">>\\n[[→|pitstop monk oral]]\n<<else if $_monk eq "anal">>\\n[[→|pitstop monk anal]]\n<<else>>\\n"Good opening," he says, voice rasping. His cock flexes. "You want it in your ass?"\n\n* [[yeah fuck me|pitstop monk anal]]\n* [[please fuck my throat|pitstop monk oral]]\n<<endif>>\n<<set $_monk to "">>
[he works you open w/ his vine-arm and then fucks you on all fours]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[he fucks yr throat and cums down into you and doesn't stop fucking yr throat until you vomit pre/cum all over]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
The drudge's in the courtyard of the station, on the thin side -- across from the main building. A thin median of dust and rock between the flagstone road.\n\nHe notices you looking at him and cocks his head, gesturing you closer. He leaves his pack on the ground and turns to face you.\n\nHey, you say. He says hey.\n\n* [[you interested in getting your cock sucked?|pitstop drudge blow]]
He grins, shifting back against one of the stout path markers, a hand going down to grope his crotch. You weren't actually looking, but he's got a pretty pronounced bulge, and you can see the vague shape of his cock as he hefts it to the side, thick and heavy skewing out his pants.\n\n"Not opposed," he says. He looks to the side, scoping out the not-particularly-busy crowd, and unclasps his pants, spreading his fly to show the root of his cock. "Give it a try," he says, reaching out to lightly grasp your forearm, pull you down.\n\nYou get down on your knees, grabbing the waist of his pants and tugging them down as you kneel. You have to drag his waistband out to get over the bulge of his dick, and his cock and balls lurch outward, jouncing in the air an inch from your face.\n\nHe's definitely hung. His cock is particularly huge for a drudge; it mounds out over his balls, wart-studded foreskin piled up into something more sheathlike: a bulging cylinder of wrinkled flesh, slurping closed at the tip over his cockhead. His balls drag against his thighs, each one easily bigger than one of your fists, and they're drawn up tight beneath his cock, too big to come anywhere close to hanging between his meaty thighs. His skin is heavy, wrinkled, leathery, a grey-brown a few shades darker than his patchy hide.\n\n[ anyway you slobber all over his dick / maybe actually blow him, all right next to the road w/ people constantly passing by ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ a pair of travelling swarm-types. one has just molted and is totally naked, w/ white-grey skin that's still kinda gooey; the other one has a red-orange shell and has like, a sash and some pauldrons and greaves and gauntlets or w/e on. they don't speak human at all and so they kinda grope themselves. their dicks are these fat grublike wormy things, pulpy and turgid even when fully erect, and (for the one w/ the hard shell at least) push out from their carapace. also they have no lips, just like, gooey flesh stringed across a mouth-opening, w/ the actual teeth being in their exoskeleton.\n\nanyway they spitroast you and pump you full of gooey spermatophores ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
if you've been in the city for < 3 days: probably just yr average ĝheist sailors, coming and going, who you can blow or get fucked by or w/e, [[blow docks sailors]]\n\nafter that point (like, if you go here at any point during day 4?) there's a scene of some big ship (steamship???) arriving and docking, and then at that point another option opens up here to [[talk to the crew of the big ship]]\n\n[ gangbanged by the crew of a ship just in & horny. probably feat. some weirder ĝheist varieties ]\n\n[[←|the docks]]
[etc etc you loiter around and when some sailors leer at you, you go over and they just wordlessly draw you in and make out w/ you for a bit before shoving you to yr knees and whipping their dicks out]\n\n[anyway they facefuck yr throat and you end up w/ a mess of cum and drool spilling down your chest]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[(uhhh they're in port for two weeks but they're still sleeping on their ship, which is why these encounters are centralized, and not just because that makes the interaction much simpler)\n\n* [[introduction scene|flying ĝheist introduction]]\n\ntheoretical sex scenes w/ them:\n* frot / you getting sandwiched between them while they rub their cocks all over and make out with you\n* you fuck or fist one or the other\n* they fuck each other while you watch\n\n"stingers are segmented like a scorpion's, but they're not really chitin-covered. only the very tip has two V-shaped chitin spurs, and when they get 'hard' some flesh in there engorges and bulges out past the tip. the undersides of each ball are smooth, and the gristled sections separating each ball are taut. the top of each ball has hair/bristles/quills of varying degrees of stiffness and coarseness"\n\n* they fuck you\nthere would be a lot of that one, b/c part of the point of this (really of several scenes in the city) is about you progressively getting gapier and gapier and them being able to fit more and more of their cock-tails inside you. the initial 'casual' sex where yr only taking a foot or two of their tails would be like, out on the docks for anybody to watch, and then later when it's more serious you go back to their berths or w/e\n\nthere would be a repeated intro, like "hey yr back again, wanna see if yr asshole is any more open than last time?"\n\n[[←|the docks]]
(the first day you see the ship there's a little scene where you see the flying ĝheist hover around the ship's, uhhhh, smokestacks or rigging or whatever it has.)]\n\nthey're big, even for ĝheist, which makes the flying all the more unusual. there are tentacles coming off their backs, you think? it's hard to make out the details from the distance, but there are definitely tentacles. they're also glowing, which isn't really that unusual for ĝheist, save that their glow colors aren't lightrot-yellow -- one is an almost colorless blue, and the other is a purplish-black. in splotches mostly across their tentacle-furred backs, wrapping around slightly to their front. they also have a gigantic tail that they use to... steer? maybe? as they float around. the tail is longer than the entire rest of their body, and it kinda puffs out, maybe dragging them against the wind. given how huge they look, and how heavy you known ĝheist tend to be, you really don't know how they can manage flying at all.\n\n[later (like through a → i guess) they float on down and introduce themselves]\n\nthey look a little awkward on land. their legs are set weirdly, in wide,back-facing hips, to make space for their giant scorpion-tails, and their feet have an opposing dewclaw that seems more for grabbing things than for walking on. they walk a little bit like somebody constantly doing a handstand.\n\nthis close you can see some details that weren't clear before. it was tentacles. lots of propulsion tentacles all across their backs, and spreading out over the backs of their forearms and thighs too. they float gently even when they're walking around, giving them an air of having fur in a big bushy coat, save that it's all ropy, wrist-thick tentacles. their skin bulges out around their glowing spots slightly, like they're a kind of Gloamling with big cystlike pustules of lightrot under their skin, save for the unusual color.\n\nacross their front, and especially up over their shoulders and head, their skin has thickened and hardened into big, dull armor plates -- it completely covers their face, save for their tusklike, toothy mouths, and articulates like actual armor when they turn their head or shrug their shoulders. and their tails...\n\nthey're segmented, like a scorpion's tail, with big gnarls of gristle banded down their length, and each segment is a lozenge-shaped chunk, bulging at the back from another reservoir of glowing whatever. there's a double-pronged stinger on the end, with one big stinger -- as long as your entire hand -- coming from the back, and another much shorter one -- more like a finger's length -- coming from the front.\n\nthe other thing is, the actual anatomy is more clear now close up, and their tails attach to the front, in a big sinew-strapped mound on their crotches. it's pretty clear that the tail itself is a huge, modified ovipositor. they're prehensile, and flexible, but with a natural arch that would leave them hanging a foot or two below their feet, and the part where they're standing on flat ground seems like a hassle; they keep swinging their tails around, scraping across the ground or angling to the side.\n\nmaybe it's casual or maybe it's the flying-ĝheist equivalent of adjusting their junk, because once you realized they were basically gigantic cocks you've been even more aware of each scrape and slide they make. sometimes they gesture at you with their tails and you can feel your entire body respond: a hot flush and a prickling rush all across your front, flooding down to your cock.\n\n(this could lead directly into a sex scene, maybe? like you have the option of flat-out going 'so to you fuck w/ yr tails, or...')
[ get gangbanged by rowdy sailors in the pub ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ the ĝheist unloading cargo or w/e take a break and gangbang you over a pile of rolled-up rugs ]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[this would be accessible through the bar location, whenever that gets in. it's less a "bar" as we know it and more just like, bar mixed with opium den mixed with coffee shop mixed with club. a foyer that leads to the main room, which is a big area w/ a mezzanine, and then the walls are constantly convolving to make a huge number of out-of-the-way seats or little alcoves, some with screens, that are nominally private but not _super_ private.\n\neither in the dockside area or the royal area, not sure which yet]\n\n[you'd probably run into this guy... either at certain times of day or all the time during the festival, or something like that?]\n\nhe's wearing almost nothing even by the standard of ĝheist. he's wearing a cloth wrap around his hips, incredibly short-cut. it only reaches to mid-thigh, with a triangular slope down in the middle in an attempt to at least try to cover his dick & balls. every time he moves it rides up some, and flashes his soft, lolling cock and heavy, dangling balls. he's also got a stumpy tail, like some ĝheist do -- a fat conical thing that would take both hands to wrap around at the very base, but that rapidly tapers to a nub -- and his wrap is drawn up above it, not covering his ass at all. you can follow the lines of his ass cheeks and tail underside as they converge directly to his asshole, visible sometimes as he moves as a swollen, puffy bulge between his cheeks.\n\n[anyway you make out w/ him while playing w/ his ass and then eventually push him over a low table w/ his legs pressed against his chest to fist him etc.]\n\nhe's breathing hard, mouth hanging open, gasping as you feel around his insides.\n\n[there's lightrot lube & you get both hands in elbow deep, etc. this is one way to get arms/claws/pecs.]
they're gigantic even by comparison to regular ĝheist. a good ten, eleven feet tall, and built to match. they're dressed in fancy armor, all made from shining metal and tooled red leather: a heavy skirt or kilt down just past their knee, anchored at their waist by two diamond-shaped pads on their outer hips, spanning from just under their ribs to mid-thigh, and strung in place with thick cord. they've got big bulky {vambraces} and greaves on their legs. they've got bracers on their forearms. bare chests and shoulders. and a kind of combined helmet-and-mask that covers their entire face save their mouths, with stitching of a gigantic stylized eye on the blank face.\n\nthey're holding these giant lances that seem to have some kinda gun component along the shaft, but given the ornate sculpting and the number of fancy curlicues you get the feeling they're basically ornamental weapons.\n\n[you're like, uh what's up, and they go "palace gardens are open to everybody if you want to look around." "but uh lots of people use them as a nice place to fuck, so yknow be aware." and you can be like "oh i mean that's probably what i'm here for. i didn't really have any plans for the day but i guess now i do" and they're like "oh yeah you don't say"]\n[you can also be like, "so uhhh you wanna fuck", and/or the prior conversation choice will lead into one of them asking if yr interested in fucking, and they're like, well i'm off duty in a half-hour so if you wanna wait around. and then their replacement shows up and they step back and just start stripping right on the side of the gateway and yr like, what, here? and he's like "yeah why not? you want somewhere more private? like here everybody will see, but if you wanna find somewhere more private in the garden probably anybody who sees will want to join in. so yknow your choice"]\n\n[[←|palace gardens]]
<<if !arrayContains ($unlocked, "piercing studio")>>\\n<<set $unlocked.push ("piercing studio")>>\\n<<endif>>\\n(it's a studio kind of tucked away on an offshoot alley. run by a very heavily modded ĝheist, & w/ a big burly assistant. tattoo examples on the walls, display cases of piercing studs and rings and chains, in different metals and with different finishes. a bunch of bone needles or spines on the back shelves, and bottles of ink and lightrot and stuff like that)\n\n* [[get a piercing|piercings]]\n* [[get a tattoo|tattoos]]\n\n* talk to the piercing ĝheist\n* <<set $back to "piercing studio">>[[talk to the big assistant|piercing assistant]]\n\n[[←|plaza road]]
[a huge hulking ĝheist. has red-black skin instead of the usual yellow-brown-grey. also his scute, instead of being reptilian, crocodile-like patches, forms big sharp-edged horns, almost crystalline in structure, with the tips translucent red. there are spurs like that all across his shoulders and back, down his forearms, at his hips and across the outside of his thighs, and the front of his calves, and also over his cheeks and jawline. body hair locations basically.]\n\n[he's nearly entirely naked. he's got a chest harness on that's thick metal chain fastened to a big ring in the center of his chest, and then he's got a cock cage on his cock. that's it. his cock cage is enormous and also looks extremely tight. it's perfectly cylindrical: black metal, rods held in place with external rings every few inches. red-black skin bulges out against all of the slats, and his cockhead is visibly mashed up against the tip, rocky foreskin halfway peeled-back -- there's a bulge at the end of the cage, with an inch of a rubbery, spiked sound jutting out the front.\n\nthe cage is easily more than a foot long, and thicker around than your forearm. the sound looks more like a chunk of rebar, two or three fingers wide.\n\nhe's got a ball stretcher on too, a latticed cylinder the thickness of your thigh, and his balls bulge out beneath, at his knees, each one easily bigger than your head. the flesh of his sac is drawn taut from the stretcher, letting you see every lumpy knob and warped growth from his enormous, misshapen balls.]\n\n[talk options here]\n* [[hey you wanna fuck around|assistant you wanna fuck around]]\n\n[[←|$back]]
<<if $pcInCage eq true>>\\n[he looks down at yr cage and leers at you and is like, oh yeah? and steps closer. grinds his cage against yours, which is mostly a movement around the base of yr cock, all sensation insulated. he raises up a hand, curls it into a fist, and is like, you wanna see what it's like to cum completely soft? ]\n<<display "assistant sex choices">>\n<<else>>\\n<<if mutationPoints("piercing") eq 0>>\\n[he's like, awfully bold of you to think you deserve any of my attention, while folding his arms and glowering down at you]\nyou can be like "okay" or "so what, are you gonna sexily punish me for disturbing you?"\n okay is just like, back\n the other one is just him going "no"\n\n[[→|piercing assistant]]\n<<else if mutationPoints("piercing") eq 1>>\\n[he's like, good to see you getting some metal in you]\n<<if hasMutation ("nipple piercing")>>\\n[he plays with yr nipple piercings, tugging on them etc]\n<<if hasMutation("leaky")>>\\n[you mewl and he milks you some and leans down to chew on yr big rubbery nipples. he's like, wanna ride my cock cage while i chew on yr tits?]\n* [[fuck yeah|assistant cage ride wrap]]\n* [[something else|assistant sex choices]]\n<<else>>\\nyr dick gets hard and he reaches down and strokes it and is like, so you wanna fuck me?\n* [[uh yeah for sure|assistant fuck bottom]]\n* [[nah i was hoping you'd fuck me|assistant fuck weigh]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\\n[he cups your cock and feels along your piercing]\n[he's like, not terrible. yr maybe worth my time. he leers down at you like, so, you hoping to see what those piercings feel like in action?]\n\n* [[uh yeah for sure|assistant fuck bottom]]\n* [[nah i was hoping you'd fuck me|assistant fuck weigh]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n[he's like, sure. what you got in mind?]\n\n<<display "assistant sex choices">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
* [[hell yeah fist my guts up|assistant fist chastity]]\n* [[i was hoping you'd fuck me actually|assistant fuck weigh]]\n* [[wanna try out mutual fisting|assistant mutual fist]]\n* [[i wanna fuck you|assistant fuck bottom]]\n* (maybe some other stuff? idk. threesome options w/ piercing guy. but idk if they should be in this menu, or in piercing guy's menu, or branches off his talk options)\n* a threesome sex scene w/ piercing guy that's like, him fisting the both of you while you make out\n* a threesome scene w/ piercing guy where yr both on yr knees and caged up while he fucks yr throats w/ his gross mutated cock\n* maybe you can ask to suck his cock and get the same caged/uncaged split. gurgling as he dislocates yr jaw and fucks yr throat with his cage, etc.
[he fists you until you piss out cum and then he's like 'i'm gonna keep going until you beg me to stop' and then he does. w/ progressions each time, and then eventually if you don't you black out.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
<<if mutationPoints("piercing") gte 2 && $pcInCage>>\\n[he's like, hm, i might.]\n\n<<if $back eq "piercing studio">>\\n<<display "assistant uncaged fuck">>\\n<<else>>\\n[he's like, but not here. let's go over to the piercing studio]\n\n[[→|assistant bar move]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\\n[he's like, i'm not gonna waste an orgasm on you. then he hefts up his cage and is like, i could definitely still fuck you though. can't say it'll be that pleasant for you.]\n\n* [[please fuck me with your cock cage|assistant cage fuck wrap]]\n* [[actually nah|piercing assistant]]\n<<endif>>
<<display "assistant cage ride">>\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[he's like aww yeah go for it and just rolls over onto his back and lifts his legs. and then has to heft his gigantic cock cage and ball stretcher out of the way and drape them over his stomach. he's got a row of thick rebar-stud barbel piercings down across his balls and also over his taint nearly to his ass]\n\n[anyway you fuck him / jerk off your dick inside his hole. he's super open and also gigantic so yr not really getting deep so much as just using yr dick to play with his asshole.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[he doesn't put any clothes on or get dressed in any fashion, just walks out of the temple with you following behind, up the street to the piercing studio]\n\n<<display "assistant uncaged fuck">>
[he calls over to the piercing guy like, i think i'm gonna use a orgasm tearing this little squirt's guts out. and piercing guy is like huh, sure. and gets down on his knees and unlatches the cock cage. it's a process. there's not any key, but there are like twenty latches.\n\npiercing guy grabs ahold of the thing with one hand, and uses the other to slide around the base. you can hear the _snap_ of clasps opening up, one two three four five six seven, before the cage sags down slightly, revealing the base of his cock. then he goes to the head, pulling the whole cage forward slightly, and twists a knob where the sound is protruding out. it's screwed on to the tip, and when it finally comes free the flat cap of the cage comes free, as a thick metal disc hanging off it. the sound dips down minutely, and piercing guy starts to pull it out. it's more than two fingers thick, and covered in fat conical spikes all the way down. then comes the bulge, a giant sphere of metal, and then another one, and another one, until the entire sound pulls free. it's basically a baton, solidly twice as long as the cage itself. with that out, the piercing guy undoes the final loose latch at the bottom where it's anchored to the retaining ring, and gently eases the cage entirely off his cock.\n\nhis cock is enormous. his spongy flesh was tightly compressed in his cage, and it only sluggishly fills back out. there are ridged lines pressed into his flesh, curving now that his cock is free, and the piercing guy runs a thumb along them, making his assistant grunt. his cockslit his enormous, a wide slide that bulges out into a gaping hole at the slightest pressure, and as his cock fills out it bulges open and drools a long line of fiery pre, clear-cloudy with scintillating red-yellow something suspended inside it.]\n\n[anyway his cock is gigantic and has big crystal barbs and he wrecks yr ass and groans and bellows and pumps you full of his burning lightrot load]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
<<if Math.random() lt 0.5>><<display "assistant cage fuck">>\\n<<else>><<display "assistant cage ride">>\\n<<endif>>\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[he fucks you with his cock cage. it's pretty brutal. at the end you're a broken wreck & you've had some exhausting, body-wracking anal orgasms, but the metal scrape of his cock cage in yr guts is too painful for your cock to really get into it at all.\n\nhe pulls out and his cock cage lurches down and clatters against his ball stretcher and he's just like, hm. totally unaffected. like it's not like he came from it either.\n\nhe compliments how well you took it, though]
[he lays back and aims his cock cage up in the air like a pillar. he's just like. well. ride it.]\n\n[it's completely flat-capped, with no ease at all. the metal is hot and acutely unyielding. even when you think of a cock being iron-hard it's got nothing on _actual iron_. he drools on his hand / milks your dick / milks your tits and smears that over the metal of his cage. you whine and whimper as you slowly work it into your ass, and you let out a pained whine as you sink down, letting it force its way into your guts until you're sitting astride him, panting and dazed.]\n\n[he milks yr tits (if you got them) and is like, hey good job. now ride it. and you do, squatting up and down on his cock while he watches on, until yr legs give up and you slide down to the root w/ an exhausted wail.]
[you sprawl out on yr sides and he works one utterly gigantic hand/forearm into yr ass while you try to focus on fucking his big gaping rubbery asshole w/ both arms.]\n\n[[→|returncity]]
[ basically ĝheist piercer guy gives you a menu of options and each one would have a little intro scene where he talks abt what it is and what it would be like, etc. maybe w/ like, foreplay / idly jerking you off or playing w/ yr nipples and ass while explaining. so like uhh\n\n[these should be limited to one per sleep section i think? w/ an alternate like "can't do em all at once, gotta wait for yr latest one to heal up"]\n* <<if !hasMutation("glans piercing")>>[[prince albert]]<<else>>==prince albert==<<endif>>\n* <<if !hasMutation("frenum piercing")>>[[frenum ladder]]<<else>>==frenum ladder==<<endif>>\n* <<if !hasMutation("nipple piercing")>>[[nipple piercing]]<<else>>==nipple piercing==<<endif>>\n<<if $chastityRefUnlocked eq true>>\\n/% %/* [[chastity piercings]]\n/% %/* <<if !$pcInCage>>[[chastity cage]]<<endif>>\\n<<endif>>\n* septum ring?? lip piercings, tongue piercings, ear piercings. w/ gauging options for all of those too. those would have fewer sex scene mentions (kissing splices, i guess) so they'd more just be for the `you` alteration\n* guiche ladder, ball ladder (sheath ladder if you got one)\n\n[[←|piercing studio]]
[ i'm less clear on how this should work. maybe pick location and get a blurb potentially involving him playing w/ you (in the event the location is, you know, cock or asshole or w/e) and then pick type of tattoo ]\n\n[ anyway there might be representatial art but probably most of it would just be lines and curves and the like b/c that's easier to code. get yr cock tattooed; get a chest piece, get something on yr back, get yr asshole and guts prolapsed and then tattooed etc etc etc you know the basics ]\n\n[[←|piercing studio]]
[ it's not actually called a prince albert in the narration.\n\nanyway the guy is like, you want a loop or a padlock. or a transverse piercing or what. & shows off his dick w/ like a big cross-transverse piercing in the tip. you can jerk him off + press yr mouth against his dick for a while while he pets yr head, & then once yr all drenched in pre he's like, so, piercings, right.\n]\n\n[[←|piercings]]
[ and he's like, i could do just the ladder or go down over yr balls and then all the way to guiche piercings. w/ these spike barbels. and like that's basically gonna be a chastity piercings b/c when you've got a bunch of spiky metal things on yr dick not a lot of people are gonna want to try to fit that anywhere.\n\nand you have the option of going like. [[chastity piercings]], huh. what would that be like.\n]<<set $chastityRefUnlocked to true>>\n\n[[←|piercings]]
[ and ĝheist piercer guy is like, oh you know, glans piercings to lock into a cock cage sounding rod, or frenum piercings that can be used to lock a cage up, or w/e. (idk if i'd want to write a variation of this for sheathed/internal dicks; that might be a bit much.)\n\n(i guess he shows off his assistant's chastity piercings + cock cage here too)\n\nand then he's like "hey yr gonna be in the hive for a while. i could lock you up now to see how much you like it." and that's an option.\n]\n\n[[←|piercings]]
[ he's like i got some cages lying around i bet one of them fits. you wanna try it out? ]\n\n* [[yeah lock me up|chastity studio lock]]\n\n[[←|piercings]]
[ he locks you up and gives you the key. he's like. hey try going for a week w/o using yr cock huh? i bet you can do it. ]\n<<set $pcInCage to true>>\\n<<set $pcChastity to true>>\\n<<set $chastityStarted to $turns>>\\n<<addmutation "cock cage">>\\n\n[[→|piercings]]
[ he plays w/ yr nipples & if you got leaky/udders/6 nipples/etc this very quickly turns into him hooking you up w/ some nipple clamps, or outright getting like, milking machine suction things and then playing w/ yr pregnant gut etc while he milks you\n\nthen he's like "oh yeah also you could get these pierced if u want" while milking you and feeding you yr own milk, etc\n\nit's less extreme if you don't have that, but he still plays w/ yr nipples a lot while doing it\n]\n\n* [[get your nipples pierced|piercing nipple]]\n\n[[←|piercings]]
[ he pierces yr nipples and puts on some barbels ]\n<<addmutation "nipple piercing">>\\n\n[[→|piercings]]
[ he pierces yr cockhead and puts on a ring ]\n<<addmutation "glans piercing">>\\n\n[[→|piercings]]
[ he pierces a row along the underside of yr shaft and puts on a bunch of barbels]\n<<addmutation "frenum piercing">>\\n\n[[→|piercings]]
[ you see some lambent w/ a weird fume hood over his face literally wading out there in the acid swamp. he's got a thing that looks like a flamethrower/weedsprayer, and he's sometimes spraying stuff into the acid.\n\nblah blah blah he's in the process of terraforming both the acid flats + the flooded cavern/aquifer below, in preparation for the hive nearby. his dialog vaguely mentions that he's working w/ other lambent, but probably you won't see any of them.\n\nyou get his attention and he wades out and is like "i'm literally covered in acid here" and sprays himself w/ the thing, which is like, big foggy clouds of cyan-blue chemical-smelling stuff, that neutralizes the acid. he's got the same general look to him as djen, tho he's got like, thick horns all across his shoulders and neck and back. he's also got a giant earthworm dick & he sprays that down too & you suck him off even tho it's covered in pasty chemical gunk and still sour w/ leftover acid.\n]\n\n[ head back to the acid flats after prior sex scene & you run into one of the first drudge's coworkers, who's a big lambent worm-naga w/ many-paned military goggles over most of his head. he's swimming around in the acid like, leaving markers for vents that need to be sealed up? at first you think his shadow under the acid is a giant snake, which is not too far off.\n\nanyway he wades/slithers out and blah blah blah he's like "i don't have acid neutralizer so i can't fuck you" except then he's like "well i guess that guy you fucked is only ~20m away so i could call him over", and then for the next 20m he shows off his giant prehensile worm cock (like four cockheads, echidna-like) & has you try to fist yr own ass, etc, etc. other guy gets there eventually and sprays you both down, & naga guy becomes like, completely encrusted w/ these cyan crystals that grow from leeching stored acid from his skin, & he fucks you w/ his giant dick even while they're still growing on it & ends up breaking off a bunch of crystals into your ass, etc, etc. other lambent guy fucks yr throat w/ his worm cock & they make out above you.\n]\n\n[[←|worldmap]]
[ it's the new hive. just a few half-constructed buildings in an abstract pattern, in a smaller cavern w/ a smaller lightrot lake.\n\nyou can look around, and there's some final dialog like, hey you can move into here whenever you want.\n]\n\n* [[go back up to the surface|worldmap]]\n* [[end the game|endgame]]
[and then you settle in to the new hive, as somebody in the sprawling harem, the end. maybe other endings, idk.]
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<<set reshow (parameter(0))>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_l to parameter(0)>>\n<<if $mutations.indexOf($_l) != -1>>\n<<set $_ to $mutations.splice($mutations.indexOf($_l), 1)>>\n<<set $mutation -= mutvals[$_l][0]>><<set $ccpts += mutvals[$_l][0]>>\n<<reshow "pts">><<reshow "pure">>\n<<if $ccpts gt 0>><<reshow "outofpoints">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_l to parameter(0)>>\n<<if $mutations.indexOf($_l) == -1>>\n<<set $_ = $mutations.push ($_l)>>\n<<set $mutation += mutvals[$_l][0]>><<set $ccpts -= mutvals[$_l][0]>>\n<<if $_l !== "pure" && hasMutation("pure")>>\n<<rmmutation "pure">>\n<<set $firstMutation to $_l>>\n<<endif>>\n<<reshow "pts">><<reshow "pure">>\n<<if $ccpts == 0>><<reshow "outofpoints">><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_who to parameter(0)>>\n<<set $_what to parameter(1)>>\n<<set $_position to parameter(2)>>\n<<set (function (who, what, position){\n var sexvals = state.history[0].variables["sex"];\n var set = [];\n if (position == "") {\n set = [who, who+what, what];\n } else {\n set = [who, who+what, who+position, who+what+position, what, what+position, position];\n }\n (function (ix) {\n if (!sexvals[ix]) {\n sexvals[ix] = 0;\n }\n sexvals[ix] += 1;\n });\n })($_who, $_what, $_position)>>\n<<if $_position eq "top" && ($_what eq "oral" || $_what eq "anal")>>\n<<set checkUpdateBiggest ($_who, $_what)>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_scene to parameter(0)>>\n<<set (function (name) {\n var scenelist = state.history[0].variables["sexscenes"];\n if (scenelist.indexOf (name) === -1) {\n scenelist.push(name);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n })($_scene)>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_scene to parameter(0)>>\n<<if sceneLogic ($_scene)>><span class="sa" title="unseen sex scene down this choice">[!]</span>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $_who to parameter(0)>>\n<<set $_what to parameter(1)>>\n<<set checkUpdateBiggest ($_who, $_what)>>\n<<endnobr>>
window.passage = function () {\n return state.history[0].passage ? state.history[0].passage.title : "???";\n}\nwindow.tags = function () {\n return state.history[0].passage ? state.history[0].passage.tags : [];\n}\nwindow.tagsContains = function (v) {\n return tags().indexOf (v) !== -1;\n}\n\nwindow.arrayContains = function (arr, v) {\n return arr.indexOf (v) !== -1;\n}\nwindow.arrayContainsAny = function (arr, vs) {\n return (vs\n .map (function (v) { return arr.indexOf(v) !== -1; })\n .reduce (function (a, b) { return a || b; }, false));\n}\nwindow.shuffle = function (arr) {\n var i = 0;\n var j;\n var t;\n while (i < arr.length - 1) {\n j = Math.floor (Math.random() * (arr.length - (i + 1)));\n t = arr[i];\n arr[i] = arr[j];\n arr[j] = t;\n i++;\n }\n return arr;\n}